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Malted Minis - Barrio x Boulevard image

Malted Minis - Barrio x Boulevard

The Malting Hour
45 Plays1 month ago

This week bids farewell to Dry January for Brandon with his first drink since 2024.  

Beers on this episode:
Barrio - Rojo
Boulevard Brewing - Plaid Habit

Intro and outro music provided by @FluidMinds
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Introduction to Malted Minis

Welcome to another malted minis brought to you by The Malting Hour. I'm one of your hosts, Tony Golic, joined Always With. Brandon winning journey. Brandon, how you doing, buddy? Good. Good. Doing good. Good.

Post-Dry January Adjustments

Cool. Just coming off of my dry January. You know what? You're clipping just a little bit. Just a little bit. Just a little bit. Just a little bit. Just a little bit. I can see it on this end.
I turned it down. Is that better? Oh, way better. There we go. Yeah, baby. It's because you have the mic in a good position. You don't have to turn it up so loud. Well, and I think I turned it up higher last time we recorded because I wasn't I didn't realize that this wasn't the mic that was recording. it was friday computer I forgot about that. so So I was like, man, I see, I seem kind of low. So I was like fiddling with it and turning it up. And I was like, that's not changing in anything. That's very weird. Uh, that wasn't

Fundraiser for Portage Park

the issue. Welcome. Welcome back to the land of alcohol. Yep. Still haven't had a drink yet though. So that's awesome. That's awesome, man. Um, we even, we were at the Windsor yesterday. Um,
They were doing a fundraiser for Portage Park. you know I don't know if they already have one. I know they have a nature area, but I guess they're trying to build or improve the nature play space for kids. Wait, at at the actual park or at the school? At the park. Oh, nice. So one of the the parents in Benjamin's class is like very involved in the farmer's market. I think she runs the farmer's market and then runs Um, I don't know stuff at the park. So she's involved with, um, you know, that group. And she had mentioned it to Becca at drop off or pickup, I think drop off the other day. And so Becca was like, Oh, we should try to go. So we walked over there yesterday at like, you know, it was almost three o'clock in the event where we ran from like two to five. Um, so they opened up Windsor usually opens at four. So they opened up at two and we went and hung out and should have gave me a call. I would've came by.
Yeah, I didn't know. So I didn't know how many people were going to be there. We went in there. It was packed. It was like full of room. Oh, that's awesome. And saw some parents that we knew. A couple of, there was a kid from Benjamin's class was in there. So saw some folks. He was drinking bourbon.
saw Heather, ah nice um who lives you know down the block from us. But she was there too. They were there. They had you know hanging out. So yeah, we went there, played around a bingo to try to win some prizes. Didn't win anything. Played some board games. Becca had a drink. um And I was like, no, I just i don't know.
I don't feel like having a drink. And then in my head, most of the day I was like, I'm going to have a drink tomorrow night. Maybe I'll have an old fashioned. oh Benjamin went to bed and then I was just like.
I don't feel like drinking.

Weekend Recap and Responsible Drinking

I want to get up in the morning. That's good. And I woke up in the morning and I had a headache anyways, and I was like, I'm glad I didn't drink because this could be a lot worse than it was. Well, that makes sense. Well, that's cool, man. That's awesome. Yeah. How was your weekend? ah It was pretty good. ah Friday, pretty relaxed. What did I do on Friday? um Well, you know, a lot of stuff happened on Friday at work, so that was Crazy things are changing. That's in in you know in in weird ways, but you know stuff happens ah Everything's okay with me um And then yesterday evening went over by my friend my My good friends Dan and Becky had dinner there. They were making french bread pizzas. So that was fun Stayed there pretty late. I was very responsible. I was there from 4 30 till midnight and I had two
Coors Lights, one high noon, and then right at the end we had a Mai Tai. So I would say, honestly, if we're hanging out with friends on the weekend, for that like over six hours I had four, I might be missing a high noon just so you know. I had like four or five drinks. I was pretty happy because I came home and had and had another beer and I was watching TV and stuff. and I ended up getting up at like nine so I can do like meal prep today.

Cooking Adventure: Asian Noodles

ah Dude, I got this, I'll send you the video that I watched, but I used, it's this Asian, because you know me, all my food that I prep for the week happens to be Asian, I think, from whatever I've shown you. I just like Asian rice bowls and things like that for ah my lunch during the week. But there's this noodle dish that you make like basically using for, you get boneless skinless chicken thighs, you take honey, soy sauce, sriracha, fresh garlic,
Uh, am I missing anything? I think that's it. Oh, paprika, pepper, garlic, I just said garlic, mix that all up and then seared in a pan, cook it off. And then you're supposed to use like an Asian noodle, uh, that apparently was at Aldi, but I didn't see it. And you make a sauce. That's kind of the same way. And you cook the noodles. And what I did was deglaze the plant, the pan from the, the, the chicken.
added the sauce that I was supposed to do, which was soy sauce, honey, sesame oil, sriracha, and cornstarch to kind of like thicken it up. And I just, and I added the noodle soup, but the noodles that I used were fettuccine noodles. And it's dude, it's so awesome. It's kind of like pad Thai noodles.
So it's kind of like a spicy sweet pad thai. So I did that. And then while I'm sitting here, I see police lights and apparently where I'm at without giving my away my actual location of where I live ah down the block. There is a SWAT team because someone has barricaded himself in the third floor of their apartment

Local SWAT Incident

threatening to shoot everybody. Oh, nice. That's like a block away.
Yeah, ah we were coming back and I think Becca was on Facebook and she goes, oh, something's going on near Montrose and Laramie. There you go. There's there's sweat there. And I guess they got all of Montrose shut down now, too. Like, lovely. Well, yeah, that's that's what's going on right now. So as I record this, that's happening. That's cool. Cheers. Cheers. But on that man, it's been ah it's been a really great, great, great

Hot Ones Challenge Experience

weekend. um you know, we ah ah before we get into the drink, I just want to let everybody know we didn't and I do want to maybe I want you to send me a copy of the video because I want to do like a super edit that's maybe like 10 minutes long if you don't mind. Brandon and I did a hot ones challenge at Hubbard's cave. uani um This past Tuesday, and it was a
1% a hot ones challenge with 10 hot. Well, I'm sorry. Nine hot ones. Hot sauces from I don't know if it's this season or last season. I think it's this season. I think it was and Hubbard's caves hot sauce as well. I mean, this included the bomb and the last dab and Brandon and I braved it. We did it. ah We ate all. Well. I want to say we ate about nine and a half wings each.
Yeah, that last one I know you took a bite of and you were like I can't this is this might be it you Did you do more than one bite or because you took it off the bone? I mean you definitely yeah I took it off definitely have more than one bite of that wing though because you yeah I had a big I had a decent piece of it and I think I may have went back for for another piece cuz funnily like at that point like I Didn't I wasn't feeling the heat so much anymore. Yeah, same here. The the ones after the bomb is Yeah, I feel like the bomb just wrecked my mouth that I didn't feel the heat from anything else. Yeah, and I was literally just like, yeah, there's there's nothing happening. And then that's why I was like so concerned that
something was going to happen with my stomach. And I was like, you know, and I guess I was more fearful that these

Digestive Aftermath

other ones were going to be, you know, they were supposed to be much hotter. And I'm like, if I do this, like bad things could possibly happen. Yes. um But i I ended up being fine. Yeah, I was fine, too. My stomach was more upset about all the dairy that I had leading up to and then during the challenge. Yeah, I'm not a huge dairy consumer, so I was.
Let's be honest. I was gassy as hell. I was very gassy. And then the next day I used the restroom and ah you know, there wasn't a, sorry, a little graphic here. It wasn't a, wasn't a ring of fire as I thought it was going to be. So I think the prepping ahead of time was good. Bananas, two bananas, small milkshake and some chocolate milk before the actual event is what helped, but that was so much fun.
Yeah. The only thing I had beforehand was a banana and some Pepto Bismol. Nice. It's like, that's all I did. Um, I had no ill effects the next day, um, because nothing happened and then I was worried. And then the following day I finally had to relieve myself, but it was like nothing. Yeah. It's just completely normal. Yeah. I think prepping the way we did is good. And I will say this.
I will definitely do it again. Cause that was a lot of fun. It was, it was, it was, it was so much fun to do. Uh, it was fun to set my mouth ablaze. And I think we did it the right way where, well, especially there, like we're not eating a one wing after another, after another, after another. I mean, it was three, four, and are four, three, and three. So it was time in between and there was no time limit. Like.
It was awesome, but ah kudos to the guy next to me who didn't drink anything the entire time and did do the last dab on top of the last dab wing. i didn't real and I didn't realize that he wasn't drinking anything. I get i wasn't paying that much attention. Same here. Now there was I. When he announced it and I was like, oh, OK. I drank a bunch. that guy I drank a bunch of water and almost probably two and a half glasses of milk, like.
Yeah, the bomb is what killed me. And um yeah, it was it was tough, but it was a lot of fun. Anyway, just wanted to say that we'll at some point post a video of it because I think it's an hour, and hour and a half long, almost.
Uh, it was like an hour and seven minutes, I think total. And then I, I started loading it into software on my phone to start editing, but I'll, I can share the raw copy with you too. Yeah. And I'll go through it and kind of like fast forward through some parts and you don't need to see us, uh, but eating the wings, our reactions are pretty good. I'm more vocal. I think than you are. What else is new? but it was good yeah it was It was fun and and cheers to Hubbard's cave for doing it.
Yeah, I will definitely be on the lookout for that again next year. For sure. And i'd be fun just so you know, man, I've got three sauces left. I do have the last dab in or ah or something close to it in a little packet. So there are a couple of sauces in there that I do. I wouldn't mind spending twelve dollars and getting it just as a sauce. Yeah. And like I think if we do this again,
We should get stuff and like prep ahead of time, like do our own little hot wings and then not the day of, but like, yeah you know, the week before leading up to it, like do something like not as hot, but, you know, well, I mean, even this, sin so even as we get through this year, we could just do another like mini hot ones challenge with it to make it more interesting. It would be funny to like just get like four IPAs and do like four spicy wings because IPAs increase the heat.
when you have something spicy. So it would be fun to see like the difference. We're not necessarily maybe some IPAs that we already know just to see what the effects are on that. Anyway, so here you are. You're breaking dry dry January. I just saw you take a sip. What are you drinking, buddy?

Breaking Dry January

Um, also not breaking dry January ending your journey. It's February. I am, uh, drinking, uh, from Barrio brewing. It's called Rojo. It's a Scottish style Amber ale. Oh, that sounds right up my alley, baby. Um, this one may be almost two years old. Is this from Pat McHugh?
no no No, this is from, I believe I got this on my last trip to the Phoenix area. Nice. and i When I brought a bunch of stuff back, this is one of the ones we didn't get to. and I was going through ah the beer fridge today and just kind of cleaning it up um because I came down and like my wife had dumped a bunch of stuff in there. and I'm like,
No, no, this has got a lot of it didn't have booze in there. I'm like youre ruining my system. She goes, it was a mess in there. I'm like, yeah, but there's a system. So I took all that stuff out. And then I was like, you know, cleaning, you know, just kind of organizing. And I was looking at some that were like really, really old. And I know that I really have no interest in drinking. So I tossed a couple of things and then like,
There's still more I could probably go through. But I saw that and I was like, oh, that's interesting. It was going to be between this and then there was a lake effect beer that I think we've done on the show before. So I was like, I'm going to do the thing we haven't done. Good call. What are you? How are you feeling about it?
Um, it's funny. So it could be the age. It's teetering on a light bodied barley wine. Interesting. Um, I'm getting the Scottish essence that, you know, that they're playing with there. Um, so there's, you know, there's the darker malts obviously going in here. Um, I did pull up a description of it. I don't know if this is still in production, this, I mean, I'm assuming so, but it's still on their site. Lay it on me, baby.
Barrio Rojo is a tried and true classic beer in our core lineup. We made Rojo to quench the thirst of drinkers who yearn for a low hop, but highly multi Scottish ale. Sounds good. Several years after its creation, Barrio Rojo brought home a 2015 GABF bronze medal and a 2016 American bee beer fest silver medal.
Characterized by its eye-catching deep amber color and a sweet maltiness, Barrio Rojo is true to style. The first sip exposes Barrio Rojo's nuance with notes of caramel, brown sugar, toffee, and fresh ground cinnamon. This easy drinker is available year-round in 12-ounce cans, and so on and so forth. So it's possibly still available. Yeah, it might be. So everything that I said I'm getting, I'm not getting much cinnamon. That's the only thing I'm really not getting.
Well, also, it's two years old, so there's a possibility that maybe it fell off a little bit. Indeed. But it it held up really well. um So it is teetering more, I think, like I said. It's kind of getting barley wine-esque, but that could be just, though I mean, I'm getting those those notes that they they mentioned. So I think it's you know true to the taste that they were going for, but I think the aging has kind of um created a little more depth ah on the beer. how How many old beers do you still have in the beer fridge in your in the little closet there? not not not in Not in the cellar, but in the the freezer. A couple, two, three. There's a few in there, and I think
Um, I may not, no, I'm 90% sure that there's a, a crawler in there and that might be the goose Island. Oh, I'm pretty sure that that's, yeah. shake yeah I think I for sure you have a Shamrock shake left.
The only reason why I ask is that it would be interesting to maybe have an easy, and easy curated episode of just being like, maybe this is why you don't age beers, everybody, no matter how long they sit in your fridge. You know what I mean? And not it's not a judgment on that particular beer, but it's like, you know, how long has this beer been sitting around and how long, you know, and now we're we're drinking it. It sounds like a painful episode, so maybe we'll have some bourbon afterwards. Yeah, do it a Friday night, maybe Saturday night, whatever.
um What do you what are you giving this beer overall?

Beer Fridge Clean-out

um I'm going to give it like a. 375. Not bad for a two-year-old beer. Scottish Shales, especially like, you know, or Amber Ale, Scottish Shales. I mean, they're kind of go hand in hand. I mean, it's kind of funny that they call it a Scottish. What is it? Scottish style, Amber Ale? Is that what it says? Yeah. Because Scottish Shales are kind of reddish, Amber, anyways. Yes. Scotch and Scottish Shales are very tasty because I do love it. I feel like, I mean, you probably can't see it that well, but it's a little darker. Yeah, it looks like a dark. It looks like a light brown ale.
Yeah, and that's why when I poured it, it literally has the aroma of like a barley wine, you know, because all of those sugars is very sweet, very prominent. Yeah, it smells very sweet. It doesn't drink very sweet, but it smells very sweet. And I think that that kind of plays on it, too. When I'm drinking it, I'm like, Oh, this is, ah you know, barley wine territory, but a very well done beer. I would be interested.
in March, I will be back in the, the, the area. o Maybe try and find this fresh. Are you saying we might have a Phoenix episode? Probably. At least that bear. Um, I, uh, old Irving, cause we can't have an episode without mentioning older. everythingv Um, we're contractually, or was it contractually obligated?
Contract ruling? Contractedly obligated to mention Old Irving, even though we don't have a contract with him. They just released a brown ale. Matthew, thank you for not telling me about that, even though you know my ah affinity for brown ales, and I had to find out on social media that there's a brown ale. I didn't end up at Old Irving to get it. um But I will this week because my birthday is coming up this week and I'm super excited that they have a brown ale. So I think I'm going to get that and drink that on my birthday. So what I did instead was head over to our local binnies and I revisited the build your own four pack area, the elevated one, which
They're trying to sneak in some bad ones in there.

Beer Selection at Binnies

There was a triple hazy IPA from August, like first sitting there, which means it has not been refrigerated since then. ah Yeah, they said Halloween beers, which are fine because they're pumpkin beers. I'm sure they taste fine. No big deal. And then they had some one that I had one today from pipeworks. That was a grapefruit IPA that was canned. It says it was canned on New Year's Eve, which is crazy.
um It is like drinking great carbonated grapefruit with hops. Okay. It's very good. Uh, but the one I ended up going with, because this is the only beer that I'm going to have this evening because I have a very busy day tomorrow is Boulevard's Plaid Habit, which is a Canadian whiskey barrel aged Imperial brown ale, which is why I brought up the brown ale from old Irving because I had my mindset on a brown house and I should have realized that it wouldn't have been a binnies yet ah because they'll probably be at binnies next week because they just released it this weekend. We've had.
um What was that? balloon So, you know, Brandon and I are on Zencaster and balloons just came. Is it because I said birthday? I don't know.
Maybe it had to have been. I'm going to say, well, it's my birthday and we'll see if it comes back up again. ah That happy birthday. happy birthday ah Yeah. well Well, it was a little delayed, so we'll see if it comes back up. That's hilarious. um Way to go, AI. We have had one of the I think a Christmas episode, we had something from Boulevard that was from this mixed barrel age. But the tiramisu. Yes, ah that's right.
I almost got the Baltic porter that was aged in wine barrels, I think that's what it was. And there's a carrot cake one. And then I saw this one and I'm like, no, this one is very ah straightforward as far as a beer. I didn't want something super adjunct. It's funny that you chose that one. I was going through pictures on my phone and like deleting random stuff that I'm like, I don't need.
Um, and that a picture of that came up and I remember I saw it at binnies a while ago and I sent a picture of it to you and you were, that's right. You were excited about that. Um, yes. And I think that's why it stood out because I was like, an imperial brown ale aged in white ah whiskey barrels. that sounds That's right up my alley, man. So how's it drinking? The first taste I did not like. oh There was, there was something, um,
tart, but I'm also, I have a very sweet vape that I'm vaping. So I figured that's what it was. And it it is, that is the issue. Uh, it's very good. It is, let me take another sip.
Very light carbonation. It's, it's hard to tell. It's a Brown ale. But because, okay, let me read the let me read the description first. Imperial Brown Ale. Born a double mashed Imperial Brown Ale, then matured for 18 months in freshly drained 10 year Canadian rye whiskey barrels, the beer features checkered notes of rich vanilla, charred oak, warming whiskey, and spiced rye. With a lingering boozy sweetness and round, resonant flavor, Plaid Habit clearly earns its name. So with that being said,
It doesn't drink like a brown ale, which is fine. It kind of, because a brown ale, like you get like these roasty notes, which I do kind of get, but because of the barrel flavor and the sweetness and it being an Imperial beer.
The subtle nuances of a brown ale get lost, which is fine. Um, it almost to me drinks like, again, like you said, a barley do wine, which is, but not as sweet. There is a sweetness to it. That's on the Imperial side. I think because maybe the way this was stored, it kind of seems like there's like a slight bit of oxidation, nothing crazy. Um, but.
Overall, I think it's really, really good. Um, I think, so I have this, I only chilled it for a little bit. It's, it's cool, not cold. Um, it's probably somewhere in the fifties or sixties, uh, as far as temperature goes, I feel like this could be a good one to drink ice cold and then let it warm up. Like, you know, have a separate it's 11.9%. So it's like, it's 12%. That's why I said the ceiling beer I'm drinking. Um, but.
It's got a nice like light medium body to it. There's a nice sweetness to it like a caramel or caramel flavoring to it. Get a little spice, uh, from the rye, but the whiskey and the barrel and that vanilla really does stand out. It's very good. Um, this is definitely in Boulevard. We, I don't think I've had a bad beer from Boulevard and all the random stuff they do. I'm really interested in the carrot cake one. I think I want to grab one or if I, they still have the mixed pack of all these barrel aged beers, maybe just buy that and keep it on hand because I feel like the carrot cake barrel aged beer might be fun for like springtime.
I would yeah, I saw that one too and I was like that one I would I would like to try. And the Baltic porter agent wine barrel barrels. um I just wine barrel aged beer. For me, it really needs to be done right, because I like the tannins that come from ah like wine and things like that. But if it overtakes the beer like we were at Revolution. A week ago and.
for barrels of friends or friends barrels, what friends barrels, I think is what it was called, which is a wine barrel aged beer. It was kind of perfect because it tasted like a wine barrel aged beer where I was getting beer and then I was getting a wine. So it was, it was really nice, but a porter, especially a Baltic porter, which is like, it's basically like a lager porter. Um,
It's I don't know if wine barrel age is going to be good. So I don't know. But we'll see. But overall, um it's very, very good beer. Very nice. How many pairs of plaid pajamas would you give that? I'm going to give it 3.8 pairs of plaid pajamas. Nice.
Yeah. Very, very, very tasty. Um, and I would recommend, uh, anybody who likes barely beers to go out and try it as far as Brown eels go. Uh, I know it's an Imperial Brown, but I, I'm, I'm, I'm missing a bit of the, like I said, nuance flavors that I get from an actual Brown ale. So I wouldn't really recommend it to Brown ale people.
Yeah, it's a different take. you know Yeah. But like I said, it's it's a good beer overall. I was very tasty and I'm very happy with it.

Super Bowl Plans?

good i'm I'm glad you tried it because I was curious about it. so Like I said, i I don't know if they still have the mix pack. If they do, I think I might grab it and maybe we'll get some more of these together. Lovely. Brandon, do you have any plans for the Super Bowl?
Uh, no, actually. All right. Well, probably, probably swing by you. Okay. I was going to say you're more than welcome. Uh, no other kids will be here, but you're more than welcome to bring Benjamin. Yeah. I don't know. I i don't know if he'd be into it. Yeah. And I haven't, I haven't had that conversation with Becca, like, cause we decided we weren't going to do a party because we just didn't want to deal with it. Yeah.
But I mean, I mean, the party's not hard and like our house isn't a mess. So that's not an issue. It was just kind of like, and do we want to do it? then like Look at that. Even Kansas City fans don't care that Kansas City's in the Super Bowl. I know she cares. Fuck having the party over, right? I don't. You know what? Eels fans look like such pieces of garbage that I am willing to come over the Kansas city side. The only reason why I would want the Eagles to win is for Saquon Barkley. And I would want Kansas city to win because from what I've seen on social media, Eagles fans are complete garbage. They're garbage people. So I'm sorry if you're listening in Philly. That's just my view. It's not Brandon's view. So you can still keep listening to the show. I won't continue to keep talking shit about Eagles fans.
Uh, but yeah, so

Closing and Social Media Info

that's it, man. That's it for this week. Um, yeah, I think that's what I was saying. No, man. Just again, appreciate everybody listening and, uh, we'll be back with, uh, more beer drinking soon. Yeah. Next week. We're going to make some time during this very busy week that I have coming up. Brandon, we're going to talk about that off mic and, uh, we'll see you right next week. ah love you Brandon. but We do.
This has been The Malting Hour. Be sure to follow us on all social media by searching The Malting Hour and at You can also follow us individually on social media. Brandon can be found on Instagram as bmdub81, on Twitter, bdub81, and on Untapped as bdubdrinksbeer. Tony can be found on Instagram and Untapped under Ace of Hope Chicago. On Twitter, The Ace of Hope Chicago. Clark can be found as Clarkowski on all three. Dan can be found on Instagram as hip underscore underscore hops and to hip hops on YouTube. Be sure to subscribe, like and rate the show on your preferred podcast listening platform. Until next time, cheers from all of us at The Malting Hour.