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Embracing Uncertainty: A Journey to Self-Discovery

S4 E74 ยท A Life By Design
6 Plays15 hours ago

Embracing the unknown not only fosters growth but also unveils the magic of living authentically.

In this episode, I explore the profound theme of uncertainty and its inevitable presence in our lives.

Discover how societal expectations and rigid plans often leave us feeling unfulfilled, and learn how to embrace decisions that align with your true essence.

Through personal anecdotes and experiences, we delve into the transformative power of uncertainty, shedding outdated identities, and embracing a life filled with curiosity and growth.

Join me on this journey of self-discovery, and learn to trust the process and open yourself up to the magic of the unknown.


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Introduction to Uncertainty Management

The theme of uncertainty has been very much in my field, and I'm guessing I'm not alone in this, since in reality there is no such thing as certainty. We can hope that things turn out the way we wish them to, but really there is no guarantee that they will.
In today's episode, I'm going to share with you some of the ways I have been dealing with uncertainty. As someone who enjoys living an inspired, evocative life, it's my hope that sharing this will be supportive to you too.
We are conditioned to believe that if we follow the steps, adhere to societal rules, we will almost certainly end up successful in whatever we pursue. Isn't that why we're advised to stay in school all the way to the end of 12 years, go to university or college, get married, work hard, buy a house, set up a safety

Living Authentically and Passionately

And yet, even after doing all of that, many people seem to end up miserable and feel trapped in a life that doesn't align with the essence of who they truly are. So what's the alternative?
No plans at all? Go where the wind blows? Do you desire to live a life that supports you in thriving? A life based on understanding your unique design and engaging more in your passions?
I'm Marie Nicole and I am devoted to combining beauty, uniqueness and connection in everyday living experiences. As a creative professional and Dharma coach, I help people connect to the truth of who they are and facilitate them in embodying their uniqueness.
I am also a mother of two precious young men and with children in tow, have established and run unique businesses, embrace opportunities that have contributed to my creative career while creating magical memories and living my life by design too.

Aligning Choices with Core Values

It's my hope that this podcast inspires you to live your life on your terms and earn your income through being uniquely you. Whether that's working for yourself or someone else, the key here is living a life in alignment with your unique design.
After all, it's our unique thread that we each contribute to the collective tapestry that creates the whole.
In my experience, you can do all the so-called right things and still be confronted with the same outcome, faced with uncertainty, wondering if you made the right decision,
the right choices along the way, questioning where on earth you went wrong. But what if every choice and outcome was exactly what you needed to experience in order to lead you to where you are now?
For me, that is not making decisions based on guaranteed outcomes or just going where the wind blows, but making decisions based on what feels in alignment with the essence of who I am at my core.
Not who I think I need to be in order to reach the levels of it of success according to societal measures, but understanding who I am at an essence level. How I am here to serve the collective with my unique gifts and tuning into the signs that enable me to stay the course or course correct when I steer off that.
Currently, I'm in the process of shedding the final layers of my past self in a metaphorical and a physical sense. Three years ago, when my marriage of 24 years ended, I was so confused.
I'd been working so hard to meet everyone's needs, including my own, and I found myself faced with the harsh reality that this was out of alignment with who I am at an essence level.
Not that I really knew who I was at an essence level at that time, It has actually taken three years of peeling back the layers to reconnect with my essence again.
Now when I look back, and even when I look around me, I can clearly see all the misalignments that I overlooked in an effort to stick with the plan.

Letting Go and Finding Clarity

The plan that I thought was a forever plan.
At the beginning of this transition, the first question I asked myself was, why have I attracted this outcome? even after doing all the so-called right things. And the answer was that I may have been doing all the right things, but it was not in alignment with the new direction i was heading in, which was a direction based on the truth of me at my essence level.
Not the truth I was operating from which was based on expectations of others trying to fit in with that truth overlooking my own in the process. While I have absolutely no regrets about the choices I have made, I can now see in hindsight why that cycle needed to come to a close and allow for the next cycle of my life's journey to begin in a way that is much more supportive to my thriving With that then filtering out and impacting those in my circle of influence in a much more powerful way.
Having built a business based around a physical commercial space as a response to my own needs as well as the needs of others in my community, I found it extremely difficult to come to terms with the idea that I would need to let go of that identity and thinking I could just close a commercial space, but continue to grow that business by pivoting, operating from our property and in the online space.
But recently, it became clear that I needed to let go of Creators Nest altogether and go back to operating under my personal brand instead. Once that decision was made, it was like another layer of weight that I had been carrying unnecessarily had just dropped away.

Self-Improvement and Reflection

This process of letting go, lightening my load, has been a massive task over the last three years. Becoming more comfortable with uncertainty and leaning into the unknown, but also trusting in the process.
Which is not an easy journey to embark on, but each time another layer drops away, I feel this big sense of relief. And then the next set of shadow patterns are illuminated.
waiting to be recognized and transmuted, and the process starts all over again. It's never ending. Not long after my marriage ended, I had people ask if I was on any dating apps, which I am not, and I've not even really considered it, actually.
My focus has been to connect back to myself and develop a greater sense of who I am at an essence level. And while I'm not opposed to entering into another partnership,
I would like to approach that from a place of awareness of my own self-worth, not from a need for validation. And to be honest, I would rather meet someone through shared values and interests in person.
Not saying dating apps don't work for people, I just think that I would prefer to connect through shared interests and aligned lifestyle choices. In one conversation around this, I remember saying I would really like to enter into a partnership with someone who is willing to do their own work on themselves.
Relationships are a reflection of what we ourselves would benefit from working through. It's not the other person who needs to change who they are in order for us to feel good about ourselves.
The person I was talking to about this responded with, you want someone who has done the work, not someone who's doing the work. But I disagree with that. I think we are constantly needing to work on ourselves.
When we reach the point of being done, then that is when we have become enlightened beings. While we are here in Earth School, our curriculum is set based on the work we still need to do on ourselves.
So we need to continue to be confronted with challenges that bring light to our shadow patterns, that are holding us back from elevating to that next level of our development. So if you are faced with the same challenges over and over again, that is an invitation to go within and do the internal work to discover where you would benefit from making changes to move you through to that next level of your personal development.

Internal Work and Personal Growth

So the only thing we can really be certain of is that life will keep presenting us with experiences that help us along this journey. If we want a guaranteed outcome, then we need to be prepared to look inside ourselves closely and see where we can make the changes required to lead us to that outcome we desire.
This last couple of weeks, there has been a big focus in my family on the wedding of my former husband and his new partner. which of course has brought up all sorts of emotions and internal dialogues about aspects perhaps of where I could have done things differently to not have my marriage end.
But in truth, I don't believe it was meant to continue beyond the 24 years we had together because I believe our partnership took us through the lessons we needed to experience together and left us with our own personal journeys to continue on that did not require each other anymore.
One area that I have needed to dig deep into transmuting is learning to go back to standing on my own two feet again, completely. Rather than having the safety net someone else provides for me, as a creative professional, working as a cog in a system is not conducive to supporting my design.
But I do need to learn to trust even more deeply in the wisdom that I have acquired over my lifetime that formulates what I am here to do in service to the collective while still being able to support myself so that the next time I enter into sacred union, I come to that union complete, not feeling I need to be completed by another.
I am not here to say I have it all figured out, but what I can share is what I have been doing to stay the course in a way that feels supportive to my growth in this area of my personal development.
Now that said, I have had many years of experience in establishing businesses that align with my values and ethos, working with my unique skills to create opportunities to serve others through the utilisation of those skills, while still maintaining my own personal health and wellbeing.
And this is why I chose to become a certified soul purpose coach. Embodiment is about taking aligned action with our unique design, which starts with awareness of self and understanding our unique design.
Now I offer a three-month container working with modalities that help you connect to your truth and live your purpose, which is not necessarily the job you do, but who you are here to be and your contribution to those around you.
Developing a cyclical approach to living while supporting your unique energy system. Establishing habits and practices that support you in thriving and living your life by design.
If this feels like the support you need right now, then reach out for a connection call and let's see what magic we can create together in your life. If you are interested in this, you will find a link for my embodiment coaching service in the show notes.

Creativity and Emotional Processing

Now in previous episodes, I have shared that I have taken up playing my guitar again, physically challenging myself to do something that I had developed a belief around that I did not have the same ability as others when it came to this craft.
While I have not played every single day, I have continued to practice and work on that craft whenever possible. Plus I've taken on a new challenge which is working with copper wire and adding that to a craft that I had refined working with leather and feathers to create magical items to contribute to the beauty of my everyday living experiences.
Adding the element of metal to my craft has been a practice of getting me out of my head and working with my hands to process the challenges I have been feeling at an emotional level.
going within, addressing my own shadow patterns. Taking this one step further, I have also physically opted to sit on the floor while engaging in these crafting sessions.
At first, this was an unconscious decision, but then I started to realize that somatically, this was a aligning with me going down to the root cause of my emotional challenges, bringing my awareness to the thoughts that came through while working with my hands in this new unfamiliar way, has been a fascinating journey into myself. Going even deeper still, looking at the elements I was choosing to work with and what they represented.
Copper being a conductor of energy, kangaroo leather, and kangaroos being animals that only leap forward. And then the owl feathers, from an owl I collected off the road a couple of weeks ago, on a weekend that I had allocated to doing as much yard work as possible in preparation for the sale of our property.
Everyone else being caught up with work commitments and preparation for the wedding, meaning I needed to start this process on my own if I was going to get through what was required in time,
to list and hopefully sell the property before winter. Now I was not being a martyr in doing this, I was taking the necessary action steps towards moving myself in the direction that I'm feeling called to move in.
It did not make sense to me to just sit here and wait for everyone else to be available to get started when I am more than capable to start the process myself. The morning I collected the owl from the roadside, I was dressed for whippersnipping and groundwork And I was driving my youngest son into town and it was not in my plans to prepare a bird for plucking and cleaning feathers.
However, it felt necessary, even though at the time I didn't know exactly why or even what the bird was that I spotted on the side of the road. Once I discovered it was an owl, it just hit me.
The wisdom of this nocturnal creature aligned beautifully with the shadow work I was being faced with. This makes me think of my uni days studying visual arts and design, being asked to present a process diary of what we plan to create.
For me, often feeling into the creation and then sharing the journey that led me to the outcome of that creation instead. I always felt like I was doing it wrong, that I needed to know what the outcome would be before I started the process of creating.
But to me, this speaks to leading with our mind rather than following our heart. Collecting a bird from the roadside was not a part of the plan for that day, but intuitively got the message it was the medicine that I needed.
So after collecting and preparing the owl to work with its feathers, it became important to balance both what I had committed to and what I was called to do.
in between and either side commitments over the next couple of weeks, I would sit on the floor crafting with my hands while I process the emotions that surfaced, connecting with the underlying fear

Embracing Uncertainty with Curiosity

behind those emotions, which led me to do a lot more journaling than usual, as well as allocating time to take aligned action required towards the life I desire to create for myself next.
As I let go of the layers from the past reality that is no longer serving me and prepare for the new one to come through, The design of these earrings, which for those watching the video version on YouTube will see i am wearing today, this came through at the end of a journaling session, the morning after I collected the owl on the roadside.
I did not plan the design, the design just came through me. And once I made the earrings, the message of the design came through too. These to me represent my inner essence as my outer expression, which is now rooted in the wisdom accumulated from the experiences of my lifetime so far, which is always moving me forward towards the next version of my highest expression of self.
It is not about working towards becoming something. It is about connection to that inner truth of who I am and letting that radiate out. Now, I could have spent the last couple of weeks feeling abandoned, rejected, not enough, but all the internal work that I have been doing over the last three years to understand why I attracted this outcome has led me to realize the beauty of it all, the freedom to be me, to no longer be constrained by expectations of others,
That would have me become something I am not in order to fit into a mould that was not designed for me. In the same way that I am not looking to enter into partnership with someone who has done the work, but rather someone who is willing to look at their own internal dialogue, patterns of behaviour and the reflection that this life is presenting them with through their external reality.
and recognising that this is not a journey about certainty. It is about awareness and discovery. This is not just relevant to relationships. Everything we are challenged with in life is a reflection of our internal dialogue and shadow patterns.
It is about evolving into our highest expression of our true essence, which is not a once-and-done process. It's a layer-by-layer process of elimination and trial and error and course correction.
When we approach uncertainty with curiosity, we open ourselves up to experience true magic. Now my invitation to you is to lean into uncertainty with a little less fear and instead approach it with curiosity.
Take yourself through physical experiences that help bring awareness to the understanding of emotional blocks that could be holding you back from moving forward and trust that the intuitive guidance that is nudging you towards something more magical than you could have planned for yourself through doing what you think you should work towards as a guaranteed outcome.
So until next week, let us continue to explore and evolve.

Conclusion and Reflection Invitation

trusting in the process, remaining open to the endless possibilities that life has to offer us.
So thank you for listening all the way to the end of this episode. I hope that it provided you with insights and inspiration that you need right now on your quest of fostering thriving.
Please do pass this episode on to someone you think would get value out of it too. And I'd really appreciate if you leave a review for this podcast on Apple or Spotify or a comment on YouTube. I'd love to hear any insights and or inspirations this activated in you and look forward to drumming, dancing or soaring alongside of you.