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Bonus Episode: Top 5 RPG Protagonists image

Bonus Episode: Top 5 RPG Protagonists

Turnbased Tangents
64 Plays1 year ago

Poly and Kj give their top 5 RPG protagonists. Will there be any overlap??? Listen and find out!


Introduction to Top 5 RPG Protagonists

All right. How's it going, everybody? I'm KJ. I'm here with Polly. Hi.
and we're doing our first sort of non-streamed episode of turn-based tangents. So today we're gonna be covering our top five JRPG or RPG protagonists. We both compiled our lists and we also, I think we both have an honorable mention, just because decision-making is hard, but yeah.

Polly's Honorable Mention: Stan and Dimlos

Especially for Polly.
True. That is that is very, very true. OK, so do you want to I guess we can just jump right in, to be honest. Do you want to kick us off?
Yeah, sure. Let's start with honorable mention because yeah, it's easy to go there. Then we'll go like five, four, three, two, one there. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. So we had to compile our top five JRPG protagonist so far that we've ran into in our RPG journey and one honorable mention. So I'm going to start with the honorable mention and my honorable mention, KJ doesn't know who this is.
Oh, interesting. You don't know a couple of the characters on my list. Actually. You know of one of them and you don't know two of them, so. OK, yeah, you don't know two of them of mine. And you kind of don't know one of them. Actually, you there's still there's still some stuff that you don't know about one of them.
Okay, that's kind of fun, actually. Yeah, so my honorable mention goes to a character which kind of cheated as a protagonist. You're always finding loopholes. Listen, I need these loopholes, okay? Because one without the other doesn't make for a good protagonist, in my opinion.
So, in the JRPG series, Tales of Destiny, I picked Stan, Staun, however you want to pronounce it, and Dalehouse. And you're gonna, okay, I already know what you're gonna do. Yeah, so Staun is the main character of Tales of Destiny, but right at the beginning, and this isn't really a spoiler because it's right at the beginning. This is the only part of the game I've played.
You you find a magical talking sword and one of the big highlights of tales of destiny is that all is the characters get Magical talking swords that all have personalities as they were all people at one point so and they reveal that right at the start and so but the dynamic between ston and dim louse is Incredible because they're polar
opposites. But they work really well as a protagonist because they balance each other out and they help direct each other in the right like path and they you know throughout the game and Staun is kind of just like this little bit of a boat of a lovable goofball and Dimlos is like uh I was the I was the leader before and you know I need we need to there's no fun here and Staun's like oh come on fun and he's like no there's no fun here
but two of them together are just such a fun dynamic for a main character because it
honestly makes it like, like they're like the perfect protagonist almost in that way, but it's a cheating way of doing it. You know what I mean? Cause they're two different people. Yeah. Cause they're technically not. Yeah, I can. But they, but they are also like, they are the main character. Like you can't have one without

KJ's Honorable Mention: Justin from Grandia

the other. You would not have the story of tales of dusty without dim loss just as much as you wouldn't have it without a stone. So it's like one of those things where I'm like,
It kind of. I think I think you found a loophole and it works. Come on, it works. OK, I'll.
I guess I'll give you that. I guess I will give you that. It just works really, really well. I don't know, like Staun's just this lovable goofball. He kind of like stumbles through and without Dim Lau's kind of like giving him good direction and being like, hey, you should do this thing. And like, no, don't do that. And stuff like that. He like, he's able to progress through and they become like, like they become the, they're basically the protagonist of the game.
Um, and then they're they're sort of like like it it's it's weird because it's like it's a talking sword and a and a human which one's the protagonist and it's kind of well, it's both
So, yes, I found a loophole, but it works and I'm sticking with it. So that's my honorable mention because they're OK.

Character Growth and the Power of Friendship

See, and it's funny because this honorable mention slot is actually kind of tough for me because I definitely would say there's there are three characters that I could put in this slot. And I think I'm actually I'm changing my mind on the spot. So I'm actually going to say
that my honorable mention is actually gonna be Justin from Grandia. Okay. Justin made his growth and sort of growing up over the course of the adventure, because they always talked about it as an adventure, was just something that I absolutely loved. And I loved his sort of
heads down, his drive and determination to be the best adventurer or whatever, and just all of his ridiculous... He was so oblivious to Fina.
all the things around him other than the adventure and then like trying to save the world and even trying to save the world like he was oblivious to that for a good portion of a good portion of the game and like got through it with the power of friendship but like I don't know I really
Justin was a character I actually really enjoyed. I love how you had to throw in that little jab to the power of friendship. You know I hate the power of friendship. Justin was awesome. I also think that for me, it's one of those things where not only does... The way that I structured my list is
Obviously, I want the characters to have similar morals and this sort of... I can already guess one definitely is going to be on your list. Honorable feel.
And I also want them to be able to make decisions themselves. But I also want to make sure that they're characters that are good characters that are good playable characters as well. I think I don't want a character to be meh in combat. And then I need them to be well-rounded. I need them to be...
I definitely need them to be well-rounded there. So yeah, Justin was probably there. Again, the honorable mentions, I just thought of a fourth one. There are so many honorable mentions. I just really like characters in games.
I really enjoy main characters in games and typically the main character ends up being my favorite character just because they do kind of express a lot of emotion and you get to really learn about them, learn about their backstory, learn about what they're all about and really get to see a lot of their motivations. Yeah, I think so Justin would be my honorable mention for sure.
Okay. And honestly, like my honorable mention, like there could have been so many different ones in there, but I went with the Demlan Staun because it technically breaks the main character rule because it's technically two for one. You're just trying to find loopholes. That's all. No, I wasn't. But like I had so many honorable mentions that I'm like, you know what, this is the best one to say as an honorable mention because it breaks all the rules. Okay.
And I'm like, okay, this is the one I wanted to mention because of that reason. Like there were so many of them that I had. I had like four or five of them too. And I'm just like, cause I could see like certain things. There was even one on there that I think you would have been really shocked was on there. But in order to explain why they were on there, I would have to like spoil like two games. So I'm like, yeah, let's not do that.
And that's something we should probably be clear about. We probably should have been clear about from the beginning. We're trying to like like these are our lists, but we're also trying not to we're trying our best not to spoil for anybody listening, but also we're trying not to spoil for each other as well. We know we know what games the other one has played. And so we're trying our best not to spoil.
for each other on top of spoiling.

KJ's Fifth Pick: Fay from Xenogears

Yeah, you'll see that. And like, I think this one's a little more tame because it's protagonist and it's kind of obvious who are protagonists. Yeah, exactly. But you'll see in later episodes that we have to like kind of adjust things just because the other one we want to like spoil a big chunk of a game or something like that of something that they either were planning on playing or that they might have wanted to play at some point. So we're like, I.
I will say I have to dance around spoilers for my next one. OK, that's right. I have to seriously dance around spoilers for my next one. My next one, I'm not going to worry about it because you're never going to play the game. So perfect. That's great. It's going to be like Thousand Arms or something like that. So I guess it's me, right? Yeah, you're up next. OK, so number five for me is Fay from Xenogears.
Oh, nice. I didn't put him on my list because I haven't finished the game. Exactly. I am. The all I can say is that, like, I love, absolutely love Faye's story. Oh, I'm loving it so far. Yeah, you don't like. Again, I have to like omit some stuff and I also I don't want to omit stuff because like I don't want.
I don't want like the viewers people that are listening as well. Like even if you had even if you were done with the game, but I just I really love the like I don't necessarily care for the like lost memory like game trope or whatever like character loses memory and then trying to figure stuff out. Yeah, because it's done so many times. Yeah, but but find the like
Um, what is it like the, that's sort of, I don't want to fight, but I have to sort of personality that comes out. And I think Fay, Fay definitely expresses that, um, quite a bit where he is, he doesn't want to do things, but he also knows that like, he has to be the one to do it because he has to like,
save different things in different scenarios. And again, this one is going to be pretty short on my end, just because, like I said, there are... If our listeners want to hear more details, they'll just have to wait till the Xenogears review. True. Yeah, because again, I definitely... So when we do the Xenogears review, I can pretty much dump out everything I have to say. Yeah, because we'll be like, this is big spoilers. However, for me,
Yeah, Faye is just of every character I could think of. Faye is definitely like the deepest. And yeah, you just kind of have to like and that just goes with the territory of being the main characters, you know, gears as well. I think that game in general is just an onion that you just keep peeling layers back and peeling layers. Yeah, I'm noticing that. It's only it's only natural that you get that with the main character. So yeah,

Polly's Fifth Pick: Joker from Persona 5

Faye would definitely be my character.
The hilarious thing is I almost put Faye on my list even though I haven't beaten the game yet because I'm so invested in his journey and I'm not even halfway through the game. You're not. So I'm like, it's hilarious that I already wanted to put him on this list. So I very much respect that you put him on your list. Yeah, no, Faye is great. Faye is a very, very great character.
I didn't expect to really, like, appearance-wise, he kind of reminded me of the Breath of Fire 4 protagonist in a little bit of a way. So I was just like, okay, which, like, I was never, like, 100% sold on that protagonist as, like, kind of direction or whatever. So I was just like, hmm, but, like, yeah, he grows on you right away. The I Have No Memory ends up building even, like, I'm not even halfway through the game yet.
and it's already building up. So yeah, I'm not surprised. I'm surprised in the slightest. All right, hit us with number five. All right, so number five was an interesting thing for me. So I knew I wanted to put a main character from the series on this list, mainly because I just really love how Atlas sets up their characters in order where you get to kind of shape them.
which I think is really interesting, but they also have a core of themselves that comes out through little things throughout the game. Interesting. So I knew it was going to be a Persona main character. The tough part was picking which one, and I ended up picking this one in particular because I feel like they did the best job at giving him as a personality outside of your decisions throughout the game.
Okay. So Joker for persona five ends up being my fifth. Yeah. Ends up being my fifth, uh, my number five spot. And it's because they do such a great job at setting him up as being his own personality. So little things you can like, and it's not even something glaring obvious to the average player. It's something you got to like really pay attention to. Like you look at his starting equipment and he's got glasses on, not because he needs glasses, but because he thinks they make him look cool.
Oh, I hate that so much. That is like. But there's like it's like the first persona game where they went that far into shaping this character into who he was. And then that he, you know, was he's a misfit who just really wants to fit in. And like he's always been kind of like thrown to the side as being judged before people get to know him. And and so he tried to like he has he puts on the glasses to try to look smarter, look cooler.
to get people to be like more, more accepting him and that doesn't work and stuff. So like, that's how they set him up. And then from there, you get the control, like who he hangs out with, what he does in a day, that sort of stuff. But he still has that like core substance
That he's this misfit misplaced

KJ's Fourth Pick: Ashley from Wild Arms 2

in society Um, and he's just kind of a relatable character in that way as that like he does a like a lot of people go through that in their lives that they feel like they don't fit in or whatever and Uh, they do a really good job at setting him up before you even take control of him Um, and that had like one of his very first actions and this is a misfire because it's really the beginning of the game His very first action is he tries to stop a man taking advantage of a woman?
And like trying to force her to do things and he like steps in and then like shoves the guy off and The guy ends up suing him and he ends up getting in trouble with a record your main character That way for trying to help somebody and the woman was so scared she didn't end up like speaking up because she was scared of like what would happen and so it ends up being like you start off with like a criminal record and
uh and you have to be transferred away and so it's like everybody's judging you and being like oh you probably killed somebody and they're like spreading those rumors at the school like before you even walk in the door they've got these rumors going around as you as being a transfer student and so it's it's just really interesting that you peel back those layers and you get to kind of like shape the main character but he has such a strong like starting point that i feel like in all the persona games they didn't really have that
um uh before and so it was really nice because it made joker be his own person but also like you get to control and like shape him into what he becomes more or less i thought that was really that was really clever because generally when you get the like the silent protagonists where you kind of direct them they don't you don't have a lot of control over
them at all, right? So like, I could think of so many silent protagonists right off the top of my head, like Chrono, Surge, and like, I like these characters, but you also don't get to like really shape them. They're just kind of, they're, they're your window into the game. Whereas the Persona series kind of had that as well, except for five, where they tried to give Joker kind of his own, like, you know, he's doing backflips out of the frigging glass
you know window and stuff like that like he's trying to be showboating and like all that sort of stuff but at the same time it's because he's just wants people to like him so badly that he's just like he's like over over doing this and you're like oh he's so cool but like it's really he's just you know he's like i just want to fit in so it's really interesting that they built that up even in just the his starting equipment you get in the game and everything that it's just
like I was like okay this is really cool and I wish more like silent protagonists did this um and uh yeah I was yeah he's he's number five okay so it's interesting because I think for me two through four is kind of all interchangeable like I knew my number one immediately when we decided to do this
Um, two through four are a little interchangeable and again, I think I changed on the fly. Um, so number four for me is going to be Ashley from wild arms too. Okay. You're just playing that game. That's so cool. Such a good character. Like all of the.
all of the traits from a morality standpoint that you want. I mean, they're fighting a... This isn't spoiler because it's very beginning of the game, but they're fighting a terrorist group. They're fighting a terrorist group. Throughout the building the party, he's
Indirectly kind of like teaching people lessons and like helping people trust each other and is just like he's willing to kind of take one for the team and like he's there to Just he's there for everybody And like he's also shouldering his own He's also shouldering like his own
dilemma, problem. I don't want to spoil because, again, there's some things, but there's story stuff centered around his inner turmoil as well. And at the same time, he's trying to make sure that he can
get through all of this so that way the world will be back to the way it was. And at the same time, the girl that he's in love with that is at his hometown, they're separated, obviously, because he's on all of these missions trying to defeat this terrorist group and all these different things. So, oh my goodness, he's just such a dope character. He also has the best character theme of any character.
Like, Ashley's character theme is the best character-specific theme I have ever heard.
Okay. Oh my goodness. He's just such a dope character. Like in both a, again, from a story perspective and from a battle perspective. And like the battle perspective is cool because like he has this awesome, like this awesome thing, like this like awesome transformation. Again, I don't want to go too far into it because like there's lore into why he can do this like awesome transformation. But as soon as he transforms and the music hits,
It's a wrap. It's so good. Ashley is up there for me. Four through two are interchangeable for me. Originally, when I wrote down my list, he was the third name that came to my mind. After thinking about it, I think I like these other three that I put ahead of him.
just a little more. And that might change because I haven't finished the game yet. Right? Like I'm only the irony of your freaking number four being a main character you haven't beaten the game of. And I'm like, I can't add Faye in because I haven't beaten the game yet. The thing is, I'm just like, I'm far enough in the game. I probably have like
10 or 12 hours left in the game. You're further in Wild Arms 2 than I am in Xenogears. Oh yeah, I'm definitely like, I'm, it's funny because we have the same amount of hours, but I'm further into the game. Okay, listen, listen. Xenogears is also a longer game. It's also unpacking a lot. Yeah, there's way more unpacking to do in Xenogears than there is in Wild Arms. Too many men of the sea.
Very, very true. But yeah, I know. Oh my goodness. Ashley is such a good character. And he just, like I said, he just brings
up the other characters. And it just, it's, that makes me so hyped to play that game. It's so good. Like this is, this is one of those games. And I'm like, I am 100% like people need to play this game. Like the characters are great. The story is great. I could, I could go on and on about wild arms too. Let's not do that. Cause we will get massively derailed. But yeah, number four for me is actually never go on tangents on this stream.
There we go. All right. All right. My number four, I think might surprise you a little bit, but I need to explain because it's the route you didn't

Polly's Fourth Pick: Rena from Star Ocean 2

do. It's Rena Landford from, uh, star ocean two. Okay. And the reason why I picked her over Claude.
is because Star Ocean 2 was one of the first JRPGs that I played and honestly one of the first ones that came out where it let you pick who the main character is. And it wasn't just a matter of you get to pick the main character, you also see the world from their perspective.
So little things change. And I love that about the Star Wars II game because it makes playing through it again if you ever want to. I know you won't, but for other people they want to play through it again more enjoyable because even though the core story may not change, you get to see it from a different angle.
And the reason I really liked Rena's perspective is because she's just, from the get-go, she just really wants to help people. She meets Claude right away and wants to help him, and is willing to throw her entire life into disarray just to help him get through what he needs to do. And his task is that they're trying to figure out why the monster's responding and yada yada, and you go on that quest.
and she's like right there like no I'm going with you I don't care. When she gets kidnapped right at the start of the game you get to see that perspective and you get to see like you know how scared she was because her childhood friend was being weird and acting different and you get this whole like different perspective but despite being the healer despite being like the general like
our female protagonist or female lead that ends up being like, oh, they're just like the dance or the stress kind of thing. She holds her own. So while yeah, she needed to be helped at that point, she is kind of, she's kind of like, she challenges Claude a lot.
throughout the whole game. His decisions, his perspectives, he's challenging it a lot. And speaking her mind and not always going along with it and feeling like his path might not necessarily be the right path. And I just think that's really cool because when you see a lot of older JRPG games and stuff, a lot of the times it's like the females are
the women protagonists are following the man protagonist and just kind of go along with whatever and stuff. And I really liked Reena because she had her own thoughts behind everything. And when you go through her own perspective, you actually get to see a lot of the reasons behind her decisions and why she went off with Diaz.
um in the one forest scenario and and all these things and stuff like that so it's she's just really the strong character and i always thought growing up like i was like oh i'll be like Rita someday it's just because like she she just really wants to
to help people she wants to get through, but she also doesn't want to be like undermined, and she doesn't want to be looked down upon for the decisions that she makes. And so it's just really interesting that you go through this, like her perspective, I found a little bit more intriguing than Claude's. Because Claude's is kind of like the, a Saikai kind of trope, right, where it's like you're spirited off to another world.
sort of idea, but like, it's space. And so, and that was a lot of fun, don't get me wrong. He's a really enjoyable character, but Rita's perspective just sold it for me. And I just, I like her whole thing and how her whole world gets like turned upside down halfway through the game and what she does to kind of deal with that. And how she's just, she's just like, I feel so calm. I feel like I'm myself finally kind of thing. And it's just like, it's like, you're like, find out where she belongs. And it's so sweet. And I was like, I can't.
It's just adorable, and I love it. Yeah, that's the reason why I picked her over Claude. And yeah, just for the fact that I feel like there's just a slightly, she's just slightly more like the main character type that I like. Okay, no, that makes sense. And to be fair, Claude was in fact great of a main character anyway, but. Yeah, I mean. Your tradition, usually you're like,
your general traditional traditional yeah exactly which doesn't always like that doesn't always make the protagonist for me and like looking at my list I'm like yep oh my my list has a very strong other than
There is one, honestly, Faye is probably the only character that is outside of the general, these are the type of main characters that I like. Other than that, you get a strong, at least from a, generally speaking, a strong moral compass and stuff like that. At least for their own morals and stuff like that.
Yeah. And like, like looking at it, like all of my choices too, I mean, like it kind of falls in a certain one like that. But I'm really interested to hear. They're all slightly, they're all just kind of slightly like they're, one of them is very much kind of the trope, but they do it so well. And I couldn't like exclude them from the list. Let's hear number three then.
Oh, you want me to go with number three next? Yeah. Okay. So number three for me, um, I've talked about a lot and I think people are just like incredibly shocked that I picked this character over the other.

Debating Cloud's Character Development

And I understand the reasons why a lot of people prefer, um, uh, Zach over cloud, but, Oh, you're, you're killing me.
I prefer Cloud. And the reason why is I feel like he, well, Zach did that sort of main character role. He was a trope, but he also did it really well. I had already picked one like that for my list. And for Cloud, he doesn't do it well. No.
I think what I really like about Cloud is that he's more of a realistic sort of type of main character. And he also has the same problem like Faye with the memory issues and stuff like that. Because I know the remake, a lot of people are getting newly into Final Fantasy VII. And with the remake, they may not have played the original. So I'm going to try to admit a lot of it. But Cloud goes through a ton of character development.
that I didn't see coming and I don't think anybody really originally when they were playing the original Final Fantasy 7 with nothing else in context saw coming. That's true. And I think they did such a great job with that and kind of describing mental illness and stuff like that in his character development I thought was really interesting because it wasn't something that's overly like
I can't even think of something that was done like that before Final Fantasy 7 did it. And it's one of those big plot twists that really sold the game for a lot of people because it was something that just came way out of nowhere. And Final Fantasy 7 has a few of those. And I realize that it is kind of, at this point, a little bit overrated because there's a lot of great JRPGs out there and I feel like they get overshadowed sometimes by 7.
Um, I I still put cloud on the list because I really wanted to like he ended up not being my top either I got I've rearranged it because I was like no these other two main characters I think Sell a little bit better for me, but I can't I can't like ignore the fact that cloud goes through a lot he kind of has he goes he has
like the mental like illness of everything attached to it as well as just him like all of his past stuff and what you learn about his past and everything um and and how uh similarly to joker so you're seeing a type um yeah oh yeah he's trying to just fit in and all that sort of stuff you could start to see the kind of like the type of protagonists that i i i generally like i find that's different and unique that kind of put them over the edge for me
Whereas I know a lot of people will say Zach because he was just a really good hero. He was just a really good for get-go and while he struggled it wasn't anywhere near to the level but cloud was a more like human realistic approach to that and still kind of
going through and being what he ended up wanting to be by the end. And so he ended up being what he dreamed of becoming, but he went through a lot of hardships and a lot of difficulties to get there. And so, yeah, I know he differs so much on this one, but I'm like, he has to be on here for me because he just paints that picture for me.

KJ's Third Pick: Zidane from Final Fantasy 9

It's also really funny because like,
For me, it was tough to like, I did, I mean, this is kind of spoiler, but like, I did leave Zach off this list. If this was the top 10 list, Zach would 100% be there. I love Zach, Zach is great. But yeah, I knew- You could have been honorable mention number five. It was gonna be, it was very, very obvious that, oh no, Zach was included in the ones that I was like, like not sure about honorable mention wise.
I think for me that the biggest thing with Zach was that it was just like the sample size was way too small. Like in general, like Chrono Cross is just a shorter game. So like you don't get- Or Crisis Core, you mean? Or Crisis Core. I said Chrono Cross. Whoops. I meant to say Crisis Core. Yeah, I was like, that game you haven't even played. I haven't even played that. I'm actually looking at it funny enough. Oh, that's why. I'm looking at my copy of Chrono.
because it's on my desk because I was like laying out a bunch of stuff that I was thinking about playing. But yeah, so crisis score is so short that like it is. Yeah, it's not necessarily.
it's I don't get enough of him there was more yeah exactly um whereas cloud is like strung across what uh one two so many games and movies but that that's for me I felt like was a good sample and like even if you include like cloud I include him on this list as a whole
Interesting see give from crisis course perspective seeing him in Final Fantasy 7 seeing him in Advent children The very brief little bit you see him in Dersha surface. Oh my goodness game He just he develops For so long that I'm just like and goes through so many different things and so many different degrees of Challenges that I'm just like holy crap like seven
I can argue that what my top freaking 10 list of JRPGs might not have necessarily counted a bunch of Final Fantasy games, let alone I realized Seven kind of overshadowed a lot of really good JRPG games back in the day. But he was just one of those characters that I really loved the development I just hang on. And as a kid growing up and looking back and realizing you had ADHD when you didn't know,
um uh things like that were being like okay i did i did have like like mental going through um as a kid and stuff like that and challenges and stuff and seeing him go through it and everything uh it was just kind of like he was more of a relatable hero almost okay that no that's fair that's i think
And Zach, I completely agree. And that's why I can never put Zach over cloud, even though like, like, honestly, I don't think I ever will, just because Zach was a completely different character built. But you're right. His sample size was very small. Yeah. I personally thought that Zach was more relatable, but that is obviously just me. But it's actually really, this is going to be a perfect segue why we look at different characters as being relatable because of our own life experiences.
Exactly. And this is a perfect segue into my number three. Oh, excellent. I'm excited to hear. Which is funny, because like this, I actually thought about this for a lot. I ended up flipping these the my three and my number two.
OK, which is and and before our listeners get really angry, we realize it's the dawn, but I will never I will not accept it. Like I will not accept that. But anyway, let's date. Yes, it's really, really funny because you look at Final Fantasy 9 and you look at you look at this character and it's like, yes, he does fall into the the trope of like some of the
cringey things that happened in like 90s media as a whole, right? Like you get the butt grab and you get like the flirtiness and like all of like womanizing. Well, not even womanizing, just like flirting with over flirting. It's more, exactly. It's not womanizing. It's more of like just being overly flirty.
Cause he's a young, he's not, he's like a fricking kid. He's like 16. That is exactly it. Like he is, so I had a conversation with somebody about this, but it's, he's a product of his environment with that in particular, like with, with that particular part of, of.
He's a product of his environment. He's with a, for lack of better words, like a band of thieves. And like they took him in and taught him how to be him. And so like, that's how he developed his, like everything that he is. But what I will say is with that, he also developed this moral compass that he
will stick by camaraderie and like making sure to help people and trying to put others before himself and that is something that like for me as a character like I've always strongly identified with him because of that like and it even goes as far as like
he has that moment of identity crisis and not necessarily being sure where he came from or anything like that. And without getting too far into detail there, that is a very, very real thing and very relatable. I've had that same identity crisis feeling with work and different things. The more and more I look at it, the more I relate to this character.
And again, he he ends up as as you go on, like he starts to shift his focus and realize like, no, he's not like, yes, he he's kind of like projecting that again, like coming from with Tantalus and the bandithes and everything like he's projecting that.
like sort of please don't know. But then he starts to realize like, no, I'm interested in, darn it. And like that whole thing, like I just, oh my goodness, I absolutely, like as a character, Zidane just like, I resonate with him as a character so much. And- I've always looked at Zidane as being the teenage boy who grew up to be a man, but is still a teenage boy.
kind of grows as a character and like don't get me wrong again like a lot of people I've talked to a lot of people and they're like yeah I don't really like him and I think he gets
He gets overshadowed, I think, by Vivi. And it's really interesting because so many people are like, oh, I love Squall. I love Cloud. And it's like Zidane doesn't necessarily get that love because the character that can do no wrong in his game
overshadows him. Like, you know, Vivi cannot do any wrong. And so Zidane gets overshadowed a lot in Final Fantasy IX. And I think, like, his- And even with main characterness, he also gets over- like, Garnet's technically not a main- is not the protagonist. No, she's not. But her story overshadows his a lot as well. Definitely. Yeah, definitely. As like a focus. It's almost like they wanted her to be the main protagonist, but they didn't want to
I think they wrote the same thing that they did in Final Fantasy 10 to not necessarily into spoilers but where it's like Oh, yeah. Yeah, it came after nine. This is what I mean. This is where they started with Yeah, it's you know, they did it in six to with Tara. Yeah, they had like Tara there But like you could kind of argue it's more lock as the main character and then you can argue it's the less it's so like they're not quite sure what they want to do whereas Final Fantasy 7 and 8 were definite
To the who the main character is exactly and then mine came around where it was like you have Zidane who is this kind of mischievous teenage boy is how I look at it right at the start and like being raised by a band of thieves, but then you have this like
Princess Garnet who is more connected to the overall plot and he's just kind of wanting to be there to protect her and Be there to help her through her things He if you actually think about it, it almost like in the story He kind of takes a backseat to Garnet But Garnet's not the protagonist and that's why she couldn't end up on my list because I'm like technically it's the Dane over that
But at the same time, I feel like there's a lot of characters that do that to him and he gets a little overshadowed so people don't see him as the protagonist that he is. I agree with that. And I think people acknowledge that he's the protagonist, but in terms of just looking at the characters themselves, I think Vivi and
Garnet both end up overshadowed Vivi especially like oh, yeah Vivi's telling the story technically, right? He's everyone loves Vivi and like don't get me wrong I also love Vivi like Vivi's a great character. Everybody loves Vivi But I will say that like yeah He definitely ends up overshadowing the other characters in the game because he's so loved and that I think that is something that like
I don't know. I'll always say like, even though I do love Vivi, Zane will always be my favorite character from that game.

KJ's Second Pick: Lenneth from Valkyrie Profile

Because again, I resonate with him as a character way more. And just like a lot of the things that, in his situation, I would have definitely done a lot of the things that he did.
Yeah, that's kind of yeah, and and like it's the same reason why I picked Garnet over Vivi too. It's the same idea It's like I resonate with a lot of what she goes through and all the troubles and like her PTSD and everything that she goes through and like Especially now as an adult as a kid I actually I was like torn between who I my favorite was it was a day in her Garnet? Fun fact when I was younger when I first played the game
As I'm an adult and play replaying it I connect more with Garnet because I've gone through a lot like not that with the Queen stuff but like like a lot of her like personal troubles and also her like Her family troubles and stuff like that. I've like related to and everything, right? So here first Polly is royalty and she's been holding this back This entire time
Yeah, okay. Yeah, I've chosen the will of a starving artist because yep, this is her trying to just be humble and not kill any of us that She was actually royalty and yeah
There we go. I think Vivi's adorable, but I just, I feel like Zidane and Garda or whatever. I don't know. I have more plot with them. Vivi is one of those characters you can't not like. And I think that's why like, friends of ours like Gin Ray. You flat out called him out. That's wild.
Okay, I love J'Dray, but I think he did that just to kind of tick off the community because he knew this was a character that there's no way you could hate, right? I don't think he actually hates Vivi. I think he was just being silly. But it's so funny how many people reacted because he went after Vivi. But if you would do the same about Zane or Garnet or whatever, they'd be like, okay, yeah, whatever.
But it's because Vivi is just like that perfect adorable character who could do no wrong like you said not overshot ends up overshotting like every character in the game otherwise and it's Unfortunate because there's just so much character development through a lot of the characters Throughout that game that I've just kind of like she's adorable but like I Have other favorites
Fair enough. Okay. So I think we were going that like we would do two. So I think it's me, right? Yes. Okay. You're number two now. My number two is probably on your list. Um, I'd be surprised if this character is not on your list. It's Leonard from Valkyrie profile.
All right. I like I was very surprised calling me out and I haven't even finished my list. I know I was I still I still think like I'm I I could confidently say that Leneth is on your is in your top two. I'd be very surprised if she's not just such a well written character.
from top to bottom. And I think there's the plot twist in Valkyrie Profile 1 that kind of makes things even better, but I think just having such a strong
protagonist is just like such strong-willed, such strong morals, being able to basically say like, hey, I'm going to do what is right and going to, and also like being able to make deals with all of the respective people that she's turning into her on Heria or just like, yeah, it's such a good, such a good plot and like so well-written and it's just like,
she just goes in and, again, does what's right, takes on the people that either, and it's not just people that are like, oh, this person was done wrong, we're gonna take them in, they're a good person. It's also making the decision, hey,
this person needs a second chance. Yes, they did pretty crappy things with the hand that they were dealt, but we're gonna take them on as a, on Heria R and build them back up, basically. Yeah, that was just like, I...
I liked, I really, I loved Valkyrie profile, but like let it really push that game over the top. Like everything, everything there was just so, so good. And even, even her interactions with like other like
like bosses and hell, even her interactions with one of the creepiest people I think I've ever seen in a game, like she just stayed stoic and was like, no, I have like, I have a goal. And like, we're not like, you're just like, you're just creepy. You're just creepy. Yeah, that's, yeah, let it, let it was number two for me for sure. I think, like I said,
just such a good, strong lead. And I absolutely, absolutely loved, loved that. And like shout out, yo, also like shout out to Enix in the 90s for making such a strong, well-written female lead.
Like, that is great. Good on them. Yeah. The absolutely irony of this, guess who my number two is? Oh, I have no idea. Lettuce. Oh, that's funny. That's why I've been silent because I'm like, well, I might as well say the reasons why I do after it is because we have the same number two.
I know our number one's not the same, but that's funny, okay. It's funny, because I moved Leneth around a few times. So did I. I had her actually in number one, and then... Ooh, okay. Oh, it's so hard, because I can argue why she should be in number one for me too. So I think one and two are so neck and neck that they're easily... Oh, one for me was way above everybody else. Funny enough.
Yeah. And for me, like they were neck and neck. And I think I got to laugh really hard if our number ones are the same. I don't think they are. I don't think you played the game that I, my number one is wrong. Okay. Yeah. So, so I don't, I don't think our number ones are the same. Um, but like for me with like Leneth, um, it was a perspective of not only is she's a strong character, she has her strong morals. Uh, her whole world is thrown upside down when you learn more about like the past and stuff like that.
But also just her convictions towards like she's literally watching these people die and then helping give them guidance Into making their death make sense. Yeah And it's such a powerful game in itself that they have her as a strong lady protagonist That hadn't been done too many times now enix has done it twice because I literally have two of them on this list But they were very different
lady protagonists where I feel like they've gone in that direction. Like Rina is a different kind of protagonist for me. And you know, she, she fills a little bit more of a standard trope, but with Linus, she is, she's on touchable in terms of like, there is no
like there is no man character in that game that even comes close to her. And I think that's incredibly powerful to have done in a game. Like I think that that's one of the things that makes Valkyrie profiles such a good game is that like
Yeah, that's why it's been such high regard for me for so many years and trying to convince people to play it has been a pain because they're like, I don't want to play it or whatever. I'm like, come on, give it a chance because the fact that they did this and they did this in the 90s and they did this at a time where there wasn't too many
uh lady leads that kind of held their own and then generally if they did they they still kind of fit a stereotype that lenith didn't she didn't need anybody to save her she saved her she saved everybody else like she was a hero there was no
man character that even came close to her and like even one that you could maybe argue was a villain, not a, not a, like a protagonist, not a hero. So you look, you look at it and you're like, okay, this is really interesting. And then for me as a young kid, you know,
a woman uh growing up and not having too many have that and then playing this game for the first time i was just like she's just so cool she's so strong she's so cool and she goes through so many things and she you know wavers a little bit but she never wavers from her morals or her her beliefs and her she's never like no this is wrong i'm gonna do this like this is this is not the way this should be and as she kind of comes to terms that
The direction she might have been being pushed in was wrong. She, you know, it's like, okay, no, I'm gonna I'm gonna pivot and I'm not gonna listen and and she does the right thing and it's it's sometimes really hard to do the right thing when you're in a situation like that. So yeah, like having that as a character for me to look up to and
And that's why I said she can easily be a number one spot and like I can argue back and forth between one and two being being her because or one or two because Yeah, she was just such such a like role model for me growing up because there wasn't that like you would see that a lot with the The men protagonists, of course in some cases But with women they didn't they they didn't have that very often. So at least back then
They're better with things like that now. We still need more, like, general diversity in makeup. Yeah, and it's like, and I get that those things work, but it's just like, the world is ever evolving and there's so many more people out there that it's like, you know, like, experiment with it. And she, like, shoutouts to Anax.
Back then like Valkyrie profile was something that I I was really interested in because I really liked Ancient history and stuff like that and it ties into in Norse history and all that sort of stuff. So very vaguely very vaguely um, but you know fictional game but having that character and I'm like, oh
Like, she's a woman. And I was like, okay, interesting. They're making her the main character. That's really cool. Which makes sense with the direction because Valkyries were the ones who went and took the souls of the dead. That's in their ancient history, mythology and everything, right? So that's in their beliefs. So it's one of those things where I'm like, okay, interesting. But they just made her so well done. She wasn't somebody who needed to be saved. And yeah, her like, you know,
You hear about her past, and there was a little bit of that. But that was before she became who she was, right? Yeah, exactly. And I'm just like, wow. I was just blown away that they did that. And continue to this day is one of my not only favorite protagonists, but one of my favorite characters. Definitely. No, I totally agree. I would 100% agree. Like everything you said, I completely echo as well. Damn. It's just so powerful, especially for the time.
it's funny like especially for like 12 or 10 year old me playing this game and be like the weirdo playing rpg games were like oh where are you playing these games why don't you play like shooting games i'm like i don't want to play shooting it's funny that we played these games at such different points in our life and still kind of came to the same conclusion that our number two main character is the same
And it's actually it's really

KJ's Top Pick: Yuri from Tales of Vesperia

interesting. We should I want to I want to kind of try something a little different, but I think it might be a little unfair only because I think I have a better guess on who your number one. Is you have guessing on mine, because I mean, I have been very vocal about this character, but.
I have, I, I haven't played the game, but I think I know exactly who your, your number one is now. Okay. So I was going to say we should guess who the other one is. Yes, I would be fun. Cause I think I know exactly, as soon as you said it's from a game, I haven't played. I know who it is. Interesting. Okay. Go for it. It's Yuri from tales of asparia. Damn it. You nailed it. I fucking knew it. I knew it. I fucking knew it.
Oh my goodness. Yes, it is Yuri from Tales of Experience. That was a giveaway, because I'm like, at first I thought maybe we could have crossed with our number one. But I was like... Is your number one Terra? What's that? Is your number one Terra? No. Ooh. I think I curveballed you. You did. Play with this one. Damn. I thought I was like, oh, I definitely got this in the bag. And I was like, she might not know. She might know, because I'm very vocal about it.
Um, I guess she was in my honorable mention. I will put that in there Um, the only reason she didn't end up being in a top five is because final fantasy six is so divided on who the protagonist is That makes sense. Yeah, I would have had a hard time It's too ben and well, I love her and I love everything she goes through and really like I I just find her like entire story interesting, uh, maybe not necessarily relatable Not really at all. Yeah, but um, it was just really interesting to me
uh that it's it's such a divide on who the protagonist is i was like i didn't even want to like argue semantics at that point so it's like yeah so she ended up being left off my list though um yeah mine should be the last okay you get to talk about why yuri's number one yeah i haven't played this game i can gush about yuri for a long time okay so and then i'll reveal my number one and you're gonna you're gonna swear i think you're gonna swear
It's, oh no, don't say that. Like, okay. Oh, I have a couple of ideas, but Yuri, so when I played Tales of Aspiria, I was like, okay, we'll see how this is. And I wasn't too sure, like I played Tales of Symphonia and Lloyd was cool. And I was just like, oh, he's a good character. And then I played Tales of Aspiria and it was just like,
Yuri has this moral compass and he just takes shit into his own hands. And I don't think I've ever experienced a character that
again, has these moments that it's just like, I know what I need to do, and it might not necessarily be the best thing to do. For example, killing a corrupt government official. It's not the best.
It's the best thing to do, but he decides, hey, I'm going to take this into, he decides he's going to take it into his own hands and do what he has to do. And I think for me, his resolve and
his ability to say, hey, this is what we need to do to save the world is just like absolutely incredible. And I think like his backstory of like his best, him and his best friend, both being knights and then him like.
ending up leaving and not being a knight because he's just against the sort of structure of how the knights are run and the corruption that's involved and like him continuing to push that and continuing to sort of stick with his morals and stick with what he believes in like that is something that I will always
Cherish in a character and honestly that comes out in like my entire list of like people just staying true to themselves and like staying true to what they kind of believe is right and Yuri just like Continues to do that. He's also a Such a smart ass like Yuri is a smart ass like he's gonna like he he doesn't bite his tongue He's gonna say what he wants to say what he has to say And yeah, I think like I said, I think in general like
Yuri goes through a Like he grows as a character and at the same time continues to just be like hey, I'm gonna do what is the what I think is the best thing and he has those in trailer he has those internal struggles, but at the same time it's like I
still keeping his head on and saying, all right, this is what needs to be done. This is what we're doing. And making adjustments to make sure that his party member, the people that he's traveling with are in a good spot and things like that.
He makes the best out of the hand that he was dealt while still trying to save the world, make sure everybody's in a good place. And so yeah, Yuri is definitely number one for me. There was no question. As soon as you said it was from a game, I haven't played it. I'm like, all right, I got it. I know exactly who you're meeting.
That's, that's very fair. I do still really want to play Vesperia. I don't think I'll stream it. It feels like it's such a long game. It's a long game. Yeah. I'm like, it took me almost 70 hours. Like a long time ago. It was like the fifth or like the fourth or fifth game I beat on stream. So
Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Um, cause it's, I think it's, yeah, it's technically on my backlog, but, um, I, yeah, I, the person who put it there isn't around anymore. So it's like, yeah, we'll see. We'll see. Like if I, if somebody suddenly wants to like push forward or something like that, maybe, but like, if in the next year it doesn't, I think I'll just going to play it off stream myself. That's fair. Yeah. Solid.
Like the Tales games, they're long. Those are games, they're kind of like my comfort games. I've always played like, I mean, I played Tales games obviously before I started streaming, but they were also more of my comfort games that I liked kind of playing and nobody really knew I played them because I didn't know anybody who actually even played them themselves.

Polly's Top Pick: Alex from Lunar Series

But yeah.
Okay, Yuri Yuri's good guess. I guess my number one is can you can you guess it now? I I have a couple of it's something we've both played. It's it's is it dark? Huh? Is it dark? I mean, he was he was he was a candidate for article mentioned. No, it's it's okay. So this main character is
Oh my god, that would have been so funny. I might have ended the call. It's somebody from a game we've both played? Yeah, so let me describe it a little bit and see if you can guess it. And then if you can't, I'll just say who it is. So this character for number one for me is a big trope. It is a big trope.
But it's done so well that I was hanging on the whole time, just being like, I just really want you to have a happy ending. Like the whole time. And like, because it's just like, it's, it was like that stereotypical like,
If you were in a game, you'd be like, I want to be the adventurer. I want to be the vet. Is it Alex? It is Alex. Okay. Alex, he was one of my honorable mentions.
Okay. For me though, and I think Alex holds a higher regard for me is because when I played that as a kid, um, I was just like, Oh, he just really wants to be, and he just really wants to be a hero. And it's just very sweet. Cause it's just like, Oh, he just really wanted to go on an adventure and how his like, you know, not girlfriend, but kind of girlfriend.
was like very supportive about it and being like yes let's see you go on an adventure I support you for it and then they go on this adventure and like all shit all shit happens so much crap this poor guy goes through and he just never lose sight
of the hope in his heart that he will, he will save her. Like that he will save the one he loves, that he will save the world. Like he just never loses that heart. Like he keeps trying his hardest and he is slammed down over and over and betrayed. And like, there's so much this poor guy goes through and still just doesn't give up hope. It's like, he's like one of those things that you dream the beast of day as being like the person who takes like,
no matter amount of shit that's thrown at them, that they still go forward. And the irony of it all, and I didn't realize it when I was a kid, but I realize it right now, is he reminded me so much of my mom.
My mom had always just wanted to help people and always just had the skill of helping people and being there for people and being a great person because her growing up was rough. Her home life was rough.
And she was misjudged a lot. She was labeled like back in the day when they would call other women this tomboy and didn't fit in and all this sort of stuff and met my dad who was also kind of somebody who just didn't fit in.
Alex was somebody who just constantly believed that there was like there was hope and would always reach out and then that was kind of just how my mom was too and When I was playing this game, she I remembered her like looking over and she's like, oh he's cute I was like, yeah, he's the main character See Alex and she's just like and I said, yeah, and I was explaining it to him and he's like, oh so he's like your mummy and I was like No, this is a video game mom. You're wrong and like, you know, I was kids
And like no and then now I'm thinking back. I'm like he was he just he just wanted to help people He wanted to save the person he loved and that's just like you're just like okay and he just had these upstanding morals and had this great moral compass and always just kind of you know, and Even though he was tripped by people even though he was deceived even though he went through so many things He just kept getting back up and he kept getting back up and being like no I'm gonna do the right thing
And even when the person who loved him the most kind of to push him away and be like, no, you can't do this. He's like, I'll do it anyway. Pretty much. It's just like he, he just had a good heart. He had a good heart. And that to me is a protagonist that is incredibly hard to beat. And that was why he's my number one, because it's so hard to beat a character with just such a pure heart.
from start to finish. And while that is a trope, and there's probably a lot of JRPG games you could argue that have similar, I feel like they just all fall kind of just short.
And I think that's why he was reversible with lettuce because she is like the the woman side of that sort of thing except for like not necessarily having the the romance or whatever but like kind of similar idealistic right just Two different characters. It's really funny because I think all of those characters Like I put all of those characters in like a bucket like just again Justin Zack
Alex, Vice from Skies of Arcadia, they were all kind of in that same, like those were, and Ike from Fire Emblem, although Ike is a little bit different, but like, those five characters kind of all fell in that same bucket of like,
I see a lot of those games I haven't played. Yeah, exactly. Whereas like, Zach was very arguable because he, while he had a game, he didn't have a full one in my opinion. And then with Justin, um, he like,
I don't know. There's just something about Alex that is just always stuck out for me as being like, like above those characters. It could be the time period I played it in. It could be partly nostalgia, but Lunar One still, like Lunar Silver Star Story Complete still has one of the most beautiful JRPG stories that I've ever played.
Oh, definitely. And a large part of that also has to do with just Alex as the main character. I think if they would have had any kind of other married character, it wouldn't have worked. Imagine if Nash was the main character. Oh, no. Exactly. I hated that game.
Like there's so many characters in that game that you get and then you're like, what if that was the main character? I think the only exception to maybe being Lena, but like then they would have had to change the whole thing. And I don't know, like they kinda, they kinda tried to do that a little bit in lunar too, but with different personality types. And I don't know if that doesn't really work. Yeah. So I'm like, they tried it, but kind of trying to reverse it a little bit, but that didn't end up working. So like.
I think a large portion of why Ludar Silverstar's story complete worked really well, not only like the story and stuff like that, I mean, is just having that protagonist that you kept rooting for every second of playing that game, being like, I just want you to get what you want.
Because you're like, you're just so adorable, and you're just such a good person, and you deserve your happy. Like the whole time, you deserve it. And that's why like, Alex and Lena, they're so interchangeable for me as being one or two, is because like, similar kind of ideas, right? They're just good people trying to do the right thing that may not necessarily be what everybody else feels is the right thing.
Yeah, no, that's how many times that like like Alex's party beverage trying to like steer away being like, oh, give up on her, blah, blah, blah, blah. He's like, oh, yeah. No, I'm going to save her. Like, but like all odds against him, all odds against him. He was like that. I'm going to do it.
you all can't tell me otherwise I'm gonna do this thing and he gets beaten up quite a bit but like he keeps trying and he keeps you know not no matter how many times he's knocked down he gets right back up and that's that's a that's a that's a main protagonist like that I I could appreciate and love
Yeah, I mean, again, such a good character.

Final Thoughts and Next Episode Preview

I also love his the glow up that he goes through towards the end of the game. So do you definitely get like the child, like the younger guy mentality from him. And then he grows up so much in that game. Oh, yeah. And he goes because he goes through so much. And it's like, I'm going to be an adventurer. Like, I want to go on an adventure. And then it's like, this is not what I wanted. Yeah. Yeah.
Awesome. Well, I think that's our top. That's our top five with one honorable mention. Yeah. And so we're going to be doing these like every.
other week or so like it'll be it'll basically be set up so that like these will happen. Two weeks out from like our main podcast episode, so you can catch our main podcast episode on our Twitch channels. And then these will actually be sort of a every other like, yeah, like every other week, so.
Yeah, eventually be nice to get on a weekly weekly schedule releasing things. But I mean, that might be a little bit ways out. But but having all of you listeners tuning in more and listening and supporting and stuff like that, that quickly changes. Right. So
Exactly. And so our next one of these will actually be a top five antagonist list. So that'll be really exciting, just kind of going through the antagonists and kind of seeing the other side. I will give a slight
I'll dangle something out there. On my list, two of the games mentioned today, I have villains from two, or antagonists from two of the games that were mentioned today on my list. Okay. That'll be fun.
I have, uh, two villains mentioned from mine as well. Oh my goodness. If we lined up on, that'll be funny, but it's going to be really funny. Everyone you'll have to figure that out, uh, on the next episode. And so thank y'all very much and we'll catch y'all later. Yeah. Thanks for listening. Bye.