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Jotter & The Band (with Niamh Rae) image

Jotter & The Band (with Niamh Rae)

S1 E2 · Magical Coffee Dates
231 Plays2 years ago

Mayari is reunited with one of her childhood friends, Jotter. They talk about Jotter's parent's basement, stealing pizza from the Gemstone Museum in the Snowfall region, which somehow turns into them starting a... band?

Hosted, produced, and edited by ME, Gloria Shuri Nava aka glowpinkstah
Special thanks to today’s guest Niamh Rae!
Magical Coffee Dates logo by Rae aka Illustraeted
Theme trill by Alex Dudley
Background music and sound effects from Epidemic Sound

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Find Niamh here: 


Introduction at Moonbeam Tea Rooms

Hello listener, my name is Mayari and this is Magical Coffee Dates.
I'm sitting here in the moonbeam tea rooms. I've got a warm mocha with me, a sausage roll, and the owners are really cool. Let me set up my laptop to record these sessions.

Intentions to Reconnect with Old Friends

I'm waiting to meet up with an old friend and hopefully rekindle that friendship because I moved away from the October region and sort of lost touch with everyone, but it's fine because I'm back now. I sent out a mailer cat to everyone I used to know.
and set up a few coffee dates. And thankfully, some people replied. And today I have with me...

Reunion with Jotter

It's me, Jotter. Oh! Hey! You! Hey! You! It's been a while.
It's been a long time, yeah. Well, look, I'm glad that you decided to reach out. I mean, I know I reached out, but it's nice that you... So how have you been? Do you want, wait, do you want anything to drink? Oh, um...
I'll have an orange juice if they have it. I'm sure they do. Coffee shop person will have orange juice. Oh, yeah, it seems like you're pretty comfy in here. Yeah, it's I mean, I've been here for a few weeks and they just sort of said, hey, you're gonna be here, you might as well do some stuff with your time because
I've been... anyway, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter anything about me. I'm actually... I would love to hear what you've been up to.
Well, you know, life things. I brush my teeth. I get ready for the day. Oh, you meant in general. Yeah, I mean, if you wanted to... When was the last time we saw each other? I want to say, I mean, I did leave a few years ago, but I don't think it's been
I think it's been a lot longer than that. For those of you who don't know, Jotter's one of my childhood friends, and we haven't... It's been a while, and I don't...
I don't know if we have spoken about this, but I know it's been a while since we've really just said anything. So to be honest, I wasn't really expecting you to be here. Not that I don't want you here, it's just that I didn't know that you wanted to or cared to be here.
Yeah, I am actually kind of surprised I'm here too. Do you remember a really, really long time ago when we were...

Childhood Bracelet and Significance

I think we must have been playing in my parents' basement area when you used to come over? Yeah! We used to do that all the time. About a couple of days before.
You reached out to me and asked me to come do this. They're getting that basement remodeled. Found a bracelet with your name on it?
So it kind of felt like a sign. I brought it with me because I forgot what I wanted. Oh my gosh, it's got these really, for the listener, it has beads on it. It's like little plastic beads with little white lettering on them. Yeah, I think we may have made them together at some point.
You must have lost yours, or maybe I never even gave it to you. I don't know if you... I don't know if you did, because I feel like I would have brought it with me today. Well, it kind of felt like a sign, so I brought it with me now. Well, I'm glad you did. Um, oh my gosh. Do you see this?
It has a charm on it from... It has a charm on it from that place we went to on that last field trip.

Gemstone Museum Field Trip Memories

The Gemstone Museum! Oh my gosh. I haven't seen this in so long. That was probably the last time I ever went to the snowfall region.
Me too. I mean, they had a lot of like... I mean, it was cold. I don't know why anyone would want to go there all the time. For the gem museum. Oh yeah, that too. I mean, we didn't really spend much time at the gem part though, if you remember. No, we didn't. It was very much... I just remember just having a lot of fun.
Yeah, no, children aren't really interested in geology. No, I couldn't tell you anything about, like, okay, a geode. It's pretty. Yeah, it's a rock and people use them to build things. Yeah. Yeah.
I am actually kind of in a weird turn of events I am. I do collect rocks. Oh you do? Yeah. So which one is this? That one's George. Oh!
George yeah I'm not scientifically I just collect them yeah I mean I'm really I mean I'm sure that George is really happy that he was hanging out in your basement this whole time especially since you've been collecting them yeah it's been a new reconnection with George I know they're not sentient now
That would be weird. Oh. Yeah, it would. So, do you remember on that last field trip and we sort of stuck away for a while? Yeah. I don't know. I just feel like my favorite part was, um,
When we sort of... Do you remember the big room where they had, like, the stage at the front and there was, like, rows of tables and people were eating pizza? Yeah. And we just sort of decided to take people's pizza and go under the tables and watch the weird show? Yeah, the weird show. It was... It was animatronics, right?
I think so. I mean, unless they were people. That would be weird if they were people.
Maybe they were. Maybe they were people in robot suits. I think I remember seeing people dressed up in giant, not people, the animatronics were like dressed up in giant like snowmen outfits and a guy in a red suit. They had gems where there would be buttons to tie it into the museum. Right, and that was the only thing that tied the whole thing into the museum.
they didn't sing anything about gems or no or anything to do with geology no they sing about do you remember some of the songs that they sing i remember the chorus of one of them should we sing it together yeah we should okay ready one two three
No! Snow is white and people live in the sea.
such a catchy chorus it was that was probably one of the best moments is laughing underneath the tables with you and singing that song together
Cause the song, it wasn't really a song. It was just that line repeated over and over again. So we figured out the lyrics really quickly. Yeah. And that was the first time we visited too. And probably the last, first and last. Yeah, first and last. We've not been to that region. No. I mean, I kind of went there for a little bit, but that's not important. It is.
So you're really well traveled. Yeah I mean I sort of when I decided to leave I just kind of wanted to experience new things and I did that and then you know you get bored you just want to come back home and that's what I did. I miss everyone kind of so that's sort of why I sent out the mailer cat and I'm glad you responded
Yeah, I'm glad I responded too. I haven't thought about that field trip in years, really. Yeah. I mean... Go ahead, sorry. It's just weird because I've not really left home. I mean, you

Jotter's New Hobbies and Band Aspirations

could. I don't know if I want to.
Well you don't have to. Yeah, it's just you sometimes you feel like you're messing out on some things if you don't do it but here's where I've always felt comfortable and safe and I push myself in other ways like have it getting you hobbies and collecting rocks and
what other hobbies other than collecting rocks have you taken not taken but like well I guess taking up I am trying to start a band maybe
Oh. I'm not that good at playing any instruments or singing or production, but I just think it would be fun. Would you play an instrument or something? Would you do more of the management side? I think I do have one instrument. Oh, what is it? It's an electric ukulele. Oh.
but I don't have anything to plug it in to make it electric. So would you just be playing the strings and no one can hear the notes or? You can hear them. You just have to be really close by. Okay. I'm going to put my ear up to, let me get there. Okay. Yeah. I brought it with me by to the listeners. Oh yeah. A listener. Um,
Jotter has their umm ukulele with them and my face is now right up against it just excuse me oh my goodness the the plucking the plucking is just so I can feel the wind off of the strings it's
That sounds just like the theme song. Should we sing along through it again? Yeah, that would be great.
You couched us down. Let me move my face away from you. Sorry. It might be weird seeing that you're like chest level. I don't know. I don't mind. Oh, I'm gonna move away anyway. Okay, if you mind, that's fine. I don't mind. I just want to be in your personal space. It's uncomfortable forever. It might be uncomfortable for George, but, um,
Okay, ready? Do you have the sound? Sorry. Yeah. Three, two, one. Snow. Snow is white and people. People like live in the sea. I just think that
if you didn't answer the mailer cat we just never would have we would have never made such beautiful music together oh um are you okay i'm just overcome with emotion how how this works how what i'm sorry how the ukulele or
No, we need to be in this band together. You should join my band. Um, yeah. I mean, I don't know what I could... I don't play any instruments. I mean, I could... I don't know. What do you envisioning for your band? It's probably less of a band and more like a collective of artists who just really work together. Oh. In a very, um...
organic way they just have good vibes I could have good vibes I just need to know like I don't know how to do that but I could have them
I don't really know either. It's just something I've been thinking about for a little while. Yeah. A long while. I mean, I would absolutely love to hear. I mean, I would love to hear more about it. And maybe we could come up with more songs together in this collective at some point.
I mean, where would you meet? Where would you have meetings? Um, that's what my parents were doing the basement remodel for. Oh. It's now a studio and rehearsal space and blah blah blah. Oh, that's really good. They're really cool to me.
Yeah, your parents, I remember them being really nice, and I know that like, even when we got in trouble and your parents picked us up. Okay, so for those of you who don't know how that field trip ended, we got in trouble because we kept stealing everyone's pizza, and um, Jotter's parents had to come pick us up. So...
They didn't even yell at us. They just sort of were like, well, this is an experience. Took us to get pizza after. Yeah. They didn't think the pizza at that time museum place was very good. No. I mean, they put pebbles on the, like some of the stuff crust also had pebbles in them and it just.
It's not good to have a pizzeria on site of a gemstone museum. It's just. Yeah, it's not. That's not good. But, you know. That's great. I mean, I would love to see it someday. Maybe we can have a I don't know. What do you what do musicians call meetups when they sing as a collective or I don't know, a collective meet?

Band Collective and Rehearsal Plans

I believe it may be called, and this is only based on my research, so maybe someone can tell me if I'm wrong. I believe it's either called a rehearsal or a jam session. Right. Well, I need to.
Have we settled on what I should be doing? Or do I just show up? Do I need to purchase anything beforehand? No, my parents' house is all covered. Any instrument you want to play, it's probably in the basement. Oh, well that's good to know. I've always wanted to learn how to play a kazoo. Is that an instrument? There's a soprano kazoo and a baritone kazoo, so you actually have a choice.
I wonder if I can learn to play both at the same time. That would be fun. Maybe through your nose or something. That would look so cool on stage. It would. And I could just sort of go... Through my nose though.
that was so beautiful oh my gosh um oh he almost spilled your orange juice oh whoops i should probably drink some this night yeah yeah i mean i'll have a sip of my coffee
I haven't had any yet, it's getting cold. But okay, I'm sure you have lots that you need to take care of today, but I do know, just know that I have very much enjoyed meeting up again, and I do hope I get to see you again some point.
You're part of the collective now. That's not the name. That's too weird. Oh. And you're the first member. Part for me. Yeah. I mean, that's so far, it's a duo then. Can a duo be a collective? I mean, if we're the we could be the founding duo. Yeah. Amazing. I can't wait to hear what the name of the band or the collective is.
at some point. We can collectively come up with a name for the collective. We could. That would be really cool. Well, it was nice speaking to you. Yeah, you too. Is there anything that you want to tell the listener?
No, other than, you know, keep an eye out for the collective.

Hope for Future Collaborations

Okay, um, you heard it. Here, listener, um, keep an eye out for the collective, please. Um, okay, bye! Bye!
Yay! The episode's over. We're ourselves now. I have Niamh with me and they're gonna tell you all the things about them and their character because we realized that we didn't explain it in the episode. So yeah, Jotter. People know what Jotter is, would they, Gloria? No. I thought that it was just a cute name. So it's like the book that you would write in in school.
Oh okay. You'd call a daughter at least here or like maybe not here. Maybe it's like only one of them. I think I've definitely heard Ally say that probably once. Okay um so it's just it's a cute word. I thought about it recently and then I was like oh if I was this bookish character then but it's still awkward and
Yeah we we had lost touch I thought that would be fun to play and also being awkward is also fun especially when you're playing someone who's also a bit weird and strange. It was so good I just I wasn't expecting
I was just saying to them that I thought that we were going to get into a fight, but we didn't, so that also I think it planned out so well, and I very much enjoyed that. Thank you for being on the show, but also where can people find you if you want them to find you? Not collective style. I don't know what's happening. Something's going to happen. Yeah, don't come and see any band that's called The Collective, please.
Yeah, I am in a couple of improv groups in Glasgow, and we have a couple of shows, including one at Glasgow Comedy Festival at the end of March at McColl's.
Oh, well that's good because I don't think these episodes are going to go out until January. So that's good. That's why I'm not mentioning the ones that are before January. I will probably be promoting all of those shows so you get reminders of them on my Twitter.
which is the only real social media that I have. It's public, so that's Neve and Ray. My name is spelled N-I-A. Sorry, I'm laughing because I know that they have to do this all the time, and it's so frustrating. Sorry, I won't interrupt. Go ahead.

Engaging Audience through Social Media

N for November, I for Indigo, A for Alpha, M for Mother, H for Hotel, M for Mother again, R for Roger, A for Alpha, and E for Echo. There's no spaces and there's no capitals. I have a great handle that's great for podcasts. It's so clever! SEO! Maybe I should just change my name to Jotter.
Thank you so much for having me. Yeah. Thank you for being on my show. And hopefully this comes out and people can, well, it's going to come out just so hopefully that people get to, I don't know when it's going to be, but it's going to happen. Definitely sometime in January. Yeah, maybe. Anyway, thank you. No worries. Thank you. Bye. Bye.
Hey, everyone. Of course, I forgot to promote myself. And just a heads up, I do this for the next few months. But you can find me, Gloria, on Twitter, Instagram, Twitch, not Facebook. I deleted that. Basically every single platform under Glowpinksta. That's Twitter, Twitch, Instagram, the tic tacs, all those things. Find me at Glowpinksta.
and if you're wondering youtube yeah it's there but i don't use it anymore not really anyway okay thanks see you in two weeks bye