We are also in the social media world, my friend. And so what happens is people will post, you know, things on, be it, be it Twitter, be it Instagram, you know, pick your poison and just say, Oh my God, the chupacabra. And that gets taken up and you know, hundreds of thousands, millions of people will see it and then just kind of lodge it in their mind. We're so bombarded with all this stuff that like we're just We're just like, oh, yeah, Chupacabra. And so actually back to the Texas Zoo one, they did that online, right? It got taken up online. And so and besides they they were having a discussion. I'm like, OK, if it's not a Chupacabra, what is it? And someone, of course, suggested a werewolf. And you see how that is going to start to build into the Chupacabra mythology.