Introduction to 'Magical Coffee Dates'
Hello listener, my name is Mayari and this is Magical Coffee Dates.
I'm sitting here in the moonbeam tea rooms. I've got a warm mocha with me, a sausage roll, and the owners are really cool. And let me set up my laptop to record these sessions. I'm waiting to
Reconnecting with Old Friends
meet up with an old friend and hopefully rekindle that friendship because I moved away from the October region and sort of lost touch with everyone, but it's fine because I'm back now. I sent out a mailer cat bod to everyone I used to know and set up a few coffee dates.
Thankfully, some people replied, and today I have with me. Hi,
Meet Wizard TK Bobo
I'm TK. Hello, TK. Hi, TK. Oh, I'm TK. You're Mayari. That I know. I know it. Yes. Yes. Yes. You're TK. I'm Mayari. This is Bod. This is the moonbeam. I mean, I'm sure you know all that. I'm sure you know.
I love the Moon Bean Cafe. I don't come over here from the forest very often, but I do like a nice hot cocoa here. Yeah, I mean, it's like a maybe a three day visit, I think from the forest area. But like, you know, the coffee, the coffee is great here. Winters, bakeries, pastries are amazing to go back to bring it back to the forest for that long journey.
Yeah, I can imagine. And I mean, wait, do you walk? I mean, like, I assume that people, you know, for the longest time, I didn't realize that there were cars in in the snow region. So I don't know why I just assumed because you were coming from the forest that you would have taken a long journey.
but i don't know i don't have a car myself we do have them in the forest but because it's so nice with all the trees and the leaves on the ground we don't want to disturb that so basically i am a wizard well kind of a wizard i have some powers but not as much as my parents we'll get into it
But I do hover and lightly glide over the ground and don't disturb any precious leaves. So it does
The Magic of Bobo World
take about two and a half days to get here, but it's worth it. Okay. So that cuts out what, like 12 hours? That's good. Yeah. I mean, that's really cool.
So where are you from in the forest region? I don't, I know that we must have met because I sent you a letter, but to be fair, it was sort of a general message that I sent to people. So, um, I don't think like I, this is kind of embarrassing, but I, I recognize your face. Um, but I don't exactly recall, like, did you live in one of the trees or?
So funny story how you and I know each other. I was very happy to get Bod to come over and have your invite because I was like, oh, of course I remember her. I work at Bobo Theme Park. Bobo. Oh my gosh. Yes. And I work at Bobo World, the theme park that I just happen to love and that my family happens to own for many, many generations.
Oh, you're TK Bobo? I'm TK Bobo. My whole family has run the theme park for so many years with our magic. That's why all the wizards work at Bobo World, because we just make all the rides go with all of our magic. Oh, that's amazing. You know, I didn't even realize that because the guy that was chasing me while I was
I don't know if you saw that, but I kind of stole some cotton candy from a stand and the guy was chasing me and he didn't seem to use magic. I mean, making cotton candy is pretty magical, but I don't know. I mean, it was a low point for me. I was having a time and I just needed to get sober, but that's like a whole
That's totally fine. We hope that the cotton candy helped you get sober. Obviously, we want everybody to enjoy it. But no, my sister, my sister, Athena, she runs the cotton candy stand, but all of our security guards, shh, they don't use magic. Oh, just trolls.
Oh, okay. Oh, okay. That makes, that makes sense. That's why I was getting chased. Okay. Yeah. He was just chasing you. He doesn't use an American, but me myself, I run the old man winters roller coaster. And that's where you and I met.
Oh, wait, what was I? I mean, it was, you know, what's really funny about the queue is that when you get into the line, the queue, whatever I say, the line, yeah, it's it feels like you're in.
snowfall. It feels like you're in the snowfall region and I always thought that was interesting but I don't know why I didn't even stop to think for a second that you could have potentially just sort of made it that way with magic. It's enchanted. Basically what we do is a special spell
I can't say it out loud for your listeners because it is a family secret, but it does make the snow fall. So you feel like you're a part of old man winter's life. It's part of my new addition to the world because I hope to one day take over Bobo world from my parents. So I'm trying to introduce some new things. Oh, that's cool. What kind
Inclusivity in Bobo World
of new things would you like to have?
I don't know if I should share all of them, but I will say I want to include a lot more of the other regions in our park, so it feels more like a safe space for everybody to enjoy, not just if you have a lot of money.
Well, that's very true, but I can't imagine that the Hearth region, like, I don't know if you've been to the Hearth region, but there are just people on fire there. Yeah, I think if I want to try to include that, I was thinking maybe we could include a nice spa in the park and just have like a really nice hot sauna, but I don't know if I want to go to the Hearth region to do some research. It seems really hot there. Right. That's, I mean, so if there's a spa,
Would the hot on fire people be the people heating up the rooms? Oh, 100%. So they would go there to heat themselves up in a sauna? Yeah, we haven't worked out all the kinks, basically, in my mind. You just have them stand there.
Innovative Wizardry and Park Ideas
They're on fire. We just throw some hot water on them, and then steam comes out. Right. OK. I was picturing that in my head, and I just thought, OK, well,
It's sort of friendly. You don't have to worry about any electrical wiring. You don't have to worry about other things. You just need to grab all the people on fire and say, have this experience. You're a part of it. They need jobs too. They will be attending and
Providing. Working. Right. Okay. Providing hot, hot, hot steam for our new people. Mostly it's for the mothers that let their kids running around the park and they just want to relax. That's who the song will be for. Yeah. Right. Okay. Oh, I understand. Yeah. I understand this completely, entirely. It makes total sense. It's all going to cohesively come together when I step in for my parents when they eventually give the park to me.
Right. Oh, they're going to give it to you. I mean, I'm hoping I'm really, really hoping, but, you know, I'm going to do what I can until then to just bring my new ideas to the park and see how they work. Oh, well, OK, I know that you say you didn't want to share and all of them, but I do I am interested to know like what other regions you might have thought of because that's pretty cool that you want to make it more inclusive space for everyone to join.
I actually had a brief visit to the swamp region. Yes. Is there anything maybe that you thought could like how would you implement the swamp?
Well, I've thought about the swamp very, very hard. Basically, what I would like to do is bring in a bog tour, but make it high action where everybody can drive their own swamp boats and they can get attacked by alligators and then they can help with the plants. Like the plants will be interactive on the water. Right. So how would the plants be interactive? Like, would somebody get pulled in by a giant
seaweed, algae, like how would people have to fight for their lives? What would that look like?
I think it's more of, yes, if you don't win the race, your boat is going to be overturned by a huge giant swamp thing. But you do have certain things on your boat that you can push that all the algae will band together and make a ramp. So your boat just goes, yum! Right off it. And you can jump over all your contestants. So it's more the plants will help you if you're in the lead. But if you're not in the lead, the plants could turn against you.
trap you, you can get stuck in there, you know, you have to fight your way out. Or like I said, I'll just flip your boat over because everybody likes a water ride. Yeah, I think so. I mean, I remember when I was a kid and I went to one of these places, I don't know if it was, I can't remember if it was Bobo World, but I remember having to fight for my life from one of the swamp monsters. I don't know.
Oh, I've just unlocked a core memory. Oh, also, wait, getting, oh my gosh, overturned. I don't know if this would be a good idea. I remember getting a rash from this. Oh no. Yeah, it was a very, um, it was a, I love a water ride, but I definitely got a rash.
Yeah, like an itchy red, like all over your body kind of rash. My mom had to pour vinegar all over my body and I just smelled vinegar for 12 hours straight. See, that's good to know. I don't know if we want our guests to smell like vinegar for the rest of the ride. I mean, and that smell doesn't go away even if you shower. No, you don't want to walk around like chips.
No, no, no, not at all. I can't even have vinegar with my chips. It's too traumatic. I can't. I can't. No, it's not something that I... This is why I like hot ditos. I don't know if you've heard of those. No. They're absolutely delicious. Like they're just like these corn chip type things and they're very spicy and they stain your fingers red, but it's fine.
Adidas are great. That sounds like something we need to sell at Bobo world. I'm going to get on that. Yeah, absolutely. I think that if, you know.
If people are doused in vinegar, maybe something you could give them as like a consolation for attending the ride would be a bag of Hot Ditos. I mean, if I knew that a bag of Hot Ditos, which they sound amazing, was the prize for losing, I don't know. I might just rig the race and just hang back and be willing to be tossed into the water.
Would that be a good idea for... See, I don't know anything about business, but like, would that be good for business? I mean... I imagine that you'll have to spend more money on the Ditos. That's true. But I just feel like because we are wizards, if something doesn't work out, we can just do a spell and it magically disappears and we can start from scratch again. So it could be there for one hour. It could be there for 10 days. It could be there for a hundred years.
Who knows? But it's really easy if something doesn't work to just erase it from everybody's memory and from the memory of the park. Wait, have you all done that before? What done what? Have you ever erased people's memories at the park? I don't recall saying erase people's memories from the park. Oh, you know what?
I just realized that I haven't offered you anything. There's the menu here if you... Thanks. I'm just thinking about how... What if there's other things that I missed while I was there? What if I wasn't getting chased by a cotton candy person? It wasn't when, no, it wasn't a cotton... What if it was a cotton candy person? I mean, I won't... I can't divulge everything, but I will say we don't plant memories.
We may take them, though. How? Magic. Oh, that is the answer to everything, isn't it? That's what our lawyer said to say. It's just a simple vague. Yeah, I can imagine that link.
Yeah, that doesn't mean that's so weird. We had an incident, which actually funny enough is why you were there on the roller coaster that I program and that I make run. We had a very talented singer there one day on the ride and was just singing at the top of his lungs up and down and up and down and over and out. Are you? Am I talking about Count Rihanna?
Oh, I sure am. And that's how we know each other. That was the day you were there. Hold on. I'm so confused. So,
Experiences at Bobo World
yes, I was there and it was a brief time. But I specifically remember Count Rihanna saying that he but he volunteered to work there and wasn't being hired. So are you saying is what you're saying to me?
that you removed his memory of getting hired so you didn't have to pay him and planted the seeds of this being voluntary? Is that what Bobo World does? I'm saying Count and I have had many conversations that he doesn't know about. But he definitely, definitely had a good time. That's all I'll share.
Yeah, that's, that's okay. I don't even know if I want to know to be honest, because he's, he's a great singer. We just wanted to share it with the rest of the world at a really low cost. That's how we make money. Here's the thing, TK. I didn't mean to use your name in a condescending way. I just, the thing is about Count Rihanna is that his voice is awful. Oh, that's interesting. I think it's music to my ears, literally. Well,
I'm very confused. It could be the wizard in me. We do have different hearing than other creatures in the October region. Yeah, true. I just... I mean, I'm a human though. I can't imagine that it's that different. When I hear Count Rana sing, I just hear money falling.
dollar bills falling away no falling into my bank account into my bank account and just piling up that's what I hear I don't even hear his notes I just hear money money money money money I would hear this is what I'm hearing okay when I hear Count Rihanna sing I hear money
flying away into a furnace. That's what I hear. And the reason, okay, the reason I know Count Mariana is because we spent, we auditioned for Realm Idol together, and he somehow found me? I don't know if you all have my information somehow, but he showed up, said he was rating Stephanie's garbage. I don't know a Stephanie.
I'd found the invitation, so this is just really confusing to me. Because if you hear music and money going into your pockets, and I'm hearing screeching, like nails on a chalkboard, something seems wrong. And I cannot imagine, for the life of me, that wizards and humans are different. I just can't, I can't see it.
But I mean, I guess I know I don't think I should have to trust you, but I think I'm going to. So I'm scared. I don't know if I'm scared. I don't know if I'm scared, but. I mean, let me put it this way. You remember hearing him on this roller coaster, yes. Yeah, I remember him standing in his seat somehow not falling out magic.
we made sure that he didn't fall out. But after that, once you saw him on the roller coaster, didn't you step onto the roller coaster and go for a ride? Maybe.
Did I remember that? Because that's how I know your face. And that's why when Bob brought me the invitation, I was like, of course I remember. See, that was money. Money. You coming onto our ride means more people come onto our ride after he sang. So that's why I say he sounded like money to me because we got more people to ride the ride to figure out specifically how he stayed in that little cart without falling out. That's that is.
That's genius marketing. We try us wizards. We really do try. And like I said, I have to prove to my parents that I can take over the business. So I have to think of these weird, gimmicky things like that. Yeah. That's just so, so strange that that is how all the, see, I guess it makes complete sense to me now because why?
Does it make sense? I don't know. It makes you think of, it makes you think of Bobo world and it makes you think of the old man winter roller coaster. So as long as you think of it, you'll come back and want to ride the coaster over and over and over again. Yeah. I, I, in all honesty, like I haven't wanted to, but that's just because well, it's not that I haven't wanted to visit. I actually
Reflections on Friendship and Independence
Do you love going to a theme park like Bobo World? Um, cause it, it reminds me of a lot of good memories when I was a kid, but like, I sort of have been just doing this and it is in some way fulfilling. I think, I mean, I know you don't need to hear this cause you have way bigger aspirations than I do, but I think that after seeing that, that was probably one of the things where I was like, I just need to go home.
I mean, I don't want to hear screeching. So not to toot my own horn. Would you say that TK Bobo is the reason for you getting back with all of your friends and starting these amazing coffee dates? Is that what I'm hearing? I would say that I put in the work to get me to where I am today. And I had to have a lot of experiences. I would not say that
any affiliation to Bobo World exists on my part, that I am very much a sole proprietor in my own way. You're giving us a lot of free publicity now. You said Bobo World like eight times. Oh, I really should start charging people for promotion. I really should start.
I really, maybe, oh gosh. This has just been a very interesting day. TK, I think you, I think your parents deserve, you deserve to have Bobo world with everything that's going on. Like, I think people will just accept the fact that magic is the reason for everything. I think people will just be like, oh, okay, that's cool.
It's you have that's the point of magic. You have to just spend your belief. And once you believe in it, it can be used for good. Hopefully not so much for bad, but sometimes good can come out of the bad. Like Count Rihanna's screeching. Exactly. And getting that for free. Yeah, I wonder if I'll ever see him again. We'll see. Come back to Bobo World. Oh, gosh.
Yeah, I would love. Yeah, that would be great. Yeah. Well, can I get you a coffee to go or? You know, I would love a hot cocoa to go. Yeah, I will. I'll grab you one. Watch my stuff. Make sure you don't sign or take any of my things. They would just I don't even know if they can hear me, but she's I don't want her to
Oh, I'm just speaking to my cat. I'm saying to my cat. Just Bob, just make sure that she doesn't look through any of my documents. OK, use your claws. I beg you. Just watch this. OK, TK, thank you so much for being here. Thank you. I'm going to I'm going to go grab you a hot chocolate. I appreciate that. And everybody out there, so much fun with my dear, dear friend, Mary.
Come to Bobo World. Don't forget to ride the roller coaster. It's a kick. Yay, we're ourselves now. I have Britney Young with me. That's me. Am I allowed to talk about where I know you from? Oh my god, yes. Let's go down. I was actually thinking before we got, I was like, wait, when did we actually start talking? It was like four years ago. No, it wasn't. Yes, it was. It was pre-pandemic. For sure pre-pandemic.
Oh my, yes, it has been at least four years, at the very least. Well, I-
I'm, if you all don't know, I'm speaking to Machu Picchu from hit Netflix show, GLOW.
Introducing Brittany Young
I was going to say goal for some reason. Goal! I mean, it would have worked too. I just really, I just loved Brittany and that. And then I followed Brittany and I don't know why we know each other though. I don't know. Truthfully, I don't, I don't know why we started talking, but we definitely did. Yeah. Oh, no. Was it?
No, I didn't ask you questions about you and Ally, was it?
No, that can't be the first time we ever talked. That's so personal. I don't think so. Well, to be fair, a lot of people do ask about me and him first thing. But I was specifically because I'm in the same situation. Yeah, yeah. So we have that in common. We do. We're both with somebody. We are both with somebody who's from another country. So I think there was a cute little bonding point there. Yeah. But it's just nice how things work out, isn't it?
Yeah, it worked. I mean, we're here, we're doing things. We're doing things, it's cute, it's fun. And I just really loved, I don't even know what the hell happened this episode. Like, I think that's how I feel about every other episode, but this one was just like, I had next essential in the middle of it. I mean, I honestly started out really being like, I'm gonna be like this really fun, kooky person. And then I became really devious and weird and like almost criminal.
You know, the rash thing is true. Is it really? Yeah, it happened to me at a theme park. I went on a water ride and I had I had I got rashes all over my body. And my mom said like a home remedy is to put vinegar all over your body. So I had vinegar all over my body. And I was in pain. I was it. No, it soothed it. But I like it was in the summer. I was like maybe 14 years old and I'll never forget it. I just can't have vinegar. Like if it's very strongly scented vinegar, I just won't do it. I can't do it.
Did you ever do, I don't know if they have them overseas and this is probably like speaking to my age, did you ever go to like a foam party at like a club where they'd like put foam out into the audience and dance? Weirdly enough like when I was a teenager back home they would have foam parties for like teenagers and I remember a bunch of me and my friends went
And they all were really dumb and didn't bring a spare change of clothes afterwards, but I did. And the next Monday at school, everybody kept on talking about, do you have a rash from the foam? And I was like, because you guys didn't change out of your foamy clothes when we drove our home to get back to our houses. So many of my friends had rashes from them. I'm like, oh my god, thank goodness I brought a spare change of clothes.
Yeah. The thing is, I went home shortly after that water ride, so there was a quick incubation. Yeah, jeez. Is incubation a word? I think I would allow it. Incubated. Incubating period. Develop? Well, that's incubating. Yeah. Yeah. We don't know. I don't know.
Theme Parks and Personal Stories
I did really so much enjoy having you. Is there... I never know how to end these things just because I just want to talk forever, but I know that if I don't, it's going to be like six hours long. Part two. I've enjoyed this. Part 17. I would love if you had anything you wanted to share, like if you want to plug some cute stuff, like your socials and things.
Yeah, I mean, if you guys would, you know, be so kind, I'm on Instagram. If you want to give me a follow, my handle is at Britney Young. You'll see a lot of stuff about books and random things that I love in my life. That's about it. I'm not that social on the media, but I am on Instagram. That's a good thing. Trust me. You know, I just needed a break. But no, I am on Instagram, at Britney Young. Yeah.
Yay. Yeah. And yeah, by the time this comes out, it'll probably be June. Ooh, birthday month. Oh, well, happy birthday. Wait, hold on. I'm going to look at my calendar. When is your birthday? June 1st. Oh, I don't know. I actually don't know. Wait a minute. Hold on. Is it a premiere day? I don't know what that means. No. Like, is that like, do you do do you release these on the same day every week?
Yes, on a Wednesday. Oh, it will. It will not. Oh, first is a Thursday. Oh, so close. Your episode. Oh, my gosh. Your episode is actually a day before your birthday. Oh, that's funny. Yes.
yay another one of those things that worked out can we sing happy birthday to you can you sing happy birthday to yourself in the future i mean if you want yeah let's do it okay one two three happy birthday to you
Happy birthday. Oh, wait, to me. Happy birthday to Brittany. Tomorrow. Happy birthday to me. What day is it? It's February, by the way. On that note.
That's the perfect way to end this, right? Oh, yeah. I mean, we were talking about amazing voices that sound like money. There you go. Oh, gosh. That was just so good. Perfect. Okay. Thanks, Brittany. Thank you for having me. Yeah. Bye.
Hello, everyone, it is me now, and I'm just going to ask you all to follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Twitch, TikTok, YouTube. Look, it is March 5th when I'm editing this, so it's been about a month since I recorded that episode with Brittany, and I just want to know, am I on YouTube right now?
And anyway, more importantly, if you like the podcast and want to support it, please go to slash glowpinksta to support. All right, everyone. See you in two weeks. Bye.