17. PS5 PRO + Ranking Our Top 5 Favorite Consoles of all Time! | Games Over Plastic image

17. PS5 PRO + Ranking Our Top 5 Favorite Consoles of all Time! | Games Over Plastic

E17 · Games Over Plastic
38 Plays12 days ago

In this episode the boys are back to discuss the PS5 Pro which was revealed. We discuss digital vs physical games. Finally we rank our top 5 favorite consoles of all time!

Video version at: http://www.youtube.com/@gamesoverplastic


00:00:00 Show Begins

00:06:30- X Defiant

00:06:50- Witcher III

00:07:18- Astrobot

00:11:07- Space Marine II

00:14:50- Hogwarts Quidditch Cup

00:21:12- The Plucky Squire

00:24:20- Physical Vs Digital- Monsta Pontes

00:34:00- PS5 Pro

00:38:45- Hodge’s Number 5

00:42:52- Midnight’s Number 5

00:47:40- Sean’s Number 5

00:50:54- Hodge’s Number 4

00:53:45- Midnight’s Number 4

00:58:00- Sean’s Number 4

01:04:00- Hodge’s Number 3

01:09:35- Midnight’s Number 3

01:12:36- Sean’s Number 3

01:18:35- Hodge’s Number 2

01:20:22- Midnight’s Number 2/ Sean’s Number 2

01:28:12- Hodge’s Number 1/ Midnight’s Number 1

01:40:00 ish- Sean’s Number 1 (Timestamps screwed up because of the Red Ring)

Welcome, everyone. This is Games Over Plastic, episode number 17. I am Midnight, as always, joined by the two most fantastic hosts in the industry. We have the man, the myth, the legend over there in dreary, rainy Massachusetts. Sean Mason, how we doing, sir? Good. I've been really tired the last two weeks. I'm back teaching. School's been in session. Already broke up a fight.
Um, then coach and soccer. I just didn't like, like, I didn't realize how tired like working just was for me. Like, I don't know, maybe because he was just standing all day and like, I wasn't used to that. Like last Saturday, I was exhausted last Saturday. Like I, like last Saturday, I fell asleep just laying, like sitting outside, just fell asleep. Next thing I know later and I'm like, all right. Yeah. And I was sitting up as like an old, that old man falls in. like Oh, dude, I've fallen asleep in recliner so many times since I've turned like 28. Yeah, so I'm just getting back in this swing of things, but here we are. All right, old man, Sean, how many how many two is have you heard so far? It's too many, too many. I'm sure it's annoying. Yeah, I've heard too many at the. Oh, sorry, go.
Now, as the year, you know, I heard less this week, but I did hear gooning yesterday. No, no, whatever that. Yeah. Dude, or if it's fans of gooning around. As fast as as fast as memes move around and like in and out of the side, guys, I'm surprised Hawk two is even still a thing. I figured everyone would have moved on from it from now by now. Yeah, you would have had a tired of that chick. You would have thought kids probably move on.
slower. I remember when I was a kid, I literally I was a lot younger than Sean students, of course, but I literally watched ah the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, the live action one. um I literally watched that every single day that I went to the babysitter for like a year. Like I watched the same movie like 300 times. It was ridiculous. I didn't get bored. I don't know how.
That was mainly Back to the Future, the first summer I saw it. I watched it every single day. It was the summer of 2005. Yeah, kids just don't care. They're just like, yeah, I'm watching it. Yeah, that's true. Because, yeah, I remember my entire high school experience was basically Borat and Hangover quotes.
Nice. Yeah, and last but not least, we have Hodge, the master of graphics. How you doing, sir? What's up? I'm good. I'm tired. Happy. It's the weekend. So I have I mean, for people who may not know, I don't know if who pays attention to what I've been in Texas since April, but I'll be moving back up north. I think next episode I'll be in a different location. ah Got a new gig and I'm moving out of Texas. Working in these attics was not fun. So I'm just ah going back up northwards a little cooler. We were we ran them off already.
I mean, I'm doing it wrong. I like Texas. I don't know as much about Austin, but I like Texas, but. Yeah, working. I understand the people who like living here when almost everyone who works who lives here works from home. So, yeah, when you're in your air conditioned house all day, Texas is a wonderful place, but working outside in here is not not not fun. So, yeah, it's it's way too hot. Probably the worst thing is is you're going to miss Bucky's probably. Oh, yeah, of course, obviously. But one of the last weekend and with my dad and my dad came in for the Bears game last week. We went to the Houston Bear versus Bears.
Football Sunday night game and we stopped at Bucky's on the way in because we needed to pick up some Bucky snacks. I actually have some I still have a Beaver nuggets chillin that I'm gonna snack on later Those are so good. So they're amazing. but It doesn't sound real Beaver nuggets, it sounds like something from fairly odd parents. They basically they're like big corn pops Basically, if you remember that cereal Yeah, they're big corn pops, kind of car caramel flavor. They're delicious. They're really good. They're so good. They're so good. Everything at Bucky's is good. I've never had anything. well I only went once, but I tried like a bunch of stuff, and it was all good. There was nothing that was bad. I've been there plenty of times, and there's nothing bad. That's very true. The most magical place on earth. All right. One of these days, we're going to get Sean in a Bucky's, and he's going to stop hating. As soon as you walk into that place, you just transform back into a little kid again, and it's like there's no way you can be unhappy or hate it. All right, boys.
Let's go ahead and keep it moving here. Let's get into the boring admin stuff. This is games over plastic. The podcast for the agnostic gamers coming to you on all audio platforms, Spotify, Apple podcasts, overcast, pocket cast, every cast.
We are also on YouTube at youtube dot.com slash at games over plastic. If you're listening to the audio, look in the description. There's a link always to the video version. You can see our full camera glory. You can see the amazing graphics that Hodge puts in great work on these graphics. Like later on when we're doing our top five list, there's a cool little almost like a like a game show type thing where you can see us with the cameras and It's got the the art for each console or each game, you know, depending on the topic. It's awesome. So check it out. If you're on YouTube, leave us likes, leave us comments, leave us subscribe subscribe to us. We're trying to hit 100 subs. That'd be pretty cool. um But yeah, we love and appreciate you. And right into the show, we'll have a write in a little bit later. But let's go ahead and get into what we are playing. Get the show started, shall we?
um I will start it off and it's gonna be it's gonna be very brief because I am just playing the same two games I'm playing ex Defiant still I love it the new season start next week. I'm very excited They're adding three maps new guns a new search and destroy mode. It's gonna be fun um And then the Witcher 3 the game is phenomenal. I beat the main game awesome 10 out of 10. I beat, uh, the first DLC, which is like heart of stone or something. Um, it was awesome. And now I am on blood and wine, which is the final DLC and it's awesome. And that's it. I'm not going to bore you guys right now. You've heard it. That's what I'm playing next. Next episode, the next time we congregate, I will be playing something new because I'll finally be done with the Witcher. So that'll be great.
Look forward to that. But let me pass it over to Hodge. Hodge, you got some games. What have you been playing, sir? Yeah, so I already flattened Astrobot. ah That game was amazing. Might be game of the year. It's going to be tough between that and Rebirth and anything else that's coming out this year that we haven't had a chance to play it. Rebirth is so amazing.
Yeah, we have this fantastic. So yeah, Astrobot, it was a joy every moment other than having to do the races. Those are are the like survival obstacle courses. Those got really tough, especially the last one. ah But beating them is worth it because then you get all the you know, the fun little Easter eggs of the little Astro bots you collect and whatnot. They're like a little collectibles, kind of like the dragon eggs or whatever from Spyro and all that kind of stuff. So.
It was an ah an amazing game. I don't even want to spoil anything of any of the worlds or anything, because just seeing them all for the first time is such a joy. If you do play it like, oh, my gosh, I can't believe they had this person or they're doing this level or whatever. So I don't want to spoil anything about that. But the game plays awesome. The dual sense capabilities are just super cool. And yeah, I'm I'm loving it or I loved it. And I'm sad that I already platinumed it because I want to play more more of it because it was that good of a game. But Yeah, got that platinum. I think that's platinum number 14 for me or something. I don't know. I don't have that many. I don't really go for them that often. So, but yeah, I loved it every moment of it. I'm loving it. I don't know if you guys have anything to say about it before I move on to my next game. I i had been hoping to have played this by now and I haven't even started it yet just because with school and everything. i I'll get to it when I, um when we get to what I'm playing, you'll you'll understand why, but
Yeah, I can't wait to play it. When I play it, I anticipate just flying through it and I'm i'm just gonna love it. I can't wait. I don't know anything, like any spoilers about characters in it. or The only thing I know is there's no Square Enix characters, which kind of disappoints me. But yeah I'm still looking forward to seeing what else is there.
Yeah, yeah, I think I think it looks awesome. um You know, as I've mentioned before, I'm not a massive platformer guy, but I've seen the footage of the game and that game is just utterly gorgeous. Like it looks like a masterpiece, the artwork and stuff. It looks great. I actually think I will maybe play it sometime in the future, but it's going to be down the road when I catch it on a deep sale or maybe they put it on PlayStation Plus subscription. I don't remember. Did you play the one that came with your PS5?
i but I didn't I did play it. I didn't beat it. I eventually got one, but I did play a few levels of it. No, I love it. It was cool. I wanted to see like the dual sense stuff that everyone was hyping up and it was cool. um I will say it seems like everybody in the world loved Astro Bot, except for John Garvin. He hates that game.
I don't know who that is. the That's the dude, the Days Gone director. He's been complaining. Oh, yeah. He was bitching because Deacon was in the game. where He's always mad. They're using my character. They didn't care about my game. Wait till they release the remastered version of Days Gone on PS5, but they've replaced the main character with just the Astrobot.
ah I'm replacing with with Jack from Jack and Dexter. I never played that game. Actually, days gone. If they do, I'm a master and I'll probably play it because I played it for about five hours. I wasn't huge on it. It wasn't. I understand why people like it. It was aesthetically a really cool, like the Pacific Northwest, like your motorcycle or zombie. It was a cool, cool world. But yeah, the gameplay didn't land for me, so I fell off of it, but.
And for those who like, like it's, it's one of those games where it's like, I understand why it has, it probably has, you know, people ever did run like a 65, 70 kind of rating. It's like, it's good, but it's not great. But yeah. Anyway, my other game I'm playing is a Warhammer space Marine two or Warhammer 40K space Marine two. um I thought that for some reason I thought this was a game pass and I was completely wrong and did not launch into game pass. I don't know why I thought that.
So there was I did some someone else said the same thing. So I looked it up. It originally when it ah first got announced, it was marketed for Game Pass. But then something happened with developer and they changed it. So the contract kind of got screwed up. So they didn't. And I guess Xbox didn't want to pursue the game pass route. Huh? Huh. OK, another L for Xbox. Yes. I was like, it's like, was this a Mandela effect or something? But ah that makes sense. um But yeah, I saw I bought it in anyway because I was my cousin and a couple of my brother and a couple of people were playing. So I was like, yes, screw it. I'll i'll buy it. And ah yeah, it's insanely fun. It's like so for people who don't know, I think they also made the World War Z game where it
ah movie slash book slash whatever it's known for swarms of zombies so the fact so they have that kind of technology and so that these swarms of aliens coming at you and you just mow them down it's so much fun it's I don't know anything about Warhammer lore I don't care to be honest but I've i've kind of seen a little stuff about it and it is an interesting world but I'm not getting into something that's been a tabletop game for 40 years or whatever and pretending that like oh yeah I love this now But the gameplay, it's just a super fun, especially playing with people. I haven't played it by myself yet. I've only played with other people. And that's just kind of the way to enjoy it. It's just a co-op. You do operations, you have three people, ah and you go through and you just fight swarms of aliens. And it's a lot of fun. but And the gra it's a beautiful game, too. I can't believe how good the game looks. It's a gorgeous game. But yeah, I'm playing that. It's fun. So I don't know if you guys have anything to say about that. Otherwise, we move into Sean.
No, I haven't played it. um Lockmore, you know our boy, he loves that game. He was really hyping it up. ah He really likes it. So I'm sure he'll be happy to hear that you're playing and enjoying it. But no, I haven't played it. I don't think I'll play it anytime soon. It looks cool. But as you guys know, with my 100 game backlog, it's tough. Sean? Yeah.
Yeah, the game looks awesome. um Our good friend Poot is also really enjoying it. he's he's been He was waiting for this for a while, and now he it's he says it's one of every expectation he's had of it. It looks really cool. um ah How does it play compared to like... I heard some people compare it to Gears of War.
I can understand why people say that, but it plays way different. I think it's because when you shoot the aliens, they the the feel of the bullet hitting the enemy is as weird as it is described that it feels the same as gears where it's like very chunky. And so that's kind of I think where people but because the gameplay of that, it's not a cover based shooter. You're just three dudes running around slaughtering swathes of aliens. But I can understand kind of is that over the shoulder of third person?
Kind of chunky shooter and Andy dudes. Yeah, very I was gonna say and the bulky bro shooter kind of look so I Understand that but the gameplay it's not nearly the same as Gears of War But it's it's fun for its own reason that obviously gears is amazing by its own, right? But it's it's fun for its own space marine reasons. But yeah, it's cool. You can customize your guy and stuff. So I Yeah, it's it's just really fun. I'm just I'm not going to become I'm not going to become the Warhammer guys. I love or get to the tabletop game and stuff. So yeah, it's a fun game, though. Yes, sir. ah Sean, what have you been playing, sir? All right. So last time we were on, I had just I was just about the platinum South Park, the South Park, the fractured butthole. So I did that like the day later. And I did that on like that Monday after the podcast.
and honestly since then I've been like Kind of sad like I'm missing like the South Park games like I even looked up my games that are like South Park stick of truth and South Park fractured butthole and it's like There's nothing out there like it and I'm like, oh my gosh I'm so like I don't know. There's just like a void in my heart right now So I've been watching a lot of South Park because of that. We're up to season five. Yeah so that show isn't it Yeah, it's it's my favorite
episode is that season three one with the uh the pokemon spin-off the chimp pokemon yeah i told you you'd love that episode yeah it's it's amazing i love that episode so much but like part of the reason too is like i've just been so tired after work coming i don't get home because of soccer i'm usually not getting home till you know five o'clock five thirty and at that and then i'm just like tired and like i don't feel like doing anything like i don't feel like investing into it anymore i'm like all right you got to be like hyper focused So I'm just like been watching TV and just playing like mindless games kind of games that I can just listen to a podcast and just game out, which is like definitely like not like, you know, not the Sean Mason that ah everyone knows. So it's a little different. But that brings me to what I had been playing for a lot of hours is Hogwarts Quidditch legacy. it's called Yeah, Hogwarts Quidditch like that a new Hogwarts Quidditch game that came out on a
um It was on PS Plus and um It's not like it's I think the I was a huge fan of the Hogwarts Quidditch World Cup game That was on like GameCube PS2 Xbox like I was a huge fan of that It's this this game is definitely not as good as that like not nearly as good But um it's still really fun to play and I think mechanically it's a little bit more it's like It's a little bit more mechanically like driven than the old one. The old one was really simple to play. This one's pretty cool though. You get to customize all your different characters. like you have your You can create two you create two chasers, a beater, a keeper.
and a seeker and you get to customize them and you you you get like in-game currency that you can buy which I have not bought and you can buy like costumes and like skin swords and you can upgrade it I am currently like five trophies away from the platinum on this game and I'm definitely gonna get it because it it is like a grind to get the platinum but because I haven't been doing anything else I just literally would jump on and play like 10 games of Quidditch and just like jump off I'm already at the max level this is like a battle pass like I haven't maxed out the battle pass yet but I maxed out like the regular level um It's fun. I like it. I think they it's really easy to be a chaser and score. um The hardest difficulty when you're playing like um computers can get a little difficult, but once you like you kind of understand like the pattern that the um computer plays as, it kind of gets easy. It is pretty cool, though, because you have like the Quidditch House Cup. so you So you start out, you just have the Quidditch House Cup. We play as Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. Hufflepuff.
Yep, couple plus unite. Let's go. I'm a Gryffindor. Yeah, I was a Hufflepuff in the in the RPG game. um Then you get to you unlock like the Triwizard Tournament Cup, which plays like the three schools from the Triwizard Tournament, so.
Which is kind of cool because you get to play against like big and they have like the actual character So like when you're playing the Hogwarts Cup, like you're going up against like Hufflepuff. They have Cedric Diggory at seeker, you know Gryffindor They have Harry Slytherin. They have draco. So it's kind of cool. They have a lot of they have all the characters in there And they are voice which is kind of cool. I try was a tournament cup They have like, you know, like Victor crumbs playing seeker for drum string and dumb string or whatever the heck it's called I don't know term string derem stra Yeah, and then after that you unlock the World Cup and this is pretty cool though because there is like 32 countries you can pick from To play as and it is pretty cool and they have like cool commentary. It's like when you're playing Canada It was like, oh Canada's trying to capitalize on their 1990 World Cup victory and I'm like, oh they won the World Cup in 1990, I guess
and ah And it's um, it was pretty cool. Um, it's fun. Like I said, I've I've played a lot of it I've played over well over like i'm one of the trophies I have left is like win 100 quidditch games And i'm at like 94 right now, so I played a lot of it. It's fun. Um So sometimes it's fun to beat a team 100 tonight It's weird though because you know the seekers when you catch a snitch it's supposed to be 150 points 150 yeah In the game, the games go up to 100. So but when you catch the snitch, it only counts. It only goes to 30 and the game doesn't end. So there is like it's like a score thing. It's weird. But I understand why like they do it like that, because then it just be like, oh, catch the snitch. The game's over. Yeah, which was always kind of the flaw of the game and in general, even in the books and stuff, yeah because you can score like 500 points. And but if they catch the snitch, they still win.
But it is it is fun. You can buy different brooms too. Like right now, I'm rocking the Nimbus 2002. Shout out to the those Slytherins from year two, getting those Nimbus 2002s. Nimbus 2001. 2001, yeah, but I'm, but yeah, you're right. yeah ah You can get the Firebolt too, but the Firebolt's like the max unlock for like the battle pass, so I probably won't get that, so I'm kind of far away from that. But overall, it's fun, like I said. How long does that take?
I mean like the main like just the main story I guess no, yeah I mean like how much does a match like a match? Oh a match is seven minutes But like if you're really good the game will can end in like anywhere from like four to five minutes I've never had a cuz you said you played like ten games in one night. I'm like damn that'd take a ah while. yeah seven minutes Yeah It's like it's it's fun. It's a good time. I'm enjoying it um It's free on PlayStation for those who have. Yeah, so I would definitely say try it out. um But other than that, I started actually two days ago and I didn't have it played it since the plucky squire. I played about a couple hours of it and I'm going to say this. I'm a little disappointed. um I've heard that.
Yeah, it is. I've been the second this game was announced, I was like super high. It's like the art style looks so cool. It looks so cool. You could jump out of the book and, um you know, go into the three full 3D. It really reminded me of like a like a cross between Mario 3D World and Zelda. Yeah, that's sort of. Yeah, that's what it really looked like to me. But.
Guys, this game is so easy, like, like beyond ease, like beyond ease. There's an easy mode, and I'm like not playing on that, and I'm like, am I, and I had to constantly check, I'm like, did I accidentally click the easy mode? Like, it's almost impossible to die.
the The enemies just like, they they it's just like the enemies die like wicked quick. And there's constantly like cut, like constant narration. Like you're in the, you walk new into the player, press the X button, press the X button, press it like constant instant narration. Like you didn't need to narrate that. Like this, like that was no point in telling me, Oh, well you can walk over here and you don't need to remind me every five seconds that I can, you know, that you're going to hop out of the book or you can hide behind a rock. Like you don't need to tell me every five seconds.
So this is like, um, the definition, I think of like a kid's kid's game. Um, which is kind of disappointing, but at the same time, it's like, all right, it's for kids. But again, if you're gonna have a kid's mode in there, like an easy mode, like at least make your like normal mode or hard mode, whatever the other mode, like a little bit more challenging. I can't even imagine if I put them like, I want, I almost am tempted to put it on the kid's mode just to look, see how easy that is.
It plays it for you. You don't have to do it. All right. You just put the controller down and it plays it for you. um But yeah, so I don't know if I'm going to finish it. I only I mean, it was free on PS plus. So I don't know if I'm going to finish it. Don't even know if I'm going to go back to it.
I'd much rather be playing Astrobot. So I think since I'm back into this, I wasn't as tired this week. So I think next week I'll be fine. I'll be able to jump right into the games that I really need to concentrate on. So yeah. So Plucky Squire, I'm sorry, but you disappointed me. i'll probably get I'll probably get Plucky Squire when it's on sale or something because it is one of those games that I was extremely excited for. And so hearing that it's kind of All right, I'm like, well, I guess I'll just kind of wait because I don't have the tier on PlayStation Plus where you have to have it because I think you have to have the mid or high one. And I just have the lowest one because I'm not paying for that. But you know what I think also is going to kind of hurt it is the fact that it came out like a week and a half after Astrobot. Probably like, oh, this is not Astrobot.
Yeah. and And since I'm i'm trying to you save a little cash for a little bit, i'm I was like, I just bought Space Marines. I'm not going to buy this game also. So yeah, I'll play it eventually. But it's it's hearing that it's just kind of all right. And it makes me think like, OK, I guess I'm OK waiting a little bit. All right. Yeah.
Good stuff. Yeah, I don't have anything to to say on that other than it looks cool. so um All right, let's go ahead and move on. That's what we're playing, everyone. Good stuff. ah We have a write-in. um As always, guys, leave a comment. If you have a write-in, ask us questions. You could be on the show. We'll answer your question. It's lots of fun. Hodge, you want to go ahead and take this write-in and give us your answer first to start us?
yeah we got a write-in from one of our listeners buddy i know you guys i believe both know him i don't know him i've met him in person a few times yeah so uh his name is monsta pontez he writes in saying physical games versus digital games what do you prefer and why when did it change for you guys if it did and um yeah I'll tell I'll take it first I guess um I used to be physical all the way I loved ah collecting games obviously growing up as a kid who went to GameStop all the time Funko Land traded in old games so you could afford new ones you did that that was just kind of how you did it you just moved on from a game by getting another one and that's
so that's kinda how i grew up and i i did make the switch to digital i still buy physical movies i buy vinyls i like having physical especially movies cuz those just move from streaming services all the time it's impossible with them. So I was just like having physical but games I moved to digital because with the ps4 Xbox one generation, it got to the point where a disk was basically just a passkey to unlock the digital download. And so at that point, I was like, why do I Buy these if i had cuz i'm i had the last game i bought physically was titanfall because i got it i put it in and it's like a hundred gig update i'm like what's going on and then you realize it's just installing the digital version and like so i still have hogwarts legacy on my xbox and has a little disc icon next to it because you have to put the disc into play it like it's not
it It exists as digital, but the disc just unlocks it. So I'm like, there's no point in this. I still buy a physical switch, though, because switch it is just that little little cartridge. So I still buy that. But yeah, PlayStation and Xbox, I'm completely digital now. like There's no point buying physical anymore unless you just want to trade in and get the money the same way. But as an adult who has money, I can just buy the games. So whatever. But yeah, what about you guys? so Yeah, ah for me, is it's it's very similar. Obviously, back in the day, that's what it was. It was physical. It really wasn't digital. um you know So we all you know got our games, and then you would go to GameStop, EB Games, Funcoland, and you would trade it in because you were a poor kid, and you wanted to get that next ah Call of Duty or whatever it was, Madden. So you'd trade in some games. They'd rip you off. They'd give you like six bucks for a game that came out like a a year ago, if that even. Yeah.
And then you would get the next physical game, and that's what it was. But um yeah, it's it's funny. like I just pretty much get everything digital now. like I don't even consider physical. um like I don't go on to Amazon anymore. I don't go on Best Buy and look for a physical game ever. like I just go on to the store. I just go on to Steam, PlayStation Network, Xbox Live, whatever. And I just buy the games.
And I have a a wish list um on all all three stores, not counting Nintendo. um I got a big wish list on Steam, on PlayStation, on Xbox. um And any time a game is on sale, you know you get an alert or I check it almost daily because I'm like addicted to the concept of buying and collecting games and eventually playing them, hopefully. um So I'm just always looking for a good sale.
Um, with the digital. So I'm always doing that. Um, actually Sean, I saw just the other day they were trying to get me to buy, um, the legend of heroes. Um, I tagged you on discord, but you got to do better than that bro. 50% off is not good enough. Sean. All right. You got to step it up. All right. I need 70, 80% off. If you want me to buy that. All right. That's never going to, it will never happen. 78% off of those games that will never happen. Maybe black Friday. They usually have pretty good sales. Black Friday for a, for a Japanese developer.
I mean, its actually I wonder if they celebrate Black Friday in Japan. I don't know. I mean, it's usually through the consoles, the prices. Those games very rarely go on sale. And when they do, you're lucky if it's 50 percent. All right. But yeah, like that's what I do. um The only time I would consider getting physical is if they have like a I do like the steel boxes. i'm ah I'm a steel box fan. If it's a game I'm really into and they have a steel box, like I got the Starfield steel box and stuff, I would like an avowed steel box would be really cool with that artwork.
um Stuff like that I would consider um or if it's like a real special edition with like a statue, but it has to be something that I'm really into. I don't have like, I live in an apartment. I don't have like a lot of space to like set up like the shelf for the collectors and and put your your steel books and your statues and stuff. So I just mostly stick to digital for that reason. Sean, talk to us. What do you think?
So it's a little, I mean, very similar to you guys with a digital hole. Like I buy all digital. The only time I get physical games is if I'm given a gift because people just give me a gift of a game and it's physical. For the most part, I just buy digital. But growing up, I was not allowed to trade in games. Like I've never traded in a game to GameStop, never sold anything to GameStop.
wasn't allowed. we just That wasn't allowed in our house. So I still have like my entire GameCube, PS1, PS2. I have still have all that entire collection. A lot of it is at my parents' house. Some of it's here. But I would say, well, the last time I actually went into a GameStop and bought something was 2013. It's the last time I ever went in there and bought something. um Yeah, that's been a long time.
um I pretty much went all digital right when the PS4 gen started. um I have like four or five physical PS4 games and one of them was gifted to me by poop. He sent me the order 1886.
Um, the other three were like, I think I bought a launch. I forget. I bought one of the launch games. I bought at this physical game. Um, but for the most part, I'm, I just get all digital unless, like I said, unless it's a gift, like first switch right now, like I have the legend of, I have links awakening on physical, but it was a gift. That's why, um, I actually bought it for my sister and she bought it for me, which is kind of funny. Um,
But yeah, I do buy physical collector's editions though, like a physical collector's edition of the game, but I don't open the game. Like I just buy it again digitally. So I'll buy the physical collector's edition and then just don't open it. So like I have physical editions of like all the Kingdom Hearts games, but a lot of them aren't open. And that's just for you. You don't plan to resell them later.
No, you just have to have my house. I haven't. just brand Yeah. Displayed in my house. and Yeah. The I've I bought. I forgot. Yeah. I have bought Hogwarts a legacy. I said that earlier. I bought it because they had like the free thing or the wand. Well, it had. um No, I didn't get the collector's edition. It would sold out. I tried getting it, but it had sold out. But no, I bought the because like the deluxe edition, it had early access or whatever, which is why I bought it. Oops. My camera.
Um, but that's, so that's why I bought that one physical. And then, um, I also bought, I pre-ordered the Alan Wake physical edition just because I love that game. And, um, even though I bought it on PS five since I already own it on Xbox, even though I don't have a disc. So I have it. I bought it physical on a console. I can't even play it on. So, uh, but yeah, so, uh, but other than that, yeah, I'm digital all the way now.
Pretty much like I have all the I have all the trails games that are that were released physical But a lot of that is like collector's edition. They don't make that it's like all like, you know You gotta specially order it Kingdom Hearts final thing like certainly the game series that really though but I have the pixel clock, you know that pixel remasters for fun like I had I got that physical yeah, which is I forgot and I also have um,
I bought twin breaker. I bought it just to support LSM. And then same. They sent me one of the super barrel super perils of baking physical additions because I designed the box. So they sent me one. So I have that also, which is just kind of a cool collector's item that I have now. But yeah, and the same if there's a really cool collector's item that comes with like a statue, or I haven't bought many of them. Like I bought the Kakarot one, which has them riding on Nimbus next to a dinosaur. It's really cool. But Other than that, yeah, i I try to, if there's a cool, really cool collector's, but of course most collector's editions are like, it comes with this statue and it's $500. I'm like, why would I spend that much on that?
I do have the Far Cry one where it was like, was this wasn't there a Far Cry one that like came with an island or something? You guys know what I'm talking about? Yeah. i for sound like that It sounds familiar. It came with something weird. But I remember I also i have the Jotnar edition or whatever of the God of War Ragnarok, which comes with like the the know the Muellner and all that kind of stuff. But I bought it to to flip it because I already owned the game and those things never sold out. So now I just have it. It's funny because you can still buy it in the stores because usually a collectionist and they sell out and they become, you know, pretty popular. But it's, of course, the one I buy is one that doesn't sell out. like yeah Good job.
but Good stuff. Yeah, we love games ah great great question um shout out to Monster Pontas. We appreciate you sir. Thanks for your love and support of the show We always see you on Twitter and in the comments and stuff and we appreciate you um So thanks. Yeah, that was a good question um You guys ready to move into the main topic of discussion, shall we? Let's do it. Of course. All right. um And this is in honor of the PS5 Pro, which was very recently announced. um We thought it would be topical and fun to go ahead and talk about our top five consoles of all time. um Real quick, do you guys plan on getting the PS5 Pro since it was just announced? ah Sean, what about you, you think? Eventually, I probably will. um
Just probably right when GTA six comes out, I'm probably going to especially the frames. I'm definitely going to hop on that. And if it just looks gorgeous, but that Sony 30th anniversary, yeah like I'm like, oh, my God. And like they're only making the limited amount. and It has to be the bundle. I'm going to try to get one of them. I want to try. I'm going to try to get bundle. I'm going to. What does it include? It's the console, the charging stand and a controller and at the edge edge, the edge charging cable.
Dude, the edge is off. I love this controller. And it just looks so cool. like I don't know. It looks so cool. I'm going to try to get one. When they announced the Pro, I had... When they announced that ticket price, I was like, nah, I'm not spending $700 on a console. like Because we're at the point, that's how bad our, inflation I can't blame Sony for it. Obviously it's just our inflation is so out of whack that usually console by this far into it, the PS5 disc one would be selling for 350 by now in a normal generation. But since everything's so expensive, they increase the price of the console. So them launching the Pro at 700, it makes sense in the inflation era that we're in. But
For principal's sake, I refused to get it until they announced the 30th and now I'm going to try and get one just because I'm a whore for the PlayStation one. and ah even made me want the portal. I don't want the portal, but seeing that gray looks awesome. I was like, God damn it. I kind of want this thing. I actually just today saw warrior 64 posted the portal, 150 bucks on some website and best buy does price matching so you can get it for 150 from best buy. um So I was like, you know what? I'd actually I do want it and I just the reason I didn't get a portal was because it's $200 but ah But yeah, the pro it's cool that there I mean it sucks when they announced something that that's promises to do what the console promised to do at launch anyway, so ah So and I do do all consoles are like that now. Yeah, it's five had 8k 120 on the box or whatever when it's like I
yeah I mean, everyone knew it wasn't going to hit that. But yeah, so it's that's it's actually that. But I do. I want one for the actual pro sake of it. I do want it to make, you know, the games run better because what they showed, it does look like these games run better. Granted, they're showing old games that came out on PS4 running better on a knife pro, but. Yeah.
But yeah, it looks cool. I'm going to try for the at the very least I want the normal controller in that PS one color. That's all I really want. I'm going to try for the consoles just because. But the only thing I actually really want to try and get is that controller because it looks sweet. But yeah.
Yeah, my thoughts are very similar to yours, Hodge. When I first saw it, I wasn't that interested. I'm like, that's a lot of money to spend for what could be semi marginal upgrades. But just like Sean, when I saw that special edition, it is so beautiful, dude. I don't know if it's nostalgia or what, but like that gray and the old school iconography and the colors and stuff, it just brings me back to a happy place. And it's just, it's gorgeous. And I would love to get that, but they're only, there's only like 12,000 available. And I just know like, I'm not going to get it. I probably won't even try, especially since it's, it is so much money. But it looks awesome Yeah regarding the ps5 price. I don't really I don't have a problem with the $700 price like I was expecting around that It just stinks due to the you know, the inflation right now currently and the economics across the world yeah Everything is so expensive. It was bound to catch up with electronics like like electronics has been pretty cheap relatively to everything else and
Yeah, and it's it's like I said, I don't blame it. It sucks because the consumer shouldn't have to eat that kind of stuff from a company. But I do. like I understand why. If we were in a good economy and they launched at 700, everyone would call them crack heads for that. But the fact that we're at where we're at now, it makes sense. It just sucks.
That's it's not sony's. It's not sony's fault. It's I still think they were insane for launching the psvr2 at 550 though That was fucking stupid. I think they know I think they know they made a mistake Yeah, that one that was dumb. I understand the pro but there's no excuse for the psvr but All right, boys. So that was an unofficial PS5 pro topic. We'll have to timestamp that. But ah let's go ahead and segue into our main topic of discussion. We're going to be ranking our top five favorite consoles of all time. And we're going to start with Hodge. Sir, if you want to just go ahead and get it going, what is your number five console? here Yeah, this is the only console that's going to be on my list that I didn't own.
um But I loved it so much because it was a play it at friends houses console and that is the n64 I never owned one But all of my friends had them so so much my childhood Despite not owning this console so much my childhood was Super Smash Brothers Mario Kart Goldeneye I didn't play I didn't play Ocarina of Time until I had a 3ds down the road, but I just playing in hindsight that game on it. I remember renting games when I'd have sleepovers at friends house, we'd go to the video shop and rent games. And I remember renting chef's love shack a few times with our friends like as we shouldn't have done as children, but we played the South Park chef's love shack game on it at sleepovers. And it was some of the most fun I've ever had as a kid. So the N64 has a special place in my heart despite never owning it. And so yeah, I got to say it's my fifth favorite console of all time.
All right. So and you have anything to say about the N64? N64 is a weird, weird relationship with me. I think it has some really, really high highs. And I think there's way too many low lows than that. I think the controller is atrocious. It is a dumb old controller. The Bowser claw controller made my dad quit Nintendo and he's never gone back.
I think, it had like I said, it has some really high highs. You got Ocarina, you got Majora's Mask, you got ah Mario 64, you have Paper Mario. like I love those games, but I think some of the games on there are just so bad, and they've aged so poorly. Goldmine is like milk, yeah. That console in particular, like Mario Kart is atrocious to play today. It's so bad to play today. Nope. Designated. Smash 64 is horrendous when you play it now. It's so bad.
compared to Compared to any other Smash game, it's so bad. Yeah, they're always going to improve. In the moment, though. You got to judge it in the moment. No, I'm judging it. No, in the moment. But again, I was... It just... It has so many high... yeah Some of the games feel so good to play, but other games, it's just like... Have you ever just gone back and looked at some of the games? It's like, oh my gosh. Compared to like the PS1, it's like, oh my gosh.
oh Yeah, definitely even compared to ps1 it was underpowered, but those games are just so much fun. I don't care yeah i know i mean Mario Party's awesome like it created. mean There's a lot of good games, but there's a lot of It's like not a lot of medium. It's like very much very much like out. I won't say this though It did have better graphics than that other 64 bit system. And yes, so I'm talking about the Atari Jaguar boys. That was the 64 bit system that looked like a 16 bit system. Dude, it had like a, like a little keyboard thing on at the bottom. It was weird. I don't know a single person who's ever owned that piece. I don't need, that I don't think anyone did. I always saw advertisement. and
Speaking of launching at $700, the Jaguar launched at $700. And that was like 93 or 90. That's ridiculous. I cannot believe that. And then i were yeah just giving it away for like 100 bucks. Dude, I see like i buy it past i see ads from like like when people post ads from like the 90s from like Toys R Us or whatever. The PS1 selling for $99. Like yeah it's insane. Yes. The fact that that was a Jaguar for 700. Yeah, that's insane.
ah The terrible attempt. Hodge, one one last thing. What's your favorite N64 game? Mario Kart. Okay. I mean, yeah I would say Ocarina of Time, but I didn't play it until on 3DS. So I've never played the N64 version, so I can't say that one. So Mario Kart, it's still a game. icon I don't have an N64, but I do have the Switch with the expansion pass. So I'll get together and I own the N64 controllers, like the wireless ones for the Switch. And me and my friends will play Mario Kart with those controllers because it's just so reminiscent and we love it.
Good stuff. All right, boys. im I might talk about that one later. So we'll just keep it moving. All right. So up next will be me in the rotation that we decided on. I'm going to give you my number five. And this one I had to really think about. I had four which were locked in solid, right? and But this last one I really had to think about and I decided that I am going to go with That gray nostalgic that we were just talking about, the PlayStation 1 is going to be my number five, the PlayStation 1. I had a lot of fun on there. There was a lot of games that were truly memorable that I played on there. The first Resident Evil game. That iconic scene when you walk in and that zombie turns and looks at you. At the time, it looked so real and spooky. If you look at it now, it looks horrible.
But at the time we were like, whoa, it's a freaking zombie, dude. It's freaking scary. That was awesome. i I talked about before I played XCOM, I played Command and Conquer on the PlayStation one. I had so much fun. um Of course, all the other great games, Twisted Metal played a lot of Twisted Metal with my brother, um played the sports games. um Dude, it's just an awesome console. A great experience. The first disk based console that I owned. um That was really cool.
um I don't think the p it was the PS2 that had the black discs, right? I think so. No, PS1 had the black The black discs were so cool, dude. But yeah, shout out to the PlayStation one. Great controller, too. um It didn't have at least ah at launch. It didn't have analog sticks, but it's still it was really, really nice controller. Very comfortable. ah Yeah. That's when they did the yeah the analogs. Yeah. But yeah, PlayStation one is my number five.
a great console, beautiful, powerful, awesome games. Final Fantasy seven was PlayStation one. Right. And I played that just recently. And what a great game. Wish I would played it back then. But hey, what do you guys think? Any words on this or will it come up later? Maybe.
Yeah, um it is going to come up later. But I'll just quickly say, yeah, I love this console. It's fantastic. It is the one of that generation that I owned. I always I like look back at it. And I wonder if this is a console my parents bought years into the like I think that's how my childhood went that my parents would buy consoles years into the generation or just from a previous generation.
which I think is a little side tangent. When I go into people's houses as an HVAC tech, I see x Xbox ones and PS4s on like entertainment systems all the time still. And I think it's like, oh yeah, these people have kids and they just buy the old stuff for their kids to be like, no, these are the games you're but you're playing. like And so I think that's kind of the same with how it was me as a kid. But yeah, the PS1, it is the first console I owned and completely adored ah Well, I had consoles before that that I love, but this is the one that like warped my mind. I remember I'm going to I need to try and share it in Discord later because I've shared it before, but there's this old tape at Target that they give you around holidays, and it was just a tape that played game demos like trailers.
And it was it was called a Get Into the Game or something like that. And I remember watching it over and over and over. It had Tomb Raider, Spyro, NFL Blitz, like all these old N64 and PS1 games. And I always think of that when I think of the PS1 because as a kid, you know when you had limited access to stuff, you'd find your entertainment and anything. So I just watched that advertising tape over and over because it would talk about video games.
And that's kind of what I think about the PS1. And obviously, as everyone knows, I'm obsessed with Spyro. So that's, I love that about the PS1. And yeah, I love this console. Sean, what about you? PS1 is not on my list. It's not on my list. But I love the PS1. It has so many good JRPGs. PS1, my dad got it at launch. He lied to my mom and said he was buying a couch and bought a PS1 instead.
It was before I was born. It was about a year before I was born. So I was born to the house with the PS1. But I have a lot of good memories with it, playing a lot of Crash, a lot of Final Fantasy, Spyro, you know, stuck being stuck in Crash Bandicoot Warped on the engine boss and then waking up the next morning and finding out that the boss is beaten because my dad went on and beat it for us and we ran in and me and my sister jumped on the bed and my mom was like,
Six in the morning. What are you kids doing? But yeah, PS1, it's a great system. Very, very, very good system. And it's the Sega Killer. And PS1 rocks. All right. Yes, sir. Get to my number five. My number five, this is this was a really difficult choice for me. I really struggled with put this at five or four. It's the Nintendo GameCube. Ooh.
Yeah, I adored the Nintendo GameCube. It was the first console that I got that I wanted myself. My sister wanted it, too, but we got it on my birthday. I'll never forget it. August 15, 2002, one of the toys I rushed with my dad. I was turning six years old. My dad had just got home from work, and we were outside at a pool. And my mom was like, you're taking them. You promised them. You promised. And my dad was like,
I used to get a freaking GameCube because he was so dumb with Nintendo. So we we went to the Toys R Us. I'll never forget it. And I go, I want Luigi's Mansion. Woman behind the counter said they didn't have Luigi's Mansion, but they had a million copies. I was staring right at them and she said, nope. So I got Super Smash for this melee instead and and a couple controllers. And it was like the greatest thing ever. I remember when you say up basically, it felt like all night. It was probably like eleven thirty because, you know, I'm six years old.
and we just played and played and I remember I didn't know anything about like who I could unlock on the GameCube for characters and I remember just unlocking Dr. Mario and like freaking out like oh my god it's Dr. Mario oh my god um But yeah, and then two weeks later, exactly two weeks later, Mario Sunshine came out. And Mario Sunshine is one of my favorite games of all time. And that was like, I mean, I remember going to school. I it was i just started first grade and being like, oh my gosh. Every day we talk about Mario. Because my friends, a lot of my friends still had N64s and PS1s. A couple of them had PS2s already. um But I was like, this Mario Sunshine game is insane.
Or they just come over and play Melee. I just have so many fond memories. So we talked about Custom Robo last time, last episode. That's a hidden gem on GameCube. Not a lot of great JRPGs, but there's a lot of just hidden gems on the GameCube. I think Nintendo like has a lot of... GameCube didn't sell well, but there are a lot of just bangers on this console.
I think Twilight Princess is an amazing game. and That's definitively a GameCube game, not a Wii game. Wind Waker is on here. Amazing game. I love the controller. I love the GameCube controller. I don't think it's like God's gift to Earth like everyone thinks. I do love it though. I think it's awesome. I never had a wave bird though. I never had a wave bird. The wireless control that everyone loves.
um I gave us some wonky games. It was my first ever Star Fox experiences on GameCube. I played Star Fox Adventure, a.k.a. a poor man, Zelda to a barrel. That's 64, which I've never played.
um But yeah, I loved the GameCube. I have so many memories with it. I still have my original GameCube. I got the black one. Oh my god, it was so sleek. And Sonic's first appearance on a Nintendo console for all you Sonic fans. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. Never played it. Oh, I get it. Awesome, man. Do you have it for GameCube?
I didn't own a GameCube, but my friend had one. And every time we went over to his house, we'd play that game. It was awesome. I loved it. I'll never forget. my my One of my good friends, Trevor, had it. And ah my only my only memories of Sonic Adventure 2 was every time I went over there and I keep it like a sleepover with like four or five kids. They'd be playing it like all night. I'm just sitting there. So I knew all the songs. I knew all the levels. Like, live and learn. Live and own the engine tomorrow. Like, I know all that. But like I'm like, I never played it. Nice.
But yeah, GameCube. Love it. Shout out to Melee. Shout out to Wind Waker. All right. Good stuff. Yeah, I didn't have that one either. Hodge, you're up. You want to give us your number four?
Oh, yeah, really quickly. The GameCube. Yeah. Melee is my favorite Smash Brothers game. So so so good. thought Yeah, it's awesome. But anyway, my number four, I'm going to go with the PlayStation four. um I can I always understand if anyone says this is their best generation of all time. It's to me, it's my second favorite generation of the PlayStation, as we i do before.
But ah this console is the one that killed the Xbox kind of as a competitor. ah Well, xbox also Xbox also shot themselves in the foot with the Kinect and all that stuff, which as I've talked about on this, I defend the idea of the Kinect, just not the packaging or force packaging of it.
but the ps4 just a legendary i actually just the other day i was bored and i threw on the e3 2016 from sony just to watch it just to kind of relive the hype of that generation and That ah that that ah conference alone had God of War, Spider-Man, Death Stranding, Return of Crash Bandicoot, Resident Evil 7, Star Wars Squadrons, which is pretty decent because that was kind of right at the start of the PSVR ah life and all that and it was just this amazing conference and all these games were hits God of War, Beloved, Spider-Man, Beloved, Resident Evil 7 for the people who enjoy the series, love it. um Death Stranding, Beloved as it should be because yeah everyone knows that it's an amazing game.
But the PS4, it also had you know Uncharted 4, which I actually didn't get a PS4 until that game came out, because I did not want a single spoiler about it. So I was like, at the time, i obviously, know I was fresh out of college. So I wasn't making very good money. So I was like, I just need, i I'm going to wait on the PS4 for a price drop. And then when they announced Uncharted 4, I was like, oh, I bought the Uncharted 4 edition that had Drake on and everything. And I was like, all right, I need to play this game. But yeah, this console generation was Every year was just a banger year and There wasn't like a bad year on the ps4 every year had an amazing game out it was a dominant system and It was even though x Xbox one was my primary up until I and same house series X is my primary but ps4 I played it almost as much as my Xbox one just because the exclusives on it were so good that there was so much to go to it for and yeah, so the ps4 and is my number four. What do you think Sean about that? I will be talking about PS4 later.
All right. and Midnight. Yeah, I will be I might be talking about that one later as well. um Yeah, it's good. I love the PS4. I think that's a great choice. And I'm just going to save my thoughts until that time comes. So ah good one, though. Let me get into my number four. My number four is actually maybe a little surprising, but it is actually the Xbox series consoles and specifically the X, of course, X going to give it to you.
um I love the Xbox Series X. um I think this is a beautiful handcrafted console. Like it is just so solid and sexy and whisper quiet. I've mentioned before, like you can literally walk right up to that console and put your ear right next to the fan and like you won't hear anything. You'll feel it. You'll feel some air. You don't hear a thing. It's it's amazing.
um I love the features that they built into this console, like the quick resume. um Sometimes I forget about quick resume, but then I'm reminded how awesome it is when I'm playing a game. Like when I launched the Witcher 3 that I'm playing right now, literally as soon as I click launch from the the desktop menu or whatever,
I'm within the game at the exact same spot in the world literally in three seconds. I'm not exaggerating. Like it's it's like instant. It's like boom. There I am. And then I just I just start running around the world and doing quests. It's an awesome feature.
um The console is very powerful. It's great for backwards compatible. um They have auto HDR. They have ah FPS boost on a lot of games. So you can actually get 60 or on some games, even 120 frames on these old games. They just they just found a way to to boost it. I wish they did it to more. um They kind of stopped doing that. But it is pretty awesome, though. um And it is my primary console. It has been for a long time just for playing like third party stuff. um Although I am starting to shift away from that a little bit.
um Because of some of the choices Xbox has made I'm starting to think maybe I should ah diversify my library But we won't get into that, but this is a great console awesome controller great fast networking great backwards compatibility great features whisper quiet sexy um And I just love it man. I just love it. I'm i'm playing on it all the time um It's hooked up to the OLED back there. I'm playing the Witcher on it. It looks gorgeous I played a Baldur's Gate on it played all kinds of stuff It's just awesome. So that is my number four pick, the Xbox series. Um, do either of you, uh, had you have any thoughts on this maybe? Yeah. Um, it's not on my list, but I do. I love the series X obviously obviously other than the stupid mistakes Xbox has made this generation and just their lack of exclusives and what, and you know, the story we've all heard a million times at this point.
uh other than that it is an awesome console i do love playing this thing quick resume is one of the most underrated features ah for anything like the fact that i i had i i took it out of it just you know it didn't need to be running anymore but i had kingdom hearts in there when i was playing it it stayed like quick resume for like a year before i just ended up closing it because i wasn't playing it anymore But like the fact that that exists, it just sucks that live games, it it when it disconnects from with the server basically breaks game, you have to reset it anyway. So that it does suck that they should have the option to turn that off for like live service games like that. But but yeah, for any single player, the fact that it loads in so quickly, it is a whisper quiet system that the console itself is great. It's just Xbox is screwing up this generation now.
at this point. But yeah, it's an awesome console. I love it. It is my primary to my PS5 is still an exclusive machine. I mean, when the pro comes out, if I get one or get one or, you know, as PS6, I might be primary there if x Xbox keeps kind of doing what they're doing. But yeah, it's still a great console. And I can't hate on the console because of what Xbox is doing right now. So yeah, awesome choice. Yes, sir. Sean, if you have any thoughts and then you can get into your for um Yeah, it's ah it's a great console. I really love the series the Series X controller. I think the controller is awesome. um I think it looks really gorgeous, especially the Halo edition of the Series X. It's awesome. Oh, yeah. but yeah actually it's It's like my number. it's like my right It's behind PC and behind Switch and behind PlayStation for me for my preference to play. But I definitely guess it's a good console. It's really good. All right. My number four is...
Drum roll please. The Nintendo DS. The Nintendo DS. um I love the DS. This was... DS Lite in particular. not not the Not the fat DS. The one that, oh my god, was weirdly designed. I never had one of those. But the DS Lite has so many good games. It was Nintendo's first ever handheld console. First console that dipped into like online gaming kind of. So I played a lot of Mario Kart DS online.
Not like worldwide, but like people on my street would be playing from each other's houses. You know, Picto chat, chatting back and forth with people ah in the airport. People would do Picto chat all the time at airports. It was so weird because then like I'd be like, you know, 10 years old and probably talking to some pedophile.
um Probably, that's probably true. um But there was a lot of great DS games. And shout out, they had the GBA port as well. um Has like the Pokemon Generation 4 and Generation 5 or Pokemon are like two of my, to two of the three favorite gens for me. And they were exclusive to DS. um You know, you had the HeartGold, SoulSilver, Pokemon Platinum, and Pokemon Black and White, and Black and White 2. A lot of good JRPGs. There's some really fantastic Final Fantasy ports on the DS. A Chrono Trigger port to DS was amazing.
Uh, random obscure games, like, um, like, remember, do you guys remember, um, what was it called? They were like educational games. Oh, it came out in like the early DSR early, early DSR. It was like, uh, brain games.
Brain Age, Brain Age, Brain Age. That's what it's called, Brain Age. um Those are relative those were actually pretty fun. Brain Age, that was actually really fun. I never owned it, but all my friends had the Guitar Hero game with the Guitar Hero. like um You put it in the GBA cartridge, and you put it to the side, and you play the guitar like with the on the GBA cartridge. um I just have a lot of really fond memories of the DS. Animal Crossing Wild World, oh my god. I played so much of that on DS.
But yeah, the DS was awesome. They had so many different colors, too. You could play Mario 64 on DS. It was actually worst version, though, because the controls were hor horrific. um New Super Mario Bros. But yeah, the DS absolutely loved it. I still have my original one. black Well, not my original one, because I stepped on that playing DDR and broke the screen. um So my second DS I still have. um Yeah, DS Lite. Amazing.
All right. Yeah, I don't have much this to add to that one. Unfortunately, I never owned a DS. I did own a 3DS and I did. I like that. I like that console a lot. I thought it was a lot of fun. um I've never been a big handheld got ah guy, but the 3DS I think is pretty much the only handheld that I've ever owned, but I really liked it a lot. Like it was great. ah You know, I played Zelda, I played Fire Emblem, I played Pokemon on there and stuff, and it was a good time. um And the DS, of course, is like the vastly more popular, bigger selling version of the 3DS. Everyone loves the DS, so I'm sure it was awesome, too. Yeah, I think I think a big reason why the DS sold more, though, is when the 3DS came out, the smartphone was already out. So a lot of those casual, like casual gamers where you got who are they were buying it for the brain age for the touchscreen were like, oh, so you know, buy the iPhone. um But the 3DS is fantastic as well. I love it. The 3DS was as it was in consideration for this list, but I had to go with the DS.
Shout out Fire Emblem Awakening, one of the best games ever. 3DS. Ahad, you got any 3DS or any DS thoughts and then also you can get into your three. Yeah, um I was actually really close to including the 3DS as my number five over the N64 since I did own one, since i but I just was like screw it, N64.
Um, I never owned a ds but the 3ds. Yeah, I bought the pikachu edition one Uh, it's I just it was on sale for prime day once and I was like, you know what? I've always wanted to play a couple of these games So I got it. I loved it. Like I said, that's how I played ocarina of time for the first time I even liked and playing it in 3d. That was I thought that was a cool little feature that turned shit 3d I thought it looked good. I don't know people didn't like it I don't know if it messes with some people's eyes and not others or so. I don't know but I loved it. I thought it was cool Um, yeah, I didn't I didn't have a 3d or a DS But I had the 3ds and I also had a Gameboy advanced and Gameboy color growing up So like I've always loved Nintendo handhelds. I just never When when was the DSO like what your span out that life or it came on? Oh for Okay. Yeah, so the DS light came out in oh five. That's when I got mine.
Yeah, okay. So that was at the peak time of me playing PS2. So I had really no, i I had no desire to go to Nintendo at that point, because I was playing PS2. And then obviously, PS3 or 360 was after that kind of through the life cycle. So that explains it, because DS was always like a blind spot. I don't i barely know what games are out on it. I always just considered it the same as the 3D, even though they're different consoles I found out. I figured it was just kind of the 2D version of the 3DS, but now they're completely different consoles.
ah Yeah, so I never owned one, but yeah, I love the 3DS, so I would expect the DS to be just as awesome to have. Uh, my number three, huh? What's up real quick. If I could. Yeah. You mentioned, I just wanted to give a quick shout out. I put a picture in the discord and I'm going to put it in the video too. Um, but you mentioned the custom edition you had for the, uh, for the three DS. Uh, I had to give a shout out to my gorgeous Zelda custom three DS. It was beautiful. Oh, I love. cut laish and Last thing was the DS kingdom hearts, three five eight over two days. Banger of a game.
Yeah, I didn't get to that until it was in the 2.5 for whatever collection. So that's the midnight release for that. Nice. 8th grade Sean Mason, midnight release, Kingdom Hearts 358. The only midnight release I've ever gone to is Modern Warfare 2, the original one.
I went to the Wii U. I got a Wii U at- Oh, I got a Wii U at launch day too. The line was longer at Dunkin Donuts than the line at- Dude, I was pissed because I was fourth in line and I wanted the black Wii U because it had more storage and they didn't have enough. Like by the time I came up at number three or number four in line, I had to get the white one with limited storage and I was- Dude, I was the only one in line.
I was literally the only one in line. It was like six people. The reason why is because it was 2012. I remember I was only I was 16 and my dad drove my dad drove me. He's like, I'm going to go to get a coffee at Dunkin Donuts. And by the time he came back, I already had my Wii U. And he's like, what the heck? I go, there was no one else in line. I'm he goes, that's not good. You know, it's not good. All right. So I didn't mean to sidebar like that. Hodge, please. You're good. Go ahead.
um My number three is the n NES the NES So I don't know if I've told the story on this but so when I got an n NES we had already owned a Sega Genesis And I think maybe even our ps1 at that point. I can't remember It was a long time ago, but my mom went my mom loves going grocery or not grocery garage sale hopping. She's one of those. And so she was doing her thing and she comes home with this big box. And I'm like, Oh, what's that? Good little kids. And she goes, I found this for $20 at a garage sale. It's an n NES with like 20 games. And we're like,
losing our shit because we just got to do console to play, you know, and it had all the Mario games. It had both Zelda games. It had ah Kirby's Kirby's Dreamland. I'm blanking right now, ah which is one adventure, I think.
is an adventure. I can't, I can't remember. I'm blanking right now, but I love that game. Uh, and so we had, and then had even like the duck hunt with the controller and shit. Like it was all this stuff and it was, yeah, she got like 20 bucks at a garage sale. And so I just remember me and my brothers playing the hell out of this thing. And so, you know, switching lies on Mario one, you know, one's Mario one's Luigi and it's,
Oh my God, I just love this console. It's it's my favorite Nintendo console even to this day. like I love the Switch. I never actually owned a SNES, which makes me sad. I did play it a bunch of at my cousin's house.
Uh, but, and I've played a bunch of them on the switch is, uh, the Nintendo online thing. But yeah, the, the n NES I've, it's I've always loved it. It was just peak gaming. Like, cause it was just back in the day when it was fun little platformers and it was limited, but every game had its own charm. It was just.
like it was back i've kind of fallen flat with a lot of nintendo ip in later years but the og way back in the day it just had so much charm that i absolutely loved and so yeah the and n nes is my number three So but god love I love the n NES. It's a great console. Didn't make my list, but it's a great console. um I remember still playing it and like because again, I was already born. We had had it it. It constantly was hooked up, even, you know, constantly hooked up in our house, even to like 2004, 2005. And I just remember.
We would play Mario. Super Mario 1, Super Mario 2, Super Mario 3 all the time. that's that's like my So Super Mario Bros. 3 in particular is my dad's like comfort food game. So anytime we knew he had had a bad day at work, if he had come home, he wouldn't say anything. He'd go right down to the basement and boot up Super Mario Bros. 3 and just speed through it. And we knew dad had a bad day at work because he needed like some comfort. but We have a lot of memories of NES. My mom's not a gamer, but my mom was obsessed with Tetris on and NES. Not the Game Boy version, but the NES version. She still plays it too today. Because my dad still has that original and NES. They have a CRTD hooked up for the n NES. and um they play My mom still plays Tetris on it all the time.
um But yeah, I have a lot of there's a lot of cool memories Final Fantasy the first Final Fantasy game ah first Legend of Zelda game but Yeah, NES great console great thick right Yeah, awesome pick. i'm Not on my list, but amazing console. Of course, I had one. um So many great games on there. Of course, you got Mario, you got Zelda, you got the legend Mike Tyson's punch out. That game was ah so much fun. I love that game. I played the heck out of that. um I have a funny memory. ah My dad
um I was living with my dad at the time. and He was working like two jobs to raise me. ah My parents were separated, but my dad, all of a sudden, he got me a gift. He got me the n NES game gauntlet. And he just handed me the game. He's like, here you go. Here's a gift. I don't remember the, I don't even think there was an occasion. um And I'm like, all right. But then he's like, all right, but it's time for bed now.
So I go to bed and I remember I was like, I don't know if I was crying or I couldn't sleep or I was upset. And and eventually he's like, what what's going on? And I'm like, I want to play gauntlet. I didn't get to play it. He's like, all right, get up and play the game. So I got up and I'm playing gauntlet. I played it for like 20 minutes and I was like, this game sucks. I'm going back to bed. I didn't enjoy the game that much, but awesome console. So many great games, iconic, um, really could have been in my top five list. I think that's a great choice.
Yeah, when you get down this when you get down to this high, it's so difficult when you're talking co cause there's so many good ones. Mm hmm. Yes, sir. All right. Let me go and get into my number three. And my number three is another Nintendo console. And it is going to be the Nintendo 64. I love this console. I had so much fun playing the Nintendo 64. The games that I played the most um were probably golden. I guess. and Can I guess the other ones?
Yes, go ahead. All right. I'm going to say one of the NFL games, the NFL, okay. WWE or WWF, whatever it was called at the time. ah No, close enough. And Perfect Dark.
Nope. Never played a perfect dark in my life. Good guesses though. I'm going to give you partial credit because you said WWE, wwe um which is adjacent. um One of my favorite games that I played a lot on there was WCW versus NWO World Tour and Revenge or whatever. yeah do Those games were awesome. they They controlled so well. They were easy to learn, but you know there was a little bit of mastery to it.
um I love how like you had like a power bar or something like you if you were like taunt them or something or if you just put a bunch of moves together you fill up the power bar and then you could unlock their do their special pay power attack and stuff dude awesome game playing that couch co-op with friends um you know with with my mom's boyfriend, he was a gamer. we We used to play that back and forth too at the time. So that was cool. But yeah, the N64, shout out to Mario 64. I'm not the massive platformer guy anymore, but that was one of my favorite games ever back then. I played the heck out of that. It was it was so revolutionary too, to be in a 3D space like that because it was the first time I ever really experienced it. And the graphics were insane at the time. I'm like, Whoa, it's freaking Mario, dude. That was awesome. And also ocarina of time. Can't forget that. Just an absolute gem. ah So that is my game. That's my number three. The Nintendo 64 freaking loved it. Remember the rumble pack. Put it in there. Be rumbling. Oh, yeah. Love it. All right.
We can move on. I think we've already talked about this. Sean, you're up next. If you have any more bars or you can just move on to yours. I gotta to say one one more thing about the N64. Shout out to Mischief Makers. Really obscure N64 game.
um It was, I can't even, it was a weird like 2D slash, it was like a 2.5D platformer. I really loved it. It was made by, oh my God, it was a, I can't even remember. It was a treasure, treasure, treasure. That's who developed it. I rented it randomly one day and I liked it so much that then we, before I was even due to go back to Blockbuster, I begged my parents to go to Walmart and buy it.
And luckily it was like right before my birthday. So they're like, here's an early birthday gift. There was mischief makers. It was so my God, that game was awesome. And Pokemon Stadium one and two. Shout out to those two games. Pokemon Stadium's great. All right. For my number three, we're going to stay in the Nintendo realm. It is not the N64, though. It is the Super Nintendo, the SNES. I adored. No, the SNES. It's not SNES.
I adore the Super Nintendo. Absolutely so many good JRPGs. I think people think PS1, they think JRPGs is the best. I think the SNES peaked. JRPGs peaked there. I mean, they're still pretty awesome. They're awesome regardless. like So many good ones, I mean, you got Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy IV, you got Chrono Trigger, you got a lot of the Dragon, at the time, Dragon Warrior games. You got some random obscure, just random obscure games. I mean, Super Mario All-Star, which was the original, which was Mario 1, 2, and 3, like remastered in like Super Mario World art art style. And then they released Super Mario All-Star plus Super Mario World, which was awesome.
um just so many good memories, so many good, like my two favorite genres, JRPGs and platformers. Like that was like the king system for it. um And even after the N64 came out, like some really late Super Nintendo games were like pushing the hardware ridiculous. Like you play Yoshi's Island, like Yoshi's Island, Super Mario World 2, Yoshi's Island, that game pushes the hardware to its limits. Like I cannot believe the Super Nintendo can run that game.
Considering when it came out came out but like if you were to tell me in like Flashback to 1992 pretend I'm alive and be like look at this game that runs on this console. I'd be like what? No way um Even the Donkey Kong country games. They look like I cannot believe how good they look compared, like comparatively speaking, like this is running on an end and and um a Super Nintendo compared to like the systems the systems it was going up against. I mean, the Atari Jaguar was out at the same time, like we'd mentioned earlier, and the Jaguar, you know, 64 bits, 64 bits was not running games like that. um Just so many fond memories playing Super Nintendo.
Like I said, we still have my original one. My parents still have that one hooked up as well. And Super Mario World, just such a crisp game. And A Link to the Past, like the first ever Zelda game I beat on my own. It's A Link to the Past, and I still play it every year. And I have so much nostalgia for the Super Nintendo. So shout out to the Super Nintendo.
Shout out to those gold cartridges that they used to do for the Zelda games. Those were so cool. You get that gold cartridge, man. It's like even if you weren't a big Zelda guy, you just had to have that. It was just so cool. And the Super Nintendo controller, I think is.
one of the greatest controllers of all time. And I think it's a I like the and NES control, but I think the Super Nintendo control is a huge upgrade over it from the square box to like the actual like feels like a controller. um It's awesome. Yeah, shut up. They had little triggers on the top, too. didnt They did. Yeah, very cool.
or bumpers, whatever you wanna call them. Yeah, great pick. um I, you know, obviously I, actually I didn't own a Super Nintendo, I don't think, but I played the hell out of it because everyone else did. So everywhere I went, my friends, my aunt, everyone, we were playing Mario. We were playing, ah that's the first time I played Mario Kart was on the Super Nintendo and I loved it. um Awesome console. I echo everything you said. Could have been in my list, but I chose the 64 instead. um Hodge, you got bars and get into yours?
Yeah, ah so the SNES is a system that I did not own. ah But and this again, I went over to friends and cousin. My cousin, Kevin, shout out. I talked about him on here a bunch. But ah he had the SNES. And there's two games that I just, like most people obviously think Super Mario World, all that kind of stuff. But my brain goes straight to two games. And that's Donkey Kong Country, which you mentioned earlier.
i and this game called The Great Circus Mystery starring Mickey and Minnie. I don't know if you've ever played this game, but I fucking loved this game. Every time we went over to his house, we'd play this game. It was so much fun. You had like these little vacuums and stuff. It was, I don't know, it was... but I when you're talking, I was thinking about how like ah how you were saying how like it's crazy that the SNES ran these games and stuff like that. But it definitely goes to show why people have such a ah love and nostalgia for like the 16 bit look because it was so beautiful. Like I love the 16 bit look. It is so it holds up perfectly. I mean, granted, I'm a kind of person who who I find charm in the the boxiness of N64 and PS1.
I love the look of those games. I don't care. I know that a lot of people say they age like crap, but I love how they look. But pixel art, it's impossible to look bad. It is so beautiful. And yeah, I love this mess.
Yeah, I can't believe I didn't even mention the art style. Like the 16 bit art style is just like that is time so good. It will never. age Yeah. Oh, and I just want to shout out a couple more. Breath of Fire started on Super Nintendo. Those RPGs are fantastic. um I found I didn't even mention, which I had mentioned last week. I freaking love Earthbound. That was a gem on the Super Nintendo still hoping for that mother three port.
And Soul Blazer was amazing. Really obscure action JRPG and completely stole assets from Final Fantasy VI, but it's all right. Still such a good game.
i got I got two quick shout outs too. um Shout out Mortal Kombat. Although the Genesis version actually was better because it had blood, but Mortal Kombat was on the SNES and it was awesome. um Doing the fatalities and stuff. Man, especially as a kid, I was like, whoa, this is this is crazy. um And then also, I think Toe Jam and Earl was on the Super Nintendo, wasn't it? I played it on Genesis. That game was awesome too. It was a fun, I don't even know how to describe that game, but it was awesome. But yeah, sorry. Hodge.
Yeah, you're right. My number two is the PlayStation one. We already talked about it. I don't need to go off on it too much more. Like I said, I just the this system was meant everything. I will never I still have the black. What is it called? Like the black case or whatever, where it's not the greatest hit version. It's the original version of Final Fantasy seven, because that game was like it was just so Iconic for the time and so I just wanted to shout out obviously I talked about spiral and like I said before but that like Final Fantasy 7 it was just like the face of that console for so long and ah Yeah, I love the PlayStation one and I don't need to talk talk about that much more so we can move on unless you guys forgot anything We want to say some more about the PlayStation one
Crash Team Racing rules. It is fantastic. Yeah, I played the yeah the multi-tab. I played the remaster CTR. Me too. Too many hours. All right.
I mean, awesome pick. Obviously, that was in mine earlier, so I won't ah I won't repeat myself, but what an iconic console. And I think the main reason why we were all so excited about that anniversary PS5 Pro is because of the nostalgia that we have for that PS1 that du I think they come out with like a PS4 limited one that way but I had the I had the control of the PS4 controller. I have it.
Yeah, that's like a ps1. Yeah. Yeah. I wish I got or that but yeah, oh my god, it's so nice Yeah, which is why I have to get the dual signs one because, yeah, that that color scheme, it's it's yes, nostalgia, but it's such a good look that gray with like the darker grays. It's it's and then there's the PS color, it the four colors of the the it's just perfect. I love it. Yeah. Yes, sir. um And with that, let me segue into my number two, which is another PlayStation console, and it is my favorite PlayStation console of all time.
The PlayStation 4. This was such an amazing console, such an amazing generation. um the The console was beautiful. I love that little angular shape that they had. It was like a work of art, especially when you compare it to the VCR that Xbox came out with. The PS4 was sexy, man. It was thin. Comparatively speaking, it was thin. um I really loved the controller. What was it? The DualShock 4? DualShock 4, yeah. DualShock 4 is my favorite PlayStation controller of all time until the DualSense Edge came out. Dude, the... It was just the perfect shape. It fit right in your hands. It was comfortable. You could game all day and you would not have any soreness or weirdness in your hands. um It was a beautiful, kind ah beautiful controller. The analog sticks had that nice little little lip or whatever. It was just great. Really loved the controller. um I love everything about this console um pretty much. um I can't really think of any negatives. Honestly, the the games were incredible.
um I was primary Xbox for the most part. Like Hodge said, it was my main multi-plat box and stuff, um mostly because I had so much affinity for Xbox prior to the ah one. But the PS4, though, I was on it so much, though, because of all the great exclusives. You know what I mean? ah There are so many. I don't even know where to begin. Of course, I played infamous Second Son. um We played ah God of War was on there, right? Horizon was on there.
um There's just so many, but I just I love that console. I also played a couple big multi plats on there. Like I played ah Assassin's Creed Odyssey on there and I love that game. It was so fun. um It was an amazing beautiful game. I played Red Dead Redemption 2 on there. um Dude, it it was a great console.
There was no flaws. um don' I don't know what else to say. Shout out to the PS4. They did a great job with that. That was a banger. And it was it was so good that they pretty much killed Xbox with that generation. So shout out to that.
Any thoughts on this? Well, that is my number two as well as the PS4. So um I'll just continue right on. Yeah. PS4, I adore this console. I absolutely adored this. like this was This was almost my number one, like really, really close to my number one. um Right from the get-go, I was a huge Infamous fan. So when Infamous' second son came out that March of 2014, I was a senior in high school. I'll never forget I had such bad senioritis. i was like Oh, I just want to stay home and play infamous. I remember just one day after school, I was like like it was like the second. It was like right after the game came out. I told it was right when spring track season started. I got out of school. I'm like, okay I'm not feeling well, coach. Sorry.
That's great of a captain to do, you know, go home in the middle of practice. I went home. I just remember playing infamous to that weekend. It came out. My friend Trevor came over and we just like that kid that I mentioned earlier. And he just watched me play infamous seconds on the entire time. And we were blown away by how good it looks like. I'll never forget like Nelson. Like it looked.
Like, we've never seen anything like that before. um Even like that NBA 2K 14 on that PS4, that game, I remember like first time seeing it being like, oh my gosh, this is insane. And then it goes right into 2015. You get games like Bloodborne, which was like unreal. I remember playing Bloodborne. I had never played a Souls game before and getting my butt kicked over and over again. But for some reason, wanted to keep going back and back to it.
um I remember playing Arkham Knight on there and I was blown away. Like, just absolutely blown away how gorgeous everything looked. And then, Hodge, you had mentioned that 2016 E3 and that was just like... oh And then, that was my mind blowing for the audio listeners. Dude, it's still cool to watch it in 2024. Like, let straight up, I watched it. I was like, this is awesome. I want this again. Uncharted 4 was like... That was insane. I remember playing Uncharted 4 and just...
Like, it i got it came out right when school ended. And I remember I was still on campus because we had to run track. I was in college. And there was like barely anyone on campus. And where all my friends were home. So I would just me and Uncharted 4, the PS4. It was great. Yep, go on.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention, of course, the greatest game of all time on the PS4. Ghost of Tsushima, guys. You know, I love it. So you I was about to get that. I was getting to that because then in twenty seven, I was just going really quickly year by year. Twenty seventeen, I was playing Horizon Zero Dawn. I was blown away by how good that game is. You guys all know how much I love Horizon. I know it's not everyone's favorite, but I adore it. God of War 2018. Never forget Platinum the game. Platinum God of War 2018. The day of my sister's wedding. Never forget that, too.
um That was amazing. 2019 gave us so many good games, too. crash team The Crash Team Racing remaster was unbelievable. And then to cap it off, in 2020, when we're all you know shut down because of COVID, we got the last we got Final Fantasy VII Remake right when school got shut down.
I wasn't happy about school getting shut down, but you know it was okay. We got Last of Us 2 in June that year, and i know it's not I know that's a very contentious topic, but I adored it, and I'll never forget getting on a Zoom call with a guy I work with, and we've talked for three hours about the Last of Us 2, just me and him just sitting there talking about it. And we were like, oh, like... just going back and forth and then Ghost of Tsushima came out like a couple weeks later and it was just like banger after banger. The PS4 was something special and like gosh, I love it. And Death Stranding like Hodge mentioned earlier. Dude, I don't remember. john Did you play and love that game? I don't remember. i never wish again I'm going to play for the second one though. I'm going to play the second one.
You did. I remember, yeah, 2020 sucked, but I obviously had such for everyone. But I remember being at home, just working from home. And if I had any time, I was because the PS five had been announced, but it wasn't out yet. And I was playing the PS four just I was like, I'm not going to let myself buy a PS5 until I've cleared out the PS4 backlog that I want to play. And so I remember just at banger after banger, I went Death Stranding to Ghost of Tsushima to I replayed all the Uncharted's just to play them all again, because I wanted to play Lost Legacy.
And like I said, I'm the guy in a guy who actually played an entire series before playing the sequel. So I played through all of the games again just to play Lost Legacy. And just that year was so odd because I just played all these freaking bangers and Bugsnax came out, which was awesome. um But yeah, so yeah, the PS4, especially during 2020, that thing was, yeah, lifesaver for me.
I have such a vivid memory of my dad retired in January of 2020. And then he was he was at two months. He got two months of nobody, nobody home. And then after retirement, but once where else shut down I was already in my own house, but I had just bought my house, um he would constantly text me and be like, oh, my gosh, all they want to do is play PlayStation. But your mom keeps bothering me. Your mom just keeps bothering me because she was home.
But ah I do have some vivid memories of like playing Final Fantasy 7 remake with him at the same time Like from his house to my house and like we'd be texting me like oh my gosh, did you get here yet? I cannot believe what just happened You're you're gonna lose your mind and just those memories that that that really helped me through like a tough tough time Like it's it's stopped like honest 20-20 sucked. Oh, I realized standpoint, but ps4 really helped Yeah, ps4 great console. Yeah. All right. Excellent. Excellent. I believe hodge your number one numero uno my number one favorite console of all time is going to be a surprise to no one and i'm guessing it's midnight's number one as well is the xbox 360 this console is
By far my favorite console like it's not even close like I love the ps1 which is at number two for me But it's not even close the 360 was such a dominant machine in my life that it is my number one just it introduced or not introduced but it really brought into the mainstream the online gaming ah the multiplayer and Cuz obviously so much of it was on weekends if I couldn't see friends or school nights, you know You get your homework done. You only have two hours before bed or whatever. Everyone could get on it was ah World War zombies. It was Call of Duty 4 halo 3 even castle crashers at the time was we would get on and play that together all the time ah Then getting if you were hanging out you got to play rock band or guitar hero or split-screen halo just this console was
ah it It had obviously the single player part was all there too. It had great games that, you know, Bioshock and whatnot that I love. But to me, it was the social. It was my social console. It was the one I played with friends. It was one entirely made to be afraid.
All right. We're back. Sorry about that. We got hit with the red ring of death, fittingly while Hodge was talking about the 360. We had a hole over it. We had to put a towel over it. Yeah. Please continue. You were talking about the 360, which was your number one. ho But yeah, it was, uh, it was just like the social console. Like every console before that, it was like the sleepover console. You know, you could play split screen, you know, on your end 64 or NES or a PS one, all that kind of stuff. But.
The 360 was the real one where like all every friend I had had one. It was the first console where you weren't split. like I have PS1, I have N64, or I have PS2, I have Xbox. like This was the first one where everyone I knew had an Xbox 360. It was just like the social console for me. um I mean, like I said, the PS4 or PS1 may win in terms of single-player, but 360 overall, it was just such a social console and I loved it. so Yeah, that's that's my number one. All right. Let me go ahead and get into my number one, which is also the Xbox 360. Of course, I think most people saw this coming. I know. I know. I know Hodge did. um Xbox 360 is by far by a mile. My number one console as much as I love the PS4 and I love the PS4. That was an awesome console. The 360 was just so.
far and away my favorite. It was just a whole moment in time for me. It was just a magical console. It was the best controller I've ever owned still to this day, better than the current Xbox controllers, in my opinion, because the The analog sticks were slightly tighter, um which I thought made shooters and things just feel a little bit easier and and more natural. um I had a Scuf Gaming custom Xbox 360 controller, which had the PS3 dome sticks in it, and it had trigger stops and back paddles. And I was using that on Call of Duty and Gears of War and stuff. And that thing was awesome.
But yeah, this was such an amazing console. It had awesome games. It had the best controller, in my opinion. It had Xbox Live, which at the time was just... a lot better than the the PSN at the time. It had party chat. We talked about this. um They had ah social features like Netflix streaming came out and they had that deal where they would put you in like a movie theater. You'd be in a party with your friends and it would put all of you in like a little movie theater. You'd see like your little avatars at the bottom and you'd all be watching the movie together at the same time synced up and you could talk about the movie while you're watching it.
It was the social console, like you said. o Yeah, but just yeah, I tried. They tried. I thought about that. They tried doing that during COVID a little bit of like having watch parties or Disney Plus, but it was never the same. That Xbox one was so crazy. I'm surprised they haven't done that again.
Yeah, it was awesome. um And it was you know just playing sports games, playing shooters, playing Halo, Gears of War, Call of Duty, of course. um It was just so awesome. And of course, they had a bunch of ah single player games too on their fable. and I don't know, I can't think, there's so many games. It's hard to think of them just randomly, but that was an awesome console and I absolutely loved it. And it it really kind of turned me into an Xbox fan boy at that point. Like I was so in love with that console that I just, I became almost a fan boy. Like I was like, ah, the PS3 is not nearly as good. This thing's kind of trash. Although I had a, p I had a PS3 as well. And especially at the, at the end of the PS3 generation was very strong. They had some awesome games. um But yeah, the Xbox 360 is my ah numero uno.
I'll go ahead and leave it there. ah Sean, if you have any thoughts and get into your number one. Um, so I never owned a 360, um, never even touched the controller of a 360 till around 2011. Um, but when discussing with my wife, Claire, she was an Xbox gamer. Um, she, I, she said 360 by far was her favorite of all time. woman of culture Yeah, she's, she's a big online gamer. So it's like the 360 was like right up her, her her brother played so much. you She would tell me they played so much Halo, so much Call of Duty. That's where she really got into her Call of Duty bag and she's still there.
um But yeah, the 360, like I said, I don't really have anything to say more, but Halo 3, great game, even though I played it in 2021. Great game. Awesome game. All right, so my number one is going to surprise a lot of people. Okay. My number one is the PlayStation 5.
I love the PS5. I think it's great. I think it's the perfect evolution of the PS4. It can play all your banger PS4 games. um I think it's delivered some fantastic games, whether or not you agree that they are you know exclusive to PS5. I think Ragnarok, that's a PS5 game to me.
Like I know it's on PS4, but that's a PS5 game to me. I played it on PS5. That's where I played it. Horizon Forbidden West. It's a PS5 game to me. I don't really care if you can play it somewhere else. I played it on PS5 and I absolutely loved them. And I don't think it'd be possible without the PS5. I know they ha- I- Not that. I don't think it would be... the the The way I played it, I don't think I would enjoy it as much if it was like a PS4 game, just a PS4 game. It gave me Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, like unbelievable game. This is some unbelievable games. Like a lot of the Trails games are over here now. Some of them are on PS4, but some of them have been coming to PS5 and they're coming a lot sooner because the developers have said that the PS5 is so much easier to develop games for now.
that they've just, ah it's just evolved so much that I love it. I love the dual sense. I think it's a fantastic controller. I love the, I know a lot of people give the UI a lot of PS5, a lot of flack, but it's grown on me so much. um I try to go back to the PS4 UI because I booted up the PS4 and I,
I loved it at the time, but I'm like, all right, I kind of like the PS5 a little bit more, the UI. I think it's a little bit snappier and a little bit easier. um I think this i think it the store boots up a lot quicker on the PS5 in general. um I like what Sony's done with the PS5. I know it's not exclusive to the PS5, but i mean it's kind of it launched you know during the PS5 era. I've liked what they've done with PS Plus. I think it's a really good alternatives to Game Pass. It's not quite Game Pass, but I think it's a good alternative. And I just, I am a primary primarily play all my games on PS5 and um yeah, and i I just love the console. I love the look of it. I know a lot of people give it flack. I love that white look, like the white console look. I think it looks gorgeous. And I'm really excited to see what we keep getting forward. like I know a lot of people like, oh, we don't have that many PlayStation exclusives. I think there's a ton of exclusives to play.
um But again, I don't really care. Games can be anywhere. As long as I can play them, I really don't care. um But yeah, PS5, I absolutely adore it. Spider-Man 2 was...
Fantastic even the launch of spot of a ps5 like I know some of those games eventually came to ps4 But like that boys big adventure was an absolute banger when it came out ah Miles Morales I adored that game. That was the first game I played on PS from Demon Souls remake like Unbelievable and now we're just gonna wait and we're gonna get that bloodborne 60 FPS patch and it's gonna be great Bugs nice was a launch game, too Yeah, it was. Yeah, Bugsnax. I didn't play it at launch, but I played it a couple of months later. I was actually a really good guy. I liked it. I love it. and i un irononically love it ah It's a better version of Pokemon Snap. it's I love it. It's so good. Did you play the DLC for it? Oh, yeah. i but Well, I played it on ah Xbox because it came to game pass with the DLC. So I played it through that. I haven't played it on PlayStation, but I want to play it again because I love that game. Yeah, Bugsnax is a good game. but yeah it's a It's a good pick.
I've loved my PS5. I've been really satisfied with it. i I know a lot of people complain about it, but I think think we're just in an era where people complain about everything. A lot of people complain about the Series X. I have no problem with the Series X either. It's a great console as well. People just like to complain. People love to complain. Everyone's miserable right now with the economy and just life, I guess. I don't know. Who knows?
but anyway Sean, I think that's an awesome pick. I also am a big fan of the PS5. It's right there. I use it a lot. um Great games, great exclusives, ah very powerful. A lot of the stuff I said about the Series X is also very true about the PS5. It is very quiet. It's not it's not completely whistle quiet, but it is. It's quiet.
you barely ever hear it it's awesome it's powerful it's fast i do like the controller i especially love i've mentioned this before but this this tool sends edge controller with the back paddles and these dome sticks i highly recommend this to anyone especially if you play like shooter games oh it's so So good for the shooters. um But yeah, I love the PS5. Great games, great console. I played a lot of good stuff on there. Of course, Ghost of Tsushima, Legendary Edition with the Iki Island on there. Beautiful graphics and fast super fast loading times, of course, with that SSD.
Um, and yeah, I played that. Yeah, those, those loading times are unbelievable. Like dude, like Spider-Man is ridiculous. Dude. I remember when they showed, like when, before the PS5 was out, they're like, here's an example of the loading screen. They showed Spider-Man where instead of having the subway is just And I was like, there's no way that's that quick. And now if we've gotten spoiled to the fact where if anything takes five seconds to load, you're like, why is it taking so long? They had options. They had options in some games to make the loads longer so you can actually read the loading screen because they need like tips. Spider-Man in particular had tips in the loading screen, but people couldn't read them. Like, that's insane. It's just, yeah I don't know. I think I really love it. I
I think we've come to a point where it's between generations that the increase in power and what games look like it's going to get smaller and smaller between generations because it was such a big leap between the PS one PS two to PS two to PS three that whole those generations we saw such a big leap and it's only going to get smaller. That's technology in general.
Yeah, which is well, yeah, it's becoming kind of the iPhone thing where it's like incremental upgrades each time, which is fine. I mean, especially if you just want up, you just want quick. It's like with the pro, i the price sucks. But it's if you just want quicker and better than that's what it's for. But I honestly and that's where Xbox has done things right by basically making everything compatible with each other. Like It sucks that when you got the Series X, you basically it was just basically a faster one. It had the same UI, it had the same everything. It didn't feel as good getting that as the PS5. When you turn on the PS5, that menu, it's slick. It looks so nice, or that UI.
but So Xbox, it it did kind of suck that it was bear. It was basically like the excitement of getting a new phone or effect. You upgrade your iPhone. It's the same thing you like. See, like, oh, it's a little quicker. But then you're like, I just just an iPhone. It looks exactly like the old ones. So, yeah, I understand that. But I i mean, I do think the PS5 is ugly. I'm sorry. But it it is a great console. and Yeah. It's a great console. The only real problem with this generation is the kind of Jim Ryan of live service and sequels. That's really all we've got in this gen. And I would love to see more new IPs. But the console itself, you can't fault the console for that. The console itself is very quick. It's very strong. It's it's a sweet console. And ah then, yeah, the DualSense, if it weren't for the elite controller on Xbox, the DualSense would be my favorite controller because that controller
If it feels good, the rumble wouldn't actually utilize the edge. I do not have the edge. I recommend it, dude. I was so that's really good with the kind of the with the way Xbox has been kind of treating their console lately and and not really caring for it anymore. I might end up be switching over back to being a primary on PlayStation, which I haven't been since PS2.
Because if I get the edge and it's as good as the elite then because that's the only reason I'm still doing that Yes on Xbox because the elite is so good. And so if I have that on PlayStation Yeah, I might not have the need to be on Xbox anymore because so I might try for that like 30th anniversary one just cuz I would want that one but and But yeah, it's the ps5. Yeah with that with the edge and the speed and all that it's great console so it's not it's not my top five but it is a fantastic fantastic console one last thing one last thing before we finish the show off and this is going to be a discussion for a later date but i want to put it in our minds i was thinking about this hodg you brought up the live service i really think has free to play games like fortnite have they done more harm than good
Yes. To and to video games in general. That's really it's just an interesting question. I think we could might maybe do a DLC episode on that where we yeah have a little debate about it. it's Yeah, it's definitely it's definitely more black and white than yes or no. So yeah yes and no, I would say. So yeah, that'd that'd be a fun conversation to have at some point. I was thinking about it this morning, actually, when I was out running. Yeah, we'll we'll add that to the doc to be an episode later on, for sure. Yeah, because that that is that is an interesting question and discussion to have.
We could it is. All right, boys. Well, that was that was a really great list. Great time. Some great consoles. Great experiences. I also want to give a shout out to the personal computer, the PC. This is not a console, so I didn't include it. But if PC was included, it would have been in my top five. It would probably be like around three ish, because I do love me some PC gaming, especially back in the day. I played a lot of Age of Empires and MMOs and stuff on the PC.
Great time. Shout out to the personal computer, PC Master Ray, stand up. um I might be switching a lot of my stuff too. We're talking about switching over from Xbox because Xbox has been giving up, throwing in the towel a bit. um I might be switching over to Steam a bit. I'm going to start buying more games on PC. But anyways, guys, I think this has been a fantastic episode. Why don't we go ahead and wrap it up, shall we? Let's go ahead. Sean, my friend, final thoughts for episode number 17.
Fabulous episode. I love talking video games with you guys. I look forward to this every two weeks. like I really, really look forward to this every time we do this. And I love talking about consoles. So much nostalgia. I'm such a memories nostalgic guy that like this really like I want to boot up some of these old consoles right now.
No doubt. yeah when you oh Yeah. Oh, no. Sorry. I guess this will be my final thought. When you talked about having the CRT with the NIS, I was like, I really need to do that when I get my own place again, have the CRT set up because it like it truly is. it It looks better to play these old consoles on a CRT than it does on an on a new HD TV, which is crazy to think about. But on a CRT, they look like they belong there. And it's it looks awesome. So I kind of want to do that.
The TV that they I'll take a picture of next time over my parents house. The TV that they have set up is the one that they they bought in like 1999. I remember it all they bought it in 1999 because out they moved they the CR TV that was like in the upstairs room to the basement. And now that TV is in the basement now. But if they might have to keep in this, it's for the and NES. It's for the Super Nintendo. That's awesome. Yeah, that's I love that. I love that so much.
Yes, sir. So is there any other final thoughts? Are you you satisfied on that? No, that's good. All right. We have my final thoughts. As always, I echo what you guys said. It was a great time. I always look forward to getting together, talking about these games and having some nostalgia. The only thing I don't super look forward to is having to edit and upload and do all that stuff. But hey, it is what it is. These videos got to get out there. but ah But yeah, great time, great consoles. Thank you guys so much for your support of our podcast. Leave us likes, leave us comments, subscribe. ah It really does a lot. We are a small and slowly growing podcast, so your support is is magnified by a lot. So thank you, everyone. ah This has been Games Over Plastic episode number 17, and we're out of here. Bye, everyone. Bye. See ya.