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Ep. 91 Campfire Moments - De Profundis image

Ep. 91 Campfire Moments - De Profundis

S1 E91 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
100 Plays3 years ago

Now that the party have inched ever closer to the World ending blight, they discuss what the plan should be next.....Also, it turns out, it didn't come home.


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Introduction & Humor

We've had football, flat earther and now mentions about short people. What is this a Joe Rogan podcast?

Podcast & Character Intro

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are a live play 5e D&D podcast set in the magical home-brewed world of Aerith. My name is Mark and I am the Dungeon Master and also with us for today's episode we have... of Casey who plays the human champion, Helen, a sleep guard. Hello! We've got Callum who plays the gnome sorcerer, Folly Fizzlebang the 9th. Hello! William who plays the human bard, Carstan.
It's coming home. Oh, fuck you. We've got Ian who plays the Dragonborn Paladin, Barbarian Drago. It's coming home. We've got Darren who plays the human fighter, Rogue Robin. It's coming home, Batman. We've got Danny who plays the human cleric, Claude. Three lines on a skirt.
I can't believe we managed to get football references into this.

Comedy & Recap

Now it makes us sound jocular and avuncular and all those other words. We have challenged the undead to a football match. Instead of a fight, we're going to play the dead football. It's like World War I. There you go. That would be epic. I would never in my entire life as a distinct hater of football ever build that into my pastime.
What happened on last week's episode of The Ferris Ship at the Tabletop? We went full motherfucking endgame. We have ended up deep, deep in the dead forests of Sleepguard, searching for the answers to the blight-finding
Let's chat with the book, Dawn Strider, and upon landing and finding ourselves recovering from this move, the chicken wizard, that has, Ogremoth has moved us, plane shifted us towards closer to your goal. We enter into the forest and it's dark and it's misty and it's quiet and it's dead and everything is dead or rotting and you can tell you're kind of deep in the blight lands here.
And after a bit of looking around, Folly went up, levitating himself up to try and see, look around a bit further. We started walking through the forest towards a small tuft of smoke rising in the distance upon approaching. Helena ran through into an openings tripped by a chain link.
trap almost and upon recovering from that smacking into the mud she realized that there was none other than her brother. Her other brother Lucian Blightbane stood before her in a small camp with his trusted lieutenant Vance Skullblade out in the deep dank of the Blightlands.
they joined with you and you sat down at the party's kind of encampment in a clearing and Kastan put up the tiny hut spell to protect them and to cause some kind of protection around the rest of you as you discussed it some drink was passed around and there was a cheers to the living and the last we heard from our intrepid travellers was Lucian Blightbane turning to the rest and saying

Quest Discussion

Why are you here? Well? To end the Blight. Yeah, um, Lucian, um, General, um, Sir, we are here to end the Blight. There's no way to end the Blight. It's a... Well, if you beg your pardon, Sir, uh, there is.
He shifts in on his rotted log slightly and looks towards Vance and they catch eyes for a second before looking back. What do you mean? We have learnt of a way to finish it. Well, are you going to tell us or just...
Yes, of course. Basically, it involves a holy book called The World Away. And we are in hot pursuit of the keeper of this book and that's what brought us here. We already have the artefacts known as the Onyx Reaver that is needed to destroy the book at the holy place and that will cause the blight to end. So you need a book?
Yes, we're looking for Fronkin Threadbear sent us on the trail of what was his name. Who has the book in these lands? Then the Chicken Wizard sent us here because they said he's over here. OK, he looks to Vance at this point. Dawnstrider, I think. Dawnstrider. We're here for Dawnstrider. He's got our book. We've got the dagger and we're going to put the two together and the blood. Do you know where this Dawnstrider is?
Does anything we just said make sense to you? Because it's the first time I've heard it out loud that we're taking a book into the centre of a blight and stabbing it to end the blight. And it sounds a bit stupid when it's said out loud, really.

Dawnstrider's Role

It sounds like something from a book. A small smile cracks on Lucian's face as you say this Drago, and he nods his head slightly. Part of it does sound like a fiction Dragonborn.
Though there is some truth probably hidden in it, this man has honesty in his voice and in what he says, I know him. Yes, the Stormstrider you speak of, it's a name that we have heard in the past, a name for someone we also seek but for very different reasons. He looks over to Vance at this point. Vance kind of nods his head and takes the conversation on himself.
This Dawnstrider you look for. He's not human. You do know this, yes? Yeah, nor is he, nor is he. And I'll follow your point at Drago. Vans will notice that. However, neither of those are my kinsmen. Dawnstrider you look for is my brother.
We are also here looking for Dawn Strider for very different reasons, though that isn't the name I would call him. That's not the name our mother gave him. He looks back to Lucien to kind of you tell him. Lucien leans in, finishes off the drink he has in his hand about two weeks ago now.
This person you call Dawnstrider came in to clear guard with chaos in his eyes and mutterings in his voices. The way he looked at you, it could seem to shatter your soul. Something haunted him or hunted him.
He always latched onto his satchel muttering the same reference over and over again. He kept saying the black one. He follows me always, whispers to me, commands me, da da da, all this kind of stuff, where he, to command me where to go, I must obey, my will is not my own. And he just said that over and over again. And he stayed in Clearguard with us at the Spirit Monde Redoubt for quite some time before just
Cracking one day, running out of the barracks, running through the gates into the blight. I owe my life to Vance. For multiple occasions he has saved my life. He asked me to come in here and find his brother. I could not say no.
We did not want to bring any other soldiers or put anyone else at risk. There are very good other lieutenants running Spirit Montgomery doubt at the moment. So they're doing the best job they can. We just need to find his brother. It sounds like you've got six more people to help. And Helen is also going to turn to Claude and just say the black one. Is that, is that who we saw in my head?
Do you remember? Could be. The one that pointed us towards the doors. It could be. Maybe you want to...
I would say the affliction that happened to your brother as Drago looks towards Vance possibly happened to one of our own as Drago looks to Robin for confirmation, Elthea, he was a member of this group and was compromised by... it sounds very similar to what happened to your brother
But silver lining, we think we know how to cure it. Well, either way, I know he's somewhere in here. And if his will is not his own, he'd be heading towards the tower, and that's where we're going. Oh, what does he look

Strategic Debate: Book or Dawnstrider?

like? I can find him. Who, my brother? Yeah, anything. Anything that's remotely noticeable about him, and I'll tell you exactly where he is, because I've got a knee spell.
Oh God, uh, like what? What do you need to know? Uh, I don't know, hair color, uh, distinctive birthmark, literally anything about him. I mean, anything. Black hair, my relative. Uh, he has a slight glow to him as he is as a mar as I am. Oh, that's nailed it down. Yep. Right. Okay. I, I have no idea what you're, you are. Okay. Yeah.
Right, I've got one chance at this until I sleep. So right now I've got one chance at this. Do we go try and find the book or do I try and find Francis' brother slash son boy? What's his name? Dawnstrider. What was his name? Dawnstrider. What has the greatest chance of success?
both the same range no i mean like do you need to know more about the book to find it i know location spells require your knowledge i've seen the book i've seen the book in a i'm going to look very delicately towards uh helen at this point why haven't we done the book before why because i need to be within a certain range and i think we're finally in the certain range so if you've seen the book wouldn't that be more sensible because you've never seen this dawnshyder person
Yeah, but the general and his mate wanted to try and find his brother. But if you find the book, don't you find the brother? Book or brother? Book or brother? I vote book. I would go with the book. Yes, it's the most important thing that we're looking for here.
We need the book, we don't technically need Dawnstrider, no offence. Although we will try and help because, like I said, one of our owners has gone through something similar, so it may help us with our friend. Like I said, I could try this again in the morning, evening. I can't tell what time of day it is right now. I'm in the cast locate object mark on the book A World Away.
I will sense its direction within a thousand feet. You get a very light, very, very light ping to the west. If it's in motion, I get to know the direction of movement as well. Away from you.
so west going west correct okay i'm just going to point west and start walking oh shit are we going okay you found it found a book found a book end of the blight insight let's go it's like a dog once he goes he's going we have to kind of back up and go what right now we're just leaving yes do we not need to rest it seems a bit of a rush yeah claud it's how long can you it's moving away how long can you keep this it's a thing moving away
It's moving away and it's very faint. So if we lose the trail, it might take a while to get back. But if we go blundering around the blight in this state blindly following this, aren't we going to run the risk of running into something that could stop us?
That's very true. And also, if we go due west, we're going right into the center of the blighted lands, which is probably the most terrifying place in all of Eryth right now. We have not traveled much further west than our current location, staying mainly on the periphery of the blight.

Resting Strategies

The more we head west, the more dangerous it will become.
I'm sorry, I have to say that this sounds reckless, but I have to agree with Claude. I think if we don't follow this through, then we'll lose. I mean, it is only about 300 metres away, so we should be all right. There is another thing that we can do here. We can let cooler heads prevail, rest up, and venture westward in the morning when we feel like we've gotten deep enough. Claude, can you try again?
Yep, yep, yep. But now you've just wasted your spell. Well at least we know it's here. We know it's nearby. But if it keeps going west then we might lose it. Well if it goes west eventually it's going to turn up east, isn't it? Unless you're a flat eartho. Claude, do you think you'll be able to pick up this trail tomorrow if we travel far enough west?
Yeah, I mean, if you heard Wes, in all seriousness, you're just going to go to where most of the Blight Army is. So he's not going to get far overnight. And anyone oppose? Helena, you seem like you are, understandably so, but itching to move. I mean, I think we should rest, but I don't want to make that decision without everyone's approval. I mean, if I'm outnumbered, then I shall go with the majority.
But I am itching to move forward. And Lucian, just for the record, you haven't let me down in the slightest. You're doing your best for us, for everybody, for the kingdom. I've put a unnecessary burden on you, Helena. I am aware of that with my mom and dad's disappearance. And for that, I am eternally sorry. I'm sure there'll be time for apologies.
later. There's lots of us, or lots of things that we need to discuss. Let's not get into it now. She'll be Queen. She'll have loads of time to talk about things. I just think, Lucian, if Mother is sick still, the blight is something that she was taken with and the quicker we get to cure it, the quicker Mother is well. I've been waiting for
too long to help out in this matter. I don't want to sit any longer. You need to be at full strength when you do help out and help out you will, but you don't want to. Like you said, you've taken and waited a long time for this. Don't rush in for Hardy when there's no need to. I just don't know where mother is. There's so much not knowing. I don't really have control on things at the moment. I feel a bit lost.
Seeing you Lucian has started to put things into perspective. I just feel like we need to move with haste. What do you think, Lucian? This is also... Unexpected. And yet strangely makes sense. I am happy either way. My real thinking here...
My overall thoughts of joining up here and staying at the readout was that if we deflate the plight, that mother would be cured. I have no evidence to back up that being true. I have no supposition, no gods, no science, no magic. It's just a hunch I've been going off. It may not work, but that's been my driver ever since she fell ill.
So if that's any consolation to you, Helena, that's all I have. In terms of our next move, I'm as clueless to this plight as you are. This is on you. We will travel with you. If you do search for this Dawnstrider, as he seems to call himself now, we will with you. We will go whichever way you decide. You're the ones with the spells that can locate people and objects, not I. Oh, I don't think we... I think we've lost those spells now.
How long till morning? Vance and Lucian share a look. We don't know. Time doesn't seem to move on much in these parts. You see the sun and he gestures up to where it is now. At least I think it's the sun. It looks more like the moon. It barely moves in the sky. It's almost like
The lands to the far north pass the Great Sea, where the sun barely moves in the sky and the days last for years. This place seems different somehow.
If I may speak to the side of caution, you've set up a campfire and they're clearly planning on resting, or at least it looks that way. Dawnstrider is also going to have to rest at some point, so he rests at the same time as us and no harm is gone, or he rests at a separate time to us, and then any time we lose, we catch up. I see no sense in storming after him when we're exhausted. And the spell will last long enough for us to rest.
fully. That's the point. So we don't need to worry about time or anything like that. Once the spell ends, we know we'll have rested long enough for our magics and we'll feel stronger.
I agree. Then I agree with the ranger and with the bard. Question. Volley, what do you think? Well, strategically speaking, we do have some advantages. We do have the element of surprise. Nobody knows that we're actually here right now. And I believe that rushing in could be foolhardy. Well, I believe I am fresher than most here.
I believe going at anything, if it is to end the polite, we would need to be at our full strength. No questions asked. I believe a rest for many of you would come at a welcome break. I believe patience is what is needed at this moment in time. Very insightful, maybe you wanted to enlist out sooner.
I like to think before I speak Drago. You take a long time about it. Let's just say that. Yeah, me too. I need to make sure that my words express correctly what I truly wish them to express. I don't like to waste time.
I've been convinced. I, I agree. I think we should, we should rest. Do you think it's because he's really short? It takes him ages just to think very generic things. Well, I, I

Humor & Planning

don't know. I would assume that because he's smaller, like his thoughts can travel around his brain quicker because there's less space to travel. So I thought it'd be quicker. Well, he has smaller thoughts. Science. Well, maybe his, his smaller thoughts take longer to become a bigger thought.
So hang on a minute, we've had tubes of smaller... We've had football, flat-earther and now mentions about short people. What is this, a Joe Rogan podcast? What the fuck is happening? All I know is I've taken my brain supplements to work out for my brain as well as my body. Anyone try craftsmen? Anyone. If you're listening, Joe. If you're listening, Joe, yeah. Fuck your fears.
But yeah, maybe, maybe, Claude, maybe it's something for us to ponder further. OK, so we're setting up camp. Well, I think they've already. We're already inside a tiny, tiny hut. And we've got a fire and a watch. You guys can rest. I'm more than happy to take watch. You can't do all the watch. You're rather refreshed.
I'm just going to say to Lucian, I assume there's no point in trying to exert and the energy and hunting for anything out here. He shakes his head. No, we've tried. We live off rations. Wrong voice. That was it. That was like a bit of both. Sorry. I mean, no, we've tried. We live off rations. We have fine. We have rations. By all means, if you want to try. No, I don't.
Plus anything that's living or that you hunt here, you don't know whether it's too nice. It might be a bit nasty. So if it's been living off the dead, I don't intend on eating it. Yes, I watch. I think that's a very good idea. At least some of us can get our heads down, but be wary. Sleep here is restless at best.
I mean, I'd be able to turn the lights down on it down in here, so that's all right. It's not like that. I was going for something more ruddy mysterious, actually. Probably double up for the watch. I think that's wise. Yeah. Well... I don't feel very tired at the moment. I'd feel like I could do the first watch. You and Folly, then. What about you, Lucian? I mean, General? What about me? Perhaps you'd like to do the first watch?
Yes, I would. He's had a fly. What is making these sounds? Thank you for your, uh, candid nature, soldier. Yes. Uh, was it Folly? Folly, if you wouldn't mind, good sir. May I take the watch with my sister? If you so wish. I would. He probably wouldn't have a lot to say anyway, sir. Hey, Drago, why don't you go fuck yourself?
He seems to have plenty to say now, that's all I'm saying. Yes, thank you. I will take the watch with Helena then. Well then. Anyone else? Isn't this nice? I'll take one. I'll take the second. I'll go and watch with Claude. That always ends well. Oh god.
So we've got Helena and Lucien. I just killed off a bunch of NPCs. Why have I got to give myself... Anyway, Claude and Cass, Dan. You did it. I'll take the next watch with Robin. Oh yeah, of course. You're taking Robin, Drago. You can have that. I don't want to just stand there with you. Fucking blow me up. Vance and Folly for that final watch of the night.
That's cool. So we've got Helen, Alicia and Claude, Carstan, Drago, Robin, Vance and Folly. I imagine the both are just going to stand silently staring at each other. Every now and then just nod, knowing each other and then continue silence. You know my character so well. I imagine they stand actually and they're the backs to each other because they're facing outwards. They don't actually look at each other at all.
I think it's a Staira match. I think it's like the episode of Captain America Falcon thing versus Bucky Barnes, and they're just sat at either ends of the watch just trying to make each other blink. Yeah. But at the end of it, though... I think that's Mage Hand just to shut the island. At the end of it, though, they're both like, that's a really good chat. Yeah, good chat. Thanks very much. Anyway, we'll see. We'll see. We'll see about the case. Mark, during this... Will. Yes.
I think I've probably got the lowest AC at any one time. You can have mage armour on yourself, you're fine. And levitate. I bet your thing is still better than mine. What's yours? 16. Is that with mage armour? Yeah. So I'm not exactly the same of you, but I go to 17 with this cloak.
I'd like to attune myself to those items I got from the house please.
Yeah, you keep it. I'm the squishy one, but yeah, you keep it. Squishy? You're both squishy when, you know, it's power word kill. Better arguments about mad guidance aside. Yes, true. And AC means nothing for power word kill. So we've got Helena and Lucian up on your watch. As the rest of the party kind of find their spaces and take themselves off, probably looking over and out at this almost black and white effect that this
deep thick fog silence and black sinewy branches makes against the kind of skyline many of you look out to the west towards your folly no pun intended and and your fate as a quiet comes over this quiet looking sword scraping small mutterings of conversations as people start to settle down the first watch um lucian and helena make their way

Resolve & Threats

A few paces outside of the hut to kind of look around the area and maybe it's kind of walking around the perimeter perhaps as they do so. Lucian still in full armor with his mace in arm and he's kind of quietly, silently actually pacing around next to Helena. Not really wanting to instigate conversation first. I've lost track of how long I've been here.
in Goldview, that is. Yes. It has that impact on you sometimes. I don't know if you've seen Seb at all. No. Not in quite a long time. Well, he's well. Good. I've met with him. He was in a bar. Of course. Chatting shit as always.
Habits haven't changed. He's still heavily intoxicated, more or less 24-7. Good to know some things don't change. I didn't think that he would be kind, would be willing to give his time to me and my party when we were travelling through. But he was. And for that I was very grateful.
That was unlike Seb. He hides himself under a mask. He's the best out of all of us, the kindest, most generous, but he hides it well. That I genuinely do believe. Yes, I told him that we'd be coming to find you. He wanted to stay there and said that if we ever need him, we know where to find him.
I'm sure he'd want me to give you his best. Yes. I'm sure he wouldn't say it quite as politely as that, but yes. I understand. And how are you, given everything that's happening? I don't really know what to say. I'm trying to keep up with everything. My mind is constantly racing with questions. I don't have the answers.
trying to find the courage in myself to keep going, to fix everything. I feel a lot of weight on my shoulders. And I'm just glad I found you. I'm glad you found me too. And this, and he stops at this point and turns to face you, this is why you're going to make such a good leader.
You bear the weight of responsibility. You know that not all questions can be answered in it. You push on anyway. And he looks at you, uh, unabashedly in the eye. I will not return to Goldview. This I know. I'm not leaving this place alive.
I know that now, and I know that my place is here, and I know it's my place fighting the blight, and... But you... You can't possibly die here, Lucian. Your place is with your family. You can't stay. You spend enough time among the dead. They're not as bad as you think. I mean, they are, actually, as bad as they think, but... There's a...
When you spend as long as I have in and amongst the blight, it changes you. It enters into your body. It's in the air we breathe. I'm too far gone. Your place is with your family, Lucian. My place was with my family. Your place is now as leader. But this is why we're doing this, which is to save us, to save our people. To save you.
We need you there. Goldsview doesn't need me. I need you, Lucian. Mother, father will need you. Sebastian will need you. They've been getting one fine without me. But you've been doing incredible things here. You're the reason why. Perhaps I'm still going. And I'll keep that up.
until you no longer need me, which will be sooner than you think. I can't tell you how I know this, but I just, I know this place will be my end. Before long. And Helena's going to just grab hold of his hand and really squeeze it tight as they're sort of looking out towards the bleakness. And he's going to kind of reciprocate the squeeze. Nonetheless,
It's great to see you. What the fuck's this about a chicken wizard? Or should I not even ask? Yes, it's best that you don't. Well, I'm glad he helped and I'm glad you're here. To be honest, we were walking in circles. It's been days now. And your friend, the cleric, seems quite useful, especially with his locate object. Locate people, dog sniffing scents, whatever he has. He's a very strange
being. But in fact, I think we all are and we've all helped each other out when nobody else could. We've been there for each other. We've been through a lot. I wouldn't change them for anybody. I'm glad you found some loyal friends. You'll need them before the end is through. And when it is through, you'll need them when you're back in Goldview too.
The fighters are over here. You have to say I'll ever get back in gold for you, Lucian. He smiles and nods his head. I'm going to make sure of it. You'll see. At least I'll try. We'll work together, that's all we can do. I just hope mother and father are well, wherever they may be. Do you have any idea?
I have none. I had to hear about it via a message from someone on the ships. I'm none the wiser. I... I wreck my brains for quite some time trying to figure it out, but I have no idea. Were you still in Goldview when the Ocriscoa took over? No. No, this is a new time in Goldview's history and I was long out of it. This is long after I rescinded the family name.
I've been gone for years now. I can't even remember most of the city anymore. It's not my home. It remembers you. No. It will forget me soon enough too. And then it can move on as everyone will eventually. This will just be another chapter in our history. I understand. We have a purpose and we're here to succeed.
Now, I should warn you of some of the more pressing issues we have at hand. There are a number of creatures out here that we have not fully faced ourselves that you should really be aware of. They have a dragon, for one.
Now we've never encountered this, and only briefly have we seen it from clear guard and from Spiritmon readout. At the camp, they call it Galgrath. I don't know if it's his actual name. A fucking live dragon. Galgrath? Yes, and it's not a live dragon at all. But you said it moves. You said it flies. This is a dragon of the undead. This is a dragon of the Blight.
The last time we had a large scale assault on Blightlands to try and push them westward, this dragon decimated many of our forces. If we have much sense, we should avoid that dragon at all costs, even with a party of powerful warriors as we are. I feel it will be the end of us.
Aside from that, many of the other creatures will pose a threat. But none that I think we won't be able to handle. Not if we stick together, not if we work smart. But Galgrath, we should avoid at all costs. And I'm not saying that out of... ...heroicism. Let's go face it anyway. I'm saying it will absolutely fuck us up. So, yeah. There's no way of killing it. Absolutely there is. There's no way that we know.
What about the Blight? What if when that's defeated, then so is Galgrath? One can hope. One can hope. At the moment though, it spends most of its time patrolling along the western perimeter and destroying whatever is left of Highhaven, God forbid. But we should be fine for now, but if you hear the beating of wings overhead, stay low and stay quiet. That's all I will recommend.
Is that the telltale sign or? Also, if you see a dragon in the air, it's more than likely that's going to be a... I was wondering if it may let out a screech or a howl of some sort. Yes. I cannot describe it, but it will send a chill to your very soul. You will hear of heard nothing like it before and you will hear nothing like it again. You will know when you hear it. It looks very somber at you when he says that. And when we do?
We hide. We run. We fight. There's no honor in hiding, especially when it means you stand a chance. Yes, we hide. I recommend we hide. To survive, we must hide. Well, that's about it. That's all we really know.
Much more west of here, we haven't explored ourselves. It's been too dangerous. We can't take large battalions through this forest. We have the soldiers, we have the manpower, but I'm lamenting to waste their lives. So the more we know, the more I can take back to the readout and the better we have an idea of what's going on here. Any other creatures that we should be avoiding or that we shouldn't be prepared for?
None by name. Many that are indescribable in their... just abominations. So it really just is the undead? I don't even know if they are undead anymore, they seem to be melding.
It doesn't seem like the normal kind of undead. We would see the zombies, your vampires, your standard undeads. These seem morphed somehow. I can't describe it. I don't have the vocabulary for it, I'm afraid. I'm not well versed. All I know is that the further west you travel, the more vicious they become. So the blight that's taken over the people, it's changed from being these
undead looking zombies to something else? To abominations. Yes. Are they skinless? Are they bones? From the ones we've cut down, yes. But look, we're going to approach them at some point anyway. It's easier for you to see them than me trying to deftly describe them.
Yes, I was just hoping to be prepared of some kind. Just be prepared to be shocked. And be prepared for the worst. And then nothing will fear you. You will fear nothing. Anyway, we should probably go get Claude and cast down the bard. I don't know about you, but I could do with some rest. Yes, me too.
I'm losing it. It's so good to see you.

Gestures & Leadership Concerns

It's good to see you too. I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do with those flails too. All that training and all that money. I hope it's been well spent. Oh, definitely. I enjoy these bad boys. She's just going to give them a bit of a swing. Oh, okay, good. Okay, good to see you. Right, I'll go wake up the boys then. So, Coldheart, if I remember correctly, he's going to give you a slight nudge.
Yes, my best friend, I mean, General. Lucian, the best friend. It's your watch and was it the bard as well? Yes, I'll wake him. Before you do, I didn't think I'd get a chance to say a quick hi, check in, you know, vibe check, are you okay?
I am extremely tired. My men and the morale are low. I very much like to go back to the Spirit of Monrood out. But aside from that, yeah, fine and dandy. Fighting and under the Force, you know, standard. I've got something I've been holding on to that belongs to you. What? Yeah, this. And I'm going to give him my executioner's axe, or his executioner's axe.
To belong to your family, I was merely gifted it while I served them. I think a little bit of sleep guardian luck might be fitting in the right hands. He takes the axe in his one good hand, his left hand, and kind of looks over it with a furrowed brow.
looks up to you for a second, looks back at the axe and lowers it towards the ground. And then with the same left hand pulls out a small dagger and is going to etch into the hilt of it, LB, and then lift it back up again and say, with an outstretched arm with it in his hand, you've done an outstanding job of looking after it this far. So, Cold Heart, I don't want to take this from you. Please continue to look after this item.
Of course, as you wish, sir. And I'll bow. Thank you for taking it with you all this time. It's much appreciated to me and my family. Cast out my cup, you fatty. Come on. OK, OK, I'm awake. Right, which instrument should I play?
keep the spirits. I like the vial if you've got that one. I think I've got that one. I'm sure I can play a small tune elsewhere outside. Let's go outside. You can play a ditty. I'll play you a ditty.
I just gave General Blightbane his family's axe back and he scribbled something on it with his dagger and handed it back to me. What does it say? It says L-R, doesn't it? LB. I think it was, but I can't read. Does it say LB? I mean, it's two letters. You see this one with the upy downy line and then the left to right line. That's an L. And what does that do? That just means L.
Okay. And like, like, for Lucian. Okay. Oh, Lucian Blyte, babe. Yeah. It's like he's putting his little knuckles on it so it knows it's his. So what does the B mean? Blyte, babe. Oh, I get it now. I see. I see. Um, I've, I've been meaning to, um, I've managed to do something and now feels like an appropriate time. Uh, okay.
if the Ecrisca came and found us right now, it wouldn't be the end of the world because there's a horde of undead Gribblies in the direction we're heading. And if I'm like, oh, hey, I'm the fugitive you need, they might go after the Gribblies before capturing me for eternal solitude. I'd hope so. I'd hope that the Ecrisca would at least fight the undead first and then maybe come and capture you, hopefully. Yeah.
Yeah, that seems like sound logic. Yeah. So what I'm going to do, Mark, is I'm going to take off my black hailstorm surge tabard and stuff it deep within the pack, my traveling pack, produced from a hidden compartment in my bag, a red scarlet tabard with three black discs emblazoned on it and adorn that. This is the colors of the eternal ones, servants of Akiva.
And then I'm going to take a knife and begin to hack away and shave off the big scraggly seaweed beard that I've been carrying for years. And there, tribal tattooed along my chin line is these three black, sorry, these three scarlet discs, keeping with the sort of heraldry of the servants of Akiva.
What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What?
Yeah, you can be yourself. Now you don't have to worry. Maybe if we do defeat the Blight, if they see people with, you know, servants of Akiva, they might think, oh, actually, Akiva, God's not too bad. Maybe I might go and catch one of his sermons one time in, you know, the half-hoof inn. Hopefully, though. I mean, a lot of people, don't they?
Yeah, we'll see. Granted, there isn't much of an audience out here, Castan, what with the dead trees and the dead rats and the dead insects, but maybe news or carrying on the wind. Because obviously, I mean, I'll put this in the book and it'll be, you know, if people learn that a servant of Akiva was doing this to help stop the blight, then yeah, they might understand a bit better. Yeah. Do you know what, Castan? I think that's a fucking brilliant idea. I think you do that. I tell you what.
Let's end the blight and I'll learn to read just so I can read your book. Okay, I'll teach you to read. You have to teach me. I don't want, I don't want, I don't want Robin teaching me because fuck knows what will happen when it comes to learning books from Robin. Hell, he probably, he probably makes you think like you have to like live in a book for a while or something like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I would be terrified. Some of the places he's gone in his book adventures are scary as shit. But, I mean...
Have you thought any more about the warning that Olgremov gave us? About the fact... Yeah, I... I... I learned to read. No, I mean... With the master. I mean, I mean, okay. But you don't have to be the one to... You know. We'll see. I know I don't, but it's happened. I have... I have lived one already.
We'll have to see what happens. And if I happened to anyone else, I would do everything in my power to reverse that decision or stop it. So it's tricky. I understand, you know, the nice, nice last little chapter act, Szechuan, on your book will be like, ah, and Kastan sacrificed himself for the greater good of the world. And that'll be a great story, but not while I'm in charge, mister. Okay.
You've got my eye on you. You know, Helen... Don't do anything stupid. My worry is that Helen is going to think she has to be the one to do it. She might be. All we've got so far is the vision. But if... If she stabs the book, then who's going to rule Sleetguard? Well, if she stabs the book, someone else could get in the way of what comes next. Okay.
So this is my wasteland, by the way. Nice, isn't it? Yeah, it's the stories don't do it justice. Yeah, there's an overriding stench of death, which you just can't capture in, you know, gossip. There is definitely a musk to the air. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I hate it. Absolutely hate it.
You know, some people are like, really? Oh yeah, I hate where I come from. It's really boring and dull. Genuinely really boring and dull and awful. It's the tower that Lucia mentioned, the tower that we've got to go to, that the one that you saw in your vision with Helena. It didn't, it didn't look like spirit mon readout. If I'm correct Mark. I don't know that someone, I thought Lucia mentioned some kind of tower. I didn't know whether that was. Yeah. I mean, I died on the other side of the blight. So I don't really know the landscape here.
Okay. Anyway, I mean, let's hope the worst we have to face is skeletons and zombies, eh? Yeah, can't possibly get a worse than just skeleton and zombie. There was that vampire what bit me before, but surely that's the crypt. Yeah, I mean, I've been brushing up on my old, well, sanguine style. I like that, that creme de la creme. Do you know what it means?
No. But what I mean is, like, I mean, think about all the undead we face. Thankfully, it's all just been like, like skeletons and that lot. So hopefully we're not going to face anything worse because I mean, yeah, what what's the worst that can happen for an awful part of dramatic irony that would be. Could you both make death saving throw comes out of nowhere? Bitches out of nowhere.
RKO's both of you. I will proceed to just listen to Karstan's music and keep a withered eye on the horizon. A withered eye? And your watch passes without any issue at all. And then you move to wake up Drago and Robin. Claude, you can wake up Drago, I'll wake up Robin. Got ya. Drago!
JAGO! JAGO! JAGO! JAGO! JAGO! Folly's getting eaten by a grizzly. Told you we wouldn't care about Folly. My f-f-f-f-fucking f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-
Oh, what is it? It's your watch. It's your watch sleep. Yeah. Yeah, of course. Sorry. I think I'll go with Robin. Robin wakey wakey. Rise and shine. Time to do a watchy. Yes. Yes. Thank you. Thank you, Castan. I'm awake. Watchy watchy. Good night, everybody. Fine. With a look to Robin, Drago just steps outside, rubbing his eyes.
What do we see? The barren wastelands of the sleepguard forests.

Watch Reflections

You see lifeless, airless, fog-filled lands, flat, running off into the distance into the deep, unrelenting fog. There's a chill in the air, though the sun is still high.
The fog is a pure white, but there seems to be some yellowish haze seems to hang over the sun. The trees are that of a deep, dark oak, or at least it seems that way because these trees have all been infected by the blight and now are nothing but rotten black wood, useless to burn and rotting away. You find yourselves though in this clearing, this central clearing, and as you look in each direction, nothing seems to change.
Save that in one direction. You get this feeling of dread in your stomach. That way also seems to be west to the west. And Drago's looking around, happy to share the silence with Robin. I assume he's doing the same sort of thing. Um, eventually we'll just say, so this is why we were brought here.
It would seem that way though. Five, four, I've lost count. Five of us, it was five. Five of us were brought here. Only two of us stood here. Very good point.
Survivors, which is more I can say for the place around us, this is... I've never seen anything like this before. Do you think this is what's happening in the Sword Coast as well? And that what we saw was the start of something similar? You know, funny thing about the Sword Coast,
When I first arrived here, I had to force myself to stop thinking about it because it would distract me from being able to survive. And I'll be honest with you, Robin, I haven't thought about the Sword Coast much during this whole blight scenario. So until you've pulled it up there,
I don't know, I hope not. I guess, worst case scenario, we learn here how to defeat it and if there's a chance of going home and we find out that the Blight has indeed invaded the Sword Coast, well at least I've got someone else beside me who would take up the battle. Who knows, we might be able to defeat that one too.
You know, I think I'm becoming a man of faith. I think if we defeat the Blight here, we'll save the Sword Coast as well. And whenever I strayed, when that thing spoke to me and the way it spoke to welfare, I kept in mind that if we defeat the Blight, we'll save the Sword Coast and I'll save Ella. And I think
that gave me purpose for a very long time but now I see all those people in that city I see so much innocence and so much I don't know I see so much life and I want to do it to help this place I want to help the people in this tent behind me and
I'm not much of a praying man and I'm not much of a barter with whatever deity, but something brought us here. And if I could ask you, I wouldn't want it to go back. I'd want it to bring Ella here. And I would like two orphans who committed themselves to an ideal of bettering the world.
to be able to serve someone who I genuinely think has both the means and the temperament and the circumstances to do it. I'd like to help Helena take back Goldview if she'd had me. Fine, fuck you, I'll go and save the swordcoast by myself, asshat. Well, I think she just said to you, I genuinely believe that
that if we were needed in the Sword Coast, we wouldn't have been brought here. I think to save the Sword Coast, we had to come here. I think back often to what happened. I think herein lies the difference between myself and you. You're very good at projecting yourself forwards and looking towards the future and seeing where you'll be and what your hopes are. It's very good. It keeps you stable.
for myself and it's the very reason why I never thought about the Sword Coast when I arrived here. I can't find myself thinking about the future. I don't know where I'll be after the Blight. First and foremost it's the Blight and it seems to be a driving obsession ever since we arrived here. I don't know how I feel about if we get to go home, whether or not we will, what happens afterwards.
I, for me, it's just been the plight. So it was interesting hearing you talk about what can happen afterwards. I think we're in the battle to save Aerith. I think the battle to make it a better place is a fight that's still to be fought. And I think Helena needs to fight it. And well,
I have all those curious story books from my mother when I was a child and I've been the outlaw. I don't know. Maybe I'd like to be a knight. I don't know. It's stupid really.
if she'd have me. I don't know. I'm sure she would. I'm sure she'd have you. Why? What do you mean by have you, by the way? Is there smaller feelings here at play? I'm twice her age, Jesus. No. Twice her age? Are you humans? You all age the same to me. No, God no. God no. I mean like, you know, like how, you know, a rise to Robin. More like a brother-sister type thing. Or you want a knighthood out of this.
I don't know, but the kind of thing where it's like, you know, you can stay in my court and help me fight my villains. Who's caught you staying in? I'm confused now. Well, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. I was just thinking about. I seemed for so long that we weren't going to survive this, and I don't know maybe what I saw in Goldview and. What I've always wanted to achieve with my life,
I think it might be possible in her service.
In the meantime, you're ready for what we're about to face, right? I mean, it's all well and good talking about the future and it's good having an eye on it, but the present seems pretty fucking dark. What comes next is for nothing unless the blight is defeated. Rest assured, that's where my efforts are going. Yeah, that's kind of what I meant. But also with the, you brought up that there was more of us once
Elthir is still out there. I still want to save him if possible. I promised you I wouldn't kill him and I will hold true to that. He made a choice to join that thing and I can't see a world where he won't have to stand trial for what he's done and I think I know what the punishment for that would be.
Well, there is a world if it's in the Sword Coast. Jugger holds up both hands. But I think simplifying it, job one is trying to save him. And I do want to defeat the Blight. But I feel like I'm a lot stronger now since I last met Grasette. I really hope that I get to meet him again.
Robin's going to shoot Drago an inquisitive look and notice probably the chain of Akiva hanging around his neck for the first time and he's just going to say, where did you go in those 24 hours? Well, it felt a lot longer than 24 hours. I didn't realise it was that short of a time.
If you lift them back to episode 88 of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. Yeah, it did feel like a lot longer than 24 hours. I went to do something that
old me, it would have been near impossible to do. I went and followed advice from Claude, of all people, and became

Faith & Suspense

aligned with a god, his god, Kiva, and after what felt like a very long time, a series of trials,
some battles, some mentors. I was imbued with this holy power and yeah, I'm still trying to work it out myself. I just know that with Akiva I'm stronger for it.
Whether or not that makes me a faithful Dragonborn, I don't know. I'm just after the power to save my friends, to defeat the Blight, and to more over than not kill Grazette.
But yeah, that's all I can tell you. I'm of faith now. Drago stands uncomfortably trying to put off his chest out, trying to act a bit of a bravado appearance. Before we do this, I think there's something I need to know the answer to. No, it's not a cult. No, it wasn't going to be that, but... I don't have to pray.
Have you ever considered that there may be... I've never had to chant. Well... And I've always kept my clothes on every time we've spoke.
You're confessing to a lot of things. I'm making sure there's a clear distinction here that you understand what I did. I understand the distinction. I just don't know if you're trying to deny something. You look at Claude and you're like, what did he do to get blessed with a Kiva? It's very different to what I did to get blessed by a Kiva. I don't know if I still have a sleep, but what the fuck was going on with that chin line? What chin line?
Well, he's been shaved. He's what? I shit you not. There's like scars. Go look at him. He's got these disc things. I make a hard point not to look at him at the rest of the time. You want me to go and study his face? Well, no, don't wake him up because I think that would be a... But in the morning, seriously, just over a breakfast, just...
cough and look over in that direct subtle yeah cough and look over him yeah um but yeah he appears to have shaved and i didn't think he could get any weirder but through the process of shaving he's managed it so well there you go have you ever considered and this is a serious point that grizz that whatever the fuck that bastard's name is
He strikes me as a parasite, as if he needs others. He reached out to me for a reason. He appears to have reached out to Dawnstrider for a reason. And I worry that once you've accepted his advances, have you ever considered there's a chance that to defeat him, Elphir may have to die? No. And could you do it? I see it as two separate tasks. I think I have to, in order for me to be able to become powerful enough
Alright. Black and white, Robin. Save health here. Defeat the Blight. Kill Grazer.
The rest of your watch passes without incident, but the sun still doesn't seem to move. Your inner body clock kind of tells you that you've done your time and it's now time to take yourself back to rest and wake up Vance and Folly for their final watch of the rest. I will say rest as it doesn't feel like a night. Please let me wake up Folly. Be my guest.
Vance is already staring as you start to make your way over, and he kind of looks over and nods towards you through slightly blurred eyes. I nod back and then go to my sweeping area. Drago wanders over to Folly, looks over him, and then with a clawed hand covers both his nose and his mouth. Okay, could you, that lasts for one minute plus your constitution, and then you need to make death saving throws, please, Folly, so. Yep, I'm gonna die. Enough for him to cough.
Oh, you're literally just holding his mouth to make him... I'm not choking him! I'm not choking him, I'm just stopping oxygen. Like, literally just like that. I'm not choking him, I'm just stopping oxygen. I mean, that's pretty much the same thing. Haven't you ever, like, maybe I'm a twat, but never, like, ever sleep old, just grab someone's nose when they're sleeping? It's worse, no. Maybe my dad has a lot to answer for.
Just enough, just a grab on the nose, but with the palm of the hand just up against his mouth as well. It's not, there's no harm in it. It was more like joy, not what, yeah. Folly, you wake up half choking, I guess. Yeah, you kind of see Folly trying to push these dragon arms away from his nose at this moment. He does let go when you wake up. When Drago does eventually let go.
Oh, fuck you, Drago, for God's sake! I just wanted to let you know it's your watch. I gathered. When did you go to sleep? Thanks, I will. Dragon-ass. I guess it's you and me. Oh, yes. Yes, I have my watch with you. Vance, wasn't it? Yes. Folly, wasn't it? Yes, yes. Yes. Mercedal you was. You was, yeah. Yeah.
It's a rather unpleasant place to be. Yep. It's the worst. How do you feel about abject silence in the watch? Well, if you wish it, I won't deny it. I leave the choice up to yourself. If I may ask, though, how long have you been missing your brother?
About a week. We've been chasing his scent in tracks ever since. He doesn't go in a straight line, he wanders through the forest. Always closer to the west. Always to the west. And you have no idea why. My only thought is he heads towards the center of the blight.
that this black one is something to do with it. Some demon or some creature or some soul or something that's controlling him. That's all we have. Yeah, we had a companion. Very, very similar circumstances. My comrades still believe they can save him, but I don't think it's possible. It may sound harsh to you, but I do think
maybe somebody else that will just be in the way to our end goal I feel once the soul is corrupted you can't heal that I agree with you and as much as it pains me I think I should be the one to to end him if it comes to that as much as it would pain me Kelsan deserves it
If you are prepared to do so, then... I must be. Object. Silence. Indeed. Is that what you prefer? It means I've got more time for my eyes and less for my tongue. Very well. Don't mind.
There is something I might like to do, but it might distract me for just a little bit. Would you be able to just keep watch by yourself just for perhaps an hour or two? Of course. That's absolutely fine. Thank you.
With that, Falle is just going to break out his little alchemy set and he's basically going to try and just throw out his time of the watch. He's going to try and imitate what he did in the cell with Drago, but he's basically going to try and do a potion, but trust his instincts rather than his eyesight. So he's actually going to do it with his eyes shut.
over anything else and just see how well he can do it. He's going to do it outside of the hut as well, just in case.
Okay. I, and this was just off a roll. Folly, this isn't me trying to stop you from doing it. Um, as you start, you start getting yourself set up, Vance kind of steps over and he's looking over interested at what you're doing. And then you both hear a very, very loud crunch off to the West, which is the way you're currently looking. And Vance's eyes shoot round and he very quickly pulls out his sword and stands very still kind of agile ready near you.
Volley. Yes. Did you hear that? I most certainly did. Can you see anything? I can't see any. And then just as he's halfway through that, you're a massive out of the crack, but to the north this time in a different location, Vance's head swivels round looking in that direction too. Now it's flitting between the two. This doesn't bode well for us. Go and wake the others. We are not alone.
And on that, we're going to leave it for this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. I would have loved it if Folly kicked in with a kick-ass harmony of, because I am here with you. I think, is it me or did Folly ignore the massive plot point that was just dropped during that conversation?
I just, I loved Folly so much in that, that was brilliant. Object silence, yes. But if you don't mind, can I just- It was when Mark mentioned a certain something, I was like, oh, that's a massive plot point. Wow. The thing is, I was trying to lead Folly into something, but it didn't seem to want to go there with the DM, so I let it slide for now. It was perfect.
Yeah, you do. It was a thing. It was a thing that we can discuss later on. But for now, the things are happening around us and you'll have to tune in next week to find out what those things are. As always, thank you very much for tuning in and listening, making us a party every day. We love you for it. If you wanted to keep in touch with the podcast because our update sooner or later, please find our Twitter page, which is at fellowship table. Then if you wanted to go one step further and follow us individually, you can do so too. I'm at I got one. Robbing slash Darren is at
Darren Page, 06. Casey's app. Unicorn Quit. Danny's app. Total Party Thrills. Karam's app. TheD20Gamer. Willhelm is app. Natural20Will. And our glorious DM is at Hastily Roll DM. Until next time guys.