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Ep. 17 Impending Doom – De Profundis image

Ep. 17 Impending Doom – De Profundis

S1 E17 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
107 Plays5 years ago

(As mentioned in the episode - a link to the enemy)

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade -

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Introduction and Setting the Scene

Last week on the Fellowship of the Tabletop. Following the death of Shagar, the party awoke to a fire in the sleepy trading time of Clay Peak. After discussing it at length with each other and the young bartender, Braden, our adventurers inspected what they found out was the burnt-out wreckage of a small house nearby. With Captain Drew Linus overseeing the investigation and the body laid out in a very odd position, another smaller person was seen rummaging through the still smoldering ashes.
Folly Fizzlebang the 9th. Gnome, alchemical extraordinaire, lover of all trinkets and doodads, and their owner of a very interesting backpack. He asked to follow the party, as where there is adventure, there are trinkets, and we welcomed Cullen back into the fold. We then headed east, along the coast to the town of Bleagmore, the epicentre of the training establishment, the Hailstorm Academy. Upon meeting Gilda Arkwood, head of the academy, a panicked nurse came running in from the Scard, a camp for
With Claude at the vanguard, the adventurers stood, staring out into the hordes of the undead, poring over the horizon towards Bleedmore.

Podcast Introduction

Hello and welcome to this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are a live play 5e D&D podcast with a healthy dollop of homebrew. My name is Mark, I'm the Dungeon Master, and also with us for today's episode we have Ian, who plays the dragonborn barbarian drago. What up? We have Darren, who plays the human fighter rogue, Robin. Hello. Right, we've got Danny, who plays the questionable human, questionably classed character, Claude. Bonjour. Je suis Claude.
That was beautiful. That was culture though, I like it. I've put all our French listeners out there to which there are more than a few of you. I wish I could speak more French to say hello. We have Will who plays the wood elf monk Elphir. Hello. And we have Callum who now plays the gnome, I'm not going to say what class you are because I don't actually know, folly fizzle by the ninth. Greetings.
Welcome to this episode.

Defense Preparations in Bleagmore

So, we're gonna jump straight back into it. I've got a little bit of a introduction to give us, kind of get us in the mood, because that introduction probably wasn't enough. We have, just for your listening, ear holes, a large map on the middle of the table, so we will try and do as much as possible as give you a little bit of information about where we are as this moves forward, but nearest to my end is where the hordes of undead are approaching, and nearest the opposite end is the time of Bleakmore. To give you a little bit of context,
It detects the scarred camp which we travelled through last episode, juts out from the wall of Bleakmoor and is built with a six foot wooden palisade around the outside. It's really there for aesthetic more than actual defence with a single gate entrance which has no actual gate there. It's just an opening to the outside and the barren hills to the north.
There are 15 tenths of about 15 foot in diameter set out in rows. The rows are offset from each other so it causes these kind of maze like corridors between them that are about five feet in width across. Near the entrance there is a larger kind of courtyard area to the main entrance which is where our
Players find themselves at the moment. Across the inky black fields that lay before you, the silver moon gives shimmers of light. You catch glimpses of faces, eyes, teeth which catch in the piercing moonlight. Sounds glottal and visceral overwhelm the clamour of Bleakmore behind you. The air is still as if waiting with anticipation, and your senses are drawn to the amassing force, almost in awe of the numbers that stand before you. They pour over the ridge line.
you estimate from the speed that you have limited time to set up any kind of defence as you wish in order to rescue members of the Scard, soldiers who have fought and lost to these very beings. Looking around the camp, you notice that there is a six-foot wooden barricade. A six-foot wooden barricade is up in key areas. It connects to the Palisade of Bleakmoor and a large single entrance to the north.
the entrance that you're all now currently stood in. There are no gates to this, however. Behind you, near the gate to Bleakmore, you remember that the woman who warned Arc Order of the Undead mentioned some carts. This is right at the entrance gate of the scarred area. There is a series of kind of broken or half-misused carts.
The rows of tents behind you rustle with fear. Voices are raised and alarmed, but in amongst them you hear collected training, order and purpose.

Hailstorm Academy and Skill Challenges

Some supported by others, some on crutches. A number of the scar made their way slowly out of tents and head towards the gate.
You look up to the battlements to see Arkwood commanding the Academy members into positions of defence. Large fires are sparking up along the walls in cauldrons. Lines of wide-eyed, white-starred soldiers line up too deep, armed with deep black bows. Young halfling apprentices run along the walls, laying out bundles of arrows.
Humans and Elves, Dragonborn and Githyunky, Tieflings and Halflings appear at your flanks. A broken and battered collective of the Hailstorm Surge. Some are armoured, some are not. Some are armed, others holding nothing more than clenched fists. Their eyes are stern, their purpose clear.
As they look out into the distance, an orc pushes past them, her face half-wrapped in bandages, her armour missing save a chestplate donning the white star of the hailstorm surge. She looks at you. An equally diverse group of races and creeds. She grunts. You. Outsiders. Find something to block this entrance. We'll hold off any scouts that test our defences. Arc orders some of the best archers and wizards to sleep guard up on those walls. You give the entry. You give the signal. And they'll unleash holy hell on these bastards.
information this is a big big big old setup along the walls which sit in the center of the map here there are rows and rows of archers they are also you can see dressed in dark black robes two or three high-value targets if you will which are these high-ranking mages in the House and Academy of Claude you would recognize quite a
And they will either unleash a series of fireballs, balls, which you can, I will kind of position where they fall, but you can signal for that, or you can signal for a volley. And the archers will fire a volley and take out a number of the undead they're approaching.
Okay, once we roll into that. Did you say there was a dragonborn here? There isn't at the moment. No, okay. There was a good monkey. No, no, no, that's fine. I didn't know if there's a group of dragonborns. Oh, sorry. I did mention yes, there was a dragonborn. There's one or two, but they're up on the walls at the moment. Shit. Okay, cool. Yes, it's part of our ranks of options. What I will say, this is a lot of sets of apologies, but this is gonna be a big one. I think it's gonna be fun. I think it's awesome. What this is going to work is that
they are approaching there is a limited amount of time we're going to run a really quick hey series of skill challenges that will allow you to do what you want to do in preparation for this this can be for example you could use a slight of hand to be able to undo the ropes of a tent and carry off two of the most injured back you can use it to you know any of your skills to try and get people out if you want or you can either use to get people out or you can use it to set up some kind of additional defenses
is to maybe block the entrance, to shore up the defence of the walls, shout out to Gilda Arquardt, it's up to you really. But what I'll say is every pass will give you an additional turn to get people out once we go into initiative order of battle. Every fail, well there's a fail, there's something that happens after every fail as well, okay? You get an additional round for each, to help remove the entry from the camp, which we'll run in initiative order later on.
into the camp quicker than otherwise. Can I double check? So, environmentally, it's evening isn't it? It's evening and it's almost night, well it's night. So, we have to consider outside of the Palisades is basically darkness. Within the Palisades there's a tour flight and that kind of thing. Absolutely, very good point to make. And there's loads of light coming from the wall of Bleakmoor as well because they've got massive plinths lit up before
I can ask this in question because we may not have noticed this by now, but is there a way up on two of the walls?
There he is, but you have to go back into Bleeckmoor, round the back, kind of either side of the gateway. There are two inlays that you can climb up a stone set of stairs that you saw on the way out to get you up into the walls. The walls are impressive, kind of 50 feet, 30 feet tall, kind of standard size for these walls, well-defended, 10 foot wide. What's the weather?
A drizzle, sorry, it's a drizzle of rain over the... So that's a stairwell and that's a stairwell. That's useful to me. Is it?
because I can hide in drizzle as an action even when I say it. You can hide in rain. Water drop there, I hope. Wood Elf trait allows me to, as an action, I have Mask of the Wild. Did you just grab a bucket of water and start... You can attempt to hide even when you are only likely obscured by things like rain and that lot even when seen. Well, it's very, very, very light.
Soldiers which are going to be used by a single figurine from now. I just remember being further out. Right at the front there looking out across the undead. You have some men with you. You're looking out, the moon is out.
We are going to do this skill challenge. To be honest, we'll just go round the group. Everyone gets three attempts for this. Like I said, every pass, we get another turn, so to speak. The DC for this, which I should... Are you going to tell us? I'm going to tell you the DC. Do you want us to chat first before we go into the skill challenge or not? Yeah, let's do that. Topsy, that person's just said, what's the last thing she said to us?
The half or? Grab the cart to... Okay. Which is more for your main entrance. Grab the cart to make some kind of defences from here. We'll clear out any scouts that try and test our defences. That's what she... That's what they're gonna do, rather than... Okay. Well, that's what she said. She said that to us. Yeah. What do you want to do? So Claude will come to his knees and start communing into his necklace for a few seconds. Okay. To a minute.
Not using the spell, but just trying to say a prayer. We should block this entrance. We should also drop the tents along the edge of the power stage so we have a clear killing ground for when we get assaulted. How long have we got until we get overrun by undead?
I'd like to have a look.
I've immediately started going in the bag of holding and I've just come around to anyone without a potion which would be you because you drank one last time. So I give potions to Drago, 2d4, anyone else?
I think we used a lot of them. I haven't won 12 here. Probably will take one. He's kind of got both hands out, just gripping like a child, wanting to toil or something. Claude, I assume, can't hear me because he's out the front healing. But I would note from past that Claude has the means to take care of himself, so I'll put one on my belt and that's it. That's all the potions distributed, but I'm a big one. So, we find ourselves in the midst of a skill challenge.
So just prior to the skill challenge, starting with the prayer that I set, touching the earth behind me, making sure no one can actually see or hear who or what I'm praying to. I'm going to cast Daylight on the ground where I am, which is a 60 foot radius. Lovely, I know to see where to grab the pen. Five, six. So Danny is making a massive mark on the map in front of the entrance of the camp.
which is a very clever idea so he's basically covering encompassing the entire front part of the camp where the entrances in daylight that will come out it's a big old 60 foot radius which means the will you can't do your shadow step when there's light there's shadow though as long as people are cast yes that was a beautiful

Defense Strategies and Evacuation

Kingdom Hearts yes so essentially spreading out of the earth from the point where I was saying the prayer a massive sphere of light encompasses and it sort of sits at the one break in a palisade wall so it's sort of where there was a bottleneck the bottleneck and now is an area of light and for the purpose of our listeners I believe daylight means no magical darkness could interfere with yes so you can't cast darkness it would stop that and obviously
If you were a disadvantage in sunlight, so drought or maybe something. Does my magical darkness cancel yours out or do you cancel mine out? Daylight cancels out. Also, it means I can see, so I'm happy. It's 60 foot of blaring light and then another 60 foot, so 120 foot of dim light. So essentially the whole area is lit up.
That's wonderful. My eyes, thank you. As Claude reaches down to the earth, you just see his hunched back and bold head as he seems to charm something out of range from all of you, audibly. A light begins to just emerge from him as his back is encompassed as a large silhouette approaches and it literally feels like he's just appeared, a small sun is appearing from in front of him. The area is so well lit casting shadows behind the palisade walls into the scarred camp. There are shadows behind the tents nearest to you as well and
looking behind you, the entire campus now been lit up. As you do look around, you see a range of races of the hailstorm surge, those scarred by battle, turning to look, squinting in the sunlight, before kind of nodding and making their way quickly, spurred on by this, towards the entrance to Blingmore.
As I say, just before we get into the skill check, what Folly is going to do is just quickly tap the ground with his quarter staff, and then he's going to get enveloped in a black aura, and he's just casting mage armor on himself. Lovely. Good. Thank you. Good to know. Good to know. So Folly Fuzzlebang has just switched on mage armor. Should boost you a little bit. Boost you a little bit. Atee a little bit. Lovely. Now, we're going to skill challenge order. I'm not going to take initiative because we'll take actual initiative order later on. I'm just going to go around. Everyone gets three attempts. They'll remember, you have to be proficient in it.
You have to, in some way, shape or form, adjust the course of what you're trying to do. So it can't just be, I want to do animal handling on a mouse I see for no reason. It needs to be something that was useful. Danger mouse. Danger mouse. We're going to go in just all around the table for now. Like I said, we'll actually use our initiative order later on. We'll start off. It's going to go Drago, Robin, Elphir, Claude, Folly.
You get two attempts, you've got to be proficient, and it's got to change, or help in some way, shape, or form. Oh, and Natalia's not going to be involved in the skill challenge. She's just going to be panicking.
probably following someone. There are many many things you can do and it's up to you how or why you want to do it and if it makes it if it does pass like I said it will add towards the time you get before the undead approach. Drago start a software job to do. Drago would run to listen to what was the command that was issued to him. Grab the cart and use my strength to pull it into position to blockade the entrance.
Okay, go ahead. A natural fucking 20. A crit on the first roll! I can't make that sound again, but a crit on the first roll. Okay, so can I take all the cards? You move back, bleep more and move it.
Drag this entire town away. You make your way through the tents and find the broken carts that this woman had mentioned to Gil that I had called earlier on. You manage to very easily, with the energy and enthusiasm of battle approaching, your dragonborn blood flushing through your veins at incredible speed, lift and drag this cart deftly round the tents, making your way dexterously down to the north towards the entrance where you start managing to... What, are you planning on doing something with it?
Yep, so as I'm dragging it down, I'll be like, other way, move! Barricade coming through! And I would position it at the strongest point, which I assume would be the rear with the big wheels, towards the entranceway. So it would just, yeah. Has it got brakes? I've put brakes on. I've put some wooden stoppers under the wheels so they just didn't push it back.
Yeah, it's really cool. Claude is on the outside of this cart at the moment. However, the cart hasn't fully blocked the entrance. Claude, do you want to get in here? I'm going to barricade the entrance. I liked the light giving, by the way. I appreciate it.
Is that the way you decided to put it to the back wheels facing backwards? Yeah, because normally with the karts it gets smaller as it goes forwards. Lovely, thank you. So there's a two wheeled car with the horses missing, we're not going to leave the horse there, this is a horse friendly show here. The car is in position now, it's not fully blocking the entrance, it's about five foot, one side and two foot, the other side of space.
You did notice back there there was some broken wood, there were other bits of carp back there as well. This was the biggest piece you could find and you dragged that. So that is a pass for that skilled challenge there. Thank you very much.
I hate when I say, Robin. Okay, having seen Drago, Robin grabbed this cart. What Robin is going to do is he's going to come to the first tent here. And one right in the corner. The one right in the corner, the most down left point to the left of the cart. And what he's going to do is he's going to open the tent. See how many sick people are in there. As you flush open the doors of the tent, a wave of smell and kind of stench hits you. This is of sweat and humans.
sweat really, people not feeling particularly well. You look inside and there are three individuals, one who is missing a leg, a human who's missing a leg, and two which seem to just be trying to collect some stuff together. One of them seems to have a bandage over their chest, there's also a female githyunki in there who is missing an arm, but they all turn to look at you as you enter the tone.
And I say to them, with the sternness in my voice, but a calmness, you need to get inside the city walls and you need to do it now. And I'm going to use a slider pan to start tying back the tent doors. And I would do that as quickly as I could on all of them so people could get out. Okay, I'll let you just because if we're fitting... It would probably be the first two would be my immediate concern. So the closest to one, the ones that flank out the side of the entrance, you're going to try a slider pan to open the entrances up.
and kind of call people out using it. Yes, I think we need at least to be able to have the front line clear, so we need to get those in first. Lovely. Give us a roll with that, please, Dan. Certainly.
How is a 6 plus 13? So 13 plus 6 is 19. 19 passes. So you very deftly open this up, throw back the entrance and actually what you manage to do is hook them over the pegs that are in front of the entrance and heft them open so the whole front of the tent pulls up. So not just a little arch entrance, a little teepee entrance.
both the right tucks over the end you pull it tight and both are open. There are two people in the other tent you haven't gone to yet they both can walk but are slow limping out of the tent so that the closest tents either side now will consider them open and empty. Before I finish that I ensure that the Giffian key and the human did you say within there? Yeah. To help the person missing one leg. Okay so make sure that he's evacuated
changing on the map so the entrance is open there so you've got them both open so you've managed to clear out five of them and then that was Darren's turn thank you very much Robin. Elfie what would you like to do? You want to be proficient in the skills you've used. Right, whilst Robin's clearing the
for the two tents. Alfie would like to, I'd like to use investigation to investigate the Palisade to identify if there are any weak points that could be used to breach the Palisade other than using the gate. Awesome, lovely. Yep, give us a roll for investigation then please, Alfie.
Okay, so you managed to look along the walls of the Palisade. As you run along the brightness of the light, your eyes had adjusted to the darkness, looking off into the distance of the undead, not realising that Claude was going to cast daylight. As you looked into it, actually, your high-perception works against you, in this case, as it instantly hits your eyes. You start walking on the walls, but you've got these kind of bright, blind spots in your eyes as you try and look along it. You notice it looks quite sturdy along the eastern wall.
you're closest to and the northern wall of the area near the cart that you manage in your time to get to. That unfortunately is a fail though. Cool. Claude, you're right in front of the vanguard. They've got a cart behind you and it's been placed up by Drago. What would you like to do? So Claude will draw upon his medical knowledge of being a medic at these camps for an extended period of time. And he'll shout into the camps to prioritise the, well, prioritise those near death.
We don't want the dead rising behind our wolves. Shit. And I'll make a medicine check for that, to that effect. Love it, yeah, okay, I'll take that, yeah. I didn't even think of that. What'd you get? Nat two, zero. Another natural 20.
Another crit! A 29 if you needed the exact value. Yeah, that's going to be a pass. So you manage to turn into the camp and over the walls, over the clamor of Bleakmore behind it as well as the camp slowly starting to empty out, they recognise your voice and you manage to use the right kind of words and phrases in which they would recognise. There might be specific terms that you use for those closest to death, they instantly recognise them.
And in that short space of time, you can repeat it three, four or five times to get to each, almost each row of these attempts across the camp. And as far as you're aware, that news has been taken on board. Because of that, what I will say is that a few people who were taking others out have changed and prioritised who they're going to take out. You manage to get another four out quickly. So that's a nine in total. Amazing. Amazing.
polyfizzle and the ninth known our chemical extraordinaire I love trying to know what would you like to do first what I'm gonna do because it's still a lot of people in these tents that in front of me basically I'm going to cast minor illusion and create the sound of a warning bell that people would normally be hearing upon attack just anybody who is still capable in the tents that can actually move
get away, and then obviously anybody who might be capable of fighting can come and join the front line as well. Lovely. It's only gonna be good if it works out. So what, as a skill challenge, you'll have to roll against Arkana. Yeah, so that's okay. Yes, I am proficient in Arkana. Just checking. Because it has to be proficient. Exactly. Which, uh, nah. Nine. Nine for eight. Nine. It was a nice idea. Shade her out of the game. Shade her out of the player. Fuck you.
While he's standing in this courtyard area after seeing Robin remove the backs of some of the tents, you do manage to set the spell up, but because of your lack of knowledge of the scarred and the way in which they operate, you also hear Claude utter these phrases which they seem to respond to instantly. You try to mirror that by thinking of a military style, from your experiences of travelling around a sleep guard, military style warning bell, an actual factual that does his course, his piercing,
kind of almost white noise sound. I love white noise. You know the high pitch sound you get in tinnitus? Yeah, tinnitus kind of sound. You produce that for a second, which actually kind of a few of them, like, oh, slows them down a bit, actually. And Tarly, who stood right next to you, just turns to you, looking very confident, covering her ears, like, what the fuck are you doing? So that, unfortunately, is a fail. Sorry!
Wrong spell! Background to Draggo, what would you like to do next? Put the cart in front. Okay. Your ears are kind of covered at this point with the noise that Follies just created. Mine might be a two-part check. So, from where I got the original... Cart. Cart. Are there horses there? There are no horses in this cart that you can see. Okay, but there's another cart. There are pieces of broken carts available. You probably have the two carts worth of wood. That would not...
work to what I want to do. Okay, I would like to try and go and turn around and head into the, after hearing what Claude said and after seeing what Robin was doing, would head into the next tent that Robin hasn't opened yet full of sick people, open it up and he'd like to assess
who is the sickest, illest, whatever that word you want, and then carry them into safety. So I would assume a survival check on the carry, holding, and pulling them over. Yeah, because I wouldn't say it's a strength check no much, because you're so strong, it wouldn't necessarily, it wouldn't be a check for you, you could just naturally do it. It's not my survival, it's their survival. Exactly, so you're assessing how sick they are. Yeah, I take the ill people. I think I could carry two, one on each shoulder. You know what, for this,
No, I'll keep it as one roll as it's unfair. So give me the survival check then, please. How is a 22? 22 is lovely. You fling over the doors of the tent and you notice this is one of the critically ill tents. There are five people lying there that haven't moved. Upon quickly assessing them, you notice that two seem to be in the worst position. That's a good fact. I can only carry two. Absolutely. One of them's...
their eyes open and kind of look over to you. Two of them just have remaining motions but you can see their chests moving. This is three humans and two half orcs in there as well. All male at the time. At the time. They're all male. Try to get some flavour to you. I'm going to taste his dagger.
Yeah, so you manage to look around and two of them seem to be in a much more critical condition than the others. Your time in fights and battles in your past, with your brother, with your dad, in another life it feels, would tell you that those two would be the sickest and that they would be the two that are most necessary to get out. Okay, so I'd go to each of those persons and I'd be like, alright, I'm going to carry you to safety. I'm going to carry you to safety as well. Try not to move and I'll lift them up on my shoulders.
okay we're gonna we're gonna get you out of here okay and you make your way through the tents as you notice a few more people starting to potter out of them but teeter out of tents they start to look confused looking at the light that's emanating from the front of the of the palisades as you walk past them you can kind of usher a few others on as well you managed to get two more out so that's up to 11 now you've got
As you approach the entrance to the gate, you notice now, not only the troops already on the walls, you notice in the courtyard of Bleakmore, where you met Gilda in the first place before you first entered the town, there are now a large number of amassing troops there as well. These are moor archers as well, 5, 6, 7 rows.
They seem to be setting up there on purpose, probably from your experience of battle, to volley over the walls, over the Skaad, or into the Skaad if needs be. So kind of a second line of defence of resort over the heads of those other archers. Where do you want the sit going? As I'm walking towards them. You see a slightly dishevelled looking captain stood off to the side. He points down.
basically towards the largest building at the far south of the place which is the the the arkwood academy the hailstorm academy and he says in there take them in there and yeah dragonwood um a deer you approach these massive two massive doors that were up until now locked and guarded up to that point they've already been swung open you can see more and more people
filing into this building. It seems to be the most secure building in Blingmore at the time. This is where most of the injured are being moved to. You pop them both down and quickly make your way back into the camp. It's not been your turn. What do you like to do? I have a quick question for the DM first. Is it if one member of the parties use that skill challenge, no one else can use it? No, it's if you have used it. For example,
Thought your hands out for me because I've used it. You've used it whereas you could use... Athletic. Because you haven't used it yet. Yeah. Okay, yes. You've got to be proficient and it's per player, not per. Okay, cool. As this is happening, Robin has started to go through the bag of holding. He's swung his shield on his back and put one of the scimitars away because it's worthless in this situation.
However, as I go in, I find if you recall back on Lawndon, I've tried to use it many times, well, not actually since we've been recording, I made, with the spare asset, I made a basic trap with my smithing tools. I'm going to head out, Robin would head out front.
and I'm going to try and use investigation to find somewhere to plant this dwarven acid trap, which does 4d4 damage on a failed safe, will do half damage on a successful safe. Thank you for that, I didn't know how much damage it did. Thank you for that. So give me the investigation roller please. I shall. A health of 25.
You know what 25 is absolutely fine Darren Page, thank you very much. So you're looking around and you assess quickly the situation, looking at the light bleeding off over the fields, you can hear them approaching. You see the ferocity of which they're approaching, they're not going to be stepping over things, they are just making their
way headlong there. You try to find an area where you know when this trap sets off, the burst of this poison attack is a poison attack. Acid. Sorry acid trap. Where this acid trap will have the kind of largest area of effect, you pick pretty much the highest little tuft of ground. You don't get much effort into hiding it because you've assessed that they're not going to, they're just going to run towards the entrance anyway.
and you plonk it on the highest ground to deal the most damage. As I do that, a small moment where as I put my hand on it I see the dwarven steel that was used to make the outscapes of it and I just say to myself under my breath as I look out at them, a gift from the Prince of Bourn.
inside and with that you get some inspiration. You get inspiration with that, I save lives, I don't get inspiration. Hey, it was a call back to life. I'm fine. I'm sure this isn't partial. Get your hand off this time.
over there Darren, I'll stand you back up. Lovely, thank you very much, that was a fourth pass, two fails, that was one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, no, I missed a pass, there you go, five passes, two fails, is that right? So who's failed so far? Yeah, put your hands up, who failed? You passed it. Thank you very much, Padee, that's a great shot, sorry Padee, Darren, that's a very good shot. That's my two expertise stuff gone as well, so they're plus 10 and plus 13 respectively, so they got a hill from here. Lovely, thank you very much. Thank you Rogue. Elphir, what would you like to do?
So turning to the group of people that have announced it with us, the fours, I'd like to use
insight to assess which ones are actually going to be capable of actually fighting and which ones are going to be a hindrance and I can give her another task too. Right, so yep, give me a, what are you going to investigate? No, I'm doing insight, I'm doing an investigation. I'm doing insight, so I'm judging them by the how they're standing, how they're carrying themselves, are they ready for fight or are they actually standing there because they feel they're bound to, but actually they're going to be a hindrance, they could do something better, so I'm using insight. Give me insight for that one please. 25.
them you notice the orc you notice two of the githyanki and one of the humans so four in total are in a state that would be useful in a fight they look they look the part they look injured but they are armed and they have armour on and they're standing with two feet and two arms they are good so you've got four there that are good there are two just behind that look worse for wear that do seem to be that out of out of pride and honour more than anything else so Elthir goes to those two and says
I need you two to get the tents along the edge of the Palisade evacuated now. So go along the tents and get them evacuated back into the city. Lovely. And with that, those two members nod and quickly move to the next two nearest tents. One turns directly behind him to basically to increase the size of this courtyard and opens to get the doors of it.
opens the material of it out and goes inside obviously to get if anyone else is left in there and then start collapsing the tent. The other man moves to the western side and breaks down, starts to break down the tent that has already been emptied by Robin and that he manages quite successfully and now we have a little bit more room
Just to the right-hand side of the palace at the Palisade wall, so we've opened that area He takes the material and stores it along the Palisade wall. This is wet cloth material wood as well and some other supplies He starts to move away You do notice the remnants of some beds and some food and rations on the floor which he leaves there and doesn't touch That's another pass. Thank you. Elthea Claude, what would you like to do? Okay, so akin to his
Guni's performance in the ruin where he lifted the boulder. He's going to tap into his forest gump and he's going to be seeing
Gildar Arc Ward and Drago sort of carrying people through and follows you. So again, going to go in to wherever I can, closest tent possible, find some people that aren't moving quickly, or just within the stream of people that are moving, attempt to grab those who aren't moving quickly and just scoop them up and then sprint into the same destination that... Which would you like to do? Because you could hurry those along to get those that are moving moved, or you could say enter a tent and move those that are unable to move.
athletics, so probably the ones unable to move. You know for a fact you've seen Drago go in, grab two, shaking his head and make his way back out, you can assume there's still some left in there, so you could enter the tent that Drago's already entered. Yeah, I'll do that. I'll shout hey you guys as I'm doing it. Yeah, give me the roll, go ahead. It's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's going to be better than that, it's 16.
It's already opened up. You do notice there are three people still in there. Two of them have, their beds have recently been yanked from their beds by Dragos in their lives. You, in your state, would manage to carry one.
I'd say mainly because of your stature, your humpback, hunchback, getting in the way of putting someone on each shoulder so you manage to quickly find and assess and grab the first person you see, probably the one that was sat up and had his eyes open, throw him over your hunchback, over your back and you can make your way quickly towards the Hellstorm Academy in Bleakmore rescuing another person. And then sprint back obviously to the fold, so probably wear dragon wings at that point.
Okay, so we've got that done. Folly Fizzle by the 9th, what would you like to do? I will do a double check. Can I still use investigation? Because I've not used it before. Yes, you can. Only if you've already used it now. That's fine, that's fine. What I'm going to do, I'm actually going to take a page out of Darren's book and use my investigation check.
Folly is basically going to jump into his backpack, piece together a few things and just create a little potion trap from it. It's basically like a fire starter but he has no idea what the potion does but he's just going to stick a random one in there and find taking that into effect, into account, sorry Darren's little trap as well, an additional trap where he thinks might be the best location.
is that because that's kind of two things there I'll let you make the trap but then setting it would be a different skill altogether so you can make it but yeah the sentiment that Darren had the trap already proves we may yeah we'll have you make it and then if you want to use your next turn to set it or in combat set it I'll let you do that that's okay okay so what do you want to roll for that are you thinking yeah well no if you're doing it for the
Yeah, for making the trap there's not really anything unproficient in the whole batch of work. I suppose actually I will make an argument that I will use an investigation check purely just to very quickly investigate the back of his backpack, pick out the item very quickly and cobble something together.

Visions and Messages from Thraestan

Yeah, I'd say because of your proficiency in what you have in your backpack and the abilities you know it would just be a case of finding the right things. You know how to make it, it's just not how to make something. It's how to find it amidst the crap
Yes, it's a natural one. Are you sure you're really Follyforth? What? You're over two right now, aren't you? I'm over two right now. Bang fizzle. Three and a natural one. What's your name again? Fizzle. Fizzle bang. Fizzle bang. Yeah. Write it down. Are you sure you're not shaking the wings, guys? The way these spells are going, I'm going to be dead after this battle anyway. You jump into your backpack.
and start mixing and pulling potions out and mixing things together, shaping it up. Listen to the sound it makes as it bubbles, turns a black ichorri, black obsidian liquid. As you start moving that around, you start playing with it, you add a small vial of white powder into it. You have no idea what it is, it smells really sulfuric-y and you know that smell. You start putting that in, you see it does a fizzle more and more and more and more and suddenly the vial starts to get hotter and hotter and hotter and then you let off.
An explosion. It centres on yourself. Hits Thalia, who stood right next to you. Hits yourself and also hits one of this guard that we're here to help. You take eight points of fire damage.
Tani takes eight points and this chap who was on the edge of it gets thrown back and is fallen prone. He's one of the scar that was helping. He's now out for the count as well. He can no longer help him. Oh no, come on. He's finally just got a good one. Whoops! Brilliant, that's amazing. Whoopsie daisy.
How far away are they now? They have, considering these kind of six seconds, or a bit longer than that, because the skill challenge is kind of loose, they've made a bit of a headway, it's been about two minutes, so you could say probably about four minutes away, until they reach the walls. Then, just for everyone's knowledge, just DM to players, then when they hit the walls, these passes will then come into effect, so the things you've done is when they hit the walls, then you get those additional turns where other things might happen based off what you've managed to achieve, okay?
Yes, about four minutes out, I think. Okay, now I'm going to, I come back into the tent, I hear an explosion and I feel my, as if something's been summoned inside, so I tense up, I come back in and I see folly and I just,
drop my shoulders and think, for goodness sake. And then I look across my seat at this tent, it's gone, and I immediately, as the survival check, start to take down the one the other side as well. Okay, lovely. So the other tent, right at the corner, nearest the entrance. The downstage left. The furthest downstage. Downstage? The furthest corner, east way. Yeah, northeast corner of the, right next to the entrance. You want to clear that area, basically. Lovely. So give us that survival check, then, please.
Can I spend a lot? Oh, yeah, I'm gonna spend a lot point on that. It's a little bit live in a tent. Okay, no problem 22 You can actually definitely go on go in and take out the four sticks but holding it up Collapsing the tent down and removing the one person that was left in there manages to sort of hobble the way out you kind of give them a pat on the back to get moving as you remove the rest of the ten and do the same thing as one of these
hailstorm surge members did, which is pack it against the palisade and was propping it up against the wall to help defend that area that it's another pass. As that happens, I start to take it down and I look like I'm fucking it up, and then all of a sudden, all my son, Canalee, the trinket left by my sister when my bow broke, comes through my shirt and it's as if something goes right for me out of nowhere, and the luck kicks in, and I start to again consider where this luck may be coming from, but I get the turn down. Thank you. Thank you very much. Awesome. Thank you very much.
Elphir, over to you. This is your final skill challenge. Check. What would you like to do? So I'm going to... Elphir sort of considers what the situation is looking like right now. I'm going to move down to the northwestern corner and use sleight of hand to collapse that tent. Okie dokie. So could you give me the sleight of hand, Rob? Yes, I can.
10. In total? Yes. You managed to collapse the tent but there are still four people in the tent so you pull out the stops a bit and you can hear in your in your haste to get the tent removed it clear up some of the lines and it is good intentions you have the you pull them out quite quickly and you can see hands moving underneath it to realise fuck you've just you just collapsed this tent with people. Stab them some every day.
Sorry, can't go. Apologies. They're under that tent now, unfortunately. So that was a fail, but the tent is collapsed. But unfortunately, there are people still under it. It's only dim light right here, never knows. The undead can push it up. Shut up. You're never going to know, just like that. Thank you very much. Over to Claude, the last two of the skill challenges. I can probably say on eight passes, five fails.
OK, Claude is going to sort of scurry off into a secluded corner to try and get out the issue of anyone. And he's going to kneel down, and I'm wondering if there's a way I can amplify a prayer using the amulet I've got and that spell that's in it to maybe, I don't know, some to you, but try and make it a stronger prayer or a better chance of succeeding on the prayer or something like that. Set it up, man. So he's going to drop onto his knees. He's going to speak into the amulet. It's a religion check that I'm aiming for. And he's going to say the following.
Master. The Hailstorm Academy want what we want. Something's about to happen and I'm going to try and push back the dead and return them to you. Please, anything you could give would be rather helpful at this stage. I'm not quite sure what to do after I did the shiny spell.
I'm trying to help people, but I think we could do more. We can't lose ground here, otherwise your, well, the people what should be home will be here instead. This is all in infernal. Okay, thank you. I'll take that as a great role for religion and take some inspiration.
I don't need it. No need to roll it for that, you can just have it whenever you want to. Yeah, yeah, I won't need it now. I rolled a 24. 24 is a class, very nice. Three passes for you though. As you speak into the amulet, you feel the amulet start to very slightly vibrate and vibrate as you feel that someone is almost returning, not a message, but signifying to you that they have heard what you have said.
Nothing happens though at that moment, but you feel that your messaging, your need for help from the master has been sent and he has in
use the rest of it to sort of return to it, return to where the major group of the party is and out of the hidden alleyway. Lovely. What I will say is whilst this is happening, Elthea, one of the members of the Hellstorm Scard surge that you sent off, manages to get the final few out of attempt behind you, opening up this courtyard area to a double in the space pretty much.
as you wanted to do. He's cleared that one out, has moved to the one behind that as well, which should, if he manages to get that down, give us a clear open 25 foot by 80 foot gangway area for us to fight in, if indeed that's the case. He's also managed to get another four people out of the tent and moving on, so that's up to 16 now, 16 and 50, we've managed to save so far. Bear in mind we have got nine turns worth of movement and initiative order next to go as well, okay?
That's that, following your currently on two losses.
What would you like to do for him? I'm over to, yeah. Are there still people in all these kind of tents at the moment that are all remaining? Directly behind you are the burnt out embers of the entrance to a tent that you can see into. And there are two people who are struggling to kind of get up and trying to find something. One of them is missing his leg. She's missing her leg and she's trying to stand herself up using some kind of stick in order to get her up. The other one is just sitting with his head in his hand, kind of shaking his head, sat on his bed not moving.
What are you going to do then? Are you going to turn and face the tent that you kind of burnt out, looking, using this persuasion and of course the excuse of being on the tent, saying that you're under attack at the minute, quick, get yourselves moving, get yourselves out. What are you going to do then? You don't want to hear this shit. You've opened this tent up, there's one woman trying to stand up, she looks down at this little gnome that's just entered the tent and this man is just there kind of shaking like, oh come on, I just can't do this, I can't, I can't, I can't.
Okay, he's going to poke through his head through the tent and all of a sudden he's got two feet floating head now coming into the tent. Hello! We're under attack! You want to go! You definitely want to go! It's dangerous, I wouldn't be here if I was you! Okay, yeah, that's good. Give me that persuasion and see if he gets up early. I wouldn't be here if I was you, damn right! That's a fucking fail.
I do have a decent E-Harp persuasion, but it still only takes you to 13. 13, unfortunately. So you'll stick your head in. It's a huge persuasion, man. That's it. The issue, you say it clearly, though. You say the right things. I mean, no. They're like, why is this little person telling me what to do?
And also, they're just off the back of an explosion, there is a ring and they can't actually hear anything you're saying at the moment. Then he normally stood up and looks at you, and he starts to kind of hobble away at the man, doesn't even look up to you, he's still there, you're shaking his head. Unfortunately that is a fail, you went over three times. That is incredible. After all this happens,
You can hear them clamor becoming closer and closer, louder and louder as they approach. And the screams and glottal noises start to become closer and clearer as you can start to make out individual voices. You notice now these voices don't seem to necessarily just be coming from the north. They also seem to be coming from the northwest and the northeast as well. They're spreading along the line, looking to encapsulate themselves around this camp as they approach closer and closer. They are probably 200, 300 foot away. They're getting closer.
Robin, you took down a tent. I certainly did. Althea, you took down a tent. I'm down there. I can't believe you've done that. Robin, you took down a tent. Sorry. I mean, I could be a dick and say yes but no. Nearly two were gone. Have you got the cameras? That person didn't say that. Help me get it over the cart. We can set it alight. As you say, I'll help him do that. Claude, when the time comes, burn this thing. Alright.
You've got fire, haven't you? Yeah. We'll soon find out. That's all good? Yeah, I'll let you know. That doesn't really count as a skill challenge. It can create more fat. I know we're out of skill challenges, but I'll give you that because of ingenuity. Just because you probably kind of want to do something as well. You can have a mage spectral hand just floating and helping with the tent. I'm going to say, with all that help, you can easily get that on. As the first sight of them comes into vision, I would like to use Know Your Enemy, please. Damn dead.
I hear as I'm tying this on, and Drago says that to me. As long as there's still a minute away, I can do Know Your Enemy. OK, no problem. Yep, so go ahead, use that. So with statistics, would you like to know that you're a higher level? So hearing Drago say that, Robin doesn't take any heed to what he's saying. And he's still tying these things down, and he's scouting them.
and you have to tell me whether what I ask for is higher, lower or equal to mine. Greater, lesser or equal. I would go for AC. Mine is 17 without the shield. Lesser. And I will also go for HP, which is 90 in my case. Lesser. Okay. You also have seen these before. You notice as they move closer and closer to the camps, they're
These are not dissimilar to the creatures with the massive long claws you saw previously, however they are smaller, they are pale, they seem to have more flesh, they have material wrapped around their long ethereal arms, their nails are still long on their five fingered hands, they are moving with a loin cloth piece of material around their body, their mouths hang open with these huge long tongues, probably about a foot and a half's length of tongue out with these massive sharp fangs sticking out, bald head, the neck area seems to just
kind of like a triangle, there seems to be no proper kind of neck as the head seems to be placed on these shoulders and these massive long muscular legs are pacing forward as well. I'd find the aunt to Drago and go, they're also not wearing any armor, just so you're aware, and I hop off the car. Do I see this with Robin?
They looked like the creatures that took Shader, that were controlled by Eraqas. Sorry, just to clarify, they looked a little bit just because of the long claws, but actually apart from that, you've seen them before, but you've seen them in another time. Nevermind, we saw them in another time. Something's telling me this. You saw them back on the Sword Coast, you fought these on the Sword Coast. Back on the Sword Coast, we fought these, I remember them well. I remember it well as well, my friend.
They're ghouls. Okay, but like your description was like...
they're ghouls, is that quite accurate? I'm just showing them the picture I've got of them at the moment, don't look too glisten. Everyone if you're listening I want to look them up, I've just shown them the one from the monster manual anyway so feel free to. I will attach a link to the picture on our podcast description so if you want to see what we're fighting, if you check the podcast description you'll find a link there, click on that you'll have an image.
I'm much of the story. Yes, so after you were able to do that ability, I will then whisper around to these guys. We must return these beings to the master.
And since you no longer need it, I will bless, uh, Elphie. I will bless, uh, Robin. You see Elphie? Yeah. He'll move into the middle. And I will bless... I was going to say, I shouldn't have moved back by now. Polly. I would have blessed somebody else if I was you.
So as we move towards the entrance way, this, oh sorry, one of the hailstorms says that the other one you sent has gone to the tent, seeing you pass as you kind of steadily walk back towards the rest, seeing that there are people under it that start to try and get them out and dismantle that tent. The chap who was undoing the last tent in this long line, he's still working on it as we speak so he's not managed to get that down yet. This other chap, he's KO'd, he's out for the camp, he's awake but he's not.
moving much particularly, and you've got three members of the hailstorm surge stood with you as well. Before anything happens, you stand there looking out into this bleak future that you seem to see approached before you, and your mind goes blank. Your senses, still active, seem to deaden as you lose control of your body and you collapse in the mud in front of you. All of us. All of you.
Sorry, to clarify. Tally, Elph- er, Robin, Drago, Claude, Ollie, Elphir. What the fuck? You feel numb? Well, shit. As a cold creeps over your body, you open your eyes and you are clean. You're stood next to your companions. You are in a settlement, far from Bleakmore. A small village, the sun is shining. You can smell the salt air and a calm breeze blows over the billowing black smoke from a burning house which surrounds you.
You walk through a scene of carnage, a scene of slaughter. As you walk into the square in the centre of the settlement, you notice the wide doors of the main hall stand open. You see a young girl facing into a room, a wooden sword in hand. She stands still, unblinking, facing something from within the room. In an instant she turns and sprints out of the hall, door slamming shut behind her and you hear chaos erupt from within.
As she turns and runs down the bloodstained stone steps towards you, she looks up and stares directly at you all. She stops, dead in her tracks, looking at each of you. She lifts her left hand and points off to the side without looking.
You follow her eyes to an image that has followed some of you from another realm. You see a nondescript man suspended in the air by a deep red rope which is knotted around his neck. He sways slightly, but not with the wind. The wind which is now billowing over the settlement, fanning fires, the crackling of which is now audible to you all. The noise of chaos inside the hall continues. The man opens his eyes, but not his mouth to speak.
Thraestan must speak with you all, demigod of decay and rebirth, brother to all souls, keeper of your passage home. I have brought you to this place for a reason. Chenna is the beginning and the end of all that has happened and all that will. The fate of your souls rests here.
on what happened in there. The eyes shift to the hall where the cacophony of noise can still be heard. I brought you to Erith. I brought you there to aid our cause. I am weak. My brother is weaker. Our place in the realm is fading and the fate of so many souls fade with it.
is tied to the order of whispers. Their numbers are dwindling, an illegal religion. Akiva, he saves you all as he saved so many here in Chennai. The undead are not to win.
The bodies of the slaughtered populace, Harangi begin to twitch and shudder. Their faces rise and their limbs haul gaunt bodies to their feet, faces distorting and cracking as something seems forced back into them. Their eyes are pale white, unblinking, unmoving. They stare. These are the souls released from Akiva's care.
These rifts are open across many realms and these souls are returning to mortal realms in their millions. Two such rifts are in Eryth, one of which you are aware. Push back the undead. Seek out Kelsun in Evershire. Find the Onyx Reaver. Close the rift.
You must know more of this realm. The lost souls of millions depend on you. Matali steps forward. Tears in her eyes. She screams up at the figure. Why here? Why here?
She sobs to the figure. She reaches out her hand to grab the tray stamp. The whole image begins to shake and shudder with immense speed until almost a blur, a scream pierces through her head which brings on a blinding pain. The figure then is ripped apart into a thousand small torn pieces which suspend momentarily in the air before they disappear into a thin cloud of black ash which is whipped up by the winds and joins the bellowing black smoke from the nearby building.
Tally slowly turns around, taking in a carnage and destruction around her. She looks to the floor and picks up the small wooden sword dropped by the young girl. She turns the sword over, looking at the edges, running her fingers along the lines. She grasps the hilt and holds it down to her side. She looks up at you all. Defiance in her eyes. She nods. The doors of a hall burst open. The silhouettes of a tall, dark figure starts to step out of the shadow.
But before it comes into view, the world begins to blur, and the scene bleeds into the back of a forest.

Final Battle and Conclusion

Cold and unwelcoming, you see a face piercing, nebulous, green eyes staring out. You see a shadow, a creature standing towering over the forest, engulfed in shadow, tall and thin, black horns protruding from its skull. In an instant, its pauses and turns its head.
You hear something, distant at first, but then it becomes a cacophony, screaming in your head, in your soul. The screams blur into shouts, your eyes open.
and you hear our cords screaming from the settlements. Get up! They are coming! She turns to the troops and screams, Hailstorm, fire! And a dual line of arrows come raining down on the horde of undead that have broken through. From over their heads, these arrows, you start to understand the name Hailstorm. A monstrous volley from within the settlement, the Drago notice comes arcing over the walls like hundreds of fireflies darting across the inky back sky, piercing ranks of the undead.
A triumvirate of explosions blasts the score of creatures, leaving a blinding mark of light in your eyes and a ringing in your ears. You're back in Bleepmoor. They're broken through. You hear a voice shouting out, Prepare yourselves!
And that's what we'll do in the episode. Oh, damn, man. Jesus, that was amazing. Oh, my gosh. You didn't get to fight, but that, the skill challenge happened. There was incredible. I honestly thought that was just a major troll. We've just done all of this and we've kind of disappeared from it all. I was going to say. You're about to troll us. I would not dare do that. Whoa, man. That was awesome. I was on tender hooks where everything you were saying is so good. I feel sorry for the audience.
Why? They have to wait now a week to discuss the old story for them. Okay. We'll come back next week if you can listen to the rest of it. Yeah, absolutely. That's quite a bit cliffhanger to the epic battle that remains to be seen and felt by all of us. Thank you very much for listening on that. That was a real good episode. I enjoyed that. Well done, man. You should be proud of that.
Thank you everyone for listening and tuning in and making us a part of your everyday week. We do appreciate it here more than you probably know. Trust us, we didn't expect this to take off as it has done already. This has surprised us all. If you want to follow us on our podcast Twitter feed, please do. You can follow it at the fellowship and if you wanted to go... At the fellowship table.
At fellowship table, my bad. I've been doing this all my life. The man used his call to be thrown by, but it was just happening. Oh man, just my mind's like this white noise trying to recollect everything. So you can follow us at our combined Twitter page, at fellowship table, and then you can dive deeper into our souls if you wanted to and follow us individually. I'm at iWorlda1. Darren, page 06. I'm at natural20will.
total party thrills at the d20 gamer and i'm at hastily rolled dm until next time guys farewell
Hi everyone, this is a special and really quick shoutout to our main man Danny who plays Claude. He set up his own Etsy page and it's called, funnily enough, Crafts by Claude. He's currently hand making and selling personalized initiative trackers. Each comes with a logo of the character or creature type because you can also have them made for baddies as well.
and they can be personalised to include specific character names or indeed nicknames if you want them. But wait, I hear you exclaim, where do I put these awesome trackers made by the world's single nicest person? Luckily they fit perfectly on your DM screen, or in my case, my laptop screen.
We've all been there in the heat of battle with six or seven rounds in. It's been five straight hours of playing D&D and your mind's a little bit frazzled and you're losing track. These are perfect just for letting you know who's going when and who's next. Check out his work on Etsy. Search Crafts by Claude.