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Karen Seinor Clinical Hypnotherapist, Counsellor & Psychic Tarot Reader image

Karen Seinor Clinical Hypnotherapist, Counsellor & Psychic Tarot Reader

S4 E70 · A Life By Design
23 Plays1 month ago

Karen Seinor is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Counsellor & Psychic Tarot Reader, in this episode she shares learnings & stories from her personal journey of creating a life by design as well as how she supports others along their journey.

Not only does she offer insights into her upcoming offerings she also does a tarot card reading specifically for listeners of this podcast.


Karen Seinor’s Website & Offerings

Soulful and Wild

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Intro & Outro Music: Shaman Dance by slavamusic

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Entering the Aquarian Age: Our Mission

we We can see politically, um socially, so different. Things are shifting. We've gone into the Aquarian age. So we need to be different to traverse these times. And personally, I feel like we are here. We've been born for these times. That's why we're here. We've all got a mission.
Whatever that is, this program is really about enlivening those, bringing them to life for us so that we can actually use their skills, their knowledge ability, and do our own work, like clear our own crap, not going to somebody else who's going to fix us.
I feel that we are past that time. For those of us who are ready to do this, of course, um in line with with what we were talking about before, it for those of us who are ready to do this work, it is now. We do it now. And that makes me think some of us have needed to be ready to do this work now to be the pioneering like early adopters, if the new way of being the new human and then just be the example for others without it being scary for them. I mean, there's always been highly alternate people that can repel mainstream because on the other side of the spectrum. But yeah we need these bridge builders and be the one in the middle that actually closes the gap. So this is for the collective. This is for all of us, which archetype
will best serve us as we create our life by design.

Marie Nicole: Life by Design

I love it. This is the world. This is fantastic, actually. And at the world, they come back together as this whole and complete being about to step into a new chapter, a new cycle. Which is our new human. We are all intelligent.
so what What this enables us to do is to actually look back over our shoulder. So for for you your listeners, if if we all look back over our shoulder and see where we've come from.
Do you desire to live a life that supports you in thriving? A life based on understanding your unique design and engaging more in your passions? I'm Marie Nicole and I am devoted to combining beauty, uniqueness and connection in everyday living experiences. As a creative professional and Dharma coach, I help people connect to the truth of who they are and facilitate them in embodying their uniqueness.
I am also a mother of two precious young men and with children in tow have established and run unique businesses, embraced opportunities that have contributed to my creative career while creating magical memories and living my life by design too.
It's my hope that this podcast inspires you to live your life on your terms and earn your income through being uniquely you. Whether that's working for yourself or someone else, the key here is living a life in alignment with your unique design. After all, it's our unique thread that we each contribute to the collective tapestry that creates a whole.

Karen's Journey: From Conventional Work to Hypnotherapy

Today's guest is Karen Cenor, a clinical hypnotherapist, counsellor and psychic tarot reader. I met Karen through the Digital Solutions Program and had the pleasure of being her digital guide as she embraced the digital tools available to her to support her business growth and expand her reach working from her rural location in Albury, New South Wales and Australia.
Now, a life by design in my eyes is not about controlling our lives so much as understanding what supports us in thriving. It's rooted in the essence of self-awareness and understanding our personal design and makeup, making decisions based on that. So that said, I'd like to welcome you here today, Karen, and ask you to share with us what the beginning of your journey of designing a life by design, rather than following society's rule book, looked like for you.

Burnout and Realignment: Karen's Path

Oh, wow, what a big question. And thank you very much for having me here. um Look, I think unlike everybody else, I started off definitely trying to fit myself into the appropriate box so that everybody was happy that I wasn't, you know, coloring outside of the lines. But the truth is that that got me burnt out. ah what You know, that does not fit me at all. And I've done a little bit of,
work with some of these different systems and thankfully I've had some confirmation that the direction I'm going is does really suit me not just within my own experience but there's a structure that says yes that's right Karen you can't do nine to five five days a week it's not good for you oh thank god um so what does how how did I start with that I think I think when I really started that was probably about five years ago when I really stepped into that. And it was really started to take form when I i live in a little house and I went went and did a permaculture course. I think it's a cert four in permaculture design or something like that through the Aubrey Tafe or Charles Sturt or something. So I had a whole year
out of regular business where I was just sort of like a gap year. And I was able to go deep into permaculture and what that is. And so that gave me a system to really look at how I really could live the life that I'd kind of dreamed of, you know, um living in an environment and structuring my business to fit that.
Does that make sense? It does. So were you doing hypnotherapy before that as a business? I was. Yeah. So I was running Aubrey Hypnotherapy Clinic and I was crazy in a way. Like I was sometimes in the busy times, I was working six days a week, really long hours, you know, starting in the morning, finishing at nine o'clock.
and going, oh my God, I think I need a glass of wine. And one night after a couple of days of that sort of schedule, because and it was serious stuff. you know People are paying a significant amount of money to get change um with serious issues. So yeah you've got to be on, and you've got to really be delivering hardcore, especially if people are doing phobias and extreme fears and things.
and Yeah. So one, one night I looked in the mirror and I said, Karen, you need to take some of this advice for yourself. Um, yeah. Cause basically I got burnt out and, and that's what, you know, and I had a series of events, you know, life events. My dad passed away. I was building a house at the time, you know, going through all the challenges that are inherent within that. And yeah, it just took me over the edge and,
And I just went, I pulled the pin completely.

Tarot and Hypnosis: Crafting a Career

so But permaculture is not what you do as your business. So then how did you get into tarot reading? as was Oh, well, the tarot is the longest standing part of my business, shall we call it. And it's a passion. I i started that 30 years ago. Basically, um i didn't I don't know if you can see these. These are tarot oils.
about 30, well, actually 31 years ago, really, um I was sleeping next to the Italian Catholic, waking up in the middle of the night, and there were all these fragrances in the room. And there's some dude sitting on the end of my bed, talking to me. So like basically what I'm trying to get at is I channeled these.
yeah wow 22 blends. And back then, aromatherapy was sort was not a thing. yeah I mean, I ah trademarked the name taro oils back then, because nobody even really knew what aromatherapy was that much. I think there was only one company in Australia that was selling the oils. So I got into the taro through that because once I realized that the blends were for the taro cards, I then went and given me timbers.
I've actually got to go and learn about the tarot now. Cause what am I going to do with these things? Oh, I, I studied with a lady by the name of Ann Shotta. Amazing woman. Very lucky I feel. Um, she actually was the founding president of the Tarot Guild of Australia. Amazing. Um, so I studied that with her and I was never ever going to read a tarot card. I just wanted to learn how to deal with these.
but that's been my vehicle. And it's actually the tarot that got me into hypnosis and working as a clinical hypnotherapist because I had a series of clients come to me and all with past life issues that if they'd gone to see a psychologist, they probably would have been locked up. Or put on medication. Oh, definitely on med medication, yeah. And so that encouraged me to go and do some training in past life work. So that's where I started. But I discovered that past life stuff is not where the meat is. You know, the grunty, really groovy stuff is actually here in this life. What we bring with us from the past life as karmic baggage or or new experiences that we're accumulating.
Yeah, it's more it's more about, for me, I mean, dealing with past life stuff and clearing that, that's all fine. um But the really, you know, because I love a bit of a challenge. I'm an aquarium, you know, I've got to do it something a little bit different. So doing regular or clinical hypnosis, you don't know who's coming through the door, you get extremely challenging stuff, sexual issues,
um extreme phobias, you know, that's where the meat is. People aren't functional sometimes in their lives. So I got in, I ended up going and studying that. And I think that's, once I got into doing that, i I had to move away from working directly with spirit because initially when I was working with a client, particularly with a past life and the in the early days, I was basically just putting them into trance I dropped myself very lightly into a trance state and I would basically channel the hypnosis script that was required for them. So it was very, very personalized. It was very, you know, connected. But once I got into the business aspect and I was, i you know, I learned about, you know, you've got to get a certain number of people and you've got to make this much money. And once I got into all of that,
I couldn't work in that natural, really connected way on a chop, chop, chop, chop basis. So I got lost in there. And that was really, um it was actually a bit tragic for me, I think, when I reflect back now. Well, it's all a part of the learning experience, isn't it? Cause now it's amplified what you're doing. Yeah, that's that's right. Yeah. Which actually, yeah I have a question around that, like your daily, oops,
getting my microphone, um your daily life practices. They're potentially, from what I know of you, because i I do know a fair bit about you, not everything, but um i but the listeners don't. So what are some of the things that you do in your daily life practices that seem to have nothing to do with work, but they support you in performing your work and fueling your energy? Yeah. And I guess that's why I mentioned the permaculture.
previously. um That is a great question, actually. Thank you for asking that. I start my day by being woken up by dogs.
They come and wake me up. It is breakfast time. Get out. And so that's, I wake up to this happy, joyful, fluffy um little dogs and I go outside, I feed the chickens, open the door for them. If it's not already open, look at the garden and breathe all of that in. My feet are bare.
winter, summer, doesn't matter.

Daily Rituals: Nature and Creativity

And I just take in the garden. That's the first thing that really happens for me, that really brings me to myself. And it gives me deep pleasure to be alive.
And o that's really true. I can hear the emotion coming up. And it's from that space that I can do the work that actually matters to me and therefore translates into my clients. you know I check and see what the bees are doing. I've i've got a couple of beehives here and you know life is happening. So it's sort of,
That gets me going. Of course, then there's coffee.
But you're already wired. Why do you need the coffee? It's interesting because I think that's actually a habit. Yeah. and yeah and I mean, i these days, I mean, I used to run clinical rooms. I used to you know be in a ah space where everybody else who worked in that place um was a psychologist. And I think the psychologists, used to they used to walk past and look in my room like I was some oddity. you know There'd be aromatic fragrance coming out of the space. There were plants in the room. That was obviously weird.
Um, it's not life in this artificial environment. but Exactly. The guy who owned the building, he was, you know, he was the head psychologist there and eventually, um, he put plants in all the rooms eventually. I think I started to sort of filter into his universe without doing all the same. But, um,
Yeah, so now I'm in post-COVID because during COVID I actually had to completely work from home and online and all that that sort of stuff. And I've actually just maintained that. So now if clients do come to see me, they're coming to see me in this space that you can see here.
And it's the first room when you come into my little cottage. So they walked down my driveway past the weedy garden. They see the bees going in and out. There's a bloody hammock on the front veranda and, you know, baskets of herbs and stuff like that. It's not over the top, but it's just like, this is actually a real place. So when you walk down that driveway, you actually, people just start to shift.
And so it prepares them for the change work in a way. And often I'm barefooted. I mean, back in the day, there's no way I'd put face on, which I didn't love and I'd have heels on and I'd look appropriate. I just don't, I just can't be asked for that anymore. It's not actually me. It's beautiful.
The work happens and my client base has shifted somewhat as a result of this, but what I'm getting now is I'm getting my ideal clients because they align. You know, when I had a commercial space, I used to, I had a long hallway and two flights of stairs that people had to go up. So it wasn't very good for people in wheelchairs, which was challenging. And I did have a customer who was in a wheelchair and I would take things down to the front street for her to have a look at. you But some what you're describing makes me think of what I used to say to our, but the girls who worked with me that this is our natural filtration system. And there are two things that created that, like I had put plants out the front. So I opened the doors and I'd hang up the hanging baskets with trailing plants. And then we put little plants in baskets down on the bottom of the doorway. And there were always big pots in the
and under the sign on the street, but the entry itself had plants. We had a bakery next door that moved in. It wasn't there when I first opened the shop in that space, but it moved downstairs and people used to get really frustrated. You know, they were always angry, waiting for their coffee, waiting for their pastry. And the plant on that side always suffered. And we observed, I changed the plants so many times and I would swap them over.
any plant that we put on that side regularly started to wilt. And they got just as much water, just as much of everything else. It was so fascinating to watch. And then we just realized it was actually the energy. But then to come into our space, I had a big white sage stick of incense that would burn every day. I would change it in the afternoon as well. And there would be what you describe where there was this natural calming effect that took place. They came up the stairs. There was music to greet them that just calm them down people would often walk in and just start crying or just and like they didn't even know that what they were crying about they just had this release of whatever it was they were holding on to or they'd walk in and go I just can be myself in here even if it's not their style it just
let them release whatever the tension was. And so it was fascinating. So I completely understand that experience. But the question I have for you about, because we we need to maintain ourselves to be able to support other people. So yeah I imagine you need, I mean, you're very creative in what you do in the way that you manage your work. So what supports your creative process other than the garden? Is there anything else?
Well, other than the garden. Or is that it? i No, it's

Creative Process: The Role of Downtime

ah that's not it. I think the garden is symbolic for me rather than um the whole entire thing because it is it is a system, you know, the bees and the it's it's like everything working together. And that is a constant reminder to me that I am part of this system and I have to take care of myself. Otherwise this system can't be sustained. and So I do things like, you know, you know I meditate. I don't meditate for hours on end or get lost in my navel or anything like that. But I do spend most days, at least 15 minutes, just sitting in that space, dropping into my heart space.
And what I've taken to doing lately, and the other thing I do is I always pick a card for the day. You you know, sometimes I'll actually pick a card when I have a particular client coming and I will, you know, cause I'll, I'll see them come out the window and my cards are just there and I'll just, I'll just ask in my mind, okay, which energy do I need to hold to support this person to get what they need?
and I'll pick that card. So it helps me to shift into the right mindset and energetic space to you know to meet their need because everybody who comes is seeking something specific. you know They might think, oh, you know, I've got a problem with sleep or I need some, and you know, if they're having reading, I need to figure out what I'm going to do for the year ahead. But how I am,
when they arrive and when we're interacting, that's a key factor. Has that answered the question? I think I've wandered off on a little meander there. That's okay. It doesn't matter if you have, um but in terms of, I asked what supports your creative process and that is a part of that because it's how you support your clients and you need to do things in a way that is um creative it allows for creative flow.
which is what you describe, unless there's something else that comes to mind that you want to share. I think I'm a pretty simple soul. You know, it's, I don't, and I'm not very good at being rigorous. That is a real challenge for me. And you know that. I'm not, I'm not judging anything here. I'm not good at following the tick box. I can do it for a set periods of time. And then I'm like, oh, do I have to tick the box? And I just get, you know,
But in truth, having a bit of a system is very helpful for me because it creates spaces where I can do stuff. and One of the things that I do, and this is like, I guess in a way it's reverse engineering, is an idea will come to me often when I'm, like I i broke a bone in my foot back in September and I was forced to be still.
I couldn't be rushing around and going places. I had to stay home. I was like a little prisoner in the cottage. And um what during that time, like I was gifted with these fantastic ideas about new new offerings to to deliver. um One of them was you know the Chrome work program that I'm going to do. And I mean, I haven't done that before.
This is going to be new for me. So I drafted that all up. And you know i've got I've got the plan. I know what I'm going to do. And I've put it out there. But in truth, I'm kind of reverse engineering this. So I've created some pressure for myself. I have dates. I've got people who've enrolled.
and I've got my draft plan. So I do well under a little bit of creating a little bit of pressure for myself. And so, you know, I will bog in for a period of time. I'll like, under that, it's like, I've got to deliver this. So then I'll just get in and I'll do the things and I'll meditate and I'll do some research and all that. So that is part of how I do that creative process, I guess. It all fluffs in.
and then I do some hardcore intense work. I can relate to that completely and I think that you may find that everyone could actually benefit from that because that is how when you look at the seasons of like nature and the way cycles there are times for dormancy and then there's times to go hard and there's times to let go, prepare for dormancy.
And so if we don't set ourselves that timeframe, then we can end up just lulling along and what I don't get done today, I can put off till tomorrow and then you never actually get to it. So yeah. I know you're enjoying the episode, but I just want to take a moment to share some information with you about the digital solutions program, which is one of the ways you can work with me as a coach in this case, as your digital guide.
If you'd like support in your digital presence as a micro or small business owner in New South Wales, Australia running a for-profit business, you can take advantage of this heavily government funded program that I contribute to as a digital guide where you pay a small one-off fee of $45 plus GST and receive up to four hours of one-to-one coaching to support you in your digital journey.
Focusing specifically on your needs in the digital space, which does not have to be as daunting for you when you establish systems and processes and use easily accessible digital tools to support you in expanding your reach to connect with potential customers, either in your community or way beyond the boundaries of your LGA. In the show notes, you'll find my affiliate link to register for the program. And when you do, you'll automatically be assigned to me as your guide.
During our initial session, we work together on ascertaining exactly what it is that would be best for you to receive support with and then we take it from there. If you wish to read the testimonials of some of the clients I have helped through this program, I'll also include a link to the page on my website where you'll find those.
Now back to the episode. So I have a question about something that you don't think you could live without. Like, is there anything you can't imagine living without right now? I feel like you may have already answered it, but there might be something that you've not said. so but my From a business perspective? Just life, because this is about life. And for me, life and business is all in one. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
i I've discovered that what I really can't live without, and i mean I mean live well without, is downtime. Time where I just actually don't see clients. Tomorrow, for example, um i have I'm seeing nobody tomorrow except in the evening I'm running a class.
So I've got students coming for to learn the tarot tomorrow night, but all day tomorrow is completely wide open for me. So I can just play and fluff and clean the house if I need to. I can read a book. I can do whatever I want. And I need those gaps of time because it's it's in those spaces that I refill my own cup.
and I've got something to draw on and to give. And also that's where the you know the inspiration comes in those spaces. yeah Yeah, not when you're in the intensive doing, doing, doing. Yeah.
And I've been in a place in the past where I've, you know, I've held down a job and, you know, I'm out there doing the things and then I run home, quickly change hats and then show up and I'm gonna do, you know, a reading for somebody or a counseling session. And I'm not fresh. i not I'm not, know, I guess I'm not ambient. to the positive my
And really, it's, to me, whether you're teaching or counseling or, or coaching, even, you know what I mean? It's, it's, it's your energy. It's the energy that I hold. So for example, with the, with the Tarakos,
realistically, all those people who are coming to that cause, the information is out there. They can Google this crap and and they can Google the meaning of 78 carat cards and a long download for them. They're not coming to me for that. They're actually coming for 30 years of experience of actually doing it so that when I do describe it, it's from a place of knowing. And they have developed a relationship with me of trust.
And that's, so it's, it's proven information for them, but most of all, it's the container I hold for them so that they can step into their power and do that extension of their own skills, you know? Yeah. So I've got to be. I was actually thinking that it's not even just the people that have known you for a long time, because you can meet someone new and you can present, I mean, not even say much.
but hold the space with the energy that says, I have this inner wisdom, I lived experience, I don't need to justify, I just know. and yeah so And they feel that. And then go, actually, I feel like I can trust you with this, even though I don't know you. So yeah, I think fostering that is really important. Yeah, yeah. And when we're stretched, for me anyway, when I'm stretched, I'm trying to fit too much into my life.
I can't be that version of myself. And I don't even like that version of myself. okay i am I said that on Saturday, I actually said to my younger son, I dropped him off at work because he's been working eight days straight. And that means I am dropping him off and picking him up for eight days straight. And he starts at eight o'clock in the morning most days. So it's you know pretty, and I like to get up and do my yoga and my journaling, have my tea and do my things.
to prepare myself. So he was like struggling to get up that day. And I said, you know, I'm tired too, but I actually, and I have a lot of work I could be doing, but today I just need to step back. And for me, what I can't live without is actually creating something with my own hands. And so I just immersed myself in making, even though I knew I had a lot of work that I could be doing right now. I was like, I'm just going to burn out doing that work if if I keep pushing and that's not worth it. So yeah, completely agree with that. But on the flip side, what is something that you don't, that you're so glad that you don't have to worry about dealing with it anymore now that you're the captain of your ownership? Okay, how do I say this nicely?
Diplomatically. I'm really pleased that I don't have to deal with corporate politics. I'm very happy about that.

Balancing Work: Limiting Client Sessions

You know, the the different agendas of the various people, you know, that just complicates things and it takes away from the work. Yeah, absolutely. And that's what I'm about. It's about the work. I don't care what your personal power base, you just go and have Yeah, I'm happy you don't have to deal with that. No, that's perfect. I completely agree with that. And is there something then that, um now this is, it might be a hard question to ask, but I'm curious about it. Is there something you've changed your mind on since you've gone full time in your business that you didn't expect you would? Like you just didn't either expect one that you would ever want to do that or see the need to do it.
or enjoy it as much as you have. It's fine. Yeah, okay. I don't know if I'm answering this properly, it's but I'm gonna have a go. And I wanna try and answer this in two ways. One is I have limited the amount of client sessions I do. I've actually pulled that in much smaller. So I basically do two days a week and with, you know, face-to-face or online, you know, so, and I'll, I do, I've scheduled things. So I do two clients in the morning, like a 10 and an 11 30, and I'll do a four 30 and a six or, so you know, a round about that. Sometimes I'd change it up. And so that, and some Saturdays I'll do two or three clients.
that's basically how I'm rolling at the moment. And I never thought that I'd do that because, oh, is that enough money? Oh, we're supposed to make a certain amount of money and literally it all ah all that stuff. So I didn't really expect myself to do that, but I have discovered that that works really well for me because the the client work is not the only thing I want to do. you know I'm working on a writing project and I really love teaching. So I need space to put those things into my world and
I need time to hang out in the garden and go for walks with puppy dogs. Connect with your system. And that is exactly what a life by design is all about.

Identity and Online Presence: Moving Beyond Corporate

and And that's another conversation I had with my youngest son this morning about I fed the um ah fed all the veranda plants with sea sole the other day or yesterday. And I was like, I actually have neglected them over the last week. And I feel really bad about that. I haven't fed them for two weeks. and or water them as well, and or just talk to them, you know, just connected with the plants. And I was just like, we can spend our life just like working, working, working to make the money to buy the things that we need. And then we ended up buying herbs in plastic bags. Because the herbs outside are suffering and non-existent. And it's like, oh, I should just actually spend time with the herbs. So I agree 100%.
yeah so And the other thing that I've done that I never thought I would do is ah god I've got a lovely website now. I'm very happy with it. And that in itself was a big process. So there's two things with that.
In the past, I had the Blue Clinical Hypnotherapy website, and I had the Earthy Grunty Brown um Tarot website. I had these two separate things, completely different identities. So in the Blue Clinical Hypnotherapy website, it was very lovely. And in the Tarot one, I was way more real. and What I've done in recent times is I've shifted that. I've offloaded the BS version of myself. The facade. Yes, the facade. And I've now got this pale pink and pale green website that's all, you know, spiritual and feminine and things like that. And it it is the the only downside to it is that
blokes don't feel 100% comfortable. But some of them still push through. Yeah, and then they need it too. They need to touch the feminine side themselves. So in that with that website, going through the process that I went through, and that was really fun, um I actually integrated the different parts of myself, which had been a major issue for me really and truly for decades.
And so I've combined the parts of myself and I've allowed that more spiritual version to show up and be seen. I've moved away from the fear of that and to a large degree. And I actually feel that's coming through in society, though, like we're heading into that, that people are starting to go, I just can't be the two face here in one place and something else in another.
And so I just, to be able to relax in our being, it's just who we are wherever we are is the best yeah approach. Yeah. Yeah. So I ah ah never ever thought I'd do that, but the truth of the matter was like I live in Albury. It's not Sydney or Melbourne. And so what I did find later is that the only person who was ever sort of fooled by this two version sort of Karen,
was basically Karen and any person I didn't wanna have as a client. So that was amusing. And the other thing that I never thought I'd do that I have done is I've allowed people to book themselves in online without me vetting them. yeah I never thought I'd do that. Yeah, so you're just welcoming in who's called. But then your website is the filtration.
Yes, in in it is really, it is, yeah. um Yes, it does it does frighten away the people that would be a good match, but I never imagined that I would do that because historically, and a lot of that was to do with my client base back then, I guess. Yeah, that would be true. and You know, I would,
And I wouldn't accept an email. I had to actually speak to them on the telephone before I would book them in. Do you get a sense of their energy even when their name comes in or when you receive their booking?
and Do I get it from the name?
I'd have to, yeah, I'm having to think about that. Maybe tune into it. And the reason I ask that is because I used to sell only on, I mean, mostly, not only online, but before I had a commercial space, I sold at markets and online, but my biggest trade was actually through my online store. And I used to sell to the US and Canada and anywhere, Singapore. I never met the people, but I used to custom make guitar cases for people or band instrument bags out of old blankets and I would send them like with the interaction that was back and forth on what colors they want and I would then send them samples and I would actually in my being just know that that blanket was for them I'd send them like six different to choose from and I go that one's for them and
guaranteed they'd pick that blanket. now use It was became a game. I was like, but I'd never spoken. I didn't hear the resonance of their voice or anything. It was just something in the words that made me go, that's for them. And then they'd pick it, they'd say, I that. good. I think I haven't gone through that process. I haven't consciously done that because I have zero interaction.
they actually go onto the website, they they book and pay at that time, they get sent an email, I get sent an email. If they're coming to see me in person, that's the only time I then send them my address with directions on how to get here by email or text or both. so And I'll get a thumbs up from them most of the time. So the majority I have no interaction with.
until they get there. and buttic it i so But I think you're right, I think the website does filter them out. I believe it would because I know for for me the shop was that and I actually because I mean I'm in a small town myself and yes and I have people say to me oh you know we never we don't have such and such offering around here and it was things that I would offer.
And it was, it could be something like sewing classes. I had that just last week. No one does sewing classes. I said, I did sewing classes for years and I promoted it everywhere. But that person who I have met since closing in my store had never been into my store. and i And I've had people for years go, I didn't even know you were there. Like I lived, have lived here for 40 years and during COVID bumped into them in, you know, waiting in a queue at a cafe for my coffee. And they're like, oh, I love that kangaroo vest that you've got. Oh, or that vest. And I'm like, oh, it's kangaroo. and The owner of the coffee shop says, oh, she makes them just over the road. And this lady had never been into my store. And she's like, oh my goodness, I go overseas to get her vest all the time. So she came and ordered one.
So I think that filtration system sometimes actually is a barrier yeah because if people aren't willing to follow their curiosity, the number of times I've heard, I always wondered what was down that hallway, but I never ventured down. And so I was like, well, you weren't really my target audience because curiosity is a big part of what I want people to embrace and not just have to know before you even get there what's down there.
exactly please It can work for and against us, I guess. Yes. And I think, I mean, back in the day, running, um you know, a bricks and mortar kind of set up, you've got your signage at the front, you've got your social media, you've got all the different touch points. And this version of business does not have all of those.
So there yeah I think you're right there it is also a little bit of a challenge. But you can also have all of the signage like I did I had a lot of signage and I even had a custom cast iron frame made out of into vines around a swing sign that was just beautiful and captivating and I that's why I put the pot plants out the front and it was a bright turquoise crackled pottery so it stood out under the sign with the star jasmine growing up the but and then people go I didn't know you were there and I'm like how much more could I do so to get your attention. I even put fairy lights on the balcony so at night the whole thing lit up like a starry night sky and there were plants up there so
People always looked up there and some people just thought I lived up there, but I had signage side of the doors, swing sign on the street, the swing sign and that was above their head. I'm just like, okay, I don't think I could have done more. to in Exactly. So, I mean, that brings us to that thing about the frequency,

Aligning Business with Personal Energy

isn't it? It's like, so if they are not oscillating at the same frequency as what you're offering,
It doesn't matter what you do or they're fearful. They could be fearful of actually entering. and discovering something about themselves. They're not ready to be curious. And I actually felt that was the people that I have met after closing the store or like the lady during COVID, she actually came in and ordered a kangaroo vest. So she got one, which was great. But the people who never came in, never followed their curiosity, I had learned that they had their own stuff going on that held them back from venturing into the unknown. So I'm not surprised they didn't come in.
Yeah so I mean that that person at that time they were mismatched and you wouldn't want them. Exactly well and it wasn't right for them so yeah it was that's the whole mismatch so it's just I mean people probably come to your website years later and go I didn't even know you were here in Albury but that's when they need you. Well that's right yeah exactly.

Introducing the Crone Work Program

Speaking of need what have you got coming up like offerings wise that you feel like our listeners would benefit from hearing it out. Okay. So I'm doing the, I'm offering the Chrome work program that's happening in May. I've got a little special going on at the moment. So I've got a certain number of places that they, if they opt in before those have gone, um they save 69 bucks. I'm trying to be a bit businessy.
So I think it's 180 bucks for a six-week program. It's online, so wherever, Wednesday evening, 6.30 to 8. and that is I'm actually really excited about doing this like really excited because we're going to I think we're all here sorry I'm just going to get excited for a moment hey good I want you to that's what I want people to feel it yeah I look I am really really excited about this because I feel like we are here you
Most people will know something about the astrology that's going on, you know, this lineup of planets that's happened in January. And it's we we can see politically, socially, so different. Things are shifting. We've gone into the Aquarian age. So we need to be different.
We need to be different to be able to to traverse these times. And personally, I feel like we are here. We've been born for these times. That's why we're here. We've all got a mission, whatever that is. And so this this program is really about accessing the crime goddesses, the wise women in myth, and enlivening those, bringing them to life for us so that we can actually use their skills, their knowledge ability, and do our own work, like clear our own crap, not going to somebody else who's going to fix us,
I feel that we are past that time, that we, for those of us who are ready to do this, of course, um in line world with what we were talking about before, because for some people this would be spooky, but for those of us who are ready to do this work, it is now, we do it now. And that makes me think some of us have needed to be ready to do this work now to be the pioneering like early adopters if the new way of being the new human and then just be the example for others without it being scary for them. And I feel like some some of us, I mean, there's always been highly alternate people that can repel mainstream because it's so far from their reality and spectrum, like it's on the other side of the spectrum. But yeah we need these bridge builders where
You can still relate to that corporate environment in terms of you can be relatable, not relate to it, and then still relate to the alternate and be the one in the middle that actually closes the gap because we are going to need more. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. And I i guess that who I sense is actually going to come to this. Those people who are ready to step into their power in a way that honours them and enables them to be the holder and the guide for others as time goes on.
And you know I'm going to use the things that I know. So the goddesses are our core piece and tarot, aromatics, meditation, ritual. It's not going to be far out and freaky. It's not. i'm pretty In lots of ways, I'm very mainstream and quite conservative. and It's all relative, isn't it? Yeah.
but it's completely doable. And I feel that the the real difference is that we are going to come together to move into our own power and actually know that we are the ones that are making the connection. So each person participating is going to be making their own connection with the goddess. It's not the teachers doing it for us. yes You know what I mean? yeah genuinely I'm going to be like the holder of the container, the facilitating that and just holding the energy. Yeah. And allowing that being by being at yourself. And that you said something earlier about being in the corporate, can know that's something you don't miss. and but they And having the faces or having the facades, the two different versions of Karen.
um i was a part of the business chamber committee for a few years. like I was a big part of the business chamber, I was very active, and then I actually became a committee member. But I never tried to be businessy. I'm a business person, that's a big part of what's behind all of what I do. But I remember when it got to a time where I decided I needed to leave, because my marriage had ended, and I was like, I can't manage this, all the extra volunteering. And the vice president asked me not to leave.
if I could hold on a little bit longer because you said we just need you in the room. he I didn't need to say anything. Often I wouldn't. I would sit in those meetings and I would just listen. And then I would write a big email afterwards. Okay. I've been reflecting on what we were talking about. Like I'd say a little bit, but then I would send through this like reflection on points that we should potentially consider and suggestions of how we can approach things with a little bit more empathy and understanding. And he said, by you being in the room, it actually automatically makes us want to be better.
and do better and think about things from another perspective because much like you describe, we're a part of a system and you are a part of your ecosystem and you influence that. We're in that in our communities as well. so But we don't have to go out there and preach our message for people to hear it.
They can feel it and go, there's something different about that one. And just being in their presence makes me want to do something different. So yeah, that's really powerful what you're doing for not only the individual, but your community.
yeah Well, actually, it's global, you said, it's online. Yes, I really want to go beyond just here because I see, you know, look, I've lived in the US, I've lived in other places. it And so I wanted to, and plus, I've got to pay the bills. So it needs to be beyond my community. And I feel that this is important enough that it's going to be received elsewhere. you know like like and And we need little seeds planted in various communities, not all in one concentrated area. That's right. That's exactly right. Absolutely. Now, the other thing that I'm going to do, which is a little bit connected to this, is in March, I'm going to do a presentation for the Tarah Guild of Australia. And I've been a member of the Tarah Guild for a long time.
And I was on the committee for a while. I was president of the Guild for for a little while. um Yeah, so i'll i'll be I'll be doing the presentation in Melbourne on March the 1st. So you can check out their website if you're interested in getting on that. And I'm going to play with this concept of the crone energy in the tarot. Because of course in the crone work, I'm going to be using things like tarot.
So it's um it's a way for me to um present the concept to another grouping of people and hopefully some people will love it so much that they that they all love it so much. they just joy And if not, you've planted the seed for when they're ready to down the track. 100%, 100%.

Tarot Reading: 'The World' Card

Because of course, I'm not going to go there and promote my introduction to tarot course, because there are already tarot people, most of them are you know experienced or in that learning phase. so yeah yeah Do you have a tarot deck near you? Do I have a, oh god, of course.
can you can you Can you pull a card for us and yes give us a little special? Okay, so give me a context. What are we in? Should we do it based on the moon cycle? We're heading into the full moon or are we or is it context for the listeners? For the listeners. Okay, so a life by design. um I don't know much about Tarot, you know, so I don't even know how to ask you.
okay So, okay, how about we ask this question. What archetype from the tarot, so which tarot card can we draw on to support us to move into designing that life that we want to live? Yeah, perfect. And knowing that the the full tarot deck has 78 cards. Yeah. And I'm using my tarot or tarot deck which is the major counter only. So this is the big soul initiation cards. This is the grunty stuff. All right. So this is for the collective. This is for all of us, which archetype will best serve us as we create our life by design. I love it. This is the world. Oh, wow. Well, there's your global reach right there.
That's the issue. This is fantastic, actually. Because in the traditional tarot deck, this will show a hermaphrodite. So because at the beginning of the tarot journey, we've got zero, the full, zero, yeah, zero, the full. It's the soul when it incarnates into physical existence. And it moves through the cards one through 21.
So the soul does the journey of each lesson. When we get to Card 21, the world, that soul has done it all. And they've split off into various genders. They've had all the lessons, school, middle life, all the things. And at the world, they come back together as this whole and complete being.
about to step into a new chapter, a new cycle. yeah So this is where you get to have your cake and eat it too. Yes, which is our new human. We are all intrigued. So what what this enables us to do is to actually look back over our shoulder. So for for you your listeners, if if we all look back over our shoulder and see where we've come from, what we've learned along the way,
and integrate that knowledge. We're in that space where we know we're accomplished in our life as it is right now, but we know that we're on the verge of something new, exciting, and a little bit scary, but we are prepared with our courage to step into it. So the world is really about putting the stake in the ground and going, I'm gonna make the step through.
yeah So in and yeah, that is beautiful. It's actually aligns perfectly with my own life's journey right now. And so and um I use Oracle cards. So that's why I have no idea about the Tarik that I'm fascinated by this, because that what you just described aligns also with human design and your profile. And I'm a sixth profile. And you get to that third stage of your six, your journey, three, three different stages. And that's when you take all of your learnings from the previous experiences and you Now alchemize that into your offering to the world. So that's, yeah, perfect for me personally. So I hope for the listeners you got something out of that too. One of the cool things about the tarot is it's everywhere. It's absolutely everywhere. I make, I make all my, really I make all my business decisions with my tarot deck. That's the truth. Yeah, that's awesome. Any big decision gets made with that. I look at, um, and not in a way of powerlessness either.
but from a place of um research gathering data, you know? Like even when I should do an offering, should that course be in the winter or the summer? And I choose cards to see what's going to be the best outcome. That to me speaks to your intuition, using your intuition to guide you. And the tarot card is just like a physical representation of that.
it Yeah, we could go down a rabbit hole with that so much. Yeah. and but Because it'd be one grouping of people who'd say, no, the taro is a very um specific, it's very, you know, this, it's almost scientific in terms of there's stories and information that's stored within the traditional imagery of all of that. And there is absolute truth in that. And equally, what you've said is 100% true.
For me, exactly. That's where I sit there, where we draw both. And I mean, these days, honestly, between us, I don't need the cards anymore. You just love doing it. I love doing it. I love doing it. And I think that you're right. Once we move into that place,
We don't need external tools, but they do offer us a foundation upon which to rest, a guidance system. And it also gives something for the clients to look at, you know, and to identify with. And we're also, we are after all still human, still having a human experience. So we still get thrown off our center and something like that can just help realign, recalibrate.
Exactly. I said this to my students last week. He said, you know, if you get stuck when you're doing a reading, just look at the card and just start describing what you're seeing because you relax, your mouth is working, and then the intuition can start to flow along with all the things that you're learning intellectually. And that's the magic. That's a that's a special system.
That's gorgeous. I love it. Thank you so much for that. I wanted to ask you more on the tarot earlier and I was like, no, no, just hold back. I hope she's got a deck nearby. Let's just play with that. I have probably got about 50 odd decks in this room space. and Yeah. Awesome. that fantastic ah Thank you so much, Karen. So what's

Connecting Platforms: Adapting Messaging

the best way for people to connect with you and what you've got coming up your website?
Yes, definitely the website. So I'm It's just the words, soulfulandwild. And do you have a YouTube channel? and I've got all the things. Is all of that connected on the website? Like when they get to that, will they be moved about to all the other places? Pinterest, YouTube, TikTok, Insta, Facebook, um everywhere. Yeah, beautiful.
actually I was listening to um one of your videos from the membership this morning about tweaking those a little bit for each of the platforms. And I was like, oh, yes. I think I might. I'll play with that.
So that's my next fun thing when I've got a Tuesday to do whatever I want. To do what you want. Exactly. And I'm going to just ah broaden on that a little bit for the listeners because they won't know what you're referring to. But in terms of one person could be on all of those platforms, but on different platforms, they're wearing different hats. So we're not, I mean, it's like we're both business owners, but we also loved barefoot gardening.
and you know out there in wild nature. So if we're on Instagram, we may not be in our business mind. So that's where you're just tweaking it a little bit, still directing them to your offering, but tweaking it to where they're at, using wording that connects them to the message and then direct them to the offering. So that's what that is about. Yes. Thank you for that. That's all right. Beautiful. Thank you. Oh, it's my pleasure. And I really do look forward to continuing to see you witness and to see you thrive and soar in business and life because it's such a pleasure having worked with you as a digital coach, digital guide in the coaching.
world. It's been so beautiful to witness you just go for, I mean, you were always energetic and always thriving, but just taking things to the next level. It's really beautiful. So thank you for sharing your stories and your insights and the tarot card greeting today. I'm going to rewatch this and take in everything you said. but Yeah, that's beautiful. Thank you. Let me take a moment to share what the soaring membership is about and how it could be just what you need right now.
This is about taking a holistic approach to business and life. For a small monthly fee of US$33, you can join alongside others doing business to their own beat, also contributing their unique thread to the collective tapestry.
This is a group gathering I facilitate every fortnight, working in a cyclical manner to grow and thrive in business and life, taking inspiration from nature, working with the energy of the moon cycle, which correlates with our personal cycle for those operating in a female human vehicle.
taking the opportunity also to connect with other people and receive that ongoing support and encouragement, not feeling alone in our quest. In between gatherings, I also support you through videos and activities that will guide you through considering all aspects of business, not just looking at the dollars, but connecting you back to your bigger picture vision, understanding what truly supports you personally in thriving,
and encouraging you to lean into things that you may be resisting to take action on because they are just on the edge of your growth and you feel a little uncomfortable doing them. Having support and encouragement makes such a big difference in actually realising our dreams rather than feeling like we need to justify why the choices we are making are so important to us. There's no need to justify your why to anyone.
In this community, we get it. We are all working on refining our unique offerings to contribute to the collective. It's not frivolous or selfish to harness your uniqueness and contribute from that place, rather than try to mould yourself into roles that you just were not designed for. Because you know deep down inside, at a soul level, that it is the variety of shapes, sizes and colours that completes the puzzle that forms a bigger picture of the collective and that we are not all meant to be the same. So join us on this journey of becoming the outer expression of your inner essence and come and soar alongside of us. You'll find the link to join us in the show notes
So thank you for listening all the way to the end of this episode. I hope that it provided you with insights and inspiration that you need right now on your quest of fostering thriving. Please do pass this episode on to someone you think would get value out of it too. And I'd really appreciate if you'd leave a review for this podcast on Apple or Spotify or a comment on YouTube. I'd love to hear any insights and or inspirations if activated in you.
and look forward to drumming, dancing or soaring alongside of you.