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A Life by Design - Need Inspiration & Encouragement

S4 E64 · A Life By Design
13 Plays2 months ago

A life by design focuses on devotion to a purpose, a life mission, and while it takes some discipline to realise the full potential of our mission, devotion is a different driving force.

The next time you wonder if how you are choosing to spend your days is acceptable by mainstream standards, look at what is produced by those who step outside the box and live an evocative life and ask yourself if you calling is to operate within the lines or to venture off beyond the boundaries, explore uncharted territory and then return to share something new & exciting with the tribe.

Design your life in a way that supports your ability to thrive, you are here to create something magical to serve & support the collective with.


[Em]Power Dressing Guidebook ...will be help you curate your wardrobe in a way that fosters effortless flow of energy, so you move through your days with confidence, ease & grace, fostering health & well being on so many levels. 

Only AU$11 for the e-book


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Intro & Outro Music: Shaman Dance by slavamusic

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By accessing this Podcast, I acknowledge that the entire contents are the property of Marie-Nicole Meunier, or used by Marie-Nicole Meunier with permission, and are protected under AU and international copyright and trademark laws. Except as otherwise provided herein, users of this Podcast may save and use information contained in the Podcast only for personal or other non-commercial, educational purposes. No other use, including, without limitation, reproduction, retransmission or editing, of this Podcast may be made without the prior written permission of the Marie-Nicole Meunier, which may be requested by contacting

This podcast is for educational purposes only. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein.


Introduction to Marie Nicole's Mission

Do you desire to create a life where you live out your highest expression? Connect with other creative souls, also living life and doing business to the beat of their own drum? I am Marie Nicole and I am devoted to combining beauty, uniqueness and connection.
in everyday living experiences. As a creative professional and Dharma coach, I help people connect to the truth of who they are and facilitate them in embodying their uniqueness.

Balancing Motherhood and Business

I am also a mother of two precious young men and with children in tow have established and run unique businesses and embraced opportunities that have contributed to my creative career while creating magical memories for them too.
It is my hope that this podcast inspires you to live life on your terms and earn your income through Being Uniquely You. After all, it is the unique thread we each contribute to the collective tapestry that creates the whole.

The Empower Dressing Guidebook Creation

Over the last couple of months, as I've been collating all the information for my Empower Dressing Guidebook, which I'm happy to announce is now available, preparing for this guidebook and for the membership portal offerings has really brought to my awareness just how much Personally, I have focused on living in alignment with my values and creating a life by design, rather than focusing on what others would think is best for me. I can't expect anyone to know what would be best for me in the same way that I cannot know what would serve others best either.
I can only suggest that they connect to their inner essence and knowing and operate from that place when making decisions. Which is why I also place so much emphasis on doing business to your own beat.
And in order to do that, though, you first need to be able to connect to your own unique beat, self-awareness, understanding what's supportive of your thriving and what drains your energy. As I've been gathering this information for the guidebook, revisiting material I've written over many years after much research, which I delivered in various formats without the intention of writing a book,

Career Evolution and Organic Growth

per se. but purely based on the passion for the topic. I now see this all comes under the umbrella of Empowerdressing. The research I was engaging in was to fill a need for myself and for the customers I served through my artisanal brand, especially through my commercial space, as this is when clothing naturally became a bigger part of what I offered, not because I'd planned to, but because it was in response to the requests I was receiving from customers.
It actually shocked me when I suddenly saw all of the jigsaw puzzles come together and fit together and it reminded me of that scene in Karate Kid where Daniel realises that all that Mr Miyagi had been getting him to do as a part of the everyday chores was naturally preparing him for the karate tournament.
A past coaching client recently shared with me that something I said to her in our session was really impactful on her and that was everything she has experienced up until now was leading her to what she is offering the collective now.
I have said this without a second thought to others and yet I'm still surprised by this realisation in my own life. Even though I know it, it still surprises me to experience it. The culmination of many years of research, trial, error, tweaking is what has led to the outcome being this guidebook, which I hope will serve others in their quest to feel better in what they are wearing, which will naturally lead to them looking their best too.
I am sure there will be so much more that branches off this little book than I could not have even imagined myself if I had planned to create it as an outcome. The outcome of this guidebook in itself is a natural unplanned progression, much like that of a vine that's following its way up along the trellis latching onto what supports it in its growth and expansion and before it knows it it's created a green wall on a facade of a building creating a beautiful natural work of art that it had no intention of creating.

Curating a Wardrobe for Personal Growth

So when I say a life by design, I don't mean knowing what the specific outcome will be. I mean focusing on supporting your thriving every step of the journey and letting that reveal to you the magical outcome you may not have been able to see or imagine for yourself had you planned it.
Within the guidebook I take you through the process of culling and curating your existing wardrobe. It is my intention to support you in your quest to curate a wardrobe that supports you on so many levels. Throughout the guidebook I share stories and activities and other information from what I have learned over many years of all of my research trying, testing and tweaking.
I have also included recommendations of brands that can help you fill the gaps in your wardrobe especially at this time of the year while you're going shopping for garments for the festive season and some holiday adventures or you're setting your new year intention of curating a wardrobe that supports you in feeling great as well as looking great.
If you would like to purchase a copy of this e-book, the Empower Dressing Guide book is only $11 Australian dollars and there is a link to where you can access that in the show notes.

Launching a Membership Portal

Now another example of how supporting thriving every step of the journey and letting that reveal the magical outcome I may not have been able to imagine for myself had I planned it in that way has been the soaring membership offering.
It is still only in its early days so I am not saying look at this I've gone from zero to a thousand members in X amount of time. The focus of what I want to share is a process of getting started. We all need to start somewhere. When I decided to open this portal I was amazed to discover the material that I had created that formed a pretty solid foundation for me to launch this off.
I did not spend years working to prepare for this offering specifically, I worked for years on myself and then supporting others one to one keeping records of what I had created and then felt the time was right to create this offering to hopefully support many more people over the coming years.
It has been in the taking action preparing the material for this that has really brought to my awareness how much work I have put in towards all of this both personally and professionally. It hasn't been waiting until I have x number of members to start the offering of this service. It has been offering it and then following through that has actually brought all the material together to support the offering.
But that said, I needed to feel prepared to devote myself to the challenge. 12 months earlier, when I first set up the membership portal, I didn't authentically feel like I was ready to devote myself to the process. There were other foundational things I still needed to take care of first. So I wasn't coming at this from a place of desperation, but rather a place of inspiration.
I'm not saying here that I sat back and waited for the moment to feel right. I put the work in to prepare myself for what I thought I needed to elevate me to that next level of expansion. Before I stepped into this role and felt aligned with what I was wishing to support others with, the practices I share in this membership are practices I have personally worked with and supported my own journey of thriving with.
and I am constantly on a journey of self-awareness and I believe that this is a continual journey in our expansion process so I'm not done learning and I'm not saying what I am sharing with members is the last stop on their journey. It is a part of the journey and it is one that will continue to take us through a series of twists and turns and up peaks and inter valleys.
Supporting others grow and thrive in their professional journey in life is my intention with this membership offering. My focus has been in supporting solopreneurs along their journey as that has been my journey. Creating a life by design is what we are doing throughout this journey together, electing to focus on actions and goals that elevate us into that next level of expansion, month to month, with weekly check-ins with ourselves and fortnightly check-ins with each other.
to see if our intentions and actions are actually aligning with the way we desire to feel and what we have devoted to as our unique mission for this lifetime. Having the support of others along the journey of realizing our potential makes it so much more enjoyable and possible to get to where we feel called to go and place our focus on without judgment or criticism, instead empowerment to operate from a place of connection to our truth,
which is what I hope this membership offering will provide for you should you choose to join us. The cost of this is only $33 US a month. There is no time frame commitment attached to it other than the time slots I will be opening up the portal to connect. This is an opportunity to join and journey alongside others navigating their ways through creating their own pathway to their version of success too.
and if it doesn't feel like it serves your needs then the option to quietly step away is there too. With no hard feelings I want this to be a nurturing supportive space for those who choose to attend. If you would like to find out more about how to join me on this journey and what it involves there's a link in the show notes which takes you directly to the membership

Aligning Life with Personal Values

portal. When you sign up and you enter the portal, you will receive a welcome message and further information to support you in preparing to join us. Joining now, even though we've already started earlier this month, doesn't mean you miss out on anything. There are recordings of all the ah gatherings in the portal and our sessions are scheduled for the Monday, closest to the full moon and new moon, ah Sydney, Australia time at 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. so you can join at any time.
So I wanted to share that over the last two and a half years I have traversed through this pretty significant shift in my identity. I have taken on many opportunities to create a sense of security for myself and many of them have crumbled beneath my feet and not been long-term solutions or been supportive to my thriving. So I have been laser focused on creating a life by design, not a life of good enough for now.
but making intentional decisions to support me in thriving and opportunities have presented that I could not have foreseen or planned for had I stuck to just good enough. By connecting to my essence and unique energy system and needs operating in a way that supports that, I have become a magnet for things that have been supportive that I could not have created for myself sticking to what seemed good enough at the time.
A great example of this is the home I'm currently staying in for a week down on the south coast. Sticking with a contracting role with all of its challenges but the work itself aligning with my mission and vision is what led me to making a treasured friend who has welcomed me into her inner circle and given me the honour of staying in her family's home while they are away on a family adventure.
Had I given up on that role and looked for something else that offered guaranteed income, but did not allow for the flexibility I need at the moment, in order to support my younger son who is still very much dependent on me for his daily needs, I would not be here spending a week by the sea connecting with another creative professional who's also a long time treasured friend who lives down here too, and meeting other people through them and this experience.
Because I chose to focus on the quality of my life as a core value, not measuring my success according to societal expectations, my life has become even richer for it.
What's even more beautiful about this is that I'm connecting with others who share similar values and also live a life by design. And their contribution to the collective through the work that they do is what adds magic to the lives of others through their craft.
This is another good reason to focus on the contribution we are here to make with our unique thread to the collective tapestry. If we were all the same, all doing the same type of work, no one and no one was engaging in their unique talents, how boring would life be for everyone? When we venture out on the weekends or holidays, we don't seek to engage in the mundane, we seek to connect with magic.
which is the part that the creative professionals play in the collective tapestry. But in order to create that magic for the collective, they need to choose to live a life that supports their creativity, a life by design.
So the next time you wonder if how you are choosing to spend your days is acceptable by mainstream standards, look at what is produced by those who step outside the box and live an evocative life and ask yourself if your calling is to operate within the lines or to venture out of beyond the boundaries, explore uncharted territory and then return to share something new and exciting with the tribe.
Design your life in a way that supports your ability to thrive. Reflect on what it is you have experienced to date that is indicating you are preparing to create something magical to support and serve the collective with rather than stifle your growth and expansion trying to fit into a box that was never actually made for you. A life by design focuses on devotion to a purpose, a life mission.
And while it takes some discipline to realise the full potential of our mission, devotion is a different driving force. When things come from the energy of devotion, they come with peace and purpose. Discipline comes with a great deal of hard work and effort. And while discipline is important, devotion takes things up a notch. Discipline is through the mind while devotion is through the heart.
Operating just from a place of discipline is forcing yourself to do something you don't feel like doing, but you feel like you should. Whereas devotion is coming from a place of longing to embody. You don't have to convince yourself of anything with devotion. It's a natural part of you.
So until next week, take time to reflect on what you were devoted to and design your life step by step to support you in living your mission and vision. When you do that, the flow and effect is so much more magical than what you could have ever imagined for yourself.