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Episode 17: Breath of Fire 2 image

Episode 17: Breath of Fire 2

Turnbased Tangents
49 Plays9 months ago

It was a game.....


Mixed Feelings on Breath of Fire 2

Starting now. So welcome everybody to the next episode of turn based tangents. We got a good one. We have a very we have a good review, not a very good game. I'm just going to throw that out there right now.
Yeah, it's gonna be a time. I apologize in advance. I'm running on very little sleep, and I also didn't really like this game, so I'm gonna be a little bit more blunt and open and honest than I normally would be, which is kind of scary, because I'm always blunt and brutally honest. I was just about to say. I was just about to say. I'll try to add in a little bit of the sugar. It'll be a lot of fun.
To this brother. We're covering Breath of Fire to everybody here. I have the GBA version of it.
I also played the GBA version. However, my copy is long sold to somebody who loves this game. I didn't think there were people that did love this game, but yeah. So. Fun fact, now I'm gonna reveal the spoiler. So, KJ thinks I played the GBA version. A lot of people did. I did not. I played the Super Nintendo version on the Switch.
to add in a little extra, you know, something, something, because I thought maybe, you know, it would, you know, not be that bad. And yeah, we're gonna get into it. Yeah, see, um,
You know, I haven't picked up the switch in like months, so I had no idea, but it's all good. And I don't really. I I've I've punished myself a little bit. I've punished myself a little bit. So with the why we're talking about this is because the Super Nintendo version of it is what the switch has. It has a port version of it, but it has a handy little feature called rewind. So you could like rewind battles and stuff like that. And you start eating.
in my defense I didn't actually use it I did not actually throw the whole podcast away you had built-in you want to know what I played on
I played on the damn game boy. That is crazy. Told you I was going to add a twist. I kept telling people there's a twist. That is crazy.
That is absolutely crazy. So I had every intention to play it on the GBA and I was super transparent with KJ before we picked this game for the podcast that I did have a play. I had played a little bit of it.
but not a whole lot. I didn't get really involved into it. So I said, hey, it would be cool if we got through this game and beat it because I had never beaten it before. And my save file is on here that I played because I've had this GBA version of it for quite a long time now, which has a few little quality of life adjustments and stuff over the Super Nintendo version of it.
However, I ended up loading it up, and then was horribly confused, and I didn't know what was going on, and I was like, okay, this is great. So I started over on the GBA, but then I was like, what would be different? What would be different? I want to see the OG version, so ported onto the Switch. So I loaded it up on the Switch, and I was like, wait,
Why is it telling me I can

Guide Usage and Gameplay Challenges

rewind? I was super confused. You know what you just did? Really, this podcast episode was, we were like, okay, we're gonna take the stairs. And you were like, oh, I gotta go to the bathroom real quick. And then you just ducked over to the elevator, pushed the elevator button, waited on the elevator for however long it took us to get to the top of the stairs, and then showed up a little early.
That's crazy. That is crazy. The SNES version is supposed to be harder, but adding a rewind function is crazy.
So definitely if people are going to play this, play the Super Nintendo version on the Switch with the rewind. I ended up using the rewind at the beginning just to figure out what it was. And then I was like, okay. You didn't use it.
Okay, I was testing it out for science. I promise I didn't go through the game the whole thing. It actually was harder. There was a few aspects of it. Like the counterweight rate for me was brutal. And then when I heard Peastone, Peastone and I were pretty well neck and neck the whole time playing the game.
and pretty well at the same time. And he had gotten a little ahead of me and was talking about the encounter rate of the final dungeon. And I thought his explanation of it was bad.
We'll talk about it later, but like, oh my goodness, I was so mad at it. Now I need to know. Now I need to know. Did this also have a fast forward function that you magically didn't use?
It didn't have any other special abilities. It had Rewind and that was pretty well it. And honestly, I recommend people doing that version. But I ended up playing only a little bit of it. And then I was like, now I'll do this legit. I won't piss KJ off because I know I knew if I went all the way through it, you'd be mad at me.
So I was like, no, I played it a little bit. And I was like, OK, I can see how this function would help specifically for this game, because sometimes there's just like encounters and stuff like

Plot Critique and Character Development

that you get into. And then you're like, oh, no, I'm in trouble. Yeah, you know what I had to do? I had to tough it out and fucking deal with it. So did I. So did I, Mr. Grumpy Pants. I didn't do it.
But yeah, I still have a real function. And that was kind of funny. And then but the it's still the Super Nintendo port. So there were times where I almost I almost quit KJ and went back to the GBA version. I'm not kidding you. I was this close a few times because I was just looking at you really bad. You had to do was rewind time and then you could go back and give me the same set.
where I'm cheating I get to take the elevator to the end of the game so I didn't do it I'm doing it you're not living game without doing it at least until the end of this this podcast year you're not living down no shop at least I beat the harder version of the game but again oh my goodness totally not living this down
So funny though, I knew I knew you're gonna I knew this was gonna blow up a little bit And perfect reaction because you had no idea nobody had any idea and every time you brought it up Playing the game. I never said I never specifically said it was I just kept saying I was playing
You definitely did tell me you were playing the GBA version yeah when I first started I did to be fair to be fair I think it was like six or seven hours into it. I was on this And then I don't know why but I guess I just was maybe the masochist in me
So I started, I loaded up the Switch version and I was just like, okay. And I just liked the feel of the Switch because there was a lot of nights where I was just not sleeping very well, or I was getting up stupid early and Anna was still fast asleep. And I'm like, I don't know what I'm going to do. So I had the Switch a lot.
And I found the switch more comfortable just in the way I had to position myself in bed to play it. So I ended up switching to the switch for more of an actual real reason was more comfort for me. But I thought it was kind of funny because I was like, oh, I'm just going to keep this a secret. And everybody's going to think I'm still playing on the GBA version.
And then I'm going to spoil that. No, I was on the switch. And it's so funny because every time Keystone went online on the switch, I would go into offline mode because I didn't want him to catch. I mean, he caught on anyway. He questioned you about having this the SNES emulator on like over like as your most recent played game. So he did catch on.
Yeah, he did. Yeah, he did. He definitely did. And then I think he was just kind of like waiting it out to see. But yeah, I thought I could be sneaky. But then I would load up like because I was playing Trails from Zero, which is on my switch, I would load it up. And right there on the screen is that I had the SNES thing as the most recent thing I played. And I was like, Oh, shit.
I didn't like click this out or anything. You're trying to lie to the turd based tangents faithful. That is crazy. Y'all, I just want y'all to know turd based tangents faithful for however many out there, however many of you out there that there are, I would not lie to you. I'm going to keep it 100 with you. The moral high ground over here. Okay.
As soon as I beat it I I'm gonna keep it a buck with y'all like I told it This that game was listed on Mercari as soon as I took it out of the Gameboy I did also play a little bit on the
the Game Boy Player for the GameCube, because I was streaming it in P-Stone's Discord. But yeah, no, I... Yep, this game... Nah, this... I feel like this is gonna be a very untraditional episode, just to be like... For me, there's only one thing I actually enjoyed in this game, and everything else, I feel like I'm just gonna be dumping on this game, so I'm gonna try my best not to do that. Yeah, I filled up. For me, quite a bit of it was...
quite a bit of it was either average or not good. The end screen was great because I knew it was over.

Comparisons and Missed Opportunities

That is a very good point. There were two things. Two things that were great. You seemed very excited when you beat it in P-Stone's Discord. Oh, yeah. No, I was just to be done. I can put it down. But no, I think the one thing I will say that was actually really cool about this game was the Shaman system.
but to kind of explain that is like you're basically like merging characters with shamans to get different abilities and stats and like almost like not really classes but kind of
Um, it was, it was really, really cool. And with that, it was, it was dope because only certain combinations worked. So I did end up looking up like a shaman guide to see what combinations worked and everything. And honestly, by the end of, but not even by like.
Maybe five to 10 hours in, I was like, yo, screw this. This game has me backtracking a ton. I'm just going to look up a guide for general guidance. At first, it was just a map, and then it turned into like, nah, I'm just looking at a guide. Screw this. I don't need a guide to tell me how to beat bosses and stuff, but I really needed a guide to tell me where the hell to go.
And I was really hoping that this game would have learned a little bit from the first game because that's largely what I had issues with the first game is that you basically needed a guide to know where to go and when to go because there was a lot of backtracking and a lot of like things that you wouldn't really like pick up on and stuff. So I was definitely a little disappointed that in this game it was pretty well
similar in terms of the amount of backtracking and stuff. And I don't blame you for, there, there was a couple times that I tried my hardest not to look at the guy, but I don't blame you for, for reading it would have, it would have saved me a few extra hours. That's for sure. Cause there was a couple times where I just got like super confused and I like stumbled into things sometimes just because I was like, Oh, this was not where I was supposed to go. This was something secret. Okay, cool. And stuff like that.
the first handful of hours, I was actually vibing with the game. Like when you get cat and then like, I was like, okay, this is interesting. Like Randy was like a throw to a character. I think that Rand, sorry, not Randy, Rand, I'm thinking trail still, uh,
My brain, my brain, the big guy. There was a lot of character names that were like throws to Breath of Fire 1. I think Rand was one of them. Bo was definitely one of them. And so yeah, right at the start of the game, I was into it. I liked the character designs, especially of Kat. I thought Kat was really cool looking.
Um, with cat cat girl with a bo staff. Like I, I was for that. And like, I liked the little sprite, um, and on the overworld and stuff like that, the way they looked. And even when you ran into Nina the first time, I was super like interested because she had different colored, she had different colored wings.
Uh, she looked really different than I've ever seen her in any of the other breadth of fire games I've played. So I was really curious of like her backstory and stuff like that because I was like, Oh, this is really interesting. So I definitely agree. Like the start of the game, I was like,
Like, this is kind of neat and everything, but goodness, because I was on the Super Nintendo version, the encounter rate and the enemies were hitting like trucks right at the start of the game. I found myself having to level up a bunch.
The encounter rate in the beginning of the GBA one wasn't too bad. The encounter rate really only picked up in certain dungeons, especially the last dungeon. The last dungeon I was. I. If I could have if I could have turned on me about that

Overall Rating and Experience

one. And the funny thing is, I was on the Super Nintendo version and I'm going. It was like he kept saying like, oh, every three and four two steps. Mine was every two steps.
I was so close to telling you I was not finishing this. I was so close or telling you that we would review it at the end of June so I could go back to the GBA version and like suffer through it. But like that would have, I would have had to go through 95% of the game again.
Because it was it was bad and it was bad from the beginning and I guess I think part of the reason why I was able to like push a little bit more through it and stuff with the with the Counter-rated as it was on the Super Nintendo version was that I was just kind of like a lot of the times I was lying a bed kind of like bored because I was up so early like I was messaging KJ at 6 30 in the morning and he's like
the hell are you doing up this early? And like being like up until like eight or something like that, playing the game or eight or nine and then falling back to sleep and then getting up at like 11 and just doing that routine because I wasn't sleeping very well. So I would just be like lying there. I mean, like, Oh, well, whatever. So it was less of a, I think if I was like,
Actively like doing it more in my evenings and stuff. I think I might have been a little bit more grumpy This game took time for me that I can't get back I feel this game is Probably like I don't know what I don't know. This is this has been a rough This has been a rough podcast year so far because as good as unicorn overlord was I
Grandia 3 and Breath of Fire 2 are like equally as bad as Unicorn Overlord was good.
Unicorn Overlord was fan frickin' tastic, and I think I was still on that high of that game. And I know I enjoyed Breath of Fire 3 more than KJ did, and I do really love 4 as well. I even like Dragon Quarter, which is a very controversial Breath of Fire, and then I've beaten 1, but I found 1 was a little rough around the edges.
I'm gonna say something that might actually shock a lot of people listening to this. I actually found two a little bit rougher to get through than one. Because one is a shorter game. And so while it still had the backtracking and the need of having a guide and things like that at certain points just to know where you're going, I found the characters a little, some of the characters more interesting. And it was a shorter game to get through.
Because this game, what was your timestamp in the end where you didn't have time stamps? That's right. We didn't. That's right. We had to guess. I just kept like making a mark on the GPA. Yeah. So with the switch, I kept like just writing down the number like in my phone. And I think I ended up at like 40 some. Yeah, it had to be in the 40s. It had to be like 35, 40 hours. Honestly, it wasn't like I don't know.
It passed the time, but like I said, it was just one of those things where, I mean, for me, the biggest issue was like, you start off and you're like, okay, like you get framed for stealing something. It started off good. You go to this town, you do anything. Absolutely. Okay.
This is super tricky. You start, yeah, and your character's like, he has this flashback of when he was a kid and then suddenly like none of the people in the village know who you are. And then they like cast you out as like a orphan. And then you like start out with, yeah, getting your little friend there, your little orphan friend getting framed. So it's like all, it was like, it was just like bam, bam, bam, right at the beginning. I'm like, okay, I'm intrigued. I'm into this. This is interesting.
So you go, you end up having to have your friend, the character's bow. He's like this dog who uses a bow and has healing spells. He's cute. He's got this cute, pudgy face. Anyway, he ends up getting framed for stealing this item from this rich guy. And so you have to like basically...
Prove isn't yeah, thank you prove is innocence and so you end up without your friend and then it's just you and kind of going into the world and right at that point it was a little rough for me because again I was playing the super Nintendo version so it was a little bit hard so I had to grind a little bit and then I kind of kept going but then you go to like a coliseum because you hear
Oh, about this person that would be entering the Coliseum that matches the subscription of the person your character Bo saw that would be the actual person who stole the item and stuff. So you like it, it, it kind of all sort of flowed into each other very quickly.
And I found myself really intrigued of where it was going. And when Kat got onto the scene and her just being this kind of like strong female and like not listening to you at first and because you're trying to warn her about this conspiracy going on and she's like, I'm fine kind of thing. And you fight her and stuff and she's super strong. I liked her vibe. I liked her character art. That was probably the best character in the game.
Oh, yeah. 100% Kat is the best character in this game.
I bailed me out in plenty of situations in combat, too. Like, yeah, she was such a great character to use in battle. She was a really interesting like character for her like plot line and stuff. And like, I just liked her design. I thought her design was really cool. I know I tend to be favoring the Bo staff kind of characters lately, but I liked her. I love this game, Polly. I feel like you enjoyed this game more than you're letting
on. You're giving a lot of love to this game. I really like the art, I like the pixel art and I liked Kat a lot and I kept her at my party like the whole game.

Future Episode Plans

you're you're giving a lot like grandia 3 you came in and you were yo shots were firing like you came in hot with grandia 3 this game i'm feeling like you're liking this a little more than you're leaving on like because i got nothing but bad things to say after you get cat i got nothing but bad things to say it's backtrack city you end up
like meeting some like super sexist like oh like he was the worst and that was the absolute one of the worst characters I've ever he's awful then you meet this like
He's not good in battle. Frog and like I was mad about that. I was mad because there's so many people who like that character, but I don't like I tend to not like sometimes I'm OK with like the stereotype stuff, but like, I don't know. He just rubbed me the wrong way for that's fair. It was weird. It was weird. He was weird. Yeah, that's it. Or Yark. You're like, I like strong characters like give me a trigger.
You go into a witch's tower, and then you have to like, go find the witch at this cafe, and then they try to cook you. And then you have to like, get out of being cooked. And then you got to go into like a fucking toilet to get a ring like dumb.
like, I'm sorry, it's stupid. Like, it just wasn't fun. And then I'm like, okay, then we're like getting into a cooking contest where you got to get like, you got to chase down some fucking fly. And I'm just like, am I Goku at King Kai's place, like trying to chase around Bubbles and Jeffrey or
Like, what the hell his name is? Like, come on, this is dumb. I just want a real, a real, like, a real substance in this game. And then it's like, keep going through, and then you're inside of a whale, and you're like, yeah, which, like, okay. Now it's Monstro. Oh, my goodness. And then it's like, you, you fight this, like, dream, angry dream thing. And I'm like, all right, whatever, like,
We wake up the whale, all of a sudden the whale is now our ship. Our ship, yeah. I was like.
It just, oh my goodness, it drove me nuts. And then, like, you do a bunch of other things, you go into a tree's memories, like, you get like a tree spirit elf thing, like, there's just so many weird things that happen in this game. And then finally, they hit you with all of the fucking dark, like, actual good story beats in the last three hours of the game.
You know what it felt like? It felt like an anime that got past the manga and then just stuck you with so much filler to get like to just keep you to hopefully keep you there and then finally catch up to the manga and finish the plot. That's what it felt like because it started off strong and then it kind of lost its way with like you said, we I mean, even when we started to see like Nina and stuff like that,
Shortly after that, we get Sten as a character and Freight away. He's just a problem. And he's not even good as a character. And like, I didn't even care. I'm sorry. I'm going to just say right now, I didn't care about his story. I didn't care about his backstory. I didn't, I didn't care. I was like half asleep being like, please let me get through this.
I wish it was like I wish some of that stuff was like optional like going through his like stupid stuff was optional and stuff but then the game would be really short because there was there was so much like random attempts at humor and weird stuff it
It honestly felt like a D&D campaign where, like, the DM didn't know what they wanted them to do. They had this, like, good start and good ending, but they had no idea how to bridge the two together. And they're just like, oh, well, let's put this really sexist character in there. Yeah, that'll get some laughs. And, oh, we'll just put the stereotype in there. That'll get some laughs, this creepy frog guy. And then, oh, yeah, we're going to, you know, make the whale into the ship.
ship that you use that this like referencing Moby Dick but not really and then yeah it just it just felt like there was so many like throws of random plot and that's another reason why I like the first game better because it is shorter and it's more to the point
It sounds like I mean, honestly, most games are more cohesive than this one. Fair, fair. I was expecting this to be like a step up from one and like in some situations it was I didn't find I had to backtrack as much as I did in the first game. But like more backtracking in the first game than there is in this one. You had to go back to your freaking I like.
How do I? Oh, yeah. You might be right. I think I'm thinking about it. And I think maybe two had more backtracking than one because one is also a shorter game. So I think it.
I'd have to think about it to your main town, which yeah, which is frustrating as hell because you don't get the way to get like get there quickly until like you're like, like over halfway through the game. And it's like, what?
Yeah. And then like, then the worst part is the like, they make the fast travel. They like give you another means of fast travel and that's good. And then, but the best way of fast travel is literally hidden. You don't even necessarily, you might not even necessarily get it. Like, okay, big spoilers coming here, but like you get into a boss fight where you're literally fighting like,
your father who's like part of this, like, machine cybernetic thing. And if you kill him, you can't get the damn, like, best means of transportation.
And you can't get the best ending because it's tied to the best ending also. Oh, my goodness. Which I kind of stumbled into that and then realized I was on the path for it. So I just kept like I read the guide on what left I had to do to get it because I kind of like stumbled into it. And so, yeah, they put they put stuff behind. And one of the cooler like one of the cooler looking characters of the game is also optional.
Um, who I also stumbled across. Uh, and I like that she's like, I have no idea how you stumbled across that. That is wild. So I had like little like bits of the guide and I think something like tipped me off because I was going to say that was like, I didn't like character.
you had to like go into the, I don't know if it's the same in the SNES version, but in the GBA version, you had to go into like a random place in the desert and then talk to the people and then like
wasn't clear where to go. And you'd like go back to the very first town and go into like the the school and talk to a random NPC in the back of the school. And they're just like, yeah, I must. Yeah, I think so when I was doing it or whatever, that's the same with the super Nintendo version of it, is that I ended up kind of like going around and going back and stuff like that to the places and stuff because I couldn't figure out where to go.
at a particular, like I couldn't figure out how to go. So I ended up going into the sand village and then I was talking to people and it was like alluding to it. And then I was like, what is this alluding to? And then I looked at the guide and I was like, okay. And so I got a little bit of a tip and then I kind of stumbled through the rest of it. Like I didn't read exactly how to do it.
I just read bits of it that are going. And that's another problem with this game as the first game has. It makes me feel like it was built to force you to buy the strategy guide.
Yeah, I mean, that's just 90s. I know that's a 90s thing. And I know that's very strongly a 90s thing. Adventure games slash RPGs. Super Nintendo, PlayStation 1 era, even some PlayStation 2 era games have that, where they were trying to pair the strategy guide with it and try to get you to buy both the game and the guide. And Breath of Fire 1 and Breath of Fire 2 both suffer from that.
Where they rely a little heavily on a guide and I do I think if you're not like At least glancing at a glide like me or going through the guide like KJ I think you're gonna have a real bad time because you miss stuff and then Like you'll miss a character. That's really cool. You'll miss like the the shamans you don't get all the stuff Things like that, but you miss so much of the game that it's like
Yeah, and I get that part of the time, so I don't want to harp on it too much, but it was just... I will say I did stumble on the best weapon for Ryu, because I kept going to random fishing spots. I didn't do any fishing, now fuck that.
No, I was like, I'm trying to find like something that I was like, thanks. I was doing the random fishing stuff. Definitely prefer the, uh, the fishing version in the third game over the second game. But, um, one thing that I do want to really talk about, um, because, uh, this is something, um, cause KJ hasn't played the first game.
This game did tie into the first game a lot more than I thought it was going to be. I knew it was 500 years set in the future kind of thing of the first game. I knew it was set in the future of the game.
Um, and like at the beginning of a guide I was looking at, it said like 500 years and stuff like that. And I'm like, okay. And they have references throughout this game that connect to the first game. Some of the names like Ryu, Nina, Bo, uh, Rand, I think as well, actually. Um, and then even like.
when you're doing the whole Nina quest line and stuff like that, you actually see, you have the experience with the Nina of the first game, which was kind of cool, which I really liked because it actually ties in that Nina is a descendant of that Nina, which was cool. And there was connections of even the bad guy, or no, the tree,
The tree is referenced in the first game as well and talked about and alluded to that. And even the end, like the bad guy, the big evil sort of scenario that I was building up to is also referenced in the first game.
It has a lot more ties into it than I thought it would, which was intriguing to me. And I think that helped get me going. I was, I feel really let down by the Nina storyline, though. You start off of like finding out that she's like exiled because her people believe that those born with black wings is a bad omen and sort of idea. So you get her in the party and everything. And I
I liked her character design. I liked the kind of the aspect of her. But again, the Nina situation with me is I usually replace her in my Breath of Fire playthroughs. I feel bad because I end up liking Nina, but she gets thrown out of the party pretty quickly. Nina was in my party the whole game in this game. Oh, really? Oh, yeah. No, Nina. I didn't use her the whole time. I used her both. I was in my party. Maybe about halfway. That was a mainstay.
Nina was yeah, Nina was really solid. I think her design in the second game is the coolest design out of all

Next Game Preview: Golden Sun Dark Dawn

the Nina's. I've like I've seen them all now of all the Breath of Fire games. I think Nina's design and two is coolest. I felt let down by her story line. I felt like it kind of got like a little bit like pulled away a little bit and it was a lot less impactful than I thought it was going to be. I mean, I think the biggest reason why
I think the biggest thing for me as to why Nina wasn't really important is because there was another character like Nina is typically like almost like the female lead. At least that's I feel like how it's supposed to how it's like portrayed or painted like the picture that's painted. Yet. By the end of the game, it was very clear that that wasn't how she was actually being
used as like in the plot. Yeah. Because like there is this like whole you as a sister and it's just like, OK, well now that's really who is like the more important character. And that that kind of takes away from Nina. I do agree that that part definitely made Nina feel less.
Yeah, I kind of wish they would have made that part more. Like I get they had the very start where like Rio had the sister and blah, blah, blah. And like I knew it was going to be revealed a little bit like more like pow pow by the end and stuff like that. But I felt down and I felt like it overshadowed and you're right. I think
I think that part of the storyline really pulls you away from the whole like Nina stuff and I think maybe it would have been better if they would have just like more or less streamlined it to be Nina because I find I think four is the only one where I felt like
Nina has a much more bigger role in the plot than anything else because even in three, she's relevant really strongly. I don't want to talk too much about it three actually. I was looking forward to two because I liked the design and everything and I felt like they pushed Nina a little bit more to the side there for favor of Ryu's sister and that plot line and the final bits and stuff.
the plot like the ending and things like that and like the tie ins to the very beginning of the game and everything that cooks you initially is interesting and stuff but by the time you get there you're just tired like you're just there's just too much filler there's too much filler right word there was way too much filler
Yeah, it was too much filler. It's like an anime that has way too much filler and very little plot that it makes it really difficult to be like, this is a good anime. Like if you maybe cut out all that filler, it was like, cause like there was parts of the story I really liked. It's just, it got overshadowed by these stupid characters and these stupid like,
80s cartoon or 90s cartoon gimmick stuff and like, you know, toilet jokes.
Even with the final dungeon being very ridiculous in terms of the encounter rate and all of that. Every second step. Every second step for me. I was mad. Those bosses were brutal. But going through...
And I was fine with that. I was like, all right, whatever. It's a challenge. I had to use all of my resources. But like the dark tones and the death stuff, like all of that in the last like five hours. Yes. But by that point, I was too tired to care. I was so fed up with the game. I'm like, yo, the fact that you just killed off this character
That was a good play. It was. When it hits, it hits, but it hits too long after you're bored.
It didn't hit because of the fact that I was checked out. I think if they ever remake this game or anything like that, I think if they took out a lot of that nonsense in the middle and just streamlined it a little bit more where the overarching plot is still prevalent all the way throughout it,
I think, you know, it would have been like hit it when you got to the end. I might have been like a little bit more like, oh, my goodness, like, holy shit, like that kind of thing. I don't think they can. Like, yeah, they have to remove characters or change characters or maybe too much stuff because like, so yeah, the walkthrough that I look at the whole game almost.
Yeah. So the guide slash walkthrough that I looked at, it was like 18 chapters. Right. And the first like, yeah, basically from like chapter four until like, I don't know, chapter 16, it's all just like 15 till chapter 15. That's when all the church stuff starts happening. It's pretty much just like filler.
funny comic relief stuff. And I'm just like, I just checked out. I was like, I'm done. Like put my hands up and I was like, I'm going to finish the game, but that's it. That's it. Like I was like, I can't do it. Yeah. And like I felt the same way. And like maybe we are just not the audience for that kind of humor and that kind of like the Salinas of it and stuff. But like I am. I'm.
I think it's because I've played so many games at this point, especially RPGs, where I get bits and pieces that in other games and stuff like that. Like you get the like live alive, for example, with the poop jokes and stuff like that for the prehistoric time period of it. Like bits and pieces of having it in a game is one thing.
But it felt like they had a good start and good ending and they just didn't know what how to get to point A to point B and so like the middle is just all this kind of random different trope different jokes different things thrown at it hoping something sticks and yeah, I just
By the time I just by the time I got through it, I was just kind of when I beat the game, I just was like, I put it down, picked up my phone and loaded up Star Rail immediately. Like I was just like, and I'm done. I picked up my phone, placed the game in the case that I had for it, took pictures of it and sold it.
Because I was like, yo, this, it just, yeah, it honestly was just like, it was just so many different combinations of things that they tried to do. And it really was just like, okay, we're gonna try this.
weird trophy thing. We're going to try this weird trophy thing. We're going to try this weird trophy thing. It was like fried spaghetti at a wall and I'm hoping something sticks. And sure, that might be good for some people and maybe some people could appreciate. And I can kind of see the the thought behind trying different things and stuff like that. But I feel like having like you're like in this game of your game being that is a little. Yeah.
It's a little rough. It really makes me feel like they just didn't know what to do. So they just kind of did everything like trying. There's trying stuff and there's like trying to be different. Like there is that that is. Yeah. Yeah. And that's what they were trying the thing. But not what they did at all. Like this definitely felt like it was like
I mean, really what it came down to is it was trying to you could tell it was trying to be and this was brought up. It was trying to be different from Final Fantasy. That's really what it came down to. Yeah, I thought that too. And honestly, it's one of those things where I played Final Fantasy one right before this game. Like Final Fantasy one was the last game that I beat before this game. Oh, that's right. Yeah, you had beaten one just before this. Yeah. So I feel like
It definitely took...
some of the things that Final Fantasy I had and was like, okay, we need to really figure some way to do something different and make sure that we're not doing that. So that's why you had, instead of an airship or something like that, you had the freaking whale and you had the floating town and shit like that. And the bird, the bird. That whale and bird in town.
And they did that because they wanted to be different. They wanted to. That's a great point. I didn't even think about that because I haven't played a Final Fantasy game in a while. But for the time period, because Square was the giant and like a lot of these companies like Capcom was a giant in a different avenue. Like they had Street Fighter and they they had other games that they were like prevalent for. So RPGs wasn't
wasn't one of them at the time. So they had just made, they had one, but, um, obviously like one had some criticisms and stuff like that. Cause I have an opinion. Cause I have an opinion. Maybe square was the giant and stuff like that. And yeah, you know what, they probably were trying to purposely be different from final fantasy, um, to try to stand out. But I think, I think they missed the mark.
I know I think they missed the mark. They missed the mark. What were you trying to bite your tongue on? Now I'm curious. I think they should stay away from RPGs. I think Capcom needs to stay in their lane. Capcom, stay in your lane, bro. Okay, come on. Monster Hunter is great. Well, I guess Monster Hunter is more of like actiony RPG. Stay in your lane.
You're late Capcom you make you make some good games. Yo sick to Street Fighter. I'm not I suck at Street Fighter Street Fighter to hit like yo stay in your lane let Monster Hunter is great. I I know you won't agree with me, but I
Stay in your lane. Stay in your lane. No turn-based RPGs for you. And at the time, I can get the pressure of trying to be different than Final Fantasy and then Square being also a big company and monopolizing that area and stuff like that. I get it. I get it.
Um, and I definitely have a stronger opinion of three than you do. Uh, and then four, I actually really liked to, but playing this, like I played one and like needed a break from breath of fire for awhile and now playing two and then just being like,
So how about that weathering waves? I just want to look at like completely different RPGs at this point. Like I'm just like, Oh, goodness. I there were aspects of the game that I think I liked more than KJ. Like KJ immediately before we started this was like, I didn't like the music. I like
I like some of the tracks of the soundtrack. I like the OST personally, but certain tracks didn't hit for me, but some of them did. I like the OST. I like the art style. I like both in combat and outside of combat.
Um, and there were like, like, like I said, I liked the beginning of the game. Um, I liked when you finally got going on the plot at like chapter seven, 15, 16, whatever it was. Um, but, and I liked the throw tie-ins to other breath of fire games, including that first one. That was really cool, especially cause one of the hidden characters is I'm pretty sure. At least in the first.
three, four. I don't know how many she's in, but she was in the first game too. So I thought it was really cool for the hidden character to be a part of that and like that tie-in and everything. I thought that was cool. And I like her character design and everything.
I didn't like the tree. The tree was weird. It was a tree lady thing was I don't I don't like that. I'm going to be I didn't like the frog. I love frogs. OK, I collect frogs. I have like a frog outfit that people have commented on and stuff like that. And you give me a frog in a game and immediately I'm like, hello. And then you give him a French name. And you're here. Are we getting a Polly Frog cosplay? Is that happening?
K.J. K.J., please. I'm not. Although I thought I'm just coming on stream with like a 3D printed frog head from Chrono Trigger. The next podcast episode, Polly, for anybody that watches on YouTube, Polly will be in a frog costume, apparently. That's what I'm doing. Stop. Stop. So I was super excited that there was a frog character in this game. And then I was like, oh, frog character. And I was like,
they have a they have a french name like a french luda game and then and then and then it got weird and then i was like oh i get it i get it's a stupid stereotype trope thing and it's in a bunch of stuff but oh my god i'm so sick of it anyway so you get that you get a monkey character that is
annoying and perverted and stuff. Like they're just the good characters that I liked. The bad characters I weighed. Like they were, the bad characters were really bad. And then the good characters were like, they're good. Except for Kat. Kat, I will stand on the hill and die of. She's great. And I love her.
The characters for the most part were average or bad. That's my. And I was disappointed because the Nina design hits so hard. She looked so cool with the black wings and like the like the blue dress with like the
slit up one leg and like, I was, I was for it with the longer hair and I was super into her design. I was like, Oh, this is going to be great. And then they started her out being like, Oh, she was exiled because she's a bad omen. I was super into it. And then it was like,
They had a lot of potential with that. They did! Give me more of that than the stupid filler, frog, sexist monkey thing. Give me more Nina and less of that and I would be fine. A lot of the opportunity that they had
Like most of this game, they dropped it on the floor. Like, they had a lot of possibilities. So much. They really dropped the ball. Now, I'm going to beat you to the punch because you said something earlier. How do you feel about this game? What is... No! No! I don't want to see it first! Beat you to it! No! You gotta know. Everybody wants to know because you seem to really enjoy this game.
Okay. Okay. Yeah. So I, I've, I've talked about the things that I liked. I've talked about the things I really didn't like. Um, I definitely was not selling the game immediately. Uh, though, uh, peace stone and dark strokes about getting me the breath of fire to strategy guide. I definitely wanted to throw, throw a pillow at them. Um, no, my, my collection to complete is the breath of fire for strategy guide and the Arctic. That's all I want left of my breath of fire.
Stop! I'm big!
When I was actually, so I have my notes right here. If you see me looking to the side, it's because I have notes here. I took notes and everything. So I tried to do like a point system, right? And I tried to break it all down and like, I liked the music. I would give it like a seven. I liked the art. I gave that an eight because I actually really did like the pixel art style, especially the combat, like art and everything. I was...
I was into it. It was good. Like, I also favor three over four because of like two. Definitely. I can see what they took from two in three and built upon. I think they took in two and put in three, too. But I'll I am a little sad about that. Not going to lie. I also felt like they took the bat out of one and put it like that was like, come on, stop it.
That might mean some real awful mechanics made it from one to three. Uh, anyway. Um, um, but like, I couldn't, I couldn't rank the story very high because the story is like four hours of the game. The rest is just. Filler. Filler. Yeah. So like, I couldn't give it a very high ranking. Unfortunately, I gave the story like a five and a half.
because it was just there was like a nub of it and then nothing like it. And like the characters, I even wrote down like they are like the character stuff. And I was like, okay, can I score the like, how can I score this? And like I scored like cat a freaking like nine out of 10. I was all for her and stuff. But then like even Nina, despite her design and stuff like that, her story kind of got overshadowed. It kind of like fell a little bit.
pretty flat and so like I scored her like a seven and then like Jean got like a one the monkey got a negative 10 like and when you start doing the math it just starts to hurt there so like I I feel bad because I know a lot of people who love this game I know a lot of people love this game and other people this is about I wanted to try to like it but I just
KJ? You're being too nice and your Canadian is coming out. It is, it is. Just talk about how you feel about the game. I want my 35 hours back. Same. I want my 35 hours back. The money I spent, I didn't recoup the hours but I recouped the money.
I will say though, the bits of the story that I did like hit harder for me than Grandia 3 story. Really? Yeah, the little bits did there, but it was very much like Grandia 3 for me.
This, this hurts. Um, this hurts because I wanted to like this game and there's so much about it that I felt like was just, just, uh, KJ, this gets my lowest score. This was a five and a half for me. Oh, wow. Wow. So I'm gonna, this game, I'm going to be so upset. Cause I tried so.
I'm gonna I'm gonna I got you okay so I'm gonna preface this with saying after I beat the game I was like
I was like, you know, maybe, maybe six, like they kind of redeem themselves at the end. And then the, the more I sit on like this game and think about it, the worse it gets. That's my problem. I went from like a six to 5.5. Now it's starting to think I'm a five. Like I'm starting to get my own notes because things you said, I'm going to, so like we played some games that were, that I've, I've been very critical of. We played Konellka.
Kudelka's a better game than this game. We've played... Yay! We did it! We played Grandia 3. Grandia 3's a better game than this game. We played fucking Phantasy Star 4. That's a better game than this game. This game isn't good. Like, this game is like a crisp 3.5. Like, it's... it's not good.
Like, yeah, I think I think the Canadian was giving it a five point five. I think a redeeming factor. I think I'm being too nice, but like, yeah, it's the same as you. The more I thought about it, the more I just got angry and I had to play something that made me happy. This is one of the worst games I've finished in a while. Like it was not it was not good. And like I.
It was, it was, it was rough. It was hard to get through. Like I pushed through because you and P stone were playing and I was like, all right, y'all are, y'all are ahead of me. Like maybe there's something I'm. And it was so funny. I was like, there's light at the end of the tunnel. Like I'll keep pushing. Honestly, the sheer fact that this game took me like 35, 40 hours and the quiet man is only three hours. I would rather play the quiet man than this game.
No cap. I would rather play the quiet man than play breath of fire to again. Capcom's going to come through and like take my sweater away from me. Like they're going to be like, you don't deserve to have cat con creators. The thing is you can, this can be completely separate from your Capcom creator stuff. It's okay. I mean, I'm not doing it on my, this is a turn-based tangent channel. Exactly.
Yo, this game, this is 35, 40 hours that like, I'm not getting back. And it's the sheer length. Like if this was, the thing is, if this was like a 15 hour game with the problems that I have with it, it wouldn't be that bad. That's why I like one more than two. And that's what I was trying to explain to people is I like one more than two because it's shorter.
it's shorter. So it's like, like, like said, there's bad stuff of this game. If it was a lot shorter, you could like gloss over it because it's a shorter game, right? And but because it's such a long game, and then there's so much things like put behind, if you don't have a guide, you're really like not getting all the stuff that it just sours the experience of it. Whereas one, yes, has, has some of the problems of two as well. However, it's,
It's like a 15, 20 hour game at most. So like, yeah, it's just like, I like more than two. I would give like one, a six, maybe six and a half. So like one ranks higher than me than two. And that's like,
Yeah, this is the this is the word this is the the game I've scored the lead the lowest in our podcast history. This is by far. This is one of the like this was such a letdown for me personally because I like.
um uh three and four and I really did want to like complete all five like I wanted to play all five games and I was actually really looking forward to it and excited because anytime I did play this game I got through the first three or four hours which is the like the part where you're like oh this is good you're feeling real good
Exactly. So that's why I suggested it. And it's the same reason why I suggested Grandia 3, in a sense, is because I love 2. We played 1 on the podcast, and we really loved it, too. So... You're grinding 1s again.
Yeah. One and two were fantastic. And then I'm like, okay, they have the third one. I had heard bad things about extreme, but I hadn't heard bad things about three. So I was like, okay, interesting. So like, I suggested that. And now I just feel horrible because it's been two of them in the same year. And I feel so bad because even like it went grandia three and that was rough. And then we had the last story, which was good. It wasn't like,
Great. Yeah, it wasn't like mind blowing. And then we get unicorn overlord and both of our both of us are like foaming at the mouth loving this game. And then we get breath of fire too. And so it was like and it felt like more of a blow to me one because I suggested it but also two because it's like this is this is this is
the series. I like the series. I like screaming at Capcom to do something with it. And now I'm just like, and we'll delete this message and delete this message. And I'm good. I'm good. Honestly, this like. I've played Breath of Fire three. I've played this now.
I'm kind of good on the Breath of Fire series for a while. I've tried a little bit of five and didn't like it too, right? Yeah, I played about an hour of Dragon Quarter and that game got the Breath of Fire 2 treatment. It got sold right away. Yeah, that was back up. I have no intention on playing Breath of Fire 1 after playing 2.
Breath of Fire 4 might be the saving grace because that game is like the best looking PS1 game I've seen in my opinion. But I don't know, Breath of Fire, Breath of Fire probably should have been a... I stepped back. Breath of Fire could have been a pass for me as a series and like, I think it would have been okay. Like I think I'm not missing much by not playing
But if I would remove my experience with the Breath of Fire series to this point, I don't feel like I would be missing a whole bunch. Maybe some good music from Breath of Fire 3 and some cool character designs and cool pixel art.
I'm feeling some type of way about Breath of Fire. So yeah. Whereas I don't feel that strongly about it, but I also, the only one that I've really like just not liked was this one. And even Dragon Quarter, like I just pretend that's not a Breath of Fire game and then I enjoy it because I like the, I like the mechanics. I like the things that they tried to do with it. And it was kind of really
interesting to get like different endings and stuff but for me it hurt when I was like wait one's better than this because there was parts of one where I was just like this is BS and so but like I adore three I love three and I love four a lot so it's like I'm not watched out of the series but I definitely am not I'm not happy with two and don't know if my GBA copy is gonna stay with me or
especially if I keep like the switch port thing. Oh my goodness. And that, oh, so bad. I should have never played the switch for him. I should have just started on you. I wanted to be different. You wanted to be different. You wanted to trick everybody. And I thought it'd be funny. I thought it'd be funny. And it'd be like, only how? Not only did you suffer with a harder game, you also are now going to like the rewind jokes are not going away.
I did like 10 minutes of it. You might wake up tomorrow and I might have the rewind arrows as an emote on Twitch. I swear if you make another emote digging at me, I'm still mad at the Josiah.
Oh goodness. Well, so this was, uh, this was a very opinionated episode. Honestly, we've gone longer than I thought we were going to go because, uh, both of us were feeling the kind of way and neither one of us like full on knew how we, like when we come into these reviews, we try to like not like disclose too much to each other of thing, but like it was hard to hold this one back.
And I knew exactly how KJ felt. And then for me, I just kept making a longer list. And I was like, OK, me having to write out this whole thing to justify I'm being too nice. I was going to say, I knew exactly what you were going to do. You were going to get on here and you were going to be like, it wasn't that bad. And I'm just like, no, just.
Stop lying to yourself. Stop being Canadian. Stop lying to yourself. Stop lying to the people. Rip off the Band-Aid and know that the game is just not very good. I'm going to stick at the five. I'm going to stick at the five. I'm chilling at three and a half. Three and a half. You're like, it was a game. Three and a half. Functioned. That was it.
Yeah, three and a half is where I'm going to land. Because again, when I first finished the game, like the last like five hours were like a six. And that was what I like. I even like I'm part of this like thing where we're tracking all of our games. I even rated it as a six on that. And now I'm thinking about it and I'm like,
I have to go back and change that to like a three, like it was real bad. Like, I don't think I've ever beat a game and then sold it immediately. Like, I don't think I've ever sold it. No, I don't think I've heard of you doing that. I've heard of you playing a game and selling it immediately. Dragon Quarter was one of them. Yeah. No, like play a game and I'll like I'll let a game like sit and decide if I want to get rid of it. But I beat that game and sold it immediately.
Like, there was no hell. I I'm going to be real with y'all. I staged some of the pictures to sell the game before I beat the game. Like, I know you're just like, no, that game's fate was fucking decided. This day was not redeemable to KJ's eyes. I it was. Yeah, it was listed before I left the Discord call. You're not wrong.
So this game was real rough. But next game is going to be... This is a game that... So this isn't a whole poly decision, but...
Because like, yes, the allegations are there and you cannot beat said allegations that Grandia 3 and Breath of Fire 2 were more. Breath of Fire 2 were mine, yeah. They were my suggestions. Absolutely were mine.
I'll own it. I'll own it. Those two are mine. And star ocean four is mine too. I'm hoping I'm not going to be three for three this year. I hope you're not three for three either. Cause I don't know if my heart, I will break down on turd based hat. Just mark my words y'all for my, for if star ocean four is, is trash. I'm going to cry live on YouTube.
I'm hoping that won't be like I'm hoping I'm hoping for at least a seven like please just seven Can we get out of the 60% or lower? My suggestion
So the next game is a game that I dropped as a teenager and Polly has not played, but got it as a gift. I did. Dark gave it to me. Julie decided because I said I one day said the only way I'm going to beat this game is if I if we played on the podcast and then Polly decided, Polly said we should play it on the podcast this year. I was like, all right, let's do it.
Yeah, because I got it gifted from dark and we have a rule in our community, KJ's and mine, that when we're gifted stuff, we keep stuff, right? So he gifted it to me because he wanted me to like play it and try it. Because I played golden someone into it and I liked them. I liked one more than two.
Um, I played the, uh, it's going to be a start on and there's been so much already controversy of people pretending this game doesn't exist. So it's going to be interesting, but yeah. So I, I had it as a gift and I'm like, I was kind of in the same boat when KJ is like, if I'm not going to play this on the podcast, I don't know if I'm going to play this. And with my limited time, I was like,
Yeah, I don't think I'm going to stream this game. So I think this is also going to be a if we don't do this on the podcast. So yeah, I was like, well, we'll just do it this year. And that's our next game is Golden Sun Dark Dawn, which has a
It's not gonna be it's and I'm on I've said this numerous times It's not gonna be as well. First of all, it's not gonna be as bad as this game. It damn sure What I'm gonna be like throwing the table. No It's the problem is it's a letdown for the
in comparison to the other Golden Sun games, but it's not going to be as bad as this. That is at the hill that I'm going to stand on. And I'm really hoping that I get up here. Our next podcast, and I'm like, I enjoyed the game. I'm hoping for that. The chances are very, very.
unlikely, but yeah, we'll see what happens. We'll see. So that is our next one. Um, because the summer has ended up being really busy for KJ and I, um, for him, uh, he's got a bunch of like weddings and things like that to do. Uh, and then I have a con at the end of June and a con at the beginning of August. It's kind of my con season is always this time we stretched out the podcast episodes for like, so breath of fire two was to be May and June.
But we both power through it and beat it quite, we actually beat it quite early into May, actually. But we still kept on track to have the podcast episode at the end of the month. So next month, we don't technically have one planned. We might do some like a special episode. We might not. June's kind of busy for both of us. So we'll see. We'll play it by ear. But our next one will be Golden Sun Dark Dawn, which is our July slash August.
Um, we'll see if it takes that long. We might do another thing where it's like, okay, we're doing the episode of July because we both beat it really quickly. Um, and, um, may or may not add another game or whatever. We'll see how we're feeling and stuff, but, uh, but yeah, that's our next one. Um, and it's a DS or three DS game.
Regular DS game. Regular DS. That's it. Yeah, it's regular. It'll be OK. We both own it. I got it as a gift from dark. How did you get it?
I bought it. Oh, you just bought it. Okay. Okay. Okay. I was like, I thought yours was a gift too, but I couldn't remember. I own the other two games. I might as well own the third one. Like that's, that's effective. Okay. Okay. I see. Now the real question is, are you going to, are you going to like find some back road way to play a rewind function or
Maybe a fast forward function this time, or a save state. How we doing this? I need to know in advance that way we have some kind of idea.
You're going to play the episode of turn based tangents. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Um, I'm out because, uh, this bullying, this bullying, I will not stand for all this. I never, no, I can't say that. Um, you definitely set yourself up for this. I just want to play it on its stupid hardware. Cause that's the game that I have. So.
I will. I like the feel of my DS, actually. I like classic DS, actually. But I also have the 3DS, which I think you can play classic DS in, but yeah. Yeah, you can play classic DS games, yeah. So that's how we're gonna do this. But yeah, we'll wrap up the at least recording aspect here. So appreciate y'all for joining us. And yeah, we'll catch y'all on the next episode. Yeah! Golden sun!