Introduction and Game Setup
Next, I need to make a death save while Seth, Reigns, and everyone tell me what you want to do.
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. I'm Drew Chronos. We are live playing five-year D&D bookless in the magical homebrew of the earthly kingdom of Dralyk. Joining you for this week's episode, we have... ...the man-boy monkey boons the funk, dungeon master Danny. Oh, Bonjour. I'm at the top. That's the new thing. My name's Mark and I'm playing the human blade singer Seth Farley, but we've got willy-blazed dragonborn druid Balvalcon. Just like anal, you guys make my whole week. Aww.
i tried Did you say weak or weep? ah And we've got... He only plays the Tiefling Wars from Nyx Correll. Hello. McVeigh, do you want to call him who plays the war forces artificial alpha? No weeping clears. Poohbeigh who plays the human cleric, Emron. None of us
The Ambush and Chaos Ensues
can follow anything that Will says now, it just doesn't work. Yep, absolutely. Darren who plays the high alpha artificial rain shadow.
Good grief. And I like, I like doing it in the opposite order, but now I need to, a feel I feel like I need to finish on it and I'll finish with an old classic while vegan queen behind the DM screen, dungeon master Danny. He gets two. You start from the intro and ended with me. yep You're on the fucking Danny sandwich tonight. Here we go. ro i look and do with daddy it's it's Friday night. So of course we're about Danny, Danny sandwich. Danny the light on a Friday night. Fill this ego come more. Come on. Come on. I'll take the filling.
two bum references now um i seeing this sexual episode and speaking of sexual we find old girl sat hunched over um what looks like an old magazine noday yeah What isolol is he eating?
much of a fa No, memo that none of that. we see old Mr Whippy instead. um Where is he now? um Fucking hell. We see an old girl um walking into what looks like the old Arcanium library within Scotland. And he enters into an ancient looking part of the oldest part of the library. And he pulls out one of the dustiest and oldest tomes he can find, opens it up and goes to the backs page back page. And all you can see and hear are just the crack crack crackling noise of his long toes on the on the wooden floor below him. He starts just etching out and just replacing words with swear words and crossing out bits of this ancient biblical text, um just to mess with it. And then he stops, open hand and turns to us.
Oooh, scorched sunset! Seth sees a couple of chests in some sort of, uh, burning building just sitting there so the group loot that fucking shit. Nix
Ship and Power-Up
accidentally leads the groups into the rich back swords ambush! It's one of those bitches who done kidnapped me! Emron uses his head, literally. Nix nukes a civilian, reigns, murders a guy, Emron hammers a bitch, and it turns out that civilian is Kennard! Reigns makes a big ol' threat and gets fuckin' pin cushioned and almost insta-killed! Emron's like, I'm gonna heal you up and then get counted! Nix is like, don't worry, don't worry, I'm gonna parlay, I got lots of money, here's two thousand gold pieces! And then he gets a tasty old eight-digit reminder of the watcher in the skies and one more life, until he is freed!
Both groups make their way to the docks, and the Esmeralda isn't on fire, which is kinda lucky. Kennard is like, you can take the Sparrow Hawks, both if you want, and they're like, we'll just do a quick pit stop and the piss nuked. They gear up, Sebastian Sleekguard's all like, bloodied up and fucked up, he's in there and he's like, I've got no personal guard, bitches, you're that guard now, let's keep each other safe.
and he seems pretty fucking terrified Seth is like I'm gonna recruit some soldiers you're not sorry not soldiers sailors he's like you're a sailor you're a sailor you get to be a sailor and one volunteer is a dwarf follower of a teen is called boring they all get on that fucking boat which is called the snowdrop Sebastian is like Nix you were captain now Nix is like oh I wish I was happier the group Leave the bay and observe Scorch Elm, which is being besieged and they feel a little bit more powerful with a level up, bitches! Emron
Character Progression and Enhancements
has his dream again and bows there, and he's like Jester and for him to climb up, Drago's there, but Alpha has his lady courtyard dream, and Nyx sees the spider in the moon's reflection of the waters. Let's find out what happens next.
before we go any further um absolutely no what else was enjoying us as much as I was. Mark, you've got to have a point of inspiration. Mark decided he was going to in a very elaborate lip sync.
i'm larry funny it was off i no immune and other corner of the fucking notes that i was reading For the sake of you actually never corpse throughout that fight at all. Impressive. Did your jaw hurt? You may also. i saw You had to stop because my jaw hurt. Oh yeah. I her ah got a locked jaw from that. Again, Will, thank you. You're very welcome. Anytime.
Well performed, both of you, well performed. So, while we're before we jump straight in, um we understand what Nyx is doing. At level six, Nyx, oh, yes, the assonance is is is strong with this one. We understand what Reigns is doing with level six, um but Baal, Alpha, Emron, Seth, your level six versions of yourselves, what do they look like? In any order, whoever chooses to go first wins.
This guy, I'm winning. Fuck you all. No, fuck you, I'm winning. Baal on his level up. He's taking another level in Druid, Kel Suprise. So it's another level of Wildfire Druid and the big feature that he gets is called Enhanced Bond. And effectively what that means is whenever he casts a fire spell, all the fucking time, or restores hit points while his Wildfire Spirit is out,
I get to add a D8 to whatever is rolled. So an extra D8 on top of either the damage or the healing. ah But also, I can cast a spell that isn't with the range of self, anything that isn't range of self, I can cast a spell and have it originate from my Wild Fast Spirit. So it's a big fucking deal. Very exciting. Cool. Nice one. Whoever's next gets inspiration. All right. ah
I'm excited for the inspiration. So, M. Ron is going to be a... Yeah, fuck you. Go for it. M. Ron in his level 6. So, that's taking the level in Wizard. Fuck you. So, I'm going to take a level in Fighter. ah So, that makes me a level 4 cleric, level 2 fighter. ah For that, I get the lovely ability of Action Surge. And that's really about it for my character's boost. That's it. Cool.
Fair enough. With Alpha, ah there's another level going into art artificial. ah to artificism I can never say the word artificial. I am now at that stage of paranoia about saying that word that I always say it wrong. um I get a double the proficiency bonus if I am proficient with the tool that has been used for making an ability check. um And I am proficient with a lot of tools, so that all so always helps.
um I can also gain the use of two extra infusions and have and can have three active at any one time.
Resource Management on the Snowdrop
um I have selected for my additional two a spell of refueling ring and the cloak of elven kind that I can now create.
Cool. um just Just before you jump in, anything that requires something to be made as part of those infusions will have to actually wait after the long rest of us. You won't have them ah immediately. yeah yeah Yeah. Very soon and today.
And Seth. Seth has taken a level in wizard, no barbarian no wizard, which brings them up to six in wizard and everything else is zero. I get with that an extra attack as a bladesinger, which means my um silly shadow blade weapon cast at third level is 3d8.
twice, you have sexy, um if I hit. um And then he's taken two spells um with that, both of them third level. Now, the difficulty with playing a blade single is you can't really do any concentration spells because you need it for the blade, so everything else has to be non-concentration, which is very limiting. However, I have taken um a pair of ritual spells. Well, what has the capacity to be ritual or an action?
or a minute, actually, um Phantom Steed, and also Summon Undead. Oh, oh dear. Cool. Everyone's not going to like that. No one's going to like that by the sounds of this. and Awesome. Okay. Thank you, everyone.
U6, the party, float idly on board the snowdrop, a small non-combative dignitary ship belonging to Sparrowhawk or, as you quietly privately call him,
Prince Sebastian Sleetgard. The ship is unmoored and its anchor is unengaged, is away. Nyx Karel steering the ship on this incredibly still windless night into the scorched bay, a larger pool of water that sits as the gateway really between Scorchhelm and the Bronstorm Sea. There are hundreds of vessels in this bay largely doing the same thing that you are doing at the moment. Full of people sheltering, just like it looks on the snowdrop. At the north edge of this bay where it opens out to the sea is Vossen's Armada. A two dozen-ish strong fleet of of brigadines, of frigates, of warships, all flying that orange of Vossen.
There is one ship in that wall, however, that looks as though it's seen battle, and recently, parts of it are still ablaze. It's scorched with air. Not many of you would know this, but Nyx definitely would recognize that that ship has been hit from cannon fire really recently.
The Vossen Armada seems to act as almost like this blockade that's preventing anyone from exiting to the sea. What it's doing, however, is there are lots of small tender ships, rowboats, just aquatic creatures that are diving into this bay from Fossons Armada, bundling provisions into all of these sheltering ships, food, water, blankets, whatever can be spared, whatever has been preloaded, whatever was available.
You look further around the bay towards the coast and you see pirate ships adopting defensive positions around more vulnerable ships. Some pirate vessels float close to the docks and you just see but um sort of bowmen and spellcasters picking off those trailing creatures made of silver, metal and stone.
The entire naval power of of free ships, of pirate ships, are uniting temporarily to just protect people.
Nick steers the snowdrop in the only direction possible, further into the heart of this this sea of ships that aren't moving anywhere in in this still breeze. You're about half a mile from the harbour.
There is an eerie silence that falls across the bay that's punctuated by only two or three other noises. The occasional calls for aid echoing through between ship to ship. Who has this? Who has water? Can anyone spare any medicine? Can anyone spare any healers?
Occasionally, you hear that citywide alert in Dame Edna Fizzlebang's voice saying, return to your homes on a near perfect loop.
Now, the so No Drop itself is a really modest vessel, a single hull below the deck where families are sheltering, the same families you sort of scooped up in the Piss Noot. I forget whose idea it was to head to sea. Was it Seth's? Yeah, you're sort of charged towards the Piss Noot and at that point Seth had a revelation, let's get out to sea. And that that that revelation was was ah aided by the fact that there are other ships out there doing the same thing.
On deck, there are the bare essentials for operating a ship, and a small cabin that sort of sits below where Nixon stood at the wheel. Scrambling up and down above you are your two new acquaintances, those who were taking refuge amongst the safety in the Pissed Newt who had some sort of seafaring experience. The human, Gerdson, and the dwarf, Bovrid. What's really clear is that This ship was not set to sail today. This ship has no supplies. There is no water. There is no food. There is no crew. You won't get far without immediate support.
Inside the cabin, there is a still limping, still unable to hold a regular breath breathing pattern. Sparrowhawk leaning on various, it's quite humble spaces, really just tables, a couple of bunks and and a couple of bookshelves. Sparrowhawk using every aid he can to walk around is hastily scribbling something in chalk on this black wall.
Seth, the only um person fully aware of Sparrowhawk stature, the only person serving of the winged watch here, you're assuming guard duty of the most valuable um person on this ship, and that is that is Sebastian Sleetguard, aka Sparrowhawk, and you are in that cabin with him, watching him just hastily scribble on this wall. Above the cabin is Nyx, and the rest of you are on deck, catching your breath,
ye We need to gather supplies where possible. We need to organize everyone on board into different groups. families, singletons, children, whatever he feels best, but we need to make sure we need to organize them in a way of those who need aid and those who are strong enough to help man the ship. There's not enough of us here. We need every hand on deck that we can, but we also are in need of supplies. So can I trust that to you? Yeah, yeah, you can. And I'm just going to look around.
um for that moment, just take stock. So I'm assuming from the description, Danny, it's like almost, it's like a single deck ship. And then a flat deck with a small lift that the wheel is on and underneath there's this tiny cabin. And then below you is one hole that's just housing 40 people. Okay, that's what I said. So are most of those people below deck? The only people on deck are the us and seafarers? Yeah.
OK, OK, yeah, um you leave that with me, Nix. I'll have a think. I know we're OK if we should be OK for water, I think, based on our experiences in the desert. Cool. Savvy, ah thanks. Bal, are you around?
Yeah, Baal is kind of on deck with you, i semi-exhausted. kind of He's been carrying that egg through the siege of the city as well. um So he's just kind of sitting down, pretty much cradling it, um but he's definitely on the top deck and he'll look up and see you. Yes, what is it that you need, Nyx? I've wanted for you to rest up and get better, but if possible, while you are resting up,
I seem to remember you can control fire pretty well. Yes. There's going to be a cold night happening and no one's dressed for it. So when it gets to the coldest, we could do with someone that goes against every seafaring vibe of my body. So I'm trusting you on this one.
to control a fire on the deck of the ship where everyone can huddle around for some warmth. Of course. I'll make sure it doesn't get out of hand as well. Okay. Trust you with that one. Thank you. Everyone comes over. Bar, can you still create water? I am almost tapped. No, not right now. Not right now.
you I can, I can, if I can get some rest, I can ah certainly have that prepared for the morning if we need it. That sorts out our water situation. I've only got one thing left in me tonight. That sorts out our water situation. Okay. I do want to check, cause I knew in the desert, that's what we could do. So, okay. I'm going to go around and see what, what rations and that lot we've got between us just to see what we can do. Okay. Alpha.
Yes, thanks. With all due respect, we need you below deck. With everything that's happened within the city, one of the last warnings we had was we need to get you out of here. I don't mean to say you're a liability, but with so many unknown variables right now and so many ships around us, some of the pirate nature, I would feel that All of us would be safer below deck, but there's many important things for you to be doing down there as well. We need to make sure that there's enough space to house everyone. We need to make sure there's comfortable bedding. We need to make a medic area. Can I trust that with you to organize? There's a pause
Seth's Inner Conflict
of you as you have explained that to Alpha. Almost if you could kind of read his face, it would be like an obvious look of disappointment on him. Yes, Nix, I'm sure I can handle that.
A lot of people will be relying on you.
i shall go I shall go below deck and Alther rather kind of sluggishly is going to make his way down. um Just while everything else is going off, if I do see, well obviously there is people down there.
And it's one of the things, if I recognize them as a dwarf, I'm going to speak Dwarvish to them. If I recognize them as an elf, I'm going to be speaking Elvish too. I'm going to try and ah talk to them calmly in their own language that they would be most familiar with at this time rather than always going to the common, just like that little bit of touch of home almost that might make them feel just a little bit safer while they're on the vessel. Largely, it's halfling in human.
The other race is more native to travel, like, knew what to do and where to go in those emergencies. It's more the race the races that traveled in that are staying on the harbour, so it's largely harpling and human. Okay, it'll all be in the common tongue then, but yeah, it's as I advise, I try and separate people a little bit and just explain medic area.
Ask me if they need anything I can relay messages and things like that. Yeah, and they're entirely compliant with what's going on. pain As you say, re but whilst you've been doing that, Rains has taken the initiative to make himself useful and has just started to go around the sails, the main mast, and is using all of his ship reading that he's done and is quite despite it all and being exhausted, he's enthusiastic to help. So he's just started to bring out his little spider pen and he's just going around and he's just casting mending on and anything that looks like it's it's it's not currently up to scratch as he takes
but what what he's learnt about ships, and it's just but yeah he will stop the second Nick says his name. So that's what Reigns is doing. You know what? I've just clocked what you're doing. You're good. Savvy. Keep on mending the ship. I was just going to ask if it's possible when you get a moment to just do a quick scoop around everyone to see if anyone needs immediate healing. NC could probably whip up a batch of tea. Other than that, everyone's going to be on hand to make sure that everyone's organized and and Alpha downstairs will be setting up like a med bay. ah Be a man of the people, Reigns. Yeah, and she didn't make it, but I'll do what I can and he'll just carry on.
Savvy. do wait do we Do I get a sense that he cares that NC didn't make it? Is there an emotional attachment there? Can I write an insight check on that? He's tried to say it without emotional attachment. but Okay, Lou, you just told me I don't need a role in sight. Bar looked awkwardly down at the bag of holding that that wasn't used or didn't work very effectively.
Shit. And zooming into the cabin for a sec, Seth, is there anything you're doing? um So you said that he was scribbling, your eyes um is he scribbling on the walls? Yeah. So there's like, there's like a long table in front of you, a couple of bunks. There's there's only about, this this is like a 24.
foot by 20 foot sort of square-ish room. And just to the wall in the east, next to the window that overlooks like the outside of the ship, but he's just writing on the wall, incessably with a panic in and a hurry. Is it in the language that sees it? Common. Yeah, yeah common. You're seeing you're seeing words, you're seeing some keywords. He's writing it quickly. He's not got the best um penmanship because... handwriting.
and You're seeing the word epichrist, you're seeing the word dragon, you're seeing the word, your your your name gets put amongst it within the other six, your party. his It's quick what he's writing and he's in a bit of a frenzy. I'd, Seth would stare at him for a bit and like slowly shake his head and kind of mutter to himself the
what What am I doing here? He's not saying this to him, it's kind of to himself.
Why have I got... Why have I got Baal's tattoo? Why did we even take the egg? Why am I defending this family when he's obviously losing his mind to the blight?
And he's just gonna slump down, shattered from combat since, well, fucking knows when, the whole day. But it feels like a lifetime um and just kind of like slumped down on the floor. He still habitually had his hand on that third tab of his spell book for Shadowblade as a defense. Almost like the equivalent of holding a spear or a sword ready at guard. He's had his hand on that tab the whole time and even that kind of just slips from it and just falls to his side.
has just kind of slumps down kind of knees pulled up to his chest not like hugging them but just kind of in that kind of squat down position back maybe against the door of the entrance to the this this area if there is one or just against something solid and just kind of slump down and let his eyes just phase out for a second he's still aware of his surroundings but he's um he's he's not on guard duty at the moment he's is's suddenly hit him this wave of everything he touches falls apart. Everything he touches turns to ash. And um he's he's having a bit of a yeah crisis of character confidence and just, yeah, he just sits there watching,
taking it in. That's all he's going to do. And as you your hits the deck, and I imagine you just, you lose your breath a couple of times and you're just displaced entirely. A
Urgency and Confrontation
hand just comes into view and grabs your wrist. Is there a body? Yes. Very, very weakly. Sparrowhawk attempts to lift you.
he'll let it happen, use the strength he has and not rely on any strength of Sparrowhawk obviously to lift himself and he will lift himself up and kind of stand back to attention, um eyes front, not looking at him, but in his direction. And he just looks at you, hood off, his face scarred, his face mangled. It's like you're looking in the mirror, Seth, to be honest. And he just says, sweating.
You're set thorough either. Hero of the Blight. Of the Empire Hantis. My friend.
Courage. That is what you need to find now. He picks up this chalk and just waves it in your face for a second. Get your friends. Quickly.
And he just gets back to that board where he's scribbling incandescently. You you want them down here, Giannis? I need to talk to you all quickly.
I'm pretty sure Nyx is the only one who can steer the ship. This ship isn't moving. This ship is rocking out to a sea full of other ships. We are going nowhere fast. Get your friends. I didn't know. Okay, I'll... I'll go bring him down here, Johannes, as soon as. And then he'll curtly salute, clip on the heel and turn on the ball and straight out the door. The crispest he's ever moved properly in the last seven, eight months of his life. It returns to him in an instant, but it's a facade. And he'll go up and find, probably, I'm assuming from what I'd previously heard, probably Alpha, or as he's below deck,
I assume that that's where we are at the moment. i thought because you You step out and you're on deck. So so this is just one small broom that elevates the the steer, the the red the not the rudder, the wheel above you. and helm I assume then, again, sorry to jump out from the description, either we'd see the fire, the bowls tending to, or rain's probably going around bending. yeah so yeah it's You'd see all of your friends in a second except Alpha who's downstairs.
ah fucking me never speaks anyway cool and he then turns I'm sorry not fucking drive by um he turns to let's say if reigns is there reigns do you know if the others are busy can we can we all have a quick chat ah we're all to task at the moment that you need to check with nix how immediate of stepping away from this can be yeah I thought so ah and he'll kind of look around almost like unsure as to where you'd find a captain on a ship really and ah And he'd walk up round and just stand next to Nix for a second. Where is Nix? Is he by the... Nix is sort of above you. There's a small ladder that takes you up to this raised platform, only about eight, nine feet. And that's where Nix is holding the wheel and just just looking desperately out into the night sky. unable but ni It's like you're in a gridlock. like there There is very little space to to actually maneuver this ship safely without hitting another one. Small movements.
Seth would climb up and then as he climbs up you have a quick, is anyone else up there with Nix? Just Nix. Just Nix. Okay, so you look back down um and look around himself slightly and look around. Then fully climb up and just stand like a step behind Nix but kind of wherever Nix is kind of looking at he kind of do the same thing. So not kind of looking at him awkwardly but just kind of like both looking forward um and you put just just behind him off his shoulder.
Doesn't look like we're moving much anymore. ah As Nyx almost comes out of some sort of ah mental wonderment, like you've just disturbed his thought process. ah no No, they're securing the harbour by the looks of things. There's even some some camaraderie happening between the pirates and and look like the Vossen ship. I'm trying to work it all out. I don't know if it's good or bad, but it seems like Everyone's pulling together. just that I've never seen it happen before.
Seth would nod at that and, you know, it's definitely not for the good. And his eyes flicked to the back of Nick's head. It's definitely not good. And then he's going to reach down to, if you can, grab one of Nick's daggers. Do you have one on either side of you? Are they on your... I only have one now. It's the moon dagger. Would that be on your hip? That would be on my right hip, yeah.
So you'd have to, it's usually and because Nick's wears a long overcoat. It's on his right hip, ah but that hip is covered by the long coat. Nothing stopping you from reaching. Yeah. The blade, the the hilt of the blade, the handle of the blade would be out, so you'd be able to see it. Seth would abide it and will draw it and then hold it to your throat and whisper. Before you get that chance, as you withdraw the blade from its scabbard,
You both notice seven or eight dozen tiny spiders fall out of the scabbard and onto the floor, the deck of the ship and onto your feet. ah If that, just your course anyway said, but you pull out and you just see. It would mean hundreds of spiders. They all come out and, but his eyes are on Nick's and his neck and the tip of the blade will be against his artery on his neck. How did you do that?
How did you come back like that? Okay, okay. I'm getting the sense there's some hostility here, Seth. That's not natural what you did. You died and then you came back. The last time I saw that happen was when I did it and the time before that was when we almost lost our entire kingdom to the Blight. Okay.
I would love to talk to you about it, ah but the answer would be the same whether or not you had a knife to my throat or not. I don't know. if you are a concentration check please but sorry constitution chair constitution saving throw straight straight no straight constitution Nix would also be wincing away from the bright light that is the moon blade. So it's almost like someone's just shining a torch under him. Well, that's not what I want. How aware of the rest of us that this is now happening because it's a bright blade. Well, they're sort of huddled together and they're elevated from you. So unless you were the one ones on the rigging, which you weren't instructed to do and didn't do, you wouldn't see this angle necessarily. So glad I said you're on the way. What's the result of your role, Seth? I got nine.
and Yeah, your your hand and going down into a sleeve and your armpit just covered in tiny spiders is so ticklish and as you pull that blade out expecting that light to emit the blade is covered in tiny spiders and it's just a really patchy light coming through so nix it rather than like a full-blown torch underneath you it's more like um a disco ball, right? The light is broken That's horrific and it's just moving constantly
Alright, Seth will um take the blade, look at it for a second, when he realizes it's there, it's the real idea, throw it down into the ground, but a little of them so it kind of sticks in, blade end if it can, and then we'll turn and with a hand around his throat, hold Nyx there instead. I need a reason why not to kill you and make sure you stay dead, because the last time the things came back that had died, the world almost ended. We almost burned. I'd be really interested to see what would happen if you didn't kill me, to be honest.
I don't know if I can die. I can't explain it, Seth. All like I know is that you would be killing someone who is very much alive. I just don't know how. Hey, let's go.
ah ah well ah Sebastian needs to see us all, and then he'll walk off. ah
I walk down ladder and back into them the ladder. um What's your passive perception?
Mysterious Disappearance and Search
Please remind us, Seth. Oh, like 10, I think. and That's why I've been ignoring myself. 11. I've got 11. Okay. And Nix, what's yours? I was in an existential crisis. Did you ask for my passive perception there? I did. 14. Nix, as you're just catching your breath and sort of recovering your balance, you're looking down at the floor.
You're seeing the direction the spiders are heading. Seth, as you're descending this ladder, that ladder is covered in spiders. Heading into the cabin. At that and hand return, sir third spell slot, and will kick the door in if there is a door there and and and instantly enter in through him in a state of readiness. If there is anything untoward in the room, he's summoning a shadow blade. Okay.
Um, Nix, are you doing anything with that information? At this point, um, Raines, Baal, and everyone you've seen, and Seth go up a ladder, come down a ladder, Nix like gasping for- And we've also seen Seth kick a door in, I believe.
kick a door in. No, the door, sorry, the set, this door was still open, you sort of left in a hurry and ascended. Like, I don't think you should have behind you. Then he would just skid, he would skid scurry in as quick as his fatigued little man body can take him. Blade first. No, it wouldn't have summoned him. He's hand me there ready. I need to come in. I got one spell slot left and he's got to hold it. Um, you know, so he'll be waiting for the last minute to cast it if it needs to be.
From Nick's point of view, ah yeah I'm going to need your help because I've seen spiders around now for quite a while, so Nick's has become accustomed to just seeing spiders. and So you say that the stairs is covered in them. is like How much more is this out of the ordinary? Is there a sense of dread more so than I've already got regarding Sebastian? um Is there something here that just is. Yeah, yeah. You saw these spiders about an hour ago, as once you woke up from a great fall, coming out of a pile of ash where your friend, while her remains were left.
You saw these spiders the day your captain was taken down to the docks. Oh, God. Oh, this can't be good. This can't be good. Nix is contemplating jumping off the ship, and ah he'll bend down and pick up the the moon dagger. What's that called? Darren, did you remember the name? Did you write it there? Moonbeam? I have to check, but i I assumed it was just moon dagger. Into this like moon touch dagger. Who is the moon touch dagger? The moon touch dagger. the moon
Hill's sheath the moon touch dagger.
Leaving? The stern of the ship is just, that's not in his blood. You said there's two who were on the rigging. Are they still nearby? Yeah, they're on the rigging still, just like the slightest breeze and they're just giving a huge pull to try and move the sail to harness any of that, but it is such a still night. You too.
pull up the main sail and then come here and just keep a steady. You're pulling up the sails, ship won't go anywhere and all you need to do is just keep turning a right turn every few seconds. keep us Balance, keep a steady.
The human looks at the dwarf a bit, I'm sure how to act on that, but the dwarf just looks at you with a really affirming nod. He says, right, yeah, right, yeah, yeah. Right, you're doing that. The dwarf, do you know where the anchor is? ah Yeah. Any sign of danger? Throw down the anchor. OK, got it. Savvy. Savvy. And Nix is going to ah follow the spiders. Oh, yeah. We have a sense of dread and foreboding. Everyone's reigns bell.
Uh, everyone's been sort of sort doing the stuff that Nick's asked him to do, but with everything happening, it's like, and he needs to talk to for everyone. He's like, he sort of goes towards the, um, the captain's cabin at the back. Nick's on seeing you ah Chris on the deck. Uh, yeah, Seth and Nick's his voice does ring out here. Seth wants us to talk, needs us to talk in the captain's cabin.
OK, needs everyone. M1 will stick his head down the hatch into the hole. Alpha, you needed a cabin.
OK, one moment please. OK, see you in there. umlan ra Yeah, Reigns will, as this is happening, he's gone over at at at the first sound of instruction and has been inspecting the anchor along other things. And we'll just, while he's still about that, we'll go, anchor looks good, Nick. And as he comes back, he says that quite casually as if he's still focused on what he's been doing. But the second he sees the spiders,
it's almost like it stops and it's just his mind goes back to what he and Emron saw while they were fleeing in the city where this spider just seemed to come in and and decimate one of our foes. Rains obviously doesn't understand anything more than that other than he's seen a giant shadow spider and he's now seeing all of these spiders and it just stopped him dead as it freaks him out and then he very unsurely goes inside the cabin.
ball Yeah, what Baal's doing is if there are lanterns on the ship, he's using just basically his cantrip control flames. Like he's splaying his hands out to it expand the fire within those um whilst also reducing the amount of light that they give out. So he's kind of expanding the flame because there's a fuel source arguably for it to do, but reducing as as part of one of the the things that you can do with it is reduce the actual light that it's emitting. so bigger fire less light so not kind of making the ship a beacon at all um to hopefully make it a bit warmer but yes seeing them go in kind of nods picks up the egg and carries it in behind in terms of light the benefit of having
a regular moon and then this moon-like object in the sky, although 12 tendrils have come out of it, there's, nights are incredibly bright and in comparison to how they should be. You all sort of cascade one into the other, but Seth, you were in there with at least 10, 15 seconds jump on everyone else. You step back into that cabin and there is nobody there. There is an open window.
He'd run to the window and stare out trying to get eyes on on Sebastian. And in that time you take the process, window, no one, there, get to the window and look out. As Nyx enters the room, Nyx, there is this really briny smell and that temporal shift just kicks in for a second. Your horns begin to sort of reverberate a little bit.
You feel a bit charged. That staticness you become really accustomed to. That you felt so predominantly that first time you encountered the spider who swims. I feel that staticness turned to just raw energy. You feel caffeinated. You feel hydrated. You feel healthy. You feel level seven. Oh, shit. What the fuck? Oh, damn.
Oh, level has to be in warlock. Ian doesn't even know how to work level six yet. Doesn't need to worry, but the level has to be in warlock. There's time for that. And we'll do, we'll do that at the start of the next episode or or later today. Well, the next time you have a rest.
Sparrowhawk is nowhere to be seen. Oh my. Seth, you you look. There is not even a splash. There is not even like a rope. There are no vessels nearby. The window is open. Your hands are covered in spiders, and those spiders are leaving the ship, climbing out of the window around you below deck. The rest of you, as you're taking in a scene you don't understand. So I'm talking specifically, emeron, alpha, rains and bile.
To the right of you is this hastily drawn series of words.
I'm going to link what you see in our group chat. I'll explain to the the viewer, the listener or viewer, maybe watching this in the future and we've somehow archived this, what's being seen.
It's a series of very hastily scribbled points if you picked like a detective board when they're trying to crack a murder case and you have like ah these different topics that are linked somehow. What the party are seeing is a series of these words and arrows leading to and from them. At the bottom left is the word, the dragons. Next, that the chrisca and arrows going back and forth between those two. above flat Above that, something that says the object in the sky and these 12 tails, an arrow that goes to these silver constructs from the sky, it reads. Next, you see this cluster of six names, Reins, Emron, Alpha, Nyx, Zeth, Baal.
An arrow the leading out of that says Prego the Majestic with a question mark. An arrow in another direction that says Drago and Emron's dream. An arrow that points from Reinser's name specifically to a section that says Agents of Shadowmend. An arrow that leads from that to a question about Alpha and the memory root.
And then two separate lines that feed into that Alpha memory rune. So there are there are three different arrows feeding into the idea of Alpha in the memory rune. One is Leopold's personal guard. Another, demons in gold. And agents from Shadowmend. And on its own, detached, no arrows from to any of these concepts.
is circled the prophecy of the 13th kingdom and the lost verse. And as the E on verse was written, the chalk sort of feels like it was attached. That was the last thing that was written because the chalk veers off the wall onto the floor, scrapes along the deck and out to the window and stops by Seth's feet.
Nix, is there anything you're doing in this moment as temporally everything's just returning to normal again?
So Nix has taken in the scene in a few heartbeats and knows exactly what's happened and is aware of the deep connection Seth has and has only just started to
Gather the thought process of the shit storm that's about to come out of this and then got hit with and the power of ah Sebastian entering the sea. It's the same power he felt when Captain Hildegard entered the sea.
If you want to save him, you need to be able to breathe underwater. If anyone here has their ability. Alpha is just going to step forward. Yes, I have that capability. What has happened? would Yeah, I'm confused. Is that something you can transfer? No, it is merely a product of my design.
What do you mean? Has has he fallen? What the fuck is going on? What happened today? So, we wanted to talk. ah yeah yeah Someone catches up here. Emron, watch the egg. Barla's going to sprint to the window, leap out of it, and wild shape into an aquatic creature. Very nice. um The things that he's definitely seen that are aquatic are certainly the crocodiles, like those outside Sean Dredicard's lair. Obviously, he's spent some time in... Well, he's spent a lot of time in um
Sleep guard. Um, but he doesn't usually go around the water. So I think, I mean, crocodile is probably all he can do. It's only got a 30 foot swimming speed, but that, and you can maintain that for how long? Uh, I think he can do it for a good couple of hours. Let me just have a quick look. I'm trying to work out where it is probably in features and trade. No, it should be in three hours.
And cause I'm over level four, I can have a swimming speed. Sure. You land, you land in the water. You are able to submerge, uh, from seeing lots of undersides of holes of surface boats. Give me a perception check. Okay. Um, cause I get to keep my wisdom stats. I can use my perception. It's a 16, 16.
I think immediately you're drawn to looking at ideas of spiders or ah or a body, anything like that. With with no ah view of him kind of moving across the water, it would be down. Straight down? is yes Yeah, is where he's kind of looking down and around. Yeah, definitely.
You don't see anything immediately, and it is night. It's a bright night, but it it is night. You can only see what dark vision properties would allow, so about 30 feet below. You don't see any got a sort of trailing... um i clothes, things that might fall in our pockets, anything like that. The water isn't any particular warmer in this spot. There's no disturbances. You're looking around at like schools of ah um ah fish that that would frequent waters at nighttime. They look relatively undisturbed until the point that an alligator appeared in the bay.
No leads to go on, necessarily. It doesn't mean you can't swim in a certain direction and look Yeah, no worries. He'd spend at least the next kind of minute, two minutes doing exactly that. Full movement's been with a dash, just kind of local vicinity, probably 120 foot kind of search area around, down and around, like if he's been pulled down to the very bottom or or things like that. so Sure. You do spy other aquatic predators while you're down there. yeah oops um So I'll get you to make a stealth check unless you're feeling he's pretty aggro. Nah, he's not being stealthy about this at all. um And I've got to use the croc stats. He has a plus three to stealth. There's a croc. That's pretty cool. Okay. Good to know next time I'm crocking around, that's a 20 non-natural.
Okay. Say for at least 10 minutes, you feel like you have enough control. ah In that 10 minutes, sorry to cut in. you know he's not would be long for He's not going to be alone for long. That's what I'm saying. Okay. So certainly you feel comfortable navigating the waters quietly. and While you're doing that, we'll cut back to the cabin. What's going on up there, Nick? Right. So not locked literally as bow shifted into the water.
um and has left a very confused party. Nyx is going to turn to Alpha. Alpha, I'm going to jump on your bag, cast your spell, your weight will carry you down. We've got to go. It's not a spell, Nyx. It is my bodily design. Yep. We've got to go. And Nyx at that will turn around to everyone.
with a guilty-as-fuck look in his eyes and just go, I'm so sorry. i i We need to go. Can we all could explain this with Nix saying that if he jumps on me back? I'll sprint, I'll go, even if everyone's trying to talk. So Alpha's just jumping in the water with Nix. So, Baal, you hear this splash above you as Alpha and Nix hit the water.
but we would be but
but hes this cry thing clean air is really cut in the sense an air ex escaping from me It's probably one of the most dramatic scenes that you can be in. And that's what you do. Yeah. I've had too much booze. What are you doing to help with the water breathing mix? I'm not. Okay, cool. so
Nick's mind is full chaos right now, and the only constant kind of line of thought among everything is we can go and get him, like we did with Captain Hill guard. And there's another part of his mind here where the last time his patron spoke to him, they said,
You'll always be protected. So he's taking a gamble on what happens if he dies. he's He doesn't know any of that. I can't say there's any logic to it. He's just, we'll go in the water. We'll see what happens. He's going to hold on to alpha and just use him as a weight.
He's holding out the moon dagger for light. He can obviously see 60 foot because he's got dark vision and he just wants to see what happens. Is he going to come face to face with the spider swims? Is he going to see the body of a Sebastian being carried by spiders? Is he going to die? But there's so much His head is just constantly thinking through different things. This is the only clear line of thought he's got in a massive chaos. I hope that doesn't make sense, but it's in a moment like this, you just go for the thought that it's the most clear and this is the most clear. OK,
Rescue Attempt and Ship Chaos
use that as you will.
ah For what it's worth, as well as this Alpha has fuck all clue what's going off. Ball has jumped out the window. Nyx has mounted Alpha and told him to jump out of the window um for all intents and purposes. And Alpha trusts Nyx at this stage. Despite everything, Alpha trusts Nyx.
It's a bad way to go, but Alpha trusts Nick. So for all intents and purposes, Nick, you point and Alpha will move there as best as what he can do. You've told him to sink, he's sinking. So at the moment, that's all that Alpha's doing. Okay. So you hold on to Alpha like he is an anchor and you two hit the seabed, the bay bed, the bed inside the nautical space.
ah It's about 45 feet till you descend so you can still just about make the very tip of the lowest point of the hull of the snowdrop above you and just this sort of circling alligator.
There is no spiders to be seen. No body. No sign of footprints. As you look down, the Alpha's weighty boots are the first thing that contacted this very kelpy ground. What do you do?
Nix is going to use awakened mind to shout out.
Where are you? And telepathically just send out that thought 30 feet in all directions around him. To who? Do you need to know who you're sending it to? My patron. No response.
Um, how am I doing in like myself breath? Like how long has it been? How am I just double checking rules, but you can hold your breath for a number of minutes equal to one plus con one plus con. So what's your constitution score? Plus one. No, no, what number? 12. So you're not direct 13 minutes.
so right it Is Where is it? I feel. Yeah. I would say it' one minute, yes one, one plus two minutes to modify. So two minutes. Yeah. Two minutes. So about half your long capacity at this point. Oh, Nick's don't want to go back up to face everyone.
walk forwards you hear in your mind alpha. And it's a desperation kind of walk forward this isn't a calm nicks being captain it's not playful nicks being sexy or anything like that it is a. Is desperation um in your mind.
Baal, you've seen them drop in, you know, they're in your provision and you're you're seeing Nyx struggling for breath, but it's anything you want to do. um Well, because Baal's been circling around looking and he's not found anything, not seen anything, seeing you both sink to the bottom as well. ah What are the sharks that you see him doing? are they Are they aware of that? They're a way away away. You just note them in the distance. You understand that this is a good time for them to be hunting.
yeah that they're around yeah but they're not interested and then this metal objects falls in and they scatter a bit more yeah awesome because uh because in this form he's large as well so he's a big fucking crocodile yeah um oh with them at the bottom you also and nix you also see this giant crocodile i'm not sure you saw the wild shape happen no he would have been hit just before he hit the wall no but if there's a big creature
Either way, if- I'm not looking for a crocodile, I'm looking for spiders. That's where I'm at. And ah Nix isn't thinking clearly. clearly um So yeah, as Nix instructs Alpha to walk forwards, he's scanning the floor for any little spiders. He's trying to look at his arms to see if there's any more spiders. I would have you roll, but you're looking for a very specific thing and it's not there.
And Baal's going to descend to the bottom as well. And just in like, not ah obviously in in an aggressive manner. And you would see that he's still got these golden eyes, like molten gold kind of rolling in his eyes, as as you know Baal's to be as well. ah But it's just going to kind of shake its big elongated head. At this point, Nyx will start flailing at limbs just just from the oxygen, not circulating enough. And Alpha and Baal, you'd notice that.
in between the flailing and the hot choking, ah you'd still get a keep walking in your mind. It's been about a minute and a half. Seth, Rains, everyone, you've just seen your friends leap out of a window and they're underwater for a minute and a half. That can feel like an eternity when people are underwater. Is there anything you two do? You three do, sorry.
ah uh... rains would start walking around the cabin is going what the hell what the hell what the hell uh... what would those spiders what what the fuck is nips connected to this uh... and i'm glad that uh... well i don't know about that they were gone on pay for their lawyer there's no other spot is in the room within seconds that they'd they'd gone what the fuck why people talk about the boat where the fuck is oh what spiders and nicks when there was that, you saw that thing in the city. I saw it. I saw it. This is, this is creepy. Oh, what the fuck is going on? Um, let's just search the cabin. See if there's anything else in here apart from this that, oh, where the fucking hell? We're useless up here.
Reigns is just going to go, this this can't be, this doesn't make sense, we really need Sebastian. Perhaps he made it into the lower hole and Reigns is just, desperation is just going to run and check the lower hole just to see if Sebastian's come out. Reigns is just going, it's too logical, he can't have just vanished. And it's just going to check the rest of the ship. Make a perception check for that for that search. And Emron's searching the cabin for anything else that might be in here that's like clues or anything else. Where do you start?
Um, he probably starts where the chalk line was, and then he's going to sort of, if there's a desk or anything else, he he's starting where he thinks ah Sebastian was last. Okay. Uh, so make an investigation check. Raines, what was the outcome of your perception check? Can I take my passive? If it's higher. Yeah. Fourteen. Don't see him. We don't see anyone in the black robes that resemble the winged watch.
And half the people down there are halflings. Like it's, it's, it's easy enough for you to do a really good scout with that room for a human.
Emra, what's the result of your domestic investigation check? Uh, it was a pants roll. So my passive of 10 kicks in really. Okay. You study what's on the board. I said board on the wall. And then you follow that line that runs from the E on lost verse.
And there's a small break about the size of a pebble in that line before it hits Seth's boot. Seth, so I imagine at this point hasn't moved. He's still occupying half that space looking out at the water below. There's a small break in that line.
And about a foot away from that near the leg of the table is a stone.
about the size of a pebble. I'm going to pick it up. Pick it up. And as you begin to hold it closer to your face, you just hear the words. Sparrowhawk? Sparrowhawk?
Hello. This this is Emron. We think something's happened to Sparrowhawk. Where are you?
We're on the boat in the bay. Sparrowhawk's boat. All right, I see you. We're sending it up. Look, where is he? We don't know. He was in here, apparently, and then there's there's there's we came in. There's a load of spiders. People think he's gone overboard. Is Seth there?
Yeah, and Emron's going to sort of get up. She was on his hands and knees, sort of the stone. Seth, I think it's the winged watch. I want to talk to you. And he's sort of holding the stone sort of in front of Seth's face. Seth, like, doesn't understand anything and will just look incredulously at you. Seth, that they need to talk to you.
And then finally a hand will reach out but like an open palm next to where your hand is. And we'll replace it. He'll keep a finger on it just in case he can talk to it, listens as well. I don't know how it works. Like he's almost putting it in Seth's palm and keeping his hand on it as well. Seth? What?
What got me? Why bother? He's gone.
He fell out of the water. They won't find him.
The water is clipped. Our mission has ended. He says he says that I relied to Emron and he's just got this look of just desolation and just nothing. and Have I heard the message? Have I heard the message being received as well, Danny?
Yes. Yeah, okay. No, this this this this this this isn't the end. I mean, what do you mean he's gone? We won't find him, Seth. What's happened? I don't know. I don't know about death. It follows me. I know I follow death. you no Seth, yeah we need to... We can work this out together. We can find a way.
he's gonna, while you're talking, he's not gonna interrupt or anything, but his eyes will just kind of trace away and just stare out, kind of thighs on the hard stare. He hasn't moved, but his eyes are just not on you anymore, as he took. I don't know who o this is or or ah what, but this is is all sorts of fucked up. with I don't know what's wrong with Seth, he's broken and we're way beyond our, ah we're out of our depth here.
At this point, Nix, you begin to lose your vision.
I mean, Baal's got his hugely, well not hugely, it's not a previous character, high I can't remember the name now, escape me, 17 passive perception is what he's got anyway, yeah and so he he's obviously seeing this.
and ah with no motion for you to try and get yourself back to the surface. Baal's going to try and kind of get you on board, as in like, as in like, nestle up next to you for you to woof, mount him. um Do you do anything?
Next time, next is unable to hold on to Alpha Nyx is going to float. Yeah. Cool. Next is exactly what I was going to say. Okay. Ball is going to take you in his mouth again and ah old that time full dash to the surface. Um, and try to.
This is up to you how it works, Danny. Do you reckon you'll be able to gather enough speed up with a 60-foot dash to kind of break through the surface of the waves? I mean, if a creature runs out of breath, it can survive a number of rounds through its constitution modifier. Yeah. I've got a 60-foot dash with 45 underneath. Yeah. In a single round, almost in six seconds, I could probably get to the top.
Yep. It's only about 45. Yep. Excellent. If I can, with that speed, break through the water, as in like, umm I'm imagining like a great white shark breaching. but is it Yeah. If you're dashing, if you're dashing, I'll say you can get 10 feet.
Above clear sea level. Beautiful. The moment I get out of the water, I'm activating my cape, which you said I could do cloak of exploding flying alligator, which means that all of the lights on the ship and anything that's surrounding with 120 feet are just instantly extinguished.
Um, I have to take eight points of fire damage, which I don't have resistance to as an alligator. So I rolled a six, but he's still in alligator form. Um, yes, these massive flaming wings burst through for this large crocodile. And I'm carrying up, I'm carrying up to the deck of the ship, basically. Um, and as soon as we, eat I'm just double checking my rules for the coat.
Meanwhile, Alpha is just like, the f**k's happened because it's all gone pitch black. What the hell? Okay. So a couple of things happen. and or Do you have an intended destination for where you're taking him? I'm taking him to the back to the the deck of the ship because he's a large crocodile. He's not going to get into the window again. A couple of things happen.
Out for your oblivious to all of this, apart from the fact that you see them leave, you you know Nix is not in a good way. He's left your black body and you just see them breach and go, Seth, Emron, and Reigns, all the lights in that cabin go out. And there's a couple of ships.
outside that window that are relatively close parts of the lights on those ships go out. As soon as that happens. Sorry, man, this is gonna happen instantaneously. There is a um wave of gasping and and crying out from the hull of the snow droppers. Every light in that hull goes dark.
Your two seafaring companions on the rigging are suspended into darkness.
And within a second, Seth, Reigns, and Emeron, you just see this large... Sorry, I keep fluttering between alligator and crocodile. Crocodile. Thank you. This large crocodile with fiery wings ascend out from the water. You place nicks safely on the deck. But there are screams from across the bay Dragon! And seconds later there are cannons firing in your direction. Bal,
um I need you to make a dexterity saving throw please as you have just caused a bigger situation here. Stop making not all my attention.
Don't shoot our boat. I think I've got to use his stats for the same. I'm calling it a boat. It's a fucking ship. 14. 14. Thank you. Gosh. What night? 88 ships in this bay. Fuck. How many of them had active cannons?
Facing that direction at that moment with Gunners in range and heard the cry. Class of formula. What sort of ships do you want, Danny? Jesus. I know my naval ship's pretty well. I could almost tear Will Roll up his sleeves. and it's like i got Right. Sorry, what was your role?
I think it was a 14. 14, weren't I? Okay, they'll take half damage. ah Half of 168. This is how bald eyes with this genius move. You'll sustain 40 points of bludgeoning damage yourself. in various points and you'll lose six people in the hull. Oh my God. Shrapnel. It's like a scene from Master and Commander. As there is just a series of nearby ships that were primed, that were in the right direction, that just fired on that instruction, that saw that fiery wing in those 12 seconds that that flight existed for.
That was enough time for it to cause a response in a fire all in that direction. And then presumably that's enough to break your. Yeah. what is oh god Yeah. Yeah. The wild shapes gone to the crocodiles gone. Um, I had a 13 hit points left on the crocodile. So that's obviously taken off. And then any of the remaining damage she says was 40. So it's got 24 zero. Yeah. 27.
Roll a d8 as well as that. the The wings explode afterwards. Does it drop though? Because I haven't actively dropped the... The wings explode. That's the only way they end. Yeah, but but what I mean is I haven't ah ended them yet because I get... My apologies. So they revert to your bar. Yeah, so it's just on a medium creature or something much smaller. Yeah.
um Cool. So it's literally just kind of getting up, placing him on the deck and then all of this cannon fire comes in. Yep.
Panic and Evacuation
I mean, there isn't a second volley. It's enough to illuminate a single form. It's no longer reptilian-like bodice, which causes the dragon concern. There is not a second volley, but that action is costly. Yeah.
Yeah, that would outfi that was planned. You have any little paddle on the bottom of the bay? Anything you're up to now? Chilling under the water. im I think the only thing Albert would do, and he wouldn't even be able to make it up in time for all of this kind of shit, with Baal shooting knits straight out of the sea. I'm still on half movement, because I mean, I'm in difficult terrain. I'm going to very slowly make my way up to and the surface of the water myself. Okay, so I was talking about 30 seconds for you to get back to the deck. 10 couple rounds equivalent, okay?
Cool. Next, I need to make a death save while Seth, uh, reigns and everyone tell me what you want to do. I mean, this is immediately, and he was going to do this as soon as the impact has come is to see immediately creates dancing lights. Ah, what the fuck?
And as he does that, he's just throwing the lights around the deck just to try and illuminate. And as soon as he sees, he's going to sprint over towards Nyx and Baal. The doors wide open, so you you just see this crocodile fall onto the the the deck, revert back to Baal, and then just the ship rocks from this impact of being pummeled by seven or eight cannonballs.
I have a potion of healing, which I will... Give to the six dead people downstairs? I can't do anything for them. They've been ruptured, right? Yeah. I can do something for Nyx though, which is... Nyx, for drama, what was the result of your death save? A healthy four. Great. So, Rains, your potion is able to restore Nyx back.
and nix you breathe yet again nix the undying nix of the nine lives ah three down ah emron seth anything you're doing i imagine when the cannons hit like and was thrown off the title slammed against the wall, and then almost staggers, they can hear screams, the boats creaking around him. ah yeah He thinks he's all going to shit, he sort of slaps, and then he's sort of reaching out for Seth and the sending stone and wherever they are.
Sorry, you're reaching out for the sending stone and where they are? where Seth is because Seth was holding the set up right next to you. You would have just like fallen together. Okay. In the same sort of centrifugal point. Emma sort of slaps his hand on the, on the settings and like, we're under attack. I don't know what the fuck's going on, but it's, it's all going on. I think we're going down. I just love that this is a very desperate attempt to save Nick's has just caused all of this chaos. I was just going to let him die.
Nick's tried to do good and then discourse all of this shit. and quite well on the potion I didn't need to use the wings. so In the darkness, you will see, um, a, actually only everyone would see this.
And then as you shout that it kind of say that into the sending stone and say it out loud, you get and we get nothing back from from Seth. You can feel him, you can feel him kind of some movement in amongst his travelling cloak. And then all you start to see are these little wisps of red light and If you were to look at him, you just start to see the base of one hoof start to slowly kind of piece together as these he looks like he's almost throwing out these little pieces of of of like ah a hod leg, leg in front of him. And it glows a little bit and ah of a kind of ah a very pinkish red light.
And if you look long enough, whilst the other stuff continues to happen, this is again, in Total Darkness, you see the same thing happen to four. And I'm spending, Seth's spending 11 minutes to cast um the really, really useful spell, ah Phantom Steed. Okay.
If that's a level six upgrade, Mark, because you haven't got that yet. Oh, then he won't be doing that. He'll just be sitting in the darkness um crying quietly. I loved that set up though. That was i was a lovely set up. Yeah. Yeah. no it was and yeah he'll just um He'll just, he'll just, he'll just, it's war. And he shuts down. Everyone like that's it quickly. um He's reaching out, he he casts light, and and he's looking at Seth. Seth, we've got to sort this out. It's all going to shit. He doesn't move. He doesn't ignore you. He's just, he doesn't hate you. Oh, fuck's sake.
What you do here outside is Bar literally scream, what the fuck are you doing? Hold your fire! As he's kind of there bleeding quite heavily, Bar's like on his last legs here after just being absolutely fucking pummeled. And he's kind of, yeah, dropping to his knees around, um around Nyx as well. He's just been healed up, just taking in what the fuck he's managed to do.
And can you roll a d8 of fire damage as a minute passes and your wings explode? Certainly. No worries, but I'm resistant to this, right? I get one point of fire damage because I rolled a two. Thank you. And next you just capture that breath again and it's enough time to just see Baal erupt temporarily in this spray of hot light.
and you are surrounded with rains above you, Baal and Rhonda known, dripping wet alpha back on deck. Seth, nowhere to be seen. Oh, alpha, anything, sorry, en route. Yeah, sorry. Just um as alpha has broken the surface, he wouldn't kind of gone straight back up. He wouldn't really know how ah to a certain degree. He obviously would look for somewhere to climb, but do I kind of see any damage to the ship just as I am I've kind of been circling around. Yeah, not from the back. He would have come up at the bow, stern, and the rear, the rear of the ship. and That wasn't affected by and and the recent cannon fire, but then there's nothing to suggest anything prior to that event either.
Right. Okay. So just because I would have to circle it to try and find some way to get back up. To turn itself back to that window. There are climbable points. Oh, fair enough. That's not, it's not difficult. but I don't want it to double check. Yeah. So. Raines. Raines will, Raines will pull next to his up as best as he can. And he's just going to just say out as loud as he can, ah we need a lot of help and we need that now.
some terrible things have happened down below. I think we lost some folk. ah yeah Right. What's the, what's the, what's the health of the ship? At the top of my head, we've taken a hit down below. We've had, we've had, uh, shrapnel damage coming up. And Nick's, I think there's some people dead down there. Okay. You need to go down and mend the ship as priority one. Um,
Where's Alfred? Did he come up? so yeah you You look around and eventually you probably hear the clumps of this metal on wood just climbing back up through the cabins. You're past shoulders with Seth. I'll probably glance a quick eye to Seth and then carry on walking forward.
Raines will just peer his head in the cabin and he will just repeat what he said to Nick. I've got to do what I can for the ship with what I can. I need some help downstairs with, this is bad. And it's just going to make his way straight back down. And one sort of rushing down towards the hold with you. Nick, are you having a glance down there? No, no, no, no.
Then what's pleasant know what to do. He answered reigns because he knew the um he he had the answer for that. It's not the first time he's been on a ship that's been blown up. He had a straight easy answer for that question. As to what to do next, that's not a straight easy answer and he doesn't know what to do next.
brains in emerond it's It's relatively simple carpentry just to fix this. It's relatively obvious what you have to do to stop the points where water is coming in and the damage is done, but it will take you and an artificial less time than usual, but emron you're not proficient in, correct me if I'm wrong, um carpentry tools.
Is there a lot of water? Like I'm imagining like water coming in through breaches in the hole. Yeah. Like spurts. Like it's a, like it's a firefighting system. Not like it's an imminently sinking nothing. Not not a hydrant kind of thing. Yeah. ah Oh, we're fine. Fuck it. Um, how long will it take to amend it? 10, 15 minutes. And then some bilging and there'll be no water.
I mean, if the gaps are smaller than a foot in dimension, I'm going to use mending. Cause that takes a minute. Yeah. So I said a couple of minutes, uh, reigns will stop him on the, he does that and he will ah shout for alpha alpha. And he's the ship is immaterial. He's this is a business carnage, right? There's six, there's six bodies down here. Six people are dead who were alive a minute ago.
Yeah. oh And I assume that for those who there's a lot of trauma down here as well. so you still alive Yeah. Yeah. It's quite a traumatic scene. I think you're, you're, it's difficult to move down there for the fact that people are now starting to try and get off this ship for Vera, that something worse is going on. Raines is just going to start shouting, calm it down. Hey, we need some everybody. Make a persuasion check.
Do they respond? Yeah. And then you say, All right, 17. After a few seconds and a few challenges, they're silent and looking at you apart from a few sobs for people that are more focused on their loved ones that they've lost. I'm real sorry, but right now it's not safe for you to be in here. We need you to go up to the deck.
And there is a stampede, there is a stampede and it's bottle necking through you reigns at this point.
I'm climbing the single ladder that you are sort of speaking from. And you're almost, you're almost pulled off this unless you do otherwise. Like they are, they are getting out of this in a hurry and they're following your instruction. They're getting onto deck, but there is not enough space on deck. So a lot of them are jumping into the water and a lot of vessels and, um, some are sort of trying to
Dire Situation and Episode Wrap-Up
make it to shore. So we're heading to the vessels. It's chaotic scene. In the middle of this, you've got Nick's barely standing. You've got Baal who's left her sort
A faintly scorched perimeter, nothing like burning that you need to put out, but just like the smell of burnt wood is around the ship. Alpha is there and Seth is in the cabin in mourning. And to find out how the fuck you fix this scene, you're going to have to tune in next week. It's in the tabletop, Bill and Draconis. It's been a massive win. 100% to DM.
Wow so many people dead. Nick. Worth it. Worth it for that image. to I like how they've screamed dragon when there's a crocodile with wings in the sky. And when it turned to a dragonborn, they still didn't scream dragonborn.
Humorous Reflection and Social Media Encouragement
Oh, it's fine. Dragonborn is a common race in these. i you science charles cockcodile with sherun mr thought Yeah, that was, uh, you guys do you expect anything less done? I've done nothing but try and kill Nick tomorrow. I knew we should have stayed at the pish new in and wait for all us to blow over. No, I thought you say I knew we shouldn't have left gold for you. okay but do we jump left shadow that shitla This is all his fault. She did the Roper and then then then we had to see a dragon going downhill since so
You'll want to tune in next week to hear how the group get over this little wrinkle in their ongoing evergreen relationship. Little speed bump. Just a little speech bump on the road to love.
If you want to keep up to date with the podcast you can do so on our X page which consequently allows me to say that earlier in this episode Danny mentioned that there is a he's gonna throw up an image that had all Sebastian sleep guards kind of schools of writing I've got that image so if you had to X that is there's a handy little. Screen grab for you to peruse.
And then if you wanted to go one step further and follow this individually, you could do so too. I'm at Ivar the One, Mark's at, Hasty, Rod the Karl I'm at, TheD20Gamer, Darren's at, Down page 06. Will is at, TheD20PC, Pooh Bear needs to step the fuck down because you can find him at,
Natural 20, well. And our VIP of D and&D Dungeon Master Danny can be found at Total Party Thrills. Until next time, guys.