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Bluetooth Earbuds: Are They a Bad Idea? image

Bluetooth Earbuds: Are They a Bad Idea?

How to Actually Live Longer
214 Plays2 months ago

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How to Actually Live Longer is your go-to podcast for cutting through the noise and discovering practical, science-backed strategies to not just add years to your life, but to add life to your years. Hosted by longevity author and functional health practitioner Christian Yordanov, this podcast dives deep into the truths (and myths) behind longevity, health optimization, and addressing chronic health problems.

Each episode offers actionable insights drawn from the host's own research, clinical practice, and personal journey, helping you make informed decisions to restore and enhance your health. Whether you're interested in reducing stress, boosting your energy and mental performance, improving your gut health, or simply looking to optimize your diet and lifestyle, this podcast delivers the tools you need to live a healthier, longer life.

Christian Yordanov
Hey, it's Christianjordnoff. Thanks for tuning back into the How to Actually Live Longer podcast. And today I wanted to just briefly talk about a topic that I think a lot of us are ignoring a little bit.
Christian Yordanov
And it's in the long term, it's going to hurt us. And I know it's a hard it's a hard one. It's a hard habit to break. But the Bluetooth earbuds, this is.
Christian Yordanov
Just a really, really, I believe, really, really bad idea to continue to use these earbuds long term and
Christian Yordanov
I for for years was using some kind of Bluetooth earphones, right? So I had the, there I don't think the that company's around, but they were on Amazon, the MPOW Cheetah. And they were super handy for like, you know, doing sport, it wouldn't come off. And yeah I went to like five pairs of them, you'd get a good pair, it would last you ages, then you'd get like two, three pairs would break in like a month.
Christian Yordanov
within getting them and starting to use them. So after that, I kind of used various other like headphones with with Bluetooth. But what happened at one point, I think it was like maybe two years ago, I i bought an yeahf EMF meter. So I started Maybe it was even longer at this point, but I started like measuring EMFs and we were pretty like good with my wife in terms of like keeping yeah EMF stuff low in terms of when the phone is in my pocket. i'm I almost always have it on airplane mode. if
Christian Yordanov
If I can't have it on airplane mode, then I will hold it in my hand. Like sometimes I'm outside and maybe I'm waiting for delivery. So I'm listening to something and I'll hold the phone in my hand because I know the phone might ring. so you know turning off the Wi-Fi we don't our Wi-Fi at home is never on so when people come in they're like what's your Wi-Fi password I'm like don't even bother asking because the Wi-Fi is not on and it's not gonna be on here's a cable to plug yourself into the matrix
Christian Yordanov
Which is super simple and cheap and easy to to to kind of, you know, create that solution for yourself. You do it once and then it's done, you know, it's just a matter of getting used to it. But I think the what happened then is last, it was either like late last year around this time or maybe January, the the beginning of this year.
Christian Yordanov
i Finally said, OK, I'm going to get these earbuds. This seems super convenient and blah, blah, blah. So I got these earbuds and I i can still see the box here. I think it was like 50 bucks. And I got them and they came in fully charged, synced them to my phone.
Christian Yordanov
and i put them in to test them out and i just felt like a buzzing right in the middle of my head like a real like sort of like i could just you know like almost like an energy weapon type buzzing like something was drilling a tiny hole into my brain so i was like i can't i can't uh i don't think this is just like i don't think i'm imagining this so i took out my yeah emf meter and uh this the the signal uh strength of of these and these are bluetooth remember they always we're always told bluetooth is much much much much much weaker than you know ah rf or uh gsm like the phones or wi-fi blah blah blah uh but i measured them and i was like the the the then i compared it to my phone and then my phone when i'm making a call and they were very like they were pretty damn close i can't remember like
Christian Yordanov
where they did the same sort of signal strength but it was pretty damn close and at that point i put them back in the box and i said i'm gonna return these so i never actually returned them because it was like 50 bucks and like i was being lazy about it And eventually, eventually you know, the it was too late to return them to Amazon. And I just can couldn't give this as a gift to anybody I know and like, or even don't like. Like, why would you why would you give something you know is harmful, right? And I know most people
Christian Yordanov
haven't really looked deeply into the you know what exactly the mechanism of why EMFs are harmful, detrimental long term. But i i kind of I have a couple of books on it and I did the research ages ago and I i know enough to know that you want to keep the EMFs as low as possible, as much as humanly possible.
Christian Yordanov
So, you know, I cannot give this to another human being. But what I did then is for a while I struggled with cabled sort of earphones and I got some cheap ones. They were like annoying. So I got better ones. and But I kind of got pissed off with them for a while. So I i went and bought the some sony ones where they kind of hang around your neck and then you can put put the wired from there you can put them into your into and i really think that's if you're gonna wear if you're gonna use bluetooth
Christian Yordanov
headsets, earbuds, whatever. If you can get those ones that kind of hang around your neck down to like the chest under your collarbone and then the cables kind of come up to yours, I think that's a hell of a lot better solution because at least now they're like a foot or 30 centimeters away from your brain or maybe a little bit less, but it's it's a lot better for them to be even 5-10 centimeters away from your brain then right next to your brain inside your ear because the the signal weakens significantly
Christian Yordanov
ah ah You know, with every centimeter further away, I think it's like the inverse square law or something like that. So every centimeter away, it's it's it's not a linear reduction in signal strength. It's some kind of inverse square, whatever the fuck.
Christian Yordanov
so I, I, I was like, okay, well, this is, this is much better. And then sometimes if I'm like, like lying on the, uh, on my, you know, massage chair at the end of the day, I might take one out and then kind of have the, the receiver even further away. its So it's like a couple of feet now at that point, half a meter. Uh, and you could have one ear, but still in your ear.
Christian Yordanov
So that further kind of gets the device away from you. So I was like, this is cool. This is fine. I'll use this for a while. But i will I was always like, I will eventually just get get into the habit of using wired. And then what I found over the course of the year was that where the device sits kind of on my ah ah the upper side of my chest on the left side, I started getting hairs coming out of there. I was like,
Christian Yordanov
I'm not a hairy dude. you know like Why do I suddenly have a bunch of hairs coming out of the place where this thing would kind of rest as I was walking or doing my business? And i honestly I honestly think it's because of that signal being so close to the cells that kind of in in that area, in the skin and whatever else,
Christian Yordanov
those cells being disturbed so for you know multiple, sometimes hours in a day. were there just were becoming more and more deranged where they were like doing things that they normally wouldn't do in this case it was just some hairs coming out but I honestly I cannot think of like I've never had hair coming out of there that's like the top side of my chest in the middle like never I've never had that
Christian Yordanov
and multiple hairs that for sure something is going on there something and Jesus Christ if that's happening there and a lot of these guys and gals out there with these earbuds multiple hours a day right next to their brain I like that cannot be good so here's the thing you actually if I know most phones nowadays don't have the 3.5 millimeter audio jack right so you can't like just buy a regular pair of wired earbuds or headphones and plug it in but here's the thing you just buy earphones that are USB-C or have the lightning jack you can actually get those
Christian Yordanov
or you can get a converter right you get an adapter from USB-C or lightning to audio 3.5 millimeter right so for I don't know 10 15 20 bucks you can buy the adapter or yeah I think it was like 20 bucks I got earphones that have an USB-C so they work on you know Android devices so this problem is can actually be be solved still fairly easily. I think a lot of people just maybe don't aren't aren't super aware that the just because you have an iPhone doesn't mean that you're locked into wearing those earbuds con you know constantly and having that signal drilling a hole in your brain. you know And I think
Christian Yordanov
It's such an insidious thing because we get used to it, it becomes habit. You don't really feel it, right? I think the thing about yeah EMS is because most people don't really feel them, it's only usually very sensitive people or people that are pretty kind of, their health is kind of really down in the dumps. They become more sensitive to them because they're like, in general, they're weaker.
Christian Yordanov
It's only those folks that kind of feel it and then It's very difficult to pinpoint yeah EMS as the true culprit, right because there could be any number of other things So it's such an insidious thing where we just oh, I don't feel it Therefore it must not you know, it must not be bad for me. I'm sure it's fine so I think the ah ah just I my thoughts on this is the sooner you just kind of take the plunge and make that habit change just put those earbuds away and get the wired earphones the better off you will be now at that point the other problem then becomes
Christian Yordanov
your device is gonna have to be a lot closer to you. So this is where we have to get a a little bit, again, creative in terms of the habits we we kind of have. So very easy solution if you're a podcast listener is just download the podcasts you wanna listen to and listen to them. i would you know I don't use YouTube or anything as as an app, but I i probably would even if if I was like watching YouTube a lot,
Christian Yordanov
I would just get whatever the subscription is so that you can download the videos and then you can watch them with your device on airplane mode. That's another thing you can do. ah just
Christian Yordanov
It took me a year to sort of finally break this habit now for the last few, I guess, two, three months. I've been using these wired earphones.
Christian Yordanov
It just, it took me so long so I can see, I can see this being something that people have way low on their to-do list. meanwhile it's blasting their brain from super nearby with these signals that seem to be getting stronger and stronger. I don't know bluetooth 5 is there's like a massive jump or difference but for sure these earphones that I was testing with my emf meter that signal definitely seemed a lot stronger and felt like because I did experiment with other earbuds at one point. I couldn't feel that sort of piercing, like high frequency, drilling almost into into between my sort of ear balls, if you know what I mean. Very, very weird, very eerie.
Christian Yordanov
i I almost started getting a headache within like seconds of using those. So I don't know, maybe they're just like not super high quality. Maybe, maybe the year, the air pods or whatever are way, way better. But, I would honestly urge you to kind of err on the side of caution when it comes to these things, because it's very easy again to to just allow something to continue that is harming us. and
Christian Yordanov
it's always ah ah Unfortunately, the case is that more often than not, people wait until they have some kind of a symptom or set of symptoms before they look to solve that issue.
Christian Yordanov
Christian Yordanov
The thing I'm trying to always kind of teach my clients and listeners readers is we don't want to wait that long because by the time we have a visible palpable health issue, a lot of damage has already occurred. So we're always working to restore and repair the damage, restore function, repair the damage. And that's always going to be a a harder a much bigger mountain to climb, a harder job to accomplish than to spot the things, the imbalances in our diet, lifestyle, supplementation, whatever the case may be, stress, work, sleep environment, and fix, plug those holes, plug those leaks early on, years or decades before they snowball into actual health problems. Because the older we get,
Christian Yordanov
Also, most people tend to become less resilient and weaker and harder to bounce back from these issues. so this thing i would it's I know it's hard to completely remove yeah emfs from our environment even at home it can be difficult because your neighbors might have their wi-fi router you know feet away from the wall where you sleep or stuff like that but the thing is we have a lot of control in terms of
Christian Yordanov
our you know our home environment and what we put on our body and what devices we use and this is again when you understand that the closer that signal the the source of that signal is to you the stronger it's going to be so it you might have a you know a cell phone tower I don't know, 100 meters away, 100 yards away from you, but I would probably, i'm and again, I'm not an engineer or anything, i but I would say it's probably a lot more harmful to have these earbuds with a much a weaker signal, but right next to your brain, right next to these sort of vital those structures in the head and stuff like that.
Christian Yordanov
So that's kind of my little mini mini discussion, mini thoughts. I haven't had a lot of time too to put out podcasts in the last month and a half, but I have a plan for the new year to you know up the up the content game and the quality of the content. So stay tuned.
Christian Yordanov
have yourself a merry little Christmas. And I will probably see you in the new year and have a great new year, wishing you a prosperous one, healthy, happy, all that good stuff. And thanks for being a listener to the How to Actually Live Longer podcast. And I will see you on the next episode.