Dr Kiran Agarwal has worked in medicine for over 22 years and specialises in ENT (ear, nose and throat) health. She also works with entrepreneurs and high performers to help them stay well, avoid burnout and maximise their happiness.
I talk to her about:
- The prevalence of respiratory disorders
- What the main causes of these health issues are - from air pollution to food.
- Solutions - what approaches can help, including:
- Diet - which foods to eat more of and less of
- How easy switches to our cleaning products and routine can help
- The way we breathe - how simple practices can reduce symptoms and even get people off medication, as well as the difference nasal breathing can make
- & more
Connect with Kiran:
Factsheet on Airway Health: https://plantbasedhealthprofessionals.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Airway-Health-230814.pdf
Connect with me:
https://www.instagram.com/samuelcwhart https://www.facebook.com/samuelcwhart