Yeah, no, no, definitely. And I think it needs showing those things are is critical in the foundation. But I think also at work, right. And that's also why diversity matters, not only inclusion. um And that that's also something, of course, we're in our company struggling with, like, how do you make sure that you you don't only only talk about, oh, yeah, everybody can be a leader, like, no, we need to show it. And that's why representation matters. Yeah, yeah. think um a diverse group on the top as management is important because it shows the way. yeah Yeah, I think at the top is important, but also coming in as well because those who are coming in and starting are hope ah who will be at the top in at some point, hopefully, right? So having that diverse talent pool, that diversity in in the kind of pipeline, junior, senior, whatever the case may be, just so that everyone that actually gets to the top has an opportunity to do that. Yeah, and and and I think also,