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Christmas Special 2024 - Ep. 3 Step Into Battle image

Christmas Special 2024 - Ep. 3 Step Into Battle

E3 ยท The Fellowship of the Tabletop
24 Plays2 months ago

In Part 3 of our festive special, we take on a horde of other Kobolds.

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios


Introduction and Character Reveal

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of the fellowship of the table top, but I'm no we are live from the 2024 live play D&D podcast starting the Christmassy world of Gumpleton. Joining me for this midweek midweek midwinter madness we have Poobay who plays the bard ranger fighter Schneevly. What campaign we play Mark? James, who plays the monk, Flick Dandy Tip? ah What campaign are we playing, Monk? Well, he plays the vengeance paladin, Cripp Stingle! Oh, Merry Christmas, everyone! Fuck! Callum, who plays the Necro Wizard? Crinkle Tinsel? Dashing through the snow! He only plays the wizard, Meta Ian, Christ, Miss Hemsworth, Cosplay Drago, Ho-Ho Hornswoggle, Snowman Cobble, Putin Wizard, and many more!
in the morning to you. My name is Mike and I'm playing the Mont Hognosh Gobble Grabber and my last but my name is Least as the admin of the Mad House. The substitute teacher leading charge is John Jamassa Darren. Christmas hand wife.
um christmas will We find ourselves in the second recap of our second Christmas e episode.

Santa's Chaos and the Vomiting Fudge Incident

We were picked up by Santa and entered into the Gumballton Christmas competition. and We had a lots of different competitions we had to face. Many of us did particularly well. First off, we had ah we had Crips vomiting loads of fudge and failing, unfortunately. Next up, we had our... What was second?
Cool. I thought someone would help that. No, no, I was just bringing the notes back up. Was it past the parcel? Past the parcel, where we had our what Ian Mette, Ian switch into cosplay, Drago switching to back into Ian to steal with his newly formed and owl that it flew off with the present and then was routinely shot down by one of the guards. He managed to pretend fake save. That was third. You were second. I was second with the sack race where Hognosh, Gobble, Grabber,
convinces the others to lay down sack and not bit of a pay down sack mark winning the sack race followed up by the pass the parcel next up of course we had ah the musical chairs musical chairs where we had our resident Necro is a critical crinsel tinkle and for multiple versions of himself and still only just win the competition which was quite interesting as well. Next we had Poobamp with our bard ranger fighter, Schneebly, takes part in his own little competition of something which I've totally forgotten. i grandma grandma folk dad red light green light
which he managed to sneak his way into final place, first place, winning the competition. And last but not the absolute namings least, we had our lovely monk flick dandy tip come down from the follow spotlight on the light, singing very well sung by last week James, ah singing with a dancing light, playing around him to the hoopla of the crowd. He then instantly won that competition.

Kobold-Induced Mayhem and the Flaming Tree

Chris-mas-man, aka Santa, then came and told us that we'd all got ranks and classes of obviously and then all of a sudden a bunch of fucking cohorts appeared out of the sewers and started throwing animals out of badges and skunks got thrown around the place and in the in the scuttle to try and save christmas and gumpleton o unfortunately unfortunately christmas is called try to shit down
tried to shoot down the star which had been controlling the kobolds, missed, and lit fire to the Christmas tree. And that brings us currently up to date. Thank you very, very much, Mark. um Now, where we're at, if you recall last time, we are mid-initiative, and if you remember, Crinkle Tinkle has just decided to set fire to the great festive tree of Gumpleton. I'm going to try and do you both a favour by referring to it as the festive tree rather than the other tree. Oh, you mean the Christmas tree?
ah jing j quick sounds like a ps that hu i've crinkled my tink like crinkle I don't know if you got any more damage to deal with bonus action or free actions. No. Okay, right and your turn. Fleek, we're coming over to you.
and There is a real sense of hysteria now and just to give you guys a flavor of how this one's going to run and you listeners if you recall when the mass hysteria descended in dash color I got a shot blew up and the one t attack this episode is starting to move in a very similar direction where there will be a series of moving events that happen before each turn to.
to just give you flavour of what's happening. um There are two still ah angry kobolds in front of you. The residents of Gumpleton now, there is almost a mass hysteria and panic, and people are starting to try and flee and get away from this tree. ah You notice that the star is still active, and the kobolds who have come up to ransack Christmas are still absolutely intent on doing that. To actually see what's happening now, you'd have to peer a bit deeper.
um It is the start of your turn,

Fleek's Battle with the Star's Influence

Fleek. What would you like to do? OK, so Fleek will start with something like go like, oh, a fighting scene. Right. I practice this. I've done some fight training in the my spare time. Let's see what we can get away with, shall we, kids?
So Michael Jackson. and In the modern age, not much. but Just wait until he tries to get his hand on the star. In all fairness,
You know, Molly asked me this morning, do you think I'd be able to listen to the ones? No. I sincerely doubt it. Maybe about 10 minutes in, maybe probably not even that into the first episode where it's like, nope, wait till you're 18. So we've established the trees very much on fire right now. Trees very much on fire. Is there any sort of like natural one levels of on fire? Like natural one levels of on fire, Calum.
I couldn't gasoline on there first. Is there any source of scaffolding or something I could potentially climb that would take me close to the tree? Like maybe so I could get close enough to the stuff? I mean, the scaffolding that you're on, you're not that far from the tree on the stage. You could probably manage to climb onto the top of the canvas of the stage. And then if you are feeling particularly dexterous or athletic, make your way onto the tree, which is on fire. So it seems a strange place to go, but you do you boo.
Yeah, it's just to try and get to the stars. And he's not very fireproof. The fire hasn't fully taken hold yet, but it's going to. It's a tree. OK, maybe fire quick enough then. OK, I'm going to start by doing the bonus action using one of the monk abilities um just to double up my speed by doing a dash as part of the bonus action. OK. And I'm going to use the maximum amount of movement, which would give me a step at the step of the wind.
Yeah, Step of the Wind is different now though. You don't burn key to do Step of the Wind. You do, you can upgrade it basically. Basically, you can do basic versions, which is like bonus action to dash, which is Step of the Wind, and then bonus action to dodge, which is... um yeah burn such pages on yeah And then you can spend the key and you'll grade it and it adds additional benefits to it. Monks got good. yeah yeah i'm reading it yeah really In this case though, I'm just going to do a bonus action just to dash, which increases my movement to 80. And I'm going to try and use that movement as much as I can to get into the position where I can get closest to the star. Yeah, do you have a climbing speed?
Uh, no. So that would put me at difficult terrain. Difficult terrain. Yeah. So you will be slowed down by trying to scale the tree because the one thing you would need to climb that at at natural speed is is is a climbing speed. Um, could you make, um, cause you're going to have to try and get your way onto this. So do you see that you see the canvas of the tree and you decide that's where you're going. ah Can you make athletics or acrobatics to try and make your way up the up up the canvas? Cause it's not the,
Climbing speed isn't particularly relevant at this point because you're going to have to try and and get up there through being quite dexterous, basically. You're going to need a check to get up there. I'll use acrobatics in this check.
Is the tree on fire as well? It's on fire. At that point, there's there's places where you can get where the flames haven't reached yet, but flames are spreading. Oh, dear. Well, they're all pretty good. 24.
Yeah, okay. You're just able to very easily make your way off a stanchion pole, almost kind of like and a kick off that and you're able to grab hold of the canvas and just pull yourself up onto the top. You're now balanced on um a pole on top of the canvas and can from here, grab onto the tree if you wish. ah Yeah, absolutely do that. How far am I away from the star at that point?
Well, the tree in general is 120 feet tall. I'm going to say that by the time you've managed to to to to climb the stage, and let's say in the stage, it's probably 10 feet off the ground with a canvas on top of that. You're probably about 20 feet up the tree, so you've got 100 feet to go to get to the top. Okay.
I'm not sure if there's a case I could do it as like um part of the action stage. um If I could do a way to like try and steady myself for any like future changes, like hold an action so that it'll help me keep like in the tree, should something else happen? I'm going to rule, you have to keep some movement in reserve to do that, because in reality you get like ah an X amount of movement that you can use over six seconds. right That's how movement works. so So I don't think you can hold, you can't go to like the end of your movement and then hold more movement. You'd have to basically, I think, give yourself what I'm ruling is, you'd have to give yourself some movement in reserve. So that should something happen, you're able to get out of the way. Okay. um I suppose this depends on you. Could I just use my action to just dash again?
You can double dash. You can double dash if you use your action to dash, yes? I'll double dash in case of that. I won't use the entirety of like the movement I did from that. I'll need some leftover but just in case I can need decision more that but you use a bit more of it. Again, it will give me like an extra 40, but take that down with difficulty. what what your What's your movement speed at the moment? 40 feet. So you make another 20 feet, then, with difficult terrain. If you want to hold 10 feet, you you make it another 10 feet. Depends if you want to hold movement in case something happens.
In this case, I'll hold movement. There's a bit extra just in case. i will' give you Are you happy to go 10 and 10 then? So move 10, hold 10. Yep. Okay. Cool. Thank you. That's the end of your term, Fleek. Hog rush, hog mush.
but sobru all cover a or brush ho I called you hog rush, hog brush. hobb brushsh It's not my name. It's not

Tavern Crash and Strategic Chaos

Yeah, yeah, good, good, good. Natural one. five That's a natural 20. You hit the... Yeah, yeah you hit the... Before you roll the dice. Can I choose to do an actual one?
seven points of bludgeoning damage. For a shot, it is dead. You're now holding a corpse. You're now holding a corpse with a cobalt. And then it's going to look around. It's already health. It's already had half of that removed. So yeah, that cobalt is no more. What happens is as you punch it, it's being hugged, and it doesn't seem to enjoy that. And then all of a sudden, what you feel ah multiversally and is this cobalt's neck just snap as it goes limp in your arms.
Anything else on your turn? Yes, he's then going to whisper to Meta Ian or whichever one it is. um Do you sweat in places you shouldn't sweat? And then and then that's it. We have a free action to reply. Sometimes in between my toes. Sweaty toe drago. Let's be done.
Crips. Okay. Cobalt's still alive, the one who lobbed the skunk at you. the ah There are obviously other things happening further down. yeah it would I think to descend to the stage back into the town square would take the majority of your movement. In fact, we'll say it'll take all of it. ah You've got another Cobalt in Fleek going up the tree behind you. OK, cool. and Yeah, so Crypt's first thing he's going to do with his kind of pop belly of fudge is just kind of wipe a sleeve over his mouth. And as he does so, kind of react a little bit to it, because he's actually now wearing chainmail with the gift that's given to him. He kind of looks down at that, looks down at himself, notices that he's got a great axe on his back and he goes, oh, but about to jingle some shit.
a And i I'm happy to use all of my movement, but I want to get myself in into the fray, into the midst of as many ah nasty ones as I possibly can. OK, yeah, as you make your way down, can I ask you make a dexterity or strength saving throw, please? Oh, Lordy, this is going to be actually not too bad, hopefully.
What does that say? Oh no, I fucked it. Eight. Okay, that's enough. um As this person comes running towards you, what they do, because they run from actual water, so they're going to fall straight on their face, and then all of a sudden you have this gumpleton who's just crumpled on the floor before you. a Cobalt is currently flying over his head and appears to be preparing to drop something onto him.
ah As you glance around, this is chaos. This is carnage. Shot windows are being smashed. ah People are trying to flee down alleyways that aren't big enough, so there's a big kind of almost like a bottlenecking that's happening. People are starting to crush each other. There is panic consuming this town. What would you like to do?
uh, continue what I was doing and find the biggest group. And like, I know there's someone overhead. I know there's someone probably underfoot as he's kind of stepping over them. I want to get myself next to, if I can find two cobalt next to each other, that's, that's the intention because out of character, I've got a new weapon mastery and I just want to give it a go. a role for reaction perception. It's fucked, no, it would work. Passive? Okay, passive is probably better, it's a 10 with passive. Okay, yeah, you look around but you can't, you're distracted by this cobalt overhead who appears to be just hovering with something in hand. It looks like some kind of weird Christmas present.
Okay, in which case, if I can't see that, I'll go, you'll have to do then. And I will, as just before I use my ah kind of action to hit him, I'm going to use my channel divinity feature as a vengeance paladin. and I think it's called a jaw enemy. I need to scroll down to find it fully.
I think it is a vow of, no, is it a vow of enmity? Yeah, it's that one, where basically I can get advantage for the next minute on a creature, pretty much, okay um which I'm going to do onto him as I roll to hit that bitch. Luckily I got advantage because my first one was a three and my second was 19 plus stuff.
You like it? Cool. Awesome. i don't I'll just roll it on this because fuck that. Pressing the buttons. It's a tasty 11 points of slishy-slashy damage. Okay, yeah. That is no more. That cobalt all of a sudden you swipe through this cobalt and its wings are just chopped off and it falls to the floor and lands on the back of this person it was chasing. and What happens is the present also gives way and this bowling ball just goes bong and lands next to the side of you and you realise what these wing cobalt are doing is that they appear to be flying with heavy things in boxes. boxes and just dropping them on people. and Not very pleasant at all. Is there anything else to do with your turn? I can, with the creature dropping to zero HP, move that Vav entity onto another creature, so whatever the nearest cobalt is, I'll kind of move it across. Yeah, one of the ones you glance around and you see one ransacking a shop window. within 15 feet that you can move it onto. It is the wing cobalt turn. um We've had the cobalt with stuff in cages. It's now the wing cobalt turn. What's going to happen is is that one of them is going to fly up the tree and it's going to throw a something and you it's going to throw. I don't know why it's going to throw at you yet, Fleek, but it is going to throw something based on what it does on. Well, you say that. A three doesn't throw a third. It throws a basket of centipedes at you. The cobalt throws a small basket into a five foot square space. A swarm of insect centipedes with 11 hit points emerges from the baskets and roll initiative. Okay.
So the Christmas tree is now on fire and full of centipedes. So it's not their turn yet, but though they can do stuff at the end of their turn. At the end of each of their turns, there's a 50% chance that the swarm disperses, which I will roll a d4 for. Odds they stay, even say go.
and That's that one's turn. It's lobbed the basket of centipedes at you, and you notice around you now are a load of centipedes, which for the purpose of the mechanical terms, listeners, will act as a swarm of insects. I'll have to find the stats for those at some point. but Two of them are going to fly over to the stage, and they're going to use their actions to dash to do that. and Those of you still on the stage, there are now these kobolds menacingly hanging above you with these Christmas presents.
um One of them is going to dash towards you, Crips, and it's going to try and drop a bowling ball on your head. We're good. It's going to roll a five, so it's going to miss as this bowling ball just lands on the floor next to you. That's the end of the Wing Cobalt turn.
It is the Gumpletons turn that no one's going to do anything particularly interesting or heroic out of the Gumpletons. What's going to happen is though is that the panic is going to ensue as people start to move for other exits as some of the ah alleyway starts to block up. Some people who are feeling particularly um stupid are going to dive into the frozen cold water around the Gumpletons docks because they're not seeing another way out.
And top of the round. Schnitzel, it's your turn. Schnivny. ab me Schnitzel. So, are there dead bodies on the floor now? Yeah, there's one with a broken neck. Well, it's not on the floor. Loot that body. Loot that body now. The one with the broken neck still being held. There is one that was... There was a two that I killed that were pushed back 10 feet. Yeah, they're both dead. Actually, I think the one who threw the...
ah Cage is still upright. No one's actually gone for him yet. So there's still one upright near you. Two above you who are flying. Two dead that I collude the body up to. No, okay. I'm going to attack Skunkboy. Okay, yep, Skunkboy is still there. He's on half health, isn't he? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So my my yeah my bard ranger fighter comes out, two dogs in his hands, going to run at the um the other bad kobold and I'm going to make an attack action. Yeah.
Where's the dagger? It's a 24 to hit. Yeah, it hits.
He takes six points of damage. Dead. Excellent. As you jump and stab into him, he just immediately goes limp and dies as you've gone through some vital organs as you do that. Excellent. With the Nick weapons mastery of the dagger, I'd like to then throw the dagger at one of the flying ones. Yeah, go for it. Do you have to roll to hit again? I still roll to hit, but the point is I can add my modifier to the damage. Because I've got two weapons fighting as well, and so I can add my modifier to the damage. Go for it.
That's an 11 to hit. 11 to hit. One second.
Misses, unfortunately. My dagger goes sailing through the air and ah disappears out of nowhere. And then, at that point, I'm going to use a bonus action to put Hunter's Mark on one of them. Okay, yep. The one you just missed? or Yeah, the one I just missed. Okay, cool. Thank you. Anything else to do with your turn? That's it. Okay. It is the skunk's turn, seeing as nobody did anything about the skunk. On a 5-6, it gets to recharge its stinky tail.
It rolled a five. And can everybody who's still on the stage, so that is Hognosh, that is Fleek is gone, Krinkle is still there, Multiversal Ian is still there, and I'm going to say that Schnitz will have to have got off the stage to go do some stabby, so you're okay. Okay. The only name you got was Ian's name, I think, was Ian.
yeah i I genuinely don't know if I need to roll. cal players The players who need to roll are Ian Callum and Mark. What are we rolling? 21. That's 19 plus something or other. Six. oh Until the spray disperses, you are unable to take actions. Throw it to a minute. Actions, bonus actions, reactions. Bonus actions movement still fine. You can't take actions.
Yes, I've got the skunk stats in front of me. You can't take actions for a minute. You can do other things. If you move out of the area of the smell, you can start to take actions again.

The Star's Weakness: A Temporary Relief?

say useman and But whilst you're in proxemics of the skunk, you cannot take actions. The rest of you have passed the save and have been able to hold your breath. How big roughly are we looking at? It does actually have that. It's 20 feet. cool So you can get out of it. It's a 20 feet circumference. There you go.
and it is and the skunk is done it's the wing cobalt term no not the wing cobalt it's the cobalt inventors term and there are none around you at the minute so you don't actually notice anything that happens though you do notice you would uh notice crypts that a group of them appear to be now stacking a series of presents outside of a tavern in front of the tavern door um That is the end of their turn. It is your turn naughty Brazilian. Thank you and it is meta Ian. So looking at the star and the tree is that why everyone's going for? ah The only character currently going up the tree towards it is Fleek. Is that what I guess trying to look around?
What is the kobolds like main plan or like you're saying they're stacking presents up is that like that's why they're here or are they here to take the tree or the star because the madam what is she such madam Grinch at the start was like take the star take the star.
And so the instruction that Madam Grinch gave the Kobolds was destruction, destruction, destroy Gumpleton, destroy Christmas. And so the one thing I'd say you've all got this by now is that the star, as it's done for some of you, appears to be compelling the Kobolds towards destruction and violence. ah There's no strategy amongst the Kobolds at the minute it other than destruction and violence. Lovely. Okay, so um I would think that the destroying the star would destroy the spell that's on them all. How far up is the spell from the tree? How big is the tree? You are on the stage. You're twenty you're about 20 feet off. you've It's approximately 100 feet up.
Yikes. 100 feet is a long fucking way. Yeah, it's a lot smaller than the old tree. lots more No ladders or pillars or anything that I could climb up nearby. Or is it just a tree in the center of a square? Fire is spreading now as well. As you look up and see Fleek, you can see that there are still bits of it that you could probably navigate to make your way to the top. But you'd be doing what Fleek is doing, which is just scaling the tree itself. Nah, fuck it. I'm going to do what my friend over there did and do a Firebolt at it. Okay. Rather hit. Don't hit the tree. What's the range on Firebolt? 120. Okay, yeah, you're good. 17. Yeah, that hits the star. Bam.
Uh, and that's a seven, uh, fire damage. And that bad boy. Okay. Yeah. Cool. What happens is the star spins and starts to flicker. And for a second, the cobalt seems to stop and look slightly confused. It then burst back into life and they just continue with their, uh, anarchy. Um, is that the end of your term? That is. Okay. Thank you. Um, crinkle, crinkle the tinkle, save it to you.
so didn
If Firebolt didn't work out too much, are you going to play a bit of it? Sorry for that. Look, he sent the tree on fire, and I'm pointing toward Metaverse Ian at this stage. and You get a finger back at you. From my quarterstaff that I have, I'm going to generate magic missile and aim for the tree. the Tree or the star? You've done that the star. Fucking hell. I'm aiming for the star. I'm aiming for the star.
Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell. I don't think it matters. Wherever someone says it, he has to roll. I'm not saying it. I've done enough of it. Because also because it's method again. He is also in Gumpleton and right here at the table. That's it. Yeah. It's all happening.
ah Magic missile, it doesn't have shield. It's got no way of stopping it. You can roll damage. I have indeed. I got total 13 points of damage from magic missile. ah against left I got two out of the three forms. How many points of damage? Thirteen in total. Stabacus is back. Okay. yeahp Cool. Done that. Thank you. Anything else?
No, now that's Adrian Orr looking pleased with himself now. ah Similar to before, just the star flickers and the coin balls seem to stop for a second and then it bursts back into life and they continue their paths of destruction. and That's the end of your turn.
ah ah hog Hopnosh Gobblegrabber's eyes suddenly flicker with an orange and purpley light a couple of times as something different and otherworldly affects him. He seems to be something under his breath. As the stench of the so of the skunks inhibit his nose, he's going to look up at the tree, see it spinning around, and he's just going to kind of like a forest gump through Gumpleton run towards the tree. As he gets to the edge of the stage, he's going to jump up into the sky as high as I can.
um which is probably about six or seven foot and then at the zenitha the apex of that i'm going to look up and point towards a nearer point further up kind of diagonal towards the tree in the air i'm going to cast misty step he's uh he's fey touched for some reason and i have misty steps so do she's going to vamp up 30 i think oh i thought the range of misty touched was 60 feet okay i think you can Briefly showing a serum is you can transport up to 30 feet. to an island It's an unoccupied space. It is in space. So if you're happy with it being in the air, 30 feet towards the tree, which I'm thinking down from there, it's the 20 feet. 30 feet. I don't know how how I'm trying to, I'm aiming up towards the start at this point.
Yeah, okay, I'm going to rule that you make it about 30 feet up the tree, so you're now just slightly behind Fleek, who has got slightly higher up and we're coming to Fleek next. You can see now, you can clearly see that Fleek is now accompanied by a swarm of insects on their point, and you're behind Fleek. I don't want to be going up the tree, I've come, the tree stood upright, I've come on the on the trigonometry, the long the longest angle of it, so I'm not climbing up the tree, I'm climbing, I'm vamping up towards the tree in the air.
So then in the air, he's then going to pull out of his pocket a dart, and he's going to lob it at it, which is going to be the disadvantage because... At the tree. No, sorry. At a star, up on the tree. And I believe it's disadvantage because it's a bit within my long range. Yeah, long range is disadvantage. Yeah, okay. Oh, it gives him the option to roll disadvantage then, so roll that with disadvantage. That is going to be, fuck, BS7, you know.
I mean to start starts to form the cake with the tree. and sorry's yeah Seven, yeah, that misses, unfortunately. Or it does hit, you go up towards the star and just go right past it. And then I'm going to start falling, I assume.
Yeah, you would. yeah yeah Unless you're grabbing hold of the tree. No, I'm still quite a distance away from her, I think. umm ah tell um But I am falling in my skin. So you're falling 30 feet, right? That's what you're going to say, will not heal. yeah You're falling 30 feet, okay. Is that enough to trigger fall damage, I think? I've got to wait for it. When you fall, you can reduce any falling damage by 20, so I don't have your mind. If it happens in this turn, if not, I'll be to roll the damage, though, to... You can't have 36 as long as... Oh, yeah. 36 is lower the more he can actually stop, so no need. to Okay, sleek. A dart just from whirling by your heads. People are starting to hit the tree. There is a swarm of insects in front of you. In fact, not just any old insects. There is a swarm of centipedes around you as well. What do you want to do? There's also a winged cobalt just off to the side as well. You've locked the box at you.
Well, kids, it looks like I need to follow my multi-legged friends here and get moving as he clicks his feet. And he's going to activate, um, step to win again, but this time he's going to augment it. Okay. Yeah. So that gives him the option, not just to dash, but to disengage as well from any potential millipede fights. Yeah. and's going to bring up the stas of vice And if it potentially comes useful, my jump distance also doubles.
Yep, yep, okay, yep, you're fine with that and you can get away from the swarm. The swarm doesn't have anything that means that you can't disengage from it, so you're good. Cool, cool. So with 80 feet of movement, how close would that get me to the star? 80 feet of movement. That's 40 feet climbing. 40 feet climbing. 40 feet climbing. You made it up last time. I think we said you were about 40 feet up, didn't we? We said you managed to get onto it and then you moved another 10 feet, so yeah, 40.
Yeah, you'll be about 20 feet away from it. Okay, I'm going to double dash in that case then so I can make it to the star. Yeah. Okay, cool. It's getting quite hot on the tree now as well. You're not at the point of making contes yet to stay on the tree, but you're getting pretty close to that. I believe you've used both bonus action and action to get to the star. That would have cost me both. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So that's the end of your turn. Yeah. End of my turn.
Okay. Brill. Terrific. ah The centipedes, which go just immediately after you, were all the two, so I said, I think I said even as they disappear. I said, oh, they stay even disappear. So the centipedes are consumed by the flames. They contribute in a lot. and It is coming down the order. Hognosh.
I'm done. Oh, yeah. Well, sorry. Yep. Yep. Oh, is this it's Crips? Yes. Awesome. Okay. So I have seen them stacking presents. Yeah. plus on a talent of them doing it yeah Oh, that's probably not good. as shit And I'll start running over to it. Now it's a tavern.
Yeah. Is there a big glass window at the front? Is it a closed? No, it's a big glass window. Are there people in the tavern? Yes. Are they eating? Yeah, let's do this on a percentile. Roll me a d6, five or six, there's people in the window eating. Anything else you find?
Five. Five. Yeah, there's people eating in the window.
I'm going to drop the axe and dive head first into the window.
ah Yeah, roll the athletics check to see if the grass flashes. It's a natural 17 plus whatever my funky, funky athletics skill is, which is a three, so 20 non-natural. Yeah, these people seem slightly confused by what's happening and then seem slightly worried. They're not actually eating their food at the minute, then all of a sudden one of the small female halflings at the table just screamed as she spots you.
And what happened? A huge crash through the window and then knock on their table. ah In their food. Yeah, and I'm... Oh, God, I need to do something about it. I can't stop it. And I'll kind of stand up, I so assume, if I've got any movement left to stand up. I don't know if I will do, but I've got, as a bonus action, absolutely nothing I can do. So I'll look at the present and go,
No, shit! That's me. Okay, cool. Thank you. and Thank you for staying true to that terrible, terrible flaw of yours. And you can... I don't know why you think you can thank... that hate Do we know who you can thank for that? know who we can thank. I want to say, fuck you very much. yeah Okay, that's in the crypt's turn. It is the Wing Cobolds.
A couple of them still have some presents. The one that is was after you is going to dash and follow you up the tree and is now level with you. It's used its turn to do that. um The ones on the floor are going to, what are the ones that are on the floor going to do? They're going to aim for the two of you who are going for the Christmas tree. So that's Metaverse Ian and Krinkel are the two people who are damaged the trees. Oh, yeah.
and So the first one is an eight and what this one is going to do, oh, it's going to pull out a bag that appears to be buzzing and it's going to lob it, but you crinkle. It's going to explode and a swarm of wasps appear. and hit around you. That's the end of its turn. The one that's near you, Metabass Ian, is going to roll that. That's going to fly over to you, and it turns out what that has again is it appears to have something heavy. It appears to have like a novelty anvil, which it's actually weighted, and it's going to try and hit you with it. Which is just an anvil. Yeah, it rolls a natural one. So it says the anvil's going to pull it to the floor, and it's like, argh! And this cobalt is just pulled to the floor if it tries to hit you, because it rolled a natural one. Well, they were a bit rubbish.
and Yeah, I'm going to say that's enough for the winged kobolds. That's the end of their term. It is the residents of Gumpleton. um The ones in the tavern are going to immediately, not being able to know the difference between good kobolds and bad kobolds, they're going to make un-improvised attacks on the kobolds. One a seven to hit. no The other one rolls an 11 to hit. There's a third one, because it's a table of four, rolls a 16 to hit. Oh, sorry, Meets and Beeps. Meets and Beeps, yep. You take one point of bludgeoning damage, it bonks you on the nose, and the final one rolls a natural one.
and so that will chip chicken These revenants just start, get away from me, get away, get away! They're just starting to burn if one of them knows just to bonk you on the nose. um ah Yeah, more Guntherton residents now are im actually starting to get quite concerned and are trying to flee. You do notice that there does appear to be the guard are trying to form amongst the chaos and are now starting to gather some arrows.
and They in particular seem to be saying top of the tree, top of the tree and pointing to the cobolds at the top of the tree. It is top of the round.
snitchy sny sniitch snitch Yeah, yeah cool. Lovely. I'm gonna make an attack against this one then I've got an 8 on the first tag. That's gonna mess. Yeah, and then the second attack 13 yeah hit so it takes six points of piercing damage. Okay. Yeah still upright and
Three points and four, Stanley. Enough. Yeah, this cable that's trying to lift this hand up. Just come in and stab it. And that's the end of his sorry Christmas. OK. Fuck. As a bonus action. I cast Shield. we totally bold What do you get?
What do you get? I don't know, I cash shield. It's just a shield. Crikey!
You find um a Christmas present containing, let's roll the DA and see what's in this one. Roll the two. So this one has...
Fuck you. ah it It contains a, a, a, a, a vial of something, something liquidy, which doesn't smell particularly nice. There's also um two daggers, if you wish them. Yeah, two more daggers. Yeah. That's the end of my game. Okay, cool. Thank you. It is the swarm of insects turn, which are near you now. So hold on one second. I have wasps, I'll have you know. yeah They are swarms of wasps. They're going to try and get you.
21 to hit. Yeah. OK, cool. ah You take... Bad news, Callum. One of your secret traits for your kobold is you're allergic to waspies. Double damage. You take nine points of piercing damage. Wow. And can you also make a constitution saving probe, please?
um Six. You are poisoned as well. Great. And you'll get to repeat the consave at the end of every of your turn to resist the effect of the wasp sting.
um Okay, swarm of wafts around you, that's then done. The other ones have gone, oh actually no, they have to follow the rules, which if they can actually dissipate. um So odds they stay, evens they go. Evens, the wafts start to dissipate and go into the crowd. ah They stun you because you were the initial thing, they're now dissipating and moving away.
and no longer interested in you. That's the wasp's turn. ah The winged kybolts, the one that is up at the top of the tree, is going to log something at you. It's worried about what you're doing, so it's particularly interested in stopping you. In fact, no, it's not going to do that. It's going to try and grapple you because it wants to stop you getting to the star.
So you need to make a resistance check. It's acrobatics or athletics. I don't think it is anymore. It's something different. DC. For EAF, you can choose either decks or strength. So the target would see the strength or decks if it chooses saving throw. DC of eight plus proficient bonus plus strength. So the DC is set by the character. Okay, brilliant. Whatever the strength plus proficiency bonus plus eight. And I think because I'm not, I can use my dexterity.
Yeah, well, it says strength or dex on your mate. You choose your choice. Leak. I'll do that starting. Yeah. Is that okay? That was all the game. That was a saving phrase. So yeah.
ah That is 19. Yeah, that does it. Okay. Yeah, you're able to stop this cobalt grappling you, but it is now within a melee range of you. ah There was one wing cobalt still in action. In fact, there's going to be two still in action, but one on the floor. I stabbed that one up. ah One's dead. There's another one coming in. There is another one who threw the wasps at Crinkle. um And it's now going to turn and pull out its second because you've killed its mate. You're going to lob something at you. Okay.
It's going to throw something at you. I'm not entirely sure what yet though. Actual turds. It's not a turd, but it is a pot of green slime. It's a ranged weapon of turd. Oh,
ah oh it rolls a 22 to hit. um and wow I can't use my look on it, Aflafat. Why does it smell sweet? It's, I need to consult with Dungeon Master's Guide because I need to see what happens when you are covered in slime because you are now covered in slime. Okay. and won You do that? Yeah.
I'd say that's new to me. Slived? Well wait. Slived. What is this? Funhouse? It is a whole lot of fun with prices to be won. you go It's a real Christmas game. my ah about ginggger bows day Jingle all the way. I can't be slowly turning into Mr. Bean. I can't just drop it. You've got a bearish spell. Sticking with it. You've got a bearish spell as well. No, not on that one. I've only got one level two slot left now. Use the level two shield. It says, it says, the highest spell slot you've got, you just use it. And then you became a wizard randomly. I've got one second level slot left.
I won't mind, but I burnt both of them on just random bullshit. All green shield. Have you got arcane recovery? I was curious. No, next one is mage armor. That'll be useful though, mage armor. It's a ability that you can regain spell slots up. Oh, of course I have arcane recovery, Callum. You can cast mage armor on yourself, that's useful. You just stop saying the word. Any kind of dex, because it goes off your dex. Well, it's 13 plus your modifier. Makes it better than 10 and lower than 12.
So I'm back to Meta Ian now, so it's okay. Back in the room. I'm back in the room. and Back in both rooms. Yep, one foot in the game, one foot out of it. We're looking pretty good. We do need to concentrate on that star. Working on it. You take two points of poison damage.
OK. And they're covered in the slime until you make an action or something is done to remove the slime from you. OK, so it acts like burning then. Yes. So is it constantly? that Yes. Yeah. Until you until something is done to remove, it's like being covered in acid. As we keep getting poisoned. He keeps getting ah hit by it until you take an action to remove it. Someone else can't take an action to remove a can tell watch you' covered in it. Okay. Right. That is the end of the wing cobalt. As you know, it's not. There's one that's going to fly in the tavern and just laugh at you. i thinks It thinks at this point, though, that you're on its side. It's got no reason to think otherwise. What it's going to do is descend and it's just going to start eating the food.
and it's going to lob at the Gumpletons something. a lob and at at them It's lob a bag of wasps at the Gumpletons, who will ah immediately panic and start to flee. ah That's the end of the Wing Cobalt's turn. We're over to the Metaverse, Ian. Yeah, I'm still, because I'm now Meta-Ian again, I could have just yelled out to you all, focus on the star. That's the plot hook here. If we destroy the star, the coal boats will stop attacking. Fireball at the star.
show him first the song
That's a 24. That's a actually. Apologies. Bad maths. Unfortunately, only three points of fire damage. OK, yeah. Cool. Well, you noticed that the number five all pings this star. Again, similar to before, Cobalt seems to momentarily stop at what they're doing. See? they' They're momentarily stopping.
when we hit that star. Momentarily stopping. Imagine when it's destroyed. That momentary will be forever. Following little star spins back into life and they start again just to prove your point. It's bullshit.
a Okay, right, that is the end of Multiversal Ian's turn. Crinkle Tinkle, it's your turn. You've been stoned by Wasp, but they have dispersed. Yes, but I am poison, so I believe I roll with a Disadvantage. And after your turn, you roll Consave to try and shake a poi. Hang on a minute, have you missed me? No, I think you're after me. No, you're after me. Sorry, sorry, John. You're after Tackton. Crinkle Tinkle.
So I am basically going to attack the star, believe it or not. Yeah, so he's got a good idea. I'm going to fireball. Well done, player a three. Oh God, there's no point in rolling anything other than that. Um, yeah, eight. I didn't think it would do one. You can roll. Oh, yeah. yeah but off you know eight i Yeah. Yeah. You miss, you miss con say, please to see if you're still pointing to. Yeah.
10. You meet and beat? Yes, you are no longer poisoned. Yay! Right, that's the end of your turn though, isn't it, Kringle? Yeah, it's the end of my turn. Okay, Kringle, we come over to Hognosh. Hognosh is going to land on the ground and use the soft fall thingy to not take any damage, and he's just going to run to the base of the tree. um I've got 40 feet of movement plus the ability to do what James did and run more as needed and then he's gonna wait at the bottom and say
oh How much hair have you got in your armpits? And could you throw the star down here, please? And I'm going to prepare an action that if the star, either if the star comes in range, melee range, I'm going to strike it big time. These are my stuff. Or if a enemy comes in range, I will strike it instead. Okay.

The Star Shattered and Kobold Confusion

Yeah. Hold that action. Cool. Thank you. So yeah, in the Pongmosh's turn. Over to the top of the tree. Nice and convenient. Sleek, it's your turn.
Well, it's good that he said that because that was basically my plan. It was either to throw it to the floor and hope it breaks or I throw in it to a lovely secondary monk. Sounds like a good idea. So I'm going to use my action to attempt to pick up the star.
Gate, yep. And can that's the same action? Can I throw it or? Can you make a first of all, to just try and wrestle this star free? Can you make a but but athletics check? He likes to be athletic. So without a strength, I would argue. Strength is athletic. That's it, Ian. That's not a saving throw. He's like, that's not a right one, That's a 21. Yeah, star comes loose.
That's the free action to get the star loose. What are you doing with it? And I will follow through with that. I'm going to, as best as I can, throw the star. Hit yourself. Yeet it off the platform. I'm going to yeet it from the top of the tree towards the other bug. He's like, I'm open. I'm open. OK, cool. Terrific. and As you do that, ah the star falls down. We'll come to that hold action in a second. We've got something that I need you to resolve.
ah The tree is now very very hot and being consumed with flames. You're going to have to make your way off the tree. ah This turn will take fire damage. To all the other coal bolts, you've just saved the star from a burning tree.
yeah left head like it be one ah and what and I mean, you can choose to stay on the tree, but I'm just giving you the information that if you are still there next turn. i'll see the power damage I'm going to use my bonus action to dash, yeah get down as far as I can down the tree. And then just like that's a little bit, I'm going to jump.
OK, cool. yeah So you are will you give you dash, what's dash doing? Dash would have given me 80 foot of movement. But it's still difficult to... So you make it... Shall I say it again, James? ah So 40 feet down, and then just for the last little bit I can do... He dashed twice. He dashed twice. And it's difficult terrain. Thank you. Shall we go and jump down 43? Yeah, you go and jump 43. I'm um i'm gonna hope that my slow fall can cover most of the...
think Because that's a reaction. I'm just channeling well. I'll let you know because you could potentially score four or five. You could take up to three damage. Only roll by and point to damage your old turds. I land very gracefully and I do a little pose. here is Okay, cool. Yes, you successfully land. Cripps is a winged cobalt who finds this hilarious and has just lobbed a ah bag of wasps. Are you in the tree? Yeah, no. I'm in a restaurant. It's like, met so you start eating the one thats more importantly, you said that he grabbed a handful of food and stuffed it in his mouth. Yes.
yeah He's gonna grab his hand into the thing's mouth, scoop it out, one hand on his own nuts, stuff it into his own mouth, and then just go to choke that thing on the the the other cobalt that's with him, just go...
your and um often that's like an arms strike yeah I I don't know what the fuck it is. but said well it's if You're strangling him or grappling him. I'm strangling him. Would that be an unarmed strike? That's an unarmed strike. Okay. What's the rulings on armed strikes? It's just normal attack roll with damage. Okay, normal attack roll with damage. 22. Yeah, it hits. 4. Yeah, okay. Let's do that, bruh. Wait, hold on. Fuck. Divine Smite.
ha I'll divide, aren't you, bitch? I you now, it's got six hit points left, so if you do that, you're going to kill it. 12. Amazing. Your hands start to blow up. I love that realisation. With your tongue out as well. yeah You drag the food out of its mouth beforehand. Okay, great. Is there anything else to do with your turn? but now Well, that's my action and bonus action. yeah um Now that I'm replenished with food, I mean, I don't need to be as aggressive anymore.
sorry ah so if do come over and Stand up, drop its life escorts and go to the presents that are outside and stacked up and just try to push them over if I've got anything. Great, thank you. I'm just acutely aware we've missed your held action. It's still falling. Okay, yeah, it's still still falling down. dos and Okay, so the cobalt star hasn't ah plummeted yet. The one at the top of the tree is particularly angry at you, but you've managed to make it all the way to the floor, so it's going to dash down following you. That's all it can do. Hey Darren, yeah there's a star that's fallen down from the tree. He's got held action.
know itll also fall the fall falling still to know not even looking at the falling <unk> paul i think he close to say see dead and and okay The one the wasps at you. held action is coming for you again, and this time it's no longer anything to lob at you, so instead it's going to take out its dagger and try and stab you. It rolls a six. That's the myth! Okay, yeah. It tries to stab you and miss you. The one that was with you just had its skull crushed in.
and I'm going to say that what's the the one that threw the green slime at you, which is just laughing at you. Instead, though, is also good it near the tree, is aware of what is happening. It is instead going to turn and take up its second pot and lob it at and ah you, Hognosh.
this is you waiting free throwing oh yeah it's going to f throw at you a this one is going to throw It's throwing the basket of centipedes at you to explode. There's now a swarm of insects around you that will trigger on their turn. Do you need to make an attack? Not for the swarm of insects. It just explodes near him. Whether he could deflect catch and throw it back. No, this one just explodes on the floor. I was thinking that because it's not a damage. It's got some that they have to throw to hit, like the green slime for you, or the shitty stick on the stool that's attached to it. But yeah, the rest don't have to go. But thanks to you all, the skunk has been rolling. It hasn't rolled high enough yet to actually recharge and do anything. It still hasn't, so it's just a feral angry skunk at this stage.
and it is the gumpletons turn and they seem quite shocked that one kobold has just literally strangled a another one and they don't quite know what to do it and they one of them will go you or not are you here to save christmas fuck um Oh no! a may ja ah her mind but on so offer second level spell, it's over to you.
ah the one so The one that was I'm interested in you. Well, if we're at the end of the round, because the falling damage happens five hundred feet per round, which means the star will hit the floor, which will trigger Mark's sink. You're welcome, Metherine. Thank you you. I'm not Marian. Metherine's died now. Because Metherine would have known that.
but're goingnna come over to you ah then um mark name yeah i know so his character's names you can remember hog mush we' go hogbush sheer hogrosh gobblegrather yeah grab I'm going to firstly use my action to hit it with an unarmed strike. there's your reaction I think you've held a really good reaction. He's going to attack once. Can you too many hold one attack, is that right? Mm-hmm. Yeah, he can't hold multiple attacks. It's something you hold, isn't it? You can't hold a bonus action. Yeah, he's going to hold one attack.
Okay. Unless you've attacked Wi-Fi. Hit star! I'm going to throw you a blow on his. Well you can do because you've got a launch strike as a bonus action amongst them. No, you can't take his bonus action. It's not his turn. Can I flurry of bows or is that a blows? The flurry of blows say you you you you this is a bonus action or is it on top of an attack? Flurry of blows is... lostt and What's the wording? A bonus action.
Yeah. Okay. So I'm just going to hit, uh, with one colossal dry. You don't have to be finished. Are you finished? Thank you. No, I will finish finished. Yeah. You can talk over yours. Do I? Okay. I do. 14 to hit. Okay. Uh, sorry. I would have speed. You know what you're doing. Fuck. It's just a spin. I did. And now it's disappeared. Now it's all fuck.
Oh, this is not the Christmas spirit I'm looking for. Merry Christmas, everyone. Dashing through listener. and bar open one yeah over Three points of fire damage as I use draconic strike instead of an unarmed strike. Same hit, but I get three fire damage. Okay, cool. Yeah. Adding to the fire damage that's already been hit with it with the firebolt. And are you catching a star?
just hitting it I'm letting it hit the ground, I'm punching it as it falls, bang hit it and then let it hit the ground and hopefully cause it's now looking quite cracked and quite damaged and the Kobolds this time are going to stop for a turn. So the damage to the star now seems to confuse the Kobolds to the point where they're now momentarily for a whole turn not going to do anything hostile. and It's over to you Schnitzy.
The star is now on the floor, over near Hoblosh. You've got slime on our schnitzel. You still need slime off you, unless you know she want to be damaged by it. You didn't smile. I can take it. I'm going to go kill the skunk. You take four points of poison damage. I can take it. I can take it.
Okay, I attack the skunk. ye
It's twenty-two to hit. Scum has an armor of twenty for now. Actually, armor down my Armidillo. Uh, it will then take six points of damage. Got two hit points. It's dead. what yeah that a yeah yeah ro skunk the dinner yeah And then, um, how far away is the star from me? Uh, the star, you can get to it. It's at the base of the tree. No, I was wondering.
ah yeah Oh, okay. I'm going to move over to it, then use my um free bonus attack to attack the star. Okay, go for it. From my Nick ability. That's a 14 to hit. Yeah. hit
It takes five points of piss and damage. You hit it again and the star crackles this time and it's it's barely functional now. It's just momentarily flickering and those of you who can see kobolds, their eyes just seem to flicker as well. Almost as if whatever is happening has completely confused them. and it is The insects are gone, the winged kobolds aren't taking a turn. It is whatever version of Ian we have.
was He was a tree right now. The skunk is dead, so the skunk isn't doing anything. Australian, I think? You're an on-fire tree. No, I've done that one, and then someone said that word. So I flipped over. ah um I don't want to be this version for this. Christmas.
I've taken one. I've taken one. It just starts bleeding. I've taken one psychic damage. blood hunter
suck a really shitty hope but like me guy if you're about me when I'm walk over to the star. yeah That's crackling. why do you see the tree w well no no I was never in a tree. tree That's that' the ones in the tree. Pay attention. well yeah in the tree
I walk over to the star and I want to hold it up yeah and as it's crackling and pulsing and looks like it's starting to break, Metairian's thinking he can control the cold bolts. So if he's going to yell out to the cold bolts. I have this now, I control all of you. I am the Metamaster. You will stop what you're doing and stop terrorizing this town.
All the kobolds seem to gather. They seem to gather around you and they look at you intently and they say to you, say the word, say the celestial word, say the word, say the word. A, A, A, A. You are A, A, A, A. And they're almost chanting.
What's the word? A something, something, something, something. Begins with A, ends with an A. You are A. You are. A. A. A. As per the badge.
in that border assault? No, um, uh, uh, what's the other one? that Um, um, I said, Oh, surely he's got Ariana that, that's spelled. She has a good hit. Let it in. Doesn't know ah got it. Chris was surely as fuck. wrong hair during say kiss I'm throw the start down and I throw the star down because I've fucking he said it so I'm no longer a better Ian straight down you roll d8 form if you wrote anything other than the one the star breaks roll a one two hit points left if you go anything other than okay to the star shatters
That's what you fucking get. Where's McGinnis? All the cobolds on the ground seem confused. They don't understand what it has happened. They look horrified. They look mortified. Some of them just look really, really sad that they appear to be doing such terrible things.
And all of a sudden, something happened within them.

Madam Grinch's Arrival: Prelude to a Showdown

Some of them start to cry. Some of them just feel mortified. They realize what they're doing is destroying Christmas and they just feel awful. What do you want to do, Will? A single has been in the tavern. He's not seen any of this show going on. yeah They've all gathered. He goes out, he picks up the axe and goes, they're all close together now! Back at nearest one. Okay, roll the ish. It was an 18-tier.
I've got a weapon mastery! It's 4 points of damage to that one. So what what's this you're currently doing for our listeners? Because this is new. This is, oh sorry, I'm trying to greataxe the fuck out of him with mouse, but with with the weapon mastery, it's got the Klee weapon mastery, so I can take a second and attack at a creature within 5 foot. So if you're listening this, it's the first time that this type of weapon mastery is used in Feathership at the tabletop, is to try and kill an unassuming and um an assuming an unarmed Hobold. 20 to hit on the second. Yeah, it hits. Yeah, excellent. And that's 10 points of damage on the second one. They're both dead. Like a pudding! Boom! Boom! Take your days! I'll run back into the tap and drop that.
um And as that happens, the scene is absolutely be confusing. And then all of a sudden something seems to happen. The star bursts. This large chunking armour can be heard. duer dr dr And coming round, you see something that you will recognise. It's Madam Grinch. And Madam Grinch says in a booming voice,
I AM THE ALPHA! OBEY ME COBOLT! OBEY ME! And that's where we're going to go. Oh, hello! Tabletop. I hope everyone's got resources left to do this boss battle. Nope. Shit, man. We're good. We're going to be good. We'll monk the shit up. We're going to monk the shit up. I'm going to stagger it. I've blown all my spell slots. Hey, at least you've got an album about you. And if you've blown your first line listening to this podcast, thank you very much for tuning in, making us say every day, day, day, day, day, we love you for it. We are on Blue Sky and Twitter, but to be honest, just tune in next week. Mr. Blue Sky. Listen to our shit. Enjoy. Tell a friend, tell a phone, tell a fucking family member. I think I'm gonna Merry Christmas as well. Give Christmas, isn't it?
<unk> passion toify and doesn and post we go Okay, I'm back to this. yeah Until next time, guys.