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Talking to Pets with Carrie Kenady Pet & People Psychic image

Talking to Pets with Carrie Kenady Pet & People Psychic

Shine on You with Renee Novello & Christina Lanae
109 Plays1 year ago

Have you ever wondered what your animals would tell you if they could? Well, I found out and it blew my mind!  Welcome to an incredible episode that may change the way you think about your pet's furever.  ;) Nope, couldn't help that pun ... 

Today we are so grateful to have world renowned pet psychic & medium Carrie Kenady. on the podcast.  I met Carrie a little while back when we enlisted her support to communicate with our Frenchie Leila who was having significant separation anxiety amongst other tendencies.  The insights that Carrie brought through were not just helpful but mind-boggling. Our family often still refers to some of Leila's preferences that she expressed to us through Carrie from that session.

Carrie is such a sweet empathic soul- can't wait for you (and perhaps your pet's) to get to know her.

AND as a SPECIAL BONUS, you will get to hear Carrie give a live reading of my podcast counterpart Luke the cat and what he wants me to know blew my mind!! 

In this episode we cover:

-The traumatic event that was actually a catalyst to Carrie leaning into her abilities and innate connection with animals

-Her journey to embracing the gift of mediumship & specifically inuitive writing supported her with leaning into her path of a psychic and medium

-How her work gives peace and comfort to pet owners with animals that have passed over

-Hear a LIVE reading of Luke my sweet cat and co-host of this show really ;)

-Are you an animal empath too? 

I can't wait to hear your LOVE and feedback from this incredible episode with Carrie! 

To learn more about Carrie & get a pet or ppl reading: 

Follow along on IG: @petpsychic 

To connect with Renee:

IG: @feelgoodwithrenee / 


Introduction and Guest Overview

Hi everyone, welcome back to another episode. I probably should be keeping track of how many episodes this is. I want to say it's 15, maybe even 16? Is that possible? This has been such an enriching, fulfilling few months recording these, connecting with you. I just want to start this off by saying how grateful I am for you supporting the show.
So thank you for sharing, for commenting. It means so much. Today's guest is such a gift. We have a world-renowned pet psychic, Carrie Kennedy here with us today. Carrie has an incredible resume. She is
publicly known for appearances on the Discovery Plus network, the Travel Channel. She's appeared on shows with Jack Osborne as well as the Ghost Brothers. She's such a sweet soul and her ability to communicate with animals
Living and on the other side provides so much comfort and insight.

Live Reading with Luke

Have you ever wondered how life is going for your pet or what they like or what they don't like? How they feel about you? Today you're going to get to hear Carrie do a live reading for My Cat Luke.
Luke is a fixture here on the show, so it only feels right. He is often present banging on the door, knocking into the microphone, distracting me generally. So we decided to give Luke the floor. And you know what? He showed up and Carrie gave us an incredible reading. I learned so much about him, his preferences, some things he has potentially going on with his food, with his body.
Anyway, if you are someone who has a heart for animals and animal empathy, we're going to really love this show. Definitely share this one. Comment. Let everyone know about Carrie. She's fantastic. I think on a high from our recording a day ago. So anyway, without further ado, Carrie Kennedy.
All right, so today we have Carrie Kennedy here. She is a medium, a psychic, and an animal communicator.

Carrie's Psychic Journey

And I am so grateful that you have joined us today. Thank you, Carrie. Yeah, I'm grateful too. Thanks for having me.
Absolutely. Yes, I'm so fascinated by your ability. And you've personally helped me with learning more about our dog. And it was something that was so meaningful. We in our family still literally talk about it to this day.
I'm glad it helped. It really did, yes. Yeah, so I have so many questions and want to get into. We've already had to relocate because of cats and background noise and the dog and now the cat is literally excited you're here. He is jumping up on the little table I'm at.
Yeah, so we'll maybe get to hear from Luke a little bit. He's so interested right now. I'm distracted. I imagine that happens to you. Do you find that animals literally respond to you wherever you are?
They do. So if I'm out walking in the street, they will make their owner stop and they just stare at me. I don't know what it is if it's my aura or what, but I mean, they can tell that I can understand them. And then a lot of times when I'm on the phone, the animal will just stare at its person.
And they're like, she never does this. So that's awesome. Yeah. I love that. So I do always have the natural curiosity to go back to the beginning and understanding of how you started to embrace and learn about your ability. Would you mind taking us back to how your journey really started this path and this incredible line of work?
It really started when I was just six years old. That's when a dog attacked me. It was an Irish setter of all breeds. It had been chained up and left in the yard, so neglected and probably abused. Of course, me loving animals, I went right up to it and pet it on its head.
He jumped on me and I got, I don't know if you can see that, I got 20 stitches on my face that day. He scratched me really bad here, so it was pretty traumatic. I think I joke about the Peter Parker thing, that dog bit me and now I can speak dog. I really do think there's truth to that because it just made me very hypervigilant of my surroundings and of animals and of people too.
So, um, so fast forward to when I was in my 20s, I'm a creative writer and I used to write all the time. And one day I was just writing stuff. I was writing a poem or something and my handwriting started changing.
And what I was doing was called automatic writing. And at that time, I had no idea what it was or what I was doing. But all these crazy messages started to come through. You know, like, my name is George. I live in Texas. And they were posting last name. Wow. And died in a car accident. Please tell my wife this. And I was like, am I just making this up or is this, you know,
This is really happening. I discovered it really was happening because my grandmother came through and she had to write Hazel. It was not my writing. I was an English major, so I'm really good at punctuation and syntax and grammar and all that stuff. I was writing sentences that were not grammatically correct. That's what I knew that it wasn't me. It was channeling spirit.
So fast forward to when I was 32, my uncle actually died.

Transition to Animal Communication

And we were really close. He was like a father to me. And the next day I was in my room crying and I was like, okay, I know I can hear you. Can you please just let me know you're okay. And that's when the floodgates opened. Because I heard, I'm okay. I love you.
like really loudly, not, you know, audibly in the room, but in my head, in my own voice. And that's what trips people up sometimes. They don't know that it's, it really sounds like your own voice getting used to. It's very subtle and click and read in.
So at that point, I just started practicing with friends and I was just doing people readings at that point. And then I got certified in Reiki. So I'm a Reiki master. I did that in Charleston, South Carolina. Then I took class to get certified as a psychic medium. So until I was, I would say 38, 37, I didn't even start the pet stuff, but the more mediumship stuff I did, the more people's animals would come through.
So I was talking to this one lady and I was like, why do I keep seeing a yellow bird around you? And she started crying and she was like, that was my yellow bird for 12 years. And so I kept bringing the messages through and I was like, well, gosh, I love animals so much. Why don't I look into this whole animal communication thing?
And right away, just like mediumship, it just came very naturally to me. We can actually all do animal communication, but I guess because I was doing the psychic mediumship stuff and because of the dog attack, I could probably quickly. And then I started my full-time business about four years ago.
That's incredible. And the fact that this started from an experience that was traumatic and could have had literally the opposite effect on you and that you were able to, I mean, kudos to your family for helping you.
to process that in a healthy way. And not only that, but to expand you and open you up to this incredible ability. The thing about mediums and psychics is that the way I see it, again, and I wouldn't say I have this gift, but I'm intuitive and empathic. And to be able to give people reassurance and
and find peace when maybe it was a hard situation or a traumatic passing. Is that the most rewarding part of what you do? Or do you just love to get inside the animal's head and just hear what they have to say and tell us more about what the rewards and how it's fulfilling to you and what you are doing?
I mean, I love talking to all animals. Especially when I get to talk to exotic animals like hens, sugar gliders, otters, all kinds of critters. That's just really exciting for me because I just love all animals and all species. So yes, my most rewarding thing I would say is doing my mediumship ratings.

Providing Comfort Through Mediumship

And I would say pet and people mediumship, and that just means I talk to people or animals on the other side who have already crossed over. It just helps give especially pet owners a sense of peace and comfort to know that they're okay. And what I do is I do evidential mediumship, which means I bring through very, very specific things that nobody but the owner and the pet would know.
People mediumship bring through very specific things or funny anecdotes or their favorite memories with that person that only that person would know. So I just, yeah, I get to help people and animals every single day. I can't imagine a job that would be more fulfilling for me. I don't call it a job, I call it play. I just get to play all day. And I meet amazing clients like you.
The animal lovers are the best people on the planet, I'm convinced. Agreed. And Luke is here. He's making biscuits on my legs as we talk. And when we connected before the interview, you said to me, did you want me to do a reading? And I said, well, actually, I don't want to put you on the spot or anything like that at all. But I said, it's interesting that Luke is always present during every recording.
So if you feel up for it to maybe tune in to Luke a little bit cuz this guy is such a love. He gives so much affection and he caresses my face.
Sorry, so try not to give me any more info because there's not as much evidence as I can to realize that I'm talking to him. No, you're good. I'm just so excited. Do you feel like, are you up for that? Could you possibly tune into him? I sent you the picture, but here he is.
Yeah, I might actually tune into the picture here. I've got my phone. Sure. Because he's going to move around and stuff. For sure. Yeah. OK. I'm just going to shut my closet door because I hear our lawnmowers out back. So we'll just take a brief commercial break here. Louie, leave it. Come here, Louie. Dog's into something. OK. Leave it. Good boy.
Okay, never mind, I thought I got into the dog food. Oh no. That would be bad. Yeah, animals gone wild. Yes, right? It just makes it more fun.
gotta just roll with it. So if I get up and open the door again, that's what I'm doing is letting the cat out. Cause that's what I do on these podcasts is I let animals in, I let them out, I hold them, I get them away from the microphone. That's what we do. This is so perfect. All right. And how old is Luke? So Luke was a rescue. So I would estimate he's about six years old.
All right. So I'm about to read Luke. This is her kitty cat. She sent me a picture beforehand. That's a handsome gentleman. All right. And he actually, I just asked him and he said, I'm seven. And his birthday is January 7th. Okay.
to, you know, give him a birthday party. I love that. Oh gosh, he is the sweetest baby. Um, he just showed me little mice. So do you have, does he have toy mice or has a rotten mouse? He has, well, that's interesting that you say that he has these little soccer balls. And I want to say we did have little toy mice, but he's, he hasn't, they might be like under a couch or something at this point.
Well, so that's his way of saying, I want to play with them again. Can you find them out? Yeah, I'm on it. Okay. And you switched to food, right? Yes. Instantly? Within the past six months, not even. You're saying you like the old food better. Oh, really? The new food is healthier, right? It's debatable. They were both real high quality food. That's interesting. Yeah.
He's talking about fish. He loves the fish. The fish. Oh, okay. Is that salmon? Yeah. Yeah, that's the salmon. He loves salmon. Okay. You let him go outside, right? On a screen porch. Okay. Yeah, because he's saying he loves to watch the birds out there. That's like his whole idea is watch the birds outside. Okay, let me scan his body and see what's going on.
OK, first thing he's showing me, his right ear is a little bit itchy. Have you noticed that? Hmm. I don't know if I've necessarily noticed the ear. OK. Yeah, just write that down because, you know, sometimes I don't pay attention to what my cat's doing and then they'll go scratch their ear. I do feel like he has allergies as well. So that could be environmental, that could be food allergies.
He just said chicken. Salmon and chicken. Okay, good to know. I know a lot of dogs are allergic to chicken, but I'm not sure about cats. Here's a simple blood test you could do for allergies. Have you done that already?
Not, no, not with him. Okay. I know for dogs, it's like $350. It's not cheap, but he helps you figure out what they can't have. And maybe there's a plant they're allergic to in the home and it's as easy as yeah. Okay.
Um, all right. So actually, all right. He's saying his belly's a little bit upset today. Scale of one to 10, I would say four. Not bad. Um, okay. Back right leg is a little bit tweaked. He's pointing to his knee, actually. Are you aware of something going on in the back of me? Okay. So more so the front right leg than the back, but like,
I don't know about the back one more. I'm curious about the front one. Okay. Well, he wants to talk about the back right first because he's pointing to his kneecap. I'm not a vet, I can't diagnose or prescribe anything. But to me, it feels like he's making me feel like his kneecap is a little bit, it comes off a little or slides.
that would be like a subluxating patella okay um it's not bad okay let me tune into his right front whoa okay he's showing me there's like a nerve that comes down from his neck that gets sore and goes into his paw so it travels down um i feel like this happened though before you even got him i feel like there was some kind of injury there maybe
Yeah, we don't know what circumstances we actually... He has a brother that lives with us too. We adopted together. So we don't know what they, you know, endured before they came to us. That right paw he will hold and I
kind of felt like he was doing it when he wanted food, almost like the dog. So that's good to clarify that it's actually a physical sensation and not like a behavior smart cat thing. Yeah, because he does it other times, not just when he wants food. That's what he's showing me. Yeah. Okay.
Um, that feels like something in his neck. It almost, oh, okay. He's showing me that, uh, that just the paw got stuck in, um, a door. Oh, I don't like that for him. No. So that would, I think he's just not putting weight on it. That's what I'm picking up with him. Um, he just showed me a spider. So I don't know if there's a spider recently. Is that on the catio? Possibly. Very possible.
Okay. All right. And what is your role in your mama's life? Well, he's saying I'm there to help heal. That's my role, especially, um, and you have children, you said? Yes. Well, me, um, he showed me a daughter. You have a daughter. Yes. Um, he's very in tune with her and with you as well. So yes. Yes. I don't know. Tell me he heals your heart and who gets the headaches? Is that you?
Not on a regular basis, but Olivia actually yesterday had a headache, my daughter, and he and his brother, well, they are with her a lot. Yeah. So that's his way of saying I'm healing her headache. Aww. So he's definitely a healer for you. Let me ask him a couple questions here.
You saw me somewhere up high that he likes to look outside. Does that make sense to you? Yes. That's his favorite place to be. I actually asked him, tell me your favorite memories, and he listed that as one of them. That's awesome. He has a cat tree on the porch that puts him a little higher than everything, and he can see out into the yard from
Yeah, he loves it. Okay. He just showed me rabbits. So do you know you have rabbits in your yard? Yeah, we probably have had, I think that may have actually been from the old house because we used to live in Virginia and there was a backyard that we had a lot of rabbits in.
Okay. Yeah. If he was there, that's what he's bringing in. He was. Okay. So he's talking about favorite memories then. And yeah, okay. He's saying, yeah, I really liked living there. He's saying I liked living where the rabbits lived. Did I guess yes now? Yes. But I want to go out, out. I'm not surprised. Yeah, that's not safe, buddy. Okay.
Oh, he just said kisses. Do you kiss him on his forehead? Oh my gosh. Yes. And so my daughter especially gives him a lot of forehead kisses, a lot of love.
Yeah, a lot of love. He likes to have, he wets his nose and then you rub up through his forehead like he's giving himself a bath. He loves it. It's so funny. So cute. Yeah, he is Mr. Personality. I mean, I feel like if you're a human, he would just take the stage and be the MC and be the M.C. nurse. That's personality. That's what's coming through to me.
That's accurate. Yeah. Is there a black and a white cat? He'd show me a bell. So his brother is gray. I don't necessarily know about a black and a white cat, but again, I don't know what his prior circumstances were or the litter or whatever he came from. Or do you think he could have seen a black and white cat in the neighborhood? Oh, wait, that's the other house.
Oh my gosh, Gary, that was the other house. There was a black and white cat that was outdoor that would come to our yard. He's saying, I really liked that cat. That cat is now on the other side because I'm hearing that cat. So Luke can see that cat on the other side because cats and dogs and reindeers and ferrets and a few others, butterflies, they can all see UV light and infrared light. So they can literally see spirits of people and animals on the other side.
Wow. So he's still in connection with that cat. Yeah. He really enjoyed, you know, being around that cat and that cat's energy.

Grounding Techniques

So yeah.
That's funny. Yes. Oh my gosh. And that cat was a, I don't know if it was a stray or, I mean, it looked well fed, but it would, you know, it was, it was like outside all the time kind of cat. Like I would always kind of concern me because I'd be like, the black and white cat is outside and it's cold, you know, or something. And so that's interesting that he said he wanted to be outside.
That cat did have an owner, by the way. He just really liked going outside. That's good to know. Did you just eat a banana or does he have a banana toy? He does have a banana toy. He likes a banana toy. Do you put catnip in it because he's showing me like it makes him sleepy? It has catnip in it.
It's funny, I like that. He says treats, tuna treats. Okay, this cat is highly motivated by the treats. Yes, he begs for the treats repeatedly throughout the day. And yeah, they actually are catnipped tuna flavor, I believe. I wonder, okay. Yeah, of course you like that, huh? I'm a good boy, he said. I'm a handsome boy. Oh, yeah. Yes. All the time.
And who sings to him? Is that you? Well, Olivia always sings. Okay. Got her. Yeah. And she's the really artistic one, right? Can she hate and stuff? Yes. She's very creative, very artistic. What? Always making lots of artistic messes throughout the house. Yes.
Yeah, he loves watching her being in her energy when she's artistic. It just calms him and he loves to see what she creates is what he's saying. It's so cute. Okay, and he really loves your dog. I don't know your dog. He's just showing me a very strong connection. He's actually showing me they've been together in other lifetimes. That makes sense. That's why Luke feels so connected. Yeah.
All right. Is there anything else you want to tell me sweet boy? You just said happy. I'm happy living here. Um, he's talking, he showed me a bell. So I don't know if you live near church bells. You have bells in your house. That's Nester.
Something that sounds like a bell. Does that make sense? I'm going to have to think about that. Yeah. Write that down. Sometimes they show me future stuff. So it could be, you know, you turn on the TV and a bell is ringing or something like that. We did have a bell on his collar that we took off. That's what he's talking about. Okay. Yeah. I didn't like it. So thank you for taking me.
No, we here at 25,000 Hertz and cats here at 64,000 Hertz. So the bell to them, so it would have been really loud to him.
Oh, my gosh. I I intuitively felt like the bell was a bad idea. And plus, I mean, I don't want to hear, you know, the bell all the time either. I love that he has a connection to Layla or dog because he constantly rubs up against her and, you know, they they are two peas in a pod. They love to hang out together. So that's sweet that he mentioned her, his cat sister. I mean, dog sister. Right. That was incredible. Thank you, Carrie.
Well, I was going to ask you, what questions do you want to ask him today? Well, we covered the right paw because that was on my mind is why he holds that up. Yeah, and I love that he feels loved because
I know he shows me so much affection that I want to make sure he feels loved. He does. And I would just love to ask him about his relationship with his brother Leo came together. And I'm just curious what his cat brother, what he feels like his cat brother's personality is, or if there's anything he wants us to know about Leo from his perspective. Okay.
He's saying he's not as outgoing as I am. He's a little bit more timid and laid back and introverted. And animals have all different kinds of personalities, just like we do. So he's saying I kind of guide him and I kind of take care of him.
That's right. He feels about the dog. He feels like he takes care of him. That's what he's saying about Leo. Now, without seeing Leo, I can't really see what's going on because he's not showing me, so. Okay. That's exactly accurate. Leo is timid and shy and just recently started coming out
Well, he's connected to my daughter, extremely connected to my daughter. In fact, there is a deep level of love between the two of them. And he lets her carry him, like if she had one of those wraps, like a baby wrap, that cat would be in that wrap all the time. She's his protector, I guess. But yeah, that's exactly right. He's the more leader personality of the two of them.
Yeah. And sometimes we wonder about Leo and, you know, um, maybe what he's been through because he is super timid, but I am so grateful that you were able to connect with him. Thank you. Oh, absolutely. That's so cool. I'm an animal empath.
Yeah, and then that's been throughout my whole life something that at times can be my most vulnerable sense of emotion because I don't know as a kid if I ever saw an animal, and even now, I mean if I saw an animal not being treated well or
on a show or something being harmed. That's still to this day, I would say the hardest thing for me as a human is to see animals suffer. Same. Same, right? Yeah, we got advocates like you. Yeah. So I can't imagine anyone not wanting to know the heart of an animal or to want to be tender and loving to them and
You've talked a little bit about talking to exotic animals. I mean, I saw your Instagram post about connecting with raccoons the other day and I was like, oh my gosh, that's so funny. I love that so much. I love raccoons. They're such characters. Is there within each kind of animal species? Is there kind of common themes that you see that are just
showing up for that animal, like cats typically are this way, dogs are typically that way, or is it really just they are so unique in personality and diverse? Yeah, they all have their own personalities. Even when I tuned into fish just from a picture, and there were multiple fish and I could tell that they all had different personalities. It was a lot coming at me at once.
But yeah, I mean, overall, of course, they have the same mannerisms, the same behaviors, you know, the dog, those dogs love peanut butter, you know, the same certain things. So I do repeat a lot of things during reading and says, you know, my 9 o'clock reading and my 10 o'clock reading because they're both dogs because, you know,
They're the same species. I've got a lot of similarities. That makes sense. And when I reached out to you and we connected over our dog Layla, who's snoring away here in the closet, I cracked up. She showed you pepperoni and pizza and a lot of food. And that is so her. She goes
crazy for pepperoni pizza. And if I'm recalling correctly, I feel like the day before the reading, we had had pizza and she had had a lot of pepperoni. My family was here giving her pepperoni, you know. And so I just, I thought that's so her that she would bring that up. That's something she wanted us to know.
I'll put me in so many walks only pizza. I'm like, okay, as long as it's moderation, it's okay. But I always try to post the list of foods that they can't have just so people are really aware of it. Only pizzas, totally fine. Only moderation. She doesn't get it every day even though she would love it if she did. But I thought that was so cool. You picked up on her personality and that she's, I mean,
funny but stubborn and how much she loves us and just it was so reassuring. And I'm just so grateful for people that can do what you do and they bring this through. They can ask like, is it hard for you personally sometimes in what you're shown or how do you kind of neutralize and keep your inner after maybe a hard reading or something like that? Does that come up for you?
I'll be honest, I feel like a lot of it I've become desensitized to just because I talk to animals on the other side every day. And, you know, some of them may have had tragic deaths like getting hit by a car and all that stuff. So I try to stick to the factual things and, you know, deliver it in a obviously a sensitive way, even though I've become desensitized to it. It's kind of like my dad's a doctor.
And he said in medical school, I guess I'm always like, oh my gosh, how do you put into a human body? You just get so used to it that you get desensitized. So it's the same kind of thing. I'm just very used to hearing all this crazy stuff.
Yeah. I don't know if that answered your question. Yeah, it does. Yeah, it does. And for you, do you have like a way that you help yourself come back to, you know, neutral or feeling like clearing the energy maybe of the reading? Like, is there anything that you really rely on for your own self-care? Because this work I imagine is, from my perspective, it would feel like a lot energetically.
Yeah. And when I was younger, I used to do like 20 ratings in a row at a festival and there's no way I could do it. I know. Just because I'm, I think since COVID too, I'm just very sensitive to noise and everything coming in. And ever since I went vegan and vegetarian,
I still eat cheese from time to time, so I guess I should say vegetarian. I've kind of upped my frequency, so everything is louder. So yes, to answer your question, I definitely have to get grounded. A little water on the face or walking outside in the grass, that always helps. And then I do this funny exercise where I pretend I've got
roots growing around my ankles and then like a tree. Then I shoot the roots down into the middle of the earth and I wrap the roots around. It's like a big avocado pit is what I'm picturing. But it really anchors me down. It gets me to come back in my body because when I'm doing readings, I float up here, but I've got to stay back down and stay grounded.
Yes, and I feel that myself. I feel like when I am holding space or connecting with someone even on these podcasts, I definitely and I also tend to kind of go up and out. That's a beautiful visual that you just shared about the avocado pit. I've heard that in other ways about connecting to the core of the earth and
you know, and, you know, through other people maybe to have that same, you know, Reiki influence and just, you know, visualizing that. So that's beautiful. I think that's always helpful for anyone, you know, that's sensitive or...
I also will, you know, when I do that grounding exercise, I always imagine my heart opening and there's a big white light coming, like pouring out of it. And then, you know, I can feel whatever color I want to put around me, like yellow or
pink or green or purple, anything bright to just give myself a bubble so that nobody can get past that bubble if it is a really difficult reading. I have talked to children who have crossed over and it's very, very difficult. I get emotional sometimes too, even though I'm desensitized. Of course, I'm still human, I'm still an empath. It's difficult sometimes. That's when I really have to get grounded.
but white light or whatever color light around me. Yeah, I can feel that. I can feel that from here. So in terms of what's next for you, is there anything exciting on your horizon or any projects or passions that you're bringing in and calling in?

Upcoming TV Projects

Well, I am working on some TV stuff. It's unfortunately nothing I can share yet, but that has been exciting. I don't know if you know, I worked with the ghost brothers. Do you know who the ghost brothers are? I do. I am a paranormal show avid fan. I mean, some of them, not all of them, but I do like them. So that's so cool.
Yeah, I've gotten to work with them a couple times in Jack Osborne on Fright Club. That was a lot of fun. Yeah, so just appearances here and there, little TV things, podcasts, all that good stuff. So I'm open to all of it. It's exciting. You are, and you are such a beautiful, open, kind spirit. I've always felt so comfortable in your energy and
I just encourage anyone who has the desire for insight into their pets, maybe needs a little help with the transition from healing from a loss or a pet passing over to reach out to you, Carrie, and connect with you. It's been one of the most valuable decisions and I'm so grateful that I know you. I'm grateful I know you too. Thank you. And how do you prefer people to connect with you?
Really just go to my website that, you know, pretty much explains everything. It's And of course, they can always message me on Instagram or Facebook. Facebook, I'm Kerri Kennedy, pet psychic. My last name is Spellfunniest. We'll definitely link everything that you're sharing in the show notes so people can see it written. And on Instagram, it's... My Instagram is just pet psychic and same with TikTok.
Got it. Yeah, we'll definitely link that up. And I encourage anyone to reach out to you. And I talk about what you have offered to our family so often. It comes up, you know, at the nail salon. I was telling my pedicurist, I'm like, yeah, like, because her mom was having a hard time with the passing of their animal. I'm like, have you ever thought about a pet psychic to help reassure? And so I'm so grateful. Thank you for being here. Thank you for reading, Luke. I. Yeah.
I'm definitely going to be sitting with all that. I took notes and I'll listen back to this, but I appreciate you hearing. Thank you. You're welcome. Thank you. Thank you for listening to this episode. If you enjoyed it and you'd like to help support the podcast, please share it with others post on social media or leave a rating and review. It would mean the world to me.
To catch all the latest from me, you can follow me over on Instagram at FeelGoodWithRenee. Thanks again and I will see you next time.