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Manex Ibar | Sphinx Code: Personal Subconscious Architecture image

Manex Ibar | Sphinx Code: Personal Subconscious Architecture

E31 · Avalon Harmornia
22 Plays3 years ago

Mystic spiritual teacher, author, sound engineer, music creator, ceremonial master, spirit engineer and nature whisperer! We get into Manex’s masterpiece: Sphinx Code - a fascinating reading for your subconscious past, present and future. It presents insights into who you are, your family and your potential. We also go into his story, from his physicist parents, growing up in Spain, moving to the U.S., having an out of body experience, but still pursuing music, ending up with advanced degrees and eventually becoming a VP at SONY, before really answering the call of becoming a mystical spiritual teacher. 



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Introduction to Manesh Ibar and His Work

Welcome to another episode. My name is Sebastian Angstrom and today Manesh Ibar joins me. He is a mystical spiritual teacher. He can focus on and understand what you cannot see, what you cannot hear, what you cannot feel. We're talking about the subconscious mind. We're talking about spirituality and we're talking about the masterpiece that he is bringing forth into this world, which is This Swings Code.
which is personal subconscious architecture. So what the hell is that? Well, you'll get a reading. If you do this, you'll understand your past, present and your future. So what the hell does that mean? Well, you'll get an understanding of your family patterns, of your potential, of insights that you didn't really see coming.

From Sony VP to Spiritual Teacher

I was skeptical, but I've been blown away by what this actually presented to me.
We do a live reading, not the Sphinx code, but we do a live reading on the call as well as some other goodies. I mean, he used to be the VP over at Sony. He took the traditional path and he was called to something, you can say, more extraordinary that he did not expect.
Manesh has a fascinating story that we'll get into. And if this podcast is bringing you value, please, if you're an apple, scroll down, take five seconds, hit five stars. That means the world because this helps us spread this message to more people.
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The Sphinx Code: Connecting Life and Family

And here is the conversation with Manesh. You are involved in many different things.
The spiritual aspect is your main focus. The Sphinx Code is something that we have a connection.
between the two of us and what I was just blown away by the accuracy of these insights, the cards. And for anyone who might be skeptical, I was skeptical. Because if anything is gonna read who I am and what I brought forth to this world, I'm going to bring forth and also my past as well as my family structure,
by tapping into some cards, that'd be like, eh, no. So Maddox, maybe we start there. Maybe you can introduce yourself briefly in your own words and also why does the Sphinx code stand out so much and what is the purpose of it? Sure. So the...
The path of spirituality came to me pretty early and it was kind of an edge and I think there's this kind of funny attitude that I have and I would be exactly in the same fence in terms of
You know tarot cards like that was the last thing for me. I pushed it away very much like anybody who did that was very much the stereotypical psychic in the boutique in New York City that you go you know if you're drunk or desperate but you're probably going to get scammed anyways.
And that was the idea for me of the tarot. But my spirituality, and we'll talk about it deeper, brought me to some other aspects of the extraordinary and really brought me to a higher performance.

Transforming Tarot into Subconscious Architecture

And then eventually, interestingly, the tarot came very much at the end of my spirituality in terms of
my education or my initiations and so I went in fully into it and in that I had this very deep inspiration of changing the tarot from just a divination tool where you just kind of divine people and you pull cards to actually a system. A system which is almost like a spiritual technology that actually
unveils the subconscious architecture of people, which is incredibly important in terms of performance for business, for athletes, for lovers, for everything, because basically our subconscious governs our life. And we're unaware of how structured it is because we don't learn about it. And this tool came as this incredible
inspiration basically that started to align with all the other wisdom systems that I was studying including human design and astrology and gene keys and
the, you know, my encounter, the I Ching, all of it, all these old systems, the Kabbalah, they all actually are kind of trying to say the same thing is how to reach higher levels of being, right? And how to excel. And so they unveil these mysteries or these secrets that were part of the initiations, kind of like, stealing fire,
by James Whelan talks about like, these mystery schools really brought us into higher related states of consciousness and awareness, and therefore performance as human beings. And so I was deeply interested in that.

Cultural Shifts and Spiritual Awakening

And the Sphinx Code kind of revealed itself in a spectacular initiation with two others at one night. And for the last 12 years now, I've been basically doing sessions with it.
and learning its depth and accuracy. And I usually get guys, CEOs, you know, they come up and they're like, their wife brought them in. And they're like, what cards, tarot, like, oh my God.
And then they sit down and get the reading. And they're the ones that ask more questions. They're the ones that call me back. They're the ones that want to know all their executives and things. It's actually been quite funny and interesting. So I want to go back to the Sphinx code. But to really understand what the Sphinx code is about, I think we need to understand who you are at your core and in your depth.
What is your story? How did you grow up? Where are you from? What was childhood like? How did you become who you are today? The story of the making, I'm actually coming out with a book because there's so many different stories in that. I grew up in a pretty idealistic upper middle class, even maybe a little higher
grandfather had seven companies in France was an indigenous kind of Basque, you know, person that had that loyalty to his culture rather than the countries and was a bit of a rebel but at the same time a big businessman.
and very cultured, interested in the arts, all organic, but always teaching us how to live, uh, sustainably. So we had this kind of big farm, uh, with animals and plants and food and, you know, the fruit trees and the vegetable gardens, even the flower gardens that make the house beautiful. And so there was this incredible aspect and competition and sports were, uh, very much
a part of the lifestyle. And so I would say it's this ideal European bourgeoisie kind of upbringing, but with this kind of rebellious, you know, Basque grounding to it. And then at eight years old, I moved to the US because my parents had actually met in the US.
And I went into a deep depression there. My life shifted so drastically in terms of the cultural shift and finding America to be very superficial, materialistic, and very important in that. Where in the United States? What state? Right outside of New York and Connecticut. Okay.
the tri-state area but this is the golden coast as it's called and it's all the the big CEOs and Europeans that are kind of brought
for the industry of America, but on a leadership scale. And so it's all the boarding schools and private schools and all this kind of stuff. And, you know, divorce is, and by 16, a guy doesn't have a driver's license, but he has a BMW and a Mercedes from Amandad. And, you know, and he doesn't even know how to drive and doesn't even care. So there's, I saw a lot of that very disturbed, let's say, elite society in the U.S.
And luckily I grew up where I would go back to the Basque Country in the Southwest of France every summer, mostly. And then had a pretty privileged other than life. Funny enough, like my grandparents were very religious Catholic. And at seven years old, I would go the whole Catholic schooling
But at seven, I would start laughing at the priest for his preaching because it just sounded ridiculous. And I got kicked out of the church and basically stopped going to church. And so by eight, at the same time as the transition, I thought basically spirituality was a hoax. It was people who needed hope. It was just bullshit stories.
And then by 14, I had an out of body experience in the woods being a rock, a drummer and in a band and we had driven for a long time and I had to stretch my legs and went walking and just went into this very weird forest that supposedly I learned afterwards was haunted, burial ground and protected.
But anyways, I went into this and had another body experience that completely shifted my perspective of spirituality because all of a sudden I was outside my body connected to everything, having this unity consciousness experience. I didn't know what made that happen. And then I came back into my body, went back to, you know, the, the, the gig and then.
I mean, you need consciousness. It's a very kind of interesting thing. So, I mean, first of all, there was this incredible fear that took over me. And that fear, like I was taught to push through fear, you know, because there's always a gift, there's always something that's one of my grandfather's teachings. And so this deep fear in the woods at night, you know, your imagination sparks off to all sorts of things, including all the,
scary movies you've seen and then you start deciphering and discerning those and you're like okay that's just craziness what is going on and I just kept moving forward up to a point where I actually just
opened my arms and said, okay, I give up, you know, like whatever's around, whatever it is, take me. And I actually popped out like straight out of my heart. And then basically saw myself floating above my body. Yet I could still see with my physical eyes, but yet I had this other perception and I was outside my body looking above. And my body was just in this position locked. And I remember I could see my shadow
which is behind me, but it started dancing and it started moving forward and around me, which like, so my scientific mind, because I went into science and followed my dad who's a physicist and that was rational and like no bullshit there to find and seek the answers of life, right? And get me out of that depressive state and it took a while to get out of there, but sports and music were big inspirations. But anyway, so I find myself in this moment,
And it's ridiculous. My shadow cannot go in front of me. That defies what a shadow is. The light, the full moon was in front of me. Therefore, my shadow should be behind me, not in front of me, in between the light source. And so as I'm kind of going through that, meanwhile, I'm also outside my body feeling the owl connecting to the bats and the sonar systems that are going on that are actually connected to the trees
that are also connected to the underground and the worms. And like, I just felt, you know, suspended in this other reality where you hit, I don't know, flow altered states of consciousness where you see things totally different and, you know, and you melt into everything is connected. Everything is interconnected. Everything is one, you know, big, huge being in a sense. And then the shadow jumped in me
there was a song and then I popped into my body. And then like, I remember my breath, you know, there was the due of that October or November, like fall night in Connecticut. And I was like, oh my God, I'm back in my breath. I'm not dead. And then I realized, oh my God, concert, you know, and ran and went back to the concert and just back into reality. Like, oh my God, I have to deal. And then after the concert, it would actually, I mean,
I played in my head where I couldn't really sleep because I didn't understand what just happened. And I went back the next day and actually there was a Native American waiting with two chairs and I went back with the guitarist. The guitarist was freaking out being like, what the fuck did you do? Why is there a Native American with two chairs waiting for us? Like, we're done.

Live Reading and Balancing Spirituality with Business

You know, it was like this badass, like, and he said, we must be in medicine. And, you know, that was the first time I heard it.
but that he wasn't my teacher. And the next time that I feel fear in the woods, it's probably some sacred ground and I should, you know, respect it and kindly move. But I'll probably learn and to get the fuck out of here. Super welcoming. OK. And then, of course, I had all sorts of nicknames because the medicine man what the guitars like start spreading it. The other guitars, the singer, the others, they're all like, what?
So for like two years, I wanted nothing to do with it. And then by 16, the curiosity just completely devoured me. And I needed to find out what did I experience? What was that? Do I need to get back into some type of spirituality that is more practical and real rather than religious? And I started seeking that.
was a bit of a hippie in that she adventured in the 70s into all sorts of different things. So I asked her about ceremonies because my parents were not, they're more science and I mean, open-minded, but definitely more, I'd say, following the curriculum of culture. So did you pursue the physical, a regular job?
Did you know early on that, okay, I'm going to go down a different path? No, no, not at all. I actually thought, well, I mean, besides the, the teenage dream of being a rock star, which like, you know, I was in a rock band. So of course we wanted to be rock stars, but, um, that, that faded. No, I actually went deeper into physics and, uh, and then eventually went to Carnegie Mellon and like had the whole engineering aspect then moved to NYU.
and got a degree in music engineering. I'm looking now more into even studies of sound frequency architecture in a sense. As you see, there's a studio and music has never left me. And it actually, I mean, it's interesting because I see, I got this, my clairvoyance popped when I was 21 at NYU actually.
So I see auras, I see energy and vitality, which actually there's a bunch of people that talk a lot of horseshit about that. Actually, it's kind of interesting that we've moved from seven chakras to nine chakras. We have nine in-body chakras. That's why our world is more complicated and is evolving and consciousness is heightened and we're embodying more consciousness basically. So that whole energetic system is quite interesting and I discovered that.
kind of like a scientist that all of a sudden has these, you know, awakenings that are happening to him and I don't really know why. And my spirituality was kind of on the side of, okay, well, you know, some people are Jewish, some people are Catholics, some people are Buddhists, I'll be this other thing, whatever that this thing is. And I actually went into Buddhism a little bit. One of my music teachers brought me to Buddhist classes and really the Buddhist meditation
which was shocking because I had this whole visual trip during meditation. He came back and he described everything I saw. How did he get in my brain? And then he actually said, you need to go see a shaman. Before going into the shaman, I'm curious. So with this ability that you have, does that work over technology as well? Or is that like, for example, would you be able to see something
with us talking right now, speaking to warrior or so forth. And it's okay if it's not. I mean, it could be in person. I don't know because I don't have that fine tuned ability. I've got, we can get into some of the things that I've seen and experienced myself, but yeah, I'll let you answer that. Yeah. I do a lot of my work through zoom sessions now, especially with the pandemic that became even more
prominent, just because of movement. Otherwise, there's certain people that still like the physical. And so it's a good question of technically, energetically, time and space in the quantum field, in a sense, is irrelevant, right? So my frequency resonates in the entire universe as my frequency, just like yours.
So as soon as I'm tuned in to your frequency, it doesn't matter where in time and space you are. We can actually travel into your past, move into your future, into your timeline, depending upon the access you give me, for example. And that's probably at a subconscious level, on a soul level. And so I can, I can read you and the energy just as easily, sometimes even easier than when I'm physically present, because when I'm physically present,
our energies are going to start melding and creating a unique dynamic or almost relationship, which actually this Fink's code shows us is like you have your individual chart and your relationship is an extra chart that shows up and it's the relationship energy in a sense. And that has influence on the two individuals, right? And it's the uniqueness of
being with others, I mean, teamwork and the military group work, like business executives, it's super important. And it's, to me, how you can achieve a higher level is connecting to the other, especially energetically. And so when we connect physically, sometimes actually the energy is more difficult to read. I mean, you almost have to have more discipline of reining your energy.
to be able to read to the person rather than through technology, which has this kind of separation, but then allows for me to tune in to your frequency and what's going on now. Would you be open to doing some tuning into my frequency? Sure. I mean, like right now you have so
I work first with the energy centers and your four centers that are having issues I'll say the first and second chakra are pretty essential.
And at the same time, most people in society have those broken. It's massive pressure on the physical body, money, our roots, you know, where is our lineage from? We barely know our grandparents. Oftentimes we've been moved. So there's this massive pressure, this false scarcity programming that's going on that puts massive pressure. So the first chakra is out and then the second is also out. So that can be all sorts of different things.
And I would have to ask questions. Usually it's an emotional repression that's blocking that second chakra, and not following your real desires or wants. It can play with hormones, it can play with emotions, it can play with your vitality, it can play with a depressive versus joyful feeling, you can be just kind of satisfied, but it's not this
fucking, you know, wow, I love light, you know, like fully engaged. And then the other one that you have is the you're stressed, like it's your solar plexus. So you can't address and perhaps confidence issues that you you have probably from your father's which then I started getting into that. But then there's a block also in your asthma. So you probably had a program
of how to not be emotional from your dad and expect it to be in a certain way, to be loved and that conditioned physically and stressed your body to hold some of your emotions and intuition and block them into your body and you do this still within. And so with the Ajna, I would have to ask you different questions to see what part of it. So are you able to focus, for example,
for long periods of time? On and off. Do you have dreams that wake you up or do you have a lot of weird, disrupted dreams kind of thing? More so lately, being having trouble sleeping lately, yeah. Okay.
Um, so yeah, your, your brain is basically probably overcompensating at night when you're not busy in the awakened state to deal with all this repressed emotions. And so you're having all sorts of trouble. You need to go pee, et cetera, and relieve the emotions. So probably doing more sports sweats on us would help that, but eventually it's about, uh, releasing the power that you use to repress some of your passion, your power, your, your emotional.
desires, in a sense, and it's not the animal instincts, it's really like a refined emotional state of being. And, you know, some of us are wired, and it seems like you are with a certain intensity, and a certain mood swing that goes with it, where you have high energy at times, and then lower energy, and you'd rather be high all the time, you're putting this pressure to be that way, when actually it's a wave, and
need to kind of probably move through your waves, which is dispersing this energy under the world, which is actually tapping you into the new spiritual consciousness through emotion, the emotional consciousness, but our world is, you know, doesn't want to hear about this stuff. So thank you for reading that and sharing that and I'll give confirmation.
And I'll give confirmation to the listeners who are hearing this. This is nothing that we prepared. This came out of left field. So this question that I had and yes, I have been in a shift where I've been focusing the last more than past of the year.
of, all right, how do I make this podcast and business for work in this realm? And I went very spiritual, very connected, vulnerable, and emotional in the very beginning, but I did not know how to make that into reality. But that is my truth.
That is the calling of my soul. So I went into, okay, what do I know in my head? And a lot of this stems from my father of logic, reason, money. How do I start making money as quickly as possible? And I went into what I know very well, and that is strength training and working out. So I focused on that.
And I've realized through trials and tribulation that that is not my truth. That is not my calling. That is not how I can share, inspire, and bring wisdom to this world. So you're hitting on multiple aspects that are very true and alive and also the blockages. And I'm very grateful that you're sharing this. This has been coming up.
And I've been denying it as you've been denying it in the past too. It's just when I don't take the time to settle down, to be calm, to meditate, to even work out less because when I start working out more, I start getting more in my ego.
So it's an interesting dance of surrender and trusting that there is more and trusting that there are people to connect with on this different realm and still function as a fully functioning high performer in this world but being connected in multiple different levels. So thank you for going into that. You're welcome. Thank you because you're open to it and obviously I kind of go deep in it's personal.

Integrating Spirituality into High Performance

You know you just brought up a really interesting point is
Cause I deal with, I'm pretty expensive. So I deal with high performers that usually are already successful and they want to go to that next level. And in order to do that, you have to deal with your energetics. You have to deal with your emotions. Otherwise that's, that's where your cap is going to be locked and you're not going to be able to do that pro super human level. And that's, that's really, it's refinement and it's unfortunate that,
even medical schools or our education system has not adopted the quantum physics knowledge, which has basically said, yes, there's a field, it's an energetic field. This is most likely where memory is held. Consciousness, it's outside the body. There's things that are pretty mind blowing that we've now proven rationally many times over on many different
peer review type of experimentations. And the quantum freaks us out, but this is actually where we're moving towards, right? It's really moving out of this very rational and we're moving into chaotic kind of system. I mean, the quantum is difficult, like there's 16 potentials of you, you know, and at each moment you make one choice, automatically there's 16 different other parts of you in different time, space realities.
are reacting to that choice and making different choices. Most people can't deal with this reality and they're like, what do you mean? I have 16 different personalities, they can spread it in time and space. Yeah, the mystics were telling you, you have to go in and talk to all these spirits, your own conscious awareness, your own different aspects of your own frequency.
And so like music, going back to music, music ended up becoming a
a thread that stayed constant through both my physics and my spiritual teachings that brought me through many different types of initiations that made me see the magical, the extraordinary, the, you know, I got hit by lightning, I died in the Pacific oceans in a vision quest and was saved by a whale that then taught me how to throat sing because she was talking to me. I mean, stuff that you're like, what?
What do you mean? But they're real. They happen to me. And I have that kind of rebel spirit that's like, what? Because I'm always logical, scientific, and trying to almost disprove my spiritual experiences, right? The whole time that I'm having them. And yet, I think that brought me into unique awareness. And I see spirit and spirituality through the lens of frequency.
You know, literally the energetics is a start of frequency, those zero base frequencies. And then we can go into your aura and we can start seeing how to unravel the programs, which is basically your belief systems that were dogmatized by your dad, even just taken energetically by being with him and around him and in his way of manifesting

Spiritual Technologies and Energetic Balance

his own genes. And since you have those same genes,
you have a residence, he has priority over it. He's pushing that expression to be in the same way, which is why, you know, like in a way death is quite interesting because when your parents die, they lose the weight of how they express their genes off of you. So all of a sudden you're free to express your genes in a different way. That's intense. Like we don't talk about this during, you know, death rituals.
and burials and actually like, hey, this is an incredible opportunity. You've actually been freed in your own genuine expression of your genetic material. So share with me this, I'm curious as we're touching upon this. I moved to the United States 12 years ago. And a big reason for that is I did not know how to separate myself energetically
expectation-wise from my parents and from the life I was living here. And a big representation of the United States was freedom to me. So I've been considering this a whole lot lately as I'm back in Sweden now, as this energetic intensity is very present, but it's different as I've known myself and I'm more grounded now. Can you create that separation of energy
while still being alive and if how. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, this is this is so. And kind of always looking to be that scientist, right, I came up with a lot of methods and I call them spiritual technologies. And for a while I called myself a spiritual technologist rather than in which I guess some people say, well, that is what a shaman is.
And that's all discussion. What is ashram? And how did that start coming up and to being called up? But so there's certain energy technologies, mostly through meditations, visualization. And the visualization is wild. The way that you can
work with your consciousness and your energetics is thoughts create and move the energy, which then materializes the physical. So if you're envisioning it, you're actually creating it also, but actually the vision is coming from it being alive. Okay, but then moving it and changing it by your own perception shifts it.
So there's a course that I have online it's called clear essence meditations unteachable and there's 24 meditations that basically teach you the energetic field and how to master your own energetic field to have your own.
energy hygiene so that you can actually go through all your chakras, cut cords, this, that, and the other, replenish them, clear everything that's in your aura, which includes belief systems. So you could see where's that belief system coming from, and you can see which aura it's from and where, or if it's in multiple layers of your auras, who it's connected to. Usually there's a cord that's attached, and then you can be like, OK, that. Or you can just say, I want to see all the different belief systems that that has on me. They'll light up.
And you'll see them and then you can actually remove them, you know, and actually deal with them consciously or just mechanically where you're just cleaning. And then you're dumping every day, or you go in and it takes more time. And you see why did you have that belief system that was attached and then it'll show you a memory. They'll show you an experience where you had emotional power into it. And then you'll, you'll be able to integrate it.
conscious awareness and then evaporate it, if you want or not. And then there's other things, there's contracts, there's entities, there's the whole energetic system, but it's pretty simple. I mean, you know, within 20 meditations, you're pretty done. Like you're safe, you're in control, you understand a lot of the spiritual knowledge,
And it's effective. It's just that it hasn't been out there and I don't understand why. And so, you know, I moved my lazy self to actually get it done and have the animations with an artist. So it's available out there. And that's kind of like your base energetically. It's working with your energetics. In terms of performance, this is key because you have to have your balance energetically.
almost like if you're neutral, you have more chances of, in a way, inspiring that divine. And weirdly, performance means being in form of the divine, per form, ants, birds who are inviting the form of the extraordinary, the divine, and then you're putting into action. I looked into that because somebody had a
had said you know spirituality is not about performance I'm like what that's actually kind of interesting like I think it actually is all about performance and so you know even when you think of the uh the master of ceremonies there's there's a certain you know the circus but actually of a spiritual ceremony like the priest or the pope or uh the Dalai Lama whoever the shaman
leads a ceremony that there is a certain performance and the grace in your performance can actually bring more spirit to it and it's good an act and an art to do that. So I truly resonate with what you're saying and I'll tie it back to what you were saying before if you have when you reach a certain level
you will start to understand that I can't get past this level regardless of how much I study, how much I make, who I'm connected to, or if I switch jobs. If there's something different and you'll start connecting, hopefully you'll start getting these hints if you're open to them. The more you open to them, you'll start getting these hints that unless you clear things from your past,
And unless you start connecting with yourself and knowing who you are and also connecting to something higher, then you won't move past that next level. And I've been so resistant towards that now, like, okay, okay. Like understanding psychology, who I am.
how I take, who my parents are and so forth, but connecting to something higher, I'm like, no, especially coming from Sweden, which is not a very religious country. I have, there are a lot of atheists here and I come from a very science background as well, not from my mom's side, but that as well led me to open up about this. But that is such a key thing that you're speaking to that once, as an executive, as a high performer overall, once you start connecting to those,
You can say woo woo things almost, but those all out of body experiences and understanding who you are, not just as an individual, but how you connect it to more things and start opening yourself up to something more and surrendering, then you start gaining greater access
to yourself, to others, and to possibilities that never even thought possible because you're so much up in your head, but if you're connecting to something greater, you get so much more capabilities into tapping into what you can't even imagine. It actually leads us to this really interesting question, and I think eventually all high performers
in whatever aspect, have to face this, the it's willpower, do we have our own willpower? Or do we have divine willpower that we have to submit to at some point, and therefore, we don't have real free will, right? And yet, it's this really interesting dynamic of, you have to almost like, prove to yourself, and to the universe, that your free will is activated,
is trained, disciplined, and badass, you know, at a certain peak level, to then be able to surrender it to the divine, and then the divine comes and takes over, and then you reach those like moments to the extraordinary. And that's the trick, right? So you can't just not have free will and discipline and willpower, and just be like, well, whatever, it's like, I'll go with the flow. Like, that won't leave you anywhere, because the divine universe, like, what is that? Like, you can't do anything with that.
It's that discipline of the ego's willpower. And this is where the ego starts getting involved, right? It's going to start taking credit for the extraordinary that starts happening as the dance of the universe and your own free will start happening. And eventually,
you know, it's an interesting

Free Will vs Divine Influence: A Debate

question. Is there real free will or not? And are you co-creating with the universe or not, you know, and all this manifest reality, manifest your dreams, you know, like, is that real or is that, are we actually watching a movie that's already passed and we're experiencing it, you know, and then, and so that's an interesting thought too.
And we get into these discussions when we get into space code where you actually start seeing the mechanics of things and birth and your parents and why the parents were the parents and what's deeper behind the cycle of emotional programming behind it that you actually called and made them act in that way because you needed it in your evolution. I mean, it's kind of, it starts becoming like really interesting.
Yeah. So tying that into, we were at the point where you're connecting through music and your story here, and then Buddhism came up. So take us back. Take us back. What happened next? First of all, I was hanging with my hippie aunt. I asked her about a full moon ceremony because the full moon was very present during that night.
where I popped out of my body. So I was thinking maybe I can replicate this with another full moon experience, right? That is spiritual. So she gave me the name of this guy, Jackie, and number I called him, he's in France. And I was in France for like two weeks with her for some reason, like before going to the South, I don't know, waiting for my family. I was in this waiting state. So why not try something totally off my path, right?
And this guy happened to be a shaman and and a wizard his arm blue eyes long white hair like very much Merlin looking like an Archie Farland there was with him, which is a Lakota Sioux. Who's doing the NEB.
initiation, which is like a sweat lodge. And so I went in and did this sweat lodge. This was around 16. And I saw the whole energetic fields. It blew my mind. I mean, it was like complete magic. And I was like, what is this again? Right? So I was like, what the?
And then we were in a teepee so I mean there's a lot of fears because I got there and I was like oh my god this is a French like commune or cold, they're all trying to become like Native Americans, you know, there was teepees everywhere and blah blah blah but actually the ritual in itself and Archie.
and Jackie's wisdom, powers, chants, all this stuff, just awoken something in me where I had done saunas, you know, in Sweden and Finland and all that. And I loved the heat, but this was like something else. There's like people with emotions were flying out, things were moving in, energy was moving in.
Yeah, women crying, men crying, kids laughing. I mean, it's just like, I was like, wow, this is different. And with the songs that brought in different meaning and spiritual essences, not even spirits.
And so I started this practice of doing sweat lodges. I'm actually doing one this weekend. I haven't stopped for 25 years every month, I do sweat lodge. And it's a really grounding and a beautiful experience and a cleansing and purifying and bringing you back into nature's alignment. So that's been an incredible tool. But again, to me, there's a certain technology. So I really went into it and learned that.
I'm going to school and then I'm moving through the engineering program as well as the music tech program. It was a tone master program. So it's master of tone at NYU and having conversations, having Buddhist teachings as well in New York with three jewels and Michael Roach at the Quaker Center, which kind of was interesting.
And then these mutations and then another shaman moment from Ecuador that I started working on journeys, like with the drum. So it's reaching altered state of consciousness through trance with the drum, and then voyaging through different mind spaces, which is to me actually what the core shamanic study is, is they've mapped out the mind through different cultures, but through many different trances.

Shamanic Journeys and Physical Health

And they have places that everybody can connect to. And they've kind of mapped out the subconscious in a different way. And these shamanic journeys with the drum are amazing to understand yourself on a deeper level in your subconscious, in the mysterious, in the occult, in the archetypal aspect to you. And interestingly, I mean, you're connected to so much. It's amazing to discover yourself.
several animal totems, you have like a spirit council of guides that you can go to. I have a friend, famous artist Olivia that always says, you know, I have to go to my board meeting. And she goes into a spiritual alignment with her council and has like a board meeting about her life, you know, and I find that to be absolutely appropriate because that's what we should all be doing there because it's available one and it's easy.
to do. It's not this magic trick that somehow science and religion has made us to believe that it's unreachable. And yet actually it's an innate aspect of our birthright is to be able to connect to all of this. So the sweat lodge is one of those experiences where I've
surrender the most in my life because of the sheer exhaustion and heat and fully being able to just surrender to something. So this was in Mexico, I did this. But it takes a toll on your physical body. How do you
keep a healthy physical body to be able to be a fine-tuned instrument for the soul and this connection to take place. How do you find that balance yourself? That was a whole journey, coming from more of an athlete and then actually
having to change my perception of using my tool, my body for something different channeling, for example, and spend a lot more time sitting came kind of interesting. Definitely climbing mountains and going out in nature and walking is a huge piece for me physically. But I also like so I went much more into the core, like
doing Pilates and core bodywork, which keeps balance, keeps your inner aspect, in a way, aligned more, like, you know, being able to sit for our meditation, like it actually takes a whole different type of muscles.
And then I did the, and I do a lot of Qigong, which is working with the basic principles of martial arts, which is moving energy. And it's allowing energy to move through you rather than you moving energy, which is a whole different way for us to perceive how we move. You know, like, if you,
you can be completely in flow, you're allowing the energy to move through you and you're maybe just manipulating in a touch to amplify it through your body and then you discharge it. I mean that's the magic of martial arts when you see masters that you know can do this and then like 10 feet away there's like 20 other guys that are like starting to float and like bounce around and you're like what just happened and
It's all about the chi, and so developing that prana, breath work, deep meditation, and then moving that energy to flow. I did yoga for a while, and that was amazing, especially in New York, creating that flow. I was very elevated, felt like I was floating before going into work, because I worked at some music that was one of the youngest VPs. So I've been kind of a high performer my whole life.
state sports athlete and blah, blah, blah awards, this, that, and my teachers, I think that that was great teachers that were always checking my ego. They love the willpower to meet the divine, but as soon as my ego would say, check me out, you know, I just get railed. Like, and I mean, it was just like railing. So I was able to, to learn
to humble down and to move with flow of life. And it took a long time because I resist a little bit like you. And like my rational mind is like, no, no, no, no, no, no. Not doing the woo. Until you see that it's Einstein that actually called it woo-boo. You know, it's the woo-boo science, which is actually what he was talking about is the quantum field where he was like, oof, can't

Music, Vision Quests, and Personal Transformation

even deal with that. It's too crazy, but yet. So,
Let's get into you. So you stepped into music then after school, I assume, and then you climbed the ladder. Yeah. So it was, it was, so music was always a part, you know, I DJ that was into the bands, um, singing the, the drumming of meditations, uh, for shamanism, you know, it's this drum and rattles. And so there's the music and then there's toning. So I use that and I love that.
moved into that and then it just it kept coming like so I started meeting a lot of different shamans I started doing sweat lodges a lot of people I mean it's a small world or at least it was in the 90s like nobody was doing you know like spiritual awakening I was not my my sony you know uh mates were like this guy's nuts he goes on weekend trips with indians he puts feathers everywhere like whatever like he's crazy
But yet there was an intrigue, but they were like, it's not. There's one guy who was studying Buddhism, so he would come and he's like, yeah, I'm different too. I'm studying Buddhism. It's different. And I'm like, yeah, cool. So after that, the teachers just kept coming and just brought me to different levels. And with this energetic gift, when I stopped working at Sony, I had this big Native American dance called the Naraya.
that took it takes you like basically you dance for three days and spirit takes you floors you comes into and gives you such loud vision, you know, no drugs, no plants, nothing it's just dancing and singing.
And in that vision, at one point they said, you know, in six months, you're going to be in mountains in the best country living there. And you're going to be basically a healer. And I, like, I was at Sony trying to become like a super media guy and retire 45, you know, or 30, whichever game first, like, and, and, and so I was like, what? Like this vision is insane. Like, am I going to be in mountains in the best country, like living there? This is crazy dance.
still six months later, I went to the mountains in the mountain tree, they've been there like, and running around being like, what am I doing? Like, how did this happen? And yet it was perfectly natural. And so then people would be like, what are you doing? And I'm like, I'm kind of listening to plants and listening to nature and hiking and discovering roots and this and that. And I got even like a scholarship for that where I was like, great, now I'm getting money for it. This is weird.
And then, you know, people started really calling me from Paris because I also had a girlfriend that brought me to Paris and she gave me a lot of different clients because I had healed her back through my energetic kind of like clairvoyance and seeing it. And I would do that to friends. I would kind of like, you know, help them fix them and this and that. And eventually all my teachers kind of called and said, you know, this is going to become your practice. You need to charge money for this. And I was like, no.
That's not part of my moral code yet. And then this girlfriend brought me to Paris. I started with an argument. I agreed to see her friends, and then there was all these results. And so then I moved to France and stayed there. But then people heard about me, and so they would keep calling me. And so that's my job.
Even though I was thinking, no, I'm going to go back into the media. You know, Google's going to call me anytime soon, blah, blah, blah. I had headhunters that were, you know, uh, uh, pitching me. And then that all didn't come like at all. Like it just vanished. And the calling of going deeper into nature, doing this kind of work, energetic work just started to become completely prominent.
And then I started working also a lot deeper with John Milton doing vision quests and where you basically go out in nature for an extended period of time fasting and that like took it to another level, took the sweat lodge to another level basically. And to the point where I've done 44 days alone in nature and it's pretty dramatic what happens, you know, in your body, in your consciousness and in your level of connection in your
in your likeness. I mean, I remember coming back and playing sports after that. My, I remember my dad brother was like, what the fuck? Did you play while you're on the mountains? You know, like, and it was no, it was because I was in total flow and, and, and it was easy. Like it was literally, I knew where the ball was going to be before and I could just be there. And so I could take perfect form and, and, you know, it was really
Interesting, like playing tennis and things like that. So please share more about this 44-day journey. Zinc Quest is a rite of passage that's pretty amazing. It's actually Mike, the artist that connected us, has done it alone. And this is actually how he found out about Zinc that is through Zinc Quest, because I hold these now for the last 12 years.
These are passages where you basically get instructed in teachings about how to interact with nature when you're going to be alone for a certain amount of time with no food and real basics. So traditionally you would get a buffalo hide and you go, you make an eight meter circle and you'd stay there for four days, four nights, no food, no water, nothing. I would learn that because I had that with Archie and it's pretty,
I mean, you think about water so much, it's pretty insane. So with a little bit more comfort, like a tent sleeping like some water, you have just the same effects in your physical body. And I think you can actually go deeper in your contemplations because you're not starving water, which is so essential. And your body really is like faster than you go into ketosis, which is great.
not having water you go to a whole other level and for most people that's too brutal so anyways I take people through this journey where you go into deep contemplation and connection with source with nature with yourself and you're basically
bare bones, you go back to nothing, you know, like to your being, you can't really move out of anywhere. You go out of this mountain, I mean, you can, but it's a deep effort. And, and so staying with yourself, you have to face your shadow, have to face the dark night of your soul, right? Have to. And so the first two days, you're trying to escape because that's where you're going. There's only that destination.
And then by the third and fourth day, you go and deal with some of your stuff, your parent issues, your lineage issues. And I remember just massaging my intestines once in a meditation, which you do with your body. You just go and check in because you have so much time. And my intestines starts talking to me about my whole lineage, about how I have the intestines of my grandfather and his grandfather and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and this whole thing, because it's actually too long.
Cause we're more fruterians, but we don't live in an environment which can sustain that and that and that and it's society. And so that hurts your back. I was like, what? And eventually when I came back off, I asked my dad and sure enough, like it's a deep, lenient thing. And there's this issue with this long intestines and I hadn't heard it. And I was 33 years old, you know, and I was like, what? Like dad, you want to tell me other conditions that we have? You know, like you want to share this kind of stuff?
So it's interesting that you really have so much information that's unveiled. The way that I call it is wisdom quest, because what I feel is instead of a vision, you have many visions, you touch upon your own wisdom. We each have innate wisdom in our soul, and we're not taught in school to go and discover that. So usually it's through life experiences, eventually we get old and we get wise, but there's ways of accessing your own innate wisdom
at 14, at eight years old, if you are trained. Most 14 year olds are not into wisdom, they're more into sex and falling in love.
With these, while Mike, our common connection, the artist, he shared, he was in Hawaii, I believe it was 10 days, he was in a cove without any, is it any food or is it some food? I can't really remember.
No, please please speak to that experience to me. That's like insanity like I've heard of I've heard of like five seven-day fasting I Personally what happens if I fast even for a day I start losing muscle mass and
maybe is and I've heard it said like we have different type of energetic imprints in our bodies and I have more of the imprint of the trauma of not feeling safe and therefore my body type it Fades almost starts fading away if I don't put in a lot of food or if I work out I start getting very skinny So that's a fear of mine is to do fasting for a long amount of time
Please, please share how, how does that work? And, um, yeah, going into that experience. Cause Mike, I mean, he was just bewildered by what he, the realizations he's came to. Yeah. I mean, it's, it's interesting. There's a guy in England, um, who came and he had the same fear, um, as you, because he, he's pretty fit. And, and, and he's like, I have no body mass to lose. So I'm going to lose my muscle. Yep.
And I told them, look, there's a point when your body is going to stop because it's still doing that from a wounded place. So it might do that for the first two days because that's what it's used to. But by the fourth day, it's going to stop because you're going to stop it. You're going to stop having the mechanism of eroding yourself, of facing yourself. You have to deal with becoming consequent. And he did. On the fifth day, it happened to him.
Um, and he went into complete grace and, and, and harmony with nature. I mean, it was, it was really like amazing to hear him say that. And actually he, he gained muscle, uh, because of course he did pushups every day and, and, but so yeah, instead of losing it, he lost water weight, but, but, you know, like nothing, uh, extraordinary or, uh,
like just very normal in terms of fasting, you lose some of the water first. And the five days, so the five days is the first amount I like to push people to really go do seven days, then there's nine days, then there's 14 days, and then 28, and then 44. That's kind of like the cycles that I was brought into.
seven days like the five days to me is great base because the first three days your mind really it's like your ego mind psycho emotional being fights and and and it has to break down and in a way you can even see it that the ketosis hits after the second day in a way um and and really takes effect and that's actually going to shift your mind already but also you just
by the constraint and the loss of distraction, right? There's no more TV, there's no more people, there's no more phones, there's no more anything, messages coming up, and there's no responsibilities except for just sitting there and thinking about your situation. Like the first two or three days are, I'd say, painful, but
familiar? Because you know these thoughts a little bit. It's the next few days that are really amazing, because you start going into a deeper place where your ego and your mind get tired, and even your physical body. And so you deflate to a certain degree, you surrender. That's the whole point. Which then moves you into this emotional state where all these repressed emotions start coming up.
And so you have this emotional day or two, and then by the end, the fifth day, you're having realizations, which is why I tell people to push for seven days, because there's two days of revelations, basically, and you're just getting wisdom after wisdom. And already, even in the cleansing or purging process of the first three days, first two or three days, you're having a lot of realizations, like what are your hooks? What are your distractions?
you know, your go-to systems and habits that actually are destructive for you because your ego is just irritated and it brings up frustration. So you go into that, whatever it is, that chocolate or the smoke or the, oh, fucking, I'm not gonna do this or that. And so you learn a tremendous amount about yourself
And it's just with yourself. So there's no shame, there's no guilt. Or is there? You know, why are you shameful? Like about yourself? Why are you guilty about yourself? So you start revealing those and you unwind it. And then you literally like a lot of the weight for me that I see is not the physical weight that people lose. It's the energetic weight that they lose.
their aura is beat. They just expand because there's no more shit and gunk, you know, like they've cleaned it, which is part of the prep work beforehand. The first two days I work with people on their belief systems, their programs, their energetic troubles, and I guide them towards meditations, exercises, breathing, and things to do to reopen and to also move that energy.
Including oils and flower essences that I put in their water. That's my customized kind of vision quest. Others are like that and then usually at the back end, we do well at the front end we do a sweat lodge after the teachings that kind of brings them are ready to surrender, and then they go up.
then at the back end, I'd provide plant medicine ceremonies, where we really go deeper into just in case they didn't go into some corner. We go through that. And so by the end, you know, there's a there's a real re-earthing that happens into your power. I mean, you knowing yourself, it goes back to Plato, it is the crown jewel of enlightenment.
It is like what everybody's looking for. We wanna know how to perform in the highest level of our being to do the greatest amount of impact that we can in this lifetime. Whether we're meant to be lovers, then okay, I'm gonna be a lover for this whole life or okay, I'm gonna go do this work or that or whatever your soul missions are. And we each have a genetic design literally and a conscious awareness to work together
and offer that up into the world. So what are the tools that can help us into that? So eventually, my spiritual path took me towards these tools. What was astrology? Okay, it's interesting, but wasn't specific enough for me.
I found human design and that becomes way more scientific, more specific, really interesting with the matching of the genetic codons.

Limitations of Traditional Systems in Personal Development

And yet I started having these interesting things where I was like this stuff that's a little bit off, you know? And so I'm gonna get really nitpicky and wear my shaman police kind of t-shirt.
There's manipulations that happen in the human design. And yet it's really an incredible tool to use to have self-awareness. But on a very deep level, there's some manipulation. Most people, it doesn't affect because most people have a surface reading and it's good enough. But it's for the practitioners that are really the seekers of how things work, there's some manipulation. And so we've been doing a lot of that work of
decoding human design decoding jinkies where did he get all his information because jinkies is kind of a system that came out of human design the the scribe for raw Richard Rudd ended up having an epiphany of seeing the genes in a different way and so he kind of designs a different path according to your genetics.
And this is where Singscote kind of came in. So I was hanging out with some friends and you know, you start hanging out with weird spiritual people once you're on this path and having funny discussions. And this is what happened this one weekend and we all were discussing personalized systems. Like this is where the future is going is we all need to have these systems that give us personalization.
So our genetics is one thing but then we need to know our minds, we need to understand our energetic body and we're all personalized. So all this homogenized treatments of health care and food diets and sports, it doesn't work because to get to these peak levels, we have to find our individual tuning.
And so we asked the question of why tarot was not a personalized system, it should be, because if it's supposed to be this like holy grail of an information of, you know, all of the wisdom of the past and then before the Egyptian takeover, let's say, and our culture was kidnapped, there was this knowledge, the mystery schools, and somehow the tarot has this knowledge, so how?
And we kind of channeled, tuned in, meditated, went into a higher frequency and asked the creators of the tarot to tell us, you know, if there was another way. And I mean, immediately, like we got a spirit that came through and just started downloading information into the three of us. And the three of us witnessed this and we all really, I mean, the whole calculation, everything came down really fast. It was more, how do we,
how do we write all this information? And it started showing us all the cards and with the placement. So luckily we were able to stop, go back in, stop, rewrite it, talk about it, freak out about it. What is this? And then there was this thing that I started using in my session. So I would do human design.
And then in the back of my mind, I'd do the calculation of the Sphinx code and I'd start kind of

Testing the Sphinx Code and Its Ancient Symbolism

using it. It actually made me really lazy clairvoyantly because instead of me going into what I just did with you, where I'm just going off of your energetics, because Sphinx code tells you your subconscious archetypes, I can start by knowing the Sphinx code. I can go tap in just by the knowledge.
of what your mom was like, what was your dad was like, and go into your whole upbringing. And so it made me lazy, actually. But I think the tool
being clairvoyant really helped me find the descriptions of each of the cards in their positions and seeing so many different clients also reaffirmed that. And so for the last 10 years, it's been kind of like in the testing environment. And for the last three years, I started teaching it to people to become those different keepers and do readings themselves. And that was the last like
trial for me like the scientific evaluation is if it's not my gift that can do the same then it can be passed along then it can be you know scaled and actually be practical for much more people than me because I mean doing one-on-one coaching is limited right then you want to have a bigger impact it's the same thing physically I mean you can have these really amazing people that you work with
few and then live great but there's still this thing like I've learned so much and especially when you have this kind of wisdom system you want to open it up to the world you want people to have access to this incredible tool that's been my most secret sauce in a sense so why the name this thing's code so when we uh opened up the um this question and this spirit came through it was full-on egyptian
And basically he, I mean, so he went deeply into the 22 emerald tablets of Thoth and talked about how that was the initiation that happened in the halls of the Sphinx in Nepal through this elaborate mystery school that supposedly was there. And it's a myth. Nobody knows if this is real or not, but we were told this.
by this spirit, this energy, this consciousness. And so we related it immediately to the Sphinx because this is the guardian of this knowledge in a sense. The Sphinx also is a mystical creature that is represented in one of the Arcanas, which is the Wheel of Fortune, and he's there. And it's kind of the epitome of
The myth of our human being this moving from animal, the lion to human consciousness, the woman which really represents a higher state of consciousness I mean we're two men but they definitely are on another level, which creates all sorts of issues but anyways.
And then there's the angelic realm, the supernatural realm of the Sphinx with the wings and stuff, right? And so you have these three levels that humanity can achieve. We have to move away from our animal instincts and being just the raw animal, move into that compassionate human state of awareness and consciousness and then tap in to that higher spiritual realm that can start making us high performance, high performers,
manifesting our magic, basically. And so I felt like that was a great symbol of what this system teaches us is to go deep into our darkness, right, our incarnation, our animal nature, and then move us into our highest expression of ourselves. And the fact that it all works with all other systems and actually the archetypes are fascinating because they're
They're having a macro influence on the micro. You can see in the micro, but they're actually pretty, pretty large. They're almost playing at a bigger level than astrology, but actually because of their power, they're more poignant than astrology.
and they're almost as defining as genetics, but they're actually the ones that make genetics express itself differently through each of us because we have the same genes. I mean, we're human, like right around the level, it's like 99.9%. We're gonna see ourselves as human. Is that 0.01% that makes you different than me?
which is very few genes and what plays with those genes that make us so unique actually.
having this reading done for me was, there was a lot to take in and then to implement it. Usually that's the integration phase. That's the difficult part. And I'm still, cause there was so much to take in. I'm, I wasn't really sure how to integrate it.

Integrating Sphinx Code Insights into Daily Life

How would you, when you've taken and done it, Sven's code and had a reading for you, how do you integrate it? How do you keep it alive? Yeah.
I mean, it's an interesting thing. I've seen certain people, they get it and they go straight into an action that was told in the reading where there is the harmonization archetype that basically teaches you and tells you like, here's how to move in a direction. By going into this energy, you're going to force ships. You're gonna force an alignment, right? And so you're gonna deal with some of the,
information that was told in your incarnation of your masculine and feminine being challenged by moving into your harmonization key, which is going to also help you shift your ego, which is this conditioned wounded energy field that you've created and constructed as the personality identification system, yet it's from all the wounds. And so you have to break down this identity almost like go through a transformation dying by first moving into
the harmonization key and then going and shifting into your upper ego or your evolved personality, mature personality that then pushes you into your soul mission. And what you'll see is the archetypes, the images start coming into your life where you start seeing them like in your business, you might be working and then all of a sudden you're like, oh yeah, that sounds like what Mike said
about whatever cards you have or whatever, um, archetypes you have. You know, like for me, I have like a Pope, like somebody like God, that's like the Pope, like here I am, like preaching and talking, you know, and, um, okay. Well, there it is about spiritual matters. Oh, there it is. Like, you know, um, and, and so you start having these kinds of smiles of being like, Oh yeah, that's, that's that part of me.
And then, you know, when I go into relationships, like I have another, like other archetypes and you start seeing, oh yeah, look, like I'm falling into this attitude. Obviously learning more about each archetype is what's lacking so far. And that's what we're trying to, you know, work on right now is publishing more information so that there's more available for free for people to just start getting
into the conversation of archetypes and especially the tarot's archetypes. Because I think there's been such a misinformation on the tarot, especially in the English speaking countries. When the tarot was transformed into the German English decks, Aleister Crowley and then Tom Ryder shifted a lot of the tarot's original symbology and even some of the ordering of the major arcana.
which has a massive impact on what this tool is. I mean, it's like changing planets in astrology, you know, and be like, actually, you know, we're like nine systems and Pluto and Neptune shift, you know, like there's the flip, it's like, wow, like that would be completely different. And so the tarot, especially in English version, that some of the archetypes have lost some of their meaning and some of their sacredness.
which has also resulted in being a tool that is more for, let's say, woo-woo, new age hippies and psychics that, you know, are just kind of starting out to some degree. But actually, it's a tool that is hyperscientific in a sense, and has the potential of being extremely
revered in this science technology in a sense, or virtual science technology.
I think that is a, uh, just an excellent way of wrapping it up. This is spiritual technology folks. So if, if you're a bit on the edge of like, I don't know this, I mean, there's, there's, there's algorithms behind us. Like there's, there's a methodology and it's freaking accurate, like surprisingly accurate. So how would people connect with the things code and yourself? How would I find out more about it?

Connecting with Manesh and the Sphinx Code

So is our main site right now. And there you can reach a couple of the wisdom keepers and get a reading or reach out to me at minesh at or M-A-N-E-X and then
There's several aspects that we can do, like from different readings. Right now we have the automated PDFs that we are starting to launch. We have a campaign for Mike to finish all the tarot. And in that, there's some readings, PDF readings that you can get immediately before you get your full tarot. And then otherwise, there's some certifications that are starting out in February and March next year again, to become a wisdom keeper.
Okay, amazing. Thank you very much for sharing everything that you did. And one thing we did not cover, so maybe for part two, is being hit by lightning and the whale story and dying. So, ah, I'm kicking myself not going into that. But thank you for everything that you shared today and what you're doing in this world, freaking amazing. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. And it was great to be on your program.
for another time but wow he packed a punch into this episode please check out or manashi bar at any other social media platform that's out there you have all the links to his information in the sphinx code in the show notes and i am so grateful that you tune in today sending you so much love over and out peace
Let's do it again. I'll be glad to talk about that lightning strike.