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Are you following health trends that actually harm your body? In my eye-opening masterclass "The 7 Popular But Deadly Health Fads," I reveal how common health practices promoted by influencers and gurus might be ravaging your gut, accelerating disease, and shaving years off your life.

Discover which popular diets, supplements, and health rituals are secretly sabotaging your health and learn what to do instead. I explain why these seemingly healthy habits are damaging your body and provide actionable alternatives for true longevity.

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Check out the first volume in the How to Actually Live Longer book series on Amazon:

How to Actually Live Longer is your go-to podcast for cutting through the noise and discovering practical, science-backed strategies to not just add years to your life, but to add life to your years. Hosted by longevity author and functional health practitioner Christian Yordanov, this podcast dives deep into the truths (and myths) behind longevity, health optimization, and addressing chronic health problems.

Each episode offers actionable insights drawn from the host's own research, clinical practice, and personal journey, helping you make informed decisions to restore and enhance your health. Whether you're interested in reducing stress, boosting your energy and mental performance, improving your gut health, or simply looking to optimize your diet and lifestyle, this podcast delivers the tools you need to live a healthier, longer life.


Introduction and Offer

Christian Yordanov
Hey, it's Christian Yordanov. Thanks for tuning back into the How to Actually Live Longer podcast. I am a functional health practitioner and coach and a longevity author. My latest book is How to Actually Live Longer, volume one. Get yourself a copy if you haven't yet. And also look in the description down below. If you need help with your health, you can book a free metabolic function assessment with myself using the link in the description where we can do a deep dive on health challenges you're experiencing, health goals you have,
Christian Yordanov
and we can make a winning plan for you. can I can help you get clarity on your situation.

Questioning Vyome's Value

Christian Yordanov
So today's topic is going to be, is Vyome a scam?
Christian Yordanov
Yes. Yes, it is. End of the end of the episode. So that no, that was kind of the short answer. Long story short of it is I'm not saying it's a scam. It's not a scam because a scam would be where you get no value out of it. And there's certainly some value out of doing this. You know, you might learn a little bit about health, about your body, about but they are this thing costs $150 a month or $200 a month. I don't know. They have a bunch of different tiers. So you have a three-month commitment for the one.
Christian Yordanov
And then you get these personalized precision supplements. You do a gut test to tell you what you need based on your microbiome. So it sounds it sounds very sort of advanced and whatever else, but is it a load of bollocks? That's what we're going to be discussing today. And again, the short answer is it it kind of seems to me like a load of bollocks. And I'll tell

Skepticism Towards Vyome's Founder

Christian Yordanov
you why. First of all,
Christian Yordanov
About six years ago, back in 2018, I remember the CEO, I don't know if he's still CEO of the company, at least the founder, he was on, doing the rounds on all the podcasts, like the Biohacker podcast, like Dave Asprist, Bulletproof, proof and,
Christian Yordanov
Ben Greenfield and whatever else, right? And I remember very well because I was with my wife in the car. We were listening to this dude talking about Vyome and stuff like that and how they got started. And so he, the dude is a serial entrepreneur and philanthropist and he's sort of rags to riches story was that he came to America from India with like five bucks in his pocket. And somehow he became a billionaire philanthropist. And listen, I'm not saying these things don't happen. It's just when he was asked, I remember Ben Greenfield asked him about how he got the equipment for you know for the sequencing of the RNA and you know the analyzing those two samples and stuff.
Christian Yordanov
He was very, very cagey about how they got that equipment. And I'm like, like this looks very suspect, very sus, right? Because its to me, what it seems like, it's it's some kind of a government front company.
Christian Yordanov
that they're basically using the science to socially engineer people into eating the glorified toxic slop. Because i wouldn't be very so I wouldn't be surprised if you you know some years from now, when you look at your Vyome report with you what are your your kryptonite foods are, and your, your, your foods, uh, sort of your, your super foods, they're going to be like, oh yeah, you know, it's based on your microbiome. ah The bugs, the, the cricket flower is going to really work well for you based on your microbiome, based on the science. Here's some studies to read.
Christian Yordanov
don't don't Don't you worry about it. it's It's all backed by the science.

Client Experiences with Vyome

Christian Yordanov
And the reason I said this, like the reason I'm sort of pissed off is because signed up a couple of clients and one of them, literally as I was about to start recording this episode earlier today or just like 10 minutes ago, he pinged me, just got my test results back from Vyome, the most uninformative garbage I've ever paid for.
Christian Yordanov
Okay, so I actually told him because he hadn't received the stool test yet when he signed up to my program, I told him cancel that. We're going to do a much better stool test that will actually give us clinically useful data to actually help you resolve your gut problems. It's going to help us navigate that a hell of a lot better, but he went ahead and did it anyway, which is fine.
Christian Yordanov
But then I had another client that signed up a couple of weeks back that he was on the Vyome stuff for a while. And so he shared his reports with me and his supplement recommendations. So I went through this and I was like, this this is a joke. This is an absolute joke. I'll tell you why. because They give you these foods, right? So based on your microbiome, you do the stool test and they yeah analyze the species in your gut. And they're like, so based on that, the following foods are going to be your super foods and then foods you want to stay away from and and you want to avoid or minimize.

Critique of Vyome's Food Suggestions

Christian Yordanov
So let let's, I'm not going to, obviously not going to give much away here because, you know, there's no, no need, but I'll tell you, but just I'll let you guess.
Christian Yordanov
Do you think the person, let me just go to the find the meets, start at the top here. So, oh my God, this report is like 97 pages, like it's ridiculous. Like who is gonna read a 97 page report? Okay, so, okay, come on.
Christian Yordanov
I wonder I can't find it, it's like 97 pages. So if I list off some foods, want you to kind of guess in your in your mind, are they going to be a superfood or are they to be avoided? And we'll start with, sorry about this.
Christian Yordanov
Start with beef, lean grass fed. Do you think this is a food to be avoided or or it's a superfood? Exactly. It's avoid. Sure. Okay. Beef is bad. Avoid that. Why? Well, what's the reasoning? a Fatty beef contains carnitine, which is a compound that can be used by your microbes to produce TMA, a precursor to TMAO. TMAO is associated associated with unwanted metabolic and cardiovascular effects.
Christian Yordanov
So that's fatty grass fed beef is to be avoided. Beef lean grass fed is to be avoided because it can be turned into TMAO. Okay. Caviar and roll, avoid.
Christian Yordanov
goat, egg yolk, you gotta to avoid it because again, it can turn into TMAO, right? So as soon as I see that, I'm like, okay, so beef is to be avoided. Are they trying to, so it's pork. Are they trying to engineer people to to be afraid of, you know, the stuff that we've been eating for generations and generations? Tuna as well, avoid. Turkey, avoid.
Christian Yordanov
Okay. So what the hell, what am I going to eat for protein? Oh, look, my super foods. Almonds are a super food. Great. Uh, they contain a bunch of Omega-6 polyunsaturated fats, a bunch of oxalate, a bunch of like, I don't know, cyanide. And when they're raw, they're a bunch of toxins that are super sort of inflammatory. Right. And then if you cook them, you're oxidizing a lot of those polyunsaturated fats, but that's a super food.
Christian Yordanov
Wow. Okay. What about, let's see. So, okay. Asparagus, superfood, beet greens, black beans are a superfood. Wow. Black beans, 50, the bioavailability, if you look at, I don't know if I did on this podcast, but if you look at the bioavailability,
Christian Yordanov
of the plant proteins and compared to the animal proteins, the plant proteins are like usually a in the 40 to 60% bioavailability, which means half of what you're eating, you're not going to actually absorb and utilize protein wise, right? So you you have to eat double the amount of Plant protein to get the same bioavailability in some cases right so but they're like oh yeah black beans black beans great but all the grains somehow somehow this. Poor person was so unlucky that their microbiome just cannot process.
Christian Yordanov
any of the stuff like the beef and the butter and the egg yolks and stuff, but somehow they got so lucky that all of these toxic laden grains, disgusting sort of toxic slop like soybeans and tofu, somehow they're a super food for them.
Christian Yordanov
How, like natto, okay, natto has vitamin K2, you know, whatever, but like, how does it happen that peanuts are a super food where freaking beef, the one of the most, the healthiest things you can eat an egg yolks, especially obviously if they're from healthy hands, ideally pastured, these are some of the healthiest foods. And now you're engineering people to fear them.
Christian Yordanov
Based on a test that looked at their poop and whatever whatever balance of bacteria and microorganisms on there they had,
Christian Yordanov
Know what I mean? Like, it just is extremely suspect. i And soybeans are a superfood, seriously. And just a bunch of seeds and and soybeans are gonna be superfoods for us. Like, i i would I would venture to guess that a lot of people are doing this test and they're getting stay away from beef, stay away from eggs. And that if that's not an agenda,
Christian Yordanov
Then my name is Sally, Atalia.

Ridicule of Vyome's Supplements

Christian Yordanov
Okay. So that, that was the first thing that I was like, I looked at this report, I just kind of scanned this report. I'm like, no, this, this is a joke. This is a joke. When you look at the things that you're supposed to minimize, like for example, heavy cream.
Christian Yordanov
cream and cows milk. Cream is one of the most nutritious, frequent foods we could eat. And they're like, oh, minimize the, minimize the cream. Yet.
Christian Yordanov
Navy beans, which is you know mostly like, what is like fiber and just indigestibles. this like what's What's in beans? Like what minerals and vitamins are in beans, right? The protein is like 50% bioavailable only.
Christian Yordanov
The carbohydrates, you know a lot of it is indigestible kind of like fibers and stuff that but could potentially feed the wrong bacteria in our gut if we have you know an imbalance there. like What like kind of a joke is this? i mean ah and the The worst part is that people are going to believe this and that they're going to.
Christian Yordanov
People are, if you're going to spend the money on this kind of thing, you're going to follow the recommendations. And another thing that's really irked me is that safflower oil, they had it as enjoy. Enjoy safflower oil. So you have the superfood, you know, you double down on it. Something that you minimize, you know, yeah they're telling you to minimize, but then things like safflower oil, they're like, yeah, you can enjoy that. Enjoy safflower oil.
Christian Yordanov
Enjoy soy milk and soybeans are a superfood and sunflower seeds are a superfood. And tofu is to be enjoyed, but listen, venison and the elk are to be minimized whilst freaking tofu, sunflowers, ah ah soybeans and sunflower seeds are a superfood based on, on, on this, this, this two tests. Like what? What?
Christian Yordanov
I said to the client, that like I want to print this report out that these guys give you and I want to punch it. That's how bad it is. I'm sorry, but it's ridiculous. You're supposed to.
Christian Yordanov
Your soybean is your super food and you're supposed to minimize elk and venison. Tell me, just tell me in what world, in what reality is this not an agenda? I'm telling you this, I believe, I don't care, you know, if I'm right or wrong, whatever, it doesn't matter. I honestly believe this is a front company that's like for some kind of but arm of the government.
Christian Yordanov
you know like This is straight up an agenda to to socially engineer people, to gravitate towards the glorified toxic slope like safflower oil, soybeans, tofu, a lot of these grains that are cheap to produce, very you know pretty damn toxic, they're going to ruin people's health.
Christian Yordanov
and You know, there there's a good few bucks that can be made from them because they're much easier, cheaper and more profitable than animal agriculture.
Christian Yordanov
And yeah, the this is, this if this is not an agenda, I'm telling you, my name is Sally. And then if you look at the supplement, the precision supplements trademark that they give you, first of all, some of the ingredients are okay, right? I'm not saying it's all bad. If it was all bad, everybody would see through this as a joke, right? But they're so well marketed that, you know, you have Uh, but their partners are, listen, listen, I'm sorry, but I just switched tabs here. You're going to love this. Their partners of a biome. The first partner is GSK Glaxo Smith Klein. Okay. That's one of their partners. Hmm. So this is about health.
Christian Yordanov
is about health or is about making money off people. Mayo Clinic, Advent Health, Mount Sinai, University Hospitals, UCLA, UCI, University of California, Irvine, a couple of, okay, a few more universities, but the first partner in the list here is Glatso Smith Klein. So, okay, that's trustworthy if one of your partners is a pharmaceutical company. And then,
Christian Yordanov
The fact that they have resveratrol as an ingredient, part of this precision supplementation is to me screams, you know, just either ignorance or or malice because resveratrol, it's very well known at this point that it's a an estrogenic compound. It's a phytoestrogen. And this has, we have no no person has, no man woman has any business putting more exogenous estrogens into their body. Most of us have too much or just enough. Nobody has too little, almost nobody has too little estrogen. So the fact that they're putting resveratrol in their supplement is absolutely, this this is this is, you know,
Christian Yordanov
I'm not saying it's, I can't say it's ill intentioned, but at the very least it's, it's damn ignorant. You know, because why why would you put a fight Westrogen in a ah ah supplement that, that is supposed to make somebody healthy? You know, zero, zero. It makes zero sense.
Christian Yordanov
And then there's these precision supplements. It's all a bunch of extracts from plants, like blueberries, and cranberries and stuff like that. So tell me, you were telling, you were with these reports, they're telling people to reduce beef and the various, you know, egg yolks and they're telling people to eat more plants.
Christian Yordanov
Right? That asparagus and artichoke and whatever else are super food for the person. And yet, even though they're getting all these phytochemicals through all these vegetables and plants, they still have to take more extracts of these damn things.
Christian Yordanov
that like Doesn't just so that just sound preposterous? that you have to continue, even though you're eating so many vegetables according to this sort of report, you have to take all of these other extracts from like, whatever, raspberries and turmeric and whatever the hell else, you know.
Christian Yordanov
joke like this is a joke I would never ever spend a single cent on this stuff and I don't like you of course I'm not telling you what to do I'm just recording this as kind of my way to vent some of my frustration that I mean, it's their website is very flashy and like the whole thing is really well well done. So I'm sure they have a lot of people that are falling in their net. But this is this is an absolute joke. And the fact that they're not actually giving any scientific basis for
Christian Yordanov
why a food is to be avoided, right? It's supposed to be because of the bacteria in your gut, you know, you've done a stool test, but then they're only giving like for the, for for some of the the things they give you like a PubMed study, why you're supposed to like, let's say, stay away from limes or or passion fruit. But, you know, they're just giving some studies that
Christian Yordanov
that are like mechanistic or in vitro or, you know, it has really no actual grounding in in reality, right? Some hypothetical things can happen if, you know, you, I don't know, I'm sorry, but this, so to sum up, to sum up,
Christian Yordanov
Vyome, if you're paying $150 a month for Vyome, that's $1,800 a year, which is not an inconsequential amount of money. Is it a waste of money? Mostly, yes. Mostly it is, yeah. I would say it's mostly a waste of money.
Christian Yordanov
and You know, if you, if you do this for two years, how much would it move the needle for you? I don't think it will move the needle much for you. It would certainly won't, won't help you like transform your health.

Critique of Vyome's Marketing Strategy

Christian Yordanov
So that's kind of my, my take on it. yeah. Hope you, hope you found my rant. Sorry. Sorry if it was too ranty, but it's it's just frustrating because this is just another way.
Christian Yordanov
They're using very kind of good marketing tactics and social proof and going on all the big podcasts and stuff like that. They're using that to get people in, get people hooked. And yeah, they might feel, people might feel better because when the when you start the Viome thing, you're probably going to
Christian Yordanov
It's going to be because you decided, okay, I need to start looking after my health a bit more. This sucks. I'm i'm sick of having like low energy or whatever. So you're going to do a lot of healthy behaviors as part of that process. So your health will probably start to improve by default.
Christian Yordanov
And their stuff, I doubt, do do you really think taking like 10, 20 different extracts from various herbs and plants, do you really think that's going to move the needle for your health? For me, it's it's kind of sickening. So they have this concoction, the precision supplements. It has, let me see, one.
Christian Yordanov
one mineral and one, two, three, four, four vitamins. Okay. And then the rest is a bunch of plant extract. Do you like, seriously, do you think a human being needs.
Christian Yordanov
Oregano leaf. That's so critical to their health. or turmeric, or the extract of turmeric. Is that super necessary for our health? Or do we are we made of what are we made of? Fats? Various vitamins and minerals required to run our metabolic machinery. Amino acids for the protein. you know and Certain structures of us are made of you know glucose and stuff like that.
Christian Yordanov
Christian Yordanov
They have, you're paying $150 a month and they have the opportunity to load you up on vitamins, minerals, amino acids, stuff like that. And yet they're giving you resveratrol, a phytoestrogen and some other like plant extracts and leaf leaves of plants like in and also in tiny amounts right so even even if something was beneficial if you're only getting like 47 milligram grams of it you know is it actually going to move the needle for you all that much especially if you're gonna take the supplement with food that has a lot of fiber in because of course you have to eat a lot of fiber allegedly it's good for your gut
Christian Yordanov
that's fiber. What it does is it will interfere with the absorption. It actually will cause some some of those things to not be absorbed. That's how fiber works. It binds things and that's why eating fiber lower can lower your blood cholesterol because it's binding it in the kind of in the bio, in the sort of the whatever food you're eating. It's actually inhibiting absorption.
Christian Yordanov
so What's like 38 milligrams of acai berry? What in the hell? What in the hell? They have so many PhDs on their team. Did they just look at a bunch of studies for these plant compounds? And they were like, well, this showed in vitro that it can do this. And that one in a mouse study did that. And this sort of human trial, maybe with a little bit of this, did that. It's all science-based, everything that came back with science. But what the hell?
Christian Yordanov
are you actually as ah as a you consumer of this product what are you gonna get from taking 39 milligrams of acai berry every day what is that gonna do for you you know or some extract from a berry, some other berry, or from a seed, or from the leaf of oregano, 89 milligrams of the leaf of oregano. What is that going to do for for our health? Why is this concoction of you know plant powders and a couple of vitamins and one mineral
Christian Yordanov
what Why is this considered beneficial? What is this gonna do? Is it gonna modulate my microbiome in a better way? I don't know, but it's it's an absolute joke. Anyone that actually understands a little bit about supplementation and nutrition and stuff like that is is just going to say, this is laughable. Like if you you gave somebody this list, if you if you said it wasn't from Viome, but you just gave them this is a supplement stack with with these compounds in it, these herbs and whatever.
Christian Yordanov
And you had someone, someone knowledgeable analyze it. They were like, this is, this is a joke supplement. This better not cost a lot of money, but what it's costing client, their clients, 150 bucks a

Arguments for Personalized Health Strategies

Christian Yordanov
month. And you get a, you also get a toothpaste and a probiotic. And honestly, the, the probiotic doesn't look, doesn't look bad or anything. I mean, it looks fine, but.
Christian Yordanov
you know
Christian Yordanov
This other stuff is just for a joke, you know? So 150 bucks per month for for this stuff, like you could get a hell of a, like you could get like eight to 12 really good products that are clean and they're actually going to move the needle in terms of your mammals physiology. There was like vitamins, minerals, amino acids, in terms of lowering stress hormones, in terms of boosting recovery, improving sleep,
Christian Yordanov
improving concentration, you could really create a very good protocol to target multiple areas that I just mentioned and others with 150 bucks a month. And instead, people are spending 150 bucks a month to get a concoction of just fruits and vegetable extract and bollocks and this actually reminds me another client of mine last month sent me so they went to a top cardiology clinic in the USA I think the telehealth thing and they were given this product that was supposed to
Christian Yordanov
We regenerate the glyco calyx of the blood vessels and stuff like that. So basically what it was, it was a patented extract of a rare seaweed.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah. And the rest of the the the capsule was just powdered fruits and vegetables, literally, not even extracts, just powdered fruits and vegetables as filler. And this, for the pleasure, you pay $99 a month for this.
Christian Yordanov
absolute joke of a product, and that's supposed to like reformulate your glycol calyx. And obviously, my opinion, and I told my client, says look I would never spend $100 a month on this. Even if I was pooping money, I wouldn't do that.
Christian Yordanov
Even if if I could if they said look a dollar one dollar and Then we will ship you one every month. All you have to do is pay a dollar for that $99 supplement. I would have said No, thanks. I don't actually want to take this because it's worthless to me. It's absolutely worthless to me and Yeah, that unfortunately this is this is how a lot of just supplementation in general has gotten a bad rap and a lot of people like supplements are all a rollla scam. They're not all a scam, but I've spent like at this point more than a thousand hours scouring the internet for good products that are very affordable, as clean as possible.
Christian Yordanov
And they have genuinely decent ingredients that are going to move the needle for people. And not in a theoretical way, like, oh, this resveratrol will activate your sutuins and whatever the hell will happen. Or this will modulate your but microbiome in XYZ manner. Or this will provide a hormetic response and you will be better off for it because I don't know the science actual measurable things that we can actually like if if you do a ah ah some kind of test that shows us you know deficiencies oxidative stress inflammation things like that we can actually with these supplements that I use in my work we can actually move the needle in terms of those markers will show improvement which means we have
Christian Yordanov
somehow done something to improve the function of whatever whatever we're talking about, be that some enzymes that are dependent on certain vitamins or minerals, or we've improved detoxification capacity, reduced oxidative stress, we've reduced inflammation, or some combination of the above. and that's like that's Actually, we can measure measure it before and after. This is the kind of stuff we do.
Christian Yordanov
Whereas these guys like Vion, they're like, oh yeah, here, here's some green tea extract and some grapeseed extract because why? Because science don't ask too many questions, pleb. Just pay us money. We know what's good for you. Don't you know that GlaxoSmithKline is one of our partners? What are you you saying? they're They're bad people.
Christian Yordanov
You know, we have, we've been on Forbes. How dare you question us? Men's Health Wall Street Journal. We've been on all of those. Where have you been, my dude? You've been on the Tinfo Hat podcast.
Christian Yordanov
you know So anyway, rant over. hope you Hope at least one one or two folks out there listening saved themselves the hassle and the the wasted resources and potential frustration dealing with you know another sort of joke, which is what this, this is, it looks super scientific with the testing processes, precision, this precision sort of supplementation and diet. And it's a joke. It is straight up a joke because I'll tell you, if you want to talk about precision, the food sensitivity tests that we do with clients in the US,
Christian Yordanov
talking about precision, you you and will know exactly which foods your immune system is overreacting to right now. And very often there are foods you're reading on a daily basis. Now they can test your microbiome and give you theoretical sort of nonsense, but we can actually see this this lab, the way they do it, we all know exactly what the most inflammatory things in your diet are. And the the the nice thing about that is you can remove them very quickly.
Christian Yordanov
Right. And that really lowers inflammation really quickly for a person. So that is precision nutrition. That is really at at kind of as close to the root level as possible, really.
Christian Yordanov
because this other stuff, are you telling me all of these bacterial species, they've actually done research and there's actual research that tells you how that particular species will modulate food coming into your diet, that that's impossible. it's it's It's impossible to have been done yet. Like we haven't even discovered all the species in there. So they're just hypothesizing, giving you sort of the the veneer of science or whatever, database, blah, blah, blah. It's, it's only going to hoodwink folks that just have not, you know, have not done done all the research that it takes to kind of be able to discern what's a, what's a genuinely good test or a supplement or a strategy, as opposed to what is just really all marketing smoke and mirrors. That is what biome is, you know, I, I,
Christian Yordanov
I sincerely hope I'm wrong about the dude or the dudes that are running it. I really hope that that they do want to make the world a better place. But from what it looks like is it's just a, another way to socially engineer people to steer away from the healthy animal foods.
Christian Yordanov
grass-fed beef and the egg yolks and stuff like that. Two soybeans, seeds, nuts, grains, and all of this just really low value food beans that is actually not not good ah not good at all for you. No.

Conclusion and Invitation

Christian Yordanov
Okay, rant over. Thanks for listening. As I said, if you need help with your health, link down below will take you to a page where you can book a free metabolic function assessment with me, we can deep dive into your health challenges, health goals where you want your health to be, I can help you get clarity in situation. And if and only if We like each other, we're a good fit and it makes sense for us to talk next steps. We can discuss next steps and how I can help you achieve and hopefully exceed your health goals. Thanks again for watching or listening and I'll see you on the next episode.