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January Mistakes to Avoid - Part 2

How to Actually Live Longer
182 Plays1 month ago

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Check out the first volume in the How to Actually Live Longer series on Amazon:

How to Actually Live Longer is your go-to podcast for cutting through the noise and discovering practical, science-backed strategies to not just add years to your life, but to add life to your years. Hosted by longevity author and functional health practitioner Christian Yordanov, this podcast dives deep into the truths (and myths) behind longevity, health optimization, and addressing chronic health problems.

Each episode offers actionable insights drawn from the host's own research, clinical practice, and personal journey, helping you make informed decisions to restore and enhance your health. Whether you're interested in reducing stress, boosting your energy and mental performance, improving your gut health, or simply looking to optimize your diet and lifestyle, this podcast delivers the tools you need to live a healthier, longer life.


Introduction to Longevity and Health Podcast

Christian Yordanov
Hey, it's Christian Jourdanoff. Thanks for tuning back into the How to Actually Live Longer podcast, health longevity optimization, all that good stuff right here.

Debunking Weight Loss Myths

Christian Yordanov
In today's January, mistakes to avoid. We're going to talk about The other piece of the puzzle that most people sort of think is necessary to you know lose weight and be healthier and all that good stuff. right So last time I discussed why cutting calories is a bad idea. right But what what are we told? If you want to lose weight,
Christian Yordanov
Eat less, move more, right? And if you do that in the new year, if you, like many, like millions and millions of folks out there, if you just cut calories and then start exerting yourself more, what are you doing? Well, you're creating an even bigger deficit in terms of energy in your body.
Christian Yordanov
And that deficit will be made up by you, degenerating your body, your lean tissue, your bones, your muscles, your organs, various other connective tissues and stuff like that, in order to break you don't break them down.
Christian Yordanov
so they could be said they can be turned into you know glucose so they can be turned to energy so they can be reused for various more vital than them processes and functions and structures and tissues right your body will gladly disassemble or degenerate its bones for a very long time in order to provide those amino acids and and and minerals and various other things to more vital for immediate survival functions, the brain, the heart, the organ know certain organs, kidneys, liver, and so on and so forth.

Impact of Nutrition and Stress on Health

Christian Yordanov
Why do you think
Christian Yordanov
a person in their 50s can suddenly wake up one day, fracture a bone or something or or vertebrae or go to the doctor, do a bone scan and be diagnosed with osteoporosis. It didn't happen overnight or in the last year. It was something that's been happening for decades due to suboptimal nutrition stress, and various other degenerative things the person is doing. And exercise, the way most people do it in the new year, is plain harmful,

Pitfalls of New Year's Exercise Routines

Christian Yordanov
right? You you would think adding exercise
Christian Yordanov
makes a person invariably healthier, but it's always, the context is very important. The context is extremely important when you add or remove something, right? So if you have a person that, especially if they're gonna cut calories because they're you know over eight over the Christmas period or whatever, they think they need to you know do that. If they start adding in that context, if they start adding exercise,
Christian Yordanov
especially if they have some deficiencies and stuff like that, which most people have some aspect of that as well, vitamins, minerals, etc. They're just going to damage their body further, right? So what do what do so many people do? the All the gyms are like, all right, guys,
Christian Yordanov
general meeting, it's January, let's get the you know campaigns going, new year, new you, all this bullshit. let's Let's make our money so that we can survive the rest of the year when 90% of these folks quit after like a week or or a month or whatever.
Christian Yordanov
So it's a well-known phenomenon. And so think about what do most people

The Benefits of Walking Over Running

Christian Yordanov
do? Well, at least what do many people do? And I'm sure you're smarter than that. And i you know if if this is and you know if if if you've been exercising for a while and you enjoy going to the gym or whatever exercise you're doing or whatever sport you're doing, that's great.
Christian Yordanov
I think it's awesome to do that. It's just the way people do it in January is a big mistake. And what do they do? They they start on day one, they start running like three miles.
Christian Yordanov
you why What you doing running three miles if you don't walk even a half an hour a day? you know i don't understand and and By the way, I'm not judging, I'm just saying these are mistakes I've also made and I see clients and you know folks over the years make these mistakes. i'm just kind of hopefully helping you to if you were going to make this mistake or a loved one was going to make this mistake, you can just kind of maybe course correct or help them, you know, see the folly in doing it that way because they're just going to hurt them. Right. So again, it's nothing nothing wrong with doing exercise or starting it, you know, using the momentum of the new year, new me stuff, the resolutions or whatever. I know it's silly or whatever, but it does help even for me.
Christian Yordanov
Every year in January, I start something new like this year, for example, I bought some cool stuff like some gimbals for my smartphone and some lights and some, you know, I got a course on how to make better content. So my new year New Year's resolution is to make a little bit more.
Christian Yordanov
you know, cinematographic content so it's a little bit nicer to post it on social media or the website and I just want to up my content game so I have some mics and bits and pieces and so it's great to use the momentum of the new year to to achieve whatever goal you have.
Christian Yordanov
It's just, think about it like this. If you go from zero to 100, what's likely to happen? go You're gonna be in a lot of pain, you know, doms, delayed onset muscle soreness. That's caused by damage. So you know you're gonna damage your muscles if you just go in and start doing you know bench pressing and deadlifting and squatting, right? Or if you start pounding the pavement, you know, three mile runs,
Christian Yordanov
Whereas if that person, and I'm going to use a hypothetical person, but if they're not walking 30 minutes a day already, I mean, there's so much low hanging fruit right there, right? If you just start with a 10, 20, 30 minute walk,
Christian Yordanov
let's say for the first two weeks of the month, or even more if you can, you know, if you have the time and the and it's not really ah even having the time, it's it's having the, it being a high enough priority for a person, you know, because there's so much, so, you know, we're all podcast listeners here. So it's so, for me, it's so pleasurable to go out and listen to a podcast, go out with my dog, you know,
Christian Yordanov
Uh, it's not a problem. I can always find time when my, even at the end of the day, or if I wake up an hour early, I can do that. There's always time it's about making it a priority. and there's so, so many benefits just to actually walking. So to me, the benefits of walking 30 to 60 minutes.
Christian Yordanov
far outweigh a person starting running from get-go. Now they might cover more distance in that month if they don't injure themselves or if they don't get sick of it. But what they've actually done, let's say, just to kind of make a more clear example, let's say we have two people, same weight, age, whatever, everything.
Christian Yordanov
One person says on January 1st, every day of the month, I'm going to walk, you know, 30 to 60 minutes, right? Gentle walk when I feel, you know, better, I'm going to walk faster. If I'm tired, I'm going to walk slower, but I'm just going to walk, you know, medium to, to, you know, decent pace.
Christian Yordanov
The other person says I'm gonna start running I'll start like three times a week and I'll bump it up to four times a week and or maybe five times a week even But you know start with three times a week, you know one day break in between sessions. They started like with two three kilometers You know a couple of miles. Maybe they they build up to like three miles, right?
Christian Yordanov
I honestly believe the person walking is going to get way, way, way more benefits for their health and longevity than the person doing the running. There's a few reasons. I'll tell you why. so the the and I'm talking about detrained persons that don't have like a history of running. and like you know if you so If you've been a runner all your life, yeah you it will be you'll be like a duck in water type thing.
Christian Yordanov
or Or, you know, if if you were used to lift weights, you know, going back to the gym won't be so hard and and you have the muscle memory and you adapt a lot faster, right? But, let's you know, let's say just a sedentary but ah example here. If they start running, what they're doing is they're stressing their body, right? Which is obviously not good for health and longevity.
Christian Yordanov
They're much more likely to injure themselves. If they have some kind of a deficiency in their diet, it's going to be exacerbated by the stress, the cortisol and stuff like that. If they have cut calories as part of like ah ah some kind of a diet, let's say low carb keto or just general cutting and cutting of calories to lose weight in the new year, that will exacerbate the caloric deficit, right? It will increase stress, increase degeneration, increase stress hormones, cortisol adrenaline.
Christian Yordanov
And, you know, it will also be more painful than just walking, right? It will be more painful, be more suffering, again, and unless the person was a runner and they enjoyed running. And what's likely is it will be very unsustainable when it comes to it forming a habit for that person.
Christian Yordanov
So it's going to suck and they'll give up and all that effort and pain and suffering is going to be in vain. And on top of everything, running, excuse me, I don't mean to insult you if you like running, but it's fucking stupid. Okay. It's a terrible way to exercise. It really is like youre running.
Christian Yordanov
should saved for short runs fine running for the bus, running away from like a saber-tooth tiger, you know, things like that. Emergency is great. Running is great for those. Hunting, yeah, great. Maybe part of like a sport, if you're doing a sport, if you're competing, okay, fine. But running for exercise is like one of the worst friggin' things. And it's,
Christian Yordanov
To me, this is straight up social engineering to engineer the masses, to think that running is good for your health. Jim Fix, the guy that popularized running in the 1970s, he died, I think at like the age of, in his early fifties, like 50, 51. And they they're going to tell you on Wikipedia, it's because he had a heart condition and stuff like that, but the dude died

Rethinking Cardio for Health

Christian Yordanov
Because he destroyed his health with running and that's what running does running destroys Your health. It's just a huge huge stressor and I'm talking about have ah an episode you can Look back a couple months in the podcast there's a the research on endurance running is about
Christian Yordanov
40 to 50 minutes, you know under an hour a week, it's fine. right That's totally fine. There's always going to be some amount of it where it's benign and even beneficial. Then with exercise, it's actually very little in terms of like activity that you specifically do for that purpose, be that running or lifting or whatever.
Christian Yordanov
So you need very little dedicated cardio for health, right? And if you are detrained, or if you have a little bit of extra weight, just carrying that weight around walking for the first long time, for the first months and months.
Christian Yordanov
maybe even a year, that can be all the cardio you need. So you you can, you know, we, if, again, if you're detrained, I've never trained, I've been always sedentary or it's been like 20 years, you know, since college, you didn't exercise or whatever, or, and or you have, you know, 10 plus pounds of body weight, that is plenty.
Christian Yordanov
of resistance, or there's plenty of potential for you to use just walking as cardio. Now, how do you do that? Well, simple. First, you just walk, and figure out how long you can walk without you know dying of pain and collapsing and stuff like that. If that's 30 minutes, you know you can increase either the distance or the speed you know, or you can add walking up hills, stuff like that. So you can really, you can walk and bring your heart rate up to quite a ah very high place, right? And not I'm not saying that you need to or you have to for long periods of time, but that's a really easy way to do it with, again, without risk of injury from kind of hitting the pavement or kind of poor running technique, which a lot of us have really bad running technique like,
Christian Yordanov
Uh, like I always had bad running technique and then after I broke my leg, my running technique is worse. And I also have imbalances because of the broken leg, the other one compensated and got a lot stronger. So I, you know, I just don't want to run general and I hate, I hate running. And I'm not saying this because I hate running, but it's because running is objectively just something that is, if you do a lot of it, that

Risks of Running and Alternatives

Christian Yordanov
is, it's, it's harmful, right? so all those poor folks hitting the pavement, especially like I see people here running in traffic like this freaking cars bumper to bumper and you're running and you're inhaling the fumes and I see those folks and sometimes when I'm driving my daughter to the crash in it's like 8 30 in the morning or whatever
Christian Yordanov
or nine and it's you see like these folks that are like in their 50s or 60s and they're like visibly suffering and it's cold sometimes you know like you could see them like panting and breathing through the mouth you know they haven't even like learned how to breathe when they're running they're breathing through the mouth and like every I swear to god every single time I drive past one of these people. I want to open the window and say, please don't do this. You're hurting your health. you know But I just never do because it can't help everybody. It's not my battle, you know that kind of way.
Christian Yordanov
but And that sometimes I see like i just ah ah remember recently, there was two dudes running, and there was like a gal behind them, and she was like visibly suffering, and she was like, I don't know what she injured, but she was running really with poor form. And it's like, if you're one of those guys, why why don't you just tell her, look, let's just do some like something a little bit lower intensity, like body weight exercises, and you know and then go home. it's like and And again, this honestly, I truly believe this has been socially engineered. You know, if you look at all this, the ah ah trend of outro running and stuff like that, this is horrific, horrific, horrific sort of stress for a person's health.
Christian Yordanov
not Not one of those people are going to end up, well, these ultra runners, you know? So that's kind of the cardio side of things. Really, again, all you need to do, if you don't already, if you don't walk an hour a day, it's like you have so much low hanging fruit in the new year.

Emphasizing Regular Movement for Wellbeing

Christian Yordanov
Bring it up to an hour, then bring up the the speed or the intensity, whatever, you know?
Christian Yordanov
There's no point in destroying, you know, your health with this exertion. Because also, again, it won't be habit-forming. If something sucks, it's horrible. You have to really hate yourself. Like a lot of these kind of stiff upper lip guys like Jock Will, Will Link, Will Nick, or whatever it was. And the other dude, I forget his name, Joe Rogan, a lot of his buddies, they're just like,
Christian Yordanov
If that's not social engineering, I don't know what is I mean like all these kind of m MMA tough guys they're influencing so many guys and like I remember I don't listen to Joe Rogan much because you know just don't like my mind to be polluted with his kind of Because you get influenced and you start believing these things. you know These are influential people. But the only time I ah listened to him in the last few years was Sam Tripoli was on his podcast. And I was on Sam Tripoli's podcast a week or two before that. And so I heard he was on Joe Rogan. So I thought I'd tune in.
Christian Yordanov
and Even on that podcast, Joe Rogan was telling Sam Tripoli, you the you have to suffer because after you suffer, oh then you like you feel good because you're not suffering anymore. like Something that fucking stupid, seriously. It was that kind of fucking macho stupidity.
Christian Yordanov
You're gonna suffer, man! Because if you don't suffer, how will you kind of like not suffer or something? Dude, let's go smoke some DMT, which I actually do approve of. but you know and Just when I was on Sam Tripoli's podcast, I told him because he he was telling me one of his BJJ friends is trying to get him to do i an ice bath and it's like
Christian Yordanov
you get influenced by these guys. So he has a lot of these friends that are kind of, you know, BJJ and maybe MMA and main whatever, and you get influenced by that. And so again, this, I honestly believe this stuff is in many ways algorithmic algorithmically amplified to make people just destroy their health sooner so that they can the disease care industry can sink their uh its hooks into them basically so the gym similarly you don't want to go ultra hard in the gym for i'll just give you an example like this is a conversation i have with my chiropractor every every once in a while
Christian Yordanov
So he he's like 40 years I think chiropractor and he's from from the States and he he was a chiropractor with the Olympic, ah US Olympic team in 1984. He's worked with like athletes and stuff and just a lot of general folks. It's his bread and butter here in Portugal now.
Christian Yordanov
But he understands kind of injuries and and how how we do dumb things as you know lay people and we injure ourselves. right and One of those things is going to the gym, what do most people do? what what What are you told to do when you go to the gym? You go and you do compound movements. which kind of makes sense on the surface level, right? you You want to do squats, deadlift, and you know, bench, pull down, stuff like that, pull ups to recruit a lot of different muscle groups, which makes sense, right? But if you start, if you're, again, I'm talking about a detrained person or someone that's never really done this. I'm not talking, if you exercise a lot and you're a more advanced lifter, more power to you, continue doing it. You know, you're at the stage where, you know,
Christian Yordanov
unless you're like doing like a lot of exertion for whatever reason, you know your body's pretty well adapted to it and stuff like that. So it's not as stressful for for an adapted person. But if you're if you're going in, you know after like a lot of debauchery, being naughty, a lot of alcohol, and maybe like a lot of food over the Christmas period, if you go to the gym at that point,
Christian Yordanov
again Again, remember, a lot of people have deficiencies, even though they may think they're overeating a lot of stuff. there A lot of people have deficiencies and a again, stress, physical stress will exacerbate deficiencies, right? And you become more injury prone if you cut calories. But let let's just kind of talk about the exercise aspect. If a person goes in and starts doing like, you know,
Christian Yordanov
compound movements, the way they do it, you know, multiple sets, you know, three times a week, you know, you start with bench, of course, it's always you always start Monday's bench, then, you know, you're going to do like, maybe shoulders and and legs legs on Wednesday and then ah arms and like, that is a lot.
Christian Yordanov
too much for a beginner and what my chiropractor tells me is like the reason people get injured is because they they're sort of ancillary muscles the little the small muscles you know like around the the shoulder joint you have your your various rotator cuff muscles you know the uh sub scapularis and the you know infraspinatus and whatever all those others so what can happen is you can injure or in those kinetic chains if you have a some kind of weakness in those muscles which many of us do because we have poor posture we don't really pay much attention to those muscles and actually training a lot the the glamour muscles and stuff like that can actually exacerbate a lot of these weaknesses and for example if someone is more in pelvic tilt that's another thing that can exacerbate the sort of
Christian Yordanov
ah ah vulnerabilities and then when we go in there we actually become more injury prone and so you if you just go in and start hitting the gym hard especially if you're not eating sufficiently well and don't have have don't have the the gaps in the nutrition and the diet and the deficiency sort of addressed that's another way what you're doing is you're just putting a lot of stress on your body you know and this is what i I'm hoping that I can save you from doing because again if you just go in and it's painful and it sucks and you feel like you have to or have to push myself because I noticed this I I just I joined the tennis club a few months ago and I started the you know had a gym membership as part of it so I'd go there and I I knew I hadn't lived in in a while so I had to take it easy
Christian Yordanov
but when there was other guys there doing like you know lifting crazy amounts of weight i noticed it's another thing where you get influenced by the crowd i noticed i was trying to put on more weight than i knew i should have you know ah ah or and when i was alone in the gym early in the morning I would use the weight that I felt is the right weight, which is a you know a laughable looking amount of weight. Because i I never used to bench and stuff like that. so just like I always hated that. I always thought it's dumb. Why am I benching? I'll never use this. So and I've never been able to bench a lot. And that doesn't really bother me. But if if you go there,
Christian Yordanov
you're like oh no I have to like I have to put you know 20 kg or another 40 pounds more then and you know I'll do a few reps and kind of can of look like a jabroni here and you know you get all of these sort of things and especially guys do this a lot so in just kind of to save face of sorts so you don't look like a punk, you know, you're potentially putting yourself at risk and I know a lot of guys do this, you know, or and when it comes to to women, a lot of women, they actually, they feel like they have to keep up with the bros, which is another kind of really, I believe, very engineered thing through the influencers, the the algorithms and stuff like

Consequences of Overexertion and Stress

Christian Yordanov
that. and
Christian Yordanov
you look at a lot of women now influencers they're like hitting the gym and doing the rowing and it's like come on man like really and how important is vl2max and all this stuff so sorry i'm getting ranty here but my
Christian Yordanov
hope for you in the new year is you won't make this mistake of overexerting yourself in January only to you know have it suck so you don't make a habit out of it because you don't enjoy it and you're in pain or worse maybe even getting injured and because you're you're out of the game then so quickly without it being a habit you don't go back get a bad taste in your mouth or you persevere through the pain and the suffering and the exertion, but what you're doing then is you are simply adding a lot of stress on your body, which is what is it doing? Well, it's diminishing your longevity, right? And again, the the worst case scenario here is on doing this on top of like some kind of like a low carb or restricted diet or just cutting calories because
Christian Yordanov
Again, you're creating an even bigger deficit through the exertion right because that costs you energy. that you have to you no If you're not ingesting that energy, you have to create that energy and you don't conjure it up out of thin air. You degenerate your bones and your muscles and your organs and various other tissues and connective tissues and cartilage and you know whatever else.
Christian Yordanov
And then you turn that largely, a large part of that, it becomes glucose. And that is how you survive this stressor. So to me, that's not getting healthier. Objectively, people that do this are not getting healthier, right? Dieting does not make a person healthier unless, you know, unless they're extremely smart about their nutrition and they were like horrifically overweight where it was like an actual risk factor, like a horrific risk factor for their health, like imminently, if you know what I mean. But like someone that wants to lose maybe 20 pounds and you actually lose that 20 pounds with dieting, objectively,
Christian Yordanov
999 cases out of 1000, you are less healthy than you started, objectively, right? And this is what this is unfortunate the unfortunate reality for millions and millions of people now ensuing in January. They're getting less healthy. The might scale might be moving in the direction they wanted to,
Christian Yordanov
but their health is moving and in the opposite direction, the wrong direction. So again, if you don't walk now at least an hour a day, right? If you're not out and about in the sun an hour a day, just get that Just dial that in. That little piece is going to be so, especially if you do this after, you know, a big meal, like a main meal, lunch, dinner, or whatever. If you do that, that will improve the glycemic response to the meal. Your blood sugar will be more sort of balanced. You will partition the nutrients a lot better, right? You don't have to do it on an empty stomach.
Christian Yordanov
And it doesn't have again it doesn't have to be super hard, you don't have have to go hard from day one, just gradually increase it. And if you're walking one hour a day and you're going to, you know, if you're already doing that,
Christian Yordanov
And you want to do some resistance training and you have you don't have a lot of experience in this area. If you do great, good for you, go go do your thing, you know what you're doing. But if you don't have a lot of experience in this area, start with the basics.
Christian Yordanov
you know you don't necessarily even need weights to begin with you you can just do bodyweight exercises there's a lot less of a chance you injure yourself you know if you do just squats and if you can't if you can't do 30 bodyweight squats in a row without your ass falling off the bone for the next three days you know you your ass hurting like hell for three days then you just need to do bodyweight squats and if you can't do you know
Christian Yordanov
I don't know, at least five sets of 10 pushups, right? Which should be super easy but for most, you know, men, at least. If you can't do that, you know, in quick succession, if you can't do 20 pushups in a row, something like that, you know, I don't think you have any sort of reason to to be going near a bench press.
Christian Yordanov
You know, like you have to really build up these basic things, you know, like being able to do like five pull ups, I think before you're doing like other stuff. I mean, okay, that's, that's a different story. Now we're not going to get into the nitty gritty. The point being is you can do a lot with lightweight and body weight and walking. If you don't have those basics dialed in,
Christian Yordanov
just hitting the gym or the payment super hard in January is going to be way too stressful. And again, stress is degenerative stress, reduces longevity. Stress can you know mess with the immune system. Don't be surprised then if you get sick at the end of January, if you do that, and a lot of people do that. And it's really You don't need that much exertion to be healthy. What you actually need is more movement throughout the day. If you can actually put program more movement into your routine, that is the he to you know that's the optimal way to be.
Christian Yordanov
don't you will not get the same benefit of being active throughout the day as ah ah being in the gym and doing the cross trainer for an hour, the rower or lifting or cross fit for an hour or whatever. If you're sedentary the rest of the day, you just, it's not as good, right? So you don't want to be sedentary. I'm not saying don't exercise. Just take it easy and get the low hanging fruit. Again, if if you don't walk an hour a day,
Christian Yordanov
why would you, why in the hell would you start running you know or doing intense cardio? You have to be able to do basic stuff before you want to do more kind of more intense stuff again, because if you don't make that progression, you don't allow the body to adapt gradually. You're just putting, putting your body on the stress. And as you know, if you've read my book, how to actually live longer volume on stress,
Christian Yordanov
is one of the primary drivers of aging and dysfunction, right? So if you care about your longevity, which I'm pretty sure you do if you're listening to this podcast, if you care about your longevity, don't fall into these traps of, you know, you, your new me, let me hit the gym hard. Let's take it easy.
Christian Yordanov
Rather, take it easy, make it enjoyable, and allow it to become a habit. like for just Just for example, why am I in the tennis club like up to five times a week now?
Christian Yordanov
and The reason is because it's so enjoyable playing tennis and not not just the the the sport itself, like the actual playing of the game, but because it's a social game and usually playing with me, anything is going to be fun because I'm an absolute bollocks and make fun a lot. Even if I'm terrible at it, at least we're going to be laughing. So even like more experienced players playing against me.
Christian Yordanov
they they don't get frustrated like you would playing with like a really weak player because at least we're having fun in between like uh games and in between points and stuff like that so that aspect of that is why i keep going back and that's why i see guys like in their like in their six literally in their 60s that are there like almost every single time i'm there i see them And it's because they've built this habit around something they enjoy, and that's why they're they're fit and healthy, you know? And by the way, some of them are fit, but we don't know are they healthy because, you know, again, you have to understand, getting fitter if it's through a bunch of stress,
Christian Yordanov
is not actually making you healthier. like Health and fitness are something you have to balance very carefully because you can be super fit and you will be very unhealthy if you're if you're super fit. There's a fine line there where If you overexert yourself, you will get a lot fitter, but the the the diminishing returns for health improvements, they, like I said, if you look, if you go back a couple of months to the podcast, uh, you'll see, you know, for resistance training and for endurance training, the point of diminishing returns for those both types of exercise is, you know, one, two hours a week. Right. So again.
Christian Yordanov
Be careful. Take it easy. Warm up well. and yeah Try to make it fun. If you make it fun, it will not feel tedious. like to me it's i don't know For some reason,
Christian Yordanov
I've always hit it lifting weights, I've always hit it running, but I will run for like two hours if I'm chasing a ball to smack it back in the other guy's court. So that's kind of what helps in my case. So if if it's if it's if if you like a thing, do it. Just don't overexert yourself until you're ready to kind of get to that stage. Okay.
Christian Yordanov
I think I've just repeated myself a bazillion times in this podcast. So if I have, I apologize. And I hope you got some value out of this. Wish you all the best in the new year in terms of your health, fitness, longevity goals.
Christian Yordanov
And if you need help, if you need personalized help ah with with your situation, book a free metabolic function assessment with myself.

Free Health Assessments for Listeners

Christian Yordanov
Link will be down below. is the website. It's a 45-minute Zoom call where I ah give you a little form to fill out prior to the call and you score yourself on various aspects of metabolic function, you know, thyroid health, blood sugar balance, neurotransmitter balance.
Christian Yordanov
gut health, you know, adrenal health, and a few other areas. And this would allow us to see what areas are imbalanced. And this will allow me to help you gain clarity on how to begin restoring your health, right? And then we can discuss next steps if you know if you want to learn more. But it's such a valuable exercise to engage in because Even one aspect of the body, let's say just the gut being out of balance, just the gut being out of balance can cause a lot of health problems for a person. But what I find when we do these metabolic function assessment calls, most people have multiple imbalances in multiple areas of their metabolism.
Christian Yordanov
So this is kind of the the sad state of reality. Most folks over 40 have a ton of imbalances going on. And it's only when we do a little bit of kind of digging under the surface that people start to realize, oh my God, I actually, I can't figure this out on my own. I need help. And if you do need help with your health, if you feel like you're not thriving,
Christian Yordanov
and you want to be thriving. right Get in touch with me, book your free call with me and you know let's let's discuss your health goals and see how we can elevate you to new levels of so mental, physical performance, sleeping better, improve the beat of sexual function, healthy weight loss.
Christian Yordanov
all of that good stuff, you know discovering and addressing deficiencies, that's another thing. Reducing inflammation, oxidative stress, all of that good stuff that is super integral to health and longevity. And most people just aren't taught. And many like many programs in the new year, all they focus on is you know reducing calories or we're doing keto, we're doing more exercise, and they don't actually go deeper where we have to, you know in the modern world, we need to look at the toxification detoxification, stress reduction, you know optimizing sleep, not just in terms of like what supplements do we take, but how do we time our meals? how Is our environment and sleep hygiene optimized? There's a ton of little things that if we can dial them in, they're so easy to dial in on their own, but when we start dialing in a couple of dozen of these things and doing this consistently, a lot of benefits begin to accrue for the person.
Christian Yordanov
and then At the end of it all, you are now a new person that has all of these habits and it's not it's no longer like a chore to do this. It's just who you are. And you will then be living in a way that is conducive to your sustained health and longevity. That's kind of my goal for each one of my clients. So if you want to learn more about that, book that free metabolic function assessment down below. And otherwise, I will see you on the next episode. Thanks for tuning in.