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Malted Minis - Revolution x Noon Whistle image

Malted Minis - Revolution x Noon Whistle

The Malting Hour
73 Plays5 months ago

This week we sample two local beers during halftime of the Bears/Texans game. Be sure to wish Brandon a happy 49th birthday!

Beers on this episode:
Revolution Brewing - Pursuit of Freedom: Apple Tart
"The enticing combination of apple, vanilla, and cinnamon offers beguiling aromas and captivating flavors in the latest entry in our Pursuit of Freedom series of Session Sours with real fruit."

Noon Whistle Brewing - Daaa Gummy
"Da Gummy is a hazy IPA with a blend of Cashmere, Strata, Chinook, and Mosaic Hops. Cashmere hops open up with notes of peach and tangerine rind. Strata hops step in, offering herbal and dank undertones that add depth. Chinook hops bring a symphony of pine and resin notes. Finally, rounding everything out Mosaic hops shine, with their signature fruity character, weaving in elements of juicy citrus and ripe berries."

Festival of Wood and Barrel-Aged Beers are available now!  Get your tickets here! 

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Intro and outro music provided by @FluidMinds
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Introduction and Banter

Welcome to the Malted Minis, brought to you by The Malting Hour. I am one of your hosts, Tony Golic, joined always with... Brandon Wininger. I almost fumbled that. No pun intended. I know we're we're doing this during halftime during the Bears game, but I i don't know why I almost fumbled that. I've been saying it for almost...
How long we doing this? Five years, six years, almost? Many, many moons, many, many moons. And I, and I, I mean, I know in the Molten Minis are newer, uh, addition to our programming here, but you know, always join with Brandon Weininger. I don't know why I almost messed that up. I apologize, buddy. I hope you forgive me. Fucking asshole. By the way, by the way, uh, happy birthday. Thanks, man. Appreciate it. Yeah. Um, you're, you're not 50, like I said last night. Thank God.
Only 49. How the weekend? Um, it was good. Yeah. It was a Saturday. It was nice. I'm glad the weather was, it was like a beautiful night for us to sit outside. mine Yeah, that was a lot and of fun. Um, but yeah, and I like didn't come home feeling

Weekend Activities and Birthday Plans

like crap. Like I think I had three beers and I was like, yeah, I'm good. I don't want to drink anymore. Um, good move. I did the opposite.
because I would have came home and felt like crap. Yeah, we we that was a good idea to go to Munahani slash Hubbard's cave there in Niles. It was a good choice. Yeah, yeah good turnout. yeah It was good to see some people. and yeah um And I think potentially on my actual birthday, like I said, we'll probably go to we'll probably go to dinner too. So we'll see. I'll keep you posted on that.
so I have Tuesday open for you, buddy. I would love to go to dinner. um Yeah, that was a lot of fun. A lot of good beers. I can't go to a brewery without bringing beers home. What did you bring home? Well, one of them, they but I was going to drink one of them, but then I tried one earlier. where I was like, I can't have another one of those. I had a Catacomb Master, okay ah which is a super sweet. i see you can see the that That's the. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's pretty badass label with the like death on it. It's a nine point five percent juicy triple IPA, and it smells very tropical. um I had one before the game started and had been drinking. um What is it? A Montaki lager since then. I have to pace myself. I have an early morning tomorrow, but I got to watch. I got to watch the Bears game. And then I also got the
ah Fresh Hop Double IPA Citra. Okay, that's the one I think I had yesterday. Yeah, that was very good. I had a lot of good good beers there. um Excuse me, yesterday, and our friend Ron, ah after you had left, he had gotten, bless you, now like we're burping together already. i I forget the spicy stout they have there, um L something.
but we paired it with a brownie and I took a sip of it before... Oh yeah, I remember he was doing that when we... Yeah, when you guys were wrapping it up. yeah So I took a sip of the beer, it was sweet, it was good, cinnamon and then there's the heat. Then took a bite of the brownie, took a sip and it was just heat. So it was kind of cool ah doing that with that beer. Yeah, i <unk>ve I've fallen in love with going there. It's it's always a good time. Two times in ah this month and after not being there ever and I buy their beers all the time. so It was great to go. I'm glad you decided to do that there. Yeah, me too. Um,

Great American Beer Festival Overview

yeah. And I don't know why this made me think about it, but I was, I think I had mentioned to you yesterday, we were talking about great American beer festival and different stuff that's going on, all their new experience areas that are going to be a part of the festival. Um, I was looking at looking at again, that but they have like, they're, there's going to be a ah German beer hall or beer garden right in the middle of the thing. Uh, sports themed area, a Halloween themed area.
This is going to get spooky. A meet the brewer section and some like and and a chill area. like i think I like chill areas. I like chilling. Are you a fan of chilling? Yeah. Apparently they're also going to have Mexican wrestling. Some lucha libre. I don't know. I could tell you this. I couldn't have expected JBF to get cooler. Sounds like it's about to.
Yeah, but that's gonna be hilarious. oh That's gonna be a lot of fun. I'm really looking forward to that. We are not far away. We're about a month out. Yep.

Beer Reviews: Fall and Fruity Flavors

um And that being that being said, what did you choose to drink tonight?
Nothing. ah Nothing anymore. now i punched I punched over an empty glass. I have chosen Revolutions, because you know, we we drink a lot of local beers here. Revolutions Pursuit of Freedom, apple tart, because it's football, we're here at fall. And the Pursuit of Freedom, this one is a session sour ale with apple cinnamon flavor and vanilla flavor and it comes in at 4.5%. The first impression I got um opening it up and pouring it in the cup,
Taking a whiff of it, ah it doesn't smell like anything like that is in the description. Now, yeah sip as I do right now.
It tastes like a juicy apple with a hint of cinnamon and a nice subtle vanilla. So for a fall beer, this is fantastic. I really like this. Is that your first time having it or no? Yeah, no. i've I've never had this one before.
I don't know if I've ever or if they have ever done an Apple one before. I was interested it mainly because yeah I don't think so either. I was I was interested mainly because to do a session sour with Apple just seems tough. You know, like I feel like this is the only way you can do it. and This is the only time a year you can probably get away with doing it. That being said, I kind of want to grab another one of these to I still have ah the black. I still have a blackberry lemonade in the fridge from them.
I like to grab another one of these actually have like as it gets a little more crisper outside with cooler air because I feel like even sitting around like maybe on Halloween giving out candy drink one of these would be great. Oh yeah. But yeah, it's it's it's good. you know we've We've talked about Revolution's Freedom series a lot and we've had a handful of them. i One of my favorites still is the orange cranberry that we did for the Thanksgiving show one year. Oh yeah.
That's I look forward to that one. I hope that comes out this year. But but yeah, I mean you just they they they nail these session sours so well That is crazy as some of them sound I'm always interested in trying it Another they did a sangria one. That was pretty good. It's probably was my favorite, but I didn't dislike it But all of their session sours their freedom series has just always been very good. So I um ah going into this beer, I had expectations of really enjoying it. Now, on the flip side of that, the other beer that I had left from a beer on the wall from my my stop over there on Friday, or Thursday, is a Goose Island beer. And I can't, the only thing I remember about now is it's a wine barrel aged beer, but it's like,
12 ounce can, I think it's like 9%. I was like, I don't need a 9% beer right now. I'll go with a session beer. Uh, but I might, uh, might hold on to that for you and I to try some time. Cool. Well, because it's so specific, I'm not like gonna like reach out and I'm like, Oh, you know what? I want this right now. Cause I bought that and this beer in mind with, uh, for the, for the podcast. So yeah, it's, it's, it's tasty, man. I think you'd really enjoy it.
I think it's a good fall beer. It's not, uh, it's not like drinking apple juice. It is like a tart, juicy apple, um, without like, you know, the cider or or juice, but there's an apple flavor in there. The cinnamon isn't too strong. I know some people are put off by cinnamon and beers. I love cinnamon and vanilla in beers, uh, when, you know, done in correct amounts and like the vanilla is very subtle and the cinnamon doesn't like punch in the mouth. It's not like you're sucking on a cinnamon stick.
That's good. That would suck. Yeah, i wonder how I wonder if they do like, um kind of like we've done in the past where they just let let it sit on cinnamon sticks or, you know. So this says that it's cinnamon flavor. So I want to say that they're probably using an extract on this. Okay. Which, you know, for a session beer, that makes sense. I bet it's probably easier to use an extract on a session sour than rather than, you know, using cinnamon sticks and all of a sudden it's like, well, now it's just a cinnamon beer. Yeah. miserable israel music shit and it cinemon sticks well yeah And then you don't want to overdo it. And then I'm sure the price, uh, point of using real cinnamon as opposed to cinnamon flavoring in a session beer like this is, is probably, you know, quite different. So it might make more sense. Um, but yeah, so it's very good, man. I think you'd enjoy it. Um, um, I want to grab one more for the fall.
So ah how many apples would you give that beer? For this beer, this particular beer, I am going to give this. ah You know, last time I did this, I split it. You got very mad at me. Not very mad. Let's see. What do I want to do with this one? I'm going to go three eight. Three eight. I really like it. and Like I said, it's, it's good for, for this, for what it is. And I think they do a really good job and I think the three eights are a respectable, uh, score for this. With that being said, my friend, what the hell are you drinking? Um, since we are in the midst of a bears game, uh, halftime probably shouldn't be ending. Uh, I decided to go with noon whistles. Doug gummy.
Great call. Great call. Uh, that somebody gifted me last night for my birthday. Uh, and I have not had this one yet. I had not had this one yet. I've been s super nice since we started talking and this is fucking, this is fantastic. Um, I like that you started with, this is fucking and then, Oh, this is me. Yeah. Censor myself. tra Yeah. Uh, but anyways, I'll read the description real quick.
D'Gummy is a hazy IPA with a blend of cashmere, strata chinook, and mosaic hops. Cashmere hops open up with notes of peach and tangerine rind. Strata hops step in, offering herbal and dank undertones that add depth. Chinook hops brings a symphony of pine and resin notes, finally rounding everything out. Mosaic hops shine, with their signature fruity character weaving in elements of juicy citrus and ripe and ripe berries.
Um, and that's, that's a dead on description. Um, I didn't read the description first before I, I, um, took a sip and I kind of wanted to see what I would get. Cause I, I noticed it was a kind of a wordy description. I'm like, that'll probably tell me. Um, but yeah, I think it nails pretty much everything. Um, I'm not getting, I don't know. I don't feel like it's as dank, you know, like with the the strata, uh, I'm getting a lot of, um, I'm getting that peach and tangerine and I'm getting some, um,
some real like fruity essence like right at the end. um It's not really bitter. It is super, super juicy. And it's, it's very, very easy to drink six and a half, 6.6%. But um yeah, I mean, this is this is fantastic. I think this is like a new favorite of mine. I went to look at untapped to see if I checked it in and I had not checked it in. But I do remember having that beer. I'm almost positive.
whether I grabbed it or maybe Clark gave me one one time. Excuse me. I remember liking that bear very much. Yeah. um And you can see it it is definitely, definitely easy. It's got that going for it, um but a lot lighter in color. So um it kind of reminiscent of like a slightly darker, like pale ale or like just traditional IPA and then just super, super cloudy. ah But well done, man.
Um, like I said, like I think I've had, I don't know, I want to say like two or three of the different like dummy beers. Um, and this one to me, I feel like is very notable to one that I would definitely go back to, not just specifically because it's, you know, beer sleeve, but, um, I think it's, I think it's just a really well done, really well balanced, uh, hazy IPA. Um, and i I feel like the big draw to this is there's it's like the bitterness is so subtle and like the juiciness is just.
like so overpowering, I think that's appealing to me a little bit more. okay Not that I don't, like I definitely enjoy like, you know, hot bitterness on IPAs, but like for this style of beer, I think it just plays really well and makes it super easy and fun to drink, so. Nice. Yeah, I'm a big fan of all the gummies. In fact, there's, you know, they do a mixed pack of gummies that I've never purchased before. And I should do that sometime. As we're coming up ah close to Halloween,
I'm not mistaken. They do a ghost face gummy that is a hazy IPA with ghost peppers. Really? Yeah. So we might want to conclude that on our Halloween slash pumpkin beer episode. I would be totally down with that. So you said it was called ghostface ghost Ghost face gummy. There's a paranormal gummy. Right. I've had that before. It's positive there's a ghost face gummy.
There is, uh, yep. That one's 6.8% for you spice lovers out there. This is not like biting into a ghost pepper. We do not want to lose the mango and IPA. So we only, uh, we're only able to make it so hot without losing the flavor we wanted. Okay.
So apparently, and i'm um'm I'm assuming this is probably available at the brewery only, looking up on, excuse me, oh, geez, ah looking up on tap, they have Ghostface Gummy, Ghostface Gummy Medium, and Ghostface Gummy Hot. okay So I'm wondering if, ah you know, they've done this, looks like in 2023, that's what they did. They had the hot, and then, let me see what for medium.
Also in 2024, there is Ghostface gummy medium and they're in cans already. Interesting. All right. People look like they may have held on to them because I'm seeing back in February, they were drinking them. So I guess there was cans of them ah ready to go. Geez, people were drinking. Who's drinking spicy gummies in January? Take it easy. Oh, it's an advent calendar beer. That's why. That'll do it.
Someone said, and that number 20 didn't read it properly and it's zippy 2.5. Well, you should have read it properly. I guess. Yeah. this way Um, how many. Pork chops, Polish sausage. Are you giving this beer? Uh, I'm gonna do like a solid, like 42 for 142. So nice. Wow. That's, that's a, that's a pretty big rating from you for a hazy IPA. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's, this one's fantastic. And I feel like, and like I thought about this one kind of last minute because I didn't have them in the, I didn't keep it cold last night. I didn't throw it in the fridge, but, um, I think at like six o'clock I grabbed one, went downstairs, threw it in the freezer.
had it in the freezer for like an hour-ish and then pulled it, put it in the fridge and it was in there for about an hour. So oh nice yeah, perfect temperature, I think. Yeah. Yeah. That's a good way to do it. This is, this is good, man.
Definitely. I'm excited that I have three more of these. Yeah. Awesome. Uh, I still have those root beer rats for us, by the way, if we can, oh yeah we'll cook those another day. Uh, my, you know, uh, with the way everything is coming up, I got right fast next weekend. Super excited about that.

Upcoming Events and Plans

Um, then some,
other events after the first weekend of October. I should, shouldn't say that after the second weekend of October, which is when we're going to the great American beer fest, my calendar is pretty much clear until the holiday. So I'm, I'm very, I actually look, I'm, I'm looking forward to all the things that I'm doing, but I'm also like home stretch of all the shit that I planned, like in the beginning of this year, I just kind of kept going and going and going. Um, I'm looking forward to having some time to be like, Oh, Hey, it's, it's Sunday. Want to hang out and grill some brats and just hang out.
Yeah. Yeah, that, that right. So that's going to be and like kudos to you for taking that on again, man. That was, that was a lie. and I know. I know. Um, I'm going to pace myself a little bit differently. Um, there are some people I'm going to see throughout the weekend there. So that's cool.
But you know going it alone, I think it'll be easier for me to not ah you know maybe drink as much. Yeah. And hey we'll see. I'll give you updates. I'll give you updates on that. yeah i almost I almost pulled the trigger on getting a Sunday ticket, but I didn't. I saw that. I forgot to respond to your text. that's my my My reaction was like, do it. Yeah.
you know You never know. Still could happen. We'll see. Man, there's still time. There's still time. I got i got no one going with me on Friday. I'm a follow-up boy. He's the headliner. Friday's a good day. Saturday's definitely more of a relaxed day for me. So I'm i looking forward to that. I think isn't a Pat going on Saturday? Yeah. um And I think there's like at least one band he and I want to see at the same time. So I might meet up with him to see Pavement. um But I think he's going to go see Beck.
Well, I'm going to see no effects because that's the one day that I'm willing to sacrifice the headliner to go see no effects because they're playing, they're headlining all three days because this is their fwell farewell tour. This is it. Interesting. And then Sunday ending it with Slayer, but I might, you know, I might tip out a little early to go see a little bit of Sublime. Yeah. We'll see. I mean, maybe the last time I ever see Slayer though. So first and last. Yeah.
got Yeah, I think that's it. Well, it was kind of like last year when we did like the cure. It's like, you just you got to see it. But also, I had Chinese food in my hand and was ready to go home. That was awesome. you know, excuse me, Harold's chicken, chicken, Harold's, Harold's chicken is back this year. I did see that in the food trucks. Hey, the upside is you know where all the food is now. Absolutely. Absolutely. No, I have every, like, I was pretty like distraught when they moved it. Um, cause I was like, I just got used to knowing where everything's at. Like I know where all the good spots are. I know where the food is. Um, and so now that they went back, I'm at Douglas park. Uh, I,
ah happy to know where everything's at. I also think I'm going to do what we did and do the you know park at Goose Island and Uber and figure that out as the night goes on. I'll probably, to be honest, when it comes to the headliners, as much as I want to see the headliners, because I'm doing this three days, ah not pretty much on my own. yeah I'll probably get halfway through the sets and be like, okay, I'm going to start hitting those Ubers now so I can get to my car and get home because I haven't had a yeah you know long day ahead of me. Sunday so it might be the only day where i I stick it out because I got Monday off at work. I don't care when I get home. Looking forward to it. and That's it. I also have the crash test dummies the thursday this Thursday, right before Riot Fest.
yeah yeah Crash the Stemmies, then Riot Fest, and I'm done with concerts for the year, because Queens of the Stone Age have postponed their tour until next year, so. Might be able to still get your ticket, buddy. Oh, yeah. If that happens, I got you. When was it? When was that supposed to be? October 2nd?
Oh, the first weekend, right? yeah the first the free Yeah, the first Wednesday of October, which I was looking forward to, because it was before the island. So that would have been fun. Hopefully he gets better lead singer. Yeah. Yeah, man um Yeah, two good beers remember to take a picture for me, please. Yeah, so I can use this and Again, happy birthday, buddy. I love you and um I look forward to hopefully having dinner with you at older ring on Tuesday. All right, man I'll keep you posted. All right. We'll see everybody next week. Bye
This has been The Malting Hour. Be sure to follow us on all social media by searching The Malting Hour and at You can also follow us individually on social media. Brandon can be found on Instagram as bmdub81, on Twitter, bdub81, and on Untapped as bdubdrinksbeer. Tony can be found on Instagram and Untapped under Ace of Hope Chicago. On Twitter, The Ace of Hope Chicago. Clark can be found as Clarkowski on all three. Dan can be found on Instagram as hip underscore underscore hops and to hip hops on YouTube. Be sure to subscribe, like, and rate the show on your preferred podcast listening platform. Until next time, cheers from all of us at The Malting Hour.