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David Amir Persson | From Anger To An Open Heart

E34 · Avalon Harmornia
6 Plays2 years ago

Entrepreneur and plant medicine man David shares his gifts through creative construction, men's group healing, co-facilitated plant medicine journeys, and shared endeavors in a darkness retreat center and a stellar health conscious restaurant in the heart of Stockholm. We have a fascinating conversation about practical ways to integrate ancient wisdom and spirituality in your day to day. We also talk about how to transmute feelings like anger, and how to open you heart.



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Introduction to David Amir Parison and Darkness Retreats

Welcome to another episode of Safina. I am your host Sebastian Engstrom and today David Amir Parison joins us. He is an entrepreneur as well as a creative genius, an explorer of the unknown.

Ayahuasca, Work, and Spiritual Growth

he's also a medicine man so he runs the only darkness retreat center in the nordics you can find all the information in the show notes as well as probably the best restaurant in my opinion in all of stokon tribal stokon and devote construction we have a very intriguing conversation about philosophy one can say the medicinal journey of ayahuasca as well as some
I'd say how to perceive the effort of work and growth. Does it have to be spiritual or can it just be paying attention to ordinary things, deeds and acts in life? Please enjoy a very fascinating conversation with the man who introduced me to the spiritual community here in Sweden, David Amir.
And if you feel like this episode or any other episode has helped you, I kindly ask you so we can reach more people, help more people. Please hit a like, five stars, or leave a review. I kindly thank you. Enjoy.

Ayahuasca Experiences in the Amazon

This guy, for me, doesn't represent this kind of work at all. He's a very calm, very nice, very humble guy. But I wouldn't imagine him going to Peru and drinking ayahuasca. Right.
So he's just like, fuck it, I'm just gonna say, yeah, I'm gonna go to Peru and drink ayahuasca. And he's like, yeah, I've done that. And I said, what? What do you mean? You must mix it up with something else. Like, what is ayahuasca? He's like, yeah, it's just like this tea, I just drank it in the Amazonas. Like, okay, so what happened? Like, yeah. No, I wasn't supposed to drink anything. Like, I was just gonna go there fish, because he's a big fisherman, he's a really good fisherman.
So he went there in his teens and he was just going to fish. And he went on this boat going into the Amazonas and was going with this fishing guide. It was this couple on the boat that was going to go and do this thing that said was ayahuasca and it was going to be this magical experience and everything. And that was really, really like into it. And we've done all the dieting and it's very, like very serious.
And they come to this place and he goes off on his journey fishing in the rivers and having a great time. And they go do their stuff. And then one night, his guide, who is apparently the shaman's son, asks him, so this is ceremony tonight. Do you want to join? Like, what is this? It's like, it's no big deal. It's like, it's good for your body. It's good for your mind. And you might see stuff. It's like, it's no big deal, but it's good for you. We do it.
And he's like, okay, I'll join. And he joins and he drink this tea and he just goes off on this.
beautiful journey, swimming with dolphins, jumping in the sea, just like being part of everything. And he comes out on the other side, like no problem, talks in the circle. It's like, what's your experience? It's beautiful, just pure, like my heart was open. It's like nothing more than that. Nothing more than that. Like pure bliss. And these other guys just like rageful, like angry.
We've done all the work, we've been really hard like we've done everything they said we should do and we didn't feel anything. It's like what I take away is just like
Maybe it's not what you do. Of course, when you go into diet, do it with respect. Try to avoid what you shouldn't do and try to do what you should do. But also come in with this curiosity and not have too many expectations.
Would you say that this man is a very down-to-earth person? Now knowing that he's been through that journey, I can't
I think he found something and it's brought with him because every time I relate to this guy, I feel happy. Yeah. Like he's very, he's very innocent, very nice guy. I don't know who he was before or how it's come to be that way, but. Yeah. Yeah. So I found, I find that, well, it's usually you're served what you need to see and we're all on different paths. And, uh, my father in many ways is,
It doesn't do spiritual practices, but it can be incredibly connected to what he is doing. The deed that he is doing, the method that he is utilizing, it's not about what you do, it's how you do it. And how he does it is with a lot of presence, a lot of intention.

States of Being, Presence, and Energy Transfer

And I feel like there's so many
there's so many different complicated ways we as a society and as a human kind of come up with to reach pure happiness and bliss but i don't feel like it always takes too much like we always look to the external but if you have
If you find a dedicated path, like stoicism, they speak about just like that saying, it's not about what you do, it's how you do it. And if you just dedicate it to the word, and if you appear in your intention, if you appear in your speech, and if you have integrity with it, then everything else, like it's about the feeling that you cultivate.
And that's what I see when you're speaking and when I hear when you're speaking to these medicinal journeys, all these feelings, unresolved things from the past. That's what's coming up. But what if you've been on, what if you followed your truth, not in a spiritual way, not in a
organized religious way but you've always followed what feels right to you and maybe that is to lay bricks maybe that is to cook food but you've done it with such love and intention that that's a majority where you focus on it maybe you've laughed maybe you've you you've gone on paths
Maybe if you had a lot of alcohol, you partied a lot, or you've done things that in society we might look down upon, but it's the how you did it. It's the feeling that you had when you did it. And if it's a continued cultivated feeling of
I'm going to say positive feelings, but anything that lifts you up, anything where your heart is open, what if you cultivate that in multiple different ways? Then who's to say you need to meditate, you need to eat in a certain way? Because so much about what this recommendation is in this ayahuasca journey that my wife and I are about to go into is
How do you cook the food? Because the energetic state that you're in when you cook the food will transfer into the food. And that's such a big realization that I've come to lately is how do I do something like with the cooking the food especially is I can cook the same amount of food, but it turns out differently depending on
how I'm cooking and like what state I'm in. It could be exactly the same nearby one energetic state am I in when I'm cooking it. And it can be transferred over into sports, for example, to watch the movie Hustle with just love Adam Sandler. He's a phenomenal guy.
And I grew up playing basketball. I have a lot of love for the game, but this applies to any sport. You could play and have the same, it feels like you have the same type of output in a game. You're doing everything you're supposed to. But where is your emotional state? Like is there passion? Like is there clarity? Like what has happened before?
Is there symbiosis with all the other players? Like what have you done to come together cohesively? Like what type of flow state are you in? And it's those things, everything is just methodologies that we cultivate in order to get to these different states. The ayahuasca is one, we did MDMA, and that's another thing. And that's what I realized.
Everyone has been telling me about all these different psychedelics, and I should be doing this. And this is partly how we met, is in a circle in its fit for service led by Aubrey Marcus and a bunch of other beautiful people where you're truly, it's a heart opening place where we're all coming together. And for the first time I didn't feel judged ever in my life. I truly felt forgiveness like I've never felt before, love like I never felt before.
And that has helped me and started to cultivate that type of love. But the biggest thing with that is I'm realizing like these are states that I've experienced slightly like inflow, like when I'm playing basketball or when going water skiing or when skiing or snowboarding, diving off a cliff.
being out in nature, like these are type of states that I've experienced. How do you cultivate these type of states? And when I went into the MA ceremony, I didn't really know what to expect. I've had one experience before with ayahuasca and it wasn't the purest. And when I did the MA ceremony, it was so much being in a present space and I love holding space, but this type of space I've experienced before. So it wasn't that new to me. It was a longer lasting, it was deeper.
But this is like when there is dawn, when there's dust. I've experienced this. I don't know what type of connection there is. There's a reason why animals are out in that time as well. Out of the open, because there is a connection to something higher. So that type of state, that's how I see, how do we reach and cultivate that state more often?

Balancing External Validation and Happiness

Because as you asked it, I
I always seek, especially in my later teenage years and twenties, external validation for my internal happiness or self worth. When later now I'm reverting back to almost trying to abolish everything that I did and I stopped. I shifted my entire workout routine. I quit my corporate job, took away all of that to think that I would find happiness.
in just finding or just doing what makes me lose track of time and space, but that was not it. It's amazing to have that cultivated, but what if we can cultivate that space on a daily basis? Cause the problem was I wasn't making any money. You're still operating function in this world. And that's, I feel like at times and we both have friends like this that get stuck in that state when you just want to be in bliss and then you
responsibilities go out the window. I'm still a father. I'm still a husband. I still used to be the person who supported our family in that way. And that was all thrown out the door. So there are still these human aspects of security and of deep, of showing up every single day and doing things that you damn sure don't want to do, but you know, it's going to help you. It's cultivating that discipline.
Even like the jocko, willing, potent, discipline equals freedom. It's cultivating that discipline to do the things that are hard. If David Goggins says that, like, do one hard thing a day, make and practice those things that you know will yield the results that you want to. And this is what I'm finding is this beautiful symbiosis. All of this, what I'm trying to tie into is that one does not have to be this.
pure being on this pure path. It's about how you go about your life, how in what states you feel. Because I have a damn hard time feeling love like you did and I still need work and I still work on it to feel my feelings and to connect.
Because I go into this state of get shit done and nothing else matters. And I force blinders up and I just, I'm a racehorse and I just go, go, go, go, go. And then emotions, relationships go out the door. And then we wake up like. Day after, two days after, week after. Right. Exactly. So with the medicine.
with the meditation, with the breath work, with the cold baths, all of that, it all leads to the same place, in my opinion. But the medicine are beautiful, psychedelics are beautiful accelerators, like done in a loving space holding intentional way with amazing practitioners.
This is a bit of a tangent I went on now. What comes up for you when I speak? So many stuff came up. I just didn't want to interrupt you. And I kept losing them all the way. But it's beautiful anyway. What comes up for me, it's like when we do all of this different stuff. For me, it's been a process of just...
getting out of my mind and that's what I was just taking the elevator and just go back down to the heart and it's so close but it's so far it's a long journey and it's like this pendulum for me like I get to be in my heart and then I swing out of it and how fast can I realize I'm out of it and when I realize then I can start a journey to come back right through all our practices like meditation or best work or whatever
But if I'm not even aware of this state of not being in my mind and being in my heart, then I get lost in being in my mind. And that's where you can be your whole life then without realizing. And then just being kind with myself every time I realize seeing, because I'm going to end up in that, say, like in the mind space my whole life, like I'm not only going to be here,
But I used to be very angry with myself when I went into the mind space and reprimand myself like, fuck you. You messed it up again. Now go back to the heart. Bad boy. It doesn't work like that. Like, okay. Oh shit. I messed it up. Okay. It's okay. Let's go back here. It's much more cozy here. And then I'm back without, without being angry. It's like parenting myself.
Oh, you're bringing up inner child work now. What is that like for you? Where are you on that journey of inner child work? It's like I'm happy and I'm proud of
of having the possibility to be both the father and the son. Like I can't step into holding space for myself and I can't allow myself to be vulnerable where before I wouldn't allow that like one of the parts to exist at all. But I'm like for me it's
It's exciting. It's exciting to, to stumble upon something I haven't seen before or having my partner bring something up that would trigger a reaction and then realize, oh shit, I wonder who I am. If I like, how can my nervous system feel if I resolve this or if I integrate this? So my, my journey, who is, who, who am I without my fears?
Who am I in my parasympathetic nervous system? Like, rest and digest. I don't know.

Inner Child Work and Relationship Dynamics

Like, I'm starting to realize who I am. But before I didn't, I was always jacked up on all these inner adrenaline and different energies that was just driving me forward. Yeah. Without my fears. Excellent journal pop to you.
And I think repeatedly one can ask yourselves that. And that brings up the topic they'll get to, replace all that or not, because one can use it. I'll go into it a little bit. So we get a cliff holder or cliff hanger. Cliff hanger. Yes.
Urgency is something that's sometimes very beneficial. Actually I'll go into this right now.
And in sales, especially that I'm in, I have a tendency, I just want to be and go with the flow, but still that stress and still that pressure of getting things done in a certain amount of time helps us create and do things that we never imagined we thought were possible before. And that's what's happening right now. Like everyone is going on summer.
vacations and I'm like, oh, can relax more. But that's also what is a golden opportunity to get creative and talk to people who might still be working or how can we can come up with creative ideas. There's an interesting part with fear because we can't escape fear. I think what's coming to me is how to be, how do you utilize fear?
as a tool and to drive us. Mike asked us, hurt, that I felt like I was abandoned or never good enough for my father.
I still have it. I'm still grateful, but now I'm turning into gratitude because I now feel like it's giving me this edge to tap into something in productive mode that I never imagined possible before because I need to prove myself through my actions and through my work that I'm worthy.
That is one thought, the other thought tying it back to inner child work. Shout out to Christine Hassan and Stefano Sifantos here is when I heard him first speak about, heard about inner childhood before NEM started talking, it's a webinar about
Well, when my, this big man, Stefano's one, two meters, six, three, four feet tall and built guy talk about when my little boy, when you do this, my little boy gets scared. And when his wife, Christine Hassler says, Oh, well, your little boy gets scared. Or that's my little girl just wants to scream or shout or so forth.
This is childish. Even going into this, you're a grown man and a grown woman in very powerful inspirational positions. And you're talking about your little children interacting. What's up with this? I almost felt it was silly to a degree and now
But it also opened the door because anything that we do, we open a door for others now to experience. And I heard another man at my let go into this, this, this, this masculine part of me or unhealthy masculine, like all like shun this away, push this away. Like, I don't need that. But then I'm realizing it's opening the door for me.
Like now I feel like my little boy, my little Sebastian is coming out. I'm like, I see him right here when I can ask him anything. And I see, what would his response be? And it's the surreal experience of knowing like right away, like this, this is how he feels about the situation. Like when you're saying stepping away from your heart, this is now another aspect, like how, because that is part of my past.
my emotions, the emotions that experience and still what I carry with me. And how do I, how do I heal that from my nervous system, from my soul, my heart and how, cause that is going to help me come back to my heart. Cause the longest time still that came up in a session recently is I don't trust myself. My little boy does not trust me. Cause I will always choose productivity over. Oh shit, love. Hard to admit that cause it still comes up. It's not always the case.
But many times I try to almost like weasel my way into it. And there's symbiosis here. And there's more symbiosis than I ever has been before. When I had my heart opened in the work that I do and showing up in my relationship with my wife and my daughter. But it's the state how
Like the best deals that ever made in sales has been when I've had a genuine connection with other person.
And still there's this ego that's coming saying, well, you need to do it in a different way. You need to produce, produce, produce, but there's this beautiful symbiosis with putting in the reps, but with an open heart. Showing up and doing the work and then seeing what happens. Yeah. It's a fine balance, right? I love, I love fit for service. Like.
because Aubrey stands for, or he tries to push the bodhisattva, right? Be part of this world and not just go and exclude ourselves and meditate and just be, get enlightened by yourself, but just what can we do in community and how can we be a shining light in community? So he's there. I want to be a,
I don't want to be in light and I want to be light. In light. Yeah, I love that. Yeah. So just shine. And then if somebody resonates with that, that's beautiful. Whatever practice that you, practices that you utilize today, we call today that.
For me to stay on my path, I need to have my morning ritual. Like I have to, to meditate and journal. That's my, my go-to. And they help me get into this beautiful, like, like life will go up and down, of course. But when I do it, I open up and I feel like everything is okay. Everything is okay. And it tends to fall out okay. But.
When I stop the practices, it'll be a delay, like everything will be okay for a while. And then I will get out of tune with myself.
And then it will start to get downhill. And then I don't have my practices and I will jump back into the practice. Yes. But it'll take a time until they come back on. So for me, it's just staying on the path, doing what I know is good for me. And also when I do it, like this hour in the morning, like it's pure bliss for me. It's when I can be there with myself.
What does your meditation practice look like? So I've been working with a couple of different
practices, but what I do now is just 15 minutes working with, breathing in, I bring it out, I am here now in this. So I just focus on, it's like a mantra for myself and just anchoring myself back into the body, back into this place and not drifting away, drifting away. Other times it's just
your non-mind just focusing on my breath and going back. So for me, that's always been very mindy. It's just coming back into my breath. What I focus on in working with myself now is more and more tapping into my feelings.
tapping into my body's resonance. Like how do I feel about this? Not trying to make mental understanding about how I feel and what that means, but basically just what does it feel like? Good or bad? Yes or no? And just when did I feel like this before? And that way going back into core memories, integrating stuff that I couldn't integrate earlier.
How about your journal practice? What is your journal practice? It's free flow. So I have like different parts. The first one is just free flow for three pages. And the first page usually ends up being just vomiting stuff I'm holding in my head. Like I'm angry about this. And then the second page is mainly just like,
It just ends up being more structured and more questions like, what is this? Why is this like this? And then the third page ends up being me or source or whatever, answering my questions. So I get this one, two, three, and then, so I really see like my lower self, my middle self, my higher self. And then in the end, in the back of my journal, I have.
10 points that haven't happened but I just phrase them as they already have happened and I let myself feel them and I let myself think of who I would call when they happen.
One of them is just like I have a very beautiful relationship with my father because I don't have that, but I want to have that. So I just keep bringing that into existence. And sometimes I've stopped that part because that's in the end of my journal and then I might take a new journal and I don't bring that in straight. And I went back to an old journal and I was like, oh shit.
every one of this has actually filled up. It's like, I don't see it when I do it because it's a slow process. But if I look back, it's like everything I wished for has just come true. It's beautiful. I just pick up different stuff on the path. What else? It's important. Yeah.
It's like creativity. For me, a source to getting back into contact is to be an outlet of creativity. So I still work in construction, but instead of building bridges and roads and big scale construction and being part of somebody else's machinery, I
I build and I want to create something. So what I like to do is to get an apartment that is as rundown as possible and then paint my painting there. On the walls? No, not literally. But I do the new floor plan. I do all the...
all the surface material like I get to visualize how I would love it to be and it's a very creative process and not doing it how would a market like it to be so I could maximize the revenue or the outcome but how would I like it to be
And when I do it, how I like it to be, it tends to end up very good. So trusting, like, because usually I would go like, what do you think about this to somebody else? And they're like, no, the market wouldn't like that. It's like, okay. And then I would shy back and I would do it just plain. Then like doing it the way I like it. And it ends up nice. Amazing.
Yeah. I so, so resonate with that. And that's what happened with this podcast too. I know all honesty. I was very, very tapped in and in touch with the, what the hell, 15 more so. I need some of the thing podcast episodes. And then I started going into a path of what is it that I can do for my path.
to actually start creating revenue. And that's been the path for the last two years and not just connect to source. Eventually that would have paid off. And I wish I would have done that now in hindsight, it's just go all in on the podcast. Cause that was my main calling. Do the podcast connect with the people, ask the questions, go deep and answers will reveal themselves. But then I went back into my mind, where will the money come from?
How am I going to do this? I wanted to create a mastermind for high performers as well. And then getting into the creative process of creating a website. And that wasn't a creative outlet for me, for myself. And now looking back at it, the whole year that I took off was just a sabbatical creative journey that has helped me tap into.
what i love to do and to cultivate that now into the work that i do in sales as well and realizing there's how much there's certain aspects that i still love to do and i still could in sales yeah yeah the connection with people and
There's always creativity that one can create in anything that you do. I just like to have the autonomy to do it, and I do it right now. I don't want to come off as saying that you should just
Because it's like in spiritual communities or so you just follow your heart and everything to be lovey-dovey and free flowing.

Work-Life Balance and Creative Outlets

You will have everything you need. Yes, but also as you say, you need to work. So you shouldn't be just, oh, I quit my job. I'm just going to follow my heart and everything will be there.
be realistic, but also have a dream and work towards that. So I myself, I'm not only doing those projects that I love, I'm also doing other projects for other people because that's a source of safety, but I'm trying my best to give place for what I love to do. And it's one too many of those jobs that I don't like,
And I'm, my mind gets completely clouded and I tend to get into more and more slightly depression. And then I see, oh shit, I take on too much job. I need to scale this down. So it's for me, it's this, it's like it's this sharp, sharp eraser edge to work. Yeah. Constantly reminding myself. Sure. But yeah.
Slowly, slowly. It's like this Aubrey used to talk about like this archetypal, the prostitute, right? Sometimes we need to do something we don't want to do for a while until we can do what we want to do, but not get stuck into that.
for the rest of our life, but we might not be in the position right now to just root up everything. So for me, I tend to go fast in the direction. Like I like the high energy, being on calls with a lot of people, taking decisions, project managing.
But then when I realize it's too fast, what I tend to do is just slam the brake and turn into another direction. I can't do any of this. But that's not good for my nervous system. What I can do is just slowly lift the foot from the gas a little bit.
keep going and then get a little bit pressure off. And then everything's back to how I want it to be. And then I can start to take direction because all this back and forth between different, that's also stressful for at least for me. Sure. If you were to think about something you would want to leave with the listeners, what would that mean?
So I had this, I don't know if this, this is a good thing. I had this beautiful day last Saturday. We were out in nature, me and some friends, and I just got to tap back into this boyish energy, just running around picking a smeltron.
It's like wild strawberries. It's like it's amazing. It's like it gets back tapped into that, right? Just putting the straws, just being childish. And that just just opened up that childish playful. It's just come back to play.
take this this stick out of a butt trying to take this really serious robotic stuff like we don't know shit now nobody of us knows how to do this like we're just children getting older yeah then somewhere along the line we're supposed to be serious sure it's okay yeah and be that too yeah also childish yeah playful childlike one
And how will that start making a difference if you do cultivate that? Cause I find myself and other people I know would have a response wall. I don't have time for that. Well, that's a, I'm busy. Like why would I do that? It's like, um, I don't have time to meditate. It's also okay.
It's, I can say it's good for you. If you don't have time for it, I'm sorry for you. It's a stressful place to be when it's too much, but you can also be, you don't have to stop what you're doing to be playful. You don't have to stop what you're doing to be in a mindful space.
It's just to take the chip out of one side and put it into the other and continue doing what we do, but with a little bit of another side of you looking at it.
When I hear you say that, I have this tendency of taking my work, whatever projects into my time, especially with my daughter and it's become this, well, she is a child, so my mind is preoccupied that how do I cultivate that childish love? Not childish, but childlike love.
and innocence within me, because I don't need to be thinking about that. It doesn't help me when I think about that, but my mind, a part of me thinks that, well, I'll help process, I'll help come to conclusions. Usually it's the opposite. It's when I do come back to that childlike
play state is when creative solutions appear. It's when I am tapped into this loving state and that helps other people recognize that and connect with me. And therefore, amazing things happen in work as well. Instead of being stuck in the mind, like, oh, I'm going to do it like this because everyone else does it like this and this is what it's required in order to get this type of result. Yes. And let go.
Because I think when we do exactly what we know we should do, you'll get a result. You'll get the result that you've calculated. But if you do the stuff, like I come up, I show up.

Concluding Thoughts on Self-Awareness and Gratitude

That's my job. I show up and I do the work. And then I step back and I see what comes out because the most beautiful stuff in my life has not been the thing that I forced or created. It's when I took a step back.
And life happened. And I would never be able to mentally come up with that. It just comes up. But not shy away from doing the work either.
Yeah. Yeah. This has been, um, this has been special. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you for, um, coming out on this beautiful day and, uh, telling your story, telling what your truth is and the path that you're on. It helps spark beautiful things within me.
And I very much see myself in you in so many ways. And likewise, no further and the more I feel like the work that I'm doing, the more there's this deep empathy and deep compassion and just love for
For another human being, as we started this process, it feels like that's what we called in. How do we feel the love for ourselves, but also for others? And how do we realize we're all one? By you doing the work, it helps me do the work, and vice versa. So thank you for doing the work. Thank you. Thank you, David. To be continual. Yes.
delted and his curiosity for life, for new experiences, to devote himself to something greater and following that inner guidance is something else.
He humbles me, yet he makes me eager to pursue a path that is unexplored, especially here in the Nordics and in Sweden. He's truly a leader, even though at times even he doubts himself. So may this be a blessing to you, an inspiration to you, as it has been to me.
You can find Dovid everything that he's up to in the show notes and I simply wish you a wonderful amazing birthday. Much love. Peace.