They also found what they called, in archeological terms, combustion structures, which is a so fancy term for ovens and a forge. Right. And then the slag, so if that makes sense. right yeah And even older network of ditches was uncovered, but that didn't have many artifacts in it. so yeah yeah So then right at the end of the article, you find out that also, later on, recently actually, a grave with human remains was found at the site. the person didn't seem that old. They still had shoes and clothing buttons present in their burial. So it's not like all their clothes were there, but they had their shoes on. They had buttons, right? Stuff that would not be present if it was a Roman era burial. Right. Especially if you saw the shoes, you've been in like, those aren't sandals. Yes, that's not what they were. Right. It was a man and he was carrying a silver cross rosary. Another thing you probably wouldn't find in a Roman barrel. A pocket mirror. Nope, definitely wouldn't find that. Paper, coins, a comb. And now I'm reading this and just listening to these things out. yes It literally said a Swiss army knife. yeah