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52 Plays8 months ago

This week on the premier comedy roller coaster podcast, Ben and Zach discuss Sky Striker at Six Flags Great America, changes at Walt Disney World, the most dog kicking-ist theme park owner and much more!

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Impact of Substances on Podcasting

I'm Zach and I'm getting high right now. I'm Ben and I I might too. I'll see how long I can make it. I think you should. The only problem though is like.
I've just, if I do that without drinking, it's, I talk slower and I think slower. Although if most people listen to this show on 2X, then maybe it's okay. Yeah, it'll sound just fine. I mean, this show is already at a slow pace anyway, so. Yeah. It'll just encourage people to
Listen at a faster speed. I did start doing that with a lot of podcasts, other podcasts I listened to and it actually is kind of nice. Um, especially like driving, although I've noticed I'd then drive faster.

Podcasting Reflections and Challenges

So it's not always safe, but you know,
Yeah, I could see that kind of having that effect is like the music's getting faster. That's the thing that always gets me is when they get into like anything with a music segment, it always sounds so funny. Yeah. See, I think instead of a speed up, they should just do like a like if there is a way in post production to take out pauses or to reduce pauses.
Cause that's, I feel like that's generally the biggest problem with podcasting is like editing out, editing out pauses sucks. And then like, although I guess sometimes you lose out on like the, if there's any comedic effect pause, but I don't know. Yeah. Um, I mean, I feel like it's been four and a half years we've been doing this show.
And we've kind of gotten the timing down a little bit better, I think. Yeah. Yeah. Keys just feel it like if I consciously think about. Talking and I make sure I just like just keep shit flying out of your mouth, basically.
Yeah. That's pretty easy for my ass to do. Cause I can just fucking talk and talk and talk and talk. Um, I don't know if you've ever heard me while you've stepped away, but I try my best to fill the time. Every time I try to do that, I make it like 30 seconds and I'm just like, uh, okay, I'll pause.
Yeah, I feel like that's normally what I do, too, is like, like, all right, so here's this and blah, blah, blah. OK, but then I feel like there's been at least one time I've managed to like cover the entire time. Yeah, I don't know. Of course, that's the moment we both pause.
Yeah. Welcome back.

Theme Park Content Decline

This is your favorite coaster sucks. We're in all roller coaster podcast. We talk about roller coasters and laugh about the people who complain about them online. Yeah, and and we are them too, so.
Well, have you noticed, so I've always been kind of interested in like the Fousey community. One thing I noticed, and I don't know if this is just a product of like YouTube changing or maybe my algorithm is changing, but I have not seen a whole lot of coverage of Hollywood nights like I typically do.
No, I think they've finally made that event so exclusive that, you know, you're only going to see an occasional picture here or there of it. Yeah, which I get. But like considering the amount of photos I saw of people with cameras and taking videos and stuff like I compared to like compared to last year, at least like I feel like no one
is talking about it. Like it wasn't even, it was barely even on Reddit. Like I feel like I'm not seeing it. Like in general, I just, it seems like the whole Fousey YouTuber thing is like starting to scale back. Well, I mean, okay. First of all, I was going to say,
Maybe it's like a return to the old school and then around to that second point you made. Yeah, theme park YouTube, I think is like it's now on a downward trajectory in terms of the amount of creators. Well, I also wonder how limited the ability, how limited not the ability is, but how limited the actual amount of money is going around that space.
Yeah. Because it's not like it's not like there's an infinite money glitch with YouTube. Right. There's a pretty specific amount that set advertisers are willing to pay on big channels.
or channels that get the targeted demographic views that they are looking for. But other than that, yeah, it's it's it's a not really that big of a pool of money unless your name is fucking, you know, Logan Paul or Joe Rogan or you know. Yeah. Well, I was going to say, too, like it also seems like there is that big uptick in new creators after covid.
And then a bunch of people moved to Orlando. And now it seems like that entire movement is like, I mean, like I get it. If after like a year or two, you're like, I'm not making any money. Like what am I doing? Um, well, you know what? Here's the thing. If that's all you got into it for fucking good riddance.
Well, that's just it. The reason I've noticed this whole change is because the channels that I like, that I find really fun and put out good shit is they're still making videos, but they're not putting out... They're channels that never put out daily videos, but every couple weeks or whatever. But those channels where it was just two videos a day,
are, I can't find a lot of content on those. Like, I mean, I'm like during COVID, like those Orlando channels where it's just like a daily 30 minute video of like testing footage from outside the park through a fence kind of stuff. Like, I don't know. Yeah. I mean, I think, yeah, it's like there. This is this. Yeah. There's only so much money to be made.
And once that shit dried up, then the people that don't actually have their heart in the shit or a real passion for it just because. Because, like, I don't want anybody to hear this and think that, like, I have some aversion to people making money off of theme park content. I don't. You go do you good on you if you can make some money doing this. You know, but.
I don't think any time if people's goal was just explicitly to make money, I don't think that they are the ones that will be successful. And I don't think they'll ever be the ones that have the type of content that is sustainably entertaining or attractive to an either a loyal audience or a big enough audience with turnover. Yeah.

Challenges of New Media Platforms

Yeah, exactly. And fucking theme park tick tock is just some whole other shit. Yeah, that's another and I'll admit that's probably just something that I I'm not in the.
I'm not in the in-generation, so I think I just missed it. Yeah, I don't understand TikTok and I don't claim to. I know that a lot of creators on YouTube discuss that TikTok makes it very hard to grow a brand as a creator. Yeah. It's easier to make viral content, but
it doesn't necessarily help grow a brand. Yeah, that makes sense. Because you don't really remember creators when you're only watching maximum like 30 second videos, you know? Yeah, like also one thing I hate about either YouTube shorts or TikToks
is this trend of posting a POV, but only the first 60 seconds from the station. So you see something and it's like, station dispatch up the lift hill, then right as you get into the top of the lift hill, the clip ends.
And I don't know if it's just some weird, like if the joke is on me for clicking on it, like if it's just some weird like manipulative clickbait shit, or if it's genuinely people that are just lazy and clipping their POVs, you know, too short. I don't know. No, it's probably a way to make money.
Yeah. Or it's like, oh, well I could splice up the POV into three separate clips and there's three clips that I can put on versus just one. Right? Three times the views. Yeah. Yeah. Speaking of viewership,

Disney Content Overload

I, I, have you, have you heard about the acolyte, the news Disney, Star Wars short series thing on Disney plus kind of peripherally? Well, obviously a lot of the, uh, right wing echo chambers are saying like, you know, typical, Oh, it's woke and this and that, whatever. That's not my bone to pick with it.
I just found it incredibly boring. And it just feels like Disney's churning out so much generic shitty content that it's becoming very exhausting.
I mean, I haven't really seen any Star Wars content since episode one came out. I get it. That's on me. And now I feel like kind of the same way I feel with Marvel, where I'm like, there's so much of it. Yeah. And I'm just like, I don't even. Why even start at this point? Exactly. Yeah. Yeah, so what the hell was it?
Last year, Guardians of the Galaxy 2, I think, and that was really bad. What actually made the movie the more entertaining was the fact that the sound kept cutting out and the audience was getting so pissed, but that was actually the funniest part about it. And then the amount of people that complained upfront after the movie was done was very amusing.

Creative Film Discussions

know what? I actually wanted to talk with you about a movie I watched recently. What's that? A delightful upbeat little comedy by the name of Civil War. Oh yeah, I saw that movie.
Yeah. Little lighthearted fun movie for a Sunday afternoon. Yeah. I like, I liked it. Me too. Me too. I, I, um, I thought it was crazy. Cause I always like to look up movies on YouTube after I watch them to see what other people think of them. And the general consensus among a lot of people seem to be that like, Oh,
they didn't show how the war started. And it's like, um, you're missing the point of that movie completely. Yeah, exactly. Well, also to like, exactly. It's not, that wasn't the point of it. And it's important. They didn't do that because it didn't alienate any audience. Cause like,
That's why that's why they had the whole like kind of unrealistic situation of like Texas and California together. And Western Alliance or whatever, because nobody, nobody, none of the characters that they like came across along the way had like clear motives other than like kill the other guy. Yeah, right. There was no like, oh, we believe in this.
So that was even more a demonstrative of like unimportant how the fuck it started. Yeah. I mean, and my only complaint about it was that the very last scene or last couple of scenes were a little unrealistic with like
with them chasing the military into the White House. It seemed to- Spoilers. Yeah. Well, I mean, it's a civil war. People are going to charge the White House eventually.
Anyway, yeah, I thought it was good though overall. What was funny is we saw that movie when we were in Duluth and in like very typical kind of Wisconsin, Minnesota response to anything that's like
just, well, I can't call the movie art, but you know what I mean, any kind of creative. Well, it is provocative, certainly. It was like two guys, just like at the urinal. Huh, well, it was different. And like, that was it. Then they washed their hands and left the bathroom. That's the takeaway.
So that's pretty funny. Yeah, I enjoyed it. I kind of want to see if they release like a director's cut. Yeah, let's. Because I feel like there is more stuff that they probably shot that would be interesting to see. Mm hmm.
I'm also interested if there was any like, if this was the entire intended storyline or if they had to change it or, um, cause it is a pretty wild like concept of, you know, us civil war, especially this time a year or this time in our existence with everything going on.
And yeah, yeah, I I thought it was good. Enjoyed it quite a bit, would recommend it. Also watched. Oh, what the fuck was that? Give me a sec here, it's Australian movie.
where there's like there's summoning ghosts or spirits. Um, not sure. Uh, I'll let you in. Talk to me. Yeah, there you go. Talk to me. Talk to me. I haven't seen that one yet. That shit was pretty good.
It was an interesting new take on the old Ouija board concept. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. That was one of those. I was playing at Alamo here. Um, that was one I miss. I've been, typically we've been seeing like, I mean, we see like one or two a week lately.
In fact, I've seen so many movies now lately that when we did the Guess the Oscars party, I got like 17 of the 24, right? Wow. Look at you. And I remember like before, before we started dating, I was like, I always said, I'm like, I literally have been in a movie theater three times in the last 10 years. So. Well, to be fair, the last time I saw a movie in theaters,
was a jackass four. I think that was one of the three, actually. But yeah. Because of course, to me, that's a theater movie or a theater worthy movie. Oh, for sure. Yeah. I remember number two was very like optimized for the theater. They did a lot of like big screen kind of bits.
That was actually the first one I saw in theaters. That was really funny. Man, I fucking love jackass. I was watching a video earlier where Dave England was telling a story about how they were riding to a filming at some point and Steve ended up ripping the shit out of some teamsters van.

Steve-O's Antics and Ethics

Oh, yeah. And they had to pay for the van. Yeah, yeah. And actually that was... Did I ever show you that it was like the Steve-O Don't Try This At Home Tour DVD? No. Okay. I bought this DVD back in like 2004 and it was his like second tour.
Or maybe it was like the first tour. Like he used to just tour to like college bars and stuff and just do stunts on stage. Um, like the year after Jackass, the movie came out basically. And then it was a tour DVD and it was just like the craziest shit. It was like all the footage of him, like destroying his apartment and building the skate ramp and pissing off his neighbors and stuff like that.
I seen him doing that one where he builds the fucking skate ramp in his apartment. Yeah. And that one where he just like fucking he goes off of a table and through like a wall of his apartment. Mm hmm. Yeah. It's like it's like, oh, you're not getting the security deposit back now. I suppose that's the problem with like
Yeah. Cause I guess the story was that he rented like five apartments in that building. So instead of just like buying a house, he just rented like five apartments in a building. And then there was like all these different ones. They had like each of like different purposes. Like one was like a sleeping one. One is for, um,
like people who worked for his company, I guess, like editing video and stuff. And like one was a skate park. One was like where they did all the drugs. That's ridiculous. That's a good way to, I just think it's funny. Like most people when they get like insanely rich overnight, they would just like buy an insane house. But like, he's like, no, I'll just rent five apartments.
I mean, that is a solution. Yeah. Not necessarily the most logical one, but. Hey, hell, whatever. He was fucked up like all hell. Mm hmm. Yeah. Hey, I got to run to the restroom real quick. What was it?
I got to run to the restroom real quick. Okay. Do you want me to pause it? Uh, yeah, sure. All right. I'll be back in a moment. All right. Fucking Steve. Oh, speaking of, uh, content generation, he has a podcast to figure is he's probably an interesting person for a podcast, but
It seems like there's always drama with him in podcasting. Yeah. I mean. There was one and there was one random review that was basically saying he's like. That the BAM, the whole like BAM Margera thing and like his rehab story that he's basically like trying to find ways to monetize it or bring attention to his channel.
I could see that. Kind of the old put in, uh, you know, the keyword accident in your video after a, uh, unfortunate drop tower incident. Yep. That's the move. But at the same time, he mean,
It's hard to say though, cause it's not like he doesn't seem to legitimately be concerned about his friend, you know? Yeah. Yeah. But that's the thing. That's a problem with like, um, but yeah, it's a tough thing. What was it? It's tough to read that situation. Well, yeah. Cause the problem, I think there's a general problem of just the internet when you become, when you monetize it is like,
I don't know. I think about like all those YouTube podcast, you know, like the whole like YouTube comedian podcast, like universe. Yeah. And it's like two bears, one cave, and then it's like all the random podcasts that Bert's in. And then it's like,
the Tony Hinchcliffe group. There's like this whole like podcast universe that exists where they're like all friends on camera and in podcasts, but like it's clearly a business. So it's like you're being sold. These people are like friends, but it's all just like a show, you know?
Yeah, but I think that's the entertainment industry isn't it? Yeah, that's true. That's true.

Internet Influence on Behavior

But I guess the internet does that to people. What percentage of channels do you think still, okay, how many channels who had footage of the ride before the accident also put accident keywords in their videos that we just didn't notice?
Like it seems like it's just the problem of like being in the internet for money is like, it causes you to do things that you justify like, well, I need to put food on the table. But the thing is, it's not really, it's not on the individual actor then it's kind of just the broken system at large. Right.
Cause as much as you can point to any individual actor in that situation, you can also point to saying like, why would that, what leads to that? Yeah, right. But yeah. And that's the shit to come full circle that when you see it in the theme park industry, then in a hobby that you really like, it's kind of like, come on, this is exhausting.
Yep. Yep. But that's, um, you know how it goes. Cause unfortunately people figured out that there was some money to be made doing this shit. And that's all it takes. Yeah.
I think whenever the defense is, like whenever the defense of the actions of somebody in that entertainment space is, yeah, well, they need to make a living. And if that's the response to doing like shady shit, then, you know, that's not good.
Can you hear that? No, no, no. It might show up if you're, we'll see. Listen to a very, to a very loudly. Listen up for the thunder. Wasn't that what Imagine Dragon said? Uh, I don't know. Imagine me dragging the, okay. Um,
Disney World set a opening date for the country bear musical jamboree. So this was being renovated? Yeah, apparently one of the characters is super offensive. Oh, yeah.
Yeah, who would have thought that the name liver lips was a slur? And that was the name of one of the characters. Well, because of course it was. What if they brought back alien encounter?
But instead of an alien that like comes back and like starts walking around you and breathing on your neck, it's like just some political figure everybody hates. And then he's like talking in your ear. Who is a political figure that universally is hated? I can't think of one on the top of my head. Yeah, that might be difficult.
But, uh, it could work. I can't believe I just full on as worked. Wait, COVID that would even, it's some, they accidentally bring somebody back that has COVID and then like the glass breaks. And then that's what it needs to be. Like in 10 years, when everybody thinks COVID encounter. Yeah. Like in 10 years, when everybody thinks COVID is like a joke or I guess no 20 years, 21 years, whatever they say.
Um, when it's like fun, when like, yeah, it's the same ride set up and everything. It's just that like they released the cylinder breaks and it's like, Oh no, we've released COVID. Was it a lab leak? And then you're like, you know, the restraint comes down and then it's like, you know, the, the hot breath and like the, it's like somebody coughing and that sprays water on your face.
It's Karen, she's unmasked. She's about to talk about QAnon conspiracy theories. Yeah, they re-themed the whole thing to an airplane. You just hear like... Yeah, it's like a woman that's like in the cylinder. She's like wearing a MAGA mask and then like takes it off and starts coughing. And then she's like, doo doo, doo doo.
Yeah, COVID encounter. When when Generation Alpha, when they're making jokes about COVID the way that fucking Gen Z jokes about 9-11. Yeah. That's when we know it's time. Mm hmm. That rides on God.
No cap. My Riz is up. Skibbity. Toilet. Ohio. Can we just ruin every bit of youth slang right now? I mean, let me just let me just say I'm a 35 year old man. Yeah.
I have to say though, remember when people in their 30s talked about, I mean, did we even really have youth slang though? When was the millennial youth slang peak? Was it in the early 2000s when people got phones and it was all texting slang? That's probably it, right? That's probably the closest I could think of, but other than that, yeah. I don't know.
trying to think here, um, kind of drawn a blank though. Yeah, I mean, I can't mean like millennials didn't really have slang in like the 2010s. I feel like we kind of just normalized what was previously slang. Yeah. Like, like the word yo. That's just so commonplace now, you know? Mm hmm.
It'd be like, like basically now, yo, what's good. That's just like very standard and formal greeting. Yeah, that's true. I mean, I'm trying to remember though, if there were moments, cause what the Gen Z slang thing or Gen Alpha slang, whatever you want to call it is like,
People are like, people in their 30s now are like, I don't get it. And I don't understand the context. It's like, I don't know, it takes like a minute. You like look it up and look at what he means. And you hear a couple of people saying, it's like, okay. But like, remember trying to talk to somebody who is an adult who is not phone literate about like acronyms? They acted like acronyms were like the most challenging thing to comprehend.
into decipher Chi Chi YL I don't know what any of this means just text normal I remember my dad was like the opposite of that over did it yeah yeah well cuz you know he like worked in late IT and shit so he'd be like he'd be like apparently
but he'd be like reading these articles from like fucking tech people his age. Yeah. So he'd be like, yeah, you know, like the, the, the slang now is that young people spell cool K E W L. It's like, uh, all right. I remember like,
phone commercials that would make fun of like overused acronyms, like everything was an acronym. Like Bo Body. What's the first B stand for? Business? Yeah.
Uh, that was it like OMG, my BFF Jillian. Oh, right. Right. I think that's kind of like millennial slang. Yeah. It's like dumb shit from like commercials or songs that like caught on. Yeah. Well, it's because every pretty much everyone, every millennial across the country was watching the same shit.
Are you Jelen? That's a millennial fucking. Yeah. And then, like, yeah, you went to school on Monday and you like were on the bus or whatever, and you'd be like talking about the commercial and then people would be imitating it. Jelen like a felon. Yeah, millennial said that that was millennial shit.
I don't know if it was slang so much, it's just like fucking memes. Yeah. Isn't it weird to be a millennial? I feel like it's probably one of the better ones at the end of the day when you even things out.
I like how Gen X just is quietly sitting there doing nothing. What's cause they, yeah, I feel like Gen X is like they were fine. Like they didn't really have, like they were able, they were, they became adults quick enough before all the shit hit the fan. The fucking assholes.
They're like, yeah, we. We got, you know, R.E.M. and the gin blossoms and the falling of the wall. I feel like I feel like the roller coaster scene is probably the best for Gen X. Like, if you think about like the wild shit that opened in the early 90s.
Yeah, like the mid 80s all the way through to the early 2000s. Yeah. That era of like seeing a crazy like prototype ride and like you only know you only see like a picture of it and you get to the park when it opens, you have no idea how the ride runs. Yeah, I or you like see a news report and you're like, holy shit.
Yeah. Oh, to have been a Genexer at that time. Speaking of, speaking of old people, I was thinking about this the other day. Have you ever, have you ever driven an electric vehicle or an EV as the kids say?

Experience of Driving EVs

So it's really odd because it's silent and there's no vibrations. It's kind of hard to explain. There's just nothing. It's really weird. You don't feel like you're really in a car.
Um, and so because of that, you don't really feel acceleration, like you could floor it and suddenly you're going like 90 miles an hour. It doesn't, like there's zero vibration or noise. Um, like imagine, like imagine elderly people, right? Who get an EV.
And in their mind, it's like, oh, like these are electric vehicles. They don't have, they have like no power. They've got like no kick, you know? Like it, it'll be like a golf cart. And they think they're just getting into this like a little car, but then they'd like floor it and then they don't even realize they're going like 150. Yeah. They're like, Oh, what was that? Must be a speed bump.
Imagine one of those, the first time there's one of those old people accidents where they're like, I thought the guest was debris and they go into a business. Yeah. Well, I was thinking like, I was, yeah, I mean, you could probably, there was maybe a joke there. Just keeps going. Suddenly they're zooming down the road at a hundred miles an hour straight through a wall.
Yeah. Oh, Jesus Christ. I'm just picturing like a 93 year old dude in Florida. I got one of these new EVs. It's a woke car. It has no power to it.
Yeah. And they're like, would you like to test it out? Um, Lucids were supposed to be kind of like an old person car. Old people with money was like their literal target demographic. I mean, that's a pretty good target demo.
If we didn't already stake our claim on being egregious assholes, I'd say let's rebrand. Yeah. And focus on old people with money. What about a coaster podcast that is targeted to boomers? How so? I don't I don't know.
But it would be a funny way to do it. And then you could have like starts off with a guitar solo. Yep. And then like, no, no EVs here. Just solid rock. Boomers don't like EVs. It's funny.
Give me a 64 Hemi any day. I love, there's this dark part of, there's this really dark part of Facebook that I still, cause I don't use Facebook, but I still am like an observer because there's all these people that I follow that I've been following for probably like 15 years plus, you know, like it's like random people I went to school with and then like,
Sometimes they're parents or it's like coworkers or like coworkers of coworkers type of thing from like years. And so somebody forgot existed suddenly like post something. And it's like, it's like, uh, talking about how, I don't know, solar farms are causing global warming or something. And it's just like, it's so out of nowhere. It's just funny.
I mean, 5G caused COVID, so. Yeah. Oh, yeah, for sure. And then like random QAnon things. It's amusing. Sad, but amusing. I think that's just like, you know, the curse of the small town with the problem of the internet.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, because you can find quote unquote supporting evidence for whatever you believe in now. Yeah, I mean, literally, that's the problem is like literally any viewpoint you have, there's an endless stream of content available. Yeah, it's like, I'm a doctor and the thing you just said is totally true.
Like you could just like come up with any dumb shit now and you can get a whole fucking internet subculture around like pickles don't have salt. Don't believe me. Fucking prove it. All right, we found a third generation pickle maker.
Um. Orion is a giga. Says who? I won't believe it until they bust out the tape measure.
It would be like, did you ever see that Flat Earth documentary about the people who believe in Flat Earth and they're like doing these experiments? No. And then in their last experiment, they basically proved that the Earth was round.
So I don't want to butcher the clip, but basically they floated three boats on a lake and then they had lasers and they were like, okay, so they got on the boats, they turned the lasers and
They aim it at these targets and then they're on the boats and they're like, hey, I don't see the laser. Yeah, are you sure it's on? Yeah, it's on. Oh, okay. Here, try lowering it and then they'd be like, if...
according to like how far the boats are away. If the laser is three feet above the target, they will prove that the earth is round. And they're like, all right, keep lowering the laser. And then they're like, how about, how low was that? It's like, yeah, it's like about three feet. And so anyway, they like disprove their entire thing at the very end. Um, I don't even remember what I was talking about. This is why,
You smoked that shit, my friend. So that's not a good idea. Well, let's see, I'm going to see if there's some amusement park news. Here we go. Six Flags Over Georgia is maybe going to open the Georgia surfer at some point.

Amusement Park Updates and Humor

Oh, that's right. Was that right? Georgia surfer.
That's like the Intamin ripoff of the mock splash. I'm just like. Honestly, that's just my reaction to that name. What a horrible name. Like, first of all, well, about three quarters of the goddamn rides in that park have Georgia in the name. I knew that I knew that Texas was very like
into their brand, but I didn't realize the Georgia was. Well, they have the Georgia scorcher. They used to have the Georgia cyclone. And the Georgia surfer. Yeah, I mean, maybe it's not that many, but still. That's like twice as many rides
as Great America has any ride with Illinois in the name. Yeah, Illinois doesn't work out that way. Yeah, it's like the Illinois corruption. Which sounds like a pretty awesome team name, by the way. Yeah. Or like that could be like a flat ride name.
I think I think that's the team that plays against the Harlem Globetrotters. No, that's the Washington. Whatever the fuck they are.
Nationals or something. No, that's the baseball team. Uh, I don't remember, but no, the Illinois, the Illinois corruption. I like that. Um, but yeah, it doesn't really work very well, but Georgia surfer is not a good name. Well, it's also, I mean, it seems
Like these were, remember when Intamin was offering random product offerings that were all ripoffs? Yeah. I think they're still doing that. Which is funny. Oh my God, Ruger farted gross. Speaking of gross farts, the golden ticket award nominations are being accepted. Oh, nice.
Did you get a ballot? No, I don't think I can participate anymore. Have you tried there or did they just stop sending it? They stopped sending it. Okay. But I did get to vote once so they can never take that away from me. Yeah.
Six Flags Over Georgia, there's a kid flash status update. I just want to be very clear here. I'm discussing the roller coaster. That name. Kid flash. Because kid flash isn't even a movie, right? OK, here's I'm going to just read them read this scream skate update verbatim because it's fucking hilarious.
I've got a quick correction regarding the status of Kid Flash at Six Flags Over Georgia. Just that made me laugh. Previously, it was reported that the dueling coasters closed a few hours after the park opened, with many believing it was down again long term. This is not true, however, as it was confirmed to me that Kid Flash did reopen.
that same afternoon, and we haven't heard any further stories about issues since. Kid Flash. Oh, Kid Flash. Kind of sounds like a rapper. Yeah. So they're technically getting two coasters.
Yeah, because Kid Flash took fucking a year and a half to open. What? Why are those rides so late? Like what? What's the problem with them? I. Hard to say. Maybe the lights really fucked it up. Yeah, maybe. You know, one thing I don't like about.
Georgia surfer is that it doesn't have. Oh, it doesn't even splash down. It's just Georgia surfer kind of sounds like. Like one of those really weird country pop fusion bands.
Oh shit, I'm looking at this promo of Georgia Surfer and there's apparently like a tunnel, like a fountain tunnel that the ride can go through. Interesting. And they're calling the spikes a gravity stall ramp. That's an interesting
Way to put it. The best one out of that was the mock with the loop. That shit look crazy. Like for real. Yeah, that's the best one. Looks like free beer is coming back to Busch Gardens over Tampa Busch Gardens over Tampa Busch Gardens Tampa.
Oh shit. It's because it's been done for what? A long time? Yeah. Well, they occasionally do it, I think, but it looks like for a limited time, Tampa theme park will offer one complimentary beer per day to all guests and two complimentary beers per day to past members. It's a good way to sync them.
Yeah, a variety of rotating options to choose from, from classic domestic brews to artisanal craft beers. Guests can enjoy a refreshing drink while experiencing the thrill of award-winning roller coasters and up close encounters with animals and the all new things happening this summer. So we'll get a free beer. Oh, yeah.
That actually sounds like it would be really good in the like Florida heat and humidity. Yeah. Well, if they're serving it in an air conditioned room, yeah, I couldn't that thinking back on that, like they're the only things that were the only place that were air conditioned were the gift shops. It says Oring Cafe.
So if it's a cafe, it's probably air conditioned. Yeah. So get get y'all asses out to Busch Gardens Tampa and go drink some beer. To a day for the for the season pass, that sounds. I mean, because there's already people who, you know, those videos where it's like I have a meal plan and I eat at the park every day.
Yeah, right. Like all the offices in Tampa just get like season passes for their employees and they're like, all right, Friday, happy hour. Yeah, I mean, why not? That's that's funny. That'd be the shit, though. Yeah, although.
The food that's offered though, I bet after a week, you're probably like, I don't want any of this. You probably are sick and you've got anal fissures from aggressive wiping with the one ply toilet paper that's in Dean Parks.
dude you look sickly are you okay yeah i'm good i um i've just only been eating six flags meals for the past three months oh good lord or like are you okay no no i'm good um i like some open sores in my legs and i can't walk properly anymore but like
I've got a weird gate to my step. So like I kind of need a walker or at least a cane, but like I'm good. Do you want to go get some beers? Yeah, dude, let's go. Yeah, like and seen. God, I mean, I'm with you.
The amount of micro plastics in that food and fucking sodium. Yeah. It's like worse. That'd be like eating that seven 11 every day. Like if you ever actually ate seven 11 food, dude, it's funny. You should mention that there's a seven 11 around the corner from where I work. And this weekend I got hungry.
And I ended up buying a taquito. And good lord, that was a horrible mistake. I felt like shit for like six hours. Yeah. God, then they have those wings. And the pizza, it's like, yeah, the pizza is like disgusting. Because it's got that like cardboard fucking
Crust. Yeah. It's basically like they took a full size Totino's pizza and left it out in the sun. And then cooked it. There's like that's actually how 7-Eleven got in the pizza business. Totino's like one of their trucks broke down. They're like, does anybody want to buy like
80 pounds of pizzas. 7-Eleven's like, yes. And Totino's like, you know, you can't like eat these, right? And they're like, we won't. Let's see here. I always forget that George is actually on the ocean.
Is it? Yeah, good part of it. Basically from like Jacksonville, Florida to Savannah. Actually, actually a little north of that yet too. Like I know, like I know it's on the ocean, but like I always forget that it's on the ocean. Let's see directions from, let's see. Let's say you lived in Atlanta and you went to the beach.
It's like a four hour drive. It's not too bad. Yeah. On the eastern side. OK. Like southeast. Yeah. All right. Well, totally forgot I was thinking about like south, you know.

Amusement Park Oddities and Rumors

Screamscape is saying the former Six Flags New Orleans is going to get demolished. I feel like that was supposed to happen like every year for the last 20 years. Yep. They're saying they're going to knock it down and try to build a water park. Well,
At least a water park is a little bit easier when it floods. Right? You can adapt the attractions. God, speaking of 21 year anniversary is coming up. Katrina is going to be having its 20th anniversary, I think next year. Oh shit, yeah.
You're right. I remember that vividly because that was when the theme park review forums were new. Yeah, same.
that I remember that being like when my space was still new to. Yeah.
Now I'm getting distracted by these. Well, it looks like Circus Circus Adventure Dome is not in. So it looks like. They removed the chaos, which really sucks. And the mini golf that used to be in there.
And it looks like there's a pretty large unoccupied spot in there now. Like underneath the first corkscrew of Canyon Blaster. Yeah, I'm actually surprised that place is still holding on. It makes sense. What else are they going to do? Plus, Circus Circus is like
a family place, you know. It probably makes more than enough money to justify its continued operation. Oh, yeah, we got a.
Um, we haven't talked about Thorpe Park energy or Hyperia is down. And then he got dragster down. Yeah. Ain't the year for new attractions, apparently. Although that's not like this is new. I mean, I mean, why every, I feel like no ride is open on time other than B&Ms. Yeah.
And nobody's buying those anymore. And even those, right? Because Penguin Trek is having some difficulty, I think. Oh, yeah. Was that supposed to be open already? I think so. Oh, shit. OK. And what's it called? Fast and the Furious out at Universal Hollywood got delayed. To 2026.
OK, shit. But there was a recent interview with somebody from the Epic Universe team who was saying they're going to open Epic Universe in early 2025 and they specifically said before summer. OK. That'd be cool. I haven't been to the grand opening of a theme park like ever.
other than Nick universe, which doesn't count. Yeah, I'd like to go within the first six months. Ooh, here's a fun, exciting story. Real quick. A shirtless man was arrested at beach bend amusement park in Kentucky.
when he apparently decided to climb up to the top of the Kentucky Rumbler wooden roller coaster around 10 30 p.m. According to reports, police talked with him for about an hour that led to a peaceful walk back down the coaster where he was arrested and taken in. Based on the video, he appears to be somewhat intoxicated. According to some online reports, he may have been trying to wave an American flag at one point and yelling that he was
Captain, quote, Captain America. I mean, it's better than a MAGA flag. Yeah. That'd have been a funnier story. Yeah, or Captain Planet. Captain Planet.
And it's just Ted Turner kicking people in the dick. Oh, I saw, I saw a random, uh, I don't remember what the actual post was. Um, but it was something about Mount Olympus and like that new water park tower opening. And I was looking through the comments and I saw someone randomly say that the Mount Olympus owner kicks dogs.
I'm honored. A single tear is falling out of my eye right now. I think what's funnier about the joke too is like whenever we make, whenever we say that or make fun of it, it's never like, you never say his full name. It's just the owner of metal. And that's how it was in the comment too. I don't know. It was just funny.
I'm so glad that's that's one of those situations where like, you know, you put something out into the world and you no longer own it. Yeah. I'm so glad that's made its way out there now. That would be. That could be a shirt. Yeah. And like, that's the thing. I don't need us to get credit for that.
It's quite enough for that to just show up in their comments section. It's completely unrelated to us. I'm just imagining this shirt. It's just as like the owner of, and then it has the actual logo of Mount Olympus water in the park and then kicks dogs.
Kick a dog in Mount Olympus. Yeah, that would be a funny shirt. It just says the owner of Mount Olympus kicks dogs. I wonder if I put that into perplexity.
Cause apparently Perplexity reads YouTube and I don't know about, I mean, obviously not Discord, but. I'm trying to find if there's like a sound effect of a something comparable.
Okay. So I asked, I asked at that and it says, no, the park clearly, the park rules clearly state that service dogs are permitted at my Olympus water and theme park with some restrictions. So they are allowed in. Yeah.
Are there any incidents of animal cruelty reported at Mount Olympus? Um, no, it just, it just lists the park rules about pets. Of course not. Cause it's been swept under the rug. So yeah, actually Mount Olympus
new slide because they built the world's tallest slide called the rise of Icarus.
And apparently there's a, there's like a bunch of these. It's like a clone kind of slide. And they built this one like half a foot taller than the second tallest one. America's tallest water slide. That's such a weird record to want. Yeah. After the last one. Plus he really famously killed a kid. Yeah.
Plus you think these Midwesterners who are having to take their annual family vacation at Mount Olympus are gonna be able to walk up those stairs. How many fucking stories high is it? That's like 15. So yeah, that'll be fun.
There it is. I think that's technically more stairs than, uh, Verrucht had. Hold on. Rook slide. Oh no. Verrucht was 169 feet tall. Hey, at least Mount Olympus didn't build Verrucht.
You still there, dude? Yeah. OK. I think maybe cut off for a sec. Oh, shit. OK. OK, I downloaded the correct. Sound effects so that hopefully I can stitch together a dog being kicked sound effect. To represent the owner of Mount Olympus.
Who always walks around with a dog. I just like to picture that it's like. Triumph. Yeah. And he's like, this roller coaster looks great for me to poop on.
And then the owner kicks him. Yeah, there's a very distinct like kind of whimper sound. Hold on, I think I got this. Give me give me just a moment here. Yeah, I'm I'm definitely going to have this hold on.
Oh God. I can already hear it and it's not, it's sounding sad as fuck. Exactly how we were intending. All right.
Is it a? Boom. OK, I'm I'm exporting it right now. OK. And let me just get it on onto Zencaster so I can share with you this amazing creation.
Here we go. OK, so say the owner of Mount Olympus. The owner of Mount Olympus. Yeah, that's pretty good.
Now we have that one at the ready all the time. I love it. So any time that we even so much as bring up Mount Olympus. That was that was definitely worth that.
And is it on the soundboard now? Yep. Nice. And remember, we're not the bastards. We're only laughing about the owner doing this.
And also remember, that was three individual sound effects that I stitched together. And I have the proof officer. That make it worse or better? I don't know.
Yeah, so well, in case you were wondering what Mount Olympus sounds like. I've just been on their home page to scrolling around, so. I want to yeah, if if anybody is
You know, good with stuff like that. If you could figure out a way to get that sound effect to play when you get on to their website. Here it is isolated just for all of you one more time.
Yeah, I, um, I can't believe this owner kicks dogs. That's crazy. That showed up on a Facebook post. Must be a listener. Maybe, or maybe it's just made the rounds. Yeah.
All right, well, let's see, is there much else going on? Yeah, not much. It's kind of a slow summer. Yeah, there's not a whole lot on here.
Great adventure. The flash, vertical velocity. I keep forgetting that's even a thing. Well, I guess the track is fully installed and they're waiting to do clearance testing. So they're hoping to have it open in July, I guess.
Perfect time. It seems about six flags the way they do things, you know, especially for a ride that only like one out of six guests can even ride because of the port capacity. Right. And it's going to have a fucking like the slowest fucking moving line. God, that's so good. Hey, you know, is what it is, right?
At least at least they got a big new coaster they can talk about. But are it always good to fucking get a get an episode out? Yeah. I should have smoked. Well, it's always good to, you know, also talk a little bit about Mount Olympus. Yeah.
That's never not going to be entertaining. I mean, it'll probably at least be in every episode. I can only imagine so because we're going to have to bring up Mount Olympus a lot more. I feel like every time we say Mount Olympus.
It'll start an association. Yeah. Oh, for sure. Oh, my God. All right. Well. I don't know. I'm glad I'm glad we're doing this. I guess we'll come back. But if it's all just going to be top thrill to and Hyperia,
because it's just they're not open. Yeah, there hasn't been enough reviews yet of either of them. Yeah, right. I mean, media day happened and then vamoose. But yeah, we'll we'll be catching up more soon. We'll be getting more of these episodes out to all y'all.
I don't know. You got any, uh, park visits planned? Not really. I might go out to lost Island at some point. Um, when I have to go to Omaha, cause I think it's just under three hours from there. So figure if that's close enough to go visit, we'll see though. I'm not sure yet.
Yeah, well, I mean, that could be fun. Oh, I ain't planning chip, really. Uh, still looking decently all right for Disneyland in August.
Yeah, nice. Or at least D23. Park may or may not be a possibility. Yeah. Because at that time, the weekend pricing is up to almost $200 for a single park ticket. Yeah, that seems about right.
Yeah. And I'm not saying it's not worth it. I'm just saying, I don't know if I can find 200 bucks to go to Disneyland for a single day. Yeah. Right. For August, you know. Right. But I'll probably make it out to Great America a few times. Sky Striker is going to open this week, I think. OK, cool.
Yeah, that right. I mean, it's cool. They're getting one, I guess. I don't know. It's something new, at least. That coaster job of theirs, though, is currently the longest in the park's history. Yeah. So we'll see what happens there. And there's a there's a interesting cohort of
Enthusiasts online seem to be of the mindset that not only should American Eagle be RM seed They should wait until 2026 to do a major attraction because of the the anniversary I mean
Makes sense. I could see them doing like a revamp over an RMC, though. I don't know. Or take out demon. Put something there. I feel like demon would be a better spot for an RMC. Yeah. Fucking Raptor. Yeah. I think a custom layout Raptor would be awesome there. And I think you could take that spot and utilize it super well.
Yeah, for sure. I mean, they could even keep the double corkscrew. Yeah, the. I mean, they'd have to redo all that rockwork anyway, but at least the tunnel. Keep it. Over the over the midway.
If you got some ideas. Oh, hopefully they'll be doing something. Yeah. Fingers crossed, right? But, um, you got anything else Ben? Nah, it's just, I don't know. It's summer. Go ride some rides or go to a park.
Things will pick up, but things will pick up in like July. Yeah, definitely. It's like knowing it's like June is it's almost like everybody's busy in June. And then. People get busy with like summer shit, and then towards the end of the summer, the coaster stuff starts picking up again. Yeah.
All right. Oh, fucking a man. Uh, good times. Thank you all so much for listening. Oh, and, um, shit. I don't know. Until next time. Your favorite coaster.