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Episode 179: Insert Episode Title Here image

Episode 179: Insert Episode Title Here

E178 · Goblin Lore Podcast
324 Plays1 year ago

Hello, Podwalkers, and welcome back to another episode of the Goblin Lore Podcast! The goblins want to remind you that we have a very active and open Discord and love the oppurtinity for you all to join! Last week in typical Goblin Fashion, the best laid plans fell to waste. Hobbes had a stomach flu and so this episode did not get edited. But Alex and Taya had recorded, some updates of where they are and how life has been going. Please enjoy and know we have some cool stuff coming soon!

Again we would like to state that Black Lives Matter

We also are proud to have partnered with Grinding Coffee Co a black, LGBT+ affiliated and owned, coffee business that is aimed at providing coffee to gamers. You can read more about their mission here. You can use our partner code for discounted coffee!

We also finally have a Linktree with all of our discounts/resources


As promised, we keep Mental Health Links available every episode. But For general Mental Health the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has great resources for people struggling with mental health concerns as well as their families. We also want to draw attention to this article on stigma from NAMI's site.

If you’re thinking about suicide or just need someone to talk to right now, you can get support from any of the resources below.


Opening and closing music by Wintergatan (@wintergatan). Logo art by Steven Raffael (@SteveRaffle)

Goblin Lore is proud to be presented by Hipsters of the Coast, and a part of their growing Vorthos content – as well as Magic content of all kinds. Check them out at


Introduction and Sponsor Thanks

Hello Podwalkers and welcome to another episode of the Goblin Lore podcast. This week we've got kind of a little bit of a grab bag of topics to talk about which sort of emulates our last episode which was a mailbag episode where our topic was just random questions from community. This one rather than that we're kind of just some various topics that are coming up for the cast that we wanted to talk about and
I'm going to start. I'm going to introduce myself to the co-host who's here and then we'll kind of get into the topic. So I'm Alex Newman on Twitter at Mel underscore chronicler. My pronouns are he, him and Taya. Hey, I'm Taya. I'm pronouns are she, her, she, her, they, them. Wow. I'm really on it tonight.
I'm at Taya transcends on Twitter. And before we go any further, I'd like to thank the grinding coffee company for sponsoring us and supporting us. You can find their links at the on our link tree with all of our other wonderful sponsors and friends of the cast. So please check them out. Thank you so much for always remembering to thank them at the top of the show. I am
bad at that. I get it sometimes, but I'm generally pretty bad at it. And I would have forgotten today because I'm going to make a joke about how Hobbs is missing this episode to help demonstrate what you might be hearing for the next few weeks here on the Goblin war podcast. Just some reason the month of March just happened to be a time where we had a bunch of things scheduled and stuff going on. So
Our goal is to still get you an episode every week this month. We'll see how that goes.

Scheduling and Mental Health Breaks

Obviously, if it's going to be a case where we can't, we'll try to get that notice out on at least Twitter and stuff, give people a heads up. We like to practice what we preach. We talk about mental health a lot, which will be a topic we revisit a little bit in this episode, which means that there's just going to be some times where we have to take the week off. I'll say that might happen. Our goal is to hit every week in March, but
there are definitely going to be at least the next several weeks at one or sometimes two hosts will not be present just due to scheduling things. And so we just wanted to give a heads up about that. Obviously Hobbs is not here today. That just something came up. Hope you feel better Hobbs. Yes, Hobbs feel better. We forgot Alex. Oh, what have we forgotten? We forgot a question of the week.

Vacation Destinations and Weather

Yes, we did go any further. I think on the topic of being off or not around, why don't we go with what? You know, where would you like to take a vacation? You know, because I think a lot of us could use one. Yeah, that is a good question, especially with how the weather's been in your neck of the woods. It's been disgusting.
Do you have an answer or should I just talk about the weather at the moment? I am about to go on Joko cruise. It is next week. So I will be in the Caribbean for a week. I am super looking forward to that because it has been cold enough here to snow several times in the last few days and it's not supposed to do that. And I'm very unhappy with the state of affairs. But yeah, so I'm going to be, I'm going to be taking the Ixalan cruise option, hopefully without the pirates.
or the vampire conquistadors. But I'm going someplace warm and nice and hanging out on a boat with a few thousand other geeks for a week. Just being a total nerd.
That is fantastic. Yeah, I don't know. It's weird. I tend to travel for events. So I don't do a lot of destination traveling. Myself is just kind of the...
nature of how I like to go to things. And so thinking about now, I'd like to, I mean, just about anywhere that is warm would be nice. We got a lot of snow in Minneapolis, in Minnesota in general, and a part of the Northern, a lot of the Northern Midwest got a lot of snow. And then today it started raining, which is just wonderful when you have a whole bunch of snow on the ground still. And it's hovering in that right around freezing. So you get that freezing rain.
which then turns into normal rain and slush during the day, and then just hardens into ice overnight. It's Yeah, you get those wonderful sheets of ice on everything. Oh, it's disgusting. And I yeah, this is a thing I'm going to be having to deal with this week. This is one of my
Big stressors this week and last week I have to figure out how to get to work because I normally walk like six blocks to go to the bus to catch the bus to get to work. And it's legitimately dangerous during some of these bouts of weather. The last limb I broke was when I decided I was going to be walking to work when there were sheets of ice. I have a friend who broke her leg on the ice here the other day and I hope she gets better soon.
Yeah, it sucks. At least for myself, it was not a terribly bad break, but it still sucks a lot to have your ability to walk around and impact that greatly for a period of time.
And so I'm dealing with that. And so it's like, one place sounds nice, though it's a little weird and maybe ironic. I'm never entirely sure I know the definition of that word, thanks to growing up in the 90s. But the first thought in my head when you mentioned that question is Seattle.
in part because I have a group of friends who likes to do just board game. We met playing World of Warcraft. We met online. So it's an online community that's all over the US, mostly on the East Coast. But so what we tend to do, what we've started doing is renting a house for a week, hang out for a week and just be a bunch of nerds and hang out.
And so like I skipped last year, we went with our first year doing this was in 2020, January of 2020. So it was pretty well timed for us.
But we're doing it this year. Seattle just lost the poll. And so we're going to be east coast somewhere on a lake, which don't get me wrong. I'm going to love sitting on a lake for a week and just reading books, maybe playing my switch. But I want to go to Seattle at some point. That is one of the places I would like to just go, whether it's for an event or not. There's a lot out here. I wouldn't be surprised if we end up with a Magic Con out here next year.
Yeah, which, which could be a good time for me to visit, but also one of the people in the group, like one of the other few who is not East coast. It's like one dude in Milwaukee, me in Minneapolis, and then one guy in Seattle. And so it's usually the three of us traveling to the East coast for everyone else.
But I told the guy in Seattle, I'm like, next year I'm putting my weight behind Seattle with you. I want to do this in Seattle. So we'll see. We'll see what next year looks like. But so that, that was kind of, I think that's where I'd like to take a vacation. Maybe not now, if you all have snow and ice and it's similar weather to what I got right here, but.
That is on my waist. We've been hovering in that, you know, freezing to 40 degree range, too, which makes for lovely weather. Yeah. And our next week is so it's supposed to start snowing tomorrow, which is going to be fantastic. It'll be above melting, but it's going to be like cloudy all day. So it's probably not going to clear up any of the water that's standing. And then there's going to snow tomorrow night into Wednesday.
Um, at least Thursday, Friday, over the weekend is, is partly cloudy and melting temps. And then we get snow next week. So I, I don't know. It's going to be a disgusting couple of weeks for me. Yeah. I'll be thinking about you when I'm, when I'm in the, uh, 80 degree, uh, uh, ocean water. I appreciate that. When I get one little breeze that isn't like bitterly cold, like that, the tea is up that, and I'll appreciate it. All right. So.
putting my weather rants aside because that's a big Minnesota thing. We all talk about that. And the Blizzard of 1991, we talked about that a lot this last week with the Blizzard that came through.
last week, but putting all of that aside, let's talk about the topic of the episode. So, which is, I think this was your idea. Let's, let's talk about this so we can kind of do some of the update stuff at the end. You were talking about, well, what don't you intro it? Yeah.

Mental Health Check-In

So I just thought, you know, we, one of our key tenants here is, you know, mental health and talking about
you know, how we're doing, how it impacts us and everything. I thought it'd be good just to check in with the host and see where we're at, you know, what, um, how we're doing, you know, discuss things that you might be on our mind and it goes part towards, you know, de-stigmatizing, discussing mental health in general and just, you know, getting to know or getting so people know that other people are dealing with these problems too. And it's not something that's just them.
Yeah. Yeah. I think that's a great topic. It's been a little while since we've done a dedicated mental health show, if I recall, but it's a main tenet. Like you say, it's one of the core things that we like to talk about. I guess I can start if you'd like, unless you... Sure. Go ahead. Okay. So I'm feeling okay. The weather is
a fairly recent thing. Well, for me right now, it's just a lot of stress adding up. And it's one of the weird things we talk about stressors, and we talk about how that can factor into mental health and stuff. And a lot of times, it's usually
I want to say bad things, but it's things we would conceive of as negative, adding negative stress to our lives. And for me right now, unfortunately, for the most part, it's more things that I have a positive impression of, adding stress that is building up into kind of a negative thing in my life right now. And none of these are super major. I guess my work one kind of sucks. I don't want to get into a lot of details there. The job itself, I love the company.
I love most of the people I work with, but we are still struggling with somebody retired at the end of the year. And then our supervisor, who we only had for about a year or so, he replaced a previous one who left, left at the end of the year. And in a lot of ways, we're still trying to get back to a sense of like, get back to a balance.
for ourselves where we feel like we're in a good spot. We still sort of feel like we're treading water right now. We got a temp in who worked for a few weeks and then there were some issues and they're no longer working with our company. It took a few days of working through some things and finding some stuff that just hadn't gotten done or was getting missed and stuff. And I don't want to go into any more detail than that, but that was a source of stress and
Now we've got a new temp who's starting to pick stuff up, which is great. And I'm starting to feel like we're moving toward a better spot, but it still kind of feels like we either just get everything done in a day or we don't get everything done. And then stuff starts to build up. So we're working through that. I feel it's getting better, but that is adding a lot of stress to me.
And then it doesn't help that my, a couple of my hobbies and the things that I tend to, that helps me de-stress are now sources of stress as well. I have, I've been playing Wild Classic for a while, which I mentioned on and off here and there, but that guild sort of just stopped. So I actually haven't played for a few weeks now because we were all,
It's a lot of time to go into details for things. People who don't play games like that would be able to understand. So I don't want to get too deep. But basically, a group of friends we'd been playing for a couple of months, and then it just kind of didn't work out.
We tried to get some stuff going. We managed to run one week, get together two nights in that one week. But in a span of like three or four weeks, we missed all but one of them. And then we just kind of stopped. Yeah. I think almost everybody who's into any kind of gaming can understand, you know, trying to get game people together to game on a regular basis and just how difficult that can be, especially when things start to fall apart on there.
And you go to where things aren't regular, and then things just don't happen. Normally, people's schedules don't line up. It's just so common. And I think it's probably the death of most D&D campaigns or any DTRPG campaigns as well. That's a good comparison. That's a good call.
There's a few weird factors there. And then of course, for me, I feel guilty. Well, I could have put in this and that, but I just don't have the capacity to put in more than I was putting in. And it's unfortunate because again, work and everything else going on. But so that happened. And honestly, that was a few weeks ago, which...
at this point is kind of good. It's given me a little more time. And I'm moving far enough away from that that that's no longer really a stress point. It's just kind of a little bit of I'm a little sad, like I love that group of people and doing stuff with them, but it just doesn't work right now.
Um, but now I have one of the mentioned tabletop role-playing games. I have a group that I'm in right now that is going through its own stress last week. I wasn't at the session again. I'm not going to go into a lot of details because I wasn't even there. So I don't know a lot of the details, but it sounds like there was a disagreement about a ruling. And then the player and the game master have, there's been some back and forth and it sounds like not.
I don't want to say it was getting really, it wasn't quite getting nasty, but it was definitely getting contentious in a direction that for that sort of hobby could end the group, could cause issues with the group, could break the group into pieces. It's also possible that it won't, we're going to meet this week, it sounds like, with everybody, and maybe we can kind of step through the issues and come out and continue to play over the next few weeks, but that's really... Yeah, I hope that works out. Oh, I got it.
Yeah, that's been the sort of blinking red light for me the last week in that regard was that going off and then getting messages from this person or getting messages from just this partial group and just trying to
I don't know, parse the situation and then figure out how I want to react to the situation. And I'm still kind of working through some of that. So hopefully this week I haven't figured out by the time we all sit down and can try to talk through it. At least I'll say we are getting together. It sounds like everybody is on board for let's sit down and get together. So that's a good place to be to start working from. So that is a positive thing.
All of that sort of adds up to, by and large, I'm not in a bad place, but I just am kind of a little more tired just all the time because of all the various small stressor things that are demanding my attention. And I don't know, it's...
It's not a bad place to be in, but especially as you said to being open, talking about these things, trying to de-stigmatize the stuff. I think it's also valuable to point out, and we pointed it out in some episodes when it's germane to the topic, but it's valuable to point out that sometimes the things that are your de-stressors can become stressors. And it's important to be cognizant that that can happen because sometimes then you need to work on that. Yeah. I mean, people get stressed out over magic. Really?
I mean that was a big topic during blockdowns too where it's like suddenly if you know you sit in front of your computer to game or whatever for your hobbies and now you're sitting in front of your computer eight hours a day because you have a remote job or you're in your house all the time where normally you'd have been in there you know part of the day in the evening to relax now you're there all day.
I mean I have to say I'm one of those people I've been a lifelong video gamer but ever since the pandemic started and me moving to full-time remote work I don't spend a lot of time playing video games I'm just I'm at my desk so much already I don't want to spend more time here when I'm off yeah I mean I've never been a big PC gamer but to be honest
It kind of worked out that I have my console camera because it allowed me that different space.

Impact of Anti-Trans Legislation on Mental Health

I'd set my computer, do stuff, and it's like, all right, I'm going to sit on my couch and do that. But how you doing, Taylor? Well, I mean, personally, my life is pretty good. That, you know, it doesn't mean, though, that you don't deal with depression and anxiety. And oh, boy, is there plenty of stuff to be anxious about as a trans person in America right now.
You know, there was over 300 bills proposed across the country that were anti-trans or anti-LBGT. They're all pretty much passing right now in the southern states, the red states, not just the southern states. I should be more specific. Everything from banning medical transition care at any age to making being in a bathroom that aligns with your gender identity a felony with the same
The same level of felony is sexual interaction with a minor. It's just absolutely obscene what's going on out there and these things are passing and they're getting implemented. Knowing that if Republicans take over the White House next year, this is going nationwide, they've already made it a part of their campaign platforms, the Republican front runners.
Uh, and then there's even going to be even like in a supposedly safe state like Washington, you know, this stuff's going to be affecting us. And like, it's not good for my anxiety at all. I am like constantly in a state of panic, um, over everything. And it's just every day waking up to more and more bad news about these things passing and being implemented.
And, you know, fear for my other, you know, my transgender siblings across the country and fear for what's coming next. And it's, you know, it really is not going well with my anxiety, which then triggers my depression. And then I get to the point where I don't appreciate the good, positive things that are going on in my life because I'm too focused on all this negativity of
what's going on in the wider world and it's hard to appreciate those good things that are happening for me when it feels like there's a lot of stuff outside my control that I just can't do anything about and that ultimately will be a bigger problem than the things I can do stuff about. Yeah.
It's just so yeah, my anxiety and depression have been pretty bad for me lately. You know, I've had several
discussions with my psychologist about my depression. And, you know, it's taking the, you know, the standardized scoring systems they have, it keeps, you know, even on a regular treatment program, I'm still scoring is moderate, moderately depressed all the time. And I think, you know, if I was still struggling with work issues or anything like I was before switching to my new job, probably be severe depression right now. You know, it just feels like
There's just so much to be fearful of and it's like anxiety is a lot of times it's Not necessarily justifiable fear, but these things are actually happening so it's you know, it just feeds further into that anxiety where You're not getting that. Well, these are things that could happen. These are things that are happening And You know, I'd like to point out
Tularean Community College just did a huge fundraiser for Trans Lifeline and that's really great, but one of my friends posted a thread and was like, well, trans people could really use help before it gets to the point where they need to call a suicide hotline.

Support for Trans Community Beyond Prevention

I retweeted their thread the other day, but there's all these other things going on that we should keep in mind and if people can support it. The Lavender Rights Project is working to fight some of these bills and the ACLU is fighting some of these things.
things that trans people can do otherwise, like community theater or choirs or anything, there's just a lot to do. And I'm not taking anything away from that huge amount of money the community raised. That's amazing. But I just want to say that, you know, there's more than just suicide prevention to consider for trans people right now, although that's really important the way things are going.
Yeah, that's a good call out too. And thank you for that. It's a good reminder of other things too. Like I said, it's important, but there's other important things too. Yeah. It's hard not to be permanently stressed out right now, to be honest. Some days I'm like,
It affects my sleeve. I don't sleep well when I'm just anxious. I will wake up in the middle of the night and just have a thought about, oh dear, what's going on now or what's going to happen next November. And then I can't get back to sleep. Anxiety is just, it's terrible to deal with. If you don't deal with it and have to deal with these thoughts and these emotions on a regular basis, it's continually wearing.
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, not dealing with anything like that myself, but my, I myself have anxiety, talked about it and that probably not recently, but I'm going to be open to help to de-stigmatize that. That's a, I have a social, social anxiety.
And that doesn't help even the smaller things I'm dealing with, because then in any situation, my brain is always telling me that, well, this is the wrong thing to say. You're going to make things worse. This is the wrong thing to say. Yeah. And then it key into some of these other things too, like that being despite my diagnosis being social anxiety, there's still elevated anxiety around things outside of specifically social situations too.
get some of that, if not the same degree and some of the specifics of what you're talking about too. Yeah. I have the fun of social, social anxiety and general anxiety. So I get both, both fun bits and, um, you know, okay.
Social anxiety is another thing that keeps me up at night. It's like, oh, I said that wrong thing like three years ago. And, you know, isn't that just great that I have to think about it now at two 30 in the morning? Yep.
yep, and then I sit and think about, you know, well, then I didn't talk to this person for how long? So now can I ever talk to them ever again? Yeah. Yeah, it's a whole thing. So speaking of a whole thing, if you're ready to transition, we can jump into sort of a few random topics and kind of close out here. I think before we go on to that, I do want to say I want to tie this all together with especially the bit about the mental health is
We had some good responses on our discord about the questions we answered last week, especially some of the ones related to advice or mental health. And I just want to thank our listeners for giving us that feedback and letting us know that, um, you know, what we talked about mattered to them. Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. And, and I want to say too, like it's been a while since we, it feels like it's been a while. I honestly don't know. Time is so hard right now, but.
when we miss episodes and when we're open about that and we try to talk about, hey, things are going on, so we're going to miss this and how supportive our community is. And we take gaps. We've taken a few fairly large gaps as a show. People tend to still come when we come back, our audience is ready to come back. And so all of that support is also really appreciated. But like you said, that direct feedback is really appreciated too.
Yeah, I'm really glad that people appreciated what we had to say last week.
Right, well, sort of talking about mental health. We're getting to, you know, we're recording this at the very end of February, but this will be posting at the very beginning of March. And like I said, we've got some walkiness going on in March with scheduling things and some stuff I'm looking forward to.

Mental Health Awareness Month Themes

There's a guest coming up that I'm really excited to see how that conversation goes. And we have other guests that we've kind of been talking about, talking to, and we'll see.
if when we get all that scheduled and going. But after that is April, which then leads into May. And if you're a longer listener of this cast, or I think we've mentioned this in passing a couple of times this year so far, but May is Mental Health Awareness Month in the United States. And so
It's a big deal for our cast because we're so mental health focused. Every episode we do in May, every episode we release will be mental health related. Somehow the topic will be specific. The topic will be within that sort of umbrella. And it sets a thing that we want to have that conversation. We want to help to de-stigmatize it because it's too easy for these conversations to just knock.
He had because they're uncomfortable and then that sort of reinforces that discomfort talking about these things and so That's a big part of why we do it all year long, but we want to make a big specific emphasis on it in May Also in May the first weekend I believe is the magic convention for Minneapolis
Yeah, first weekend in May.

Plans for Magic Con Minneapolis

So we are going to be there. Hobbs and I are local, so we'll be there for sure. And Taya, you're coming? I am. I am absolutely coming unless something negative happens. I already have the time approved to take off at work.
I'm just waiting on more details on location and stuff like that to book a hotel or whatever. So I think they might have published some of that. I know tickets go on sale in a week and a half.
Um, that's excellent. And, and I'll say there is, we'll see what happens. I know it's, it's been a couple of years because of, of COVID and things, but when we've had magic fests and grand prix in the past, um, the, there's a, a large local contingent of magic players who will, who will do stuff at the convention. So there's just some of us there, but also we'll try to do some stuff off, uh,
off the convention floor that is open for folks who are familiar with Mike Lindemann. He does stuff sometimes. I don't know if he has anything planned this year. I have no idea. I haven't spoken to him for a while, but I know a few years ago he did a big cube event at
He just got off a very successful magic art show at Philly. Okay. I would love to see them run another one at Minneapolis. That was a lot of work and Wizard sponsored. It was actually part of the official events. It was fantastic. I saw a lot of photos and a lot of positive reviews about it online.
Um, maybe, maybe we'll get another one from the actual, you know, maybe, maybe he'll be busy with that, but is it so like that, that'll be happening. Um, well, the convention will be happening. Hopefully we have an actual, we have no idea, but the convention will be happening. I know we'll be doing stuff. Um, and, and.
Is as a community find find people and play play some magic just hang out we're hoping to have a more official presence at the con we're hoping to do panel especially being it during may mental health awareness month we're being mental health focus podcast really hoping to do a mental health.
panel. That stuff hasn't, at least as of the moment we're talking now, none of those details have been worked out. I'm sure they're still setting up the structure on the back end before they then go to start to fill that programming. So if we have something to share, we will share it as soon as we can. Right now, we're still just hoping that that will be a thing.
We'll see and and just I'm really excited to get back to do a magic thing and I'm excited to play lots of commander with people and You know, hopefully Have a really good time and I'm just super excited that it's gonna be
I had planned to go to Minneapolis. It was going to be like April of 2020 or something like that. And of course that didn't happen because of the COVID showing up. I know it was coming up and I was going to go to that. So, you know, like I still have never met Hobbs or Alex in person.
Despite being like a friend of the cast since it started and you know being on the cast now So I'm looking forward to that just even if even that's gonna be the highlight of my trip Everything else will kind of be gravy on top of that
Yeah. Looking forward to that. So if you're in the area or this is a thing that sounds good, hopefully see you there. And then after May, well, at some point in May, we'll be doing a charity event, I'm sure. I don't know any details about that. That's generally a thing that Hobbs has done. I have not
I just, I don't, I don't know. I don't play online magic. There's just, it's just a whole thing for me. So I, in the past, it's usually just been big games and stuff. So I haven't, yeah, I participated in the last few years. It's been a lot of fun. So, um, last year I was playing my K and T deck and donating $5 every time I made an opponent draw card, uh, which ended up being a pretty sizable donation at the end of that. That's awesome.
So again, that's another one of those we'll let you know when we have something to let you know. A few years ago, we kind of just did it ourselves. I should say Hobbs just kind of did it himself and pulled some other people in and stuff like the first one that we did. But the last couple of years, some of the events that Goblin Lore has been a part of, that Hobbs has been participating in in particular,
have been larger with more content creators like Chase, who's been on the show a lot, who is amazing, a wonderful content creator.
wish we could have Chase on more often. I know they come kind of whenever we can figure out a way to get the schedule worked. At some point, we'll probably have them back on again. But Chase is so busy making amazing content that the schedules are just tough to make work. But Chase has been part of that. There's so many other people have been part of these big mental health things that Goblin Lore, I'm really thankful that Goblin Lore has been able to sort of partner with these people. So we'll kind of see what happens.
Those are wonderful and great and big and huge but that also means that it's a little more little more work a little more coordination a little more talking before we can kind of go forward with things and announce stuff because you know if we need to make sure everyone who's involved is actually at a good spot with what's gonna happen it takes a little bit longer before we can talk about it so.
We will let people know as soon as we have something to let everybody know about, but we'll be doing something. I will just let Hobbs know from when he's editing this episode that, you know, if you need help setting it up this year, let me know. I will work with you to... Yeah, I would say, if you can, because I know last year was... Talk about good things that can cause a lot of stress to you. That was a big stressor for him. Last year was the first May. We did not get an episode every week.
because I had some stuff going on and all of a sudden Hobbs just like, I'm dead. This thing was amazing, but it killed me. And so the end of May was a little bit of a struggle for us. In a good way, ultimately, that's kind of the content creator struggle sometimes where it's like you put a lot of work and a lot of yourself into something and then you're like, well, and now I have nothing for the next week. I need to just sit and stare at a wall for a little while.
And that can be amazing, especially when what you make is fantastic. And I know the charity event last year was amazing. So that's great. But then also after May is June, which is Pride Month, which we will also likely be doing something. Again, I have no specifics to say, but the last couple of years we have done charity events during Pride as well. I once again expect that we will be aiming to do something like that.
We're months away, no specifics. I don't even know. Yeah, I don't know this. We are likely to do something. The podcast is much clearer this year, so I'm sure we'll do something. Yes. So we will do at least a something, possibly more somethings. I don't know. We haven't talked about it, but it would be fun, I think, to
maybe every episode maybe not we'll figure out I'm sure topics and episodes can try to do that we've done some in the past but it was harder with Hobbs and I to try to do that we'd have yeah maybe we can figure out drag names of goblins
So we'll definitely do something, probably something charity related, probably something topic related. I would say a good chance both in some combination for Pride as well. And then I think July is Goblin Sleep Month officially? Is that what we've come to?
Um, I don't know, we'll see what happens, but so the next few months could be a little weird. Uh, March in particular is going to have some word scheduling stuff. And I don't really know what April is going to look like, but we might have a little inconsistency in April. If we're trying to get some stuff going for me, I know that was a little bit of a struggle for me a couple of years ago. It was like, all right, may is a lot of work. I'm going to put a lot of this work into April. And then like the second half of April was rough for me. Um, we'll see what happens.
Yeah, that's, we we know, like, we think there, I think that our listeners earlier, they, you know, follow, you know, when we take breaks, you're all supportive of that, when we come back, you're supportive of that. And we really appreciate all the support we've gotten. So we're not really worried. That's what are we just want to be open about it, we just want to be honest, and especially when we're talking about mental health and some of this stuff, we just want to have those conversations be open, and be kind of part of the conversation and push back on some of that stigma.
Great. Well, thank you all for listening this week. I hope you're doing well with your mental health. And if you want to talk about what's going on with all of us, you can join our Discord. And we would love to have you. We have some wonderful conversations. You can come vent about what's going on. Improve your mental health by yelling into the void and get some supportive yells back.
But, uh, yeah, great. So thank you all. And that's our show for today. You can find all of the hosts on Twitter for now. Hobbs can be found at HobbsQ, Tay can be found at Taya Transcendence, and Alex can be found at Mel underscore chronicler. Feel free to send us any questions, comments, thoughts, hopes, and dreams to the goblin lore pod on Twitter, or email us at goblin lore podcast at
If you would like to support your friendly neighborhood Gob's Hugs, our link tree can be found on our Twitter account and in the description of today's show. This has everything from various discount codes to the link for our Patreon. The music for today's show was by Vintergotten, who can be found at vintergotten at The art was done by Steven Raphael, who can be found at Steve Ruffle on Twitter. Gob and Lore is proud to be presented by Hipsters of the Coast as part of their growing forthos content.
Check them out on Twitter at hipsters MTG or online at Thank you for listening and remember goblins like snowflakes are only dangerous in numbers.