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Episode 150 - Old Irving Brewing Unofficial Takeover (feat. Matthew Moldenhauer) image

Episode 150 - Old Irving Brewing Unofficial Takeover (feat. Matthew Moldenhauer)

The Malting Hour
46 Plays3 months ago

This week, Matthew of OIB takes the reigns and guides Brandon and Tony through some tasty beers.

Beers on this episode:
Samuel Smith - Taddy Porter
Old Irving Brewing - Maple Cinnamon Prost
Old Irving Brewing - Curst
Off Color Brewing - Double Stuff Dino Smores

Theme music provided by Myke Kelli (@mykekelli)
Outro music provided by @FluidMinds
Check out all our episodes at


Matthew Moldenhauer's Return and Brewing Takeover

This week, we're joined by Matthew Moldenhauer for an unofficial Old Irving brewing takeover. This is episode 150 of
Welcome to The Melting Hour. I'm one of your hosts, Tony Gold, joined always with Brandon Winter. And to my left, coming back after a long hiatus. I don't know, the last time you were on. I mean, do we count GAVF? No. Those are interviews. You're here now sitting with us, like as an actual person. I'm an actual person. You're an actual person today. I did it! Congratulations. It took you this long. Well, thank you. I'm Matthew Moldenhauer. Thank you, Matthew, for your presence. Here with my two great buddies.
who Well, thanks for coming. See you next time. Get out.
what's What's new, Matt? Matthew. Mattie. Big M. Trevor actually did get Griffin to call me Matthew today. Oh, nice. Because Griffin's like, hi, Matt. And Trevor's like, his name's Matthew. It's Matthew. I like that everyone else defends it more for me than me now. You're still just Matt OIB in my phone. You'll always be Matt OIB to me. In your heart.
No, it's been fun. We're just been getting prepared for FOBAB and yeah all the barely stuff and Krampus and Krampus is a like three week ordeal for the pub of making sure we have everything ready and the labels and labels came in today.

Prepping for FOBAB and Krampus

We're de-barreling tomorrow getting everything ready all next week and then
It's the 14th that everything goes live on Osner with pickups on the 19th. We're actually trying to get it the week before Thanksgiving. that'd be A little bit different. Nice. I have plenty of barely aged beer to drink on Thanksgiving now. If I get some. ah So let's talk about the multi-hour variant of Krampus this year.
Yeah. As I said, you guys just have to show up to be bailing. Got to insert, because I swear he said it on the episode. might I might have been off, Mike. Trevor. I don't know if Trevor said it on the episode. I think he did. I think he said it too. That's all right. It's a great joke. It's still a great joke. And if you guys take off and you come over to the brewery. It's not a joke. I will be. I'm showing up tomorrow. You should. Please go do it. I can't show up. I had to take off today to get my card.
Taking care of oh yeah, was it just the tire? Yeah, I got four tires for replace and I have oil change and I'm leaking power steering fluid fluid Let's see fluid that happens when you get old I keep going on basically if I need to get everything fixed I'm looking to spend close like five grand so I got that go for me. Where did you get the tires? I just went to Firestone. yeah I checked out your place, but they didn't have I wasn't able to go and do it today. So Firestone was able to take care of it.

Car Maintenance Challenges

They did a great job. I like the new tires. Tires weren't super expensive.
All in all, that was good with installation. And they did the fuel, or not fuel, the oil change and took with some of the other things. So the other things aren't super pressing. I do need the power steering fluid is what I need to... So when you're driving on driving on the road, you drive a some no wheel you can't turn your... your steering wheel because you got no fluid. Oh god. Did you like drinking a motor oil? Yeah, i gotta I got a flat in Wisconsin over the weekend and had to pull over on 994 and jacked up the car. Jack slipped. So like, all right. Oh, let's do this again. And it tilted. Couldn't do it. Luckily, my friend Mike. see like i'm um
I'm like, I would've hopped in the car and did, I don't care if it's flat, driven it a little bit. No, it was, it was, this was a shredded tire. Like you were on your list? What? Yeah, it wasn't just a flat tire. It was shredded. Were your tires, so you got all your tires replaced? Yeah, it was time. It was time to get them. Are those your original tires on the car? No, no, from 2006. I just had to get my tires replaced last week. No these are these are like they're climbing close to six years which is around the time that you need to get them. Mine was COVID. And it also depends on like the mileage too like I got mine replaced last year around this time and it was
I mean, I only had 30,000 miles on my car, but the tires were still kind of like towards the end. Yeah. It's better to do it than standing up on the side of the road like I was yeah for almost was two hours. Regardless, high I still made it to the cheese castle and made it back, but did not bring any new glorious beer here tonight.

Tasting Samuel Smith's Teddy Porter

We will have the barley wine on another episode.
Oh, speaking of beer, what are we drinking first? Oh, yeah. Hey, Matthew, you're a... Let's let him curate. Yeah, you're curating. I was going to say coordinate. You're curating this episode. Tony, what you brought is one of my favorites, which is Samuel Smith, Teddy Porter. I've never had this before. I've had many a Samuel Smith beer in my day. I still have a Samuel Smith lager in my refrigerator as well. These beers, or this beer in particular, came from a salesperson at my job.
He said, these were in my fridge. I'm not going to drink them. Do you want them? I said, absolutely. I have never had. Oh, okay. There you go. Thank you. Oh, the hood. Now, before warned, I do not know if this beer is old or not. Is there a date on there? don't The British always did the weird.
And I think I just, the ink just came right off. Probably. Well, that's fine. It's a porter. It should, he said it was in his refrigerator. Oh, I had a lot of these after COVID from different bars reopening that were five, six years old, but people, they were still great. Yeah, it's, it's, I'm not, not worried about it.
He's like a porter. Brandon just died. Yeah, it's nice and dry and crisp and it's exactly what do you think of. It's British.

Brewery Closures: Market Challenges

It looks a little darker than I was expecting. The British are dry and crisp.
that's good port i was like you that's Yeah, This is my kind of... 5%. 5% AVV2. That's delicious. I can't believe I've never had this before. I don't really see it around. Oh geez, I'm going to read with the description. So this is, uh, this is off of a beer advocate, by the way. So they're normally only pretty good at grabbing the actual description of beers. Uh, brewed with well, water parentheses, the original well at the old brewery sunk in 1758 is still in use with the hard well, water being drawn from the 80 feet underground malted barley and parentheses, sorry, malted barley, roasted malt, yeast, and hops fermented in stone, Yorkshire squares.
Yeah, when I made my English mild and Samu put us in touch with Samuel Smith, uh, the brewer's joke was like, helped us write the recipe and different things. And he's like, well, you're not going to get well water or stone. So yeah, no shit. we know though You guys probably could have got well water.
Should've done, what did, ah what's it, a hot butcher that went and got the water from? Water of life or whatever it's called. From the the park district or letting up. Yeah, yeah Forest Preserve. Forest Preserve. Up in like and Caldwell Woods or something like that. I think it's Caldwell. All right, I've Cumberland and Irving. Yeah. We are friends of the forest here at old Irving. But yeah, so there's...
Apparently, this spring that just naturally flows, and it's been flowing for decades, and Hoppucher went and got water from there. But the whole story, I think back years ago, the Pope was here, and I think he blessed the what the fuck blessed the fountain or whatever, because people you know praise its magical properties. And Hoppucher showed up and like with gallons and gallons. and gallons of buckets and just like took all of that back and used that to to make something, the beer that they made. And I don't even remember what it was called. Was it called Pope beer?

Old Irving's Beer Appreciation

No, been cooler it was not. I don't know what it was called.
hoop up the bed
Yep another month or two before he comes back. So where is nice so where is I mean obviously England but like do we know exactly where Samuel Smith is that what it is? seama smith samuel smith Yeah, let's see. It's a great question Brandon
You guys talk while I'm looking at it. it was as York's york England. Yeah. York's, okay. York's share is all this brewery. So there we go. Also, I just saw that um Ted Castor, North York's share of England. Well, the original, but Lino Kugels in Chippewa Falls is closing its location.
Well, I saw that. I don't know. I didn't read the article. I just saw the headline saying but after oh a lot of years, we got all the breaking news. This place is closing. I was like, oh shit. Yeah. I mean, it especially next article, these big, it's hard to keep open some of these big areas. I think that's yeah yeah revolution's brew pub. It's really sad after 15 years to see, see that closing temperance. Yeah. Temperance is gone now. I heard.
little rumor that temperance might try to uh Contract brew and keep going but I don't know how viable that actually is. It would be cool. I we we like temperance. I mean get crashers And then it's a great beer did Clark's highest rate. I was gonna say have you talked to Clark? Is he as he cried a lot? I'm sure I'm sure he's quite a lot He's got no brewery like right next to work anymore to go to yeah And it's a bummer because this is normally one might meets right comes. out Yeah around this time too. So I Yeah, that's a great beer. Smitty Town, their ESV. Yeah. What's the other one? that's got pine There's a Pioneer Beach. beach pieapp Beachwood. Beachwood, yeah. That's a good beer. Yeah, Pineapple Blonde. Yeah. And they had a brown ale, too, the last time we were there that I really liked. Yeah. I mean, either way, kind of sucks. And like the thing with Rev sucks, but like to be honest, I think it's been like a year since I've been to the brew pub.
um Kedzie is closer and you know it's a huge facility. And they're doing a lot more with Kedzie and they're trying to do the the rooftop thing. but I wouldn't be surprised if they bring a kitchen over there at some point. I mean, they own the whole building now, I think, right? Yeah. Yeah. And from what I heard is Rev is trying to keep as many of the staff from the pub on higher. Yeah. I don't know in what capacity, but if they're not opening a kitchen,
what do Yeah, do everyone yeah, I mean The food I've always had at Rev has been you know top-notch. It's not you know standard bar food It's you know decent like well-made food, so I hope that it's no older, but no I mean although dude dude like right before you got here. I saw the wing of the week was like these kimchi wings I was like son of a bitch I want those wings yeah with kupi mayo kimchi and chipotle. How'd you bring some?
hate them You should have brought us some. That should be a requirement, man. Stop by the brewery, pick up an assortment of food. We care about the beer. If you record earlier, then it's a possibility. True. That's that's a little tougher for us.
Oh no, Brandon's brain broke. Brandon, what do you think of this beer overall? I like it. How many Yorkshire puddings would you give it? Four to five. yeah and this is it's a it's a It's a salad brownie. It's pork.
ah Sorry, sorry. so Solid porter. I i don't... It's a teddy porter. Yeah, a teddy porter. i don't I don't always go for porters. um Like, I'll choose a stout. Or I would choose a brown ale over it. But, dude, this is like... It's really good. <unk> really And, like, there's not enough um there's not enough ah porters, I think, in the local market.
Eugene. Yeah, yeah, but you know, it's, they're few and far between, but having like, especially when you get something from like one of the oldest breweries in England, you know, still sending stuff over here. That's fantastic. I love that. Well, but that's even GAPF. Like you look at how many people submit towards the competition for porters. It's like 40. Yeah. Where it's like 400, 450 for hazy IPA. Yeah, it's insane.
Oh porters. that Yeah dude that a award ceremony like blows my mind and like you know some of the categories where it's like we had like 55 entries and like out of all these breweries I'm like really? But again you're asking people like especially when you come up with a new style that you can submit to it's hard for people to you know like whip up a beer like if if that's not their wheelhouse but a lot of people came through and like dude like there is Like, and I said this, they were like the West Coast shine. Like they did a lot of shit and like kind of pulled through. Um, we had some winners here out of Chicago and the Illinois area, but like, you know, West coast. Yeah. Yeah. Denver and California did, did quite a bit this year. Not bad. Fine. We'll let them, we'll let them have this year, you know, we'll let them have this year. Next year, it's a whole nother ball game.
Uh, Matthew, yeah how many Yorkshire puddings would you give this, Porter? I prefer a bed pudding. Okay, how many, you're ruining... You can't change it! You can't change it! You can't change it! No butt, right? That's the thing, no butt. This isn't improv. I mean, granted, we're improv-ing this entire...
show we run. I mean really aren't we all improving our lives? um Yeah for me it's definitely right around a four. it's It's delicious, it's easy drinking. um That's why I tend to go towards the but you know dark loggers in the box because you can actually drink a few of these. This has that similar minerality dryness that I can just drink a pint of it and I'd be very happy.
I'm going four or five guys. I really like it. o yeah either there's none i mean it's dork for puddings yeah then here not bread puddings okay sticking with my theme ah yeah a four five I love a really good porter and that like hits everything that I want from it.
you know it's the right of it's it's not like There's like a light body to it, but there's still being like a little, what some people would probably refer it to as heft because it's a darker beer and there's just some bitterness in there and it's dry, but it's really smooth to drink. Like I could drink a whole bunch of those in one night instead of, you know, not like stouts or anything, but that I could have like.
probably three or four of them. Yeah. It's really good. That's how I feel about like a good brown ale too. Like I can drink it like it's, you know, a lager or a pale ale and just keep going back to it. So that I would do with that for sure. It's nice, easy pub beer. Well, I've got one more left at home.
This makes me want to go to England and drink beers. Here we go, mate. All right. Well, I have an exclusive for you guys. cause exclusivey Exclusive? Exclusive, because right now we made a beer for the Lodi Tap House that's out in the West where they do these advent calendars. So you have to buy their advent calendar to get it. And we're not even going to release this probably until we do our Krampus market.
When's the campus market? It's gonna be December 9th on a Sunday perfect and we'll have up to see what maybe your variant What will your variant of campus be what flavors what goes with chocolate and vanilla? I feel like we talked about this and I feel like we either said like Biscoff. Yeah, I think we said Biscoff Biscoff is or Nutella like look those were the two. I think did no go Biscoff i don't how you Do that but do that That's your job. No, it's not my job. Just so you know, December... I think December 9th is a Saturday. I have some Monday about it. It's the 8th. Okay, it's the Sunday. The Bears play the 49ers, so I can miss that. The 7th is... Well, whatever. My kid's school is doing a winter fair. And they are allowing people to buy tables to sell stuff. And I was like, do you guys allow home cooks and stuff? They're like, yeah, of course. So I think I'm going to start cranking out jerky. Yeah. I might need to borrow your dehydrator. Absolutely. You could show me how to use it. Make a bunch of jerky and package it. If you need to taste tester, I'll help you. And sell some jerky there. And Becca is planning on making her cupcakes.
Right. Golly. I should request that for me to be on the episode, you have to make jerky. Touchรฉ. Fair enough, fair enough. Yeah. ah So in the Lodi Taphouse Advent Calendar, we made a special variant of cinnamon prost called maple cinnamon prost. Is this the malting hour variant since we love the spear so much? Definitely should be. um But yeah, this was. We've seen variants evolve. It's my first prost of the year. It's my second prost.
I need to get some more pros now that the weather is cooler here in Chicago. o i had it up in I brought a can with me up to Michigan when I was up there last night. I think, yeah yeah, I text you about it, saying how good it, or maybe I talked to you about it at PhoBab. Not PhoBab, G-A-B-F. Brandon's losing his mind over there. Yeah, my God. And we've been doing 40, I think a little bit of a change. We've been doing 48 hours of cinnamon and vanilla this year, which is really increasing a lot of the nose.
And even ah Nate, our sales manager, he had one the other night and goes, it's a really good beer, and I was like, I know this. And he didn't want to make that public knowledge, so. For it. It is now. Now it's recorded. For it being a sweet beer, it is not... Overly sweet you guys dialed in the cinnamon and sugar as quote and it's just a it's a tasty beer. It's not syrupy I don't feel like I'm being weighed down. It's it's very much prost With and then that maple miss so I get it in the end Yeah, so what I always got from and I think you Tony as well when we first had it we had just done our
cinnamon toast crunch. Oh, yeah. Yeah. um And then when we had this, because we did a cinnamon toast crunch stout. Yeah. And this was like, but and this is supposed to be a white stout, right? Yeah. So our our thing was to go, you know, it tastes like you're eating cinnamon toast crunch. I'm still getting that. But then like at the end, it's like, it tastes like I'm Eating French toast. Yeah, like I just had a bite of French toast. Yeah. It's like the drizzle of maple.

Old Irving's Brewing Ambitions

The maple is so beautiful on the nose, but it's not overwhelming. And it was one of those Trevor dialing it in and everything else. It was his first bench try and we were like, nope, that's the one.
A couple of weeks ago, we were I was picking up my kid from school, and then he was playing on the playground, and we were just sitting around. And this woman and her husband, and I guess they had kids there too, and they were kind of off to the side. And I was just feeling off that day. I was just exhausted and tired, and I was just sitting there, and I was just kind of listening to you know them talk. And I heard she was, oh, ah we went to that brewery, Old Irving, for lunch today. And they were talking to some other guy that was sitting on the bench, and he goes, oh, cool.
And she goes, and we had this beer. It was like cinnamon, chocolate. She goes, no, cinnamon. like Kind of like, I think it's supposed to be kind of like Cinnamon Toast Crunch, something. I don't remember what it was called. And I'm like, I know the name. I'm not in the mood to talk. I was like, because I will insert myself into that conversation and not be able to get out of it. Let me tell you all about it a little bit.
but She was like um she's like oh yeah she's like, we thought you would really like it because you're you're a big beer guy. and i was like I was trying to look at the guy to see if like I can recognize him and like be like, okay, I'll talk to you later. ah But I was so tired. and But yeah, she was like, oh it was so such a good beer. and I was like, yeah, it is. I'm like talking to myself. i'm like but yeah it was it was just kind of It's fun to like be out there and people like recognizing And they're local people anyway, but it was just kind of funny. She said, yeah, we went for lunch and we had food. And the guy, the supposed beer guy that was sitting there, he goes, he said, the food there is outstanding. And I was like, yeah, it is. She's checking on myself. Should have chimed in, man. Should have chimed in. Yeah. I would have, no matter how bad I felt. I did end up going to a meeting at the school. And then when I left, we left that day. And then that afternoon, I went and picked up Benjamin by myself.
And this woman stopped me and she said Brandon from the malting hour and I was like the foot what? And I was I was wearing my hoodie, but I was like what and ah and it was this woman ah Jessica Murphy who used to be a beer writer back in the early days like a fishman she had a blog I was like girls like beer too and I was I was like chatting with her and she goes yeah, she's like my name was in like the newsletter like the week prior and i'm assuming people googled me and the multi hours what kind of comes up first and uh she was like just she was like yeah yeah like
When I was leaving, people people like were coming up to me and saying, hey, there's another beer guy in like the parents' group. There's another beer guy. And they were like pointing to me. and i I was oblivious to all this. ah But yeah, so like she was like super excited. Dude, you're an IMDB? So are you. I know. um and we hash yeah it was it was just kind of funny and i was like oh look at that small world um but like there's other like you know beer people out there and i wish it like things like this winter market i was like I was gonna ask, were like, can we get like beer vendors in there? Somebody served a doctor. You have to get a special event license, which if they are a 501c3, you can, and you can apply for a single day one. Yeah. And if they did do that, we could even donate it, but then you cannot sell it if we donate it. If you want to get into the tax law on this episode. Let's move on. Fair enough.
do Yeah, I don't know what the like rules are against Chicago Public Schools. Because the offense at the school, so I don't know if they can like serve alcohol there. but Probably not. You can apply for special event licenses. If they get approved and you pay like $250 and get all the licensing, yeah, then the city will do that. From what I heard once with a Sketchbook and Northwestern originally, it was like Northwestern.
People were trying to sell beer, and I think it was like one of the parents, and they didn't do it officially. Oh. And it's a big no-no. Yeah. Yeah. And if the government doesn't get the cut... Yeah, little, like, people... If the government doesn't get the cut, they're gonna come and kick your butt. I just made that up. It was really good, wasn't it? I didn't enjoy that. I feel like Northwestern just does whatever they want to do, anyways. I mean, they basically sold their land back to Evanston, because they felt bad.
They're like, oh, this is your town. We owe 90% of the land. I guess we'll sell you some back. You're gonna have some. Here's a corner lot. I gotta be honest. I have to be honest with you, Matthew. I've never been this honest with you before. He loves you. I love you. I do love you. I love you too. I think you guys need to start making this more often. Not more often, but maybe consider doing This could be a good variant at the time of the release. Yeah, if you guys do like this and regular pros or maybe like a different one each year, maybe not Maple, but... Yeah, I'm definitely working on it. This was two, three years of me trying to get this. One of the things that... Have you ever done the low D Tap House advent calendar? No. Never done an advent calendar. They pre-buy 130 cases.
oh of Maple cinnamon, but this is why we have barely have any to sell to oh when I owe a cinnamon person general with maple cinnamon. Oh, that's not to mention 130 cases from every other brewery they're buying from notes. It's like a thousand advent calendars They're one of the biggest Christmas advent calendars. I think they're one of the first two. Mm-hmm And I think this is I think I'm like Ottawa though like I They're outside of the Glen's territory. They're they're near ah Starved Rock, if I remember correctly. Yeah, I think they're Ottawa area, yeah. But they will have different pickups locally. Yes. So you can buy them in Chicago, and then you'll have fine places to find it. They tried to have us be a pickup area. now We don't have parking. We can't handle 300 people showing up to buy advent calendars because we don't have parking. and So yeah please take us off of the pickup spot. And they're like, oh, OK.
But yeah, it's it's an amazing advent calendar, and one of the things that they require or have people do is making a special beer that isn't for anyone else, which a lot of advent calendars do, but having 24 of them, that's impressive. And so yeah, maple, the two that I've been trying to get for a year are just maple cinnamon pros, and I also want to bring back, they only did this like once upon a time before I was even with the old Irving, they did coffee crunch.
o So they did a coffee variant of Cinnamon Prost and so I want to do like a Vietnamese coffee. Yes please. yes please yes please So I think yes please with this that next year as Cinnamon Prost keeps on getting bigger and bigger that we'll be able to have a couple fun. That's awesome. I would i would love that. I can't wait for the multi-car variant of it.
I would love... Biscoff? I mean Biscoff would be pretty good with this. Everything we do is just Biscoff. That's the malting hour of variance. Have you guys ever used Biscoff? Just put your name on it. Call us. Just throw it on there somewhere. I would love um like with these advent calendars you know and you know kind of thinking about the Lodi one, it would be a huge undertaking. but like Getting those ahead of time and then like reviewing all those beers and then like oh do it the day out But that no but then like in December releasing ah to you every day like the beers that me So fun like that's it that's a to be a pain in the ass but like yeah, that would that would be fun I almost got the beer on the wall. I had been counter this year, right?
Did not the thing you do is drink all 24 beers at once and then we're just release your views once a day one other time that was the buy by christian mother you might Drink a beer a day. No, no you drink 24 beers at once. Yes, hundred percent Brandon

Costco vs. Sam's Club: The Membership Debate

you and I could do that. We should do that next year We'll split an advent calendar drink it drink everything on the first of December Release all the Subsequential days up into the 24th by the 24th people sound shit-faced. Yeah that's's the goal i'll Make sure I'm not working on the second. Well, make sure to bring you a case of White Castle What sounds don't worry 12 years in you'll think it's a great Oh, no, I know it's the next day next day Tony would be like Oh God in my everything would just stink after We Brandon how many bottles of Canadian maple syrup are you giving this one?
ah I'm like 475. Dude, I love this beer. Matthew, you're probably biased. But if you were not biased, what would you... You're not biased. What would you... I mean, you can... I mean, you like the beer regardless. I mean... I know. I think I'm probably the biggest advocate at Old Irving for seven pros. I love it. It's... There's something about it that also makes me think about like football season, going tailgating Northwestern games. and I'm like,
I love cinnamon pros because it's that beer that you have at night in the morning. Also, part of the reason why I put some coffee on it. It's a good idea. I like your style. And so I love this beer. So I'll just leave it at that. Yeah. I'm going to go another four or five for me here. Four, six. Somewhere around there. I like the original more, but this is a nice twist on it. I also, maple to me is, you guys hit it. There there have been maple beers where I'm like, whoosh, it's like having old syrup in a beer. I don't like that, but maple I feel like is a very delicate flavor that you don't want to overdo and it tastes really good in the Cinnamon Pro, so.
Well done, old Irving. Well done. Thank you. Yeah, please let everybody know that the malting hour says thank you. And then everybody did a good job. Well, I'm sure you'll see them for their Krampus variant. Yeah, when you go and get our Krampus variant. I'm going to go there tomorrow and insert myself with like 500 Biscoff cookies. Hey, what's up? I showed up for my variant, Trevor.
ah Oh, just bring the Biscoff butter. Butter. Yeah, that'll be a lot easier. That shit is dangerous. Also, it just so don't put it in the beer. Just give me the jar to eat. yeah yeah There's one for you. i imagine he have Matthew, go away. You're just sitting there eating it. All right, I think it's a good time for us to take a quick break because we've got a couple more beers to get to on this very special post-election episode.
And we're back! Welcome back to The Malting Hour. We're joined with the old friend of the show, Matthew Moldenhauer. Thank you. Matthew, you're curating this show other than the one beer that I have, well, I have two beers in this lineup at least. ah What are we drinking? Yeah, we're doing a little OIB takeover right before PhoBab here. One of the beers that we're submitting for PhoBab. Is that the title of this episode?
It's been cursed. Which is the beer that we're pouring here, Old English Spelling of Cursed. It is the Kind of the new bass that was inspired for Krampus that had been singing for, I want to say this one was like 15 to 18 months. It took a long time to figure out the name, but Non Adjunct did Beautiful Beer that we did for our 8th anniversary this year.
and So this one was in wild turkey awesome Booker's and wild turkey rye barrels And has been by far all of our favorites at the brewery the amount of barrel characteristic that you get off of this one is just delightful and so Yeah, this was one of the first times with these big barrel aged beers that we also didn't use any milk sugar. So now, vegan friendly and if you're lactose intolerant also, really great for this one. So I won't have stinky farts after this? What else did you eat? Too shady. I had a chicken wrap. From?
No local? My kitchen. You make your own tuna. Look at you fancy pants. Didn't you bring any else for the class? I bought beers to share. I had to pick up my car. I didn't really have time.
But yeah, so we're gonna be submitting this one and champerado for PhoBab Festival, barrel aged beers coming up. In addition, we're also sp sponsoring with a few other breweries doing the lager lounge, which is my favorite part of PhoBab. I just love sitting there drinking lagers while everyone else is getting shitfaced on barrel aged beer.
We last year, we get it an hour early. Thank you to the Illinois craft. version Thank you. Words are tough sometimes. ah We get a chance to get an hour early. So Brandon and I, at least last year, not on purpose, but pretty much hit everything that we wanted to try right away, like in that first hour. yeah And then it was like, all right, now let's go. We'll go drink some lagers and walk around and hang out. Yeah, and that's kind of that's kind of like the like, I feel like, you know, us being lucky enough to get invited as media, it's nice to be able to hit the spots that you want. Right. And then just hang out for the day and like, and then we have, you know, we'll sample some other things throughout the day. I see something like, oh, that looks good. But it's it's nice to have that. And that's
People who buy, and isn't that a VIP ticket too? Yes. That you can get in an hour early. It's either VIP or if you're an imbibe member, yeah you automatically get that hour early entry. Which is, it is nice. It is not crowded. You literally can stand at a booth that maybe has two or three beers that you want to try and try them all there at the same time. Yeah, which the other thing, if you already are going to the festival and you buy tickets and you're not an imbibe member, you get discounted tickets for being with imbibe and So like that's already a huge deal. yeah And then did Ray and Katie tell you the thing that they're doing for the first time ever with Osner? Not yet because Ray is coming out next week. Oh right beforehand. Well then I will just give you the little teaser that there's a really fun thing that they're doing with Osner. Sadly we
Just because of our production schedule and how everything was set up that we really couldn't take advantage of it this year. um But Osner and Phobab with the Only Craft Brewers Guild is doing some really fun stuff. I think I can put it together but ah look forward to Ray telling us. What do you do with Osner and buying expensive rare beers and what does Phobab have to do together? Pretty sure that's just going to be the lager lounge and all hop water that we can get.
Yeah, that's exactly what you're going to get from Austin. Sounds good. I like hot water. I do too. ah This beer is really good, man. This is really... Brandon, you got to try this on your birthday. Yep. You've already had this. I did. I love it. this is I was like, you went through that little glass there. What do you guys think of the barrel characteristic? Do you like having more of that? Yes.
I'm sorry, I'm also yawning because when you talk it bores me. Wow, and trying to send love on this day of all days. Yeah, I'm giving back what the world's put out today. I really do like i do like a bigger barrel characteristic in Burlidge beers. I feel like there's so many barrel aged beers now that yes you can taste like oh yeah this is barrel aged but I think what I've come to look for is when you can actually get like a stronger barrel characteristic in barrel aged beers I tend to enjoy those a bit more. Yeah when it gets lost it's it sucks and it and it gets lost in a lot of beers with adjuncts and things like that but like this one is done you know really well and it's
it's The barrel, I think, is coming out way more than most of the other stuff, um which I appreciate. you know And the the the amount of barrels, you know what is it, three different barrels that are used on this? like I'm getting a lot of the rye. Not a lot, a lot. like in a like If you don't like rye, you wouldn't like this. But i it's standing out to me maybe because I'm a little more sensitive to it. but it's stand And I like rye. Sometimes it's rye barrel-age stuff I'm not too keen on. too keenan but the rice stands out in a good way and I really enjoy it. Agreed. Yeah. Very, very well done. Very, it's a very good blend of all those barrels. Um, and it creates a fantastic sipper. Very cool beer, but I'm not sipping it. Yeah. almost I love that. I'm almost done with it. Yeah. It's one of the few barely accepts for me that I actually have gone back to multiple times. Is there more in that game? Yeah. Yes.
I know. You want another can. Don't worry. This beer was cursed and caused a lot of headaches for us. I will take any lowfills you have sitting around. I'll have a couple for you. Thanks buddy. I appreciate it. Take back what I said about yawning when you speak. I do. Thank you. I do.
Oh, shit, you heard that? well How many kings of the dead do you get? Oh, look at him stepping in. This guy really wants to show. This guy is really trying to get a spot on this. We did say that. I think I did rate this on untapped and I don't remember. I may have given it a five, but like ah because I did. I think it was fresh, a lot fresher September 17th when I got it.
um And I'm still like in that in that wheelhouse. I think like it's another 4.75 for me. like It's so good. I'm drinking it quick. So yeah I definitely enjoy it. And I hope to see you more of this. You will, kind of. I'm going with brand. I'm going to do 4.47 on this. I really like this. It's very tasty. The rye, I like the way it stands out. This is good.
Well, thank you. Is this the end of the OIB sponsored segment? I mean... Oh, shit! No. Oh, you tell us. We got a couple more, all the rain beers lying around here. No, thank you guys. It's still got too untapped.
Oh yeah, that's right. Trevor, I think especially with having the new facility and kind of being able to grow the team, the barrel age program for Trevor has always been kind of front and center for him and he really gets to spend a lot of time with that and picking barrels. Him and Ethan just went down to Castle and King to pick up some special barrels. And so there's some more fun things lined up and planned and Now that we have this new facility, there's just going to be even more fun things. Does that mean at some point there's not going to be barrels laying around at the pub? Very soon, hopefully, after we de-barrel everything. I like barrels. We're still going to have some barrels, but we're going to use the NX more. But we're actually going to try to bring back and have that back area to have seating and games and special events. I like that area. Where I did bocce ball years ago.
I played bags back there. Bags? Bags. I just want to come stand around and drink in the back of the burger. I think it was the first time we talked to Trevor.
and or maybe it was it but I remember having this conversation with Trevor. He was talking about like um the space that you guys have. It was before you bought the the new spot, obviously. um And he was like, oh, yeah. He's like, now we got a forklift, a really big forklift. And he goes, I can put barrels up there. And I'm like, dude, I'll put barrels above people's heads. I don't you know i don't and don't know if this building is structurally sound for that. But yeah, it was funny. He was like super excited about it. but you know having that new space you know i you know i digress in saying that like yeah i love like the barrel characteristic and things like that uh being there but um opening that space back up would be awesome because dude i loved going in there and like
even just you know having a drink or some food, like sitting next to like that little facility right there to make beers. It's kind of cool to watch. And Benjamin, my son, is always like, every time we go there, he wants to go back and look. And he'll like run into the brewery and I'm like, no! I'm like, I've got to stop. I'm like, you've got to stand right here. And he's like, but I've seen you go back there. I'm like, that's because Mr. Matthews back there and I'm talking to him or something like that. Because Daddy hosts a podcast.
I got privilege as to you, kid. Yeah. Start your own podcast. Children drinking beers. We're beer kids. Boom. You have to host that podcast in Wisconsin. Yeah. We're beer Speaking of that, we we got a Costco membership. Hey. Did you get it for the double jump chocolate cookie? And I did not get that. We got it. cause um this weekend we were going to go to Sam's Club. And I was like, whatever, Costco's got some, because Costco's a little closer. yeah And I was like, I looked on Groupon and they had the membership and then like a $45 digital like card, you know, like gift card. I was like, let's just do that. So we did that. um And there's a person who works there.
Like the last time I was at Costco was in 2019 and he was there. Uh, and he was there again and I feel bad calling him out, but it was, uh, there is a liquor store that is on Elston Capone. Uh, Freddie is a worker.
the owner of Capone's works at Costco, and I was like, what are you doing here, man? And he was there again, like, when we were there this week, and I was like, this is crazy. But anyways, that Costco is a shit show, man, like. When did you go? I think Sunday. Oh, yeah, you went on a weekend, yeah, yeah. But like, nobody, that's a good name, let's take a break. But here's the thing, is like, we can go to Sam's Club on, like, in parking's like easy, it's not like insane. But the thing I always loved about,
And I still love about Sam's Club. We still have that membership. They've got Scan and Go. like I could just put stuff in my cart, scan it with my phone, and just check out. And we walk out and just show them my phone. And I don't have to wait in the lines. This rich motherfucker. Seriously. He has a Costco and a Sam's Club membership. He's living the dream. He's just burning money. I paid $25 for my Costco membership. No. He's got that multi-hour money. You can count. You can cancel your membership.
at any time at either of these clubs and get a full refund oh doesn't matter what time of the year look at that you guys got a lot of new sponsors yeah yeah we're sponsored by Costco and Samsung boom all right let's get to this next beer This

Double Stuffed Dino S'mores Tasting

one you brought. I brought it. It is from we this is a very local show as a lot of our sweaty can condensation. My refrigerator is really cold. um This is from Off Color. This is their double stuffed dino s'mores in a 16 ounce can. It is a double s'more stout. It is 12% alcohol.
The secret ingredients in this one is moles, acids, oh wait, molasses, Belgian candy syrup, vanilla beans, cacao nibs, and lactose sugar. So if you are lactose intolerant, this beer will make you fart. Maybe poop. I'm playing for myself first because I'm that guy. I'm rude.
I like, even as you're pouring it, it's a little bit thinner still. Yeah, they're not, it's not, what I like about Dino Smores, I think it's, you know what, I'll let you say it, because I think you were about to say it, Matthew. No, please. No, please, you go. You're the guest. You're the special co-host. Laffler's been making this beer, I mean, obviously they've been around longer than most people, so this beer has been a mainstay for a very long time. And so this is kind of, when people were making adjuncted beers, when no one else was and doing marshmallow and vanilla and everything else. But you can tell kind of like the same thing when you go back to a dragon's milk where you're like the body, like the gravity is not. Yeah. Yeah. This doesn't equal up. Yeah. So I'll tell you what I like about this one. I like how much there's how much vanilla I get this as opposed to regular dinosmores. Regular dinosmores I enjoy. We,
I usually get it 12%. Oh wow. And what I like about this also is that I was concerned coming off of cursed, that's a little bit sweeter, but not like, you know, syrupy sweet, that I was going to lose a little bit of the sweet, the the mild sweetness that is in this and I do not. And I think having that big vanilla in this, it's not like, you know, a vanilla bomb, but The vanilla is there, you can taste it, and I really like this. I was really happy when I tried, this is the second one that I've had, so I was very happy. I almost, not gonna lie, I almost prefer this one, not because of the ABV, but because of the flavor profile of it. I think I prefer it over the original Dino S'mores.
Yeah, I mean, I haven't had original dinosmores in a long time, but for me, too, I was looking to see if there's any chocolate in this, and maybe it's just having curse beforehand, but I'm getting a really big, like, yeah like dark chocolate bitterness with it that I really like that I don't remember getting from dinosmores. No. Dinosmores is very, in a good way, subtle, I feel like. It's not a big, like, oh, here's all these adjuncts and a stout, you know, it's...
It's a very good beer that does remind me of, you know, s'mores. Um, but this one is like a heftier flavor. version What I, what I feel like I'm missing on this is the, I feel like regular dinosmores had some like Graham X, you know, whatever there was like that, you know, biscuity. Yeah. Like the the Graham cracker.
you know cuz if you're going for a s'mores like that's you know that's a key thing i feel like that's kind of missing but the chocolate and the vanilla are super prominent and i'm not mad at it um but calling it you know S'mores. Yeah, s'mores is like, you know, come on, guys. But because you when you read the list of like the... I didn't read the malts. No, I didn't read the malts. I did read the ingredients. Well, yeah, and now secret ingredients. yes What are the what's the were the ingredients, the malts in there? The malts are pale ale, Munich, flaked barley, extra special oats and roasted wheat with nougataps.
I feel like so you said nuga tapas and i'm like what the oh and i feel like we read this like we did this before and there was nothing like, you know, graham cracker specific. So I think they're just gathering that from the malt, um, which is fine, but I feel like it's, it's in this, it's being drowned

Childhood Ghostbusters Fascination

out by the other stuff, but still like,
I like this beer and like I would probably prefer this over the other stuff because the other one, the maltiness was a little more prominent and this is now like vanilla and chocolate prominent and I enjoy that. And look at the mouse. He looks like the state puffed marshmallow man.
Yeah, that's one of my favorites that they've done. Yeah. I figured you'd like that the most, Brandon. Don't show that to Benjamin. I want some of that. It's like literally nonstop Ghostbusters with him. You're actually starting to dislike Ghostbusters at this point. Oh, yeah. yes Don't tell Trump about it.
It's been a battle. No, like literally, the kid wakes up. He wakes up and like just starts humming. He's like, man man man in and like acting like he's got a blaster in his hand and then what I really feel bad about is that my he stayed at my sister's house a couple weeks ago and my nephew he was you know he's all Ghostbusters all the time my nephew's like you know Ghostbusters aren't real right and then like when we picked him up he was like kind of sad and he was I was like what's wrong bud he's like
Sam said ghost blasters aren't real and I'm like well there are people that track ghost like so we're like trying to play it up like yeah like people do go and look for ghost dude like that's it's it's a thing they may not have cool blasters yeah but like the real sad thing is like he is like Chomping at the bit for us to take him to New York Oh God cuz he wants to go see the Ghostbusters house and I'm like I could take you to go see the firehouse and then he's he's gonna want to go in cuz he's gonna think Ecto ones in there and I'm like, dude Should they just have it as an Ecto one there? Like they should be like that should not be a firehouse. Anyway, it's still an active firehouse, but they do. Yeah Oh, yeah, but they do have like a
It's like, they have it like, Ghostbuster themed now, like, you know, like they have the sign on the wall and like, all this shit, but I'm like, I don't know what to tell them. You think the firemen get sick of that? They come in, they're just like, yeah, it's the Ghostbusters. I feel like, you know, I think the door's always shut. It's like one of the firehouses where they never open the door. Because people would just walk in, you know they would. If I was a New York firefighter, that's where I'd want to be stationed.
I'd want the Ghostbusters, Firehouse. Yeah. Do, Ray. Egon. One of my favorite parts of that movie. ah Brandon, how many state puff marshmallow men are you giving this? I'm going to go four, two, five. Matthew? I'm right around that four, four, one. Yeah. I want to say I think I did four, two, five, four, four five, maybe even. I really like this because As I was saying before, we started the show off, Mike, you know, sometimes with me, I'm sensitive to bitter malts, roasted malts. Sometimes I get a metallic taste and I know it's just, ah I've learned that as we've done this show that I can't really rate a beer like that.
And sometimes there have been batches of dino s'mores, depending on maybe what I had that day or whatever, that I get a little of that metallic and I don't get any of that from this. So, I mean, I clearly like it. I keep buying it every year when it comes out. And coffee dino s'mores is one of my favorites. Coffee dino s'mores is great. It's very good. And I was wrong. There is coconuts. I was like, there can't not be coconuts. Oh, yeah, yeah. That was a great turn.
That extra bitterness, I think they nailed the cocoa chops on this one. Absolutely. It's good. I really enjoy it. I'm glad we had that. I'm glad I got to share that with you guys. Thank you. Brandon, where are we at on time? 51 minutes.
You know, I'd say let's have another beer, but why don't we do it after the final part? Okay, that works. Matthew, thank you for joining us again on this ho pre-phobab episode. Pre-pre-phobab? Yeah, because the next time we're talking around, then we're going to be going to phobab shortly after. Sound like phobab. It's like pre-pre-pre-phobab, though, because it's, you know, still many weeks. Whatever. Thanks for joining us again. i Appreciate it. Thank you for bringing us some beers.
It's always my pleasure. You guys are people that I love sharing beers with because I don't drink enough on my own, honestly. So it's it's fun to actually be able to share this with you guys. Awesome. Well, next time I'll bring some Coors Light too. Hell yeah. Brandon, love you, buddy. Love you too, man. We'll see everybody next week. Bye. God save America.
This has been The Malting Hour. Be sure to follow us on all social media by searching The Malting Hour and at You can also follow us individually on social media. Brandon can be found on Instagram as bmdub81, on Twitter, bdub81, and on Untapped as bdubdrinksbeer. Tony can be found on Instagram and Untapped under Ace of Hope Chicago. On Twitter, The Ace of Hope Chicago. Clark can be found as Clarkowski on all three. Dan can be found on Instagram as hip underscore underscore hops and to hip hops on YouTube. Be sure to subscribe, like and rate the show on your preferred podcast listening platform. Until next time, cheers from all of us at The Malting Hour.