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Bryan Johnson's "Blueprint" - My Thoughts image

Bryan Johnson's "Blueprint" - My Thoughts

How to Actually Live Longer
241 Plays3 months ago

Are you following health trends that actually harm your body? In my eye-opening masterclass "The 7 Popular But Deadly Health Fads," I reveal how common health practices promoted by influencers and gurus might be ravaging your gut, accelerating disease, and shaving years off your life.

Discover which popular diets, supplements, and health rituals are secretly sabotaging your health and learn what to do instead. I explain why these seemingly healthy habits are damaging your body and provide actionable alternatives for true longevity.

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How to Actually Live Longer is your go-to podcast for cutting through the noise and discovering practical, science-backed strategies to not just add years to your life, but to add life to your years. Hosted by longevity author and functional health practitioner Christian Yordanov, this podcast dives deep into the truths (and myths) behind longevity, health optimization, and addressing chronic health problems.

Each episode offers actionable insights drawn from the host's own research, clinical practice, and personal journey, helping you make informed decisions to restore and enhance your health. Whether you're interested in reducing stress, boosting your energy and mental performance, improving your gut health, or simply looking to optimize your diet and lifestyle, this podcast delivers the tools you need to live a healthier, longer life.


Introduction and Background on Brian Johnson

Hey Christian Jardinov here. Today I'm gonna give you my critique of Brian Johnson's um blueprint. ah If you don't know who Brian Johnson is, he is a former I think Silicon Valley, I think it was like part of PayPal executives or tech tech guy that made a bunch of money and then he blew up on social media as the guy that is gonna like try to like not die his motto of his company or whatever it is, is don't die.

Influence on Youth and Health Misinformation

And I'm going to try to be respectful here, but I'm going to be forthcoming and say that I actually do not like his blueprint, this whole thing, what he's doing. I i actually do not approve, not that anyone cares or he cares, of course, but I'm going to explain why because.
He is i think he had more than a million followers on youtube the last time i checked and he is influencing a lot of people a lot of young people and in a very bad way i should add. No explain why in a minute ah or two but ah for example last not last year earlier this year i was taking my kid to like this.
ah yoga studio where the kids can play, parents can talk. And there was a lady there. She, her kid was, I don't know, like still breastfeeding. So she was, she was like less than a year old. So the lady, you know, um obviously just not, not exactly a biohacker or like deep into health, but we started talking about, cause I had my book, I had just published it like a a couple of months, a few months prior. And, um,
my How to Actually Live Longer book. And she just kind of started talking about this guy. She didn't even know his name fully, but there was one guy ah that his motto is, don't die. and And she was like, yeah, he knows what's up. And I was like, Oh, you mean Brian Johnson? And because I started, I was talking about why low carb this and fasting that and she she basically it was just indoctrinated like anyone would be by the mainstream. And It was going against some of the stuff that he, she heard that he does, you know, and I then told her, do you know that this Brian Johnson guy is on testosterone replacement therapy to maintain his testosterone levels?

Critique of Health Practices and Accessibility

And at one point his body temperature was like five degrees Fahrenheit lower than like it should be. And she's like, no, I didn't know that. And that's the thing.
The people that see him they see kind of a very well um Made up sort of facade and underneath it is really a house of cards and that's the blueprint that It's so amazing, allegedly, that is a house of cards that is really not doesn't have a very solid foundation. Now, I should say it may have a very solid scientific foundation, foundation quote unquote, but
when you When you don't allow yourself to be sort of someone to throw some studies at you and, and oh my God, if if it's evidence-based, then what do I know? Let me just trust it trust the science. So if you have a little bit of an ability to discern what the hell is going on yeah and you you start in investigating aspects of this blueprint, so-called, you kind of see that it is it's kind of It's not really very good. In fact, and a lot of it is harmful. And the the difference is that Brian Johnson can afford a lot of stuff and treatments and procedures that could ameliorate or mitigate some of the harmful effects of the regular PLEB blueprint that he is you know given for free to everybody out of the goodness of his heart.
um And the regular person will not actually be able to get that stuff. For example, most people are not going to get testosterone replacement therapy to compensate for their low testosterone level but because they're on a freaking low fat plant-based diet and are doing all this exercise and are not actually getting some decent nutrition to offset this stress on their body. And actually, um a couple of months ago,
I don't know why but i was just looking looking. I was just searching for what other people were saying about the blueprint and there's a dude i think he's somewhere in europe like maybe in german or something nice guy he has a youtube channel couple of thousand subscribers and he his channel is all about him following.

Potential Harms of Restrictive Diets

Brian Johnson's blueprint. And I just perused it. He made a website about it. And I just looked at some of the logs. and So he had started out plant-based and he had then started eating some animal products, I think like fish and maybe eggs and dairy, because he just didn't feel good. He like he was deteriorating.
And he was training hard at the same time. And then at one point, he had reduced the intermittent fasting window because he wasn't able to get enough nutrition in that short um feeding window. ah That is apparently part of the blueprint, right? So I'm just seeing like,
And the dude was bald. ah like he um' like I'm only like speculating here, but he may have lost his hair because he was he looked very athletic. So he was probably putting his body under a lot of torturous stress and exercise and running and whatever else. Increasing VO2 max for because and the number is so important. That's what we should be you know looking to increase. The number of your VO2 max, that means you're healthy. Yeah.
Um, so, and then I just, I was like, Oh my God, this, this is like really bad. And this irks me when folks like that are influencing a lot of younger people because they're going to destroy their health following these methods. And I'm going to explain why I believe some of this is really suboptimal in terms of a longevity ah yeah of all the things this to call this a longevity blueprint. I think it's preposterous. Right. So.
Where to start? So let me just explain in case you don't know so what what he does. so Rigorous daily routine, he follows the highly structured daily routine that includes a carefully calibrated diet, exercise and sleep schedule. Every aspect of his life is meticulously planned and tracked to ensure he's doing everything possible to slow down or even reverse aging.
He uses advanced biometric tracking to monitor various health markers, including heart rate variability, sleep quality, blood glucose levels, etc. Nutritional protocol, so it's a plant-based diet that is specifically designed to minimize inflammation, oxidative stress, and other factors that contribute to aging. His diet is high in nutrient-dense foods and carefully controlled for caloric intake to support longevity.
and um exercise but regimen that is highly tailored, focusing on the balance of strength, cardiovascular fitness flexibility, and that that helps maintain muscle mass, cardiovascular health, and blah, blah, blah. It takes a wide variety of supplements daily. It's chosen for its specific benefits related to aging, cognitive function, immune support, and overall health.
sleep optimization. So he sleeps alone, ah alone, but a massive emphasis on sleep, recognizing its critical role in recovery cognitive function. And he makes sure that he tracks his nighttime erections. And he's in the top 1% for nighttime erections, um not just for his age bracket of 46, but also, I think among 18 year olds, which Incidentally is probably the the part of his stuff that I agree with the most that you need to that is a really good sort of barometer
on a man's health, does you wake up with erections and stuff like that. that is That is kind of interesting. But what's interesting to me is so Brian Johnson, because he's so filthy rich, he has a team which is made up of doctors, medical professionals, and PhD scientists, stuff like that, right? So I heard at like a two minute clip, I think Dave Asprey had posted it on his um YouTube channel.
And it was just a two-minute clip of Dave Asper saying something like, so tell me a lot, like, you you like the olive oil so much, but aren't you worried that, you know, it's gonna, like, activate SCD1 or, like, he said something like that, you know, and Brian Johnson just kind of paused for a second. He's like, look,
I can just I can say a bunch of words but the thing is I will always be able to find studies that support my thing and you will always find studies to support your thing so I have a team and I have outsourced this thing to the team so clearly and I'm not trying to like be insulting anything he doesn't have a clue right so he is he thinks he has like the best team.
and the the Here's the problem. I'm sure they're very intelligent people and very well credentialed, probably the best in the world. but if here this is This is just straight-up fact. Most folks that are but go through like an MD training or a PhD training, most of those folks are heavily indoctrinated into that stuff. and So they if they only follow the evidence base, it becomes you go from evidence-based to evidence-limited because then nothing that is outside of this evidence base then can be considered until it becomes fucking evidence-based, until there's evidence to support it.
right so that actually can be extremely limiting because you might not try some things you might do things that are actually the evidence shows benefit in like lab animals or cell culture studies and you might extrapolate that to humans right stuff like that right so stuff like that and a lot of when it's super clinical and evidence-based a lot of

Questioning Plant-Based Diets

ah common sense goes out of the window. So that is actually dangerous, right? For example, just as an example, plant-based diet, right? The plant-based diet, where where is the evidence that any culture in the history of humanity that we have recorded has survived even because
We don't have any or thrived only on plant-based diets. No culture has been found that doesn't eat animal products. So what is the evidence base? It must be in like animals, in laboratory animals or whatever.
So I don't see where the evidence, where they can get this evidence over like a hundred years. What study has been done over a hundred, like a lifespan of a human that's potentially even randomized. It's impossible to do this, right? To randomize it between meat.
or or animal um omnni omnivorous diet and plant-based diet. So clearly there's no human research that's been done for a long enough time. So what is the evidence-based? Where is the science-based for the plant-based diet alone? right So already here I have a massive problem with this.
Because, yeah, okay, if you can afford all these other treatments and ah the the highest quality food, maybe you can get away with it with all the extra supplementation and stuff like that. And God knows what what you're not telling us you're doing, if you know stem cells and God you know god knows god knows what what you can you what's available to you when you're at that level financially, right? And then he's making it look like the plant-based diet is optimal for longevity. And a lot of people are swallowing it hook, line and sinker out there. And um it it must be and tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions. If he has a million YouTube subscribers, that's a lot of people. So that's a big, to me, that's a massive problem. And then he was doing the cal caloric restriction and look, I've had a
I've had some in my book, I talk about why the the the caloric restriction for lifespan extension is bogus. It's BS because it's done in animals, first of all, where they eat toxic slop called a diet that the laboratory child for a rat or or monkey monkey or whatever soybean oil, uh, alfalfa meal, uh, what Jesus fish oil, fish meal. It's just a disgusting concoction of.
glorified toxic slop. And then they put those animals on fasting or caloric restriction or intermittent fasting regimes. And then those animals do better than the ones that are eating less of this poison, right? And so that is where the whole caloric restriction stuff is based. So if that's your evidence base, you're freaking screwed. If you follow that for a human, for a mammal,
yeah Yeah, you know what I mean? So from what I heard, his temperature was lowered, his testosterone was tanked, and he they I think they reduced his caloric restriction because of that, right? Because Jesus Christ, imagine you go severely hypothyroid on at twenty even like a 20% calorie restriction,
You're going to go severely hypothyroid. You'll be cold all the time. Just your your whole body starts to ah disintegrate. You're eating yourself up. You're disintegrating yourself to turn yourself into glucose to meet the energy deficit. Right. And then that that.
They did that for a while and until they copped on and they tweaked it, like, is this your stellar team? Dude, you could have paid me like 20K. I would have given you a decent protocol and you would be doing a lot better. You know what I mean? ah if that If that's your science base. And so they tanked all of his sort of like his testosterone. So of course he was taking testosterone. So he, a lot of the stuff, again,
can be masked if you can afford the testosterone the peptides you know if you're on thyroid hormone whatever else right but the regular joe and jane that are gonna do this they're gonna tank their health but here's the thing what he now does is he offers his blueprint supplements, his line of supplements, right?

Supplement Critiques and Skepticism

So let's look at some of them. Let me see how 15 minutes. Okay, not too bad. So I want going to look at some of these blueprint supplements and just give you my thoughts. They're not all bad. For example, the essential soft gel daily longevity antioxidants for women and men. That one has vitamin K1, K2,
MK4 and MK7. It has astaxanthin, 12 milligrams, lycopene and lutein, 15 milligrams. And the vitamin K is 5 milligrams, quite a decent dose. And then there's the MK7 is 600 micrograms of the vitamin K2. So this um this is actually a decent one. I haven't actually looked at the price, but it also have to factor in the price.
But let's just look at ingredients and and composition and stuff like that. So that one is good. Then his essential capsules. So that's vitamin D, vitamin E. ah So B, the B vitamins, you know, your folates, your methylcobalamin, you know, you have some. So you have some ah zinc.
a little bit of tiny bit of selenium, tiny bit of manganese iodine um potassium iodide and then okay so that you know acceptable acceptable right
ah Not optimal, but acceptable. But here's the thing. In the rest of it, there's a bunch of other stuff. There's some nico nicotinamide riboside, sure, whatever. um There he is a little bit of ubiquino. There's three milligrams of boron, one milligram of li ah lithium. Okay. Not not too bad. But in that section, the first ingredient is 300 milligrams of genistein.
Now, genistein is an isoflavone and basically that is a phytoestrogen. It's a phytoestrogen. So one of 300 milligrams, one of the main ingredients basically in there is a friggin phytoestrogen as a guy.
I would never want any phytoestrogens. As a woman, you don't need any phytoestrogens. Nobody needs any phytoestrogens. Why the hell are you putting 300 milligrams of a friggin phytoestrogen in this thing? Okay. Then the longevity mix. This is just, um,
something you just mix with water it's like a powder and then so that comes with ascorbic acid Magnesium citrate 150 milligrams two and a half grams of creatine um Alpha keto glutarate glucose amine sulfate taurine glycine lysine ashwagandha and a bit of glutathione and l-theanine so I like so I like the theanine I like the Glycine and the taurine the creatine but the thing is so the creatine is half of what I would take like most people know the five five grams and Is what you want to get touring is not really a great dose 1500 milligrams glycine is a tiny dose 1200 milligrams So okay, the L-theanine is good 200 milligrams. That's kind of the regular dose so it's under those two things that can make a dent and then There's a bunch of stuff added that It's gonna bump up the price. It's gonna look like it's gonna good look on paper and
like ashwagandha 600 milligrams kks and ksm66 so the the root extract and so is it necessary does do you need the ashwagandha to live a long time i don't think so i think you could do better with the amino acids and the creatine and the thing is again i haven't checked the price yet but you could probably get the creatine the taurine the glycine the theanine you could get those in pure powder form like I do and just make your own concoctions every day. It will take a little bit more effort and that's what I've been doing for the past six years, right? And not only will it be cheaper, it will be purer and it will last you longer and you can actually get so proper amounts of the stuff.
and then there will be no need for citric acid and monk food fruit extracts and natural flavors to make that stuff palatable. It's not super palatable when I make it myself, but you know, it's a second on the lips.
A minute on the lips, forever on the hips, that kind of thing. So, you know, and then he has the NAC ginger plus curcumin. Really? I don't see a need to be adding ginger and curcumin on a daily basis to your longevity regime.
I've mentioned it before, the herbs, they're way overblown and you don't need these things on a daily basis. Then he's got this blueberry nut mix. Dry blueberries, roasted macadamia nuts and walnut mix. So not the worst thing in the world. Not too crazy about the the nuts and the walnuts especially. um Then what else? So the nutty pudding. Listen to this. Okay, this is where you you're you're starting to lose me.
So the nutty pudding is basically the slop like, like the thing they kind of eat on the matrix, you know, in the, in the real world. And this is like, ah first ingredient is pea protein. Then it's hemp seed protein, sunflower lecithin, flax seed, alulose, sugar substitute, cocoa powder, and then natural, natural chocolate flavor.
and other natural flavors, Ceylon cinnamon, grape seed extract, pomegranate fruit, monk fruit extract. right So you're paying a bunch of money for pea protein and hemp seed protein and a bunch of crap like flaxseed and whatever else with a bunch of again phytoestrogens in the flaxseed and ah omega 3s that are going to be rancid by the time you get it and because it's ground up in the powder right so don't you know a lot of that crap is already rancid oxidized peroxidized and it's gonna cause damage in the
on it's on its way to in in your body and then towards towards the liver once it gets digested. Somewhere along the line it's gonna be causing some kind of damage or depleting antioxidants. And then red yeast rice and older free garlic, like what the hell are you putting red yeast rice in a longevity program?
we know that red yeast rice it kind of has a similar effect to the statin so it can lower cholesterol so like your amazing team are still stuck in the indoctrination that cholesterol has to be kept low for longevity and it causes heart disease and like this is the pinnacle the cutting edge is it you know and ah i'm sorry if i'm being overly critical but again when people like this are um influencing millions of people out there to go plant based, eat plant based. And then these powdered slops to spend this whole, this whole thing I just explained, um, this whole thing I went through, if you get it on the subscribe and save 5%, that whole thing I just listed will cost you $400 or Euro. So, cause it has my location, they know my location here.
So about 400 euro or about 13 euro per day. Okay. Oh, and sorry, I forgot there was an extra virgin olive oil, premium high polyphenol in a UV resistant bottle. Oh my God. Don't tell me it's also glass. Oh, wow. That is so amazing. I think in the States, like olive oil is revered like this incredible elixir of the gods because Dr. Gundry's statements like, what does he say, the purpose of food is to get olive oil into you. Like just really just super, super cringy nonsense. So, you know, this, this, this snake, and by the way, here's the funny thing. It, his olive oil, it's called snake oil. That's, that's the the branding on the, on the bottle.
And this is such a sort of hilarious thing, because you know the the sort of hidden in plain sight type stuff? They are selling you snake oil here as as as this amazing and longevity increasing thing.
Snake oil. Hilarious, right? Let me see how much it costs. I need to see how

Marketing Criticism of Longevity Products

much it actually costs. Oh my god. Oh my god, oh my god. So two bottles of the snake oil, the blueprint snake oil, all the extra virgin olive oil costs 69 euro if you get another subscribe and save or if you buy it once it's 72 euro for two bottles of this olive oil and I can get like a really premium olive oil here
in Portugal, it's I guess 10 bucks, 10 bucks, eight, eight, 10 bucks for, for a bottle in a UV resistant bottle, you know, and this is saved like for olive oil. Oh my God. And then they tell you there's all of this.
Um, what you call it, like these polyphenols and whatever. And this is based in science in like Petri dishes and and and test tubes. And then maybe some rodents and stuff like that. You know, that's a lot of ah look, there there is, there's been some interventional studies with all of all, don't get me wrong. They're just, I, I don't even want to waste mental bandwidth looking at that stuff. Right. You're testing olive oil for longevity. How did we ever.
get by without olive oil. You know what I mean? It's ridiculous. So this is the blueprint. So you're you're getting a bunch of powders, soft gels. The soft gel is actually probably the best thing on there with the with the vitamin K and stuff. And you know some vitamins, minerals, and a few her different various herbs, and and fruit, and plant extracts. And this is apparently the blueprint for longevity. no And of course, the protocol on, there's a lot of, it's it's much deeper than that. That was just his his products that he's now selling out of the goodness of his heart.
But um you know you can see you can see, let's see what Brian Johnson takes in in terms of his own supplementation because he doesn't just take his own stuff. right Apparently, he also takes resveratrol, which has kind of been debunked. It's not really a longevity-promoting herb or extract, it's actually another sort of estrogenic steel bean. So resveratrol, I did a personal experiment with resveratrol when I was taking NMN.
Cause one of my friends like, Oh dude, and a man, and a man like, okay, let me get on this. Let me see. Okay. Oh, you're supposed to take it with resveratrol to activate the sirtuins. Um, okay. So I did that. And then I had, I bought this big bottle of resveratrol. It also had grape seed extract. I remember. And I hadn't used it for ages because I know with these things, you're not supposed to take it all the time. Anyway, even if it is beneficial, you don't want to take it every day.
like youre comment Like people taking that every day, that's that's not a good idea. So I did that and I noticed, ah and sorry if it's TMI here, but I noticed a lack of nocturnal penile-to-messence, aka morning wood or nocturnal boners, excuse my French. So I did that once, I did that twice, and then I was like, okay, this definitely correlates when I take that, there is a lack of nocturnal penile-to-messence. So then I would intentionally take it as an experiment you know for a day and then absolutely corroborate it, no nocturnal penile-to-messence.
And then when I wouldn't take it, nocturnal pinout messes. So it's an estrogenic thing. At least that's how my my personal experiment, but you can actually see, see online. So let me just, in fact, as I, as I'm speaking, I can just type in resveratrol in the duck duck go. It's a stilbenoid, a type of natural phenol or polyphenol. Um, and, uh, it is, it is estrogenic in nature.
So Brian Johnson's team is is um is boning him to to to to use that term of phrase. Then the metformin, that's kind of also like I was taking metformin back in 2018. That's another thing that's actually not good for you. It's another thing that i i don't have to get I don't have time to get into why metformin is not good for you, but it's another one of those things.
If it's super out there in the biohacking sort of mainstream, it can't be good for you. That's kind of, that's, that's been my experience so far with things with keto, with fasting, et cetera, et cetera. Then he's taken a lot of, apparently omega-3 is fatty acids, EPA and DHA. Omega-3s are taken to reduce inflammation. And as I've explained before, the the way omega-3s reduce inflammation is by suppressing the immune system so that is not an optimal way to suppress inflammation or to rather to reduce inflammation okay and then he takes curcumin okay super overblown melatonin carnitine lion's mane mushroom and here's the thing so a lot of the things he's taking
They actually would be found in animal products, collagen. So he takes collagen. Where does collagen exist? In collagenous tissue of animals, right? So he's taking that and look, don't get me wrong. It's a great supplement to take extra, but he's also taking zinc. ah Meat is the best sort of source of zinc, but he doesn't eat any. So he needs extra. Coenzyme Q10 that's found in animal products.
You don't find that in plants. What else? ah Alpha lipoic acid, that's again, it's found in, it's used in kind of the mitochondria and or thereabouts. So muscle for meat will be very high in mitochondria. Therefore, decent source of alpha lipoic acid. Then acetyl-L-carnitine, carnitine is found in meat, kar carney carne, carne, carne, carne.
carnatine Yeah, so he's supplying things with his supplementation program that he would be getting from from um animal products, right? the The vitamin K, you can get that from dairy and stuff like that. So, you know, that's the, this it's similar with Dr. Gondry, like if I, I perused his book, what's the name of it? The Longevity Paradox.
and In there, he had his supplement routine, and maybe I should do an episode on that, and it was huge. It was so long. and Dr. Gundry is pretty indoctrinated by the Loma Linda, sort of, you know, it's like they're heavily plant-based there. It's a longevity sort of, it's a blue zone.
And they're plant-based, so a lot of them are plant-based there, so therefore, you know, the science shows that you have to be plant-based to live a very long time. Even though reality doesn't show that, the evidence is there, okay? And so Dr. Gundry is the same. He's got a bunch of bunch of things in his supplement routine that he's making up for not eating the the animal products. So they would be in there like the vitamin K and, you know, the various ah derivatives of cholesterol, which is what the steroid hormones would be turned into and stuff like that. You know, so I really, I really sort of,
That's all I have to say really on ah Brian Johnson's blueprint. the other thing The other thing I also noticed is that he is extremely pale. So he's afraid of the sun. He doesn't go out into the sun. And someone that
tells you that they're going to live a super long time without being without exposing themselves to the thing which humans have been living, basking in the glory of for our entire history. That is very extreme, very, very divorced from reality, right?
um So he's he's doing a bunch of treatments on the skin so we can't really we can't really gauge his rate of aging. ah but ah as per the protocol because he's also getting cosmetic treatments, right? So that's another excuse me but's another area where we we we're gonna be hoodwinked because of the facade that they're able to create his team and wherever he's getting these treatments. So they there can always create a facade to make him look young and all that good stuff, right?
But we don't know how much of that is actually the thing that is keeping his skin supple and young and whatever the heck. Right. So and then I'm just umm actually I can see the supplements here in front of me of what Brian Johnson takes, not ah the blueprint stuff they sell.
So here we have also, he takes, so so look at this, here we go. He takes 111 micrograms of level thyroxine and 60 milligrams of armor thyroid thyroid. So he was diagnosed with hypothyroidism at the age of 21. So without, I absolutely i absolutely guarantee you,
If he wasn't taking this thyroid and the desiccated thyroid, the armor thyroid, he would be disintegrating before your very eyes because you know this caloric restriction, all the stress he puts on his body with his um workouts daily and stuff like that, that would destroy you.
So the the thyroid is keeping him sort of functioning. It's interesting, he's also taking a 17-alpha estradiol, which is a ah it's an estrogen. So he's taking an estrogen. Listen, anyone that is voluntary lee voluntarily taking estrogenic compounds like genistein, and this 17-alpha What is Estradio? Estradio. Yeah. Seventy enough for estradio. That is not very well informed, right? You do not need any extra estrogen than your body creates on its own. In fact, for many people, many included, there's too much estrogen.
Because every cell in your body expresses the enzyme aromatase that can make estrogen. So that you will never become deficient in this thing because it can also interconvert. Therefore, why in the hell are you adding more of a thing that has been implicated in so much?
um, dysfunction in the body up to and including the C word, the big C, right? Then I also noticed he's taking 25 milligrams of DHEA, uh, dehydroapion dronestrone. That's another way you can mask your hypogonadism, your exercise and diet induced hypogonadism, right? Low testosterone and low androgens.
because of the this very severely deficient diet. And then, of course, he's adding the K2, the iodine. ah Well, iodine is in a lot of plant foods as well, but the taurine,
and the zinc and all these other things that make up some of those deficits. But here's the thing. When you take meat, we there's stuff that is classified as essential to the body, like vitamins and minerals that meat has. But there's hundreds, maybe thousands of things, compounds in there that are not maybe not known or maybe not um classified as essential.
but they're still be very beneficial to ingest, right? Because at the end of the day, you are a mammal when you eat like a beef steak. The stuff in that can become incorporated in in your tissues and you have a constant turnover, like at the cellular level, that there's kind a constant need for raw materials and energy to build, repair, regenerate, you know, fix damage and stuff like that. So what better source than meat to repair your meat? You know what I mean? It's, it's really, again, when you look at it from it, I know it looks overly simplistic, but this is what happens with highly intellectual types. They, they start all this reductionism and then over fixating on minutia.
And then they lose the forest for the trees. Like, dude, you're not even going out in the sun. You are so pale. it's That cannot be healthy. Because the sun isn't just about popping a d three vitamin D3 pill every day or every other day. There's a ton of other things that the sun does when we are out in it in terms of not just circadian rhythms, but just hormona sort of um activating ah hormonal cascades. We have no idea. like really like it's
the the The environment we're in and the body is so complex, we've we've only isolated one thing, in old vitamin D, blah, blah, blah. And then, oh yeah, but we can supplement that, therefore you don't need the sun. Come on. like this is Imagine um influencing people to be so divorced from reality. I mean, this is straight up out of like a dystopian freaking sci-fi book or movie.
And then, yeah, he takes a lot of stuff, but a lot of the stuff is like, okay, garlic, not the worst thing, lycopene, antioxidant, quote, unquote, turmeric, again, zeaxanthin. So a lot of stuff that's found in plants or from plants, like coco flavanols,
that is not necessarily, um it's not necessarily essential in the, not just in the nutritional sense, but in the physiological sense. So you you will not die if you don't eat garlic or brocco broccoli sprouts or brocco max, whatever the hell brocco max is, you know, or these cocoa flavonols.
you won't die because they're neither nutritionally nor physiologically essential. So these things are maybe, again, in this in this basic research, maybe they're found to have an antioxidant effect or they might kill cancer cells in vitro in a test tube and stuff like that. So really, this is if this is your science base, I'm going to add this because of a few studies, maybe some rat studies or maybe one one study where their cardiometabolic markers improved after supplementing something for eight weeks or six weeks. or
whatever, if that's your scientific base, but then you're not even going out in the sun and you're reading plant based powdered slop every day and the same thing every day. It's like, dude, I'm sorry, but this is. People that follow this. I genuinely.
And ah um I'm sympathetic because they are being led astray. This is nowhere near. an optimal longevity diet.
this is theres there's It's complex. it It looks like it's there's a lot of stuff going on and the all the tracking and stuff you can do yourself. You can follow along, whatever else. But no, this at least the diet side of things, I i strongly would not um ever, ever, in my life at least, consider doing.
And I would never recommend a client of mine doing any of these things. And there's pictures here of like broccoli and um cauliflower and stuff stuff like that. It's like, dude, eating, okay, radishes and a sweet potato and broccoli on lentils with cauliflower and a few mushrooms. Is this a nutrient dense diet?
It's a phytochemical rich diet, sure. But is this a nutrient? What nutrients? Somebody please, please tell me what nutrients exist in cauliflower that are so essential to to a human that we can't find elsewhere or block or broccoli or lentils or shiitake mushrooms or the ginger root, you know?
or the hemp seeds. What's in there that's so super essential that we have to have these foods on a daily basis? What's so healthy about these foods? I really doubt anyone can actually come up come up with like properly laid out argument for why these foods are superior to like eating steak and drinking milk and having cheese and you know some decent stuff, some the honey or whatever else. like Why would you eat Why would you ever eat cauliflower, broccoli, and black lentils as your base of your meal?

Reflections on Restrictive Diets and Health Trends

Like that is, I hate to say it, but that is what poor people are forced, now broccoli is expensive and stuff like that, but like lentils, people eat lentils out of poverty. People eat grains out of poverty and seeds. They don't eat them because they're so healthful. This garbage has been,
basically market it as such. A lot of it is just indigestible fiber, right? So this is, and he spent 2 million creating this blue blueprint. And look, again, he has a and ah bunch of cool stuff in terms of like,
light therapy and his whole gym and all the ah bio, the the the tracking stuff they do and the gene therapy. And there's a bunch of cool stuff going on. Right. But the diet, which is the number one thing is the most important thing.
and the supplementation ah regime regimen is friggin pathetic. It's friggin pathetic. And this is this breaks my heart that so many people are going to be duped. That's why I i just wanted to like spew this out. Apologize if I'm getting a little bit ranty here, I'm going to wrap it up now. But since.
Since I've gotten into the health stuff. um I've been duped so many times. with the plant-based nonsense, within with the keto nonsense, with the low-carb stuff, just the resveratrol stuff, you know the fish oil scam. I've been duped so many times. And every time I uncover that I've been duped, I'm like, ah, geez, they got me again. you know So i I hate to see other people have to follow that path and of pain and suffering.
That's why I do the work I do. So I've made a bunch of mistakes so that you don't have to make those mistakes. You know what I mean? And this is just, I, unfortunately I understand he's, he's appealing to a lot of folks like in their twenties and probably the early thirties. And at least in their twenties, there are people are very impressionable and and a lot more.
What's the word? money Manipulatable? I don't want to use that so strong of a word, but they're a lot easier. It's a lot easier to sort of ah convince them that this science based stuff is is the bee's knees, you know? And it's freaking pathetic. Like this diet is absolutely freaking pathetic. You know, I really like, and I don't even know the supplementation.
Regime, there is a lot of stuff in there that's good that I like and I take, obviously. It can't all be terrible because if it feels all terrible. Too many people would have seen through it by now, obviously. But um yeah yeah, good luck to anyone that has to endure this. I doubt that they're going to be able to, because again, if they're not on the level, if they're not on the thyroid medication and the desiccated thyroid and the testosterone and all the other sort of God knows peptides, treatments, gene therapies and whatever else, they're going to

Caution Against Blindly Following Trends

suffer. they At some point, this is this is going to, it's going to break them. And that's the other thing that really pisses me off is a lot of people, when you get into this sort of stuff, like whatever keto plant based,
your If you're still in your early 30s or 20s, you have so much vital reserve still left in the tank that you can endure a lot of this nonsense and it takes a long time to deteriorate to the point where you're like, I can't do this anymore. this and And by that time, because you felt so good, let's say for a year, you cleaned up your diet, switched over to this thing or plant-based or whatever, keto, carnivore, so you feel okay for a year, great.
And as the dysfunction starts to accumulate, you you would never think pin it on that. intervention, let's say the plant-based diet or the keto or this plant-based blueprint, whatever. So you would never pin it on that. You'd pin it on something new, maybe where you were exposed to mold or maybe um you know you have parasites or whatever the case may be, right? Or toxins and stuff like that, right? So this is kind of why these things are so insidious. And that's why you need to be a discerning consumer of health information.
so that you you don't get duped. And I gotta be honest, it is easy to get duped out there because you know you you throw a few, you wave a few studies and mechanisms and delivery systems and whatever, and these things sound magical. And ah very often, especially if it gets out to the mainstream, it turns out that it was a dud or worse, it was it was just a genuine sort of not fraud, but like, not a scam, but you know what I mean, like, ah snake oil that that was being pushed, like the resveratrol thing, you know, that's, that stuff is like, unbelievable how how big that became and what garbage this stuff is, you know, anyway, ah that's my review and critique of Brian Johnson's blueprint.
would never, would never do at least that diet. So like I said, some of these supplements that he's taking great. I like them, but I would never, ever consider that. And the, the, the P protein 29 grams a day of P protein. Why for the love of God, you know, like one, once a seven ounce to 200 grams steak. Okay. Maybe slightly more, maybe like a 250 or eight ounce steak will cover We'll cover that 29 grams of pea protein and actually the steak will be a lot more bioavailable. The bioavailability of pea protein is a hell of a lot lower than meat. So, you know, why would you, why in the, who in the hell, who in their right mind would drink a pea protein shake to get the 29 grams of protein where you could eat some cheese or have a steak or some yogurt.
ah cool How indoctrinated into this stuff would you have to be b to believe that pea protein, isolate or whatever is superior to ah not a more natural food that your ancestors have lived with for eons, right? So kind of funny, but also sad that so many people are going to be duped by this kind of stuff. So anyway,
um that Those are my thoughts. So hope you found this informative. That's my viewpoint. And yeah, I hope that find you found some of the the stuff I discussed useful that you could potentially even apply to how you discern whether something is good for longevity or potentially bad for longevity. So thanks for listening and I'll see you on the next episode.