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Episode 8: Multipassionate Fuckery with Monica Livingston image

Episode 8: Multipassionate Fuckery with Monica Livingston

S1 E8 ยท Fabulous F**kery
129 Plays5 years ago

This episodes guest is Monica Livingston Head Dog of 36 Nation
Monica is a retired DC Diva Running Back, who promotes positive living through her speaking engagements with Positive Coaching Alliance. Check her out and listen her new podcast in May 2019!!!

Twitter/Instagram: @Livingston3636

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Recorded at 202Creates Studio in Washington, DC

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Introduction and Guest Welcome

Hello, and welcome to Fabulous Huckery. I'm your host, Baroness Brie. Where does our goal to always emerge fabulously in spite of fuckery? Hello, everyone. Welcome back to this week's episode of Fabulous Huckery. I'm your host, Baroness Brie, and today I'm joined by Miss Monica Livingston.

Passion for Helping Others

She is a superstar, okay? She's a DC, well, retired DC dealer. Yes, retired, yes.
podcast host, motivational speaker, CPR trainer. She does everything. I don't even know if she's the leader of 36 nations. She is inspired to help people change.

Podcast Vision and Storytelling

And we need more people like you because you work with kids, you work with adults, you work with anyone who's struggling to be their best you. So tell me, what are you working on right now?
What am I not working on, Brie? First off, thanks for having me. Thank you for coming. We were supposed to do this, and then the flu hit me. And I mean, it took me out. But let me tell you what happened with that, though. I lost like four pounds, and girl, that started me on my way, you know?
So, however you can get it, get it where you fit in. That's right, so I took that four pounds and I turned that into another four, so I'm on, so sometimes getting sick ain't the worst thing to happen to you, okay? It's a blessing in everything. Hallelujah. But you're feeling well. Oh, I'm feeling well now. Okay. I'm feeling well. Now, my exercise routine has been a little challenging. I shared it with you.
little crook in my back here, but that's okay. Um, but yeah, I'm working on a bunch of stuff. I'm working on, you know, really getting out there and helping people and just doing that with the podcast. I want to focus on that. So we push the date back, but I finally had this different concept in my mind and I just want to share people's

Unity Through Anecdotes

Other people's stories every single person has a story they have a journey and I'm always in an airplane or on a Train and so I thought you know, I may not call it the lonely bar You know hotel bar stories or whatever But like, you know, I spent a lot of time on trips where it's just me after I'm done speaking I have several hours go back to the hotel So I always end up like speaking to people the uber driver
And I have found some fascinating people just wrapped in our ordinary life, right? And it seems mundane, but their stories are so powerful. And I think I just want to put people on a platform. So I'm calling it, like, I don't know what the name of it's going to be, but I want other people to be the producer of it, so to speak, because their story is the show. And so that's going to be the new format. We're still going to, you know, yuck it up like we did before and talk about current event stuff.
Silly people and all that kind of stuff, but I want to highlight people and my thing is I think That in doing this I'm gonna find that we are more the same than we are different. All right, even in this politically divided and racially divided climate the same things that somebody is struggling with you know, my chick that was flipping my burgers in New Orleans

Acting on Creative Ideas

Is the same thing that the guy that was struggling with here and they both are from completely different walks of life And so just hoping that we could it brings some unity and some synergy to people But yeah, that's that's the goal. That's the dream. We'll see, you know, if it all materializes, but I'm thinking so Okay, yeah, mesh it up make it write it down make it plain. I got a little diary I went back to back to paper. Yep
You know, all these gadgets and stuff. I can't remember my password to get into half the stuff. So then the idea is a loss. I lost my idea book. I was at an event. I'm better. I'm better. But it took me about, I mean, I was on Instagram. Anybody seen, have you seen this book? You know, people like have pictures of me holding a book and it's like, don't send me no more pictures of me holding my notebook.
My heart is broken, but you know also now you gotta watch out make sure your ideas aren't coming out Oh, don't worry about it. The good ones have been copyright. Okay. Yeah, so no we're good But so but the thing is is that that was the universe's way of telling me that the idea if you sit on it too Long is no longer yours. It belongs. It returned back to the universe. And so, you know There's a book called big magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. Okay, and she's the eat pray love woman. Yeah
And so her book is the premise. One of the premises was if you write a story and you take too long with that story and then you see a movie based on the story, you're like, hey, that's fine. That was my idea. What the hell? You know, and so she talked about this idea she had that she sat on and then she was watching TV and she said, what the fuck? You know, and so we have to move on. Fabulously fuckery. Exactly. This is fabulous fuckery. This is for life. But we have to do a better job of when we got an idea. Right. What we sitting on it for? Right.
You know, fear, right? I mean fear, fear just keeps you going,

First Podcast Experience and Collaboration

it's not ready yet. I'm not, the one more thing I want to do to it or it's not the right person. And I think that that's one of the biggest things you know, you just got to not be scared. Yeah. So full disclosure, we met last year on Sarah Frazier, Hey Frazier podcast when we were doing The Royal Wedding. The Royal Wedding. The Royal Wedding. And you were all decked out and I was all decked out. We do what I think.
For the YouTube, I'll put some montages up. I got a cute picture of us, yes. But we had fun. We had a good time. It was early in the morning. But that's the first time I'd ever done a podcast. Girl, I was drunk by 11. We were trashed. I was barely up.
But we got there like, so I was there for like, it was like a seven o'clock call. Yeah, yeah. AM people, AM, yes. AM, but by the time we got, I mean like, it was fun. Yes. But to see the timing, the way she did her business, Sarah is just one of my favorite people. Yeah, she's amazing. And you know, it was a call time. You know, we were just, you know, this is a schedule. Who are you? Are you on the list? And she shares information. Like she's not one of these people that is like stingy with information. And those are good people, right?
Anybody this and I'm gonna go ahead and put this out here This is the opportunity to say this if you don't get back at me when I call you or text you I know you scared I'm really trying to collaborate. Okay. I'm not trying to take your spot. There's enough out here There's no shortage. Yep of money. Yep
There really isn't. Some people don't have it and there are different ways to go about it, but there's no shortage. Money not drying up, they print it somewhere right around here. There's enough money for everybody and there's enough light for everybody. With all of these media outlets, I don't need to sit close to the vest, but my thing is when I see you, so I saw her, we exchanged information, I never followed up.
I saw you. Yeah,

Positive Coaching and Parenting

you did. I wasn't ready. Right. So then I saw you at a book, um, book party. Yeah. And you were like, so yeah, we meet again. And I'm like, I got you now. I got a show. I got a logo. No, you didn't stop. But then I started talking to you. Like when you come on my show, then we had the date and then the flu hit.
Things happen, things happen, but we make it happen. Absolutely. But so you speak and do all this, this motivational speaking thing. Yes. Tell us about, because you got some really cool stuff coming up. Yeah. So primarily, I speak for an organization, Positive Coaching Alliance. It's a nonprofit organization. And so I travel the country for them. And we speak to coaches, athletic directors, the athletes themselves, and their parents.
And we talk about the power of positivity in youth sports, how important it is to make sure that young people are having a good time when they're playing sports and not to concentrate on this peak performance. And are they the best on the team and really just focus on things that are going to translate into their careers later? Are they given, you know, full effort, right? Because you want someone that gives full effort at work.
who cares if you scored the winning basket when you're 32 years old and it's time for work. And if you tell me that story at work, I'm gonna be mad at you. I'm gonna be like, I ain't got nothing to do with what I asked you to do, right? So what I want to know is are you the type person that gives effort? And then so we stress these things to parents and the coaches and the athletes, and also to let them know that if you truly want to get peak performance, you've got to be in an environment and a culture where you feel like you can do your best. So yelling and screaming,
Really doesn't do anything for people long term. Yeah, it'll work short term. You know that you're a parent. You know clean up your room They'll go clean up the room right then and there but then I go keep it clean every week because you yelled one Tuesday, right? But you have to institute some things and around positivity they get the desired results So I'm cutting the Wi-Fi off when I made is not they're gonna give me the desired response
I mean, it gets you that one right then and there. Yes, that will work. I said, negativity will work, people. It will work. It just will not work long term. It doesn't build the right skill set. It doesn't teach the accountability. It doesn't teach the, you know, hey, this is your responsibility. This is your room. If you want to live like this. Yeah. And you have to get to

Upcoming Events and Achievements

that point, right? Where you're like, oh, but okay. Right. You know, I'm not going to put them on blast. Right. You know what? And I won't say what you told me before we started taping about it. Get y'all sales together. Right.
But yeah, so I do that. Cool thing coming up next Friday, I'll be in LA. So I'm super stoked about that. Glad the four pounds is gone, almost close to my LA body. And so I'm going there for a event that Nike is co-sponsoring with We Coach.
And it's an organization that helps women get into coaching and especially young coaches. It gives them a curriculum. And so I'm going out there to learn their curriculum and then turn around and teach that. So I'm happy about that. I mean, you know, Nike and We Coach calls, what do you say? I'm doing something Friday. No, I say, OK, I'll be there. What time and when? So I've got that coming up, podcast relaunch.
Yeah, man, I'm on the grind. The DC Divas season is coming up. Women's pro tackle football, April 13th, 6 p.m., the first game at the brand new facility, the St. James in Springfield, Virginia. Oh, the new fancy place. That place is fancy. That thing is, whoo, 500 square feet of fabulousness. I mean, anything you can think of, they have indoors rock climbing.
Virtual reality games, you know, you can box and the virtual reality or skydive the what's that American ninja warrior? They've got like that inside there Basketball courts the whole night and now and we this is gonna help us because we've been around 20 years The divas have been but we play in April. Okay, right. So April May June and July It's really hot a lot of rain. You got an indoor spot
got an indoor spot so it's a game changer for us our fans you know we typically get two three thousand people a game i'm hoping for five thousand now it's fun and these girls really play football this is not powder puff it daggone sure is not the lingerie that's about to say no no that's nasty no okay it's nasty to play football with your drawers pulled aside that's nasty so it's not bad we got
real helmets, the shoulder pads, real athletes, and it's gonna be a fun time. So, Congratulations on your move, that's awesome. Yeah, man, it's so, so cool to be in their locker room space, and it's what the team deserves. After 20 years, these are women that have dedicated their life to this sport. In so many ways, they are elite athletes, and now they have the facility that matches their passion, they're driving the effort that they've been putting

Work-Life Balance and Self-Care

into. That's exciting. So, I'm super stoked to be even
Belonging to them still right. I just don't understand you do so much. Yeah, you do a lot Yeah, how do you keep your work-life balance your sanity balance your sanity? You give me an opportunity look good here. She know I'm crazy. She already know I have ADHD and I think that that helps me
Actually, you know, I did a thing for Washington Post about ADHD and it's one of the things I'm really passionate about is trying to get teachers to understand kids that have ADHD and that it's not that we're bad or that we don't really care about what you're saying. Our brains literally work differently.
And so I had to choose things where my ADHD became a benefit for me. So I can, you know, concentrate on multiple things at the same time or do multiple things. I need that. You know, when, when I was sick, it was just like, I'm looking at the wall, I'm counting the spaces. Has that mark always been right there?
You know because I don't lay around much or sit down much So I think the ADHD helps me with that in terms of your answer your question to take care of myself I'm learning that it's it's a it is in process I'm trying to take time for myself, but because I'm bad at relaxing I
I don't really know what that looks like, right? For some people, they have this, you know, they know it's a massage or to sit outside and read a book or, you know, go to the, it's not like chilling is like not really my thing. Like I'm really bad at that. So, um,
You know, I'm trying to learn that. I know that I want to eat better, and I started that. But yeah, suggestions? We're going to have to have a fabulous fuckery outing. I'm going to have Hilda teach us about being outside in the cold. I don't know if you follow. Cold? So Holistic Hilda was the guest last episode. I know Hilda. I'm not available for cold things. Yeah, she goes outside in the cold, and she does like cold adapting. And she'll go outside like a tank top and some gloves on top, but she's cold adapting.
I didn't think we was doing all that. However, she can help lead some sanity type exercises. Or you know, we can just have like, maybe, ooh, do something, you know, twerking in this corner, you know. Twerking, that's how I wrote my back. Twerking, you know, twerking like that. Oh, so you know, get some twerking in and this corner over here, do ice and crafts, and this corner, get some wine tasting. Wine tasting, yeah. Maybe this is an event that we can figure out for the spring, where people can just have wellness and just figure out what makes you happy. I think that's a good idea, because I don't know if people know
Right? Sometimes you don't. Like I told you, I want the pilates and pop, I don't know what I pop. But you know, you're trying to learn all these new techniques because you know, I can go in the house and laying on the sofa is my relaxation. However, my therapist has told me that that is a avoidance activity. And so I now need to take off the depression. Right. Especially if you're laying there with a bottle of wine. Maybe. They call that something else. That is called self-care.
You know, some people take a bath and like, I think you're right. If you can put people through, like exploring what that looks like, that might be super beneficial to people. We got to be on the lookout for that. Pretty much. I ain't going to post this into after I get all the details together. So marketing budget. Yeah, but we got that.
We got that, we got that. So, but, you know, it's just, so this, the hum of the city and the energy of the city can throw anybody off. And so the fact that you're doing all of this, you're staying focused, you've been productive, you've been in the game for a long time. So, you know, when I got to give props to OGs, where I appreciate that, because, you know, you know. I'll let the gray hair fool you, that same 401k baby. Okay.
Listen, you know, that's the hard thing too, the dating in the area, you know, and the whole sugar baby, sugar momma, sugar daddy. Everybody wants something, and that's something. And it's like, don't you just, you don't like- Get your own, right? Just get your own stuff first. I'm a nice person. And then you can share with people, but get your own.
I want you to promote your album on my show. I don't want you to sound cloutly. Especially that album. And also, I'm all for following your dreams. Absolutely. And like I told someone, I said, what it looks like in your 20s versus what it looks like in your 30s versus what it looks like. I think every decade brings a new level of you because you level it up. You know who you want. You know what's toxic to you. We didn't know. When I was 20, I didn't know certain things weren't okay for me.
You ain't know that so now you learn all these things and now we learn about it. We're doing better, hopefully Yeah, but also we also every day we get a new chance to start from how about that I say that one of my talks is called every day is December 31st like you don't have to Sit around and wait until December 31st traditionally everybody writes down all these things are gonna change Make all these declarations and I'm gonna do all this and then by the 17th of January is gone I'll be honest with you this year. It was like oh We gonna start the new year on March
I messed up January, we messed up February, and I was like, it's March. So now you're like, it's like, oh, okay, it's the end of March. Yeah, and that's the thing, like you said, every day you get to decide, this is what I'm gonna participate in, this is what I'm not gonna participate in, I'm gonna grow here, I'm gonna stay petty here. And exactly, you know, sometimes petty, people don't appreciate the healthy dose of petty. We need to be able to tell a person where to go, where to stick it, where to go, keep it.
And, you know, people used a nice pleasant breed. Right. And that's fun. But now that you're getting older, we don't have time. I think also, you have to speak people's language. You have to

Personal Responsibility and Community Support

speak people's language. Like, if I'm talking to you the only way I know how to talk and you're not hearing me, then I've got to develop another way that you understand. And so some, you know, every language isn't for every person, but you better have them in your repertoire so you can affect more people. And you got those people out there that need to be reminded.
I had someone that I worked with, and I'm not gonna say any too much more than that, because she'd be like, why did you say that about me? Did I work with that? About every four months, I had to check. And then they would cry.
And I'm like this, now see, now you crying now, I'm supposed to feel bad, but you are the one that got yourself into this behavior, got yourself to this spot. And every four months, and in between those four months, we had fabulous conversation. We were able to reach goals, all of that. It's just how she needed to be communicated to. And I gave her some other options, but she couldn't hear that. So checking people is a real thing and it should be done as frequently as they need it to be done.
You know what? And that's spoken from a DC diva. Hey, hey, now I was a running back. I went out there hitting nobody. I was trying to stay away from the confusion. Okay. There's some big girls out there. See them? I'm like, I better cut this way. I better run this way. Personal safety is important in all aspects of your life. Yes. You know, the fact that you have done this, that you still making sure you're in the wellness and fitness game, you know, I don't know how you do it. And just,
You're just with a smile on your face. Well, you know, I got to keep smiling. You know, not smiling. Life is good. That's the other thing. Life is good. What is there not to smile about? I had a car to get into, come here to the city, had money to pay to meet her, walked up here, got to charge my phone, meet great people, and I'm sitting here talking to you. I mean, what is there to complain about?
Listen, life is too short. I tell people all the time, I lost both of my parents. They were very young when they passed. So, you know, you have these people that, you know, they mad about something. They say, well, what are you really mad about? And what can we do to change our focus? So, I just try to take every day. Now, I mean, I had a period of time where I was just a miserable human. But, you know, you just say, hey, what do I do to make things better? And what is my responsibility is what I can control. For you, right. What you can control. You know, all I can control is this little space that is brilliant.
Yeah, I was telling somebody the other day, I'm like, you're trying to control. They were asking me some advice by work. I was like, you're trying to control everybody that works there. And the only person you need to be focused on is the person you see in the mirror. You, you are in control of your reaction to that person. You're in control of what time you get to work, what time you leave, how much effort you put in there. You are completely in control. And if people spent more time doing this to themselves and working on that, they would also feel better.
You can't stress me out because I'm not giving you that power. Your inability to accomplish your goals will not affect me. Not having it. That's when I tell people it's time to put on the big girl panties. Yeah, how about that? What do we gotta do? If you don't have some, borrow some. Somebody got some big girl panties around. Don't borrow nobody's shorts. Somebody got some extra panties somewhere. Please buy some goddamn underwear, the fuck.

Political Impact and Self-Care

Get you some new drawls. Get you some new big girl drawls. Please, TJ Maxx, I have gift cards.
so but you know it doesn't take much no it doesn't take much but it is i don't know it is just bizarre yeah and i'm just i don't know this whole energy like everything that's been going on in dc area the energy has just been whack it well yeah and you know that's a whole nother that's a whole nother show i've had to stop watching new me too
I've had to, you know, that's just, that's my self care. Yeah. Yeah. I'm staying on comedies on Netflix. I'm just watching Dave Chappelle over and over and over. I had to cut off the news alerts because it's like, is that a nervous tick I've developed? Right. Is my arm twitching? No, it's real. Is my arm numb? Is that an anxiety attack?
Yeah, and the thing is also, like, then you start, I started to the point where I was looking at people funny, like, because I don't know where they stand up on the side of the coin, right? And so I'd be at the bar and I'd just be looking at them. Like, I want you to say something, just something so I can tell. I don't know which way, you know, because there's so many people that I felt like, I felt betrayed.
by this election. I felt betrayed because I knew that there were people out there that had opposing views, okay? It wouldn't be America if there weren't people with opposing views. But some of the stuff that this particular administration stands for affect me tremendously.
And so what I felt like it was that people that are supposed to be my friend went to the polls and said, Monica, all right, but not really, not for real, for real. Never mind her. That's what that vote felt like. And I was taking that personal and then going out there like, I mean, I remember the day after election, I was in the grocery store and somebody came in and they were on the phone and they laughed.
And I looked at it, it was a young, young brother. And I was like, this, what is funny today? Like, he looked at me and I was like, you probably didn't even vote. This is your fault, right? So I took it personal. So I had to do like you. I had to like shut some of that stuff off and shut some of that stuff down because it was starting to seep in and mess with my overall, you know, jovial, everybody's good people personality.

Financial Stability and Media Consumption

I was like, no, you're not. You suck. This is your fault. I see you. It's been so bad that therapists are taking breaks.
Yes, I know they have to, yeah. And you know, not that they don't deserve it, but it's so crazy right now that, you know, the energy, it's like one of those Ghostbusters movies when they had the ooze and you put the ooze on everything and then you play the music and they gotta make a dance. But that ooze that was making everybody angry and they were fighting each other in the street. That's a great analogy. And so you're just sitting there and you're like, what?
The world is going on. And so you have to remove yourself from a situation to a point where I almost didn't want to go out anymore. Because I don't want to have to fight you. I don't want to have to, you know, catch a charge. Who did you vote for? You know, and that's the whole conversation. And then when people come together and like, and who did you vote for? And it's like, just go on and pay your check. Just run, run. And you don't want, you know, and then the people who didn't vote at all.
I think I'm, the common conclusion, I'm most angry at them. And so you have, and then we just had a second election, you know, we just had the last round of elections, which is starting to change. People are starting to realize, holy crap, our kids are affected, our benefits are affected, mama and them ain't got no Medicare. Exactly. And so now that we're realizing, and you know, people always, oh, I didn't realize that.
people had this. I tried to tell you, I tried to tell everybody. And I said to people that you don't think are the ones who need. Right. And now with the when the furlough happened, you saw those people with government jobs out there, you know, getting benefits. And you know, and someone said to me, Oh,
It's people out getting diapers, free diapers from the diaper drive. And Jose Andres had people showing up in suits and ties to get sandwiches. And so it kind of said to people, everybody's a half a paycheck away from being homeless. Especially if you're a government worker. What is your goal in 2019?
to not be in this place anymore. And so I think right now, because everybody look real good, we all look shiny, we look clean, I still lie. But what's that bank account do? And so we have to do a better job of saying, how do we build generational wealth? It's not about just me right now. My son, someone had a meme saying, I don't want my kids to just inherit a bunch of Gucci belts. But it's the truth. I have boys saying I can appreciate my extensive wig collection.
You know, it's like, hey, mom has some excellent Remy hair selections and they're all colored and, you know, but they did not set up. I don't think, I don't know what they would do. Maybe they'll want to be drag queens. I don't know. But still, that's not going to pay the cable bill either. And that's also not going to help my great grandchildren go to college.
And that's what we gotta start concentrating on is generational wealth. And spending it and investing it instead of just wasting it away. But I do like to waste a little bit of money, though. But it's responsible. I'm learning adulting.
So. Yeah, it is difficult. It's so hard. It's like, you know, when you're traveling and it's like, oh, look at this. Right. And you have no one else, nothing else to do. Right. I spend so much money on the road because I'm just me, just there. Just why not? You know, I even started leaving a little room in my suitcase to bring stuff back. I thought that this has become a problem. I'm working on it. So March and April were my no spend months. So I have an actual month where if I wish of something that I've seen that I need, I write it down.
or I put the link somewhere, then I revisit it. So then when June comes, you realize you really didn't need it. We don't need it, right, because you haven't had it. Didn't need any of it. Wow, no spin. So no spin on what, though? So essentials. That doesn't mean go to TJ Maxx and buy $120 worth of candles, because I've done that before.
Like, look at that, that smell good, that smell good. I need all of them, right? You know, I wanna be sexy. This is, or a buddy that, this is how- Best friend have a headache in the autumn, different sense. No, you always take the same sense. But, and then, you know, or you go and you buy them face masks. They sell them, like, sheet masks, and I come back, and my son's like, why is there a case of sheep? Because they're all of them. Right. They may not have it no more. Real good deal. Yeah, they may not have it no more. So, you know, and that's everything, too. We buy stuff, like, it's gonna go out of stock. Yeah. It's still, guess what, if it's not there, I'll find it on Amazon.
and everything, Amazon is taking over the world. You just gotta, and that's why I try to go to TJ Maxx, because I need a real store that I can run into. Amazon's supposed to have real stores soon. Well, they already have the bookstores. Yeah, but they're gonna do like other, like the grocery store I think is coming next, or these other stores I saw, where you just go and there's only one of everything, so you still have to order from them. And you ring up and pay there, or check out your cart somehow, and then it shows up at your door. Amazon's almost spooky, man.
It's spooky now. It's spooky now. When you do Prime now, and they go to Whole Foods or wherever, they bring whatever, and you're like, wait a minute, this is magic. Because I was angry because I was paying for Amazon Fresh, because they have a wider breadth of inventory. But at Prime now, it was included with your Prime membership. I didn't know this existed. So I was just like, I'm canceling Amazon Fresh, because for $14.99 a month. And I'm just looking at it.
Amazon's taking all my coins. I got Amazon Prime. I got Kindle Unlimited. I got Audible. I got, you know, even- That's the plan. And you sit there like, and then, you know, I finally cut the cord, because I really don't watch TV. So I have the- Did you get rid of cable? That's amazing. I'm so nervous. I'm nervous, but I will say that there's a lot of legal, legit programs that exist. And I know it's a lot of people don't get it. Girl, get a fire stick.
I don't know. Now, first, can you see stuff good? So there's, I've been, we'll talk a lot, I've learned, people have told me of things in this lore of the stick. Because I don't want to watch fuzzy TV. You know, back in the day, remember when you used to get the movies ahead of schedule? And it was the DVD man. And the DVD man, you would buy DVDs from him. And I remember this one time, it was three for $20.
I'm in the movie, he's, I'm watching the movie and then I see a dude get up with his popcorn in the middle of my movie and walk out. That's the cam, that was the guy that sat there with that. Yeah, so I don't want Firestick to be a version of something like that, I can't deal with that. But you know what, people who have it are pleased. I've been using Philo TV, which is actually pretty cool, it's like 16 bucks a month, very similar to Sling.
Yeah, and sling is like 20 bucks a month. It's like all these little options, right?

Podcast Goals and Audience Engagement

You want to watch my thing is I'm a Game of Thrones girl, right? So I'm gonna get HBO go I'm waiting for my seven-day trial and you can get HBO go without having the the subscription Okay, you pay for it monthly until you don't want to pay for it no more Wow, and you know, so now now cable is dying So now Comcast is like, oh crap people right of course So now they're offering you this Roku box for $5 a month where you can stream content. Well, where was this? Oh?
Really I was wondering what Verizon cast cocks all those people are gonna have to do this they've got to come up with an answer Apple just announced Apple TV. I know and then when soon as that then I know I'm definitely cutting the cord I get what you so I already got it seriously. So it's like let's do this like I've done
I'm gonna tell you the example for everybody in the world should be Netflix like if when you have something bad happening You just look at Netflix Netflix was dead. Yeah, there was no Netflix. They were ahead. They were on top They had these DVDs and we were loving a little subscription and then that went away They tried with blu-ray and then they realized nobody was getting those $370 machine. I need to watch clear. Mm-hmm
And they went away and now they have like major movie stars doing original content and they change the game. That's that's the kind of person I want to be like I want to be a person like Netflix like get knocked down and come back bigger and better and better baby. We want to be the Netflix of what? What would be your branding? Netflix.
I don't know. I go again with ADHD. I'm thinking about all the things. You can be the Netflix of motivational coaching. You can be the Netflix. I want to be the Netflix of life. OK. That's what I want to do it all. I want to do it all. I want to be the Netflix of life. And that's the thing people always laugh, oh, what do you want to do? What do you want to do with this? What's this podcast going to do? Right now, I'm just hoping that I'm reaching the right person who was having a bad day. Right. Put a smile on their face.

Episode Conclusion

That's it. Maybe they learned a little something. If they didn't learn something, they'll send me a message to tell me that my podcast sucks.
But that's okay. Don't do that on Appletoons. You just send me a DM. Don't do it with account ratings. Don't do that. Don't mess up my ratings, please. I'm working on some... We'll improve. We've been talking to us independently. Just send me a happy email and we'll get you fixed.
And I'm trying to be you. I'm trying to make sure my stuff is on iTunes and YouTube, so as soon as I figure out how to up-tune or whatever it is. But yeah. Listen, you have everything you need. We gotta talk. We gotta talk. We gotta talk, for sure. But guys, first of all, I want to say thank you to you for coming by. Thank you for having me. No, thank you. You gotta come again. We gotta do this on your show. Heck yeah. Heck yeah. You know you're coming on my show.
Yeah, we can't have alcohol here. I'm working on some things. Thank you to 202 Creates for allowing us to use their space and their engineer. Thank you for everything. Guys, you can listen to me wherever podcasts are downloaded or streamed. You can follow our YouTube channel. Just look at Fabulous Fuckery and you can find me on or I hope you guys have a great day and we'll talk soon. Peace.