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Chuu, The Hot Demon (with TitanomachyRPG) image

Chuu, The Hot Demon (with TitanomachyRPG)

S1 E13 · Magical Coffee Dates
125 Plays1 year ago

You ever meet a demon at a party and think, “Wow, they’re scary AND hot?!”

Hosted, produced, and edited by ME, Gloria Shuri Nava aka glowpinkstah
Special thanks to today’s guest Lex!
Magical Coffee Dates logo by Rae aka Illustraeted
Theme trill by Alex Dudley
Background music and sound effects from Epidemic Sound

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Lex Kim Bobrow (they/them), known as @titanomachyRPG, is a mixed-Asian, non-binary tabletop roleplaying game designer and writer. They are the creator of Caltrop Core, a d4-based open license system for creating your own TTRPGs, featured in Dicebreaker's "9 best tabletop RPG systems to hack into a custom game." Over 200 games have been created by a diverse community surrounding the system since its release in October 2021.


Introduction and Reunion Intentions

Hello, listener. My name is Mayari, and this is Magical Coffee Dates. I'm sitting here in the moonbeam tea rooms. I've got a warm mocha with me, a sausage roll, and the owners are really cool. Let me set up my laptop to record these sessions.
I'm not really waiting up to meet with an old friend and this is kind of awkward to read in front of them. Maybe we can rekindle this friendship because I moved away from the October region and lost touch with everyone, which I know that my friend who is with me sort of feels. But I'm back now. They're back now. Well, I sent Bod to go see them and a bunch of it.
They replied, and I have with me Chu. Hi, Mayari, it's so nice to be here. I'm Chu. Yeah. Yeah, this is great. I've been on friend coffee dates and all sorts of coffee dates, but being recorded and having a little show, it's fun.
Yeah, it is. And are you enjoying your drink? Like, can I get you anything else? Oh, yeah, no, it's I actually moved to October because it's warmer here. And I like, right, you know, I'm from Snowfall. So it's like, it's just like always so cold. So I but it is like a little warm out right now. I know it's like cold for most people, but it's like warm for me. So I've got like,
their frappe like frappes are like really good. Amacha frappe is actually really good and they got it they made it extra cold. I don't know how I asked for it I was like maybe they have some ice magic or something and they did it it's really good. They might I mean they've got like this sausage roll I mean it might not look like anything but it's freaking it's delicious um well I would say I don't know too if you're comfortable with this but I feel like people might be like oh I wonder why it's so
warm for them. I mean, for those of you who don't know, I mean, I would love if you could, if it's not weird, if you would like to describe yourself for people.

Chu's Identity and Past Memories

I would love to. So I'm what a lot of people would call a snow demon.
But, you know, right now I'm taking the form of like a normal person because that's like polite. You do that in polite company. I do have like a sort of like, you know, demon mask adorned on my head so that people can like, I'm not like hiding it or anything, but I'm just taking this form for polite company and like very pale blue skin and sort of like glowing yellow eyes.
without pupils, they're just plain yellow with little glowy stuff coming off of them. I love a good little glow. We all love a good glow, don't we? I hope so. If you're here, I hope so. I sure hope so. I just thought you're one of the people that I've met that I just thought was pretty different. I did meet a sword.
But I just feel like you're somebody like, yeah, it was, you might know them. They guard one of the crypts. I don't know if the cape, maybe I'm just generalizing. No, no. I know a lot of people in snowfall. Like even for snowfall, I know it's a big place. I know a lot of people in snowfall. Actually, that's kind of like part of the reason why I move it. I was like, I know too many people. I know too many secrets about too many people there. It's like makes a mess. So I do know a couple of swords. Yeah, maybe I know them.
Yeah, well, I remember, I think their name, well, I called them Toothy. I don't know if you know Toothy, but they weren't really happy for me to call them that. Oh. What was their name then?
You know, toothy just sticks with me. Yeah. Yeah. No, that's fair. Is there anything else that you want to do? While I'm just going through my brain to remember? Yeah. I think October is so cozy and cute and warm and
Like I met, I mean, we met, I don't know if the listeners know, but we met at a party in snowfall. Um, one of those were like, everything's made out of ice. You know, it's like a, like one of those like ballrooms or like hotels or everything's made of ice and there's like glowing lights and everything. Uh, and all the drinks are super cold because they're coming down and like a little ice shoot. Uh, and it's, everything's just crisp and bright. Uh, and I'm trying to remember.
What was the first interaction that we had? I'll be honest, that night was a little fuzzy. It was, yeah. I remember sort of stumbling. Wait a minute. I think it's when I went down the slide.
I think I asked so many, okay, listener, don't judge me. I had a lot, I had a lot of snow cones, but they weren't like snow cones. They were okay. Well, they were, but they had lots of alcohol in them. And I remember thinking, okay, I'm just going to go down the slide and see what happens. But on the way.
you know down i decided hey let me go head first see what happens my body's warm i i felt warm because i had so much anyway yeah i slid too fast and into and into two yeah it was like i was trying to act like i didn't remember that because they definitely i definitely remember it was that if look if
I've been to a lot of slippery ice parties. I'll say it wasn't the first time and it definitely won't be the last. You go to enough parties in Snowfall and look, that's on me for not dodging it. That's not the first time. I should have been on my game, but sometimes I'm glad that I let my guard down for a second because then we got to meet and I'm glad that
you reach out because I just moved back here and I didn't, I don't know anybody here.

Reconnection and New Beginnings

And like, it's one of those things where it's like, I don't know, like this person was really cool when we met. But like, it's been like, I don't know how long you're like, it's kind of awkward to reach out. Yeah, but it took a lot for me to sort of send
these letters out to begin with um i i'm not really the type of person who likes to share that they kind of miss people i think but i i thought of you and i don't even know what i'm talking about i'm to be honest i i did just want to hang out with you and i was like
You're one of the few people where I said, okay, I'm definitely, definitely going to make sure that I send out a letter. And I made sure that like, if you notice the envelope had a nice like wax seal, nobody else got those.
It was really nice. I don't know if this is going to make me look bad to everyone else, but. But yeah, I I just thought like it's great that you moved back because back because I do have friends here, but I mean, I've been in your position.
And it was really awkward to send out letters to people that I've spoken to in over a decade. That's like so much power. That's such a powerful move to be like, this is scary and I don't know how this is going to turn out. And it's kind of embarrassing, but I want to do this, so I'm going to do it. And I'm going to do it my way. And a really cute sending out these letters and have my very cute black cat deliver. Yeah.
I think that's true, they say that, like courage, you can only be really brave in the face of scary things. And so I think that's very brave and such a power move, honestly. I respect the hell out of that. That is so cool. And I'm very grateful that I got the special one. Yeah. I'm kind of like, I might cut that out. Maybe I'll cut it out.
We'll see if I remember. When I sort of like cannonballed towards you and you just sort of let it happen off that slide, I knew like this is someone who might really have my back. It's just unfortunate that we lost touch because
I don't know. You know, when you just wish you wish you sort of stayed in touch and tried to make that friendship work.
Yeah, that's what I was kind of hoping to do. But then I, you know, I was sort of traveling and life happens and things. Yeah, lots of things. Just things keep coming up. And I don't like that. It happens. Yeah, but it keeps happening. And nobody I don't know who to complain to about this, that things just keep coming up. But I would like it to stop so that I can like do more of this. But, you know, finally, I think things happen when they happen. And that's also like
a good thing. Because I was also like more of a shithead back then. So, you know, it's I've come down a little bit. That's why I like I kind of like have a more, you know, you don't you don't move to October from snowfall unless you're ready to like settle down a little bit at least. Yeah, yeah.
It's so funny you say that because I remember that like people laughed at me because I just like slid too fast down the slide and into the room. And I remember you just like, so Chu's eyes, as I said, glow, right? Yeah. I don't think Chu had their mask on during this party, especially when people were laughing at me. Yeah.
I was a little bit terrified when you sort of started levitating off of the ground, but I did feel protected. It was kind of nice.
The thing is, I don't ever need to be the most powerful or smart or whatever person in the room. I do like to look good, and I really like to be hot. I mean, cold. And the best thing to pair with extreme hotness, just to reinforce it, just sometimes, not all the time. It's just a little bit of fear.
Just a little bit of intimidation to reinforce the hotness. I'd had a couple drinks, more than a couple. I'm pretty sure it was just you and me going back and forward to what looked like a water cooler, but it wasn't. It wasn't. I wasn't sure if you were okay or not at that point. I was like, it's not funny yet. It's funny now in the future. Back then, it wasn't

Personal Growth and Realizations

funny yet.
So, and like, I was just like, you know, sometimes you have also like, like I said, I was like, a lot more of a shithead back then. So like, sometimes you have an opportunity to express your anger from other stuff, and you kind of take it. So like, I'm glad that you felt protected when I was being a little selfish in that moment. But I'm really glad because it's like, you know what, everybody, I think people had forgotten, like, that I was hot and scary. And so like, you know, I think you did me a favor, actually.
Yeah, almost breaking my collarbone was definitely, I'm so glad it worked in your favor. That's why it's worth it because the cost was only almost. If it was a full breakage, then we'd have to read you the cost benefit analysis there. Yeah. As I came towards you, barreling towards you, I was like, oh, they're really hot.
But also kind of scary. I would hate to be on their bad side. I hear that a lot. I hear it pretty often. Yeah. But yeah, I'm glad that I could provide you with some sort of help. Because I can imagine after a lot of drinks, just feeling like you need to just be yourself. Just go for it. And maybe this is a moment where you were like, I'm going to do it. It's going to happen now.
it was like such a good you know sometimes things are good for more than one reason you're like all right this is just this is my time this is a good opportunity also it's like you can use your vices to make you into a better person sometimes where you play them against each other where you're like oh i should stand up for this person right now oh but i don't want to embarrass myself blah blah blah but i have been angry about something else so maybe i should just
And so, you know, as a demon, I it's, you know, using vices to enforce good behavior is something that like, you know, it's a bit common practice among, you know, at least in my life and a lot of people that I know, it's maybe not the best, but it's not the worst. Yeah, I completely understand that. But I can we go back a bit? Like, yeah, what was upsetting you that night?
I mean, it's like silly now, but because like now, I mean, like, so partially I am running away from that by moving here. But like, I am like, I am processing that and it's better than it was that night. Obviously, like, I think moving here was good for a lot of reasons. But yeah, one of them was, you know, it's
I don't often have the best taste in romantic partners. I don't know, but yeah. So it was, you know, someone I was hoping would come to that party and by that time and then I, it was like, you know, they're not coming, but I was like, you know, on the verge of like, just like,
giving up hope and then it's sort of like the thing, you like kind of like slid in and then people, the people laughing was really the catalyst. It wasn't your, it wasn't, you were the catalyst. The people laughing was the catalyst that sort of like, you know, you kind of like break, you're like, all right, you have that last little shred of hope and it's taking all of your focus and all, because you're like, so like, you're just a little bit drunk and trying to focus on keeping that hope alive. And then something else happens and you just flip fully into rage. You just get mad.
And, you know, for me personally, and I don't want to perpetuate, you know, stereotypes about demons, but me personally, I do have, you know, a little bit of it. It's easy for my anger to come out very quickly, I should say. I don't have an anger problem, but it can come out rather fast. Well, it only makes sense, especially if you know you were really looking forward to something. Yeah. I mean, it actually turned out better that, you know, in hindsight, that person
was just by the fact that they would not choose me is a good enough reason for them to not be good for me. And that's a hard truth that I had to learn through many months of therapy and talking to friends and processing and stuff. And it just ended up being one of those things where I had processed a lot of it, but I think moving. And it wasn't that like I was seeing their face everywhere I went in snowfall. It just still felt like a good move to come here and like,
get a fresh start. That's the thing, you don't always need to have a fresh start when you're at rock bottom. Sometimes you can be like, all right, I'm in a pretty good place and maybe now I'm ready for a fresh start. I can enjoy a fresh start. I can make the most of a fresh start. You know what? I'm so glad that it took you, I mean,
Well, now that I think about it, like I'm so glad that you got there, but I did take you years to realize it was time to move. I mean, you know, I, you must have seen them at some point. Did you, did they even tell you why they didn't show up? They, I think it was just not even, it was so unimportant to them that like, they never met, you know, and I didn't really- It was such a fun party! I don't- From what I remember! It was! And that's the thing is like,
you can be the best party in the world and some people still might not show up, you know? And look, I'm one hell of a party and people not showing up to me, that's just their loss. Well, I'm glad that you were there because
If you weren't, I probably would have just run into a wall or something and actually broken my collarbone. I don't have the best, I wouldn't say I'm very clumsy, but I'm very clumsy.
Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking, running and jumping into the slide. You were thinking it would be dope as hell, obviously. There was beautiful icicles. There were lights in the icicles. They were all flashing different colors. Basically asking you to slide down it when you're drunk. You're drunk, it's slippery, it's bright colors. What else are they expecting you to do besides jump headfirst on a giant ice slide? I know, I don't get it. That's on them.
We should find those people and not doing anything about it, but find them and sort of ask them why. Be like, hey, maybe one safety precaution would be great. Even one, just one. Maybe like a sign that drunk people can read that says, do not. That's asking a lot. A sign that drunk people can read? That's impossible. I have never met a single drunk person that has read any sign ever, myself included. True.
I choose not to be able to read when I'm drunk. Not that I lose the ability to read. I just choose to stop being able to. I look at something, I read it, and I go, I choose not to retain that information. Yeah, or a sign's there. No, there isn't. I don't see. There's a sign that I should have another drink, probably. Hey-oh! And then you go back to the bar, and then you keep drinking. You shouldn't be doing that. Yeah, I mean, I do think that
You know, I feel like we should, I feel like you and I should go to another party together and see what happens.

Future Plans and Creative Ventures

I might be feeling, maybe, you know what, you make me feel brave.
You make me feel brave and I think that we should go to a party together. Is that a good idea though? What if I actually break my collarbone this time? We're not at a snowfall. There aren't slides big enough here. I can make a slide big enough for you to break your collarbone on, but that requires me to prepare. We could just do a mini version and maybe you spray in your pinky or something at most.
So we're going to make a party with the intention of me.
No, I'm just saying like, this is sort of like snow magic math. Like you plan the worst injury that could possibly happen and then you build it out from there so that you will keep safety precautions in mind. That person who made that other slide clearly had a higher tolerance for risk and just was like, yeah, if someone breaks their neck, that's fine. And they made the slide. That was that.
to that specification. It's really bad craftsman shape. It was very well crafted, but poor, conceptual. I'm getting into the nitty gritty of snow magic now. I think why don't we stop this? And I would love to sit here and plan
an event with you like I would love like maybe just we don't have to do it uh recording the session but I think it'd be really cool if you could just plan a party and maybe be competition for these I mean maybe it's it's been a long it's been a few years maybe they've moved on to other things but I would love to have a competing party yeah we could have the safer slide party but we'll like make it we'll give it like a sexy name because no safer is not sexy but we'll do that's the concept right like
Yeah, sexy slide party. Sexy slide party. There we go. Where safety is the number one priority. Your safety is sexy. Yeah, we're safe. Yeah. Exactly. Why don't we, I have, here I have a- Yeah, I think some people are looking at us. I don't know if I have this, but I do. Yeah, we should go, but also I think that you should have a look at this somehow blueprint. I have blueprint paper where we can draw and draw. I don't know, how does this work?
Uh, yeah, I can do this. Oh, okay. Perfect. Okay. Uh, thanks listener. Um, I'll see you soon and thank you two for being here. Thanks for having me. Yeah. If we can stop this now. Okay.
I've got Lex with me. Hi. I'm so happy that you're on this. This was so fun. I was already like, she can come back if Mayari wants. Yeah. Oh my gosh. I would love to have you back. We could talk about that later. That's actually something we can do off the real recording. Yeah.
For those of you who don't know, Lex was on Glitter Hearts with me. And I was saying to them that they're one of the first people I wanted to have on this show because I don't know. Lex is just really cool. Oh, thank you. And
I really enjoyed our chemistry. Like our whole party had great chemistry. And yeah, like I said, I just would, I'm so happy to have you on. I don't know how to even, I don't, I should really structure these end bits, but I would really love for you to talk about yourself for a minute. No problem. Thank you so much for the kind words. That was such a fun time. And yeah.
Uh, Bonnie and Pogg, Lee Achi. Our characters in Glitter Hearts. Uh, they were so fun. Uh, I'm Lex, also known as Titanomachy RPG over on Twitter. Uh, I am a non-binary TTRPG tabletop role-playing game designer.
I created Calstrip Core, which is a free open license system for making your own game in like minutes. You could do it today. Right now, before you go to bed, you could be a game designer. It's true. I tried. And also, I'll talk to you about the afterlives. But I think it's so cool. I think everyone should look it up. I will include that in the description. Pretty much all of my links will take you near Calstrip Core somehow. Right.
Uh, like my, my like website, will have all of my highlights there and like my links to Twitter and, uh, and all that stuff. So there's over 200 games that people have made on couch core already. Uh, and you could be another one in the mix. So, uh, yeah, I mean, but like, here's the thing is you don't even need a system to have like a fun role-playing game like experience. Yeah.
Gloria, this is essentially, you could classify it as a role-playing, it is a role-playing game. Just the resolution mechanic is conversation, basically. If you wanted to use the game design framework around it. But I think it's just, this was a little fun to be on and thank you for having me. Would love to come back anytime. Yeah. Okay, cool. We're going to talk about this off now. See you in two weeks. Bye, everyone. Bye.