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January Mistakes to Avoid - Part 3 image

January Mistakes to Avoid - Part 3

How to Actually Live Longer
171 Plays2 months ago

Are you following health trends that actually harm your body? In my eye-opening masterclass "The 7 Popular But Deadly Health Fads," I reveal how common health practices promoted by influencers and gurus might be ravaging your gut, accelerating disease, and shaving years off your life.

Discover which popular diets, supplements, and health rituals are secretly sabotaging your health and learn what to do instead. I explain why these seemingly healthy habits are damaging your body and provide actionable alternatives for true longevity.

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Check out the first volume in the How to Actually Live Longer book series on Amazon:

How to Actually Live Longer is your go-to podcast for cutting through the noise and discovering practical, science-backed strategies to not just add years to your life, but to add life to your years. Hosted by longevity author and functional health practitioner Christian Yordanov, this podcast dives deep into the truths (and myths) behind longevity, health optimization, and addressing chronic health problems.

Each episode offers actionable insights drawn from the host's own research, clinical practice, and personal journey, helping you make informed decisions to restore and enhance your health. Whether you're interested in reducing stress, boosting your energy and mental performance, improving your gut health, or simply looking to optimize your diet and lifestyle, this podcast delivers the tools you need to live a healthier, longer life.

Christian Yordanov
Hey, it's Christian, you're old enough. In today's January mistakes to avoid part three, we're going to talk about vegetables. Are they really essential or even needed for to be healthy? And honestly, they're not, you know, in um it's not my opinion, just objectively.
Christian Yordanov
There's nothing in plants really that you can get from animal products, but there's a lot in animal products that you will not find in plants, right? And there's just a lot of, su there's so much brainwashing out there, so much propaganda. And there's so many influential people spouting the stuff that I can absolutely empathize if you you know, believe the stuff and many people have been duped and
Christian Yordanov
You know, you can't, I can't blame you. cant You can't feel guilty, I don't think, because I myself, you know, and should i I certainly wouldn't judge anyone because I spent like two years of my life over two periods eating vegetarian and most of it was plant-based, like fully plant-based, quote unquote, vegan, which you can't say because you were never really vegan if you even have one egg, I guess. But,
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, I definitely got brainwashed myself super hard. And then it took me a lot of hundreds and hundreds of hours of research to unbrainwash myself. you know But i'm I'm hoping that I could potentially help to influence you to not feel guilty if you don't eat a lot of vegetables and to not, because this is what happens. People don't eat super clean.
Christian Yordanov
over the Christmas period or in general. you know And then January comes and then they're like, okay, I'm gonna start eating more vegetables. This is what I have to do. And honestly, it's not what you have to do. You don't have to eat any vegetables, any vegetables whatsoever.
Christian Yordanov
if you don't want to if you want to eat vegetables you like vegetables of course you you can eat vegetables i'm not telling you not to eat plants or vegetables like i eat some vegetables here and there but i don't feel guilty like sometimes i go weeks straight up weeks without eating any vegetables with zero Zero care in the world and actually today I'm just making I'm kind of slow cooking some chicken thighs and drumsticks and I just For the crack threw in an onion I chopped in there just to kind of flavor the broth and stuff
Christian Yordanov
But that that's probably like the only vegetables I will have eaten. Oh, actually, that's a lie because over the Christmas period, you know, my my wife made some stuff and, you know, we had family over and they cooked stuff with vegetables. And and i I ate the stuff, you know, and it wasn't a problem. But that's, again, totally fine to do. Just don't think now, oh, January, I'm going to like,
Christian Yordanov
eat clean, and to eat clean, you have to eat vegetables. This is the such a huge misnomer that so many people get sort of lulled into. Eating clean doesn't mean eating a lot of vegetables. Eating clean means, at least the way I kind of understand eating clean, means First of all, as much as you can get certified organic, that's super important. And when I say certified organic, it's not necessarily the label that's important, but the companies that produce the food are doing stuff that is not going to poison you. Now, this is another massive problem is folks out there that are going to eat a lot of vegetables, maybe they might even try to go plant-based in the new year or whatever.
Christian Yordanov
If they don't go and buy organic certified organic biodynamic vegetables, they just buy like the store bought stuff. That's got a lot of poison in it on it. At the very least, you know, synthetic fertilizers and pesticides and herbicides and insecticides and know God knows what else.
Christian Yordanov
god just God only knows what other manner of stuff is in there, right? So huge mistake, huge mistake to do that. If you're going to do it, at least spend a buck or two for whatever for the whatever certified organic alternative is there. if there isn't If there isn't one, don't buy the damn thing because I i would rather never eat a specific food if I can't find it organic as opposed to eating. Just a simple example. I never buy strawberries.
Christian Yordanov
unless they're certified organic. And even then I kind of avoid them because they bioaccumulate a lot. But you know, my wife, my daughter, they like them. I want to get them for them. I only do that when they're in season because that's the only way certified organic farmers can provide you strawberries when they're actually in season. You can probably always in in some places, you can always get store like organic or sorry, conventional strawberries. But,
Christian Yordanov
You don't want to do that. You absolutely do not want to do that. Although that kind of is a little bit of a tangent because, you know, fruit, I have no problem with fruit, of course. It's really more the the brainwashing, like I remember some years ago, I was listening to Charles Paul Aquinn, the late, great guy, you know,
Christian Yordanov
He trained many, I don't know, dozens of Olympic gold medalists and stuff like that. So he was pretty ah ah quite quite a legend, although he did advocate for taking 20-30 grams of fish oil every day. And I don't know if that had to do anything with him passing away, I think, in his 50s or maybe early 60s.
Christian Yordanov
way, way, way too early. I wonder if that had something to do with it. But he ah he kind of was talking about, he was talking about if you put a bunch of different trainers and specialists in terms of health and fitness, they're going to disagree about a lot. But one thing they will always agree on is you have to eat more vegetables. That was like 10 years ago, that interview maybe more. And things now have changed to where the carnivore and these guys are kind of coming in and
Christian Yordanov
basically dismantling that sort of dogma that you have to eat a lot of vegetables to be healthy. And if you actually objectively look into it, there is nothing really in most of these vegetables and fruits and just in general plant foods, there's nothing really in there that you can't get from animal foods.
Christian Yordanov
right So to think you have to eat a lot of vegetables to be healthy. So what does what do the vegetables give you that you're not gonna get? it the fiber? Well, that's not really essential for life, really. It's not. Is it the polyphenols? Nah, it's not really not. Is it the sulforaphane and the broccoli? That's poison, that's a toxin.
Christian Yordanov
you know Is it the vitamins? Well, no, because there's actually a lot of vitamins in animal foods that are not found in in vegetables specifically and just in plants in general. ah ah A lot of the minerals are bio unavailable, right? I should also mention a lot of these fat water soluble vitamins, they're heat lay bio, lead lab bio, whatever. So if you cook the vegetable for a long time, like 30 minutes, you're going to destroy the vitamin C to a great extent, the the B vitamins in there, and even so those B vitamins, they're not in the optimal form for a mammal.
Christian Yordanov
They're in the optimal form for plants metabolism, not for animals metabolism. right And a lot of the stuff is, again, it's it's inside like cellulose and fibers and various other types of fibers and and structural components that are difficult for us to digest. So you have to cook it. And then again, you're destroying some stuff.
Christian Yordanov
And not to mention, well, I will mention, is there's a lot of toxins in in these plants. That's why you have to cook a potato, for example. right that's no not but that Again, I don't have a problem with eating vegetables some of the time. It's the fact that this is a big mistake that folks make in the new year.
Christian Yordanov
they're gonna eat clean therefore they eat a lot of vegetables and that is really not what eating clean is as I was kind of rambling through this discussion to get here is eating clean is to continue that point is certified organic and then start there Right, so if you can actually and I discussed it in part one if you can start buying your food as clean as possible the sources as clean as possible, you know organic certified organic or pastured or wild caught this kind of stuff hunted and then
Christian Yordanov
If you're working within those parameters, there's just your choices are greatly reduced, right? So you won't you won't really have as many options for for poison. Like you' you're not gonna see certified organic Twinkies because there's way too many chemicals in there that just wouldn't pass the certification process, right?
Christian Yordanov
So that's the thing and if you can eat as many of you if you can make your meals include as many single ingredient type foods, this is this is eating clean.
Christian Yordanov
right You can process the food on your own, cook it and you know add your own like flavors and yourre whatever style you want to cook it in, but you're you're starting off with very clean food. This to me is what eating clean really is. That is why I tell people,
Christian Yordanov
If you eat out a lot, you're not eating clean. I don't care if you're super sort of careful what you order, you're not eating clean because most restaurants like 99.9999% of them don't buy certified organic ingredients.
Christian Yordanov
And a huge part of them, just their quality standards are frigging, what's the cheapest crap we can get and cobble together this food to maximize, you know,
Christian Yordanov
profit. Not that it's a very profitable business to be in, but that's the that's why they have to cut as many corners as possible. you know I've been at the cash and carry, I can see what they stock, I can see how much of the food there on Offway Certified Organica here in in in Portugal.
Christian Yordanov
which is way better than most places you know in the USA where oh my god i don't even want to think about like i having been to mexico once for anarchpoco that was oh my god like i hadn't eaten that poorly in five six years at least but for a whole week it ah I've never eaten that bad, if you know what I mean. like Every dish I had had seed oils and stuff like that. It was it was pretty pretty bad. and don't even want to think about it. but yeah so just trying to Just trying to give you some words of support and encouragement.
Christian Yordanov
in I know the first few weeks of the year for some people, it can be very sort of yeah yeah some folks get super motivated and it's awesome. Other folks, you know they just can't seem to get the the wheels turning and get this momentum going.
Christian Yordanov
and You know, people are trying, everybody's like doing their best. And, you know, if you if you're like a lot of folks out there, if you're out there, you know, second or third of January, okay, I'm gonna start dieting or cutting calories, eating less food, exercising more, eating more vegetables, maybe drinking more water, right? You are,
Christian Yordanov
kind of shooting yourself in the foot on many of these things. You know what I mean? So I just want want to say this so that maybe you can give yourself some grace if you hate vegetables. Again, if you like vegetables, totally cool. Eat the vegetables.
Christian Yordanov
My wife likes vegetables, so I occasionally when I'm buying food, I will buy some vegetables for her. But I'll tell you a lot of the time those friggin vegetables they just rot in the fridge, like for a lot of people, like we used to buy a lot more because I used to think, okay, we have to get a balanced diet, which which is freaking nonsense, right? Balanced diet is absolute bollocks or a diverse diet. That's another sort of load load of baloney. You're eating a diverse diet. Why? Because that way that reduces the chances that you're going to have a deficiency of something because you're getting a lot of different... like Could there be a stupid or sort of thing when you think about it? It's like Warren Buffett. I sometimes say this, you know, Warren Buffett had this saying something around, yeah diversification is only only necessary if you don't know what you're doing, right? So it's similar with food. If you don't know what the hell you're doing,
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, maybe eating a bunch of different things will guarantee you get all your and nutrition, or at least you won't become severely deficient. But we know what a human needs to thrive, and vegetables ain't it. And here's the other thing, I sometimes joke about this, is if... Here's the thing.
Christian Yordanov
after that. So the more I learn about nutrition and everything in health, the less vegetables I eat. Shouldn't it be the opposite? Shouldn't it as you
Christian Yordanov
learn more and they're exposed to information and different viewpoints and studies and blah, blah, blah and experimentation. Shouldn't you like eat more because you're seeing so much evidence that they're so good for you and stuff like that. And it's kind of it's kind of the opposite.
Christian Yordanov
you know with vegetables. It's sort of the the a hypothesis, if it's correct or close to correct, it should have more and more evidence accumulate about it, around it, over over the any given length of time.
Christian Yordanov
For example, the cholesterol hypothesis. Now, if you just look at PubMed, it's a lot of studies that are citing each other, citing like very old but very terribly done research. right And that that if you just look at that in the aggregate from ah a far distance, that is like that's a huge body of evidence. There's the evidence base.
Christian Yordanov
And for that hypothesis, therefore, let's you know go to the doctor and get a statin. But obviously, you know I'm sure you know that that's a load of baloney. But they do use that to you know engineer the world in terms of like the doctors, but they what they know, quote unquote, know, what they've been told to think, and then they what they do with their patients.
Christian Yordanov
And... well what... What is actually, if you actually start looking deeper into it though, right? just Just to continue that example, if you look at the cholesterol hypothesis over the decades, it's actually become weaker and weaker in terms of everything, in terms of statins being helpful, in terms of saturated fat being bad, in terms of cholesterol being bad, in terms of the polyunsaturated fats being heart healthy, right? Nobody's, claim no company's claiming that anymore, although I have seen it here.
Christian Yordanov
because they're gonna get sued at this point, because that's that's an outright lie, right? So to me, and you know many many folks that kind of I associate with in the health space, they are kind of going down a similar journey where it's like, yeah, I mean, if the vegetables are so good for us,
Christian Yordanov
where like why where is the ah ah may What is so good about them? like is it he said Again, we covered the the vitamins that a lot of them are actually not found, in you know especially most of the fat soluble ones.
Christian Yordanov
There are really finely-grade quantities other than vitamin E in those foods. Water-soluble vitamins, they're very easily damaged by heat. right There's a lot of indigestible stuff. to ah There's a lot of toxins like oxalates and phytic acid and tannins, and some of the polyphenols are toxic. and you know That's not great. Okay. Then the carbohydrates, then in terms of macronutrients, okay, the carbohydrates in vegetables, fine. Some of them are good if you cook them well and stuff like that. But there's a lot of, again, there's a lot of strings attached, a lot of fiber and digestible stuff that could feed the wrong bacteria. yeah You don't want that. And
Christian Yordanov
You know if you farting a lot like i was when i was eating beans and you know taking three massive dumps every day being plant based i don't think that's normal and if there's so much nutrition in there why was i pooping most of what i was eating out.
Christian Yordanov
You know, that was this humongous poops, like ungodly poops. And the gas wasn't bad. Like it wasn't like a bad smelling horrific gas, but like you feel it's, look, it's not normal to fart like all the time. I don't know. Some people think it's okay or it's normal, but like you, you really shouldn't fart much.
Christian Yordanov
That's not, something is not right if you're farting a lot, right? So, and then, so the the the carbohydrates potentially can be okay. The fats, the plant fats, if you listen to the gurus like Dr. Gunji, he's like, oh, plant fats are the best. And the the and sesame seed oil and, bought like come on, man. Like it's the mostly polyunsaturated fats, most of these,
Christian Yordanov
Plants and then we've discussed and in my book and so many other people have discussed the polyunsaturated fats are Really not optimal for for a warm-blooded mammal right in tiny amounts They're acceptable because they're just so ubiquitous in the food supply right and But when I say tiny amounts like most people are reading probably At least two probably like three four five X more
Christian Yordanov
than is optimal, right so way, way, way too much. So that that's what you get in a lot of these plants. Not necessarily vegetables, more like the seeds and the grains that type of thing, but know a lot of people consider sort of healthy, whole grains part of the vegetables. And then protein, let's talk about protein for a minute. so
Christian Yordanov
The protein in vegetables is laughable, right first of all, in terms of how much you get in a vegetable. There's a laughable amount of protein. So anyone that looks at the protein they get from vegetables as as like having a meaning like let's say you do your calculation and you said oh but I got 20 grams or 30 grams of protein for my the plants that I ate today well that's that but person is just unfortunately misled into believing that it matters a damn because first of all like I said there because there's so much indigestible you know structure components in these plant cells some of that protein is just part of these structures that you cannot
Christian Yordanov
break down with your the enzyme that your pancreas and your intestinal cells secrete so again you have to cook the bejesus out of the food but then you're probably damaging some of the those nutritious things so that's one aspect of it and then If you look at, if you just type into chat GPT, give me the BV, I think it stands for biological value of proteins, different types of proteins. It will give you eggs and milk and meat and cheese.
Christian Yordanov
And they ask it for, and I've done this, I think I have it a video maybe in my client program or maybe on this podcast I can remember or the other podcast. But up it will give you the biological value of these foods and guess what? Beans and seeds and nuts, the biological value is like
Christian Yordanov
40 to 60%, right? So at best you're getting like half, let's say you get 50 grams of protein from, you know, various plants and stuff like that. It's probably, it's much more likely that you're going to absorb like 20, 25 grams at most of that, right? So just to quickly sum up,
Christian Yordanov
The protein in plants is not really the ah ah type. yeah This actually gets a little bit deeper here, but it's also the amino acid content of plant protein is actually not optimal. right There's another thing. There's too much of certain amino acids, too little of others. That's another thing that's a little bit of a rabbit hole.
Christian Yordanov
but um Plant foods in general, laughable amount of protein in many of them. And then the ones that are touted as high in protein, like soy and beans. I mean, like anyone that nowadays, even in 2025, that tells me, soy this, soy that is great. I'm like, just dude, you're clueless. You're clueless. Please go, go get a clue.
Christian Yordanov
go find a clue, read some stuff, look at some YouTube videos, some do something, edumacate yourself, because this is just Farsiko. And then Beans, a a lot of folks are, I had one client, she told me horrific gut problems, or she had horrific gut problems and and other stuff. And when she started working with me, lot I think two years ago now, a couple of years ago. She was like, yeah, yeah, this this woman, they call her the bean lady. She told me to eat these beans and those beans are like, stop eating beans. Stop eating these goddamn beans. And yeah, within like literally within the first week of her just removing a bunch of these things, she was already better. Like sure like she wasn't like,
Christian Yordanov
She hadn't healed herself, but at least some of her horrific symptoms had started to subside greatly, like um just the horrific pain after meals, dreading meals, gas, bloating, you know, pain along with that. so And that was beans, you know. So, yeah.
Christian Yordanov
So protein, laughable, fats, generally gonna be unsaturated fats for the most part, not optimal for a mammal.
Christian Yordanov
Carbs, you know, yes, so some some plants will have decent, you know, carbs and whatever else. But the fiber, this is and another thing that I have to do, probably Yeah, actually, hold on. Let me make a note here for the next episode. We're going to talk about all about fiber, man. I completely thought... I know we kind of lump it in with vegetables, but that it feels like it needs ah it needs this episode. I'm just going to bump it up after this discussion. Yeah, so fiber, potentially bad for some people for sure.
Christian Yordanov
What else? of Vitamins, not not not ideal forms, many lacking many many many many minerals. the Wait, so vita yeah, vitamins and minerals, some could be bio unavailable, some could be made bio available by cooking, but that can destroy other vitamins when you're making minerals bio unavailable. And then like I kind of briefly mentioned all the toxins and other stuff that nobody's really talking about when when they're pushing the vegetables to you. Like, oh, the spinach smoothie in the morning. Like I cannot tell you how many clients I have gotten off of that. They're like, you know what?
Christian Yordanov
I actually feel better without this damn thing. And yeah, okay, you can make spinach palatable with like, you know, putting some berries and bananas and whatever other stuff in there. But they're like, you know what? To hell with this stupid spinach smoothie in the morning and kale, that's another one, you know. that i Listen, listen to me. Hand on heart. I will never eat kale or spinach I mean I will
Christian Yordanov
like kid I will never like buy kale to eat kale or spinach. to eat yeah If I'm at a restaurant and they made like sauteed spinach with like maybe a little bit of lemon juice and some garlic on the side of the steak, I can take it or leave it. I might eat it. I don't have a massive problem with like eating vegetables, even if I feel like they're not like they're way low on the list. like never like ever buy it on my own but I might leave it in the context of like a meal like that was nicely prepared and stuff like that or so just to kind of like not hurt somebody's feeling feelings like you know you go to somebody's house and they don't know what the hell is going on and they're like oh I got like some kale and and and spinach and you know after that we're gonna eat like
Christian Yordanov
sesame tahini with i made my own hummus with tahini and chickpeas and god knows you know like and again not judging because i did i did this for two years and i was buying books by the high priest of veganism dr michael greger you know the guy you know dr michael greger There's a guy on on YouTube, he makes a great yeah he can really so he he does great impression of Dr. Michael Greger. If you heard his sort of high-pitched, nasally voice, this guy, he he's like, if you don't eat your fruits and vegetables, you might die!
Christian Yordanov
Oh, it's hilarious. Yeah, so I was buying his book, How Not to Die, and giving it to people. It's an absolute joke. It's an absolute joke. And I cringe now when I think back. And my wife is very good at reminding me about it often just to kind of keep me in check. It's like, don't think you know so much because you change your mind about that. You change your mind about keto. You change your mind about low carb.
Christian Yordanov
You may change ah your mind about stuff you're you're you're preaching now. so yeah think being being a This something I learned over the years, is like really not accepting things at face value, even if they're coming from an influential person, even if you respect them. Really, we have to stay humble and learn. and But this is one thing, again, I'm telling you, the more I learn,
Christian Yordanov
the more, the less I care about, you know, eating vegetables. It's just not necessary. Don't beat yourself up if you don't do it. Don't beat yourself. Now, keep keep in mind, let me just kind of sort of caveat this. If you're gonna eat garbage and then you're going to switch over to eating more vegetables to display some of that garbage, like a lot of Americans do, that switch over to eating more vegetables. That is for sure a step in the right direction. So don't get me like don't get me wrong.
Christian Yordanov
they can have value as a stepping stone to something better. But sure like it's not mecca. You're not going to switch over to eating a lot of vegetables. Again, especially if they're conventionally grown, not organic and stuff like that. You're not going to switch over to a lot of vegetables and then keep experiencing benefits and gains. For the first several months,
Christian Yordanov
maybe up to a year, depending on how far down the processed Western American diet journey you went, that you could you could get a lot of benefits, even like switching from plant to plant-based, or even keto, whatever. Anything that makes you more intentional about your diet,
Christian Yordanov
And you stop buying so much you know process stuff and you start being you know more you start learning a little bit about the stuff and cooking your own meals and prepping and stuff like that. that that that's That's totally cool. you know I don't want to like poop poo-poo on people that are are doing that and they're they trying to better their lot.
Christian Yordanov
you know don't I don't want to be like come off as a belligerent prick about it, but if you are the kind of person that right now is like, okay, I'm going to eat more vegetables, I'm going to get healthy this year.
Christian Yordanov
You don't need to, if you don't want to. That's all I'm trying to tell you. So don't feel guilty. you know i used I'll be honest with you. I used to, for a while, feel guilty that I'm not eating enough vegetables. I thought I was doing my my my body, my health a disservice by not eating vegetables. And I was particularly sort of Anointed myself is that we would buy the stuff, it would rot in the fridge, whatever, and then we would kind of have to throw it out eventually, you know? And I was like, this is bollocks. So then that's when I so i actually stopped buying the stuff so much. Now I just buy it when my wife tells me, you know, okay, can you get whatever, carrots and butternut and oh, we need garlic and stuff like that. And then I buy it when I order food
Christian Yordanov
But otherwise, and yes, sometimes I crave something, but like good old potatoes and stuff, but you know, there's there's no guilt there again, because it's not, this is what I hate is, and this kind of draws eyeballs to you yeah as an influencer or a content creator or whatever is being extreme. like never eat this or only eat this or whatever and we're drawn to that kind of thing but I really don't like this and I don't teach this kind of stuff to my clients where we're super extreme like excluding everything and even even if something is on the exclude list it's not like it you
Christian Yordanov
I'm going to come over and you know spank you because you ate the thing that is not on the list you know that that's on the exclude list. you know We're all adults. We're allowed to have a little bit of fun whenever we want to. But the key is keep the garbage out of the home and do do the consistently the things that matter most. Do those consistently. And then when you're out here and there,
Christian Yordanov
it's okay if you want to you know have a glass of wine and maybe a slice of pizza a few hits off of a crack pipe totally cool you know don't beat yourself up about it yolo yolo but when you're at home you know just keep keep the garbage out of the house and uh i better wrap up here because i have a call in five minutes yeah hopefully that made some sense, he learned something, he got inspired to you know not waste your money on vegetables. diver I would much rather divert those funds into high quality animal foods than waste them on these low, and this is the thing, low calorie, but nutrient dense. That's what they that's what we're told. No, it's bollocks.
Christian Yordanov
i i ah some maybe last year sometime, I did a comparison of 800 calories of foods like ah ah milk and liver and egg and bla blah, blah, blah. And then 800 calories of like plant foods, broccoli and carrots and a few other things. So 800 calories of the plant foods were half the price of these other ones, at least for for my kind of, the the prices were based and in my region here, but the animal foods were half the price. And yeah, you get a lot more volume with the with the other stuff, but you get so much you so much more nutrition out of the plant foods, but based on that calculation I did in chronometer, which I should maybe do that again, that'll be good content to kind of analyze.
Christian Yordanov
you know a thousand calories of plant foods, how much it cost not just the nutrition, but also how much it costs. And yeah again, if you buy organic, it costs actually a lot more because like ah I think haven't bought spinach in ages. but It's like three bucks for like a hundred or maybe 200 grams, which is gonna be like 15 to 30 bucks for a kilogram of spinach, where for that money, I can get a kilogram of organic beef or two kilograms of chicken. you know So it's insane. And when you look at a kilogram of spinach, what it has nutrient wise and calorie wise, it's a joke.
Christian Yordanov
It's an absolute joke. So anyway, I got to wrap this up. Thank you for listening and I'll see you on the next episode.