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WHY the CHANGE of PODCAST NAME to ‘A Life By Design’? image

WHY the CHANGE of PODCAST NAME to ‘A Life By Design’?

S4 E67 · A Life By Design
15 Plays30 days ago

Changing the name of the podcast from ‘Business to Your Own Beat’ to ‘A Life by Design’ was not a decision I made lightly, but it was a quick transition after months of the idea whispering in me in ear & eventually slapping my across the head!

Living a life by design focuses on setting an objective and fostering systems and conditions to support thriving.

‘Business to Your Own Beat’ held that at the core, however the focus on business alone felt lacking in what the bigger picture is… the way we choose to spend our days, where we choose to focus our energy each step of the way is what creates overall prosperity in all areas of life, not just business.

So under the banner of this new podcast title I want to be able expand our conversation & topics to bring awareness to a myriad of elements that our daily choices have… either leading to us reaching our bigger picture vision or hold us back from realising our highest expression.


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Intro & Outro Music: Shaman Dance by slavamusic

We respect and honour Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders past, present, and future. We acknowledge the stories, traditions, and living cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on this land and commit to building a brighter future together.


By accessing this Podcast, I acknowledge that the entire contents are the property of Marie-Nicole Meunier, or used by Marie-Nicole Meunier with permission, and are protected under AU and international copyright and trademark laws. Except as otherwise provided herein, users of this Podcast may save and use information contained in the Podcast only for personal or other non-commercial, educational purposes. No other use, including, without limitation, reproduction, retransmission or editing, of this Podcast may be made without the prior written permission of the Marie-Nicole Meunier, which may be requested by contacting

This podcast is for educational purposes only. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein.


Introduction to Living by Design

Do you desire to live a life that supports you in thriving? A life based on understanding your unique design and engaging more in your passions? I'm Marie Nicole and I am devoted to combining beauty, uniqueness and connection in everyday living experiences. As a creative professional and Dharma coach, I help people connect to the truth of who they are and facilitate them in embodying their uniqueness.
I am also a mother of two precious young men and with children in tow have established and run unique businesses, embraced opportunities that have contributed to my creative career while creating magical memories and living my life by design too.
It's my hope that this podcast inspires you to live your life on your terms and earn your income through being uniquely you.

Redefining Prosperity Beyond Money

Whether that's working for yourself or someone else, the key here is living a life in alignment with your unique design. After all, it's our unique thread that we each contribute to the collective tapestry that creates a whole.
Welcome back to another podcast episode under the new podcast name, A Life by Design. Changing the name of the podcast from business to your own beat to a life by design was not a decision I made lightly, but it was a quick transition after months of the idea whispering in my ear and eventually slapping me across the head. While business to your own beat sums up the passion I have for earning our living, doing what aligns with our unique gifts and talents,
The focus being just on business has felt limiting at times. I have often been referred to as lucky in regards to various aspects of my life, but I can assure you I am not lucky. I am passionate, driven and devote myself to what I believe in.
and design my life to support me in realising my highest potential, I set goals to work towards living my bigger picture vision, which is about supporting my own thriving as well as fostering others in thriving too. At the moment my focus is on designing a lifestyle that truly supports me in thriving in more areas of my life than just business,
which is why I felt called to change the podcast's name to represent the holistic approach I have to life, health, wealth and wellness. Prosperity to me is far more than simply financial wealth. We live in a beautiful abundant world which has so much more to offer than just coin in the bank. And while money is our means of currency exchange in our current societal system, there are other forms of currency exchange taking place every day in our lives that have no connection to money at all. The way my dogs look deeply into my eyes, connecting soul to soul, expressing how loved they feel, even though they don't always behave in ways that benefits our wellbeing, barking at a high pitch while I'm driving, sometimes setting each other off and causing disharmony. I too don't always behave in ways that serve their highest good,
working longer hours to complete a project with a deadline attached to it, not taking them out on adventures to stimulate their minds at times when they could really benefit from it. And yet we still look deeply into each other's eyes, connecting soul to soul, expressing appreciation for being in each other's lives. Because while we don't always do what serves each other, we do enough to feel the currency of exchange of love and respect between us is supportive overall to our health and wellbeing.

Embracing Non-Monetary Value Exchanges

There are also the hugs of gratitude I receive from my sons, who are now both young men, after years of devoting myself to supporting their thriving, at times now I ask for that support in return, which they willingly give as the unconditional love is so strong between us.
Our currency of exchange is not based on how much money I provide them to do what they wish to do. It's about nurturing and fostering their health and well-being on so many more levels than just the financial. That said, they also do express how much they value what they have learned through being involved in my journey of doing business to my own beat, offering them insights into ways to move through life that supports their unique design rather than trying to fit into moulds that were not created for them, and do not support them in thriving. Then there are the little messages we receive from treasured friends, resources, shared, thought-provoking ideas exchanged, insights from contemplations expressed that help expand each other's thinking and discovering of
what would potentially support us individually in our separate journeys. But the beautiful thing with this is that we feel comfortable enough to share, which is not necessarily welcomed amongst family members, but welcome amongst our sole family of friends. And that has nothing to do with our financial success.
But even beyond that, there's the exchange of frequency with wild animals, where words do not have nearly as much power as the tone of voice itself, our body language, our internal vibe that radiates out of us. Money has no power in this scenario, but respect for the part we each play in the ecosystem can be felt. On the flip side, the disrespect expressed by some for wild creatures that inhabit our surrounding environment can also be sensed by them. So let's take this concept a little bit further and a little bit deeper into the clothing that we drape ourselves with. While yes, it takes exchange of money to acquire the finished item, but let's think about the beginning of the process. In order to grow the fiber, to create the fabric,
the right conditions are required for that plant to thrive and then the skills of the people transforming the harvest into fiber and then fiber into the clothing. It's not all money that creates the conditions or even the skills of the artisans. Money comes into the picture as a part of the process taking that plant transforming it into fabric then distributing it across the globe for us to use to create clothing and wear But it is possible for us to work our own way through the entire process without money.

Designing Systems for Success

The traditional skills that transformed fibre into fabric in the first place did not occur because of money. It occurred through a system and process that was designed to foster the conditions required to create the desired outcome.
Money has amplified these processes, business has expanded the reach of these products, so it does have an important part to play in our current societal system connecting our global community, but money alone cannot create the bigger picture.
So approaching life from this bigger picture perspective helps us to see the true power that lies in the overall design of our conditions and systems. Moving through cycles of growth, death, rebirth, evolution, improvement. That's all about the design, the conditions, the ability, the skill, the awareness and the valuing of each component contributing to its overall process and outcome.
A break in the effortless flow of the system results in an undesirable outcome, and a reassessment of the design to that system is required to tweak it and improve that. That's what living a life by design focuses on. It's setting an objective and fostering systems and conditions to support thriving. Business to your own beat held that at the core. However, the focus on business alone felt lacking in what the bigger picture is.
The way we choose to spend our days, where we choose to focus our energy, each step of the way is what creates overall prosperity in all areas of life, not just business.

Steps for Personal and Professional Growth

We've heard a lot about the power of saying no, but what about the power of saying yes? When it serves us to step outside of our comfort zone a little and take us just over our current edge, leading us to that next stage and phase of our personal growth and expansion. If you're feeling stuck, then perhaps it's time to say yes to something you've been holding off doing.
You may have a bigger picture vision for your life that you feel is way out of reach because you don't have the time, money, knowledge or resources required. But is there something you can do now, starting where you are, that takes you a few steps outside of your comfort zone? There's so much power in taking incremental steps towards that vision. And that's what we're focusing on in the Soaring membership. Taking little aligned steps consistently, seeing where we need to refine our systems and conditions, edging us towards that next milestone in our journey towards the bigger picture vision for our lives. What do you need to say yes to?
that you know deep down inside you've been avoiding. It may not even be developing a new skill, but rather letting go of a habit, a limiting belief, fear of failure. The thing is, you'll never reach that next stage in your journey unless you are prepared to step forward and take action and learn through the process of doing.
That's what living a life by design looks like. It's not waiting for all the pieces to come together before you move forward. It's aligning your actions with what will create the conditions for you to expand into that next phase of your thriving in your journey. It's a process of evolution, but you need to be willing to say yes as well as say no.
If being supported through your journey by traveling alongside others, taking their own brave little steps forward too, sounds like it's something that could be supportive to you, then joining the Soaring membership is may just be what you need right now. Working in a cyclical manner, connecting to your inner knowing, designing a life to support your thriving. There's a link to join that and more information on what's involved in the show notes.

Marie’s Journey to a Creative Lifestyle

Now over my 25 plus years in business, I have had people express how lucky I am doing what I love as a job. when I had a commercial space especially, being open to the public, a space that included a retail store, my atelier, my artisans workshop. So when visitors walked in, they often saw me immersed in creative flow, making something with my hands. And they would say they wish they could do something like that or have a place to create like that, but they had a job or they had kids or they didn't have time. They had something that prevented them from doing so.
Now that used to bother me a little bit, I have to admit, as they were only seeing one element of my multifaceted lifestyle. I limited the time that my retail store hours were open in order to account for all of the things that needed to go into contributing to that space being what it was. On top of that, the elements of my lifestyle outside of that space that they did not see.
It was by no means luck that enabled me to enjoy the immersive creative flow in such a magical space. I designed my life to support that. It took a heck of a lot of work to sustain in that place and with all of its beautiful textures, tones, scents, sounds, furnishings and finishes, showcasing exquisitely handcrafted wares not only created by me but by a selection of around 20 makers and designers, all creative professionals either building their own brand on the side of employment and parenthood or doing it full time.
Now the administration of selling on behalf of those other makers and designers alone was a lot of work, let alone the upkeep of the physical space that visitors enjoyed and immersed themselves in. That was only part of my job. I was also a mother, a wife, guardian of animals, caretaker of a small acreage, raising and growing my own meat and vegetables,
living as much of a self-sufficient life as possible around the hours that I was working in that space. Now, I'm not saying it was not enjoyable, but I can assure you that it has taken a lot of work to create businesses that align with my values and has been really about making intentional choices, not just in business, but in life. Sustaining my own physical, mental, spiritual health and wellbeing was a part of the intention behind the choices I was making on a daily basis and still do.
Now one lady walked in and started to say how lucky I was, and then she stopped herself and said, no, this is not luck. This is by design. This phrase also summed up my entire life. From the clothes I wear to the habits and practices I choose to engage in, my whole life has been focused on designing my days to support not just my needs, but the needs of my children and then flow that support out into the needs of other creatives in my community. This started with me tuning into what I needed in accordance to my unique talents and gifts in terms of the work I did rather than trying to fit into a pre-existing job description created by a system that did not support me in thriving or even me in contributing in a way that I'm here to contribute to the collective.
Coming to understand myself on a deeper level through human design initially and then Aravada and then the gene keys and astrology, all of these modalities solidified what I felt within myself at an intuitive level that I was trying to suppress and override in order to fit in molds in certain areas of my life that were not designed for my type of being. So instead I decided to connect more deeply with my unique design and create a lifestyle and career that supports that.
The last almost three years of my life's journey, which I've shared snippets of right from the beginning of this podcast, becoming a self-employed single mum, going through the process of really assessing what I have become accustomed to doing that actually does not serve me.

Supporting Others Through Personal Design

Now, as I approach a time where I need to make decisions about where I will live next, once we sell our family home, I am tuning even more deeply into what my life by design would look like.
Not just in terms of the work I do, but even the lifestyle that I live. The one that was established here was for a family of four. And this is not the lifestyle that I wish to sustain on my own. There are aspects of my personal dreams that I had set aside. Now I get to revisit and expand on those.
My desire to become a sole purpose coach was based on supporting other creatives doing business to their own beat, which includes the understanding of their unique design, so they too could be liberated from expectations placed on them by others in their circle of influence and instead let their inner essence become their outer expression, which is exactly the process I have been going through over the last three years.
Even though I thought I was living my purpose when I had that commercial space, a new evolution of my purpose has been revealed to me, which includes elements of other things that I did set aside in order to create and sustain that past version of my life and commitments.
Moving through cycles of renewal and change is a part of what we are here to experience. Nothing ever remains the same, but the conditions we set for our journey of growth, expansion and evolution is either supported or limited by the daily choices that we make.
So now I have created a virtual space through the Soaring membership where I can still support others along their journey of becoming the highest expression of themselves at whatever stage they are at in their journey. While I still have a big focus on business and earning our income, aligning with our core values, we also look at habits and practices that support us in thriving and not just about how to make money.
A life by design looks at all elements of prosperity, not just the money in our bank.

Understanding and Thriving in Your Unique Design

We're not all designed to be millionaires or run complicated companies. For some, their design is better suited to living a simple life impacting those in their immediate families and surrounding community.
while others are here to influence change on a global scale. And for others, they are here to tinker away in their cave, making discoveries that impact the world and the collective with their discoveries, then finding a team to support them in distributing those discoveries that they make.
So this is where my embodiment coaching service really comes into play, that on that one-to-one basis of really diving into your unique design, tuning into and working with your gifts and talents, because we all play a role in our collective ecosystem. Understanding our design can help us to design our life to support our thriving in the way that we can then serve others as a result.
If you do wish to have support in your business in terms of a digital presence, so you can expand your reach through this web that's fostered the ability for global connection in doing business. And if you're in New South Wales, Australia and run a for-profit, micro or small business and would like to make the most of a heavily government funded program in which you get to work with me as a guide, then check out the digital solutions program option.
That's in the show notes. But if you feel that what you really need right now at a foundational level is building your confidence by simply being you and what you choose to wear, then can consider the small investment of 11 Australian dollars to buy yourself a copy of the Empower Dressing Guidebook, the focus of which is understanding what supports you, your physique, your lifestyle, allowing your inner essence to be your outer expression.
All of these offerings are about designing a life that supports you in thriving. And you'll find more information and links to them in the show notes. So under the banner of this new podcast title, A Life by Design, I want to be able to expand our conversations and topics to bring awareness to a myriad of elements that our daily choices have.
on us thriving or not, either leading us to reaching our bigger picture vision or holding us back from realising our highest expression. So thank you for listening all the way to the end of this episode. I hope that it provided you with insights and inspiration that you need right now on your quest of fostering thriving. Please do pass this episode on to someone you think would get value out of it too. And I'd really appreciate if you leave a review for this podcast on Apple or Spotify or a comment on YouTube. I'd love to hear any insights and or inspirations if activated in you.
and look forward to drumming, dancing or soaring alongside of you.