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Episode 150 No Cred November image

Episode 150 No Cred November

E150 · Your Favorite Coaster Sucks
27 Plays1 year ago

This week on the premier comedy roller coaster podcast Ben and Zach discuss how they couldn't buy Holiwood Nights tickets once again this year, the very poor looking arctic adventure at Six Flags Great America and much more!

Actually, we're the worst roller coaster podcast!

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Names and Humor

I'm Zach, but my legal name is Professor Fart Penis. My name is Ben and my legal name is just Ben. Just Ben. No last name. Which means Ben is your last

Hollywood Nights Ticket Struggles

name. Cause your first name's just, which is interesting. Oh shit. I didn't think about it that way. Well, that sucks.
I mean, you know, it's not just, uh, the, the legal system. I mean, I was going to say Hollywood nights tickets, but that too. No, I was thinking a little broad. I guess that would be on the scope of what we're,
going to talk about here because this is your favorite coaster sucks and all roller coaster podcast. Now let's get into it. Hollywood nights tickets, Ben. What happened? Yeah, I fucked up like usual. Um, well, like the last two years, I set a reminder and then I'm like, all right, cool. Sign on in five minutes and I get distracted and I just completely forget about it. So.
I'm not going. Well, good gravy. I know, right? I mean, here's the thing. I just don't think that event is ever going to be quite like it was.

Ticket Pricing and Value

in the past. So here's the thing, right? A lot of people are upset and you can even just look at the, the comments on the Facebook feed and all that. So it's like, do the people complaining that ERT isn't as good outweigh the people complaining that they can't get tickets? And if that's the case, like I know coaster people are weird and scary, but I mean like,
Well, let's talk about how the price has gone up, right? Yeah. One 50. Yeah. I think it was, I don't even think it was like 80. I thought it was like 75 maybe. Possibly. It was a steal to get, you know, part of Friday and meals and Saturday for that price. And now it's definitely not quite
the value. Right. No, it's definitely. Yeah. I don't know. I mean, 150, if it's exactly the same, unless they're thinking of it like, well, you got to wait in less lines.

Event Attendance Strategies

So we're going to charge you more. And also too, like if you have to charge that much for the event, just let more people in.
That's what I don't want to say. And if you're already at 150, why is there such a hard cap on the amount of people who can go like? And that's the thing is like. I hate to say it, but like. OK, next year, it's just going to go up in price, then whether there's because there's demand. And there's enough. Yeah, there's enough people willing to pay it.
that they could increase the price without increasing the supply. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I don't know.

Ticketing System Critiques

Watch next year, it's like 170.
I mean, I think they may have just figured out it's like the kind of, you know, free money cheat because they realize that you can't plan around this shit. So people buy tickets and then they can't go. So the event is less crowded and they still sell tickets and make their money. So I just don't, I just want to know what their thinking was. The other thing I think they could maybe do,
is just switch to an onsite only registration. Yeah, that's true. And it's it could backfire. Like maybe like maybe they're just worried about, you know, so many people showing up, but. Well, they could make it like, you know, reserve a spot. Basically, like you could put
they could make it so you could pay money ahead of time to reserve a spot. And then, and then also open up onsite registration, you know, I think you'd have the same problem though with like you'd cause then you would

Ticketing Disruption Humor

sell everyone. If the reservation was cheaper, everyone would just reserve. No, it'd be the same price I'm saying.
Or they could do it like music festivals where there's like, God, I hate to put this out there, but like tiered tickets. Yeah. Well, either way, I think they have a lot of options and I would enjoy to be able to go to the event. Uh, but I guess I'm not lucky enough.
Maybe in 2025, we'll try to have another meetup there. Yeah. Or maybe this is one of those. So like, um, maybe we should, we could like crowdsource the development overseas developer to like, I don't know, write some script or program to just totally bog down the queue line. So we have like a second, secondhand market on it.
Just put in enough money to be able to buy all the tickets just for us. And then resell them. No, they would refund us and have to like do another sale or something. Yeah. Which would be hilarious. Well.
We'll, we'll figure something out. Yeah.

Guest Experiences

I mean, I would love to go, but I wonder, I'm curious to know though, who ended up getting tickets and who didn't let us know. Did you get Hollywood nights tickets? Tell us. Chilling word.
It also kind of seemed like the, the general experience for most people was that they, well, I also heard they, the queue is opened early. Like it was supposed to be open at 11 and then suddenly like, um,
like people said they were like already in like an hour early and stuff. And then I had a lot of people had what I experienced was basically you go to the queue line and suddenly there was like an hour wait. And then you finally get into the shopping cart. And then of course it sold out. So it wasn't good. And like,
Also, I'm curious like how they, how they're, what their reaction is to like the Facebook page that day. Cause you know, they're getting so many emails and messages of people are like, Oh my God, I need to go to this event. Right. I would sell my kid. Maybe we should just start spamming their email and just writing these like super sappy stories.
Like, uh, like, I don't know. Yeah. It's like, my kid has this terminal. I mean, I know it's fucked up to like make up diseases, but just like, I don't know. Maybe not a disease. Just make up something like make them super sappy.
and make it seem like they're doing the most like awful thing by denying all these people to go. Like write a bunch of stories about families who wanted to go together and their kids. It's like, I have three kids and I was only able to get two tickets and I have to tell one of them they can't go to your park. Like what am I supposed to do? I have to tell one of them that they're adopted. It's like, we're getting a, it's like the kids parents, like we're getting into divorce like days after this event and
We were hoping that a trip to Hollywood nights would rekindle our marriage. Since we weren't able to get tickets, we're just going to get divorced. Thanks a lot, Holiday World. My wife already has too many black eyes. You're going to make me beat my wife.
I thought I might stop, but this just pushes me over the edge, but not being able to get tickets just made me so angry. Well, I mean, hopefully that's not true for anyone out there. I know the coaster people are a little, a little weird.
Yeah. I wasn't able to be at the last ride of the night on steel vengeance. It makes me so angry. I mean, like we saw people reacted when, you know, to that tragic, tragic incident of when the woman died on voyage, like, I'm just wondering if like,
holiday world in this, this, the changes to this event are just creating like some domestic terrorists out there in the coaster community.

Enthusiast Complaints

Definitely definitely some, uh, some in cells continuing down that path. That's the other thing too is like,
Like that is one park that you can ask most coaster enthusiasts and they all have multiple laps on those coasters, right? Like, and the thing is, is that even when the event was super packed, yeah, you only got one voyage ride, which is voyage Friday. See, here's the other thing too is like, if there was Friday night voyage ERT, I think a lot of the complaints probably wouldn't have happened.
And that's obviously not blaming the incident like cause or the park because obviously you can't foresee something like that happening. The sensitivity is fucking overflowing, man. What was it? The sensitivity is overflowing. I promise it's not my point. My point is, is that like,
People are heartless and the people who are there complaining about knocking down the voyage are heartless. And those angry people complaining to the park are the reason why the park had to make changes to this event. At the end of the day, enthusiasts opinions are awful and they are awful people. Somebody needs to just give those guys a hand job.
Maybe that's what the extra $50 of the ticket it's for. Actually, well, actually, there's one for the team fee. It's like, it's like, we've, it's like, we're, we made an announcement for the event. Like we are not shrinking the size of the event, but we're giving you all a hand job. It will have a jizz bucket.
Please empty yourself. Disgusting. Just like I wonder. I'm just thinking about how many problems in this hobby are due to enthusiasts complaining.
And I don't mean like complaining on the privacy of a podcast. I'm talking about complaining to park management. These people that are underpaid and overworked and then they got to deal with some guy who visits the park 200 times a year and has been on X coaster, you know, hundreds and hundreds of times yet that one day the line closed a minute early and fuck the manager heard about it for three hours.
Well, isn't that just kind of your job if you're a manager in retail or like publicly interfacing? Yeah, but you deal with that from average guests on a daily basis. Like is, you know what I mean? It's, it's like if you have a season pass and you're complaining that the ride closed early, like, you know what I mean? Like just go tomorrow.

Coaster Obsession Commentary

I mean,
Like the people who complain about not getting a lap, like the people who complain about not getting enough laps two years ago at Hollywood nights probably are all have hundreds of laps on all those coasters. Seems pretty likely. But like at the same time, maybe they just need new hobbies. Yeah. They definitely do.
That's definitely possible. Cause like you need more than one hobby. Yeah. Like, and I feel like moat, like your average coaster person that like, they just like coasters because like their home park or whatever. Hmm.
They like grew up going there and they're like, that's their main thing. Well, let's be real, too. It's a pretty low impact hobby. Well, yeah, the barrier for entry is pretty low. You can get as involved as you'd like to. Yeah.
All it takes is a season pass in a car or whatever. It's a hobby that literally involves eating fast food and sitting down in a seat. Well, and standing in a line. True. Don't forget standing in a line, Ben. There's a reason why there's not a Fitbit activity called standing in the queue line.
competitive standing. That's what they should do. Okay. Here's how they can filter out people at Hollywood nights. They have a comp, it's a queue line competition. It's whoever it's like, all right, we're going to the last 500 people who stand in the queue line and get to go to the event.
Whoever, whoever can stand the longest gets to go. It's like one of those things where they take like a hundred people into the maintenance shed of like Raven and they're like, okay, everybody touched the car and the last person who can hold on wins.
Everyone who can stay here for at least two weeks can go to Hollywood nights. Two weeks. You could do like 20 minutes and you'd lose half the people. Literally 20 minutes. Cause then the complaining would start immediately. First it'd be the people who couldn't even walk up to the shed.
And it's like, come on, the competition doesn't start until you get into the shed. Like, that's just really not fair. And then there'd be people who like couldn't fit too. Well, and then of course, like some maintenance guy is on a lunch break and he has like a bag of, there's like a bag of food and everyone starts getting distracted by the bag of food.
Cause it's like, yeah, it's like on a desk, like five feet away. And then people start contemplating, like taking their hand off the car to go get it. I smell chocolate. There's some guy like literally like sweating profusely. And then the parks like fucking with people on purpose too.
They like bring a pizza up there. They're like, who wants pizza? But you people raise both hands. Yeah, there's got to be a better way for them to get. Hollywood nights. It's like if they're going to be. And also, too, like they called it the Hunger Games, which.
is, uh, there's an irony there for sure. I know.

Podcasting and Community Growth

But also it's like, it's a little on the nose considering like, you know, all the complaints they've gotten about the ridiculous ticket purchasing system. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe I'll be over in your favor. Why can't I just buy a fucking ticket?
For real, though, why can't I just buy a fucking ticket? So I think the question on a lot of people's minds as of recording tonight. A lot of people. I mean, I'm wondering if there was any like anger tears shed
by people who can not being able to get, yeah. Oh, I'm sure. I mean, the same way that people, you know, freaked out about not being able to get on voyage that Friday night. I'm sure the same thing happened. Like lots of broken keyboards smashed. Yeah.
Yeah, like how many broken fucking how many like thrown keyboards were there? Remember that angry German kid video, one of those viral classics? Was that the one with the Wii remote? No, he was playing like. Half life or something, and he's just screaming in German.
and then like start smashing his keyboard. I don't know if I remember that one. Yeah. That was like a, it's like a classic, uh, pre YouTube viral video that was on like a bombs world. Oh, he bombs world. Is that site still around by the way? I don't think so. The, um, whatever like,
child internet protection thing that happened. Um, took a lot of those sites down. Not surprising that probably wasn't the safest. Yeah. And we've covered about it extensively on the show, but all the classics, like, you know, tub girl and fucking shocking and rotten and
used to be able to just go on the internet and get pictures of felonies. Seriously, without censorship on them either. Just some really ridiculous things. So it makes sense that like those websites got taken down because
There was probably a lot of shit we shouldn't have seen as, you know, younger people, but we did. Yeah. And we're hopefully for the better. We turned out okay. Just listen to the hundreds of hours of us talking about fucking bullshit on this podcast.
Which by the way, if I'm not mistaken, this is episode 150. Oh shit. Yeah. So that's something. We've been doing this a while. The number of episodes keep going up and I stay the same age. All right, all right, all right.
But yeah, no, it's, uh, only, only, right? Yeah. Let's see. So it's three 50 episode portions or three different segments of 50 episodes. We hit a hundred. When was that? I don't remember. Yeah, I don't either.
I know it was like after. It was after COVID. Yes. Yeah. I think it might've been 2021. Okay. That sounds right. But yeah, I mean, it's kind of wild that we've been just doing this for
that long now. Yeah. Well, that's all right. That's okay. We, we are just, um, you know, experts at this point. I mean, since we've started doing this, I've, I've known three other friends of mine who started podcasting. There's been like a big influx of podcasts since we've started doing this. Yeah.
I think podcasts have become pretty mainstream. Yeah, dare I say we maybe just got in on the cusp of that before they became that mainstream. Which is cool. Yeah, I mean, at least for coasters.
Cause there's, there's a lot of coaster podcasts out there now. There sure are. But we also got the befriend lots of them too. Yeah. And I was just about to say lots of them are cool. I'm actually working on, uh, getting the hosts of a fellow coaster podcast on here as guests sometime soon. Cool. Yeah.
So I don't want to spill the beans right now, but like, you know, that'll be fun. We haven't done guests in a little bit. So anyway, yeah, now we're like seasoned fucking vets at doing this shit for whatever that's worth.

Minnesota Move Discussion

Holy shit. Excuse. Bless you. Whatever the thing is. Yeah. Jesus. Too many poppers. So, um, I know you're looking at partially relocating to Minnesota and I gotta ask, what's your home park going to be there? Um,
Well, so there's a, a ski resort that has an Alpine coaster, pretty close. Um, can dig. Otherwise it's going to be, it's going to be Valley fair. All right. Which, uh, not the worst park. It's better than Elage.
That's the thing, man. I haven't had a good home park in so long. I forgot what it's like because it's like wild waves to. Yeah, wild waves, village. Valley for again. And fucking Great America was good when it was your home park. Yeah, it's not now.
Maybe it will begin soon, though. Make America great again. Make great America great again, Magaga. Has no one ever, like, used that before? I've said it jokingly a bit, but I don't think I've ever said it on our podcast. But yeah, I always thought it would be funny to get some Magaga hats.
almost as funny as a shirt that says voting Republican is gay. Did you ever get a chance to wear that one? Yeah, I've worn it a couple of times at gay bars. How's that gone over? Uh, it doesn't get, well like it's in Denver. It's like whatever, you know,
Where did I wear that? I wore it somewhere kind of inappropriate recently. I don't remember where it was. Okay. Like was this in Wisconsin or something? Um, Oh no, it was Nebraska.
Oh shit. Okay. But I mean, Oh, I was fine. It was at an Indian restaurant. Uh,
And somebody was to saw you and just was like, damn straight. And you're like, huh? No one said anything, but. I would just love to see somebody react to that shirt. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Because I feel like either they're going to laugh or be horrified. And that's the funny one. Yeah, but it's also kind of like when people wear like, I don't know, like a snowflake shirt or something.
I just thought it would be confusing, which makes it funny. Yeah. We need to get on the gaga. My gaga. Make great America great again. Make Hollywood night. Screw it again. Mwaga. Right.
Mahwaga? Yeah. Mahwaga? This bit could go on forever. But I think if anybody made a hat that was red and said mahwaga, that would be hilarious.
and then wore it to Hollywood nights. Make. I think so. I think it'd be funny to get the Megaga shirt. Or the hat, but make it exactly like a magga hat. Like exactly. And then wear it to Hollywood nights. Magga.

New Hunger Games Movie Discussion

speaking of the hunger games i saw the new hunger games did it suck no it wasn't bad i mean it wasn't great but i was also never one of those like
Hunger fans or Hunger Games fans. Hunger fans. I don't know. It seems like there's a lot of people who are like really into Hunger Games and I was never one of those people, but I appreciate it. I read the first three books and watched the movies.
Holy shit. You good? Hit a vape pen. Yeah. Oh, anyway. Oh, that's not the best fucking distillate I've ever had, clearly.
Ooh, a lot of added derps in that one, too. Anyway, I read the books, saw the movies of the original three. I liked them, but I never was like a super fan or anything. Yeah. Yes, I found really be very faithful to the books.
OK, yeah, that's what I've I've heard that from people, too. But yeah, I have not read that one or seen it. But I also don't really know where you would go with the story. Like a prequel. Yeah.
Um, so the prequel was basically about, uh, president or mayor snow or whatever. Okay. And so it was basically about him when he was younger and like how he got into politics and the first hunger games he won as a mentor. Okay.
And then about a story about the relationship between the, the woman that was in the games and then, and then to her and like him and her and whatever. Um, but. All right. I mean, kind of seems like a stretch, but you know, I guess I'd have to see it for sure to know.
It was, it was all right. The cinematography was a little weird cause it was, um, almost like it was shot and formatted to then be put on Tik TOK. Like that's like literally the best way I can describe it. Like just the way that's like the camera formatting and like the zoom in and stuff like that. Interesting.
Yeah, I feel like movies are just kind of different now. Yeah. Cue old man speech, but like seems like people's attentions are different now. Mm hmm. Which like is causing studios to have to make movies differently. Right. Plus, they all have to be made to export to China.
Which is part of the reason there's not like comedy movies anymore. Right. So it's like, a lot of things are changing to be that way too. Like, um, even like I've seen, so I've seen a handful of comedy shows this year.

Comedy Styles Evolution

And one thing I've noticed between old comics and like the difference between the new comics and the old comics is like the new comics are so like, they write their jokes to basically be on like Instagram and TikTok. Like it's like, it's like you're watching someone, it's like 15 second joke.
punch line, laugh, and then it's like stop and then go to the next one. It's just like, um, what's, it's, what's his name? Mateo. Have you ever heard of Mateo lane? Yeah. I was on a show with that guy. Oh really? Way back. Oh really? Shit. Way back when I was doing standup. Oh, okay. Nice.
Yeah. So he, he was, he wasn't like a known comic at the time, by the way. Okay. He was the same level. I was that working those same rooms. So he, yeah, I mean, he, he sold out the Paramount here in Denver. Um, which is like, yeah. So, and from friends we went with, we're saying that he got basically big on like Instagram and tech talk.
And I guess here's the thing, right? Like, obviously I'm talking shit about someone who's way more successful than I am. So, you know, disclaimer, but it's just, you could kind of tell that.
Which it's almost not so much like a, it's almost not a complaint against the artist responding to the, to the audience. It's more or less a complaint about just like the general audience of today, but like all the jokes, it was like very start, stop, start, stop. Like nothing had any flow. There was no storytelling. It was basically like 15 second jokes, stop, 15 second jokes, stop. It just like, you know what I mean?
It was like you were watching it. It was almost like you were literally going on someone's feet on Instagram and then just hitting like, you know, like how you can like click and it goes to the next thing. Like that's basically what the comedy show was like. That kind of makes sense though. Cause like we're talking about like people's attentions are different. Feel like, you know, you're going to lose people.
to their fucking phones as a comedian. If you tell a 10 minute story, you know. Mm hmm. I mean, there's still a way to do it masterfully, like you said you saw Maren. Mm hmm. There's someone who can do like a 20, 25 minute story. Right. But the thing is, I feel like
He can only do that because he's cultivated a specific audience that wants that. True. Yeah, that wouldn't work if he was starting out as a comic now. Oh, for sure, yeah.
Well, and it was really telling because we had, like we went, we went with a group and basically like the people who were like, who thought Mateo Lane was really funny, like did not like Mark Marin. So it was just, and you know, they're just like Gen Z kids who, you know, use TikTok and Instagram and all that. So,
Interesting. Like after the show, we're like, oh, so like, how was it? He's like, I don't know. I don't really care for him. And they were basically it's like the same same feedback. So, yeah, he just kept going on and on and on. And it's like, well, yeah, like that's. Did you listen to what he was saying? I know he had a point and not only that, it was funny.
And it's like, yeah, you know, that like 10 minute story, he was still at the beginning of the set and then a 10 minute set at the end of the set and how they were related and how like, basically it was a way to come back to a joke and have a punchline again. And I don't know if you heard he mentioned that same thing like 10 times throughout. Yeah. Yeah. I just feel like
Yeah, people are different now and it's weird. Again, cute old man, but like it's in a different type of way now. You know what I'm saying? It's just weird. Yeah. Is what it is. No, that's another one of those things where I'm like, Oh,
I guess it's good. I don't do stand up anymore.

Coaster Vlogs Future

Yeah. I mean, I bet like it seems like it's easier to just, it seems like it's easier to be yourself and curate your own audience and do your own thing, but I don't know. Cause there's definitely, there's definitely comedians out there who have done just that, like,
It's like if you, if you be yourself, it's like, if you like, if you just be yourself and have fun and you just keep doing it, eventually it pays off. I mean, maybe, but like, and the audience find like forms itself. I mean, you're not going to become a headliner that way necessarily, but you'll be comfortable.
Honestly, seems like social media is the path to success now. And like you were saying, curating jokes to be the right size for an Instagram reel. Mm hmm. And, you know, work, have the right mechanics to be a tick tock or whatever. Yeah, that definitely seems like the path now.
Which makes sense. Cause the other thing is like that aligns perfectly with like the way people are cultivating their own, you know, fucking feeds nowadays where it's like, yeah, look, here's a video and look, he was so funny. Here's that joke he tells about, you know,
underwear and whatever, whatever the fuck, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. Well, the God, I got to find I found the worst influencer. Like it was it was a sea world video, and I wish I didn't save it. I don't think I'm going to be able to find it again.
but it was this family who was trying to be like a YouTuber, you know, and it had, I think it had like 63 views and somehow, somehow the mom of the family was able to get an interview with someone from like SeaWorld PR in front of the, tell us the name of the penguin racer, penguin express.
No, the new one, the new. Oh, oh, yeah. I don't know what the name is. I know what you're talking about, though. But it was like so fake. It was like the fakest shit I've ever seen. And the way that she was like smiling and then like she would show her kid, you know, like take a bite of, you know, take a bite of some food and then it would like have the fade transition and then show like it was it was bad. And I don't think I'm ever going to find it again. It's just the sea world.
Is it like Penguin Racer? Something like that. Penguin Trek. I should have, I should have sent it to you. Penguin Trek. Our first look at Penguin Trek.
It's, uh, well, it's kind of like, um, well, it's kind of like there's two paths, right? Um, was like you Q tubers and coasters and stuff. The thing that we've harped on so many times already, but like,
You have two different avenues. You have like the copy paste template of becoming a coaster blogger. And then there's the way you where you just do your own thing and you just have fun. Like and then you end up doing your own thing and ends up being like way more successful down the line than trying to maintain some like fake curated format.
Yeah, somebody's going to like reinvent the genre with some really creative shit, and that's going to be awesome. Mm hmm. Well, I don't like to know that happens. Yeah, I mean, like, you know, when the paradigm shifted from like music videos of coasters to like vlogs, you know, right?
There's going to be another paradigm shift like that because somebody or maybe it'll be like you remember like. It came from the fifth dimension. Yeah. Like some shit like that, where it just like fucks with the genre itself and what you think is possible, you know what I mean? Mm hmm.
Somebody's going to do that shit and I'm ready for that. I was actually just thinking about that video the other day. I wasn't ready for that when I was younger, you know what I'm saying? Like, I was like, this is weird and I didn't get it. Oh, yeah. I mean, it's definitely. I mean, it was definitely super campy and like I think it was ahead of its time, too.
Yeah. Because it was kind of making fun of like coaster videos as a whole, which is kind of ahead of its time. Right. Or I mean, imagine, imagine if you, okay, take like the most generic vlog from today.
and then upload it to the forum, TPR forum, like a year, like O and O five and how unsuccessful it would have been. Like the comments that you would have gotten and people are like, what the fuck is this? Yeah, this is dumb. Turn it off. Oh, you know what I mean? Like it's like, this is just you walking around the park and talking. This is lame.
That's what I'm saying. There's like a whole somebody's going to like reinvent the entire game. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. It's just waiting to happen. Maybe one of our listeners could be you. Listener. Be creative. Come up with something new.
Vlogs are kind of boring now, right? Yeah. I mean, in, in general, if you just, if like the goal is like, Oh, I'm going to bring my camera to the park with some friends and we're just going to like have fun and make each other laugh. I'm sure you'll come up with something good. Yeah. That's, that's a good way to start.
I think it's crazy that there's likely people out there who feel like they have to do YouTube updates, even though it's clearly a passion project.

Nostalgia for Photo Trip Reports

Like I kind of get it, but at the same time, you know,
what we've taken taken time away from this and in short chunks. Yeah. The days of early dial up, at least for me, dial up form days of like getting home from the park at midnight one a.m. and having to download my digital camera SD card, then upload all the images.
Cause I just had to post it that night. Yeah, that's all. I'm good. That's all final under. I'm cool now. Even like the idea of like writing and post like a, like a photo trip report now,
I'm like, I'm, there's no way. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. I mean, like, and some people still do it on Reddit, which if it's like, uh, I think is, if it's a unique thing, like that's always cool. Like, I don't know if there's like a media day overseas and not many people got to go, like I'll, I'll re I like to read it. But if it's just like, here's my,
Ohio Coaster Trip part two. Day two, Kings Island, and it's like, uh, then like you open it and it's like a full on essay. And that's what I'm saying. I can't ever imagine typing out a full ass trip report like that. Yeah. See, at least we need a different.
I mean, I don't know. Yeah, there maybe are still people who get into that shit. I just can't imagine taking the time to write all that shit out. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. But maybe maybe I'm crazy.
maybe writing trip reports is still super awesome guys. So fucking get on it. Well, they want to read my trip report. I always remember to like photo trip reports, like there was a period where they were fun to read.
But then like, you know, after like the 10 seater point photo trip report, it's like, you know, and it's the photos start looking all the same. It's like, okay, Raptor underneath the first drop by the sign. And then there's, you know, the photo of Millennium Force on the bridge. And then the other photo of Millennium Force for the tunnels. Oh, you found that picture. Oh, cool. Yeah. You know, corkscrew over the midway.
you know, a photo of like Magnum going up the lift Hill. Yeah. Like Cedar Point photo trip reports were always super like why it's Cedar Point. Yeah.
Well, any of those big parks, like magic mountain was kind of like that. The, I thought actually, actually adding another layer of, of ridiculousness was the great America photo trip reports on sif cam rolled. Oh my God. Yeah. Cause there was at least like three or four a week, sometimes more during the summer and I'm guilty of it. I posted plenty, but,
Oh, so V2 is not running today. Or like, yeah. And or like there are even people, though, that would post like weekly photo trip reports. And then like, here's the visit for May 32nd. No, 32nd for May 28th, 2014.
Bathroom number four, not as clean this week. I took a shit. Still smelled bad 45 minutes later when I came back to take another shit. I rode the train. The line was long for marker. I did not write it.
Yeah. Then there's, it's almost just as bad as like the, the daily testing footage updates of Orlando attractions. It's like, here's 20 minutes of insert new coaster in Florida testing. And then there's like another, there's like a daily update of it. I mean, people probably watch it, but it's just kind of hilarious.
Oh, my God. Fucking icebreaker. Penguin Penguin Express. Well, at the. Last year, a year ago was our Dollywood meetup. That was a great time.
Fortunately cannot do this here. Mm hmm. Yeah, unfortunately, couldn't recreate it this year. It wasn't meant to be this year. We'll see about in the future. We did have a couple of meetups this year, though. Mm hmm. And thank you to all of you who showed up to either of those.
Maybe we'll do a meetup next year, right? Maybe. Mm hmm. Well, think of a good one. Feel like I was legal, right? Yep. I feel like Ohio is a central spot to where a lot of people could a drive to
And B would love to, you know, that seems like a part, like that's a region that people go to almost every year if you're in the area. Like a. Like a late summer kind of thing, Cedar Point, Kings Island weekend. That can maybe work, we could see, we could see. We'll have to see
what the interest is like and put out some feelers on it. For a top thrill too. Top thrill too. Not a credit.

Defining Coaster Credits

Yeah. I don't think it's a new credit. Like realistically, I'm not going to count it anyway, but,
I don't know. That's one where I'm like, like, I know people are going to count it, but yeah. I just think it's funny that people are very defensive about that one in particular. Why would her folks saying,
Well, cause I thought I posted that whole like, let's try to define a credit. And that was like the one that stood out for a lot of people. And as in what have you like varying opinions? Yeah. Like most people would be like, wait, that means dragsters not a credit or like top two is not a credit.
And so I just found that kind of interesting and really that that was not to suggest that, like, I make the rules on what is or isn't a credit. That was honestly just to say, fucking, let's figure out what not what is or isn't a credit, but why something is or isn't credit, you know? Yeah. Yeah. But it didn't seem like a lot of people are interested in that, which is fine.
I just thought pursuing the Y would be a lot more productive than the Y or N, you know? Yeah. But I don't think a lot of people really want to like think about it in those terms. It's just like, uh, I feel like that's a credit or I feel like that's not a credit and that's fine too. I'm just bored.
Or at least was trying to spice up. The world for a bit. Yeah. Well, we got time to figure it out. Yeah, we should revisit that discussion might not even open. Yeah. And yeah, what are you all going to do when it doesn't? And no one has the credit.
Yeah. You won't be able to count it as a credit because nobody's going to be able to write it. Yeah, actually you just lose the credit. Like if you already wrote it, it's counts like it's like a negative credit. Yeah. Yeah. There should be credit penalties. Yeah. As soon as it goes backwards, there goes your credit.
What about introducing this to the Coaster community? Negative credits. Like, if you do something or like, you know, you're an asshole or like, if you complain about a voyage being closed during ERT, you get a negative credit. OK, yeah, if you're if you complain about a ride being closed because somebody died on it, that credit, you're minus that credit.
If you're a creeper, you're minus all of your credits. That'd be kind of a fun thing to do like on Twitter or message boards or whatever. Like whenever you find someone complaining about something coast related on the internet, you just reply to them.
and just make it like- I'm revoking eight credits from your account. Make it make like a fake Instagram or a fake Facebook account that's called like official coaster dash count. Credit police. Or yeah, credit police. I think we're on to something here. Sweet. Here comes the credit police.
Oh, well, I got it. I was trying to get into some to do it with somebody on Reddit. Because they were like, yeah, no, top two is definitely a new credit. And then later in the comments, they were like, this is our slash roller coasters. They were like. Like, oh, Thunderbird.
or whatever the fuck it's called firehawk there we go firehawk is definitely a different credit than iron wolf because it changed the ride experience and I'm like well if that's the case then it's actually like 32 credits
And then it's different at daytime and nighttime. So that's actually like 64 credits per train. And then like, if it's raining, that's another 32 or 64, because if it's raining during the day and at night. And like, didn't that ride have fire effects, too?
Fire effects working. That's 32 or 64. Fire effects off. There's another 64. Oh, right. Yep. It's like, it's like really windy one day and the rides running a little slower. Another 64.
You gotta, you gotta, you're feeling a little under the weather one day. There's another 64. You gotta like take a shit really badly. There's another, well hopefully you don't have to do that 64 times, but you know what I mean. Essentially what I'm saying is that every roller coaster is an infinite amount of credits, really.
Mm hmm. Yeah, I've always agreed with that. And also.

Infinite Coaster Credits Joke

Fucking the Dino's Wonder Wheel and. Pixar pal around, those are like
eight or 12 credits each. Yeah. Right. The full circuit gravity powered coaster. Well, yeah, only the ones that actually like go around on that little track. And swing. But each one of those is a credit.
Worst case, it's a powered coaster. But it's still like 12 of them. Yeah. Fight me, motherfuckers, fight me. Oh, holy shit. All right. Yeah, I think that's all I got this week.
Same. It's that lame part of the season. Yeah. And right now I feel like episode 150, good time to leave them wanting more, you know? But this is, uh, it's good to get back into the swing of things, especially in this slow time of the season.
Yeah. I mean, and I have the ability to record, but I'll be in Italy for next two weeks. So I could record early in the morning. We can figure something out maybe. All right. Wow. Look at you going to Italy. Okay. It's for work. It's nothing for fun. Well, I mean, um,
Enjoy to the best of your ability. I'll try. Many lots of McDonald's and I hope there's a Sbarro in Rome. When in Rome, check out the Sbarro. As the old saying go.
No, I think my favorite thing about going to Italy is going to be like intentionally just getting awful food, like getting like Starbucks and then just like taking a picture and be like, oh my God, the coffee is so much better in Italy. You should just walk around saying like Stromboli or like Leona
an accent, which I'm not about to do. But you do it when you're there. Yeah, I'm not good at accents. But I'll practice. Just like, you know, Master Choli, Fusili. Arpeggio.
Ganache, I don't know. Vekasha. Yeah, Portamento. Just say it. Hard R, Parmesan. Parmesan. Yeah, margarita pizza.
which is neither margarita nor pizza. All right, well, if you can record from Italy, we'll try to make that happen. You know what you should do there is drink some wine. Oh, for sure. That has been imported from America. Just get Franzia.
Yes. 19 crimes. Like, no, I'm smuggling wine into Italy. No, you guys need to try this. This one time when I was in Amsterdam as a bar and there was these people from America and they were like,
drinking Budweiser and they were like, Oh, no, no, you need to try the Budweiser here. It's so good. I was like, I don't want Budweiser at home. But you should be that guy. Be like pumpkin spice latte.
Did you ever watch Conan? Uh, old Conan. Yeah. Yeah. Be Jordan Schlansky. Anyway, you got anything else then?

Future Episode Plans

No, I'm good. I got a P really bad.
All right. Well, then let me just real quick. Thank the listeners. Thank you all for listening. You only shit. This has been fun. We will be back very soon. Yes, indeed. Thank you all very much. Join our discord and hit us up and listen to our back catalog because now we're under 50 people. And it's the next time your favorite or ghost or socks.