Rediscovering Brée: A Journey of Mindfulness and Creativity image

Rediscovering Brée: A Journey of Mindfulness and Creativity

Fabulous F**kery
48 Plays20 days ago

Join Brée Nachelle, also known as Baroness Brée, as she returns to the microphone after a hiatus, sharing her transformative journey from a long-standing career to becoming a certified mindfulness facilitator. 

"I finally had my own fuck it. Moment. In April, I started a new journey on my life where I am now a certified mindfulness facilitator."

Emphasizing the importance of taking a pause and finding joy amidst life's chaos. In this episode, she introduces her new creative ventures and invites listeners to connect and share guest suggestions.

Key Talking Points:

- Brée's career shift and journey towards mindfulness facilitation.

- The significance of taking breaks and rediscovering personal joy.

- Introduction of the Imagination Network and Mindful Moments newsletter.

- Upcoming projects: a book, affirmation cards, and a media mastermind group.

- Encouragement for listeners to engage and suggest future podcast guests.

Send your feedback to pod at fabulousfuckery dot com

Hello fabulous fuckery friends. I'm Bre Michelle also known as Baroness Bre. It has been a while since I've addressed everyone online and as well as you know I missed you. I am here at Podcast Movement and I am so excited to be on a microphone. I haven't done this in a long time so my apologies for any noises that I make or
just fun that we're going to have. oh I want to talk to you about just life. Life has been life-in. If you subscribe to my newsletter, which is called Mindful Moments, you'll know that my career has taken a bit of a change. um I have left a job that I've had for the last 15 years, and I have began a journey of just finding joy. So I finally had my own fucking moments.
um In April, I started a new journey on my life where I am now a certified mindfulness facilitator. I'm finishing up some cognitive-based therapy training so I can create and help people to be their most creative selves and help people to be accountable and find joy in the midst of whatever the hell this dumpster fire we call life is right now.
With that, and you know I have a little jobby job that pays the bills, but I am hoping and stepping out on faith that my creativity will lead me where I'm supposed to go.
I hope all of you have been doing well. Thank you for still listening to the podcast. um It's crazy to me that after so many years of not making new content, people are still listening. So thank you for resonating with my message. Thank you for enjoying the content we've created. And if you have any suggestions, please find me online at Baroness Brie or email me at Brie at BaronessBrie.com.
and let's talk give me a conversation let me know who you have that's a guest let me know if you know of any freelance jobs that are open um i am down to create and help people strategize now let me say this burnout is real and that is why i had to take a hiatus i was trying to do all of the things at the same time and that's just not real life I went through, I've been very honest over the years, I have had some um mental health issues, I have had some physical health issues, and it's just been meaningful to me just to take a step away from that and figure out what's next. So through this journey, um I have just decided, chill.
Figure it out. No one needs an answer from you right now. The biggest thing I can tell you is I've learned you don't own nobody's shit. You don't own anything.
It's okay to take a pause and it's okay to start over because we get to create our own journeys. With all of that, and in this season, I, before the mindful and demure movement came about, I have always believed in mindfulness. I have always wanted you to have your best sense of purpose and frame of mind to do the things that make you happy.
So if you've been along this journey with me, you know that that is one of my core values, is to find peace in the midst of the fuckery that is going on in the life that we have. And also to to to heal and help others. I found that in this last couple of months, life has been throwing, life has just been throwing curve balls. And it's just like,
How fast can you dodge them? It's like that crazy movie. If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball. I'm tired of being hit with wrenches. I would like to um to just have some peace and our peace comes from within ourselves. We cannot be stressed out about all of the circumstances that are going to keep coming our way. We just can't. I'm doing that lip snap thing. I have not been in a mic for a while so forgive me for my new bad habits that I picked up.
I will say this that I have spent a lot of time over the last year and a half coloring and journaling and praying and meditating and building Legos and playing video games with my kids and getting back to break.
And I think that we focus on making our jobs, I'm sorry, we focus on making our hobbies our jobs. And when we focus too much on making everything monetized, we don't you don't have as much joy. So as I have just found more time to play,
the creativity is coming back the motivation is coming back because we have got to schedule time for play and if you're not going to do anything else have some fun because if everything is monetized and everything is on a schedule we're not going life is not meant to be lived like this and i don't know if it was the hustle bustle because of my day job or if the hustle bustle of what the perception of what my life should have been were
Make time to play. Ooh, and what are your plants? I got plants, y'all. We gonna talk about the plant journey as we move through this next couple of weeks. But with what I'm doing now,
I'm doing more creativity. I host a imagination network. We meet every other Thursday at 8 p.m. Eastern to work on our creative projects for two hours. We have people who sew. We have people who craft. We have people who write. We have people who get online just to fold their clothes with us. It's just about the accountability and being able to do things together after so many years of feeling like you have to do it by yourself.
Additionally, the podcast, I'm gonna work on getting this on a regular cadence. um Additionally, I have a newsletter called Mindful Moments where we talk about a topic of the month and then moving into the fall, I'll be starting back up with our guided journaling sessions.
With all that being said, there are our products. um I have t-shirts available. I have a book finally coming out. Thank you, Jesus. And then also I'm going to be offering um affirmation cards and affirmation journaling that go along with the guided journaling sessions that I offer monthly. Let's see.
um Additionally, the other thing I'm going to be doing is a media mastermind group. A lot of people have questions for me about my time at NASA doing social media, and I'm going to make time to offer sessions to teach people the tips, the tricks,
the behind the scenes work to grow your channels, to make strategic messaging, to increase your brand value and safety. And I am excited to bring that to all of you in the next year. Let's see what else I got going on here. As we move forward, the podcast is going to change a little bit. um right now i have to tell you about my journey i finally said fuck it and i've never really talked about my journey so this next couple of episodes will be mindfulness what's going on with my journey where is green now
And then we'll get back into the swing of interviewing our guests. So if you have any good guests, when I say good guests, I mean people who are serious about where they were and where they're going, who are serious about their craft, who are serious. And I say serious because we are on a journey and we have to show growth. And that's what I want to amplify and give our listeners, give you the listeners over the next couple of years.
um so we're gonna have different segments now so we're gonna have a whole mindful moments closure we're gonna have digital mastery conversations and then also if you have suggestions email me tell me about them let's make them happen additionally i want to tell you we're gonna be consistent y'all Discipline was not in my previous medication. Current We're a little bit more consistent. So I'm going to be honest with you. I thank you for hanging in there with me because we got stuff to do.
So I'm running out of time.
But I want to encourage you stay in touch with me through social media. I'm at Baroness Brie B-A-R-O-N-E-S-S B-R-E-E Everywhere. I also have a website Baroness Brie dot com and Brie Nichelle dot com So if you want to find me anywhere Google those words and I will pop up like a little fairy wizard I want you to Stay connected, just stay connected. Join one of my free sessions. I'm gonna be doing a little bit more Instagram live. I hate Instagram live. I really don't like being on camera, but I'm here today because this is where I need to be. Podcast moment told me I need to be here.
yeah um But I just think y'all so much growth has happened, so much joy has happened. My kids are getting older and I'm preparing to be a almost empty nester. So as I'm processing what that looks like and what that feels like, I get to rediscover Bre and I hope to be able to take you on a very fun journey where we can rediscover Bre, you can rediscover you, and we can learn new things about what we love and what we don't love.
Thank you and I'm Breena Shell aka Baroness Brie and I'm out.