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Finding Ease of Being with Turi Nevin-Turkel  image

Finding Ease of Being with Turi Nevin-Turkel

Shine on You with Renee Novello & Christina Lanae
67 Plays2 years ago

Today's episode is a heart-filled connection with a dear friend of mine in the yoga community, Turi. We catch up and geek out over the beautiful transformations in her life that resulted in recently building a sanctuary healing studio space on her idyllic property in tucked away in the Blueridge region of Virgina. Turi is local anchor and visionary in the yoga community with a heart to serve others in feeling more ease in their being. 

Turi (and her family) are avid outdoorr enthuasists (I am not lol) and you'll want to stick around to hear her enlighten me on how she could take a sea kayak adventure down the intercoastal for a visit- I had NO idea this was such a thing :) 

We also talk about:

-How she found herself along with her family being caretakers of her sacred property. 

-Sharing the practice of connecting with nature to sustain us.

-How she navigated the curveball 2020 threw for yoga teachers specifically & as a result is more aligned than ever in her purpose

-The behind the scenes of her decision to create a physical studio shala space on her property to invite people into experience healing from the land

-What she envisions for the future of her offerings and how the studio will be utliized

-What type of healing practices she teaches and personally relies on for grounding.

-How she is excited to see the scientific backing of yoga and mindfullness for healing

-We discuss how there is more information than ever and how important it is to put it into practice for lasting change and transformation

-What is in store for Turi and her family as outdoor adventurists. 

Get to know Turi and her beautfiful space as well as offerings:

Over on Instagram: @turiyayogawellness

To learn more about Renee: 

On instagram @feelgoodwithrenee 


Introduction to Turi Turkle

Hello and welcome to the feel good with me Renee podcast. I am so grateful and excited that you are listening in. We are just getting started and we have another awesome guest today. Today is a conversation with a dear friend of mine, Turi Turkle.
I am freshly recording this intro right after our talk so I am still soaking in the earthy grounding energy that Turi brings through.

Turi's Yoga Journey and Community Roots

Turi and I connected back in Northern Virginia where I used to live in the therapeutic yoga community in a training and what I
get from Turi immediately and what one feels from her is her sweet and salt of the earth energy and her kind heart. She is well known to the yoga community there and has continued to grow deep roots in that area. We have evolved and grown into separately
different territories as I'm not teaching yoga any longer, but we continued to stay close and connected as friends.

Creating a Retreat in Shenandoah Valley

And her presence is just blossoming with a beautiful new retreat style yoga center space on her gorgeous idyllic property that is tucked away in the foothills of the Shenandoah Valley.
So today we talk about that transformation and how that came to fruition from the tribulations and the upheaval that 2020 brought to so many in the yoga teaching community. My sense is that you'll feel filled up today and inspired by this exchange as we are all feeling into the energy of this new year and of 2023 and what it has in store for us.
If you are in that area, in the Northern Virginia area, definitely find Hurry online. We'll give you her links and go check out what she has to offer at her new space. You can also find her offerings virtually wherever you are in the world. So I hope that you are feeling nourished and to quote Hurry, as she mentioned in this episode, that you are finding the ease of being. Until next time, sending love.
Hi, Tori. Hello, Renee. Hello. I have been anticipating and looking forward to us connecting here. How are you? I am so well and I'm so excited to connect with you, dear friend. Really appreciate you being here.
I know this is really special. Tori and I go way back and we have been through, um, growing together in the yoga community and as friends. And I just can't wait for, for us to share this conversation today. I feel like every time I'm in your presence, I walk away feeling more grounded and uplifted at the same time. So this is awesome.
Oh, grateful for you. I'm glad to be here. Thank you.

Dreaming of a Blue Ridge Studio

So I would love if we could start by just introducing people to you and what you are really passionate about right now. I definitely want to get into talking about the transformation you have done in your yoga, I guess your yoga teaching path and your own eternal student path. But what's happening for you right now? What are you excited or passionate about?
Yeah, what's happening lots lots big shifts as everyone has transitioned and and adapted through you know these past few years. And so I have jumped into what I guess I would call my
what has presented itself as it really it's my dream. We're on this extraordinary piece of land in in on the Blue Ridge in the Shenandoah and I took the leap to build a
very intimate, a beautiful home studio, a home studio for, I'm a yoga therapist, I am a mindfulness-based teacher, and I share practices in small group and individual, and then also specialty workshops. So I now have a space again, which that's been my transition since really May, May, so we're still in,
in the newness of it all. I love that. Yep. So I'm back to sharing and community still virtually and face to face. And it's just, it's, it's exactly what needed to happen. It's exactly where I need to be. It's exactly what people in this area need. And I'm just so grateful, like,
It's just so grateful to be able to do what I love and this is what I love and it is my passion very much so. I just want to transition into talking about your property and your space because it deserves its own introduction.
share with the listener that part of Tori and I's friendship that I was so really grateful for is that we would connect on walks on her property. And these weren't just casual walks. These were a little bit of a hike through the most beautiful, idyllic, I mean, just with running water and the oldest, most sacred trees and land.
These were transformational walks. I would come home literally changed for the better. I would let go of things that were weighing me down. I would sort things out. You were such a grounding force for me at many times, and I'm so grateful for your property and, of course, our friendship and you. I would probably not do it justice, but I know this is really, it's a
sanctuary is what I would call it carved out in the countryside like it's right where the it's the Shenandoah Valley in northern Virginia right correct correct so it's just it's on the the Blue Ridge kind of the cusp of coming over and out from northern Virginia into the Shenandoah River Valley and we're on a parcel of property that was purchased in the 30s by my husband's grandfather and
almost gosh, I can't even believe I'm saying this 17 almost 18 years ago, we were asked to come and just kind of tend to taking care of the property more so the structures and then and then see if it was a place that we stay or if we transition we had moved from Colorado to help the family kind of care take it for a bit. And then here we are we're here. And
at first I wasn't wasn't really sure like that we would stay here coming from kind of the active mountain community in Colorado and I'm like who you know who are people here you know like how are we going to fit in and and what I
what happened to unfold along the years was that we're on this, like you said, it's a sacred piece of land that is tucked up onto the Blue Ridge.

Pandemic's Influence on Connection with Nature

You can witness and see the Shenandoah, but there's also this backside of the property which you can ramble through forest and fields and to this
really the most favorite place on the property is this creek space that has these just these rocks and this creek that just speak to you these trees that just hold you and love you like it is it is what um nurtures me on a daily basis it's my daily practice to be out there no matter what um and it just
what I realized during the pandemic and getting tucked in here more, not that I didn't appreciate it before, I certainly did, but there was definitely question on, do I really wanna operate my business from my house?
But it became very apparent that this was the transition and that this was a place that people deeply need for connection, like a connection back to land, elements, ground, earth. And that's what I share and that's what I want to share. I want to share that.
I, I immediately thought of you because the premise of me starting this podcast is really about nurturing. Well, my own experience with coming back to really focusing on nurturing myself and my surroundings and you know what that can do.
when you feel aligned with that. And I appreciate so much that you now, you know, you've taken this space and not only, you know, obviously it's supportive for your own nurturing and self-care, but now you're inviting people in to experience it for themselves and you have built this gorgeous, I mean, here's the thing.
I don't know if I can properly give credit to how much being in Turi's space will affect you in a positive way because you have such a grounding, earthy feeling, salt of the earth, no pretense, but such a warm presence. And being around you and anything that you've ever done
Whether you know it's in a yoga class or in your home and your environment. You know people feel it they feel it they don't just have this like you know it's an actual felt experience and when you created this space i was like oh of course this is going to be next
level space. This is not just like, oh, we're going to throw something together. The thought and the care and the planning that you put into this, the position of the studio and so forth. Can you speak a little bit just about that? Because I now have moved and I am six, seven hours away and I haven't seen it for myself except for the online presence. But tell us a little bit, what is it like now being in that studio space now that it has come to fruition?
Oh, it was so funny even getting there. Like we had so many plans and so many ideas. And then of course some things that you per se wanted, I mean, you've built and you've gone through that process and then it doesn't work out. So our original plan was to replace an existing out structure. And then we realized
when we took that out structure down that we were like oh my gosh it opened up the backyard to this beautiful view of a pond which the pond had just an extraordinary supportive healing space of that having that water connection right there
And so and also logistic wise, you know, county ordinances, we couldn't build so close to the pond if we were putting a deck on that. So we ended up having to literally shift the whole positioning, which turned out for the best, you know, in at first, it was just like, oh, no, really, like,
Now, what are we going to do? So in any event, we were able to shift it to kind of the backside of the property and be able to tilt it in a direction that gives us kind of this honoring. And what gets even kind of crazier is just kind of the nod of the building to north, south, east and west, like to these, what you could say, cardinal points, these energetic points in our in our in our earth.
And so it just has this beautiful positioning overlooking the pond and the Shenandoah. And now that we've dropped in here as we're speaking today, fall, we can now see the water of the Shenandoah and the sunsets are just captivating. And so what felt at first of, you know, this
wanting it to be different turned out to be just literally the ideal space and It is a felt it. I'm so happy you brought that up. It's like
What I share or what I want to infuse and have people experience is that felt sense. And it's that felt sense within themselves. It's the felt sense of nature, you know, within themselves, the seasons within themselves. So it's like,
that's why that the studio needed to be here because it really, it just gives you, it puts you in that experience. It provides that. It's this portal, it's a portal that brings you there. And that's why it feels so, so very right.

Planning Purpose-Driven Retreats

Now we have the studio and then I have again, this back creek area that I do that is just extraordinary and some more things will definitely roll out with that.
Yeah, in mind, so. And you can overlay those two experiences potentially, yes. Like we're talking like.
gorgeous tucked away retreat space that I feel like inviting people in for even just a break from their day and their week or maybe are you considering doing more longer term retreats or is it more classes and so forth is feeling aligned right now?
So certainly day retreats is something we're looking at into the new year, myself and in coordination with other healers. So definitely, I think day retreat, eventually, probably a weekend, the thing that I want to maintain, though, is something that feels sustainable to me and to the land, which is
it's an intimate group, you know, small group, you know, not anything that feels overwhelming and huge, but, but really purposeful connection, like mindful, meaningful, purposeful connection. And I feel like, like right now in the space that's there, like, we're just talking a dozen people, that's it, you know, and, and
And it's been really powerful. It's been powerful. So, yes, long term wise, I think it serves to have more than just like a group class or even just a private class, but to have kind of a longer intentional, you know, dive in of practices that serve to support us.
I appreciate personally that more intimate space. I think it definitely can be such a profound experience just to share some of the things that you go through when you are in a place of self-connecting. It can be in the moment a lot to process. It can be a lot energetically going on. So I prefer personally to be in a more intimate and smaller gathering space overall.
What type of, I mean, I personally understand and have experienced your yoga style and your teaching, but like I know now you're incorporating in some sound healing or what modalities or what flavor variety of yoga are you feeling right now most connected to sharing and what is most, I guess, resonating with people too? How has that shifted?
Well, I think what's really shifted is just that there is a need, you know, there's a need for people to slow down, for people to, again, get that felt experience of
starting to feel ease in their bodies and minds and their energy and their spirit again. The statistics are really so crazy with the amount of anxiety that people have in the world and the disconnect. So I love the slow down practices. And I think that that's where I teach best. I definitely teach mindful movement because the
the purpose, the practicality and the function functionality of moving the joint system so important. And also, in a bit of a stage, just even myself going through, you know, now being in my 50s. So there is that practicality of needing to do the weight bearing and the strengthening and
But what I'm seeing is that what people need the most is the slowdown, the stilling, the settling, those deeply calming practices. So that's merged with whatever I teach. If it's yin yoga, which I would say would be my specialty is the yin component. So healing when you can connect seasonally and connect in that modality, body and mind.
And then, you know, and moving that with even the mindful movement, movement-based practices. That's where I'm drawn. I'm drawn to give the people the opportunity to slow down, to learn to embody their breath, embody and be in their being.
But I think the biggest is just, and it's, it's what I've been sharing a lot is just this statement, like ease of being, ease of being starts, you know, like right here, it's a conscious choice. I love that ease of being.
Yeah, and we have that capacity no matter what to find that because it is just this, it's there always. It's just we have to take the time and carve out the practices to bring us there.
That's right. I feel it. That's right. And sometimes the mental aspect of that, I know for me personally, like before we talked today, I intentionally went for a long walk and I feel resistance sometimes to doing the thing that I know is going to actually make me feel better. It's such a funny thing, right? It's such a funny human phenomenon we all experience where it's like,
Such resistance. Such resistance. I'm always joking. I got to go for my stupid walk for my stupid mental health, but it's true. I'm walking and I start to feel the shift. It's just in a short period of time. It doesn't even take that long and I appreciate so much what you just shared about
your practice, you know, the practices that you're teaching, helping people to establish, I feel like if you establish a connection with that feeling,
And you get a little practice, you get used to it, you can access it and you can bring it up when you need it the most. And I know for me, that's the reason I go back to yoga and I love yin and I go back to the more calming practices because yeah, I mean, I need that mental health and that boost of connection to the body. And the way that you guide people into that I've experienced, it's like people,
They are loyal and they come back to you and you create these relationships and these bonds with people because they're connecting really with themselves through your teaching, through your being a vessel of showing them that. It's really powerful to experience. It's my joy. I sit back and it is my joy. It is my joy to
to share that connection. And so that's what I do. I don't even feel like I call it work, per se. It's what I feel.
that I'm meant to do. And I'm meant to do it just over and over and over again. It never gets old. And certainly things shift and change with knowledge in my own felt experience of growth and depth and other peoples too, the people that have been here for a while. And yeah, so it's just such an honor to be supportive to people's
people's well-being. And I feel like it is that living it, inspired living. I live and breathe it. You do. You are a living example of that sense of well-being and groundedness and people get that immediately even being in your presence.

Evolving Yoga Business Landscape

I wanted to shift gears a little bit here because I'm a bit of an observer in terms of the yoga business and just what's going on in yoga. I used to obviously be teaching and participating and now I've been through my own journey with that and seen some things and so forth. I feel like now definitely on the peripheral, like I'm on the outskirts.
have that connection so to speak. How do you feel like the yoga business is changing or do you notice anything that has been like changing I guess for the better or worse like in your mind like what are you seeing or observing?
Well, something I'm observing that I'm really, I think, is exciting. And I think teachers like me are grateful to start to see the recognition of just the scientific research that is now backing up so many of these platforms of practices that I share, we share.
you know, the breath work, right? The mindfulness-based practices. I mean, there was just a study that came out last week that is showing that mindful-based practices are just as effective as anxiety medicine. So I find a lot of excitement that there's this recognition of
of these practices being viable in an integrative way for our health and our well-being and our healing like that is super super super exciting and I think you're seeing more of that like you're seeing more people that are offering and it's not even
yoga, you know, we can go back to just breath practices that help to regulate the nervous system, right? That help to support, you know, the mind, you know, and there's different certainly things that we can do to
to turn on our rest and digest and there's certain things we can do to activate our energy. And so you're seeing that even outside of the yoga business per se. So I'm definitely, I'm feeling really positive that there's backing. And then, you know, I don't, it's funny enough. Like I haven't,
Have I, have I, no. I haven't really stepped into a yoga studio.
I'm trying to think if I have or I haven't since the pandemic. So that's the other thing. It's nice that we can open ourselves to this online portal because there's opportunity there to be able to take classes. I think the one thing that is certainly out there is there's not a lack of content online.
of there's so much availability but there's also with that there's also you don't get that true connection especially if you're just watching for say a video so i think that that that again there's an overload maybe could i say there's just an overload of content but that's just the world right sure yeah and
So, not that that, so I think that that can be, you know, positive but it's sure be negative. Yeah, I was just gonna add on to that because I agree, like I've
Definitely I think it's positive because it's, you know, becoming more and more a part of our everyday awareness of these practices that aren't so much, you know, like just for the few and far between or, you know, the stigmas of the past, right? Like the people that go to yoga or like, you know, super hippy dippy or, you know, something like that. Like I feel like it's become more mainstream, which is serving obviously and helping.
The thing that I think also that's so unique about you is that you have your so people come to you for people come to someone and instead of just looking at all that information, because information doesn't really do anything unless it's applied or put into a practice.
There's a podcaster that I consider to be one of my mentors and she she Kathy Heller's her name and she talked about how like if if information was enough You know all the we would be amazing chefs with you know these dinners because all of us have cookbooks in our house right like it's not it's the transformation and
And so what I think is so important is that we all recognize our own signature frequency of that contribution that people can kind of find us that we're supposed to have impact with and we're supposed to have this reciprocity within life and your unique frequency in what you offer and what your experience and the transformation that you have to offer
It's just getting more and more aligned, like more and more fine-tuned with you and

Finding Unique Frequencies in Wellness

your signature. And I think people are, you know, like, so we can all have these online courses and it's great or these online classes because we all have our own unique frequency that people are going to find and seek out. And it's pretty cool. I mean, it is. Yeah. Very, very much so. I mean, it's just powerful and potent. And then, you know, it's just finding that what works for
the individual, creating that connection. And I'm so grateful that I have found that path of moving towards just, again, that really knowing where I should be and what I want to be sharing and how I want to be sharing.
Yes. Yeah. And I'm watching and evolving on that path. I mean, we're all on this journey of growth and expansion and looking at these different ways that we can creatively express in the world. And yeah, I appreciate what you said about ultimately through that transmitting ease of being because I agree.
Oh, yeah, we are all in it. We're in it. We're in it. And it's not easy. Like, so what's the what's what what do we need to balance that uneasy we need ease and like, it's just like boom. So even if it's just a moment, you know, a single pause to
to feel a moment of ease. If we can be conscious of that, those moments will start to add up just little by little by little. And also finding those places where you can feel it. And for me, certainly again, the outdoor, the being out in nature is very, very supportive to just honestly let me go and just feel that infused in my body.
Yeah, go ahead, sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off.
Oh, and I feel like that, again, this space that is here now, that I have just the beautiful opportunity to share in, it infuses that element of nature, even within the facility, right? Because you're just, you're surrounded by the nature and by the elements and being supported by the earth, like right there. So that's just really a cool opportunity.
For sure. And the other thing that I appreciate that I, well, I will say admire in you because I am not
a confident world traveler as you are.

Balancing Adventure and Sanctuary

I wanted to just highlight before we wrap up here, I always admire the adventures that you and your family go on. You guys do some really cool stuff. I mean, from massive, cool outdoor hikes to biking and all of the above.
So it's like you have this beautiful like juxtaposition between you have your cozy you know sanctuary home and then you go big like you on the other side of that you go big so is there anything coming up that or any experiences coming up with travel that you're excited about.
Well, we're trying to figure that out now. Our son is 16, he'll be 17 in February. So we're trying to think about these things, you know, these ways of getting out. So that's part of the other thing that like intentional living, you know, what really sparks our spirit is like adventure. We're outdoor enthusiasts. No wonder we like the outdoors. I mean, we love to ski and bike
a hike and we've gotten into sea kayaking, funny enough. That's what I don't know so much about. And we have the Shenandoah right here. So you can just, with a sea kayak, they just kind of cut through the water. And so my husband's really gotten into it. And so we're looking at maybe some sea kayak adventures where we'd go out for, I mean, honestly, look at, and water, water is my favorite element.
water, love water, water is like the biggest nurture of my soul. So we're looking at that. I would love to get back to Europe to ski again, because that was just a really powerful, powerful trip we did last spring. Being in that being in this glacial valley of the Alps was just changed me was just so
so incredible so it's always something that we want to share with our son and you know once he's off to school you know things we feel that that that you know i think we're going to do some sort of ski trip this year we're just we don't have it pinpointed yet yeah a big sea kayak adventure i love that
Yeah, yep. You can see kayak your way down here to North Carolina. We've got some sea. I mean, honestly, you could. You could hop in a kayak and make your way down the inner coastal. People do that? Oh, totally. Hurry, you're kidding me. No. And we would show up with like a little dry bag with a few pieces of clothing. And we'd say, hey, Brittany, can we stay with you?
So, yes, I mean, we are literally like I part of my walk this morning was to the inner coastal. I mean, we're like less than a mile away from the inner coastal. And we, as you have seen in my stories, like we just recently got a boat and it's straight up magic. I mean, we literally decided to get this boat for spiritual purposes, like to get out and be able to be in these secluded little there's so many in the inner coastal, these little islands that you can hop around to and everything.
We see these huge yachts coming down in our coastal from Connecticut and New York and even Canada. But I've never ever thought about it in a kayak. That's wild. I love that so much.
Yeah, I just yeah, the water I love you know, I grew up on a lake, I grew up water skiing and it's just it's like water. I just love being on water that be it frozen or be it be it moving so love that whatever adventures will be wrapped around water in some form or not. For sure. Yeah, well, I think I we you know, you're a deer.
dear one to me and I love that we got to share this today and speak to some of these, you know, recent changes that have been so profound and they just feel so
I mean, I know when we all went through the changes of the pandemic and just like especially yoga teachers, you know, I was not teaching at that point, but you were and you had to pivot so quickly and learn all these things online and you know, I'm in now it's actually we were talking beforehand. It's been such a blessing to have that under your belt because I mean, you guys yoga teachers obviously don't make a million dollars a year, right? Most of them.
So you have this opportunity to duplicate your efforts and continue to have the online presence with your studio presence going. And everything just now feels like it's kind of like come into picture a little bit more in it, you know, we're not all on edge as much. And I just thank you so much for being here and sharing, you know, your experience and your growth and what has now come about and tell people like where they can come connect with you, where that they can find you online.

Spiritual Significance of 'Turiya'

Yeah. So, the name of my business is Turiya. It's T-U-R-I, which is my name. Turiya. T-U-R-I-Y-A. Yoga plus wellness. And the website is that condensed together. So, everything's really on there, including the location of our property. If you're
in this area you can take a look certainly in the new year we're going to be doing some some more again like more of that
longer infused day retreats, eventually some bigger things, but monthly workshops offering sound meditation and restorative, which is a nice little mini retreat if you're interested in the area and wanna come out. Otherwise online classes, I have weekly group classes that are in studio and online. So that is a blessing and it was a huge pivot to move to that, but I'm grateful for it now.
Yeah. Yeah. So, Turiya, just on the side note, Turiya comes from the story of the Om sign. And the Om symbol has a story, which is the
the idea that the dot in the ohm sign so you have something that looks like a three which is our our consciousnesses and then off to the right you have a dash that is on top of a dot and the dash is is kind of it's our ego and it the dot is our highest divine our highest consciousness and and the name of that dot is turia so i feel like in
I know it's just crazy when I had heard that story. I'm like, oh my gosh. So what I like that I want to be able to open people up to find that that felt experience of their own divine consciousness. And I'm, I'm, I'm where I need to be to do that.
I love that so much, and what a beautiful serendipitous, I guess, thing that that mark, that spot was called Turia, and your birth name is Turi. I have to point that out. I know. It's kind of weird, but it's the same time. Totally meant to be. Well, thank you so much for sharing all of this with us today. I appreciate you. I miss you, and I'm sending you so much love.
Oh, to you too, sweetie. Thank you so much. So much. Appreciate you. Love you. Bye. Bye. Thank you for listening to this episode. If you enjoyed it and you'd like to help support the podcast, please share it with others post on social media or leave a rating and review. It would mean the world to me.
To catch all the latest from me, you can follow me over on Instagram at FeelGoodWithRenee. Thanks again and I will see you next time.