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January Mistakes to Avoid - Part 5 image

January Mistakes to Avoid - Part 5

How to Actually Live Longer
173 Plays2 months ago

Are you following health trends that actually harm your body? In my eye-opening masterclass "The 7 Popular But Deadly Health Fads," I reveal how common health practices promoted by influencers and gurus might be ravaging your gut, accelerating disease, and shaving years off your life.

Discover which popular diets, supplements, and health rituals are secretly sabotaging your health and learn what to do instead. I explain why these seemingly healthy habits are damaging your body and provide actionable alternatives for true longevity.

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Check out the first volume in the How to Actually Live Longer book series on Amazon:

How to Actually Live Longer is your go-to podcast for cutting through the noise and discovering practical, science-backed strategies to not just add years to your life, but to add life to your years. Hosted by longevity author and functional health practitioner Christian Yordanov, this podcast dives deep into the truths (and myths) behind longevity, health optimization, and addressing chronic health problems.

Each episode offers actionable insights drawn from the host's own research, clinical practice, and personal journey, helping you make informed decisions to restore and enhance your health. Whether you're interested in reducing stress, boosting your energy and mental performance, improving your gut health, or simply looking to optimize your diet and lifestyle, this podcast delivers the tools you need to live a healthier, longer life.


Common January Health Mistakes

Christian Yordanov
Hey, k Christian Jornoff here. Thanks for tuning back into the show. In continuing my theme of January mistakes to avoid it being January, just the first week of January has passed. And a lot of people out there, as we speak, are working their butts off thinking and hoping that they're getting healthier as a result of the activities that they're engaged in.

Does Exercising Improve Metabolic Health?

Christian Yordanov
And as we kind of already discussed in previous episodes, yeah eating more vegetables isn't going to make you healthier unless you're switching to them from a really crappy diet. Doing more exercise, it might make you fitter, but will not necessarily actually make you metabolically more healthy. If you have deficiencies, a lot of stress, hormonal imbalances, gut dysfunction,
Christian Yordanov
Exercise doesn't magically fix these things.

Weight Loss Misconceptions

Christian Yordanov
Yeah, it can help partition nutrients and fuel better by increasing insulin sensitivity, you know this kind of stuff. But you know you you need very little exercise to achieve those goals. And a lot of people that are going hard at it this January are not actually getting healthier.
Christian Yordanov
yeah But they might be getting fitter as a result of the stress that they put on their body and the subsequent adaptations that the body engages in at the cost of what health and longevity in the long term.
Christian Yordanov
And we also discussed why low-carb diets are a terrible idea for longevity. But another thing that people right now are trying to do is lose weight.

Risks of Rapid Weight Loss

Christian Yordanov
And here's the thing, if somebody is overweight, let's say 30, 40, 50 pounds overweight,
Christian Yordanov
Plus, yeah, for sure, losing weight and getting as close to kind of the optimal weight for that person's you know height and age and everything. That is a good idea. OK, I'm not saying losing weight. If we are quite a lot overweight, losing that weight is going to really be beneficial for us. I'm not saying it's not. Here's the problem.
Christian Yordanov
Just losing the weight by any means is not gonna necessarily make a person healthy. They could lose the weight and get get the gains or or the health benefits associated with the weight loss, but they could be opening up multiple cans of worms if they don't know how to approach this, if they don't have a strategy. Because unfortunately, most the way most people sort of think about weight loss is how do I get this goddamn weight off of me as as soon as possible, right? That everybody wants to get it off as soon as possible. And as we will discuss in today's episode, there is actually quite a bit of research out there that has shown a relationship between intentional weight loss and increased mortality, okay?
Christian Yordanov
So as an example, there was and i there's a couple of studies that I talk about this in my to actually live longer volume one book, right? There was one study with Harvard alumni that showed that and actually that study showed that the best outcomes mortality wise or with the people that gained a moderate amount of weight as they aged. The worst outcomes are people that lost a lot of weight and people that yo-yoed so up and down in terms of weight. And then there's another paper here from 2005. It's called intention to lose weight, weight changes and 18 year mortality in overweight individuals with without comorbidities. Now, basically,
Christian Yordanov
The conclusion here was deliberate weight loss in overweight individuals with without known comorbidities may be hazardous in the long-term. The health effects of weight loss are complex, possibly composed of oppositely acting processes and need more research, but why? And I won't go into like the nitty-gritty. There's a bunch of studies, you know, you can always like ask chat GPT and to give you some stuff around this, but why would they conclude based on their sort of analysis that deliberate weight loss in overweight individuals without known comorbidities may be hazardous in the long term.

Gradual Weight Loss Strategy

Christian Yordanov
Why would that happen?
Christian Yordanov
And I kind of have discussed this a little bit in my book, but it's always it's always worth sort of re-stating some of these things because it's so important to understand. it If you've gained weight over five, 10, or even 20 year period, and you wanna shed that weight, you like let's say, okay, just just as an example, let's say,
Christian Yordanov
kind of use big numbers here, a hundred pounds. Cause that's a very significant amount of extra weight. I don't think that even losing that gradually over one year is probably slow enough. I think it's too fast. Let me just do a quick calculation. So 50, wait, sorry, a hundred.
Christian Yordanov
divided by 12. I should know ah how to do this in my head. That's like over eight pounds per month, which is actually not that much. It's not that much. But the problem is multifold, right? So if you lose weight, especially if you do it very quickly, there's a number of things that happen. So the the first couple of nasty things that actually happen is when you have a lot of stored fat in your tissues, a lot of that
Christian Yordanov
will be polyunsaturated fat. okay So what happens is you increase lipolysis. It could be by you know a lot of exercise, cutting calories, fasting. That increase in lipolysis sheds or causes the fat cells to start you know breaking down and a lot of these fatty acids.
Christian Yordanov
Many of which will be pug and saturated fats are going to start circulating in the bloodstream, going to the liver, where it might process them, repackage them, all kinds of stuff. Some some will be burned for energy. You actually might pee some out. It can be glucuronidated.
Christian Yordanov
And why do we not want this to to happen? Why don't we want a bunch of like policies, just liberate all the fat, process it and be done with it? Because, as you may know, if you tune into this podcast or have produced my book,
Christian Yordanov
These polyunsaturated fats are highly successful highly susceptible to this process called lipid peroxidation, which is where they just get damaged. okay And when they get damaged, they call start causing chain reactions of you know peroxidation reactions. So if these things are circulating in your blood and they you know spontaneously come break down and start degrading,
Christian Yordanov
they're going to potentially harm your blood vessels. Talking about atherosclerosis being a big risk factor, heart disease, that's one of our two major killers.
Christian Yordanov
you know You don't have to be a friggin genius to sort of figure out if we eat, as we have in the last 100 years historically, have eaten a lot of polyunsaturated fats.
Christian Yordanov
that a lot of those polyunsaturated fats, not only are they stored on our body, for for folks that have been doing this for ages, especially if they have a few pounds extra, also they compose our tissues that includes the brain, the liver, any anywhere where there's fatty acids, which is like all cells, right? All cells have fatty acids.
Christian Yordanov
And that includes the blood vessels, right? The endothelial lining. So that's that's more susceptible to damage. Then liberating more of these fats from your stored tissues, that kind of is a double, triple, quadruple whammy of stuff that not only can cause damage, or but also stuff, the endothelial lining of the blood vessels, that is more susceptible to damage, okay?

Long-term Health Strategies

Christian Yordanov
So that's why if you start going crazy with the weight loss, losing 10 pounds a month for for months on end, that's not going to do you good to your organs, to your blood vessels. Because remember, the liver has to process these fatty acids. As they circulate, they're going to go through the heart.
Christian Yordanov
You know, the kidneys are going to be, you know, vulnerable to this. So this is, you know, thinking about just going back to the atherosclerosis and the the plaques in in the blood vessels and the the heart attack risk, the stroke risk, that the biggest factor, it's not genetics. The biggest factor is just having a ton of these things that make up those tissues, the brain, you know, the blood vessels. so so If you were in that position like a lot of people out there are
Christian Yordanov
with fats, putting such a fat stored in your body, composing your body, you are doing yourself a disservice by trying to lose a lot of weight very quickly. And it's, I know it's frustrating to have to wait. But if you don't play the long game with this kind of stuff, if you don't get your ducks in a row, bad things will happen. I'm sorry to tell you, but I would rather not bullshit you
Christian Yordanov
I'm not saying don't lose weight, don't sort of start the process. I'm just saying you better have a long-term strategy, especially if there's a lot of weight that you have to lose, you know, 30 plus pounds. Then the other the other issue is, as you may also know, is that Because a lot of the toxins in the environment, especially from plasticizers and PCBs and you know but but even various pesticides, there's a lot of these things that are lipophilic, so they have an affinity for fatty tissue.
Christian Yordanov
Right? And where do we have fatty tissue? Again, our organs have it, the brain is, that there's a lot of fat in the brain. Obviously are our adipose tissue, our fat stores our fat tissue. So the the our fat tissue actually becomes somewhat of a reservoir with these toxins. Now the body is actually smart And it kind of sequesters these toxins so they don't harm, you know, the liver organs, other organs, the kidneys, the brain. So it's intelligent in terms of
Christian Yordanov
compartmentalizing those lipophilic persistent organic pollutants, PCBs, dioxins, pesticides, you know stuff that you know may have been banned from use way back in the 70s, but it's still in the environment. It kind of makes it up the food chain by cows eating grass, we eat the cows and stuff like that.
Christian Yordanov
so If you release a bunch of fat by increasing lipolysis, trying to burn more fat by liberating more fat from your tissues with fasting and you know even keto diets and
Christian Yordanov
whatever other sort of crazy nonsense people recommend nowadays for weight loss. Well, you're going to be releasing more of these and then the liver is going to have to deal with them. Okay. But most people's livers are pretty damn short. Like in America, I think it's like a third of of adults have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. many have others, you know, like non-alcoholic Seattle hepatitis and There's hepatitis and there's a there's I think like half of the adult population has some kind of liver disease, roughly.
Christian Yordanov
So theyre like the the average person's liver is not exactly working flawlessly, and it's not exactly going to be able to not only deal with these put put persistent organic pollutants and various other toxins being liberated, but also don't forget it's it's got to deal with the polyunsaturated fats that have also been liberated.

Impact of Toxins and Fats During Weight Loss

Christian Yordanov
And so these these that that this probably another big reason why studies are finding that intentional weight loss is actually associated with increased mortality. you know This is it. So this's this is what you have to understand. There is getting there's losing weight.
Christian Yordanov
And then there's also losing weight in a healthy way, right? And the the the former is what most people, they just try to lose weight. And the does it matter? yeah Okay, we're gonna cut carbs out, we're gonna fast, intermittent fast, we're gonna you know run, we're gonna just do more exercise.
Christian Yordanov
Osempic, right, lower the appetite so we can eat less. And without any regard to the inflam the inflammatory sort of nature of the polyunsaturated fats that are going to be released, the fact that they're going to spontaneously peroxidize and damage tissues, the fact that the these toxins and chemicals that are, you know, persistent organic pollutants are going to get released into the bloodstream and, you know, ah ah just your your poor liver is going to have to deal with them.
Christian Yordanov
this is actually why I believe people that get the keto flu, you they they talk about this keto flu and it goes and that's just you adapting to the keto diet because it's so magical. You have to suffer for a while, but then magical things happen. you know pink pink rainbows, unicorns come from the heavens and you know you it will extend your life. It's a lot of sort of crap. I think the keto flu is similar to why people feel like shit when they fast. you know like I don't know if you ever fasted, but like your your breath.
Christian Yordanov
will kind of get a bit ugly. Some people sort of emanate, like they get headaches and even sometimes some people get a metallic taste in their mouth. That is not because you're adapting to the fasting or to the keto, it's because toxins are being liberated from your tissues where they were once sequestered in an intelligent manner by the body. And this is actually, I think a lot of people don't understand this, but You know, get creating fatty tissue, synthesizing fatty tissue is a protective response by the body in today's super toxic environment. Now keep in mind, ah ah I'm sure a lot of people listening to this podcast are kind of doing a lot of the stuff we're supposed to do already.
Christian Yordanov
But a lot of a lot of people are out there living in cities. They're in pollution all day. their Maybe their job has a lot of occupational exposure. You know, think mechanic or cop or, you know, I don't know.
Christian Yordanov
like So many jobs have oh, you know if you work at a perfume counter. Oh my god I just feel so sorry for those poor women, you know So yeah If the body sort of increases its fat stores, it's able to sequester more toxins, right? Or if you're getting a lot of polyunsaturated fats through the diet, it's actually better for them, I mean, per in a perverse way, it's better to store them than to actually burn them for fuel because they they will create a lot of
Christian Yordanov
reactive oxygen species that can damage the mitochondria you know if they're used to to synthesize know components in cells or membranes or whatever those would be more vulnerable to peroxidation they'll be weaker the mitochondria become leaky so they're actually less efficient in terms of producing energy so there's a lot of negative structure utilizing these points in such a way that so it's actually a protective mechanism to store them as opposed to use them, right? Now, if somebody's like, screw it, I'm sick of being you know overweight, I'm gonna like lose all this weight, i'm umm this time I goddamn mean it. And like a lot of people, their willpower can trump the body's defensive sort of Instinct and we can you like look at look at these I don't know if you ever followed the some of these sort of Fitness bodybuilding channels and you to buy do for entertainment purposes because of all the drama and bullshit and just seeing how insane people are nowadays but if you see how these guys died down for these competitions or Shows or just for a photo shoot and I mean they're like
Christian Yordanov
There's guys that die every month doing this stuff, being super lean and eating super low calories. and like they're they're able With their willpower, they're able to sort of trump the body's instinct to want to put on fat. you know It doesn't want to be 8% or even... Well, i mean yeah. i mean the the body like A male body does not want to be 8%. Very few people that naturally want to like are going to be 8% without the body want it to be like 10%, 12%.
Christian Yordanov
and never mind like getting under 8 like 5, 6, 7% body fat. So to be able to maintain that leanness, you have to really go against your natural instincts and the body's defensive mechanisms. And this is what also a lot of folks, the mistake they make is trying to use willpower to overpower the body. But what they need to be doing is using brain power to create

Consequences of Rapid Weight Loss

Christian Yordanov
a strategy. Because like like we already said, if you don't have a strategy for the poof was being released and the pops, the persistent organic pollutants being released, you are kind of already screwed. And that's before
Christian Yordanov
before we even talk about the other deleterious effects of a lot of and and when I say a lot of fast weight loss I mean a lot you know like if if you just want to lose 10 pounds 15 pounds you know it it's You're in a much better spot, basically. But still, there's there if you have a lot of porn and saturated fats in your body because of dietary stuff, because most people have been doing that, eating a lot of poofos for decades, it' still it still would behoove you to get healthy first, figure out the the detox side of things, the liver support, and then start to kind of turn the dial up on the fat loss. right
Christian Yordanov
it would still behoove you just if you. Let's say you lost that weight in a month, let's say you lost 15 pounds or 20 pounds in a month or two. It might not have such a deleterious effect on your health long term as someone that lost 70, 80 pounds in like the space of, I don't know, like three, four, five, six months. months so the other So the other issues, right? So when you're losing a lot of fat, you're also losing a lot of fat soluble vitamins that that are stored in the fat. Okay. So that's another issue. A lot of people that lose a lot of weight, a lot of it is also muscle mass, right? And here's the other problem. This happens more insidiously, but
Christian Yordanov
If you lose a ton of weight quickly, the chances are a lot of that is going to be lean mass, right? You don't want that to happen because yeah, lean lean mass is important for for longevity, for just being functional as you age. And you know, my granddad, in the end, the last years, my grandma had, and he was like a big dude, my grandma had to you know Get him out of his chair so he could go to the to the bathroom and like he couldn't get out of his chair. And then eventually like he couldn't even go to the toilet. That's how bad it can get if you lose muscle mass and and strength and are not able to look after yourself. And the ah on on top of that is when you are
Christian Yordanov
when you lose a lot of weight quickly, you are causing your body to become more thrifted. The metabolism, the metabolic c rate is going to be reduced as a protective mechanism because of the stress, because of the polyunsaturated fats. There are also antagonists in in certain ways to to thyroid hormones, their production, uptake and so on. So that's another bad thing because like if you lower your met metabolism,
Christian Yordanov
And then God forbid you regain the weight or more. Then to get that weight loss that you did the last time, you're going to have to go to even more crazy, intense sort of measures. So that's not, that's not a good thing. That's not a good thing. If anything, you want to be raising your metabolism, right? And sort of, but instead of trying to cut, and sort of cut foods out and and calories down,
Christian Yordanov
You want to try to figure out can you increase your food intake while maintaining the weight, at least to begin with. And then from there on, let's say you you started, eating let's say three, 400 calories more, but you're maintaining the weight.
Christian Yordanov
At that point, if you actually gradually reduce those 300 to 400 calories, now you actually start losing fat. But you again, if you do it quickly, it you're much more likely to shock your body. If you do it more intentionally or a bit more scientific about it,
Christian Yordanov
have someone to guide you, sort of keep you accountable, you're much more likely to succeed. Now, other stuff, you know, like, so we already kind of mentioned thyroid function, metabolic rate, so weight loss does decrease thyroid hormone levels, slows the metabolism. But the other thing is, if you do it in a fast way, well, why are you losing a lot of weight? What hormones are sort of facilitating that?
Christian Yordanov
process or what's or rather I should say what hormones rise in response to the stress imposed on the body to lose a bunch of weight such as fasting low carb keto carnivore intermittent fasting is another one a lot of exercise what did I miss
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, so those are kind of the major sort of strategies, people, oh, it was epic, which just basically lowers your metabolism. So you eat less dieting, you know, this kind of stuff. So what happens as a response to all of those interventions? Well, stress hormones will increase. The most popular ones, well-known ones are cortisol, adrenaline, and there's a few others that are kind of involved. But as these increase, what what do they do? Well, adrenaline,
Christian Yordanov
it will reduce, ah it will cause like policies or sort of the breakdown of ah fat cells will start to release free fatty acids. Okay. So actually some, I don't know if you know, but some bodybuilders, they use certain things that raise boost adrenaline as part of their cutting phase when they're trying to you know lose fat and It's like, this is why you should never go to bodybuilders for advice about losing weight because they their methods work. But like, why are these guys dropping that in their 40s, 50s and even sometimes earlier? It's because these things are extremely harmful.
Christian Yordanov
so but what happens when okay so adrenaline is gonna make you feel like shit you might not be able to sleep as well you're gonna be jittery uh people are gonna hate dealing with you ah ah maybe not you maybe you're maybe you're cool but at least that's how That's how I am on a high adrenaline. But in cortisol, it's also going to make you feel like crap. yeah it's But here's here's the insidious part. um um An increase in cortisol will lower T, will lower testosterone. It's a protective hormone and
Christian Yordanov
As that lowers, you actually, in the longer term, after the weight loss phase, you're susceptible to more weight gain, lower metabolism, you know ah ah less able to maintain muscle mass, bone density. Ton of deleterious stuff happens when cortisol is always chronically elevated, even for a few months, in terms of like your protective sex sex hormones, and for women as well.
Christian Yordanov
right so That's not a good thing. right And the other issue is that chronically elevated cortisol, not only does it suppress the immune system because that's one of its major functions as an anti-inflammatory in the body. That's why corticosteroid creams and stuff are used for eczema, psoriasis, stuff like that.
Christian Yordanov
But cortisol actually, oh, and I should also say it also breaks down the degenerate your body, your bones, your skin, anything that has protein in it, you know, organs. So, but the the the other, the the more insidious, even more insidious thing is that it stimulates deposition of fat around the trunk, right?
Christian Yordanov
So this is kind of the more the more insidious, and you see this very clearly in people with Cushing's syndrome, which is ah condition of cortisol excess. They become extremely abdominal obese and their their the face as well becomes you know fat,
Christian Yordanov
but they have skin skinny arms and legs. that is the high cortisol phenotype.

Focus on Long-term Health

Christian Yordanov
And that is where a lot of sort of where a lot of folks are, I'm not saying it's going to be as pronounced in everybody, they they might have different sort of manifestations of of all of these factors in a deleterious way, but this is where a lot of people are heading with lower thyroid function, lower protective sex hormones, increasing the cortical steroids, you know the the the cortisol, the adrenaline, feeling like garbage,
Christian Yordanov
And in the end, what, when you lose the weight, you've lowered your metabolism and you were less healthy than you started out, you know, in many cases.
Christian Yordanov
yeah. So Jesus Christ. Okay. 27 minutes. Uh, I think I'll stop ranting there. This is sort of the, this is sort of the mistake. A lot of people in are, as we speak right now, there are people out there shortening their lives doing stupid, crazy attempts to lose a lot of weight very quickly. And unfortunately in this game, if you don't play the long game,
Christian Yordanov
it's It's just too difficult to make mistakes along the way. Most people just don't have the discipline to do everything right. And most people don't put in the foundations of detoxification, you know, gut health and improving sleep and, you know, tweaking the the hormones in a positive way. All of these things, if you do them, actually, and something I discussed at length already, but cleaning up the diet, you know, this is the idea. A lot of people with,
Christian Yordanov
weight loss goals, they would probably do themselves the biggest favor by to begin with as a phase, as one of the preliminary phases, is just to clean up their diet. I think a lot of people, I think most people will start to naturally lose some weight because of that, because when you get the seed oils and the polyunsaturated fats in general out of your

Diet's Role in Health

Christian Yordanov
diet. I mean just imagine getting 30-40 grams of this a day that you were eating. Now quickly let's just let's say 40 grams a day. which Many people are eating double that by the way in America. So this is a conservative sort of calculation but let's say you remove 40 grams of various polyunsaturated fats from your diet per day.
Christian Yordanov
times 9, that's 360 calories per day, times 30 is 10,800 times 12, that's 129,000 calories, give or take. Divide that by 3500,
Christian Yordanov
That's 37 pounds of a caloric deficit that can be created per year. like All else being equal, talking about just a caloric deficit, not necessarily that you will lose the weight or whatever. But here's the thing. this It's not just necessarily about the ah ah caloric deficit, it's about we're reducing
Christian Yordanov
bad calories, right? but Really, really bad calories that are not just calories. they They damage you. They damage your body when they become part of you or become peroxidized when they're inside you. So that actually takes a lot of burden on your on your body to deal with this stuff, right?
Christian Yordanov
On top of that, these remember polyunsaturated fats, they suppress the immune system and they also suppress the metabolism. So you could actually increase your metabolic rate over this year just by removing the stuff out of your diet. Because as you know you cut them out of your diet, they will start coming out of your body over several years. You'll be replacing them with better ones. So that alone,
Christian Yordanov
we will be a very low stress way that someone can begin this process. This sort of longer term process of becoming, and here's the thing, i this is something that yeah I cannot stress enough. If your goal is just to lose weight, you will, any he sort of, means will suffice to that end. But if your goal is to if your number one goal is to become as healthy as possible, then the strategy sort of fundamentally changes. And here's the beautiful part is when you start getting healthier,
Christian Yordanov
in the true sense of the word, like we're talking nutrition, supplementation, detoxification, gut health, hormone balance, stress reduction, learning how to breathe correctly, right? Being being more physically active without stressing your body. I mention hormone balance, sleep, all that good stuff. When you start doing all of that, you not only do you actually start to naturally lose weight without even trying,
Christian Yordanov
but a lot of symptoms, other symptoms begin to resolve themselves. This is why in the functional space, we don't chase symptoms. We try to get the person as healthy as possible from all angles as it were, because when you do symptoms melt, start to melt away. How quickly it happens, it depends. Depends on what we're doing for what and and the person, ah ah a million ah million factors. But things like sleep, you know, ah ah gut problems, irritability, sort of mood issues,
Christian Yordanov
yeah you know, just like what What else? What else? Just drawing a blank here. Just headaches, like so skin stuff. These things, as a person gets healthier you know in those ways that I just kind of discussed, naturally symptoms start to melt away. And why is that? Because symptoms are always absolutely every single freaking time. Symptoms are a result of underlying dysfunction in the body that has not been identified and addressed.
Christian Yordanov
If you identify the dysfunctional stuff in the body and you address it, over time the body restores balance. And here's the thing. what is extreme weight gain or a lot of weight gain, what is that a symptom of? it's a so or i should sort of the The question is, what is a lot of weight gain? It's a symptom, I should say. yeah And what is it a symptom of? It's a symptom of maybe a number of different things, but some of these include
Christian Yordanov
you know so some issue with the metabolism, some issue with energy production, could be mitochondrial function, right? Could be a lot of polyunsaturated fat intake, could be a plethora of things, could be a lot of stress, psychological, physiological, could be oxidative stress, it could be obviously bad diet. I think that's we we all know that. But here's the thing, the bad diet causes those problems, if you know what I mean, inflammation, oxidative stress, and puts a burden on the detox system. And you know, it can, depending on what chemicals are in it, it can make the gut leaky. It can cause immune system dysregulation. That's why diet is so important because when you clean up the diet,
Christian Yordanov
you are putting in less toxic stuff and potentially more nutrition. right but What does that do? It just turns the balance around. and it sort of It puts the balance towards more healing and regeneration regeneration as opposed to the body constantly putting out fires and degenerating.
Christian Yordanov
you know So that is that is so important. there's And there's so many benefits to that, just cleaning up the

Comprehensive Health Strategies

Christian Yordanov
diet. And of course, once you've done that, you can always turn up the diet on the fat loss. And there's there's really smart, low stress ways to do that. But If you don't understand the risks involved, I think you it's very easy to sort of succumb to whoever has the ah ah program that guarantees the fastest weight loss or your money back. And then what? Okay, you lose the weight in eight weeks or or a bunch of weight in 12 weeks. And then what? A year later?
Christian Yordanov
but Have you ever done any program? Has anybody ever like said, oh, I did this program. It was eight to 12 weeks, uh, uh, you know, 5,000 bucks. And, it was a money back guarantee. So like, hell yeah, why not? And I did lose the weight. And then what happened a year later? Are you still, did you maintain the the weight loss? Most people don't actually maintain the weight loss.
Christian Yordanov
And a lot of clients come to me, they tried carnivore, they tried keto, they tried low carb. but And the weight loss begins at first. it's It's great. It's awesome. The honeymoon period. And then a year later or some months later, they regain the weight and then it gets harder and every time it gets harder. And why? It's because they have painted themselves into a metabolic corner by lowering their metabolism due to the stress inflicted, imposed on their body by that specific diet. So point point last point there being, if you don't understand the dangers of fat fast weight loss,
Christian Yordanov
and you don't adjust your strategy to think more long term because longevity is a lifetime game. It's not a sprint. It's not a marathon. It's not a race. It's a game that we're constantly up leveling. And if you don't see this sort of the weight loss part of the whole longevity strategy, then you're going to really suck. Just put yourself in very precarious situations following ah dangerous harmful advice to to lose that weight. Whereas if you think about the point is longevity, health, in improving health as much as possible, optimizing health, the the weight loss will become a byproduct of that. And yes, it might not be sufficient to lose all the weight, but then there's always then levers you we can pull when that the time is right. But for now, the first thing should be getting as healthy as possible. And how does that start? It starts with cleaning up the diet as much as possible, right?
Christian Yordanov
No quick fixes, no magic sort of pills and potions. All the other stuff, it will help. But we're talking about small percentage points. If you don't have the diet, it's like you don't have the 80-20 rule. The diet is the 80% and then the rest of the stuff is 20%. So if you don't if you're not if you're focusing on the other stuff and you don't have the diet zeroed in, you know dialed in,
Christian Yordanov
you're kind of you're gonna be disappointed with the results you're gonna get so start there and yeah okay I think that I'll end it there thanks for tuning in and I'll see you on the next episode