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After The Final Pour S9E11 - Rusty Bull Brewing "Juice Juice" image

After The Final Pour S9E11 - Rusty Bull Brewing "Juice Juice"

The Malting Hour
74 Plays4 months ago

This week Brandon and Tony are tailgating at Soldier Field for the second night of Metallica.

Beer description:
This beer takes you back to your childhood, asking your mother for "juice juice."  You'll be surprised that nothing in this beer came from a box!  With notes of grapefruit, pineapple, and citrus, this juicy, tangy, mouth watering hazy IPA leaves nothing to be desired. An extremely juicy, citrus filled Hazy IPA with grapefruit and pineapple up front, finishing with hints of stone fruit.

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Thanks to Kevin and Deb Goggin for the theme song.
Outro music by Fluid Minds
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Introduction at Metallica Concert

When life gives you an empty cup
Welcome to After the Final Poor, brought to you by The Malting Hour. I am one of your hosts, Tony Golic, joined always with... Brandon Winninger. And we are coming to you from the South parking lot at Soldier Field as we are about to go see the last night of Metallica. Brandon, thank you very much. You're welcome. Yeah, we saw the first night we got to we got there in time to see most of the metallic or a Pantera show and All of the Metallica show minus the last song we saw some of it as we were running out the door To get to our car to get home in 25 minutes instead of an hour and 20 Yeah, it was it was it was a perfect ending to a good night. I don't care What Sebastian says we're doing that again tonight yeah you're running out ah But yeah, it's been awesome, it's my first time seeing Metallica it was super cool and now it's my second time so I feel like I'm a you know ah Banned the caliber of Metallica. It's like if I see them once what's the chance? I'm gonna see him twice and I get to see him twice in one weekend. So it's pretty good that's yeah that's awesome Yeah, and I've told people about the show and they were a lot of people are like oh they're doing two shows.

Metallica Weekend Experience

I'm like fuck yeah, man um And it's completely different set tonight, so excited to see what they play We were lucky enough to get some pretty sweet seats. Yes um and I guess tonight we got some pretty sweet seats again and Excited to see what happens absolutely And so we thought, what better time or way to do an after the Final Four? We had

Rusty Bull Brewing Beer Reviews

a couple of beers already. We had a two women, Lager from... New Glares. And then we had the Cold Snacks from... Montauk. Yeah, you have the Canadian there. yeah Yeah. So this is a perfect after the Final Four. We are drinking Juice Juice from a Rusty Bull Brewing Company and they are from where, Brandon? Oh, North Charleston, South Carolina. Your wife was very nice and brought this back for you.
She was in South Carolina just before Hurricane Debbie hit. God damn it, Debbie. Yeah, so they were there. They announced the hurricane on Sunday, and she busted out on um ah Monday.
Absolutely. So I'm going to read a little bit about this beer. It's called Juice Juice. The Rusty Bull Hazy IPA is built for poolside, charades, and cow tipping. This beer takes you back to childhood. What?
Is that childhood? Does that say childhood? Charades and cow-kipping. What does that say? Oh, childhood. What? Okay, asking your mother for a juice juice. ah You'll be surprised to know that nothing from its beer came from a bad... What? I can't read. I need glasses. Nothing in the beer came from a box with notes of grapefruit, pineapple, and citrus. This juicy, tangy, mouth-watering IPA leaves nothing to be something.
Desired. It is 50 IBUs. It is an IPA. And it is a 6.7% ABV. Let's give it a try here. The other person we're with. He has no idea what we're doing. We're recording. I'm going to take a sip. Did you already sip it? I did. Ooh, it smells good. Yeah. It's a fantastic beer. I like it. Ooh, yeah. That is very juicy. That is real. Damn, that's a good hazy IPA.
The OG was 1.068 and FG 1.017. All right, nice. They give a lot of information on that. I like that. Yeah. it's it Dude, it smells like orange juice. Yeah. This is good. It's brewed with Citra, El Dorado, and Summit hops. That I could read. Yeah. I got that going for me. And yeah, I'm definitely i'm getting the Citra.
Yeah. um Summit, I can't remember the last time I had a summit, a beer with summit hops in it. No. I brewed a beer. I brewed a pale ale with summit. I do like summit hops. Yeah. I'm trying to remember what the character is. So I think summit might be grapefruit. Grapefruit characteristics could be. El Dorado I think tastes like the desert. Sand. Yeah. Or like you bit into a cactus and it just got the thorn in your tongue. That's what that tastes like.
um Yeah, I mean overall like really well

Tailgate Tips and Beer Strategies

done beer. um It's got, I don't know if this is reminiscent of like me asking for a juice when I was a kid, but it's definitely, it's super, super juicy. And unfortunately we we can't see like, we can't get like a color description or anything because we're drinking it out of a can. I saw some of it spill out when you're pouring it into your can. It definitely is like it looks it's orange. It's like a hazy. orange Yeah, it's not like super hazy You can still it's like translucent. You can still kind of see through it Excuse me, but it's definitely like an orange an orange beer which like I feel like this is this is definitely nailing the Hazy IPA in the right way of it being slightly bitter not too sweet like
Remember we've talked about it on other episodes of like, you know when you have an hazy IPA and you burp and you get like that good beer flavor? That's what I'm getting from this. That guy's got bourbon. People are walking around with bourbon here in the parking lot. Slightly jealous but also happy I'm not drinking bourbon because I've got work tomorrow. Yeah. What are these assholes doing? What are you guys doing with your lives that you can just drink bourbon on a Sunday night like that? What are we talking about? We've done, I mean, if they're only drinking bourbon on a Sunday night, think maybe okay, maybe, but all right. So like we, uh, this is our first time well for these two shows. We came here and last time we parked in a different, lot we didn't have enough time to pregame. So we kind of planned ahead to come to a lot so we can buy, uh, bring a couple of beers, drink in the lot.
We had some sandwiches had some sandwiches and then you can not spend as much money when you go in to see the show. $15 Coors Light, baby. I did have a Daisy Cutter from Half Acre on Friday, which was tasty, but I like the idea of not having to buy multiple of those. I don't want to buy too many beers. I just want to enjoy the show.
but yeah man Overall, I've been sipping on it as we were talking here. It's really good. like it's it's It's actually like a refreshing hazy IPA. It's not thick. It's not weighing me down or anything. like This is good. yeah and I feel like this is good weather for it. Right now, i mean we're sitting in a car, obviously. But it's right now it says it's 82 degrees but I think that's just with the sun blasting out. It's more like probably like in the upper 70s. Yeah but we got a ah nice gentle breeze when once we get into the old soldiers field I think we'll have we're gonna be in some shade and as soon as the sun goes down I know the chill is gonna come in a little bit but
Even then like we saw the show Friday. It wasn't that bad I'm looking forward to this next show and I'm glad we're kind of capping this tailgating probably um but well we We need a walking beer yeah, I have the mind I wore my talking for the road Yeah, man. Thanks again. And thank you Becca for getting this beer for us a very kind of you. Oh So how many juice boxes would you give this beer? 4.3 juice boxes. Like I'm going up high with them. And this is like, it's it's a good, I mean, also I'm feeling very generous right now too, because we're in a good mood and you know, we're going to see Metallica again. But I do stand behind the 4.3. If I was going to go like maybe a little more realistic 4.1, but it's a really good hazy IPA that
i Can have because we split a 16 ounce can here I can drink a whole 16 ounce can and another yeah and still not feel like oh I'm weighed down by like a heavy hazy or just a heavy IPA agreed 100% and I My number was gonna be four to

Concert Excitement and Closing Thoughts

five. So we're like right in the same wheelhouse It's crazy that we host a show together and we still and we we come up almost with the same, you know well it's because we We like a lot of the same shit, so I think it kind of worked out. Yeah. Most of the time. That kid's fucking grillin' over there, too! Son of a bitch! Yeah, I almost bought a grill. I almost bought a grill. We need to make friends with people. I know, right? We saw people throw out sausages. Like, we would've taken those. Yeah, we got here just a little too late. Excuse me. I'm so sorry. There was no sausage party left. We love sausage parties. Alright, Brandon. I think that's it. Let's go watch Metallica. Love you, buddy. Love you, too, man. We'll see everybody next week.
This has been The Malting Hour. Be sure to follow us on all social media by searching The Malting Hour and at You can also follow us individually on social media. Brandon can be found on Instagram as bmdub81, on Twitter, bdub81, and on Untapped as bdubdrinksbeer. Tony can be found on Instagram and Untapped under Ace of Hope Chicago. On Twitter, The Ace of Hope Chicago. Clark can be found as Clarkowski on all three. Dan can be found on Instagram as hip underscore underscore hops and to hip hops on YouTube. Be sure to subscribe, like and rate the show on your preferred podcast listening platform. Until next time, cheers from all of us at The Malting Hour.