Introduction and Format Overview
We appreciate everybody, I should say, for coming through. We have a handful of topics. I'm so worried that I am going to get cancelled after this stream. So, Pauly, do you want to start us off? KJ's like, please, I don't want to start off being cancelled immediately. You have to get exactly what's going to happen.
Yeah. So today's topic is more of a back and forth chatting. And so leave a Q&A section for after interaction chat. Hey, I like that. I like that, Eno. Wow, mentors.
Oh, my goodness. Oh, yeah, it's going to happen. Yeah. So
Video Game Book Club Announcement
so today going on forward with the podcast, we will be doing like kind of like a video game book club. And we're starting with Grandia one. And our first stream with that is on the 24th of July. But today we're actually going to be talking about like current like
like current events of where Square Enix has announced a bunch of titles and we're gonna kind of talk about that and essentially like just talking about their upcoming titles, what are our thoughts of things, a lot of them are Final Fantasy 7 related, KJ's about to roll his eyes and then you know we're gonna kind of go through that so there's like Final Fantasy 16 and there's a few
Squarekade's going to be coming up and so that's what we're starting off the podcast talking about that because it's a good topic to have where he and I can have back and forth because we have very different views on some of these and different angles that we're looking at it from so I think that would be really fun and then it'll also allow you guys to chat as well to kind of
chat along with us and then every now and then we'll like turn and and bring you kind of into the experience of the the podcast and the upcoming events, so I'm very excited about doing this with KJ because it's so funny that him and I are very similar on a lot of things, but we differ on a lot of like topics and stuff like that too, especially RPG games, especially in the Final Fantasy category. Specifically Seven. I don't know, I think
I think if we talked about Final Fantasy 6, I would have some, we would have some differing opinions too. I don't wanna, I don't know if we wanna brush that topic
Square Enix Announcements and Final Fantasy Discussion
though. Yeah, that's true, that's true. That might, I don't wanna like,
I don't want you to feel like I'm attacking one of your favorite games ever. We could definitely have that conversation at some point. So a few different people have finished Final Fantasy VI recently, and I've talked to a few of them. And I've realized that even though I really enjoy Final Fantasy VI, I do have some strong opinions about things that I think they just missed on.
really interested to talk about that and KJ and I very much differ wildly on the Final Fantasy 7 franchise which is kind of fun and then even for like the upcoming Final Fantasy 16 or or that sort of stuff we might align with the the star ocean of all group or something that we unite on who knows but it's gonna be fun it's gonna be fun yeah it'll be it'll be interesting um okay so yeah i think the first thing we were going to talk about was
That's a topic for another day.
Anticipation and Concerns for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
I think it's being referred to as Rebirth, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Remake Part 2. Yeah, because it's Nomura, right? Yeah, exactly. We're gonna have fun titles now. Yep, of course. So yeah, what are your thoughts? I'll bite my tongue for a minute.
KJ's going to try to not interrupt, which is going to be interesting because he's going to hate my opinion. But yeah, I was really excited for the announcement of Rebirth, mainly because I've been kind of like, where's my Final Fantasy 7 Part 2? Where's my Final Fantasy 7 Part 2?
And like, come on, but I understand also with like COVID and stuff like that things have been like super delayed and and they're also because Final Fantasy 7 remake part one ended with like the midcar sort of signal sequence and then part two is like going to be more like
basically in the overworld so I understand it would have taken them a long time to like figure that out and those mechanics out stuff but yeah when that when that trailer dropped even though it was such a tease because it's very little bits but there's certain
There's certain lines that are from the original Final Fantasy VII game in that trailer. And that got me really squeak because it makes me feel like they're still going to keep going with the choices you can make and sort of like that sort of thing. But I'm very, very excited about it.
I really like the remake. I like that it's not a carbon copy and I have some theories about why it's called Rebirth and we'll see after part two if I still say these words because I'm like I could go either way in a direction where like I really like the new angle it's going or I really don't like the
the new angle it's going in. But yeah, I'm excited for it. I'm excited for it. And I recognized some of the lines directly from the original Final Fantasy VII game, so it likes that they're still kind of pulling those pieces together. And I'm intrigued.
DLC and Console Compatibility Concerns
I'm intrigued because the way
The way the remake ended off, as anybody who's played the remake, spoilers, we might talk about spoilers in this a lot, by the way, but with the way the remake ended off, it alluded to a certain fan favorite character maybe not necessarily being
gone. And so with Rebirth, I'm feeling like it's connecting that a little bit more. And my first impressions is that I'm really, really excited about it. It's got the bits of pieces pulling in from Final Fantasy VII that I enjoy, but it's also kind of branching off, so it's not like a carbon copy of the game, which I'm very intrigued about.
And trying to guess what part three is going to be called is very, very fun. Because I've had some really hilarious replies to like tweets about that. And we've got like rebound, we've gotten like resurgence, rewind, there's just so many really funny things that I'm like, oh my god, people
I have a feeling they're going to rewrite a bunch of things from the original game and people, it's really going to be rejected. That's my guess. People are going to hate it. That's my- So, KJ, with that said, what are your first thoughts? Oh my goodness. Okay, so I want to go on record here saying, I actually really liked, I really, really enjoyed 7R part one.
I've been I've multiple times. I've said like I really really hate the fact that they Sort of put it on multiple consoles I think if they really like the ps5 came out
six or seven months after 7R came out, I really wish they would have just pushed the release date back and just made it a PS5 release. That would have been great. So those things aside,
And the fact that I'm still a little frustrated that they're like milking Final Fantasy 7 25 years later. I think Rebirth looked good, right? I think the teasers, they definitely looked good. What I don't like is the fact that they called it Remake.
And then now they're gonna, now it seems like what they're doing is they have this like re-imagination of what they want to do, but it's not really a remake. And people were saying in chat, like end of disc one and stuff like that. And ventures alluded to like spoiler at the temple.
I think that the reason it's called Rebirth is because they're about to rewrite the most iconic thing in all of Final Fantasy. Everyone knows if you, even people that know Final Fantasy and are probably in the gaming realm, know Final Fantasy but have never played it, still know the iconic scene. They've seen it. Even people that haven't played the game, like I said, know about that scene.
And so I think that them calling this rebirth is about to rewrite something that I just don't think they should touch. I really don't. And I think that's going to be something like that is my biggest sort of worry about.
about part two and on top of that i don't know about the pacing i don't know about the pacing of this game being three parts i think even though it's three parts i can i can see multiple uh are not repeating multiple dlc's like they've already done one and i think the
The biggest thing about the DLCs is, so in the original Final Fantasy VII, there were two optional characters and they were characters that were originally supposed to be in the game, got removed, and then got added in as optional characters. They've already done a DLC with one of them. So I think what's going to end up happening is
they're probably going to make a DLC around the other one. And they've already, I mean, they also have all of the stuff that happens in like Dirge of Cerberus and whatnot. And they've already kind of tied some of that in and like kind of given you, like they've given you little breadcrumbs and stuff like that in the game that alludes to things from Dirge as well. So I think that's,
that's the route that they're going. So it doesn't really feel like three parts to me. It feels like they're kind of milking it for more. That's sort of my...
I'm worried about that too. That's where we align. So on this subject is that I'm worried that if they're just going to do a bunch of like DLC parts where they've separated, like I thought it was really neat that they expanded more on the remake with like the Midgar sequence. I'm glad that they put a little bit more umph in that because I felt like it went by too fast in the original and you didn't really get to connect with any of the
other side characters, you know what I mean? So I found like their whole like connection and them being a little bit more in the plot line and stuff brought you into those characters a little bit more. So I was happy that they did that. And then when they announced that it's still only going to be three parts, I'm like, Oh, good, they might cut out all that like,
Like the third disc is very much just, let's just go play all the minigames. Play the minigames, beat the optional bosses. Exactly. I feel like that to being it's basically all a disc to itself is just a little unnecessary. So the way they're spreading it out is great. But yeah, I'm really concerned about the DLC stuff because you're right, they have with the Yuffie DLC.
They've tied in, which I haven't played it yet, but I know the general's consensus of it. They're tying in, there's a service with that. And so are they going to keep doing things like that going forward? Or was that just to give the community something to wait a little bit longer for part two because part two is taking longer because of the pandemic?
So I'm kind of hoping that's all that DLC was, because now they're including it, like, for example, if you buy it on Steam, you get the DLC included. Like, it's not a separate thing when you get integrated on Steam and stuff. So I'm really hoping that they don't go around that, because that's going to make me feel a little bit like... You're already doing a lot of Final Fantasy VII content, which we will talk about the other Final Fantasy VII stuff coming up. But, like,
You're already doing so much with this franchise. Please don't go that route. You're already gonna make a buttload of money. I'm gonna get a collector's edition at some point of one of the parts, probably.
Um, but like, please, please don't, please don't like do all this freaking DLC stuff. And, uh, Kane made a really good point, which I kind of aligned with. I also think it was a little less of Square Enix, like throwing it on the PS4 console and spreading it out that way and a little bit more of like,
Hey, we want money and we want things to be and the PS5 is going to be very difficult to get for a while. I think people predicted that happening. And so in my point of view, I'm glad it came out on the PS4 first because I got to play it because I don't have a PS5 and I still don't. And it's still a little bit of difficult even right now to get one. And it's also extremely expensive, right? So
Uh, so I'm partly glad to that, but I'm also glad that now they're like, okay, the rest is going to be on PS five. Like everything's going to be there. And I'm like, okay. Um, cause that, that opens up the door of like later on, they'll do like a compilation package and probably like special edition where they're putting all three games together and like handing it to you.
in a nice little package and stuff, because that's the collector thing that I would get, as long as Rebirth goes in a direction that I appreciate. But yeah, you're right. That iconic scene, if they change that, I'll be upset. I think Rebirth alludes to somebody else, though. I don't think it's going to be that, but it could be, and that's where I'm like... I think it ties to both. I think it ties to both. I really do. Because those two characters are so closely tied together, too. That's the thing.
Those two characters are closely tied together. So I think like saying rebirth is like almost saying like their story arc is being reborn. Right. That's that's kind of my my thinking. And yeah, I think that that's that's and yes. OK, so something was brought up in the the chat that actually is a massive, massive
like problem of mine with Square as a whole is Square Enix is not the first time Square Enix has done this right like this whole multi-part games like things broken up so I get it like return they want investment like investors want
a return on their investment, but there's two arguments here, right? So one is I think that if you're going to release it, you have to release it on the PS4. If you're going to release part one on the PS4, then you have to release DLC on the PS4 as well. That's honestly...
Personally, I wish they would have waited and just made it a PS5 title, but if they were going to release it, then they should have released it as DLC on the PS4 and the PS5. That's kind of my thinking there.
Um, the second piece of land, cause I still haven't gotten to play the UFI DLC. Exactly. Exactly. And like now they're releasing, I mean, this game came out April of 2020. So now there are people that still haven't touched the DLC more than two years later.
And it's like, now that they're opening things up and putting it on PC, now people will
Save File Continuity in Rebirth
be able to play it. But still, you're talking about two years later. Next year, we are closer to rebirth coming out than we are... It's like, we're two years out from when the original 7R came out, and then...
Now we're only one year away from Rebirth coming out. So I think that they could have just put the game out on the PS4. If it's DLC, fine. If I'm thinking DLC, I'm thinking, OK, this is DLC for part one. If you're going to put part two out on the PS5, then it doesn't feel great. But that's more along the lines of what they did with Kingdom Hearts.
So I don't feel as bad because at least you're putting a full complete game out. Complete game out on the PS5 as opposed to saying, hey, I have this six hour DLC that I'm going to put out on the PS5 and that's what I'm going to I'm going to make you buy the PS5 in order to continue on with that. Yeah, exactly.
One thing that worries me, and this has always concerned me when Square does multiple titles under the same franchise, is that how are they connecting the two? So one thing I really like, and I'm going to talk about a series really briefly that I really enjoy that the way they did is, is the .hack series, where they had each part where you load it in the save file and you continued on.
But with remake part one, you got to like level, I think max level was 50. And so are we just continuing from level 50 or are we back to level one and we're doing it from scratch again? Will you be able to import your save file from the previous game? How is that going to work if you did it all on the PS4 and it's now on the PS5? Things like that. So yeah, when you talk about how they probably shouldn't have released
it partly on 4 and then exclusively now on PS5. Well not exclusive, I mean it's going to be on PC and other things too, but like going forward it's going to be on the PS5. That disconnect right there between Remake and Rebirth worries me because I like how the .hack series did it, but I don't like how the Final Fantasy 13 trilogy did it.
where they felt like three very separate games. If you play them all together, I see all the connections now, if you play them all in order. And I did benefit from doing that, because I played them very far apart from each other. So when you play them close together, it's like, but you don't, like, you're not loading in your save file. You're not even playing the same character in the second game. And so while Final Fantasy VII won't have that issue, because you're obviously still going to be playing Cloud and Barret and the crew and stuff,
My problem is, is that are we starting at level 50? Are we starting at level one? Are we going to break the 99 level cap? Because if they start at level 50, they got two more games to go. So like, how are these two going to connect? And also like, how is this going to like streamline? And then yeah, if they're going to do even DLC on top of that, are you going to be able to load in those like level ups and
our levels. I didn't even think about that because yeah, the way that they did the DLC, it's all Yuffie. So like exactly. So they didn't have to worry about how are they going to integrate Yuffie into the party? If it's like, Hey, I have these two saves. Now I have to load in the two say like.
Yeah, that's wow. That's yes. That's where I'm I'm I'm losing they're losing that connect where they like I'm worried that they're not going to maximize on that which would have been really cool is that you know, and you know in part two we're gonna get we're gonna get Yuffie now so like
Could you load in that save file and then she's the level you were at the end of the DLC? That would be cool. And then if you're starting off Rebirth and you load in the level from Remake, you're starting off whatever level you got to in the Remake, that would also be cool. And that would tie everything together. I'm afraid that they're not going to do that, which is like a missed opportunity in my opinion, and going to make us start back lower levels.
So I think I think it's definitely possible because so would be what eyes on being chat said was that yeah, because it's all on the PS cloud they can like loading in the saves will work, but I think because of the pacing and like.
Everything, I don't know that it'll be, I don't know, I think it's gonna be, I don't think it's gonna be like a full transfer. Yeah, Chris, exactly, like Chris was saying, he doesn't think it's gonna be a full transfer. You might get like some Easter, like there might be some like small things, there might be some Easter eggs and stuff like that, like that you would get for that. But I don't think that we're gonna actually get
Sort of where I think like maybe part two and part three they'll do that But yeah, I feel like it's similar to what Chris is saying. It's similar to what you're saying I feel like they're not going to utilize that like Importing your actual
Speculation on Rebirth's Narrative Focus
level. You're probably gonna start at a lower level You're just gonna get some goodies which which is what they did with Final Fantasy 13 as well, right? So you could load in your save file, but you just got some extras It wasn't like you were loading in your actual levels or anything like that. I
Yeah, which is one when bringing that up, like, I don't know. I think either way they do that, I think they can they can kind of make it work. But I'm. Overall, I'm a little worried. I am. Yeah, I'm hoping like somebody in chat mentioned something that also I thought was going on, because I've we both know Tien and Tien and I have had a discussion about it. And and the Reese could also be in conjunction with Sephiroth himself.
which I think would be really, really cool if all the titles alluded to the different degrees of like Sephiroth, which I thought that that would might be really neat so that it wouldn't actually be ruining some of like the core canon stuff that we want to happen because it's like the big plot stuff that kind of needs to happen for the plot line to kind of align and have those powerful moments. Because let's just be real, if those scenes happen again, I'm just gonna cry both of them again.
I'm going to be a weeping mess. Let's be honest. Let's be honest. They're turning the two characters that are going to be reborn into comic book characters. They're going to have like, it's just going to be like, oh, they're just going to come back to life. That's all. It's going to be like,
Yeah, that's basically squares taking a page off of like, take a page out of Marvel's book, and they're gonna be like, oh, we're gonna bring these characters back, because why not?
No, I wanted to be alluding to Sephiroth himself. Because, like, Remake is like, okay, yeah, he's trying to re-envision things. And it's weird because, like, I feel like he's also kind of like, all right, like, can we do this differently? And then Rebirth, I mean, it does tactically allude to a portion of the second disc that does happen with Sephiroth's two. So, like, I'm cautiously hopeful that they're not gonna rerun my two, like, my two characters.
who candidly have issues occur that very much shape what Final Fantasy 7 is as a whole and why it's so powerful of a game because it has these things happen and I'm just like, but at the same time I'm on the same little bit with UKJ where it's just like,
they might and then how are they gonna do it I think it's still I think it is still do it that's just later on and it's just gonna be weird I don't know I don't know it's like oh I so that's why I switched to like cautiously optimistic
We're cautiously optimistic, and I am so sorry, Zach fans. I love most of the voices that they've been picking. Ooh, we're getting into... Okay, the segue. Okay, I like it. Yeah, we're getting into a bit of a segue, but yeah, I feel like a lot of people are going to be mad at me because I'm not a fan of Zach's voice.
But anyway, yeah, so continuing on with the rebirth thing. If they utilize the PS cloud and they utilize the saves and you transfer it, maybe not, maybe a direct level for level, but like,
give me like half of those levels or something like that and then give me like some of the things that I got like the summons that you that you could do and like let me upload those like the leveling of the weapons having going forward I have those weapons because I mean there's going to be a bunch more weapons right so like it's one thing they could give these little things to us and maybe not the levels match for match because starting at level 50 might be a little bit
chaotic for the part two. But unless they make everything harder and see that's what the dot hack series did too is that if you didn't
Cautious Optimism for Rebirth
upload everything was like starting from level 30 and all your missions were level 30 and you're like and if you did you're starting at level one and yeah it very much encouraged you to play all four parts and in order otherwise you were going to be severely underleveled for certain segments.
If the levels don't translate in any way, it's gonna feel like a broken adventure to me.
Yeah, so I think if they would just give us half, like cut it in half, let us start around level 20, 25, let us upload what we did with our weapons, let us load what we did with our materia, all that sort of stuff, and then start the game off with that as kind of a reward for playing the remake part one and utilize the PS cloud. And then with Yuffie, the levels and stuff like that you gave with her,
you can also if you did the DLC as kind of like a hey you played the DLC here's here's another little bit so that now Yuffie is not like level one yeah she probably it'd be cool if they like was just like okay she comes in as an average of the levels of the characters that you have something like that yeah yeah something like that whereas if you played the DLC she'll do that if that she's like lower level so it will take you a lot longer to like level her up and grab that would be really really cool
Um, but I am slightly concerned. They're not going to utilize that. And they're just going to be like, eh, we got part two. And you start at this random level with these random things that were not even relevant to what you've got in the rebate. And I'm like, but, but my grinding, but my helmet, I was so happy I got it. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it'll be interesting. I, I do think that, um,
I don't know. I'm going to watch somebody play the game. I am not going to play. I'm not going to. I am not going to go out of my way to get this game. I am a fortunate person that has a PS5, but I will not be going out of my way to get this. I will be. I'll be tuning in.
and figure it out watch yes watch somebody play it a bit and then if it's like okay they're doing things the thing i will then get it that's a good idea that's the beauty of being in a streaming platform with lots of lovelies who will probably play it
I did day one. Yeah, I'll just wait for it to I'll watch somebody play it and then wait to get it super cheap and then I'll play it off stream. So I'm not. What you do is you just wait till the collector's package comes out because you know it's coming where they're going to release the three games and like some collector's thing and then KJ would be like, you know what? I'm going to get the fancy collector's thing and have like death on a bike. I don't know.
I have zero. I have zero desire to get that. I only the only reason why I have so I have the seven are like deluxe package or whatever. The only reason why I have art. What's up?
Because of Amano's art? No, not even. I haven't opened it. It's sealed. I got it because it was at a good price. And I was like, oh, this will go up in value because everyone loves Final Fantasy VII. I'll sell this. It's probably the only thing in my collection that I have the mindset of, I'll sell this at some point. Legitimately.
Yeah. Yeah. And that's fair. That's fair. I got the deluxe edition because when you got like a little extras, but also because I really like collecting the steel books. I think they're pretty. No, that's that. I mean, steel books are dope.
But when they released the collector's edition, I was just like, Cloud on a motorcycle, looks over at my figurines over here and Cloud on a motorcycle. I've already had that. So I'm also waiting to see if they do something different with the figurines in the collector's edition. Give me Sephiroth.
crazy cool looking or something. Something that's unique than the figurines that I've had before because I've been collecting figurines for a while. The way that Square's going, it's going to be Sephiroth with no shirt on, just standing there. That's what's going to happen. The way that they're going, that's what it's going to be. They're going to lean into as much fan service as they can.
Okay, I think we should move on to the next topic, especially because this one I won't get canceled for. It's great. I'm actually really excited. I'm actually really excited for this next thing.
Yeah, yeah, you want to you want to lead us into the
Crisis Core Reunion Remaster Excitement
next topic? Yeah, sure So the second thing that they announced or the the second topic that we're gonna cover is another thing another Final Fantasy 7 topic that was announced and It's actually the so it's the remaster remake whatever they're calling it of Crisis core
So Union. Yeah. Crisis Core reunion. I don't care about the names. It's a remake. But it seems like it's going to be one to one. So fingers crossed. And the reason I say fingers crossed there is because I think for game preservation sake, like they needed to make a one. They need to make a one to one sort of like remaster of Crisis Core because this game is only available on the PSP.
which I mean, it's a great console, but I mean, the PSP is like 15 plus years old. Um, people, and it's not like people can really play this. Like everybody that I, everyone that I know that's played it in like the last few years has had to emulate it. Um, and so it's just like, I, I mean, as a game collector, I feel like game preservation is huge. So them sort of remaking this and
putting Crisis Core back on the map is great. Personally, Crisis Core is, in my opinion, the best Final Fantasy VII game of the original, like, OG VII, Dirge, Crisis Core. Like, of that, Crisis Core is my favorite game of them, of them all. So I really hope it's gonna be faithful to the original. I think, like,
there's like yeah there's gonna be little things like that they change like Zach's voice and stuff like that but the gameplay that they showed looked a lot like um looked a lot like 7R but tied to the Crysis Core like slots that you have which
are very, very RNG heavy. And I know anybody that's played Crisis Core is going to be like, oh my goodness. And somebody in the chat brought up Chris. He brought up that. Crisis Core, he said, doesn't hold up well in his opinion. For what it is being a PSP game, I thought it did hold up fairly well. But it is a PSP game. It's really clunky if you're playing it on PC.
Like, if you're actually playing it on the PSP, I feel like it's actually not as bad as it...
like as people make it out to be. But again, like it's a PSP game, it's tough. And I think one of the comparisons that I make is playing Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep on the PSP to then playing Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep remastered on the PS4 is like night and day. Like they were able to really make the game feel fluid and feel great.
And I think they'll be able to do that with Crisis Core here. So I'm very, very excited about that. And yeah, everybody in chat is just mentioning that the PSP didn't sell well. Yeah, it was hard to get a copy of that game. And it's the same, for example, like I was telling you, Star Ocean 2, Second Evolution. I like the addition stuff that they put into it and the additional anime cutscenes.
But again, it was only on the PSP. And so the PSP had like a lot of these great titles and stuff like that, or like remakes or remasters of games that I love. But they didn't even translate those to like the PlayStation Vita or like, you know, continuing them then. So you're absolutely right. And hearing Birth by Sleep is better on PS4 makes me really excited to replay it.
Um, but like, yeah, with me with the crisis core system is like, I had similar issues with like, that Chris is mentioning in chat is like that the combat was slow. It was very heavily RNG, but now it looks like they're like tweaking those things and making it a little bit more fluid. Um, and so I'm, I'm, I'm excited to actually, cause I haven't beaten crisis core. Uh, I kept getting stuck about like a little over halfway through the game because of the battle system and stuff. So I got, I got stuck.
And then, so I haven't actually watched that like really iconic cutscene that everybody just destroys. Everybody, I know what happens because I've played Fall of NC7, but that cutscene apparently is really powerful. So I'm really excited that they're remastering or remaking portions of Crisis Corps. And it looks, you're right, it looks like it is faithful to the original Crisis Corps and
while I think they might have a post-credits thing tying it into the remake. I don't think it will interfere with the overall game, which is great, so it'll be kind of continuing on in that avenue. But one thing that was a bit of a bummer, and I'm probably going to get yelled at for it, I was not immediately connected to Zack's voice, and I prefer his voice from the original Crisis Core.
It'd be really cool if we could like, but they're not gonna do that, right? So Square is going around and like redoing the voices and stuff, which I've noticed with like the remake and everything, like they're recasting pretty well, a good chunk of them, if not all. And so it made sense that they would do that with Crisis Core. And it does look like they've taken Aerith's voice to actress from the remake, I think, and put her in the Crisis. She sounded the same from the remake. So I'm assuming it's the same voice actress. I didn't look it up though.
so correct me if I'm wrong there but uh he yeah yeah be I'm the same way like I prefer uh Zach's old voice I feel like he's a little um
maybe a little, I don't know. I just, I wasn't jiving with it, but hey, maybe I'll get used to it. It'll be fine. But I mean, I got used to like all the other voice changes and stuff, but I really liked them. Like I liked Tifa's new voice. I like Aeris. I like, I actually like clouds. I thought he did a really good job and all that sort of stuff. So like, I'm intrigued by the Crisis Core like voices and stuff. And it'd be really cool if they pulled a lot of the like remake voices like Sephroth from the remake too.
to Crisis Quarter, like, you know, connecting the voices.
Voice Acting and Character Development in Crisis Core
But my poor, my poor boy Zach!
We love Zach. And he's such a powerful main character. And I realize why a lot of people like him over Cloud. I still like my sad boy and my tortured, my tortured, tormented boy. But Zach also did... Zach was just a really fun character to play and very trying to be a glass half full kind of guy, which I can respect. But I just wasn't getting that feeling from his new voice. So I'm like,
This is my only thing when I watched that trailer where I was like, I would probably get a little people yelling at me for it. But like, I was not connected immediately. But like, it's funny, because like, that's something. So this is a perfect example where I'm just like, as long as the dialogue and like the feel of the character is the same, I don't necessarily mind that they sound different.
And I guess I didn't pick up that it was a drastic enough change. Oh, nice. Personally, I guess I'm just, I don't know. That doesn't bother me as much. And I think it's also because if I was watching a show and they changed the character, I can see that person, right? So they look different. But them sounding a little different, I guess, isn't bothering me as much.
Yeah, and I feel like they're going to have more of his voice in Rebirth, so I'll get it a little bit more there. And we're going to be getting Crisis Core before Rebirth, so we get Crisis Core at the end of this year. And so even though it's on my backlog, it might eventually get moved at some point so that I play the new one.
because I think it'll be a little bit better pacing and everything for me too. So I'm sure I'll warm up to it because Zach is just a really, okay, I'm gonna go a little thing. I know KJ's gonna agree because we both at least agree on this. Zach is just a really great main character. Oh yeah, he's a better main character than Cloud. I'll go and say it. No, that's all I'm saying. You leave my tortured boy alone, sir. Okay, here's the thing.
When you're playing crisis core, they're two different kinds of main characters. And I like that they're opposites because of what transpires of Final Fantasy 7 and why cloud is the way it is makes sense because he's kind of like broken minded and stuff like that. And also kind of for me, also I connect with cloud because he overcomes like trauma and overcomes that sort of stuff. So like I find him very like uplifting and being like, look at this guy who like goes through literal hell multiple times and like brain
damage and all these things and still manages like to piece eventually and come together as a whole person and then his personality shines a little bit through where he's not actually like a thing so I like those bits um and so but with Zach it's like the opposite of why I love him uh I love Zach because he's like of energetic he reminds me kind of like Zidane and Final Fantasy IX and stuff where they're more of a glass half full kind of person
you know, be a hero, be, be like, like, be the person that saves everybody. And like, Zach and Zidane have very similar qualities in that regard. And that's what I liked about Zidane in Final Fantasy IX. So like, Zach, I was immediately like, when they did Crisis Core and you got more of his personality, I was like,
Because you only get bits of it in Final Fantasy 7, so I was like, okay, yeah, okay. But when you play Crisis Core and you get that personality, you're like, okay, Zach is a lot of fun, and he's just a sweet boy, and he's trying to be a hero, and it's just really...
Yeah, so I understand a lot of people like love Zach more than cloud and that's totally fair because Zach comes from right out of the gate as himself as his own personality and stuff cloud has to go overcome a lot of like brain and Mako issues and like issues and stuff like that to be finally to himself so like a lot of people don't like maybe connect with main characters that way either but I I love both and I will stay I will
die on the hill that i love both of them equally and i can't pick between either one so i'm just like i love cloud zac they're just they're just sweet boys yeah for me it's just like it's it's just the the feel and pacing of the game and like the adventure as a whole like i'm so if i'm talking about so all of my opinions like
between Zach and Cloud come from 7 to Crisis Core. Yeah, I agree with you, Chris. Advent Children did ruin Establish. Yes, I will totally, totally agree with you. Honestly, for me, I kind of want to just throw Advent Children in the trash.
Critique of Advent Children and Character Arcs
I just we just we don't talk about it or dirt surface that the worst of like like so avid children I did kind of like the story but I just didn't like what they did to a lot of the characters especially like what they did with Tifa what they did with cloud like I feel like they just well yeah they went through some shit and stuff like that and like that sort of thing like Tifa is like kind of a little bit
clingy and stuff too, which is not her character as a whole, for example, like and stuff. So just like, and then like the little kids and stuff. I don't know. Avid Children was like, it was pretty. It was pretty. It was fancy. And then George of Cerberus, we just don't talk about the gameplay. The story was good. And I very much like the story and how it like all kind of like goes in a little bit of a circle and stuff. But
Yeah, we don't I was trying not to talk about I didn't and I know a lot of people establish cloud and hate cloud because of avid children. And I was like, no, but if I see seven, the original, you start to see his personality bits of pieces all the way throughout. And then when he pieces everything back together, you see, like cloud is also optimistic. And cloud is also a glass half full. And he's doing his best to also be a hero. And he, you know, like he has the same qualities and sack only kind of in his own way. It's so like,
I feel like Ava Children did my boy dirty. And it made him especially think like, but it was still it went back to the trauma. You know what I mean? It went backwards. He had gone through this trauma and pieced his life back together. And then they went back with the trauma because somebody important to him was gone. So like, and I'm going off but
But my boy just overcame the last game. Why do we have to go through this again? And it was in the movie, it was the same conclusion that he's overcoming it again. And I'm just like, I've done this once. So that's where I disconnected with avid children because they basically just did the same thing around. Only they made him a little bit more
Depressed and a little bit more like I don't want to be around people whereas even when he was like he wasn't sure and he was unsure of himself and he's sure he had it but if the memories were all clouded he was still like
optimistically going forward, whereas in avid children, it's like he wanted to stay isolated and stay in the same spot. But I also question, so here's where I would question that is how much of that was the surrounding party. So this is what this is where Cloud and Zach differentiate, like, even in their like optimistic sort of, Zach was just like that. He didn't have to have everyone else sort of
affecting that like he was like that from the beginning and sure like his interactions with Aerith definitely pushed him more and helped his growth more I say Aerith specifically but there's some other characters where his interactions with them like pushed him more as a character but with Cloud it was like more of a
Yes, you could see that, but it still felt like there was more of the dependency on the entire cast in a sense for that. So I don't know. It's a tough conversation for me because I'm just like,
based on cloud identity issues. Yeah, Zach's whole story is kind of his own thing, right? And he was just somebody who right off the bat had a talent and kind of going through where cloud story, he starts off. If you look through the past and stuff like that, when he was a kid wanting to be a soldier and he wanted to be a hero and he wanted to protect people and he wanted people to notice him and stuff like that. So he had this optimism. But when he got there and realized
shit was a lot harder than just saying these words. It's kind of like a story of like, like how I've dealt as an artist at being like where I'm like, yeah, I'm gonna be the best artist that ever was. Yeah, Pokemon theme song. But listen, it's applicable because that's how I started out as an artist. And then when I got to college and realized just how behind I was with even my skills, I was like, oh, crap. Okay, we got to reevaluate this.
And so, and having to do the grind and stuff like that. And then, and it's funny that Cloud kind of goes through those and then kind of comes back to where he thinks he accomplished what he set out to accomplish. And while he still kind of actually saved the world, he didn't actually end up accomplishing his dreams. It was Zack who accomplished his
dreams, more or less. And so I definitely could see why the two main characters, even in Optimistic, ended up steering differently, and why Zack is more of like, because Zack never really needed, like he had his mentors and stuff, but the game is very much derived around that Zack is his own thing. Where Cloud, it's a party-based game, so you have the party, and you have those stuff, and it bounces off of it. Just like most Final Fantasy games with party
party leaders and things like that. I would even argue in Final Fantasy 8, a lot of the reasons why I end up liking Squall by the end is because of the rest of the cast and what they bring out of him eventually. And so I find that happens a lot with the Final Fantasy. It's the same with Final Fantasy 15, another one, whereas I like Noctis more once
you know, his little romance crew really brings out a lot better, a lot better, because he's kind of like the lazy prince in the beginning. And then they bring out the better of him. And then he does what he's meant to do and stuff like that, which is really thanks. So yeah, where Zach is a solo, like his whole game is like solo. Besides having like the mentors and the odd like little influence, Zach is just Zach. And he could literally have the entire like, I am the plot line.
and like the star of the show and everything so he's kind of like the whole package of a fake character which is understandable why people really really drive with him more than maybe Cloud or whatever. You said something that was really interesting and I want to I want to go back to that because it is so it is like we're not gonna I mean we're gonna get off on tangents but it's still kind of a topic. You mentioned the rest of the cast bringing out Squall
Other than Rinoa, I feel like the rest of the cast was kind of just there, but I feel like Squall, like Final Fantasy VIII just felt like it was... Oh yeah, no, I'm going to, but Final Fantasy VIII was just like...
Squall Renoa love story slash Squall becoming more of a character. Like I don't think that that, I don't feel, I feel like the adventure and the things that happened in the world itself actually made Squall, like turned Squall into a main character, which is kind of why I wanted to tie back to Cloud where it's like,
he was even though and most games like the main character like it's kind of their story so they still end up developing and still have a personality so yeah it's a lot easier to see those things when the game is centered around one person but like there were still enough characters that played like you still had Sephiroth you still had uh like you still had scenes from cloud you still had Aerith you still had Genesis you still had
They... those characters...
still impacted Zach, but like he was still the main character and he still pushed through. Whereas like with Cloud, like I said, I just don't feel that enough. And I mean, I'm on record as like not really caring too much about Final Fantasy 8, but yeah, okay. The earlier game, Quistis, I think had a little bit more of an impact on Cloud as well, or on Squall as well. But like most of the game it was Rinoa. And for me, it's like,
It was Squall, like it was Squall's story.
So this is Rinoa's story. Squall was just there. We could talk about that with Titus and Yuna, but I don't know about all that. I think it was still Squall's story. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm teasing entirely on that. But yeah, with Cloud, it's like I see it as too different. It's like Zach made his dreams come true. And spoilers, sorry, everybody, died a hero kind of thing.
Cloud never got his dreams to come true, but he still ended up a hero. Like, you know what I mean? So it's just like, it's very different storylines in terms of the characters. And it's like different, like, I feel like you kind of root differently for them as well. And then because Cloud was like broken in Final Fantasy 7, and I still, I've realized why she didn't do it, but Tifa, all you had to say is like, hey, you remember this wrong.
but I mean plotline and everything right so um and she was scared and stuff like that and she was also questioning her own so I get Tifa's side of it. I'm just saying it was just really funny point where she's like she could have been like
there. I really wish they would they would rewrite that like that's just one of the yeah it's it's a plot point where I'm like it made Tifa look bad and even when you hear her reasoning later on it still kind of looks a little bit bad because here she has her childhood friend
where she's like, wait a minute, this isn't actually what like was going on, and realizes the pieces are broken. And it's kind of like one of those things where like, you're talking to a friend and you're telling a story. And if they don't interjective, like things you got wrong in that story, it's just like,
you know, but they say like later on, oh, by the way, that was wrong. It's like, wait, why didn't you tell me when I was telling it or why didn't you? You know, that kind of stuff. So like there's there's plots and stuff like that with cloud. But like throughout, I find like when I replayed it on stream and I really saw some of the dialogue and I was like, OK, you start to see cloud kind of come out on his own and the things that he says to some of the characters and stuff like that. I'm like, that's a cloud thing to say. Zach would never say like say like that.
say stuff like that. Like his, his dialogue would be like way more upbeat. They're like, no, I'm going to save you. Cloud's like, ah, why are you dying on me? So I'm going to come because that's literally the line of the game is that he tells a bear that he doesn't want the, he's like, I don't, you do whatever you want. But like, if you die on me, I'm going to have nightmares. So like, I'm coming with you.
Like what? And so that from the OG final fantasy seven that's that's one of the lines which they changed it when they remastered it I don't or sorry they ported it and I don't understand why they changed that but anyway translation issues that's always gonna be translation issues maybe it was like a little bit too mean but that's one of my favorite lines that cloud says because that shows more of his personality where he's just like you know I'm gonna I'm gonna make sure the thing but like
don't be stupid, where Zach could be like, I'm going to help you. So they're very different. So you see bits and pieces of Cloud's personality. And I think that's what really intrigued me with the seven story is because eventually you got Cloud by the end. But with Crisis Core, you get Zach start to finish. And you're just like, I get it now. I get why Cloud looked up to him. I get why people just instantly loved him because he just
He's the hero. He's talented. He goes in there and he's just like, I'm going to do this shit. And I'm going to do it. And he has like bits and pieces of people who influence him, like Aerith and everything. And even Cloud influenced him in a good direction to be like, he wanted to be a hero for his friend as well, right? So it's just like, it's so cool to me that how different they end up being, but I still love them both. And I still have the
But I can understand why people don't like cloud or I can understand why maybe they feel like Zach is just the the classic hero trope In a lot of like stories and stuff like that so I can get by I think but like I love how different they are and I love how their stories are very different because cloud goes in from like I'm gonna be a hero and has his dream slash it's kind of like if Deku never got the power from all night and
what would have happened because Deku wanted to be a hero but had no skills and if he never got the power from all night would he have still tried would he have still got the it's kind of like that like that would have story rather than he got the power went on like
and to be his hero, right? So I like those avenues and I like that Cloud's a little bit more of a realistic avenue in that wreck, but you can't pass up Zach's hero. He's just a good person and he's just always wanted to save me.
I think that's the biggest thing. It's like it was just more of a fun adventure because and I guess. Yeah, it's a lot of fun going through his stuff. Yeah, through the hard part. I felt like I guess the problem and I had this problem with squall to where I just felt like
Zach being, he was still a realist, even though he was trying to do everything, right? That felt relatable and that felt like, okay, he's trying to get questions answered, whereas with Squall and Cloud, I just couldn't relate to them. I'm just like, okay. Yeah, and that's totally fair. You're overly extreme.
Yeah, and that's fine. And that's the beauty of the Final Fantasy series and why I love it so much is because I find you can find a main character that you connect with. You know what I mean? So like Final Fantasy VII, a lot of people connected with Zack in Crisis Core rather than the actual Final Fantasy VII game or Final Fantasy IX with the date or Final Fantasy X. I will die on the hill that it's Yuda. And, you know, going through Final, well, Final Fantasy XII is Final Fantasy XII.
uh was it really I still I still say Balthier and Ash are the main characters but anyway we will get into that but like yeah I find with a lot of the Final Fantasy protagonists you find that you could generally relate to at least the protagonist or maybe the the side leading character so like sometimes it's like one of the uh female characters so like you got Garnet I bonded really strongly with Garnet in Final Fantasy IX so
uh way more than I did with Zadane and so that's why she ended up becoming my favorite in that game so like it's really interesting and stuff like I didn't connect with Squall either but I connected with Rinoa because Rinoa was just always trying to be a good person and trying to do what's right and trying to help people and everything and I really love that quality of her and that's what I see in Zach.
So, like, Rinoa and Zach are very similar to me in terms of, like, their direction and everything. And, well, Rinoa didn't want to be a hero. She still, you know, she wanted to save her town and she wanted to, you know, progress. And she was always like, hey, I want to actually try to face the sorceress and stop and do what I can to stop this. Even though she kept getting kind of, like, dragged in and used as, like,
for the sorcerers to advance their stuff, right? So I see similarly between Rinoa and Zach and why I bought it with Rinoa more than Squall. But I understand why people like Squall. Squall appeals to the introverted individual, appeals to the person who never asked to be a hero, who never wanted to be one, who just kind of was going through and just doing his thing.
and kind of got dragged into it because of the world and and he steps up Midway through of being like okay. All right
okay everybody's depending on me what the heck and it's like this introverted like had very few friends and stuff like so he appeals to a very different group of people yeah that's fair and i can respect that but like it it's just not it didn't appeal to me no same i yeah and that's that's like your reasoning with cloud he didn't appeal to you he didn't you didn't connect with him like you would that you did zach so zach appealed way more to you than cloud did
If I had only played Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy 8 as a kid, there is a good chance I would not have played another Final Fantasy game. Like, there was a good chance I would not have played. Like, they're good games. But like, I don't know, I could not relate to any characters in 8. And I mean, I put 8 down like four or five times before actually I had to play 8 on stream to beat it. I had to.
And there were parts that I enjoyed it, but oof, it was a struggle for me. And Seven, Seven, the older I get, the less I like Seven. It's weird. It's really, really weird. Maybe it's because they do so much with Seven and not really anything else with anything else. I don't even know if it's that. So I'm going to go back and replay OG Seven at some point. OK. But I haven't played Seven in probably like
12, 13, 14 years, something like that. And I don't know. I've seen a bunch of people play it over the last few years. And I'm just like, I just I used to love you can talk to friends of mine and friends of mine from like high school. And I will I've ranted and raved about Final Fantasy seven. But like now I'm just like. It's it's it's a good game. I acknowledge that. But. I feel like a lot of a lot of it is nostalgia more than
more than anything. And I'm hoping that I'm wrong. And I know it still holds up to a point, but I don't know. The characters are less relatable for me, and I don't know. But that Crisis Core remaster remake, it looks like they're remaking some things, but they're also keeping some things a lot of at the same. It looks like it's going to be a lot like Demon's Souls. With Demon's Souls, what they did was they kept everything the same as far as I know.
but they remade all the assets. So it was like, it's a complete ground up remake, but it still is one to one. Cause like, that's kind of the idea of like a remake versus a remaster, a remake being like a remaster, they're just polishing everything, right? With a remake, they're actually building the assets from the ground up. And like remakes are more likely to change a story. Remasters are more likely to just add content.
That's true. That's true. Yeah. So yeah. So I would say maybe like more like a remaster then. Because I hope so. I hope they're not going to like super change the story of Crisis Corps. Yeah. I really hope they don't change Crisis Corps either.
Yeah, but it looks like it's going to be a little bit more gameplay-wise, something that I feel like I could... Because I found the old one for PSP was very, like you were saying, RNG-related, and very dependent, which I struggle. I struggle with that sort of stuff. Get used to here entering combat mode and modulating phase. It's going to be great. It's going to be great.
Oh my god. Those are words that trigger anybody that's played Crisis Core. Oh my god. Stop it. Yeah. So I'm really, really excited about the remaster as well because I feel like it's going to tweak the battle system in a way that I will probably enjoy. And finally, I could finally experience the whole game. The whole game start to finish because I have not actually fully experienced the entirety of it.
I got to Nibelheim. That's where I got to. So I'm sure I know I was close. It's just I just kept failing at these fights and stuff and really just RNG was not on my side. And I was like, and I also didn't like holding the PSP. I don't know if anybody remembers the original PSP where it felt like a brick. Like it was so heavy. That's the one I have. So, like, totally different long periods of time was really killer on my wrist.
Okay, there's three models.
PSP Game Accessibility Issues
There's the 1000 series, the 2000 series, and the 3000 series. I also had the 1000 series, but then mine broke because I was using it more as a way to browse the internet and stuff, talk to people on messengers and things like that because I didn't have a computer at the time.
more than actually playing games on it. And then it broke. I got the 3000 series. And then from there it was like, okay, now I'm using this to play games, like modded it and stuff like that. And it was, it was great. So yeah, I definitely, definitely feel that, but.
Yeah, they go like what what I know said is they they made it a lot like thinner and lighter and stuff like that. And it was a much easier thing to hold on to. But yeah, I had the original PSP and like my I mean, I got tiny like little little wrists. And so it was just way too heavy of a control of the whole for like periods of time and like
That's another thing Victoria just said that I'm really, I'm happy it's going to be accessible. And I wish they would do that with more PSP games. There's a lot of PSP games that are still not accessible to this day. And it's incredibly frustrating because it's like, like, I like Valkyrie Profile, Lennith. I liked Star Ocean, Second Evolution. They are not accessible right now. The first departure is, and in Japan they are, but yeah, Dissidia. Dissidia is an otherwise... I'm just going to hold it here.
this game is so good this game is so good it's just not accessible yeah either even if they can't invest the time to like actually like remastered them and stuff like that like they're doing with crisis core but even just to port it and like tweak a few little things would be would be nice to other devices because it makes it like you want to replay these things but like unless you have a psp
They didn't even put it to PSP Vita, so even if you have the more updated handheld console Sony released, you still can't... You can't play PSP games on your PSP Vita unless it's been ported already. And on the PSN stores, so I'm just like...
So it's so exciting because this is also going to open up a whole new world for a lot of people who didn't play Crisis Core because they didn't have a PSP. So that's going to be really cool to see like a lot of streamers and a lot of people in the community that are going to be playing this for the first time and or beating it for the first time and seeing the experience of it. But like.
Man I I there's so many PSP games that are so good like Dissidia was also another one and that are just PSP games that are just like I Don't trust where to make another Dissidia game. We'll just leave it at that. I don't trust it It's just remastered the old one. I don't trust like after the garbage that they put out for Oh, no, that game hurt me. Oh, no, that game hurt me. Oh
That was a struggle. Which I guess is a good segue into something that I think is gonna be really, really bad. Evercrisis. Yeah, we're very differing in opinion.
Ever Crisis Mobile Game Monetization Concerns
What I will say is I like the idea.
I hate that it's a mobile game, let's just be honest. Let's just get that out there. Making this a mobile game is basically just wearing big flashing signs that say, hey, we are about to squeeze you for every dime you have. We are going to lock so many things behind paywalls, and this is going to be such a gotcha game cash grab.
That is like, I love the idea of being like, Hey, this is, we're going to have everything be one, uh, entire like cohesive story in one game. I love that. But my question is so like.
what am I gonna have to pay for? Am I gonna have to pay? Am I gonna have to pay to play through Zack's story? Am I gonna have to pay to go fight Emerald Weapon? Am I gonna have to pay to fight Ruby Weapon? Am I gonna have to, am I going to have to pay for characters? What am I gonna have to pay for? That is my biggest problem. And it's the problem that every mobile game has is there's always a paywall.
Yeah, because they make it free free. They make it free so that you'll download it and play it. But then there's things behind pay Wilson and that is a very valid concern because that is kind of where like mobile games in the industry going to because there was back in the day where like mobile game like when mobile games were first catching on catching on more.
They did have where people were like charging like $3 for the game or $4 for the game, but they found people wouldn't pay for it and they would immediately go towards the free ones. You know what I mean? So they would go to the free gates. And so. Ever crisis, I think would have been great on console and PC. I'm not entirely understanding why they went directly for the mobile, maybe because it's more of like the chibi graphics and they can get, they could do that kind of like with the Final Fantasy 15 pocket edition.
which I don't like to talk about. But that edition did get some of my friends were able to play it who didn't have consoles, which was like, okay, you're in the Final Fantasy XV universe now, that's fine. I don't care how you got there. But I'm glad that you're just here.
So, but with the mobile with Evercrisis, it does concern me because how are they going to make their money back if it's free? And you're right, what are they going to put behind the paywalls? Is it just going to be stuff to have like little Easter eggs or are they actually going to put characters behind paywalls? Are they going to put fighting optional things behind paywall? And the one thing that made me most excited for Evercrisis is because it's the entire compilation.
So they're going to be doing avid children somehow. Are they making that a playable game? They're going to be doing before Crysis, which I've never gotten to play. Crysis Core is also in there, as well as Dirge of Cerberus. Are they making them all RPG games? Are they keeping them the same as they were on the other platforms? Just, you know, chibified? Like, I have no idea, but it always intrigued me because I'm like, finally, you could just play the entire thing in one game. But you're right.
what portions are the other compilations gonna be behind paywalls? Where's the paywall gonna happen? Because how are they gonna make money with a free game? And that's the concerning thing. When I see that it's going to mobile, I'm always like, okay, how are they gonna do this? And if it's something like Genshin Impact where you don't have to pay for anything unless you want some fancy five-star characters, great. But then I'm like,
But I want my Yuffie and my Vincent and my Sid. Are they going to be behind paywalls? That's kind of what I'm thinking. Like I'm thinking they're going to have like.
Yeah, see that would be okay though. I would be okay if they did it where it's like you have, you can play through three chapters a day. That way you're not burning out of the content either so you play three chapters a day and you're doing it. Or you could pay money to do more chapters. That is okay as long as I could play the entire thing for free.
better versions of characters.
I will spread it out and think as long as I get all my characters and I think it's when they start doing stuff where like uh or they put outfits put outfits like Tifa in her little cowgirl outfit you can you can buy that if you want like I don't care so like I'll leave her in her white tank top and her short black miniskirt it's fine she's cute and but like putting those behind things and going oh like Yuffie's Jersey Cerberus outfit or
or her or her moogle like a little in the little moogle outfit stuff which is also from church and servers um those things behind paywalls also doesn't matter to me if people want to play with those skins and stuff that you know and want to support it that's great but my worry is like
you will get to a certain point and then you can't play for free anymore. That's my only concern. Otherwise, I'm super excited for Ever Crisis because it's all going to be one for one, which is what people wanted. Just nicer graphics. And it doesn't look like there's voice acting either, so it's going to be a little bit more of a throw into the OG Final Fantasy 7 days. It doesn't sound like there's going to be voice acting.
um and so just just cute chibi graphics and stuff and i'm like great just please don't put behind the things i actually want to do that you promised that i could do behind paywalls and i will be happy it just feels like this is the perfect title for a switch release that's literally it it feels like this is the perfect title for a switch release
They've done this, which is what they did with the Final Fantasy Pocket Edition. That's what it turned out to be was perfect for like the switch, which is which is fine if that's what they want to do. So then they can have it on the switch and maybe the switch version costs a little bit of money. So they recoup some of their costs, whatever. But like.
Yeah, I get why they're doing I just I'm just concerned because of all the other companies of what they do with mobile games and they put like so many things behind paywalls and you're not able to complete stuff and I just I can't experience the game without paying a bunch of money which I will pay I will throw money at a game if I thoroughly enjoy it but like I don't want to have to be forced to do that on a free game you know what I mean and I worried
But if they didn't like where, okay, you could play three or four chapters a day, I'd be like, cool. I mean, I'm only going to get an hour or two to play this game with my busy schedule, so I'll play it and stuff. And anybody who's like, no, I must binge this in one sitting, they can pay for that. Yeah.
That's fine. Yeah. I mean, that's something like so like Fire Emblem Heroes. I don't know if I don't think you've ever played, but I played Fire Emblem Heroes for a while. And that's what it was. There's a stamina system. There's also like a dueling system, but they do have like rolling for characters and stuff like that. But they have the story. You can also include like.
other characters in that aren't necessarily tied to the story, but you basically go through and you can do all of the different story-based missions as long as you have enough stamina and once you've rounded a stamina you can use there's like items that you can do use to buy more stamina and you can get some of those in-game and you can also pay for those.
so okay that's like a happy medium majority for free then that's fine and like and like victor says victorio says i'm i'm i'm the same thing like it'll keep me restrained of binging it all and then being like okay i'm done what next so like if if they did that that's that's a great
I enjoy that. And it sounds like Fire Emblem did a really good job with that. Now, Fire Emblem has the option of having like extra characters where Final Fantasy 7, I mean, unless they have like DLC you could pay for where you have Zack at your party just forever, which I don't know, maybe KJ will pay that money to have Zack forever.
I am not. I was gonna say anything. There's no way they could do rolling for characters except for where they're just removing the chance of being able to get these characters, which will frustrate me because like Final Fantasy 7 doesn't have a ton of characters so they can't do that without it like basically putting Yuffie and Vincent and Sid behind paywalls, which would be very frustrating.
Um, so like i'm hoping that won't be the case with that but like like you said they could do the stanema system they could do that Uh and making people who want to play it for free. They're going to take longer on the capilliation in the series And and maybe dlc would be getting skins getting different outfits because the characters all have very various outfits throughout crisis core Final Fantasy 7 avid children and just deruja servers. They have different outfits So like you can very well
also include that as little extras if people want to pay money to get the cute the other outfits run around as avid children cloud they can do that but for those of us who don't care very much about like the the skins and stuff like that and and would rather not um just play throughout the game and just be just basically be like more of a standard that's fine but if they put chapters behind paywalls that's gonna be that might be a deal breaker for me
Yeah, I might not end up playing it because that's like unless it comes out like a full version of the switch for like 10 bucks where I get the whole thing and I'm not behind that that's a different story, but I I'm not a huge mobile gamer and the only reason I would be playing it is just to get my OG content And see how they do avid children Jersey servers and perform crisis. I'm very curious how they're gonna do that It's really funny for me. So I think about this a lot and
If this was not Final Fantasy 7, would people accept all of this? Like, would we really accept a three-part remake with DLCs that are split across consoles and a mobile game that might have paywall, microtransactions, all of that? If this was not Final Fantasy 7, would people really accept this? I don't think so.
like if there's the only things that I feel like would people would accept this even close to like there's very few franchises that this would be like people would be totally okay with this like as many people as they like
Like, because again, I feel like a lot of people are just like writing off the fact that these things are happening when it's like there are so many potential cash grabs out there. And Square is leaning into all of them with Final Fantasy 7. Like.
all of them. And for me personally, like I will, I originally, I was like, I'm not going to buy any more square things. And I was like, you know what? No, it's not that I'm not going to buy any more square things. I'm going to try my best to support the things that I think are being done well. Whereas like
Yeah, Final Fantasy VII, I'm just like, I don't want to support this because it does feel like a cash grab. And honestly, so if somebody brought up Final Fantasy IX, I do think they would have milked the hell out of it. And it's funny because personally, all the remake rumors of Final Fantasy IX, I'm just like, I'm not a fan. Like leave Final Fantasy IX alone. Like I have
That enough, they're doing way too many copies of Final Fantasy 9 on the shelf behind me. But like, yeah, they supported that game very well to be perfectly honest. I have a damn Zidane figure on my desk, but I'm just not. I don't like leave the games like some of these games, they just have to leave. They just leave alone. Like. I.
I'm just like, I feel like some things are just better left alone. Like they could be so, and so retro, you mentioned like, how do they recoup? They got to recoup their money somehow, but I think they could just be putting all of this time that they've put into seven are. They could have made Final Fantasy 16 the best game ever. They they've done so many good things.
But because it's Final Fantasy VII, it just feels like they're milking it. That's the problem I have with it. Yeah, and I think that's always going to be the feeling just because of how many titles they put to the Final Fantasy VII and how many across the systems they've done and how many times they keep bringing this back and making it seem like it's the only Final Fantasy game out there that exists sometimes. So it kind of wraps around that.
Yeah, and I expect the predatory microtransaction stuff. I expect it, but I'm just hoping that in some great... Even if they were like, okay, here's the full mobile game here, it's 20 bucks, you get all the compilations, you get all this stuff, here you go. I would pay it to get all of that in one go. But if you're going to put a whole whack of things behind like DLC, microtransaction stuff or whatever, that might actually just make it where I don't.
when they put it on the Switch, or they'll make it, like I said, a $20 or $30 game on the Switch to be able to play the whole thing without those things. So it's like, I'm not in a rush to play this. And if it's littered with that, I just won't. And I'll wait it out and see what they do. Like with the Pocket Edition with Final Fantasy XV, I think it was the complete
version that they just threw on there of the whole pocket of it. I think they left that one free, though. I can't remember. I don't remember. But yeah, I think I think the best way to do it would be make it a complete game, put it out on mobile and then eventually put it on the switch. If they if they were to I think that there would be more backlash
if they decided, hey, we're going to take this game that had microtransactions, take them out and make it a game on the Switch. Because then people are going to be like, why didn't I just pay for the game as a whole and not need microtransactions?
Yeah, that'll be the also thing for anybody who's jumping onto it on mobile. But circling back to our overall topic, I am very intrigued. I really like the remake. I very much enjoy the battle system. I loved everything that they approved of it. I'm really hopeful that Rebirth and the third one will be good.
But yeah, Evercrisis, while I'm really excited about it because it's literally the carbon copy everybody wanted, that is the one thing that's put me back to like the cautiously optimistic stage, right? Whereas leading into the next topic,
Final Fantasy 16, I am more hopeful, optimistic. I honestly, hearing what they're doing with that game, I'm incredibly excited about it. And I feel like it's going to be, it might not be everybody's cup of tea because of its combination of like Devil May Cry and Final Fantasy stuff. And that's not everybody's cup of tea, and I understand. But they just seem to be doing so many things with Final Fantasy 16. They announced that it's not open world, but it's
segments which i think is smart because not everything has to be open world and then and that's where like a lot of the issues come with with me with games like glitches and stuff when it's like super open world and it has like a lot of that stuff but uh but for final fantasy 16 like that's where i'm more hopeful optimistic and uh that'll be really really good and i'm really really excited about it
But I've realized that certain people that I'm looking at right now might be a very different opinion. So KJ, what is your first thoughts? Oh, I hate the fact that they came out and said that Final Fantasy 16 is not open world. It's 2022. We are. We're on the PlayStation five. Like these things are basically these things are like
at this point, the new consoles are running like computers. Like why can't we have an open, why can't we have an open world game? Like a true open world Final Fantasy. Like I think, yes, there would be glitches and things, but that's why they don't rush these things. Like you have QA for a reason, you have these things to test. Like Square has the, and this goes back to the whole milking 7R, rather than putting all your, like spreading your resources so thin,
why don't you go and dedicate all of your best people to Final Fantasy 16? Make Final Fantasy 16 the true, like, experience that everyone wants on the PlayStation 5. If you are going to, like, go all in. Don't... Yeah, I think it's because they were doing the remake part two and this at the same time, because the remake part two, I think, is what they're going to do open world.
And then they didn't want it to be the same sort of experience because the battle system is similar. And so I think that's why they went differing. But I see your point where like, why didn't they just put all because I think they have like a huge team working on it. They have the Final Fantasy 14 team.
Open World vs. Linear Game Design Debate
They have a lot of like top tier people. Like it's their it's their top team is like
working on it, but I think their top team's also working on rebirth. So yeah, maybe it was just literally the separation of it. But I don't know. I'm team not open world. Everything keeps being open world. So it's like, it's going to be different at least. And if they do it right, and they do it maybe even like kind of like they do with Final Fantasy 14, where you're zoning in and stuff like that.
I think it could still be a really engaging experience. It's just they have to do it. There's more pressure on doing it right because a lot of people are expecting open world this day and age with the way PS5s and consoles are literally little computer tanks. And so everything is open world.
I mean, Elder Scrolls VI is going to be open world, Starfield is open world, like all upcoming games and stuff.
Impactful Side Quests in RPGs
Like these games, they're all open world. And for them to kind of go backwards a little bit, it has to be done really, really well.
which I'm hopeful, optimistic that it's gonna be done really well. See, okay, I guess my biggest thing for that is I don't want load times. Like I don't, it's- Yeah, as long as they're not gonna have like super load times and like you load in and if they do it right, which the technology is there to back that up and there's still no load times.
I just think it's like, why cut me to a different thing? I just want to be walking in just like real life. If I'm in one city and then I'm walking into another city, it's just smooth. It's a smooth transition. That's what I want. And I want to be able to... One of the things I love about
games is being able to just wander off, have these side quests, all these different things. If it feels more zoned, I feel like that's going to make the game feel more linear, even if it's not linear. So that's kind of my biggest thing, is if the game feels linear, I'm going to have an issue with it.
Yeah. And I think also open world will also be like a lot of like open world games. What they do is like slap a whole whack of side quests and then just call it a day kind of thing. And so there's like this super like grind and everything. It'll be really interesting how Final Fantasy 16 like are they going to have side quests a little bit more because they're not doing open world. Is it going to be a little bit more like story connected, which I find with a lot of side quests and stuff like that in open world RPG games.
you don't really connect with them. With the exception, one game I felt that did it really well was Witcher 3. A lot of the side quests, I was like, my heartstrings were tugged, even on those side quests, as opposed to just the main story. And so there's also the question of side quests and stuff like that, where open world will do just kind of like slap it all together and then also like
maybe kind of which kind of takes away from the experience where you're just like running around grinding and then you're like oh yeah i've played 200 hours of this game but i've not done any any plot line and i'm calling myself out with skyrim but um but like it's one of those six words like
I didn't like with Skyrim though I was like I jived more with the side quests than the main quest slide so like I was all team companions I was all team like that sort of stuff so like you could still have a bunch of side quests and make it really an enjoyable experience it's just I've been fighting with a lot of more recent open world RPG games and stuff that do that the side quests aren't like really like
Pulling me in plot like plot wise so it'll be interesting how if Final Fantasy 16 has side quests and how they tackle that See the way I would like to see that so I agree with you. I agree like Side quests that feel more monotonous or feel like fetch quests or anything like that I don't like but what I really would like to see is open world where side quests where the story is cohesive and you have everything
like you don't have to do the side quests and the story is complete, but the side quests and like different things outside of that tie back into the story and make it like add onto it more. And one example I want to give is something like
Lost Odyssey. So not everybody's played Lost Odyssey. But for those of you that have played Lost Odyssey, you have the main
Square Enix's Project Load and Game Quality Concerns
story. And it is a cohesive story. You can get everything. But there's also these dream sequences where you find these different things. And they're not playable. They're only dialogue. But you go through, you find the dream sequences, and they all tie back into the story.
And that's the kind of thing that I would really like to see because the premise of the game is like there's the main character is like some of the characters in the game are immortal. So they've lived like more than the average human life.
and you get to see some of their lived events and lived experiences through finding these dream sequences. So that is something that I would really like to see where it's like, oh, okay, you can play the story, you can play the game, you can get the story, you can understand why things are the way they are, but hey, we have these 40 side quests that if you do all of these side quests, you're going to get even more and you're gonna get more character background and you're gonna get
If Final Fantasy 16 does that, holy heck, I'm doing that game to completion because that's what I like. And so it makes me excited because I want to play lost on amazing person here, uh, sent me a copy. So like, yeah, so that's on the, on the playlist. And that makes me really excited because that's what I like. Like if you give me the side quests where the not just, and that's what I'm struggling with with Final Fantasy 14, as much as I'm super excited and I know the story is going to pick up a lot of the beginning air stuff.
Rome Reborn stuff is a lot of fetch quests and you're not really pulled in and there's no real voice acting and this is main storyline quests and stuff too. So it takes a little bit more to like pull me in and I just get kind of a little bit bored. But if you give me like they're tied in somehow, there's like maybe you'll get like extra stuff or maybe extra characters or extra like items and things like that that tie to the main plot line and stuff.
then I'm all for it. And I'm 100% for those side quests. And you're saying Last Odyssey did that really well. And see, that's what I liked. Whereas the opposite for Skyrim is I didn't care really about the main storyline. And I cared more about the side quests that didn't really full on tie into the main storyline. So that's why I ran around the game doing all the side quests rather than the main storyline and never beaten it.
So that's the opposite of also what I'm hoping Final Fantasy 16 doesn't do. But Baku's right, they did confirm that they have side quests and crafting and stuff in it. So it's going to be like, if they have these side quests and they tie into the main plot, and you're kind of doing these extra things, and you could go off and do these things to get extra content, or you could just continue off with the game, that will be aces in my book. That's exactly what I want. And if they're able to do that a little bit better and not have an open world,
That's fine too. If there's reasons behind why they didn't go open world and it works really well with the game, great. If they just didn't do open world because
they couldn't they didn't have the time or something like that that worries me because it's like are you splitting up your teams too much and focusing too much on too many things at once because i mean we also have other games that we might briefly talk about but they're working on valkyrie profile they're working on the new star ocean game and you don't know which teams are where or where they're going so it's like are these just too many titles all at once so they had to limit
Is there an actual thing? And it feels more like there's a reason why it's not open world, which has me excited, and that they're going to build that into the experience. So it'll still be a very engaging, intuitive experience, even with the Saiqua, or even with that. And yeah, hopefully, because it's on PS5, hopefully the load times are not a factor. I can understand this day and age, you don't want to have to be dealing with a whole lot of load times.
It's it's funny because I have the so I definitely have the other opinion of like I feel like they're doing this because they stretch themselves a little thin. I think between all of these, so they have they have their team that's working on like all of the sort of we'll we'll just lump them in as like the switch games. Right. So you have like you have the Bravely Default series, you have the team that was worked. It's like the Octopath team, right? Octopath Bravely Default, Triangle Strategy.
The teams that's working on all of that, they're the ones that I think are working on the DQ3 remake also. Yes, I think they're doing that one too. But then, OK, so let's just think about like big games that they've announced, right? You have the new Star Russian game. You have the new Valkyrie profile game coming. You have three different Final Fantasy seven games coming. You have For Spoken.
you have DQ12 that they've kind of teased. These are all games. And then on top of that, they're still supporting Final Fantasy XIV. Yeah. And then they're working on Final Fantasy XVI. And then they're working on XVI. And there's definitely overlap. We've just listed nine different things that they've talked about slash teased in some way, shape, or form.
all of these things are like it can't be a different studio working on it. I mean, just with 14 and 16, we know it's not a different studio. We know it. Yeah, we know it's we know it's the same team. Yeah, like there. Yeah. So I don't know. I feel like they backtracking on 16 being open world.
I feel like they're going to be basically saying, hey, we're making this not open world because
there's a little bit of, like, we're kind of dialing back to make sure we don't stretch ourselves too thin. That's kind of the feeling that I get. Yeah, that's the only thing that I'm worried about. And then it also is like, so like Final Fantasy or the big titles and stuff like that, what's going to happen to the other ones? Like, for example, I am concerned about the Star Ocean, the new Star Ocean 6 and Valkyrie profile, because they're reviving Valkyrie profile, which they haven't done anything with Valkyrie profile in a while.
Yeah, they're very like, like very, very little sort of thing. So Valkyrie profile too was like their last like big thing into the Valkyrie profile. But with Star Ocean 6, they've recently, at least in the PS4 era, had done faithlessness, integrity of faithlessness. And that did not
That definitely did not meet the standards of like their Star Ocean games. So like it worries me that there's nine titles we just listed. And I'm sure there's more because there's the Dragon Quest 3 remake we didn't talk about. And Kingdom Hearts 4.
and Kingdom Hearts 4. So, like, that's 11 titles for the studio. And, like, it worries me that they're, like, stretched out too far. And while it might be, like, pressure and stuff like that to getting more games out and stuff like that to make money, it's concerning because it's, like, I know Square Enix is a, like,
They can make great games. They have proof they make great games. And so it's just so that's why everybody puts them in a much higher standard because they know they're capable of it. But what you spread out between so many titles, it really, really concerns me that which ones are going to be the bad ones and which ones are they going to drop the ball on to lift up the other ones? Because they just feel like they just that's so many people in their studio going to be spread out.
Um on so many different things and some of them are easier than others like the dragon quest three remake Yeah, it's a pixel sort of thing and they're kind of going into the octopat director, but it's still It's still time consuming for all of these things. So it yeah, I There's a lot of titles. There's 11. There's 11 we haven't even talked about And there's like, you know, they also announced another tactics game like vaguely um
But, yeah. And they just released Triangle Strategy. And they just, you know, released, or just a little while ago, the UFEDLC and things like that. So it's like, wow, that's a lot of things under their belt right now. And I'm just like, and my biggest fear is the ones that are going to get dropped in terms of, like, quality is the Valkyrie profile in Star Ocean. Yeah, the Enix titles are ones that people don't necessarily
Like, there's a fan base for them, but it's like, it's definitely the people that played them in the beginning of the, like, when the games came out. And probably pre-merger, too. Like, pre-squaring ex-merger, almost definitely. So...
Yeah, which is sad because I am a huge NX fan. A lot of their games I love. I just played Illusion of Gaia on stream and that was really cool and I really loved that. And then we have the Star Ocean series up until four. Four was good but it started to lose me a little bit. And then five I don't talk about.
And then with Found Group Profile, 1 and 2 were great. I actually really did still love the PS2 version, and I loved that it was a prequel to the original story, and they did the story a little bit different, which was kind of neat, and focused on a different cast of characters, which is also cool. So I'm a big fan, and I'm also a Dragon Quest fan, and I'm a big fan of their titles, and I just feel like
Valkyrie Profile hasn't been touched in a long time, so it might not have the following, so it might be the one. But they have the potential of, like, if they make that title really good, they're gonna have people going out and buying too. They're gonna have people going out buying the original and the lenith copy and going out and experiencing all the older games because the new Valkyrie Profile was really good and people really loved it and they want to go back and experience it.
the same with the Star Ocean series so it's like they like they have this opportunity to revive these series and revive them well um and I just I'm concerned that those those are going to be the ones that they drop and and you're right there that is a concerning thing with Final Fantasy 16 maybe they could have done open world and they wanted to but because of being spread out that's why they drop that's why I'm kind of hoping it's more of a
part of the game reason why they did it and not just because they they have too many people spread out because that's that's the thing is like even as an artist if you do too many different things you're never gonna get very good at one yeah
You know what I mean? So like, well, yeah, you probably make more money because you've done all these different things. Your quality doing all these different things is going to be way more fluctuating, right? So it's just, I always worry when game studios like take on so many. And like you said, there's been so many games now. Now we could maybe theorize that they've announced these games, but they're not working on them yet until the other ones are done. So that could be a case, but I...
I don't know. I don't know the inner workings of the studio. Yeah, it's definitely it's definitely tough. Like it's it's trying to figure out sort of the prioritization of of the games and such. And I mean, Star Ocean five shows that they didn't really prioritize the Star Ocean series at all. Yeah. Yeah. That's what they 100 percent and they didn't give it the love and the attention that it deserves because the Star Ocean series is a very good series and plotline and stuff.
So it bummed me out that they didn't do that because I'm a huge fan of it. I love one, two, and three, and I will die on the hill that those games are incredible games. And then The Last Hope started to lose me a little bit, but it was more of the main character. I didn't connect with the main character as much. But it was still a really good game. The battle system was really good. The music was great. Matoi is just a freaking genius, composing genius. And so you have...
like you have this potential right now to revive these series and that's what I want because with Square Enix is still one of the like the AAA bigger studios that I still like I still I may not like every game that they produce and I will be very transparent in that that I you know I don't like everything that they come out with but you know triangle strategy that was awesome to watch you KJ play it like I I had such a blast being super involved in that game even though I never touched it controller wise
It was so good watching you play. And then it was a lot of fun. I mean, it's great. I they did well. Yeah, they did well. And they even the introduction and the way they had the different characters in the different classes that it was just a phenomenal game. Octopath Traveler. Glad you got me to play it. Also phenomenal game. I am soon up. Also a final like.
I'm really excited to try the Bravely Default thanks to you. One of those games is going to be on our podcast in the future. I'm really excited about that. They do really, really well, but sometimes they just, when they're
it just feels like things are rushed or things are pushed or they're like being
Remake vs. Original: Maintaining Story Integrity
yelled at to release things too soon then that's when it's just like okay I wasn't a huge fan of that or I didn't really like that and and like the Final Fantasy 7 remake I thought was like I love the battle system in that like I was so emerged in the battle system and playing around with it and I thought they did a really really good job there and
and kind of bringing that in. And I was, I as a fan was happy. It wasn't a carbon copy, but just because I was like, I've played Final Fantasy 7 so many times, that it's nice to have something that might be a little bit different. Again, circling back as long as they don't destroy some of my big plot points. We'll be good. We'll be good.
Oh, I'm expecting. It concerns me because I love a lot of Square Enix titles. I love the Dragon Quest series. I love these things. I love when they try something new like the Octopath Traveler and the Triangle Strategy. Those were great hits and great nostalgia to the pixel era, but also react to now where it still looks really phenomenal even though it's pixel art and the 3D pixel backgrounds. Oh, it's just beautiful.
And they went around and remade Final Fantasy IV, V, and VI like that. Or earlier pixel games and stuff that I really loved. That's why I'm really excited about Dragon Quest III being remade by that team, because I think it's going to look gorgeous. And it's one of the Dragon Quest games that I really liked, and I thought where Dragon Quest started to go up a little bit. Because III, VIII, and XI are my favorites.
I'm super excited, but it worries me that we were just able to lift a list 11 off the top of our heads and not even looking at their full list. There might be other games in there. We're missing. Yeah. Maybe there's another Tomb Raider game in there. I don't know, but like they sold the. Oh yeah, that's right. They sold that. And that's another thing. Like, I mean, there's.
They, their reasoning was like they wanted sort of like the instant like instant return on the games and they felt like they weren't getting it, but they just sold three, like three IPs as well.
Dragon Quest 3. We could talk about Dragon Quest 3. We could definitely talk about that. Oh, my goodness. I saw Dragon Quest 3 and I am not really a Dragon Quest person. So I was talking about this yesterday on stream, but like I had I rented a copy of Dragon Quest 3 from either Hollywood Video or Blockbuster or Dragon Quest 8, I think for the PS2. And I put it in the PlayStation. And in the opening cutscene, it froze on me.
and I just never played Dragon Quest again. Then I played DQ11 and like, I don't know, it just, the music was very repetitive. It didn't really hook me in.
DQ3, I was like, okay, they're remaking Dragon Quest. It's gonna be the Octopath team. This is gonna be dope. I'm watching this. I'm watching it. I'm like excited. I'm like, oh, this is cool. They get into the battle. Golden Sun is one of my favorite games of all time. I see it. I'm like, oh my goodness, this looks like Golden Sun. This is great. And then they attack and it just zooms in on the monster and there's like a little like damage sprite thing that happens. And then it has the number and it says like, you did eight damage to slime. And I'm like, okay, throw this game away.
I couldn't I wanted you know, I was so excited. I was excited. You see the main character. I'm like, oh, he's about to do something. He's about to go in like and like stab and slash this this slime. And then I knew as soon as that I was like, this is Cage's opinion. I knew that was going to happen. That was the biggest tease. Oh, my goodness. I was absolutely heartbroken. Like it just.
And I get that they're trying to stay traditional. They're trying like, I respect that. I respect that. Yeah. Dragon Quest series from start to finish is they're trying to keep the traditional and just update it into new things. I respect that. But if you don't like that old thing, it's like hard to get into that franchise.
Oh, it makes me so sad. I was so excited. The music is often the same. The enemies are often the same. They're trying really hard to keep that streamlined. So if you are not a fan of earlier Dragon Quest games, if you play 8 or 11 and you're just like
you're not super into it and stuff. Yup, that's exactly where you'll lose that to connect. And while Dragon Quest III is being done by the Octopaths team, they are also still being directed to still keep that bit in. So I knew when I watched that, I was like, oh, he's going to love this. Oh, he's not going to love this. Because I was like watching it like a little real time. And that's exactly what I was thinking. Because you don't like the zoom in.
It's an aspect where you can't see the characters and stuff like that anymore. It hurts. But yeah, I'm still really excited because it's one of the Dragon Quest games I really like. And it's where Dragon Quest started to like, aka Dragon Warrior, depending on how you want to go about it.
where they started introducing multiple characters and the storyline wasn't incredibly confusing and you just happened to have to talk to this one random person in this one random town sort of idea, where things were a little bit easier to figure out and wasn't super chaotic. And the story was starting to get really pull you in kind of idea. The first two games, while I enjoyed them, they weren't super pull you in story-wise and stuff like that.
But 3 is where they started to do that. And 3 stood out to me as one of the... And I'm glad that they're starting with 3 and having that team do it because the Octopaths team is phenomenal with triangle strategy stuff. Those look fucking gorgeous. So I'm really excited about that.
It's still gonna be a Dragon Quest game, which means it's still gonna have the, even though it's a remake, it's still gonna have those elements that ties in that Dragon Quest fans really like, but maybe the people outside that are not a huge fan of it, like, oh, come on, again? Yeah. It's a bit of a struggle. It is a bit of a struggle for me. I'm like,
I want to give it a shot. I want to give it a shot. And I've been going back and forth about about DQ, um,
Anticipated Square Enix Titles and Development Constraints
DQ 11. I'm just like, am I going to put 70, 80 hours into this game? And I'm just like not really feeling it. I don't know.
watch somebody play through three, maybe. Oh, okay. Okay. No, I was going to say I watched, I watched 70 hours of, uh, DQ 11 gameplay. And so I know what happens. I know the entire story. Um, but I dunno, just not for me, but again, I love, I mean, of all of the games that the like studio that the part of the studio that's working on, um, that game,
The only one I haven't played is Bravely Second.
Okay, I'd be bravely default. I'd be bravely default to I beat octopath I hundred percent of octopath So like I I like I beat triangle strategy So I'm like I'm interested still have a finish the golden route though. I have not finished the golden route I also have need to play briefly second, but we're gonna play that and we'll talk about that We're gonna we'll talk about the bravely games. That'll be fun But yeah, no, I I
I was a little disappointed and that's that kind of actually leads me into my next question for you is like, what do you what game of all the things that we kind of listed? What are you most excited about coming from Square? Oh, that's a great question. We should both answer that. That's great. I'm trying to think of my answer, but out of all the games we have
listed. I would say probably I have to do like a top three because there's a few like in there and stuff like that. But I think and our list is going to differ entirely. Oh, 100%. But I am really, really excited for Final Fantasy 7 Part 2 Rebirth.
I'm very excited for Final Fantasy 16 and then Dragon Quest 3 has got me really, really stoked. Now, Star Ocean would be up there if I didn't have the previous title kind of looming over and making me a little bit nervous.
because I love like so Star Ocean gets an honorable mention but like I really hope they do well they're doing the little uh classic uh Star Ocean stuff like uh Star Ocean one three and five have blue haired main characters Star Ocean two four and six have yellow blonde main characters I think little things like that where I'm like okay they're already starting into these little like little traditions which is good a good sign
but it has me like that caught like very cautious because of the last title I wasn't like I didn't even beat the last title I'm sorry Square Enix but I didn't even I didn't even get halfway I gave up but
So like part 2, 16, Dragon Quest 3 are the top ones. But honorable not mention going to Star Ocean. Valkyrie Profiled, they haven't shown me enough for me to be like
Like, is this going to be what I want it to be? Because I love the Valkyrie profiles here. And I'm so excited. After Shining Force II, I think, KJ, you're playing Valkyrie profile the original? Yep. So I'm very excited about that. Because that is a very different game experience. And I find people either love it or they hate it. But good music, good battles, good character stuff, or whatever, and everything. So I want to be hopeful for Valkyrie profile. But there's just not enough on it. So I think they tease that they're doing stuff, but they're just
not into it and uh yeah so that that is my list that's star warship gets an honorable mention because i'm really crossing my fingers um i do
I don't know how I feel about the character art right now, but I could grow to it. I could grow to like it. So we're being hopeful, but I'm also very cautious about that title. So yeah, the three that I feel like are going to be great for me is the part two, the 16, and Dragon Quest 3 remake. That was a phenomenal idea to go in the direction of the Octopath and Dragon Strategy pixel and put that, but with Dragon Quest. Oh, I'm so excited about it.
But yeah, that's actually so it's for me. So you like 11 games. Yeah. So I think the first I'm actually very, very excited for Forspoken. I think Forspoken is going to be really cool. I've liked what they've shown gameplay wise. I love the fact that there is a
It's like a new idea. Female main character of color. I love that. Ooh, I didn't even think about that. That's such a great step forward. Oh my goodness, I'm so happy. I'm so happy about that. So yeah, For Spoken is definitely on the top of my list. That'll be a day one pickup for me. After that, it's probably got to be the Crisis Core remake. Again, game accessibility and just like, I love Crisis Core.
So just being able to like recapture that experience. Like it's funny. I might not even play the crisis. That is something I'll probably buy leave sealed on. Like I might buy that. That would be something that I would potentially buy a collector's edition leave sealed and just keep that that way.
that is that is the the direction that i would potentially go um third it's really tough this is actually really tough maybe i don't know maybe i would be interested in
16 I'm so iffy on like I don't know 16. I'm just like Maybe it's gonna be good. Maybe it's not. Um, yeah, I'm I am iffy on 16 I Don't know I I think the third one For Spoken crisis core remake and the third one is probably
Probably 16. It's probably going to be 16 just because it's a new story. Rebirth would be like my honorable mention. OK, so rebirth is going to be your honor. Yeah, rebirth would be like my honorable mention, just because like it's really hard for me to the it's so hard for me to to separate the fact that like I hate the DLC thing and all of that. Like it's so like seven are so tough.
It's so, so tough for me, but like, I mean, big shout outs to TN who's in chat. Like TN was like, Oh, you aren't like, you aren't going to play the DLC, but you have a PS five. I'm going to donate for you to go get the DLC. Like TN is the reason I played the DLC. Cause I was just like, I have a PS five, but I'm not playing the DLC, but I, I couldn't, I couldn't like, that's like best friend, best friend. Not.
like I had like TN was like no you're gonna play it and I was just like well you you did this now I have to play it um and it was like it wasn't a bad game it was good but it's just so so tough for me to buy into like the things that they're doing with Final Fantasy 7
Yeah, and for me, because Best Friend missed it, so Best Friend will be happy with me. My order is, I'm really excited for Rebirth, Final Fantasy XVI, Dragon Quest III Remake, and Star Ocean gets an honorable message because I'm just really hoping it's good. But For Spoken is a really, I didn't even think about that before. Spoken's got me really intrigued because it is a new IP. Yes.
And you're right, it's a female of color lead main character. The battle system looks really, really interesting, very kind of homage to what I'm enjoying right now that Square is doing. And it does look really good, so I might need an honorable mention too now.
There's a few of them that we're excited about, but there's other ones that I would love to be excited about. And again, Crisis Core is great, but I haven't been able to do the whole experience. So this will be interesting because I'll finally get to do the whole experience. And I'm sure you guys will move it up to my backlog when it comes out.
So that I do end up playing the, I'll play the remaster version of it. So, but I'm just concerned, like, what we're thrown back to, that there's so many things that they're in development. And so I don't have really an opinion of Kingdom Hearts 4 because I need to play way more of the Kingdom Hearts series to have an opinion. Found group profile, there wasn't enough of it yet for me to be like,
where are we going with this direction? Are we doing a prequel? Are we doing a sequel? Are we doing what are we doing? And so or we're doing a new story in the Valkyrie profile universe. Like, I don't know where it's going. So it's not enough there. And yeah, some of the other ones are just kind of like, okay, I mean, we also have a Final Fantasy IX cartoon coming
but it's not actually by Square. They passed it off to a different studio, which I was telling KJ, like I showed him the studio and I was like, okay, they've done some, they've done some shorts and they've done some like things that were really interesting and really intriguing and a deeper plot line of it and stuff like that. Cause they were talking about like social issues and also like, um,
like really heavy topics, but doing it in a way to appeal to children, which I thought was very interesting, because I did some peeking into this. But I'm still not sure how I feel about it. I'm not convinced at all. Champ is 100% right. I am not convinced. Final Fantasy IX is...
It's too dark for kids. I don't know how they're going to unless they go into the where they're really playing up. Vivi is the main like is the narrator telling the story. Yeah, it's telling the story from a child's eyes kind of experience. Here's I don't know how they're going to do it. Here's my problem with final with with OK. If this ever gets back to square, please leave Final Fantasy 9 alone. Just like don't touch it. Just like leave it alone. Final Fantasy 9 is
one of those games it's one of the games that they have they did well like they did they they the game is well done the story is complete
They don't need to do anything else with it. Please do not Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy IX. Like, don't do this. If Final Fantasy IX came out of the time where, like, graphics-wise, it still looks really good. Yeah, it still holds up, especially for a PS1 game. I can understand them remastering remaking Final Fantasy VII because it was, like, their first PlayStation game and blocky arms aside and we all laugh and we're like, oh, yeah, that's super nostalgic to us. At this point in the time, that doesn't really appeal to anybody
like as we go and as new gamers uh come up it's not as an appeal to them so i understand and even Final Fantasy 8 like like the character models and things like that were they were they were rough and and while i i still enjoy playing 8 and playing it uh more than the remaster i understood why i didn't Final Fantasy 9 was both nice looking cutscenes were good story was great like everything is a full package it doesn't even
to need it. You know what I mean? It ended in a way that didn't leave you with questions. Seven and eight both left you with a lot of questions.
So like that was, and even, I mean, even 10 left you with a lot of questions. Like there were like all of the, the, the final fantasy games around the time of hell, even final fantasy tactics. The end of that leaves you with some questions like all of the other final fantasy games or that were made around that time leave you with a, with questions asking like, okay, what's the like,
What else, how does this end? How does this wrap up? Final Fantasy IX put a nice bow tie on it and said this is a done story.
Yeah. And no, no girl's got a good point. Like way back in the day, like there are some dark final, like kids movies and stuff. So like she's absolutely the Don Bluth production team to do the thing, like Secret of Nim, All Dogs Go to Heaven. Like these were all like a, a Titan A. These were all like stories that like were, they were, they were darker in theme for kids and stuff. But nowadays that's not common. That is very not common with kids.
tv shows kids movies kids stuff or whatever um and so that's that's where it got like i think maybe back of the day maybe so that's where it's got me a little bit concerned but there are so there are also like kids of forever but like kj doesn't like cliffhangers no i like things to be like
If I like things to be related story, yeah, wrap it up from playing, especially if I'm putting 60, 70, 80, 90 hours into like a game or something. I want this to be a complete like I want it to be complete. I can understand like if I'm watching a movie and it's like two hours, sure. Like you can leave the story and make another one. But if I'm sitting down and spending a lot of time playing a game, I just want
I just want this to be like, hey, this is done, let's wrap it up and we can keep going. And if it turns out to be that there's a sequel and there's like another story arc, then like, fine, that's okay. But oh my goodness, just like...
Yeah. And people will argue Final Fantasy VII didn't either, but it was still like, okay, what happens now sort of thing. It didn't really give you, it showed the world being kind of being saved, but it didn't give you a full on conclusion at the end, like nine did, where nine showed you the world was saved. And then
you know, character, you know, like it goes off or whatever and stuff like that. And you don't know what happens. And then they, they write the ending that, you know, what happens, you know, what happens to Vivi, you know, how it happens to sustain, you know, you, you, you could, you know, what happened? So like wraps it up where seven, it didn't do that. Eight didn't really do that either. Um, and like 10,
Didn't because like people saw that thing and saw Titus in the water and stuff like that. They're like, OK, what what? And so it didn't do that either. Twelve. I haven't beaten it, so we won't talk about it. Thirteen. Yeah, it left it open and fifth. Fifteen actually wrapped it up until the DLC gave you questions. Oh, don't tell me that I don't play fifteen yet.
Okay. So like, so yeah, so they're like, you're right. Nine was one of the only ones in that era of games that wrapped, wrapped things up and was like, okay, there's, there's no doubting what happened. There's no questioning. I think, I mean, you could kind of maybe question like, maybe Kuja, but like at the same time, it's pretty well, like it didn't show show it, but it's pretty well what happened. Like,
But yeah. Yeah, Final Fantasy IX animated cartoon. I don't know. I like IX too much to be like, we'll just be. Yeah, it's just one of those, I don't know. Final Fantasy VII has had even a friggin like 30 minute last order short.
I mean, it went anime fight, but at least Square Enix did that. Final Fantasy 7 will be everlasting because nostalgia sells. Final Fantasy 7 is not going anywhere. It's also amazing and I love it. So knock me off my Final Fantasy 7 Loving Hills. That's fine. I will. I'm not going to buy into. You will you will be supportively disagreeing. Yeah, I will. Yeah, exactly.
support my decision of my thing, but disagree with it. Oh, yeah, no. And that's the thing. Like, it's great that other people are like so excited about this, because that means I still get to live the experience through y'all. But I'm not spending my money to support something that I'm like the decision making and I'm morally against. I think that they are taking advantage of their. They're taking advantage of. The people that love their games.
So yeah, I don't know. Tien, no. Tien, bad Tien. No, don't do that. Oh, my goodness. Tien is. Tien is bound and determined to keep you in the final bed. Oh, my goodness.
Oh, my goodness. Oh, Fast friend, you are hilarious. But so we've talked about Crisis Core, we talked about the Final Fantasy 9 potential re-weight. We talked about Dragon Quest 3. Do you want to talk a little bit like, besides For Spoken? Any of the other? So I feel like we didn't get a whole lot for Star Ocean and Valkyrie profile. And that's why for Valkyrie profile, I'm just kind of
Okay, it's being developed, but where are we going? Star Ocean, it's kind of showed some character art, it's kind of showed some stuff. Not fully knowing if it's a prequel or sequel. It would be really interesting if they did a sequel without any spoilers because KJ hasn't played it yet. It'll be really interesting if it was a sequel till the end of time. I think that would be kind of neat.
but like It's it's doing the true the two for the even numbers having blonde main characters and the odd numbers having blue-haired murdered on the exception of two where it did both It did do both which I thought was really really intriguing good stuff, but then they just was like followed with edge being Blonde in four and so they have that with six so like I am
interested in it. Because for the majority of the Star Ocean series, it has been good. I still have three games that were amazing. I love them. And then four was starting to dip a little bit, but like, I still enjoyed it. I just didn't get into the main character as much as I did in the other ones. And then I don't talk about five. So, so it still has the potential there. Where Valkyrie Profile hasn't really been
um because one and two are still one is a phenomenal game and two is still really really good um so i'm i'm concerned because they haven't had like like besides the little off games i know there's a ds game i know that i think there was a mobile game too that didn't do well they didn't do well little ones that kind of off-shooted games and stuff like that i don't really count um but um i'm intrigued i'm intrigued on that one but
the so the star ocean games i'm like i guess my backlog dictates this though uh my backlog makes me think of like games as what is this game like what have they done for me lately because i am like i'm not sold on uh on the new star ocean i'm just not like
I've heard bad things about four and five. I've heard mixed opinions on four and bad things about five. So I'm just like, I'm going to wait on this. That is definitely something I'm going to wait on. I'm hoping they come back around. Yeah. Well, I mean, we'll see. We'll see what happens.
It'll be interesting to see what they do. Till the End of Time is the third one. So after Till the End of Time is where I've heard that they start to kind of tail off. I'm also, the other thing about it is I think there was, they had something great with Star Ocean 1 and 2 and then I feel like the rest of the games kind of were different.
So I don't know. We'll see what happens there. But I don't know. It's hard. It's hard because I feel like if they're going to drop the ball on titles, it's going to be those two, which is going to be sad because I don't even think they would drop it on a new IP because a new IP is potential of a new series. Yeah, exactly. So I think For Spoken is going to be really, really good.
Yeah, I'm just worried those are the two that are going to drop because if Valkyrie Profile doesn't do well, well, okay, the series is just kind of over. And then Star Ocean, if they drop another one, that's going to like take a lot of us that are still supporting the series. So like... Yeah.
It's a lot more pressure, but a lot less of the higher tier games that they're pushing. They're pushing the Final Fantasy 7, they're pushing 16, they're pushing the new IPs, they're pushing Dragon Quest. It's a lot more of a... A lot more pressure, and I feel like it's going to be less...
Given the time and the support for so it's a little bit concerning Makes sense Yeah, and I'm I agree with Brian. Like I still believe the second game is the best and it's Frustrating for me that it's still not on PSN. I have it's on PSN in Japan but not in like they have all the star ocean games available on PSN except for two I think I have an unpopular opinion here. I think I like first departure more than
more than Second Story. Interesting. I think I like First Departure more than Second Story. Is it because you didn't do any of the private actions in Star Ocean 2 so you didn't get any of these good characters? Maybe. Maybe it's because I played First Departure off stream and I played Second Story on stream.
Oh, maybe see, like if you were playing it off stream, I would have suggested do private actions. Like that's the only thing I would probably because I did the, I did do the private actions when I played off stream, but because I didn't play on stream, like
Don't get me wrong, I liked both games a lot. But yeah, it's probably because of the fact that like, okay, y'all are wild and hold on. It's probably because of the fact that like, I was in a spot where I didn't do the private actions and all of that stuff. So I had a, when I say I liked it more, I had a better experience with Star Ocean 1 than I did Star Ocean 2.
And the fact that you got to play the first departure where they readjusted it to be more like Star Ocean 2, I can kind of see it just because Star
Star Ocean Series: Past and Future
Ocean 1, the characters are a little bit more streamlined. There's a few ones that you'll miss if you don't look it up or you don't do private actiony things and stuff like that. But a lot of them are a little bit more obtainable. And you don't end up with a party you can't
where you struggle with. Whereas I didn't realize how heavy Star Ocean 2 relied on the private actions and the additional characters you get through that, that watching KJ do his first playthrough experience and seeing the characters he ended up with and the struggle.
uh the end of the game posed for him especially the end boss i was just kind of like wow this is kind of mind-blowing because ever since i started star ocean 2 i always had a strategy guide because that's what my my brother got the game and a strategy guide for for christmas or his birthday or whatever so i always had access to know
what to do, but when you're just going through it, you're like, oh, private actors, eh, I don't want to do that. I'm just going to kid you over the story. I don't want to do side quests. Let's just go. And I'm going, I never thought of how crucial that is in the star ocean, which is like, if two and that goes, but one and three don't have that. So three, like one, you will get good characters just kind of going through and they'll just end up
with you kind of thing and you don't have to rely on that and Star Ocean without spoiling three is a very similar thing so it'll be very interesting that I wonder if you'll either like stay on the hill of the pixel style of one or if you'll switch to till the end of time as being I mean yeah I really like one and so the thing about one is also even though they give you
They give you the best characters in the game. They don't necessarily hold your hand towards that. And so one thing I will say, playing, and maybe I would feel different if I played Second Evolution versus Second Story. I also ran into bugs in Second Story. And Polly, I showed you. There were times where I was leveling skills up.
And they were just, they were like, it was like, oh, from level two to level three or level three to four was like one amount. And then four to five was like a massive amount. And then I would upgrade it and then it would be back down. And it was like, this is like, it's supposed to progress. As you progress up the skill tree, things are supposed to be more expensive. So I, yeah, it just, I think if I played
If I played second evolution, I might feel differently. Because I think they fixed a lot of those things. Because that was actually one of my biggest problems. And if you would have done some of the private actions to get something, because Brian's mentioning a character, like hinting to a character right now that I'm like, yes, if you would have actually got.
that character I think you would have been like holy crap I love this thing I love these things and love these little interactions and stuff like that so yeah if you play second evolution that's that was my tip to you literally all I said was private action yeah no and that's the thing like I I didn't do all of the private actions because once I got to a certain point in one
I knew what my team was going to be. And I was like, I'm not recruiting. I don't care to recruit any more characters anyway. Like, I don't need to. I have my healer. I have my two damage dealers. I have, like, my character that's using magic, whatever. Star Ocean kind of gave you what you needed. Whereas Star Ocean 2, it's like you needed to do the side stuff in order to get what you needed, which is not as straight line. And again, watching your playthroughs when I realized that is an actual
real direction of this game that you could go and i'm like okay and then watching you poorly suffer like 12 hours off the same bus yeah that was that was brutal to watch because again i never experienced that because i never missed like i was always deliberately trying to get uh different characters and stuff like that so i never missed that so i'm just like wow this this game's brutal when you when you don't
Like when you a don't have a strategy guide and be are like doing me the private action thing I didn't realize how heavy they pushed you into that because it's their that was their different feature, right? Mm-hmm and and star ocean one It was almost like they took what star ocean to they needed to to make them connected in terms of like look and the crafting system and all that stuff that was really good in star ocean to because the original star ocean one I don't believe had that um they
It was a more streamlined game where you were like, you will miss out on a few characters and a few interesting plot points, but you're not getting a, I'm screwed part of it. Honestly, the only part, so the only thing that is actually a problem with the character layout there is the fact that in Star Wars 1, you get a, even though, so I only got seven characters in both games.
But if you compare the seven characters that I got in Star Ocean 1 to the seven characters I got in Star Ocean 2, Peach brought it up. You had so many pages. Vastly different. Vastly different in the sense that in Star Ocean 1, I had like three magic based characters and four melee characters. So it was fine. But Star Ocean 2,
I had two melee characters and the rest were mages. I didn't even think about Rina's route probably would have been better for you. Rina's route would have been better because at least I would have been guaranteed two damage users that would have made that end boss less of a struggle, even with whatever else you've got in the end and stumbled across. Yeah, I didn't realize how much like Rina's route would have been way more beneficial that way as opposed to Claude's route.
Again, these are things that I think of now that I watched your first playthrough, that I've corrected my suggestions to people when I'm talking to them. When I say first playthrough experience, and if you're not going to use the strategy guide, you're not going to do any of those things, definitely read it as a first playthrough experience. Yeah, I agree. Because at least you get the best two melee characters, if I'm not mistaken.
Right. Yeah. Well, yeah. I find the one you get with Rina and the one that you could get through the side quest. They're very, very on par. Yeah. But both of them are phenomenal. And so like they give you that extra damage booster that you that you need somebody to be with you. And
Yeah, like I would say Rina root if you're going for first playthrough experience and you don't want to have like side quests or anything like that. Yeah, I didn't now I've corrected it, but I feel kind of bad for Cajun because I think that's partly also Star Roshan one.
you're right looks a little more appealing that way because both are phenomenal plot lines and characters and stuff so like where do you draw the line and it's like because it was a little bit more streamlined of like you were guaranteed just going in the the direction you needed to plot wise of getting several damage characters of getting
a mage, if not two, and if not three, that you could just stumble across as you go. You weren't heavily relied on doing the side quest stuff to do it.
I think most of, so I think there's six characters you always get in Star Ocean, because I think you always get Roddick, you always get Millie, you always get the Captain guy, and the other, I can't, names are escaping me. Yeah, no, no, that's okay. I think I got Sias myself, like that was a decision I made. Mabelle, Mabelle joins the party.
And then I got the guy with the wings. I cannot remember. I get named. Yes. So, yeah, those seven. But like I think two of them or I think there's five of them were like guaranteed. And there is there's a like you get one of three characters at the beginning. Right.
So it's like, I got, and then I think there's also some like other plot line where if you recruit a certain person, then you can get Roddick's best weapon. But it ends up being a case where then there's a side quest you can go down where Mivelle actually becomes a different, um,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, so you get more plot like with like that side quest a bit But it's not something that's the thing you can also in that game if you power level you can even get Millie and and stuff like that sooner to in the game than what you did so like there's little aspects like that that like even if you were less like I want to I want to just go get freaking Millie back and you're like Okay, you just cruise through that
You're still going to be with, you know, two to three damage people and at least one mage. So, yeah, going through that experience, I'm like, oh, shit. Yeah. Star Ocean 1 did do it more non side quest friendly. Like you don't have to rely on the side quests or anything like that to get a decent 30. Even side stuff, it's it's like I did some of the side stuff in Star Ocean 1 and it didn't. It wasn't like I don't know.
Yeah, I felt like it didn't I wasn't I didn't feel like it was required right like I did cuz I did a lot of crafting and stuff in star ocean one And it helped but yeah, I
I don't know, Star Ocean 2, because I played, again, because I played it on stream, I didn't do a lot of the private actions and stuff like that. So I just kind of felt because of that. Yeah, you forego those for the stream experience because you felt like the funny thing is that some of those would have been really hilarious to watch. But at the same time, you figured, oh, I'll just go through the game, which is totally, and again, it was one of those scenarios was like, oh, shit. So now I get why you liked the first one better.
I do get it. And because it also has everything the second one has, good characters, music, it has the crafting system that I really like, the skill system, all these things that it took from two that did really well and then put it in the first departure, the remake of the first one.
so you still got that experience but you had a more streamlined experience which is which now i get it i get it and it'll be really interesting when you play the third one if uh your opinion changes or not yeah it'll be interesting i don't know when i'm gonna play that it's gonna be a bit i mean i think i'm
Yeah, I'm definitely...
Future Streaming Plans and Game Variety
I'm staying away from... I'm staying away from Star Wars 2 games for a little bit. I mean, Valkyr Profile is gonna be fun. I'll probably be playing... It's looking like either Chrono Cross or Xenogears after that. So yeah, we'll definitely see what happens there. And then at some point... No, no I am... Okay, no. I can't... Eventually I will be playing Sweetcode in 3 as well. Because I did put that on hold.
But yeah, it'll be interesting to see with Star Wars 3. I think I'll end up playing that on stream. I think you should. It's a bit of a longer game than one and two. That's what I heard, yeah. Yeah. That's what I heard. It's probably like 60, 65. It's a lot of fun to watch. And I think it'd be a good stream game. OK. Cool.
Yeah, so and then with Valkyrie profile, I mean like I really literally have no opinion of what Square Enix is announced because there wasn't much to it and We got a little bit of it like an intro thingy and then also I'm very excited that you're gonna be playing the first one on stream here coming up because I'm intrigued to see your opinion of it I find with Valkyrie profile It's another kind of like star ocean experience where I find either people really like that It's unique and doing something different or they don't. Mm-hmm
So it'll be really interesting. And it follows a little bit more mythology-based and stuff like that, too, which is intriguing. And Peach is like, then Banjo Kazooie. No, no, that is not happening. It'll be, again, it'll be Valkyrie profile, then the winner of the poll, then sweetcode in three. That's going to be the plan. So I think I'm close to done with
Close to done with Shining Force II. I think I'm close to done with that. So once I'm done with that, I'll be moving on about your profile. And yeah, I'm not sure. I'm not sure, but...
I there's some stuff that I'm like looking at like fantasy star four and stuff like that that I'm interested in. But those will be kind of down the line. I might add fantasy star forward to my backlog. I'm not sure yet, but it's available in the Sega Genesis collection. So it's something that I'm thinking about. Yeah, the only fantasy that star game I ever played was online. I also played when you played. When did you play fantasy star online? Oh, years ago, I played I think there was one
What is it? Okay, hold on. I need to look because there was one It might be oh, I I don't think I played online. I think I played fancy star universe online It was on the 360. It was like a it was like a demo sort of but not really Um, no, the one I played was on the gamecube dreamcast I played it. I played it on the dreamcast. Okay. Yeah, I played the
I played the one that was like, it was like a, it was like free to play on the 360 and it was a lot of fun. It was actually a lot of fun. It was, it was weird. And you had to like, it was a lot of farming for like rare drops and stuff like that. I put more time into that game than I probably should have, but it was free. So it worked. And yeah, it was a good time. It was, it was a really good time. Um,
Yeah, they're fantasy star online, the one that I played for the Dreamcast. It came out like 2000, which makes sense because I did play it in high school. So a long time ago. But it was a lot of fun, too. I've just never played the fantasy star series outside of that one game. So I have like no concept whatsoever.
on it. I've even seen very little of the fantasy star. I realize it's like a whole like, there's a lot of people who love it and the series and everything like that. And like even the one that I played did really, really well. I just never played it. It's actually really funny that we're talking about fantasy star. So Shane was actually playing fantasy star four. That's actually how I sort of saw the game. Oh, it would be interesting. Shane played it. Let's go. Also, hi, Shane.
Yeah, so Shane was talking about Phantasy Star Force. It's something I think I'm going to add to my backlog. It looks interesting, and it does have sort of like that front-facing battle system, but at least you see your character then attack. So it's kind of like, it looks like Earthbound in the sense where you have all the health meters on the bottom, you can't see your characters, but then when they're attacking, you actually see them attack the thing. That's all I want.
So yeah fantasy star four is probably something I'm gonna dive into at some point Literally all Dragon Quest 3 could have done to appease to KJ was put it so that was like the camera was behind the character Yep, if they would have kept that like it looked like Golden Sun. I was so excited But yeah, um
Okay, I did have another question did have another question for you we can get back on the square topic What is a square title? That you would like to see them revive. Oh Because a lot of I asked this because a bunch of people have mentioned Parasite Eve in chat, so I'm very curious What your opinion on that would be I
Yeah um there's there's a few that I would like them to breathe like really really good life into but Parasite Eve is a really good one just because it was very
Different from what they usually did and they kind of mixing like more the dark and the RPG experience together and Like I haven't played all the way through parasite Eve one and two, but it's it's very different Which would be really really cool for square to kind of like show like to kind of revitalize and do but I'd also be worried because it's so different Maybe the revitalization wouldn't do very well um
I mean some of them I just wouldn't want them to touch like a loser illusion of Gaia and the three of those like the Tyranny enigma and the soul blazer I wouldn't want them to touch those like I feel like
I don't know. I think they're good just at least the illusion of guy that I played. I really want to play the other two now because of playing it. I really enjoyed it. It was really cute. And I feel like, wow, maybe if they did that with like Octopath Traveler graphics, I would be intrigued by it. But otherwise, I'm just kind of like, that's good. Okay. I'm like scrolling through titles trying to figure out exactly what I would want because like,
I'm not sure. It would probably be a new word title for me, probably. Yeah, I mean, there's so many titles and stuff like that that have started to get a little bit of attention. I would have, before Chrono Cross got the remaster, I would have said Chrono Cross because I feel like they kind of constantly overlook it.
and jump over it because Croto Trigger is so like held in such high regard that and then Croto Cross is so different from Croto Trigger so it's always got that going for it so I would have said Croto Cross but then they brought a remaster and they breathed life a little bit back into it and it's been such a joy to be experiencing that again and like all that sort of feelings and stuff
A lot of their stuff, they're doing that. Like Secret of Mana would have been another one I said, but they already did a remake of it. Now I haven't gotten to play it yet, but Secret of Mana was such a great Super Nintendo game that I just, I love Secret of Mana. That's another thing I never really got to. I've like dabbled in some of those games, but I don't know where to start with those Mana games. I think you might actually like Legend of Mana. I think that might be the one to start with.
I played the most of with Sword of Mana because it was on the GBA and I always saw the box and was like super excited about it and... I've never played Sword of Mana so I can't... It's a remake of the first one, I believe. But yeah... Oh, you mean the remake of the Secret of Mana? It's a remake of the first Mana game. Sword of Mana, I'm pretty sure is a remake of the first Mana game. Oh...
just on the internet. Oh, okay. Yeah, it's... I didn't know that game existed. Okay, well. Yeah, that style and stuff, or Legend of Mana. Because Legend of Mana had a really, really good... It had a very unique style. It had a really good music and stuff like that, but... I would say Secret of Mana, but Secret of Mana is also a little bit more action-adventure-y, kind of like...
Interest in Mana Series and Grandia Revival
like Illusion of Gaia was, except for you're switching between three characters. And you didn't seem super thrilled about that. So I think maybe Legend of Mana might be more the one.
more the one I would think, or it's sort of bad. That looks good too, actually, that I look at it. I haven't played it myself, so I can't experience it, but it's gotten really, really good reviews from the community. So I mean, that might be a good one to start with too, since it's a remake of the first one. Yeah, that's the one I might play. I tried to play it, and it was really wordy. It was really wordy in the beginning, and I was just like, it's funny. I actually tried to play it when you guys were here.
And it was really wordy. And then I was like, I'm going to play triangle strategy instead. Makes no sense. It's funny. Yeah, I know. Change has corrected me. It's because it was the original Mana game was called Final Fantasy. That's right. I forgot of that. That's what it called it.
Originally and then they turned it into its own thing series and stuff like that. I remember they they did that the They kept calling things like Final Fantasy, but they weren't like a saga frontier. I think had that same treatment because there was like saga frontier had was originally like that series was really called Final Fantasy something or other and
And so, yeah, so that's why I don't remember the first one. I always think of Secret of Mana as the first one, but no, it would have had a different title.
um i actually do mana legend of mana or it sounds like sword of mana would be yeah final fantasy legend that's what it was thank you shade yeah sager frontier one two three were like final fantasy legend yep and it was just so confusing that they kept naming things final fantasy back in the day and but they were different like store like they were different different like they weren't even like within the final fantasy like
idea it was it was just very different um and so they they made them learn their own things like saga frontier and and mana series and stuff like that so um makes sense but yeah i i think yeah i think you i don't think like secret of mana i i chat i love secret of mana i promise you it's just when i think of what like kj likes to play and he didn't seem super thrilled about how illusion of guy was battle system and everything yeah it didn't illusion of guy did not
did not sit well with me. I don't know. That I would worry that that would translate over to like Secret of Mana still being like that actiony RPG thing where you switch between the three characters. So I think maybe more like Legend of Mana would be a little bit more. Okay. But yeah, Sword of Mana looks interesting to you. I haven't played it yet, but now I'm gonna put it on my list that I want. Okay, my answer to this question
My answer to this question is kind of, I'm like, kind of stretching here. Because it's a game that Square didn't originally publish, but I'm stretching here a little bit. And it's actually going to be a good segue. So my answer is Grandia. Because Square did publish Grandia 3.
Oh, you're stretching that. OK, you know what? Right. I'm stretching. I had to look it up. I was like, and then I even went and got the game off my shelf. I was like, I'm pretty sure. No, no, no, no. You're right. Square published Grandia three. They didn't make it. Exactly. So yeah.
I don't know where. But they would have the right to it. So you're right. They could. They could. They could. And so it's funny because like I've never I've never beaten any of the the Grandia games. I've like dabbled in them and they look like a lot of fun, but I've never actually beaten any of them, which is.
kind of the segue into what the next episode is going to be, the next episode of the podcast is going to be, and where we're going to take this. It was not intentional. This was not an intentional segue. It just happened. But I was like, wait a second. I'm pretty sure they own the rights to Grandia now.
Yeah, they have the right like the remaster was still done by somebody else, but I think they I think they still have like they could do something with it. Yes sort of idea. I mean, yes, that would probably be something I would like to see if they were going to continue on with the series. But otherwise, I mean, they're.
kind of doing something with Octopath but it was like a mobile game so I'd like to see more more of like that because I do think that that studio just does like that part of Square just does such good work. I've never been disappointed
Never been disappointed by a game that they've they've touched so far. So I think that would be really really interesting Yeah, and take makes a good point of like if we're not even talking about like trying to revitalize But even just took like continues a series I'd be really interested in another chrono game on what they would do because they way back in the day they had Pat or they had trademarked chrono break. Mm-hmm
And we were all very wondering what this was going to be. And then it dropped, and then it was never spoken of again. But it was always that intriguing in the mind of being like, would they do a direct thing to Chrono Trigger? Would they do something like they did with Chrono Cross? Would they do a sequel to Chrono Cross or a prequel or whatever? Who knows? Our minds were just like, OK, another Chrono game in a series where they're connected, but they could still be played on their own.
would be very interesting to me, but I would also be incredibly worried since they had dropped it once that they would feel like they wouldn't be able to meet
the expectations of both of those games. Because despite a lot of people like maybe not being super in love with Chrono Cross, like it's soundtrack is one of the best soundtracks. Chrono Cross soundtrack is great. Yes, I can. And like, they had components to it that were great. Some things were just a miss. And I know a lot of people felt defeated about like the leveling system and stuff. But like, it was still a it was still a game on its own that
stood strong in other aspects than Chrono Trigger did and hit differently than Chrono Trigger did. So I would be very intrigued to see a third one in that series done in a way like how Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross are connected but they're not and you could play them on their own and they have different strengths and stuff like that and
and everything. It'd be very interesting. Take me to a good point about that because a lot of the stuff that they're remastering and remaking right now would have been my suggestions. My only other one is if they made Final Fantasy VI, remade in the Octopath. Only if they did it with the Octopath.
How would you feel? But they keep doing Pixel remasters, so I don't think they'll ever touch that ever again. But if they did it in the Octopath Traveler team, got ahold of that, and then got to do a Final Fantasy 4, 5, or 6, either, I wouldn't even be argumentative on the other two, and did a remake where it was in that style, I would so play it. Because that style is just beautiful for Pixel games, and perfect for remasters to remake something.
I think it would be really cool if they did a remake and this is going to give you, I'm going to give you, I mean, I guess I, we, we like, I alluded to it earlier, but you're going to hear why my, my biggest critique of final fantasy six, I would be okay with a final fantasy six remake for the simple fact that they're, they would have the opportunity to make
eight or nine other characters in Final Fantasy VI actually be story relevant. There are so many characters in Final Fantasy VI. Oh, yeah. That would be perfect. And the Octopath Train will do that so well. Their stories just aren't relevant to the actual story itself. You can play that game. Tomorrow? You can literally play that game with... And one of the characters is only because you need his airship.
Like, that's the only reason why you need Setzer. You could play that game with Locke, Celes, Terra, and... And or Sabin. And yeah, kind of, kind of like...
don't know him and Edgar like they kind of like you there you can make that case and that's why I said like Edgar's behavior oh god no just cancel Edgar please just cancel Edgar so yeah that's my biggest problem with six is like party splits and the fact that again like there are some great like don't get me wrong science a great character but
his story isn't as story relevant. Neither is- Yeah, and there's a lot of characters like that where they're like, they didn't get enough like story development. Like Umaro is one. Gogo is one. Gogo is another, which Gogo's just got a really unique like,
skillset that like can mimic things so you're like you're always kind of wondering like they're literally shrouded in mystery and it would have been fun if they played that up where they just had like these mysterious moments of go-go um and like even like shadow got a little bit more of like a little thing but even like uh i feel like um
like realm and uh strago and stuff like that while they had a little bit um that could have been touched on way more and stuff like that like so you're absolutely right um you could get a little bit more of him in terms of like be doing like the fell veld side
thing. So you get a little bit more plot line with his sort of thing. But it still was kind of like, like, these characters are really great and charming. Yeah. So if Octopi Traveler team took that on and remade it in the beautiful thing, and then gave those extra characters a little bit more of a story substance,
oh yeah no i think oh that would be so beautiful and then have just like remastered music of Nobu Amatsu's soundtrack and like keeping the plot line the same and stuff just just giving those side characters more relevance into wanting to use them yeah because you dive with that character because like that game's very much designed you can really literally have a party of anybody
and still beat the game. So it would be really interesting if you could literally just pick the party like you jibed with the most, not the ones where they were the only ones to get development. Yeah, because I honestly, I played the game with what I felt were the three main characters. And then after that, it was the character I thought was the coolest slash had the Yeah,
the most like, yeah, like was Yeah, I use go go all the time just because I was like, I love their mimic. And so I had like, seven and go go go go in like the same party. Oh, yeah. And for me, they were just unstoppable. For me when I
When I had the option, it was Locke, Celes, Terra, Shadow. And that was my team, basically, as soon as I got, as soon as I got Locke back, that was my team. I like, the first thing I did, the first thing I did when I got the airship, I was like, okay. Not Steve, Treasure Hunter. I was like, beeline for Shadow. And because everyone was like, oh, Shadow's easier to get. I was like, all right, cool. And I got everyone. But then I was just like, okay, it's time to go get Locke. And like, this is my party.
Ooh, that's such an interesting, let me argue, six versus Chrono Trigger had developed everything so well. Six had variety. Who are these people? Yeah, it's really interesting. And I think there's a lot of back and forth between six and Chrono Trigger.
Yeah, and that's where I sit is like Chrono Trigger felt more of a completed game with all storylines. You know what I mean? Every character had a full on segment. Every character had a full on backstory. I mean, a few people argue about Luca, but like she was incredibly important to Robos.
Mm-hmm side of things and also she was just kind of like the best friend smart and there with you kind of thing So I was okay with like one character being a little less like plot-driven than all the other especially if they're pushing other characters Exactly. They were pushing everybody. So that was okay for me and Chrono Trigger. That's why Chrono Trigger is my favorite game of all time
time whereas Final Fantasy 6 is my favorite Final Fantasy game. And it's just because Final Fantasy 6, while I love it to pieces, there was just little bits like that where they just didn't give me enough substance.
Chrono Series Character Development
It's the same reason I have an issue with Chrono Cross and where they give you a whole walk of characters and they're not really like, they don't really have like story or relevancy and you don't even really get them like talking or anything until you like have them in your purry and stuff.
Which was a little frustrating so like the main characters that I love in Chrono Cross are the ones that had the most story like Glenn and Riddell and stuff like that so there's a lot of characters that don't that are just like funny or funny looking or whatever that you just go to get right?
So that's where I was disconnected a little bit with Final Fantasy 6 and I feel like Final Fantasy 6 had the potential it just maybe it pushed already the Super Nintendo and it just didn't have any more room to go. So that's why I think every make of that with the Octopath create team doing it in that style and then.
breathing a little bit more life into the characters they didn't get a chance to like really develop and that way like you go through the game at that point having every character having like plot line and revel events and stuff like that you you feel for these characters and then you could just pick your favorite team and then go and beat the game kind of idea.
That would be phenomenal. I would love to learn more about Gogo. I would love more on Shadow. I would love... I'd love Relman's Grago to have a little bit more. Heck, I would even be laughing hard if they put Altros in as a character. Of course you would. Of course you would. Polly would love to play Final Fantasy VI.
through Ultros' eyes. Oh my god, I would cry. But like, even if they did like a little segment like that of like, Ultros or something like that, where because by the end, like, Ultros is just kind of like, I'm going to run the Coliseum and just having fun and doing shit because he's that's what he is. And so like, I'm like, even that where you just like, joins your party briefly, or just like, bees and NPC for a little bit with you, or you get to fight with him and the Coliseum or something, that would be hilarious.
But like, it's just, it's just, it's so close. It's so close for me. It's just not quite, that's why Chrono Trigger ended up, because I played both of them really close. So like, the nostalgia of them being my favorite game of all time was very close to each other. But Chrono Trigger just felt more of a complete package wrapped up in a bow handed to me.
character development, music, story, gameplay, everything was just phenomenal with it. So I understand there's still people who are not huge fans of Chrono Trigger, and that's totally fine. But when I was a kid at the time for RPG games, there was a whole lot to go with. And when I played Final Fantasy III, AK6,
I could see the little bits of that where I'm like, I don't care about Umaru. Why am I getting them? I'm getting them to have that completionist in me, but I'm like, I've never used Umaru. I don't even know what its attacks are. I feel so bad about that. But I just didn't care, right? So whereas Chrono Trigger, there wasn't a character I didn't care about in the main storyline.
There just wasn't, like I love Frog, I love Ayla, I love Robo, I love Luca, I love Merle. I love freaking Magus and all that sort of stuff. My favorite character was even Shala, who's an NPC. Magus, I can, I don't know about Magus. That is one. Magus, I was kind of hoping we would have just remained.
I have still I've still yet to play a Chrono Trigger playthrough where I've used Magus. Magus is dead in my in my and that's totally fair. That's the one area where I could see like people like argue with the characters that plot wise Himbe defeated makes way more sense. Plot wise.
But, so I can attest that if people don't like Magus, that's fine. I liked him because I just like his whole backstory and everything like that. And I just, I feel bad for him by the way. We are Team Frog. Yeah, and that's totally fine. If you love, if Frog has your heart, then Magus is automatically just out. We are Team Frog, through and through. Magus, no hard pass. Where Shala had my heart, who's an NPC, but her sibling,
Yeah, so that's why I was a little bit more connected with that than with with Shutting Up. Don't get me wrong, I still love Frog. Linola, don't at me, I promise. I still love Frog. But Shao is technically my favorite character, so she's not even a playable character, which is beautiful with Chrono Trigger. They wrote their character so well that even the NPCs, I was like, oh, I just want to protect you. But you're protecting me.
kind of idea. But yeah, Chrono, Final Fantasy VI, I can absolutely admit that they needed a little bit more development with those characters. Just give me something to care about. Umaro, I'm sorry, you were just Mog's friend and I wanted Mog. And you were just there.
you get bogged back in your party and then my umaru is just literally there and i'm like okay i might as well go do this yeah pretty much pretty much cledola is not what i said oh no
Okay, yeah, so I think, like I said, it was a little bit of a stretch, but I think Grandia would be something that would be really interesting. Honestly, I'm excited to do the remaster, but yeah, you're right. The Grandia series is just really unique. I've only dabbled in it very, very briefly. I played one for like... Actually, I have a save date of one, but it's like super early on, so I'm just gonna go back
Yeah, so I'm gonna I'm gonna go back and like restart entirely because I don't remember anything I
Yeah, same. Like, I'm gonna play the remaster of it, so. But to wrap up the Chrono Trigger thing, like, no girl. Flea is also another side character that I freaking love. Like, Flea being like, they're like, are you girl or man? And they're like, I'm pretty and I'm boss. So like, let's just say, was one of the more progressive things in a game at the time that I was like,
Oh, kind of idea, right? It's like, while Gogo was an illusion and they left that as a mystery where you didn't know, they really played into Flea being like, I'm powerful, I'm beautiful, and it doesn't matter. Use whatever you want kind of thing. And it's just Flea just played into this so well. And I'm like, that was just such a great like,
Yeah, no, that's a really good point. You don't get to see a lot of NPCs get true development unless they're like villains. And even back then, we didn't really even get things that were more like...
you know, be different genders and things like that. So like, you know, like maybe looking one way but being the other, right? So we didn't get that much representation even like we still struggle. And so like now going back and like thinking of how like progress that was, it was like,
Oh, okay. It's just little bonuses that I go, I look at now in the eyes of a bi-queer woman, that I go back to those and I'm going, wow, that was a very interesting thing that I did. And they just slipped it in. Just a little bit of- And I feel like that's common, right? There's those subtle things where it's like, oh, I didn't really see that.
And now then you go back and you replay something and look and it's just like, oh, OK, that's actually that. Wow, that's way beyond its time.
Yeah, exactly. And that's what I really loved about that for Chrono Trigger specifically. But like, and then when we go into like the Grandia series of why you'd love to see that, Grandia series was really interesting. Like the first game was unique. The second one was really unique. The third one started to lose me, but it was still unique. Like all three games were different.
Game Comparisons: Skies of Arcadia and Grandia 3
I've heard Grandia 3 compared to
with Skies of Arcadia, but I don't know if that's a fair comparison. Oh, don't tell me that. I will load this up right now. Do not tell me. I will literally only leave this game in my hands. Skies of Arcadia is way more beloved. So I don't see how that connected from what I've played of Grandiad 3 and what I've known of Skies of Arcadia, because I haven't played Skies of Arcadia. I'm just like, I don't see it. But that's what somebody tried to sell me on like years ago. And I'm like, I haven't played Skies of Arcadia.
of Arcadia oh my goodness okay okay again like skies of Arcadia is just your oh it's so good I love so just like
Playing through Skies of Arcadia and just like the world, like you're a sky pirate. Like it's so cool. Like you're on a ship, you're going to these different places, you're trying to save the world. And there's like some twists that you can kind of see coming, but kind of like some of it, I'm just like, okay. The sky battles were really interesting, even though if you don't keep up with your ship, you kind of just,
get screwed. Oh, Skies of Arcadia was so much fun. And that is a game that does not care about you at all. They do not tell you much of anything. You have to find stuff yourself, very little hints, very little breadcrumbs. Skies of Arcadia is, and so I do recommend if anybody plays it, play the GameCube version, because the Dreamcast version is...
The encounter rates on the Dreamcast version are stuff of nightmares, but oh my goodness. Oh, is the GameCube version better? Yeah, the GameCube version definitely, yeah. They fixed that. But that was such a good... That's actually the second or third game I beat on stream. Third game I beat on stream, because I beat that after Final Fantasy.
I beat that after Final Fantasy 8. And yeah, it's such a fun game. Like, Skies of Arcadia is great. Because the characters are so, like, it's really easy to just, like, love the characters. It's awesome. Yeah, the main character is Skies of Arcadia. Actually, he's one of my bit badges. Oh, yeah, that's right. That's right, because you had a lot of, like, the main characters as your bit badges. Yeah, Skies of Arcadia is a great game.
But yeah, there's just some stuff they don't tell you. One of my longtime viewers, he actually sent me the chart because they don't tell you what elements are good against what. And it's just colors. So you don't actually know.
You don't actually know what everything is. So every time I played Skies of Arcadia on one monitor, I just had the chart up so that I could basically attack things with the appropriate elements so that I would be fine. Oh, OK.
Yo, Victoria, yes. Hell yeah. Yeah. I need to play Skies of Arcadia, and you need to play Bat and Kaitos. I have. I have. Bat and Kaitos. Yeah, I have it. I just haven't played it yet. But hearing Grandia 3 being compared to Skies of Arcadia makes me very excited. Now that you described Skies of Arcadia, I think it's because the two characters are pilots, and that's where the line is drawn. Oh, no. Don't tell me just that. Oh, no.
Yeah, I'd have to replay Grandia 3. It's been a while. I remember I had quit about halfway through the game. But Grandia 1 and 2 are definitely really solid. I don't know, the cover. Grandia 2 being my favorite in the series. I love 2. 2 just had this powerful story that just is one of my top and JRPG games for story. I'm going to stream that at some point. That's actually a game that I will be streaming. Oh, the second one? The second one, yeah. Because I'd love to watch that.
But yeah, with that segment or whatever,
Upcoming Podcast Focus on Grandia 1
yeah. Starting, I guess, pretty well now. Yeah. KJ and I are going to be playing Grandia 1 offstream. And the reason for this is because basically one month from today, so July 24th, we are going to do our next podcast where we're going to be talking about Grandia 1.
our experiences through it, things that we like, things that we don't like. We're hopefully going to get some clips and stuff like that together that we can, when we're talking about a certain segment of the game, we can show it. And we're going to be trying to beat it. So we're going to try to get as far as possible, if not beat the game, so that we could talk about it in its entirety.
um so we will be a little bit spoilers but because we're announcing it now and it's a month later you guys could go play grandiose one as well and uh talk about it with us see how far you get
uh see how far you get or like it'll be more like a video game book club like that's kind of what we're what we're thinking about and if there's so how we'll do it is like if there's news and stuff that we want to cover we will but like we'll kind of we'll let y'all know ahead of time like if that's going to be the case um but yeah grandia one is going to be the first thing i think the next thing after that like we'll try to get games that are like a little shorter
next time. Yeah, we're trying to make it so that we can beat it in a month even with our schedules. We both stream working and stuff like that and KJ probably, let's just be real, you'll be returning to work at some point. Whatever you want to. In the next couple of months, yeah.
Yeah, and so like so that kind of segment and everything we want to make sure and it's also balanced on your guys schedule too because you guys are probably working and stuff so playing alike so we're gonna try to pick like the shorter like games that are more like RPG based but in the shorter category that aren't like Witcher 3 which is gonna be like 200 hours. Yeah
where we're just setting ourselves up to not be able to do it. But we're going to try our best to beat it and or get as close as possible and both have the understanding that if the other beats it, we might talk about the ending. Exactly. During the during the during the podcast. But yeah, this is this is our plan. Yes. And then if there's like big, big things, we might talk about it or maybe even just starting the segment off a little bit about talking about current RPG news or something like that.
if there's big enough news. But yeah, going into... Going forward with the podcasts, yeah, we're gonna do a podcast book club for RPG games. And you definitely, if you've played Grandia 1, even better, because you could just like hang out with us and see what our opinions were firsthand.
Yeah, I'm actually, I don't remember anything about it. I only played like an hour. I only played like an hour of it and I'm like, okay, we'll see what happens. I'm interested. I'll have to delete my save data and kind of go through and pick it back up. But I remember it being sort of,
Very open and just like I had no idea where I was going or what I was supposed to be doing So I'm excited that I can do it and it'll be a good like segue into the series Officially because again, I've seen I've seen a bunch of Grandia I've definitely seen Grandia 3. I've seen a bunch of Grandia 2 Through other people but I've never played I only played like an hour of the first one so
Yeah. Yeah. And basically our goal for these is not to do like everything and everything in the game. We're just we're trying to get through the game to beat it so that we could talk about it on the podcast. And so like doing all the side stuff, it might be a longer game, but doing like the like
start to finish to get the completion and stuff like that, beat it. That's what we're trying to use as the gauge for which ones we're going to do. We've got lots of ideas, so we're going to start with Gradio 1 because we're both interested in playing the game, me replaying it. I got to the end of Disc 1.
So I have a few save files there where I was like literally switching to disc 2 so like I got a chunk in but I don't remember it's been years since I since I played it personally so like at least a decade so I don't remember anything so it's gonna be very interesting how much pops into my brain being like oh yeah or how much of it's like what
What this game is? It's really interesting. Because games I haven't beaten, I don't retain the plot line of. It's weird. That's interesting. Like, when I do an RPG game, if I don't full on beat the game, for some reason, like, I don't remember, like, there's, even when I beat games, like, there will be parts that I miss, so, like, replaying it, I'm like, oh, yeah, these things. But I know the overall plot of it. If I didn't beat it, it's like, I don't remember the plot.
No, I get that. I can totally understand that. Yeah. So those core beating the game moments and having all the plot come into completion, that's what stays in my brain. And then everything else will dissipate over time unless I'm replaying it over and over again. So illusion of Gaia, ask me what the second dungeon is, and I can't tell you anymore.
but tell them ask me what that plot line is and i can tell you and or tell you what the ending is so like i that's just i don't know that's just the way my brain works now i just recently did that i think for me it's like as long as i get through a good portion of the game i'll remember it um so like champ brought up sweetcode in three i played like 10 hours of sweetcode in three and i just
Again, it all escapes me. Like, it all escapes me. Because we didn't play it enough. And maybe that's the key, too. It's like, maybe if I got to all the way to the ending or close to the ending, I would remember most of it. But like Grandia I only got to the end of Disc I. And I feel like that's there's still a lot of plot to go. I feel like I did that in like 10 or 15 hours or something. So it was a very long.
And yeah, but Grandia 2, I know exactly, I remember exactly what happens at the end of that game and or chunks of what happens in that game, even though I beat it a decade ago. So it's strange with the RPG games that they're like stories and it's the same with books for me. If I don't finish the book,
I start to forget a lot of it. So then I have to like go back and reread the book and then actually finish it. The Maze Runner series is a good example. So I read all of the Maze Runner series, finished it. And then when I watched the movies, I was like,
That's wrong, that's wrong, that's wrong, that's wrong, that's wrong. You know, all of a sudden I was just like, oh my god, the second movie is nothing like the second book. And because I had remembered it so well, even though I had watched them so far apart. But the Miss Peregens School for Peculiar Children, I didn't finish that series. I was on book three.
I can't tell you what was book two either. Or even though I finished it. Because it's all one big plot line and they all tie into each other. And if I tried to reread the third one, I'd have to go back to like the last bit of the second one and then read the third one and do it. I don't know, it's just weird with my brain when it comes to storylines. I have to have it completed or a good chunk of it completed. Especially when it is a continuous story.
Hmm. So Final Fantasy 13, it was the same way. I played 13, and then I played 13 two years later, and then Lightning Returns years later. And I was like, these games are very disconnected. What the heck? And then when I played them all in a row, I got it. I understood what they were trying to do. And I'm like, OK. But I didn't remember the reasons why I thought it was so disconnected the last time. Because you played them in order.
Yeah, and I played them with long gaps in between them. So yeah, that's yeah, that's we haven't done, you know, blade yet, but we both are interested in this. I don't know if I will. I don't know if I will play Xenoblade. Xenoblade is not like I watch key play it and like the game play for me didn't really do it. I wasn't a wasn't a huge fan. Um.
So I'll probably watch people play Xenoblade. I probably won't play it. I also feel like it's common that Xenoblade is one of those games that people are like super excited to, they're like, super excited to play and then they get it, they play it for some amount of time, put it down and then like, they're like, oh yeah, Xenoblade's on my backlog, but they haven't played it in X number of weeks, months, et cetera, so.
Yeah, and that's why I never started Xenoblade Chronicles is because I want to play and beat it. So that's probably going to be a stream game at some point. That's why it makes me beat it because I have to beat it on stream. So that might be something I do there, but like.
I'm curious at the series. It's also like, I really would love to play the three XenoSega games, but they're so expensive, number two and three, to get. I have one. I have XenoSega one. But XenoSega two, it's like, okay, that's affordable. XenoSega three, it's like you just choked on your water price-wise. And I'm like, I don't know if I want to be into the series that much with that kind of price tag at the last game.
It's funny because Pilot Whisperer was playing Xenosaga 1 this morning and I was hanging out on his stream and he said that his copy of Xenosaga 3 has a $15 price tag on it.
Oh, he bought that game for $15. That is now like a couple hundred dollar game. Yeah, it's like with me, the Shadow Hearts, my brother laughed at me because he said that I have the 1999 price sticker on Shadow Hearts Covident. And that's like a 200 or Shadow Hearts, the original one. And that's like a $200 USD game right now. I'm like. Yeah, it's crazy what you used to be able to get games, especially ones where it was like
RPGs and stuff like that that a lot of people heard of so like you could find them at like pond shops and things like that for very cheap way back when but now people are getting wiser with the internet and Figuring out what things are worth and like pricing them way higher and you're just like oh dang it
But the Shadow Hearts series is entirely an expensive series. So one, two, and three. Three is the cheaper of the three of them. And then it's also cool. Koudelka is the most expensive of all. Yeah, Koudelka is like a $300. I'm doomed on getting that strategy guide, or not strategy guide, manual for my copy. I think I'm just going to give up on trying to get it. You'll find it eventually. I said the same thing. I've been able to find most of the things I'm looking for.
Yeah, I'm hoping I can find like the manual some day and like somebody's like box of like just random manuals and not have to pay a fortune for it. Fingers crossed. Fingers crossed, yeah. Because I didn't realize my copy didn't have the manual anymore and I don't know where it happened to it. But yeah, Kodalka is the most expensive of it all. Then it's Shadow Hearts, which is around a $200. And then Covident is around $150. And then
uh till the the third one um i think it's under a hundred dollar usd game i can't remember but uh yeah the the shadow heart series with codelco as a whole is a very expensive series um but then it's also very similar to the dot hack four games oh i can't wait to play those i'm very excited because you can get like one two and three for reasonably priced and then four is like four hundred dollars
Yeah. Yeah. Like I said, I'm excited to play the .hack series. I'll probably play those like in the discord or something, but yeah. .hack series is going to be fun. I... Yeah. The fourth .hack? Yeah. Venters. Venters. Quarantine is like a 300 plus dollar game.
I found it the cheapest I've ever seen it and bought it instantly for KJ because I was like I had never seen it for that cheap Recently, so I was like nope. This is mine. Yeah quarantine is It is like yeah like 300 I think the other ones are like the first ones like 20 or 30 the second ones like 30 or 40 the third ones like 60 or 70 and then I
Quarantine like 350 ish. Yeah. Ish, yeah, because they because they made a lot less copies of the last game. And then and so I make people choke about this, but I bought mine from my cousin for twenty five dollars. Yeah. Wow. I got a good deal of that because it had never been touched because he didn't play the other three.
oh my goodness hey so it was like yeah it was never touched i was like yeah back like a decade ago um but now i'm like looking at that going holy crap i have like a mint copy of quarantine uh with the anime dvd and everything and this thing is worth like almost like 350 USD crap
Yeah, I'll definitely, when I have everything, I'll definitely play those for sure, because those are going to be fun. Those are going to be a lot of fun. I remember playing the second one and not playing any other ones and just being so lost. Yeah, that's going to be fun, either if you stream it or even Discord. Speaking of Discord streams, KJ and I will also try to play a little Gradio 1 in our Discords as well.
um so so you guys could see a little bit segments because i'm going to be playing mine mostly at my computer so that i can record things uh just in case there's like little things i want to talk about during the podcast i want to make sure that i record what i'm
like talking about. So we'll have this layout, but it's going to be slightly different because we're going to have a third little screen that we could switch to when we're talking and showing clips and stuff like that, which is really cool. Yeah. It'll be very, very exciting. Yeah. I don't know if I'll be doing it. I'll probably just stream it in your Discord when you're having Discord things. I might do, I don't know if I'm going to do a Discord night next week, but maybe.
Yeah. So yeah, we can coordinate and we'll figure that out. Yeah, either Monday. I'm thinking of starting in a Monday. OK. Yeah, if you start on Monday, I'd go tomorrow. I could probably do that. And then Friday night is 5 past 14, so I'm going to try to go back and forth kind of thing. Yes, I'm good. But yeah, yeah, it's going to be fun. It's going to be fun. Awesome. I think this, I'm excited. I think this went well.
Any other closing statements or anything? I think we can wrap up. I'll start looking for somebody to raid, potentially. Yeah, absolutely. Thank you, everybody, for hanging out with us, listening to our tangents that went off in different directions.