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After The Final Pour - S10E01 - Hubbard's Cave "Rum Barrel Aged Banana's Foster" 2024 (feat. Matthew Mauldenhauer) image

After The Final Pour - S10E01 - Hubbard's Cave "Rum Barrel Aged Banana's Foster" 2024 (feat. Matthew Mauldenhauer)

The Malting Hour
56 Plays2 months ago

Happy New Year! What better way to kick off the new year than with an adjuncted barrel aged beer from Hubbards Cave? We're joined once again with Matthew and a very special guest at the end of the episode.  

Beer description:
Rum Barrel Aged Imperial Stout with Cinnamon,
Maple, Vanilla and Bananas.

Thanks to Kevin and Deb Goggin for the theme song.
Outro music by Fluid Minds
Check out all our episodes at


Introduction and New Year's Greetings

Are we recording? Well, just now. Okay. I didn't get the fact that you're an idiot and sufferable. Happy birthday! Wait, no, that's what Frosted Snowman says on Christmas Day. Sorry.
Happy New Year! Welcome to the Molting Hour and one of your hosts, Tony Golic, joined Always With. Brandon Winningger. And to my left and Brandon's right. Matthew Molten Hour. Matthew. Could you say welcome to the Molting Hour or after the Final Four? Welcome to the Molting Hour. Welcome to after the Final Four i brought to you by the Molting Hour and one of your hosts, Tony Golic, joined Always With. Brandon Winningger. And to hit my left and his right. Matthew Molten Hour. Welcome back Matthew. Thank you. Happy New Year.
Happy New Year. Oh, I'm excited for this one. 2025, my back hurts. 2025, I'm still alive. This year, I am smart. Yours, what? And I'm not insufferable. I'm stupid and I'm unstoppable. That is our quote for the year. I'm an idiot and I'm unstoppable. I'm an idiot and I'm unstoppable. Well, someone's an idiot. I'm an idiot and insufferable. Rough start to the new year. How you guys doing?
Lovely great um I'm pretty Predicting that January 1st is still good. I'm hoping I'm hoping that when this this is coming out that everything's still good Everything's okay that the world still exists.

Irony of Dry January with a Stout

I hope so I mean we we are recording this after we did the multi so technically it not new year, but it's a new year for an episode. yes And what better way to start dry January for Brandon than with a big barrel aged stout. Matthew, since you had the joy of pouring it all over the floor, what are we drinking? ah We are drinking Hubbard's cave 2024 barrel aged bananas foster imperial stout. I'd like to thank you for pouring me a full fucking pint of this basically.
Consider it. Happy New Year! Yeah, shit.

Tasting the Barrel-Aged Stout

i't I gotta make cookies tonight, man. I'm gonna be the best cookies you ever made. That'd be a good thing I have stuff to make dinner. I'm making beef stroganoff tonight, guys. What? Yeah, beef stroganoff. It's you Helper. Did he look at you stretching? Yeah. Mike said that he was, was that a stretch meal? I'm like, technically. Hey, it's a good one. I know this movie. This movie's called Elf. Hey, you know what's funny? So I just looked up this beer. well um A brewery that we are familiar with did this same thing. ah Corporate Ladder Brewing. Oh. Did our Rome Barrel Age Bananas Fosters. It doesn't say when. I guess I can click on the link if I have. But it's a beer advocate. What are you going to say? Yeah. It was added at the beginning of this year. Interesting. Well, I got to say real quick, that that is interesting. Yeah. The aroma on this is fantastic. Oh, yeah. It's like banana.
Yes, very much. I'm glad that Trump's not here. We'd be killing him. in in the in the In the best way, but did have you tasted it? Like my first on this, so I had it on tap and this is my first time having it in the bottle.
It's banana. It's bananas foster. Yeah, there's cinnamon. There's ro like a good. Yeah, it's not like a bad fake banana. It's not runs. Yes, I was just gonna say that. There's a which I love me some runs, but I'll be honest. That's bad for me. shut up Because yeah, because I can't it's our show. We both have to talk. That's true. Because of the the rum.
I do get like a hint of runs. But I wouldn't say, like I feel like because of like the alcohol, it's it's changing the way that I'm tasting the banana. Darth Vader does like runs.
music Only on after the final pour, maybe. um But I don't want people to think that, like, drinking this, you're gonna be like, oh, it's like having banana runs in a beer. It's not. But I do get, yeah, that's what I'm saying to those people who disagree with me. It's, thank you. It's a little, there's a little banana run flavor there to me. Yeah, was I drunk as a kid? Yeah, dude. I didn't know that there was rum and runs.
There's not. I'm saying in this beer. My dad gave me these. they were so They weren't even yellow by the time I got them. They were white and they tasted great and I went to bed right after I had them. You don't already have a couple of runs. They have some banana runs. Time for bed. to Thanks, dad. um I don't know. I'm wondering if maybe it's the... maybe What I mean by that is that with the banana with the rum barrel age, maybe that's making me... It's the only thing I can think of because I'm getting a strong, like strong in a good way, rum, booze, flavor from this. And it's not warming. It's like I could taste rum. And maybe with like whatever they use for a banana, it's giving me a little bit of a rut flavor, but not like I hate banana ruts. Can't stand banana ruts. Whoa, those are the best ruts. Well, that's why you're a weirdo.
webpack Is there other kind of runs? Yeah, there's apple, orange. I've only had banana, I think. What's wrong with you? Because you like the banana. Yeah! Also, look at the look the cap there. Some bubbling. and season that on some I'm not entirely sure what that is.
I will say it's been through some shit. it hate life It tastes more like real banana than banana, right? Yeah. And by real you mean the corporate bananas that we have in the grocery store?
Corporate Bananas, man. They're the worst. I'm getting a hint of Chiquita. Yeah, a little bit of Chiquita. Got a little Chiquita in there. What are they? A doll? A doll. I was going to say, Del Monte. Is that going to be our new punk band name? What? Doll? Corporate Bananas. everybody Corporate Bananas sounds like a good album title.
There you go.

Tony's Spotify Journey and Simpsons Inspiration

Tony's new Spotify on 2025 with all of his music yeah up and running. I'm waiting to add it to a bunch of playlists. I'm already working on... I'm waiting to block it. All my playlists. I'm going to be honest, I've already started working on the next thing that I'm doing and I will name a song Corporate Bananas.
Yes, specifically for you Matthew and thank you because you you're the reason why I take royalty checks from that You are the reason why I was like, okay I should just finally do this because you had mentioned it numerous times that you would like to have my music on Spotify So thank you. How did you like how did that not even come up like I still want to deal with it I'd never wanted to deal with it Also, I sample a lot of stuff, but apparently we don't have a bunch of listeners It's a lot easier to get away with it. So I ah Like my friend Mike, who does our our theme song, a friend of the show, they, his...
his buddy Neil, they go by LSD, E-L-L-I-S, space D, like LSD. When I first saw you, I go, what does Elias D mean? He's like, it's LSD, and I go, okay, I get it, LSD. They pretty, they straight up, I don't know if I'm spilling the beans here or not that anyone's gonna listen. I know, there it is, I started updating it.
ah They sampled the Beatles happiness is a warm gun and it's on Spotify. Who did? The LSD. see lastd And for the listeners and what is your artist's name on Spotify? Asafelps. It goes the same thing at the end of the bumper. A-S-A-P-H-E-L-P-S. Where does that come from? so soon Thank you, Brandon. Asafelps was one of the It was the last flying hellfish to die before Burns and Abe Simpson. They were the last two. So Ace of Helps died. And then the art that they stole and the treasure that they got from World War II, I believe, that they all decided, the help the flying hellfish decided the last person to live gets all of the treasure, which is a crazy thing to think of. um
They were the last two left and so it came down to like Abe Simpson and Burns like going after each other and trying to kill each other. It was a good episode. So I chose Ace of Elps and there's a punk band the Lawrence Arms that has a song called Ace of Elps Has Died. I've never heard it but when I look up Ace of Elps it's the first thing I'm like fuck that's me.
I mean, it helps on everything. But yeah, so I'm a big Simpsons fan. I mean, my one of my first... like Oh, god damn it.
You know, I think it's still recording. Never mind. was to stupid it like what I hate is like if I pick up my phone and do something like in we're recording it says do you want to use your phone as the microphone I'm like no dude that should always be the option take it easy GarageBand and then it just like up to there it is I just spilled the beans we use GarageBand to record this yeah yeah my first like real album that I worked with a bunch of people on it's called the lonely grave of Frank Grimes and Frank Grimes is another Simpson reference he's the
character that shows up at the power plant and Is like a hard worker like it's the episode starts off with a hard life that he had like he got a scholarship he like got struck by lightning and Like not trouble a but like everything bad things happen to this guy Frank Grimes Let me like even in the the the video that they're showing on the news, like he got his diploma and a bird's like trying to take it away from him and he works with Homer and he basically just gets pissed off at Homer because Homer's a moron and walks through life and like just goes through life not caring and has the best life ever and like it calls out a lot of the tropes of the Simpsons too for like how do you afford this house
I live in a single bedroom apartment above a but a bowling alley below another bowling alley. And he's like, what do I smell? Is that lobster? Like how do you afford that? And like Frank Grimes dies at the end of the episode. Like he's just, it's just a, so I'd also use the lonely grave. Uncle Tony. Yes, Benjamin. The lonely grave of Uncle Tony. Shit. One minute.
Just read the bottom of the screen. I'll tell you what to do. Trust me. You can't read. Oh, fuck. Dude, you can't read yet? Why'd I buy all these books? He knows A and B, that's what it said on the screen. That's how he got the E-walk to glide. He's got the buttons down. Yeah. ah That's a Kill Bill 2 reference. it's why It's the chapter where Uma Thurman gets buried alive. Yeah. It says the lonely grave of whatever. And so I took that and Frank Grimes. And so that was the first like real album I did as Ace of Ops.

Beer Temperature and Flavor Dynamics

Now that we're done with that, let's talk about this beer. What do you guys think about this, Brandon? I know you've already talked about you had it on tap, and now you're having it on a bottle, and you're saying it's identical? Yeah, pretty much. I feel like the banana comes through a lot more now in the bottle.
Because I feel like when I had it on tap it was like it was cold um Yeah, this has been just sitting here literally. Yeah, it's been at like 65 degrees Yeah, which is crazy like I feel like this is a great temperature to have it. Yeah, I mean a little cooler, but Yeah, I want more of this. Yeah. No it held up really well in this temperature, and I feel like it's a the the flavors that you want are promenading out because i don't i don't know if it's because of the temperature probably but like i said when i had it really cold the the banana was a little more subtle but everything was still like really blended but now having it the banana pops a lot more um so not is even for me but still like i i don't i don't like it any less so
Yeah, I'm sorry. Do you say you want some lemon and a pint? Yeah, sure. I just gotta beat cookies tonight. That's Totally went to bed. Please give the rest to Brandon. It's his birthday gift. I bought that for him for his birthday.
That's all my good ah I I was going to call you Benjamin. Matthew, how do you worry? What's your take on this beer? What if this is Benjamin in the future and Matthew's just here, like he's just Benjamin from the future and that's it. He's like, dad, I wanted to blow your mind. This is who I turned into. Would you be excited or disappointed? Yeah, you're a good dude. So it works out really well. What if it was me? And wearing a Packers jacket. So he's still proud, everyone. oh no oh yeah
you're not my son ah Matthew, what do you think of this? As I stuff cheese balls and I'm able to swirl. Yeah, this is lovely, especially anytime bananas foster, you still get that quality and ah I imagine bananas, we've never worked as Trevor would die because of bananas. and dealers you could bananas yeah did I think you talked about that on the last Grandpa's episode. Either on the episode or when we're on. And so the same thing with ah certain Belgian yeast that have the same Chemical compound andrew and so that's why we also don't do a lot of Belgians because we don't try to kill Trevor Often we don't try to kill Trevor often. Okay, we don't so we shouldn't do a banana Krampus banana Belgian just really nos it's got to be banana bells So should we do a banana Belgian Krampus
Banana Belgian Bonanza. A Belgian Banana Bonanza Krampus. Yes. That's the malting hour variant this year. Trevor. Can I kill Trevor? no ah Yeah, I imagine bananas are definitely a hard thing to get done and get the flavor and actually have it really be pronounced. And in this aspect, you definitely, and maybe that is the temperature, it's coming out really well. Yeah.
Taking a slight break for Benjamin to explain Star Wars Lego to Uncle Tony. not sure you Tony has to edit. Maybe he has to edit. What can we say now about Tony so that he has to edit? Too much, I'm still here. He loves baked goods. I do love baked goods.
A lot of quotes about baked goods. I miss Fanny, Sam and Rose. You know what? I miss Fanny's. I miss working there. It was a great place. Like Fanny Mae? No, Fanny's was a... Shut up, I have you. You know shit. Our friend... I don't! Our friend, Tony's good friend from, you know, many years. She's a friend and she's a friend of the show. These are friends. But yeah, but you've known her for almost a lifetime. I've known her since the third, second grade. Who cares? The third, second grade.
I know it's the second grade and we talk every day. A lot of times. Thank you. anyway You can go? Yeah, so she had a a bakery in the neighborhood called Fanny's and it used to be a couple steps away right on Montrose and then they had like the floor was sinking in and all this stuff so they moved down towards six corners um and they were over there.
But they made fantastic cinnamon rolls and my wife is a huge fan of their sunrise cinnamon rolls Which was cinnamon rolls with like orange zest kind of like into it very good um and when we made our cinnamon roll stout we Literally got a tray of cinnamon rolls from them and we took four like they're massive and we took four of them and put them in the mash and and then we we mashed it, did all that stuff, you know let it sit for an hour, opened it up, ate the cinnamon roll. We drained it and then we sat there picking the cinnamon rolls out because even then it was still fucking fantastic. they That was one of my most fun.
Homebrew days and episodes. Oh, yeah, I actually want to go back and listen to that. We did we did it in the garage and it was mashing. We were smoking cigars. 2020. We've recorded. Yeah, it was during the pandemic. We recorded and and it was it was fun. um And the beer turned out fantastic. It's the best beer we ever did. And like high It was was higher than the ABV we were shooting for, so we were happy about that. and we I think that beer stayed on tap until late spring, early summer because we liked it so much, we didn't want to drink it all, all the time. like We would just do like, let's do a little pour. I don't know if there was a time he and I actually, maybe like the first time, we had a full pint of it, but after that it was like, let's just pour a little bit because we wanted it to stay. we added like
Was it Saigon cinnamon? Yep. To the actual, that were soaked in buffalo trace? Yep. And the buffalo trace went in there as well? Technically, that's the only cinnamon. Others just Cassian bark. Was that true? Yeah, as far as I know. Oh, either way. Fact check me, editor. No, Clark's not here. He's the fact checker. He does that. Then it stands. Turn it up. Yeah. I know, Benjamin. You just got to keep going. Just keep going. We're almost there.
My nephew is my godson for sure. Brandon's son wants me to help him with Lego Star Wars and I told him I'd help him. That's who you may have heard on mic. I'm the go-to guy when I'm here apparently for video games when Brandon is not going to do it. And I don't blame him. I love video games, maybe. I really, have you guys ever had actual Van Asf Foster before? I have.
I've had it once when it was flaming bananas fostered. That's not the only way that it is. Yeah, that's how you make bananas fostered, dude. At the place it was born. Oh yeah, where is that at? Uh, Brennan's in New Orleans. We've talked about this on...
Yes, somebody on a podcast. Yeah, actually, you call this old men. You're like, no, because I'm not an old man or something like that. Yeah. I remember that. That's why I don't like you old man has a good memory. Brendan's restaurant in New Orleans. They do like.
order your me And you can order a table side of the Bananas Foster's and they come and they literally make the whole thing, pour in the booze, light it on fire, do all that stuff, and then serve it to you. It is fantastic.

Bananas Foster Experience at Brennan's

I've had it a couple of times. So my my neighbor Jeff, old man Jeff, friend of the show. Been a long time since he's been on. Yeah. Old man Jeff. That's my oldest friend and Stephanie's my oldest friend.
I'll let you figure that out. Jeff and I, one time around Christmas, we made Bananas Foster, and my shit wouldn't light, and that was his. I had a video of it. It's the story of your life.
We ended up having to pour a bunch of rum in there where it finally lit, and it was fantastic. Bananas Foster is so good. Were you not using Navy String Thrum? No, we weren't. We were using Riccardi.
ahead one fifty one
It was it was good though like cinnamon and bananas I mean that's my favorite ah variant of prop the 2017 they did bananas foster and that's one of my favorite things to do when we French press Bourbon County is to do cinnamon and banana and they say they use toasted almonds too and Clark and I have done that before. You don't really need it. You want the banana and cinnamon, mainly. And like, if you get like a nice ripe, like ah about to start turning brown, maybe there's a couple brown spots on your banana, that's the banana you wanna use. And then just some cinnamon powder in there. Pour the bourbon county over it. It doesn't have to sit long. I think like 10 minutes tops. You have to let it sit there and then you pour it and it's just, it's fantastic. Yeah, I don't know what they use at like, brent cause they like pour it and then
That shit lights up like a... They use rubbing alcohol. Or Everclear. They're just like, dang. Quote me on that. Brennan's is using Everclear rubbing alcohol for their bananas foster. I'm gonna look it up. What are these? and then Tony was never allowed back in the state. I was never allowed in New Orleans ever again.
um This beer is fantastic. It's really good. I love, we've we've talked about hubbard cave Hubbard's Cave and Unani many times on this.

2025 Brewery Visit Plans

One day, you know we didn't talk about our resolutions for on the Maltese, but I think we need to make our way out to more breweries for this year, 2025.
It's been a while since we've gone to a brewery and did ah an interview. It'd be nice. It'd be nice. Live on-site interviews? Live on-site interviews, you know. Those are always fun. So I will say, just throwing it out there, Brennan's has their whole recipe on their website for their bananas fosters. And they use one and a half ounces of aged rum. That's what they do. So by whole recipe, you mean we're not going to tell you what rum.
Yeah, well that's the only, but it said, so the ounce of butter, half a cup of brown sugar, a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon, one and a half ounces of banana liqueur. Okay. um One and a half ounces of aged rum, and it says a half a banana per person. Yeah, I just, I want to make a pie. I want to make a bananas foster pie. Yes, please. I think I just got an idea for the holidays.
The layer of chocolate on taps like a Boston cream pie But as foster Boston cream pie, I just have the word play not the actual concept Yeah, I can I know a baker they might be able to help me. You know a baker. I know a baker but you do All right Brandon how many Chewed up pieces of gum, picked off this, no, we're not doing that, sorry, alpha sign. Which I think is a very funny scene. um How many nanners are you giving this one? Because this shit is bananas. B, four, seven, five. Yeah, yeah, I like that, I like that. Matthew, Mateo, Matt, Maddy. Maddy B, Maddy M? Maddy M. M&M. M&M.
Your M&M from now on. Uh, four and a half. This is, this is really delicious. I could just use a little bit more barrel, but the bananas and the flavor is just on point. Benjamin Grace. Benjamin Grace. He's like, Oh yes. That was the one thing. Yeah. I agree with that. I can use a little bit more barrel. I kind of want, I'm also congested. How much cinnamon are you guys getting? Not a ton. I want a little bit more.
I'm getting... I get it for me. i not for you i You know what? You might be right. It's perfect for bananas fast. Yeah. Exactly. Like just a whisper. Quarter teaspoon in yeah an entire tray for... Yeah, you're right. I don't need more. I just love cinnamon that I yeah just just want to taste cinnamon up in my face. No. I get it more in the back end though. Like literally sitting here talking, I've got like cinnamon essence. That's funny because I took another sip after I had asked you guys that and I got like a rush of cinnamon and then banana. I don't get a lot of barrel.
No, neither do I. but But I'm not mad about it. Not in a bad way, no. Yeah. The fact that it's just a, at that point, it's a boozier version of Bananas Foster, which is tough to do because it's as boozy as it is. Yeah. That's really good. I love it. I'm going to straight up five bananas on this. What? Nice. Five bananas, man. This is, this is like, as far as an adjuncted, barely-aged out goes,
This is up there, man. This is there. at Too bad it can't be up for the Maltese. For 2025 it can. not twenty twenty five we did episode just change the know this up this after It's coming out in 2025. So this is a part of the Maltese for 2025. I'll tell you this. December from now on.
New rules this year for the 2025 Maltese. We will start in December of 2024. No, we just make it anything after the Maltese. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Or during the Maltese. Technically, but yes. How about that?

Maltese Awards Eligibility Changes

For the Maltese? Breaking news. Breaking news. We're changing the rules. a bunch of new beers that we didn't have. Exactly. So yeah, it can be a part of the Maltese. I like that. Because you know what? As of right now, all those beers were fantastic. I put all of them on Maltese if I could for 2025. Who fucking cares? It's our rules. That's true. You're right. It's our fucking show. Right, Matthew? I guess it is. I'm going to put this beer in that I had in 2009 when my old granddad gave me his beer. He gave me this beer. It was called, uh, called, uh, Pabst Blue Ribbon. It was the best beer I ever had. It was also the first beer I ever had, but it was the best beer I ever had. Oh shit. That's a new voice. I just came over. Yeah. Who is that? I love it. I don't know. You know, we got to bring characters back. Bring some more characters back. Like that. 2025 we're bringing more characters back.
Matthew, you'll be on a boat tomorrow. Can I come back? Because I really like it in the show. You guys give me fucking twisted drunk. And then, uh, you know, I don't know. There's a kid here. I was going to pull my junk out. Yeah, don't pull your junk out. What's your name, by the way? I don't have a name. You just call me that guy. You know, whatever. I'm just that guy.
I feel like Smitty would be a good name for you. Oh, Smitty sounds shitty. Oh, I love it. Shitty Smitty. Oh, Shitty Smitty. The old Shitty Smitty's here. Oh, shit, the Smitty. Headphones are on. It's OK. Headphones are on. Earmuffs. Earmuffs, earmuffs. All right.

Praise for Hubbard's Cave Brewery

Yeah, so we got our ratings there. It's a good way to start the new year. I hope Hubbard's Cave.
does this again soon? Because they've done this before, right? This wasn't the first time they did it on Twitter. I mean, it's the first time I've had it, but fantastic. Yeah. All their... like barely aged beers and they're crazy. Like concoctions are very good. Coffee cakes. um What's the other one? Coffee cakes is the pancakes one. Yep. The French toast. French toast. Yeah. French toast is very good. I mean, those are like also like heavy maple syrup and cinnamon beers, but very tasty. I used to be able to drink a whole one by myself. I drank a whole bunch during the pandemic.
I burnt myself out on them because I would sit in the backyard by the fire and just drink away. Look at that. Covid making people drink less. No. Yeah. Well, yeah. Making me drink. Drink those or just to drink less. Drinking those less. But yeah, I mean, Hubbard's Cave is just fantastic. Unani, all that yeah stuff. So I, you know, that's my goal for this year, Brandon. We're going to have them on the show. 2025.
ready But I need you to do that because you've got people you can talk to. So it's my goal. I mean, your goal. You know, Ray always says we can tap into him to talk to other people. Yeah. You know who else I want to yeah who else i want have on the show is Mashtun. Oh, yeah. I like to go to Mashtun. You should go with us. Mashtun's up in Wisconsin, near near Wirebrandon. Where are they near?
Like Geneva. Yeah, nearly lake Geneva. I mean, i we have a special guest. So they're near my hometown. I don't even know. imagine They're not that, oh, they have all these grilled cheese sandwiches too. Wait, what was it? What did he say? He was asking what's on my computer. Oh. It's the first time he's on the show.
Okay, so Benjamin is here. He's not gonna talk. He's just sitting there. It's the most quiet I think he's ever been. He knows what's happening. Oh, he's being very well behaved. What a good job.

Episode Conclusion and Social Media

What a good job. He knows that Santa's watching. Have you been good this year? Yeah. That was great. All right.
Matthew, thank you for joining us for the first after the final pour for the year in our first episode of 2025. It's been a pleasure. Well, goodness you, you're probably going to be on a whole bunch. Brandon, wait, actually, Benjamin, I love you, buddy. Love you. Perfect. Brandon, love you, man. Love you too, man. And we'll see everybody next week. Bye. Bye.
This has been The Malting Hour. Be sure to follow us on all social media by searching The Malting Hour and at You can also follow us individually on social media. Brandon can be found on Instagram as bmdub81, on Twitter, bdub81, and on Untapped as bdubdrinksbeer. Tony can be found on Instagram and Untapped under Ace of Hope Chicago. On Twitter, The Ace of Hope Chicago. Clark can be found as Clarkowski on all three. Dan can be found on Instagram as hip underscore underscore hops and hip hops on YouTube. Be sure to subscribe, like and rate the show on your preferred podcast listening platform. Until next time, cheers from all of us at The Malting Hour.