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Why Does Stress Age Us Faster? image

Why Does Stress Age Us Faster?

How to Actually Live Longer
231 Plays4 months ago

Are you following health trends that actually harm your body? In my eye-opening masterclass "The 7 Popular But Deadly Health Fads," I reveal how common health practices promoted by influencers and gurus might be ravaging your gut, accelerating disease, and shaving years off your life.

Discover which popular diets, supplements, and health rituals are secretly sabotaging your health and learn what to do instead. I explain why these seemingly healthy habits are damaging your body and provide actionable alternatives for true longevity.

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Check out the first volume in the How to Actually Live Longer book series on Amazon:

How to Actually Live Longer is your go-to podcast for cutting through the noise and discovering practical, science-backed strategies to not just add years to your life, but to add life to your years. Hosted by longevity author and functional health practitioner Christian Yordanov, this podcast dives deep into the truths (and myths) behind longevity, health optimization, and addressing chronic health problems.

Each episode offers actionable insights drawn from the host's own research, clinical practice, and personal journey, helping you make informed decisions to restore and enhance your health. Whether you're interested in reducing stress, boosting your energy and mental performance, improving your gut health, or simply looking to optimize your diet and lifestyle, this podcast delivers the tools you need to live a healthier, longer life.


Introduction by Christian Jourdanoff

Christian Yordanov
Hey, it's Christian Jourdanoff. Welcome back to the How to Actually Live Longer podcast. I'm a functional health practitioner and coach and longevity author. My latest book is How to Actually Live Longer, Volume 1. Get that if you haven't, you're going to learn a lot of good stuff.

How Stress Affects Aging

Christian Yordanov
So today's topic is why does stress age us and degenerate us prematurely? Why is stress so bad for our health and longevity?
Christian Yordanov
And I'm going to try to simplify it as much as possible at the end of the day, the real, if you look at it from a functional perspective, the real cause of disease and aging is some has something to do with the cell, the cell.
Christian Yordanov
does is not getting enough new nutrition, new nutrients, energy, so producing energy. Well, it is overwhelmed with toxic sort of onslaught that could be inflammation, oxidative stress. It could be genuine like toxins from the environment. So when a cell.
Christian Yordanov
malfunctions in some way. If you multiply that over many cells, because each you know a cell is a part of a tissue, that tissue could be in the brain, the heart, an organ, skin, wherever like the case may

Cellular Malfunction and Its Effects

Christian Yordanov
be. So the cell is a part of a tissue, a tissue is a part of an organ, and an organ is a part of an organ system.
Christian Yordanov
And the next level organization beyond that is the organism. So if if a cell or many cells don't get the nutrition they need, it could be like a ah ah micronutrient deficiency, it could be an energetic deficiency. Again, if those cells are getting damaged at a rate faster than they can repair because of, again, the either the damage ging factors are too high,
Christian Yordanov
or the the stuff that the cell needs is not being provided at a sufficient rate, that then that tissue will eventually malfunction in some way, which means that the organ will eventually malfunction.
Christian Yordanov
And then when the organ systems start to malfunction, we start to see, and usually earlier when the organ, is already at the the tissue and organ level, we are already experiencing symptoms of some kind, right? Headaches, skin problems, you know, gut dysfunction, you name it. That's, it really all starts at the cellular level. Now, why is that important in the context of stress? Because
Christian Yordanov
When you are stressed for any reason, a bunch of hormones that we can kind of call the stress hormones begin to increase in the body, right? They're they're secreted by various tissues. For example, cortisol is secreted by, and a adrenaline are secreted by the adrenal glands. And adrenaline's role It's one of its primary roles is to cause fatty tissue to be broken down. So fat cells start to release breakdown triglycerides into fatty acids and then those are released to the bloodstream. So that's that's a one way to provide energy to or to the organism under stress.
Christian Yordanov
And then cortisol, what it does is it when it binds to its receptor in cells, it basically signals those cells a number of things. But the first thing is those cells largely halt the synthesis of new proteins, right? So regenerative pro processes in the body require you know, protein synthesis and stuff like that. But cortisol kind of puts the brakes on that. And then it also signals to cells to dismantle

Dietary Stress and Aging

Christian Yordanov
themselves, right? So they break down into their constituents. So their their constituents will be a lot of different things, including, you know, fatty acids and
Christian Yordanov
for amino acids so the proteins in there will be made of amino acids and of course there will be various kind of other nutrients in there so in that cell the cell breaks down yeah its components are sent to the bloodstream and then they are reused in various ways But one of the primary things a cortisol does is it raises the blood sugar because, again, under stress, the body perceives it will need energy. That's why it kind of liberates these amino acids so they can go to the liver so that the liver can make glucose. right So that's why if you take a person and you stress them out,
Christian Yordanov
they will their blood sugar will will rise. If you take a person and you inject them with some kind of corticosteroid drug, ah ah for example, you know, hydrocortisone, their blood sugar will increase. That's why we have things called steroid-induced diabetes. That's a well-known sort of documented condition that people put on these steroid drugs, corticosteroids, namely glucocorticoids. They actually develop a high blood sugar.
Christian Yordanov
and diabetes. And then also we have stress induced diabetes. That's also another known phenomenon, nothing to do with food, nothing to do with carbohydrates. So that's, that's why so really it kind of make a short, I'm going to make a short story long here, but that's why stress is bad for us in terms of health, in terms of just in terms of Why does it age us? Well, because when you're chronically stressing your body, you have cortisol and other stress hormones basically running rampant, unopposed often, and they're going to signal to a lot of these tissues of yours two to be broken down. And instead of you regenerating, right, you're actually degenerating because again, the stress hormones halt these regenerative processes because
Christian Yordanov
At the end of the day, the body doesn't know if it will be alive next week or next year, so there's no real incentive in the in the short term for it to kind of work on repairing and optimizing function at kind of at the cellular level. All it always cares about is, how do I raise the blood sugar so that we have energy to fight or flee?
Christian Yordanov
And then we worry about that later. The problem is that for a lot of people, the stress doesn't ever seem to stop. Maybe while they sleep, you know, that kind it kind of reduces. But the problem is, you know, a lot of people now, a lot of my kind of the. the Some of the clients I signed up over the last month, I'd say probably two thirds of them are not sleeping well. And then when you look at what a lot of people are doing, they're eating low carb diets, intermittent fasting. And this is what I kind of try to explain to them is

Personal Stories of Stress and Aging

Christian Yordanov
that is a stressor. like you Apart from you being psychologically stressed,
Christian Yordanov
already, like in your job or family stuff, kids, whatever, you are placing an additional stress on your body with the fasting, with the you know crazy exercise regime regimes and on top of that low-carbing it or dieting, not eating enough, eating very few calories or too few calories for your size and metabolism.
Christian Yordanov
And what that does is it actually degenerates you faster. It ages you faster because again, not only are you halting the repair, but not oftentimes people are not providing enough either nutrients or energy to support a lot of the process in the body. And on top of that, the body's breaking itself down. Now it's not super visible. Obviously if it happened really quickly, people would cop on very quickly. But what happens is,
Christian Yordanov
muscle you you know you would notice if it started kind of melting away right but what happens is we have in our bones something like 30-35 percent of our bones are protein in the form of collagen and that is a huge storage site for amino acids when we need them when we are under increased toxic sort of burden when we need to kind of you know, create glucose, we will we will start to break down our bones, the collagenous tissue. And this is where, and by the way, the um that's another aspect of the those corticosteroids, the glucocorticoids. Another thing is glucocorticoid induced osteoporosis is another thing, right? So it's well known in the scientific literature that
Christian Yordanov
People being put on the hydrocortisone or other cortisol mimicking chemicals can develop osteoporosis earlier, at the very least. And that is that is another kind of sign of aging, right? Your bones whittling away. And that is what stress does. it If you're not meeting the demands of the stress in terms of energetically and nutritionally,
Christian Yordanov
you you become the energy source your body your structure basically becomes the the energy source and you have a lot of a big sort of repository of amino acids in the but like i said the bones but also the joints and the the skin that's the other one right so skin is a huge part of the skin is collagenous tissue right collagen networks so they're made of collagen is made of amino acids and Some of those amino acids can be turned into glucose and others can also be turned into ketones so That is why When you're under chronic stress
Christian Yordanov
you You may, ah first of all, you feel like crap. Obviously being under the stress, you feel like crap. We've all been there. And actually I remember a couple of years ago, I saw a picture of myself after a few months after our baby was born

Modern vs. Past Stress Comparison

Christian Yordanov
at the time.
Christian Yordanov
And I, I just looked bad. I looked bad, right. It's just really bad. I looked aged because I also, I was comparing it to a picture from before our baby was born, you know, and the difference, I think it was a year and like the difference was like really bad. I think I've reversed a lot of that now. Uh, maybe three years later, two years later, maybe.
Christian Yordanov
But it it was just real kind of, for me personally, real sort of proof that the stress of that, waking up at night and all that stuff and being a new parent, you don't know what the hell you're doing and all that jazz. the apocalypse, of course, the pandemic and all that jazz. But it's just really good evidence so that the stress
Christian Yordanov
will mess you up, right? So this this is what I think really, the the reason I kind of, some folks that are kind of new listeners or new clients, when I start telling them, you know, you need to calm down on the exercise, chill out, need to eat, like, um I don't even know what a normal person is nowadays, but you know, you need to eat.
Christian Yordanov
You need to eat properly. I think a lot of people's health problems genuinely stem from just chronic malnourishment. They're chronically malnourishing themselves. And this is a huge problem. And if you don't believe me,
Christian Yordanov
All you have to do is get the Chronometer app from the ah ah app store. It's free. Track your diet for one week, everything you eat and drink. And then see do you even meet your RDAs for a lot of things.
Christian Yordanov
And even if you do, meeting the ah RDAs doesn't mean jack squat because the ah RDAs are you know preposterous. They have nothing to do with optimal health. They are mostly about keeping the plebs, the slaves alive so their teeth don't start randomly fall falling out and they don't start keeling over on the side of the road, basically.
Christian Yordanov
So this is this is a very huge issue for people. Chronic under-eating puts a stress on your body, right? Intermittent fasting, will whether you feel it or not, will put a stress on your body. Low-carb diets, I mean, like I've gone over the research already that low-carb diets will increase your cortisol because you still produce glucose whether you're on a low carb or a high carb diet is a certain amount of glucose that has to be you know consumed converted into energy over the course of the day. Right so whether you provide it or not it will be created the body will create it but it does that the hormones that facilitate that are stress hormones are degenerative hormones.
Christian Yordanov
Right. And the other thing is people sort of have been misled to believe that carbs cause cause insulin resistance was actually it's when you're stressed and your adrenaline is increasing because it stimulates the fatty acids to be released from your fat cells, from the triglycerides being broken down. That sort of abundance of fatty acids in the bloodstream, that is actually what causes people to become insulin resistant. you know so that that the So the stress of that causing that insulin resistance, that is what actually causes the glucose to build up in the the bloodstream as well as the cortisol kind of increasing it.
Christian Yordanov
and that and that sort of fatty acid in the bloodstream that interferes with glucose metabolism and that causes a lot of other problems for people.
Christian Yordanov
Now, because ah ah in today's society, most people have a lot of omega-6 polyunsaturated fats in their fatty stores, when they liberate them through through adrenaline, through the stress, be that from you know fasting, keto, lots lots of a exercise, just psychological stress, when they liberate those fatty acids, they, because they peroxidize spontaneously, as well as kind of when being oxidized or whatever for energy,
Christian Yordanov
Because they peroxidize when they're exposed to oxygen, heat, UV light, so on, they will damage, when they get when they get damaged through peroxidation, they will damage things around. And that and that could be the something like the the um blood vessel lining that could be in the liver, cause liver damage. And this is another reason why the stress liberating so many of these Omega-6s more than the body, the liver can can handle.
Christian Yordanov
and process, that is another reason why Stress ages us because of this peroxidative damage. And then let's not even talk too much about it, but just to mention the fact that we have a lot of also so persistent organic pollutants in our fatty tissue, right? So when we liberate that through increased lipolysis, again, through stress, dieting, fasting, whatever the case may be,
Christian Yordanov
that those also have to kind of be processed in the liver. They can overwhelm our detox capacities. And that's another way we that we can accumulate damage, right? Because they're safely, somewhat safely sequestered away those toxins, those lipophilic toxins in our fatty tissue.
Christian Yordanov
But when the fat cell is kind of broken down, that that has to be released into the bloodstream and then something has to happen to it. So the best thing is for the liver to kind of attempt to detoxify and make it water soluble. you know so do We do have pathways of excretion of these toxins, even though they're difficult to make water soluble and and all that stuff.
Christian Yordanov
that's another reason why when you're stressed and all this kind of so the the fatty acids, the fat cells being broken down and the fatty acids running into the the bloodstream, that's actually another mechanism why stress in today's society is a lot more harmful than stress back in the day. right Because you know even 300 years ago,
Christian Yordanov
A person that was super stressed, they didn't have in their fatty tissue a lot so many Omega-6s because we didn't have seed oils, right?

Strategies for Stress Reduction

Christian Yordanov
And people didn't really eat nuts and seeds every single day of the you know the week because they were more seasonable seasonable seasonal and you kind of only had nuts you know for a few weeks out of the year. And sure, maybe you could store some and whatever, but there weren't I don't think they were a huge staple.
Christian Yordanov
So people didn't have so many omega-6s, plug-in saturated fats in their tissues, which means they were just a hell of a lot more resilient. Their their cells were more resilient to to oxidative stress and to this peroxidation process, right? And then, of course, it didn't have all the toxins in the environment, which didn't so get sequestered in their fatty tissue. They didn't bioaccumulate up the food chain and into their the person's body. So a person that's super stressed back in the day would not have the same sort of pretty horrible cascades that would initiate and that would age them prematurely. Sure, it would still age them because again cortisol holds you know a lot of the protein synthesis, repair, regeneration. It actually goes the other direction. It actually signals for the cells to dismantle, to degenerate. It degenerates the body. It degenerates your bones and
Christian Yordanov
your skin and your joints and even parts of the brain and organs. So yes, that would have been also a fact of stress 200, 300 years ago, but things wouldn't have been so bad because that person, that hypothetical person, they wouldn't also they also wouldn't be bathing in all these EMFs and they wouldn't have blue, all this kind of LED blue light at night.
Christian Yordanov
And the air would have been cleaner and they wouldn't be touching plastics all day long. And you know touching flame retardants everywhere, the car seat and the bed and the the couch and so on and so forth. and So this is why stress today is not stress from 300 years ago. Stress today ages us even faster. And what are we doing? we We're already super stressed.
Christian Yordanov
with our phones constantly like creating this undercurrent social media, all this are undercurrent of psychological stress. then we have all the news and they all the current events in the world. So that we are also aware, hyper aware of shit going down all over the world, which, you know, 300 years ago, people wouldn't have had that as well, that stressor.
Christian Yordanov
But then on top of it, we have now been sort of loud in or misguided into thinking that health means starving ourselves, which causes you know all the stress hormones, these degenerative hormones to increase.
Christian Yordanov
Low, carbs are the devil and whatever. And you have to like cut the carbs out, right? have to really push it hard in the gym, do lots of cardio, 150 minutes at least of cardio per week. You know, we have to sort of burn the candle at both ends. And this apparently is what will lead to health. And then of course, for the even more brainwashed around us it's either you have to cut out meat or you have to cut out all vegetables and if you have to only eat meat you know eat only plant-based eat only carnivore these are also very stressful things on top of that right because yeah carnivore you if you're doing pure carnivore that you're producing a lot of glucose from protein and
Christian Yordanov
That's driven by cortisol and stress hormones. And that is a toxic process because of all the ammonia that gets released from breaking down those amino acids. But if you're doing plant-based, you are.
Christian Yordanov
Causing a lot of stress in terms of, as you can see, a lot of these plant-based folks degenerating before your very eyes. A lot of these channels follow them for a few years. they really Most of them that are sticking to it properly are degenerating in front of your their viewers' eyes. That's because they're not even eating enough bioavailable protein.
Christian Yordanov
they're eating a lot of sort of sort of starch and crap and indigestible of fiber and toxins and that fiber is feeding a lot of you know potentially not helpful but more inflammatory bacteria in in their gut. So this this is unfortunately where we at with the current sort of world and what what is healthy and kind of these factions which everybody thinks their thing is the best and the other the other factions are kind of killing themselves with you know either cholesterol clogging up their artists arteries or you know whatever the case may be or although the plants are full of toxins and they're gonna kill you they're trying to kill you and so it's just I can I can kind of
Christian Yordanov
I can see why so many people are not doing well with their health because everywhere you turn, there's just like kind of misinformation, mixed information, confusion. And it's hard to make heads and tails of it, right? And that's a further stressor when you don't know what the hell you're supposed to do.
Christian Yordanov
where you get so many conflicting opinions and whatever else, information, that makes it hard. And that's another stressor. And of of course, stress, as we just kind of understood some of the mechanisms behind it, stress is not really our friend. It's actually

Techniques for Aggressive Stress Reduction

Christian Yordanov
degenerating us and aging us faster.
Christian Yordanov
It's actually making us dumber because cortisol can actually atrophy parts of the brain, right? So point I suppose the point of this episode is we really, like sometimes I tell my my clients and my, you know, on the podcast I i mentioned as well is my strategy for stress reduction is aggressive stress reduction, right?
Christian Yordanov
We have to have, if you want to thrive, not just survive in the current world, you have to have an aggressive stress reduction strategy. And it takes more than meditation and visualization and breathing exercises. You have to eat in a way that keeps the stress hormones down. If you don't do that, if you're doing this intermittent fasting stuff, keto, low carb, or the other kind of in-between stuff,
Christian Yordanov
That is basically did contributing to faster degeneration, right? But that's even eating is not enough because again, there's so many stress or psychological and, you know, whatever that physiological environmental, we have to go above and beyond. So we have to have a detoxification strategy, something that's easy to do.
Christian Yordanov
but something that you can integrate into your life so that you know that base is covered. You don't have to worry, oh, it's okay. I was talking to somebody yesterday and he's like, oh, and they're spraying in the sky and then the things in the sky, they're spraying. And then, you know, know, ah the food has poison in it. And like, I'm just listening. I'm like, that's just fear. You know, that that's that's operating from a state of fear. That's just causing further stress.
Christian Yordanov
right So we have to sort of understand, okay, that's that's that's the way things are. There's nothing you really can do to control those circumstances, but there's a lot you can do to what you put in your body. right that Yes, there's a lot of food that has you know poison in it, like pesticides and stuff, which is straight up poison that kill it kills other organisms. Therefore, it cannot be good for us.
Christian Yordanov
right So, but like you have a choice whether to buy that food or to find cleaner food, you know, and you have a lot of control over your home environment.
Christian Yordanov
and you have a lot of choice what you put in your body that will support your detoxification system and what will help you lower stress, right? And I, like I said, I'm very aggressive and I teach my clients how to aggressively start tackling these things where it, you just, like some folks feel it first week, like first day, first week, it's like, wow.
Christian Yordanov
profound lowering of stress. you know And it's that's all great, of course, you know to get a little bit of relief, to give you some space so you can start regenerating, and kind of healing your body. Your body can start start doing all these repair and regeneration processes. But you know thats that's just a ah small piece of the puzzle because we have to put in the groundwork, we have to play the long-term game. And it's it's really, it's about becoming that person. It's about creating micro habits that become macro habits. And it doesn't happen in a day, it doesn't happen in a week or a month, right? You have to
Christian Yordanov
really have a strategy on you know getting the low-hanging fruit first and then what's your specific thing theme or set of things that are your biggest sort of imbalances or biggest risk factors, right? For some people they have a really messed up gut, other people they have a job that exposes them to a lot of toxins.
Christian Yordanov
like if you ah ah Just a quick example, if you work with metals, or you work with cars repairing engines, and or if you work in, actually if you work like ah even like a cop, like working in the city,
Christian Yordanov
they I was looking at some research last year, but yeah they have I think they have a higher incidence of cardiovascular disease because of all the pollution that they're exposed to. So everybody has different exposures. They're occupational, at home, regional. So you have to know what what are the risk factors for you. It could be your job. It could be, for example, some people have to work late hours and that messes with the circadian rhythm.
Christian Yordanov
So that side of things have to be sort of dialed in. So everybody has a different set of circumstances, you know. Having said that, a lot of my clients coming to me. are already eating clean and taking a lot of supplements, but it's clear that the they it's not enough just to take a lot of supplements and eating clean. You have to know what else to do. and you really Unless you have someone to assess your situation from a you know from and a different perspective because when when it's like even in myself like when you're really doing your thing you almost have the the blinders on and so sometimes like you know for example when I'm I just started tennis lessons again and like you think you're doing things right when you're looking at yourself examining your own form
Christian Yordanov
But then a coach is like, dude, what the hell are you doing? like you're you're basically You're going to injure yourself with that form. You know you have to really slow it down. or you know You're making very fundamental mistakes. And what what I find with a lot of my clients is they have a lot of stuff dialed. They have a lot of stuff they've researched, but they're making fundamental mistakes that are destroying their progress.
Christian Yordanov
you know For example, some folks that would be like, they're doing all of these things that kind of boost the detoxification, or maybe they'll do like, you know, supplements that boost glutathione.
Christian Yordanov
and and the boost NAD, but then they're doing things that without those, NAD can't be raised. Or well for example, they're not eating enough carbs and without the insulin signal, you don't really get glutathione synthesis going as well. So you know you might be trying to boost glutathione through various other pathways and whatever, we're spending a lot of money on glutathione supplementation when you're just kind of wasting a lot of money because if you just ate in a better way and you ate enough carbohydrates, all that you create all the glutathione you need in your body without having to spend, you know, 80 bucks or 60 bucks per month on a freaking glutathione supplement that's liposomal and whatever else.
Christian Yordanov
Like your body can make the glutathione. It needs the building blocks, but it also needs the signal that you were in a state of abundance and that detoxification can be upregulated. If you're just barely surviving with a low carb diet or keto or or intermittent fasting cost to giving your body signals of starvation, you know, good goodbye. Freaking nice to have like cleaning house and, you know, repair regeneration and fertility and, you know, highly beto and higher cognitive function. I

The Role of Coaching in Health Improvement

Christian Yordanov
remember I um,
Christian Yordanov
I was interviewing some friend on my podcast or maybe I was going on his podcast. I can't remember, but he told me, he he was trying to say something. He had forgotten the thing or the word, something very commonly he uses or whatever. He said, Oh my God, I feel like I'm i'm becoming demented. I'm getting dementia or something. I can't find the word or whatever.
Christian Yordanov
And then as we started the interview, he told me that he's like trying to get into ketosis and he's doing super low carb. I'm like, dude, well, that's why.
Christian Yordanov
because your brain runs on glucose, man. And you're not giving your body enough glucose for all of its functions. And yeah, okay, the brain will get the the majority of the glucose that's produced or through gluconeogenesis through the stress hormones. But you unless you give it an abundance,
Christian Yordanov
of the building blocks and the the fuel the micronutrients unless you give me an abundance you can't expect optimal function and repair and regeneration and longevity also these folks that are like a regular-sized human, but they're eating 1,600, 1,500, 1,400 calories a day. I'm like, that that is not healthy. It means your metabolism has severely down-regulated. And that is a result of a lot of stress. And you're probably continuing to put your stress on your body doing that. And that is aging prematurely.
Christian Yordanov
you know So that's kind of that's my little ramble on why stress ages us and degenerates us so much faster than otherwise that than it would otherwise, right?
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, I think I went there. If you need help with your health, you can reach out to me down below. There's a link where you can request a free metabolic function assessment with myself personally. Fill out a little form, request that, and then we can get together over 45 minutes over Zoom and we can discuss your health goals, any health problems or health challenges you're dealing with.
Christian Yordanov
And I can help you get a little bit of clarity on your situation. And you know of course, if it makes sense for us to work together, we can discuss next steps. But you know no no no pressure on that side of things. I only work with folks that it really makes sense for us to work together. you know i'm not china I don't want to force anybody. I can't get healthy for you. you know I can't do the work for you. So pretty much all of my clients coming to me are super motivated to improve their health.
Christian Yordanov
you know is which is really awesome because at that point they're very coachable and all they need is my guidance, my eyes on their kind of diet lies lifestyle nutrition supplement stack and then we can remove the things that are hurting them, add the things that are going to really boost their progress and then you know the rest is just implementation and I help I will help you over six or 12 months, depending on how how we decide to work together. I will help you implement these things because this is this is where the magic happens is not just knowing. I think a lot of people know a lot of stuff and I actually have a few clients that are like, I know a lot of these things, but if I don't have a coach, I just fall back to kind of previous habits and I need an accountability. bodyd
Christian Yordanov
to build a body And we do that really well because, you know, I meet with my clients twice a week. We do a small group Zoom calls. So you're always like two, three days away from a live session with me to do Q and&A. That really helps people, really helps people kind of because we get in our own way a lot.
Christian Yordanov
And sometimes it helps for someone to tell you, no, dude, like you're you're doing you're doing fine or do that. You're doing fine. Just you made a lot of progress. Stop for a second. Actually reflect what you did in the last you know three, four weeks. That was huge.
Christian Yordanov
And let's just hold steady as she goes because Rome wasn't built in a day. You know, a lot a lot of folks, it takes them decades to kind of reach this sort of state of where their health is not where they want it to be. That took them decades to develop or at least years. So we can't expect it to resolve in a month. And you cannot expect if you drove yourself down that path and even though you're doing all these things right,
Christian Yordanov
diet supplementation, all that jazz. you know You're doing a listening to podcasts, reading books, YouTube videos, research. If you still didn't figure out how to do how to get your health back on track, it's clear you need a coach. And we all need a coach. i've you know ah ah Like I said, I've started just because ah my, my, uh, my daughter's crash, we moved her crash and on the way home when I dropped her off to her crash, now there's a tennis club kind of on the way home. So I had no more excuses. I joined and I, you know, it's only been two weeks in. I've already got, no, a one-to-one tennis coach. I'm doing group lessons. I was even thinking of getting a personal trainer for maybe three, four months, even though I.
Christian Yordanov
I'm actually a personal trainer. That was the first thing I qualified in like back in 2008. I'm a personal trainer, fitness instructor, all that stuff. I did that. Even though i I know what I'm doing, it's not it's not that I'm actually going to even like, do if if I do get a trainer,
Christian Yordanov
I'm going to tell him what I'm going to be doing in terms of my programming. Maybe he he can give me shed light on his ideas, but it's more for the accountability because I know I will go there and I'll actually push myself a little bit harder because I have this sort of very serious self-preservation instinct where I'm like, screw this, dude. I don't have to prove anything to anybody. you know I'm 38 years old. I am not single. I'm not trying to you know attract a mate, so I don't have to be abraham lincoln I married the ballet dancer, so I'm already a winner in my book. I don't care. I don't care. I don't need to impress anybody. But also, there's something in me that kind of wants to do it. As soon as as soon as like I set foot on the tennis court again, it was like eight, nine years since I played last.
Christian Yordanov
And that was basically when I met metoir my wife, I stopped playing. But as soon as I stepped on the court, I was like, oh my God, this feels so good to like hit hit a tennis ball and to chase the tennis ball around the court. And like now I'm like, I went from zero to like playing four, five times a week, even a little bit, even 20, 30 minutes I'm going there.
Christian Yordanov
My daughter didn't knock the ball around and I'm just going to the gym even 20-30 minutes here and there, kind of when I have time. But the point is i'm I'm immediately getting coaches because I know that my I will progress a hell of a lot faster.
Christian Yordanov
a hell of a lot faster, at least on the tennis and the sort of the pad of the racquet sport side of things. With the with the weight, with the personal trainer thing, I'm kind of at this point, I just realized that I'm going to double down on the tennis because again, like I don't I don't have anything to prove with the I don't need to be like super giant muscles and pecs and stuff. And I'm just finding that if I do weights,
Christian Yordanov
I did weights this week. did I do? So Sunday I played tennis. Monday I did like chest and shoulders and back. And then Tuesday I did one hour of Pilates and then immediately I went for a tennis lesson. And I just was hitting like horrifically bad.
Christian Yordanov
So it just seems like if you're gonna focus on maybe playing for four three to five times of tennis a week, there's very little space to be doing like serious weight training. Like you can do a few sets here and there, but it interferes with the game. Like if you do deadlift, then your you running is a little bit messed up.
Christian Yordanov
if you do like upper body then your hitting is not ah ah like maybe it will improve i'm sure of course it will improve but you just don't have the same capacity to push on the weight so i'm probably gonna like not do the personal training thing because i'm just gonna double down on the on the tennis but the point is I understand the value of having a coach, or in this case, a couple of coaches for the racquet sports, because that is how you you go from zero to you know really proficient yeah in a fraction of the time, right? A fraction of the time. And otherwise, if you try to figure things out on your own, I was talking to multiple people over the last couple of weeks,
Christian Yordanov
that had been at this health journey of theirs for 10 years, up to 10 years, some for less than some like five, seven years, 10 years. And I'm thinking to myself, well, I'm glad we're talking. Sure, that's great.
Christian Yordanov
You know, it's, ah it's, it's good that you've taken the step because if you couldn't figure out in three or five or seven or 10 years, it kind of seems like you're not going to, you're not exactly trending in the direction of figuring it out.

Invitation for Personal Coaching

Christian Yordanov
You know, so it, it's, it's a really good step to take. So I'll say to you is if you feel like the stuff is overwhelming, it's because it is, and ah I'm um' I'm not going to lie.
Christian Yordanov
At times, I feel overwhelmed as well. you know like i the the first The first few years, you like you you're accumulating knowledge. At first, you think you know you know a lot, then you're like, oh my God, how little do I know. Then you're like, okay, I know and i know enough to greatly accelerate a person back to good health or greatly accelerate a person in decent or good health to way better health. you know like i Last week, was two weeks now ago two weeks ago, I signed up as a client a Major League Baseball opening pitcher, i elite level sports person. We did a one hour metabolic function assessment.
Christian Yordanov
And just he understood from our conversation together that he would greatly benefit from my help, right? Even though he's an elite level.
Christian Yordanov
baseball guy, major league baseball, has great access to you know a lot of the, know whatever their teams have a lot of various kind of coaches, therapists, nutritionists, and he still saw the value in working with me. you know So this is what I tell folks, you know you don't have to keep struggling on your own.
Christian Yordanov
You can if you want to, if you want that to be your story and that to be your journey, but you're very likely to waste a lot of time, money and effort, a lot of sort of feelings of frustration along the way. Whereas you could help, get help from someone who's an expert at helping people restore their health.
Christian Yordanov
or elevate their health to new levels. That's what I'm saying. If that's you, if you really need help on this side of things, check out the the link down below to book your free metabolic function assessment session with me. And I would love to meet you and see how it can be of service to you and how my a group coaching program can help you meet and exceed your health goals. So thanks for tuning in today. Hope you got value out of this episode and I'll see you on the next one.