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Episode 154 - The Malteez 2024 (feat. Matthew Mauldenhauer) image

Episode 154 - The Malteez 2024 (feat. Matthew Mauldenhauer)

The Malting Hour
76 Plays2 months ago

Another year has come and gone and that can only mean one thing: THE MALTEEZ!

This year Brandon and Tony invited Matthew Mauldenhauer to join them for their favorite beer countdown to end 2024.

Thank you to all of our listeners for the continued support of the show.  Without you, we'd just be sitting around drinking and not talking.  We love you all.

Cheers to 2025 from The Malting Hour.

Theme music provided by Asa Phelps and Myke Kelli (@mykekelli)
Outro music provided by @FluidMinds
Check out all our episodes at


Introduction and Mishap

What's the hats on the house got yeast and specie? It's the moment now where we talk about our drink and tell you what we think every other week. And if we get drunk, well, we might slur our speech. Got the gift of cab, the friends you wish you had. Join us for a drink. Join us for a laugh. Time is never wasted. When you're getting wasted, the moment I will hear people,
Welcome, ho ho ho, welcome to the Maltese. Fuck, let me start that over.

Panel Introduction

It's not a Christmas episode. ah Welcome to the Maltese. Oh no, welcome to the Maltese. Brought to you by the Malting Hour. I am one of your hosts, Tony Gohler. Join always with. Brandon Wininger. And to his right, my left,
Matthew Moldenhauer. Matthew, why don't you either lean in. Yeah, there we go. Because you sound like you're far away when we record. And I gotta adjust the levels up. I sound too close. You sound like you're talking over here. the Thank you. Yeah. Thank you, Brandon. You don't have to lean in anymore. He's adjusting it now. He's adjusting. OK, there we go. Perfect. All right. How's it going, guys?

First Maltese Experience & Beer Opening

Good. It's a great day here for my first Maltese. I was going to say Maltese. No, it's Maltese. Not Maltese. That sounds like the dog.
It's not about maybe our favorite. no Oh, shit. I know. What am I doing here? I don't know, dude. The Maltese Falcon. Yeah, there you go. ah Well, thanks for joining us for your first Maltese. I'm excited. Yeah, we're excited, too. When we open a beer first, start drinking. Grab a beer. you You choose it. Ah, he did. Oh, yeah. I've been excited for this one. Tell him what it is, folks our kid.

Review: Flavor of Juice Machine

So this is a Juice Machine 10th anniversary from Treehouse. Do you want to read it? There's a whole thing about the 10th anniversary. Yeah, I actually can read it. Hold on. Fuck, man. It would be hard to overstate the importance of Juice Machine to our progression as brewers here at Treehouse.
Its name was born from the namesake of our home brew set up almost 15 years ago. Originally devised when overly juicy IPA was a nessent, no, nessent. N-L-S-C-N-T. What word is that? Nessent. N-O-S-C-N-T. No scent? No scent. Dudes, I am not smart. Please don't put words like this on your can. Concept. Juice machine reminds remains ahead of its time.
Utilizing a unique hot blend, this beer is a pure... Another one? ah Cocophony? cacophony cacophony What the fuck's cacophony mean? You know what? Fuck this can. Fuck this can. Pour yourself some. You know what, guys? Too fucking long. This beer better be good. I'm now upset. Like a cacophony of things is like a whole bunch of... You can't... Okay, so you can't use the word in the definition. A whole bunch of things. Thank you very much.
No scent, apparently. The definition is guilty, not innocent. We get it. You guys read books. Great. Hopefully your beers are good. I mean, I know your beers are good. sleep That's a pretty color. No, it was very nice. ah Treehouse. What did we have last year? Oh, wait. And you don't remember what we had last Friday, i do you? Yeah, we had ah the brown ale. We had another, no, no. you at Your holiday party. Oh. Oh.
It was another double IPA, but I don't remember which one. because I thought I checked it in, I guess not.

Breakfast Combinations and Beer Aroma

Anyway, let's get in here. Ooh, smells good. Smells like the orange juice I had this morning. I'm not even joking. I went and bought orange juice this morning. I wanted orange juice so bad, I got up, got some bacon, got some bread and some OJ.
And you had a bacon sandwich with some orange juice? Bacon, egg, and cheese with some orange juice. I mean, that sounds like a perfect breakfast. um This is, yeah, that East Coast Hazy, like, has a little bit of that yeah hot bite to it, but that is tropical. Yeah. I like that. That's good. Brandon, what do you think about this? It is good. it It's funny because I've become accustomed to kind of of the the local hazies and then You realize that there's people that have been doing it for quite a while and they do it really well And this is a prime example, you know treehouse like i i like I think I said last time we had a treehouse beer like I don't think I've ever had a bad treehouse beer and this is just another you know shining example of You know when you've been doing a style for a while You know, you nail it Yeah, it's a
Yeah. Now, one thing I just said, I'm like, oh, I like that hot bite. And it's lingering a little bit more now. I don't know if I can drink a whole 16 ounce can of this. Is this a double? Yeah, it's 8.2%. Weak sauce. I thought you said it was a double. Yes, we got your number. Just joking. But please,

Beer Preferences and New Tastes

stop writing.
Fucking paragraphs on your cans. The other reason why I was so excited for this one is it's also using peterine hops that we just used. Oh, yes, yes. And that's that super nectarine peach board. What did you use that in? We used that in Meadow Viper. Yes, Meadow Viper is really good.
That's almost made my list, but I thought that I can't put it on the list Because it's too soon for me having it and I've only had it twice one time Downing it here and the other time partially sick eating the roasted cauliflower soup that you guys have there and never enough to really felt like yeah There's already an old Irving beer on there. Basically is what I'm trying to say i have a second one out there Yeah, shocked yeah i That was my list, non-list. That's actually my favorite beer that we did this year. ah And I'm surprised, because that's I'm not usually towards big. Hazy's in general, just because I tend to get a little bit congested from Hazy's nowadays, but that Picharine in the pale ale, I slammed that beer, and I was like, oh, that went down way too easy. I almost grabbed a four-pack of it at Binnie's when I was there today.
But I just did this premium build-your-own four-pack from Binny's now, where they're not taking old beers and selling them. They're taking fresh beers and selling them. You have to pay $15 for that four-pack. That's pretty much what I would have spent up here on the wall. But you get some beers? Yeah, there's premium beer. There was a bunch of hot butcher that was up there, so that was kind of cool. I don't really care enough.
Oh, no. Brandon, are you OK? Is it the elf on the shelf? It's back. What's the Christmas elf? What's your elf's name? Do you have that you have your own personal elf on the shelf? We do. I mean, for you. Oh, no. and Benjamin does. What's what's the elf's name? Cookie. Cookie. Oh, that is a good elf name. that's a good Yeah, I don't know how he came. He was like two when he named it. And he didn't know a lot of words. And I was like, we don't want to name him. And Cookie came out of his mouth. So I don't know if he was wanting a cookie. And I just said, hey, that's what we're naming the elf. But yeah.
Benjamin peaked early. Yep. I wouldn't name mine He-Man if we had it off on the shelf. It's not too late, Tony. It's not too late. I should get almost got i almost bought a Snoop on the stoop. I saw it at Spencer's. I saw they they now sell Krampus on the mantle. What? And it's like a Krampus in a, you know, it's just literally just a tiny Krampus that you can... Where did you see that? I think it was on TikTok.
at every Until it's gone. Yeah. Or they send you something, and then it's not going to be delivered. And then you cancel it, and they give you your money back. And then a week later, it shows up at your house. Really? That happened. It's pretty cool. Good old TikTok shop. Anyway, let's get off TikTok. What do you guys think of this beer? let's How many tree stumps are you giving this one, Brandon? I'm going to go four and a half. Four and a half tree stumps. I like that.
I'm going 4-1. Alright, I'm going to go 4. There we go. Surprisingly. Nice. Brandon rated a hazy higher than I did. Yeah, I like it. It's good. it's rare It is good. I like to throw out a little bit more. I feel like maybe that bitterness is kind of almost fading a little bit for me. My mouth is maybe becoming accustomed to it. Yeah, that makes sense.
It's just one of those types of things that why you like Brandon, that you like it a little bit more, that you have a little bit more of that hop residual bitterness. I think so. um And it's funny too, because it really depends on the mood that I'm in, because there's like days, well, I'll go out, like, we'll be out somewhere and like, oh, you want to have a beer? And like, I do not want an IPA, like, you know, it's like the hoppiness. I'm like, I just can't deal with it right now.
And it like, I could be perfectly fine and healthy and just like, you know, like, I don't have a cold or something like that. And it's just like, no, I just, I don't i don't want to deal with. Doesn't sound good. Yeah. And then like today, I was just kind of indifferent on like what we were going to drink. And I was like, this, this nailed it, man. I'm excited about a lot of the other beers that we have. But yeah, this was like good jump off. Yeah. Yeah. You know, so speaking of jump off points, why don't we get into some of our favorite beers of the year?
Let's do it. Now I know we're not really ranking these as we know as I've done in the past. I didn't really set it up to rank this year. It's more of just random beers that I really liked. yeah So I'm gonna start off. I'll start off with one of my favorite beers this year. There is, just so everybody knows, there's three barrel-aged beers in my top five this year.
what a ah And then one IPA and one double IPA. So what I'm gonna start with, yeah, the one that I am gonna start with is when earlier this year I went to Dubuque, Iowa and visited a family member of mine before he went off to go to California to teach. So I was in Dubuque and I went to Dimensional Brewing and we we drank some Dimensional beer so I brought some back yeah we did and this might have been one of them I think but the Toadstabber double IPA and there's like a switch like an army knife on the actual can um I remember really enjoying that beer I want to say that I Could be wrong, but I thought there was maybe some like a mosaic Citra combination to that beer and I think that's why it kind of stood out to me, but I remember Ordering it there and knowing right away that I'm buying this beer to to bring back for sure So there's a good old good old regular

Toadstabber IPA Memories

IPA. That was ah how I that's the first time I list there It's very happy to have it. I would like to have more
Yeah, we did have a tote stabber on episode 133. There we go. Thank you, sir. Yeah, so that that was the one with Mike. Oh, yeah. That's right. Mike whom makes our music or makes our theme song. Brandon, you want to throw one off of your list?
um Yeah, so when I had kind of at the top and then funnily enough I went back to the list I had started for you when you were like Randomly we say oh, this is a contender for the multi. You said that list. Yeah, there's only one beer on it because they stopped doing it well it like Literally the one the the first one that I chose on my list And it's one that you procured on one of your little adventures that you went to Wisconsin. It's the the Harbor Brewing cherries and berries. Hey, look at us. There's also, it's on my short list though. Yeah. It's on my Maltese list though. Yeah. So I put it like, again, I didn't rank, I just yeah kind of wrote down the beers that I liked throughout the year. And yeah, the cherries and berries was really good. and
I don't know if you heard that episode, but it was a funny thing, because Tony thinks he got the wrong beer. it was There was basically a whole kerfuffle on what beer he was given. Insert clip from that episode. I'm not doing that. Yeah, that would that would require editing. That would require more editing than I already barely do. um But yeah, so that one was fantastic. And the fruit and it was outstanding. And it like it was just a really solid beer. I would love to. I'm thinking about.
taking another trip up towards Wisconsin once January, once the holidays are done and we're in January and I'm gonna stop back at one of the Harbor Freight, I was supposed to say Harbor Freight. We're stopping at Harbor Freight and buy some shit. Hey, can I get some motor oil or something? Yeah, I'm gonna stop stop at one of the Harbor Brewing locations and see what they have. And then maybe in the summer,
Head back up there again. and See if I can get that. Yeah, you went to the you went to the one on the harbor. Yeah, not the one in Lake Villa. Yes, which funnily enough like use that twice in this segment. Yeah, so I think um I don't know if it was last year or the year before there was this huge thing about how Harbor Brewing was shutting down production I think you're telling me that location and then they were gonna focus on Lake Villa and a Metery I think was gonna take over there interesting but At the Harbor? Yeah. wow you know and They were going to partner with them. Maybe some of their beers were still going to be there. I don't really know. But i mean a when you said you were going there, I remember I went back and I was looking on Instagram. I'm like, I thought that fucking place closed. And I was like going through it. And I'm like, they're posting events and doing all this stuff. And I'm like, all right. It was a nice spot. Maybe not. Yeah. it was It was cool just sitting there by the lake and playing music. Which is am music hilarious. because And I've said this to my dad, too. I was like, hey, have you ever been to the brewery over there?
literally the boat yard there the harbor yeah the actual harbor where boats are is where we keep our boat yeah and i was surprised to hear that like you guys told me that i was like oh shit um and i've never been there either like because every time i've got like i've only i've

Favorite Barrel-Aged Stouts

literally sailed once and it was this summer and it was the first time since i think 2016 i had been on that boat oh wow um because once they like we used to keep it at Montrose Harbor here and like I was there like I would go and work from the boat because I work from home I would just bring my hot spot sit on the boat you know if it's 90 degrees outside work a little jump in the water that's doing right that's working from home right yeah um and then he moved the boat because Chicago Park Districts are dicks
um but sounds about Well, as far as the the apparently there's a rule so they've had they had the boat there for Year literally since I was a kid. We've had boats in that Harbor um But then they had this rule or maybe they always had this rule and they caught my my like they caught the paperwork But both if you have two owners on a boat because it's owned by my dad and my uncle they both have to have registered addresses in the city and And my uncle's address is in Wilmette. That's stupid. Wow. And I'm like, in my head, and I was like, change his address and tell him that he lives with you. And if they question why does this guy live with you, tell him he's your husband. I don't care. It's your brother, and he that's where he lives. Yeah, or whatever. Yeah, my brother lives with me. But yeah, so they didn't do it, so they ended up moving it up out there. The convenient thing about that is they also have their own boat yard. So they literally...
And this is what happens in those summers. The boat goes in the water, sits in the water, nobody touches it, and then it comes out of the water. And I'm like, really? Which now I understand why my my aunt wants my uncle to to dump his share. yeah And my dad's trying to get me to buy it. Buy it, Brandon. I'll go with you. And I'm like, what? And I told Beck about it. And she's like, yeah, if we can like gut it and like make it workable. And the boat's fine. It's it's a nice boat, but like there's a kitchen in it. What?
And the kitchen doesn't like, there's a stove and a sink and everything like that, like and like a refrigerator, like you could, like it's actually, I think originally intended to be like an ocean boat. You're telling me we could do a full podcast on that boat? Oh, yeah, totally. Well, not until you get a keg raider on there, too. Yeah. um But yeah, so like that's like there's you know it's a nice boat and has a lot of potential, but it would change the cushions, like just kind of redo the. Is this the back story now of how our new podcast of The Molting Hour on the Sea is made because we only do episodes when we're out on water? Yeah, totally. Pirate radio. That's pirate radio. Wow. I should do one on my cruise.
Yeah, you should. All in from the cruise. Yeah, that's a good idea. Hey, we're on the seven seas. That's all things aside there. Great choice of a beer, by the way. Yeah. I really did like that beer. That was a long winded start. No, it was great. I got to learn a lot about your family boat right there. Matthew, what do you got on your list? Give us one. Give us one. So oddly enough, I also have three bear-laged stouts. A stout and a sour. All right. So I'll go with one bear-laged stout.
um One that I didn't have on here, the 2024 Double Cafe Deeth from Revolution. Ooh, yeah. I didn't have that.

Cinnamon Prost Beer Discussion

Is that just at the taproom, right? Or did they do a... I ended up having it at a beer fest okay that they brought with. I think that was one of the ones that was a...
a variant that you could have at RAV when they did their first release. yeah they released cafe And for me that was having coffee salads like that one is definitely supposed to be more espresso forward and just I hid it out of getting every aspect of coffee that you want and still getting barrel characteristic, but none of it felt overwhelming, but so flavorful. Yeah, I could see that. That's sad. I didn't get a chance to try that because I really love the cafe death. It's really good. I almost bought a four pack of it today at Benny's. They have some there.
Yeah. it's ah It's a great one. so Yeah. ah It's like they know what they're doing. That's crazy. you that's crazy How dare these guys. Yeah, for real. um Before we go on to another one, you guys want to open up their beer? Yeah. Yeah. What do you feel like drinking? Beer. I like beer. like party ah yeah oh I Matthew is going through my building. Oh, all right. We are going with...
All my gangs, everything naughty, white chocolate imperial blonde stout. Okay, it's another paragraph. Here we go. an audio The naughty elves were spying on Cooperstown out long ago, full of mischief and mayhem, which left us much to our delight with an imperial blonde stout. Everything naughty. A stout that confuses the eyes and tantalizes the taste buds, anticipate notes of roasted coffee and white chocolate complete with a brilliant golden hue.
This rich stout is smooth and velvety with classic stout flavors. Welcome to the naughty list. Bitch, I wish I'd said it on there. Don't say it on there. It's nine and a half percent. Here we go. Oh yeah. I'm kind of excited to see how this goes. We ended up putting some cinnamon pros in a barrel a long time ago. What?
We don't know what to do with it. We'll take it. You know how I feel about it. And so this is kind of what I'm wondering, especially with that body of how much whiskey barrel characteristic you're going to get out of it. I have thoughts on this beer. I'm dreaming of a barrel-aged cinnamon prost.
Just like the one Brandon and I made up when we first had it in our hands. It might be really boozy at this point. Ooh. Yeah, well. I see nothing wrong with that. We meant to have it in barrels for like three months because we thought that barrel went through. It took four years now.
I would say close for like nine months at this point. So when do you want us to come by and taste it? So where, where in the brewery does this barrel sit and like come with a hammer and a nail? look i ah You can find it, it has a little ah zombie coming out of a milk bowl that Tim put on that barrel. I like that. Look, I'm off next Thursday and Friday. I've got time to stop by. I'm back on Friday.
We'll have to get Trevor to bring the nail. I don't know how to bring the nail. All right. That's when we had a, cobi when we did a barrel-aged beer, when we did it in the 15 gallon, because that's the way we did it, right? um Yeah, we would like, it was, I don't know, it felt like every once in a while we had a nail and we just, well, no, we it was one nail. We put the nail in, that we sanitized it, put the nail in there, poured some off and then just shoved the nail back in. And that was like our little tap to like kind of test it along the way.
We should have pulled that one sooner than we left it in there. Which one? The one from that. Oh. Because it ended up turning into nail polish remover. Yeah, I mean, but when it was fresh, it was good. That was fantastic. Yeah. No, I mean, we we when we finally cagged it is when it started tasting like the nail polish remover. No. Yeah. No, because we brought it, that's the one we brought to the fest, right? Right. That was good. We doused it with a bunch of cinnamon, baby. Oh, that's true.
ah It was still good. It was still good. It was great. I still drink some of it when it was like was starting to taste like a day of blood and as it went on It just got and didn't you have a keg of it sitting around for a while still in the basement, baby Okay, I think about this I get the I get the white chocolate a little bit on the nose All right, I get it in them I get in the mouth I get the flavor more than anything and I'm also slightly congested. I'm getting a lot of coffee. Really? Yeah, I Okay, I can see a little bit of that. no i' like I'm predominantly getting coffee, which is shocking to me. And it's coming off to me as like like the the coffee IPAs I've had. Ooh, yeah. Can I have that can real quick? Yeah, I'm trying to want to figure out why he's getting coffee. Well, it says coffee in there, in the description.
It says roasted coffee. Yeah, I know it's a roasted coffee. I'm gonna pour a little bit, pour a little bit more. There's more in here, here you go. I think that's sweetness. To me, this tastes like a white stout from what I've come to know of white souts. Yeah, I get the body, I get, is this barely itched or not barely? It is not. Okay, so maybe that's what I'm thinking is. Yeah, he's drinking. And mom's sick.
That little bit of bitterness, I think, I was thinking was more of the tannins from the barrel. I think that's the coffee I'm getting. Not barely aged at all. It's not barely aged, right? Yeah, yeah correct. That's nine and a half. I would say this. I saw the four pack of this and I was like, ooh, but I was like, I don't know. Am I going to go with like an Imperial blonde stout, like a four pack? No, I don't think it was that expensive. i'm like One that I've never tried before. I'll tell you this, so when I saw this single can, I'm like, I did want to try this. That's it. Had I bought the four pack, wouldn't have been upset. No. Don't think I would have drank them.
consecutively, like, oh, I had one tonight. I'm going to have another one tomorrow. I'll be like, I have one tonight. I'll have another one in five days. Oh, Christmas morning. Christmas morning. I had one tonight. I got to have another one tonight. Where'd that four pet go? It's gone. Now, this would be a one and done for me. And actually, this is you know, depending on how it would be served. But like, this would be great. And like, just like the five ounce pours or whatever. A nitro pour of this would be fun. Oh, yeah. I feel like this is a perfect beer for a nitro. Do you guys do anything on nitro at the tap ever? i It's been a long time, but we're about to bring back cinnamon pros on nitro. Oh, maybe that's what I had. I think maybe I'm pretty sure I had that. I mean, if there's cinnamon pros, I'm usually there.
Yeah, we we did it two years ago, and then last year we didn't do it, and then this year, come early January, we're gonna bring it back a little bit for distribution and on draft. Maple cinnamon first would be a very interesting nitro. It would be. Yeah. None for you.
There'll be a little bit more maple cinnamon pros this year too. That's good early 2025, but then we're gonna play with Some more flavors for next year. Do you guys need help? Always. We have suggestions. You guys ever think of doing a Biscoff cinnamon pros? We've only thought of Biscoff for Krampus. We thought of that.
What? I don't remember hearing about this. Our lawyers are going to come do you. guys ah Brandon, how many naughty elf... Wait, hold on. Matthew, do you have any more you wanted to say about this beer? I know we kind of talked about it.
No, re-looking at it, 9.5%, I will say it doesn't taste like 9.5%. No. Not at all. It tastes like a higher ABV, but not 9.5%. Yeah. I would have thought, i wrote second she has nine and a half like, I I've had, oh my god, beers in the past that are in that realm, too. Like, they're a higher ABV, but they don't drink like it. I really like this beer. and And that shit sneaks up on you. I think I ordered one once, not realizing what it was. And it was like a 9% beer. And I was like, the fuck?
I'm going to have another. i We'll see. I'll tell you this. If this they still have this in like the single cans or if it's in a single can of beer on the wall or bottles in cans, I would grab another can.

Imperial Blonde Stout Tasting

I definitely want to have another one of these. It's a fun beer. like I like it. It's an interesting concept and it tastes good.
Yeah, it makes me, so I think I want to, I'll probably go and try and find it too, because I want to bring some for my father-in-law, because I think he would enjoy it. Yeah, that sounds like a good player.
Yeah, I was also expecting it to be a little bit sweeter. I thought they might do like it a little bit of lactose to give it body. So I was worried. I don't know if it does or doesn't, but it doesn't feel like it does by the body. Yeah, I was worried about it being a super sweet beer too. And I'm glad that that was not the the case. There's a sweet. I mean, there's a good sweetness to it, but it's not like Super sweet. I think it's the hints of that chocolate and coffee that make you think sweet, but not necessarily actually having all that sugar. Right. That's so, yeah, I was rereading the can and so I am kind of getting and I'm getting it on the back. um like Take a sip. I'm getting it's a lot coffee forward, um but then I'm getting literally like I couldn't I couldn't figure out what it was. And I didn't hear when you said it. So I went and we read and it's like white chocolate. Yeah. I was like, OK.
That's what it is, and I'm kind of tasting that. I love white chocolate. I mean, I think that's what's interesting is all three of us got different things to begin with. That's what's fun about beer. Exactly. like And that's what's fun about this show, you know? Different people given different perspectives. Different strokes. Three white different folks. Three white dudes with facial hair. Well, Brandon doesn't really have facial hair anymore. I'm going to shave. See diversity. Yeah, see. We got to up our game here. Brandon, how many naughty elf shoes are you giving this one?
Oh, shoes. We're going to choose. I'm going to go four. I like it. Matthew? I'm thinking 3A. It's still good, but ah like I like the first one better. I'm going to... I'm sorry. I thought you were done. I apologize. i would I'm going to go 4-2 on this one. I really like it. It's in my wheelhouse, man. This is a beer in my wheelhouse. i would I would seek this out if it was as an annual thing that was available like around the holidays.
yeah a nice addition to the random beers that come out around Christmas. Would you drink this and you anywhere besides holiday themed events? Probably in the yard around a fireplace.

Ideal Beer Settings & Yearly Favorites

Like a fire pit. Snow coming down. Oh, so like right around like 34 degrees. Not enough to stick on the ground but you can still sit outside by the fire? Yeah, the fire's keeping you warm. Sipping on it. That sounds like a fun time. Should do that sometime.
Anyway, let's go to another beer.
<unk>re We're setting up dates here. ah let's let's Let's reveal another beer on our list, shall we? Strings coming off of my shirt here. ah Another beer that I had, i won't i'll I'll choose ah a barrel-aged beer. We just had this at PhoBab this year. This year's PhoBab, which was a lot of fun.

Unique Beer Discoveries

ah The line started forming as Brandon and I were, watcht this was in the first hour at round 12, maybe like 12, 15, 12, 20. A line started forming by resident culture and we weren't sure why, like, so everybody else just started getting the line, like, just like, you're getting the line? Well, we'll get the line. That's, everybody had said that. I got to have the Bourbon Barrel Age Eagle Death Cookie Compost.
which literally tastes like ah stout soaked Oreo cookies um in the best way possible. Like it really was quite something. I was really impressed because i was I was, when you hear something that's like going to taste like cookies, it can go one of two ways. It's either gonna be, I don't know, like just fake flavoring or you don't get anything at all.
I actually want to read the description that they have on here. Our 2024 vintage is a blend of imperial stouts aged in Willett sour mash bourbon, Willett sour mash rye, and Yellowstone Kentucky bourbon barrels for a period of 18 to 27 months. They condition on toasted hazelnuts and cacao nibs, then further condition on butterscotch chips dark chocolate chips, potato chips, pretzels, and graham crackers. It was an insane amount. But the end of it, I mean, like I said, Oreo cookie stands out in my mind because it just, I remember it tasting like it did a big like chocolate cookie. It was very, very good. um I think I had, did I go back and get it? No, I had the other one. I had the vanilla one that they had there as well. But yeah, that's that was up there. That was just a,
for being such a big, overly adjunctive beer, it was very good and very well done. It was sweet and it was sweet. Did you get much barrel out of it? Yes, you could still get the barrel too. like it was like i think I think the description I sent to somebody was, it's like if Oreo cookies were dunked in chocolate milk and then soaked in bourbon afterwards and then you ate it.
Yeah, I could get real drunk on that. Sounds delicious. Sounds delicious. Yeah, so there we go. That's my my second beer. Brandon, what do you got? Cool. So just trying to think what I want to pull off the list. So I will say, um I think one beer that I had that I really enjoyed, this is a um I don't, I think I got this on, Vicki. No, somebody, nevermind. Somebody got this from me, but it's from Drecker Brewing. um It is, there will be product.
Did we have that on this? Or did we drink it? I drank one when we were doing a malted mini, and we had one when we did the bottle share early in the day. That's what it was. That was a good one. Yeah. And it was a strawberry milkshake. Yes. Beer. And it was fantastic. um And I remember having it a when we had it the second time. I had it the second time. It was you know several months after we had first had it, and I was you know, trying to remember if I liked it the first time. I couldn't remember if I actually even had it the first time I brought it. I don't remember if I drank it, but it was, yeah, dude, that was, it was very well done. It wasn't like super like thick, but I felt like they they did a really good job of imparting the strawberry flavor and it was more like actual strawberry, not like anything artificial. So very well done beer. When did we have it? You and I together?
Wait, what? When did you and I have it, dude? In Wisconsin. Right. Yeah. It was good. Yeah. Matthew, do you have a beer? Yeah, I'll go with the non-berlage one. When we were out in Colorado, when you guys came out as well, I headed the rare beer fest, River Norse nightmare fuel coffee stout. Which also just epic name. Yeah, that's a really cool name. But they're known for a lot of their adjunct stuff. They had a gold medal for their chocolate stout last year. And this coffee stout just like,
ah shit maybe like Yeah, I was gonna say that's two coffee beers. Interesting. Yeah broke my own mind. Oh, no Matthew is actually bleeding out of his nose right now. His brain is suddenly slipping in. I need more coffee Definitely need more coffee If you had more coffee, I feel like that would fix everything, probably. well that's it That is interesting, though, that you ended up with two... Sorry, I'm going to the cheese balls, everybody. I've been dipping into them. I'm not going to mute myself. Oh, yeah. They're delicious. Have that ASMR. Cheesy. A cheesy ball. um Do you normally like coffee beers?
Like, is that a big thing for you or no? When they're well done, and it I think people must have gotten back to hitting the right balance, there was a good chunk of like three to five years where a lot of the coffee stouts I would have within like a month or two of the Barreledge coffee stout, it would get that green peppery quality and I would just be so off of it.

Coffee Stouts Resurgence

And recently there's been a lot of coffee stouts that I've really enjoyed.
Though, do you remember, so at the holiday party we cracked open a 2021 or 2022 Krampus. The Cocoa Krampus. The Cocoa Krampus. Yeah. And I completely forgot that it had coffee in it because it's just called Cocoa Krampus.
And I was like, I think there's coffee. Yep, there is coffee. There is coffee. That was really good. That was good to revisit. What was that, a 20, was it 2022? I think it was 2022. Yeah. And the coconut was still there. Yeah, I wish there was a little bit more coconut because I love fresh coconut and stouts, but the coffee was still holding up and not...
Didn't turn which is always my my worry. I wouldn't be surprised if Brandon had one of those was probably still lying around Yeah, Brandon you mentioned that you mentioned a strawberry milkshake. Yes IPA I happen to have one here It's from phase three. It's their double strawberry chantilla. There's cheese ball on my finger ah Double Strawberry Chantilly, which is a milkshake double IPA. If you're not familiar with the their Chantilly series, they will have different fruits and basically just make this delicious, beautiful milkshake IPA. And I hate milkshake IPAs. I don't really care for them. But the Chantilly, as you can see, doesn't look like a big mess.
as no one else can see. Yeah, well as these, I'm talking to you. I'm talking to you guys. I'm talking to you jerks. It looks like an IPA. Now, going in for a smell. Ooh. Well, I'm not gonna ruin it because I want you to smell it first, Brandon. I feel like I could have maybe shook the can up a little bit because I think Brandon's gonna get a lot at the bottom. Oh yeah, he gets to roll it. I got a clear beer. I have a clear air beer.
My pour is clearer than yours. Oh, I got some dregs. Oh, yeah. I don't know if I would have done what you did. I live on the edge. Yeah, you're gonna get a lot in that, buddy. Gil, can I get some of that? Thank you. Yeah. Ooh. Make sure you want some of mine to mix in there with yours first. Yeah, yeah. There we go. Oh, yeah. I made my chunky. Okay, so the good thing is there's some real stuff in here. Yeah, there is definitely real stuff in here.
Oh yeah, there it is. There's a lot more going on here. Yeah, the nose is of that beautiful strawberry. I feel like we should just pour this all into one glass and then tried it from one glass. That's right. Brandon, what are you thinking about your first impression with that murky messy on your cup? It's actually not, it's not bad. Like, I mean, it looks like a hot mess, but that's, that's good. Um, I like, because this, this again has more of that, like,
I feel like I'm getting actual strawberry flavor, but then I also feel like there's a hint of like artificial strawberry. It could be a mix maybe. you know I don't know, maybe they had to supplement? I mean... Or stretch? That tends to be a big trick that a lot of places will use. You use real strawberries and different things, but if they're not getting the nose that they want, a lot of those extracts will give you the nose yeah that you need. And also, you think of... Strawberry tends not to be a very... You think about when we did our...
Uh, Frankenberry. Yeah. Literally we just think about that. We got barely any strawberry. You know, we use real strawberries. it We use a lot of frozen strawberries. in And it was like pink. And we used the cereal. We did the cereal. It was pink. And we racked on top of the strawberries for secondary.
You got a hint of strawberry. So I wouldn't mind like if we maybe did a strawberry puree and put that on top, like racking on top of that, and then even maybe during bottling or kegging or packaging, as they'd

Strawberry Chantilly Milkshake IPA & Podcast Humor

say. Just maybe a little bit of like some sort of small amount of extract, just to kind of help bring it out. Yeah, and honestly, that's where I think the big difference between home brewing and commercial is at this point is,
All the big flavors that you get in most beers all happen during the packaging. Yeah. The closer to the packaging you are in adding the flavor, the more flavor you're going to get. Absolutely. Well, I mean... And humbering, that's one of the hardest things to do without blowing up your own beers, which... Yeah. if Which I've done before, and it's fun. It's so fun. Other ways you can do that in commercial. Sprayed my leather-in-law's ceiling with an IPA. It was great.
Popped right out of the fermenter. Mike and I didn't realize how much alcohol we had going in this beer. We miscalculated at some point. Mike miscalculated more than likely. Thank you. Blew the top off.
like, crows it all over a popcorn ceiling and I had to scrub off. It was great. Ooh. Super cool. Popcorn ceilings are the worst. I know. That doesn't exist. I have had this before. I think I've had it twice. So last time I had it was in 2020. I had it twice. Yeah, that makes sense. You're having it twice in 2020. They have it like the other ones just we can get off this. They have a double orange, pina colada, strawberry, orange chintilly.
dragon fruit, a key lime. There's just a lot of like different fruits in the... I would like to know when phase 3 Rick Hassey's on tap. It'd be nice to like do like to try a couple of shantilies at once. I don't know if that's possible for them but that would be fun.
Yeah, which I really like. Obviously, Chantilly tends to be like a kind of a softer kind of dessert. And so all of the fruits that you named tend to be fruits that aren't super big, boisterous fruits when you think like orange or raspberry. Yeah. These are very soft fruits.
which There's lactose in this as well because it's a thing like Shake IPA. You definitely have that sweetness, but I think what I like about some of the softer fruits there is you still have a little bit of that beer feeling, but it doesn't feel 100% straight fruit.
And it's not terribly sweet. It's sweet. It is definitely sweet. It comes off as like, but it's not like, oh man, that's like having, you know, a big barrel aged stout that is adjuncted to hell and they didn't hop it enough to help fight the sweetness. Brandon, how many strawberries are you giving this one? I'm going to go 375. All right. All right. Matthew.
3.5 and that's that's mostly not because of the style that's just mostly me of this wouldn't be the beer that I would go back to but in terms of style it's done extremely well I'm sticking with what I checked in in 2020 I'm going 4.25 because I do love this beer I think it's a fun I remember the first time having like also I will say this is also a really good beer to have very cold um it doesn't take away from the flavors but it does add like more of the milkshake aspect because there's something cold. So I feel like it almost helps brighten up what you're drinking. This is, we're a little, not room temperature, but it's it's cooler. lots Why do you serve it at 90 degrees? I serve it at 98 degrees, baby.
Body temp. Body temp. What, there's supposed to be like a hot strawberry pie? ah Ooh, hot strawberry pie beer. That sounds good. um I think we're probably at about break time. We've gone through three beers drinking, two beers rating, which means on this next end, we have to do three beers rating, two beers drinking. This is the Maltese, and we'll be right back.
And we're back. Welcome back, everybody. This is the Maltese 2024. It'd be great if you were recording the entire time. I know, right? So funny. I'm joined here again with Matthew Moldenhauer. Matthew, thank you for joining us for your first Maltese. yeah It's a brilliant time to be here. Sure, man. If you think so, that's great. What are we drinking next? We've got three more beers to Rank and, not rank, but and one two more to drink. Ooh, another one that I brought. Perfect, I'm excited. please drink it on No, no, no, I'm happy. No, please, please, please. That's why I bought them. Cool, can't wait to drink that in 30 minutes. ah While you're pouring that before we start talking, I'm gonna bring up another beer but that I am, it's on my list this year. I did the Toadstabber, I did the Resident Culture,
bourbon barely, you go to death compost. Another one that ended up on my list is Old Irving's Pirate Krampus. Look at you. Pirate Krampus is my favorite Krampus this year. Very good. I drank it the other night. My can from when we did the podcast with you guys. Yeah. Really like it. And I wish I had more. Do you know if you have any more at the tamper?
I think that one we have a little bit more. I think that the base and the coconut one. Rocky Road. I think we have a little bit. I believe we're out of Chomparato. Yeah, Chomparato I think you've been out with for a little bit. I feel like when we were talking to Chris at the market, wasn't he saying that pirate Krampus was the like the least popular one for some reason?
Maybe not the least, but- But it was selling the selling the least.

Maple Cinnamon Prost Delight

um But that was, again, like I think I mentioned that. That was one of my favorites. Please don't ever let that deter you guys from making this again, because I loved it. It's really good. It is like a liquid mounds bar. It's very tasty. When it comes to coconut, we're always going to do stuff with coconut. you guys know how been cocon yeah You guys know how to do coconut, and you know how to do it very well. So that is that is my third beer on my my list. Brandon?
You want to tell the kids about another beer? um Yeah, so since you went Old Irving, I will go Old Irving as well. Getting that sponsor money. By sponsor, we mean just Matthew paying us to tell you about Old Irving beers. That's not true.
No, but ah maple cinnamon pros, man. That was top that was yeah was a high one for me. And i'm I'm glad we got the chance to try it. I didn't think after Matthew graced us with a can, I would never get to try it again. But they had it at the market. And of course, they had another one because it's fantastic.
Is it still on tap right now, do you? It wasn't on tap. It was in cans. Oh, I mean, do you guys still have it on your menu right now? Um, I, we might be out. We were less than a case left when we did it though. We are planning on doing a small batch of just maple, uh, run for early January. Cause we liked it so much. Super exciting. Looking forward to having that again. Yeah. I enjoyed that a lot. All right. So, um, Matthew.
I will go with the non-barreled beer left on here. New Glarus Raspberry Tart. Hey! Classic. I went up for the great taste of the Midwest and stopped off at New Glarus and I picked this up again.
I love it.

Raspberry Tart Appreciation

For that one, most of their sours are very much candy, just beautiful fruits, not much acidity, but the tart has a little bit more of that acidity and just so fresh and beautiful on that one. It's one of my favorite beers from them. Their fruited beers are my, I mean, all of their beers are my my favorite beers from them. I've not had a bad beer from New Glares. Agreed with that. This is very good. So what are we drinking now?
We are drinking Boulevard Brewing Company's Barrel-Aged Terramasu Stout, an ale with Matthew's favorite, coffee and natural flavor. It is a, yeah, it's a barrel-aged, oh God, it's 11.
Me too. We all need help, kids. It's 11. In case you didn't know, Brandon's son has joined us in the studio. He's playing a game right now. He's got to beat Lego Star Wars. We're all rooting for him. um Yeah, so this is 11% barrel-aged Terry Masoost out from Boulevard. What are you guys getting from this? Yeah, lots of that chocolate coffee. I get a lot of chocolate on the nose, like chocolate cake.
Yeah, when I the aroma it gave off like tiramisu aromas like I got it tastes like yeah, tiramisu. Yeah, I didn't get into that. But yes, like the aroma right away was definitely, you know, coffee and like chocolate and I'm getting a little like the whatever the the cake or wafer thing that they used to make it or what it's called. But yeah.
Yeah, that's the lady fingers. Are there lady fingers in there? I think so. No? No? I don't know. Turn to me if this is just a cake, isn't it? Yeah, it's cake with chocolate, like vanilla, coffee. But the part that I'm like, we... Krampus cookies is essentially those three things, but this tastes distinctly different. Yeah.
and then I'm almost wondering ladyfingers because it's a layered it's it's a layered dessert and they typically they use like mars capone um so there's coffee i'm gonna skip the eggs it's obvious are there eggs in this cocoa powder alcohol and vanilla x extract, but typically it's the alcohol that's used is either a Marcela wine, yeah rum, Kahlua, brandy or bourbon, but Kahlua. I'm getting like some Kahlua essence, I think. My Baker friend's gonna be real mad that I didn't know it was in a Terry Massoud. I'll have to let them know later. refresh ah If you guys ever had an espresso martini before?
Yes. I have yet to have one. Really? It's very tasty. I didn't know they used Kahlua in it as well. o So you there's a shot of espresso with some Kahlua and vodka and then sometimes I put like Baileys in there for like a cream. Yeah. But the ones I had at my works holiday party, the one that everybody had, it was like a shot of espresso with Kahlua and vodka and they shook it up and it was really good. It was really tasty.
Except three out of the four people had it, ended up waking up at like two or three in the morning and couldn't go back to bed. Shouldn't have had a shot of espresso at nine o'clock at night. I don't know how to tell you. It's the cold amateur hour. Oh man. I don't know what the allergies are. My left eye is bothering me right now. Matthew, what are you feeling about this beer?
I really like it. I think it's almost like cocoa powder that feels more prominent. Yes. Yeah. And obviously it's not powdered in here, but that's that like little bit extra that I think is coming through is like that dark bitter chocolate. I really like on this. Yeah. It's a thinner, much thinner of us, barely in style. What's the ABV on it? 11. What? Yeah. That's crazy.
Doesn't drink like it. There is, I'm gonna look it up right now. um There is a Boulevard mixed barrel H pack that this was a part of. Let me see if I can find this. But you said I don't want all of them, I just want one. Well, I almost got a different one because one of them in there is, so this is not this is not a part of it. This has to be something, I think this is just a four pack, I apologize. This is just a four pack they have.
The mix ah six pack they have, I'm sorry, yeah, the six pack they have is a Baltic porter aged in red wine and bourbon barrels. I almost brought that one. o oo Another one is a bourbon barrel aged chai imperial stout. And then a carrot cake Belgian strong style ale, which I think would be very tasty.
Especially as being a Belgian strong. I would definitely yeah go for that. So that's that's a six-pack. So two beers each in there. So okay that might be a fun one to try. But this is this was just a four-pack of the Terra Massou, which I would buy a four-pack of these because I'll say this. no Sorry, i'm gonna you guys still have some. I'm gonna pour just a tiny bit more because are you guys getting any barrel characteristic or more coffee and chocolate?
More coffee and a little bit of bitterness. I can taste a little bit of alcohol, but I wouldn't necessarily say that was barrel characteristic.

Tiramisu Stout Review

Yeah, if I got this and didn't know it was barrel aged, I don't think I would say it was barrel aged. I'd say it's a very well done tiramisu stout.
I like it, a lot. It's very tasty. Yeah, especially if we're calling it a tiramisu stout, I think it would be, as I said, like Krampus cookies. Lots of breweries use chocolate and vanilla and those are the same ingredients, but it definitely tastes like tiramisu. It's making me want some tiramisu. I think I'm going to go to the store and get tiramisu after this. Do they just sell tiramisu places? I don't know. I think Jewel has like tiramisu.
Do they use alcohol? I wonder. They have to, because then it's not tiramisu. Let's find a restaurant and buy this. Soggy cake. It's tiramisu. Just order a slice. I'm going to go and grab a hug real quick. Order a whole tray of tiramisu. Tiramisu. I'll have tiramisu delivered here. Brandon, how many ladyfingers are you getting? Oh, that's exactly what I was getting at. Good job. Thank you. Thank you. So if we're going ladyfingers, I'm going to go, I think, 425.
Alright, I like that, I like that. ah i mean I mean, and um and that's on the low end for me. Like, I feel like it could be a little bit higher, but like, yeah, 4-2-5 seems like... It's good. Fair enough. Matthew, how many ladyfingers are you giving the Taramisu? The lady's missing one finger.
So it's four. Four. Nice. It would be higher if I got a little bit more of that barrel characteristic coming from it. But for what it is, it's a really beautiful drinking tiramisu beer. I would drink this one again. Yeah. I think, and it's, is it a 12 ounce bottle or is it a little small? Yeah. i Or is it the 11, the 11 sevens? Yeah.
None of us know what to do kid. None of us know what to do. I think it might be a 12 ounce skin. 12 ounce. Yeah. yeahp I will say that I'm going to give this a a four and a half. Four and a half lady fingers. You only took a partial finger. Yeah. that That's rough. That is rough. By the way, I can have a whole tiramisu cake delivered here.
It's $45, but for a slice, which looks very big, seven bucks. I mean, we can have a slice of tiramisu cake. Three layers of coffee soaked white chiffon filled with a mascarpone cream and topped with cocoa powder. Doesn't get better than that. Yeah, it really doesn't. You can order a slice. I mean, I can order a slice. Well,
Thank you. And then what are you eating? No. it's That's not that funny. That's not that funny. It's funny. a lot of ah The first one that came up was Taqueria El Ranchido. They do. They have a whole table. That's for catering, though. I was going to say.
They have slices? That would be great. Pizza places have it. It makes sense Italian places have it. I'm really hoping to have some tiramisu for the holidays. Yeah, I think I need to get some. I actually might. I'm making cookies tonight. I actually make a tiramisu inspired cookie. A week. Jewel has tiramisu, apparently. So we can go there and go get a cake.
Yeah, but I feel like tiramisu, you either want really good tiramisu or you just want a different dessert. So the results for Jewel for tiramisu cake is Biscoff sandwich milk chocolate.
So me so clear what we soak And and what do we use Biscoff cookies for a tiramisu instead So Biscoff in like milk chocolate something like that and then put some cocoa powder on top of it I like that. I'd be down with it. Yeah, we just get let's just get some It's a Biscoff in general Just get some all right. I've got some upstairs All right um Coming up to our last two two beers here. I'm gonna go with ah
Yeah, my last non-barrel aged beer, which is from Cassopolis Brewing, from Cassopolis, Michigan, where I went in

Nose Plugger IPA Celebration

September. And how do you spell it? Cassopolis. K-A-S-S-O-P-O-L-R-P-O-L-I-S. I thought it was with a C. C-A.
Yeah. Did I say S? You said K-A. Did I? I thought it was doing a lot of high A, B, B, B. Insert editing here. No, not happening. Their nose plugger IPA. Another like solid West Coast IPA. It's called nose plugger because the strong.
Hava Roma, I'm assuming. They also had really good wood fire pizzas. They opened up this year, and they hit that beer right out of the window. I brought you some. You and I had it. Hey, it's been on this episode. It's been on this show. I've got two beers. Oh, that's great. Actually, so far, three beers that I've on this list have been on shows. The two of them are not, and the last one I have is those. And I think they actually, Cassopoulos actually commented when we posted it. I think you're right. You gotta come up and try something Hey, it's not that far. It's about two hour drive into Michigan a little small town just on the other side of the county Basically the Airbnb I say that was great. There was kittens. Oh, yeah, it was it was awesome pool and hot tub Very nice and the kittens were just hanging out on the hot tub. They were just hanging out while I was there was great snorting cat it weota party We were doing cat blow
Brandon, what's your next beer? I'm going back into the Fruity Fruity category. ah We had Southern Grist, their blueberry cobbler. That was on an episode. That was fantastic. That was really good. And that one fell into the category of um we've been lucky with a lot of like the cobbler type beers that we've we found and tried that literally cover the board of like you're getting like the pastry crust you're getting the fruit you're getting all of that kind of stuff and it just makes for a fantastic beer I almost brought who's at the energy so another energy city cobbler beer tonight oh nice which was an apple something cobbler beer
but I was like, I feel like it's too easy, because it's too good and we know. But they did have a s'mores donut. I might be combining two of their beers. I think there's s'mores. That's a lot going on. Yeah, but there's definitely like a chocolate donut and a s'mores one that's out right now that I do want to get my hands on one of them. I feel like that's a good holiday, holiday beer to have, treat yourself some decadence, you know? Matthew?
I'll do so I only have two more and they're both barely but this one's non-adjuncted Gnosis be a note che We started we actually did a collab with them recently because one of our brewers actually loves them They're out of Indiana a fairly new But they're making amazing Bare-laged beers and stouts and we did a collab with them and they we did the Rocky Road Krampus non barrel aged that was so good that we decided to do a collab for Krampus this year but just their non adjuncted barrel aged stout is so good. I believe the notre is like 18 months. It's extended barrel aged time but just chris so much barrel characteristic and so much flavor out of those.
Chris was telling us at the market that we should, he's like, have you had the Rocky Road? I'm like, yeah, the Rocky Road's good. He goes, oh good, you have to try it. He's like, yeah, that's what we have to try. He's like, oh no, no, no, no, I don't even know if I had to cramp as Rocky Road, but the regular Rocky Road collaboration that you guys did, that would have been nice to try. Yeah, well, you should to spend some time going down to Indiana. I'm not too far away. I think I'll go to Indiana maybe for my next road trip. Because I'm doing the Midwest again, baby. That's what 2025 is all about.
Eating cheese balls and taking road trips. Nothing for Midwest. We got another beer to open up. What do we open it up?

Bourbon County Barley Wine Tasting

I brought, found the fun little thing, a 2016 Bourbon County Barley Wine. I'm glad we went real simple this this year for the Maltese. 90% sure you probably have that. Yeah, you got a bottle opener? Yeah, it's on the wall, dude. Welcome to the malting hour. It's a bearer. I hope you can do it because I never figured it out.
There we go. Here's the thing Matthew, you have to drink most of this because you brought it.
That's how it works. I believe Brandon's at home and doesn't have to drive. He has to drink most of it. And actually I'm just not going that far so... Cheers to me. I don't know the last time I had this.
2016? No, I'm sure it's been. I'm sure I've had it since then. Let me take a look here. Let me look at the old Apparino. Will I get better at checking in? See, I got worse at checking in beers this year.
yeah I feel like we we've made that resolution on previous Maltese for like, we're gonna check in more beers. And then we never check in the beers. And then it just became like, I don't want to check in beers all the time. Yeah, I think you started eating a lot of more baked goods. I actually haven't. I actually haven't. Just so you know that. There's only been a few. You're a looking spell. Thank you very much. 2017 was the last time I had this.
One year later, that's how long it's been. What did you rate it back then? Geez, I'm sorry. Oh boy, this is a depressing check-in. You guys, I'm sorry, I gotta copy it. I did ah can't.
ah I had it at Sutherland's in 2017. And I gave it a 4.75. Ooh. That was the year that Clark fired me. And we went out the night a night later to sell the ones. That was the first night I met Clark. Yeah. That was cool. Just so you know, Brandon, there was a surprise where Clark was going to show up today, but last minute could not make it. Oh, good. Because I'm going to lock the door.
Oh man, it was so close. I was so excited, but hockey and Christmas party plans got in the way. Yeah, it's alright. You know, fuck Clark. Hey, interesting. You can't talk to anybody. Alright, so what why didn't Clark fire you? I guess I wasn't getting my job. I don't know. I don't think it would you don't know. he didn't give you a ring Clark's not the one who fired me. He's the one who had to verbally fire me.
and There was something about exposing yourself at work, sleeping, putting your appendages in boxes that shouldn't be in boxes, like counting it as inventory, but it's not. Well, this box looks a lot heavier than it's supposed to be.
The box is a lot lighter than it's supposed to be. i hey you know what felt it's ta work It worked out for you in the better. Yeah, it worked out for everybody. It's good. All right, what do you guys think about it? I sidestepped like, I don't want to talk about this anymore. No, I'm i'm i'm still i still still bitter and I hate Clark. No, no i I like all those people there. They're great.
um and Inclusion Solutions. What are we thinking about this 2016 almost 10 years old? You're getting there. It's eight years old, man. Quick enough. I mean, I'm really enjoying this. It holds up. It has the sweetness. You get a little bit of the barrel.
Yeah, I did like again, I can't I'm confident that I've had it, but I don't remember what it was like back then. But like right now, like if somebody opened somebody opened this and told me this is a fresh. Hey, this is good sound this year. They're borrowing like this is a fantastic barley wine for 2024. This held up really well. And again, like.
i've seen the I think on most of their bottles it says like when did they started that I think after the AB InBev thing but this one actually doesn't say it a lot of them say drink within five years or drink whatever but this is fantastic man Clark back in 2016 said well not my favorite after having prop still yummy I wonder if he gave it a four yeah didn' hit You had to get Clark on the show, didn't you? He's on the show now. I'm adding it to you. Brandon. I just want Serge. You had that. I mean, that's kind of what I was hoping was going to have. ah Brandon checked in at the 212 Brew Club. Hey. ah You gave it a 4.25 on March 17, 2017. All right, all right, all right.
Clark had it again in 2017, same day, yeah and put still good. And then Clark, then again a month later, actually less than that, about two weeks, at the United Center for a Hawks game, says, my dumbass didn't read the sign and thought it and thought it was regular BCS. Oh well, still so pretty tasty. Better than my bottles. Sounds like he's bitter about the Broadway wine, I'm not really.
There's something that's better about it. You drink a bunch of it. Oh, here we go. Sounds very clarky. October 14th, 2017, Clark says, because why not? The best of the few I've had from 2016 sitting almost a year helped. 4.25. Brandon, you had then had it on December 12th, the same night as I did. You gave it a 4.25. Clark, that night, wow. Interesting.
Big fan, especially compared to 17. So much thicker. 4.75. Whoa! Wow, he really just suddenly was all over this beer, went from not liking it to basically loving it. So what we've learned, kids, is that ah Clark is a dumbass. Love you, Clark. Now, hey, our buddy Joe Jay, who we haven't really talked to lately. Joe, we haven't seen you in a while. Joe, where you at, man? ah He checked us in and September it says held up quite well though a touch of oxidation on the back end Which is expected bottom line October 18 2016 and it was a bottle show that he was at so I don't know if I'm getting an oxidation No, absolutely not not at all which i'm
Well, for me, like now like it would be a little bit of that honey quality. Yeah, just so we get the honey so there's there's a weird thing with barley wines, especially barrel aged barley wines, that I tend to get even when they're fresh. And to me, it borderlines of like that could Like somebody could be like, oh, that's oxidized, but it's not. It's like a characteristic of the bar. I don't know what it is, but there's a characteristic of a barley wine, and like some barrel aged ones that I get where it's kind of, yeah, I know you're talking about, but like, I wonder if that's a malt thing. It could be, but this, this is not like, it's not excessive. Like, you know,
eight years, roughly, like, it's it's not excessive. It doesn't taste oxidized. it It tastes like what you would expect, like what I was expecting for a barley line, so. You know, I i thought this was gonna be sweeter.
Yeah, which I'm still getting quite a bit of body. Yeah.

Figgy Pudding Flavor Discussion

Yeah. And the part that I'm really like liking is a lot of barley wines, you get more of that figgy pudding, really rich raisin quality, which I'm getting a little bit of. How much figgy pudding have you had in your lifetime? Just out of curiosity. I don't think any figgy pudding. Yeah, you use that as a descriptor. That's interesting. And how many beer people talk about horsebacking? How many people have ever been at a horse farm? I'm not talking to them. I'm talking to you. I was born in a horse farm, you son of a bitch. Yeah, you son of a bitch.
How dare you? How dare you? Things that are but associated with figgy pudding. Let me see if I can order figgy pudding on Uber Eats and we'll get that too. I guarantee some like random like UK pub will probably have figgy pudding, especially this time of year. I'm gonna look it up. Keep going. Because they want to bring you some figgy pudding. Now bring us some vigggie pudding bring us some figgy pudding. So Matthew can try.
I'm getting a lot more of the roasted quality, so more chocolate and coffee could be the beers previous, okay but I'm quite enjoying that slightly richer, little bit more of that bitter acidic qualities to this barley wine. Are you guys getting either of that?
I'm gonna be honest, I didn't listen to anything that you were saying because I was really interested in why fatties teriyaki on Rockwell came up when I liked the figgy pudding and the first thing it shows me is large teriyaki cauliflower. Excuse me. Your Google searches are awful for that. It's Uber. It's Uber Eats. Sorry, it's Grubhub actually. Grubhub is... Not good. o
but Yes, no, I agree I'm getting a lot of the same stuff that you are and ah what what's funny like again, like I said it like this this tea Tastes like a fresh beer. I don't know. It tastes really good. Yeah. I enjoy it. And I think my rating, my previous rating would probably stay the same. Actually it might go a little bit higher just because of the age and like how well it's held up. So with that being said, how many figgy puddings are you giving this? 4.25. No, that's what I gave it. Um, I'm gonna go four and a half, man. Like it's still, it's a solid beer. And you know, even, and again, like disclaimer, like a lot of the, what does it say on here? Does it say on the tag now? Yep.
up to five years. I knew it said it somewhere on the bottle. It's on their little tags now. um yeah to A lot of these beers go so well, like past that date. I will say this, when you're talking about Blues Islands, Bourbon counties. Yeah. yeah all there Even in the sense of while some of the adjuncts might fall off,
the base is still there. So it's kind of a bummer because you're losing the adjuncts, but the base beer itself still stands up and it's still a very good barrel aged beer. Yeah. And I have like the whole lineup. I mean, I have older ones too. You've got a whole lineup that you haven't even opened. No. Well, I know. Um, but 2019, I think, um, I've got to go in and mark them all, but I'm, my thing is to not drink any of them until he turns 21. All the 2019. Yep. All the ones that I have. Wow.
I will make him sit down on his 21st birthday and drink all of it. And there won't be a 22nd birthday. What's the 2019 props? I remember. Um, but yeah, so like,
And God forbid something happens to me, it is actually in my will that Tony has to do that. I will do that. That's the one thing I won't touch from his cellar. No, because not literally it's in my will. If I die, all of that goes. I'll make sure that he gets that. But yeah. I'll carry on the podcast. Please don't die. Please don't die. But yeah, so I think 2019 is like, yeah, that's that' I'm holding on to that. but But I have, I think,
The oldest one is either 2012 or 2013. I think it's 2012. And then you and I were talking about since we didn't do it in 2022, we should wait to 2032. Yeah. but So like, even if this podcast isn't going on anymore, we will come back for one episode and release it and be like, for ah and we'll, we'll pay again just to have it posted to the, like on Spotify and everything.
We don't pay for that. No, I mean to like have it hosted basically because we'll stop paying for hosting by that point. Unless you're just gonna keep it going. We don't even pay for, we don't pay for any of our hosting anymore. Oh, yeah, that's right. Don't just do this shit whatever we want.
Nice. nice i was yeah ah ah Matthew, how many figgy puddings are you giving this? Also, pass me that bottle. I want a little more, baby. um yeah I started laughing because what's funny is the picture of the episode with Mike came up ah wow on my phone. I was like, what? That's random. Your phone's listening. I'm giving it four and a half. I am really enjoying this beer, especially for how old it is. And the one part that we missed reading on the label was talking about some of the tasting notes, which is to say, oat, charcoal, hints of tobacco and vanilla with signature bourbon character. I don't know if I fully agree with those tasting notes. Not now. Not now, but... I would say probably at the time. I'd say that was probably pretty accurate. Now, might ah you guys may have already said this because I don't, I half listen to everything we talk about in this program. Isn't this the year after they had the infected batch?
2015 was the infected batch. The worst. It was a sad time. And we even drank them and we liked them. Well, yeah, when you drank them fresh, they were so fun. He and I had one that was a particular date that it tasted like a fruited bourbon county. And not in a bad way. Yeah. It was actually pretty good. Because we drank it. You were still living your condo. Yep.
is remember Cubs game happening because we saw fireworks or whatever and we cracked it open and we were like oh shit this is actually good like it wasn't bad at all it was it was pretty tasty and then you didn't you use some for like chili and stuff I did yeah I was just Because I think I had a lot of bottles of it. and yeah I'm just going to bake with it or cook with it. so i will I will say that I'm going to go four and a half as well with this. um I've always liked Goose Island's barley wines, which is why I think I like to prop even more this year because they decided to do a barley wine. i know it's it's
contentious variant this year for a lot of people. Some people did not like it. My one that I have a problem with is the macaron. Then I'm going to open up on Christmas Eve and try it again, get another opinion, see what they think. We'll see what happens. Well, little sneak preview. Oh boy, oh boy. ooh Is this an exclusive? Yeah.
Be on the lookout for Craft Beer Week, early May.

Craft Beer Week Collaborations

We have collabs both at their location and our location. Who's there? Who's there? Goose Island. oh And so we will we are currently working on ah getting all the labels and designs and everything and names made up for for early May for k craft beer week. So beer under glass. We will have some really fun collaborations coming out with Goose Island. So there it is. You heard it here first. Old Irving and Goose Island are doing a collaboration for craft beer week and it will be available
at Bear Under Glass. Hopefully everything works out so that does happen. You can't hold me to this. You can't hold me to this. I'm going from the source. But that's exciting, man. Congratulations. That's fun. Yeah. I'm looking forward to that. I'm excited to work with Trevor coming out with all of the other bear-laged releases throughout 2025.

Barrel-Aged Program Expansion

This will be our biggest year of doing bear-laged releases throughout the entire year in addition to Krampus.
Very exciting. I feel like that's a bigger announcement. No offense, go silent. But you guys doing more braille age stuff throughout the year, that's that's awesome. That's super exciting. Because you guys have been dropping stuff here and there the past couple of years. like And Trevor, that's one of, I think, his biggest passion projects is just increasing our braille age program and what we're doing. Well, you guys do a great job and now you have the room to do it. So that's good. That's exciting. And that is our old Irving segment of the episode.
You know, you guys are lucky that we really like you. Otherwise, I don't know if I'd want to talk of one brewery so much. Yeah. I mean, we do it without you here. We do it with you here. I go to the brewery regularly these days in one week. I went almost four times in a seven day span. I should say almost happened the other night. That's one week. yes Thank you. But almost four times. Do you, are you trying to say you went three times? Yes.
<unk> say that
Look, the reason why I worded it that way was it because ah I had suggested to go, and we decided not to go. Daddy! Daddy, I need help. Daddy, can I go to older, baby? Does he want to go? is that He heard me say older, but he's like, we got to go. All right, well, this is it. We've got one more beer to reveal of our list, and that's it. So I will go with mine. Here it is.

Favorite Beers of the Year

Drum roll, please.
preze oh actually before I do that I'm gonna run through a quick list, sorry, a quick list of ones that were also on the list but this word there. Burnham Brewery in Indiana, Juice Puns, very good. I really like that. OMG, our mutual friend. Friend? Is it O-M-F? O-M-F. It corrected to OMG. So in Denver. Yes. Stingray Jesus, that was a great IPA.
The Harbor Brewing Beer is on there. Maple Woods Melting Mosaic was a very good, I believe it was a paleo. Could've been an IPA, remember that. And also Sierra Nevada's Cherry Oak Manhattan Reserve that we had in Denver for the Great American Beer Fest. But this beer, number one overall for me this year was half acres vanilla benthic. It's the best vanilla beer I've ever had in my entire life. And it being a barely aged beer,
The whole benthic series this year was was very tasty, but that was quite fantastic. And that was my favorite beer of the year. Okay. Brandon. Yeah. So like I said, I didn't rate everything as favorite. Um, did I, I talked about this, but I don't think I said on the the episode, but, uh, one of my favorite beers that I had was the, uh, rum barreled, uh, Bananas Foster's from Hubbard's cave. Boom. Hell yeah. Good choice. Um, I have not tried that.
got a bottle sitting with there but yeah like i was um I remember when it came out, I was like, I need to try that beer. And I think I went, I think I was with Benjamin. i went You and I text about how you and I both maybe had even sent like a screenshot. And I went, and I got just like a five ounce pour. And that was all I had. And I was like that.
That was enough and it was fantastic. Um, just a very well done beer. Like the, the, the rum, the barrel came through like nicely and complimented like that banana flavor. Can you taste like rum? Oh yeah. Like, oh nice. Yeah. like the banana The rum came through, the barrel came through, the banana, like the, like the whole like dessert kind of was present and it, nothing, I felt like nothing overpowered anything and like everything just kind of complimented each other. So very well done. I forgot that I gave you, that I thought I gave you a French toast one. Nope. this was The French toast is very good. That was my birthday beer. Yeah man, I can't wait to drink that with you.
I'm sitting there like, what are you doing for Christmas Eve? yeah ah Matthew? So I think my favorite beer from this past year, I actually drank on an episode with you guys. What? And this might be the half acre segment. This was the double barrel two by four benthic from 2023. That was a great one. That ah that was just posted. Wasn't that one? Wait, was it posted? Yeah, it was. isn't Isn't there an after the final pour that's supposed to be posted?
I don't know, hope so. There is one. I gotta double check. Was that the Bentley thing? Yeah, that was last week's. Sorry, sorry. There is an after the Final Four that is coming out before this. That one's toasted coffee, not Madagascar vanilla and quad malon coffee.
Oh, wow, it was Guatemalan coffee. I don't remember much of the coffee. That's why he went to Guatemala. I need to know there. Oh, it was great. So it's an old Irving tribute to get Guatemalan coffee. It wasn't for meditation and became a better person. He came back with like 300 starting a coffee. 300 pounds of raw beans and like, what do I got? But for that one being a year old, the coconut just is one of my favorite coconut beers from this past year. Just like perfect volume of flavor on that one without being overpowering, still getting the barrel characteristic, still being rich and silky smooth. And I was really wowed by that one. You know, I didn't mention it and I should

Turtle Benthic Praise & Future Plans

have. It should have been on that. I remember it now that
The reason why I didn't put it on, cause I already had half acres of vanilla up there, but the half acre turtle benthic was to be, we didn't have that one. Oh, did we did. We did with Ray. Oh, that's right. Yeah. That was an amazing beer. And I'm going to throw that on my list as well as one of my favorite beers from this year, because It tasted like chocolate, caramel, pecan. I don't know if there was salt in there or what, but there it just it tasted like you were eating an actual turtle. I love turtles. A ninja turtle. dones sound disturbing I I ate Donatello. I ate turtle soup. termorables
Oh boy. If I was eating any of the turtles, it's going to be done. Here we go. He's he's going off his feet. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Michelangelo would be the best turtle. He eats the most pizza. He would taste like pepperoni. I want to hang out with him. But I want to hang out with him and eat it. Yeah, but it also be the taste. You can hang out with him while you're eating him, dude. I want to watch him eat his brother. I want to watch him eat his brother. I'm going to be honest. That's the bar that I'm talking. Oh boy. But Leonardo would be the worst, right? Absolutely. Stringy.
Just that guy is just a brick house. She's a brick! wow Well gentlemen, that's it. We did it. Maltese. 2024. And that brings this year to a close for the Malting Hour. This is our last episode for the year.
That's it. We did it. Thanks for having me by. We did it. We did a whole other year of the podcast. Brandon, I love you, man. Love you too, man. Thank you for continuing to want to do this with me. I appreciate it. I love doing this with you. It's so much fun. Yeah, dude. Matthew, thank you for coming on a lot more this year. It's been awesome. And look forward to having you on more next year. We're just going to keep extending the invite.
It's been phenomenal to be here and I might already have a Maltese contender and with this Goose Island for next year. Oh boy. Oh boy. Gotta drink it in 2025. Yeah, you gotta drink it in 2025, man. So if Brandon's got another one- Dude, I've had that like when I've gone bad and looked, I'm like, fuck, we drink that at the Maltese and we recorded it in like- There was- December or November, I'm like, god damn it. So what do you do with those beers? They just live in- Pergatory? Limbo. So really what we should do is start... I don't know what we'll mention. We should start our list in December 2024 for the 2025 Maltese. Or you do a Maltese of the Maltese. What? Get out. Get out. Well, because it was a cruise, it was a cruise block up here. Yeah. Look at, you're looking at the jacket, right? You're just noticing it. The fuck? Yeah, he's wearing a green beige jacket. Get out. Me just took a whole episode. Can't wait for the Packers to be eliminated in the first round this year.
Can't wait for the Bears to make the playoffs. They're not. Come back in 2032. Yeah, maybe. We'll be so lucky. I'll wait my whole life for that, but I will keep waiting. We will keep waiting. At least our team doesn't make it and lose in the first round every year. The Packers will do that in championship last year with the youngest team in the NFL. And yet,
They lost. That's crazy. To San Francisco. They always lose too. Bears are up. Go Chiefs. You know what I say? Aaron Rodgers may own the Bears, but San Francisco owns Green Bay, baby. They do. That is true. That is true. Enough football talk. I'm tired of it. I lost in Thank you everybody for listening. We appreciate it and the continued support. We look forward to bringing you more fun next year. And you know, Dan wasn't on a fantasy single episode this football. year. We did it. We did it. He's off. Clark, not on a single episode this year.
Technically we did that one and he was kind of there. ah Yeah, that's true. That's true. But you know, we'll see what happens next year. I think I'm finally gonna make a new bumper. Matthew you might be included with like a, and sometimes Matthew. We'll see. We'll see. But yeah, thank you everybody for your continued support and listening to this show we like to do and throw together. pretty Much appreciated. yeah We like hanging out and drinking with you guys. so We appreciate it. I hope you have a great new year and everything's cool for you in 2025 and four years on from there. I hope it still stays cool for everybody. We'll see what happens. but ah Brandon, I love you, man. I love you too, man. See you right next year. Bye.
This has been The Malting Hour. Be sure to follow us on all social media by searching The Malting Hour and at You can also follow us individually on social media. Brandon can be found on Instagram as bmdub81, on Twitter, bdub81, and on Untapped as bdubdrinksbeer. Tony can be found on Instagram and Untapped under Ace of Hope Chicago. On Twitter, The Ace of Hope Chicago. Clark can be found as Clarkowski on all three. Dan can be found on Instagram as hip underscore underscore hops and to hip hops on YouTube. Be sure to subscribe, like and rate the show on your preferred podcast listening platform. Until next time, cheers from all of us at The Malting Hour.