33, 33. Would I seek this out again? Probably not. It's not bad. I don't know if it's for me, again, if someone offered me one, I'd be like, hell yeah, let's do this. yeah um And it's I think it's good for for, if I had it again in a can like this, I would say, oh, do you want to split this? Because I don't know if I'd want a full one of this. Now, a full pint, maybe on tap, i would I would give that a try to see. I feel like, you know, fresh beer on tap, just there's there's always a little bit of a difference. Yeah, it makes me wonder if they do this, like, if they pour it, would it be in a full pint? Do they do it like a 10 ounce pour? I don't know. But either way, yeah, I would, like, this is a beer, like, I would try and tap and see if there's any significant difference or whatever. I don't know, it's good. Yeah, it's it's not bad, it's just, you know, I don't know if this is something that I would necessarily seek out again. Yeah, because I said, like,