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How do You Wish to Spend Your Days? image

How do You Wish to Spend Your Days?

S3 E59 ยท A Life By Design
16 Plays3 months ago

Doing business to your own beat is about crafting a lifestyle that enables you to use your unique skills and gifts to contribute to the collective.

If you are feeling like you are caught up surviving and not truly feeling like the lifestyle you are living is supportive to your thriving, then it may be worthwhile taking a step back, expanding your view of what the reality of your lifestyle looks like and assess where you can make small changes to enhance the experience of growing your business, ensuring it is complimentary to how you wish to spend your days.

Asking yourself how you wish to spend your days, in a way that gives your life meaning and purpose, but also suits your energy system and leaves you feeling empowered to create what you are here to create and contribute to the collective tapestry with your unique thread.

In this episode I share tips on how to establish supportive practices that can help you realign with why you started you business in the first place.


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Intro & Outro Music: Shaman Dance by slavamusic


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Introduction & Personal Insights

Do you desire to turn your passion into income? Connect with other creative souls who also dance to the beat of their own drum? I'm Marie Nicole and I'm devoted to combining beauty, uniqueness and connection in everyday living experiences. As a creative professional and Dharma coach, I help people connect to the truth of who they are and facilitate them in embodying their uniqueness. It is my hope in this podcast that I inspire you to live your life on your terms and earn your income through being uniquely you.
When you wake up in the morning, do you feel a sense of dread or excitement? As your business has grown, have you felt like you are feeling trapped in a cycle of doing what has had to be done and not really feeling like you have the freedom and flexibility like you wish to have when you first chose to start your own business. It's never too late to make changes, reevaluate and reassess how you're spending your days and whether or not you're actually living the life you desire. A great question to contemplate is how do I wish to spend my days? Doing business to your own beat is about living with purpose and intention.
It's about crafting a lifestyle that enables you to use your unique skills and gifts to contribute to the collective. But it is easy to get caught up in the trap of doing, doing, doing, and staying on top of things that simply have to be done, and then realizing you've created a cage for yourself that prevents you from truly thriving. Instead, you're caught up in just surviving. Over the last two to three years, with all the significant changes I have experienced I have been contemplating this question a lot, revisiting it over and over again, as I am now working on creating for myself a life that is based on what's essential for me, recognising what it is that supports me in truly thriving. While I am still entangled in aspects of my previous lifestyle, I have been laying down the foundations for what is to come once I've completed that cycle of moving through this transition period.
into the next version of the lifestyle I am evolving into. You don't need to go through as big a transition as I have had to to refine your lifestyle or tweak how you spend your days though. If you are feeling like you are caught up surviving and not truly feeling like the lifestyle you are living is supportive to your thriving, then it may be worthwhile taking a step back, expanding your view of what the reality of your lifestyle looks like.
and assess where you can make small changes to enhance the experience of growing your business, ensuring it's complementary to how you wish to spend your days. A good place to start is to spend a little time reconnecting with why you started your business in the first place. What was the bigger picture vision you had for the impact you would have on those you serve through the work that you do and how you wish to spend your days?

Aligning Business with Lifestyle

If your desire is to experience location freedom roaming the country or the globe while you earn your living and you're finding that the way your business has evolved has locked you into having to be in one location in order to sustain the day to day running of the business, leaving you feeling trapped like you can't easily step away without a cascading flow and effect taking place. Then this is not sustainable long term. It doesn't mean you need to wipe the slate clean.
It just means establishing new practices that can support you in achieving what you desire. That said, if your desire was to lead a simple life operating out of one location, engaging in daily, predictable routines, and you're finding you need to take off frequently in order to keep your business activities going, then again, this too is not sustainable long-term. When we find ourselves operating out of alignment,
With what truly serves us, we cannot thrive, which comes back to something I have said many times before, which is self-awareness. It comes back to that. Asking yourself how you wish to spend your days in a way that gives your life meaning and purpose, but also suits your energy system and leaves you feeling empowered to create what you are here to create and contribute to the collective tapestry with your unique thread is valuable.
Once you have revisited what thriving looks like for you, the next step is to list out all of the tasks that you do relating to your business and note which ones ignite excitement in you and which ones drain your energy. For those that drain your energy, assess if they are absolutely necessary for the success of your business. Remembering that success does not just look like numbers and results.
but also the quality of life that you are leading. Running these tasks through the filter of whether or not you're doing them because you think you should rather than them leading to the results you are seeking to achieve is a valuable exercise. The filter I like to use is the 80-20 rule, placing energy towards 20% of that which brings in 80% of revenue the 20% of content that brings in 80% of the desired results, and the 20% that fuels me energetically, leaving me feeling inspired and ignited. For the tasks that need to be completed that drain your energy, are you able to outsource those tasks to somebody else whose way of operating aligns with the task required to be completed?
If so, this is an investment in the growth of your business and you should make that sooner rather than later. If not, then working out a system or process that simplifies the completion of the task is another valuable way of approaching these tasks rather than avoiding them or dragging yourself through doing them. Another approach is to work in a cyclical manner, tuning into and understanding the energetics of the moon cycle or your personal cycle.
aligning tasks that suit the phases. This may sound crazy to some of you who have never really considered the energetic shifts that take place in each phase of the moon cycle but when you think about the effect the moon has on the tide and realize that the impact of the energetic pull on the water is also relevant to us humans we are made up of almost 70% water so whether or not you are aware of it it is actually happening to you.
The past few years becoming a self-employed single mum has led me to really work closely with the cycles of the moon, as I have had to balance a lot more on my own in order to support the teenage son who lives with me, who is not yet independent, as well as take care of my own health and wellbeing. While I transition into the next phase of my journey, entering into my crone years in a way that I did not originally plan for or even expect to needing to consider,
These past few years has been a process of shedding layers that no longer serve, connecting back to what is essential in order for me to thrive and understand who I am here to serve going forward. I have always applied the ethos just because you can doesn't mean you should to the products that I've made and sold in my artisanal brand. Flying solo has meant that I've had to apply that ethos to other areas of my life too, not being able to do absolutely everything that I used to.
at times trying to do so out of habit, but realizing not everything was supportive or necessary and that I shouldn't continue

Creators Nest Soaring Membership

just because I could, electing instead to tune into what truly fosters health, wellbeing and wholeness. So I have been auditing and editing my personal and business life and I have reached a point where I see the most value comes from being connected to one's own truth and operating from our unique essence.
And I've been discussing this in depth with my two young men in order to support them as they lay down the foundations for their journey through adulthood ahead. Understanding that it's important to sustain our basic needs, but just as important to create space to take those adventures, even in micro doses and use our unique skills to contribute to the collective. Not just work towards holidays and retirement, but instead create an inspired, harmonious life's journey.
Working with clients through my coaching service, observing how others could benefit from a supportive network that fosters thriving in each individual's unique journey, as well as being approached by others in my community and beyond, expressing they value what I have shared, as it has given them permission to be themselves more, as well as constantly revisiting the question of of how can I best be of service to the collective and how do I wish to spend my days which is how Creators Nest Soaring membership came about, which will be open to sign up to join this week around the full moon. I recently shared the information booklet with subscribers to my mailing list explaining how this membership offer will work to support those who join the flock. If you would like to gain access to this booklet, DM me the phrase Soaring membership on Instagram and I will send a link directly to you. My intention
with this membership is to support you in your creative professional journey and life. If you're a mother, it can be hard to create space to take care of your own needs, but your children will benefit from you doing so. Even if you're not a mother, the flow on effect of us maintaining our centre in disorienting times flows out and impacts those in our community and those we are connected to in such a positive way.
As a part of the membership journey, we will be continually revisiting this question of how do I wish to spend my days? Connecting back to the bigger picture vision for our lives. Assessing whether or not the way we're moving through our days is actually supportive of that. Or if we're straight off our path, doing more of what we think we should do rather than moving through our days in ways that's supportive of us thriving rather than merely surviving.
And this is not just about business, it's about our life as a whole. Knowing our values also plays a significant part in what we choose to say yes to or no to and where we place our energy and focus. For me personally, connection is one of my values, connection to self, others and wild nature. As a part of me working through what is essential for me to thrive,
I have been placing more energy into connecting with people who share similar values to me when it comes to connection to wild nature and creativity. Taking off on micro adventures to explore wild nature and connect with others on a deeper level has been something I have placed importance on ensuring I fit into my schedule. Doing so without too much fuss is something I am working towards being able to achieve next.
The last micro adventure to the south coast we experienced was truly magical, even though the annex of our rooftop tent, which we were using as a second room, got flooded. With three of us contributing to the process of packing up wet camping gear, making it easier, but it still took a lot longer than we would have liked and took a big chunk out of our day. Doing this on my own would have probably meant I would have lost most of the day packing up.
While my sons keep telling me that I would easily be able to set up and pack up the rooftop tent on my own, I am yet to see how this would be possible, so I am looking at investing in a simple to set up and pack down swag instead. With plans to start travelling with my two dogs as well, being able to finish work for the week and hit the road and set up camp before sunset, enjoy the process of making a campfire dinner needs to be simple.
Taking trips into wild nature for me is a connection back to the rhythm of the wild and connection back to myself. And it fuels me energetically. So being able to fit this into my schedule is essential. When I have gone long stretches of time, just doing what needs to be done, being Uber driver for my younger son, making meals to keep us healthy and fulfilling my duties in my freelance and coaching roles, I find my creativity suffers.
and my passion for life wanes. It just feels like I'm on autopilot. Things are reasonably predictable and comfortable, but not as enlightening as when we set off on a camping adventure and need to engage in lateral thinking to respond to the unpredictable in order to create the comfort that enables us to enjoy the experience. There is something that energizes me about having to respond to the unforeseen. Like when the runoff from our awning put out the campfire,
Having to start the fire again in the rain and reposition the stick that was holding up the awning to prevent the pooling of water and still be able to walk around our outdoor kitchen sheltered from the rain while enjoying the beauty of it at the same time. For others this may all sound too hard and dampen their spirits. For me it is enlivening which is why I seek out such experiences.
I came back from that micro adventure buzzing with excitement and aliveness, which then flowed out into taking action on things relating to my business's growth and expansion that I had put off based on the fact I was caught up in doing all the things that I thought I had to do first. Over the last week I have amplified my output, have been working longer hours in order to create content that will be more supportive for those who have joined the flock and those who discover my content during their scrolling. My mission is to serve others while supporting my own needs. The supporting my own needs is an important part of what helps me serve others more effectively, which is why the question of how do I wish to spend my days is such an important one to revisit.
One of the ways I enjoy spending my days is supporting others in growing their business in a way that's supportive to them too, which is why I enjoy being a digital guide for the digital solutions program. So let me remind you that I'm here to support you in your digital solutions journey too.

Government-Funded Digital Solutions

If you would like someone to guide you in creating an enjoyable, sustainable digital presence for your business that does not consume your days, establishing supportive habits and practices,
So you can create consistency in your digital presence. I encourage you to make the most of the heavily government funded program that I contribute to as a coach. If you are in New South Wales, Australia, have an ABN and run a for profit micro or small business, make the most of the limited time offer of only paying a small fee of $45 plus GST. When you select the all access option, you receive up to four hours of one to one coaching focusing specifically on your needs in the digital space. The $45 does not equate to the value of the service. My 25 plus years of experience in business alchemise with my coaching certification is what enables me as a coach to shortcut the learning process for clients through this program. And signing up to the program through my affiliate link, choosing the all access option, You'll also be supporting the production of this podcast as I receive a small finder speech for bringing you into the program. To register for this program, simply click on the link provided in the show notes. If you are not in New South Wales or lone Australia, the soaring membership I spoke about earlier has been created to support you in your journey in a beautiful, nurturing way.

Season Conclusion & Future Engagement

It is not just about your digital presence, it's also about supporting you professionally and personally in business and life. If you would like to know where and when the opportunity to sign up will open, join my Creators Nest mailing list. The Business to Your Own Beat podcast was incubated and hatched through Creators Nest. It is my hope that those engaging in these spaces are fostered into thriving rather than simply surviving and let their inner essence be their outer expression too. The soaring membership will be super supportive of that and I look forward to journeying alongside of you if you feel called to join the flock. Today's episode will be the last one in season three. The next episode will kick off season four with a few little tweaks to the delivery of the episode being made with the intention of enhancing your experience as a listener or viewer. Of course, if you have any feedback on ways you think I could do that,
I'd love to hear from you. If you wish to share how this podcast has been supportive to you too, please leave a review and subscribe if you haven't already. I produce this podcast in service to the collective and would love to serve more people through this space. Creating this podcast is a part of how I wish to spend my days. It fills my heart to hear the impact it has on those who listen and watch. Connecting with the beautiful hearted people who are ah Part of this virtual community is something I look forward to experiencing more. So between now and the next episode, take time to contemplate how you wish to spend your days and assess where you may be able to make some adjustments in your schedule to do more of what enlivens you.
Thank you so much for your time. I know how valuable it is and I hope you got value out of listening to this podcast. If you are looking for a coach to support and guide you through your own unique journey of creating a life you love, then reach out for a connection call. And if you'd like to connect with other creative souls in person by joining us at a workshop or retreat or to book a unique um shopping experience here at Creators Nest, I run those by appointment. So check out the website for more details. The link is in the show notes.
Oh, and please leave a review. I'd love to hear any insights or inspirations that were activated in you from this podcast. And I look forward to drumming, dancing or soaring alongside of you.