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Lalo & Gloria - A Sanctuary For Healing

E12 · Avalon Harmornia
5 Plays3 years ago

Lalo Camarena & Gloria Quezada are two very genuine and connected human beings, who both run the caring, nourishing and uniting spiritual glamping resort “Huaya Camp”. We dive into Lalo’s journey working in the IT industry, the trouble of finding meaning and purpose, trapped in the rat race of always wanting more and numbing with substance abuse, and his way out and to deeper insights. Gloria path is different, coming form Washington DC in the US, where she went through an experience of sexual abuse which painted a path of exploration and healing, that with time, led her to Tulum Mexico, and later open up the wellness center at Huaya Camp. 



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Introduction to Guests and Experience Sharing

Welcome to episode number 14. I'm your host Sebastian Engstrom, and today Lalo and Gloria from Hawaii Camp join us. They are based in Tulum, Mexico. They are a glamping resort that is focused on your well-being, elevating it from a spiritual perspective, physical and mental, meaning even emotional. I did a time of skull, phenomenal. I mean, some of the clearest times most, I mean, you feel cleansed. So that is a
Mexican you can say indigenous sauna and drumming I mean Incredible as well as the organic food as well as just I mean the entire experience in a beautiful setting So we talked about how it all came about Gloria's past And her story as well Lalo's past and his story I mean it's a pretty dark stuff and it's amazing how they have evolved it how we all can do make our greatest pain our greatest treasure and Transform that and help that and bring that out as a medicine
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Show Promotion and Reflection

Hit five stars on Apple, scroll down, five stars, this helps us tremendously. If you're on another platform too, subscribe, like, whatever you are inclined to do, this is the good deed of the day that really helps us. So thank you for doing such.
And if you haven't checked out the CrossFit programs that we have, we have one methodical CrossFit program and one gymnastics CrossFit program. I do them myself, I build them myself, and they are actually very progressive, structured, methodical, hence the name.
but you get results and this is rare sometimes across it because you do repetitive motions but you do a variety of things every single week so you don't get better this has a lot of structure of a strength program so you see the improvements you see the skill improvements so you feel like you're getting stronger because you actually are and you get shredder
It's amazing. Check it out. Safina all cast 15 for 15% off. And I will be there to help you coach you throughout the journey in the app with videos with instructions. Check it out. Enjoy the conversation with Lalo and Gloria. Welcome, Gloria. Welcome. Thank you. Incredible to have you here. And thank you. I'm in
a different state after the Tamaskal yesterday. It was something else. I've done a thing or two to challenge myself and that was definitely one where
I felt super confident going into it and speak about being humble and feeling unity like never before. It's interesting especially when we put up all worlds, when we go out in society and especially in such a beautiful place like Tulum, a lot of what has come up for me has been
Comparison, a lot of heavy ego, a lot of being on the beach, you see everyone in their bikinis, in their swimsuits, and it just becomes comparison.

Hawaii Camp: Energy and Peace

It's a very, it's a sexual energy, but it also becomes of, especially from a masculine side, oh, I am the alpha male, I am better than you, you and you, but when it really comes down to, hey, it's all better when we're all unified, when we're all just, hey, I see you and I love you, you're amazing just the way you are. You go, brother, you go, sister.
and instead of giving someone the mean face of thinking, well, I'm better than you. So that is also, every time we come back here,
And what is here is a very special place. It's called Hawaii Camp. I hope I pronounced that correctly. That's correct. Very much. It's a sanctuary. And that is really where I feel like I can let go of those things. I've been to a few different hotels, a few different places, and the energy is different. And I get very sucked into any energy really that I go into.
And this is where I find a lot of peace, find myself being calm, find myself getting a true break. So you've created something very special here. Thank you for having done that. And maybe you can go into how this came about. How did Hawaii come about in the very first place?
Absolutely. I'll be delighted. First of all, thank you very much Sebastian for allowing me to express me and Gloria and be here and share a little bit of what life has been for us in the past few years.
big movement, inner movement, bigger personal realizations about who I am, about my journey and about what may lie ahead in light of new decisions and new
a new path, a new journey, you know? Well, in a personal level, I was not in a very good place when I came to Tulum. I actually came looking for a way out, escape. I was caught in a very long relationship, which my very own
ideas kept me bonded to thinking what I needed to do as opposed to what I should be doing for myself. And through that, maybe, you know, be a better person for my family and for the people around me. And so I was in a place of
despair and a dark moment in my life. I was living out of the country and I couldn't get it going. I tried many different things, a career change, a geographical change, a way of life and nothing really happened.

Lalo's Journey and Transformation

How did your career start? What did you do? Well, I made a career in telecommunications for a long time. I was in Mexico City doing through the very beginning of the digital revolution, if you would, in telecom. You know, we went from
telegraph and analog communications to the beginning of electronic communication, and soon thereafter the digital revolution. So we ended up doing the very beginning of fax and PBXs, you know, switches, telephone switches. And it was obviously a very good career.
the world embraced this new wave of technology and applications to everyday lives and businesses and I was right on top of the wave and we had a family business and I grew up on that.
I excelled, I loved it, and it was good, but it was fierce, it was very competitive, it was intense, and always there was a demand of performance, a demand of doing better, doing the right thing, getting done, getting the task done. And throughout my life, I always thought that that was the only way that I could be. I thought that I would
I would grow from that. Through that achievement in my professional life, the rest will fall down to me. Well, that never happened. Needless to say, I gained
success, relative success, you know. I have always had a good life but not a happy life, not a free life, you know. I ended up falling down to
big team to the disease of addiction. I've always had a proclivity to substance abuse and that way of life of a lot of pressure did not help in any way. So I ended up doing
heavy substance abuse and well that just made it way worse as you could possibly imagine. It was very harsh. It was harsh for me and harsh for my family. I never stopped working. I didn't hit a rock bottom per se as we see in others but the suffering was there.
The suffering inflicted upon myself and others was there and was real. The disease of addiction is very problematic. It's a social cancer and I was deep in it. Later in life, about eight years ago, I found recovery.
through a 12-step program. I sought out the help for myself because I basically wanted to die because I felt
that nothing was good enough. I wasn't able to stop using. I wasn't able to make people happy. I wasn't able to make myself happy. Everything was confusing and convoluted and very, very taxing on me.
So already in recovery, already with a certain amount of clean time, I decided to move out of the country with the whole family because I wanted to give my children a better life. Not a better life because we always had a good life, but a peak at something else, at something different, a change. So we ended up moving to the US.
And I got there and things just got worse for me because it was worse in the sense that I was not using and I was still miserable, you know, and making people miserable around me. And it was very hard. It was again something really hard.
After a three-year period in the U.S., I decided that I needed to do something. And that's when something magical started happening because I started coming back to Mexico.
Since a long time ago, about 14 years ago, I ended up buying this small property here in Tulum, downtown Tulum, thinking that eventually at one point I would retire here.
You know, because I've known Tulum since 30 years ago and, you know, back in the day when we were doing telecommunications and we were doing rural telephony. This was a rural community back then. So we ended up connecting it with the radio waves to the grid, not to the network.
So I started coming to see my property and trying to gather my marvels, if you would, you know, trying to make sense of whatever was left, you know, and trying to find purpose. And that's when it began, you know. Four years ago I started coming every two months and then every month and then I didn't want to leave and then at one point it was clear to me that
Well, you know, the calling is there. Why are you forcing yourself to fit into a structure and programming that it does not serve you? It clearly does not work for others either because this is chaos. You know, it's not good to be suffering.
And through that, provoking suffering on the people you love. So I came here. I started a different project. I started a organic chicken farm out there in the jungle. Very sustainable, very, very beautiful concept. And it did take off. It was great, but it was not my calling.
You know, I thought it for a little while that it was something that I could be doing, but now it's, it didn't just cut it for me. Then a friend of mine, also in recovery, showed me a beautiful path in exploration, in archeology. And I've been the busy mind that I've always had.
I thought, hey, we could make a business model out of these because this is incredible. You know, their riches in the Yucatan, specifically in the Oriental Mayan coast, the Mexican Caribbean, you know, these beautiful sites and history and the Mayan culture, which is incredible. It's a treasure. It's a treasure of humanity. We have so many sites and so such a long period of
cultural buoyancy with that history that I was immersed for.
good year of my life and it was amazing we were exploring out there we were taking people high-end visitors customers to very remote secluded sites and we would treat them and and and they were very happy and and we would dive and explore the cenotes and and it was it was a magnificent time in my life but I couldn't escape
Entirely my reality my reality is that I still have back then I had Teenagers now they're all in college, but I need to support that that responsibility and and that was just not a good way to go

Creation and Evolution of Hawaii Camp

about it. So I a neighbor of the property this property that that we had
offered to sell and you know that made sense because you know we would enlarge the property and we would connect it to the avenue and have dual entrances in the property and and it's such a beautiful space with fruit trees all over that's why it's called Waya by the way the Waya it's a
It's a fruit, it's a Caribbean fruit, it's a fruit of northern South America, central and southern Mexico and the Caribbean islands. It's a tree called mamon in some other countries or mamoncillo and it's relative to the lychees.
And it's very sweet and very delicious and it grows beautifully here but you know the karstik rock it's very very healthy for for that plant and it grows beautiful and you know there it's all over around us and we get fruit four months a year you know I mean unbelievable amounts it's very complicated to pick it up actually it's very abundant and so it only seemed
Reasonable to call the project wire camp because you know, this is really what it is. It's it It's a natural abundance of the place, you know, so I This was this was a nightmare, you know the land that we got because these people used to work in in engines and and fixing diesel engines and it was a
ecological disaster. They did not respect a lot the land. So it took us six months to cleanse and remediate the
the property, but we did it with a clear commitment of something we didn't have in mind that it was gonna be a camp. We didn't have in mind that it was gonna be a glamping. We were thinking maybe traditional construction, high density, making money, that drive that still persisted in my life about more, more, more, getting somewhere.
without purpose, without meaning, without really something besides just the sheer need to ownership, to declaring myself, you know, successful above anyone else or above my own or my predecessors.
In the meantime, while we were remediating the mess here, I started falling in love with the land, with the trees, with the birds, with nature, with the animals, with the people that would come. So I figured, okay, we're gonna need a little bit of time for permits and project and financing.
I better get something going financially because, you know, I have responsibilities. So I said, I have another piece of land in Tulum, nearby, in the jungle, in the tall jungle, in a common years land called Francisco May. So I figured, okay, I can do something here.
and then take it later to Francisco May while we build something of brick and mortar, no? And so I googled and I figured that there was these things called jerks. I've never been to one, never heard of one, just, you know, never stepped into one, just, you know, it made sense, you know. I said, well, if this
Societies in Mongolia and all over the far parts of the world, Afghanistan, now they're all over the place. Turkey, they're very popular in North America, in Europe. A lot of people are doing glamping with this. And even tiny homes, they live in jerks. I said, well, it makes sense. We can build it and then we can take it somewhere else while the project develops, the original idea developed.
Well, I found out who was doing that in Mexico and I had an idea, I had a concept. I figured what we have a lot of here is the jungle. So there is a lot of natural materials pertaining to this part of the world. And I figured, okay, instead of buying rectified wood,
you know, like the traditional sourcing of the wood, we could use the natural sticks because the wood that we use here are from this land. Most of it came from here, what we could collect from here, clearing the patches of jungle that we needed to do the foundations for the jerks. And whatever we couldn't
there is plenty of out there. And it's very sustainable because the sticks are very young. We used only
three to five year old trees. So they, you know, and the jungle is beautiful. It recuperates, you know, and we didn't use heavy wood at that, or at a minimum at least. So we had that source of materials and then we had the people that had
had experience doing it. A young kid from Mexico City was doing temporary housing for people in Oaxaca, in the state of Oaxaca in the Pacific, in the Mexican Pacific, that needed support because of the earthquakes out there wiped their homes. So they were doing jerks.
with natural materials and PVC tubing. And they were getting very creative at allowing these families to have shelter, temporary shelter. So I found out about him. I contacted him. I invited him over. He came. He said, it's doable. Yes, we can do it. So that's where it all began.
okay I said well we don't need so many of them we only need a few because this is gonna be temporary right so you know we're gonna get a few going and from there we move on I started with two in mind then I realized that it was not cost efficient you know because just infrastructure you power
sanitary, hydraulics, all that did not make sense. So then I moved to four, then my brother who has partnered with me in many, many, many times, chose to, he came by, he came by to visit and he said, I love the project, I love the concept, I love the idea, why don't you let me in? And it made sense, so I said, sure, let's make it a little bigger. So we moved to eight.
And two little apartments that we have here as an Airbnb type of model. Because this was the built already construction that the previous owners had had. But it was in ruins. It was really, really bad. It was not nice. Like I said, they were not very respectful of the land.
in and i know there's plenty more to share yes sorry yes there is a very unique feel to the aesthetics that can't be depicted right now it's just gorgeous the entire property um not to name any names i was i was at another property run a corner not the same you can tell that the hurricane came through and was never cleaned up so um
even beach properties it's very much about beach properties and anyone who has been to a resort or anything around you can say any beach resort any tropical destination this this feels like you are part of the jungle while you're still part of a
You're not having tarantulas crawl on you or scorpions crawl on the floor. There might be some. I haven't experienced any. I experienced it. There are, believe me. Exactly. But maybe not as common. You still get that civilized feel and very classy, a mystical feel. But it's an elegant feel to it that you've created here. And some of the other properties,
You can tell that it's very aimed towards, alright, how do we make the most money? And it's a very different message that just comes through here. Yes. It's a very different feel than what you're speaking to, too, with the telecommunications being in Silicon Valley and having spent the last...
six years there and haven't been in that career for five years in IT. I have a friend that I can think of specifically who's in his 50s that I got really into. So they call it the 2000 bus through the bubble, the first and with the IT bubble. And he said that, yeah, what's happening right now in Silicon Valley was nothing like before when it came to the partying and amount of drugs and amount of
how hard everyone went at it like people never thought it was going to end or the money was never going to run out eventually everything just popped and a lot of people were left in a very difficult situation and so i want to honor and commend you for being able to to be here where you are today and i created where you are they created this and following that curiosity or that sense of
Vision. Yeah, a vision. There's something that keeps driving you. I commend you for listening to that. Thank you. Because that can be very difficult. And I think that's a message that a lot of people are facing and can choose to listen to now with COVID, where so many people's lives are getting uprooted.
either by their jobs not being there, being furloughed, if you have someone getting sick or even passing away. There's so much change, so how do you listen to that small still voice inside?

Gloria's Story and Connection with Tulum

And I think your story depicts that in such a beautiful way and the connection that I've had
and how we've spoken Gloria. I know you embody that truly even from the yoga class today and being on the sidelines unfortunately today but listening to it and hearing you speak to how you speak to these yoga traditions are in this area but also experiencing the Temescal with you. There is one thing
to go into a Temescal, to be humble, to be the maestro, which was fantastic, by the way, who led the ceremony. You have this, you've done it so many times, and still you have this fiery, like, alright, this is how we're gonna do it, and you still trust right away, and you listen, like, you're an incredible leader from that perspective. Still, you blend that in with a softer, more of a
divine feminine of sorts definitely more feminine yes and i know definitely yeah so there's there's how how did maybe uh weaving that in inspiring that in with with lala story and then we'll tie it in later on how did you come about to be here at waya camp today wow that's a good one
How did I come to Tulum and here at Hawaii Camp? So I actually first came to Tulum many years ago. I think it was 2013 maybe. And I had stayed at a resort not too far away. It wasn't all inclusive and I was with the boyfriend at the time. And I was, and at that point in time I was going through a lot of transformations
I had come to the realization I was working through my therapist and we had a breakthrough with me being raped and me being abused and it was during that period in time that we had decided to come to Tulum to kind of take a breather but also it was also his birthday and
The magic of Tulum, of what Tulum is and does to you when it's here, is it shows you your true self or it already asks you if you're willing to listen.
What are you doing with your life and what is your purpose? At least that was the message that Tulum gave me. And I think that's what a lot of what Tulum does when you come here and you spend a good amount of time here. It really gets to the blueprint and really gets the core of like, what is your purpose? What is your mission? What are you really here to do?
And so in that, you know, five day span of, you know, living that all inclusive, which I really don't like, I'm not an all inclusive girl at all. But either way, it gave me that like exposure to Tulum that I needed, right? That little bit of what the energy here has. And I was like, I need to come back here. But it was more so like, I need to come back to Mexico. Like Mexico is where I need to be.
Fast forward many years later, I'm still working through my traumas. And still to this day, I've been working daily with them. They come up in various different ways. I think it's one thing... I think as a woman, and I think this comes... I think what comes to me in that sense is
One in every five women is raped, right? And I don't think that's something that we really talk about a lot. And it's really that high. And I think it's something that I really like to not that I talk about, but I think that it should just be open.
you know, it should be out there because I think the more that we talk about it, the more awareness there is and then there's no more shame or guilt or victimization around it because I think that's what happens and that's what causes more trauma and more triggering and more hiding behind a face or a person or a substance or a compulsion, right? And so, you know, for many years I was working through that trauma, right?
And I was in a relationship that I was loveless. And I all admit I entered that relationship knowing, you know, that
and I just went with it because it felt safe because it was better to like feel too much because I was afraid they would violate me in some form of way because of that initial trauma that was there than to really feel love, right? And so that led me six years in that whirlwind of none
Yeah, six years of in that relationship of going back and forth, in that relationship of not truly loving and being comfortable with just being with the comfortable. But then I just got to a point where I was like, what am I doing? Like, there's got to be more to this. There's got to be more to life. I can't just be comfortable and I can't just be settling.
And I know that there is a passion and there's a love in me that I need to share and I need to project out there, right? Which leads me to come back to Tulum, right? So it was my best friend's 40th birthday and she's like another all-inclusive resort. So we come back to the all-inclusive resort, which I hate and
I leave within four days. I can't take it anymore. So I'm like, I asked my higher power and I'm like, where do I need to be? Where's my next step? I'm lost right now. I'm in this place of not knowing what I want within myself, within my love, within my next career. I know I want to be in Mexico, but I don't know how to be here. Right. And, um,
And honestly, Wyatt Camp was the first thing that popped up when I went into booking was the first thing.
And I saw it, and I was like, oh my god, this is super cute. This is exactly what I was looking for. Right? And then I was like, of course, as women are, as we are, I shouldn't say just women, but as I am, I should say, I keep on going back and forth, back and forth through all of the ones. And then it just kept on popping up. And I was just like, OK, universe, I hear you. This is the one that I need to stay in. So I immediately book.
Emailing Lalo because I was actually in search of a I really wanted to learn how to do the cacao ceremonies right so I came here in search of that and search of like looking for like some cacao ceremonies and Of course the universe Antelope always has a bigger plan for you, right? So I come
And I immediately get, you know, introduced to Lalo and we just have this amazing connection and we end up talking for hours and hours and hours and, you know, we just really connected that last year. And so we just stayed in contact. You know, we had a
quick like Interaction really, you know good 72 hours our connection We kissed a little bit at the end, right? You know, but it was just a very brief but meaningful interaction That's how I would describe it exactly exactly
So, you know, a year passes. I ended up breaking up with my boyfriend at the time and I'm like, I need, I'm done. I can't do this anymore. And I was like, already had already been planning on coming to Mexico and I was like, okay, I'm going to plan for three years, right? I'm going to plan to move to Mexico in three years. And I was already making those plans, already like looking at networks and already contacting my networks, contacting my networks here in Tulum.
I was like, okay, I'm going to come back to Tulum in February. I'm going to work with the midwives and study under them and because I'm also a doula. So, you know, I was like, okay, I'm going to learn their methods and learn like Mayan ancestry, which is like my heart and soul. So I come back for that. And I also contacted Lalo again and I said, Hey, I'm going to be here for a few.
a few weeks let's connect and let's hang out like I want to stay here at Hawaii while I'm here and of course you know he picks me up from the airport and literally the history is kind of that's it now we're here today nine months later with a wellness center and
You know, we just continue to build and work every day to create what this is, you know? And in a path of personal growth, you know, through others. At least for me anyway, it's about today, it's not about accomplishment, it's about
fulfillment. It's about who I am and what makes me feel, you know, what makes me feel serene and buoyant and loved. It definitely has to do with personal decisions, no doubt unquestionably, but it also goes through a deeper
feeling in hearing your calling, your true nature, who am I without denying it, without breaking the constraints of social concepts, you know, that we're encrusted or
set up upon me. I didn't know, I didn't know how to go about it. Now that I'm here, it makes a hell of a lot more sense. It's just about who I am and what makes me happy and the people surrounding me. When I first got here I started, I've never heard about wellness or healing or anything, never.
Never. I was a very religious person, but not a spiritual person, which is a big difference. Now I get it. And some really strange people started coming in. I would call them that because, you know, they would talk about things that I, for me, they were meaningless, waved
far different from what I've known that far. And then I started speaking with them and interacting with them and getting acquainted with a new concept, a new way of going about life. My inner self, the expansion of my life through my personal soul, through my heart.
Gloria has been an incredible teacher in that journey. From the moment I met her, we connected because it's turned out to be a fascinating area in my life, knowing about how to be a better human being, how to grow through helping others.
you know achieving that creating a beautiful space where people can feel comfortable and where people can feel happy and and and and let letting go at least for a few days letting go of their
burdens, you know?

Wellness Concepts at Hawaii Camp

And now we started talking about making it formal and helping people. And that's how the spirit to wellness idea came to be because she said, well, you know, there is many ways to go about it. We should formalize it. We should set a little piece of space where we can start building something exclusively for that purpose, you know?
It made sense from every angle, from as a business model, as a service to our already happy guests, as to the community, because we do provide the yoga, you know, the Temascal on a donation basis, because for me, this is medicine. And the medicine needs to be given, you know, and shared.
So it's been a fascinating journey. I'm so happy that I'm here with Gloria working together on this beautiful new project. The kids at the restaurant came and they had a beautiful idea on how to help people through nurturing them.
And the food is amazing, and it's supernatural and super healthy, and it's this concept called trophology that I didn't know, which is about mixing the right ingredients in a dish for your better benefit. Not overlapping protein with protein, but rather making it very balanced so you can get the best out of it. To get the highest nutrition. To get the highest possible nutrition benefit from it.
I can see that. I haven't heard of that concept, but how you got me truly intrigued. It makes a lot of sense.
It's really, really good, needless to say, their success from the get-go. They have been at it for four months now after the pandemic hit us. And we had an in-house operation which collapsed with the coming of the pandemic. Then we started thinking, OK, we've got to
We have to restart that project. We started talking to Likido and Solido, which are incredible young kids from San Luis Potosi, Mexico, both of them Mexicans. They're a couple. And they're super hard workers and super committed to their concept and to what they want. And they are very, very driven about it.
And, you know, it's combining beautifully. They came up with this beautiful concept, marketing concept, if you would, of the healing collection, where while a camp, Likido, and a spirit to wellness serve as an umbrella for people coming here and healing themselves or being providing the proper
environment, atmosphere, space for being at ease and being comfortable and hopefully starting the journey or furthering the journey of healing, you know? So, in coming full circle with this, it's coming to Tulum, it's more
There's so many layers of spirituality, more so than I ever imagined. Yes. Any other place that I've been to. I've heard of so much more than I've actually seen, but feeling the different energies and also experiencing everything from dress codes, to crystals, to... To luminaries. Yeah, to luminaries. To luminaries. Can't forget about them. How would you describe the to luminaries?
Lalo? Well, it's this crowd that lives here or comes for a season here and there are many local Tuluminatis or wannabe Tuluminatis because the true Tuluminati comes from the outside.
and they dress the part and they eat the part and they joke at the part and they are barefooted and they're levitating and they do power plants and they are in the spiritual journey for a season or for a week or for a short brief moment here. And then they go back home and get right back at it, you know,
choking each other for another million dollars. I mean, it's not to pass, I guess I am passing judgment clearly. It's just something so foreign to us. Spirituality, it's a way of life. It's not a vacation, it's not a decision. Now I get it. I didn't get it for a long time, but now I get it.
i can be spiritual anywhere because it's mine it's me i can be in my center you know with the creator with the universe whatever you want to believe and feel
and yourself. I don't need people, places or things to dictate who I am. And I think at the end of the day, you know, just like we're all just trying to find ourselves. We're all just trying to grow and we're all just trying to find different ways, different ways to heal. And I think a lot of the times
they can get lost in these different ways of healing and they try to tap them and layer them and layer them and layer them and they want these outside sources to do the healing versus actually taking the time to go inwards and do the healing for the on themselves and I think that's where we're seeing that version of Tulumunati is or I think that's what we're talking about.
where they're looking for outside sources instead of looking on the inside and taking that time because it does take time. It takes years. It's not just a week-long thing. It's not just a weekend thing, you know? Like Lalo said, it's a lifetime of growth and it's a lifetime of healing and, you know...

Significance of Temazcal and Authentic Practices

Consistency. Consistency, yeah. And I have faced that too this week of
Not doing the rituals that I usually do, doing the gratitude, doing the affirmations, even for every meal, doing gratitude and really feeling and setting an intention and feeling deep gratitude for the animal that gave us life or feeling gratitude for the farmers and the soil and everything that went into
and absorbing the nutrition from that. And I think that's so powerful when you speak to, and I've gone into myself, we always want the quick fix. We always want, how do I get to my end destination with the least?
resistance in the quickest way. And sometimes you miss, I mean, it's that classic saying, it's not about the destination, it's the journey. And I think that's where the Temaskal comes in, right? I mean, I think that's where, why it's so important or why it's so powerful, right? When you enter into Mother Earth's womb, you're letting go of who you think you are, right? You're letting go of that ego self, you're letting go of the masks that you are,
and you're entering into your true self, your ego-less self and you're coming into a community and you're creating oneness and you're creating likeness of like-minded, right? And for those that don't know what a Tamaskal is, it's a 5,000 year old or more
Mesoamerican tradition that goes from Alaska all the way down to Peru, correct? And these traditions have been passed down over centuries, right? The Tamaskal is like a Native American sweat lodge, and so the importance of it is huge. These Native Americans would go inside, as well as our indigenous, our Mayan indigenous and Aztec indigenous, would go inside of these sweat lodges to
have political meetings, have births, have their medicine, their detoxification, their purifications. If you go to any Mayan temple, you will always find a Temaskal right before the big temple. And why? Because if you're going to go see
a king or a queen, you need to purify yourself before you are even seen, right? So they would always have these small little tema skulls so that the person who's visiting from the outside detoxifies, cleanses themselves almost like a sanitizing way in a way, right? I mean, because it not only cleanses you, you know, physically, but I mean, it cleanses all
eight auric fields. It's getting on all energy fields, on all spiritual fields, on all
mental and physical. Right? Mind, body. It is. Absolutely. Absolutely. It is. It is. And it's a way of life. Like I said, you know, um, you know, we're very, very, very grateful and, and, and lucky truly to have our, the mascot guide or the Mascaleiro, as we call him, uh, Jaime. Jaime's an extraordinary character. He's been a great addition to, to our team. Uh, he's,
He's a true guide. He's an inspiring personality. He predicts by example. He leads by example. He tells us all these beautiful manifestations. Because, for instance, he does not like the term shaman.
Which is why you know you're dealing with the good Shimon. Because he doesn't like the label. He doesn't like that level of responsibility. He says, my journey is not there yet. I'm not there. Whatever that is, I'm not there yet. I'm here and I'm the messenger. And you are to heal yourself. And all I do is be the conduit. The conduit.
to that journey, you know? And he lives by it and, you know, we go often during the beach to see the sunrise and play the drums and prayer and sing and, you know, and connect with the pachamama, you know, connect with the universe, connect with one another. And those exercises are beautiful, you know, and sometimes when he sees me struggling here with the burdens of everyday life,
because that's what they are they're just little stones in my journey they're not troubles they're just you know the little challenges that life presents and he sees me and he says well don't get attached to them just let them go you know they're they will to pass
So, you know, it's a great addition to our team. He's a true thing, you know, he's legit. And he again teaches us every day that he is by example.
And I think that's what I was, you know, I think that what was really important for me in creating this, this espiritu wellness, was to have that authenticity, to have that lineage. You know, I think we talked about that yesterday and how important that was for me to keeping the cultures alive, keeping the lineages alive and honoring them, truly honoring them. Because I think what happens, even with yoga, I see it, I mean, see it all the time with yoga, where it's just been so distorted.
and it's turned into this workout and you're not really learning the philosophy, you're not learning the history, you're not learning the Vedas, you're not learning the Pranayama, you're just going in for a quick workout to get a sweat in, but it's not truly what yoga was meant to be. And so for me, creating this wellness with Lalo was that mission.
to create that and maintain those traditions alive and create those images and hold fast, hold them so that we can nurture them and help them grow. And that truly comes through. There are ceremonies that you can go into and I've been part of them too where you feel
I've realized that in any line, and even in the spiritual community, you can talk, you can learn to talk, and then you can talk it. But there's not always substance behind it. And that really became so clear.
in the Temescal yesterday when you spoke to how do you how do you say how he really he was pushing away like hey i'm just a messenger like i'm here to just you are going to receive the healing i'm just here to help facilitate whatever needs to happen and when that happens instead of
You can even... I've sensed it too, here with the Tulumonades and other spiritual people.
They come here with a spiritual ego, like it comes here, you're here to show something, and there's still a hierarchy within spiritual people as well. Absolutely, egoism. I've been exposed to that more so, and I think that is so incredibly special, the more you're creating here. That's absolutely not the feel, and my wife and I were talking about that yesterday too, and how that really comes through.
and how you can sense that and how even on Instagram or on social media or different communities there's very much of a feel that you're trying to put out there and often associated with that can be at times even though there is a lot of spiritual healing and healing overall with plant medicine but sometimes
it gets used and portrayed in such a way that this is the cool thing to do and you need to do it in order to get to where you need to in the quickest way and but they're so because it's uncomfortable in many other ways and then how do you really go within because the biggest thing is one of my deeper realizations is stop depending and asking questions
on other people. Don't depend on other people to tell you what the answers are. You have the answers within yourself. You need to quiet and like Rumi said, listen to the voice that doesn't use words. Stop using your brain and start using your heart. Thank you so much for coming and joining.
Wow, even hearing, sensing, I've sensed this before, but hearing you put this into words and hearing your journeys makes it even more special. So thank you for what you bring to this world.
the work you're doing, it's showing for everyone here and the healing you're doing for yourself is healing the people that come here too as guests.

Personal Growth and Show Conclusion

So I trust that we're here for a reason and we took part of this healing for a reason. So thank you for sharing that. On the contrary, thank you. Thank you so much for being here with us and sharing with us your beautiful family and your beautiful spirit and this wonderful way to communicate and tell others, you know, a little bit of
a different way of life, you know, of not being afraid of taking decisions and actions and believing the consequence because they're good, they're mine and they will take me to where I should be going. And truly trusting in your higher power and whatever that may be for you, right? Like whether it's your own self, your own self-love, your
You know, it doesn't have to be a higher source. It can, just trusting something and having faith in that and just moving, even if it's just an inch, it's just an inch, right? Or just for that moment, just for that second, moving forward, chipping off just a little bit at a time, right? That's how you do it. It's not true.
It's not just like jump. I mean, yeah, you can totally jump, but I think there's a lot of little mini steps that you do so that you do feel comfortable in jumping, right? Thank you again. Thank you so much. Thank you.
Lalo and Gloria run a phenomenal resort retreat. I mean, just a place that you go and get rejuvenated and it lifts you up. So if you want to connect with them, find the information in the show notes to why I came to Lalo and Gloria. And please, if you haven't done so, if you feel inclined, if you feel like this show helped you, please hit subscribe, like this helps us spread the message to more people.
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And if you haven't checked out the CrossFit programs, Methodical CrossFit, Gymnastics CrossFit, find them at or for 15% off your first month. Safina, all caps, 15. And I'll be right there, guiding you, coaching you through these programs. Enjoy. Have an amazing day. Send you much love.