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Malted Minis - New Glarus and Une Année

The Malting Hour
60 Plays2 months ago

This week Brandon and Tony sample two new (to them) beers! 

Beers on this episode:
New Glarus Brewing Company - Barley Wine 2024
Une Année - Le Seul XVI

Theme and outro music provided by Myke Kelli (@mykekelli)
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Introduction to Malted Minis Series

Welcome to the Malted Minis, brought to you by the Malting Hour. I am one of your hosts, Tony Gold, joined Always With. Brandon Winniger. Happy, happy December, Brandon. How are you?

Brandon's Day at Krampus Market

I'm good. Taking a whiz. Yeah, sounds like it. Yeah, no, I'm good. Yeah, we had a fun day today. Didn't see you earlier today at the Krampus Market, so that was fun. Yeah, it was a lot of fun.
came home. I did get my my suit made. Good job. That was good. Nice. Made a Like the thing I, the, I found a recipe online and I was just kind of, I looked at that, just, I've made one before, but I was just like, I what i want a quick one. And it's like, oh, this will make six servings. I'm like, this thing made like 12 servings. I've got a shit ton of turkey soup left over, which is fine. Cause I will eat turkey se bowl soup all week or whatever. Technically it's che chicken soup because I did, I went with the rotisserie chicken and threw that in there. So. Way easier instead of making a bunch of chicken and adding it to it.
Yeah, indeed, indeed. Yeah, once ah once I got back, ah put up my Christmas tree and as I think I told you ham was on sale, the store for fucking like 99 cents a pound. So what would be a $53 ham ended up being a $12 ham. So I made that and there's a lot of ham left over. So I'll be making probably split pea soup soon.
Nice. Yeah, and the hand was great. And then, you know, I put on the Cookie Baking Championship on Max because I've been watching those episodes and I passed out for an hour because I was very tired from our long day at the Krampus Carnival. It was worth it though. Definitely. It was a lot of fun. That place is so cool. I got some orange habanero ah pickles that I'm very much looking forward to eating this week. So that was cool. And got to see Trevor and Chris and you know, it was a, it was a good time, man. It was a great time. Yeah. Yeah. Always. Oh, it's on. We got our picture with Krampus too. Yeah, we did. He'll yeah. yeah you We'll, we'll use that for an episode. That'll be good. Uh, Brandon, let's get

Tasting New Glarus Brewing's Barley Wine 2024

into this man. What are you drinking tonight?
I am drinking New Blair's Brewings Barley Wine 24. Hey, look at that. and We went opposite on the spectrum. I was going to do a one of the this year's Goose Island Bourbon Counties, and I did not do that. I said, I want something light. I'm glad that you went heavy and hard. How are you liking it?
It doesn't even see the EBV on it. It's hi anyways it's pretty good. um I think I've become so accustomed lately to drinking barrel aged barley wines that like I was expecting more of a like a boozy hit and i'm and I'm not getting that in in a good way. like yeah It's just like a you know more of a traditional barley wine and I like that. you know it's it's It's easy to drink and i read it. I'll read what it says in the back of the can.
Our 2024 Barleywine is an expression of our Wisconsin Terrier. our Our diploma master brewer, Daniel Carey, hand-selected the Wisconsin Chinook hop that are the signature of this powerful beast of a brew, all perfectly balanced with the sweetness of selected Wisconsin malt, savor this very big beer at 45 degrees Fahrenheit, and it will reward you with an open embrace.
Oh, that does. What a great description. It's hugging me. It's hugging your insides. Yeah, I i remember in enjoying enjoying that beer when I got it. And I think the same thing like you said, I've been so used to and accustomed to having barley wines only barrel aged, that I was kind of taken aback at first. and I was like, Oh,
what What is this? And ended up you know enjoying it a bit more the more I had it. um It's good. like there's There's a, not super strong, but there is definitely a pronounced hop bitterness to it when I had it. Are you getting that at all? I am. um And like and kind of the back to the point of like it not being barrel aged,
um It's only 9.8, I mean, only, it's 9.8%. And it's it's not boozy, which I like because you're getting more of like, I'm getting like, you know, some biscuity maltiness and I'm getting like brown sugar and, you know, some spice. um All of the all these nice things are coming through and it's not being overpowered by a barrel character, which I enjoy. Yeah, I, those, if I don't know, this this is this had this can't be the first time they did a barley wine, right?
No, I think they might do one every year. This might be the first time then I think I've ever had their barley wine.

Yearly Release of Barley Wine?

Yeah, I don't know if it's every year, but like on their, you know, it's if they call it our 2024 barley wine. So in my head, I'm like, do you need to do this before? Did you do it in 2023?
would would you guys do? Are you guys going to do a 2025? Yes. Maybe they didn't. i just Sorry, I just Googled it real quick. so I don't see one for 2023. Maybe it's not something that they they always do, but this is a yeah it's nice. i mean there's i and We've talked about this before. I don't think there's many new glare spears, if any, that I've had that I dislike. yeah um So this one easily just goes up there. it's It's super easy drinking and like lightly carbonated. So yeah, this is fun. And I'm glad that you picked this up for me when you went out there last. How many, you're welcome by the way, how many, uh,
Barley's, how many Barley's are you giving that Barley wine? I'm gonna go for for it. Yeah, that's that's pretty that that's that's that's that's that's where I'm at I think with that I think when I checked it and I gave it around a four maybe four point two five I would ah going back and thinking about it. I think I would have I'd probably give it the same. I remember enjoying it a lot It's it's definitely a unique beer from them and i I enjoyed it But like I said, there was a there was a ah hot presence to it that I wasn't expecting and I ended up enjoying that about it very much. I Yeah, and i think I think it's something that they probably either expected or they were going for because, you know, if you're going to put that in the descriptor on the can, I mean, there's no actual description of the beer itself. The only thing that they point out is really the hops. So I'm like, yeah, you you made it a little more hop forward. They use the Chinook hop. That's not a bad thing. No. Not at all.
Well, I ended up going with, uh, excuse me, Una Hani is Le Sol 16. Ooh. Yeah. So I bought this couple of months ago. It's been buried in my fridge and I forgot all about it. And I'm so glad I found it because like I said- Did you buy it on my birthday?
no at the brewery No, no, no, no. They bought this when I was, uh, I was headed up to Michigan and I was going to stay there for the weekend and, uh, I grabbed like a couple of random beers, um, to bring it up and this was one of them. And I forgot all about it and it's just been sitting in my fridge and this is an American wild ale that is, hold on, let me check fermented with blackberry and lemon. And you can see the color.
Oh, that's nice. Yeah. It's a nice red, uh, reddish pink. Definitely getting from the blackberries and man, this is hitting the spot after having so much.

Exploring American Wild Ale

So i also I forgot to mention, so what's the Krampus carnival? I had Krampus cookies and, uh, Chomperato and then Adela. And then I came back here and opened up my bottle of white chocolate peppermint eggnog and had two glasses of that.
Ooh. So I went to get that from, uh, from Joel. Yeah. It's an Evan Williams, uh, bottle. It's very good. oh nice Yeah. It's not super thick either. So I, I poured it over some ice in my, uh, Christmas vacation, uh, moose mug, uh, that I got from easy street, and easy street. I was like, if I'm drinking eggnog, I gotta drink it out of that. So like I had that. And so when we were talking about doing this episode, I originally said I was going to,
crack open maybe the Bourbon County 2024 vanilla rye. And then right as if we were going to do this, I was like, I don't want that right now. And so I was very happy to find this because this is very light. It's tart. It's easy to drink. It's refreshing. It is the ultimate ah refresher as of right now of having like, you know,
some heavy drinks on ah on a Sunday. Yeah. ah You know, so this is, it's really good. Like I think, um, I haven't had many of their other ones that are part of this, you know, I do like their wild deals. I do like what they do with fruit. I do like, I mean, I like a lot of the beers they do, but this is, man, this is really tasty. Uh, I think you would really enjoy this as well. and And so would, uh, your wife. So is it, it's a sour.
It's a wild ale and there's like, there's definitely like, it's tart, there's a tartness to it that comes from it being um a wild ale and also the lemon and blackberry, like the lemon, it's not, it's like, it's not heartburn inducing, which is great. That's kind of what I was afraid of when I saw it, I was like, lemon, huh? Here we go. Hopefully it's not ah too much and it's a wild ale, but yeah, it's, it's really good. It's really tasty.
I'm almost upset that I didn't grab like two of these to just have because I would really like to have another one of these considering today and tomorrow.

Chicago's Weather Woes

ah Today it was 50 degrees and tomorrow is going to be another 50 degree day here in Chicago, which is crazy for it being, well, while this is out on December 9th, it's another 50 degree day.
And then we're talking about snow ah the later of the week and wind chills again in the morning of like negative 15. So welcome to Chicago. Goofy ass weather. Who designed Chicago's weather? Who designed this?
Somebody's like, oh, let's fuck with those guys. yeah let's get in Let's get them all sick. Let's get them all sick. Yeah. It's 20 degrees. Now it's 50 degrees. Now it's negative 400. Whoa, negative 400. Dude, we're drunk. It was funny, too, because like um so we had like we got all of our Christmas decorations done. um And the one thing I didn't put up was we have these candy canes that I put in front of the house. And Benjamin kept asking him about putting up the candy canes. And I had them laying in the yard. and i'm like It's cold, man, like the ground's frozen, like thing don't work. um So ah yesterday it was, it was warmer and I was like, all right, let's try it. You know, let's try it today. So we went out there and managed to get them into the ground or whatever. But I was like, dude,
Like if I would have waited, I could be back, you know, back into like that freezing ass weather. Like we would have been shit out of luck. Yeah. Sorry, kid. The candy canes are going in this year. And it was funny because like in one of the giveaway groups for the neighborhood on Facebook, somebody was giving away that same set of candy canes and they're like, our ground is frozen. I can't get them in the ground. You take them. They're brand new. And I was like, really? Just like youre excuse we until tomorrow, man. like Or, you know, next year. Well, yeah, but then that like if it's frozen, like.
I mean, if it truly was frozen, like today was warm, tomorrow is going to be warm again. So like, you know, we haven't had like that many consecutive days of cold weather where the ground would be like totally frozen. So yeah. Yeah. So I think like yesterday, like again, I managed to get them in yesterday. So I think, you know, like I could have waited a day. Yeah, dude, you could have waited a day, dude. It's a problem, man. Come on. It's a problem, dude. It's Christmas. It's Christmas time.

New Glarus Brewery's Expansion Plans

Oh man.
But yeah, solid beer, again, and every time I have a new glare spirit, like the first thought in my head was like, you know, I don't want to go back up there. I know. I love hanging out there. So with the, you know, I don't know if we mentioned it, you know, they're doing their expansion. Oh, yes. And they're gonna probably, and from what I read, ah be open on the weekends now.
That's I I did read that too. So that's very exciting because I've definitely wanted to go up there on a weekend Uh and not just during the weekday and I think it's gonna be way busier now. That'll be open on the weekends Yeah, it makes me curious and like what like I I get that there's high demand for it And and I swear probably a good chunk of their sales come from people from out of state um, but i'm like Part of me is like, are you expanding because you're thinking about eventually starting to go out of the state? I know they've said that they you know they have no intentions of doing that, but I'm like, there's money in it, man. like And that might be it. They might finally be ready to expand and and start distributing in other places. Who knows? That would be awesome. that would great That would be awesome. And it still it wouldn't stop me from wanting to go up there because and it's such a cool spot. Yeah.
yeah Yeah, for for folks that haven't been there. Go, go. It's kind of like, literally, it's like the the welcome, that should be like the welcome center for New Glaris. Like, as soon as you get into that town, it's literally one of the first things there. and Yeah, absolutely it's, it's, it's such a sight to see. And then if you go down the go down the road a little bit, their original brewery is still down there too. I don't know, I think they still own the building, but I don't know if they do anything with it anymore, but it's this tiny little like,
you know, literally look like I think it looks like a barn or something like that. But I'm like, man, like, they went big from that small place to this place. And then I think what did they say? Is it like a $500 million dollars expansion or something like that? Like it's an insane

Review of Leisel XVI 16

amount of money. Yeah, I have to imagine they're probably gonna do some more distributing.
Yeah. You got to pay for that expansion somehow. Yeah, no shit. ah As far as this beer goes, the Leisel XVI 16. How many and bags of fruit? are Yeah, I'm going to go with fruits. Because there's a couple of different ones in there, so. ah Blackberry and lemon. I'm going to go with, ah I'm giving this a four, four, solid four. I didn't want to say how many lemons are you giving it because like,
lemons sometimes attributed to bad things. Well, it's funny because I was going to say, I'm like, I'm going to give this four lemons before you ask me. But it's it's good. like The lemon and blackberry, it's a very bright beer. It's very good. I'm looking forward to finishing this. It's it's very tasty. I'm very happy to have purchased this. Yeah, this barley wine is easy drinking. and like Before you i was I text you before I came on, like I was tired. I was falling asleep, um sitting here scrolling TikTok.
And then like I poured this and I'm like, I'm go just going to pour it and then I'm going to put the rest of the can in the fridge and maybe have it another day. And I am almost done. with Hey, now to make it even easier for you to go to bed. Yeah. Well, and it's funny, like I kind of same with you. I didn't want to do a barrel aged beers and only because most of the barrel aged beers I have are like 16 ounce cans. I didn't want to do 16 ounces of a barrel aged beer. And then I opened the fridge and I'm like, what the fuck?
do I have in here? So the, the one behind the bar and I was like, Oh yeah, I put the barley line in here. I'm like, yeah, we'll do that. good enough It's only 9%. So you're okay. Well, Brandon, I love you buddy. Love you too, man. And, uh, we look forward to, uh, doing this again for you guys very soon. I think our next episode is our Christmas beer episode. Very exciting. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Everyone and every thing and all the stuff.
I don't know why that just popped in my head. We watched... ah What's the... the screw, a Christmas story, but it was not Muppets, the fuck is it? um Scrooge or Bill Murray? Yeah, like Donald Duck and like whatever. Huh. Like that one, like Mickey Mouse. Oh, Mickey Mouse is a Christmas story. Okay. And Mickey Mouse plays Bob Cratchit. Yeah, yeah. and Scrooge McDuck is. Yeah. And then we, so we put it on and and Benjamin was like, then Mickey Mouse? I'm like, yeah. He's like,
How's he doing? He didn't say that, but he's like, what's he doing? Why is he working? Yeah, dude, Mickey Mouse really doesn't have to work. He's got enough money. But it was just so funny. and He was like, he was like, throwing off. He was like, what is this movie? And like, sit down, kid, watch it. Yeah, dude, Mickey Mouse doesn't have to work. He owns Iron Man. Yeah. And and Luke Skywalker.
Yeah. Brown man. Owns it all. The mouse. The Mickey Mouse. The House of Mouse, baby. The House of Mouse. All right, everybody. We'll see you next week. Thanks for listening. Bye. Bye.
This has been

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The Malting Hour. Be sure to follow us on all social media by searching The Malting Hour and at You can also follow us individually on social media. Brandon can be found on Instagram as bmdub81, on Twitter, bdub81, and on Untapped as bdubdrinksbeer. Tony can be found on Instagram and Untapped under Ace of Hope Chicago. On Twitter, The Ace of Hope Chicago. Clark can be found as Clarkowski on all three. Dan can be found on Instagram as hip underscore underscore hops and to hip hops on YouTube. Be sure to subscribe, like and rate the show on your preferred podcast listening platform. Until next time, cheers from all of us at The Malting Hour.