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Christmas Special 2021 - Episode 2 - ”Home Alone In Gumpleton” - The Fellowship of the Tabletop image

Christmas Special 2021 - Episode 2 - ”Home Alone In Gumpleton” - The Fellowship of the Tabletop

S1 E1 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
100 Plays3 years ago

Happy Christmas Eve! In this weeks episode, our festive story continues.


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Meta-context of the story's ending

Also, sorry for asking what the story was. I was like, are we saving Christmas? Are we going to the celebration? I was just like, I just need a little bit of meta here because I don't know what's going on. Tell me how it ends.

Introduction to Fellowship of the Tabletop

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are a live play 5e D&D podcast set in the magical home-brewed world of Gumpleton and with me tonight I have a host of fantastic players. Playing the total class to be determined, Druid we have Will. Hello.
Playing the fairy class to be determined, we have James. Hi there. Playing the artificer halfling, we have Callum. Ho, ho, ho. Playing the Goliath fighter, we have Mark. Are you being William Shatner?
I'm having to remember what you all are.

Character introductions and Christmas recap

I thought it was like a thing. I still found it funny how it says, playing the turtle, class to be determined, drew it. Did I say drew it? I didn't love it to James, I'm like, what? I'm just waiting for that. Playing the turtle, it's class to be determined. Anyway, I have one more player to ruin the introduction for.
Playing whatever the hell Willy is, we have Willy! Hi, I'm Big Willy, I play Forrest Knome, druid slash paladin. Level 3 druid, level 1 paladin. Because that's what D&D beyond rolled for me. Anyway, anyway. I did random character. Yeah, we got that man, we got that. What has just happened? I don't think I've ever met Andrew's paladin before.
Literally, there's this section on D&D Beyond where you can just go, fuck it, roll me a level four character. And this is... I am so doing that next time. Anyway, what happened, Darren? What did happen? Well, the 23rd of December is no more, both for our listeners and for our adventurers. For as you went to bed that evening having sinned Uncle Bill's Christmas star ceremony, you went to bed full of the joy of knowing
that Christmas Eve is just around the

VIP guests and magical train journey

corner. Happy Christmas Eve listeners. That's amazing. But did, like, last episode, did people arrive on a ship? Was there a character called Rudolph? I'm getting to it. Okay, I don't know what your recaps are like. It sounds like you were setting up episode two before, like, okay. So I was just introducing it to Christmas Eve. Happy Christmas Evil. Happy Christmas Eve. Happy Christmas Eve. Anyway.
earlier well not earlier the previous day this is great two of our local heroes were brought together knowing that they would be about to join the adventures and join the vip guests of the heroes who saved christmas of yesteryear noodle and fimble snowdrop
anxiously and eagerly awaited the arrival of the Star of Bethlehem upon which we found Prancer and Belzere. Two of the heroes of yesteryear we also found a stowaway. A stowaway had been in the engine room for 365 days called Willy. Our heroes descended into the townsfolk below and found themselves giving their heroes welcome. They were ushered through to the mountainside railway station where
they boarded Fuzzy Jumper's magical train up the mountains of Gumpleton and up and to the mountainside inn.

Trouble with escaped trolls

There, our heroes, after whatever it was, happened between the town, the station, the train and that point, found themselves on a plush balcony overlooking the Christmas star ceremony of Uncle Bill and all seemed well in the world.
Although, as we discovered at the end of the episode, trouble is a ruin because the trolls that stole Christmas of yesteryear have escaped. And as Christmas Eve's morning arrives on the party, there is a commotion happening in the reception
of the mountainside inn. But who hears it? Well, that, listeners, comes down to the fate of them dices. Can I ask everyone to roll the perception check, please? Oh, yeah. My perception nugget. Can I do a will and just use my passive? 20,000. And then lie and say it's 28. Is that OK?
Not you, guest Will, we're talking about Normal Will, who frankly you're much better than me. I love you Will. I did have things in here for his character and he left and I'm upset about it.
The man is here! I know.

Battle commences with trolls

And now you are digging further into this. You're doubling down. I mean respect for that, man. Like, well done. I got it. I got it. I would like to point out that Mark started the sass by referencing the passive perceptions. Yeah, but that was just referencing the podcast. That's the job of the character. You have to keep your claws away. Put the claws away, Mr. Claws. I'm sorry, Will. Stop doing bait and switch with Mark right now. It doesn't work like that. Anyway, what's the perception roles?
Christmas is tomorrow, I put the claws away. I got... I got an eight. An eight, thank you, Prancer. What about you, Belvoir? What about you, Belvoir? 21, thank you, Belvoir. What about you, Snowdrop? I got a 15. 15, thank you, Noodle. It was a 15 for me. And Big Willy. Big Willy will also got eight.
28 to 15 in the 20 plus. Well, anyway, Belvizar adds the 20 plus. What you hear is this commotion. You can hear it. Oh my God. Don't hurt me. Please put me out. Ow. Ow. Ow. That bong. And you can just hear what sounds like the reception bell just dinging. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. What do you want to do? Um, it's Christmas. Oh, no, it's Christmas Eve time. There's no need to, um,
Would I recognize there's some kind of threat of peril? Would it be able to be a certain tone in the voice that sounds like it's in peril? Yes, absolutely. Wasting no time, I would fling on my finest velour jacket once again, mount my mighty reindeer steed, and basically start running down towards where the noise is. I wouldn't even bother opening doors. I am smashing through the doors.
so many sexual windows in one second. You're going to be fucking in, mounting and smashing. That's an important afternoon for me. Actually, I take it back. We'll come back, please. We'll come back and replace me. I think that's what Darren's saying. This is what happens when I have alcohol. Belvazar, as you crash through the door, what you see is poor fuzzy turtle being suspended by his
right leg and just being dipped onto his bell. That sounds terrible. On the reception. That's what's happening. And you can just see his head. You can just see his head. Stay with me. Stay with me, listen. You can just see his head bouncing on the reception bell. And what you see are two large trolls. A brown troll holding his leg and just dropping him repeatedly onto the bell. And you can see the blue troll is just leaning down and just gnawing at him. He's going,
You're going to pay for what you did to him, you little schmuck and schmuck. And as that happens, the blue troll's going to turn as you crash through the door and sees you. And they're both just going to turn and look at you. And the brown troll is just going to drop Fuzzyjumper. It's the kid! Get him! And can you roll initiative, please? Yeah, sure.
Oh, don't be too excited about it, Calum. Jesus, calm down, mate. Calm that energy down. Hold on, hold on. Yeah, yeah, I can, yeah. Eight. So that would be shit, but there we go. Okay. How this is going to happen is that there's going to be...
a turn and then everyone who's still asleep is going to make a perception roll and the DC is lowering as the commotion gets worse and we'll see as and when you join the fight. The way you wake up will be the way you slot into the initiative order from here on in. Perception was at that, Darren? It will be perception, yeah.
But before we get to that, what happens is that the blue troll, having said, get him! Marv, will you drop the tunnel? Is just going to storm over to the Christmas tree. He's about approximately 15 feet from you at this point. And what he's going to do, the blue troll, is he's going to pick up the Christmas tree and he's going to lob it at you. Jesus Christ. That's the sound of the bells. That's an 18 to hit. Yeah, that hits. Okay.
58 points of bludgeoning. These magical dragon's teeth appear and start to swirl. But what happens if the Christmas tree is just lobbed at you and you don't see it coming until quite late? How do I not see it coming?
That's the AC for it. What you take is 10 points of bludgeoning damage as this tree clashes into you. The other troll, Marv, is just going to make a wisdom save to see if he does anything other than roll on the floor and laugh at you. No, he does not. He's going to fall backwards. Good one, Harry.
As this Christmas tree crashes into you, it is your turn, Belvoir. You were also, actually before it's your turn, can you make a strength saving throw, please? Yes, I can. It does not bode well, but okay. Ten. This Christmas tree knocks you prone. Ah, son of a bitch. Shit. You were prone and on the floor, you can hear the brown troll laughing at you. The blue troll has just lobbed this Christmas tree at you and is snarling and laughing at you. What do you want to do?
Even though I'm on the floor, I'm going to use half my movement to stand up. I'm basically going to reach into my jacket, pull out my red and green velour crossbow. It's had some upgrades since last time. The one that threw the tree at me, which I think was the blue one, I was going to try and fire a very, very festive kind of arrow into his face. Roll the hit.
That would be a 17 to hit. That hits. Roll damage. 11 points of piercing damage. Nice. Okay, as you stand up, you point this crossbow assuredly at this one that's snarling at you. As this festively decorated crossbow bolt pierces into the shoulder blade of this creature. It won't be the shoulder blade, it'd be the clavicle as you're hitting it from the front.
Can I ask everyone else to make perception checks if this commotion kicks off, please? I got seven again. Oh, I only got eight. You just got a 10. Oh, my God, I'm going to die. Seventeen. Yes. Come on, Prancer. Come on, my fellow hero of Christmas. Next up and joining the fight, then, all of a sudden, Prancer, you hear this commotion and you come to. It is your turn. You were currently in your room. It's only about five feet to the door.
You don't have to use half movement as you're only prone at bed height. I'll say you have the means to spring up. And what do you want to do? Without even taking a breath, or even fully opening his eyes, he hears the sound of commotion. And instantly, Halberd in hand
hammer on waste. It was never removed. I like to think he was cuddling the halberd in his sleep up and literally in a similar fashion to that Balthazar earlier, it just breaks through the door. So there's a Goliath cut in the door. Perfect outline of him with the halberd as well.
banked quickly to the left and sprinting down the corridor. I'm assuming down this corridor I can see, I think, by the sound of something else I was in the doorway. The way your door goes, so I'm going to say you were on the opposite side of the room, you come out and you're behind the snarling blue troll that doesn't seem aware of you but you do notice near the reception desk, the brown troll notices you wide eyes and just points at you and starts going,
Hurry! From his rolling on the floor laughing. The blue troll hasn't reacted yet because it's not his turn. What do you want to do? I'm going to hit him in the face! Okay, go for it. So he's going to turn as you arrive and just see your glaive coming down towards his face. Roll to hit. Thirteen.
13 hits they have shite a fee. So yes 13 hits. This is great news for me that is going to be Max damage 13 points of slashing damage And then I'm going to use instantly swing that the how a background and use my bonus attack pole arm
master and I'm going to button with the butt end of it right in the butting face. Upset on the weapon. Same modifier as my primary attack. Okay so I just roll that again. 17, 22 to hit. Yeah that hits. He takes two points of bludgeoning damage as I twat him in the nose. You not get to add your modifier to that.
Or is it just a d4? I don't think you do get your modifier. It says it has the same ability modifier as the primary attack and has a damage die of 1d4 bludgeoning. So it's just a d4, yep, thank you. So it's just a 2 for that. And that is all I'm going to do. I'm just stand there looking pensive and...
Yeah, so you know in Home Alone 2 when literally like when Marv gropes that woman and Harry turns to see her and she just smacks him. What happens is he points to her, he just turns and looks at you and sees this glaive coming in which craps him and then as he rescinds he goes, ow! You just bump him with the back end and hits him on the nose. He goes, ow! That is the end of your turn. It is the trolls turn.
And what they are going to do is, well, Harry is now engaged with you, Prancer, so he's going to take a swing at you. He's going to reach through his back and pull off this bam bam style club and just take a swing at you.
Four. Twelve to hit. That does not hit, unfortunately. Okay, yeah, as he goes to hit you, you just hold the glaive in place and just bonk, back it away. And he's now looking slightly irritated at that. He's then... Repost!

Willy's unique attack maneuver

Go for it. Sorry. I'm going to run past him. I'm going to use that. I'll have these things. It's like a spender reaction and my, uh, it's one of my thingy thingies. I've done one of those. Uh, and I can attack. If I hit, I have my superiority die to the damage. Right. Ah, shit. That's a seven to hit. Yeah. That misses.
Okay, with that, as you go for the riposte, he's going to back away and you do not get an attack of opportunity. Because I've worried about mine. And he's going to just say to Marv, get the kid, and point towards you, Belvazar. And what Marv is going to do is stop laughing, go, get up, and they'll pick up the shell of Fuzzyjumper and lob that at you. Oh, God.
That is a natural one. So what you hear coming towards you is, make way for Fuzzy! And you're able to start as the shell just crashes into the Santa statue behind you and knocks the Santa statue over. Because it's caused that massive horrific noise and they roll the natural one, it's going to be a mid-round perception check to see if anyone else wakes up now. So everyone else who's still asleep, please make your perception rolls. The DC's getting lower.
Well, I got an unnatural 20. Thank you, James. I got 17. Thank you, Ian. I got 11. It's a really nice dream, though. What happens as this Santa statue dongs and falls over is that both Willy and Snowdrop
you come to and you wake up and all of a sudden you hear, and you're able to wake and go, hold on, that sounds like a Santa statue falling over. And as you both climb out of bed, can I have dexterity modifiers to see who goes first? Mine is a plus two. Plus two? 13. Oh, zero. Zero.
Big change. That's a big modifier. You just wanted actual number, not roll. I needed your modifier. That's it. But I got you. Zero. Okay. What I will say is that you both emerge through your doors that are next to each other at the same time and you just see this commotion and we'll pick that up when we come to your turn in the Emission of Order. But for now, Belves are. You've just had this tortle lobbed at you and you've been able to get out of the way of this one. What do you want to do?
I'm going to kind of back up a little bit. Just look at the tortle that's just been thrown at me again. I'm sorry, Fuzzy. And I'm going to cast Catapult on the tortle shell to fling it back at the troll that threw it at me. At the brown troll. Okay, roll the hit. That's a spell attack to hit, isn't it, Catapult? Well, you've got a dexterity saving throw to make.
I think, and they'll go, well, because the dexterity modifier is minus one. Good. Ten. You fail. And he takes, oh, that's a nice one. Sixteen points of bludgeoning damage. This tortle shell goes, wee, doing. Straight onto the, I like to visit landing on the news. Yeah, Donald, it's bangs on the back. And you see him kind of like just crack his nose, his eyes kind of.
just seem to get absolutely distracted as if one's going one way and one's going the other. And then you hear this. Ow! Do you got anything else? I could, but I'm not. No. OK. Prancer. Harry the blue troll is backing away from you. What do you want to do? I'm going to smash it with a hammer. And I'm going to hit him. Go for it. Roll to hit.
really hard though okay so i'll roll my that's a 17 to hit that hits and i'm going to uh commit to completing some slashing damage against him there's 11 points of slashing damage yep and then with my bonus attack i'm going to hit him with my butt
Oh, yeah, I'm rolling really well at the moment, 21. That hits. And he's going to take three points of bludgeoning damage as I dock him again, right on the nose in the same place. Okay, yeah, as you hit him, he then all of a sudden, you see he's still up, and it's like, go down, naughty boy, and you just smack him again on the nose with the back end, and again, he just goes, ow! And that at the end of your turn? Yes, I'm going to hold back everything else. Yep, cool, that's me, thank you. Okay, Fimbul Snowdrop.
You see this commotion and you come to your senses quicker than Willie, and all of a sudden you see these two trolls are just ransacking the hotel and attacking your peers. What do you want to do? Well, first thing Thimble does is just kind of floating on the spot, looking around. She sees the Christmas tree on the floor, disheveled, bits and pieces of all the different tints or the baubles broken on the floor. She looks to the left. She sees the tortoise.
flying between the two guys, broken the floors, she says, well, this isn't very festive. And she'll use her bonus action to rage. Ah, nice. I've been waiting for this. Amazing. This is a wild surge rage. Do you need to roll? This is a wild surge rage. Roll your d8 then. God, I want to see what he gets.
I rolled an eight, which... Okay, what does that do, James? He's going to tell you in a moment. Thank you for the active commentary. I was going to say, like, was that a pop view? He's currently scrolling down his laptop to see. Okay, so the wild surge for eight. A bolt of light shoots from your chest. Another creature of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you must succeed on a constitution saving throw or take 1d6 radiant damage and be blinded until the start of your next step. Amazing.
And until the rage ends, I can use that again as a bonus section. Whoa. Nice. OK, pick a troll for a little brown. I'm going to go for... Is it brown that Balavasar just shot the turtle at? Yes. Yeah, that's the one whom she'll aim her light at. But first thing you do is you just see this kind of like almost
red and green fire in her eyes as she takes out the two lollipop shaped weapons if you will smashes them onto the ground to form crude hand axes and she looks and goes like that's not very festive at all! As his blinding light shoots out of her and he has to make a constitution saving throw. He rolled a six. That is a fail. Firstly he does he takes
Four points of radiant damage and is now blind. Nice. As this light goes towards me, you say, ah, Gary, I can't see. And we're going to follow that with the actual tech as this rage-induced theory zooms right up to him and is going to whack him as hard as you can with her hand axe. So we're going to roll. Yeah, roll the hits.
15. Now that hits. I assume you have advantage because it's blinded as well. I don't know how blinded works. I should know that actually. Yeah let's check. A blinded creature can't see and automatically fails any ability check that requires sight. Attack rolls against the creature have advantage and the creature's attack rolls have disadvantage. Go for the crit James. Unfortunately I didn't roll the crit but I will take the 15. Roll damage then. It's an extra two bits of damage for barbarian rage isn't it?
Yeah, at level four, yes. So... You won't get an offhand because you had to use your bonus to rage. That's fair, that's fair. Thimble hits him with 11 points of slashing damage. Nice. Oh, mac damage. On the lollipop weapons.
And with that then, what you have just seen, Willy, is just this bolt of lightning followed by this small fairy, just rushed past you as it goes into the fray of this fight. What do you want to do, Willy? Oh, just a great, great rage. Very good.
Do I see, what's the current situation with Harry and Marv? You see Marv is now just glancing his eyes like that and has this fairy floating around in front of him. Harry... Who's the closest to me? I would say from where you are, it's Marv, the brown one, the one who's just... How far? You would need to take about 15 feet of your movement to get to him.
Okay, easy. I do this. I help. This is what I train for in the darkness of 365 days. Big Willy! And I run towards, which one's the closest, did you say? Marv. I've run towards Marv and you just see Willy launch himself and he's going to try and grab the face of Marv. What the hell? Jump up and grab.
Okay, you're going to try and grapple him. Nice. Not grapple. If I connect, I'm going to cast Frostbite on him. Okay. Do you need to roll the attack? I'm literally jumping into the air, so I don't know if you want me to do an athletics before I actually hit the attack. Well, let's do contested then. Let's do your athletics versus athletics or acrobatics, your choice, versus his dexterity saving throw, which he will do at disadvantage because he is blinded.
I do a natural 20. Yeah, you've connected. Okay, so I land on his face and I grip around the back of his head and like a her kirana style WWE, my crotch big Willie in his face and my hands grabbing the back of his head pulling his hair and I cast frostbite on him.
Okay, yeah, what do you need me to do? What do you need to do, Frostbite? I don't know, I'm going to read now. You cause numbing Frost to form on one creature that you can see within range, so you don't need to touch him, but I touch him. The target must make a constitution saving throw on a fail save. The target takes 1d6 of code damage and has disadvantage on next weapon attack roll it makes before end of next turn.
I like to think that Big Willy genuinely says that All Light lied on his turn. He's got it written down on his arm and he's been just waiting for this moment for so long and as he's trying to move around the head he's just, yes I can see it on my arm, stop moving, okay. Make constitution saving throw you, imbecile. He's done quite well, 19. He automatically fails, he automatically fails, blinded. A blinded creature cannot see an automatic fails, any ability check requires sight, ignore me.
Sorry, keep going. I've just done his head now. That's all right. It's the DM sentence. So that fails, unfortunately, but you are on his face.
it's probably a good thing you don't like it i just hear that going on and on constantly throughout this round you do now all of a sudden noodle we're going to bring you in here at the bottom of the round you hear outside your door i'm on your face ah from outside your door and as you open your door you just see this giant troll with willy just grappled on its face about five feet from you what do you want to do excellent so waking up from the bed hearing that i'm going to
thrust my hand into Michelle. I'm going to pull out a shoe. I'm going to pull out a white trainer and I'm going to say, oh, no, it looks like it's time for you. And I'm going to rush out into the doorway. I'll see Big Willy on the troll's face and I'll go get him, Buzz. And I would like to use my wild-shaped action to summon my wild, fast spirit. And you kind of hear this
from inside the shoe and this explosion as this kind of about, I don't know, three, four centimeter wide, not very big at all. Coal just erupts into flame behind one of the trolls. Ideally, I'd have this so that it didn't affect Willy, but I don't know whether it will. It's a 10 foot. If you go for the one that's engaged with
Willie, you will hit Willie as well. If you glance over Willie's shoulder and go for the one that's backing away from Prancer, the blue one.
you won't hurt, you won't hit anyone else. It would make more sense. I don't think I'd want to hurt Willy. I don't want to beat Willy. I'll have it erupt if you like on the one that's behind. It needs to make a Dex saving throw. A Dex save from Harry. I've rolled really well there. Sorry. It might not work because it's a minus one. It's 16. Roll the 17. No, that still passes. It takes absolutely no damage, but what it will do
is I'll use my bonus action, this kind of cold erupts into fire behind, doing no damage, speeds away from the troll that it was at, and I'd like it to get close to Willy. And I believe what it can do, let's just quickly have a look at the action. Sorry, I had this in front of me. Here it is, fiery teleportation, the spirit and each willing creature of your choice within five feet of it can teleport 15 feet to an unoccupied space.
So I want to try and have it to kind of pull Willy off. Willy, are you going to try and pull off the Willy? I feel strange tugging motion I go with. I go with you. Excellent. What happens is it'll teleport me kind of, it'll teleport you 15
uh feet back down the corridor kind of towards us pull you off its face and in its wake it will leave behind a small explosion i need a deck save from the one whose face was uh
which Marv had a disadvantage on. No, he doesn't, because it's not sight. Sorry. I explode in his face. I'm really sorry, buddy. I roll really well again from 18 through 17. That's OK. No, it fails.

Adventurers gain upper hand

Does absolutely nothing. But Willy is teleported 15 feet away from the creature off its face. So I've made the situation worse. Sorry. That's good. You're good, Noda. Thank you. Thank you.
You'll get me out, I appreciate it. Okay, as Willy is pulled off, it's the top of the round and it's the trolls turn. James, does Marv get to shake off the blindness or is Marv permanently blind? That's a very nice... Good question, really. First attack in your podcast career, you're pulling off a Willy. I'm so sorry, I've listed Michelle and I pulled off a Willy.
The answer is that he remains blinded until the start of my next turn. Okay, so he's blinded. He's just going to swing wildly, aiming for you then in front. He's going to do it with disadvantage because he's blind, but he is going to try and swing at you nonetheless. Okay. And roll a six to hit, which he's probably going to miss. That is going to miss.
Yeah, so this troll just swings wildly trying to hit you, and obviously that completely just widers the task. And misses completely. Harry is all of a sudden realizing that things are in danger. He's just felt this fire go up behind him. He's going to go, ah, fuck, ah! And is going to just take a swing with the fist at you, Prancer. You want a toil? A 16 to hit. Mids to beats, yep.
Okay, you take... nine points of bludgeoning damage as this club just crashes into you. Oh, Darren. You're not down, are you? No, no. It would be normal for me to dump on something important, but now I've actually got a character that works in this campaign. Yeah, so this club crashes into you this time. That is the trolls go. Belvazar, it's your turn.
I'm going to use some of my movement just to climb down from my reindeer finch. I'm just going to fire another festive arrow towards the, I think it's the brown troll, the one I've been hitting most of my arrows into who's currently blinded as well. Okay, go for it. Oh, that was shit.
13 to hit. 13 hits, they've got an AC of 11. So, yep, 13 hits. And are you going for Marv here, just checking the brown one? The one at the front that I think, the one that is not engaged with Prancer, the one that's just had big bloody in his face. Yeah, Harry's engaged with Prancer.
God that was terrible seven points of piercing damage. Okay, it all counts. It's still up as this crossbow bolt pierces into it As a bonus action, I'm gonna say Finch kill I'm gonna send Finch in to basically run and charge at The Brown troll again with these antlers. Okay, go for it
That's actually another 14. That's another 14 to hit. Yeah, that hits. Nine points of force damage. Ooh. Okay. As this force damage hits it, ah! As the cry goes up from Marv once more, he is still up. It is Prancer's turn. I presume that's the end of your turn. Yeah, yeah, that's the end of my turn. Okay, great. Thank you, Balbazar. Prancer, you're up.
I'm going to hit him with a halberd for a grand total of 12 against his AC. That hits. I'm going to do some slashing damage and whilst the dice slowly rolls, Kharka rolled the lowest and possibly could. That's great. That's four points of slashing damage. And then I'm going to use my final of the three maneuvers I have. I'm going to use the trip attack and the troll needs to make a strength saving throw.
Six. Oh, good. It fails. Nice. That's great. So on a failure, I have knocked the target prone. It's now prone on the floor. Yep. And then I'm going to hit it. Then I'm going to hit it in the face with my fucking butt end. Yeah. Harry falls backwards. And as his eyes come to, he just sees this button of this pole coming towards him. It's 11. Oh, of course it is. That is 22. Yeah, that hits.
One point of bludgeoning damage right in the forehead. Okay, both of these trolls now are looking a little disheveled. It is... Fimbul Snowdrop's turn. You still have this troll all of a sudden shakes off the blindness and is just looking at you with rage. What do you want to do? Well, she looks directly back at him with rage, gritted teeth. And she looks at him and goes like, I am going to pull your eyes out and turn them into bubbles.
Brilliant. And first thing we're going to do is she's going to hit him with the hand axe. Okay. Ooh, natural one. That's going to miss, unfortunately. That's okay. You break a lollipop. No, she's then going to use the bonus action to just make an attack with her secondary weapon.
Horrible rolls. That's only a eight to hit. Both miss, I'm afraid. As you swing with these axes, just furiously, you realise that you're just kind of doing that. That this hand is just on front of you and kind of like scrappy doing, you're just... This roll is just blocking you with a hand. Very bad. Is that the end of your turn? No. What she'll do is use the last part of her movement to zoom up as high as you can into the air using her 40 feet of movement.
As the hand loses you as you just take off towards the ceiling. You're only going to get about 20 feet up because that's how high the ceiling is. That's okay and she's basically kind of like circling around him as a vulture would. When you see something dying in the desert. As this troll is distracted by what's going on above it is Willy's turn. Willy you've just teleported 15 feet across the room. What do you want to do?
And Klaus is Marv or Harry. Which one, Klaus? Well, Marv is 15 feet away because that's the list you've teleported. You could probably get to them both. If you wanted Harry, he's proning on the floor about 20 feet away. No, I look towards Nuda. I say, thanks. Pull him here. Appreciate it. And then as he's doing that, he's digging into his beard and he pulls out one of the aforementioned holly leaves with the berries on.
He goes, okay, I got idea now. And he takes the holly leaves and he goes, boom! And he cups his hand together and out of this holly comes a big long whip and it's all spiky and thorny. And he's going to use thorn whip, which is 30 feet range against the one closest to him. Go for it. And he goes, whoop-ah! He didn't say that. Had to be done. Had to be done.
Okay, so that's natural one to hit with a forward target. Yeah, that was such a lovely build up. All of a sudden, what you see is the troll ducks and instead what you see is this really nice Christmas ornament on the shelf behind just getting destroyed. Oh, no, I hope not expensive. This is embarrassing. Sorry to be that guy. Sorry to be Will Smith. Yes, rules lawyer. One of them is blinded. One of them is prone.
No, he's not blinded anymore. Of course, it's the end of his turn. Ignore me then. Sorry, sorry, sorry. I know. Well, come back, we need more. I take it all back. Sincerely take it all back now. I don't know the rules. What do you think? Take before it. Do you plan? Just the DM of over 100 plus episodes, you know.
I know, man. That's ridiculous. Yeah, but you never know in a rule. That's why we have Will. Anyway... It's almost like he was... I missed. He rolled or something. I missed. My description stands and the ornament is smashed. Noodle, you see this ornament. It's smashed by this whip. Noodle, I smashed things. Oh, it's okay. I can fix it. Okay. Is there anyone between me and Prancer?
No, you can make a beeline for Prancer from where you are. Yeah, I'll shuffle it up and I'll still probably say, excuse me, and I'll kind of rummage into my bum bag. I'll pull out some stuffing as in like food stuffing and I'll quickly try and climb up and rub it in his face and cast Cure Wounds on him for how much? Oh, that's pretty good. That's a max. That's a 12 points of healing.
Oh, wow. Nice. Towards Prancer. And whilst I'm doing this, my little fire spirit will kind of come up, land on my shoulder and is, are they both prone or is one of them just prone? No, just the blue one. Just the one that prances hit. Okay. So the one that isn't prone, I'd like my wildfire spirit to take a ranged shot at. So let's just quickly see. Yeah. It's a plus six to hit. Go for it. Okay. Oh, that one.
Ooh, yeah, that's 18. That hit, throw damage. Awesome stuff. And it will take... Oh, four points of fire damage.
OK, yes, it's still up, but it is really now looking slightly perturbed and not very healthy as this fire hits into

Victory and fictional hero status

it. It starts trying to pop the fire out. It is the trolls turn. The blue one, Harry, is going to get up and instead is going to take a swing.
It's not going to go for pram, so it's going to see you noodle. You're far too cute and you're far too Christmassy for this mean old Grinchy troll. So instead it's going to swing its club at you for a 24 to hit. Yes, it does. Bait and switch. Oh, use that as a reaction. That's my first question.
Um, when I'm in five little creature, uh, on your turn, you can, oh, sorry. Um, Robin, and I don't think you could use it in the reaction. I'm thinking of the other one, the, um, the shield, the kind of a defensive cost thing. You're thinking of defensive dualist, which are they feet?
No, to help someone else, it's another fight to win. Interception? Interception, yeah. That's what I was thinking. No, I don't. So ignore me. Okay. He didn't roll that well on damage. You only take seven points of bludgeoning damage as this club smacks into you. I feel mean. But yeah, that's how it goes.
Marv, not blinded now, is going to see your out of reach and instead is going to smack the reindeer that is in front of him. The reindeer is going to use his reaction, deflect attack to give you disadvantage.
Well, it's a good job you did that because it's a 24 or a 12. 12 misses. It's going to dong off the shell and just hold its fist and go, ow! And that is the end of the troll's turn. Belvizar, you're up. Oh, OK, yeah. That was a big mistake on that. He's going to...
No, I really can't do anything else. I'm just going to fire another festive arrow at him. But Balthazar's going to be like, you leave Finchelone! Oh, you son of a... Oh, no, that's 11 to hit. Meet some beats, as you say, C. Oh, for fuck sake. Seven points of piercing damage. It is still up, but this troll now, all of a sudden... But for the skin of its teeth, this troll is still up.
And with that, I'm going to give a last order to Finch and say, this is my bonus action, by the way. Finch, finish him. Okay. Go for it. So Finch is going to roll for another head book with his mighty antlers.
Oh, and I get a natural one. Oh, no. It goes to lunch. What happens is it backs up, but it slips on a couple of the baubles and charges forward and instead just goes head first into the reception desk. Can you make a strength saving throw, please? Oh, God. For Finch. Finch is stat.
21. OK, it looks like the antlers are jarred into the reception desk, but Finch is eventually able to pull them back out. And there are now these two antler-shaped holes in the reception desk. That is the end of your go? Yeah, I can't do it. OK, feeling slightly pleased for himself that he's missed the reindeer, the troll's just going to, probably not realising that death is about to rain down from above. Simple blow-drop it is your turn.
That's pretty much exactly what's going to happen. If you can imagine like sort of like the zooming down, almost like you're hearing those, like Jericho's trumpet style airplane noises, like she charges down. And yeah, she is going to try and hit him again with the hand axe, hopefully with a bit more look this time. Come on, finish. Well, that's not a great start. I say, eat to hit. Ate to hit. Sees you coming and ducks out of the way the first attack. And she is going to try and use her second hand weapon now.
Oh, that's a 12 to hit. That hits. Now you do have to roll because you don't get to add your modifier to the offhand. No, just a D6. You do have to roll to see if you can do this. One point of slashing damage. Still up. The troll is still up. You hit it with this one point of slashing damage. It is still up. But you do most. Ah! Hit the troll. Oh, you cut my finger. Once again, any leftover movement.
She will use to do a little flourish around him and move out of hand. Does this creature not get an attack of opportunity? No. Part of the mobile feat is that if I make an attack against a creature, it cannot have an opportunity attack.
Fair enough. Willy, bring in some long-range things there, Ian. A chance, a chance for hero with him. You can see that this brown troll is on its last legs, if you wish to go for it. The blue troll is still engaged. You've just seen the blue troll. How far is brown troll? How far is mav?
Marv is still about 15 feet from you because you've not moved. Harry is about 25 feet from you. I'm going for Marv! Big Willy! And again, Willy's going to rush forward and try and grab an ankle this time. Big Willy kills this thing. I'm going to be so happy. Cast Frostbite against it. Can you make Constitution saving throw please? 11.
Let's roll the six. Yeah. 1d6, a code damage. It's got one hit point. Well, the brown one, the brown one is down. How'd you want to do this, Willie?
So I grab onto Willy, he runs forward. Big Willy! And he grabs onto his ankle and he's just holding onto him as he wraps his legs and his arms around it and he just thinks cold thoughts. I've been lone 365 days and I cast Frostbite and it slowly
ice starts to form up his leg and it then goes all the way to his buttocks and then down the other leg and then up the body and then eventually to his stupid face and he freezes with a dumb look on his face and he stands there like an ice giant sculpture. Merry Christmas motherfucker.
Yep, this troll just freezes into this twisted and contorted position. Marve it down. Let it help, let it help. I'm stuck. Yeah, you're stuck to his ankle. Let it help. Noodle, while this is happening, you've just been smacked by Harry. What do you want to do? Ouch! How close is Harry to me? Well, you wouldn't even gauge, so about five feet. Okay, I can use my bonus action first, can't I? Yes.
Is Prancer within five feet of me? He is, isn't he? Yes. Can I kind of go round this enemy so I can get myself at least five feet away from Prancer without leading? If you want to disengage... Without disengaging. If you want to get to the opposite side, you can, because you can do that without disengaging. Okay, I'll keep eyes on him and I'll back my way around him. At this point, my little buff coal is going to be on my shoulder. And I'll just say, let's go, buff!
and I'll use my bonus action to get him to transport me 15 feet away, and I'm going to need him to make a deck save. Four. Excellent stuff. He is going to take 1d6 plus two, which is... three. Three points of fire damage, and I'm going to teleport myself 15 feet away with buff, and I'm going to turn around and I'll say, Beth, can I have some fire, please?
and you'll see this little spark fly off of both land in my hand for produce flame, and I'm going to lob it at the troll for a 21 to hit. That hits. Awesome stuff. And he takes six points of fire damage. Okay. Yep. He is still up. As he's set on fire. It's now the troll's turn. I've seen it's the end of your turn.
And the troll is going to turn around as he does that and see Marv and go, Marv! And it turns to see Willy and goes, I'm going to get you, you're going to... I scoped you, motherfucker! And he's going to ignore the two he's engaged with, so both Noodle and Prance are going to get attack of opportunity. Noodle's moved away. Noodle's not pranced, he's going to get an attack of opportunity. That's 22. That hits, roll damage.
Sorry, I pressed the wrong button there. Yeah, I'm gonna get it right in his back. And that is going to be nine points of slashing damage. And then I'm going to chuck on a trip attack on that as well when I hit with the weapon attack. Don't bother, don't bother, he's down, he's down, don't bother, he's down. Yeah, good, fuck off. Okay, so what happens is, if this troll turns and starts to storm towards Willy, just donk as it's hit, and you just see his eyes go, and then like a down I go,
As the dust settles, what do you want to do? Give me up. Someone unstuck ice. Then we'll go straight down to Will and she's like, that's amazing. Come on, let's turn him into strawberry snow cone. Someone get me unstuck. I stuck on ice clothes. Stupid idea I grabbed on. Go help.
uh just one of you please and my clothes are stuck to ice it's like when you lick ice it's stuck someone it's been a while since i did a battle finches antlers just in between the no no shop no no shops the antlers aren't sharp
You stupid fucking right here. They do, but they're strong. Get the fuck away. Where did this extra person come from? Fidgety's going to walk away at that, fuck you. Where did this other person, Callum, appear in our game all of a sudden? I hear his voice and I hear Callum, what is going on here? I need to talk him out. Suck him just. No, God, are you around? You pull me off, pull me off again. I could pull you off, but I've got fire, I can melt it.
Yeah, use the fire much better. Burn the big wheelie. Burn me, burn me, burn it. Burn it, burn it. I think you need to calm down. Pull the wheelie off, please. Okay. And I'll come round and I'll grab onto the back of you and I'll get my wildfire spirit buff to hover near you, hopefully using some of his heat to melt.
where your hands and probably face are stuck to this creature. I'm not pulling you off. Thank you. Much better. Much better. Twice you pull me off. Twice I give you thanks. That's good. It's okay. Anytime. Maybe. It's been a while since I did a battle. That was stupid. Stupid. I shouldn't grab onto something and turn it into ice. I get stuck like super glue. Stupid. Stupid. No. You did well, Little Big Willy.
I killed it though, did you see? I saw a very horrific ice sculpture. Very good. Shall we break this? Do you want to break it now? Shall I smash this fucker? Break it! Break it! I'm going to swing the halberd right here to smash it into a billion pieces. That's the aim. It'll look the other way.
So as you go to ice that guy, co-in the phrase, I've got a natural 20. As this old sculpture just bursts into pieces. As that happens, you hear a little head pop out from a show and go, is it over?
Yes, yes, it's over now. You can go out of your shell. Thimble's quite literally dancing on all these shard pieces of what was once a child going, you nearly went to the electrical. Don't be, don't be horrified. And Willy's going to collect some of the shards of the dead Marv and stick it in his pocket.
Ooh, I think that's a wonderful idea. I'm not going to ask. I am not going. I don't want to know. It helped later. Trust me. In answer to your question, Total Man, yes, the battle is won. We are victorious again. Prancer leads the group to victory once again. No, they don't. Big Willy did more than you. It appears. Well, that's magnificent. Are you?
Well, I thought they were going to kill me. You guys have saved Christmas.

Hans Uber's New Year's Eve threat

I saved you. I got here first. Question, question. Fuzzy first jumper guy. How is Belle? Oh, the Belle on the desk. That is very good. Your Belle. My Belle is fine. How's your Willy?
What the fuck is this? What is happening? I mean, no sense. My name, Willy. Oh, sorry. Oh, I see. Well, Willy, you are now a hero of Christmas. What? You are a hero of Christmas. Say that again. You, Willy, are a hero of Christmas. Merry Christmas.
I hear a Christmas, I save Christmas single-handedly. No, with group, my friends, family, we are family. Stronger than family, closer than blood. These guys are with me forever. I'm never alone again in the engine room. So happy. Follow me, follow me, follow me. Anything to go out to the balcony and go, come on, come on. Yeah, come on, guys.
Okay, I guess we are going out. But listen, big Willy, little big Willy. You know, I don't know you that well. We are not close as on family. Not yet. So, I'm a lone stone. No, you're with us. No, no, no, no. Shut up. Shut up. You did well. Let me give you a compliment. You are a good fighter. Sorry, a lot of tingles over my head. I understand fairly well. That is because you are small.
That was joke implied. Stupid man. And so are you. You are halfling, you idiot. I'm on my reindeer. Shut up. I'm not small. I'm tall. Stupid reindeer. Gonna slice me in half. I have assistance to be tall. I'm going to piss on that reindeer and make it rust slowly. Stupid reindeer. It'll stick it at the rear end. It did one time and I almost threw it off the star of Bethlehem.
Yeah, I think it's best anything to do with any any of anything you we have done for the last two episodes Maybe just don't tell the scout leaders about yes safeguarding question and lots of problems How is Fanny pack
Oh no, it's fine, thank you. I just got a bit of stuffing out to, you know, feed it to prance, so it's feeling a bit better now. Yes, I was very thankful. I am feeling much better. You are a good... You're a total fanny. Very good. Yes. As this happens, you turn and you see that fuzzy jumper
and what you see is a large image of the sky and it's just you lot projected and you realize that your image and everything you've just said has been projected into the sky, it could have found down below or and you can see as you peek over the edge of the balcony you can just see the inhabitants of Gumpleton looking up at you and Fuzzy Jumper just goes ahem or these guys have a once again saved Christmas and you just hear this way from the
town below and as that celebration is happening, all of a sudden something happens to the image and it starts to flicker and you see a figure step forward onto the image like they've intercepted your feed and what you hear is this, Velle, Velle, Velle, if it isn't my former friends of Gumpleton
Ever since you built that shit-stained mountain train, you decided that you didn't need me. And my Uber cars were no longer required. Due to the knack of Gumpleton's legacy of greed in handling the transportation system of these mountains, this town on New Year's Eve is going to be taught a lesson in real use of power.
those of you who claim to be the heroes of Christmas, you will climb to the top of the tree on New Year's Eve. Sorry, I can't hear you. Can you speak up, please? And you will bear. Still can't hear you. Can you speak up? Sorry, Christmas man who's dangerous. Can you just talk to me a bit louder? The image cuts off and Fuzzyjumper goes, my God, that's Hans Uber. And
He's just threatened New Year's Eve. Will you come back? Will you stay with us for New Year's Eve? And listeners, with that, you too have to be on New Year's Eve to see if the heroes of Christmas can become the heroes of New Year and stop the maniac Hans Uber from destroying New Year's.
And with that, that is where we will end this week's episode of Photoshop. Good night to all and to all a good night. That was incredible. My God. Hans Uber. Hans Uber. I love this big fight. Hans, I call it Uber. This is a big fight over the transportation system in Grumpleton. It's just fantastic. It's like SimCity but with D&D.
That was fantastic. Well done. Amazing stuff. Well done, Darren. You certainly know how to write this shit. Well, like Darren said.
Join us next week for our New Year's special of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. To all listening tonight, I hope you have a fucking great Christmas because it's Happy Christmas Eve. So tomorrow, when you all wake up, I hope you all get what you want and you have a very merry day surrounded by whomever you choose to have in your life. So all good here. We're all happy. That was epic, guys.
Well, we say Merry Christmas and that if you again wanted to keep in touch with the ongoing into the podcast, check us out on our socials. We have all but one. It's a Twitter page. It's fucking great. It's at fellowship table. We do have individual pages. Feel free to follow them. I'm at, I rolled one. Mark is at, um,
That looks at the D20 Gamer. James is at the D10 to Gamer 2. Will is at Aisley Road, PC. I love it. And Bodilocks is at Darren Peijo 6. That's right. Next time, guys. Farewell. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas.