Episode 146 - Friday Night Sippin' image

Episode 146 - Friday Night Sippin'

The Malting Hour
44 Plays7 days ago

This week Brandon and Tony play catch up after taking a week off to sample some beers they recently acquired.

Beers on this episode:
Pilot Project Brewing - Standard Goods Lager
Transient Artisan Ales - Transient Blue Hawaiian Smolverine
Hop Butcher For The World - The Mind Breaker
Hubbard's Cave - Catacomb Master

Theme music provided by Myke Kelli (@mykekelli)
Outro music provided by @FluidMinds
Check out all our episodes at www.themaltinghour.com

I think we used it. No. No. No. No. I don't remember, but I know we did.
fuck you oh
I'm ready whenever you are. this week we catch up after taking a week off by sampling some random beerers is episode one forty six
Welcome to the Malting Hour. I am one of your hosts, Tony Kolek, joined always with... Brandon Winninger. Welcome back, Brandon. Thanks. Took a week off. Yeah. You know, sometimes you need a week off. I mean, not you. I just, in the royal you. Like, like people in general. Yeah. You as in me and you. I was a riot fest. Yeah, I was going to say that. And we didn't plan ahead. Although you had a good idea. We should have done it after the final pour. Yeah. That would have been good.
Yeah, I should have had that idea before like 11 o'clock on a Friday night when you were coming. home she has done that like Yeah, man, I'm ready for bed. and That day, I wore like my Adidas flat shoes. Yeah. So it was the first time in my 40s where I was like, my back is killing me. Yeah. So for the way west for the west of the show ah that weekend. For the rest of the the days, I wore my Adidas running shoes that have support in it. It's very comfortable and my did not bother me at all. Good. You know could you have those shoes because of all that running you do. I know. i mean Well, I have those they but they have the best support. that's yeah While they are running shoes, I definitely do not run.
I do walk at a steady, quick pace, especially at Riot Fest. I basically parked where we were parking, for the most part. Oh, did you end up driving? All three days, baby. Nice. Because I was like, I really don't want to deal with Ubers at the end of this. And I was going to do the original plan that we had when it was to go to Goose Island. Yeah.
i was like I'm doing this on my own. I don't think I need to go to Goose Island, start there, because I know if I saw Bourbon County, I'd be like, oh, I'm thrived as we go. Yeah. Except for Bourbon Coney. Well, I'll take a flight of all the barely stouts you got. And then I'm going to take an Uber, and I'll be fine. I'm going to be there all day. I would have died. um Who's this guy sleeping in a port-a-potty?
Yeah, so I pretty much in the same area. Saturday and Sunday parking was really easy. I think that Sunday would probably be the easiest. It was. And plus I got there early. You got there early? I got there was there at 1 o'clock to see Stack Squatch. Oh, nice. Now, I wasn't there early, gate like finding out that the gates were not being opened. Yeah. But like when I saw that the gates were going to be open, I was like, uh. And I kind of was like watching the forecast and the radar. I was like,
I want to catch Sasquatch. I need to leave in like 20 minutes. And then even if they say that it's going to be delayed again, then I can just hang out in my car. Yeah. You know, it's going to be, or go find, or go walk to a place and like grab some food. And that's why it sucks that Lagunitas is no longer there. Um, it just, it would have been kind of funny if you did go there, the gates weren't open and you're like, Oh, I just chilled my car and you fall asleep.
Wake up. It's like 6 o'clock. Oh, I missed all the bands I wanted to sing. So I take it you didn't run into Ron then? I did. Well, we were texting and we didn't end up crossing paths. He kept telling me where he was at. He's like, the way he was describing where he was at didn't make sense. Because he was only there to see Slayer, I'm sure. Yeah. And then I forgot when I posted, I for i left out Slayer. on that day You missed the best band that day. i'm like We literally talked about watching Slayer and like that's why I was going this entire weekend.
What are you talking about, man? Take it easy. Take it easy. Yeah, we didn't we didn't end up meeting up. I ran into one of my old roommates from about 15 years ago. My friend Paul and some of his friends are my old friends. and Hung out with them with so for Cypress Hill. Was John Brady there at all? He was not. No, I couldn't make it this year. ah But it was funny running them during Cypress Hill because I don't particularly smoke the weed, but they do. And they had some, and I partook during Cypress Hill. There was a time to do it, and that was it it. It feels obligatory, you know? Cypress Hill was was great. like That was one of my favorite performances.
I will say that I think overall Rob Zombie was but hands down my favorite performance. like Nice! yeah and I got up real close. Yeah, I do. Um, I don't know. Our friend Joe Steigerwald was giving away two tickets for Sunday. And I, I originally was like, I might be interested. And then, um, he's like, he messaged me and he's like, you want them? They're yours. And I was like, well, let me check with Becca. And then I was like, dude, I kept looking at the weather. I was like, I don't want to get potentially sick. I don't want like, like, I was like, and, um,
I mean, I have like this guilt that comes ahead of the time I need to be guilty. But I'm like, I already know I'm going out. of We're going to the Great American Beer Fest. And yeah I don't want to just pull another like, see ya. Yeah. Somebody will do this. Bye. Yeah. But I mean, I probably could have made it work. She ended up they.
Benjamin had a birthday party that he went to and was funny because Becker was getting ready to leave. She's like, what time should we leave? I was like, you should leave at this time. She was like, you're not going? We had this conversation. I was debating going to Riot Fest on Sunday and you asked me if I wanted to go to the party. That's when I told you about Riot Fest and you said, well, I'm just going to assume you're not going and just RSVP for me and Benjamin. I said, okay. She's like, oh yeah, I forgot about that.
but Okay, it's fine. So I stayed home, watched the Bears game, you know, but not much of a Bears game, but yeah, I i was checking the scores while I was at the, at the, let's say the game, I was checking the scores while I was at the show and it was not, I was doing much better in fantasy football and that's all that matters for me right now. Yeah. I saw a thing, like some rumor, I don't know if it was on Twitter X or whatever. We're maybe on Facebook, but I remember that the Bears tried out a bunch of people for the offensive line this past week we really to try to get new people in there. I'm like, are they doing like that old school shit? Like, wasn't it like the Eagles or they just had open tryouts yeah and like, that'd be awesome everyone and their mother. anybody can come in yeah Yeah. And then they chose Mark Wahlberg, the movie Invincible.
I couldn't remember the name. I knew it was Mark Wahlberg, but I couldn't remember. I also only know that because it's the only movie I've ever seen. Made you cry. Yeah, I cried. It's the only Mark Wahlberg movie that made me cry. No, I was working at a place that had me working in San Diego to move back to Chicago and this was like in December of like 2008 ish and or 2007 and I lived in San Diego for a month and coming back I was gonna come back around Christmas time like that's when we were done but like everybody had their flights booked differently like in me and this other woman she and I our flights got cancelled
And so they were struggling to find us ways to get us home. We're like, we need to go. It was December 23rd or yeah the 22nd. We need to go home. We need to be home for Christmas. Yeah. And so they they ended up putting us on flights first class. Oh. Yeah. So that was the only time I ever flown first class. And I watched Invincible. And I was drinking Jack and Coke on the plane. Nice. It was good. I didn't really need to like rush home, but it was good to be home. Yeah.
Well, I mean I would feel the same way around the holidays. Yeah, give me home. Yeah Well that being said and this is happy holidays. Yeah, I'm the malting hour This is the malting hour and we are drinking a beer. We are drinking Standard Goods lager You know, why did why did I it's part it's a pilot project. Yeah, so it's a standards good lager Standard Goods lager 5% ABV. There's no information on it, but it is from pilot project and And I don't know if it was made here or in Milwaukee. I'm going to assume here, since it was part of Rachel's beer box. I would assume. August beer box. What do you think of this? I like it. I actually really like it a lot. It's a good lager. It's got all the characteristics of a lager. The aroma was great.
Obviously, it was the first thing I did was went in for the stuff. I'm like that smells like beer. I love and and I know we've talked about this, but I do love that so many Like more local breweries are getting into like logging. Yeah um and doing it really well and in like, you know, no knock against like Goldfinger who's been like killing it. I love that band though. Metro. Oh, you're talking about the brewery. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry, I thought you were talking about California Punk Scotty from the 90s. Um, but like, you know, so Goldfinger, you know, has been doing loggers really well. Like we had Metro. Dovetail. There's just a lot of Dovetail. But I'm just so glad that like so many more places are starting to like do it and they don't suck. And that's awesome.
There have been, I remember when Revolution first released Cold Break, I was like, was it cold time? Cold time? Cold time. I think it's called, all right, I'm gonna check this out. Somebody, we really need to get a Clark back here, and I don't know if it's definitely, definitely not Hugh Clark.
ah how kind How come I can't remember this? I've bought it so many times. Yeah, cold time. It's cold time. Cold break, colds something different. Cold time, lager is really good. I really like that beer a lot. but I remember when I first came out and I was like, eh.
It's a lager. Yeah. But, excuse me, I have been... Coors Light is still like pretty much a regular beer in my refrigerator these days. Yeah. It's just an easier beer to drink and um I feel like it helps me... Oh my god, why is there blood coming out of that elevator, Brandon? What are you watching?
We are watching The Shining. I feel like also just not not that I need to buy the macro beers, but drinking more lagers actually gives me more appreciation for like different IPAs or hazy IPAs. Instead of like, oh, I'm just drinking hazy IPAs all the time. I'm like, I'm missing what is being presented to me because my taste buds are yeah just shot. And I feel like that's...
that's kind of been what I've been going for like especially if we go out and stuff like that like I just don't I don't necessarily want I mean I love love the big beers but you know like I've scaled back significantly on my drinking like I rarely rarely ever drink like Monday through Friday unless we were recording or something um and if we like go out Go out for something you know it's a guy over a blogger or like you know just like a regular IPA and said I'm not searching for the for the big stuff I love the big stuff but it's just like during the week I definitely don't want to do that so. Yeah it's a it's nice to have the variety.
um But you you said something that made me think. So you said you have Coors Light regularly stocked in your refrigerator. Do not tell that to Shalonda. I saw that. Yeah. the Well, now I gotta change my this is my approach, unfortunately. The Molson Coors supporting a project. 2025. Yeah. Stupid. Dumb. Guess no more blue mooning Coors Light.
Yeah, dude I don't even know when the last time was I had a Blue Moon. um I had one in Michigan with Clark. Yeah, I don't hate Blue Moon, but it's just like, you know. Now that they see support Project 2025. Yeah. No, thanks. Yeah. You bunch of little Hitler beers. Yeah. get You guys gotta get on board 2026 project. Yeah, that's our project. Shut the fuck up and just make beer. Yeah, stupid. Brandon, how many standard goods are you giving standard goods? Sounds like something you have to select in Red Dead Redemption. We do like to pick up standard goods. Checking this part of the magazine for your standard goods.
ah to um I'm four and a half. Yeah, and they give it like a four point three. It's a really good lager and five percent Which I know is like I guess it coolers light is like four point three. Yeah Okay point seven can't really tell a difference but lower ABV fine It's really good. It's really refreshing. I could drink this all the time. I still love the I'm wondering if it was it had to be Coors, the story about like when my dad and my uncle, they were kids, and I think they drove to Denver. And um wherever they were, they stuck, or they drove to Colorado, I think it was, and they stocked up on a crap ton of beer. And wherever they were that they bought it, they were driving home, and they realized that it was,
I don't know if it was a dry county that they bought it from, but it was it was all near beer that they bought. So it was like below 3% or something like that. My dad, I remember my dad saying, he's like, I thought I had a fucking heart attack. He's like, Fiona, your uncle, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You know, go, we gotta to go return this shit. And they were like.
15 hours away like almost home like yeah, whatever it was They were like just about home, and he's like I'm gonna go return this shit. and They're like no dude. Whatever just drink more of it Yeah, like you know that's really funny. Yeah That'll get you. That's olive oil. Yeah, all right all right Peter professor McGonagall From Harry. pot Oh, yes. Yes. I saw that so today. Oh an asshole. i Like i literally her name was just in my head and then I just lost it. Uh, Dame. Do you know? Go for there it is. Yeah, Dame. Dame it. Dame it. What was her name? Dame it to hell.
Now I got to Google it professor look That's the first thing that came up. Oh Maggie Maggie Maggie Smith. Yeah, sorry Dame Maggie Smith um And since we're talking about the dead, this is the first recording we've done down here in a while without Aggie I know all right P. We've lost our third member Yeah, I'd literally I was I was telling Becca weirs upstairs that like this is gonna be the first time we record in a long time with that egg. She's like oh And she's like, what's what's the deal? I'm like, she's on like almost every episode. She's like, really? I'm like, yeah, I hold her almost yeah half the time because it's either that or she just like cries the entire time. Or she's agreeing with the things that we're saying. Yeah. Or she's getting drunk. yeah yeah Whatever. i I gave her a lot of boos when you weren't there. I actually apologize. We killed the fucking cat. Probably shouldn't have done it. Yeah, I'm going to miss Miss Aggie. She she was great. She's a sweet little cat.
I will say it's it's ironic that Shotzi has become more lap cat. I was talking about that with your wife. He said, how is she doing? it's like I think she's silently celebrating to be the only cat in the house. And I go, that was spooky, because spooky when our our cat, Sweepee, passed away, spooky, it wasn't even a phase. She was just like, this is cool. I'm here. This is my house, bitches. It was it was kind of funny when we took, I mean, it wasn't funny, but we we basically knew that morning that we were going to do, it was on my birthday too. Yeah.
Um, we knew that star birthday we knew, we knew that morning that we were going to be doing that because I came, I came downstairs because normally she would stay in the basement at night. We have to keep, we had to keep the cat separated because I'm shots. He had special kidney medicine.
and could not eat the shit cat food that we had to give Aggies right to try to keep her weight up. And I came downstairs and the Metallica poster that's now hung on the wall was over here before and that had fallen over. And then there was a bunch of filters that I had lined up. Those were on the floor. I'm like, that's weird. So I start picking things up and I expected to see Aggie on the couch where she normally was if she wasn't at the top of the stairs.
And I was like, Aggie. And then I just heard like the worst cry I've ever heard from her. I'm like, that is a, and I am not OK cry. So I ran upstairs. Like, I'm an asshole. I didn't go check on her. I ran upstairs. And I was like, back up, Aggie. And I came running back down. And she was dragging herself. And I was like, oh, maybe this is the same thing that happened before. But I'm like, how long was she there? Was she literally on the floor all night? like And I felt like like an asshole. but um So we took her upstairs and we put her in a cat bed upstairs, like by the back door. Cause normally throughout the day, cause she's upstairs during the day, she would lay there, like lay right in the sun and we put her there and she didn't even try to get up. Like she started to and then we fed her and she was eating and everything like that. But like she just couldn't get up and wasn't even like trying to fight it. So we just literally picked up the cat bed and brought her in the car after we dropped Benjamin off at school. Have a good day. Yeah.
Yeah, it was it was really weird. But anyways, and so Becca stayed home with her with the cat and I took Benjamin to school and I came back and we got her and then. Yeah, it was just very, very weird way to start the day. And your birthday, no less. Yeah. So, you know, cried a lot on my birthday. Yeah, I'm sure of it. Yeah. know It was pretty sad. RIP, Aggie. I'm one of the greatest cats I've ever known. So in her memory, what are we drinking next? We're going to drink whatever the hell you pull out of the refrigerator. So there's, I know there's two in there. So these two beers that I brought ah are,
I kinda held onto that much, you know. Sometimes I'm bad at that beer that you're holding. If you wanna read it, you can. That is from the trip I took with Clark, up to Michigan. This is from Transient. Yeah, it is a Blue Hawaiian Smulverine, sour ale with pineapple, lemon, and key lime juice, coconut milk, vanilla ice cream, and lactose sugar. Get ready to live.
You had it? I have. Now, I also had it when I was up there. So I don't fully remember, but I remember the color. Is this the one that he sent me a picture of? Yes. It's bright. It's probably bright blue. It looks like... What would you... I mean... I have no idea. It looks like... I'm trying to think of like candy or something. You know, remember the gummies when you were a kid that were the sharks?
Do you ever see those? Yes. That's what the color is of this, like a blue turquoise. It's bright blue, yeah. Okay. That smells really good. I mean, the color is ridiculous. It just looks insane. I don't know how they got the color in there. There's literally big blue chunky floaters. Hell yeah. And I want to i want to say that that look it looks like coconut flakes.
You know they used to call me that in high school. Really, dude? Big blue chunky floater. You weren't in my grade, though, dude. That's true. They're like, oh, there goes big blue chunky floater. That's what they would say to me.
People are assholes. That's interesting. I don't hate it. It is... it's I'll tell you this. And it's saying saying I don't hate it doesn't mean like that i I dislike it in any way. It's it's so different.
They have other ones as well. Like they had a bunch and this is the one that Clark wanted to get. Like there's another one that has pineapple, pineapple, pineapple. Jesus. I love pineapple. Pineapple, Michigan, tart, cherry and orange. with vanilla ice cream, coconut milk, and lactose. This must be like a pineapple upside down cake with ice cream or something? There's one with blackberries and blueberries, it looks like. There's someone who did a YouTube video. I don't know, did it say what the ABV is on this, or? I do not see it, but that's also me.
ah Let's see. Yeah, because this is the blue I can't really shit. I got it. Blue Hawaiian small brain. Thank you. Oh, it's only four and a half percent. Oh, nice. I wanted to see what the other ones were. Blueberry. There's blueberry crumble. Oh, dude, I've I feel like that one is sour blueberry vanilla graham cracker and lactose. The there's a lot of crumble beers that we've had that have been really good. Yeah. I want to know how they're doing it. Yeah. I want to do that shit.
I still, like when I think about all these like food-esque beers, was it two years ago when we did the, what's the series from Cruise Blanca called?
yes the it's not like i wanted to say luchador right but that's what they are that's the master yeah yeah um but there was like ah like a key lime pie or something like something that they did i think dan brought it and it was fantastic that was like one of my favorite beers i believe it was clark who brought it because he oh yeah yeah yeah he bought all of them that year uh yeah the color is just insane for this like yeah i want to say like It kind of reminds me of like a like the blue Hawaiian punch. Yes. um But it's really smooth. the The sourness on this, I think, is perfect. I am. Yeah. it's it's and And it's not too sweet, too. You know, it's like coconut, vanilla ice cream, and lactose. yeah It's not like overly sweet either.
I will say that this one I kind of wish we got. Bon-pop smoldering, blueberry, raspberry, Michigan tart cherry, and key lime juice within the Mivadilla ice cream and lactose sugar. So I would say for like how over the top this is, pretty good. Oh, agreed. Like I don't... I like it enough to want to try the other ones. Oh, yeah. You know, and for what this is, it's it's creative, the color's crazy,
um Yeah, I do nothing about this. Clark knew all about these. They had all of them up and I didn't, like I didn't even know what they were. I just said, oh, there's some sour eels. Cool, there's different ones. So I didn't even know anything about the beer until we got back to his house and he's like, okay, let's try these.
And so we tried one, I mean, but we had already been, you know, transit. It was like our second to last stop of the breweries that we went to. So that was, that was, I grabbed the, oh, and I have, I brought the other beer that I brought today that we're not having on this episode is also from transit. So nice. Yeah, two beers. Yeah. So, uh, how many Wolverine claws are you giving this beer?
I'm going to go like three nine, three eight, three nine. like that That's what I was thinking. I'm thinking three eight, yeah three seven even. Not in a bad way. No, no, no. It's just not like, I think it's a great fun beer. ah Creativity wise, I think it's like way up there.
This is a, it would be a one and done for me. Absolutely. I can't drink a full morning. No, and it's, that's, it's the beauty of having a podcast where you share beers with your friend and you're not forced to drink the entire thing. Although sometimes when people leave, they leave beers that still have beer in it and I feel guilty and then I drink them all and then my heart stops for a while and he's dead and then I order pizza yeah at three in the morning. Wait, what? He doesn't call me about that.
Because I'm up eating pizza by myself. And actually, I stopped doing that. Yeah, I haven't done that in a long time. No, no, no. Not to order a pizza, dude. Like, literally drinking the leftover beer. So I'm like, yeah. Like, when we're done, I'm usually like, I'm done. There have been some good beers at the end of episodes where I'm like, oh, man. Like, oh, good. There's some left. I want more. Yeah. Like, ah I'm pretty sure a Krampus episode, there was that. If we do stouts and stuff like that, like, I and there's like enough left, I'll throw it in the fridge. I'm just like, I'll literally throw the fridge, I'll drink it tomorrow. Like. There was something that, this is an embarrassing story. There was some barely aged out that I had opened up one late night. And I decided to go to sleep not realizing, oh, I had some left.
This is like a Saturday morning I woke up. I don't know what I was doing that day. Some of those left and I was like, so I kind of cleaned it up and I was like, yeah, fuck it. And I drank it and I was like, ah didn't need that. yeah I didn't need that at all. Why did I do that? ah But you know, I didn't want the, it was a good stout. I don't remember what it was, but it was a good stout and I didn't want it to go to waste. i I mean, I know I have 100% done that after an episode, that like if we recorded on like a Friday or a Saturday, I'll come down in the morning and I'm like cleaning up and I'm like, well,
I'm not gonna dump it it's like it's just enough it's just a little bit less than a taster I'm like rip just throw it back and like like all right it's probably not the best way to start my all right guess I'm gonna make myself a cocktail yeah a breakfast cocktail I know where this day's going now like I also um the other time that I did that was after my birthday when everybody had brought a bunch of like barely aged beers over for some reason like it was the first time ever that having a birthday like all when all the beer friends came over it's like normally it's just okay we're just drinking beers and hanging out but Ron had brought a bunch and anyways a bunch of a bunch of beers but I remember there being
a dark lord or two that were sitting out that were not finished and that morning I'm like cleaning up and I grabbed the dark lord bottle that's half full and I said I don't give a shit I'm putting this in the fridge and I will drink this that later that night and I did I actually blended it I think with another stout or something because I was like This is not going to be great flat. And it sat out. I'm like, but I don't want it to go to waste. So I blended it with some other stout that somebody had given me. yeah Not a barely stout, but I was like, oh, this is good. It's adding like a soy sauce. I mean, bourbon flavor to it. It did not taste like soy sauce that night. Um, not obviously not. I think last year when we had Benjamin's birthday party here and and I've, I've had this, this conversation with Becca, like with, like when we were having his parties here, we were having these conversations and I was like, Oh, we should put some drinks out or whatever. She's like, it's a kid's party. I'm like, yeah, you don't know my family. And and I was like, and the friends that we're going to invite, like she's like, but we don't know. We don't have to. I'm like, so so the compromise was, I was like, look,
People ask, I'm going to tell them where it is. like They can get get it themselves and whatever. I said, but I'm not going to tell people no. like If somebody asked me, hey, do you have any beer or something like that, I'm not going to tell people no. but So that was the party that I think Ron showed up with ah some bottles. And I know like Jim Mojo was here, too. And like they were all point. and like But I i had made that like id said, I was like, I'm not going to drink during the party.
So they poured me, I think there was like two or three like tastes that they poured me. They left it for me. And I literally saved them and it was like six or seven o'clock that night. I like pulled them all out. And I think me and Becca's dad like sat there and shared them. That's awesome. Yeah. That was a good move. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, no, I don't think we, no, I didn't share it with him because he had, he was, Oh, that's right. Yeah. He was drinking with us. That's right. Mike was there too, I think. Yeah. Mike was there. Yeah. That's funny. Well, yeah, it's, it's, I mean, yeah.
that is the nature of our our friends they like to share bottles like that when it comes to well and it was and it was funny because then we started going to like before that party you know with benjamin's daycare we were going to other people's parties that they were having at their houses and like everybody was drinking and i took i just literally looked at bec i was like do you want to drink she got like a white cloth like it was like Children's parties. I mean, growing up, though, too, like, you know, we had parties where it was just like kids and like the adults that came would like be upstairs. Yeah, they were doing their own thing. And like my mom would be downstairs with all of us like doing. Yeah, that was how i was with my family was like. I mean, you know. And I mean, and it could be different, like from where she grew up. But I was like, I don't I don't ever want to tell people no. Yeah. You know, I just I want them to feel like and I don't want them to feel like, oh,
You don't, you know, I can't have a beer here, like, nah, you can have a beer like you. Brandon became such a square. Yep.
Well, that being said, I think this is the perfect time to listen to one of our sponsors. I think you're right, Brandon. Even though they don't sponsor us, they just insert the ads and you get to listen to them. Insert it, baby.
And we're back. Welcome back everybody. We don't really have an idea of what this episode is called. well We're just drinking beers together. Friday night sippin'. Friday night sippin'. I like that. That's the name of the episode. Friday night sippin'. It is Friday night. It is Friday night. I've been confused all day thinking it was Saturday. It's a good feeling. Chicago Public Schools, we're off.
So my wife and I had made the decision that we're going to basically take off whenever he's off to do stuff. um Today we had no plan, really. um the The only plan we had to talk about was like, hey, let's do the Halloween decorations. So we had done that. And then we were down we're after we had done that, we came down here and Benjamin and I were playing.
He was supposed to be playing video games. And then he gets like, if he loses, he's like, you take it. Win it for me. And I'm like, all right. So I'm familiar with that method. but We did some Mario Kart. We did some some go old school Xbox 360 Ghostbusters. um And then he was like, like hey, dad. I'm like, what's up? He's like.
tomorrow's another weekend. I'm like, what? It's like tomorrow's another weekend. And I'm like, what are you talking about? I'm like, it's Sunday. No, it's Saturday. I'm like, yeah, tomorrow is the weekend. He's like, but today's Friday. I'm like, yeah. He's like, why am I not at school? I'm like.
Dad, I should be at school. You messed up. Teachers didn't want you there today, but they wanted to keep working without kids there, apparently. You didn't get stuff done without you. Yeah. So, but yeah, it was like I was throwing off all day. And then even like we were driving, he has hockey on Fridays and we were driving and like, Beck was like, I keep thinking it's Saturday. I'm like, me too. That's nice though. It was Labor Day weekend. That's when I felt that last. It was like, oh man, this is so nice to,
Like have Friday, like Friday I think we had like kind of a half day. And then Saturday was nice, Sunday was nice. And then we got to Monday, like that weekend was kind of blurry. It was just like, I did a bunch of stuff, but did very little. And it felt like an actual relaxing weekend. And and then on Labor Day, I was like, yay, it's like, I know I already went through Sunday and Sunday I kind of took it easy and hung out.
But it's Monday, it's Saturday. I'm going to have some drinks. Yep. Stay up too late. So I came to the realization the other day. So we're going to a great American beer festival. We will be there Thursday through Sunday. Be there. So I took, um took Thursday and Friday off. I was like, cool. And then I had the realization. So my company does this awesome thing with the first month of every quarter.
So October would be the first month of the fourth quarter. The second Wednesday is always that we call it an unplugged day. everybody in the company is off. That's awesome. Everyone just don't work rough. And I was like, that fell literally. That's awesome. So you have Wednesday off as well. So I got Wednesday off. And then I was going through and looking at Benjamin's schedule and I realized I had to take indigenous people's day off. I took that off. And I was looking at my calendar and I'm like, that's the Monday after we get back from Green America. I'm like, I literally just gave myself
and and six so six break I Six day weekend. This is awesome. Yeah, that'll be awesome. That's nice too. I mean, we come back. It means I'm getting fucked up on the plane ride. Oh, don't do that. I'll be with you. You're getting fucked up too. so My liver doesn't want to do it. ah Yeah, I...
I like that we get back somewhat early. Yeah. I'm very happy. Yeah. It's like the early flight sucks, but the fact that we get back so early is nice. Once we land, it's like, who cares? Yeah. Then I have enough time to like take a short nap. Sorry, I have a pencil in my mouth, everybody. Take a short nap before football starts. Yep. Yeah. It'll be good. So that being said, we have cracked into a new beer.
We have? We have. Oh, this was the small mar rain stove. Nope. We are drinking from our friends over at Hop Butcher Brewing. Hop Butcher of the World. The Mind Breaker. Mind Breaker. HBC 109 Simco and Rawaka Hopped Triple India Pale Ale. Triple. Jesus. Clocks in at 10 and a half percent. Jesus, man.
Well, you're gonna be really fucking surprised with the next one we have. It's a triple IPA as well. Whoa! Friday night, baby, we're doing it! I guess it was a good leader, man. We did these nice light beers and it's like, fuck you guys, we're closing it out. So I almost bought this beer recently. Did you get this for your birthday? I did. Nice. Have you had this yet? I had one, yes. What do you think of it? It's nice. Yeah. It's not my favorite hot butcher beer, though.
No. yeah i did The smooth rain was sweet, obviously. I did have water. I drank some water. Had some pretzels. Had some pretzels. We kissed for a little bit. A little bit. But no tongue. No tongue. I was really hoping. God damn it. Sorry. of the first That's a very weird thing to throw in there. Sorry, everybody. That made you uncomfortable.
um it I don't know, there's a bitterness to it at first that I was like, ooh, it was kind of off-putting. But now that I have had more s sips of it, it's I don't have that. I don't, for the hot butcher beers I've had, which I've had a lot of them, this is okay. yeah But it's not, i don't I mean that in a shitty way, it just for me. No, I still, I enjoy the beer. ah when I like it. When I had it the first time, it was it wasn't right at, it wasn't on my birthday, but like I think that weekend,
I last weekend maybe I think I had one um and I had the whole thing but I it took me a while to get through it and um I liked it then I was like oh it's it's good and I kind of have the same feelings now there's just something different about this and I don't know if it's the hop combination or what that just is like
I feel like with a lot of hot butcher beers, I can have it and be like, that's a hot butcher beer. yeah This one is just like, it's it's a it's a an IPA. I don't feel like it drinks like it's 10.5%. No, really I will give it that. Also, it's bitter. There's just a bitterness that I don't expect from these, from hot butcher beers like this. Yeah.
If you guys don't know, hot butcher beers tend to be, you know, their IPAs or double dry off IPAs or triple IPAs normally are very hazy and cloudy. I mean, they do have some pale ales and IPAs that are clear. They also have stouts, barely stouts, things like that. I think I've done a barley wine, but...
This was just kind of unexpected, just as it was for Danny here turning the corner and seeing two twin sisters in blue down the hallway. Maybe that's why they call it the mind breaker, because it's going to break your mind. Dude, just the way that Danny's mind is being broken right now, in the shiny, because he saw these girls in his vision and now he's seeing them in real life. Poor kid. but yeah ah Oh. Oh.
and yeah
I would love to see like the behind the scenes on this to see like what the kid actually saw. Like, did he see two girls standing at the end and he had to be like that or? I think so. And even then, like, kudos to that kid, man. Good acting. For sure. I'm glad you decided to put on a spooky movie as we approach spooky season. Actually, as this episode's being released, it's October 1st, baby. September 30th. First season's Tuesday.
I'm releasing this album, or album, I'm releasing this episode on Tuesday. ah Yeah, well, it's the end of September. um Did you have any, did you have many Oktoberfest beers this year? I don't think I've had any. I had, well, we had one, we had... Oh, yes, from Rachel's Box. Yeah, what was it called, the... Where's that card, it's right there. Fart-toberfest. Suck, no, I'm not, it's not suck, I'm joking.
Uh, it was a solid mouth beer. Yeah. October face. October face. Yeah. October. Get out of my face. Yeah. Um, didn't care for that one. Yeah. Yeah. I had that. I've had Rev's October fest. I have a couple of those at home, sit in my fridge. I saw it and I was like, it was on sale. Two bucks off. And I was like, cool. And so I had one that night. I was like, Oh, great. I'm like, I don't want any. I have had officially, well,
I've had one already with Clark, but officially... Pumpkin beer? Yeah, I had one of the Sam Adams Jack-O's or whatever they're called. I mean, at this point, it's literally... Now's the time. Yeah. And the weather's changed. It's changed here in Chicago. I will say that the Sam Adams pumpkin beer was really good. Ooh. So I kind of... mentioned Yeah, I think I'm gonna buy some pumpkin beers this week and start stocking up.
Maybe you want to check. Like now I'm like, what is Sam Adams bringing? Oh yeah, that's right. To. I actually have it. Gabbyff. I wonder how many pumpkin beers are in either. Oh geez. How many pumpkin beers you're giving GABF this year, dude? Oh, I wonder if you can. You can sort by style. Well, yeah. Damn it. But is pumpkin beer style? Uh, spiced.
Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's the thing about Sam Adams now is I can't just search Sam Adams and be like, because it comes up. Oh, Samuel Adams. Sorry. You idiot. ah So their lineup is. good to todayday Boston, Boston Lager, Oktoberfest had that cherry wheat had that American light. Not had that.
ah And Sam Adams and funky town collab looks like oh, yeah, that's right because they won funky town one. Yep ah Just the haze got that for yep, Sam Adams and outlander brewing um collab farmers fortitude Sam Adams Jamaica way IPA Oh, okay. Sam Adams in Schneider, Weissfest Lager. Oh. And something called Adapius. Adia. Oh. I think it's pronounced Utopius. Oh, yes, yes, yes. I wonder if that's a special tapping, right? It probably is.
ah It's not tagged as a special tapping. Cool, so we just says some utopia um and then they're going to have So the Oktoberfest, the American Light, and the ah FestWise ah the the weiss festweis logger are going to be in the themed beverage bar as well. So that's going to be in the Prost area.
They're gonna have like a whole Oktoberfest area. That's awesome. Fast. We should spend one day just there the entire time. Yeah. Since we didn't go to Germany this year. We didn't go to Germany. Cousin Kevin and his wife are gonna be doing Oktoberfest. They might actually be in Germany now.
I saw that i hate him the ah Michael Palin, the purveyor of Microphone Brewing, was just in Munich, ah gallivanting around, doing some stuff. but and he It looks like he went to Oktoberfest.
And you and like I always say I want to go because like, oh, ooh German style at Coberfest. That is a style. Okay. gro There is a lot of beers. Also, how come I've never sat thought of sitting like this ever? Oh, I've done it. Yeah. Just so right now is I have my legs stretched across these seats here. I'm sure you guys care. And there will be karaoke again, too. Yeah, I think I'm going to sing What's Up again.
Maybe he left that same girl there that was like, you're the best. Lady, lady, please. I know. I thought about that. I was like, do I just sing Four Non Blondes again, right? I think there's going to be people that ever remember like, oh, that was the guy that crushed Four Non Blondes. What's up? And he chose the same song. No. What a loser. I mean, what a cool, cool, cool dude. Brandon, what's the name of the spear again? The Mind Breaker. How many broken minds are you giving this beer, buddy?
Uh, I'm like three two. I'm like three four. Okay. It's not a bad beer though. Like if you gave me this blind taste test, I don't know if I could pick it out, but there is something about it that I don't really care for. Yeah. Maybe it's because the triple IPA.
Oh, let's see how the next one goes. Bring out the next triple IPA.
and I was going through all the streaming apps recently and looking at all the horror movies that are available. I'm pretty excited. I've not seen the new Alien movie, but it is about to be available to stream and rent on October 15th. Right around the time we come back. o You may want to pour yours first, sorry. I was going to say, or you want to dump that? What are you going to do? Oh, I got all that triple IPA going to waste.
Brandon, I bought this when we celebrated your birthday at Hubbard's Cave. Nice. I tell you this, I'm looking forward to going back and having that steak chimichurri sandwich because I haven't got that out of my head. Dude, it's so funny. Ever since that came out, like literally, that's all I've gotten every time I've gone there. Really? Yeah. I dry so much. and And so for my birthday, like I went and I had... I don't...
I don't eat a lot when we go out anymore. Like I usually like half all my stuff. Yeah, that's what I do. But I had like, I had like three or four bites and I'm like, it was so hard for me not to finish that. so It looks so good. I wanted to actually steal it from you. Yeah, it was, it was fantastic. I did like lick lick that sandwich before you boxed it up. You should have. I mean, I'm serious. I licked that sandwich too.
Thought it tasted like a Tony a little bit. We're getting real weird on this episode. All right, we are drinking Catacomb Master from Hubbard's Cave. It's a triple IPA. And there's nothing about it online.
It's just a freaking triple IPA. It's just a freaking beer. Uh, it is a, it does say juicy double IPA three and a half percent, and three and a half, nine and a half percent. Uh, I have had this, uh, it's funny when I checked it in. Oh, okay. And I thought that was lower. I like my check-in with, this is the last one I had of it. So I've had this for a couple of weeks now and I've slowly gone through it. Um, I love the aroma on it. Yeah. It's very tropical. Agreed.
um The can art is also badass, but it's like a metal album.
it's it It's a really good beer. like i'm comparing it I feel I don't want to compare it to the last one because they're two very different beers. um Is this one if you were given is this well, I don't know. I feel like this is a triple I feel like but this was like hazy Yeah, and that's funny because this one this is kind of is and this one on there. It says it's a juicy double I've juicy Yeah, it's funny because this is No, Juicy Triple IPA, my bad. but it but And I feel like there is now a fine line between Juicy and Hazy IPAs. Yes. So fine that they're basically the same thing at the time. Absolutely. I will say, I know we're not trying to compare, but if you gave me blind tasters of these two beers before we even knew it, like we knew which one was, I would have chosen this one.
as what, like a favorite? As the, yeah, the one that I like. Yeah. It's just, I don't know, there's like, there's this nice like tropical flavor to it. Yeah. It would be a nine and a half percent. Sorry, everybody. up you It's almost like this, if, if I was on vacation and I went somewhere and ordered like a tropical drink. Yeah. And, and they told me they were like, this was a, you know, ah a boozy drink with a bunch of different juices in it. I would believe that.
Yeah. Well, it's just funny. I thought we were going with the same. Like if you're sitting outside on a sunny day and you want something tropical and fruity, this is what you're drinking. A sunny day in September or October. Drinking sunny day. I do love those sunny days in September or October though. I do love sunny days in October.
Yeah. Today's weather could ease a little more sunshine. But it it was nice. Very nice. Like, I put my hoodie on thinking it was going to be cold when I left to to come over here. Yeah. But still it's still really nice. Like, tomorrow it might rain. Just go apple picking.
So, do you want some apples, buy some apples for your buddy? I do. Benjamin did, i say or two they did, oh dude, so probably we'll have to have a conversation with his teacher. So they did a whole Apple thing this week. Who's dating his teacher, bro? Yeah. um So they they did a whole Apple thing this week and she sent out an email over the weekend, like his teacher's awesome, um very communicative and like,
you know, just tells us what's going on with class and what's, you know, if something goes on with Benjamin, but like it was, um, What does she say? Oh, you know, this week is Apple Week. And then a list of like, if you could, could you donate these things? And it was like two jugs of cider, yellow apples, red apples, green apples, dried apples. So i I went on Amazon and I just bought like a case of dried apples. And I was like, here, take the whole case. And like we send it to them. um
And then Thursday, I didn't know it was going to be on Thursday, but they did. They did the whole thing on Thursday. And then Benjamin came back. We picked him up on Thursday. I was like, so how was it? How was the Apple stuff? And he was like, oh, yellow and green were my favorite.
like They were, why is it? Because they were sour. I'm like, OK. But then, like apparently, he had a scoring chart that he was supposed to do. And he put that he didn't like the yellow apples. I'm like, what's wrong with you? What's going on? um That doesn't make any sense. He said you didn't like it. But you said it was your favorite because it was sour. Anyways. Sounds like he follows my reading skill. So that's not that's not that the point of the story. Well, part of it was we sent the we sent him with the dried apples. And his teacher emailed us and was like, yeah, he didn't touch them.
And I was like, oh, I knew he wouldn't like he's got this thing of like, he thinks in his head. He doesn't like it. If he if he thinks in his head that he doesn't like something, he won't try it. Yeah. um Although today we were like looking at all these, he was looking at all these pictures of him when he was younger and he's like, and there was a lot of stuff of him eating like random like salmon and all this stuff. He's like, what am I eating? And Beck was like, that's all the food that you like.
but you won't eat now because you think you don't like it." And he was like, really? So maybe we can start trying. Anyways, so i I said, Benjamin, did you have apple cider? He goes, yeah. And I was like, what'd you think about it? He goes, it tasted like beer. And Becca goes, did you did you tell that to your teacher? And he goes, yeah, I told her it tasted like beer.
She's like, oh, great. Now they're going to be like, why is there something that this tastes like beer? Because dad likes beer and it looks like beer. And I'm sure that's what he fucking... but But then I thought about it and I was like, maybe it's smell or maybe it tasted like what beer smells like. like could Cause if somebody brought him, like, if somebody brought them, like,
Fresh like you know unpasteurized apple cider. I'm like, there's a chance that there was some fermentation happening in there and thing maybe did they they boozo like man They got all the kids drunk. I don't know. Whoa That's cool. But no, but it was it was funny. like that was awful point of the So DCFS is on their way. Oh, yeah love That's why we're moving and ah cool Yeah, I'm looking forward to getting some cider because I've been on TikTok. It was great because I used to have all these like cocktail recipes popped up. Yeah. I was like, oh great. And I followed a couple of them because, you know, just like any other social media app, like, yeah, you can like all this stuff, but we'll never show it to you again. Facebook is the fucking worst. There's, dude, I never see any posts from anybody. It's always like, here's a suggestion to follow.
Like, why would I follow? You're just going to keep suggesting to follow something else. I'm not going to see what I've already fucking followed. And it was the end of my rant. There's Tony's rant for the episode. It's been a while since I had a rant. There's my rant for the episode. I saw this. I've seen all these old fashioned recipes for like fall. There's like a banana bread one where you get like banana liqueur and then walnut bitters, chocolate bitters, red other bitters.
and obviously bourbon. And it just sounded awesome. I'm like, I want to try that. And then I saw this. I saved it. It's got apple cider. I don't know if honey was involved or what. I forget all of it, but I was like, well, I like, and I actually, I actually like drinking apple cider. Like, yeah, it's kind of one of those things where I feel like it's ah really refreshing in the fall, like a refreshing drink.
out and i mean Lately, I haven't even been drinking like coffee that much in the morning, which is probably why I'm always tired. But I was like, I should cut back on some of my vices and caffeine's one of them, idiot. I love the way that like fresh cider, like a little bit of fresh cider tastes, which thing in the morning. It's just something about it's like, I have a little sip of that and then I hop in the shower and brush my teeth and get my day going.
Yeah, I just got an email i and I was tempted to do it. I haven't committed, but like, um, no brewing just released their cider by again. Oh man.
really in it is end Well, you here's the reason that I don't think I'm going to do it is because. The first time I made Apple cider, I think we did it on an episode. Yes. Where I made hard cider, did an episode. It was great. And I feel, it was, it turned out good, but I just didn't drink it enough. And like, I make these things thinking like, oh, my wife's going to like this. I'm just going to drink a lot of it. And she didn't. And I ended up dumping it. And then I did the cider by. Yeah. And made it turned out good enough. And it was on tap for like months. Which is when, which one did you bring over to my house for Halloween?
That one, but that was right after I'd made it. Didn't that one, like, did that go or? No, I think I ended up dumping that one too. Oh my god. I'm like, I can't. Braden, I need you to brace yourself. For the next two hours and 33 minutes, we have a wind advisory. 25 to 45 miles an hour. Oh. Dude.
I'm just gonna have to go and deflate my thing. You might want to do that. you might Sorry. I might be in a tree in the morning. Yeah, don't do that. um Yeah, so like that's like i I really like I love the simplicity of so you making ciders. Yeah, that's delicious. But yeah, I just can't do that.
I'm thinking about doing, excuse me. I mean, I don't know if I'm going to do it by the end of this year, but I'd like to do a like three, two or three gallon batch of something. so Yeah. Yeah. What I, I keep seeing, and I think it's cold break. Um, I think it's cold break that has these, um,
I think they might have one gallon kegs, or two gallon kegs, or maybe three, these smaller kegs. And like, I have, um like that one, that I think. One gallon? Yeah, that one, is it a one gallon? The little little guy? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I've got that too. I want to do that again. The problem with that thing is, is so the,
the line that comes with it, you literally only get less than half of what's in there yeah you can' in the line sets. And I can't find I keep looking, but I can't find it anymore. There was a thing on Amazon. I went back to like that product listing and I was looking at stuff because I was like, this is just weird. Is anyone else having this problem? And some guy had posted on there that he went to Home Depot and bought a food grade pipe. I can't remember the size of it. I guess I could just literally just take this cap to Home Depot and cut it and it was just a ah long stiff pipe that just goes to the bottom and then gets you everything out of there because I've even tried to I did my my dip tube on there my floating dip tube and I put weights on it and like tried to get that and then like it just Doesn't take it and I'm like
yeah So I was so annoyed with that thing, so much of the fact that I don't even know where that thing is. Oh, it's probably over there with all the rest of the stuff. But anyways, yeah, so it was like just pissing me off. Like I couldn't figure out like how to figure this thing out. um But if I can find like that food grade pipe and do that, like I think that would be a good solution to do like one gallon batches and that would be perfect for cider. or if like we wanted to if you and i decided to like brew something together like we could brew like two gallons and we split it like oh good now we've we've brewed this together and you know now we have this by the way i found the recipe i was talking about oh you want to hear it real quick sure it's a tiktok
you're not gonna fucking say what's in there do I have to say what's in it lady okay so thought you I know I thought you they get into talking about I know I thought she was about to I'll just read what she it looks good ah apple cider bourbon caramel sauce, cinnamon, shake it up, rim the glass with some caramel, some cinnamon, throw the ice, strain it in there, you can add cinnamon sticks and actual apple slices and she drizzles caramel sauce across it. o I think I sent it to you. I may have, I think I've sent you a couple bourbon ones recently. I'm sorry I hit you with the audio, I thought she was gonna say something. the I don't know if you I got that one, the last one I got was the maple,
not maple, um Are there pecans involved? Yes. I don't know what it was. It also sounded good though. Yeah, it was like the... Maybe it was like Babel Pecan, something like the old-fashioned. um That one sounded good, but the thing that I do want to try is the coffee. Yeah. with The coffee liqueur type thing. It's crazy. Because basically you're just infusing coffee. You're steeping coffee into bourbon.
then straining it adding vanilla beans and letting it sit, right? Yeah. Was there anything else in there?
He caramelized brown sugar. That's right. Yeah. And that also went in there as well. Yep. So brown sugar, vanilla, coffee, bourbon. Yeah. So I was thinking, I was like, oh, maybe I can use, like I've got ah my toddy cold brew machine. And just get a fresh filter and like just do that. That's a good idea.
um I don't know if I necessarily need to do that, but I feel like it would make the whole like um process for straining things so much better. It's funny because as he's doing that, the other person was doing it, I was like, oh yeah, I actually have all those things. But it was funny because he he put a strainer, then a coffee filter, and then another strainer. I'm like, what is the second what is the top strainer doing? Absolutely nothing. Or or're even the bottom strainer. The bottom strainer's not doing anything. I think just to make sure 100% that there's no Once you put a filter down, so but with the with the toddy that I have, and that's how I do my my cold brew when I make it at home, there's a cotton filter, and then there's a bag that goes inside.
and then you dump in your coffee grounds and then you dump in your water and then set that for 24 hours and then drain it. So the same thing I could probably i can probably do that for um the bourbon as well. I was thinking about, like I've got this Jim Beam. I think I'm gonna buy one of the little things a bullet and do it like what they had. Yeah, I mean, I was like, I was like, oh, I can do what Jim Beam was like. no i think i I'm not going to do a better one. yeah i think do a little little bullet and like I think that one will turn better than like the stupid bacon washed one that I did. like And I still got that bottle of wild turkey, yeah. drink it again some time ah and didn't After the final pour. Oh god, you're you are off dude. I haven't been off for that long, have I?
Yeah, we got that taken care of too. I was going to say what I was going to say before I realized the mic was off is that I wonder if we could do like a, we do a football thing, maybe Sunday, uh, use a little bit of that bacon wash bourbon.
and try and make a old-fashioned with it. But instead of doing like simple syrup, you still have that bourbon maple syrup, right? Yeah. Use a little bit of that. Didn't we do that? Isn't that the whole point that I made that we made those? Is that why you did that? Did we make those old-fashioned? I think so. I thought we did, and like it was just like... I just remember trying it. I don't really remember having it as an old-fashioned.
Well, we could try it again. yeah know I mean, that thing's been sitting there in the fridge for a while. And I still got the the maple syrup. I think probably down there. It is down there. I've seen it numerous times. I'm like, I forgot about that. I do have Luxardo cherries. But anyways, regardless, I'm i'm down for that. All right, this has been a great episode. But I feel like we actually got a chance to sit here and and catch up. And you know what? If you guys found it boring, well,
you how How long you been listening to this podcast? you know Sometimes we ramble, sometimes we don't. Sometimes we plow through it. Other times we take a week off and have a lot more to talk about. Yeah. Maybe this needs to be an every other week show. You know what? It's not terrible. If it gives us more to talk about. It's true. Well, but the only thing is is that we do that. Then all of a sudden we'll be like, hey, you want to hang out during the week? Cool. Then we're going to hang out. We don't want anything to talk about on this fucking podcast. Yeah.
They can only see the funny memes we send each other. Oh, the tic tacs. So many tic tacs. Anyway. So on this. This is what we're drinking. On this camera. We're drinking Catacomb Master by Hubbard's Cave, which I don't think I said. Yeah, you did. This is Hubbard's Cave. OK. How many Skeletors are you giving this, based on this bad ass? This is like a perfect Halloween beard. I'm going to go solid four.
I did 375 originally on untapped. I'm going to bump it up to three nine. Okay. I like it. Cause I just don't really like triple IPAs anymore. I don't think there's just too much going on there. No, there are some triple IPAs that I really like, but I don't need a triple IP anymore. Yeah. I don't know. I am. I'm trying to think in my head, like, does it, does it taste like I like the tropical
Are you okay you having a stroke? friend friend I liked it. But anyway, what I was trying to say is like, I don't, like, I don't, there's, I don't seek out triple IPAs. ah Although I didn't know it was a triple IP. This, this weird local brewery, um,
Down the street for me. They they had a triple idea. What was the name of this brewery? I don't know like New Irving brewing or something i Talking about old Irving. Oh, yeah, those old guys ah They they had one I think that I tried I had like a five ounce pour of it and it was it was fantastic and Triple B's are really good. Oh, dude. Yeah, triple B's is like the shit.
But there was something that I had. I don't think it was Triple B's or it was just another Triple IPA I had. And I was like, this is really good. like you know And it was that one kind of bordered on. I feel like if my memory serves me correctly at this stage of recording, like another one that was like orange juice heavy and like just like delicious.
I remember um pause or to pause you know and unmute my mic. I gotta stop putting food in front of you. Dude, I was hoping there was cheese balls. oh no dude The fucking thing about the cheese balls is like I was cleaning the bar like a couple weeks ago, like a week or two ago, and I put them in my office.
And then I was sitting there like working and I just realized I'm like, cheese ball, cheese ball. And then I was like, oh shit. There's only like five left. Cheese ball. I kind of want to go to Menards this weekend so I can go grab some cheese balls.
Dude, and then we got these from... These pretzels? Yeah. No, I got the the cheese balls from Sam's Club last time. And it's about the same price. as I'm pretty sure Costco has it. Oh, I'm sure. I'm a Costco guy. I gotta get the cheese balls. you got Do you get the cheese bake when you shop the chicken bake when you shop? Double-chunk-chunk-dokey-booby-boo-boo cookie. I'm like...
Is Costco like sign off? Like these are your reps? Like these guys you want? Like they're just getting all the people that are trying to sneak in and get your food. Like hey I got a shot there. Double chocolate chunk chewy chicken chicken bake cookie. I don't think I've eaten from the last time I ate from a Sam's Club food court. I think was in Hawaii. Of all random places.
Hey, I'm on vacation in Hawaii. Let's go to Sam's Club and eat some food. Go to Sam's Club and go try some of your food. And I think we did that because like we, you know, when we had gone in the past, we go and with my in-laws, we they they book hotels that have full kitchens. So awesome. We go and like stock up more than you need to. And I'm like, dude, you do not need five frozen pizzas because you're not going to eat them all. I would.
and like And I told Becca this too. I'm like like, I'm on vacation. I want to spend money and go eat at places. And so like I think we did that a little more last time, so we didn't waste as much food. But like during this food trip, like I got a kid that needs to get fed. And he was like, I want a hot dog. And I was like, shit, I'll get a slice of pizza or whatever. So we did that. And that food's not bad. That's a bummer. What's a bummer?
I'm all for a joke. I did this all for a stupid joke.
That's all I did it for. I totally missed i miss everything. all i knew the I left off at five frozen pizzas, and you don't need five frozen pizzas if you're not going to eat them. No, that but that was the point of the story. was like we We went shopping like when we first got there. and Do you remember what you had at the Sam School? I think it was a slice of pizza. like Benjamin needed to eat. so Oh, that's where that's what I said, oh, that's a bone off.
No, and I think we got, and I actually think we did, um, we may have actually ordered a full pizza to go. I think maybe we took that back to the, to the place and we stocked up and then, uh, yeah, but we did some, some, we did a lot of eating out, which was great because. That's what you do on vacation. Dude.
I mean, i don't I don't take this lightly, although it was funny with Benjamin. like I don't take this lightly. like The fact that like my in-laws have worked so hard to like be like, hey, come to Hawaii with us. like So we do that. um And then they broach the idea of us going again this summer.
and i told Benjamin, I was like, hey Benjamin, would you want to go to Hawaii again? And somebody goes, huh, I guess. Sure. I'm like, what? Like, whoever is just like, it's not like ah you can do this all the time thing. It's like, this is like, ah this is it, man. Yeah. This, this might be the last one. Like, uh, but it yeah, it was kind of funny. was It was like, yeah, sure. I guess. I'm like, okay, man, Chuckie cheese. Yeah, sure. I guess.
No, he gets more excited about Chuck E. Cheese. That makes sense. He is, you know. Like, either at the point where like I get to say, you want to go Chuck E. Cheese? He'd be like, fuck yeah. And I'd be like, we don't say fuck. He'd be like, F yeah. There you go. That's what he told us in the car today. He's like, if you don't want to say the F word, you can just yell F. Just yell the letter F and go F yeah. I'm like, how about you just don't think about that word? You don't need to think about the word yet. And then he goes, he goes, yeah. My teacher said he got to swallow it.
That's awesome. Oh man, that's hilarious. ah That's good shit, man. Yep. I was trying to think, oh, ah Costco pizza is very good.
I'm pretty sure I've had it in the past. I used to be a Costco member. There's a guy in my warehouse every now and then. He's a Costco guy. He gets the double chunk chocolate dookie poopy cookie. Why do they have a poopy cookie? I don't know. He'll go and he's like, hey, I'm going to grab a hot dog and a slice of pizza. I'm like, you don't need it. and I didn't say all that. and like It seems like a lot of food.
But hey, Tommy, you don't need it. And he's not. All together, it's like $4 for that. Oh, yeah. It's a hot dog small drink and the giant slice of pizza. And the first time, I was like, oh, just grab me a slice of pizza. It's all right. And then the next time he did it, I was like, you know what? Grab me both. And I did. I did the slice of pizza. And then I saved the hot dog for the next day. It was great. Well, you didn't take the hot dog and wrap the pizza around it. And then just what you got to do is you take the hot dog, shove it in the chicken bacon, wrap the pizza around it.
And they need it like that. Has anyone done that on TikTok? Oh, of course they have, my friend. I was going to say, if they haven't, there's your niche. If they haven't, I'll be right back. I'm pretty sure Costco closes in about 20 minutes. I think they're already closed. Brandon, we did a good job. Yeah. Some fun beers tonight. No stinkers. No stinkers. Now, if you had to.
Again, as you all know, this is just the way we feel right here, right now. Doesn't mean any of these beers are worse than the others, but it was our selection. What do you rank in these beers? Kind of remember what we had. We had Standard Goods Logger from Pilot Project. We had Transient ah Blue Hawaiian Smolverine. We had Hot Butcher Mindfucker. And then we had Hubbard's Cave Catacomb Master. Um, oddly enough, I think my favorite of the night is going to be the standards. Really? Yeah. Interesting. I think so. Okay. I don't know. I don't know. Dude, just, just go with what you want. I don't know. Dude.
I don't know. Dude. um I'm trying to remember in my head how I rated them either. i'm Like I don't remember because we drank a lot. um Not that much.
So actually, let's start from the bottom. So I'm going to go with the mindbreaker at the bottom. I'm going to go second to the bottom is the smelverine, I think. Is that December 3? Yeah, and then you know what? I'm going to go standard logger and then the catacomb.
I am with you except I swapped Catacomb and the standard lager. You put that one first? Yeah. Yeah. but It's a tie for me for both of us. Yeah. I'm with you. I feel like you and I make that a tie. It's just because both of them are really good. Those are my favorite beers tonight. And again, that hot butcher beer isn't bad. No, not at all. It's just I didn't... mean Oh, geez. i didn't I didn't like it as much as I wanted to. Yeah. Well, that's okay. All right, Brandon. You have anything else you want to talk about?
Uh-huh. Uh, no. Not this episode. I've talked a lot. Yeah. I love you, man. Love you too, man. See you next week. Bye. We bring the boom. That's what we do. We bring the boom. We bring the boom to you. We bring the boom. We bring the boom to everyone. We bring the boom. Your favorite father and son. They're going to sue us.
This has been The Malting Hour. Be sure to follow us on all social media by searching The Malting Hour and at themaltinghour.com. You can also follow us individually on social media. Brandon can be found on Instagram as bmdub81, on Twitter, bdub81, and on Untapped as bdubdrinksbeer. Tony can be found on Instagram and Untapped under Ace of Hope Chicago. On Twitter, The Ace of Hope Chicago. Clark can be found as Clarkowski on all three. Dan can be found on Instagram as hip underscore underscore hops and to hip hops on YouTube. Be sure to subscribe, like and rate the show on your preferred podcast listening platform. Until next time, cheers from all of us at The Malting Hour.