Rekindling Old Friendships
Hello, listener. My name is Mayari, and this is Magical Coffee Dates. I'm sitting here in the moonbeam tea rooms. I've got a warm mocha with me, a sausage roll, and the owners are really cool and let me set up my laptop to record these sessions. I'm waiting to meet up with an old friend and hopefully rekindle that friendship, because I moved away from the October region and just sort of lost touch with everyone. But it's fine, because I'm back now.
I sent out a mailer cat, bod, to everyone I used to know and set up a few coffee dates. Thankfully, some people replied, and today I have with me.
Introducing Callista from the Ethereal Realm
Is this where I'm supposed to speak?
Uh, yes. If, uh, that's, I mean, if you're comfortable speaking. I'm fine. I'm fine with speaking. I've never used this type of technology before. I'm not used to... Well, you have a microphone in front of you and it just records your voice and, um,
And it's plugged into my laptop, which is this big blocky thing here. And I'm able to, I guess, keep our voices within this and I can distribute that. But it's not magic. No, it's technology, which is kind of like magic, but
Okay. I don't know. Interesting. I don't think I've seen something quite like this before. Usually in the way that things go with me. Well.
Maybe there is, and maybe I'm just a bit disconnected from reality. I don't think you're disconnected. Also, I'm sorry, I didn't properly introduce. Would you like to introduce yourself?
Callista's Ethereal Origins and Visions
Hello, my name is Callista. I'm from the ethereal realm. I speak with a certain candor because I have the tendency to go into my visions and my visions are
quite a lot, so I stay melodic. Yeah, I've known Calista for a while and bumped into them in the aetherial region, and yeah, it was interesting.
I don't really know what to say. I mean, it's just, it's great that you're here.
Discussing Reconnection and Changes
I'm glad that you showed up and, you know, I wasn't expecting you to, like I haven't really anyone else that's shown up, but it's really interesting that, you know, Bod reached the ethereal region, if that's where you were, when he found you.
Yes. Things have changed a lot over the years since we last connected. I'm in and out of the ethereal realm, but it was on my way back to home when I noticed that that was there. And it was quite surprising.
I'm piecing back together the way that we came together. And it is interesting how all of these years away, we were able to sit here right now. You just have changed so much since the last time I saw you. It's fascinating.
I know I just decided like, as you might have remembered back when we met, like I was kind of lost. And I mean, we don't have to talk about that. But like, yes, I did feel a little bit lost. And when we met, I think I was just at the point where I was like, something needs to change. And you know, I'm back home now and I feel a lot better.
about things and, um, you know, I'm doing this now. So it's been really good. It's been good.
Aura Transformation and Personal Growth
Yes, you have a different aura about you now, comparatively, to before. Although... What color is it now? Is it still... Well, it's more of like a sea green. Okay. Whereas before it was more of like a murky blue. You couldn't quite make out the color, so you saying, I didn't really know where I was going, I could see.
There. That you were quite lost. That I looked murky. Yeah. Well, yes. You looked fine. Your aura was just a bit murky. Yes. Okay. Cause I know I was traveling through the swamp region and I was worried that I might've just carried swamp with me and no one told me, but okay. It was just my aura. Okay. It was just your aura. It was, it was, it was a lovely time. The charming region is very
overwhelming. It makes sense that the party and the people and I didn't I mean obviously I didn't know what was going on in your life and I wasn't equating it to you coming to the party but I could just I could see I can see everything unfortunately.
Yeah, yeah, that was an interesting moment for me. Like one minute I'm walking down a boardwalk and someone's like, hey, you want to come to a party?
Oracle Nature and Past Memories
And I'm covered in seaweed or algae. And they're like, hey,
come to this party and I'm feeling disheveled. I'm sure I looked disheveled. You said I looked fine, but I don't know. I don't know. I appreciate that you said I looked fine. And then we get there and everyone's like really flirting with each other. And I mean, that's fine, but I don't know what I was expecting. Going to a party in somewhere where people are just very attractive and yes,
like doing this for I mean not saying that everyone in the charming region is like this but it did seem that way it is quite a number of them in the region and that party in particular was very flirtatiously forward although I wasn't particularly I didn't really I did not want to go to that party but I was there was a friend an acquaintance now who brought me there and I was
I think similar to you. I wasn't sure why I was here, but I was. So I was observing everything. There was a lot of energy in the room, and there are too many auras for me to navigate through. There were so many bright colors, and yours in particular stuck out because of the murkiness. But the murkiness wasn't off-putting. It was more of like,
I wonder where that person came from and where they're going to go. Yeah, that was. Yeah, I mean, and then when you sat next to me and just stared at me for like 10 minutes straight, none of us said a word. I mean, no, it's fine. I just didn't know what to do. I thought that maybe you would say hello, but I could have easily just said hello and I'm very sorry for not
really saying anything. When it comes to people the way things work with me and the customs in my world as an oracle we usually stand in the background and wait to be approached because normally people understand that's an oracle let me talk to them if I need to figure out something about their future. So my stare
how, thinking back in time, how foolish of me to think that, of course, you would know I was an oracle. So me staring at you, giving you the go ahead to, you can approach. I see your aura. Hello. I should have known that. The assumption that people would always know what oracles from the Ethereal region look like, it's a lot. My friend who's also from the Ethereal region was bragging
throughout the whole party. Maybe you missed the bragging of maybe. My friend, the Oracle. It was a lot.
I mean, I probably did because if I had known, I mean, I'm sure people are scared to find out more about themselves, but I mean, I guess for future reference, how would I identify that someone is an oracle?
Challenges of Being an Oracle
Is it something that you might be wearing? Or do people just shout, there's an oracle here?
Well, a lot of people from the ethereal region dress in particular ways, and oracles, yes, have certain types of garbs. That day, I did not want to project that I was an oracle. I was not told by my friend that she would be telling people.
but I have this charm that I wear on my neck and on my wrist that is passed down in our families that shows that we are of the lineage of oracles. So in the aetherial region, when I'm in my garb, I'm in a long tunic with long flowy sleeves, and I like to wear more adorning head pieces. It's very traditional.
people will identify who I am. Outside of the Ethereal region, the only reason why I would leave is for business. And it's interesting saying oracles in business, but sometimes oracles are hired to go into dealings with royalty if they want to seek out spiritual guidance from someone from the Ethereal region.
That's very deep in political and a lot about parts of my life that we don't need to talk about today. But I was more, what is a word that people would say incognito? I was in disguise that day. Unfortunately, my disguise was
thrown away as soon as she was saying that I was there. I mean, that would really frustrate me if I just wanted to enjoy something as well, especially if all you do is business when you leave and maybe just wanted to enjoy yourself, you know, once you realized you were going to be there.
Um, but yes, your charm is absolutely gorgeous. And so is your bracelet. Like I was wondering if maybe you would like to describe to people what that looks like or what they look like each.
On the chain, there are a couple of charms. The main one that I had at the time had an eye, an eye seeing into your soul. The charm that I wear around my necklace, usually it changes from year to year, but it depends on your energy. It's a jewel that rests perfectly in the center of your collarbone.
And it reverberates a color based on where the
Understanding Oracle Visions
oracle is at in their life. But also when we make connections with other people, oracles have to make contact, physical contact, whether it just be a hand on the shoulder, a hand hold, any type of touch. The charm on our neck will reverberate the color that represents the aura of the person that we're connected with.
very much a mirror as a mirror to other people as much as it's a mirror about us. You know, that makes sense because when we did eventually get to talking and you did put your hand on my shoulder, the entire room looked like there was some murky cloud. Yes. And I wondered why everyone was looking in my direction.
And I guess now I know. Also, when I make a connection with someone and I talk to them about what is happening in their life or potentially their future, I go from speaking with a certain type of candor to
being a little bit louder than I should be in a public setting. It seems dramatic, but it's unfortunately what happens. I become a bit more spectrally, like my physical form kind of dissipates, and then there's more auras and colors and things. It's very
I usually take appointments and sessions in a private space where no one else can see. But I thought, perhaps because I saw this interesting aura, I should. I should. I need to. I personally was seeking out the knowledge of why your aura was that color. But I mean, I guess since we're already talking about it, I would.
I wouldn't mind if you shared what we spoke about and what you found out. What was it that, and it'd be great to refresh my memory, but what was it that you found within me that, you know, that made my aura so murky?
When I touched you and I saw, I saw two different things. I saw chains around your arms, holding you down. And then in another breath, I see, I see both the present and the future. I saw two different things, something holding you down, a physical manifestation, chaining you to something. But then in the distance, I saw a beach.
And ironically, now that I'm thinking about this, the color of the water is the color of the aura that I see in you today.
Symbols of Past Constraints and Freedom
Did you ever go to a beach? Yes, I have gone to a beach. Well, the one I went to probably most recently was on fire, but that's...
I don't- Maybe, perhaps that's not the beach I saw in the vision on fire. Why would- how would- how did you- So, have you been to the hearth region?
um no i have not so in the hearth region um sometimes people are on fire and uh by choice uh yeah by choice and i mean that's just who they are they're just i think fire that's their beings are just they they are made of fire sometimes you know they they do these like oh come visit the hearth region and
there's beaches on fire. And I don't know why they, to be honest, I don't know why I decided to go there when I knew that this is what it was going to be like. But when I got to that beach, it was very much like.
Well, I'm gonna either get sunburnt or just disintegrate. And I left quickly. I just, it was too hot there. It was way too warm. Interesting. But a small loop back to the vision, I believe I told you, as I saw the chains, I had, in that moment I said, you need to let go of whatever is holding you back.
Where you are right now, you need to leave. You need to go. It was very urgent of, like, you needing to leave something. I don't know what you left, and hopefully you did leave. Now that I see your aura, perhaps you did leave the thing, and perhaps you didn't even know exactly what it was, but you left something and found your way to something else.
Yeah. I mean, there was actually, um, I know I didn't meet you like years and years ago. Um, so after that, I guess it just sort of left places that weren't doing it for me anymore. And even before I decided to go somewhere, like for example, I saw a screeching person standing on a roller coaster and thought, I don't think I want to be here.
So I, you know, I pulled myself away from the situation before I could even get stuck in it. You know, so I think I think your advice was pretty helpful in a sense. Yes, it's sometimes it's not as sometimes it can be cryptic. Sometimes it's.
I mean, I have not personally had my hand in wars, but I know that there are people in the lineage of my people who have predicted big outcomes of the world. But I keep my head down and I like to deal with everyday people who
are just living their lives in whatever ways they see fit. But I always find it so interesting when I get to see a change from one color of an aura to the next and where they went. Because sometimes we can nail the vision. And other times it can just merely be a spectacle or
a subconscious idea rather than a physical thing, if that makes sense. Yeah. Cause I know like when your voice got louder and you just sort of shouted, leave, I thought you were telling me to leave. And I thought you, for a minute, I thought you meant like the physical space that I was currently in and I almost left. Oh, yes. Oh, yes.
Oh, oh, perhaps it really was a bad idea to do a reading in front of people. There were like 20 people in the room. Yes. Oh, like that.
People start scrambling. Yes. I think one thing I will be grateful for is that no one talked to me for the rest of the evening. Oh, that's good. Even after my friend was bragging about the Oracle, I don't think they've known. They like the spectacle of what an Oracle is. Right. But I don't think they like the reality of what it would be, which is me quite literally looking into your soul.
Balance Between Connection and Solitude
Yeah. And if you are not ready for that, I don't think you should talk to me.
Yeah. And I mean, I didn't know I was ready for it. And I know they're next to me for 10 minutes and just staring at me. Yes. I suppose that's me being forward is my stare. I'm also quite large. I kind of loom over people most of the time, staring down at them. I can see how I can be intimidating.
like yeah I just I was sitting there and I did see sort of a shadow looming over me and I I didn't know what to do and I'm so sorry again that you had to sit there and I I just didn't know but um what to do that you were I feel like I should be the one apologizing it's the I'm the one who stared into your soul I'm I'm the one who quite literally made the entire room uncomfortable with my gift
I mean, I don't think you can help that though. Like we, I think we've established that you definitely can help sometimes. Um, but just, it was really helpful and I, you know, thank you for that. I don't know. I hope more people thank you for, you know, helping. I think it's really the least people can do. I don't know how many people I.
communicate with after, but I feel it depends. Sometimes some people are not ready to hear what I have to say, and all I can tell them is what I see, and there's nothing I can do to control what they do with that information.
So, but there are some people that I feel that I've said things to that have been helpful. And that is something that when I think about my connection to my own gift, what it means to me, because there was a time where the visions were uncontrollable. It happens often when you're young and you begin to start seeing auras and people and you have to minimize the amount of people that you interact with.
I appreciate being in a more calmer space today with less people, though I am more in control. I wear gloves now because it's physical, like legitimate skin to, sometimes it's not skin, sometimes it scales. But if I'm touching, I have to cover myself a little bit so that I don't
accidentally in public. No, go off. But yes, it's quite interesting being able to see everything. It's both so illuminating and I feel like a big part of things. And at the same time, I feel quite small. I don't have many
relationships i'd i keep to myself mostly so it's it's the small there's a smallness of like i feel alone but also connected to everyone all the time hmm that makes sense well i'm alone a lot of the time too and if you ever want to stop by and have a coffee or something else with me you're more than welcome to yes i quite like this place
Yeah, it's really beautiful, isn't it? I mean, and the chairs are so comfy. I could sit here for hours. I also quite like tea. Tea is very lovely. Oh, well, they definitely have tea. So we should probably have gotten you some. I'm so sorry. I forgot to ask. Um, but okay. So before we end, is there anything about, well, is there anything interesting that you can read in the room or about
Life's Murkiness and Challenges
me? But, you know, just before we head off.
Hmm, something, you know, that would keep the listener. Excited for, I don't know, whatever you, whatever you see, I would love for the listener to hear. Hmm.
Seeing what I can find, there's a particular energy over there. It looks like someone is also having a little bit of murkiness about a few tables aside from us. And that reminds me, and that just brings to light a similar thing of when you feel that murkiness, cause you know, we can't, we can't all see auras, but I think we all can feel our own murkiness.
I think that requires us to take a lot more time to slowly move through it. I think when you get trapped in what tar or something and you want to like run and get through it as quickly as possible but the faster that you move through something so thick and
for what feels like impossible to move through. That's what's going to hold you back more. But if you move slowly and take it one step out of the time, you get out of the metaphorical tar or sludge eventually.
And then you're free. And you continue on the path. Life is, though I can see into the future, will it actually come true? I don't know. But all I can do and all any of us can do is take whatever information that we have and move one step at a time every day.
Oh, I love that so much. Listener, if you're hearing this right now, make sure that you're paying attention to everything that Calista is saying because I think we can all use some guidance and oh, uh, Calista's getting up to walk over to the person. Um, Calista is now raising off of the ground and, uh, oh, okay, everyone, I'm going to go get them. Uh, thank you. Thank you for listening. See you later. Bye.
And for us now, thank you so much, Alexis. Oh, by the way, this is Alexis. Thank you so much for being a part of this. And, um, just so you all know, Alexis is also a cozy guardian and a part of a cute little Twitch team. And, um, would you like to share where people can find you on the social medias?
Social Media and Self-Published Poetry
Yes, the social medias. I will be giving you my government name as my ats online and as Alexis, A-L-E-X-I-S, the letter K. M-Y as in yo-yo, L-E-S, Miles with a Y. That is my at on Twitter, on Instagram, on TikTok. My Twitch name is Alexis underscore Sagittarius, which is my rising sign. I'm so sorry if people think that's my sun sign, it's my rising sign and that's the most important one for me.
Those are places you can find me online. And I am an author. I wrote a book of poems that I self-published just a couple months ago. And that is in the links on all of my social media pages. It's called The Things I'm Scared to Say, my debut book of poems.
Which is so exciting. I'm so happy for you that you got that done. That is so exciting. I didn't think I was going to do it, but I did it. And you did it. You should be really proud of yourself. But yes, I loved Kalista and I hope you had fun. And everyone go check out their book right now and the things I'm scared to say.
Things were all scared to say, maybe. Yes. Okay. Thank you. Bye.