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Ep. 02 Party in the Sewers - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 02 Party in the Sewers - Bellum Draconis

S2 E2 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
116 Plays2 years ago

This week, after the attack of the Dragon, our new party navigate the sewer system of Goldview


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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade



Introduction and Combat Setup

I'm going to need you and everyone else to roll initiative straight off the bat, please. Oh, Donkey. Let's do this level one combat, baby. Donkey. Donkey. I don't know. Oh, Donkey.
Hello everyone and welcome to this episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis. We are our live play fight of the Indianity podcast set in the magical homebrew world of Eryth. My name is Mark and I'm the Dungeon Master and also with us for this episode we have Ian who plays the Tiefling Warlock, Nyx Karel. Hello! We've got Darren who plays the High Elf Artificer, Rains Haddo. Howdy Tabletopers! We've got Danny who plays the half-orc monk, Morota Broken Tusk.
Bonjour, bienvenue, welcome. We've got, oh sorry, we've got Will who plays the human cleric, Emron. Ey up. We've got Calla who plays the war-forged artificer, Alpha. Hello, all. On our last episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop, good to see you all, guys. Good to see you, too. It's good to see

Recap of Previous Events

you, too. On the last episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop, we had a big old dragon attack in the city of Goldview, the central city of Sleetguard, and our party are two kind of
groups of people managed to cross paths and managed to try and escape the majority of the dragon's havoc, as it caused across the city of Goldview, to fall face-to-face to it and watch it become succumbed by some form of magic or charm by the forces of the Upriska, these purple road figures that seem to run the city. Unfortunately, just at the end of the episode, this dragon had a final kind of two fingers up to the party or to the people in general that have enslaved them.
spat out this black energy ball before it passed out and which exploded the ground beneath the party, the group of five individuals, meaning that the ground collapsed and we left everyone as the floor collapsed and there was only darkness and there was a ringing in your ears as the world went dark.
You fall, slowly at first, before thudding into a thin stream of water and dust.

Exploring the Sewers

You are surrounded by dust and thick shafts of light pour in from 50 feet above. You have fallen into the town's sewer system. In front of you lies a long passage running north, you think? There was a passage to the east but that has been blocked by the falling street above.
As you look around you notice the bodies of two of the people of Goldview, no one that you knew particularly, but they lie half covered in rubble and well and truly beyond saving. There are five of you down in this opening now. As you look around you see the
standard array which you'd expect to see in a sewer system. You see greats, you see lines of hard stone floors with room for thin channels of liquid to move along them. You can hear the echo of noises echoing down this long chamber in front of you and some thick moss covering the walls and ceiling of the space which is probably about 15 feet high.
As you stand there and slowly come to your senses and rub the dust from your eyes, you look around. You look to each other, the five of you. What would you like to do? Do I still have a child with me?

Character Interactions and Backstories

No, the child is not with you. I imagine when the dragon from the previous episode landed, you probably, all additional children, I believe, you probably ushered them away and hid them away somewhere, so they are fine.
Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. I'm wrong, Alfred. Are you OK? Perfectly fine. Thank you. What the bloody hell were that? I believe it was a dragon. Well, yeah. Thanks, Alfred. Stating it. Bleeding obvious. You did ask the question. It's a rhetorical question. We'll talk about that later.
Everyone's gonna sort of lift himself up. Is there else in here with us? What about you two? You alive or dead? I'm alive, very much alive. I'm pretty sure you can see me. Are you in need of any assistance? Assistance how? What you offering? Can you fly us out of here?
I'm afraid not. That is beyond my capabilities. Right. So what assistance would you be offering? I could possibly offer to heal any of your wounds should you have any damages or lacerations. What about those two on the floor over there? Alpha will go over and just have a quick look at both of them. It's like a very, very minute examination and he will basically turn back to Marota
I believe they are beyond my help. Do ya, aye. I'm sorry, what? I said, do ya, aye. I do, aye. Good job picking up that halfling and that little boy, by the way.
I'm just going to walk over to Marussia, who I believe was the one who picked up the child after Nick's let the child go. Morata. I beg your pardon. It's going to be a bit of that. I'm just going to go names range. Good job with that. They're helping them out. They're a little one. Right. Were you successful in acclimating all of your gold?
Uh, yes, yes, yes. Um, absolutely. And, and don't mistake, uh, young Marauder here is, uh,
interpretation of a welcome. She takes a while to warm up to the crowd. Hi, everyone. My name's Nyx. This here is my dear friend Marauder. And go on, let's introduce yourselves. Let's hear your names. You said you were... Rains Haddow, my friend. What was that? Your surname? I missed. Rains Haddow. H-A-D-D-O-W. May I ask if you don't mind me being so forward?
Yeah, that's fine. What about you, sir? Over there, what's your name? Emron's going to sort of lift himself up because he only sat up and stands up and sort of moved his large book. Name's Emron. Emron, got it. Cool. And you, you big, big, big, big gentleman over there. Please. The one who asked if I needed assistance. What's your name? Please. Call me Alpha. Please, Alpha. Or is it just Alpha?
Alpha. Alpha it is. Okay. Alpha reigns. M run. I am Nick's Corel. Nick's Corel. What kind of services are you offering? No, just saying at your service is what one says. I believe it's a form of endearment and greeting. Nick's, I have to ask because it's striking my curiosity some fears. You are, I believe, a tiefling. Is that correct? Yes.
Absolutely. This is blowing my mind. You are actually, we have someone actually blessed by the moon goddess. Oh my God. I have, I have never encountered the team from before. Please don't take that as a fence, but we're from, you are believed to be blessed by goddess and it's a great place. Not believed. Not believed, because I am blessed.
I am the reincarnation of the deity that you so, Moon God. And named Selene, yes. Selene, I know. And me and Selene, we're thick. We're thick. We go way back. Yes, absolutely. I am a descendant of this god. Aren't I Mavorta? Insight check.
I'll be absolutely honest with the four of you. I've known Nick's all of 15 minutes, so he could be, for all I know, Prince of the Underworld. I couldn't give a shite. She's like this. Don't believe us. Hell, you got me, son. I believe you. It's in the doctor, damn it. T-flings are the children of the moon, mistress. Please do not doubt this person. He is literally in the doctor. We go way back.
Holy shit, I've never seen one of you before. I know that sounds offensive when I say one of you, but I mean it as a compliment because genuinely- I can take it nothing but as a compliment. Good sir, you feel free to get down on one knee and I shall bless thee. Well, do you know what? Fuck it. When in Goldview, let's see what happens. I'm going to do this. I'm just going to kneel. Whilst you're kneeling there, Emron, what was your insight check?
My inset check. Did you want to roll an inset check? Yeah, that'd be a 17 on my inset check. Okay, do you want to roll Persuasion? No, Deception is lying, isn't he? Yes, but for all intents and per- Not as far as I'm concerned, he's not. Reigns believes it's the threat. 22 on my Deception. Fair enough. I know my guards.
For all intents and purposes, this squares up that as far as you're aware, everyone, he is telling the truth from his perspective. Whether or not you believe it or not is different, whether or not you believe in that God.
You know, he's telling the truth. Yeah. So, uh, Raines, you've just in this... Emron, get on your damn knees, damn it. I'm sorry about him. He has a suspicious nature. At non-believer, right? Oh, you tell me. You're telling me. Get out. He doesn't keep those guards. He keeps... I see him from a mile away. These non-believers, the best thing to do is just... Next, what was it...
You were saying when people bow to you they also need to offer tribute, was that right? You were saying something about how you have this collection? I mean like that's the old rules. I don't play by the new rules there. If you want to offer a tribute that just gets you closer to your deity in question but whether you feel that you need to get closer, I don't know. Some people feel like they want their assurance that when they pass they will indeed pass through the gates of their deity that they are
faith to. Now, of course, me being a descendant have certain abilities to get you there sooner, but the tribute is the old way. If you wanted to, it does no harm, but certainly while we're in this deep, dark, dank, smelly cave, I don't expect it. But you did get down on your knees. So let me just bless you. And Nix is going to walk over to Reigns and place both hands on the shoulder and just stand there and close his deep, brown, pupil-less eyes for a moment.
Okay, cool, there you go. There you have it. Ah, that's some of the amazing, relentless, that's incredible. Yeah, you'll feel it, you'll feel it in one to 12 days. That's good to know. It'll be a strange kind of energy will curse through you and you'll suddenly feel, you know when, I don't know, you have the bout of some sort of illness and then you get over it and you feel better than ever. Yeah, I get that. Trust me, in a few days time, you're going to wake up one day and just feel amazing and this will be why, my friend.
You've chosen well. However, of all the times that I've performed this sacred religious ritual, and it's been quite a few, like you say, descended from the deities of the moon, we should probably look to get out of here. Before Selen rises, I agree. We don't want to be down here come nightfall. We ain't got anywhere in the scene. So I agree with the Selen bless. Before his new mistress graces us with her presence, we should get moving.
Yes, absolutely. And I assume you're the leader of your cohort here. After a fashion, that's probably accurate. You seem like a smart gentleman and thus would be the leader. So, what's your plans? What's your ideas? Have you got any? Just while there's been going on, sorry to interrupt, just thought there was something going on. Alpha, you've just been scanning through the individuals that are down here and you're taking in their stature, their height, their danger protocol, etc. Their worth, their value, etc.
And then you get to Morota. This is just kind of internal scans that you're doing. And something that you can only imagine as a human thing happens to you. You feel like you know this person. You have, as you scroll back through your memory bank and no recollection, no file on this person whatsoever, but something about Morota Broken Tusk.
You feel like you've seen them before. You don't know why, you don't know when, you don't know what it is, but there's a sudden, ah, I know you, that comes across you and quickly subsides as you move on to the other figure. There will be no moving on. If I've got that feeling from Marotta, I am literally standing, staring at Marotta. Okay. Not even trying to hide it.
No problem. So while that conversation is going on, that's what's been happening, Marotta, to you. You've been aware of this, you know, rather intimidating sized figure with a hood up staring at you. What the fuck are you doing? It is odd. Just, you seem familiar, but I have no recommendation. Go away. Don't, don't, don't look at her like that. She doesn't like it. And then definitely don't look at her and say, it is odd.
No, my apologies if that has taken any offence to you. You seem familiar, yet I have no recollection of you within my memory banks. I have never experienced this before, some lacking of information. Is this an orc thing? You've seen an orc, but not a half orc. He's the god. Pray to him, you weirdo. I'm afraid religion has no aspect within my mind.
You are fine. You're creeping me the fuck out? You have to forgive him. He is clearly in somewhat trauma from a dragon attack. We have all just survived something pretty terrible. I think we can all agree. What is it? Dad, am I faulty? What is that thing? Is there something wrong with me? Dad? Did he just say dad? We mentioned this, Alpha. We mentioned this. We dropped the whole parent thing. My apologies. Rains, am I faulty?
Perhaps we should just get out of here rather than sort of stood around standing in muck.
Emran is absolutely correct, but I do want to check if alpha you are having any form of malfunction stand perfectly still I'm gonna take out my potato peeler point it out kind of like style it's gonna start to scan and I will cast detect magic as a ritual just to see if there's any form of iconic leakage coming out of alpha and
I'm out. I'm sorry. I'm out and I'm going to start walking away. We'll be one second. I just want to make sure he ain't going to go on. I'm done. Thank you. That's the fan. It's nice to meet you, by the way. Look, you got to do what you got to do. And as this is happening, Nix is just backing away slowly to one of the bodies on the floor. And with eyes still on Reigns, as he kind of leans down, he's going to search the body for any kind of gold, weapons, armor, anything at all.
Okay, as you search, which one are you searching? The one to the north or to the south? So the one nearest to me is on the north. Yep. Okay, you're doing this subtly. Oh yeah, what are they going on? If they see me, they'd see a Tiefling crouched down with a hand behind him, which is kind of searching the body, but I'm also glued to the fucking Doctor Who thing that's going on in front of me. Give me an investigation check, please.
19 okay you find a small pouch of money which i'll tell you now those i'll definitely forget which contains 34 copper pieces wonderful um nix will pocket that into his deep blue coat with the big deep pockets on the on either side uh yeah nix will just take that and stand back up
Does my detect magic bore any kind of like there are something going wrong with? No, you get nothing. It seems to be he's been as consistent as he has been since you've been off the boats.
I'll turn to Enron, I'll turn back to Alpha, and they'll go, there's nothing wrong with you that's outside of the ordinary, except from the sacred, you're saying things that are creepy, which we talked about, by the way. Yeah, the dad things, that's a little bit strange, as Nyx is just almost cartoonish, just creeping around, going towards the south of the map, but keeping his back to the wall, and moving one foot, and then another foot, and then another foot, just keeping his eyes on the group, back to the wall, and he's shifting towards the...
I look like Michael McIntyre going down the stage. I'm shifting towards the other body.

Combat with Spiders

Yeah, the whole dad thing. What's that about? Maybe he needs another check and then as I get to the other body, I'm going to do the same thing. Once again, kind of not keeping it stealthy. I mean, this thing's kind of accurate. I don't think I need to check. Are you sure you're feeling all right out there, Alfalfa?
Aside from the feeling of a lack of information, everything else seems to be functioning perfectly normal. I agree. I agree. Can we clarify the dad situation, please? And Nick leans down and reach through the body. As Nick says that, you just hear a small echo from down the chamber to the east. Yeah, you fucking weirdos. Oh, I wouldn't wander off on your own.
You picked up 18 copper pieces from that other person. Marotta, as you walk off down the corridor, you step down this long corridor, kind of splashing through the liquid, and what is your passive perception? You're 12. Okay. You get, unfortunately, a little too close before you realize what's happening here. You come across
a number of spiders down the corridor. And you've said that fucking weirdos, weirdos, weirdos, weirdos. But by then you're about, before you can really make out how close they are, you have got dark vision, but they are kind of hiding up the walls and things like that. So not actually in your direct line of vision to be able to notice them. So I was going off your passive perception here of 12. And they dropped out five of them onto the floor around, in front of you, about 15 feet away from you.
I'm going to need you and everyone else to roll initiative straight off the bat, please. Oh, donkey. Let's do this level one combat, baby. Donkey. Donkey. I don't know. Oh, donkey. It's so fucking weird seeing everybody's initiative. It's good though, isn't it? I love it. Thank you, roll 20. Shout out to roll 20 for allowing us all to participate on digital rolls. Okay. Wow. Yeah, this is really handy.
We've got everyone there. So I can just, I can just, I can just say the order and ask you. Yup. What did I get? 14, 15. Okay. I'll set, I'll just set tonight. I'll never know the difference. Okay. So at the top of the order, we have Nick's at the highest. Welcome to the top. My man. Uh, we've then got Ray. Oh no, we've got spiders. Reigns. We've then got Emron.
Well done, Emron. Normally you're quite low. We've got Morota. And I think the second or third time so far in the campaign of two episodes, you're last again, Alpha. Yeah.
DM, how big are these spiders? What do they look like? These are regular looking spiders. You know, a tiny little spider? No. They are tiny beasts. They sit with long, long spindly legs that leak down over into the, kind of, piercing through the water, kind of, stepping through it. Its body is a big, kind of, black
an abdomen with two little piercing teeth that stick out the front. Something seems to be dripping from it as their kind of small strange beady black eyes, shining black eyes twist around to see the figure of Morota approaching splashing through the water. They turn.
and start moving towards you. So be our initiative order. The rest of the party are probably about 30, 40 feet, 50 some of you away from this situation at the moment that Marotta's got herself into. Nick, you're at the top of the...
initiative order. However, with your perception and your distance away from the rest of them, and what you're currently doing is robbing bodies, corpses, and you're a little bit distracted from it. What would you like to do? You haven't heard anything from Morota so far?
You could have us skip the round until Marauder and the Spiders Act, if you wanted to skip those. Oh, that makes sense. Yeah, it sounds like a surprise. Basically, you treat it like a surprise round, whereas the only people that can actually respond in this round would be Marauder and the Spiders, and then you go to round two, which is... Sorry. Listen, this is why he's our law master. This is why we're our law master, rule lawyer. Exactly. Every D&D group needs a law master, and I'm thankful that ours is Will. Thanks, guys.
until he decides to bring in the rules when we're fucking slaying something and he stops us. Then fuck you. So this, this, uh, this passageway through the sewers is 15 feet wide in general, most of them. And because of Will's very excellent idea, it doesn't make perfect sense. Uh, the spiders move first before Morota does and the spiders surround Morota and they are all going to attack Morota. Thanks, Will. Sorry, daddy. It's all right, mate.
I'm sure I'll survive at level one. That's a lot of spiders. Will was literally saying before we started recording. Will was literally saying before, look, a swarm of something is deadly to level one characters before we started recording. Yep. A 17 against your armor class. Right, you take one point of damage and can you make a DC Constitution saving throw?
Come on. More water. Come on. Come on. I said DC Constitution just to come saving this nine meets the beats. You're fine. That's the first one. The second one that is a 12 against your class hits.
Really? What? Sorry. Did you say 12? Sorry. No, no, no. I was doing health. That misses. Sorry. I just popped my health up to do the damage. Don't you worry. I caught that one misses. That's the second one. Two more. This is a 19 against your armor class. Hits. Oh, this D4, you're lucky at the moment. There's another one point of piercing damage. And can you make another con saving throw, please? Yes.
17. Nice, you passed that, not a problem. The last one, it's 11 against your armor class. Miss. So these four, there's a fifth spider behind that couldn't quite get in range, couldn't quite get there quick enough, it was a bit of a fatter one. And these four spiders leap at you, trying to grab a hold. You managed to bat two of them away. I don't know, you armed at the moment? Did you have a weaponite or were you? Yeah, I mean, I was not expecting anything.
No. So you back two of them away, but the other two managed to bite into your forearm, one on each of the forearms. Luckily, the skin and the calloused skin on your hands and your arms is thick enough that it hasn't caused a huge amount of damage. You managed to keep the poison out of your body as this first swarm approached you. Marota, in return, your turn, what would you like to do? You're basically surrounded on three fronts.
Marota, after having been bit in the ankle by two of these little bastards, it's just going to pull her whip from her side, sort of extend it out, and then just take a swipe to the one on... Sorry, my browser crashed a second ago. That's okay. You got one above you, below you, and then two to the north. Yes, the one to the north, so on the left-hand side. Just going to take a swipe down to that one on the left-hand side of me. Okay.
Roll to hit. We'll do. And we can speed roll this if you want as well, guys. So roll your d20 and your damage as well. 10. We can just click on roll 20. 10. I don't know why I asked you to do it. They're all going to hit, I think. Oh, no, they haven't got an AC. So that misses, unfortunately. Have you got your whip-eye, did you say? Yeah.
Unfortunately, you whip it out, but it's just, it seems to dart just that way. I see what you did there. And you don't manage to hit it on that attack, unfortunately. Anything else you want to do? Yes. I'm then going to try and squish it with my foot and use my bonus action to make an unarmed strike. Nice. Go for it. Seven. It jumped across to the other side, jumping on top of your foot, then moving away. These things are incredibly quick. And unfortunately, you missed that as well.
During that process, you have heard the grunts and splashes of Morota make a couple of noises out and you all have a passive over 10, so you're all here. The Morota is dealing with something down the corridor. And as you turn around to see what happens, Nix, as top of the round, you go first. You hear Morota off in the distance struggling with something. What would you like to do? Anyone else hear that? Is it just me? I don't know.
I'm hearing it, too. I'm hearing it, too. I'm with you. Good, good, good. I think, like, someone here had a gun. Pretty sure I saw a gun earlier. Do you want to go and shoot you? And I will back you up. But I think, you know, you're definitely better at this than I am. And that's my go. Nice. Okay. It's the spider's turn. Sorry, daddy. Nineteen. Hits.
Oh, another one. That's a one, piercing damage and another constitution saving throw, please, Danny. Yep, bear with. Nine. Meets and beats. Oh, you lucky bitch. My second is a 10. Miss. 19. Hit. Another one, another one point of piercing damage and another con saving throw, please.
22. 22, nice. You pass that as you bat this spider off again, but it bites into your ankle. And the last one was an 11 against your armor class. Miss. Okay, no worries. You survive another round of the spiders, and you still have not been poisoned. Good stuff, Marota. Constitution champion. That's the end of the spiders go. Reigns, you've heard what Nix has said, and you can see off into the distance now. I mean, it depends how many of you have super cool vision. Let's have a quick check.
I think it's just... Emron, you've got... You can see... No, I don't. No, I've got Dark Vision. Wrong count, yeah. So Amorota's got the Dark Vision and Nyx, you've got the Dark Vision. You can see that. Rains, you've got the Dark Vision. It's just Emron and Alpha who can't see what's happening, so... We can hear it. So you can hear and you understand there's only one corridor, really. What do you like to do? Who's telling you that, man? Sorry, no, it's... Yeah, sorry, it is Rains, yeah. Okay.
Having heard that and not fully sure what it is and knowing that the person who's kept me alive is going to need some form of light, I'm going to turn around and I'm going to pull down my sleeve and my bracer that is marked with the iconic symbols is going to glow and then one finger, two finger, three fingers and I'm just going to throw these dancing lights down to the corridor
just to illuminate down that space. And as soon as I see the spiders surrounding, I'm going to probably pronounce it wrong again. Morota. Nice. Got it right. There you go. I'm going to just look at Emraan and say, oh, that.
And that is my turn. Very nice. So the area around Morota is now illuminated. If people couldn't see before, they can now. Thank you very much, Reigns, for that. Emron, your turn. You've just heard... And you can see now, down the corridor, these spiders jumping at Morota. What would you like to do? So, Reigns... So, Emron either thinks Reigns is having a stroke or... I'm kind of like Marv when he's pointing at that Kevin over Harry's shoulder.
Um, so, uh, everyone will sort of look down. Um, and, and cause he's got his back to the other three, looking down towards Morota and the spiders, um, sort of a quick look of relief or go across his face as he sees it now all lit up and Enron will surge down the corridor 30 feet. Take me to there.
And then I'm going to cast, so Enron will sort of, he'll have pulled off his hammer, have it in his hand, and he'll sort of point it towards the spiders, the sheer elidor.
Bring your light. And I'm going to cast Sacred Flame, please, on the spider to Marota's left. You mean Sacred Flame? Sacred Flame. Sacred Flame. I'm sorry. That's only when everyone speaks. Oh, sorry. I apologize. So could the spider make a deck save, please? Absolutely. It can try. It makes it six.
Uh, that fails. So, um, this, this, um, flaming radiance sort of descends. And it's not quite like, cause when the ground pretty weird way, it sort of just appears. Um, and it strikes the spider for five points of radiant damage.
Which spider was it again, Emon? It's the one to Marota's left, the very northernmost one. Got you. It snuffed it instantly, turns into just nothing but icha and goo on the mossy wall. It is dead. Good job. Lovely, thank you very much. Moving on then to Marota, the spider to your left just explodes in some kind of cascading beautiful light and it's gone. What would you like to do?
Gonna take two hits at the one on the right, staying with a slap with the whip. Slap with the whip! That's better, 18 to hit. Nice, nice, that does indeed hit.
Three points of slashing damage. The whip smashes down, catching it across its abdomen, splitting it in half. It falls to the ground, splashing into the water. It is also dead. Nice. You got bonus attack, haven't you? Yes, I'm going to try and squish the one in front of me with the bottom of my shoe. All right, go for it. 21 to hit. Nice. Yes, it does indeed hit. Do you want to roll damage?
Three points again. Was this the one to your diagonal, right? Or the one directly in front of you? No, dead ahead, dead ahead, so to... Dead ahead, splat! Splat, you kick it right in the face and it falls to the ground, but turns over and all the feet kind of curl in on itself, like almost you're holding it over a flame, and it just kind of curls itself up dead. Anything else you'd like to do?
Yes, I'm just going to step forward to position myself between closer to the one that's further down the the corridor.

Post-Battle Reflections

That's it. Yeah, okay Okay. Thank you very much for that Marotta alpha you've just been told by this tiefling to Go shooty shoot and he'll have your back what Jack today
Alpha would have started making his way forward towards where Nix had indeed pointed and then as soon as Rayne's dancing lights have illuminated a spider there would be zero hesitation as Alpha would withdraw his pistol and almost quick fire duel or aim to shoot one of these spiders so literally straight off the holster
and out. You've got eyes on the spider to Marota's right, the southern spider. If you wanted to hit the other spider, there's a very high chance you'd hit Marota. So you can hit them to the right, absolutely. I would go for the one at the right of Marota. And I would also say before I actually do shoot her, please permit me to help. Lovely. All right, roll the hit.
The shot corrals off into the wall and a bit of the debris falls on Marota and the spider, neither of which seems particularly bothered. Anything else you want to do? Nothing else I can do. Lovely. Sorry about that then, mate. Next, everyone's kind of moving into combat range. You'll still buy the Southern corpse after robbing it of its 18 copper pieces. It worked very hard its entire life to make that money. What would you like to do?
And now that money is mine and I will do glorious things with it. Well done, everyone. You're doing great. You're doing great. And Nix is going to use his movement to back over to the.
west side of this sewer system that we're in, where all the rubble is from the explosion. I assume it's just rubble that's kind of fallen in, everything like that. He's going to spend his action just quickly sifting through it, trying to find some sort of either sharp rock or some heavy implement to use as a
What do you call it when it's an unorthodox weapon? Improvised weapon. Thank you. Literally finding the improvised weapon here. It's in my action. I won't make you wrong because I'm pretty sure you've got quite a high passive anyway, so I think instinctively you would be able to... Oh no, you're such a pretty shit, actually. No, I want to make you off with them. You should. If you're actively looking for it, you actively should. So give me an investigation check, please. A two.
You know, you find one, you find a sharp piece of cobblestone that seems to be able to be throwable.
I'll stand back up. I'm happy just kind of using my darkvision that the Tiefling gods have blessed on me, just viewing the slaughter that is happening in front of me. Actually, I'm paying...
That being said, I've paid a lot of attention to Reigns' glove, gauntlet that lit up. I'd like to almost imagine it, that when it lit up, it also shined a light in Nix's area, kind of shone and lit half his face up. And because of that kind of glow of power, Nix has definitely kept that in his mind. And yeah, there's a point of interest there. This is a Nix will remember this kind of man.
Exactly like that. When you see something quite magical like that it will stay with you. Nice. Do you remember the old PlayStation 2 loading screen where it was like a little white ball that flew around? It basically does that on the gauntlet. Does it have that? Yeah, I'd like to think so. Nice. The PlayStation 2 wasn't it?
It was PlayStation 2, where you got the little white orb and you fly around the screen. It's lovely. It's the spider's turn. They don't like how this is going, so they're going to leave.
I'd like to invoke opportunity attack on the one that's darted down the tunnel, please. So the one directly in front of you, it was more than five feet. It was 10 feet away from you. That's got reach. Benefit of the whip, my friend. I know. I was just making this say it. So everyone else knew it as well. Yes, the whip has 10 feet range. So yes, you can invoke opportunity attack. Would you like to roll to attack? 16. That hits. Three points of damage.
Slap! And it is gone. However, that is your reaction. The second one is going to take its 30 feet and its action to dash. And it's going to make its way further down the corridor. Rains, your turn. Anything you want to do? So what's going to happen is Rains going to step forward.
He's going to come up to Alpha and he's going to go, don't worry, I got this. And he's going to go, hey buddy, you forgot to take your friends with you. And he's going to go the cast catapult and momentarily forget that he doesn't have it prepared because he changed it out for Expedius Retreat. And then if he goes to throw the body of one of his...
I don't have it prepared. One second. Take this and he's going to snap his fingers and this fireball is going to appear and he's just going to lob it after the spider. Nice. All right. Roll to attack. Or I'll roll the attack. It's an attack roll, isn't it? Yeah, yeah. Fireball. That is a 13 to hit. Man, you're killing my spiders, man. Yes, that does hit. It's going to take. Go on, burn the spider.
6 points of fire damage. The smell of burning spider flesh fills the space below, overloading your senses as we drop out of initiative order and return to the relative silence of the sewers. You can hear the drips of water falling, you can hear
Weird shuffle noises off in the distance. This could be echoes. It could be something else who knows it's too far away to know at the moment But you are back to you and the dancing lights still fly around Marotta and alpha as you see this it seems to heighten the Connection you seem to have with this with this with this person But we are out of initiative order for intensive purposes ladies and gents
Wow, you've done it. Oh, congratulations. I just managed to find this thing. I was going to slay them. Wow, you guys are powerful. I'm going to take a moment here. As you hold up the cobblestone, you're going to gesticulate with it to say, oh, this is what I was going to hit with. As you hold it up, it crumbles in your hands into literally dust. To blow in their eyes so they wouldn't see.
Everyone's going to scoop up one of the squished spiders now leaking web and blood, presumably. And I'm just going to throw it like a wet fish in Nyx's general direction, hoping to hit him in the side of the head with it. Roll to hit. What's the range on an improvised throwing weapon? I'm assuming Morota moves back into the... Yeah. Let's go with the 16.
Yes, they say so as I flat as I blow the dust away What what hey hey, that's not necessary this like wood Wow, what are you doing? Oh? unnecessary Emron turns the reins while this is happening goes This is
Strange place you brought us to your range, we're not gonna lie. So far, we've got off a boat, been attacked by dragons, and now spiders, so...
I appreciate that this day is something of a roller coaster. But look, we have met someone who is blessed by the moon mistress. So let's let's let's try and focus on the positives right now. Alpha moon, whatever. Yeah, moon mistress. Yeah, don't say moon whatever that's that's that's rude in my culture. Exactly. And come on, Imran. I know I know that you know the principal gods of shadow. I am perfectly aware people can keep their own gods in own way.
I keep mine. You can keep yours. Certainly. However you want. Hey, and if your God allows you to eviscerate spiders like you just did, I'm all for it. Alpha. Yes, right. I have a little thing that I need to confess to. And when I got off that boat, I took catapult off my to do glove. Have you still got it on yours?
or about your person. That's good. That's good. I went to throw one of his friends at him. I was like, hey, you forgot to take your friends with you. And then I didn't have it. I did manage to set him on fire. Did you see that? The fireworks equally effective. Yes. Thank you, my friend. He said you arrived here on boat into Goldview.
Indeed, that is correct. You're going to be boat buddies. Not necessarily. I don't suppose that you saw on your, it's a rather large vessel as you came into port. Did you see a large ship?
in the harbour. I mean, we saw quite a few. Most certainly. The largest ship of the bunch. I'm talking about the most prestigious, the most beautiful looking ship in the harbour. I mean, gold inlays, rose tinted wood. We did see that. You did see that. We most certainly did. It's quite impressive. Beautiful vessel.
A boat's a boat, really. It floats on water. I don't know what else to say. No, no, no, no. This is my fault. Demron! Demron, I know we've been attacked by dragons and spiders, but you're being most, most grouchy with the solemn blast. I have a friend here. When did you arrive? We need to look at the dungeon master to figure out how long we've been like that. I believe so. How long have you got this memory thing? That's true. That's true, Alpha. Alpha Alpha. How long have we been off that boat? We only arrived this morning.
I'm surprised you've forgotten so quickly. I spent the heck of a day. There's been dragons. I met my first T-flame. We were attacked by spiders. It's a mixture of emotions right now. There was only one person attacked by spiders. As Nick suddenly looks excited to explain in his ship, the Esmeralda, before remembering that there's been a dragon attack and fire, and it's the first time that it's dawned on him.
Things might not be okay with the ship that he's from, and he's just gonna... He was excited, and then physically just stopped mid-sentence and looks down. Ah. Yes. The fire, yes, yeah. Okay, nevermind. You had friends upon this vessel? Was the vessel yours?
Yeah, yeah. Hey, hey, this is a story for another time. Let's, uh, we were, we were leaving, weren't we, Marotta? Let's, let's carry on. It is still logical for us to make an expeditious retreat from the sewers. We do not know what other creatures may be present. Um, Marotta, please tell me, are you in need of any assistance medically? No. I feel like you're going to say that a lot. You big creep, or you just go away.
He doesn't like it. Back off. Everyone's got to wander over towards... He's just trying to... He's enthusiastic. What is he? Oh, he's an M. I am Alpha. Yeah, but what is that? Like, what is that? I'm probably just going to turn to Reigns at this moment and just be like,
I'm unsure how to explain it further. So all I know is you got two daddies, right? And I have a father and a dad. It's a platonic parenthood. And that's okay. You know, that's not what I'm saying. It's all I know is that you have two fathers and you wear this big cloak and you keep trying to touch me. So, um, some more details about your person would be fantastic.
Alpha here is what we call or what's known as a knock of allo. It's a I'm sorry. You have to say that again knock of allo. It's right. Am I pronouncing that right? Alpha.
Indeed. Aren't you his father? I am, but it's a complicated story, but a lot of Alpha's identity comes from Alpha's self-defining, which I guess you could say is how it should be for all of us. He was a machine. He was forged.
He's a machine, and as Nick's, the realisation comes in, he starts to walk forward and he peers more descriptively at Alpha. What am I taking in when I look at Alpha? Can you just give us a quick rundown so I can visualise? Well, Alpha would look to Reigns to kind of... He's almost asking for permission to do a reveal kind of thing. He's cloaked still up at this stage.
You can't keep that cloak up forever and any disguise techniques you do is eventually going to run out around these folks. You may as well.
Also, it's creepy as fucking this, like, sewer if you're wearing that. That's true. I can imagine from an outside perspective it's quite creepy. So take it off. Take it off slowly, Callum. Slowly. I guess he's a really bad mask singer moment kind of thing. The cloak, he's just going to start from the top and then slowly drape round his shoulders and he's just going to kind of open up the central parting of the cloak as well. So he's just still kind of joined at the neck.
but you can still now get a good glimpse of his body. And it's all bronze, copper, inlay, and it does shine and shimmer. And yeah, Nakalova was basically like a forged automaton that you would recognize. He's got very like big blank eyes still.
But everything else seems to be normal. Is this some sort of suit? I, is there a child inside? What's the deal? This is, this is a machine. This, this is everything that you see here. It's a, I heard about these things, but it's like, it was a myth. It's a, these things aren't meant to exist. I can assure you I do exist. This is just me. Do you eat or sleep or pests or what?
Where did you come from? How do you make more of you? Do you like rub wheels? What was the deal? I was constructed by both my father and my dad. You made him? Just to interject here, Emron here forged the body that you see in front of you at the Smith's Forge. And I, well, as you probably gathered, I work in the arcane arts. I imbued.
Alpha into existence. I mean, it took us a few years to get it right, but, you know. That's the mind blowing. And here you are praying to me. Oh, wow. OK. Wow. You did this. You two did this. Hello. Yeah. Hi. Wow. Oh.
I wouldn't be expecting anything special from it anytime soon. When we made him, we had the finest Arcanic Lyceum in the known world at our disposal here at Gala Potato Peeler. Where did you make him? Where are you guys from? We're from Shattermand and myself and Emran here for a time were positioned at the sister hold Lyceum.
I mean, I personally, I'm still convinced you may have been a fluke, but, you know, we'll, we'll, we'll take credit where it's due. What's the, the sister hold lice lice. Yeah. Sister hold liceum was built by one of my ancestors. His name was, uh, had over well, he, he was the third person to carry my surname to the governance of a kingdom and, uh,
And eventually it grew into one of the finest iconic seats in the known world. How did you get out? Well, with great difficulty. Yeah, it won't easy. You claim to be a naval man, is that correct? Yeah, but our ship is...
I mean, there was a story of our captain being out across Hallows Bay one time, but that was once. We've tried since. This is a conversation that probably should be best taken elsewhere as the smell of shit reaches Nix's nostrils. I agree. All you need to know for now is that your captain, we've crossed that bay once. Yeah, perhaps a conversation for more comfortable environs, if you know what I mean.
Yeah, we're not done here. I still believe that it is logical for us to, again, begin making a retreat from this sewer system.

Decisions and Directions in the Sewers

Aye. Or maybe you can lead the way, Mr. Robot. Person. Man. Man. It. Please. Just Alpha. Yeah. And do you have, like, preferred pronouns or? Just Alpha.
So, okay. You may refer to me as any pronoun that you wish. I take no offence to any categorisation.
OK, well, Alpha, lead on. Do you have like a torch in that body? I have something that could indeed help provide some visual aid. And I'm just going to kind of tap on my chest twice. And the energy core that I have is just going to start to glow. I'm just casting light on myself.
Nice. Okay. That'll do. That'll do. Yeah. Go, go. Uh, as alpha starts to move away from me, I'm just going to say to her, just under my breath. I say to her, they him, do you know, I think she's standing like you. I'm just going to pack him on the shoulder.
I'm heading off further down the corridor, is that correct? Yeah, I'm leading the way at the moment, I'm just following the route that is laid out. Everyone's also cast light on his hammer, so his hammer is also glowing.
God damn it guys, this is the first time I've got darkvision. You're cast in light. Fucks sake. I don't have darkvision, I don't have darkvision. I need something to see. Could I just have a quick reminder of the way you're going? So Nix is behind, what, at the back? At the back. Yeah, Marota will be just in front of Nix.
Alfa will be going up near Alfa because, you know, gotta look after him. I'll keep, I'll keep Emrom between myself and anything potentially dangerous in front. So it will be Alfa, Emrom, myself. And then the two at the back. Marota and Nix. And then Nix. Marota, Nix. Awesome. Just so I got an order for the way in which we move. Okay. You continue walking along this sewer. It's a single long passageway.
The drips, the smells, the mossy walls, and the strange echoes of noise continue. You walk up 30, 40, 50 feet, and the corridor starts to bank to the left. Once I managed to get my D&D Beyond. Not D&D Beyond, sorry, wrong thing. Roll 20. Roll 20. And what you approach is the sewer splits into four,
So the way you just come, a passageway to the left, a passageway in front of you and a passageway to the right. Rains, Nix and Emron, when you reach that area, you are aware of
activity from the passageway to your right you can't quite tell what it is but you just all your all three of your ears prick up and you just Something tells you there's some movement down there Do you mean nicks or alpha? Sorry just for a fidelity check. I mean it's M Ron nicks and rains I've gone of your passive perceptions, which is a policy support
So you three hear something that way. You don't hear anything ahead of you. You don't hear anything to the left, but you just just as you walk up to that area, you notice there's this something telling you there's movement or something to that right. The other two you're not getting anything from. As we get to these crossroads, Alpha would pause for a moment anyway, and he was just kind of look left.
Well, east, north, and west, just to see if there's anything else while they can probably hear a bit of noise. I'll say quietly to Imran, you getting there? I and Imran will turn to look towards Marota and Nick, because we're like, you two from around here, have you got any idea where we're going? Not from around here. No, you know, we tend to live
underneath the stars, not underneath the soil, you know? Well, I wasn't going to assume any out, so, you know. Well, the next time we're, you know, in your hometown, you could show us around your sewer system. In fact, I actually can. I've got a very good story about that and I'm sure we could spend time going into it, but probably not here. What is it? Did you drunk? What? Are you drunk? What do you mean? I don't know. You had a little bit of a
About you Well stood up you're good You're okay. Maybe it's just you. I don't know you well enough yet for me to comment on that my apologies Well because there's noise coming from down there. I know I heard it So we go away from the noise surely right then mr. Yeah
Straight on or left then? Your choice. Nyx, Corel, and straight on. Always straight on. Why wouldn't we go straight on? Right, okay. Alpha, we're going straight on lad. As you wish.
I would continue to plow straight on. Okay and as you move straight on you avoid the the passageway to your left and to your right. About 15 feet past that crossroads you see another another turn to the right. Both the three of you again get the same feeling of activity down that way. The passageway to the north bends off to the left ever so slightly and you cannot see around it much further.
however to the right you get a sense to the north you don't get that same noise it feels quite accurate and quite quiet our lights cast its 20-foot radius and then dim light for an additional 20 feet do we see anything as our light goes down there you see nothing except that the corridor to the right also banks round to the right it kind of loops back on itself the corridor to the left moves up and off to the sorry the corridor above you
Sorry, the sewer above you banks off to the left. You can't see anything except that these two different ways. You see the mossy wall against which both of these passageways turn. Well, let's keep going. Nope, fair enough. Alpha will continue straight on and following the bend round to the left.
Okay, the long passageway continues round and it bends a full 90 degrees until it is one long straight corridor. At the end of which it opens up into a large sewer room where nothing real of interest except the pool opens up to a larger section of movement of water. The main bulk of it goes straight ahead and much of it also does pair off to the left.
As you look inside it, the central area of the room is nothing but more of the same, kind of a slightly deeper holding area, if you will, for some of the rainwater of the city. One thing you do notice though, as you're travelling through this, a lot of the debris that's coming down is burnt, is broken. There's a lot more ash and soot in the water that's being drawn down through the sewer system recently. And this has happened over the last 10 minutes or so as you've been walking through.
As you look around the space, the sewer system continues straight ahead of you. There is also, however, a curved exit to the space to the left, so to the south. But more interestingly than that, you all notice something. You notice a series of rocks that have recently been moved, allowing way for a thin, five-foot wide passageway to the south as well, which seems to curl off a different direction as well.
As you look down the corridor, Alpha, you probably see this first. You see that this has either been dug out, this smaller passageway with the rocks in front of it, has either been dug out by someone at some point or is a natural forming cave that is not part of the sewer system. So just to reiterate, you've got the sewer continuing straight ahead of you. You could turn left and continue the sewer around and back on yourself. Or there is this cave entrance with some rocks that have been moved away from its entrance.

Encounter with Another Group

What would we like to do?
I would probably turn round. Ian's currently bouncing. Hang on. Sorry. Oh, yeah. Thank you. As we're walking, an idea has come to nicks. We're in a sewer system. I assume there's water under our feet. Correct. Which way is it running? It's running directly ahead. So if you were to continue going straight, it's running that way. May I suggest we follow the flow of the water.
At least we know that leads somewhere to the exit. It takes us somewhere near the docks, I'm guessing, or the harbour. That's a good shot. I'm hoping so. It is quite possible, but it's normally more than likely that the exit for said water flow is barred off, at least for bigger, chunky objects such as us. There may not be a way out for us at the end. I think we deal with that alpha when we get there. Right now, it's our best shot.
Don't know about you guys, I am itching to get out of here. I'm kind of curious as to the pathway over there and you get a point to the slightly out of place pole in the wall. Everyone's going to have gone over to that gap.
Okay. Um, everyone, as you go over and look into it, it quickly turns off to the left as you look into it. Um, could you give me, he's looking, looking down to see what's there. Do you want to give me just a perception check or? Yeah, I can. Thank you. Come on. You're welcome. Mark. That's a 21. Nice. Nice.
As you put, you can place your head down, you can't see anything, but you very, very, very much hear something. You hear a voice, a series of voices actually, of panicked voices, none of them being particularly kind to each other.
you hear echo up the corridor and they seem to sound quite far away but you can distinctly make out just fucking hurry up put it in the chest let's get the fuck out of here we've done now we're done don't use fucking and you hear a bit of an argument taking place and you can hear a scuffle between a couple of figures down down down this down this cave entrance
everyone's going to sort of look over shoulder to the others and be like, sounds like someone's having difficulty with chests down here. I wonder what's going on. Do you hear that? Chest. I chest.
I mean, the flowing water is not going anywhere, isn't it? I suppose Alpha, if you want to check it out, we can check it out. Scratch that itch. Yeah, I mean, if Alpha wants to check it out. We are indeed of monetary gain. Sounds good. Sounds like a decision made. Let's go. Alpha, come on. Let's go. Let's go. You first.
Yeah, okay. It's just pushing the smaller your back. Let's go. Pushing is not necessary, please. I am able to go with my own volition. Alpha, do you want me to go front or you're right? It is quite all right. Please stay behind me for now. Reins upon hearing that will defer to M1's wisdom and will just nod as if to say, yeah, I really think you should go with him. Yeah, so M1 will be behind Alpha.
I think you'll find that I'll be behind Alpha, I'm pushing him in the back. M1's not letting you push past him. Okay, so what are you gonna do? Just out of interest. I think I'm pushing him in the back. So what will happen? Well, M1'll sort of let Alpha pass, then he'll sort of move himself to stand behind Alpha and sort of barge you out of the way.
OK, all right, I see how it is. Do you want to do your thing? You do your thing? How big is Nick's? Five-seven. Cool. So, Emron's six-four sort of looks down on Nick's and be like...
no fence like, but you don't strike me as the rough and tumble tap. So perhaps you'll let me go first and just in case this turns into a wee barney. Hey, look, I wouldn't expect someone of your understanding to understand why I would need to go in there in the first place. You understand what I mean? So if you want to go there, that's absolutely fine. I'm not going to stop you. I wouldn't even want to try and confuse your mind. If you want to just go there, be my guest.
I don't think anyone ever follows what you're saying anyway, lad. Pretty much what I thought. After you. Okay, so we've got Alpha followed by Emron followed by... Nix? Nix. You two, Reigns and Marota, are you heading down as well or are you sticking outside? I would gesture to Marota if they wish to go before me, by all means. Yeah, I would ignore your gesture and just proceed after Nix.
and then rains after that as well. Okay, the cave face is a natural forming one. As you approach it, you realize that now. And what you see in front of you is that it does indeed turn off quite sharply to the left, and it's a series of small, a thin passageway, crooked passageway of about five feet wide, sometimes opening up to six or seven, and sometimes a bit narrower.
Are we moving at a jovial pacing in a song? Stealthing, what are we doing? It's a standard walk that Alpha is doing. Standard walk. Yeah, he's not trying to be stealthy, there is no stealth going off. Actually, there's a question. When you're walking, are you making mechanical sounds, whirring sounds, wheels? What am I hearing? You hear normal footsteps, it's probably heavier than what you would normally hear.
Nick's just going to take a look at the ground and see how big of an indent in the... Oh no, we're on a sewer. I assume that's cement-ecnormic. Yeah, yeah. This is a natural form in caves. This is actually kind of dirt and soil beneath your feet now. No longer that of concrete. Yeah, Nick's just going to just bend down just for a moment and just check how deep these footprints of Alpha are. As in, what are you trying to do?
You can tell by the weight of someone, how heavy someone is by looking at footprints. And so I'm seeing like this guy's a machine. I'm not hearing any mechanical whirring or any wheels or anything like that. So I'm just out of a just out of an interest because this is the stuff of legend. Like, what is this? The what is the weight of this, you know? Yeah, no problem. Okay. Yeah. Give me a investigation check, please. 14. Stop making these.
Nice, you, I mean, how heavy are you?
Alpha. 295 pound. Jesus. Yeah. So, okay. That's good to know. Thanks for hiding that. Yes. The grind is quite thoroughly indented. You compare that to Emron. The submarine took you over here. Yeah. Compared to Emron's who's standing at four inches taller than Alpha and his footsteps are minimal at best. Alpha is the deep indentations into the soil and grind beneath you more so than Emron who, like I said, is bigger and wearing chain mail.
The passageway continues for quite some time as you continue to make your way down until alpha you see in the distance some light. You see some light coming from a figure and the space opens up. You see a number of individuals over the shoulder but primarily you see one. You see one person, one human stood with its back to you.
looking into the space away from you with a crossbow in his hand and a dagger in the other hand. As you stand there, he hasn't actually noticed you so far. He's facing away from you and you see him shouting, come fuck on, we ain't got all day, let's go, let's go, to some other folk within the space. You're all stacked up behind at this point and I assume you'd all go a bit quieter. What do you want to do?
Alpha would immediately put his hand out and just stop, obviously, signaling that everyone had stopped, and he'd quickly just put his hand to his chest and turn his light down. Marota is going to try and sneak ahead of everyone, and as your arm goes out, she's going to go under it and proceed stealthily, sort of keeping to the shadows. If that is the case, then I would just kind of raise a slight finger towards Marota and say,
Please be careful. I hope you know what you are doing. It could be dangerous. And I've basically cast message straight into Morota's head. Okay. So Morota, this voice, this figure that's been staring at you this whole time is now in your brain. I'm now in your head. Could you give me a, I'm gonna assume you've moved before the voice invaded your entire cerebellum. So would you like to give me a normal stealth check?
Yeah, the point at which I hear it, I sort of like retreat against the wall and slap the wall and try and figure out what, like back against it, what the fuck that just came from. It is quite all right. It is Alpha. 19. Nice, that's good, that's good, that's good. So you managed to get, if you want to, as close as you like to this figure behind you. He has not noticed you at all. So, Danny, I've got you so that you can get right up to the figure, the man with the crossbow, at the moment you've kind of moved yourself past him.
Oh, sorry, I thought that was a character. No, no, that's that's so. Yeah, this bad guy. The chap that stood there with the crossbow, he's he's the bad guy facing away from you at the moment within facing towards the rest of them internally. If I can.
If I can get that close, then what I'm going to do is just try and go for like a stealth grapple and try and muffle any communication he might have and just sort of pull him back to the group. That's my intention is sort of like to arm around the mouth and then just pull him back. Okay. Could you, gosh.
It's a grapple attack. Yeah, it's just going to be grappled, isn't it? Well, I think because he's stealthed, you're attacking from being hidden. Which means you get advantage. Yes. Okay, you get to roll with advantage then.
22. Nice. Roger 16. Very reasonable. Very reasonable 16 there. He would have had you on anything better than that. You managed to get your hand up and over his mouth and round his center of the body and start yanking him back. He has no idea what's just happened as you pulled him back. We're actually taking him.
I'm just going to, at that point, just pull him back beyond. If Alpha is the front line, I'm just going to pull him back to Alpha and then try and just disable him a little bit. Well, I imagine my arms are full in keeping him quiet and restrained in the hopes that someone else will just remove him of his weapons.
Yeah, so seeing that he's restrained, he, she, what am I looking at? I can see in the dark. What is the figure? What are they? He's a bolding 50-year-old male, bit of a tubby belly on him, human.
quite pale, very pale skin actually. He's got a crossbow in one hand, hasn't got a bolt in it, and he's got a dagger in the other. The dagger hand has been totally restrained by Nyx. He's kind of held it up. Sorry, they pinned it up over this man's chest with a dagger and unable to move. The crossbow hand is kind of flailing but useless.
So taking the cue here. You won't be needing these nixes coming over to the man and he's going to relieve him of the crossbow, the dagger, and then at the same time just kind of perform a check on pockets and any pouches and see if there's anything else worth taking. Not a problem. Luckily I planned for the time where you did all this. You find upon his person
And so you've got the dagger, you've got the crossbow, and you've also got 12 silver pieces. Don't get him there, Ian. Oh, bit by bit. I have a weapon finally. Yay. In a little coin purse he has. And that's, that's all he's got on him. Uh, no, sorry. He's got a husk of bread in there and a flask of water as well. Uh, just a standard dagger. Yep. And a standard crossbow as well.
Brilliant. Okay. And then after a look towards Marotta, we'll just nod his head. You do what you gotta do. And then I'm going to release my grip around the sort of, um,
around this figure's mouth to stop him speaking. I have follow up with two quite deftly punches to try and just completely knock him out. Okay. I know what you want to do. I don't want to know what I'm going to get to roll unless you just roll into attack. Yeah. It's up to you if you think it's a advantage based thing. I think it'd be an advantage thing. Yeah. Give us it with advantage then. Okay.
Uh, 22 hits five points of damage on the first hit. Yep. And then 19 hits three points on the second.
Okey-dokey. All right, badly bruised. Bang, bang, these two hits come in. You think it should be enough to knock him out, and his head does lull back for a second. Blood starts pouring from his lip, and he's still.

Mystery and Cliffhanger Ending

For a second. If that didn't work... Oh, sorry. For a second, before he lets out this... Help! And it echoes down the corridor, and it echoes, echoes, echoes, and the group down the way are quiet. What was that?
And it's the party is perfectly still for a second. And as I imagine, um, Marota, you just give one quick final elbow to the, to the chap in your arms to knock him out. And there's a stillness and a quiet waiting. What's going to happen? Who's going to do what next in the sewers of gold view? That's, we're going to have to leave it for this episode of the fellowship of the tabletop. Join us next time.

Closing Remarks and Social Media

oh i don't want it to stop no carry on please that's right there's always next episode gg everyone and gg our listeners if you wanted to keep in touch with the podcast please do so we have a twitter page on there you can keep up to date with any news you can find links to our website you can find links to our facebook we have all the socials
Well, we have Twitter and Facebook and a website. That's about it. But if you wanted to find the Twitter, you can do so. It's at Fellowship Table. Then if you wanted to go one step further and follow us individually, we have our own. Come and knock us a DM and tweet us some memes. We love it. Callum loves a good meme. We all do. I do love a good meme.
Absolutely, you can follow me at iRoller1, you can follow Darren at DarrenPage06, you can follow Danny at TotalPartyThrills, you can follow Will at Natural20Will, our friend Callum is at TheD20Gamer, and our majestic, maniacal, wonderful, gorgeous DM is at HastilyRolledDM. Until next time guys, farewell.