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Episode 142 - Tenne-tucky Beers image

Episode 142 - Tenne-tucky Beers

The Malting Hour
80 Plays5 months ago

This week friend of the show Susan Nelson curated some beers for us to try after a trip to Tennessee.

Beers on this episode:
TailGate Brewery - Juice Wizard IPA
Southern Grist - Blueberry Cobbler
Against The Grain - Bourbon Barrel Aged Ale
TailGate Brewery - Peanut Butter Milk Stout

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Theme music provided by Myke Kelli (@mykekelli)
Outro music provided by @FluidMinds
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Introduction to The Molting Hour

And I'm torn on this one. Me too. You don't remind me of.
What does it remind you of, Tony? This week, we're sampling beers from Tennessee and Kentucky. This is episode 142 of The Molting Hour. What's the haps on the hops? Got yeast at speeds? This the molten hour where we talk about our drink and tell you what we think every other week. And if we get drunk, well, we might slur our speech. Got the gift of ab, the friends who wish you had. Join us for a drink. Join us for a laugh. Time is never wasted. The way you're getting wasted. The molten hour here. People, people take care. Places. People, people take your places. People, people take your places. People, people take your places.

Weekly Updates and Carpet Mishap

Welcome to the Malting Hour. I am one of your hosts, Tony Golic, joined always with? Brandon Wininger. Hello, Brandon. Hello, Tony. How are you? Good. How are you? Doing great, man. All right. See you later. All right. Good night, everybody.
ah Brandon, I was just talking before we started. loaders It's been a long time since he and I have been able to record multiple episodes within days. So it's kind of nice, man. Yeah. um I mean, this week's convenient because I'm off this week. Yeah. And my family's traveling. Try and knock out a couple of things this week. so You see what we can do. So I did my phones next to me. We may have to pause because I'm supposed to be getting a FaceTime from Benjamin at like 7 or 7.30. Totally fine. We can easily pause on that.
um Yeah. so um But other than that, and today was today was adventurous. I finished shampooing the upstairs. I was going to ask how that went. ah So were the listeners. They all wanted to know. except So there was a part of the rug, apparently, that there was a thread sticking out and the shampooer caught it. Oh, no. And this whole line just ripped out. and i I was so pissed off and I text Becca and I was like, well, I tried to do something good and I fucked it up. i'm so I'm like, I'm so pissed off at myself. Like the carpet is ruined. And she was like, it's fine. That's what rugs are for. And I was like, well, i mean yeah. But then so it came off clear. the It came off clean and I was i unwound it from the but carpet cleaner.
And then I went on YouTube and I was looking, I was like, how to repair like, you know, threads and, car and there was a video, like you literally. this There's a video for everything. Cause it's, it's, it's just literally a single strip. So what I'm going to do is, um, I'm going to go to Monards or Home Depot tomorrow and get, um, carpet adhesive and you just take it and lay it down, but you just have to like poke it in. There's holes in the. The mesh underneath it and you just try to poke in most of those and like get it in there and that stuff I guess Dry is clear. So if I fuck it up, we could either rip it out or just put a rug over it like we were going to anyway, so so that's gonna be probably like my thing tomorrow or
Thursday during the day while I have some stuff smoking. Yeah, looking forward to that. I'm looking forward to wings for the first time.

Feast Plans and Beer Contributions

That's exciting. I'm looking forward to eating those with you. And some jalapeno poppers. We're going to eat like kings on Thursday. We're going to eat like fat guys. Yeah, fat kings. Kings are normally fat. Have you seen kings? um Yeah, that was like quick because I know Chuck's coming by online. Oh yeah, that's right. If he's hungry, man. Got to talk to him too. We'll have a lot of food, so. Yeah, that'll be good, man. I'm looking forward to, you know, I'm sure we'll record something at some point, but overall just us hanging out, which I'm looking forward to. All right, so we've got a curated episode. Friend of the show.
And one time guest who may have said something on one of the first episodes we've ever done, Susan Nelson has given us some beers. Thank you, Susan. Thanks, Susan. She took a trip down to Tennessee, right? She stopped in Kentucky at some point. These are Tennessee beers. I think there's one Kentucky beer. The first one we're starting off with is a Tennessee beer. It is from Tailgate Brewing. This is called Juice Wizard, a wizard's order IPA. And I was smart enough to pull it up.

Review of Juice Wizard IPA

Let's see welcome Wizards. You are thus considered a loyal friend of the Wizards order Juice Wizard is our founding father a medium light-bodied elixir with aromas of zesty orange and peach a firm bitterness and flavors of citrus mango and berries all under pinned with resin and pine so funny
I was pulling the beers out and putting them in the fridge and there was one that I wanted to start with. That was not the one. I was really confused. I'm like, this smells weird. This does not smell like it. Very good though. Yeah. That's 6% ABV. I did get to try one of these already because I had multiple of them. It smells like a juicy IPA, but also like that pine and that resinous pine, like a West Coast IPA. Yeah, it's slightly dank, as the kids would say. It is very juicy, very fruity. Yeah. It's really good.
Yeah, and I like it. It's lightly carbonated, you know, suddenly sweet, getting a little bit of the maltiness and then just, yeah, like hitting all the, the happy notes, the piney notes that you would want in a, in a well done IPA. Yeah. It's to me, it's very. Like it's resinous and piney in the aroma and like kind of dank, you know, little dank weed thing. And then like super juicy with some sweetness. Definitely fruit forward for me with a mild bitterness.
Um we're so where is you said Tennessee to like where in Tennessee did it say? It's a great question Brandon I was prepared but not that prepared uh let's Nashville okay there in Nashville baby uh yeah this is this is super tasty it's one of their year-round beers I believe um and I think they have some other maybe be the only let me check I just had that open I think there's other Nope, that was it. That's the only wizard bigger they got. um Yeah, no, this is this is super refreshing. i Like I said, I got to try it last night. I really liked it. um I wanted to be selfish and just keep it and not bring it to you, because I'm a bad friend, but I opted not to do that. Thanks. I have i opted to remain a good friend. um Yeah, I enjoy this. and Yeah, it's it's it's almost like, I don't know. it's it's
refreshing. It's like almost like, not thirst quenching, but there's like a refreshing refreshingness to it that i you don't really get from IPAs. Because IPAs are either like you know bitter or juicy. And I don't really think of like orange juice or so juicy things as refreshing as more as just being tasty. Yeah. And yeah and it's not, like I had said before, it's not overly bitter. It complements everything else in the, the hops complement everything else in the beer really well. um yes oh sorry go ahead no i'm just um i'm still blown awake because again this is not the one i was gonna choose but i'm like i'm that's hilarious i i'm surprised that i enjoy this so much i've been like not on an ipa kick lately like that's funny because i feel like i'm on the opposite end of that like i want
just straight up regular IPAs, like West Coast IPAs. yeah That's what I've been kind of craving. This is this hits like the notes of Juicy IPAs and regular IPAs for me. yeah i would I would say that I can agree with that because it's it's got all of that. so um Very well done very well balanced um easy. I mean drink it through this fairly quickly Even though we're just sharing a can but like I should have brought the other can we could have just had a can each But yeah really well done um ah That is a place that I would put you know, I've never been to Nashville me neither um It's on my like
to-go list. My wife's been there. And I know, like, friends of the show, you know, you know probably Susan, too. But like, I know Pat's been there a couple of times. And um yeah, it's it's a place that I want to visit. I've been to Memphis, but I've not been to to Nashville. So I would check this place out. Yeah, absolutely. They also listed on on tap that it has Eclipse, Citra, and Mosaic. So Clark, we haven't heard that name in a while. probably wouldn't like this because mosaic he's sensitive to mosaic but i feel like it i don't get like full like mosaic flavor from it like there's some ipas uh
that lean heavy on mosaic and I like it. Some people don't like it. I feel like they, I think people say sometimes like a soapiness kind of like with cilantro. Yeah. Kind of from mosaic, but I think mosaic is delicious. I've never, yeah, I've not encountered that with any hops yet and specifically mosaic. Um, unless I just like eating soap. I don't know. Um, it reminds me of my childhood. Oh, did I don't know if I ever told the, so when we were I heard this story when we were kids my my mom used to try to put the soap in your mouth thing um when you curse or whatever and my sister my sister Tricia
um she was um apparently like into curse words or whatever at some point and my mom my mom would do the soap in her mouth and then quickly realized that my sister would just eat it oh my god that's not where i saw that going at all no it was like but a but it was like a bar of ivory soap in her mouth and then she would just eat it i i remember hearing that story and i was like I forgot how old I was. I'm like, well, it must be good. So I ran upstairs into the bathroom and I locked the door and I took a bite and it was like. yeah That's why you like mosaic and cilantro because you secretly love the taste of soap. that was That's hilarious. I can't imagine chewing on a soap bar at all.
No, man. And that maybe that goes back to my sister's fascination with a Christmas story when Ralphie gets the bar. So that makes me smile. Yeah. i I don't think that was ever done to me. I don't ever remember. I don't think it was ever done to me either.

Childhood Story and Blueberry Cobbler Review

Unless it was so traumatic, I blocked it out of my head. you know Or you were just so good after you tried it. You're like, I never want this to happen. I'll never swear in front of my parents. Yeah. I don't think I ever really did. Until I got like 18 and my dad, I was like, my dad's letting me say damn in hell. And then I said, shit, you didn't say anything. And I was like, all right. Then he gave me a beer and I was like, winning. Fucking awesome. And that's when I dropped the first F bomb. Yeah, I don't remember the first time I started swearing in front of my parents. I'm pretty sure it was 18. I had to be pretty, because dude I remember being young, like 13, 14 years old.
and my dad had discovered the jerky boys. And he was like all about that. I think he had either the tapes or the CD at the time or whatever. And I just remember sitting in the lawn at our lake house and him just... like iing his ass off we had ah We had a boom box sitting out in the lawn and just playing the tape. But it's like dark out. I think we had a fire pit going and everyone was drinking. and Yeah, it was good memories, good memories. That sounds pretty good. How many, let's see, do you want to go wands or hats? How many wizard wands would you give this, Brandon? Ooh, I'm going to go with salad. Ooh, not salad. I'm in the four territory.
4-1, 4-2 maybe. Yeah, I'm, I think I'm gonna go 4-4 on this. Okay. I really like this. If this was available um in Chicago, I would buy it regularly. It would probably be a go-to out of state beer for me. Something I would look for regularly. Yeah. I really like it. Yeah, I wonder like what like what or if they what um if they distribute and if they do distribute, where do they do that to? Or it could just be like a Tennessee local thing. Yeah. Which is fine too, because that's good and i would I would seek this out next time I go through Tennessee. Yeah, it becomes a destination for taking a trip to Tennessee. Indeed. Brandon, you're the only Tennessee. Aw, thanks man. um Now I'm interested to see in what beer
that you thought you grabbed for this. Unless it was just all in my head and I imagined a beer. It's possible because there's only two 12 ounce cans and the other 12 ounce can does not stand as one. Oh, that's what you want to do. Nice. All right. This I didn't look up. I feel like I know this brewery. um I don't know if it's because
Susan had checked in beers or whatever. um But this is from Southern Grist Brewing Company. They're also in Nashville, Tennessee. And this beer is blueberry cobbler, which is a sour smoothie pastry beer. Blueberry sour with cinnamon and vanilla beans. Now, some ah big shoes to fill. We have had pie cobbler themed beers, but oh my God. I should have known by the color that it was not the correct beer. As soon as I started pouring it like, that's an IPA. Oh man, that is a rich purple like, ah like if Welch's grape juice had some cream in it.
scott Oh, man. Yeah, it's got like a light pink head on it. It's definitely like a purplish. That smells fantastic. Yeah, it smells really good. The Energy City cobbler beers we've had are pretty amazing. So if these are anywhere near as good, that would be thoroughly impressed. I'm going to go in for the sip here.
Pretty, pretty, pretty good. that is So the first thing I get from that is tartness. Yep. It's blueberry, right? Blueberry, correct. Blueberry is a hard flavor to impart into a beer, so I can see going the sour route for this, obviously. So there's tartness, and then there is like this sweet vanilla. The vanilla actually it is kind of lingering in my mouth right now. Yeah, same here. like I don't know if it's a good good thing or a bad thing. I think as I keep drinking it, I can definitely speak on that a little bit more. But first impressions are, holy cow, that's really good. It's like cobbler and ice cream.
Yeah, I'm getting like the sweetness of the vanilla and I'm getting so ah like in the back, I'm getting some little hint of cinnamon. Yeah, I think cinnamon is a little bit of cinnamon in there as well. That's what's kind of reminding me of the crust of a cobbler. Absolutely. um Again, another, you know, well done beer. What does this one clock, 6%? Yeah, it says 6 on here. Yeah, actually, as I'm still sipping on this and kind of burped a little bit, I can taste a little bit more of the cinnamon. So this says on their website, it is a fruited sour ale brewed with lactose, vanilla, cinnamon, and blueberry puree. OK. So there's actual blueberry there. So that's pretty cool. I like that.
I wonder I wonder when they add it like I wonder if they use that as part of fermentation or if they do that after like Yeah, I don't know Mary because I feel like I Wonder it's I wonder if it's a secondary thing. Yeah, Mike Just to finish it off. Yeah, and to make sure that the yeah because I think if you like and I think we've tried this like if you do fruit in The primary you lose all of the oh absolutely like these destroys it. Yeah fermentation secondary no and not even secondary like even before like maybe they blend it when they can it or like something like that like yeah I'm not i'm i'm i'm assuming because there's like no warnings on there like hey don't let this get warm or anything mm-hmm that we can assume that it's a secondary yep
This might sound like a weird edit, but we did pause real quick because we got the FaceTime with Benjamin. yeah That was nice. Um, I don't really remember where I left off, but what, one of the thoughts that I had was how do you feel about this in comparison to energy city? Not that we're like doing a side by side, but like that's the only thing we really have like a reference. Yeah. And I mean, I don't. i don't necessarily I can't recall I mean I remember having it I don't remember how much i and I mean I remember enjoying it but I feel like it's a little different there's more sour coming through on this what I remember from the the two energy city beers yeah we've had two energy city beers um there's less of a crust flavor
Yes. In this, which is fine. Yeah. I think that this is a good, like, I think it's a good fruited sour that is supposed to, you know, emulate a cobbler. Yeah. um and I mean, I do, I think that was one of the things I really enjoyed about the Energy City beers is that the crust came through. Yes. When we had the pumpkin one, that was like, holy cow. And it was like, and it was, I think we were kind of blown away that that actually like existed. Yeah. I think we actually went on a whole thing about how do they get it? yeah They must use biscuit malt and things like that.
But yes, for for those that are curious, Southern Grist is another one out of Nashville. I um i think I said that, possibly. You probably did, but it's another one I would add to the list of places. Absolutely. This is really tasty. I really like this. i think
Actually, the aroma has a crust smell to it. It does. More than the flavor. Yeah. Like a flaky pie crust. Yeah. And that's why I was surprised when I drank it that it was not as prominent. Yeah. But aroma-wise, it's fantastic. Also, now that I've had a chance to sit with this and stop drinking it for a little bit, i that vanilla is there and like the aftertaste wise, but it's definitely kind of died down where it's not like in the forefront, but there's still like a big vanilla presence, oh yeah which I like. ah guess I think it's good. Um, I, I probably could drink a whole one of these.
oh Yeah, I mean only only being six percent. I feel like it's but I mean like even with it being a like, you know Cobbler type pastry beer, you know, sometimes those are tough. it's not ah It's not over the top right and that's and I think that's a big thing like what? Cuts it for me is that sourness that is very prominent. Absolutely um and like And I've said this before, I'm not a huge sour beer person. Like I do enjoy them when i have when I have them or when I have good ones, but I feel like the sourness complements the way this beer was done so well. It makes it easy enough to like, you know, the 16 ounce format is like a no brainer. Yeah, i i I don't throw the word around a lot, but balanced for sure, especially with what they're trying to accomplish. There's that hint of cinnamon, a lot of vanilla there.
the tartness, the blueberries, and and i'm I'm assuming maybe, i don't I'm gonna assume this is probably a kettle sour beer just because it's easier. I don't i don't see anything about lactobacillus in there or anything, but could be wrong just because they didn't say it doesn't mean they they didn't do it. But yeah, man, overall, I think this is really tasty. I really, really like it. um How many blueberries would you give this beer? For this style and for what it is, this is gonna be a 4-1 for me. Yeah, I was at roughly a 4. I could do 4-1-2, but yeah, it's... 4-1-2, like I did 4-1 and you did 4-1-2? Yep. Like 4-1 as well or 4-1-2?
That's for you to decide. Oh, listeners, figure it out. Who knows what Brandon is really talking about. But yeah, super, super fantastic, man. Yeah, it's in this also like as tart as it is still comes off as like, very refreshing. But so now on that point, I'm glad we didn't start with this. Yes, because I feel like the IPA would have been a little washed on me. if we had done that next. Absolutely. But I feel like they did a good job. The reason I was going to choose this is because we've had good experiences with cobbler beers in the past. Absolutely. This was the one you thought you had selected first? Yeah. Nice. Well, I started breaking stuff off the floor pack, and I was putting things down. And I put a couple down. You saw it grabbed one. Yeah.
Nope. But i'm um I'm glad that was a mistake that I made because... Yeah, it's it's a good one. Marlin would have still enjoyed this. I probably would not have enjoyed... and I feel like I would have been missing something on the second one. I agree. I think that this was probably the the better choice. I'm looking at some of the single cans they have available right now and they have a lot of crazy shit, man. Blackcurrant, mango, hill. A fruited lactose sour with blackcurrant and mango. Oh, so they did that one as a lactose sour. Well, I'm lactobacillus, lactose being milk sugar, sorry. Black curc, mojito spritzer, sour ale with mint and black currant and lime. Oh, man. They have campfire treat was a blended a blend of fresh imperial stout and barely aged out with marshmallow cacao nibs, graham crackers and vanilla beans. Susan, that's sort of been a good one if you saw it.
Not shitting on you, thank you. You done fucked up. No, no, this is fantastic. We appreciate all the beers that you brought for us. But yeah, they've got ah then they've got some you know other hazy IPAs. Oh, man. Looks like they have a lot of sour beers. Strawberry rhubarb pie sour with marshmallow, strawberry, rhubarb, graham crackers, vanilla beans, and a hint of sea salt. Ooh, there was a rocket pop in purery or inspired sour, sorry, with cherry and lime and raspberry. Man, here's one for you.

Creative Beer Pairings and Bourbon Barrel Ale

Peanut butter jelly, peanut butter strawberry hill. PB&J inspired fruited lactose sour with peanut butter and strawberry. Gross. Garbage. That sounds interesting. We've had a peanut butter and jelly beer before. We have. From Eagle Park. Yeah, and we loved that one. Yeah, it was so good. um But that just makes me think. I think I'm going to look up a recipe for peanut butter wings for Thursday. I think you should. I think that would be great. And we can come up and I'll i'll try to do that. Like some of the hot ones.
Oh yeah, for sure. I'll bring over those sauces. That's going to be fun. That'll be fun to talk about, too. We'll record some of that and throw it into an after the final pour or something. Welcome to the heartburn hour. Welcome to the heartburn hour, where we're also making a malted mini and trying to drink a beer after having these hot ass wings. um ah Oh, how many blueberries? You already said kind of how many blueberries you're going to give it. I think, I don't know what the timing is, but we did the video chat and we've gone through two beers. I think it's a good time regardless to pause for an ad.
And we're back. Welcome back, everybody. I feel like every time we do the And We're Back, we've already said something funny that makes me laugh, and I'm never laughing at the And We're Back. But it sounds like I am. I'm so used to it, though. We are back. We are sampling some beers from Tennessee. Thank you, Susan, very much for curating this for us. This one's from Kentucky. Oh, sorry. Kentucky. This next one is. This one is. The last one, I think, is also from Tennessee. Well, you know, south of us, at least. Brandon, what are we drinking? We are drinking against the grain's bourbon barrel aged ale. Clocks in at 7.9% or if you're looking at untapped, 7.2%. Or their website. seven Or their website, yeah. Maybe this one came out a little higher. I don't know.
I'm gonna read the description. An homage to the unbridled spirit of our home state of Kentucky. This ale embodies all the flavor and nuance of Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey. Kentucky grown and malted barley gives this beer its light ruby color and biscuity sweet flavor while the use of charred American oat provides mouthfeel, vanilla flavors, and hints of baking spices. Enjoy. I'm always torn on bereaged a aged ales. Yeah. And I'm torn on this one. Me too. You know what it reminds me of?
i do tony Um, what is it? The Kentucky, and the Kentucky bourbon barrel aged beers. Um, Kentucky bourbon ale, I think it's called. Yeah. And they have a stout as well. And we've tried, we've had their peppermint one for Christmas. Um, yeah, this, I feel like I've used this descriptor before. It's like a bitter tea to me. A little bit. I can see that. you like It's biscuity and malt tea, but my taste buds are telling me the bitterness is like tea and it's like a thin drinkable beer. Yeah, it's got like ah like a black tea aftertaste. Yeah. I don't get a lot. its There's a booziness to it though. Oh yeah.
there's like that There is that like bourbon whiskey bitterness to it. It's it's very light ah as far as like it's not like a big bourbon barrel aged beer, which I don't think that's what they were going for. I think they were going to for it to make it seem like you're drinking. what if If bourbon whiskey was a beer, this is it. Yeah. Which. If that is the case, which I think it might be, it's fantastic because I think it nails that. I think that like that whole tea idea, i'm i'm my brain is saying, oh, it reminds you of a bitterness of like tea and and like the light cold, you know the light body. It's like a light medium body.
And it being cold, I think of iced tea, you know not the wrapper, but you know the drink. It's good. Yeah. i was I was getting, and I went in for another sip, and I'm still kind of getting it. like It almost gives off a little pecan flavor to me. Interesting. um And I don't know why, but that could be just like the biscuit or whatever. It's just a combination of everything. They do say it gives off hints of baking spices at the end. OK. So maybe, I feel like this, if anything, this was probably the best beer to follow up the cobbler beer with. Or maybe we should have started with this and then gone into the cobbler beer. No.
I don't think that would have changed it. It still tastes the same to me. Yeah, you're probably right. It's higher ABV. It's a good beer. um I think it's the bourbon barrel that throws me off. Yeah. Because we're used to like big bourbon barrel aged stouts and barley wines and and shit like that. um But you know, if this is a year-round beer, or I don and don't know if it's a year-round beer, it doesn't say on the site, but if this is a year-round beer,
That's impressive. Yeah. to To pull this off as a year-round beer, to have barrels you know set aside for this particular ale. I mean, when you're in Kentucky, like. And the color of it is, it's funny because it looks like, I wanted to say amber, but I put it up to the light. It kind of looks like an IPA. A little bit. Like the color of a double like and a double IPA. Yeah. wonder, did it say, was it just like generic oak barrels that they used? or It says they used the use of charred American oak barrel. That's it. So
But it's bourbon barrel aged. So I'm curious where the barrels came from. Yeah, I don't know. Well, in Kentucky. but Well, yes. But I wonder what distillery because sure you can't call it a bourbon barrel aged beer if there wasn't bourbon in there before unless you're adding bourbon into it. Which they can't because you can't add spirits to. Oh, do you mean to the actual barrel? What do you know but if they like wash the barrels with yeah not sure and i think that would be a stupidly ridiculous process to buy fresh yeah char them. slosh some herb around in there for a while Throw your beer in it yeah yeah i have to imagine that it's it's it's yeah i'd be curious and i mean they're in kentucky so they have access to.
many many, many, many, many, many great bourbon distilleries out there, so. For you super nerds out there, the yeast they use is Super San Diego, and the malts are Caramel 120, Caramel 40, Dextrin, Pilsner, and Roast, which I'm assuming is a roasted malt, probably. I never heard of a malt just called Roast. So that's cool. um Yeah, it's although that's pretty cool. You can click on the malts that they have on their website, and they'll tell you what beers use them. and That's interesting. That's new. They had an ammbberer called an amber beer called ah fried chicken. What? That sounds pretty good. Like drinking an embryo with some fried chicken. They just threw a shit ton of KFC in there. Well, my I have a stance on KFC. I do not like KFC. That's not my favorite. have a whole bunch of blends of secret spices and shit. You know what they're spices to me? They just use a bunch of black pepper. KFC is in the bottom for me. I like it. I do too, but nothing beats Popeyes baby.
baba kind I don't know i havent well think is what we, there's no KFCs around like close to us, so like we've gotten. The closest is down Cicero. We've gone to the Popeyes up by Gale Street. Oh yeah. We've done that. So have I. Ironically. And Wing stops right over there too. I haven't hit that one yet. You know what I haven't hit? God, what's the name of the place? but right Fry the Coop? No, no, no. No, I've done Fry the Coop. Fry the Coop's fucking fantastic. Have you? You should try it. Never had it. Really fucking good. And it's like... I know. It's so close. It's so close. um
the The... God, what's the name of the place? I can't remember. But it's in the same square as Wingstop. but they do the corn dog place Korean corn dogs yes uh oh uh goblin something goblin bat goblin bat yes I haven't tried that either no there's also a Filipino restaurant right next door that I still haven't tried yeah I love Filipino food yeah so do I I grew up with it I like Filipino food. I love like Middle Eastern. I grew up. I had a friend. Sounds like we're like on a date right now. We're talking about what foods I had a friend in high school. And I may have told the story before, but like his mom always cooked food like it was there a Syrian.
oh yeah they always had like domadas um which for those that don't know it's like grape leaves with rice and sometimes meat and other stuff yeah but she like literally like it was always like an arsenal of food and i go to his house and be be picking him up because we were gonna go out to dinner like we were gonna go hang out for the night and grab food and drinks and all this stuff And we'd come in, and she'd be like, oh, he's getting ready. I'm like, OK, great. She's like, sit, sit. You need to eat. I'm like, no, no, no. We're going to go do that. <unk>er And she'd come out with this big ass plate of rice, and like just all this other stuff on there, and be like, eat, eat, eat. Moms. Those are moms, dude. Moms always want to feed. So we would change our trajectory. We'd eat.
No, we eat there and then we'd go drink. No, and then we'd go eat it like three I was gonna say either are you eating afterwards? Are you going back to his house? Do you like that's when we were like that's when I was ending up like in Like the college days shortly after college days ending up at like the Golden Nugget on Lawrence
Gotta love it, man. Alaskan Waffle was my go-to, which is crazy. After drinking, I'd have an Alaskan Waffle. I used to get, I was on this huge kick for years, which is everywhere we go, would I'd get pancakes. Oh, dude, their pancakes are so good, though. like They're the best. I have not had a better pancake than Golden Nuggets. We went to, ah so the the older the Irving Park, yeah one that changed now, it's Lola's Diner. Have you been there? We went. How was it? We went the morning after we did our thing downtown.

Breakfast Adventure and Final Beer Anticipation

We went, picked up Benjamin. And we were calling my sister on the way there. And my sister was like, oh, he's eating right now. He's having a PB&J. And we're like, OK, well, he's probably not going to be hungry. So in my mind, I thought, we're not going to breakfast anymore because this kid ate. And I'm not going to make him just sit there while we eat. And then Becca got really upset. And she's like, I was looking forward to breakfast. I was like, all right, we'll go. I'm with her. I would have been a bomb. I was like, we'll go. We'll go. We'll go. So we went. And we ordered the kid's meal.
Oh my god, it was like he got two big ass pancakes. It was like seven bucks two big ass pancakes. He got eggs sausage Something else and it was like and a drink I was like this place is pretty good and their pancakes were pretty fun Yeah, I definitely want to go there and check it out. There's another place I pass heading to work on Higgins near Higgins and I Narragansett. Is that the Sweet Cafe? Yeah, it just opened up to Lago. Where it used to be Big Top. Yeah, so I gotta check that out. I was like, I need to go there one weekend. The only thing I've heard, I've heard that the food is good, but I've heard that their prices are kind of really high. I saw that a pancake meal was about 14 bucks, which I don't know what all comes with it. Uh, when I was like, Oh, okay. I need to come back to this menu. Yeah. It didn't help that I was driving and looking at that. Don't do that kids. Um, but i also don't drive and look at me. We really enjoy like near Irving. It's near Irving in California. It's right near Clark's place. Um, sure. a waffle Yeah. Trust me. There've been plenty of mornings where I woke up and I'm like, I don't feel great because of the night before on the weekends. I'm like,
I get free Grubhub delivery because of Prime, and Churro Waffle pops up and I'm like, should I do it? Nine out of ten times I just get up and start making something instead. Churro Waffle's good. yeah Clark said it was good as well. Braden, how many charred oak barrels are you giving this? I'm gonna go three, five. Yeah. um For what this is, it's good. I feel like I want to have this on tap. I don't know why. I feel like maybe on tap, it might be a little bit better. I don't think it's an old beer by any means, but I feel like, oh, speaking of which, Susan did say that the wizard one was better in the can than when she had it on tap. So there you go. But this, I'm going to go, yeah, three,
33, 33. Would I seek this out again? Probably not. It's not bad. I don't know if it's for me, again, if someone offered me one, I'd be like, hell yeah, let's do this. yeah um And it's I think it's good for for, if I had it again in a can like this, I would say, oh, do you want to split this? Because I don't know if I'd want a full one of this. Now, a full pint, maybe on tap, i would I would give that a try to see. I feel like, you know, fresh beer on tap, just there's there's always a little bit of a difference. Yeah, it makes me wonder if they do this, like, if they pour it, would it be in a full pint? Do they do it like a 10 ounce pour? I don't know. But either way, yeah, I would, like, this is a beer, like, I would try and tap and see if there's any significant difference or whatever. I don't know, it's good. Yeah, it's it's not bad, it's just, you know, I don't know if this is something that I would necessarily seek out again. Yeah, because I said, like,
Bourbon barrel aged ales are not necessarily like what I'm looking for sure and but the fact that they do this Again makes me intrigued like okay. What else do you guys? have content i mean we've had have we had other against the green beers Don't believe so, i know I know I've had yes me too, but not on the podcast. Yes. No, we've we've not had that right you know We've got one more beer left, buddy. This is the last one. This was one I was super excited about trying because it is, you know, it's summertime and it's been a long time since we've done this, but it's the summer of the stout. We're going back to tailgate brewing and this is their peanut butter milk stout clocking in at 5.2% ABV.
Go ahead and give myself a little pour here.
You are, sir. I did not. I didn't like this one. Oh, shit. Let's see. Tailgate Brewing. PB Stout. What do they give me? they There it is. Gave me Tidehead, so that's cool. I said tailgate, but great. Peanut Butter. Ooh. Yeah. What do you think of the aroma? Um, it's funny. i I'm getting slight peanut butter, but more like actual nuttiness. Yes. Um, it, you know what the, it reminds me of is the smell of trail buddies. Yes. The beer from Old iy old Irving and Maplewood. Their, uh, their beer. Um, let's see. Let's get a description here. Here we go. It's a milk stout. It's sweet.
Sorry, there's a burp in there. A Nashville icon, peanut butter milk stout is a medium-bodied stout with loads of chocolate, coffee, and peanut butter. Four-time international award winner. And untapped, it says people are normally checking in with smooth, creamy, sweet, milk, light-bodied. OK. But yeah, there's a there's definitely a nuttiness to it. It's quite dark, with like that Guinness-y color type head to it. I just swirled my around to kick up that peanut butter aroma again.
Yeah, okay. um Interesting. I did have this yesterday. Oh, did you? I didn't pick up on this last time. What are you getting from this beer? I'm getting peanut. um Slight bit of chocolate. little I feel like I'm getting a slight hint of vanilla. I don't know. um And like the maltiness is kind of lost on me. Sure. like It's like I'm not getting much of the beer itself, because like all that flavor extract, I'm assuming extract, is coming through. I think my palate's a little wrecked right now. Because I get the peanut. I get the chocolate.
And then my tongue is saying something tangy. Yeah, a little bit. And I don't know what that is. like Not tart, but tangy.
I don't think this is old either. I don't know. It says 124 on the bottom. Like 1 slash 24. Is this January? January? Could be. Possibly. Now, overall, a sweet milk stout.
there're They're sweet. It's not like overly sweet. Yeah. Oh man. I don't know what it is, but there's like, I keep getting this tanginess yeah from it, which I don't remember having yesterday.
It's like, it's actually like lingering on my tongue right now. yeah It's weird. Like I take a sip and I get it and it lingers. I take another sip and it goes away. Yeah. And it's not like, it's not like an off flavor. It's not like it's infected or anything. I don't know what that is.
It's actually, I'm getting it like more and more like upfront. There's like the nuttiness and then there's like this like tanginess. Yeah. I'm almost curious. Like, did she have a fresher can? And then no, it was from, it was from, it was from the same. It was um it' like, okay. Yeah. Like we got three cans for this. So drink one yesterday. Now we have this and I have one more left. You know what I'm going to do? Check the day we do. Well, no, what I'm going to do is save that other can, bring it over here. We're going to drink it another time to try. I feel like right now I can't. If I have to base it off of this, I don't like it. Yeah. I liked it yesterday. I thought it was good. I didn't have this like weird day in this. I don't know what's going on. Yeah, I'm getting it too. And it's like,
yeah I just powered through there. What it does is when I drink it, it kind of, I feel like it mutes my tongue and then I'm only getting a little bit of everything else. Right. And then that's it. Yeah. It's kind of a man. I don't know. I don't like it. I don't like it right now. I don't hate it. But yeah, it I based on what I'm getting, I would not go back to this. Now, the good news is that we've already tried one beer from them. And that's how we started the podcast. So we know that they are making good beer. And apparently this beer is popular according to ah the description. So one day you had it yesterday and you liked it. So it could be our taste buds could be what we're doing. If I had to base this off like
As of right now, just because of the way my mouth is, and so it's not very, it's not a very fair.

Homemade Jerky Discussion and Closing Thanks

Should have had some jerky reading. Oh yeah. I should have burned my mouth. Uh, and oh, had that sugar. It's so good. Brandon's got his blueberry jerky blue. What, what, what peppers did you put in there again? Um, there is, it's ghost pester, ghost pester, ghost pepper powder, and I put a single dried Trinidad scorpion in there. So it was marinated in that and then the marinade Or the glaze I should say that I put on it was just some cayenne powder very good and red pepper flakes and then The red pepper flakes did not come out like because the guy so I got this recipe off a guy on reddit He did not use scorpion peppers. I just like to be stupid so I get over here.
Um, but what I had done was, um, I, I followed his glaze recipe too. I wasn't going to do it originally because when I came to, it was like a deep, like reddish, it was a dark jerky. Like I've never had a dirt jerky that dark before. I was like, man, I was like, that like never had a dukie that dark or a turkey. Um, but it looked really, I was like, man, that looks good. But I was like, I'm going to try this. So I went up, I had to go back to jewel and picked up some more honey. And I tried it again, or I tried, I made that, um, and there's, you know, it said, put a generous amount of red pepper flakes in there. And I did, but when I was glazing it, none of them were sticking. So I literally had it, like the jerky was pretty much done. I dehydrated it again until like 1230 in the morning. I had alarm set on my phone and I came down.
Turn it off, let it sit. Ah, the single life. I've done this before, but I was here too. but Ah, the married life. but um But normally, I don't do it upstairs. Normally, it's down here like because she doesn't like the the spice smell. Ah, the single life. Anyway, so when i took it when I was pulling them off this morning, I was putting them in ah in a bag, and I was like, Like the guy's picture had like red pepper flakes on it. I was like, that's weird. So I took red pepper flakes and I just kind of tossed them in the bag and I tossed the bag. The piece that I had was like, I was nervous because I was looking for a small piece, but it was also covered in seeds. And it reminds me of like candy bacon. It's, it's very unique. Um, it like, I almost want that to be like, like pork or something. You know what I mean? Like I want that glaze to be on.
pork, but it's very good, dude. Very, very good. it's It's nice and sweet. It's a little tough, but not in a bad way. I think that's the, I think the glaze is keeping it like together, yeah but it doesn't like, you know, I sit around and eat your jerky. Like it's fucking going out of style. And I know to stop eating when I can feel the muscles in my temples getting sore in my jaw, like stop eating it. That is good for this because of the glaze that you have on there. I feel like, okay, I have a couple of pieces. You want me to limit yourself? Absolutely. Hey, thanks a lot, man. So as of this recording and having this today,
I'm going to put this around 2.5 for me. Oh. Yeah. um That tanginess is just really turning me off. Yesterday, it was really good. I don't know. I'm getting something weird from this. I'll check the other can, but it was a part of a six pack that was all together. I can't imagine that it was canned separately. And like I said, you know what? The last can that I have, I'll hold on to, and we'll drink it again. Maybe we'll save it for like the the Christmas time episodes. Ooh. Yeah, and and I'm in the same area. 2.5 is probably what I would go in this. And don't be mad at us, Talegate. I mean, we like your your your first beer. was That's my beer of the night. The Wizard is the beer of the night. Yeah. In fact, I would say the order of the beers that we've had today is the order of the beers of how I like them. I would agree.
co but I would say that the Cobbler and Wizard IPA are very close to each other. I mean, we rated them very close to each other. yeah like Those were just two fantastic beers. And the Bourbon Barely Aged Ale, I just don't think it's for me, but I also think that it's a solid beer for what they're trying to do. And I think a lot of people Probably do and would like it. They wouldn't make it if it was Yeah, i would I would I would tell anybody to to go ahead and try this and I was also tell other people to go and try this as well Like maybe this tastes different on tap. Maybe it's a you know, maybe in the can it's just not doing it for us right now but overall
Fantastic curation. Thank you, Susan, very much. Yeah, good lineup. For grabbing these for us. We appreciate it. you know If anybody else wants to curate an episode for us, we're always willing to do that. If you want to curate it and then come on, that's a possibility if you're a close friend. But anybody else who wants to you know give us suggestions, send us beer, or whatever, we'll do it. Sounds awesome. ah Because we get to just drink random beers from places that we may or may not ever go to. I think that's it's like a key highlight. we can get like That's why I like traveling. Like when I go to travel and like grabbing stuff that like, even if I don't visit the brewery going to a liquor store that has a bunch of stuff that we've never had before. Well, the other thing is that you and I normally when we travel, we'll see each other's check-ins or send pictures of stuff. we It's like, oh dude, you would love this beer. You know, like even if we can't bring stuff back, it's always fun to try new beers. okay ah I I always just pick a carry-on.
I will say this, it's nice to get back to beer after all of the random shit we've been doing lately. Yes. I mean, we did have the ah watermelon splash. Is that what it was that you had from New Glares? Oh, yeah. And then I had strawberry beer for tacos. So that was like the closest thing we've had for beer. Oh, yeah, and then I had Coke and beer. Yeah, that guy. Kind of regret having it on the episode after reading some of the things that I saw recently about how he had fired up Brandon Baster because me a fighter because she was black. So. Whoa. Not cool. Not cool. yeah Way to go, Terry. Don't be founders, Terry. I said it. That's right. But overall, great, great curation. Thanks again. Brandi, anything else you want to say about all this? No, I do appreciate, you know, somebody thinking about us and putting beers together for us to try. And it was
Mostly Tennessee and some Kentucky. Three Tennessee, one one Kentucky. um Yeah, and I enjoyed it. it was It's interesting to try, and like i said like you said, try new beers that we haven't had before, so thank you. Yeah, absolutely. Well, Brandon, I love you, buddy. Love you too, man. We'll see you next week.
This has been The Malting Hour. Be sure to follow us on all social media by searching The Malting Hour and at You can also follow us individually on social media. Brandon can be found on Instagram as bmdub81, on Twitter, bdub81, and on Untapped as bdubdrinksbeer. Tony can be found on Instagram and Untapped under Ace of Hope Chicago. On Twitter, The Ace of Hope Chicago. Clark can be found as Clarkowski on all three. Dan can be found on Instagram as hip underscore underscore hops and to hip hops on YouTube. Be sure to subscribe, like and rate the show on your preferred podcast listening platform. Until next time, cheers from all of us at The Malting Hour.