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Episode 7 (Bonus): End of the Year Review image

Episode 7 (Bonus): End of the Year Review

E7 ยท Turnbased Tangents
44 Plays2 years ago

Poly and Kj ask each other questions they came up with regarding all of the games they played for Turnbased Tangents this year. They also share some of the things that are coming up for Turnbased Tangents in 2023


Introduction and Year in Review

All right, so yeah, welcome in, everybody. I have such a mean question for you. You're going to be so mad. Welcome in, everybody, to our year in review episode of Turn Based Tantra. I think it's technically episode seven. Yes. I am KJ. I'm joined with my lovely partner, Polly Mune, here. And yeah, we're going to be going through and figuring out
As answering a bunch of questions, I'm actually worried for the question she's gonna be answering. I have no idea what's going on. We have questions are gonna be mean. So you want to start with the questions? Or do we want to go with like, talking about what we plan to do with the like for 2023?
Uh, let's start with the 2023 plans, uh, cause we'll get into the sillies, the sillies, uh, later. But yes, we, we've kind of put together a bunch of questions for each other. Uh, we have no idea what the questions are.
And also chat is going to be able to throw in questions too as we go through. So we are currently, we are streaming this on Twitch.

2023 Plans and Platform Expansion

And so we have an interactive chat who's going to be also contributing some questions. We'll try to remember to say people's names so they get credited for their silly, silly questions. But yeah, I think we should start with like what our plans for 2023 is.
Yeah, so I think so right now, I mean, everybody knows I think that we are currently playing Tactics Ogre Reborn for the January podcast game. So I think we're going to continue to
try to do like one podcast game a month. There might be some games that are a bit longer and like I know in April there's going to be like some traveling and stuff and we got like convention and stuff like that. So we might make our like March, April game kind of one game and make it a little bit longer.
But yeah, in general, I think we're going to push forward there and kind of continue to play like one game, one game a month. Obviously try to finish it within that time frame. And then we might have like little episodes like this one, for example. But next year, I think we're going to do more of like a formal like
award show type thing. And we might include like, some questions that chat can ask as well to kind of like, so we can kind of prepare for the specific awards like that. Yeah, other than that, I think, I think Polly is working on a logo. So that'll be fun. I'm looking into like getting the podcast on Spotify.
We're also gonna try to pay more attention to the YouTube channel, too. Yes, I was gonna say, we're also gonna try to push the YouTube a little bit more. And I think what we're gonna do for the YouTube is, like, there will be some stuff that we'll record that won't necessarily be available via, like, us going live. So we've already recorded, like, our top 10 JRPGs, for example. So stuff like that, I think we'll plan to do
sort of in 2023 and push, push a little forward. Yeah, exactly. And I'm, uh, yeah. And maybe we'll have a little bit more like.
like maybe we'll have like a form that people can like fill out for questions like ahead of time so that when we get to this point next year, we'll have some like pre done questions or for awards and stuff. I think that'd be really fun. Yeah, that'd be dope. And I think right now I think I think we're gonna continue to kind of mix in a little bit of like new games, old games. And I think when we started we played a lot more like
Let's see, we've played so we've played Grandia 1. We played Live Alive, which was basically on release.

Schedule and Game Discussions

Yeah, it was a remake of an old game. Exactly. We played Docker Profile 2, which is an old game. We played Koudelka and we played Stars and Six and now we're playing Taxogre. So like that's definitely where we've we've got a mix like a mix of retro games and new games. And I think we'll continue to do that. So.
Um, and yeah, I can also look into, uh, trying to get us, uh, get everything on, uh, Amazon music as well. That is, that is good. Oh, I didn't even think about that. That's smart. That's actually, yeah, that's part of my plan for tomorrow is like look into, cause we have, so I don't think we're gonna, I think we have starting.
what, I think episode five or six, no five. I think we'll start with episode five being on the podcast or being on Spotify for the podcast. Just cause like we started using a different like podcast software to specifically record and like have better sound quality and everything. So I'll probably cut those up and then try to get those up for that, like that way. So no more. And yeah, we'll go from there.
Yeah, no more robot KJ for some reason on Vine. He sounded like a robot and we think it's because of Discord. So yeah, now that we've got the new audio software and then I'm going to hopefully make some graphics and stuff like that for us. And yeah, it's going to be fun. We're going to keep doing the once a month. And like you said, probably March and April will be combined and we'll pick a longer game for that.
just because we're both going to PAX, I'm going to see him towards the end of March. But there's also like, like, I have my two year anniversary celebration, and then we go to PAX. And then by the time we get home, it's like the beginning of April. So yeah, yeah, so I think combining March, but yeah, I definitely think combining combining March and April will probably be a good call for us.
But we'll try to do some more fun segments and stuff like that like we did. We did a recording behind the scenes that we didn't stream of our top 10 JRPGs.
And we'll try, we're going to try to do a few more like things like that, especially for YouTube to just kind of upload directly to YouTube and Spotify and all that sort of stuff. So yeah, it'll be fun. And we're so excited that you're all here with us tonight. And we're very excited that you guys keep supporting us. Oh, we might also move it going forward maybe to evening during the week.
Yeah, we're not sure yet. We're not sure. Or maybe earlier morning Sunday. I don't know. Typically, yeah, typically, we've done like Sunday afternoon. Yeah. But yeah, not sure. And maybe we can put like a poll out to our respective communities and kind of figure out. Oh, that's kind of figure out what, what works best. But we're trying to figure out sort of, if we should
continue to do Sunday afternoons or if like maybe a weeknight works. Because I think we did one of the streams we did on like a Thursday night. And it seemed like we had a good amount of people that showed up and people were vibing and everything. So I think just kind of going forward, we're hoping that we can kind of get to figure out
Yeah, and if you guys prefer like if you prefer during the day It would probably have to go still be on Sunday for during the day because KJ works Monday through Friday So exactly during the day in the week and then he streams Saturday morning So but if you prefer during the evening then that can just be on any day that he isn't streaming In the evenings. Yeah, we can be a little bit more flexible. So yeah, it'll be we'll put it up to you guys and whatever you vote or whatever we'll try to
We'll try to gear towards that. Yeah, I think that's it in terms of like, at least for me I'm trying to think if there's anything else for the anything else that I think like going forward like I said, I think we're we're in a
We're enjoying like some collaborations of things next year, but we're kind of in the works of getting things fleshed out. Yeah. I think we're, and again, like we're enjoying sort of being able to play the games off stream right now. We're both playing tactics yogurt and that's been fun.
All I think about is Tactics Ogre. I go to bed and I think about Tactics Ogre. I get up, I go, oh, I have to work, but Tactics Ogre. I haven't played a tactics game fully like this invested in like ever. So it's been a lot of fun. Yeah, it's been a good time. I've been enjoying it. I've been enjoying it a lot. Yeah. I think I'm in like chapter three of four and I think I'm like halfway through chapter three. So.
And we both did like completely different routes. We've had completely different experiences. So I think the podcast is going to be fantastic. Yeah, I think it's going to be really interesting to kind of adjust like kind of it's going to be an adjustment, right? Like usually we have like the same ending and the same like we've basically played the same game, but now we're kind of
You get so many different decisions, and you can go different paths in this one, so it opens up more. And so we'll have that. And then a lot of you, I've been noticing, have been playing alongside us this time. We've got No Girl. We've been playing alongside Pea Stone. I think Megan's been playing a little bit off stream as well. We've got a lot of people who are playing off stream this time with us, which is a lot of fun, because I think that'll make the podcast even more fun.

Recap and Game Preferences

come when we do it in January. And like, AJ and I have been talking, we might even like schedule it for an earlier time in January, depending on
because we are just cruising through this game. He's halfway through chapter three. I'm at the end of chapter two. The only reason I wasn't past that is because I went a route, got halfway through that route, and I was like, nah, I'm going to do this other route because I know KJ's not going to go on this other route. It was actually kind of funny.
So we're about, we have about the same amount of playtime because we're just both so invested in it and it's a lot of fun. So, uh, and, uh, no, I said good things about you, Peastone. Don't make me make you a useless character in my tactic soaker game. I haven't picked my Peastone unit yet. I did get an Enno. Enno's a Dragoon.
Anyway, also having so much fun naming our units and tactics ochre after our friends Yes window that has been fun That has been real girl and slamma are like my best units with Megan making sure everybody stays alive It's like it's like what Megan is in real life your wife my meat is my cleric so meet make sure that everyone stays alive and We've got so many
So many dope units. It's been good. It's been good. It's been a lot of fun. But yeah, we're both really enjoying it. I'm super excited. Yeah, I haven't gotten a ninja yet. KJ's found ninjas and stuff like that. I haven't gotten one yet. But I got a swords master. I don't have that class yet.
super excited because I made that no girl so like no girl and slama and megan are like my top three units as well as like just a story character or cannabis that you get but like it's so much fun i think live and breathe this game right now which is it's so good i have so much work to do but also game it is is very very good
Um, okay. But we don't want to get too much into tax. Sorry. We don't want to talk about that. We have that scheduled for January. Yes. Um, yeah.
So the five games that we've played, um, because we've, we've had six podcasts, but technically our first podcast was just talking about Square Enix games, uh, uh, upcoming games and stuff like that. Uh, and it was more of like, it wasn't actually have played a game. We were just kind of getting our feet wet. So we, we've played five, uh, and they are grandia.
Grandia 1 for the PlayStation, Live Alive, which we played the remaster remake of the original SNES game, the one that came out in the summertime. We've played Valkyrie Profile 2, we've played Code Delco, and we've played Star Ocean The Divine Force, aka Star Ocean 6.
So those are the five games we've played. So if you want to keep thinking about your questions, they have to revolve around those or somehow connected to those. And that's where we have come up with the questions are kind of connected to those five games.
And, uh, and yeah, so we, we've both come up with a bunch of questions. Neither one of us knows KJ is going to really hate me for one of the questions. I'm pretty sure it's just going to end stream. I'm making you make decisions with your question with my question. So, Oh no, I can't decide. Yeah. Every time somebody's like pick a top five and I'm like, can I have a top 25? And they're like, no, top five. Nope. Nope. We're going to say I have a,
Some of them are like top one, like pick one. Okay, I feel less bad than for one of my questions. Yeah, no, I made sure. I know how I know how you operate. You'll be like, but but but but this one and then this one. No, no, no, we're picking one.
Yeah, we're picking one. Yeah, Shane, that's how my decisions work. And it's kind of funny because every time I play a new JRPG or every time I play a thing, things change. Even just by top five Final Fantasy games rotate, depending on which one's like, like six and seven always stay neck to neck. But like eight, nine, 10, sometimes I had 13, two in there. I rotate the other three.
So my top five, I've looked at it because I've posted my top five on Facebook sometimes. And I went back through like memories and saw like that I have changed that rotation a few times. You gotta stand firm. You gotta stand firm. No, can't do it. Can't, can't.
Okay, how do we wanna do this? How do we wanna jump into this? I think we can answer the first chat question. Yeah, because that's a really good start. So I think Shuriken had asked, what was our favorite podcast game? So I have to think about this. I think my favorite podcast game was actually Grandia.
Out of the five we've played, it's Grandia. Yeah, I think it's Grandia. Grandia was a lot of fun. The more I think about Grandia, like think like look back on it and the more I think about it, the more I'm like, this was kind of like a complete adventure and like.
I was talking about this earlier in Chainstream. I love when things are complete. When a story is complete and not open-ended and isn't left up for interpretation, I love that. The fact that Grandia was like,
We went from the beginning of the adventure, played the entire thing out, and then it gave us a perfect bow tie on the adventure. That was perfect for me. And I think that that was something that I really enjoyed. I really liked the characters, mine is one character. But yeah, I thought the characters were great. I thought the story was great. It was a great time. I think
I can say good things about the other games, well, most of the other games. But I think in general, like Grandia was just was so much fun. I had a great time with that. And that like that really kicked off the podcast in a good way for me and like really got me excited to continue to play.
Yeah, that was a great start. Honestly, picking Grandia as our first game, finding out like, KJ found out I hadn't beaten it and he had never played it. So I was like, okay, this is a great first start. Uh, cause I had heard so many good things in the community and stuff, but yeah, starting with Grandia was a really smart idea cause it like just set the, set the momentum to keep going. And it's so, it's so hard because there's three of them.
I'm already having I knew it. Let me guess. Let me guess. Grandia live alive star ocean six. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. But I think I think I think I'm gonna Oh, this one's really, really tough because Oh, yeah, because they were all really, really great. And then in their own ways, and you have to kind of like
separate them a little bit but I'm really leaning on Live Alive for me. Live Alive was not a game I was expecting to love so much because I had no concept whatsoever of this game. KJ had just mentioned it one day being like we should do this for the podcast and it was a game coming out
And I said, Oh, this is well timed because we're going to be beating grandia and not giving our next month's podcast. Sure. Why not? Let's go for it. Bought the game. I didn't look anything into it. I didn't know it was a previously an SNES game that was remastered. I had no idea what the heck to like, like.
I had no idea going in, but it was one of those games that just surprised me in every way. And like all the different stories, how they all connected, the plot line, how you go through it just kept me on my toes. Some of them were obviously stronger than others and feelings for me, but like in the end, like how everything's connected and how you could go through and get like the different endings and everything. I was just like super blown away about how well that's put together and the fact that they had
Only really adjusted a few things with the remaster like they didn't like remake like the plot line or anything This is what it was with the Super Nintendo game up that we never got it was never released over here for us I was just like, oh my goodness. Like where had this game been? This is like really think so. I think it I think it squeaks ahead Grandi and star ocean six, but it's very close. I would say it's very close
But, like, live a live, I think, squeaks, squeaks, just. We should get an honorable mention counter for Polly for every question that's asked. Yes, please. The counter is at one. OK. Every question has an honorable mention. He's making fun of me because when we did our top 10 JRPGs, I said it had to have honorable mention, so I couldn't do it. Yep. That was one of her stipulations for doing that.
Um, yeah, I guess, uh, listen, I like too many things and it's hard to decide. Okay. This is the thing you gotta just, you gotta, you gotta be just like, this is what it's going to be. No, fluid decisions are fluid. Oh my goodness. Okay. So do you want to start with questions or do you like, we can go back and forth. Um,
I'm hosting, so I'll give you the floor. I get to ask the first one. Yeah. Let's, let's, let's do this. I'm obviously going to save my really good one for a little later. Like I can't, I can't lead with my well thought out question because then, and then it just like everything else will fall short. No. Um,
I'm going to ask a very kind of generic one, but I think this one's I like this one. Who was your favorite main character out of them all? And yes, live a live counts forever. Oh, you're kind of live live for every character. Oh, that's weird. Well, how else are you going to pick a main? Well, I guess I get I guess. Yeah. Who's your favorite main character? OK, so grandiose, Justin. Yep.
Uh, Valkyrie profile two is Alicia. Yep. Codalco's Codalco. Yep. Uh, star ocean. I'm going to let you choose between Leticia or layman because you can pick either path and then live a live, I guess. I don't know your, what was your favorite one? Oh, the ninja guy. Oh, uh, Boromaru. Yeah. Okay. You got to pick between that. There we go. Cause I remember the ninja story was your favorite. Okay. This is actually easier than you would probably think. I'm going to go with Justin.
Justin was like everything I would want in a main character. Like he was very I don't know. He was he was very like.
He was very childish, but he was excited to go on an adventure. He was like, adventure, let's do this. It felt like he had that main character energy because he was so tunnel visioned on adventuring. And that pushed things. And then he had that sort of, oh my goodness, we need to save the world. We need to do things right. We need to make sure that everything's OK. He just kind of very well pushed along the story.
also affected everyone around him, mostly in a positive way, but also depending on the things that happened in a negative way. But I think he just had such an impact as a main character that that was definitely my favorite main character. And so I guess the other question is, are we going to answer our own questions?
I think I think it's only fair because it's like like cross so we can like cross that out.

Game Endings and Mechanics

So if you were going to ask that, you can like, OK, I cross that one out. That's right. Because it because it would be really interesting to get both. But like Justin is a really good. He was he was everything I wanted in a main character. Like Justin was great. Yeah, honestly. Oh. Oh. Oh.
Yeah, I think I'm going to have to go with Justin too. Justin just was like one of those happy upbeat, like wanting to adventure, wanting to go out and see the world. Like I think he would be me if I was in a game where I could do that. Like in a world where I could do that where it's like, Oh, let's go on the adventure. Let's go travel. Let's go. Let's go see new things. Like.
That is definitely like my mentality. So I've tried with Justin a lot and he's just so happy and upbeat. And he's just like, he's, he's, he's always trying to do what's right, like by his heart kind of thing. Maybe not necessarily follow the rules, but follow his own, like follows, follows heart.
Yeah, exactly. He has his own moral compass and who he meets along the way kind of like end up coordinating with it. He's just a really fun main character. Like out of all of them, like, Cold Elko's kind of cool with her like psychic abilities and stuff. And then you got Letessio who's like a princess and Raymond's literally a futuristic postman.
but like in a fun way. And I mean, Alicia was disappointed with, uh, she definitely didn't hit main character vibes as I liked with Leneth. Like Leneth was a really hard character to follow. Yeah, such a good main character where it just unfortunate that she just didn't end up like hitting that for me. And then live alive. I think my favorite story was a tossup between the medieval time
which kind of I don't want to spoil, but like everybody who's played that knows kind of. Yeah. And then it was a toss up between that one and what was the other one I really liked Imperial China.
Oh, yes. Imperial China. So, but I think, I think Justin was just a really well-rounded fun main character that you just like, you're like, Oh, and he was dumb. Don't get me wrong. There was parts where I was yelling at them, the TV being like, you're being dumb, sir. But he's a 14 year old kid. So like, he's a teenage boy. Like they're going to be, I don't know, teenagers, you know, teenagers anyway.
But yeah, I think I think I'm going to agree with you on the first or the second question. I think I agree with you on the second question. OK. OK. I'm going to throw a kind of curveball like this is this is kind of a kind of a fun question. Out of the five games we played, which game would you change the ending of? Oh, out of the five games we played,
Oh, oh, all of them. No, stop making these questions hard. Okay. Um, cause, okay. So like the ending of grandia, uh, no, I'll leave that alone. That one was fine. Little live also was good. I liked how everything wrapped up. Gonna leave that one alone. Felt great profile too.
I'm going to leave Koldelka alone because I know Shadowheart stuff. I think Star Ocean 6, Divine Force. I think I would have, oh no, but it kind of just wraps up. This is why I'm asking the question because it's not an easy one. No.
star ocean the divine force and grandia kind of just like wrap well so it's like it's hard to say that i would change it just because my idea of changing would would be like opening it up and leaving it like saying it like that's not necessarily live alive also had a really good like once you connect it like if you do everything and stuff it also had a really good one so it's a toss-up between valkyrie profile 2 and code delca um
I think, I think I'm going to go with Valkyrie profile too. Okay. Um, I think, I think they could have, I it's, it's difficult for me because I thought it was kind of creepy. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. So like, so with like code Delta, like it's already, it's a survival horror RPG game. I get it or whatever. And it kind of just, whatever.
Um, but with Volcro profile to the ending of it, and sorry if I spoiled this for anybody turn, turn the volume down here momentarily, but like, it, it's just, it's, it shows one of your party members seeing like the other one he was in love with as like a child and them having this weird connection, but she's a child. I don't know. I wouldn't change that.
That's it's like a ring. Yeah, it's like a reincarnation scenario, but it's just weird. And it I don't know, I would have changed that a little bit. Like, I think I would have adjusted it where she was an adult, where she was an adult and they crossed paths again. And like, I would have made him like much, much older, though. Right. Now, but it's it's like a good domain. It would have been kind of weird, regardless. I feel like we're like, no matter how you slice it, I think it would have been weird.
Yeah, it would have been like you're going to do is it's going to be a little weird. It would have just a little less weird, I guess, because there's definitely that kind of cliche and anime does this a lot. And I said, you know, because that's a great example is that, you know, you got a 15 year old girl and like a freaking 60 year old half demon.
kind of thing, right? And you're like, okay, when you actually put together the numbers, your thing, but then you look at his maturity and he's like a, he's like a 15 year old boy. Yeah, pretty. Like maturity wise. And so technically a lot of those years, he was like,
So like they have that cliche a lot where it's like a younger character with like a ancient vampire or demon or any of those stuff. So I get it. And it is a common thing. So that's not as I think, but I just wish you would have been an adult and it would have been a little less weird. It's still weird, a little less weird. And I could like live with it, but she was like, she was like six. She was six. Like we didn't need a moment with, okay. Yeah. I've found her profile too is my answer.
That's OK. That's interesting. When I first thought of this question, I thought my answer was Valkyrie profile. And the more I think about it, the more I'm going to say Star Ocean. I think I would have just liked a more happily ever after type like that's fair rather than everybody just kind of going back to what they were doing. More of like, OK, we're going to stay on this planet. Like we're going to kind of.
denounce the respective places that we came from and just say, like, hey, we're not going to be part of this. Like, this is our home now. Yeah, that's fair.
I the fact that everybody just kind of went back to their own things was kind of a kind of a bummer, in my opinion. So it kind of made the story that you did kind of meaningless a little bit. It fell flat. It definitely fell flat. Yeah, like because it was just like, OK, well, everything's good. And now we're just back to the way we like back to the way everything was. So I think I think that's my kind of
That's my thought, right? Like, I think that's my kind of my takeaway from that. So I think I would go with Star Ocean 2, or Star Ocean 6, rather. OK, yeah. Yeah, that's fair. That's fair. And see, like, I wanted to change the weird ending, and you just wanted, like, more of, like, a connected ending. Yeah, I wanted something yet. Make it more meaningful, make it feel like something more. That's fair, yeah. So we do have a question in chat, and I think we can kind of just, like,
ask questions and then we'll kind of go for the use. The most menacing mechanic. I have one. I'm curious what yours is. Like menacing as in like... Painful. Painful. Yeah. Okay, I've got a few I can think of. Wow. You. Okay. I answered the last one so you go with this one.
Okay. It's 100% the ammo and the ammo slash weapon break system in Kudelka.
That is the worst. I found the second best weapon in... I found the second best weapon in Kudelka, and it broke on me in the middle of the final boss. In the middle of the second phase of the final boss. And I was like, are you fucking kidding me? I remember that. Yeah, no, that was by far like... And then having to collect... Having to collect ammo? Oh my goodness, it drove me absolutely nuts.
Yeah, that was... You were so mad at that. Kudelka. Oh, my goodness. That was... See, where I'm used to that kind of stuff, because I play survival work, it's especially like old school, like, Resident Evil game, where they gave you very little ammo, very little inventory space, those things, so, like, I guess it... The inventory space wasn't even a problem. I was, like, I play dirt old RPGs. Like, I play RPGs that are, like,
Yeah, it kind of made it irrelevant. Like if you would have relied on it, like it's just all of a sudden you're out of it and you're like, okay, I'm just going to punch this boss now. Yeah. Like I was, I've loaded up the freaking like.
very first, like, fire emblem, like, and I've played that. And the weapon durability in that game is still better than the weapon durability in Kudelka. Because at least I know, at least I know the freaking, uh... At least I know what my weapon durability is. Like, there was no indication it was about to break. It just broke on me in the middle of the fight. And I was like, you gotta be kidding me.
Yeah, yeah, honestly, it's really hard to argue with that one, because like, eh, Kaldelka was many things, but some of the things were definitely, they definitely needed to work on and adjust. And one of them I would agree with is like the, the ammo system and stuff and like getting through and then all of a sudden running out and you're just like running up and punching the guy in the face. It's like, okay, what really their ability to just
randomly mid-fight your weapon just shattering and you're like, okay, we're fists now. It's so hard to argue with that. Honestly, I would say mechanically, Star Ocean and Divine Force obviously be the newer game. Square really paying attention to the gameplay and everything of that one. I don't think of anything there. Valk Group Profile 2, one of my only complaints was it was a glitch that I got screwed over with.
Oh yeah, you like glitched into the wall, right? Yeah, where the end boss glitched into the wall and so I couldn't hit them and so it made that boss fight gloss so much longer and ended up that I couldn't end up beating the final form.
And so I had to go back and do it after, after we finished the podcast. I go back, go back and do it. But like, and of course the glitch didn't happen that time. Of course, it's just because I was in a time crunch to beat it for the podcast that decides to screw with me. So like, I can't really blame, like I can't really say menacing mechanic for that because that was literally a glitch not designed into the game.
Live alive. I guess the only other thing I'm going to complain about that was annoying was the stupid compass in Grandia.
So I forgot about the compass. Since you touched base on the freaking ammo and durability thing, which was gonna be what I said. The compass and like no mini map in Grandia and just the compass speaks. Oh, I hated the compass. I hate it. I warmed up to it. I hate it. I still don't like it. I want a mini map. I want a mini map.
Like I want, I want to be able to teleport out of the map. Like I did not like the compass. That was a little rough. Like not being able to teleport out of dungeons, having to like, cause the, yeah. Cause the, oh, that's right. Okay. This is ours. Yeah. We go all the way to the end of the dungeon, beat it, and then have to come all the way back. That was no, you know what? I'm changing my answer to that. Cause that was definitely the, the compass did stuck in your idea.
Yeah the cup is did suck but like I think the not being able to like teleport out or have some way of fast traveling out of dungeons so you had to go through them over and over again like backtracking and especially when you get later on in the game and you're exploring and stuff and you're going through different areas to like find some of the stuff or whatever it's like there's so much backtracking that was unnecessary.
Yeah, you could probably save like two or three hours of backtracking in that game if the compass reset itself to bring you to the front of the dungeon. Yes, if it would reset that or if you would have had a way to teleport out or teleport to the beginning or whatever they decided. Like escape ropes and Pokemon are like such a smart thing, mechanics, simple mechanics.
Which Pokemon came out before Grandia? So Grandia, I'm looking at you. Why didn't you have this? Oh, I don't think that's I don't know if that's true. Yeah. Game Boy Pokemon came out before Grandia. Grandia came out on the Saturn, though, didn't it? Did I come up with Saturn first? Oh, now you got me question. It came out 1997. OK, 97. It is. It did come out after Pokemon. Never mind.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So there we go. So I mean, I could have referenced other games that came up before it that I could, I could have been like, Hey, they had like teleporter escape where it's or whatever. And it wouldn't have mattered so much if some of the dungeons weren't so long and windy that it was like, I, and then when you got to the end, now you have to do it backwards.
So you're just like, I don't remember what direction I went in and you would get lost. I got lost so many times. Yeah, that was, that was rough. I, I definitely struggled, definitely struggled with, uh, definitely struggled with like getting lost in various places in that game. Like you got to the point where I was like, okay, I need to remember where I, where I'm coming from. So.
Yeah, it got it was just like a very annoying mechanic. And I think out of the five games since you already mentioned the one for good talk, I think that would be my second. I just I'm fine with weapon durability. I play the hell out of Fire Emblem games weapon durability. I'm cool with it. As long as I know what the durability like the ammunition, like at least it told you how many bullets you had left the weapon durability. It was bad. It was real bad.
That was that was definitely it was definitely rough. Oh, that's definitely the most menacing mechanic for me. I wanted to be different. So that's fair. No, I totally get that. We do have another question in chat. OK, so we. We already just did a track question, so let's do we can hold on the one of your weight. Did you do one or did I do one? You.
Oh, we did do both ones, so you do one next. Okay, sounds good. And then we'll do that one. Yeah, that's fine. I guess we'll go over... What do I want to do? I have a bunch of questions written down. I just need to figure out which one. I think I know your answer to a few of this. Okay. Okay, of all the characters in the games, which one do you relate to the most?
Ooh, that's a great question. Out of all of them, right? Like all of the, hmm. Ooh. I think, oh, thinking about the, I think it's like kind of a toss up between Fina. Ooh, okay.
from Grandia. I like that she's trying to like, okay, so fun story poly time. When I was in school, I was pretty decent at programming for like a high school level programming. Let's be real, I didn't get any better. I thought I would. Anyway, long story short, and I really liked programming and stuff. And I did this interview on like one of my karate sensei, like not the main one, but like one of the
like students but was an older gentleman, stuff like that. I did this interview. I remember this is the first time my mom thoroughly kicked somebody out of the house. He was asking me what I was going to go to college for after I'd done his interview and stuff. I was just like, yeah, I'm a toss-up. I think I want to go into game development, but I'm really loving programming, so maybe something like IT or whatever.
And he literally looked at me dead facing the eyes and says, isn't that a man's world? Yeah, I never see my mom go so red in the face. So yeah, so and this is somebody I looked up to in my karate program. This is somebody I had nothing but respect for that I literally picked to interview for my, my, my class or whatever my writing creative writing class or whatever.
and uh oh journalism sorry it was a journalist piece that we had to do and like that's what he said and at first i kind of i laughed it off because i thought he was joking

Villains and Game Twists

and he's like no i'm serious he's like shouldn't you be like aiming for something that's a little bit like you know like nursing or something
My mom was so mad. She's like, it's time for you to leave. He's like, oh, you don't got it. No, it's time for you to leave. And so Fina is kind of in that sort of like, she's a female adventurer and she's kind of getting like put down by a lot of the other adventurers of like the head of the adventure society and like basically being like, like not treated seriously, even though she had done all these things and, you know, was a well-respected adventurer, but that like people like
the society guy was not treating her thing. I really relate to that because that's kind of what I dealt with while I just told the story. And that wasn't the only person who treated me that way. And so it kind of resonated with me, but also Nina and Star Ocean, the divine force, and just her wanting to help people, maybe not necessarily the medical side of things, because I hadn't been interested in the medical side of things and stuff like that for a career.
just the wanting to help people, being positive, always eager to like, you know, like connect with people. She's just so friendly, wants to make friends. Like she's just, she's kind of, yeah, I would say it's a toss up between Fina and Nina for me. Like if Fina, I can relate to a lot of what she did and then her trying to like overcome those and be like, I'm going to prove you wrong sort of idea. And, uh, don't, don't ever tell me I can't do something because then that just
But with Nina or whatever, she's just such a positive ball of energy. It was just such a good friend and everything. It's just like I either relate or like aspire to be Nina. Maybe like I aspire to be Nina and I relate to Fina. Maybe that's what I'm gonna do. This is a tough question for me. This is not something that I thought about.
So this is going to actually give I'm going to have to take a second to think about it. I think. Hmm. Let's see what we played. Definitely not anybody from Koudelka. Those those characters kind of kind of. I.
I wouldn't say... I don't know about anybody from Star Ocean. I have a cop-out answer, but I don't think that's gonna really fit too well. I'm trying to think about Live Alive and think about the characters in Live Alive, but there wasn't really- Like you don't relate to the ninja?
No. I think maybe like. I think Akira could be an actually an interesting. Like. Akira might be Akira from Live Alive might be one of the like probably the character I'd probably I'd say I relate with the most. Not your man from Grandia. Say that again.
What's his name? Oh god the one for grandi. Are you really liked besides happen? Yeah But like I don't know he was just like He was just kind of like a loose cannon almost Akira. I feel like was much more again was like very moral centric and very much like trying to kind of
solve a lot of the problems around him and kind of help the people around him, et cetera. Like that was definitely, I think Akira is probably the character I would say relate to the most.
Yeah. And then like also like kicking people in the shins. I mean, that sounds something. And who doesn't love giant robots? Honestly, if you could like command with your mind a giant robot, I think I would see you doing that. Like, 100%.
Oh, I try to think of like all of the ones that I'm like, yeah, I can't see anyone really else. Yeah, I think I think that would be kind of like my. Like a lot of them, I could see like, oh, I know they're your favorites or you like these characters, but like, yeah, I think. Kira, maybe. Yeah, I would go with Akira is probably my. Maybe Mariel.
from Star Ocean Defined Force. Eh, no. Eh. Yeah, I would say Akira. That would be my admirer. No, I know the perfect one. Elena. The Android. Let's move on to the next question. All right, Polly. I didn't ask a question. I think you got all those random comments how we believe you didn't sleep and you just recharge and plug yourself in, 2294.
OK, yeah, maybe we'll move on to the question. Not the Android? OK, not the Android. All right. Honestly, this is actually one of my questions. So I'm just going to go with what Sin said. So who is your favorite villain from the games? Ooh. So yeah.
So be favorite villain. OK. I'm going to ask for clarification here. Favorite villain as in like who I thought was the most like who I thought was like the best written villain, most evil or favorite as in like I like this character.
I think favorite is in like the best well-written villain. I think I'm going to go with that just because a lot of the villains in these games, I don't think we would have liked liked, but we can appreciate that they were written well.
The best well-written villain in these games that we played was Lazard. It was. He's a fucking nut job, but he's just the best fucking written villain. He's fucking crazy. He tries to do what he... He's nuts, but he's the most well-written villain. He really is.
And that that's really what it comes down to. Homie is fucking tapped and like he was like conniving from like day one of manipulative like he's everything I hate in like he he's a manifestation of all the things that I hate. But like.
At the end of the day, he was a very well-written villain. And I think the best written villains are the ones that really drive that hatred and emotion out of you. And I think he was very well-written.
Yeah, and and like from like the moment in valkyrie profile the original one that you get it and then when he connects it to valkyrie profile too and it's revealed like all the shit um Like it is just to a tee. He is just one nasty guy But like it's done so well that you're like, okay They wrote this character so well that you just absolutely hate him, but that makes it a good villain right in in some degree
And yeah, that's a really like, I was like, okay, I could go one of two ways here. And I was like, all right, if you could have picked Lazard. I actually really liked the villain in Live Alive in the sense of the not the overall like,
The the base basically the the I might spoil this a little bit. I'm sorry chat the the medieval arc or whatever so because It honestly paints a picture that anybody could become a villain with the right awful Circumstances befalling them, you know what I mean? Whereas like Lazard is a very different type of a villain Lazard's just insane. There's nothing befalling that guy He's just crazy
And he's kind of like how I feel with like, like I realized Kefka was an experiment stuff like that, but he's a little bit of insane. He was probably a little insane before that all that happened. So like, uh, kind of like, kind of like the joker where, where like the joker may have fallen into that path of stuff or whatever and like altered his brain a little worse, but he was kind of, he was kind of bad and weird.
before that sort of thing, right? Depending on which Joker arc that you look into. And so, like, that's Kafka to me. Like, Joker and the Kafka, my love for those kind of characters is like one side. And Lazard's in there too. He's just freaking crazy. There's nothing really befall him. He's a little weirdo. But with the medieval arc and Live Alive, it's very much one of those, that could have been you.
the world like shit on you and just kept stabbing you in the back repeatedly repeatedly and you were kept like being built up to be this person and everybody was knocking you down repeatedly and like just going through your life troubles when that till the point where you're like fuck it I'll be what they say I'm gonna be
And it was a very believable villain for me as a different direction that it's like you could relate to a lot of them. Oh, I feel like Lazard is also very believable. There's some fucking crazy people out there. Oh, yeah, there's crazy people. It's a different level of villain, right? There's crazy, obsessive people out there. I could definitely see Lazard. You could look at villains as like, you have the arc where it's like, okay, it's a believable in a sense of like, okay, people are built to be the thing.
But then yeah, there's also just crazy Crazy people so like it's just interesting because they're very opposite villains But they're both like believable relatable and for me without with the one and live alive It was just like it was one of those it was a different story But ending up the same thing is like evil trying to like take over the world kind of thing and manipulate it, right? So and and that's a very like societal thing that can happen and then in society there's literally just there's unfortunately literally just
not something in their brain is different. And it leads them to do some really awful things. And that's kind of what Lazard is. Like there's a very weird obsession there with the Valkyrie. And then it just gets worse. And I've seen people obsess over people and just be really awful people that way. And I've seen that happen, unfortunately more than I care to admit.
So like, like both of them like have these very believable arcs, very like interesting like villain things. And like that you're just like, Oh my God, I don't like what this like, I don't like what he's doing. Don't do this. Don't give it to the darkness kind of thing. And then with Lasards, it's like, why are you crazy?
The whole time so like I I had like I had that in the back of my mind I was gonna say one or the other so you said Lazar and I was like I'm gonna throw in the the different kind of villain where it's like built up where society or just People just keep knocking him down like they they they oh if you win this competition you get this beautiful women Oh psych. She doesn't like you. Oh, but oh you could go on this adventure and say it's like you just lost people and
um oh you you're um you wanted to save the king oh psych um he's just i was just like stop leave him alone and by the end i'm just like i i don't blame you i don't blame you just be like screw it i'm gonna think and i'm just like oh my god so like
that whole like that part. But the frickin' Lazard is just a different kind of crazy that you're just like wow. And he was written so well to like, you know, you know, either people in your life or like seen on the internet of that kind of level of obsession with people. And you're just like, it's terrifyingly obsessed. And you're just like, and then do some really insane things. It's just like, yep, yep, that'll be about it. Yeah.
Yeah, I would. Yeah, that's my answers. But yeah, the lizards have also a great answer. Oh, my goodness. I we both hated lizards so much. It's funny. I like the I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt the first like chapter or two. It was so funny because I remember the notes because you just you wrote to me being like, oh, I just got Lazard.
sus. Okay. Okay. But then you see that one scene where he was like spying on the other round, like the one we suspected to be the Valkyrie. Um, and he's fine on, and you're like, Nope, Nope, no, sus, sus, sus, sus. I was like, Nope, you fucked up. Okay. So there was a question in chat. What's the most unexpected left turn you've experienced in one of these games?
Do you want to take that or do you want me to take it first? I think I practically just said it. No. Oh, it's a toss up between live alive at Valkyrie profile too. Oh crap. Crap.
Okay, this is hard. Okay. I'm going to say Valkyrie profile two because that's it. Okay. So Valkyrie profile two is set up to be a prequel and you're going through the game and you're like in the past, but the left ball that it throws where it ends up actually being a sequel.
um, you have to have played valkyrie profile one to play to um, and now it all had made sense why like guides and stuff like that were very much encouraging you to play the first one before you played the second one even though it was advertised as a prequel because they didn't want to spoil their plot twist that threw me for a loop and that whole like like game aside or whatever uh where I prefer the first one over the second one like they did a good there was a really good spin to that and how
um Lazard is like that we found out the whole stuff with Lazard where it's the same Lazard and you're just like oh no man it's so crazy and then you you just see this like crazy concocted plot that he did that like you see a bit of it in Valkyrie profile but then you get out of his tower and then you're kind of like you have a main plot that you're dealing with right and he's kind of like
He's more of a sub-crazy plot. But if Valkyrie profiled to you, he is the main direction of that and causing shit. Yeah, they kind of build it up over the course of the game. Yeah, and they have you have him as an innocent. You're like, oh, we're going to get to see when he turns crazy. No, no, no.
Yeah, that whole without spoiling anything that whole that game, even though it wasn't as good as the first one, that game just like it had one of the biggest twists. I did not have the story was great. Like I actually really enjoyed the story of that game. So, yeah, that's I.
Yeah, it was such a toss-up between Live Alive and Valkyra Profa 2, but I'm going to give it to Valkyra Profa 2 because it was such a clever way to do it. Like the whole time you're thinking one thing because you have this person that you know from the first game and you're like, okay, I'm going to see how he goes crazy. Maybe we're going to get an origin story. Maybe we're going to see what really sent him over. And it all turns out to be the, it's a sequel, not a prequel.
And it just blows your mind because you were expecting something and it was completely out of left field the other way. And Live a Life kind of does that too. So it's like, it was very close to that, but I'm going to give it to Fauci profile too, because that still is mind blowing. I'd say what you will about that game. That twist was how a twist was done really well.
This was done well, but like I think the endgame twists in live alive actually give it like I gotta give it to those like the fact that all of the like
it truly felt like all the stories were self-contained and the way that they just like hit you in the face with the medieval route and then like really everything was tied together and like all of the names of the villains were actually the actual true villain like based on the actual true villain and all that stuff like that was mind-blowing to me like
The you pointed that out to me and I was like, yeah, they were all plays on Odeo, which I thought was just fucking nuts. Like that that turn, like that was a hell of a twist. And I didn't I did not expect that at all. Like.
And I knew, like looking at the cover, I knew there were eight routes, but I did not know how they were gonna come together. I did not expect anybody to like go nuts or anything like that. I just, yeah, that shit really, really threw me. Yeah, honestly, they really, what really, I almost got through, I'll throw it off because of what Slama did. I was like, why am I getting angry? Yeah, they,
they did a really good job connecting everything. Like all the stories, like you're going through, you think they're just kind of like all these separate things. They connect it all together. They have the main thing as a connection, the whole medieval arc, and then kind of setting that up and seeing like the downfall of that character and then how it all wraps up in the end and everything. It's just, it was done really well, especially as like Shane said in chat, especially because it was an SNES game. Like,
They didn't change the plot. They didn't change those key aspects of the game when they did the remakes, or the remaster remake, slash whatever you want to call it. I refer to it more of a remaster. But yeah, so they didn't change anything. I don't know. It was super clever.

Standalone Game Ideas

And I haven't seen
I've I've seen that happen very few times like um, I do feel like the valker profile too connecting to one so well like that Uh ended up doing that pretty well as well, but not very many you can't really say very many of them do that um shadow heart series is another one I can think of but like Yeah, it's just the way live a life did that all of the one game All in one game didn't need a second game didn't need a third game didn't need it was all the same game
And it's just like, it just kept you on the toes. And that's why some of the stories were shorter than others, because it was this SNES game, right? You couldn't make it like infinitely long. I think that's one of the reasons why I think I would lean live alive versus Valkyrie profile, because it's more standalone. If you play Valkyrie profile separate, Valkyrie profile two separately, you won't have that like,
Oh my God feeling because you didn't play Rocker Profile 1. Whereas with Live Alive, it's self-contained. You can pick Live Alive up and that plot twist is going to slap you in the face when you get there. So that's why for me, I think Live Alive takes it. And that's a very good point too, right? So it did it all in one game.
And it spread everything out. Yeah. Some of the stories felt a little bit shorter than others or well put wealth, a little bit more thought out than others. But the fact that it just all wraps up like that and it does it so well and connected. Yeah. I didn't need multiple games. Whereas all the other ones I could think of off the top of my head for multiple games. So, you know, like Valkyrie profile one and two, uh, the shadow hearts one and two, uh, the dot hack series.
Um, it, it did it across multiple games, whereas live alive, even in the super Nintendo era did it all in one singular game. And yeah, that's why it ended up being in like one of my favorite JRPGs in the end, because it's like, and the one I ended up picking, um, binges our podcast, Polly.
Okay, but like they'll, they'll, they'll hear this one after the other one. Hopefully. Hopefully. Um, but yeah, so like it just, it didn't just, it's so well clever. I love that. Spoiler tag. Yeah. Yes. That's what we'll do. Okay. Fair enough. All right. So you want to ask one? Yeah. I got you. This is going to be an interesting one. Okay.
This is a one character answer. If you had to choose one character from the games that we've played to build a game around, which character would it be? In terms of their backstory, I guess you don't necessarily need to include their
Like you could you could rewrite their backstory if you wanted to. My thinking is like. All of the sort of. Character traits and different things that they have, who would who would you choose and why? So any character, any character, all out of the stories, whatever to like redo, right? Or to do a game on the loan. Mm hmm.
Ironically, my first instinct to say is Kodalka because I would have done it a little bit better and bridged it a little bit better because there's so many rough things in that. I'm like, this had so much potential that I just take Kodalka again. My instincts are in that direction, but I won't.
live a life just okay as much as I would want to take one of their stories because I just love them to pieces like I loved I love it you know what to to kind of see how he became the Shifu would be really interesting for like the Imperial China are you talking about like the
Yeah, just to see how he like became Shifu. That's like one of my first statistics to say besides writing Kodoka a little bit.
Cause that's literally the, um, I think, I think the, yeah, having his like, cause that was my favorite story, right? So out of that one and, um, my second one being the medieval one, but like, we already got a really good conclusion with that, but with him, like just seeing how he became the Shifu, like how he built all that up, I think would be really interesting. Um, but, Ooh, is that my answer though? Cause there's like,
One to build a game around. See, none of the, a lot of them have. Oh, you know what? This is going to be a very weird answer, but I think, I think we're here for that. Lazard.
Interesting. Okay. Think about it though. This guy is crazy, right? And like, it'd be really interesting if you got like an origin story where it was still just like, he's just, just freaking crazy. And like a whole name is like told by his point of view. Like how, like, how would you like view that? Like I've always thought that this would be really interesting if we got like a villain's point of view arc for like a JRPG.
And that's why I love to live alive a lot because you see a little bit of that later on in the game. But think about it. We just said that this guy is our top villain out of the five ones we've played. Think about how interesting that would be to see his perspective almost like a built up around him kind of game. You probably hate him the entire time of the game.
But again, he would probably be so well written that you're like, okay, I get it. And, uh, I think, I think if you're really interesting, like if like doctor profile three was just, I don't know how I'd feel about that. Honestly, it was either that or the Shifu see the origin stories as a Shifu. That'd be more of like a touching story because the talk briefly mentioned like, like.
all the things he had to go through like very, very briefly didn't really touch into it. I think that'd be really interesting to see it and see how similar he literally, he became just like his students, right? And how they ended up taking over and stuff. So like, I think that'd be, that would be cute wholesome story. But Lazard would just be just twisted like into the mind. It would be like watching the Joker movie. But like,
cooler. I don't know. Like into the mind of the villain. Like into the psychopathic mind. But also just kind of like you probably ended up like still hating him just as much. Like it's like, okay, this is weird. Interesting.
Like I said, I was gonna go right out left field with this answer. Okay, I'm gonna go with an answer is I'm gonna go with an answer that is interesting, I think. Okay. My answer is Gadwin from Grandioth1.
I'd love to get like I'd love to build a game around his backstory figure out where like figure out how he became who he was and like oh he was so cool yeah he had the coolest move in the game he did and like
getting Justin to learn it was such a wholesome little thing connecting the two. Yeah, it'd be really interesting to see how he got up there. It's a similar answer to the Shifu, right? Where it's like, how did he become this epic character, right? I think a Gadwyn story would be really cool. I think that would be... I think that's a character that was a guest character and I think that they...
like going back and like learning more about him and kind of building a game around him would be would

Annoying and Useless Characters

be dope. Yeah. And like and like even like since saying Aunt Lily, you're or like Justin's mom. Yeah. I think they alluded to. Oh, you don't be cool if they did like an origin story of Godwin and Justin's mom showed up and his dad. Think about it.
Think about it, like somehow they crossed paths, but never knew. And then the sun and Gavin crossed paths in the future. Like there's so much there. I would play that game. I would play like grandia 1.5 or maybe 0.5 because it would take place before grandia. So it'd be like 0.5. But I think that'd be kind of cool.
I still stand by my Lazard topic though. It'd be interesting to get in the mind of a psychopath. Yeah, that's an interesting one. Okay, your question. Your question now. All right, all right. Out of all the games. Okay. What was the most annoying party member? Oh, it's EZ Sue.
100% it's Sue. Sue was the worst. I was celebrating when she was like, oh, I'm actually a little kid and I can't travel and go on this adventure anymore. And then she got replaced by fucking Rap, who was the man. Rap was such a dope character. Sue was such an annoying piece of shit.
Oh my goodness. She was so whiny and like, Oh my God. It was like, okay, we have, we have Justin who's dope. We have Fina who's dope as fuck. Like, and then
My problem with Sue is that there were plenty of situations where she could have just bowed out. But she was like, no, I want to be here. It doesn't matter if I'm a child. I can adventure with you guys. And she should have just not tried. She ended up...
She wasted the freaking teleport thing that they had, because they had to teleport her back to the first town. Yo. Oh, my God. We could have teleported out of a dungeon. School was the worst. I don't care if she was eight. Like, you don't go on adventures across the world if you are eight. If you sign up to go... Okay, but in Pokรฉmon, they're not saying, oh, hey, I'm actually going to give up.
I don't know. I mean like I took ash 20 years
20 years as a 10-year-old to finally become the Pokรฉmon master. That is, hey, it's canon. You can't go on an adventure across the world when you're eight unless you have Pokรฉmon. Cherikin said it best. That is true. I just, oh my goodness, it just, it drove me nuts. I was like, you've got to be kidding me. This is absolutely absurd. Like, why is this a thing?
I thought it was either going to be that answer or the prehistory guy from Live A Life. That's probably a close second. Probably a close second. Poop and fart jokes just don't land with me. I'm sorry. No, Stu was worse, but the pre-ogo was definitely a pain in the ass.
I mean, that's why I specified party member, because there's a lot of annoying NPCs between these games. True. But party members, I feel like there's so few. There is a worse, I think. OK, we'll get to that after. Never mind. Yeah, I mean, that's fair. KJ does not like eight-year-olds. Or fart jokes. Yeah, honestly.
I mean, Sue was kind of annoying, even though she's like a little kid, but it's understandable, but also like, yeah. Hmm. I don't know.
The prehistory guy didn't drive with me either. Not going to lie. I mean, I get it. They were doing like sex and poop jokes. And I, I know, but like, I guess I'm not that juvenile. I don't know. And oh, and oh, for laugh at that stuff. And I'm not laughing at that stuff. I don't know. Um, most annoying one, fucker profile. Party member. Alicia was a little whiny, but wasn't like super bad.
I'm just trying to think. Staro should six. I didn't like Midas. But he was like arrogant, annoying. Yeah, I agree. He was still like useful in terms of like if you did end up using him, he was like a really good crafter. It was good for crafting or like some of his magic was decent. I just never actually used him. I just used him as a crafting character. But oh.
I think I'm going to give it to the prehistory guy. He just didn't do it with me. Fart and poop jokes are like, OK, that's the thing. And it's funny because I started with that one and it didn't bother me so much. But when you play all the other stories and then you think back, I thought back to that. I was just kind of like.
Yeah, I'm never using this guy again. I didn't use him at my party. I didn't use him with anything. I was like, no, I don't need to. I don't need to. Like some of the prehistory stuff was funny. Like it's like when you found a stick, it's like stick is stick, you know? And I'm like, this is ridiculous, but funny, but charming. But then, yeah, there's a lot of poop jokes and a lot of poop moves and like sex jokes and I don't know. I got to give it to them. I mean, Sue was a little kid.
But you lose, you know what, Sue's a little kid, but you lose her. At least for like the latter half of the AAM and she's not evolved anymore. Okay. But to be fair, prehistory was very short. So it's like,
And then you don't have to use him again. You lose Sue, but you don't really get back everything that you put into Sue. That's true. Whereas the prehistory guy, like there was other people that was stronger. So yeah, maybe I might be leaning on Sue with you there.
I think the biggest frustration with Sue wasn't the fact that she was a little kid. It was that you had her for so long in the game, like you said, and then for her to just finally be like, I'm a kid. For a whole ass disc. For a whole disc. And then you leave everything you put into her. Half the fucking game you had this character.
And there was three opportunities I can think of off the top of my head where she was supposed to leave like right at the beginning of the game he was leaving without her and she snuck onto the ship and then there's another component where she was like really really tired or something like that and and then yeah and then the final thing where where she finally gets where she finally goes oh I need to go home it was it was just kind of like they should have just done this like
earlier in the disc and it would have been less of an issue. I think, I thought her moves really cute. I liked Puffy. I thought Puffy was really cute. Like I thought their moves together was really cute. Like, and I could get past it. Some of her lines were really funny when she was picking on Justin and I was kind of laughing at her. But like, yeah, I think, I think she was in the party for too long. We're the prehistory guy. It was, it was a very short little lit thing. And then you didn't actually have to use them. Yeah, exactly.
Which is like, even when you got like the other people. So yeah, I think I could decide with you on that one, uh, for, for, for the games that we have. I think I'm going to side with you. Like I was very torn with a prehistory guy is pretty bad too, but he's less in the game and less relevant than Sue was. Sue was a whole hat ass half of the game. Yeah. Whole ass half of the game where I like leveled her up. I had her magic up high. Like I was you out on magic.
She was the first character I maxed out on magic because she was my mage. And if you didn't lose her, it would have been fine. If you kept her throughout the second disc, like have done all that and she would have stayed in the party, again, I would have been fine with it. I think I would have disliked her more because I was, by the time she was leaving the party, I was happy. I was like, let's go. Sue's out of the party. Now please just give me another character to replace that slob. I mean, fair. I mean, you do get rap out of it and he's pretty hilarious.
But then there's a point where you also get Guido and like that was useless. I don't know. I think I would have preferred Sue over Guido. But anyway, that's fair. I think I think it's just the way the game set set her up. Was a little frustrating, but but yeah. All right. We get another one. We have a chat question. Who is the most useless, separate from most annoying playable character?
Um, I think that is going to be a little tough just because the Valkyrie profile characters, but I, I have an answer. Okay. Um, most useless, most useless character was definitely Midas in star ocean six. Homeboy was like, he was strictly magic. So like his magic casting was so slow.
And like, yeah, he just didn't, he just didn't give like, he ended up being my crafting bot. Like I, he was maxed out in all of the crafting. Same. Like I just using him was just painful. Like he, again, I tried to have him as an NPC. I tried to have him as like my dedicated character. He was just, he was rough. Yeah. Like,
in previous star ocean games, sometimes like you could build your magic users as being OP. There are ways, like, as long as you have like a couple to get the DPS is like some of the magic users are pretty OP. And that's what I was thinking about going in with Midas, especially if you getting him early on, I was shaping it up to be a Celine situation where I was like, going to make her OP. Um, and, uh, no, it didn't happen. You're right. His casting was really slow.
He often got interrupted and he didn't have any of those super big moves, at least what I could see on his skill tree that would have been super useful. In actual fact, Albert had more useful magic moves than him. And you get Albert in the beginning of the game. He's the second character you get. He's literally the second one if you do Leticia's route. Either of them.
Yeah, I guess. Yeah, I guess you're right, because even if you're doing Raymond, it would just be Raymond. Yep.
Okay. Yeah. So yeah, he's like the, the second character that you ever get. And so, and he has a combination of range, short range and magic moves, which makes him more useful. Where Midas is literally just magic moves. He's got like a couple, it's mostly magic moves. And yeah, he was just really slow and I was super expecting something like useful and he wasn't.
So I feel like that's a really good answer because like with Zalker profile too, there was a lot of useless characters. A lot of the extra like on, like on Harrier, a lot of them were useless. I would say they were still useful though, because you can send them. You can send them. Yeah. You can recruit them. You can like get them to certain level, send them. And then you get a bunch of items and shit. So they were still useful from that.
Yeah, and see, I would also like tie this with Guido. Guido!
in Grandia that you get as a party member is also fairly useless. Only for like two hours of the game, though. Yeah, but he was in it very, very briefly. So it's a similar aspect of life. He hated this character so much. I was so psyched because he was this cute little rabbit character. And then when you first get introduced to him, I'm like, you're annoying. I don't like you. And then like every other interaction, I'm like, how are you a mare? You are awful. Like, stop.
And then you get him in your party. I'm like, oh, wait, I don't want you. At least I at least my punishment with him at my party was was more brief and he wasn't in there for very long. But still, though, like we're talking about the most useless and I feel like he was pretty useless. Midas was pretty useless. Live a life. I mean, tactically, the prehistory guy was useless.
But I mean, like, I guess maybe if you used him, he would have been more useful if you like that kind of thing. I think little life was more like, if you jived with them, like, I think all of them were useful in your, like, you would have been able to build a party with them, but it depends on if you jived with them or not. So I think that's a little less relevant and Valkyrie profile too. Yeah. The, and Harry are you had in like, at least sending them still got you something. Um, yeah, I think, I think I'm going to go with like Guido or Midas.
Okay. Both of them. I think Midas more like, no, because you get people to replace Midas really quickly too. So with Midas, well, yes, he's like your fourth party member. It's very brief that he ends up in your party. And then you get other characters fairly quickly. So you don't actually technically have to use him. And his crafting was at least useful. He had at least a useful perk, even though his like fighting just was garbage.
So like I made him my main crafter. He was really good at crafting things. He crafted a lot of my stuff. Like I had him maxed out for all of them. And so like he had at least a purpose. We know didn't have a purpose. Okay.
He had no purpose. He was just there. He had a stupid little arrow thing and threw bombs. Those weren't even strong. There was nothing about this character that was even remotely beneficial at all and then yeeted out of your party fairly quickly. Yeah. There's nothing redeemable about Guido except for that he was a cute rabbit character. But even as soon as he opened his mouth, he was no longer cute.
I can argue Midas at least is a decent crafter and you replace him fairly quickly and not have to really ever touch him ever again. Whereas Guido, you do have to use him for a couple hours of the game, although short and brief, still useless. Still useless. Super useless. My answer is going to be Guido. I'm sorry. I don't like Guido.
Polly answering with a character that was not a fully, not actually like a playable character for too long. I love it. I mean, technically you could argue that about Midas too. You just wouldn't use him. Like you didn't have to use him. But at least he was in the party. Whereas like Guido was only, he was only in the party for like two hours of the game.
I don't care. Those two hours are just insufferable. I wanted Sue back. Give me Sue. I would have put up with Sue over freaking. He had no magic. He had no magic. He had nothing. I didn't like him. He had nothing. He had bumps. They were useless. He's a little arrow thing. Half the time he missed. He would like ready his arrow and the enemy was already moved. That was another thing that I hated.
in Grandia was the fact that archer mechanics were kind of dumb because the enemy would just move before you got your shot off half the time. And so it was like, okay, whatever. And they dodged it fairly easily. So that was his main weapon. I don't like my rabbit. I was so excited for the rabbit character. I saw it in the manual and I'm like, he's cute.
Look at him with his big ears. I was so excited. And then he was just disappointed. He opened his mouth and then I was no longer excited. OK, I think it's my turn to ask a question. Yeah, I went out a little bit. All right. Tangent, I mean, who is the character that you judged the wrong. Like, judge.
incorrectly. Like straight up Wow, that was that was the most sure answer that I think you've given on any of these questions. Wow. I felt like it was gonna be a good lead in and damn it was. Wow. That was holy shit.
Like I saw him in the manual. I knew he was coming into the party at some point. He was this cute rabbit character. I love a lot of those kinds of characters, the JRPGs. They usually end up being some of my favorites. And then he was just disappointed. He talked. I was disappointed. You ran into him. I'm like, stop talking and go away. Then you get him in your party. I'm like, why? I like. What was the question again?
I mean, you answered it. I was just so antiquated. I was going to ask it back to you, though. Let me think, character I judged. And I was wrong. Hmm. Not Koudelka, not.
live alive, not. I guess one could argue Lazard too, kind of. No, no, I judge Jesus. I was a little skeptical of Lazard, but I wasn't sure. Yeah, we weren't sure about how that was going to go to people. I'm not going to stick with my answer. Honestly, my answer is probably Theo.
Oh, that's a good one. I totally thought that he was like I went from this character looks dope to this character is a fucking scumbag to Oh, I was wrong. He's actually not that bad. He's actually pretty cool. Like he's pretty chill. But like he still fucked us over. So like I'm still not like the happiest but Yeah, I mean,
I didn't see that coming with Theo either, that's fair. You kind of built up with Theo as being a, well, just kind of like an Albert. You know, it was like a childhood friend of Leticia's and stuff like that. So yeah, that was a good side winder. I'm going to stick with my answer because I thought my answer was pretty good.
That was good now that was that was good That was yeah, you were right to the point on that one All right, so should I ask you my mean question go for it let's do it We'll throw

Humor and Misunderstandings in Characters

this in the middle. Let's go for it. All right, if you had a choice Mm-hmm, would you marry?
like regardless of like gender or anything like okay but would would okay if you had a choice would you marry the head of the adventure society in grandia who like tried to like you know tie up and force fina to marry him or would you marry welch from star ocean city oh you are terrible you are the worst
You are absolutely the worst for this question. I told you you were gonna be really mad at this question. You are the worst. I said we had to have silly ones in there somewhere. This is my silly one. The actual fuck. This went better than expected. You know what Welch's voice? Oh no.
Remember the adventure society guy had that like permanent snot bubble coming out of the spot. It's the answer The answer is Welsh But god that would be like High maintenance Annoying oh god Everything about that is awful Everything about it is awful
The funny thing is, is when I was coming up with these questions, I literally came up with this question when we were talking earlier today. Oh, God. And then you're like, don't show me. And I was like, oh, it's a good thing I deleted it really quick. Yeah. All right. So your final answer is no. Yeah, unfortunately.
Yeah, I think I would lean on that one with you. That adventure society guy was, was literally, I, I did not like that guy. I spammed KJ. I was like, what is this guy? What the fuck? And then like a whole, he was a creep and annoying. And he had a permanent snot bubble out of his nose. Like I, no, no.
And then while Welch is really unbearable and high maintenance and a really awful voice, like, at least she's kind of cute. She had these cute little outfits, little cute little dress. I don't know. She's kind of cute. Like, I don't know. This question is. Just tell her not to talk. We're a mime. We are a mime household here. No talking. Only gestures.
Oh my God.

Regrets and Mechanics Comparisons

Okay. I'm ready for another question. Hakan, thank you, Sin. I forgot his name. I'm ready to make you throw a game under the bus now. Out of all the games we played, what is your biggest regret game? Oh, that's me. That's me.
Okay, okay, I was I was really mean with the last question. I was holding that I was holding on to that one. Oh, oh, the unfortunate thing is okay, the unfortunate thing is I'm gonna say Kodaka, but it's not. But out of all like, it's a hard bunch of games we haven't like, synced up with.
Like grandiose a fantastic story that wrapped up live alive. Oh my God. Like I thought it just kept me on the toes. That's like tactics. Ogre reborn right now. I'm like as obsessed with it as I was with live alive. Like I was obsessed with it. And star ocean, the divine force force. I was also obsessed with.
Um, foul group profile to also just had that really good twist. It was a very slow start. I will admit it. It was a slow start. I was not like super high invested into it, but I'm like, I enjoyed the battle system. So I was trying to like, get good at that. But like, maybe, okay, maybe, maybe you didn't specify why I regret it. I regret it because you didn't like it so much. No, that's not. That's the cop out.
Oh, you're mean. I do. I do enjoy some aspects of Kildelga. It unfortunately out of the five was the one I would would say kind of gets vetoed out because it's like, oh, but was it nearly as good as the rest? Just say it, Bali.
I hate you. I hate. He's getting me back for the podcast where I was trying to do all the positives of it because he really didn't like the game. And he's like, this is a five at best and was very like five and a half. You did say five and a half. You did. You did. You were over five, but like, and I was trying to say these positives and like knowing shadow hearts and knowing how it connects into there. I really thought it was clever and like, like I could,
respect that it was trying stuff they knew and all these stuff but unfortunately with the with the games the other ones we played Valkyrie Profile 2 which I mean like I like the first one better but like it still had a really good twist and like just kind of blew my mind Live Alive was oh my god it's perfect Star Ocean the divine force was also really good it's arguably one of my top Star Ocean games grandiose done really like I can't
There are you happy? I am making me upset. I am very very happy. Dark, please forgive me. Dark, don't be mad at me. Please. No, he agreed. I'm pretty sure he agrees with you. He's not mad at you. Oh, OK, I thought. I thought I thought he was throwing hands because I don't even have to. I don't have to even mention. You don't. You already know Koudelka. So what do you mean? But I beat the game. That's I'm.
Yeah. And see, sin's got a good point. Like Cadelka, like Shadow Hearts wouldn't exist with Cadelka, but I have to, I have to sin. I have to judge it with the other four games and taking everything out of it. I mean, Valkyrie Profile 2 for not judging it with other games. It's not a game you could play by itself. You can't play Valkyrie Profile 2 without Valkyrie Profile 1. You can't.
You're not going to get the twist. You're not going to understand what some of the stuff and it's just going to be like, what the fuck's going on? It's it's it's a pre sequel. So like, yeah, until the like second to last chapter, then it's that it's then you realize it's actually a sequel.
So arguably you could maybe like say it might like Valkyrie Profile 2, but Valkyrie Profile 2 was a better put together game. So like Kodalka tried to do too many new things and kind of fell short. It was also a small studio, but we can make all the excuses in the world. So like honestly when it comes down to it, there's no other answer I can say.
That was a setup question. It was fair. You did set me up. I had that and I wasn't gonna say that until you asked me the previous question. And then I was like, okay, well, okay, that's fair. Because I didn't warn you I had a mean question. And I was trying to think of one to include Welch. And I was like, okay, like, I was just gonna be like,
Who's your most annoying NPC and why is it lost? But like, I was like, okay, but that's just the answer. He's an appointed question. Yeah, I was like, okay. Oh my goodness. But I was like, nah, I gotta do something like mean. So it was like, I was thinking of my like kiss, marry, kill, redeem. I figured. Mean, this mean to me and those. So I'm like, all right, let's do that. If you had to marry. Yeah. Okay. Okay. All right.
Uh, all right. What do you got for me? Uh, uh, we got any, okay. All right. Uh, ooh. Hmm. Oh, this one, I think this one's a good one. Which game had the better gameplay for the game? So like,
taking all the mechanics, like because Live Alive, it has all those separate mechanics, right? Taking that as a whole on how it related to the game, or like Valkyrie Profiles mechanics, how it related to the game, or even, you're not gonna pick Kotelko, but like even with Kotelko with like the survival horror mix of the, like which one out of the five we've played would be the better gameplay that suited the game? Hmm.
I think Stars and Six. I think the way that they incorporated Duma and incorporated the controls with it and then even had it have its own kind of skill tree and then the combo system that they had. And this definitely feels like a question that's kind of tough because the newest game feels like, I mean, we've played, we basically played a game that came out in like,
98 or 97, 97. A game that came out in like 2005. A game that's a remaster of a game that came out in like 94. And a game that came out in like 2000 and then a game that came out literally a month. Yeah, that's what I was trying to say like gameplay that related like how like
game like helped with this like the overall like game itself so that way it wasn't like uh very much uh oh this is just dated so of course this feels better exactly and so yes i agree with that like some of them things did just feel dated but what i will say is
That's why I bring up the Duma aspect of it because they were able to incorporate a major story element into the combat system where it was like you were able to fly around and hit things and chain combos together because you had this robot with you, right? So I think that's definitely the case where you kind of
Like, it tied into the story really well. It was also good gameplay. Like, that's that's my that'd be my really fair answer, because like, even though, yeah, technically, Star Ocean, the divine force is going to have the more like fluid thing. Honestly, couldn't have though. So like, even though it was the most recent game, we have both played more recent games with rough battle systems before. True.
or newer games with rougher battle systems and stuff like that. So it didn't necessarily mean just because it's a newer game means the gameplay is going to be any better. There's some pretty rough gameplay games out there. But yeah, the way they incorporated Duma and that kind of connection and stuff like that, you're right. It was very clever because it gave it a reason to give you a way to get through the maps easier so you didn't have to run everywhere.
And because they made the map so much bigger and stuff like that in the game too, they incorporated it into the plot line, they incorporated it into like character development, so it was very well connected. I would say the only other one that I could argue would be Live Alive and just the way that all the separate stories and like the gameplay mechanics and everything connect. But technically, if you're thinking about gameplay, nah, I think it does go to Star Wars and the divine force with that one because, I mean, Grandia is just kind of, honestly, Grandia,
adjusted turn-based combat a little bit with its game. So it's a little bit more like action turn-based, ATB kind of thing. Live Alive, I don't think the gameplay really like, maybe a little bit of it kind of connected into the storyline and stuff. Valkyrie Profile 2, I mean,
They were trying to make it 3D and try to level it up, but still have the same side scrollies. Yeah, that was... That was a little rough. Yeah, that did not transition well. It's the same with Prudelga. I understood what Kildaka was trying to do, but they definitely nail it better in Shadow Hearts, where Valkr Profile doesn't have a next one that nails that system. So it kind of fell flat.
Yeah, I'm going to go with Star Ocean and Divine Force with my answer, too. I was going to say similar. Just because the way it connects and stuff like that into it is that, yeah, it's good game play, but it's also good game play that ties into the story plot, ties into the characters and everything, which I thought was very clever on how they did that. But, but, yeah, whereas, like, Kodalka, it's like, you know, it's.
kind of fell short. Valkyrie Profile 2 fell short and they still haven't tried and tried to do that again. Like Valkyrie Elysium is very, very different. Yeah. And so, and I think that's also why they changed the name is because they were trying to be like, Hey, this is going to be different. Even the Valkyrie Profile DS game.
Yeah. Even that one, which was a Valkyrie profile game was very different. They tried to go tactics with that one. So it was like, it was like they were getting further and further away from what made Valkyrie profile really magical of a game. Uh, and then like live alive. I mean, like all the little things like, but at the end it's like all those moves that you built up. You kind of had access to them at the end. And I mean, it didn't like add super thing.
It didn't really add into it, into the pipeline as much. And then Grandia didn't either. So yeah, I'm going to say six as well. OK. Is this my question or yours? Yeah, it is. Yeah, it's yours. OK. Unless we have one from chat. That isn't. Yeah. Because we do.
I still have a couple more questions, so. I don't want to lose that one that is actually pinned though. Oh, I have it written down too. Okay. You have it written down. Perfect. Cause that's a really good one to like wrap up. Yep. I agree. I totally agree. Um, okay.

Surprising Games and Visuals

I didn't. Okay. You got one. Yeah. Um, what game surprised you the most positively or negatively?
Ooh, that's a really good question. Which one surprised me the most? I think Live Alive. OK, that's what I thought you were going to say. Yeah, like like I've already mentioned, like. I think surprise, why? Oh, before. Oh fuck, her profile had a really good. Mm hmm. When I say surprise, I'm going to give it to Live Alive overall, not just like, yeah, I think this.
Live a Life surprised me so much for not only being like a remaster of NSE. I didn't know what to expect with this game. Like I said, I went into it completely blind. I hadn't seen anything about the SNES. And like, while I love a lot of SNES games, including like my favorite game of all time is an SNES game, Chrono Trigger. Like I also know some SNES RPGs are a little rough, but again, it's like Super Nintendo time. Like, you know, they were...
It could only do so much back then. So, um, so there are some rough Super Nintendo RPGs where I'm like, yeah, this is really jive with me. So I had no idea what to expect, but like everything about the game was just such a pleasant surprise in a really good direction. So like, I was really like, I loved how the plot connects together, how the bosses connect together, the twist, the turns. Like I was just kind of like happily playing these different stories of being like, Oh, this is kind of a cute game.
And like I had no idea they were all going to connect. I had no idea what was in store for me. The soundtrack was great. All the stories had really like quirky characters that you like really kind of fell in love with, you know, except for like the poop jokes. And then unfortunately the street fighter like what I was like, I don't care. It's like, you just want to be fair.
Like, no, it was very Street Fighter-y. So I was just like, okay, I like Street Fighter, but like, yeah. But yeah, I think it just, the overall game and everything in its entirety, like really surprised me. Okay.
Yeah, I'll go with Live Alive, but Valkyrie Profile 2, like, honestly, no, you know what? Live Alive is my answer, but I'm gonna give an honor, I know you're gonna be mad at me, but I'm gonna give an honor for Wences, Stars, and Divine Force. I really went into that game with such low expectations. That's my answer.
I went in with such low expectations for Star Ocean and like you hadn't even played five to know when I watched somebody play five. Oh, I watched somebody play through five, like probably about 20 hours of five. And oh, my God, that game looks rough. Like that game looks very rough. It's super involved. There's a lot happening all over the place, like
It is, that game looked painful. And so I was, I was pleasant. I was like partially excited cause I knew there were ties to other star ocean games, but I was like, I was, I was worried. I was definitely worried that it was going to be, it was going to be rough, but I was surprised. It was, it was a very good game. Like,
very, very surprised that it was good because it was seeming like it was going to be driving the nail into the coffin for the Star Ocean series as a whole. And I really do think that the game was good enough that it should at least keep Star Ocean afloat.
Yeah, until they come up with another Star Ocean game. That's that's my that's my thinking. But yeah, it was very much if this one would have flopped, it was probably going to be like the nail in the coffin and
Uh, while I haven't played Valkyrie Elysium yet, and I will be playing it in the new year as like a couple stream kind of first impressions of streams. Um, I will say the reception on that game is very like, this is not a Valkyrie profile game kind of idea. So like star ocean was like teetering on that edge. And it's like star ocean, like one, two, and three have like a great sort of history. A lot of people love those games. Uh,
The third one is very controversial. Some people really loved it. Some people didn't love it. And that's kind of where the fandom started to teeter. And then four, four and five, four started to kind of like, some people really loved four. Some people started on four. Like they, they saw the upgraded gameplay and everything and they went all into it. Um, that is one of the ones I lost interest in. Uh, I have not beaten it yet. I do want to try to beat it at some point just to kind of get a podcast game.
It might be a podcast might be and then star warship 5 I had to put down I was so bored with it. It was just so bad It's such a downer and the worst is like going into star warship 5 I loved a lot of the character designs like I thought Miki looked great I left the thought Fidel like I cosplayed Fidel before like game because yeah because I I thought he looked good
cool and I liked his jacket and like I was like super pumped because he was kind of like throwing back to like fate from Star Ocean 3 kind of appearance but like I was like super excited because I saw it and the irony of Star Ocean the divine discourse and I told KJ this it's like I had no connection I didn't like any of the outfits
I didn't like the character designs that I was seeing. I felt like they were too extreme in one direction. It was either really simplistic or really complicated. It felt like they didn't really know where to settle until you actually played the game and you understood that it's connected and why it was that with Star Ocean.
I am so glad we ended up playing it for the podcast and pushing through and stuff. Like I remember you seeing that one trailer and you're like, okay, I need to know this. Let's make this a podcast game. I'm like, perfect. Let's do that. We were both with those two games, an iconic name. And I was like, all right, I'm playing this game. We should play it for the podcast. Brilliant. You're listening. They definitely did that very, very well.
They were able to pull that nostalgia from other things. And the unfortunate thing with Star Ocean 5, that nostalgia of the name that connects, trying to avoid spoilers, is the problem with that is it happens way too late.
It happens too late. Yeah, it's the plot line. You have to go through a lot of it before you get to there. Whereas while yes, this one arguably you go through a bit of it to get there too. The game was enjoyable that you didn't need that yet. That was a carrot. They dangled off into the distance that was fine coming in, you know, halfway through the game because the characters were fun.
the gameplay was a lot of fun like it had other aspects of the game to pull you through to get to that reveal whereas Star Wars 5 doesn't have that so like yeah it was one of those ones where I went in with it like I was like oh I don't know and I felt bad thinking of that right away but I was like all I could just all I could picture was Star Wars 5 and just how disappointed I literally have a sealed copy of it. Do you have the collector's edition?
Like, shut up. I do have like the fancier looking one. And I was so upset. I was so upset. Because it's still sealed. Because I played it visually on my PS4. And so I do have it still sealed. And it makes me sad.
But yeah, so like KJ and I were like torn between we were going to play Valkyrie Elysium for the podcast or were we going to play Star Ocean 6. So like that trailer that got KJ hyped because of the name reveal, he was like, let's do this one. So we did it. And I'm so glad that we did. And you know, that's a great one to say that was a pleasant surprise because it's like it was a very pleasant surprise. And I will preach to High Heaven that I think you don't even have to play Star Ocean games to play it.
Um, it's even a good entry to try it out, to see if you like, like star ocean kind of universe. And, um, it's a, it's a really live a life was also very shockingly surprised for me going in with it. Like, what is this? I've never heard of this game. Like, yeah, very different, different ways of going into that, but good question. I like that one. Okay.
All right, what do you got for me? Okay. Actually, um, yeah, we'll answer your is ask me one and we'll answer yours. And then there's a question asked by sin and chat. Oh, since got one. Okay, perfect. All right. Um, we've already answered that one. I said actually asked one of my questions. Well, that worked out well. Oh,
Which game looks better for its time period it was made in? Oh, interesting. Yeah. So you've got Grandia that's Sega Saturn slash PlayStation One. You got Live Alive that was technically an SNES game with a little bit of updated remastering. Live Alive actually looks very different on the SNES than it does on the Switch, I will say.
OK, OK, so Live Alive would be like bringing how it brought it to current times, like the path traveler looking out of it. Valkyrie Profile 2 is PS2 era game and CODELCO is another place later in PlayStation one. Definitely not Valkyrie Profile 2 or CODELCO. I'll say that. Definitely not either of those games. Those games looked rough. And then keep in mind, Star Ocean 6 is technically a PS5 game.
while you were able to port it down to earlier consoles, it was technically made for the PS5. I'm stuck between Grandia and... I'm gonna say Grandia. Okay. Because I think, like, there were definitely some things with Star Warships 6 that I thought could have been more...
I feel like it could have utilized a little bit more of what the PS5 has to give. Whereas like, I do feel like they kind of nailed it. Like the way that, the way that Grandia looks, they kind of nailed it in terms of like that PS1 RPG feel. Because the copy we played was a port of the PS1 version. So yeah, I would say, I'd say Grandia, I'd give that to Grandia.
with Star Ocean being like close, but like it could have done a little more to really feel like a PS5 game. Yeah. I'm wondering, I'm wondering now that I'm second guessing myself was Star Ocean developed for the PS4 and then just ported to five or was it developed? I think I thought it was developed for the five and then port it and then like port it down to the four. I could be wrong.
Yeah, I think it was. I'm just going to count it as it was PS5. While they allowed it for PS4, they were aiming for the newer console.
I want to say that because like, but again, it could be like a Final Fantasy 7 remake situation where they were developing it all on PS4 and they can't. It's too much for the PS4 now because they started on dated technology. So they could have started Star Ocean, but like when we started hearing about Star Ocean, the divine force, PS5 was already out.
So that's why I'm counting it. That was made for five. So yeah. So, um, yeah, for the games, Kodelka, because it was more towards the end of the PlayStation, it just, um, it wasn't quite like, I think if it was like earlier in the PlayStation life cycle, uh, it looks, it looks better than like, O.G. Resident Evil or O.G. Resident Evil 2 or.
You know, it's kind of it's kind of rivaling OG Silent Hill in terms of like appearance, right? So but because it came out like like like at the pretty well at the end of the PlayStation life cycle, I have to reflect on that. So that doesn't get it. But for two was a little rough for PS2. Not going to lie. And that came out towards the end of the PS2 life cycle. Like that came out. Yeah, which was strange because they they
they did fine with Final Fantasy X and X2. Didn't it come out after X and X2? It's a little weird for me that Valkyrie Profile 2 kind of looks like it's older than X and X2.
or like it was created first and then the Square Enix perfected it. Like even Final Fantasy 12, which technically- Looks better than- I think it came out around- 12 came out in like 2003 or 2004, I think. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah. So, Final Fantasy 2 came out in 2006. Yeah. Which- And it was a later game on the PS2.
Whereas final, yeah. So Final Fantasy 12 actually came out three months before Valkyra profile two did. Oh, really? Okay. I thought it was earlier than that.
So it was March 16th, 2006. I didn't realize that came up that late. And then June 22nd, day after my birthday, June 22nd, 2006 was Valkyrie Profile. So that like, especially coming from a big studio, that was kind of like a step down. Coming from the same studio. Yeah, coming from the same studio. Like that's the big thing.
That was a big thing. So that felt a little bit weird, but it definitely was probably they put all their effort in Final Fantasy 12 with the video and probably Valker Profile 2 got a lot less of the team to develop, but that's probably what happened there. So that wasn't a good example of it. Live Alive, while I did like the upgraded, I'm just going to look up Live Alive SNES, the way it looks like on the SNES.
Oh, that's a good point. Yeah, Tri-Ace was the developer. Square published it. So that could have been the reason why, that could have been the reason why Valkyr Profile looked, that's a good point. That's a very good point. Oh, that's a good point. Yeah, I didn't think about that. Looking at like, looking at the graphics of Live Alive versus like the SNES versus the current one, they did a really good job at pulling the pixel graphics to current date. Like,
To me, looking at like the old Super Nintendo, it kind of reminds me of like the, like the Pixel Room, like, or sorry, like just like, like Final Fantasy VI, for example, before Pixel Room Baxter. Whereas like in the upgraded one, they're more full fledged characters. You can actually see them. You can see their muscles. You can see the details of their clothing. Like they did such a great job upgrading it to current.
pixel graphics. Um, so it's really hard to say anything, but live a lot because like, like you said, with Star Wars and the divine force, I think they could have pushed it more. I think they could have pushed the anime graphics a little bit more. Um, I don't, but I mean, it's so early for PS five development, but then like, yeah, I think they could have done that a little bit. Yeah, I think they could have, they could, they could have pushed it a bit more.
Uh, and then for grandia, um, yeah, grandia is, grandia is just a really good looking PlayStation one game. Yeah, I agree. When you have like block arm of SC seven, which I think came around the same. When did, when did, when did grandia release? So grandia one was 1999. So this one came out. Oh, wait.
Oh no, 97 for Saturn. Yeah, sorry. 97. So it came out around the same time as Final Fantasy 7. And it looks phenomenal. Ooh, it's hard. It's a toss up between Grandia and Live Alive for me. Because Live Alive does look like a great upgrade from the SNES version. But Grandia is just a good example of a good looking PlayStation 1 game.
Um, even though it came out at this or sorry Sega Saturn, technically it came out for the Sega Saturn. So like, um, and it didn't look that much different. Uh, um, looking at the, yeah, looking at the graphics that didn't look, it didn't look different. So yeah. So for Sega Saturn game, it looked better than like final fantasy seven PlayStation one game, which came out technically on a newer console. So yeah.
Um, yeah, I think I'm going to give it to grandia. I think it deserves a lot of respect for looking really, really good for a PlayStation one game or for a Sega Saturn game. I keep, I keep having to say it's Sega Saturn that it came out for.

Soundtracks and Re-experiencing Games

So the fact that it came out for Sega Saturn and it looks better than like some PlayStation one games, which was the next, like another future console. Yeah. I think I'm going to give it to grandia too. Okay.
Um, okay. So we have two questions in chat. One is a favorite OST. Ooh. I think this is, this is kind of a gimme for like, this is kind of a gimme for me. Cause it's one of the only, I think actually. Yeah, it is a gimme because Koudelka didn't have music outside of the battle music. The Koudelka battle music is the best part of the game.
The Koudelka battle theme fucking slaps. If there would have been more music in the game and less atmospheric OST sound effects, I think it would have been a really strong conductor. KJ's all humming it over here. It's so good. The Koudelka battle theme fucking hits different, but... It does.
The rest of the game is there's no, there's no volume. There's no music. So you can't base the whole game off. I can't, I can't base the whole thing on the battle theme. Even though there's a lot of battles, I can't base the whole thing on the battle theme. So I have to give it to live alive, live a lives. It just like live a lives music in each respective area captured.
that boss area itself. Oh my goodness. It was so good. Yeah. I think that's the big thing that to level up because grandia had a really good OST too. So like, I don't want to like throw grandia. Yeah. Grandia was fantastic as well. Yeah. JRPGs, especially in like that PlayStation one era, uh, SNS area that had some really banging OSTs.
But I don't think that... Oh, the Grandia battle theme when they switch it up on disc too. Oh, it's so good. Oh, yeah, that's true. I love that. Grandia was... Grandia was so good. I'm going to give it to Live Alive just because I feel like they captured each of the various areas so well. But I did really like the Grandia one and the Koudelka battle theme is fucking incredible as well. Yeah, yeah.
Kodalka's got a really great battle theme. Star Ocean and the Divine Force, I think some of their pieces just didn't hit for the mood of the area as well. It was hit or miss. It was hit or miss. There's a lot of really good banger pieces in Star Ocean and the Divine Force, but there were some misses and they didn't fit the location and felt like it was just trying to be something really epic when it didn't need to be in that location. Kodalka, you're right, the battle music was great, but it was too bad.
that the rest of the game really didn't have a soundtrack, so you can't really comment on that. Valkyrie Profile 2, while it was building on Valkyrie Profile 1, I would still give it more to 1 than over 2, but it's still a really good OST. I just like VP1, so it was very similar to VP1's OST, but VP1 hit a little bit harder.
Grandia was great, but yeah, I have to give it to Livilivas too. I think it's because they made each time period sound great, even though it was the same composer.
So like they had prehistory, they had a Western, they had Imperial China, they had Ito Japan, they had all these different time periods and each piece in the time period suited the time period. Exactly. They just, it fit the areas so well. I totally agree. I 100% agree with that. Yeah. I'm going to have to side with you there. Even though like Grandia had a really great back, like Grandia would be a very close second.
But Live A Life just did it really well to pull over. And that battle music, oh my goodness, the boss battle music. I found that 10 minute, where it's like 10 minutes of just the boss battle music. This is so good. I need somebody to make me 10 hours of just that. I was actually just trying to figure out if I could find the Kudelka
Like, oh, the Koudelka one. Yeah. I want somebody to make me a live, alive one where it's that boss music, that like epic boss music. And then it's just on repeat for like 10 hours. That'd be my new drag music. The Koudelka theme was so good. Yeah. That's the thing with Docker profile too. That's in saying it just wasn't as memorable. Yeah. Like.
There's some good bangers, like there's some good dungeon ones. There's one dungeon both me and KJ got to. We're like, oh my god, this music's incredible. That one where we have to, you're changing the sun and the moon dial thing. Oh, the one that's carry over from the first game? Yes, yeah. But again, oh, that's literally, okay, the one I literally point out is using the same music. It's from Valkyrie Profile 1, yeah.
Yeah, well, well, yeah, that was going to say that was that was specifically the one I don't want to mention the exact name of it, but that was because it's an optional dungeon in Valkyrie 1, but it's a required one in Valkyrie 2. Oh, never mind. Yeah, they take that music directly from the first game because I heard it. I was like, whoa, I did grinding here. And I remembered, I was like, oh, OK, hell yeah. Whoops. OK, well.
Yep, live live live live alive. OK, the other question that we had was. Which of these games would you want to re experience as a first time play through again if you had the opportunity? Oh, that's a good question. That's a very good question. Oh, this one's tough. That is a very, very good question.
Oh, damn. Yeah, I don't know. I like how you guys kept score of my honorable mention. Yep. God damn it. I think it's Grandia for me. Grandia was my favorite game of all the games we've played.
Um, I think enjoying, I think playing that again and like being able to go through and like feel all the emotions that I felt while I was playing the game and like the various different things. I think that would be, that would be what I want to do. Especially for the adventure society guy. You, you just, you need to know those emotions again. No. Wrestling Fino was dope, but that dude, that dude's trash. Yeah.
Oh, yeah, I cried. It was good. It's it was just a charming game. Like at first you thinking this is going to be childish because I mean, it's literally like a 14 year old and an eight year old. And you're like and they're like trying to get a pan from.
I don't know, from this kid. And you're just like, okay, where is this going? But it does open up into a big story and a big world and like, and a lovable main character that you just wanted to see succeed and great side characters as a, except for Guido. And yeah, forever.
Um, but for me, I think for a first place or experience again, I wish I could go through live alive again. It was really impactful. It's it's game. I'll never forget though. Grandy is very close second because grandy is a game. I'll never forget either. Okay. Live alive is just like all the buildup of like, I can't ever re experience that even if I replay the game, like the buildup of all the things, not realizing the end boss.
all the names are connected and having that revealed. Oh my god, Shuruken, please. Listen. For those of you that are listening in, those of you that are listening in, the honorable mention count is up to five. It's hard to make decisions, okay? I don't- Anno asked me where to-
Where to eat and I go, I don't know. Where do you want? I just can't make decisions. Um, but yeah, I, I'm going to give it to the little life. I just, all those different stories. And then when you get into the medieval and then you're just like, your heart rips out because you're like, this poor guy is going through little hell and then everything connects. And then, and then you're like, Oh my God, all the boss names are the same. Oh my God. They're all the same guy. Oh my.
It was flowing after one after another. And then I beat that game just being like. Oh, it's so far. Yep. Because I'm so invested into it. And like that one, I would love to experience a first playthrough of again. It was all this. Yeah, that's that's very fair. Oh, that was very, very powerful. That was not a game I thought was going to shoot up as one of my like.

Game Rankings and Future Plans

One game that I liked so much.
I mean, I just, I was surprised, Grandia. I enjoyed Grandia as much as I did. Grandia was definitely one that I was like, oh, this, this was not on my radar, but this was fun. Yeah. And like, again, another pleasant surprise for me. I think, I think because I played Grandia two before one,
Uh, grandia too. I actually, I love more than grandia. And I think that might influence my thinking, but I don't know, live a life was really powerful for me. It's really hard. That's very, very fair. Okay. Um, we've like knocked out quite a few of the questions that I had. Yeah, same. Um, we've gone through a lot of questions and we had some good chat questions. Do we want to.
maybe open the floor to like one more chat question and then wrap it up with that really good one that uh i have i have one that i wanted to i had a good wrap up i do have a good wrap up okay rate the games from your least favorite to favorite oh come on that's another attack no it's not this is a fair question
This is a fair question. We only played five games, Holly. You know what you're doing. We only played five games. Exactly. It should be super easy to rate these. It's five games. But I have like a number one and four honorable mentions. No. One through five. Let's do it. You want me to start?
Okay. All right. One run through. Okay. Do we, do I start with like number five or do I start with number one? Up to you. She did try to have four honorable mentions. So like, I feel like it should be at nine.
five games at five hundred. Mention speech please. It's hard. Cause the worst is like, I know, I know, I know what's going to be at the bottom, but it doesn't, I do like the game. It's just out of the games we played. Okay. All right. So out of the games we played, um,
All right, out of the ones I've played, uh, what's a live alive would be one. Okay. Yeah. Live alive is one. Um, grandiose two. Okay. Star ocean. The divine force is three. Did I like Kodoka more than vodka? That's hard. Cause I did actually like Kodoka, but technically I like Fokker profile too better.
Okay, live alive grandia stars from the divine force Bowker profile to Kodoka. Okay, that's my order. That's my order unfortunately, like it was a toss-up there because
No, because the fucker profile had to set such a great twist. So like, yeah, I think I think with Valkyrie profile, if I hadn't played one, it would be closer to Koudelka. Valkyrie profile two would have been in the bottom for me if I didn't play Valkyrie profile one. OK, that's fair. The same effect as Koudelka is automatically in the bottom if I never played the Shadowheart series. That's fair. I think looking at them separately.
That's probably, that's fair. For me, it would be Grandia at one. Okay, so Grandia's one for you. Yeah, Grandia's one. Then I think it would be Star Ocean. Oh. Then Live Alive. Interesting. Then Valkyr Profile two, then Kudelka.
Because I think my biggest thing, there were some parts of Live Alive I just really didn't like. Like Live Alive captured all the types of like gameplay you can have in an RPG, but I don't like all of those. Like I don't like graphic novels and like visual novels rather. And there was a story that was a visual novel.
And it wasn't it for me. Like that story sucked. And like, they also had the prehistory story. I didn't like that story either. Like, overall, there wasn't any part of Star Ocean that I was like, I don't like this. There were parts where I thought this could be better, but there wasn't a part where I was like, I don't like this. Okay.
So it's like, I would say for me with live alive, I didn't have that thing. There was never a point where I was like, I didn't like this. Uh, Valkyrie profile too. I can say there's things that I didn't like Kodaka. Honestly, the top three are like really tight together. Cause like, like live alive was like, I couldn't have said, I can't really think of anything like I, that I like dislike through it. I liked the visual novel thing.
It was a little like I think it was because I was doing on stream. I felt it was. Oh, that's right. I played that entirely off stream. Yeah. So I played it on on stream. So I had a little bit more of an experience with it. And I think I was a little bit more into it because also partly because I was streaming. And so I think that helped a little bit with that one. And then the rest of them were great.
Uh-huh. I loved how everything came next. Yeah. Grandia, like I can't, like there was things that I would maybe improve a little bit here and there for like mechanic thing. But again, I think, but yeah, star ocean to divine force is another one where it's like, it was really good. And I can't think of anything like, except for like you said, maybe like the ending, switching it up a little bit. Um, yeah, that's pretty much it. Pop three for me live alive. Grandia and star ocean to divine force are all very close together.
like grandia and the divine force are like neck and neck for me and see that's how i feel about live alive and star ocean although i think i would like i said star ocean just gets the edge because i didn't dislike any part of the story or anything like that whereas like there were some parts of live alive i was just like
Oh, that's fair. Yeah, you really didn't like the visual novel when you didn't like prehistory. Whereas I started as prehistory, I think if I would have done prehistory further in like you did, I probably would have maybe let I regret, I regret that. But then again, if I didn't, if I would have started with prehistory,
It would have been hard to push through that game because I would have had a very, very poor representation. Maybe it's a good thing you played it later on because you would have, you would have really struggled. I would have had a poor representation of the game. Like that was the thing I started with because I started with near future.
I was able to kind of play that. And I liked that story enough that I was like, all right, cool. Let me go through some other ones. And then I would do some other ones. And then eventually I played through some of my favorite stories. I was like, OK. And then I just had to get through the other ones that I didn't like. And Near Future was a really, really good one. Near Future was dope. Because it's like, yeah, you freaking mecha robot. Yeah, Near Future was dope.
Yeah, so you started like, yeah, I think if you were to play prehistory when I played it, where I played it in order, or like chronological order, there's no actual order, but yeah. I think, yeah, I think you would have really struggled with it. So maybe it's a good thing then. Yeah. Whereas I was less affected by the prehistory stuff, I think, than you were. Yeah, it's funny how our lists are very, very close. And then then it was Valkyr profile two and Kodaka, I'm assuming.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. We have the, we have the same order with those two in the vase and the other three all kind of neck and neck, but, uh, which is kind of rough. Cause we played those back to back. I'm not going to lie. I was like struggling a little bit in September and October. I was like, Ooh, this is we're in a, we did play those. We're at a little bit of a low point here. We went from, we were like sky high with both, uh,
Grandia and Live Alive. And like, I take, I take fault for Valkyr Profile 2 for sure. Like, I was like, ooh, Valkyr Profile 2. You were on the Valkyr Profile 5. Oh yeah, Valkyr Profile 1. I was riding high after Valkyr Profile 1. I was like, yo, this is dope. Like, so much more disappointing for you. Yeah, Valkyr Profile 2 was a huge letdown. That was a, that was definitely a letdown. We still ranked it high enough because we tried to take that factor out of it. But yeah, it's, when you're going for one and immediately two. Yeah.
I think more so what they thought our president was going to be.
I think that's the... Mind controlling mecha robots. Yes, what they thought our near future would be or our present would be is mind controlling robots. That is very much an interesting thing to think. Oh my goodness. Oh, so many mecha animes. So many mecha animes.
Uh, yeah. Yeah. I like that question. It's hard because like, like me said, it was like, it's not like you hated it. It's just like least favorite. And it's unfortunate like with Kodaka, but yeah, having Kodaka back to back to back was a little rough. Yeah, it was definitely, it was a struggle. It was definitely a struggle. Like,
And then, and then, but, but, but star ocean ended up being as well as it was, was a nice pick me up. And now, and now tactics over has been fantastic. So yeah, tactics over so far has been fantastic. We're both jive. And so every now and then we're going to have that, like, probably like, cause we're playing games. Neither one of us have played or like, um,
Uh, yeah, generally, uh, Kodaka was a very exception because it was Halloween time. So we're going to do parasite Eve next year for Halloween time, right? Fuck no. I'm not playing that game. I already, I've literally been talking about in my discord where I'm like, I'm not playing. Like that game does not look appealing to me in the slightest.
Yeah, Attack and Super Reborn is the next podcast game. That'll be sometime in January, probably earlier in January. Yeah, we had it slated for the 29th, but we're both getting through it. Yeah, we're getting through pretty quick.
Yeah, Parasite Eve, the combat and everything just wasn't is not for me. Like I don't like the aesthetic. I don't like what the combat looks like. I'm just I don't want to play that game. I wonder if there'll be any indie RPG games maybe we could play for that that are like horror themed or something like that for October. Maybe if we want to keep this or we don't necessarily have to. Or we can just play like. Shadow Hearts 2 or something like that, the Shadow Hearts. I don't know which have you beat them all?
Yeah, I've beaten them all, but I haven't played them all in a really long time. I think if you're going to stream one or two, like you're going to probably want to play one and two back to back. So probably be from the new world, which actually that would be a good, good one to do in October because it does have the darker scenes, but it's disconnected from the previous Star Ocean games. So you don't have to play the other two. So if you don't get to a one and two on your, on your,
like off your backlog or anything like that, you could play three and it's not going to spoil one or two for you. OK, that's fair. Yeah, it has like some minor connections to one and two, but they're like more like Easter egg thing. It doesn't also have to be in. No, it doesn't. Like I was just fooling around. I know. I know. I'm trying to get you to play Paris. I mean, but it's not happening. So that's like that's one of those like like there's a couple of games that I'd like hard veto.
And it's like anything that has like the front facing battle system, like first person battle system. So like stuff like Earthbound and Parasite Eve like that. None of those games are. Yeah, those those are are not. I don't think either one of us have ever going to touch that game. We saw a video on YouTube about it and we noped out of that hard path on that one.
I don't think either one of us is going to be able to get through it to be able to review it. Yeah, that game. Hey, that rhymes. That game is rough. Yeah. OK, so I think we were good with questions.
I think that was a good one to finish off on. Yeah, I agree. Okay, so there was a question posed, and I think we kind of touched on this before, but I think it's good to kind of wrap up and discuss it again. So the question was asked, have we been asked what the future holds for Terry-based tangents? What kind of goals do we have for it? What do we want to get from its continuation? So I think
We did mention like we do plan on continuing. We are going to continue to play at least or we're going to continue to try to play a game per month on the outside of like some like random scheduling issues that we might have. So like I know again, one of the most easily foreseeable ones is in March and April.
will probably have to do like one combined one and probably like September, October will probably be because I think we both have some like.
Oh, yeah. Thank you for not actually saying, but yes, you're right. I think we both have a few things going on in October, September and October. So we'll probably look at that kind of like one stream as well. So realistically, we'll probably end up doing 10 games this year. But yeah, overall, I think that'll be the plan. And then
like, goals wise, I think we just want to continue to play games that like, A, we want to continue to play games that obviously we haven't played that we want to like, knock off our backlog. And B, I think one of the biggest things is just getting like,
interaction from the community playing games as well. One of the things that, and I was talking about this earlier, one of the things that's been really exciting is that there are like four or five other community members that are playing Tactics Ogre right now, and we've been able to have so many conversations about it, and it's just been super dope. And so like, I think- It's really helped with the momentum like the- Yeah, it's a lot of fun. Like it's kind of like sort of what we thought about this,
like why we started this in general outside of the fact that like we wanted to do something like this just as like a collab anyway. But having that sort of like, hey, the community is coming together and like playing these games with us, we it's been really exciting. So it's definitely been the case that that's been cool. And I think going forward, we're gonna I think one of the things that I want to try to do and I don't know, like
how on board you are with this, Polly, is like trying to play bigger releases on the podcast that people might be interested in. That we aren't necessarily wanting to stream, right? So like, something like Crisis Core is something that I know you want to stream down the line. I've already beaten Crisis Core. So like, that's not something we'd necessarily play, but like something like Fire Emblem Engage, where that's something that a lot of people are excited about and we're both
Or at least I know I'm interested in it. Maybe Polly's interested now because of her new... I just like how you slid in another tactics title. It's the next kind of big RPG that's coming out in the next couple of months. And then another thing we've already talked about is Octopath 2.
Like, and that's a game because of Octopath one, like you stream that for a long time. I don't think you necessarily want to stream that. And like I don't plan on streaming it either. So it just kind of makes sense that we would play that on the podcast and then still be able to talk to people about it. And like, if that's our March, April game, then like.
If we started stream, if we started talking about that the end of April, like that's a game that's going to be pretty dense, pretty long. We can play it off stream. And then by the time it's out for you figure it comes out the end of February. So by the end of April.
it would be kind of fair that people would have played it. So then people would be able to like chime in and talk to us about it, et cetera, et cetera. So that's something that we're kind of keeping in mind, but still trying. Like I know there are a ton of games that we want to play. We both have like a desire to play some of the Tales games that we're not planning on streaming like Tales of Eternia, Destiny 2 and stuff like that. So like it's just it's one of those things where we want to we still want to play
other games that are like not brand new. But at the same time, we still want to we want to play brand new games, too, just to like because it's I think it's more likely that people are going to like be like, hey, I'll play this alongside you because it's a new game and like I'm excited to play it as opposed to I guess I didn't really get to play this. Let me dig this out of the archives and play it kind of thing.
Yeah. And I think like something like the way Tactics Ogre worked really well too is because I was also able to like stream at that the first time. So like, uh, KJ, like I was really honest with KJ. I was like, Hey, look at, uh, I played a Fire Emblem game. I don't really remember it. I guess in 2015, cause that's when it came out. Um, don't really remember it. And then the last Tactics game I know I played a little bit of was the Tactics Ogre for PS1.
And I do remember liking it, but I think shining RPG games and because I was a lot younger, it was a little bit more intimidating for me. So those are like my only tactics experiences ever. So I let in really like, like honest with them being like, okay, I'm going to try this. Uh, I was really, really lucky that Square Enix sponsored me and gave me a copy of the game. So I was like, and I was really honest with my application to being like, I haven't played a tactics game and kind of thing. So, uh, it was great that they.
wanted me to experience it, and I'm glad that they did. And so I told KJ, I was like, okay, let me do like one stream right at the beginning of like right when we're done, Star Wars or the Divine Ports podcast. I literally did it, what, the next day? It was the next day. It was literally the next day. I did Tactics Ogre Reborn, and because I was doing it, and I was getting really enthusiastic at it, I noticed like, I think that's what actually pushed No Girl to grab it.
A few people were like, oh my God. Yeah. Okay. I'm going to grab it because I was like, okay. Yeah, this is going to be our podcast game cages. Like, yep, let's do it. And like, no girl joined in. And I think peace stone was already playing it. But like having a few people even just be like, yeah, I'll get it. I'll get it from, you know, like, and
The fact that it was on sale at the time too was really well timed. And so I think it like built up on momentum. So I think we're going to keep cycling in like one of the newer ones when we're excited about it. Like maybe it'll be Octopath Traveler 2. Maybe it'll be the new
Fire Emblem game, something that I think definitely I may not, I may say it would be better because I'm going to get really into it and if I stream it, I'm going to have to stream it at the same time. So I'm actually even thinking of Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2 Rebirth.
Uh, reborn, whatever the hell it's called the part two of the remake. Um, that might also be a good podcast game for us as well. Um, I'd play that on my own time. Yeah. And I would want to play it right away at launch. That's what I did with the remake part one. So I don't know, like, I don't know. That would be.
My only thing about that is I don't plan on buying that on, I do not want to support Square for what they're doing with 7R, like how they're splitting it. I'm going to get that, so I am going to get the game eventually, but I'm not going to get, I'm not buying it new.
Okay, well, that one, we can scrap out of that idea for the podcast. That's fine. But I'm just thinking of newer games that I'm excited for coming out. I mean, For Spoken. For Spoken. No. I'm excited about For Spoken. Are you going to be streaming that one, though? No. No. Okay. So For Spoken might be a good one.
because that one looks like there's a lot of really good RPGs coming out next year that will slide in there as like judging how hyped people are or whatever because it is kind of nice to throw in the newer ones when people want to play alongside. Whereas the older ones, it might be hit or miss if people are even getting access to it. But we're still going to cycle with some of those two. Because I would really like to play Tales of Destiny 2, AKA Ternia. I really want to see that game.
and determine whether I'm going to add it to my collection because it's really expensive. Have you guys considered doing a podcast episode briefly discussing multiple games? I don't know if that could work as a format for games that you don't plan to stream. We did do an episode, like our very first episode was talking about Square Enix, upcoming Square Enix games. It could be something that we could do.
Uh, it's mostly multiple games. That would be an interesting, that would be an interesting thought. That is an interesting thought I should say. Yeah. We could even like do it like era base to be like, we talk about a few like of our favorite PS one games or something like that, or PS two or it's like a Saturn or super Nintendo or whatever. That might be actually kind of fun. Yeah. We could probably do something like that.
Yeah. So basically like our, our future direction is like, we're going to try to play a game a month. Like, like KJ said, we have like two things that we could think of that might, they could probably be about 10 games next year for the podcast. Uh, we also want to like come up with like content and stuff to do that we could do without having to do like a full stream necessarily, but still give like something unique to YouTube and, or like Spotify and everything. So like doing like.
Like, for example, we did do a recorded, uh, our top JRPGs. So like our top 10 JRPGs. And it's something that that might actually become a annual thing that we do to see if it changes.
Based on the games we played, does our order change? And if our order doesn't change, then we just don't have to record it that year. But that might be a really fun one to do as closer to year end as well, to repeat, to see if we have anything that replaces it.
Well, that's going to be interesting. There are some, we both have some big games that we're going to be playing coming up that would be. Yeah, that's what I mean. So like, even this with this tactics ogre reborn, I, it's opening up a whole new world for me. Like, I don't know if I'm going to be a tactics gamer or not.
I was going to say step into the realm of tactics games. There are so many tactics games on my back. That's what I mean. So like, uh, my so far experience is that I'm loving tactics or reborn right now that I'm like, I'm super driven to play it. I think about it and I just want to play the game. And, uh, and so like, I'm gonna
I'm open to doing more tactics games to see if this is like, okay, do I just like tactics games or did I like the specific one? Um, cause not all of them are the same, right? Yeah. And something else that I've kind of like, and we were talking about this a little bit, like I kind of flirted with the idea of, um, I think it'd be interesting to have like, I, I, I,
I want to look at like 20th anniversary of games and stuff like that. So it could be the case where like, yeah, we we pick a couple of games that have come out like what I have on a bursaries coming up next year would be really cool. And I know like Final Fantasy. And I know I don't think you want to replay this game. I've replayed this game twice. I played this game twice. I didn't realize it.
Final Fantasy 10-2 is a game that came out in 2003. Oh, so it's getting a 20th anniversary. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is another one. To be fair with 10-2, I haven't played the remaster.
Oh really? Okay. I've played both. Yeah. So I would be open to that one and maybe doing like the remaster. Cause that'd be a new experience for me ish. Um, cause like Final Fantasy 10 and Ted two, I haven't done the remasters at

Anniversary Games and Community Engagement

all. I only played the OG ones. Uh, Ted dude did make me very salty. Worked so hard, but I know not to do that this time because at least I know going in, I know what the endings are. True. Same. Um,
But yeah, that might be really fun to like pick some ones that are having like milestone, like 15 year, 20 year, 25 year anniversaries and stuff like that. Pick a few of those to throw in because those will be able to knock out.
What are the seven of the other ones you were saying that were coming from anniversaries this year? I know Fire Emblem 7 came out in 2003, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga. I was like looking at this for a while. Hell, Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire, which is a random one. Oh, nice. Yeah, there were a couple of different like, I was looking and there's this quite a few games. Golden Sun 2 actually, Golden Sun the Lost Age came out 20 years ago.
That came out in 2003. Oh, shit. I'm going to be beating that. Yep. All of those games came out in 2003. I was hoping to beat that before. I think technically Tales of Symphonia. I think Symphonia... Oh, yeah. I think that was Japan in 2003 and it came out in 2004. Yeah. It came out in Japan in 2003 and it came out in 2004, yeah.
Yeah, August. Yeah, because they came out in Japan in August and then it came out and yeah, yeah. But yeah, now there's there's quite a few games like getting 20th anniversary. I think it could be cool to do like 20th anniversary type like highlights and stuff like that. I think that could just be and that could just be like an episode that we do. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that could be like doesn't necessarily have to be like actual game, but
That'd be really fun. Like if we did 10 two, I would totally cosplay for that. I've been working on like a unit 10 two for like a million years. I keep getting distracted by other things. Cause I was like, uh, I got it. But yeah, that'd be really fun. Um, but there's so many games like having milestones. That's kind of cool. That's like about, yeah, we could probably do those. Like we're totally down as well as both KJ and I both have discords, but, uh, KJ, uh, like, like, um,
We both have like, oh my God, I just repeated myself. So if you guys ever want to suggest stuff, maybe we should make a turn-based tangents discord. I don't want discord fatigue, that's the only struggle. Discord fatigue. We're already having discord fatigue. Yeah, it's hard enough having
multiple and stuff like that. But yeah, so like either, either of our discords, whatever, uh, you could put in the suggestions, one of anything that you want to see us do or think would be a good idea to do. Cause certainly we're always open for suggestions with us. So we, we really want to see it grow next year and really, uh, put our heart into it. So, um, if you guys have any, any ideas or games or anything like that, let us know. Yeah.
Yeah, so that's that's kind of where we're headed. Let me make sure that is. Yeah, I mean, I think that kind of covers that question. So, yeah, overall, like we're just excited to we're excited to push this forward and just like have a good time playing games like.

Podcast Impact and Audience Engagement

Yeah, it's honestly, I was telling KJ this podcast helped me play more games in a year, so
One of my biggest things is like I feel so like I'm a self-employed artist. And so a lot of the times when I'm not working on my business stuff, like I feel like I'm not, like I shouldn't be like having fun or stuff. I have to get this business stuff done. But the problem is, is when you have a small business, it's never ending. The workload is always never ending. There's always things you should be doing, needing to do. Like you're basically your own social media manager.
basically your own accountant. You're basically making the product. You're all the stuff. Like it's a big, big commitment. So it's something that got in the way of me playing games and stuff because I would feel guilty about playing it instead of like drawing or playing video games and so that.
And I was talking to KJ about this like earlier this year before we started this podcast that this is a really encouraged me to to play games more and not feel guilty about it and like and I was even got into the habit being like you're playing your podcast game though it's content like he's he's gotten into those like into that habit and
of like saying those things to me because he knows it's going to help me feel better about just relaxing and playing a video game and not feeling guilty about it. So like this podcast has really helped me with that. I beat five games. That's shocking. My five games in the last, you know, what?
five months basically, which I normally might not have. And then looking like on my, the only other games I beat this year, except for SMT five, uh, we're all on stream. So streaming's help with that. And this podcast helps with that, um, to help with like beating games and playing games off my back. Like, cause there's just like so many, and it just feels endless sometimes, especially as us JRPG gamers, cause our games take longer to play and beat. You can say that again.
And now adding tactics into there and everything. But, uh, but yeah, so honestly, uh, this is like really, really helped me play more games. So like, I can proudly say that I beat 14 games this year. And the five of them was from the podcast. I'm pushing to try to get to 30, although I'm playing short games now to push the 30. Yeah. We both beat the number we wanted to, because I think you said you wanted to be 20. My goal was 24. I wanted to do 24.
Yeah, two a month and then mine was 10. I wanted to beat 10 games. Um, if I only just did my streaming games, I wouldn't have hit that number like streaming plus my pod or my game that I beat off stream, just not my own SMT five. Cause I was addicted to it. Um, would have only been nine. So yeah, nine. Cause I have 14. Yeah.
So like podcast. I would podcast is the reason why I ended up over Michael. So it was a great time. Yeah, the podcast pushed me past Michael, so. Oh, yeah, that's right. It put it put you five over my because I'm at twenty nine. Oh, you are at twenty nine. So it put you over rather than hitting just just hitting it.
But yeah, no, I think overall, like we're very excited, very, very excited to continue this. It's been a lot of fun. Like we've had a lot of good time. And yeah, I mean, as long as y'all are continuing to enjoy this and like. We're going to keep doing this because it's been fun, like this has been a lot of fun. We'll continue to push this. And I know some people can't tune in when we're live, which is totally fine. Again, we're going to be pushing for
Um, Spotify, I'll look into the Amazon music bit as well. Um, just kind of go from there. So yeah. And we've had a lot of feedback of like people saying like they've gone back and listened to our thoughts. So that means a lot to us because it's like, even though you can't turn tune in live, we understand like schedules conflict. It's, it's just the streamer life in general. Like we try our best, but like sometimes we have to do the schedule that works best for us, which doesn't always work for

Conclusion and Gratitude

everybody else. So we get it.
Um, but we've gotten a lot of feedback of some of you guys will go and tune into the podcast if you miss them or Catch them later and that's why we want to get them on different services and stuff like that going forward Um for the new year and everything because you guys seemed just as excited as we are and it's like we're just two best friends talking about video games and we're just having a good time you guys yeah, exactly just having a good time and we're excited that you guys like enjoy that and support us uh both because it's
means a lot to us. So we probably wouldn't have like stayed committed to it as well. I mean, yeah, you guys are a big portion of that. Awesome. So yeah, I think that's about it. Like, I think we're, we're in a spot where we can kind of wrap up and I mean, thanks everybody for being here, obviously. And thank you all for
for vibing with us for now seven episodes, which is kind of wild to think about. So we've got seven done in one year. That's crazy. Yeah. I mean, we started in June, which is yeah. So yeah, this is again, this is super awesome. I really appreciate or we both appreciate all of y'all being here vibing with us. And yeah, I think we're going to start. I think we'll wrap up here.